Horrible Histories Fact Book

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For Sara.


To Lisa Edwards, for all the long/short phone calls.

Thanks always. MB

Scholastic Children’s Books,

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First published in the UK as The Mad Miscellany by Scholastic Ltd, 2004

This edition published by Scholastic Ltd, 2016

Text © Terry Deary, 2004–2016

Illustrations © Martin Brown, 2004–2016

All rights reserved

ISBN 978 1407 17371 9

Printed in the UK by Bell and Bain Ltd, Glasgow

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The right of Terry Deary and Martin Brown to be identified as the author and illustrator of this work respectively has been asserted by
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Introduction 11
Awful for Animals 15
Gruesome Games 23
Putrid Pirates 31
Artful Assassins 43
Funny Fashions 65
Victorian Slang 77
Deadly Duels 85
Foul Feasting 93
Suffering Sickness 105
Nick that Neck 121
Teacher Tortures 135
Crazy Crooks 149
Dire Disasters I 155
Mad Monarchs 161
Dead as a Dodo 169
Grotty Graffiti 177
Warring Women 181
Evil Executions 187
Idiotic Inventions 197
Dreadful Days 205
Dire Disasters II 213
Cool for Cats 227
A Dog’s Life 233
Ten Torture Tools 237
History Mysteries 241
Shakespeare’s Slurs 249
Awful Abdications 255
Odd Olympics 265
Rotten ’riters 273
Wise Last Words 281
Disclaimer 291
Interesting Index 297

S omeone once said, ‘My family love Horrible Histories books. We always
have half a dozen in the toilet.’
Charming. Do they read them? Or do they keep them there in case they run
out of toilet paper1?
Well here is a special book for people who just want to dip in when they
have a few spare moments. You don’t HAVE to be on the toilet to do this – but
if you are, don’t forget to wash your hands after you’ve touched this book.
You could be on a bus, on a train or on a camel; you could be in the bath
or in a boring history lesson. You could be at a football match, at a public
execution or at a loose end2. Whatever you are, or wherever you are, this is
the Horrible Histories book for you.

1. If you are one of those foul families, then perhaps you can answer this question. Just write your answer on the back of a £100 note and send it to the author.
2. If you are at a loose end, please make sure it doesn’t drop off.

If you are one of those sad people who has never read a Horrible Histories
book before, then you should follow the following warnings carefully:
Do NOT read this if the thought of gushing blood/guts/snot makes you
sick. If you ARE brave enough to read this book, then make sure you
have a bucket by your side.
Do NOT read this book in the dark with the lights switched off.
Do NOT lend this book to anyone – they may die of horror and
sue you.

Apart from that, read and learn some fascinatingly foul facts and incredibly
interesting items. There are some things in this book you never knew – and
many things you never wanted to know.
So don’t whinge that you weren’t warned.




H ave you noticed that hardly anyone
writes histories of animals? But big,
bad, biting beasts deserve a mention in a
Horrible Histories book, don’t they?
When humans go to war, dogs go to war.
They have become heroes by showing
bravery under fire and saving lives (often by
giving up their own lives), and there have
been some fiercely fighting, murderous
mutts too.

Attila the Hun (406–453) used giant
Molossian dogs (like mastiffs) and talbots
(early bloodhounds) in his wars.

His enemies, the Romans, had entire packs of

attack dogs, dressed in armour or spiked collars
and sent into battle.

During the Middle Ages, armoured war dogs were still being
used to defend army camps.

Dogs helped the Spaniards conquer the Indians of Mexico and

Peru in the Seven Years’ War (1756–1763).

Russian dogs were used as messengers by the army of

Frederick the Great (1740–1786).

In the early part of the fourteenth century, the French Navy

started to use attack dogs in Saint-Malo, France, to guard naval
docks. These were used up to 1770, when they were banned after a
young naval officer was killed by one of his own dogs. Oooops!

The first American Dog Troop was during the Seminole War of
1835, when Cuban bloodhounds were used by the army to track the
Indians and runaway slaves in the swamps!

Here are the master mutts – the top doggy pets of all time…

Name Owner Fact

Peritas Alexander the The all-conquering ancient Greek king

Great named a city after his dog. (Would you like
(356–323 bc) to live in a city called ‘Butch’?)

Mathe Richard II Mathe is said to have deserted Richard

(1367–1400) and switched sides to Henry IV, the man
who took his crown. Henry got the throne
– Mathe got the bone.

Dragon Aubry of Aubry was murdered by a man called

Montdidier Macaire. The French king called for a fight
(d. 1371) to the death between Macaire (armed with
a wooden club) and Aubry’s dog. The dog
won. Ruff justice.

Boy Prince Rupert At the Battle of Marston Moor in 1644

(1619–1682) Rupert forgot to tie up his pet and he ran
on to the battlefield. Boy, the bonehead,
was killed by a Roundhead.

Pompey William the Silent Pompey woke up William (a Dutch lord) and
(1533–1584) saved him from an assassination attempt.
Did he say ‘Thanks’ – or stay ‘silent’?

Fortune Joséphine de Fortune carried secret messages to
Beauharnais Napoleon when his wife Joséphine was
(1763–1814) imprisoned. The dog slept at the foot of
Joséphine’s bed and bit Napoleon on
the calf on their wedding night. Fangs a
lot, Fortune.

Bobbie Sergeant P Kelly Bobbie was awarded a medal by Queen

Victoria. He survived the Battle of
Maiwand (Afghanistan) in 1880, but his
master was killed. Bobbie was run over
and killed by a cab in London. Taxi one
minute – taxidermist the next. Stuffed
in a museum now.

Bounce Admiral Bounce was aboard the Admiral’s ship

Collingwood at the Battle of Trafalgar (1805). Bounce
(1748–1810) fell overboard and was drowned in 1809.
Or was he pushed by the ship’s cat?

Greyfriars John Gray The Skye terrier hung around the

Bobby (d. 1858) Edinburgh tomb of his dead master.
People said, ‘Ahhhh! Loyal chap,’ and
fed him. They even gave him his own
Greyfriars grave when he finally turned
up his tail on 14 January 1872.

Laika Russian Space Laika became the first dog in space

Mission when sent up by Russians on Sputnik 2.
1957 It's been claimed she died from stress
and overheating.

Tsar Ivan the Terrible brought the

first-ever elephant to Russia. He
was told it would bow in front of a
mighty man like himself. But when
the elephant was taken to the Kremlin
Palace, thousands of excited people
gathered round. The elephant was
terrified. When Ivan appeared, the
elephant stood still and seemed to
forget how to do its bow.
Ivan was furious. He ordered his
soldiers, ‘Cut it to pieces!’ And that’s
just what they did. They hacked it into
a thousand little bits.

Not a lot of animals know…
The very first bomb dropped on Berlin during World War II killed the only
elephant in Berlin Zoo.

Mysteries of the animal world…

Why don’t sheep shrink when it rains?

I think
it’s full


T he Romans enjoyed watching people
fight – fight each other to the death, or
fight animals. Lots of action. Lots of blood.
Lots of pain. But they also liked a bit of a
change – two men with swords and shields
all the time would be boring. So the
weapons and the fights chopped and
changed – while the fighters just chopped
and dropped.
Here are the main types of gladiators.
Learn their Latin names and impress
your friends!

Gladiators were always dressed up to look like barbarian warriors … whether
they really were barbarians or not3. This made the Roman audience feel
good. They could watch the slaughters and say, ‘Look at those funny men out
there – aren’t we lucky we are Romans and not like them? OUR soldiers dress
in nice little skirts!’

see you later,


3. The Romans said that EVERYONE who wasn’t a Roman was a ‘barbarian’. They thought anyone who spoke a foreign language sounded as if they were
saying, ‘Baa-baa-baa-baa’ so they were baa-baa-barians … barbarians, geddit?

short sword two swords spear, sword
visored helmet with no eye helmet, full tunic with
holes, mail armour for arm guard, shield
limbs, chest and back plate


spear, sword noose sword
large helmet, round helmet, arm guards, visored helmet with crest,
shield, complete suit leg guards oblong shield, arm, shoulder
of armour and leg guards


whip, club sword trident, net
shield visored helmet, shoulder plate,
curved shield, breastplate, arm guard
arm and leg guards



sword sword curved short sword

crested helmet with visor round helmet with broad-rimmed helmet,
and plume, rectangular eye holes, oblong small square shield, arm
shield, arm and shield, arm and and leg guards

leg guards leg guards



M any people see pirates as jolly blokes,
yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum. They
think of little pirate ships robbing huge
Spanish galleons – a bit like Robin Hoods
on ships.
The truth is they were ruthless and savage,
and spent more time stealing cloth and
sugar. What other ‘facts’ about pirates do
most people know?
Have a look at the list. Are the ‘facts’ true
‘always’, ‘sometimes’, or ‘never’?

Pirates … were gentlemen thieves

Answer: Sometimes. Blackbeard was thought to

be a ‘learned’ man born into a well-to-do family.
Henry Morgan was made ‘Sir Henry’ by King
Charles II and went on to be Governor of
Jamaica. But some were not even men! Mary
Read and Anne Bonny were a couple of tough
women who swashed and buckled alongside the men.

Pirates … carried parrots

Answer: Sometimes. The parrots were captured

in South America and carried back home. But
they weren’t just cute pets – they could be sold
for good money in Europe. Pretty Polly made a
pretty penny.

Pirates … stole Spanish gold and jewels

Answer: Sometimes. But the Spanish ships

became too big and too well armed. Pirates
turned to stealing things they could sell –
sugar and cloth were popular; slaves made a
good price. Never mind the misery.

Pirates … made maps of buried treasure

Answer: Never. They shared the money and

spent it quickly. There was no point in burying
it. Captain Kidd was supposed to have buried
treasure – but no one has ever found it. It’s a daft
thing to do with your loot, when you think about it.

Pirates … wore fine clothes and curly wigs, and had black

Answer: Sometimes. They liked to steal fine

clothes from their victims and, if they fitted,
they wore them. But pirates like Blackbeard
grew a long tangled beard just to look scary. It
looked less scary when his head was lopped off
in a fight with the British Navy though.

Pirates … had wooden legs and eye patches

Answer: Sometimes. Cannon shots could mangle

legs and smash faces. A saw would take off a
crushed leg and there was always wood to
make a handy new stump – if stinking
gangrene in the wound didn’t kill you first.

Pirates … made enemies walk the plank

Answer: Never. That was just for stories.

Pirates never wasted their time. If they
wanted an enemy dead, they just chopped
them to pieces and fed them to the sharks.

Pirates … met a crocodile that had swallowed

a clock

Answer: Never. Only in the play Peter Pan. (And

that’s not a true story. Pirates never fought with
fairies … I think.)

Pirates … flew skull-and-cross-bone flags

Answer: Sometimes. But flags often had bleeding hearts or daggers

or whole skeletons on them (see below). Black Bart designed his own
flag, portraying a giant figure of himself standing, sword in hand,
astride two skulls labelled ABH (‘A Barbadian’s Head’) and AMH (‘A
Martinican’s Head’).

Calico Jack Blackbeard Black Barty

Henry Every Thomas Tew Stede Bonnet

Pirates … marooned shipmates on desert islands

Answer: Sometimes. It was a punishment for

pirates who broke the rules. Believe it or not,
pirates did have a set of rules – just like school
rules! The rules even said what time you had to
put your lights out and go to bed!

Not a lot of pirates know…
The last person hanged in the US for being a pirate was Captain Nathaniel
Gordon, in New York City on 8 March 1862. Gordon had been smuggling
slaves into the country.


4. Abandoning on an island.
What sort of crimes could you be hanged for in Britain? Here are seven
swinging crimes…

Date of law Crime

1603 Bigamy (getting married when you already have a wife or husband)
1671 Lying in wait with a plan to smash someone’s nose
1699 Stealing from a shop anything worth more than 5 shillings (25p)
1723 Poaching, sheep-stealing
1782 Being in the company of gypsies
1810 Horse-stealing, forgery, putting on a disguise, stealing
1816 Begging

Not a lot of
criminals know…
There’s an old saying, ‘If you want to know the
time, ask a policeman.’ But this has nothing to
do with policemen being useful know-it-alls.
It’s because in the past, policemen were known
to find drunks on the street – and pinch their
watches as they dozed in the gutter!


P easants (like you and me) could be
killed and it would be called ‘murder’.
But if you are a posh person (someone
important, like a potty prime minister or a
mad monarch) and you are killed then you
are not ‘murdered’ – you are ‘assassinated’.
You are still as dead as a duck’s toenail,
but ‘assassinated’ makes you sound more

Here are a top ten of topped toffs… Don’t try these at home.

Who When Awful end

Philip II, 336 bc Stabbed by his bodyguard while celebrating

King of his daughter’s wedding. Some people have
Macedonia thought that his famous son Alexander
the Great might have had something to do
with it…

Edmund, ad 870 Viking raiders captured Edmund. The King

King of wanted to make peace – the Vikings didn’t.
England They tied him to a tree and filled him full of
arrows – but didn’t kill him. Then they
turned him round, cut open his back and
pulled his lungs out. Then (just to make
sure) they lopped off his head.

St Thomas à Christmas Butchered at the altar of Canterbury

Becket, Day Cathedral. The Archbishop had made
Archbishop 1170 himself unpopular with King Henry II, who
of Canterbury sent the assassins. Henry later felt sorry –
so that’s all right.

James I, 1437 Stabbed 28 times in his bedroom. Said to

King of have tried escaping down a drain in the
Scotland floor, forgetting that he’d had it blocked to
stop his tennis balls accidentally rolling
down. No more games, James.


Who When Awful end

Jean-Paul 13 July 1793 Stabbed to death by Charlotte Corday while

Marat, having a bath. For her crime she was sent
French to the guillotine, where the executioner
Revolution snatched her dead head and punched it in
leader the face.

Spencer 11 May 1812 The only British Prime Minister to be

Perceval, assassinated, he was shot dead in the House
British of Commons by Henry Bellingham, who
Prime blamed the Prime Minister for his money
Minister problems. Many Brits had parties to
celebrate. Bellingham was hanged within a
week as crowds cheered, ‘God bless you!’

Abraham 1865 John Wilkes Booth, an actor, shot Lincoln in

Lincoln, Ford’s Theatre as he watched a play.
US Lincoln was guarded by one policeman
President who sat outside the door. The man got
bored and went off for a drink. The assassin
simply walked in, placed a pistol to
Lincoln’s head and pulled the trigger. Booth
was later shot dead. (See pages 60–61.)

Who When Awful end

Franz 28 June 1914 Shot in the neck while being driven through
Ferdinand, Sarajevo in Bosnia. He’d narrowly escaped
Austrian an assassination attempt
archduke earlier that day, when a
grenade was thrown at
his car, but it hit the one
behind. His assassination
is said to have started
the First World War.

Grigori 31 December Was fed poisoned cakes AND poisoned wine

Rasputin, 1916 AND shot in chest AND beaten over head
Russian with dumbbell AND tied up AND thrown in
mad monk icy river. Rasputin had made himself
and Tsar unpopular by getting too friendly with the
Nicholas II’s royal family, especially Tsarina Alexandra.

Leon 20 August Ice pick driven through his skull. Trotsky’s

Trotsky, 1940 old friend Joe Stalin had driven Trotsky
Russian into exile in Mexico. There he was
communist assassinated by a Stalinist killer, Ramón
leader Mercader, who got 20 years in jail, then
went free.


Most useful assassination

James Garfield, US President, 2 July 1881. Shot in the back (died

19 September). The doctors poked around to find the bullet and just
infected the wound. The bullet didn’t kill Garfield – the infection did.
US inventor Alexander Graham Bell invented the metal detector so they
could do better next time – the invention didn’t help Garfield but has
made treasure hunters many fortunes over the years.

Weirdest assassination

Georgi Markov, Bulgarian rebel, 11 September 1978. Markov was

jabbed with a poison-tipped umbrella on Waterloo Bridge in London.
Russian spies were thought to be the brolly assassins. They used the
deadly poison ricin.

Unluckiest victim of an assassin

King Henry IV of France, 14 May 1610. Was assassinated by a mad

¸ Ravaillac. The unlucky king was caught in a traffic jam
monk, Francois
so the murdering monk jumped on his carriage and stabbed him twice
in the chest. Henry cried, ‘I’ve been stabbed!’ then died. The victim of
a traffic jam – and a knife, of course.

The only recorded case of an assassinating ape

King Alexander of Greece, 1920. King Al had only one friend, his pet
dog. So when the dog was attacked by monkeys, brave King Al rushed
to his rescue. The monkeys bit the King, the wound became infected
and the King died in agony of blood poisoning. The dog survived.

Man most often assassinated

Julius Caesar, the Roman leader, 44 bc. Was stabbed to death by 23

assassins. His gory death has been acted out over and over again in
Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar.

Deadliest doctor assassin

Claudius, Roman Emperor, ad 54. His wife gave him poisoned

mushrooms and he fell ill. The doctor told him vomiting would cure the
food poisoning. To help, the doctor tickled the Emperor’s throat with a
feather. The feather was poisoned and finished Claudius off.

Most helpful assassination victim

Alexander II, Tsar of Russia, 1881. Freedom fighters attacked his

carriage. A bomb wrapped in newspaper was thrown in front of it,
killing the horses and two guards. Alex got out to see how they were.
A man called, ‘Are you all right?’
Alex said, ‘Yes … thank God.’
So the man threw a second bomb, which tore holes in Alex’s legs
and chest.
Alex said to his guards, ‘Take me home to the palace to die.’
They did … then Alex did, a few hours later.

The funniest assassination

Count of Rochefoucauld, 1572. The Count was wakened by a gang of

masked men at his bedside. He was sure it was his friends playing a little
joke. ‘No! Please don’t tickle me,’ he giggled. ‘You know I hate being
tickled!’ They didn’t tickle him. They hacked the cackling Count to death.

Smelliest assassination

King Edmund Ironside, 1016. When Edmund went to the toilet – just
a hole in the ground outside the door – little did he know that an
assassin was hiding at the bottom of the pit. As the King sat down, the
assassin struck up – with a dagger. King Ed, dead.

Mystery assassination

King Charles XII of Sweden, 1718. Charles was not a popular man.
When he invaded Norway he was shot dead … but no one can agree
on who did it! Was it an enemy bullet? Or one of his own soldiers?
His skull is still on show in Stockholm, complete with the bullet hole.
But whodunnit?


Of course, some really unlucky leaders suffer from abysmal assassins – killers who botch the job. There have been some fabulous failures
over the years. Here are just ten…

Name of target Position Date Failed assassin

James I and VI King of England 1605 Guy Fawkes. Planned to blow up the King in Parliament. Arrested on 4 November, tortured and
(1566–1625) and Scotland executed by hanging, being cut open and chopped into quarters. Guy dummies now burn every

5 November in Britain.
Louis XV King of France 1757 Robert Francois Damiens (known as ‘Robert the Devil’) stabbed Louis with a penknife, but Louis
(1710–1774) didn’t die. Punished by having his flesh nipped with red-hot pincers, then being scalded with
boiling oil, and finally having his ankles and wrists tied to four horses that pulled him apart.

Andrew Jackson US President 30 January, Richard Lawrence. (Claimed to be heir to throne of Britain.) Shot at Jackson in Washington with
(1767–1845) 1835 two pistols, but both misfired. (Odds of that happening have been put at 125,000 to 1.)

Louis-Philippe King of France 1835 Giuseppe Fieschi rigged up a machine to fire 25 pistols all at once. As King Louis-Philippe went
(1773–1850) to inspect his troops, Fieschi fired the world’s first machine-gun and killed 18 people. But he
missed his target, the King! Fieschi went to the guillotine: the executioner didn’t miss.
Name of target Position Date Failed assassin

Umberto King of Italy 1898 Luigi Lucheni. Planned to kill the King for being ‘an enemy of the working people’ but he could
(1844–1900) not afford the 50-lire fare to Rome, so he stabbed Elisabeth of Austria instead, even though she’d
done nothing to deserve it. Luigi was sentenced to hard labour but hanged himself in 1910.

Theodore Had been 14 October John F Schrank. Shot Theo as he gave a speech. Theo insisted on finishing the speech despite a
Roosevelt US President 1912 bullet being lodged in his chest. He was saved by the 50 pages of notes he’d written and stuffed
(1858–1919) in his pocket.

Franklin D US President 13 Giuseppe Zangara, who blamed Roosevelt for the pains in his stomach. Fired five shots at him but
Roosevelt November missed and killed the Chicago mayor instead. That’s bad shooting. Executed on the electric chair.
(1882–1945) 1933 Said, ‘I no care!’ (His English was as bad as his shooting.)

Adolf Hitler German Nazi 20 July General von Stauffenberg led senior German army officers in the attempt to blow Hitler up with a
(1889–1945) leader 1944 bomb planted in a suitcase. The bomb killed four people and blew off Hitler’s trousers, but sadly
horrible Hitler survived.

John Paul II Pope 13 May Mehmet Ali Agca. The Turkish gunman shot the Pope in St Peter’s Square. Following the attack,
(1920–2005) 1981 the Pope travelled in a bullet-proof, glass-covered ‘Popemobile’.

Margaret Prime Minister of 12 October Patrick Magee. The IRA man planted a bomb in the Brighton hotel where the Conservative Party
Thatcher the UK 1984 was staying for its annual conference. Five died in the blast, but the main target, Prime Minister
(1925–2013) Mrs Thatcher, survived.
World assassin-target men’s gold medal winner…

Fidel Castro, President of Cuba 1959–2008

Castro survived dozens of assassination attempts… Some say there
have been more than 600. Many of them were by his old US enemies,
the American CIA (the US Government’s spies). It’s said they tried to
assassinate him using:

• the Mafia (secret criminal gangs);

• an exploding cigar;
• an exploding seashell;
• a poisoned diver’s wetsuit.

The CIA wanted his beard to drop out so he would look less tough.
They made a powder to sprinkle in his shoes – it was never used.

Castro once said…



Castro outlasted nine US presidents.


Eisenhower Kennedy Johnson

1953–1961 1961–1963 1963–1969

Nixon Ford Carter
1969–1974 1974–1977 1977–1981


Reagan Bush Snr Clinton

1981–1989 1989–1993 1993–2001



World assassin-target women’s gold medal winner…

Queen Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, 1837–1901

This ‘popular’ lady survived seven assassins – who had eight tries…

10 June 1840 19 May 1849

Edward Oxford William Hamilton
Two loaded pistols – missed Fired pistol – no bullet

29 May 1842 27 June 1850

John Francis Robert Pate
Pistol – misfired Hit with brass head of
walking stick
30 May 1842
John Francis 29 Feb 1872
Pistol – not loaded Arthur O’Connor
Pistol – not loaded
3 July 1842
John William Bean 2 March 1882
Pistol – loaded with paper Roderick McLean
Revolver – missed


McLean had a poem written about him by the awful Scots poet William
McGonagall… Maybe the cruellest punishment of all!

McLean must be a madman,

Which is obvious to be seen,
Or else he wouldn’t have tried to shoot
Our most beloved Queen.

Two attempts (by John Francis) were made on two days running.
Cruel Victoria wanted the useless killers executed ‘as an example’.
Most were sent to Australia … which is even
more cruel. Not only did John Francis try to
kill Queen Victoria (twice) but he was
following in the footsteps of a soldier
who tried to assassinate King WE ARE NOT
George III, 40 years earlier. AMUSED!
And that soldier’s name was?
Yes, John Francis.
John Francis the First was
hanged, then had his head
cut off.
Creepy? Two assassins
with one name? That’s
NOTHING compared

America has had two really popular presidents – Abraham Lincoln and
John F Kennedy. Both were assassinated. But people have noticed some
strange links between the killings – so many links, it is really rather
creepy. Look at the facts and decide for yourself...


Abraham Lincoln was elected John F Kennedy was elected to

to Congress in 1846. Congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln was elected John F Kennedy was elected

President in 1860. President in 1960.

The names Lincoln and Kennedy
each have seven letters.

Both were interested in fighting

for civil rights.

Both of their wives lost a child

while living in the White House.

Both presidents were shot

on a Friday.

Both presidents were shot in the head.

Lincoln’s secretary was Kennedy’s secretary was

named Kennedy. named Lincoln.

Both were assassinated by men from a southern state.

Both were followed by southern vice-presidents

named Johnson.

Andrew Johnson, who followed Lyndon Johnson, who followed
Lincoln, was born in 1808. Kennedy, was born in 1908.

John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald,

who assassinated Lincoln, who assassinated Kennedy,
was born in 1839. was born in 1939.

Both assassins were known by their three names.

Both names are made up of fifteen letters.

Booth ran from the theatre Oswald ran from a warehouse

where he had shot Lincoln and and was caught in a theatre.
was caught in a warehouse.

Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.

So what do you reckon? Strange chance? Or history repeating itself?

Not a lot of assassins know…
John Wilkes Booth slept in a hotel before he went to
assassinate President Lincoln. Wounded Lincoln was
carried to the same hotel and placed on the SAME BED
to die. Spooky!

i may have
breeding but
my hair needs


W hen God made human beings she
must have had a bit of a laugh. Ugly,
pink creatures with no hair on their bodies.
They walk on their back legs and have odd
bits sticking out…
Let’s be honest, we look a bit daft with no
clothes on.
So what have humans done about it? They
have taken these silly bodies and dressed
them up! They no longer look a little silly –
now they can look really, really stupid.
Humans have a word for ‘making yourself
look stupid’ and the word is ‘fashion’.

POINTY HATS. In the Middle Ages, women in Europe
wore ‘steeple’ hats that came to a point. A monk
called Thomas Couette went around preaching that
the ‘steeple’ hats were sinful because they were
a sign of the deadly sin of pride. He told women
to wear humble peasant caps instead. They
obeyed and burned the steeples … until Friar Thomas moved on
somewhere else. Then the women went back to wearing the steeples
– taller than ever!

POINTY TOES. Another monk, Orderic Vitalis, had some very harsh words
for the Count of Anjou, Lord Fulk. His ‘crime’ was to invent shoes with
long pointed toes that became a popular fashion. Spiteful Orderic said
Fulk only wore them, ‘to hide the shape of his twisted feet’ (which were
covered in lumps we call bunions). Pointed shoes came to have such
long tips that young men had to chain the
points to their knees to stop them tripping
over them! The Church said such shoes were
sinful and called them ‘devils’ claws’.

PLATFORM SHOES. Popular in all ages. Shoes raised up on platforms of

cork were popular with ladies in Europe in the Middle Ages.
Church leaders said they wasted cork and they
wasted cloth – women needed more material to
make the dresses reach the ground! Laws were
passed to stop women wearing them.

PADDING. Both men and women have worn pads to
make their skinny bits look fatter. In the 1600s men
wore pads to give them big bellies and codpieces to
pad out their … er … naughty bits. (These codpieces
had handy pockets, where they could carry a tasty
orange5.) They also wore leg pads to make them look hunky. In 1343
a monk (another one) moaned that women were sewing fox tails into
their dresses to give them bigger bums. Some things never change…

CORSETS. For men and women who wanted to look thinner, there were
corsets that squeezed their guts in and their chests out. In Italy
Catherine de Medici (1519–1589) invented iron
corsets, which kept the ladies of her court down to a
33-cm waist. Little girls were also strapped into them
and some even died as a result.

5. Don’t laugh. An orange in a codpiece was a tasty

snack. Crisps hadn’t been invented.

Ever worn a Roman toga to a fancy dress party? Now you may look the
part, but will you SMELL the part?
You see, the Romans used human urine to wash their clothes, the
way we use soap powder today.

On the corners of streets in Roman cities there were large pots which
men used to pee in as public toilets:

• The pee was collected and sold

to the laundry workers.

• Boys were used to trample

the clothes till they were clean.

• Of course, the pee was rinsed

out. But it must have left a bit of
a smell.

Try it. You are sure to win that fancy-dress contest because the other
fancy-dressers will probably go home in disgust.

Humans have put the most disgusting stuff on their faces and bodies
to change the way they look.

MAKE-UP. In ancient Babylon, in 2000 bc, people

painted their faces with white lead to make
them look pale. Italian women in the 1700s
used arsenic (a deadly poison) to make their
skins white – about 600 husbands and boyfriends
died from kissing them! French women of the time
used slimy, blood-sucking leeches on their faces to
make them pale. Now pale people try to look brown by sitting in the
sun and risk skin cancer.

HEAD LINES. In the 1900s George Burchett would tattoo pictures on to

the heads of bald men. (He should have drawn rabbits – from a
distance they’d look like hares – hairs, geddit? Oh never mind.) Julius
Caesar wore a crown of golden oak leaves to hide his
bald head. Millions of other men (and women)
wore wigs. In ad 692 the Pope banned wigs –
he said God’s blessing couldn’t get through the
wig and into the head. Wig wearers were back
in church by the 1700s but the wigs were so
tall, they couldn’t get in – the door of St Paul’s
Cathedral had to be raised 1.2 m.

HAIRY FACES. Men have chopped and changed
the hair on their face to try to stay in fashion.
Deadly. John Steiner, a mayor in Austria in the
Middle Ages, grew a moustache down to the
ground. One day he tripped over it, fell down
stairs and broke his neck. Most women want to get
rid of face hair and in ancient times they did this by
smearing cat poo on their faces. Fancy a kiss after that?

BODY MANGLING. In the 900s, in China, women had

their feet bound up tightly in bangages to give
them tiny feet. Why? Maybe to stop women
running away from cruel husbands. When a girl
was four years old, all her toes were broken, and
her feet were bound tightly with cloth strips to keep
her feet from growing larger than 10 cm. Clumsy binding
could lead to toes rotting and dropping off. The feet smelled awful. Women
were so crippled, they often needed help to walk. Yet this small-shoe
shocker went on till it was finally banned in 1911, but by then millions of
women had suffered it. Would you fancy that fancy footwork?

HEAD CRUSHERS. In some ages people admired heads

of a funny shape. They strapped boards to babies’
skulls so they would grow up that way. The Incas
of Peru and the Mangbetu of Africa gave their
children pointed heads; in North America the
Tillamook tribes of Oregon gave them flat heads,
while the Chinooks gave them foreheads that
sloped backwards. In the Dark Ages the Huns of Europe
gave their children l-o-n-g heads.

Want to have fine, soft skin? Then try this 1700 recipe for skin cream…

Puppidog water
Take a fat puppy dog of nine days old (or a baby pig that is
nine days old).
Kill it and take the blood.
Break the legs and head, take out all the guts and liver, and
throw them away.
Add four pints of Canary Wine 6, a pound of unwashed
butter, two pints of snail shells and two lemons (with the skin
cut off ).
Boil these and let the steam drop into a glass bottle, in which
let there be a lump of sugar, and a little gold leaf.
Rub into the skin.

6. That’s wine from the Canary Islands, of course, not wine made from smashed songbirds.

Mysteries of the fashion world…
Why is it called lipstick if you can still move your lips?


*! ?

S ome words pop into the language for a
while, then disappear. There are a few
historical words that we ought to remember.
Suppose you are taken by time machine
back to the 1800s. You wouldn’t be able to
speak to the villains in cities like London
because they had their own words.
(It confused the police, you see.) What you
need is a Horrible Histories guide, and
here it is:

area-sneak thief who climbs down into basements to steal
from kitchens

beak hunting poultry stealing

bit fakers makers of fake coins

black Maria van that takes prisoners to gaol

bouncer shoplifter

break a drum commit burglary

bug hunters people who roam around at night looking for

drunkards to rob

bung nipper pickpocket

button fake coin

buttoner person who gets a victim to play a game

(e.g. cards) where they will be cheated

claws for breakfast whipping while in prison


crack a case commit burglary

cracksman burglar

a dead lurk breaking into a house while the family has

gone to church

ding boy mugger

dragsman thief who robs cabs or carriages by climbing

up behind, and cutting the straps that secure
the luggage on the roof

fine wirers long-fingered pickpockets

flying the blue pigeon stealing lead from the roofs of houses

going snowing going out to steal sheets drying in gardens

gospel grinder missionary or scripture reader

gulpy someone who will believe anything

hoisting shoplifting

in for a vamp in prison for theft

jolly person who takes part in a fake street

brawl so that a crowd will form which can
be robbed

in lavender hidden from the police

kidsman person who trains young thieves

lagged put in prison or transported

little snakesman boy thief, paid by burglar to get in through

small windows


lully priggers thieves who steal clothes from washing

lurks tricks of the trade

nibbed arrested

to nose to split on

to be on the blob to beg by telling hard-luck stories

to be on the monkey to beg

to be on the shallow to go about half-naked so people feel sorry

for you

pinch a bob rob a till

queer screens forged bank notes

the salt box the condemned cell

shin scraper prison treadmill

smasher person who spends forged coins

starring the glaze breaking a square of glass

have a nice day


W ant to fight? Then let’s do it properly.
None of that kicking, biting,
scratching and hitting with handbags (like
modern footballers). Let’s have a ‘duel’…


Duke of Hamilton v Lord Mohun

15 November 1712
Place: Hyde Park
Background: An argument over who owned some land.
What happened: The men fought with short swords and both were
killed. Lady Mohun complained about the mess her husband’s bloody
body made on her bedspread.

Charles James Fox v William Adams

29 November 1779
Place: Unknown
Background: Charles James Fox called the Prime Minister (Lord
North) ‘useless’ so Adams challenged him to a duel with pistols.
Result: Adams was told to stand sideways – less chance of being hit.
Fatty Fox said: ‘I am as thick one way as the other.’ Fox was slightly injured.

William Pitt (the Younger) v George Tierney

27 May 1798
Place: Putney Heath
Background: George Tierney disagrees with Prime Minister Pitt in
the House of Commons. Eventually Tierney challenges Pitt to a duel
with pistols.
Result: Both men missed.
George Canning v Lord Castlereagh
21 September 1809
Place: Putney Heath
Background: Canning (Foreign Minister) and Castlereagh (War
Minister) were both on the same side in the Duke of Portland’s
government. But they argued and Castlereagh challenged Canning
to a duel with pistols.
Result: Both missed with their first shots, but Castlereagh wounded
Canning in the thigh with his second. Both gave up their jobs in
Parliament, but later returned. Canning went on to become Prime
Minister in 1827.

Duke of Wellington v 10th Earl of Winchilsea

29 March 1829
Place: Battersea Fields
Background: Winchilsea attacked Prime Minister Wellington for laws
kind to Catholics, so the Duke challenged him to a duel with pistols.
Result: Both men fired into the air. (There are no reports of any
dead sparrows.)

In 1792 Lady Almeria Braddock and Mrs Elphinstone had a pistol duel
in London’s Hyde Park. It became known as the ‘petticoat duel’.
Mrs Elphinstone was wounded.
But these warring women weren’t the first – or the last – women
to duel.

France 1700s
Mademoiselle Leriet was upset when her boyfriend went out with
another woman. She challenged him to a duel. She let him shoot first.
He was a real gentleman and he fired his pistol harmlessly into the air.
Mademoiselle Leriet stepped up to him and shot him dead at point-
blank range.

France 1700s (again)
Two Frenchwomen, Baupret and Arli, fought with short swords.
Before the duel they had both been very beautiful, which seemed to be
the reason for hating one another. During the duel they tried to strike
only the face to mutilate one another. Both succeeded in that and lived
to be ugly.

London 1833
Rosa Crosby was annoyed when another woman stole her husband so
she challenged her to a sword duel. The other woman was good at
fencing, while Rosa had never used a sword. But furious Rosa fought
angrily and stabbed her rival to death.

USA 1817
Jane Wale and Cindy Dyer both wanted the same man and decided to
fight for him. The winner would get him. The young man was there to
watch. Cindy fell, badly wounded, and he was forced to marry Jane.
(Maybe she’d have shot him if he refused!)

Austria 1800s
The president of ‘The Vienna Musical and Theatrical Exhibition’ was
Princess Pauline Metternich. The president of the Women’s Committee
was Countess Kilmannsegg. They could not agree about how to organize
the exhibition so they fought a duel. The Countess’s arm was wounded
and the Princess had her nose sliced.

heads will


T hroughout history there have been
some people who ate far more than
anyone else. Far more than they needed to
eat. Far more than an average person could
eat. These sad people are known as gluttons.
In ancient history gluttony was ‘good’ – it
showed the world how wealthy you were.
Feasts were a way of showing off – the way
rich people these days buy flashy cars. (BMWs
hadn’t been invented in ancient times.)
Kings like Henry VIII of England and
Louis XIV of France were famous for their
huge meals. But there were foul feasters more
than a thousand years before those kings.

Here are a few tasty samples…
1 Philoxenus of Cythera (Syracuse)
Philoxenus is supposed to have said, ‘I wish I had a throat
three cubits long [135 cm]’ so the pleasure of swallowing his
food could last longer.
Philoxenus is said to have used hot water to train his hands
and throat to take scalding hot foods. That way he could go
to a feast and eat everything before anyone else got a chance.

2 Caligula (Roman Emperor)

Said to have enjoyed drinking pearls dissolved in vinegar and to
have served his guests with loaves and meats made out of gold.
To entertain his guests, Caligula had criminals beheaded in
the dining room as they feasted. (And some people still like a
nice chop for dinner.)

3 Claudius (Roman Emperor)

Hired slaves to tickle the tonsils of his guests with a feather.
That way the guests would vomit, empty their stomachs and
then carry on eating … over and over again. The special room
where this took place was called a vomitorium.

4 Vitellius (Roman Emperor)

Known as ‘The Glutton’. Said to have enjoyed three or four
banquets a day. At one, his brother served up 2,000 fish and
7,000 birds. Fave recipe: pike livers, pheasant brains, peacock
brains, flamingo tongues and the spleen of eels.
His priests gave sacred cake to the gods. Vitellius couldn’t
resist pinching it for himself.

5 Nero (Roman Emperor)
Nero hired a ‘glutton’ – a huge Egyptian slave who ate everything
he was fed. This was feast-time fun for Nero’s guests. What Nero
enjoyed most was watching his glutton kill a man and eat him.

6 Apicius (Roman cook)

Liked to pickle mullet fish alive at the table and watch them
change colour. Spent all his money on expensive foods and
killed himself rather than eat like a peasant.

7 Elagabalus (Roman Emperor)

Said to have once served a meal comprising the brains of 600
thrushes. Ate camels’ heels and cockerels’ crests, flamingo brains,
parrots’ heads, peacocks’ tongues and ostrich brains. He ate roast
pig, from which live thrushes flew, and enjoyed African snails.
Elagabalus rewarded his cooks for the invention of a new sauce
… unless he didn’t like it, in which case he forced them to eat
nothing else but that sauce until they came up with one he did like.

8 Tiberius (Roman Emperor)

Said to have once feasted for two whole days and the night in
between. When a poet called Tiberius ‘fat’, the Emperor had
him thrown off a cliff to his death. His enemies said that
Tiberius liked wine … but he liked blood even more.

9 Roman priests
Around 70 bc the priests were the biggest eaters in Rome.
One of their tastiest treats was pig’s udder. The priests also liked
eating one food made to look like another. So the cooks made a
‘fish’ out of a pig’s womb, a ‘pigeon’ out of bacon or a ‘dove’ out
of ham.



Not a lot of cannibals know…
If a man of 68 kg (150 lb) is killed, then he could make a meal
for around 75 people.

The great feasting question…

Is it true that cannibals don’t eat clowns because they taste funny?

Tsar Peter I of Russia held a feast in 1697 to show everyone how he
planned to punish the Streltsy (a group of people who had rebelled
against him).
He held a three-day feast.

Day 1
1,500 men were beheaded in the dining room.

Day 2
700 rebels were strangled in the dining room.

Day 3
400 men had their ears and noses cut off in the
dining room.

You don’t have fun like that in restaurants today.

Not a lot of drinkers know…
US President Lincoln’s mother died when the family cow ate poisoned
mushrooms. Mrs Lincoln drank the milk. Eek!

The great feasting question…

If corn oil comes from crushing corn,
where does baby oil come from?

If you were a poor person in the Middle Ages, you scraped by with
porridge and a few vegetables. If you were really lucky, you got meat
once or twice a week.
But the rich had all sorts of rare and unusual (and maybe disgusting)
Which would you like?

Porpoise pudding stuffed porpoise stomach

Trojan hog pig stuffed with birds and shellfish, then roasted

Deer-antler soup singed antlers, chopped and boiled with wine

Cockentrice back half of a pig sewn together with front half of a

chicken and roasted

Coqz Heaumez whole roast chicken dressed in helmet and lance,

sitting astride a roasted hog

Mashed deer tongues served on fried bread

Roast peacock skinned then roasted, then put back in skin so it

looks alive

Pickled puffin a puffin cooked and soaked in vinegar

Curried head a Saracen’s head cooked in curry sauce (that’s what

Richard I of England ate in the Crusades)
Zoologist Francis Buckland (1826–1880) loved trying new and
interesting food. He ate…

squirrel pie
(that had been buried two days)

elephant trunk
(rubbery, he said)
boa constrictor
japanese sea slug
rhinoceros pie
(like tough beef)
(most disgusting, he reckoned)
stewed bluebottles
(nearly as disgusting)
fried earwigs and mice
on toast


Not a lot of eaters know…
King Louis XIV of France had a stomach that was twice as large as
a normal stomach.


S ometimes Mr Death goes on a real spree
and kills hundreds or thousands of
people. Take London in 1665. People were
dying of the terrible and mysterious plague –
while the lucky ones were dying of some
other good old-fashioned deaths.
How would you know if you had this
deadly disease? You’d start spitting blood,
or you’d see blood in your pee, or you’d
start to swell up and get purple swellings in
the armpit or the groin.

Which of these would you prefer?


Plague 68,596 Rising of the Lights 397

Worms 2,614 Bloody Flux 185

Spotted Feaver Collick and Winde 134

and Purples 1,929
Broken, bruised limbs 82
Aged 1,545
Cold and Cough 68
Griping in the Guts 1,288
Vomiting 51
Surfit 1,251
Drowned 50
Stopping of the Stomack
332 Accidents 46

Got an illness? You need a good old-fashioned crazy cure. Of course, it
depends what age you live in. Here are a few top tips from the putrid
past. Just don’t try them at home or on your friends. Try them on
someone who won’t be missed – a teacher perhaps…


Stone Age Eat hollyhock flowers.
Saxon Boil holly leaf, lay it on saucer of water,
raise to mouth and yawn.
Stuart Scratch the gum with a new nail and then
drive the nail into a tree.
Georgian Burn ear with hot poker.


Stone Age and Roman Drill a hole in skull.
Saxon Find some swallow-chicks, cut their stomachs
open and look for some little stones. Tie the stones up
in a little bag and put it on your head.
Middle Ages Take off your hat so the harmful fumes
can escape from the head.
Inca Gouge hole between eyes with glass knife.
Tudor Lavender/bay/rue/roses/sage/marjoram.
Press a hangman’s rope to the neck.

Roman Snakebite Grind up fennel with wine and pour it
in the nostrils, while rubbing pig droppings on the wound.


Saxon Snakebite Get some wood from a tree grown in heaven

and press it to the wound; Spider bite Let blood from a cut
near the bite. Pour the blood into a hazelwood spoon
and throw it over a road; Dog bite Burn the jaw of a pig
and spread ashes on the wound.
Georgian Snakebite Kill a chicken, rip out its guts and
place them on the wound while still warm.


Ancient Egyptian Gruel, green onions,
oil, honey, wax and water.
Inca Chew coca leaves.

Ancient Egyptian Poor eyesight at night Crushed
ox liver, roasted; Cataracts Tortoise brain and honey;
Blindness Mash pig’s eye with red ochre and pour into ear.
Saxon Swollen eyelid Cut it out with a knife.
Georgian Stye Rub with tail of black cat.


Saxon Burn bees and rub ash on head.
Tudor Smear head with fox grease, garlic and vinegar.


Inca (for a baby) Wash in bowl of family’s pee
and give it some to drink.
Stuart Cut a pigeon in half and place one half on each foot.


Middle Ages Use a plaster with a mixture of
goats’ droppings, rosemary and honey.
Tudor Boil a red-haired dog in oil, add worms, pig’s
marrow and herbs. Place mixture on affected area.

Middle Ages Wear a magpie’s beak around the
neck; burn sweet herbs; sit in a sewer; drink ten-year-old
treacle; swallow emeralds crushed into a powder;
eat arsenic powder; shave live chicken’s bottom
and trap it to plaguey sore; march from town to
town flogging yourself with a whip.
Tudor Place freshly killed pigeon on the sores.


Middle Ages Put mustard and onions up your nose.
Tudor Bad chest Thyme/campanula/hyssop.
Victorian Wrap a sweaty sock around the neck; a sore throat Wrap a red
bandage round the neck.




Roman Treat with unwashed sheep’s wool, dipped in the
herb rue and animal fat.
Middle Ages Use a plaster, with bacon fat and flour.

Ambrose Paré, of France, was called a ‘great’ surgeon because he
learned how to treat soldiers wounded in battle. But one of his
ointments for a wound was just a little sick:

Two new-born puppies, half a kilo of earthworms,
one kilo of oil of lilies, half a kilo of turpentine,
25 grams of brandy.

Heat the oil and boil the puppies alive.
Add the worms, which have been drowned in
white wine.
Boil and strain.
Add the brandy and turpentine.
Mix well.
Rub the mixture into the wound.

Make it and you will probably go to prison for cruelty to those

poor worms.

Doctors are busy people. Save their time by spotting your own disease.
You may not feel better after reading these symptoms, but at least
you’ll know why you feel so bad…

please tick
If you have…
High fever, chills, muscle pains, headache, painful red swellings in
armpits and groin.
Then you could be suffering from…
BUBONIC PLAGUE (or the Black Death). Widespread in Europe
and Asia between 1347 and 1350. It killed up to a third of the
population of Europe.

please tick
If you have…
Blue skin and diarrhoea that smells of fish.
Then you could be suffering from…
CHOLERA. Worst outbreaks in Europe were in the nineteenth
century. Still occurs in parts of Africa and Asia where drinking
water is dirty.

If you have… please tick

Chill, fever, headache, sickness, vomiting, muscle aches, bloody

poo, yellow skin, fits, coma.
Then you could be suffering from…
MALARIA. Still a huge health problem in hot countries. Around a
million people die of malaria every year.

please tick
If you have…
Headache, high fever, cough, rash, chills, doziness, nightmares.
Then you could be suffering from…
TYPHUS (or camp fever, ship fever, jail fever). At the Spanish siege
of Granada in 1489, the Spanish army lost 3,000 men to the
enemy and 17,000 to typhus.

please tick
If you have…
High fever, tiredness, headache, backache, rash turning into
pus-filled sores, vomiting, diarrhoea, bleeding.
Then you could be suffering from…
SMALLPOX. Wiped out in 1977. But some countries have kept the
germs alive to use in germ warfare. Queen Elizabeth I suffered
from it but recovered. Destroyed Inca Empire when Spanish
invaders took it to Peru.

please tick
If you have…
Sore throat, runny nose, cough, muscle pain, fever, bloodshot eyes,
white spots in mouth, eyes sensitive to light, itchy, spotty rash.
Then you could be suffering from…
MEASLES. Not usually deadly these days. Taken to the US by
settlers from Europe. From 1500 onwards, it killed thousands of
Native Americans who were not used to the disease.

please tick
If you have…
Fever, headache, runny nose, cough, chills, fatigue, sweating, loss
of appetite, sore throat.
Then you could be suffering from…
INFLUENZA (or flu). The First World War had killed 8.5 million
when it ended in 1918. But Spanish Flu in 1918–1919 killed 30
million. Over 12 million died in India alone. e














370 380 390 400 410 420

please tick
If you have…
Fever, rashes, muscle and joint aches, headache, sickness following
a bite from a mosquito.
Then you could be suffering from…
DENGUE FEVER (or breakbone fever or bonecrusher disease).
First case recorded in 1779. Became more common in the
twentieth century. Still no cure for this tropical disease.

please tick
If you have…
Fever, headache, muscle aches, vomiting blood, red eyes, face and
tongue, yellow skin, bleeding, fits, coma.
Then you could be suffering from…
YELLOW FEVER. Terrible disease in Africa, the Caribbean and the
US in the nineteenth century. Slowed work on the Panama Canal
when workers fell sick (the canal was completed in 1914).


Y ou wouldn’t believe how horrible
humans have been to each other
through the ages. But some of the most
brutal behaviour has been saved for
punishing criminals – ‘lopping the top’
or beheading.

The Roman Empire used beheading for its own citizens (with crucifixion7
used for other ordinary people).
In Britain, beheading was brought in by William the Conqueror but was only
for those of noble birth who were guilty of treason.
91 people were beheaded in England
between 1388 and 1747.
For neatness, many victims had their
head stitched back on before they were buried.
Beheading with an axe or sword was
also used in Sweden, Denmark, Holland and
France. Then, in 1792, France built beheading
machines they called guillotines.
Germany continued to use beheading
until the beginning of the Second World War.
Two of the last beheadings in Germany were
carried out on 18 February 1935, when the
spies Baroness Benita von Falkenhayn and her
friend Renate von Natzmer were beheaded
with an axe.
In Berlin, beheading with an axe was
used up until 1938, when the guillotine and
hanging became the only legal ways of
execution in Germany.
China also used beheading widely, up
until the communists came to power in the
first half of the twentieth century and replaced
it with shooting.
7. Crucifixion is being fastened to a cross and left to die – which would leave
you very cross indeed.

There were three forms of beheading – by the sword, by the axe
or by a machine (like a guillotine).

Where an axe was used, a wooden block was made, often scooped
out to fit the neck.

Two patterns of block were used: the high block (about 450–600
mm/18–24 inches high) where the prisoner knelt in front of it and
leant forward so that their neck rested on the top; and the low block
where the person lay full length and put their neck over the small
wooden block just a few inches high.

The low block was used for the execution of Charles I in London,
in 1649.

Where a person is to be topped with a sword, a block cannot be

used. The victims are generally made to kneel down.

But, if they are short, they could be executed standing.

In Germany, women were sometimes allowed to sit in a chair.

mm 410 mm

230 m 30 mm
500 mm

350 mm

200 mm
470 m mm
m 280
400 m
m 0 mm


T wenty-nine-year-old Anne, Henry VIII’s second wife, had been

charged with treason and was sentenced to death by burning at the
stake – or beheading if hubby Henry VIII was feeling kind…
Fortunately for Anne he chose beheading and paid for an expert
headsman from France. He would make the execution as quick and
clean as possible. (English hangmen normally got the job of beheading
but were poor at it because they didn’t get a lot of practice.)
On 19 May 1536 Anne was led on to Tower Green at the Tower of
London with an escort of two hundred Yeoman of the Guard
(Beefeaters). She wore a grey, fur-trimmed robe over a red underskirt.
Her hair was tied up and she wore a cross on a gold chain at her waist
and carried a white handkerchief and a prayer book.
She had to climb 5 feet (1.5 m) up the steps to the scaffold to meet
her headsman, who was wearing a black suit and half mask covering
the upper part of his face. His long two-handed execution sword was
hidden under the straw on the scaffold.
Anne made a short speech to the invited audience. She then removed
her robe and put on a white cap. She knelt on the platform and prayed
with her priest.
When she had finished, one of her ladies-in-waiting blindfolded her
with a large handkerchief. The headsman took up the sword and
beheaded her with a single blow.
Her ladies-in-waiting recovered her head – it is said that Anne’s lips
were still moving8. There was no coffin made for her so she was placed
in an old arrow box and buried.
Visitors to the Tower can still see the position of the scaffold on
Tower Green. Her ghost can also be seen there, if you fancy a chat.
8. Sadly we do not know what she was saying. Probably, ‘Oi! Be careful, you’re dripping blood all over that nice clean straw’.

Not everyone is lucky enough to lose their head with a single chop.
Sometimes bungling beheaders have bodged the butchery. Here are a handful of horrible hackings…

Victim Position Executioner Number of chops Weapon used

Lord Balmerino Fighting for John Thrift – a very nervous man. He was so shaky, he needed wine to
Scotland against give him courage.
England, 1746

Rasmussen Danish The executioner was very drunk and made a mess of it. The crowd
highwayman, 1887 were so disgusted Denmark never used beheading again.

Henri Coiffier French traitor, The executioner had never done it before and Coiffier nagged him to
de Ruzé 1642 get on with it.

Angelique Ticquet French woman had Sanson and son. Old Sanson couldn’t kill the beautiful woman and
old husband left it to his son. As he was swinging she started chatting and he
murdered, 1699 missed.
Margaret Pole,
Countess of Mother of an Young assistant executioner – his boss, Cratwell, was on holiday.
Old Countess was awkward and played ‘catch me if you can’. +
Salisbury English traitor, 1541
If you were just about to be executed, what would you say? ‘Help!’ or
‘I didn’t do it. I’m innocent’? Or would you just cry, ‘Boohoo!’
One thing you probably wouldn’t do is say something witty. But
some criminals have.
Could you write your own headlines?

James French, died 1966

Executed in electric chair in Oklahoma.

Jimmy Glass, died 12 June, 1987

Executed in the electric chair in Louisiana.

Ned Kelly, Australian bushranger, died 1880

Executed by hanging in Melbourne.

Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, died 16 October, 1793
Spoken to the executioner, after she stepped on his foot
on her way to the guillotine.

William Palmer, died 1856

As he stepped on the trap door of the gallows just
before he was hanged.

George Appel, died 1928

Executed in the electric chair in New York.

But the prize for the best joke goes to James Rodgers, an American who was
about to be executed by a firing squad in 1960 in the USA.
‘Have you any last request?’ they asked him.
‘Why yes,’ he said.
‘A bullet-proof vest.’
Not a lot of killers know…
The ancient Swedes used to ‘help’ old people to die by putting them in
large pottery jars. ‘Swede dreams, my wrinkly friend!’



O ld people will tell you, ‘When I went
to school the teachers were tough…’
And it’s true that, until the 1970s, caning
was common, the slipper was slapped and
the ears were cracked. (Some sad children
even had to eat school dinners.)
It was even worse in the 1800s when
teachers did not believe in giving pupils a
good talking to. One teacher said, ‘A yard
of strap is worth a mile of talk.’

Punishments included…

Kneel on rough floorboards with bare knees.
Place the hands on the back of the neck. Keep
the back straight. Stay there for 20 to 30
minutes. Get a slap on the head if you move.

The cane
Raise the hand you do NOT write with, palm upwards.
Teacher chooses a thin piece of bamboo cane.Teacher
brings down cane hard, maybe six times. Notes: boys
must not cry out; the cane can also be used on the
bottom; sometimes a leather strap is used.

The punishment book

The ‘crime’ is written down with the date and the pupil’s name in the
punishment book. When the pupil leaves school they will need a good
report. The pupil with a bad report will not get a good job and could
go hungry and starve.

The log
A piece of wood weighing two or three kilos is tied across the shoulders
of the pupil. The pupil must sit and work with this till their feeble little
shoulders ache. This is a punishment for talking in class.

The cage
Attach a rope to the handles of a large basket.
Place the pupil in the basket and throw the rope
over a beam in the ceiling. Haul the rope till the
basket rises up to the ceiling. Leave the pupil
there for as long as it takes to make them sorry.

The stocks
Place the child in stocks – two planks of wood that trap the ankles of
the pupil. Leave them there, cold, hungry (and probably wanting a
pee). Other pupils may laugh and poke fun at them.

The stocks were also used for criminals, of course. People would throw
rotten fruit, dog droppings and mud at them. Joseph Lancaster was the
man who told schools to use stocks – but said the victim should not
have things thrown at them.
So that was all right then.

In the 1500s teachers used birches – more like whips – as
punishment. One writer, Henry Peachum, remembered his
1500s schooldays and wrote…

‘I know one teacher who, on a cold winter morning, would

whip his boys just to keep himself warm. Another beat them for
swearing and all the time he swore himself with terrible oaths.’

Schools have rules

In 1566 Oundle School ruled…

Scholars shall not go into ale houses or taverns and must
not play unlawful games such as cards, dice or the like.

In 1528 Manchester Grammar School ruled…

For every oath or rude word that is spoken, in the school or
elsewhere, the scholar shall have three strokes of the cane.

Toughest of all was Hawkshead School, which in 1585 ruled…

Punishment for making fun of another pupil – a beating.
Punishment for losing your school cap – a beating.

One school in Tudor times tried to stamp out violence

by writing…
No boy shall wear a dagger or any other weapon. They shall
not bring to school any stick or bat, only their meat knife.

It seems that if you wanted school dinners, you had to take

your own knife – a pretty sharp one to cope with the tough
old sheep they fed you in Tudor schools.

School dinners have always been the subject of fun for pupils. In the
1950s insulting names for school dinners were collected. Sago pudding
was a great favourite and named: frogspawn OR fishes’ eyes in glue
OR snottie gog pie. Charming.

A terrible top ten of the 1950s filth may be…

SOS ‘Same Old Slosh’

YMCA ‘Yesterday’s Muck Cooked Again’
ARMOURED COW tinned beef
BILGE gravy
SPLIDGE cheese pie
STRING/WORMS spaghetti
OLD MAN’S POO sponge pudding
FLIES’ CENETERY currant cake


But the winner is probably jam roly-poly, lovingly known as ‘dead baby’.

Some pupils have even chanted rhymes about the nice nosh that’s
sploshed in front of them. In Victorian times they sang…

Slishy splashy custard, dead dogs’ eyes,

All mixed up with giblet pies.
Spread it on the butty nice and thick,
Swallow it down with a bucket of sick.

Scab and matter custard,

Green snot pies,
Dead dog’s giblets,
Dead cat’s eyes,
And a cup of sick to wash it down.

It isn’t just maths and history and science that children have learned
at schools through the ages. They have also learned some disgusting
stuff outside the classrooms. Vile verse and putrid poems…

As I sat under the apple tree,

A birdie sent his love to me,
And as I wiped it from my eye,
I said, ‘Thank goodness cows can’t fly.’

Oh the black cat piddled in the white cat’s eye,

The black cat said, ‘Gord blimey.
I’m sorry, sir, I piddled in your eye,
I didn’t know you was behind me’.

Ladies and gentleman,

Take my advice.
Pull down your pants
And slide on the ice.

The higher up the mountain,
The greener grows the grass,
The higher up the monkey climbs,
The more he shows his ***.

Ask no questions,
Hear no lies,
Shut your mouth,
And you’ll catch no flies.

Mary had a little lamb,

Its feet were black as soot.
And into Mary’s bread and jam
Its sooty foot it put.
Mary had a little lamb,
Her father shot it dead.
And now it goes to school with her
Between two chunks of bread.
Mary had a little lamb,
She also had a bear.
I’ve often seen her little lamb,
But I’ve never seen her bear.

Rhymes of the times

Pupils were always good at putting the latest events into their rhymes
that they chanted as they skipped or bounced a ball. So, for example, in
1873 a woman called Mary Ann Cotton was hanged for murdering three
husbands and about a dozen or more of her children (the exact number
of her victims isn’t known). The playground verse of the time was…

Mary Ann Cotton, she’s dead and she’s rotten.

She lies on her bed with her eyes wide open.
Sing, sing, what shall I sing?
Mary Ann Cotton is tied up with string.
Where? Where? Up in the air,
Selling black puddings a penny a pair.

The arms and legs of a hanged person would swell up and turn dark
– like black pudding. Nasty.
During the First World War (1914–1918) rhymes were made up
against the German leader Kaiser Wilhelm (or Bill)…

Kaiser Bill went up the hill

To conquer all the nations;
Kaiser Bill came down the hill
And split his combinations9.

9. Combinations are long-legged underpants. Nice and warm in winter – hot and smelly in summer. Well, you did ask.

Then, in the Second World War (1939–1945), they made fun of
German leader Adolf Hitler – who wasn’t very funny at all…

Who’s that knocking at the window?

Who’s that knocking at the door?
If it’s Hitler, let him in
And we’ll sit him on a pin,
And we won’t see Hitler any more.
Knock-out games

Knocking on the door and running away was an exciting game for
children – probably since doors were invented. But it’s a bit of a
mouthful to say, ‘Do you want to play knocking-on-the-door-and-
So throughout history children have invented weird names for this
fun game…






Jinks Tat

Bobby Knocker





T here are lots of peculiar people in the
world. They just have to go around
breaking the laws. Still, life is never boring
when these crazy criminals are around.
People like…

Reverend Edward Drax Free (1764–1843). This priest
from Bedfordshire made money by selling the lead
from his church roof and the trees from the
churchyard. He kept sheep in the church porch,
and cows and pigs roamed around the graves –
even during a funeral. Reverend Free whipped his
helpers and ended up in a gun siege in the church.
He finally fled to London, where the wheel came off a
coach and killed him. Free-wheeled, you might say.

Samuel Solomon (1781–1853). Sam invented

‘The Balm of Gilead’ which, he said, was an
ancient cure from 1730 bc. It cured everything
from yellow fever to ‘horrors of the mind’ and
was also a love potion. Solomon sold thousands
of bottles and made a fortune. People loved it
– but became balm addicts. The ‘balm’ turned out
to be brandy. The people who bought it? Balmy?

Jane Wenham (1642–1730). Her crime was to turn

herself into a talking cat and tell Ann Thorn (aged
16) to kill herself. At least that’s what Ann said,
and the court believed her. Jane was sentenced to
death as a witch but a gentle judge let her off. Ann
later said she only accused Jane because she was in
a bad mood – her boyfriend had upset her. No one
was ever sentenced to death for witchcraft again in
England. Witch just goes to prove … something.

Lancelot Blackburne (1658–1743). was a priest in
the Caribbean, but found the pay was poor. So he
joined a pirate ship and attacked Spanish
galleons. He returned to England to work as a
priest. Was he hanged for piracy? No, he was
made Archbishop of York. God knows why.

George Psalmanazar (1680–1763). He made lots of

money writing books and giving talks about his
‘home’ country, Formosa. His tales were exciting
– ‘People who attacked the king would be hanged
by the feet till they died and had four dogs to tear
them to pieces,’ he said. For his talks he wrapped a
snake round his neck ‘the way Formosans do, to keep
cool’. But George had never been to Formosa – no one from Britain ever
had – and in time he was found out. Still, it had been fun while it lasted.

Captain Richard Dudley (1681–1708). At the age of nine he

robbed his sister and ran away with her money. (Keep it
in the family.) He joined his brother in highway robbery
and they were hanged together. At their funeral their
father fell on to their coffins in the grave, died and was
buried with them. That’s REALLY keeping it in the family.

James Alexander (born 1700).This cruel criminal

was taken to court by a labourer who
complained that James had piddled in his hat.
The court let James off when he agreed to buy
the victim a new (dry) hat.

Shanghai Kelly (born 1820). This Irishman made a good
living by finding men to work on ships – even though
they didn’t want to. He would drug them with beer
and sell them to ships’ captains. The poor men woke
up at sea. Captains paid $100 for each man. From
time to time Kelly would slip in the odd dead body. He
also put in a dummy with a rat up the sleeve – the twitching
rat made the dummy look alive and the captains paid up.

Lady Margaret Lambourne (born 1550). Elizabeth

I had Mary Queen of Scots executed in 1587.
Lady L decided to kill Elizabeth in revenge.
She dressed as a man and carried two pistols
into the palace – one shot for the Queen, one
for herself. One pistol went off early and killed
a peacock. Elizabeth I forgave Lady L – the
peacock probably didn’t. She was seized as soon as the first pistol
went off. Lady L said she was doing her duty. Queen E asked, ‘What is
my duty?’ Lady L replied, ‘To pardon me.’ The Queen admired her
dedication and pardoned her.

Anne Robinson (born 1750). Anne was a serving

girl, living in her sister’s home. When pots and
pans, plates and lumps of food started flying
around the house, Anne said the house was
haunted. She was hoping her sister would move
out to make room for Anne’s boyfriend. But Anne
was thrown out and the ‘ghost’ vanished. Anne later
owned up to faking the ghost.


H ere are a few of the deadliest disasters
in human history. Use this as a helpful
guide: where not to go for your next

Don’t go here unless you enjoy smoking…

Date Volcano Place Deaths

AD 79 (24 August) Mount Vesuvius Italy 16,000
1815 (10 April) Mount Tambora Indonesia 92,000
1883 (26 August) Krakatoa Indonesia 36,000
1902 (8 May) Mount Pelée Martinique, West Indies 30,000
1985 (13 November) Nevada del Ruiz Colombia 23,000


Don’t go here unless you like your drinks shaken but not stirred…

Date Place Richter scale Deaths

526 Antioch, Turkey Unknown 240,000
1556 Shensi, China 8.0 830,000
1920 Haiyuan, China 7.8 200,000
1976 Tangshan, China 8.2 255,000
2010 Port-au-Prince, 7.0 225,000

Don’t go here unless you own a very big surfboard…

Date Place Height of wave Deaths

1775 West Europe/ 30 m 60,000
West Indies
188310 Indonesia 40 m 40,000
1896 Japan 38.2m 22,000
1908 Italy 12 m 70,000
2004 Indian Ocean 50 m 230,000


Perfect for people who enjoy fresh air…

Date Place Deaths

1737 Bengal, India 300,000+
1839 India 300,000
1881 Haiphong, Vietnam up to 300,000
1970 Bangladesh up to 500,000
1975 China 229,000

10. Caused by the Krakatoa volcano – see page 157.

Of course, this list does not include Noah’s flood…

Date Place Deaths

1887 Yellow River, China 900,000
1931 Central China 150,000
1935 Yangtze River, China 150,000
1938 Yellow River, China 800,000
1975 Banqiao Dam, China 160,000


Don’t forget your skis if you go to…

Date Place Deaths

1618 (4 September) Plurs, Switzerland 2,000
1916 (13 December) Italian-Austrian Alps 10,000
1950–1951 (several) Swiss-Austrian Alps 250+
1962 (10 January) Ranrahirca, Peru 4,000
1970 (31 May) Yungay, Peru 20,000

Think yourself lucky. Nature wiped out the dinosaurs completely!


M adness is sad. In the past, people with
mental illness have often been treated
with incredible cruelty – and have often
been treated well too.
But there have been so many mad rulers,
you have to wonder – do you have to be
mad to rule? Or does ruling make you mad?

Here are just a few of the ones who were mad, sad … and
sometimes rather bad.

Caligula, Roman Emperor (ruled ad 37–41)

• Thought he was a god.
• His girlfriend was his sister.
• Had people executed for fun.
• Made his horse a consul.11

Nero, Roman Emperor (ruled ad 54–68)

• Murdered his step-brother.
• Tried to drown his mother at sea, had her
clubbed to death instead.
• Murdered his wife when he got a girlfriend,
then kicked his girlfriend to death.
• Dressed up as a lion and attacked people at
gladiatorial fights.

Charles VI, French King (ruled 1380–1422)

• Shot four of his own men when out hunting.
• Imagined he was made of glass and would
shatter if anyone touched him.
• Sometimes howled like a wolf.
• Known as Charles the Mad.

11. Or did he? This is a popular story about Caligula. But the Horrible Histories truth is Caligula SAID he could make his horse Incitatus a consul (Roman
official) but never did. It was probably his idea of a joke.

Joanna, Queen of Castile (ruled 1504–1555)
• Went everywhere with the mummy corpse of her
• Wouldn’t let any women near it in case they
flirted with him.
• Known as Joanna the Mad.

George III, King of England (ruled 1760–1820)

• Sometimes ended every sentence with the word
• Believed London was flooded and ordered a
• Wore a pillowcase around his head and tried to
adopt a pillow as a son.
• Believed he had actually died and wore black
mourning clothes out of respect.

Ibrahim I, Sultan of Turkey (ruled 1640–1648)

• Mentally ill so he was kept in a cage for 23 years,
then released to become Sultan.
• He stabbed his own son in the face … for telling
a bad joke!
• He heard one of his 280 wives had a boyfriend.
He didn’t know which, so he had all the 280
wives tied in sacks and drowned (one escaped).
• He was thrown off his throne, put back in the
cage and strangled with a bow string.

Ivan the Terrible, Tsar of Russia (ruled 1547–1584)
• Married eight times and killed wives when he grew
tired of them
• Got angry with his son and killed him.
• Murdered thousands of his subjects.

Christian VII, King of Denmark (ruled 1766–1808)

• Liked to go on robbing sprees in Copenhagen, the
capital of his kingdom.
• While king he threw a bowl of sugar over his
granny and stuck pins in her chair.
• Liked to play leapfrog over visitors who bowed
before him.
• Slapped his ministers and diplomats when
discussing affairs of state.
• Staged mock executions of his own courtiers.

Norton I, Emperor of the USA (ruled 1859–1880)

• Proclaimed himself Emperor of the USA (though
it’s a republic and he lived in a boarding house in
San Francisco).
• Totally penniless, but issued his own personal
• Issued various decrees dissolving the Republic
and abolishing Congress, as well as the Democrat
and Republican parties.
• Banned the word ‘frisco’.

CATHERINE THE GREAT (1729–1796) married Grand Duke Peter of Russia.
He taught her how to use weapons, then made her guard their bedroom
door all night long. He also hanged a rat from their bedroom ceiling –
Peter said the rat was guilty of stealing some food and would stay hanging
there for three days. Sweet dreams, Cath. She died on the toilet. Rats!

PETER THE GREAT OF RUSSIA (1672–1725) was terrified of being

assassinated – even when he visited London. He was invited to go to
the British Parliament, but didn’t want to be trapped in a building full
of people. Instead he was hoisted on to the gutter of a house opposite
and looked in through the windows at Parliament. Even the British
king laughed at him. Peter returned home with British ideas. For a
start, he banned beards because his Brit friends usually shaved them
off. If he saw one of his nobles with a beard, he would try to tear it out
with his bare hands.


never grew up. His favourite game was climbing
into a large waste-paper basket and rolling
around the floor. He also liked catching flies in his
hands. His Prime Minister (who really ran the
country) called Ferdy ‘a lump of putty’. But the
Emperor said some really clever things like, “I am
Emperor, I want noodles, so I get them.” One of
Ferdinand’s sisters, Marianna (1804–1858), was
so scary-looking she was kept locked in a room.

EMPRESS ELIZABETH OF AUSTRIA (1837–1898) had a thing about her
hair. She had it washed in 20 bottles of fine brandy and raw egg yolks.
Her hairdresser then brushed it and Elizabeth had the fallen hairs
counted. If she lost too many hairs, she became very upset. Liz also
took lessons in being a circus stunt rider. She became very good and
gave shows – for her pet dogs.

EMPEROR MENELIK II OF ETHIOPIA (1844–1913) had a curious cure.

If he ever felt ill, he ate a few pages from the Bible. He died after a
stroke while he was being fed pages from the Old Testament.
What chapters was he eating? ‘The Book of Kings’ of course.

KING LUDWIG II OF BAVARIA (1845–1886) liked the idea of going on

long journeys and stopping off for a picnic. But he never went anywhere
– except round and round his stables in circles for hours and hours.
He would stop to change horses, have his picnic, then ride on.

TSAR PAUL I OF RUSSIA (1754–1801) banished some of his soldiers to

the frozen region of Siberia. What was the ‘crime’ of these suffering
soldiers? They marched out of step. Poor Paul was murdered … just
like his dad (Peter III) … so that saved a lot of frozen soldier toes.

what a boar!


H uman beings have been around for a
couple of million years and may be
around for another couple of million if they
don’t wipe themselves out. But some
creatures have not been so lucky. Some
creatures are ‘extinct’ – gone for ever.
That’s why we say, ‘Dead as a dodo'.
(What do you mean, YOU don’t say dead as
a dodo? Just take my word for it – MOST
people say dead as a dodo when something
is completely finished, snabbled and kaput.)
For some reason we never say, ‘Dead as a
big-eared hopping-mouse', or, ‘Dead as a
white-footed rabbit-rat’, even though those
two Australian creatures are just as dead.
Funny that…

Anyway, here are just ten of the thousands of creatures that are dead as
yellowfin cutthroat trout (last seen in Colorado, 1910)…

Broad-faced potoroo
Last seen: 1875, south-west Western Australia. When convicts arrived
from Europe they set about clearing the lands where the potoroo
pottered about. With a name like that, it never had a chance.

Last seen: around 1600, New Zealand. It was a grass-eating bird and
pretty harmless (unless it sat on your bald head in mistake for an egg).
It was just a big fat dinner on legs. It couldn’t fly so the Maoris (who
arrived around ad 1000) killed off the moa for food. No more moa.

Last seen: around 1600, New Zealand. This monster was the largest
bird of prey ever known. It weighed 10 to 14 kg (31 lb) and attacked
at speeds of up to 80 kph (50 mph). The harpagornis lived in New
Zealand and hunted moas. The Maoris killed off the harpagornis
because it was a very dangerous monster to have in your skies. It was
nicknamed the leopard eagle – it isn’t spotted now.

Great auk
Last seen: 1844, Eldey Island. The last pair were killed on 3 July, 1844
by collectors. This bird was hunted to extinction for food and because
its feathers made lovely fluffy mattresses. Alive yesterday, dead today,
bed tomorrow.

Tasmanian tiger
Last seen: 1933, Tasmania. It wasn’t even a tiger! But once dingos
arrived in Australia, the TT was driven out. It lived on in dingo-free
Tasmania, but farmers killed it (to keep it from killing their cattle),
hunters killed it (for a reward) and collectors collected it for zoos
(because they thought they were ‘saving’ it – they weren’t).
Some people still say they see it today in Tasmania – and in Britain.
(If that’s true then someone should tell the TT it is very, very lost.)

Last seen: 1883, Amsterdam, Holland. The last one died on 12 August
1883 at the Artis Magistra Zoo. Its home was in South Africa. It looked
like a zebra at the front and a horse at the back. Farmers killed it so it
wouldn’t eat their cattle’s grass – and it made nice handbags too.
Quagga just quit.

Lesser stick-nest rat

Last seen: 1933, Australia. Once rabbits arrived in Australia they ate
all the rat’s grass. In 1859, 24 rabbits were set loose in Australia. Six
years later there were two million. The lesser stick-nest rat just couldn’t
stick around after that.

Carolina parakeet
Last seen: 1918, USA. The last one died in the Cincinnati Zoo.
The trouble was it was just too pretty. The only parrot living in eastern
USA, this parakeet was hunted to extinction for its feathers. (It also
liked to nibble the farmers’ crops.)

Passenger pigeon
Last seen: 1914, USA. The most amazing extinction of all because it
was once the most common bird in the world. There were maybe five
BILLION passenger pigeons in the USA. They lived in huge flocks of up
to two billion birds. Such a flock would be a mile wide and 300 miles
long, taking several days to pass. But the pigeon was hunted for food and
numbers started to fall. Almost all of the remaining quarter-million
passenger pigeons were killed in a single day in 1896 by sport hunters,
who knew they were shooting the last wild flock. The last passenger
pigeon, named Martha, died in the Cincinnati Zoo. Her stuffed body is on
display at the Smithsonian Institution museum. As dead as a dodo…

Last seen: 1681, Mauritius. Once the Dutch settlers arrived, their rats
and cats raided dodo nests. But the dodo was so friendly it stood still
and let the Dutch smash its head and eat it, becoming extinct less than
80 years after the humans arrived. The dodo would not have won any
beauty contests but it didn’t deserve to dodo die. Now as dead as …
a big-eared hopping-mouse.


G raffiti looks pretty messy, but it isn’t a
modern problem. There has been
graffiti ever since humans could write …
sort of ‘Ug was here, one million years bc.’
The Romans had graffiti. How do we
know? Because in ad 79 the Roman town
of Pompeii was smothered in ash when the
volcano Vesuvius erupted. Hundreds of
years later the ruins were dug up and the
graffiti was uncovered.

Chie, I hope your piles rub themselves raw.

Here are the sort of things those Romans

wanted you to know…
We hav
beds… e peed in ou
If r
There w you ask: why
as no p ?

in this pla
you th at dumps u ignore this.
Watch it, Jove’s anger if yo
May you

Gaius Pumidius Dipilus was here, the Thra

3 December 78 bc. the girls gladiator mak
sigh! es

Auge loves Allotenus.

s her
o d it us wa . I’ve caught a
hr a cold.
Epap with Thali

bo irgu
Yo yfrie la to
u’r nd he I am
e d Te r
isg rtiu a
ust s: hav mazed,
Samius to Corn
eliu ing e no w
Go hang yourse s: ! t fal all, th
len a
lf! in ru t you

S omeone once said, ‘If women were in
charge, there would be no wars.’ To be
honest, it was a woman who said it. To be
even more honest, she was w-r-o-n-g.
On the walls of Hittite palaces in around
1300 bc there are paintings of woman
warriors carrying axes and swords . They 12

weren’t the first and they weren’t the last.

If any clever person tells you women don’t
fight wars, then give them a few cool but
cruel cases from horrible history…

12. The Hittites hung about the Middle East from around 1700 to 1200 bc smashing a lot of other people, including the Babylonians (who
thought that being hit by a Hittite was hideous).

The Rig Veda is an ancient sacred poem of
India, written in about 1500 bc. It tells
the story of warrior-queen Vishpla, who
lost her leg in battle, was fitted with an
iron leg and returned to battle. Iron lady.

The Hebrew wise-woman, Deborah, was a war leader during the

occupation of Canaan, 1250–1050 bc. With her advice the Hebrews
smashed the armies of Canaan. Bet no one dared to call her Debbie.

The Greeks had legends of a group of women warriors called the

Amazons. Some historians think these legends were based on Scythian
women of the eighth to fourth centuries bc. Archaeologists have found
female skeletons with bows, swords and horses.

In ad 39 Trung Trac and Trung Nhi led a Vietnamese revolt against the
Chinese. They captured 65 forts and reigned as queens until ad 43.
Their mother Tran Thi Doan (also known as Lady Man Thien) trained
them in military skills and led troops to support
them. The Vietnamese noblewoman Phung
Thi Chinh also took part in the Vietnam
battles of ad 43 and had her baby at the
battlefront. The mother of all battlers.

In ad 366 Empress Jingo Kogo led a Japanese
invasion of Korea. She was pregnant at the
time and therefore had to have adjustable
armour made.

In ad 63 Celtic and Roman gladiator shows included ‘women of high

class’. There was also a female chariot fighter rider who fought against
men. In ad 88 women gladiators were described as members of the
venatores (gladiators who fought wild animals in the Roman arena).
Emperor Septimius Severus passed a law banning women fighters in
the arena in ad 200.

Legendary Celtic women warriors included Medb (Maeve) of Ireland,

Aífe (Aoife) of Alba (Scotland), and Queen Scáthach of Skye. The
Romans in Britain fought against Queen Boudica (or Bodiecia,
Boadicea, Voadica, Voada) of the Iceni in ad 61. The Romans were
also allies to Queen Cartimandua of the Brigantes in a war against
her boyfriend in ad 43.

In the 900s Queen Thyra of Denmark led her army against the Germans,
and in 722 Queen Æthelburgh destroyed Taunton. Also in the 900s
Æthelflaed, Lady of Mercia, led troops against the Vikings and Olga of
Russia ended a revolt in which her husband had died.

In the 1500s Gráinne Ní Mháille (also known as Grace O’Malley) was
an Irish pirate, while Marguerite Delaye and Captain Mary Ambree
fought in sea battles. Beatriz de Pardes and María de Estrada fought
with the Conquistadors in the New World while the men exploring in
South America reported seeing native women leading war bands.

In 1297 the Scottish Countess of Ross led her own troops during
William Wallace’s (Braveheart’s) battles with the English. Lady Bruce
defended Kildrummy Castle from the English during the Wars of
Independence. During the same war, the widow of David of Strathbogie
defended the island fortress of Lochindorb against 3,000 Scots.
Lady Agnes Randolph, known as Black Agnes, held her castle at Dunbar
against the forces of England’s Earl of Salisbury for over five months.
Philippa of Hainault, Queen of Edward III, led 12,000 soldiers against
invading Scots in 1346 and captured their King, David Bruce.
Who needed men in kilts when the women in kilts were so good?

been in
the wars?


T here’s more than one way to skin a cat,
they say. And there’s more than one
way to kill a criminal. You may think you
know them all – but there are a few unusual
ones you may not know about.
The use of women to carry out executions
is very rare. But in the nineteenth century,
the Watusi tribe of Africa used women to
carry out a killing that brought terrible
shame to the victims…

For hundreds of years the Watusi had been bitter enemies with
the Pygmies as they battled over the same lands. By strange chance,
the Watusi are the tallest people on earth, with many of the men
standing over 2.13 m (7ft), while the Pygmies are the shortest people
on earth, with full-grown men often less than 1.22 m (4ft) in height.

When a Pygmy warrior was captured, the prisoner would

be stripped of all his weapons and clothing, bound with ropes and then
thrown into a large, stone-floored pit. Waiting in the pit were
Watusi women.

The very tall women would then trample on the small man,
crushing him to death beneath their feet. This was thought to be a very
shameful way to die, owing to the fact that the warrior was losing his
life at the hands of women13 … and of course because he was being
squashed like an insect, not a man.

Many Pygmies who showed no fear in battle dreaded the thought

of such a death.


13. Yes, all right, he was losing his life at the feet of women, not their hands. At their hands is just a figure of speech. Don’t worry about it.

In northern India there was a savage sultan called Ghiyas-ud-Din
of Malwa (1469–1500).

The Sultan had two large wooden platforms built (about

6 m by 6 m).

One was placed above the other in two layers (like a jam sponge
cake). The top layer could slide up and down over the bottom one by
way of rails at each corner.

The victim (who had upset the Sultan) would be laid on his back,
on top of the lower platform, right in the middle. Then the upper
platform was lowered on its rails, until it came down on to him.

The weight of the upper platform was not quite enough to crush
the prisoner (it must have been about 270 kg) but was heavy enough
to pin him firmly in place.
At this point, the Sultan would have women from his palace enter.
Then, one by one, each woman would step up on to the upper platform
and there take her place.

An opening was cut in the upper platform for the victim’s head,
so that he would not die too quickly from a crushed skull … and also
so that he would have to watch helplessly as the women gathered
around him and their weight on his body grew heavier and heavier.

Although the Sultan’s palace was home to 6,000 beautiful women,

only about 150 women could have squeezed their way on to a platform
that size at one time. This is probably why the Sultan chose the tallest
among his women as executioners – so as to provide the most weight.
One hundred and fifty tall women would weigh nearly 11 tonnes.

The prisoner would end up like jam in that sponge cake – and
probably the same colour.
What would you do if you didn’t have 6,000 beautiful women to
crush your criminals? Bring in an elephant, of course.

Elephants were used for 4,000 years in Asia. The ancient Romans
even borrowed the idea from time to time.

For many centuries elephants were also used by armies, and

death by elephant was used for deserters or prisoners-of-war.

The British ruled India from the 1800s and carried on with
elephant executions to keep the local people happy.

The last person to be officially executed in this fashion was put to

death in India, in April 1947.

The execution took place in Bikaner.

The executioner was a state elephant named Hawai that weighed

just over 8 tonnes.

Under British rule, it had put more than 150 thieves and
murderers to death beneath the crush of its huge foot.

The execution elephant was trained to place its enormous foot

gently upon the prisoner’s head.

At this point, those who had accused the victim would be brought
forward and allowed to look beneath the elephant’s foot to agree this
was the right man.

They could then either give the go-ahead or spare him. (Often the
victim would scream and beg for mercy, but that hardly ever happened.
If a witness said, ‘He’s innocent,’ then the witness would take his place
under the elephant’s foot for lying in the first place!)

Once the witnesses said, ‘Yes,’ the mahout (elephant driver) would
give the command. The elephant would press down with its immense
weight, bursting the skull and then crushing the head completely flat.

However, from time to time, the death would be made even more
cruel by having the elephant drag the victim through the streets with
a rope attached to the elephant’s leg.

Or, just as bad, the elephant was trained to crush limbs first, and
then the chest, often very slowly.

There are records of children being executed in this way.



O ne Mogul Emperor, Akbar (1542–1605), used his favourite

elephant as a judge, as well as an executioner. While ruling in the
city of Agra from 1570 to 1585, Akbar believed the elephant could
spot a guilty person. As a result, people were staked out before the
great royal elephant and had to watch in horror as it was led to step
on them. Thousands died in this way.
Most were crushed to death, but from time to time the huge elephant
would refuse. They were released – the elephant had decided they were
‘not guilty’.


H umans are supposed to be the cleverest
people on the planet. So how come
they have so many idiotic ideas? Some
inventions will never work. We know this
because clever people have told us they will
never work. Things like…

In 1895 Lord Kelvin (1824–1907) a top British scientist, said,

‘Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible.’

And Lord Kelvin made sense. But that hasn’t stopped potty people
dying to fly … and flying to die.
In 1896 (a year after Kelvin said it was impossible) Otto Lilienthal
of Pomerania crashed his glider, broke his back, and died. Lord Kelvin
probably said, ‘I told you so.’
Otto had attempted about 2,000 flights by then. He started at the
age of 13 by making wings and flapping his arms very hard. He then
built machines like today’s hang-gliders and bounced up off a
springboard. (Don’t try this at home.) His enemies in Pomerania jeered
at him and called him, ‘the flying squirrel’. But was he nuts?
Of course, in December 1903 Wilbur Wright made the first powered
flight. His partner and brother, Orville Wright, later said, ‘No flying
machine will ever fly from New York to Paris.’
Which just goes to prove, ‘Two Wrights do make a wrong.’

In 1897 our old friend Lord Kelvin said,

Radio has no future.

As for sending message by radio, he went on ‘Radio is all very well

but I’d rather send a message by a boy on a pony.’
Clever Kelvin.
In 1906 Dr Lee de Forest invented the ‘vacuum tube’, which made TV
possible. He also told us,

Man will never reach the moon no matter

what scientists invent in the future.

Now, you may think Dr Lee was w-r-o-n-g but he must have been
right because Lord Kelvin told us in the 1890s, ‘Landing and moving
around on the moon has so many serious problems for human beings
that it may take science another 200 years to lick them.’
So we have to wait another 70 years before we can see a man (or
woman) walk on the moon.
You may THINK you have seen pictures of American astronauts
walking on the moon, but some very suspicious people say it NEVER
HAPPENED! They believe the whole moon walk was filmed in a studio
and the world was tricked.

These useless inventions were rubbished over 100 years ago. In 1876
a report said…

This ‘telephone’ has too many faults to be

taken seriously. The machine is of no use to us.

X-rays were first used in 1895 by Wilhelm Rontgen. They have been a
medical marvel for over 100 years, helping millions of people. So the
final word goes to good old Lord Kelvin, who told us in 1895,

X-rays will prove to be a hoax.

Silent movies were popular from the 1900s to the late
1920s and then someone invented a way of letting the
audience hear the actors speak and sing. H. M. Warner
owned Warner Brothers film studios so he was an expert.
He must have been right when he said,

‘Who the hell wants

to hear actors talk?’

NOTE: Lord Kelvin was dead by then, so he was not able

to tell us that talking films were impossible anyway.


B efore you get out of bed you should
check what day it is. Some days are
worse than others – dreadful days in fact.

On those days it’s better to stay in bed.

Sneeze on a Sunday, your safety seek,

For the devil will have you the whole of the week.
Sneeze on Monday, sneeze for danger;
Sneeze on Tuesday, kiss a stranger;
Sneeze on Wednesday, get a letter;
Sneeze on Thursday, something better;
Sneeze on Friday, sneeze for sorrow;
Sneeze on Saturday, see your sweetheart tomorrow.



On the other hand…

Sunday is a good day to go to sea.

Monday is a good day to start something new in Ireland.
Tuesday is a good day to sow corn.
Wednesday is a good day to be a witch in Wales.
Thursday is a good day to christen a baby.
Friday is a good day to get married in Scotland.
Saturday is a good day to choose a wife.

People have some strange superstitions.
You probably know the rhyme…

Monday’s child is fair of face.

Tuesday’s child is full of grace.

But did you know there are some other silly superstitions about the
days of the week? Cutting your nails, for example…

Cut your nails on a Monday, cut them for news.

Cut your nails on a Tuesday, a new pair of shoes.
Cut your nails on a Wednesday, cut them for health.
Cut your nails on a Thursday, cut them for wealth.
Cut your nails on a Friday, cut them for woe.
Cut your nails on a Saturday, a journey to go.
Cut your nails on a Sunday, you cut them for evil,
For all the next week you’ll be ruled by the devil.


The toenail curse

As far back as ad 77, and throughout the 1500s and 1600s, we find
this recipe:

Take the clippings of the toenails and the fingernails of a sick person.
Mix them up with wax ... then stick this wax, before sunrise,
upon the door of another person you hate.
Your enemy will then get the sickness.


The Horrible Histories team have uncovered an amazing fact NEVER
before noticed by a history writer: every single British monarch had
died on a day that ends in ‘y’!

Sunday Henry I Edward III Henry VI James I William III

Edward VIII Anne
Monday Stephen Henry IV Henry V Richard III George V
Lady Jane Grey
Tuesday Richard I Edward II Charles I James II William IV Victoria
Wednesday John Henry III Edward IV George VI
Thursday William I William II Henry II Edward VI Mary I Elizabeth I
Friday Edward I Henry VIII Charles II Mary II Edward VII
Saturday Henry VII George I George II George III George IV
Richard II

Here are some monarch mishaps you probably wouldn’t want to
suffer yourself…

Date of Death Name Cause of Death

946 Edmund I Stabbed by a robber at a

(the Magnificent) feast in Pucklechurch,

978 Edward Hacked to death by his

(the Martyr) stepmother’s servants

995 Kenneth II Arrows released from a

(of Scotland) booby-trapped statue

1042 Harthacnut Choked at a drunken

wedding-feast in Lambeth

1066 Harold II Hacked to death by Normans

at the Battle of Hastings

1087 William I Burst gut after falling on

(the Conqueror) the pommel of saddle

1100 William II New Forest hunting

(Rufus) accident, when a hunter
shot him with an arrow
Date of Death Name Cause of Death

1135 Henry I Food poisoning from eating

too many lampreys (eels)

1199 Richard I Gangrene following a wound at

(Lionheart) the siege of Châlus in France

1327 Edward II Murdered with a red-hot poker

1437 James II An exploding cannon that

(of Scotland) he was standing next to
during the siege of Roxburgh

1471 Henry VI Murdered in the Tower of

London after being knocked
off the throne

1483 Edward V Imprisoned then murdered

in Tower of London (aged 13)

1485 Richard III Killed at Battle of Bosworth

1554 Lady Jane Grey Beheaded

1649 Charles I Beheaded

1702 William III Fell from his horse when it

stumbled over a molehill


O f course, humans don’t need nature to
kill them. Humans are very good at
killing themselves. Here are a few nasty
accidents that have happened in history…

19 July ad 64: Great Fire of Rome
• Started in shops near Circus Maximus. Burned for a total of nine days.
• Wiped out two-thirds of the city (population about two million).
• The people blamed Emperor Nero – Nero blamed Christians for it
and began to massacre them.

1212: First Great Fire of London

• Fire killed up to 3,000 people. BUT…

22 September 1666: Great Fire of London

• Started in a baker’s shop. Raged for four days. Destroyed four-fifths
of London: 423 acres, 87 churches and 13,000 houses. Only six
people died.
• The Londoners blamed their French enemies for starting it.
A Frenchman owned up – he was hanged, even though he arrived in
London three days after the fire started!

8 October 1871: Chicago fire

• Burned 17,450 buildings and killed 250 people; 90,000 people
were made homeless.
• A maid was milking a cow by the light of an oil lamp. The cow kicked
the lamp over into the straw and started the fire. Moo was to blame?

30 December 1903: Iroquois theatre fire, USA

During a sold-out afternoon show a spark from a faulty light set fire to
the curtain. 600 people were killed.

Great Fire of London

I’m afraid
this one
got a little

27 April 1865: Sultana steamboat disaster
• The boiler of a Mississippi River steamboat the Sultana explodes
near Memphis.
• 1,547 were killed. Most were prisoners of war, returning home after
the American Civil War.

15 April 1912: The sinking of the Titanic, in the North Atlantic Ocean,
off Newfoundland
• The ‘unsinkable’ British luxury liner hits an iceberg and sinks.
• 1,500 were killed. But many women, children (and rich men) are
saved. Oddly two dogs were saved from the ship.
• The Titanic was the first ship to use the SOS (Save Our Souls) signal.
It became the signal for distress in 1912.

6 December 1917: The explosion of the Mont Blanc in Halifax Harbour,

Nova Scotia
• After colliding with a steamer, the Mont Blanc, an ammunition ship
carrying 2,500 tons of explosives, blew up.
• Between 1,600 and 2,000 were killed; 9,000 were injured;
25,000 were made homeless; and 2 km2 of Halifax was flattened.
• It was the largest explosion of the First World War. (And was the
largest man-made explosion until the Americans dropped an atomic
bomb on Hiroshima in 1945.)

30 January 1945: Sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff in the Baltic Sea
• The Wilhelm Gustloff, a ship carrying German refugees, was sunk by
a Russian submarine.
• 1,252 survived, but the ship may have been carrying up to 10,000.
• The German ship was going to be called the Adolf Hitler, but Hitler
thought it would be unlucky – for him. Instead it was named after
a dead Nazi hero.

6 March 1987: Herald of Free Enterprise ferry disaster, in the English

Channel, near Zeebrugge, Belgium
• The bow doors were left open and water swept through the car deck
of the ferry. The boat sank soon after leaving the harbour.
• 193 people died.
15 January 1919: Great Boston treacle flood, Boston, USA
• Tank containing 2 million gallons of treacle exploded in Boston.
A 4.5-m wave of molasses drowned 21 people.

18 March 1937: fire in New London, Texas, USA

• A gas explosion in a school killed nearly 300 children and teachers.

6 May 1937: Hindenburg airship disaster, New Jersey, USA

• The luxury transatlantic airship exploded on landing.
• Filled with hydrogen gas, it burst into flames in seconds, killing 35 people.

26 April 1942: Honkeiko Colliery, Manchuria (China)

• An explosion in a mine killed 1,549 people. It was the worst-ever
mining disaster.

3 June 1989: Ural Mountains, near Moscow, Soviet Republic

• A natural-gas pipeline leaked from a pipeline next to the Trans-
Siberian Railway.
• It exploded, destroying two passing passenger trains, and killing
around 500 people.
28 December 1879: Tay Bridge, Scotland
• A train was crossing the Tay Bridge in a storm when the bridge
collapsed. Seventy-five passengers were catapulted into the dark,
icy waters of the Tay below. There were no survivors at all.
• The bridge was unsafe and the bridge inspector was questioned.
It turned out that the bridge inspector had no idea about bridge
building. He wouldn’t have spotted a faulty bridge if it had fallen on
his head.

Christmas Eve 1953: Whangaehu Bridge, New Zealand

• There is a lake in the crater of the Ruapehu volcano. When the
volcano erupted, the lake water, rocks and lava spewed into the
River Whangaehu. The river flooded and the rush of mud-thick water
weakened the bridge.
• The weight of the train on the bridge caused it to collapse and the
locomotive dragged the front carriages into the river.
• Passengers in the rear carriages bravely formed a human chain to
pull survivors out. 131 people died and a further 20 people were
never found. (The disaster was made worse by the train being
crowded with people going home for Christmas.)

6 June 1981: Bihar Train Disaster, India

• A train driver braked to avoid hitting a cow (sacred animals for Hindus).
• The train plunged off the bridge and between 250 and 500 were killed.

AD 27: Collapse of stadium in Fidenae, near Rome
• The badly built stadium collapsed on 50,000 people.
• There were between 20,000 and 50,000 casualties. (Serves them
right. They were going there to see criminals executed and people
torn apart by wild animals.)

1807: Sadler’s Wells Theatre, London

• Lady Luker was a hooligan and a drunk. When friends started
arguing at Sadler’s Wells Theatre she stood up and shouted, ‘Fight!
Fight!’ Many thought she was shouting ‘Fire!’ and rushed to the
doors. Eighteen people died in the crush.

24 May 1964: Peru v Argentina football match in Lima, Peru

• An unpopular decision by the referee caused a riot which killed 300
and injured 500. The worst football disaster in history.

2 July 1990: Fatal stampede in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

• Thousands of Muslim pilgrims in the Holy City of Mecca stampeded
in a tunnel killing 1,400.

31 July 1996: Stampede at railway station in Johannesburg, South Africa
• Security guards at Tembisa station were paid to control the
crowds, but they used electric cattle prods. The crush killed 16 people.


Some disasters are sad because disaster in Sunderland, north-
the victims are so young – and east England, in 1883.
the accident could have been The ticket promised drama and
avoided. Take the Victoria Hall excitement…

But that ‘greatest treat for every child would have the
children ever given’ turned into ‘chance’ of getting one.
the greatest nightmare and the And those ‘handsome presents’
greatest disaster ever for some were thrown into the audience
Sunderland children. that sat close to the stage. The
On 16 June 1883 over 1,500 children in the gallery upstairs
children flocked to see Mr Fay soon realized they were going to
and his assistants perform their miss out and headed for the
spectacular show. There weren’t a stairway down. It was just over 2
lot of adults there to control them metres wide and hundreds of
– not at three pence a ticket. children crushed into it,
They couldn’t afford it. Most screaming, giggling, excited.
parents let their children go alone Georgina Coe was one of the first
or with brothers and sisters. ones there.
Even little Georgina Coe from But when they reached the
Wear Street hobbled along on her bottom of the stairs there were
crutches. She found a seat near problems getting out. The door
the door and joined in happily opened inwards, towards them,
with the shouting and the singing. and there was so much pushing
What a wonderful day out. that a boy became jammed.
It started to go wrong when The door was fixed to open just
one of the tricks used a lot of half a metre wide so that only
smoke. Several children were sick one child at a time could pass
and had to leave. They were the through. (That was to stop
lucky ones. children slipping in without
The others choked a little but paying.)
stayed on for those ‘handsome As more children tumbled
presents’ at the end. Of course down the stairs they piled on top
the poster did NOT say every of the ones trapped at the bottom.
child WOULD get one. It only said Georgina Coe managed to wedge

a crutch across her body to form sister home to their mother.
a barrier, but the others were A passer-by called a cab and paid
crushed under the weight of the for her to get home.
avalanche of young bodies. As news of the disaster spread
The heap became 20 deep and through Sunderland the
3 metres high. tormented parents rushed to the
An attendant managed to pull scene. Many fought with the
some out, one by one, through rescuers to get inside, desperate
the half-metre gap. But many to find their children.
were already dead. One man Sunderland was in mourning.
cursed the owners of the theatre The funerals began the next day
as he tore the locked door from and went on for weeks.
its hinges. And little Georgina? She lived.
It was too late for 187 children But what sort of nightmares
who were already trampled under haunted her dreams from that
the weight of their friends, their day on?
brothers and their sisters. What is left today? Victoria Hall
That awful afternoon 114 boys is gone. In time a memorial was
and 69 girls died. A further 100 built in Mowbray Park opposite
were seriously injured. Most were the site. It showed a statue of a
between the ages of seven and weeping mother clutching the
ten. Dorothy Buglass and body of her dead child.
Margaret Thompson were just The statue was damaged by
three years old. vandals and was moved. For
Several families lost three a long time it was forgotten, but
children. The Mills family lost it has been restored and is
four. back where it belongs in
One little girl was stopped as Mowbray Park. A sad reminder of
she walked away from Victoria the ‘greatest treat for children
Hall; she was carrying her dead ever given’.


T he Egyptians loved their cats.
Worshipped them. Once, when an
enemy invader threatened to kill their cats,
the Egyptian army gave in. They couldn’t
bear to live without them.
In fact they loved them so much, the posh
Egyptians couldn’t bear to die without
them. They had the cats mummified and put
in their tombs with them. The cats would
probably rather have had a dish of milk and
a fish tail. But that’s life … and death.

you can
say that

Don’t worry. Life hasn’t always been that bad for cats. Here are
ten feline facts…

1. Ancient Egyptians believed that the goddess Bast was the mother of
all cats on earth. They also believed that cats were holy animals.

2. In ancient Egypt, the whole family would shave their eyebrows as a

sign of sadness when the family cat died.

3. 4,000 years ago in Egypt, the punishment for killing a cat was death.

4. ‘Catgut’ was once used as strings in tennis rackets and musical

instruments. The Egyptians would be pleased to know it did not come
from cats. Catgut actually comes from sheep, pigs and horses.

5. In the reign of Kublai Khan, the Chinese used lions on hunting

expeditions. They trained the big cats to chase and drag down large
animals – from wild bulls to bears – and to stay with the kill until the
hunter arrived.

6. The only common domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible is the cat.

7. The phrase ‘raining cats and dogs’ comes from England in the 1600s.
During heavy downpours of rain, many of these poor animals drowned.

Their bodies could be seen floating in the rain that raced through the
streets. It looked as if it had rained ‘cats and dogs’.

8. When a house cat goes after mice, about one pounce in three gets
a catch.

9. When the Black Death swept across Europe, some people said that
cats had caused the plague. Thousands were slaughtered. But the
people who kept their cats were often saved – the cats kept their
houses clear of the real villains, rats.

10. In 1888, about 300,000 mummified cats were found at Beni

Hassan, Egypt. They were sold at $18.43 per ton, and shipped to
England to be ground up and used for fertilizer.

Mysteries of the world…

Why isn’t there mouse-flavoured cat food?



As for those cats’ old enemies, dogs, they’ve had their
place in history too.

1. The dachshund is one of the oldest dog breeds in history (going back
to ancient Egypt). The name comes from one of its earliest uses –
hunting badgers. In German ‘dachs’ means ‘badger’ and ‘hund’ means
‘hound.’ (Owners get upset if you call it a ‘sausage dog’ – daschunds
have never been used to hunt sausages.)

2. Dogs are mentioned 14 times in the Bible.



3. In the ancient Greek story The Odyssey, the hero Odysseus arrived home
after being away for ten years. (He had been fighting at Troy.) Because he
was disguised as a beggar, the only one to recognize him was his old dog,
Argos.The marvellous mutt wagged his tail at his master … and then died.

4. Pekingese dogs were sacred to the emperors of China for more than
2,000 years. They are one of the oldest breeds of dogs in the world.

5. Greyhounds were bred in Egypt about 5,000 years ago. They came to
England some time in the 800s. The Saxon lords used them to hunt hares.

6. French Queen Marie Antoinette’s dog was a spaniel named Thisbe.
But Thisbe was a character in Greek myths who died horribly with lots
of blood. Not a nice name for the poor pooch. Marie-A lost her head
on the guillotine – a horrible and bloody death. (This-be something
you shouldn’t try at home.)

7. In 1978 a law said New York City dog owners had to clean up after
their pets. Before that about 40 million pounds (18 million kilos) of
dog poo was left on the streets every year.


8. The last member of the famous Bonaparte family, Jerome Napoleon

Bonaparte, died in 1945. He was fatally injured when he tripped over
his dog’s lead.

The great dog question…

Why is it that when you blow in a dog’s face he gets annoyed, but when you
take him in a car, he sticks his head out of the window?


Ten Torture Tools to Teach you to Talk
The top time for torturers was probably the Middle Ages and Tudor times.
Here is a tortured top ten of their horrible habits and instruments.

1 The red-hot pincers. They nip your 4 The press. The more stones that are
flesh, or your tongue, off bit by bit. piled on you the flatter you get.
Are you feeling the pinch? Chatter ... or flatter till splatter?

2 The boot. An iron boot with wedges

to crush the ankle – tell or yell.

3 The brakes. A mask that has pincers 5 The gyves (scavenger’s daughter). A hoop
to pull out your teeth one at a time with a hinge. Pop in and close the hoop.
– fangs a lot. A hinge to make you whinge.
6 Thumbscrews. Won’t talk? Pop this
little machine on your thumbnails and
tighten it slowly. You’ll soon be saying
8 The strappado. Just a rope and a beam
to pull your arms from their sockets.
Cough up or crack up?

9 The rack. If all else fails, the rack
will stretch you till you crack.

10 The iron chair. Sitting

oop comfortably? Till it heats up!
7 The pendulum. The blade swings closer Cringe and singe.
and closer till you spit it out – or are split
in two.

Y ou’d think that historians know
everything. But they don’t. They still
argue about some of the strange happenings
in the past. You decide which is the most

1 The Princes in the Tower
King Richard III had his nephews locked up in the Tower of London,
then took the throne of England for himself in 1483. A few months
after Richard was crowned, the boys were never seen alive again –
though many years later a couple of young skeletons were dug up.
The skeletons could have been the Princes. What happened to them?
a) King Richard III gave orders to have them murdered and buried in
the Tower.
b) The boys were sent away to live in hiding. Then (two years later)
Richard III was killed in battle by Henry VII. It was Henry VII who found
the Princes and had them murdered.

2 Prince Don Carlos

King Philip II of Spain was a ruthless ruler but
his son, Prince Don Carlos, was cruel and
evil. Philip thought it would be a disaster MY DARLING
for Spain if Don Carlos ever took the
throne. He had his son locked away.
Then one day, in 1568, Prince Carlos
died. What killed him?
a) King Philip had his son murdered –
some say poisoned, some say he had him
smothered, others that he had him beheaded
or he was simply left to starve to death.
b) King Philip gave his son everything he wanted in his prison. But the
greedy prince stuffed himself with partridge livers washed down with
iced water. This gave him a chill and he died. Not murdered … but
dead of his own gluttony.

3 King Tutankhamun
Three thousand years ago, in ancient Egypt, Tutankhamun died
mysteriously when he was just 19 years old. A modern writer reckoned
he was able to solve the mystery of the young King’s death
after studying X-rays of the mummy. Tutankhamun
probably died from a blow to the head that fractured
his skull. How did the healthy young King die?
a) The Prime Minister, a man called Ay, married
Tutankhamun’s widow and became the ruler of Egypt.
He might have murdered Tutankhamun as he slept.
b) Tutankhamun slipped and fell, and died accidentally.

4 Prince Dimitry
In Russia, in 1591, Dimitry was a weedy youth. Would he be strong
enough to rule a wild country like Russia when he grew up? Or would
he be better off dead? It was said that he was playing with a knife in the
courtyard of his mother’s house when he had a fit. He cut himself and
bled to death. A curious way to die! What happened to Dimitry?
a) Some people suspected he had been murdered – he was stabbed and
left to bleed to death.
b) Some believed Dimitry had escaped and the corpse was another child.
c) But the mystery was just beginning, because 12 years later a young
man turned up and claimed to be the dead Prince Dimitry.
People believed him and he took the throne. After a while there was a
rebellion in which Dimitry II was hacked to pieces and died … again.
Shortly afterwards a third Dimitry appeared and claimed the throne!
He was murdered by a servant while he was out hunting. Third time
lucky – and this time Dimitry III stayed dead!

5 Lord Darnley
Mary Queen of Scots was married to Lord Darnley. In 1567, while she
was away from their home in Edinburgh, the house was blown up and
Darnley was murdered. Who killed Darnley?
a) Most people were sure that Mary Queen of Scots arranged the
murder. Mary’s letters were found in a silver casket and they seemed
to prove that she was guilty. But the letters have disappeared and we
only have copies.
b) Darnley was killed by one of his many enemies. Mary was innocent
and the letters were a forgery written by HER enemies.

6 Tsar Alexander I
In Russia, in 1825, Tsar Alexander was not happy being on the Russian
throne. He wanted to retire. His own father had been brutally murdered,
his favourite sister and his daughter had died of
disease, and he was miserable. He went off to
Taganrog, a small port on the Sea of Azov, for
a holiday. The holiday was spoiled by the NOT
death of a messenger who smashed his HAPPY
skull in a coach accident. It was said that
Tsar Alexander died of cholera (or, some
say, a cold). Or did he?
a) Tsar Alexander caught malaria and died.
b) The Tsar put the servant’s body in the coffin ME
and disappeared to retire the way he wanted to.
Tsar Alexander’s tomb was opened in the late
1880s and again in 1926. Both times it proved to be empty.

7 King Ludwig of Bavaria
In 1886 the 40-year-old King Ludwig of Bavaria was said to be mad,
so he was replaced on the throne by his uncle. Ludwig was sent to the
castle of Berg on Lake Starnberg to be treated. The evening after he
arrived he set off for a walk with his 62-year-old doctor. When they
didn’t return, a search was made and both men were found drowned
at the edge of the lake. The doctor’s hat had come off and it was
battered. The King’s coat and jacket were found by the edge of the lake.
What happened?

a) In a fit of madness Ludwig had smashed the doctor over the head
but failed to kill him. He threw off his top clothes and tried to swim
away to safety. The doctor caught him and they both drowned in
the struggle.

b) The doctor was ordered to kill Ludwig to keep the uncle on the
throne. But the doctor got it wrong and was killed by Ludwig.
Ludwig had then taken off his top clothes to swim across the lake and
escape – or to kill himself.



From the play:
King Lear
‘Thou art a boil, a plague s ore, an embos s ed
carbuncle in my corrupted blood.’

Troilus and Cressida

‘Thou has no more brain than I have in mine elbows .’
‘He has not s o much brain as ear wax .’

Henry IV, Part 1

‘Peace, ye fat guts .’
‘Out, you mad headed ape.’
‘Why, thou clay-brained guts , thou knotty-pated fool,
thou whores on obs cene greasy tallow-catch.’

Henry IV, Part 2

‘I s corn you, s curvy companion. What, you poor,
bas e, ras cally, cheating, lack-linen mate!’
‘Thou damned tripe-vis aged ras cal.’
‘Hang yours elf, you muddy conger.’
‘His wit’s as thick as a Tewkesbury mustard.’

Henry VI, Part 2

‘His breath stinks with eating toasted chees e.’

The Taming of the Shrew

‘Away, you three-inch fool.’
The Tempest
‘What strange fish hath made his meal on thee.’

Timon of Athens
‘Were I like thee I’d throw away mys elf.’
‘Would thou were clean enough to spit on.’

The Merry Wives of Windsor

‘You Banbury chees e.’
‘Out of my door, you witch, you hag, you baggage,
you polecat, you ronyon!’

King John
“ Thou odoriferous stench.”

Julius Caesar
‘Where will thou find a cavern dark enough to
mask thy monstrous vis age?’
“Bas e dunghill villain and mechanical.”

Deadly Shakespeare insult…

From Measure for Measure
‘Your bum is the greatest thing about you.’

Deadliest Shakespeare insult of all…

From King Lear
‘Thou bas e football player.’
Not a lot of Shakespeare readers know…
In the play Julius Caesar one of the characters talks about hearing a clock
strike. But clocks were not invented till a thousand years after Caesar was
alive – and sundials don’t strike. Silly Shakespeare.



K ings and queens are powerful people,
but so many of them in history have
been potty. Take Peter I of Portugal (1320–
1367) who was also known as Pedro the
Cruel. He married a maidservant, Ines ^ de

Castro, and his father had her murdered in

1355. Peter led two revolts against his deadly
dad and took the throne. But he still wanted
^ to be his queen. So he had her dug up,
dressed up, propped up and crowned.
Most monarchs rule until they die a natural
death … or until they are bumped off. But
not all of them. Some give up their power
and let another ruler take over. They
‘abdicate’. Say, ‘See you later abdicator!’ to…

Sulla Roman dictator
Abdicated: 79 bc
Reason: He’d had enough of ruling ruthlessly and
murdering his enemies.
What happened: Retired to write his diaries
(in 22 books), but died the next year.

Diocletian Roman Emperor

Abdicated: 305 bc
Reason: Illness.
What happened: Retired to his palace in Split
(modern Croatia) to grow cabbages. He was asked
to return as emperor but said, ‘If people could only
see one of the cabbages I’ve grown, they’d understand
why I prefer gardening to being emperor'. (Could be
that he had a cabbage for a brain.)

Richard II King of England

Abdicated: 1399
Reason: Captured on return from Ireland by Henry
IV, who had made himself king. Richard gave up
without a fight. It did him no good.
What happened: Imprisoned in Pontefract Castle
and probably murdered there.

Charles V Holy Roman Emperor

Abdicated: 1556
Reason: Worn out/nervous breakdown.
What happened: Retired to a monastery.

Mary Queen of Scots Queen of Scotland
Abdicated: 1567
Reason: Unpopular, largely because of her Catholic
beliefs and her villainous husbands.
What happened: Gave the throne to her one-year-
old son, then fled to England.There she was imprisoned,
then executed, by her cousin, Elizabeth I.

James II King of England

Abdicated: 1688
Reason: Forced off throne because he was a Catholic.
What happened: He fled to France and the British
Parliament decided he had ‘abdicated’.

Napoleon I Emperor of France

Abdicated: 1814
Reason: Defeated in battle at Leipzig in Germany.
What happened: Exiled to island of Elba. Returned to
rule for a 100 days until finally defeated at Waterloo.
Then exiled on St Helena.

King Louis-Philippe King of France
Abdicated: 1848
Reason: Rebels decided they wanted rid of him and
even Louis-Philippe’s army was on their side.
What happened: Louis was told to abdicate as he
ate dinner. He was in such a hurry that he wrote out
his abdication on the tablecloth.

Nicholas II Russian Tsar (Emperor)

Abdicated: 1917
Reason: Forced to abdicate during Russian
Revolution, when Communist workers took over.
What happened: The following year he and his
family were massacred by revolutionaries.

Wilhelm II German Emperor

Abdicated: 1918
Reason: Forced to abdicate after Germany was
defeated in World War I.
What happened: Fled to Holland to spend more
time on his hobby … archaeology.

Edward VIII British King

Abdicated: 1936
Reason: Wanted to marry a divorced American
woman, Mrs Wallis Simpson, which was frowned
upon by many people.
What happened: Married Mrs Simpson and retired
to France.

Here’s one of those truly useful lists – so now everyone will think you
are a genius when you tell them what Julius Caesar and Queen Victoria
had in common…

Ramses II Alexander the Great Julius Caesar

Egyptian Pharaoh King of Macedonia Roman Emperor
1279–1213 bc 356–323 bc 100–44 bc

Tiberius Charlemagne Louis XVI

Roman Emperor Holy Roman Emperor King of France
42 bc–ad 37 ad 747–814 1754–1793

Edward III George II Napoleon Bonaparte

King of England King of England Emperor of France
1312–1377 1683–1760 1769–1821

Queen Victoria George VI Fidel Castro

Queen of England King of England Cuban President
1819–1901 1895–1952 1926–

Barack Obama
President of the USA

one might be
but one is
always right
Many people have nicknames and monarchs are no different. But would
you like to be called ‘Tracey the Terrible’ or ‘Michael the Mad’? Which
of these would suit you?

Charles (II) the Bad (King of Navarre, 1349–1387)

Charles (II) the Bald (Holy Roman Emperor, 843–877)
Charles (II) the Lame (King of Naples, 1285–1309)
Charles (III) the Simple (King of France, 893–922)
Charles (V) the Wise (King of France, 1364–1380)
Edward (III) the Confessor (Anglo-Saxon King of England,
Ethelred (II) the Unready (Anglo-Saxon King of England,
Ivan (IV) the Terrible (Tsar of Russia, 1547–1584)
Ivar the Boneless (King of Dublin, 856–873)
Joanna the Mad (Spanish Queen of Castile, 1505–1555)
John (I) the Dead (King of France, 1316) Only lived for
five days.
John the Fearless (Duke of Burgundy, 1404–1419)
Louis (II) the Stammerer (Holy Roman Emperor, 877–879)
Louis (III) the Blind (Holy Roman Emperor, 901–905)
Louis (V) the Do Nothing (King of France, 979–987)
(or Louis the Sluggard)
Louis (VI) the Fat (King of France, 1108–1137)

Louis (X) the Quarrelsome (King of France, 1314–1316)
(or Louis the Stubborn)
Olaf the Stout (or Olaf the Fat) (King of Norway, 1015–1028)
Pedro the Cruel (King of Castile, 1350–1369)
Philip the Tall (King of France, 1316–1322)
(or Philip the Long)
Pippin (III) the Short (King of the Franks, 751–768)
Ragnar (Lodbruk) Hairy (King of Denmark and Sweden,
Breeches c. 835–865)
Suleiman (I) the Magnificent (Ottoman Sultan, 1520–1566)
Thorfinn (I) the Skull-splitter (Earl of Orkney, lived c. 890–977)
Vlad (III) the Impaler (Prince of Walachia, 1456–1476)
(or Vlad Dracula)
William (I) the Conqueror (King of England, 1066–1087)


I n 1896 the idea of a modern ‘Olympic’
Games began and they have been held
every four years since then (except during
World Wars).
The sports events have changed over time.
In 1904 there was an event called ‘plunging’.
The swimmers had to dive in the pool and
float as far as possible in a minute. Today
you can get an Olympic medal for
synchronized swimming.
But if you wanted a REAL Olympic
Games, the way the ancient Greeks had
them, then they’d be a bit different. For a
start, the runners all raced with no clothes on
– and women were banned even from
watching. One woman who sneaked in,
disguised as a trainer, was thrown off a cliff.
‘Throwing-the-woman-off-the-cliff’ was not
an Olympic sport, of course…
So what sports DID the ancient Greeks have
in their Olympics? And what were they like?

Hitting a man while he’s down Discus
is OK. No gloves, of course.
A mixture of boxing and wrestling Running
but even rougher. Sharp fingernails, Wrestling
WRESTLING to tear at opponent’s flesh, is fine.
No biting, but breaking your
Standing jump (while holding a stone
opponent’s fingers is allowed. weight in each hand)

HORSE EVENTS Stadion: runners sprint for
Two-and four-horse chariot racing one stade (192 m)
(12 laps) Two-stade race (384 m)
Two-mule cart race (12 laps) Dolichos long-distance run: between
Horse-racing (6 laps) 7 and 24 stades (1,344 to 4,608 m)
Hoplite race: 2 to 4 stade (384 to 768 m)
in armour weighing over
20 kg (44lb)
Not a lot of Olympians know (1)…
The Romans copied the idea of the Olympic Games for a while.
In ad 67 the Emperor Nero took part in a ten-horse chariot race.
Nero fell off and did not finish the race, but still, he declared
himself the winner. No one dared to argue with him.

Not a lot of Olympians know (2)…

In Roman chariot races the winning horse was sometimes
sacrificed for luck.

Who were the stars of the Greek Olympics?

1 Milo of Kroton Wrestling champion in 532, 528, 524, 520 and 516 bc.
The most famous wrestling champion of ancient times. He is said to
have eaten 20 kg (44 lb) of meat and potatoes in one sitting, washed
down with 9 litres of wine.

2 Theagenes of Thasos Boxing champion in 480 bc and pankration

champion in 476 bc.
After his death the people of Thasos built a statue in honour of
Theagenes. One boxer had never been able to beat Theagenes, and
after the champ’s death the loser came every night to beat the statue
instead (with a stick). But one night the statue fell on him and killed
him. His sons took the statue to court for murder.

3 Diagoras of Rhodes Boxing champion in 464 bc.
A legend in his time, some claimed he was the son of Hermes, the
messenger of the gods. Three of Diagoras’s sons and two of his
grandchildren went on to become Olympic champions.

4 Polydamus of Skotoussa Pankration champion in 408 bc.

Said to have killed a lion with his bare hands and beat three Persians
in a three-against-one fight. Killed when a building collapsed and he
was unable to hold the roof up.

5 Melankomas of Caria Boxing champion in ad 49.

Not beaten once in his entire career. His unusual style was to avoid the blows
of his opponent and never to hit back! His opponents got so fed up that they
gave up. He once trained by holding his arms up in the air for two days.

The great athletes' question…

Why is it that people have noses that run and feet that smell?
Are they built upside down?

Not a lot of sports people know …
The world’s ‘greatest’ goalkeeper was William ‘Fatty’ Foulke (1874–1916).
This giant was 160 kg (25 stone) and played for Sheffield United,
Chelsea and Bradford City. He…
• once got to the dinner table early and ate the food set out for the whole
team. He then ate the food that was meant for the other side;
• picked up players from the other side if they upset him. One was dumped
head first into the mud and another thrown into the net;
• ran into a goalpost and snapped it in two;
• could punch the ball from his goal to the halfway line;
• was injured once and it took six men to carry him off the field because
there was no stretcher strong enough to hold him.



W riters are funny people. Imagine their
weird lives, sitting at desks writing
books when they could be doing something
useful – like cleaning toilets, swimming the
English Channel or robbing banks.
And some writers have been very odd
people with odd habits. Here are some of
the strangest…

Dylan Thomas (1914–1953) (Welsh poet)
Would often get drunk, get on his hands and knees, and bark like a
dog. (Once, when he ran outside to bite a lamp-post, he chipped a
tooth and gave up.) The first poem he ever published was not written
by him – he stole it from a magazine, ‘The Boys’ Own Paper’.

Pietro Aretino (1492–1556) (Italian poet)

Went to a theatre in 1556 and laughed till he fell off his seat. He banged
his head on the floor and died.

William Wordsworth (1770–1850) (English poet)

Once papered a room entirely with newspapers. His most famous
poem is ‘Daffodils’ and he often wrote about flowers – yet he had
no sense of smell.

Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837–1909) (English poet)

Liked a laugh. But he upset his guests one day when he slid down
the banisters of his house – completely naked.

Gerard de Nerval (1808–1855) (French poet)

Kept a pet lobster that he took for walks on the end of a ribbon.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809–1892) (English poet)

Spent his childhood lying in a churchyard among the graves. Creepy.

Virgil (70–19 bc) (Roman poet)

Was really upset when his favourite pet fly died and he had a huge
funeral for it. He could have written a great poem, couldn’t he?
‘My fly die, why? Sigh oh my, cry bye-bye.’

Li Po (ad 701–762) (Chinese poet)

Leaned over the side of a boat to kiss the reflection of the moon.
He fell in the water and died. That’s a wet thing to do.
Lord Byron (1788–1824) (English poet)
Kept a pet bear. It’s said that he also drank wine from a human
skull. (If you don’t think that’s weird, maybe you should be a poet.)

Lewis Carroll (1832–1898) (English writer)

Author of Alice in Wonderland. Wrote his books standing up.

Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832) (English writer)

Author of An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and
Legislation. Had a curious pet – a teapot. His preserved body can
still be seen in the South Cloisters of University College London.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792–1822) (English poet)

Wrote ‘To the Skylark’. It seems the skylark never wrote back.
He hated cats and once tied a moggy to a kite and set it up in a
thunderstorm, hoping it would be struck by lightning. The cat lived
and Percy had invented Kit-e-kite. (Shelley’s wife had her husband’s
heart mummified when he died and she carried it everywhere.
Not just poets are peculiar.)

Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828–1882) (english poet)

When his wife killed herself he was so upset that he had all his
poems buried with her. Seven years later he changed his mind and
had them dug up and disinfected. They were then published.
He also collected a zoo full of pets including a zebra and an
armadillo. He even thought of buying an elephant to squirt water
at his windows to clean them.

Cicero (106–43 bc) (Roman writer)

Made the mistake of writing nasty things about Roman leader
Mark Anthony. Cicero’s head was cut off and put on show.
His hands were also lopped off to show people what happened to
hands that wrote anything against Mark Anthony.
Lots of writers should be locked up. Sadly only a few ever are. Here are
some of them:

Writer Work Crime

Thomas Paine English-American writer Wanted to save King Louis XVI from
(1737–1809) of The Rights of Man the guillotine in the French Revolution.

Jean Genet French playwright Thief and pickpocket from the age of
(1910–1986) ten. Just escaped a life sentence.

Robert Leighton Scottish writer Was whipped, had his ears cut off, his
(1611–1684) nose slit and was branded for writing
against the Church.

William Sydney American short-story Worked in a bank and some of the

Porter writer bank’s money ended up in his own
(1862–1910) pocket.

Sir Thomas Malory English poet who wrote Locked away for being an armed
(d.1471) The Legends of King robber, poacher and murderer.

François Villon French poet Killed a priest. Set free by King Louis
(1431 – after 1463) XI as a coronation treat. Vicious
Villon killed again, was banished …
and was never heard of again.

Fyodor Dostoevsky Russian writer and Convicted of conspiracy against the

(1821–1881) philosopher tsar. While in front of a firing squad
he was reprieved and sent to a labour
camp in Siberia.

was it
i said?

good... bye?

I f you are going to die, you may as well
say something that will help people to
remember you. The Mexican rebel Pancho
Villa (1878–1923) lay dying and panicked
because he couldn’t think of anything! So
his last words were … ‘Don’t let it end like
this. Tell them I said something.’
What sort of something? Here are a few
top tips from Horrible Histories to help you
get your last words perfect:

Rule 1
Try to get it right.

Writer H. G. Wells (1866–1946) was just as bad when he said...

Go away. I’m all right.

All wrong, more like.

Playwright Noël Coward, (1899–1973) said…

Goodnight, my darlings, I’ll see you tomorrow.

Duh, wrong again.

Rule 2
Don’t be a bad loser.

Go with a smile, not a sour snap, as writer Lytton Strachey (1880–

1932) did when he snarled…

If this is dying, I don’t think much of it.

And US president Franklin D. Roosevelt, (1882–1945) was no better
when he groaned…

I have a terrific headache.

President Charles de Gaulle of France (1890–1970) muttered…

It hurts!

Rule 3
Even better, try to say something brave.

Saint Lawrence was being burned to death in ad 258 and is believed

to have said…

Turn me, I am roasted on one side.

When the French revolutionary leader Georges Danton (1759–1794)

went to the guillotine, he said to the executioner…

Show my head to the people. It’s worth seeing.

Rule 4
Say something that suits you.

Nostrodamus (1503–1566) was a prophet – he was supposed to look

into the future. So his last words were…

Tomorrow I shall no longer be here.

Spot-on! And the German composer Ludwig van Beethoven

(1770–1827) was deaf so he joked…

I shall hear in heaven!.

Rule 5
Try to say something ‘noble’ – especially if you are dying for
your country.

American rebel Nathan Hale (1755–1776) was about to be hanged by

the British and said…

I am only sorry that I have just

one life to lose for my country.

English General Lord Horatio Nelson (1758–1805), shot and dying at
the Battle of Trafalgar, managed to say…

Thank God, I have done my duty.

(Some people reckon he turned to one of his captains and said, ‘Kiss
me, Hardy,’ but who knows?)

Rule 6
Try to say something funny and people will remember the words
– and remember you (maybe).

The poet Heinrich Heine (1797–1856) said…

God will forgive me. It’s his job.

We don’t know God’s reply, but Heinrich probably soon found out.

Worst last words

In 1813 General William Erskine, a useless soldier, jumped from a
window in Lisbon. As he lay dying he looked up at the people around
him and asked…

Now why did I do that?

He died before they could answer, ‘Dunno, mate. You tell us.’

Not a lot of history teachers know…
Lord Nelson lost an eye and an arm in land battles. After one of his victories
a woman asked, ‘I want to change the name of my pub from The King’s
Arms to The Nelson Arms. Is that all right?’ Nelson replied, ‘Don’t be
ridiculous – I only have one.’

Once you are dead there’re no more last words to be said … but they
can be written. On your tombstone. Throughout history people have
written last words of wit and wisdom in stone.They are called ‘epitaphs’.
Here are a few for you to think about.

John Round, Norfolk:

Unknown person, Underneath this earth lies
Sevenoaks, Kent: John Round,
Who was lost in the sea and
Grim death took me
without any warning. never was found.
I was well at night, and
died in the morning.
Anthony Drake,
Massachusetts, USA:
Sacred to the memory of
Unknown person, Anthony Drake,
Shoreditch, London: Who died for peace and
quietness’ sake;
We must all die, there is His wife was constantly
no doubt; scolding and scoffin’,
Your glass is running, So he sought for peace in a
mine is out. twelve-dollar coffin.

William Shakespeare, Unknown person,
Stratford-upon-Avon: Pembrokeshire:
Good friend, for Jesus’s sake Here I lie, and no wonder
forbeare I’m dead,
To dig the dust enclosed here; For the wheel of the wagon
Blessed be he that spares went over my head.
these stones,
And curst be he that moves
my bones. Infant, eight months old:
Since I have been so quickly
John MacPherson: done for,
John MacPherson was a I wonder what I was begun for.
remarkable person
He stood 6 foot 2 without
his shoe, Joseph Jones,
And he was slew at Waterloo. Wolverhampton:
Here lies the bones,
of Joseph Jones,
Infant, Iowa, USA: Who ate whilst he was able;
But once o’erfed, he drop’t
Beneath this stone our baby lays down dead
He neither cries nor hollers. And fell beneath the table.
He lived just one and twenty
And cost us forty dollars. Ann Mann, Bath Abbey:
Here lies Ann Mann;
She lived an old Maid and
Martha Snell: she died an old Mann.

Poor Martha Snell! Her’s

gone away,
Her would if her could, but Robert Burrows,
her couldn’t stay; Bedlington, Durham:
Her’d two sore legs and a
baddish cough, Poems and epitaphs are but
But her legs it was as carried stuff:
her off. Here lies Robert Burrows,
that’s enough.


W here there’s a fact there’s an
argument. There ARE some things
in this book that people don’t agree with15.
Here are some of them:

15. If you think any facts in this book are wrong then don’t write to the author. He’s too busy with the next-book-but-one to answer you. Anyway, he’ll
only tell you to blame the researchers. He will then sack the researchers and they will starve and you will feel really guilty.

1 The assassination of King Edmund in 1016 (page 52).
Some people say there was not an assassin hiding under the toilet seat.
Instead there was a crossbow, set to go off when the King sat down for
a poo. But that seems to be a lot of trouble when a quick stab does the
trick. Who knows? (Poo knows.)

2 Puppidog water (page 74).

This recipe was published in the early 1700s listing some of the things
women could do to make themselves look more beautiful. But it was
meant as a huge joke. No one really did it. (Some history books have
repeated it as if it was serious!) I only hope you didn’t dash out and
mash a nine-day-old puppy. You did? Oooops!

3 William II’s death (page 210).

Shot with an arrow while out hunting. An accident? Some historians
say it was murder. The man who shot him was an expert shot and not
likely to make a mistake. And William was a rotten ruler. Even if he’d
lived, he’d be dead by now so what does it matter?

4 Edward II’s death (page 211).

Most people believe he was murdered and his mangled body was
shown to the people of England to prove it. But some people think he
was allowed to escape and live in secret. The corpse belonged to some
other poor bloke, dead instead of Ed. It’s terrible when you can’t even
trust a murderer to be honest.

5 The Princes in the Tower, 1483 (page 243).
Historians have argued for years about what happened to the Princes in
the Tower. There is even a society set up to prove King Richard III is
innocent of their murder. Horrible Historians know that Richard is guilty.

6 Lord Nelson’s last words (page 286).

Some say he didn’t croak, ‘Kiss me, Hardy!’ They say his words were
‘Kismet, Hardy.’ Now ‘Kismet’ means ‘fate’. So his last words were,
‘That’s the way it goes, Hardy.’ Maybe, if you die before me and get to
meet Lord Nelson, you could ask him? Let me know what he says.

Most famous last words of all…




W hat you need now is a boring old
index. Well, tough. You are not going
to get one. This is a Horrible Histories book
so you can have an Interesting Index or
If you think it’s a load of ‘poo’ (73, 117,
138, 140, 235, 293) then have the ‘guts’
(12, 69, 74, 107, 111, 210, 250) to ask for
your money back, ‘witch’ (151, 207, 251)
we will pay you in ‘goat droppings’ (112).

animals bunions 68
cures 110–115
extinct 169–175 cannibals 98
fat 74, 113 carbuncles 250
as food 101–102 cats 151, 174, 227–231, 234,
in wars 16–19, 21 277
and writers 276, 277 black 112, 142
apes 50, 250 eyes 141
avalanches 159 on kites 277
raining 230–231
baldness 72, 112, 262 chicken bottoms 113
beards 34, 56, 166 codpieces 69
bees 112 crashes 220
biting 16, 19, 50, 86, 111, 119, criminals 41, 56, 95, 122, 150–
267, 276 153, 188, 192–193, 221
Black Death see diseases curried head 101
blindness 112, 262 curses 209, 224
blood 12, 24, 74, 87, 96, 106,
107, 111, 117, 119, 127, 235, death by
250 assassination 18, 42–62, 166,
letting 111 293
poisoning 50 beheading 95, 99, 122–129,
sucking 72 211, 243
bluebottles, stewed 102 Bible-eating 167
boiling oil 54 bombing 21, 51, 55, 217
boils 250 building collapse 221, 270
bombings 21, 51, 55, 217 burning 127, 215, 284
brains 95, 96, 112, 250, 257 choking 210
breath 250 cliff-throwing 96, 266
bums 69, 251 corset 69
crashing 199, 220 55, 60–61, 90, 123, 143, 153,
crucifixion 123 163, 174, 210, 270, 286, 293
crushing 189, 190–191, stabbing 45, 46, 50, 52, 91,
192–194, 221–225 164, 210, 244, 293
day of week 209 statue 210, 269
drowning 19, 107, 115, 163, strangulation 99, 164
164, 219, 230, 246 toilet 52, 166, 293
duel 84–91 tripping 73, 235
electric chair 55, 130, 131 women 190–191
elephant 192–194 diarrhoea 111, 116, 117
execution 122–131, 153, disasters 154–159, 212–225
163, 187–194 diseases
explosion 56, 211, 217, 219 Black Death (plague) 106,
extinction 166–175 107, 113, 116, 231, 250
falling 19, 73, 152, 210, 211, cholera 116, 245
244, 276 cures 51, 110–115, 119, 151,
gangrene 34, 211 167
guillotine 46, 54, 123, 124, dengue fever 119
131, 235, 278 influenza 118
hacking 20, 51, 124, 128, malaria 117, 245
210, 244 measles 118
hanging 37, 41, 46, 54, 55, skin cancer 72
59, 123, 130, 131, 144, 152, smallpox 117
179, 215, 250, 285 symptoms 116–119
ice pick 47 typhus 117
kicking 163, 215 yellow fever 119, 151
laughing 276 dogs
moustache 73 bites 19, 111, 152
red-hot poker 211 droppings 138, 235
shooting 34, 46, 47, 49, 52, eyes 141
giblets 141 gluttony 94–103, 243
life 234–235 goat droppings 112
in ointment 112 graffiti 176–179
raining 230–231 gravestones 288–289
red-haired 112 guillotine 46, 54, 123, 124,
sausage 234 131, 235, 278
saved from shipwreck 217 guts 12, 69, 74, 107, 111, 210,
shows for 167 250
in skin cream 74, 293
in war 16–19 headaches 110, 116, 117, 118,
dunghills 251 119, 284
hunting 49, 79, 163, 171, 173,
ear wax 250 174, 210, 230, 234, 244, 293
earthquakes 157 hurricanes 158
earwigs, fried 102
egg yolks 167 insults 248–251
electric chair 55, 130, 131
elephants leeches 72
executioners 192–194 love potions 151
terrified 20–21
trunks 102, 277 madness 59, 161–165, 246
Mafia 56
fevers 112, 116–119, 151 mummies 164, 228, 277
fires 215–216, 217, 219 murder mysteries 243–246
flesh 238, 267
floods 159 nicknames 262–263
foot-binding 73
fox grease 112 parrots 33, 96, 173
pee 70, 106, 112, 138, 179,
gladiators 24–29, 179, 184 231
pigs sacrifices 268
babies 74 school
droppings 111 dinners 140, 136
eyes 112 disaster 219
in graveyards 151 punishments 136º139
jaws 111 rules 36, 139
marrow 112 sea slugs 102
stuffed 96, 101 sharks 35
udders 96 skeletons 36, 183, 243
piles 179 skulls 47, 73, 244, 245, 263
pirates 30–40, 152, 185 crushing 190, 193
pointy things drilling 110
hats 68 drinking wine from 277
heads 73 on show 36, 52
toes 68 slang 76–83
poisoning by slaves 17, 33, 37, 95, 96
arsenic 72, 113 smuggling 37
cakes 47 snakes 80, 111, 152
eels 211 snot 12, 140, 141
mushrooms 51, 100 socks, sweaty 113
ricin 49 sores 113, 117, 250, 289
umbrellas 49 spiders 111
wetsuits 56 spies 49, 56, 123
wine 47 spit 106, 251
police 41, 46, 78, 80 squirrels
poo 73, 117, 138, 140, 235, flying 199
293 pie 102
stampedes 221–224
rebels 49, 99, 244, 259, 282, stocks 138
285 swellings 106, 116
tattoos 72 wars 16–17, 21, 47, 117, 118,
teachers 110, 134–147, 219, 123, 144, 145, 217, 259, 266
287 weapons 24, 26, 128, 139, 166,
tidal waves 158 189
toenails 209 whipping 26, 79, 113, 139,
toilets 11, 70, 166 151, 278
cleaning 274 wigs 34, 72
paper 11 wind 107
stabbing in 52, 293 witches 151, 207, 251
torture 54, 134–147, 236–239 worms 107, 112, 115, 140

volcanic eruptions 157, 158, zoos 21, 173–174, 277

178, 220
vomiting 51, 95, 107, 117, 119

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