ULEAD One Click Multiple MN Guide
ULEAD One Click Multiple MN Guide
ULEAD One Click Multiple MN Guide
Installation guide
This Masternode installation script vastly simplifies the setup of a Ulead masternode
running on a virtual private server (VPS), and it also adds a number of other powerful
features, including:
● IPv6 Support
● Installs 1-100 (or more!) Ulead masternodes in parallel on one VPS, with
individual ulead.conf and data directories
● It can install masternodes for other coins on the same VPS as Ulead
● 100% auto-compilation and 99% of configuration on the masternode side of
● Automatically compiling from the latest Ulead release tag, or another tag can be
● Automatic startup for all masternode daemons
● Script has only been tested on a Vultr VPS, but should work almost anywhere
where IPv6 addresses are available
● Currently only Ubuntu 16.04 is supported
● This script needs to run as root or with sudo, the masternodes will and should
Install guide on Vultr
You can use the following referral link to sign up with Vultr for VPS hosting:
Location choice
You can choose any location. You may wish to have it hosted in a city/country near you,
or choose a different area to help with the global decentralization of the ULEAD
masternode network.
Linux distribution (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS)
Select Ubuntu 16.04.
VPS size
The 25 GB SSD / 1024 MB Memory instance is enough for 4-5 masternodes. You may
need more memory as the Ulead blockchain grows over time, or if you want to run more
Now enter your server login details provided in your Vultr account. You cannot Ctrl+V to
paste in the console. Either right click the mouse or type shift+insert (sometimes on
keyboard it will just be INS key)
User: root
When you paste or type the password, it will not display in putty console, so don't try to
paste again or type again. Just paste once and press Enter.
For Mac users, open Terminal (e.g., Press Command-Space and type Terminal and
press Enter). Then type:
If you have your masternode private key already, please use this (you can generate
masternode private key with Step 2 below).
This prepares the system and installs the Ulead Masternode daemon. This includes
downloading the latest Ulead masternode release, creating a swap file, configuring the
firewall, and compiling the Ulead Masternode from source code. This process takes
about 20-25 minutes.
While that is underway, go back to your local desktop and open ulead-qt.
Using this command, you can skip the step for "Configure master node configuration
files", because the command above adds the masternode private keys to the
masternode configuration files.
Now go to the Send tab, paste the copied address, and send exactly 1,500,000 Ulead to
it in a single transaction. Wait for 6 confirmations on the blockchain and then go to Step
2. This is the collateral transaction that will be locked and paired with your new
masternode. If you are setting up more than one masternode at one time, repeat this
process for each one.
masternode genkey
If you are setting up multiple masternodes, repeat this step for each one. Each time you
run the masternode genkey command, it will give you a new private key. It doesn't
matter which one you use for a masternode, but it is important that it is unique for each
masternode and that the VPS Ulead configuration file and wallet masternode
configuration file match (see below).
masternode outputs
“txhash” is the Transaction ID for your masternode collateral transaction. “outputidx” is
the Index. Copy and paste these into the text file next to the private key which you
generated in Step 2.
If you have multiple masternodes in the same wallet and have done the 1,500,000
Ulead transactions for each of them, masternode outputs will display transaction IDs
and indexes for each one. You can choose which private key to go with each
transaction ID and index, as long as they are all different, and you make sure the
corresponding lines in masternode.conf and the VPS ulead configuration files match
(see Configure Masternode configuration files below).
End of installations
When the script in VPS finishes, it will look similar to this:
You only have a few steps remaining to complete your masternode configuration.
While you have this file opened, copy the information that follows after
masternodeaddr=, starting with the open bracket. This is the masternode's IPv6 address
and port, and will be needed for the wallet's masternode.conf file.
Once you have your masternode private key entered, press Ctrl+X . Then press Y to
save, and press Enter to exit.
If you are installing multiple masternodes in the same VPS, repeat above step for next
configuration files. I.e., ulead_n2.conf, ulead_n3.conf, etc
Finally, close and restart your Ulead wallet so that it will have the new masternode
The masternode daemons will start and begin loading the Ulead blockchain.
From the wallet menu, edit the local wallet masternode.conf file. [Tools > Open
Masternode Configuration File]. Add the MN conf line, like the example below to the
masternode.conf file. Save it, and close the file. It will look like the following example,
using your values for each of the fields above. A common mistake is mixing up the
private key and the collateral transaction ID--to make this easier, the masternode
private key usually begins with an 8.
The image below shows another example using an IPv4 IP address. If you followed this
guide you are probably using an IPv6 address that looks like the line above.
If you are running multiple masternodes, you need to add one of these lines for each
masternode, and make sure the masternode private key on each line matches the
corresponding masternode private key you entered in the VPS Ulead configuration file
for that masternode.
Check syncing status of masternode
The masternode cannot complete activation until it is fully synced with the Ulead
blockchain network.
To check the status of your masternode, please enter below command in the VPS
terminal. If you have multiple masternodes on the same VPS, you can change n1 to n2
etc. below to check the status of each one.
"version": 1050000,
"protocolversion": 70005,
"walletversion": 61000,
"balance": 0,
"zerocoinbalance": 0.00000000,
"blocks": 21964,
"timeoffset": 0,
"connections": 124,
"proxy": "",
"difficulty": 22225487.17525773,
"testnet": false,
"moneysupply": 2559152142.67340985,
"zuleadsupply": {
"1": 0.00000000,
"5": 0.00000000,
"10": 0.00000000,
"50": 0.00000000,
"100": 0.00000000,
"500": 0.00000000,
"1000": 0.00000000,
"5000": 0.00000000,
"total": 0.00000000
"keypoololdest": 1546565199,
"keypoolsize": 1001,
"paytxfee": 0.00000000,
"relayfee": 0.00010000,
"staking status": "Staking Active",
"errors": ""
We're looking at the blocks, and need that to be the latest block in the blockchain. You
can check your local wallet to see the latest block by hovering over the green check
Once your masternode has synced up to the latest block, go to next step. The syncing
process may take 15-30 minutes or more as the Ulead blockchain grows. You can keep
checking progress with the command above.
Start Masternode
Go to the debug console of your Ulead wallet [Tools->Debug Console] and enter the
following command, replacing mn-alias with the name of the masternode in the Alias
column of the Masternodes tab:
If everything was setup correctly, after entering the command you will see something
like this:
"overall" : "Successfully started 1 masternodes, failed to start 0, total 1",
"detail" : {
"status" : {
"alias" : "ulead-MN-01",
"result" : "successful"
If you are setting up multiple masternodes, repeat this for each one. You can now close
the debug console, return the Masternodes tab and check the status:
It should say ENABLED, and within an hour, the timer in the Active column should start
Your Ulead masternode is now set up and running! Depending on how many
masternodes there are, it may take 24 hours before you see your first masternode
reward--this is normal and rewards should come at more regular intervals after the first
Issues and Questions
Please open a GitHub Issue if there are problems with this installation method. Many
Ulead team members actively support people installing masternodes and can provide
assistance in the Ulead Discord channel. Here is the Discord invitation:
If you would like to make a donation to Ulead's ongoing development, you can send
Ulead to the core team at this address: UYBM3EsRaSn2NoUazaZHeJ4FJ9BKs2dKSD
This project was forked from Phore project. Phore project was forked from
https://github.com/masternodes/vps. @marsmensch (Florian) is the primary author
behind this VPS installation script for masternodes. If you would like to donate to him,
you can use his BTC address below
BTC 33ENWZ9RCYBG7nv6ac8KxBUSuQX64Hx3x3