Multiple Regression Analysis: Buiding Employee Performance
Multiple Regression Analysis: Buiding Employee Performance
Multiple Regression Analysis: Buiding Employee Performance
Abstract: This research can provide information about leadership style, work
motivation and organizational culture on employee performance at PT. Pos
Indonesia (Persero) Bandung either partially or simultaneously (simultaneously)
with X1 variable of leadership motivation, X2 variable of work motivation and X3
variable of organizational culture as independent variable, while Y dependent
variable is employee performance. The research method used is an analysis that
searches for direct influence over three independent variables and one dependent
variable. Population of this research is employees of PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero)
Bandung as respondents are employees of executives, managers and other employees
with random sampling method of data with questionnaires to respondents. Influence
will be done by using correlation method, regression, t test and F test test assisted
by SPSS application version 18.00. Thus, identified the magnitude of the influence
of each variable (Style Leadership, Work Motivation and Organizational Culture)
on Employee Performance. SPSS version calculation results version 18.00 indicates
that each variable has an influence on Employee Performance with leadership
style level is strong, strong Work Motivation and weak Organization Culture.
Each institution (organization), especially in the field of State-Owned Enterprises
(SOEs) requires employees with high levels of performance. Such performance should
always be maintained and even cultivated. High performing employees are Human
Resources (HR) as a valuable government asset. Therefore, serious attention needs
to be paid to improving its management based on national culture, among others
by doing human resource planning professionally. The goal is for the government to
have human resources, whether the amount, ability, composition and characteristics
that are in harmony with the type of work or position of each.
Attempts to realize high-performance employees require a leader who has
professional managerial skills to properly actualize management functions. A leader
must be able to direct his subordinate to work hard to improve their performance.
A leader must be able to motivate subordinates in order to work with dedication to
achieving organizational goals effectively and efficiently. Employee performance
can not be separated from human nature that has mind and mind so that, every
action is influenced by various factor either from internal source (personal of employee
concerned) and also external factor (work environment). Internal factors that affect
employee performance such as knowledge or education, motivation, willingness,
discipline and other attitudes.
Keywords: Leadership Style, Work Motivation and Organizational Culture and Employee
PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Bandungs business activities include core activities,
namely collecting, processing, transporting and delivery, which is applicable to all
three of its core business, whether communications, logistics, or financial services.
Until now, these four core activities are still largely relying on human thought and
Many obstacles faced by PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Bandung, in an effort to
create an effective employee performance. Among the obstacles faced is the number
of employees that have not received education Postal and low motivation of employees
in carrying out their duties. create a conducive organizational culture to improve
employee performance so that driven desire to perform activities that can meet the
needs and give satisfaction with consumers of goods and services users.
A leader is expected to have professional skills, operational and managerial
skills professional so that employees have high morale motivation and create a
conducive organizational culture so that the results can contribute to consumers or
customers goods and services.
Above description will be conducted research on The Influence of Leadership
Style, Work Motivation and Organizational Culture to Employee Performance at
PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Bandung.
Formulation of the problem
The purpose of this study is:
1. To analyze the influence of Leadership Style on Employee Performance.
2. To analyze the effect of Work Motivation on Employee Performance.
3. To analyze the influence of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance
4. To analyze the influence of Leadership Style, Work Motivation and
Organization Culture together to Employee Performance.
1. Effect of Leadership Style on employee performance
As have been described in advance that the style of leadership is the ability of a
person as a leader in influencing other parties, to do or not does something, in
accordance with the will of the leader to successfully achieve the goals set out in
the Vision and Mission PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Bandung. Fuad Masud (2004:
213). With the existence of transformational leadership and transactional leadership
can affect the improvement of employee performance through continuous performance
evaluation. So, it can be assumed there is influence of leadership style on employee
2. Influence Work Motivation on Employee performance
As have been described in advance that the motivation of work is the impetus in an
individual that underlies the individual activities to achieve better results or goals
that can be progress, work, competition, fulfillment and other needs with the
motivation that can improve performance through performance appraisal. So, it
can be suspected there is influence of motivation on employee performance.
Malayu.SPHasibuan (2005: 170)
3. The Influence of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance
As has been described in advance that culture is the basic principles that are the
basis and identity for an organization that creates the distinction between an
organization of other organizations and established attitudes and behavior of
employees. With the organizational culture that has been formed into the attitudes,
values and norms of the organization where work, the employees who stick to the
vision, mission of the company. Fuad Masud (2004: 121).
4. Influence of Leadership Style, Work Motivation and Organizational Culture
Together to Employee Performance
The leader is one of the core essence of management, the main resources and the
central point of every activity that takes place within the organization or company,
it needs a leadership style that can affect people and provide employee motivation
to achieve goals against the Vision and Mission that has been established with
organizational culture that has been formed from attitudes, values and norms
together can affect employee performance, so it can be expected there is influence
of leadership style, work motivation and organizational culture together to employee
performance.Fuad Masud (2004 : 234).
Research design
Leadership (X1)
Work H2
motivation Employee
culture (X3)
Research Hypothesis
Based on the above framework then, the authors can be formulated research
hypothesis as follows:
H1: There is an influence of leadership styles on employee performance
H2: There is influence Motivation works on employee performance
H3: There is an influence of Organization Culture on employee performance
H4: There is influence of leadership style, work motivation and organizational
culture together (simultaneously) to employee performance.
Research Methodology
In doing a research, research method is a very important part, even can also
determine the quality of the research itself.
In this chapter we describe the methods of research that will be used in analyzing
the Influence of Leadership Style, Work Motivation and Organizational Culture on
Employee Performance PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Bandung.
The research method used is a survey with correlational analysis (looking for
relationship or influence) This is a path analysis looking for direct influence over
three dependent variables and one independent variable.
In this research the types, sources, and techniques of data collection to be used
1. Data Type
The type of data used by the authors of this study is the Data Subject (Self
Report Data) is the type of research in the form of opinions, attitudes, experiences
or characteristics of a person or group.
2. Data source
Sources of data taken by researchers in this study consist of:
a. Primary Data: The source of research data obtained directly from
the original source (not through intermediaries) which can be:
opinion, observation of an object (physical), event and test results.
In this study the primary data obtained by spreading the questionnaire
to the Executive, and other employees PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero)
b. Secondary Data: Sources of research data obtained by researchers indirectly
through intermediary media (obtained and recorded by other parties).
Secondary data are generally in the form of evidence, records, which have
been compiled in published and unpublished documentary (documentary)
3. Data collection: To obtain the necessary data onto the preparation of this
thesis, the authors use data collection techniques using, Questionnaires
(Questionnaires) is a technique of data collection through the spread of
questionnaires to executives, managers, operators and another employees PT.
Pos Indonesia (Persero) Bandung.
Population and Sample Used
1. Population According to Sugiyono (2007: 72), Population is a generalization
region consisting of objects or subjects that has certain qualities and
characteristics set by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions. In
this study, the population studied were 3 people executives, 58 managers, 34
staff collecting staff and 80 staff processing staff, 20 transport staffing operators,
76 delivery operators, 75 staff supporting staff who were employees at PT. Pos
Indonesia (Persero) Bandung Total employees 346 people.
2. Sample According to Sugiyono (2007: 73), The sample is part of the number
and characteristics possessed by the population.
The sample is a small part of the population that becomes the object of research.
In this research, the respondents will be respondents are Manager, staff operator,
and other employees of PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Bandung, where the researcher
uses sample size determination of Slovin formula. According to Husein Umar, (2010:
65) as follows:
Slovin formula: n�
1 � N (e )2
n = Number of Samples
N = Population
e = Constants (% a standard tolerable error rate for a sampling, in this case using
an error rate of 10%). By using Slovin formula can be determined the number of
samples to be used in the study as follows:
n� � 78
1 � 346(0.10)2
So, can be obtained the number of research samples as much as 78 respondents.
1. Sampling technique
According to Supranto (2007: 22), sampling is a way of collecting data where
the investigated are a sample element of the population. The data obtained from
the sampling result is estimating to value (estimate value).
The first sampling method of the population is grouped according to the function
and tasks that exist on PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Bandung, then just taken
random samples of the same proportion, it is expected the population can be
represented by the sample (representative) with the assumption that the sample is
homogeneous. With the acquisition of a sample of 78 people can be grouped based
on task and function.
Research Result
Regression Test
1. Simple Linear Regression Test
Aims to determine whether or not and the magnitude of the influence of
independent variables on the dependent variable.
a. Leadership Style on Employee Performance
1) Regression Equation
Based on these results can be obtained simple linear regression equation as
: Y � 15.312 � 0.925X1
The value of b1 (leadership style) of 0.925 indicates a positive influence of
leadership style variables on employee performance, meaning that each increase in
leadership style variable of 1 unit will improve employee performance of 0.925.
2) Test t
The First Research Hypothesis Stated That:
There is an influence of leadership style on employee performance Ho and Ha
(test form)
Ho1 : �1 = 0 no style effect
leadership towards employee performance
Ha1 : �1 � 0 there is Influence Leadership style on employee performance
The comparison value is t table value using significance limit of 0.05, then the
value of t table is 2,287.
The value of t arithmetic is 10,415 with significance level 0.000, it
shows that t counts value> t table, that is 15.610> 2.287 then Ho is rejected,
meaning leadership style to positive and significant employee performance, this
result is consistent with correlation test of leadership style with employee
performance, thus proven there is influence between leadership style on employee
1) Regression Equation
Based on the above table, it can be seen that the result of the regression
calculation shows a constant (value a) of 13.763 and the coefficient of direction or
regression (value b) of 0.545. Based on these results can be obtained simple linear
regression equation as follows:
Y = 13.763 + 0.545X2
The value of b2 (work motivation) of 0.545 indicates a positive influence of
work motivation variable on employee performance, meaning that each increase in
work motivation variable of 1 unit will improve employee performance of 0.545.
1) Test t
Second Research Hypothesis states that: There is influence of work motivation
on employee performance.
Determining Ho and Ha (test form)
Ho2 : �2 = 0 there is no effect of work motivation on employee performance
Ha2 : �2 � 0 there is influence of work motivation on employee performance
The comparison value is t tables to value using significance limit of 0.05, then
the value of t table is 2,287.
The value of t arithmetic of 9.852 with a significance level of 0.000, this shows
that the value of t arithmetic> t table, ie 9.852> 2.287 then Ho is rejected, meaning
the motivation of work on positive and significant employee performance, this
result is consistent with the correlation test of work motivation with employee
performance, thus proven there is influence between work motivation on employee
1) Regression Equation
Based on the above table, it can be seen that the result of the regression
calculation shows a constant (value a) of 28.649 and the coefficient of direction or
regression (value b) of 0.509. Based on these results can be obtained simple linear
regression equation as follows:
Y = 28.649 + 0.509X 3
The value of b3 (organizational culture) of 0.509 indicates a positive influence
of organizational culture variable on employee performance, meaning that the increase
in organizational culture variable of 1 unit will improve employee performance by
1) Test t
The Third Research Hypothesis Stated That:
There is an influence of organizational culture on employee performance.
Determining Ho and Ha (test form) Ho3: �3 = 0 there is no influence of
organizational culture on employee performance
Ha3 : � 3 � 0 There is an Organizational Cultural Influence on employee
performance. The comparison value is t tables to value using significance limit of
0.05, then the value of t table is 2,287.
The value of t arithmetic is 3.846 with significance level 0.000, it shows that t
count> t table, that is 3.846> 2.287 then Ho is rejected, meaning organizational
culture to positive and significant employee performance, this result is consistent
with correlation test of organizational culture with employee performance, thus
proven there is influence between organizational culture on employee performance.
1. Multiple Linear Regression Test
Multiple regression analysis is used to predict how the fluctuation of the dependent
variable through two or more independent variables. In this study there are three
independent variables that will be used are leadership style, work motivation and
organizational culture. While that will be the dependent variable is employee
a. Multiple Regression Equations
From the above calculation can be obtained the formulation of multiple linear
regression equation for independent variables (leadership style, work motivation
and organizational culture) to the dependent variable (employee performance) as
Y = 4.352 + 0.620X1 + 0.347X2 + 0.016X3
The results of the analysis calculation indicate that the value of a (constant) of
4.352 means that if there is no change of independent variables (leadership style,
work motivation and organizational culture), then Employee Performance will be
The value of b1 (coefficient for leadership style) of 0.620 indicates a positive
influence of leadership style on employee performance, meaning that each increase
of 1 unit in leadership style will improve employee performance equal to 0.620
assuming work motivation and organizational culture is considered fixed.
The value of b2 (coefficient for work motivation) of 0.347 indicates a positive
influence of work motivation on employee performance, meaning that each increase
of 1 unit on work motivation will improve employee performance by 0.347 assuming
leadership style and organizational culture is considered fixed.
The value of b3 (coefficient for organizational culture) of 0.016 indicates a
positive influence of organizational culture on employee performance, meaning
that each increase of 1 unit in organizational culture will improve employee
performance by 0.016 assuming leadership style and work motivation is considered
Based on the regression equation above can be concluded that the most dominant
variables affect employee performance is the style of leadership because it shows
the value of influence of 0.620 and diikuiti by work motivation variables and
organizational culture with a large influence respectively for 0347 and 0.016
b. Test F (ANOVA)
The Fourth Research Hypothesis Stated That:
There is a mutual influence of leadership style, work motivation and
organizational culture on employee performance.
Determining Ho and Ha (test form):
Ho4 : �1 = �2 = �3 Together there is no influence of leadership style, work
motivation and work culture on employee performance.
Ha4 : �1 � �2 � �3 � together there is influence of leadership style, work motivation
and work culture on employee performance.
F tests is used to know whether there is influencing together independent
variable to dependent variable, that is by comparing to F count with F table at
level of trust 5%. If F count> F table then all independent variables effect together
on the dependent variable. The comparator value is Ftable value using significance
limit of 0.05, then the value of F table is 2,728
c. Test of Determination / Test R
Based on the result of regression test as seen in Table 4:223 the value of R-square
showed as much as 0.756 or 75.6%. This shows the amount of contribution to
leadership style, work motivation and organizational culture to employee performance
is equal to 75.6% while the remaining 24.4% described other factors that do not
exist on research.
Conclusions and Suggestions
From result of processing and data analysis hence can get some conclusion that is:
1. Transactional Leadership style has a positive and significant effect on
employee performance at PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Bandung, with the
amount of regression coefficient (b1) = 0,925 and t count = 10.415 > t
table 2.287.
2. Motivation Work Self Actualization positive and significant impact on
employee performance at PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Bandung, with the
amount of regression coefficient (b2) = 0.545 and t count = 9.852 > t table
= 2.287.
3. Organizational Culture Values has a positive and significant impact on
employee performance in PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Bandung, with the
magnitude of the regression coefficient (b3) = 0.509 and significant level t
count 3.846 > t table 2.287
4. Transactional Leadership Style, Work Motivation Self Actualization and
Organizational Culture Values together have positive and significant effect
on performance with the coefficient value between each of them are: b1 =
0,620, b2 = 0,347 and b3 = 0,016 with significant level t arithmetic 76,273
> F table 2,728. This shows all the variables proved to have a positive and
significant effect with transactional leadership style variables that more
dominantly affect employee performance in PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero)
Based on the above conclusions can be suggested:
1. Transactional leadership styles that has been applied to PT. Pos Indonesia
(Persero) Bandung, still maintained by developing quality employees follow
Postal education so that employee performance can be more optimal.
2. Motivation of self-actualization works that has been applied to PT. Pos
Indonesia (Persero) Bandung more improved on improving the performance
of employees by improving the improvement and refinement of the
compensation system, giving awards to employees that excel so that
employee performance level PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Bandung more
3. The organizational culture of values, increasingly more enhanced by applying
work discipline to realize employee performance on PT. Pos Indonesia
(Persero) Bandung More effective and efficient.
4. Transactional leadership style, self-actualization work motivation and
organizational culture values together are increasingly improved, so that
employee performance is more optimal results from work
5. Other researchers that will conduct similar research to add other variables
that affect Performance and relevant to the purpose of research, extend
the time of research so that information can be obtained on an ongoing
basis of human resources.
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