Is A Psychodynamic Perspective Relevant To The Clinical Management of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
Is A Psychodynamic Perspective Relevant To The Clinical Management of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
Is A Psychodynamic Perspective Relevant To The Clinical Management of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a distressing and disabling
condition. It is characterized by recurrent thoughts, impulses or images,
and/or compulsive behaviors or mental acts that impair role performance
and social functioning (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). The
lifetime prevalence is currently estimated to be 2% to 3% worldwide
Department of Psychiatry, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse. NY. Mailing address:
"Department of Psychiatry, SUNY Upstate Medical University 750 East Adams Street, Syracuse, NY
13210. e-mail: [email protected]
A M E R I C A N J O U R N A L O F P S Y C H O T H E R A P Y , Vol. 6 3 , No. 3, 2009
Case I
Ms. S. was a 40-year-old married mother of two children, ages 5 and
7 years. Her primary-care physician referred her for a psychiatric consul-
tation. The patient's chief complaint, intrusive thoughts of committing
violent acts towards her children, had been occurring during the past 2
years, usually just before her bedtime. The thoughts were extremely
distressing and she recognized them as being irrational since she deeply
cared for her children. She would see various objects around the home,
such as knives and gloves, and feared she might use them to hurt her
children. To avoid these thoughts, she hid such objects in drawers. She had
no other clear compulsions or obsessions, other than lifelong hypochon-
driacal worry about having a heart attack or stroke. There was no evidence
of any comorbid Axis I or I I disorder.
When asked about relational issues, the patient reluctantly admitted to
increased marital difficulties. She complained that her husband had be-
come more controlling over the past two years, even of taking charge of
theirfinances.Because of this, she felt she has no control over her life. Ms.
S. came to a realization during the course of the evaluation that she was
angry and resentful towards her husband and that she had never acknowl-
edged these feelings. The lack of control she felt in her present situation
reflected the feelings she had experienced as a child while taking care of
her sick mother. No other clear stressors or précipitants coincided with the
onset of her obsessions.
During the same initial evaluation, the consultant made Ms. S. aware of
the link between emotions in the past and present, and provided an
interpretation that perhaps the patient was redirecting some of the anger
she felt towards her husband to her children. The consultant then made a
referral to CBT and initiated a trial of sertraline, with follow up in one
At the follow-up visit, Ms. S. stated that she not started taking the
sertraline, nor followed through on the referral to CBT because her
obsessions were mostly resolved (only one obsessive episode in the past
week). Her obsessions continued to improve at 1 month follow up and
were completely resolved by the 6-month follow-up visit. She reported
she felt "something had changed inside me" after realizing that she had
been harboring anger towards her husband, and she also started to become
more assertive in the marital relationship. At the final visit she stated, " I am
not afraid to be around my kids anymore!"
Psychodynamic Perspective in the Clinical Management of OCD
Case II
Ms. J. was a 30-year-old married female when she started weekly
psychodynamic psychotherapy. Throughout her adult life, she had expe-
rienced distressing obsessions and compulsions that centered on fears her
house would burn down. She repeatedly checked stoves and electrical
appliances to make sure they were turned off, and when leaving the house,
she would repetitively return to check them. The patient met criteria for
multiple conditions, including bipolar disorder, anorexia nervosa (binge -
ing/purging type), alcohol dependence, and borderline personality disor-
der (BPD). Medications prescribed for Ms. J. included valproate and
risperidone for several years prior to the current therapy, and these were
continued. She also received multiple trials of antidepressants in the past,
including fluoxetine, sertraline, and doxepin. Despite adequate dose and
duration, these had provided no benefit.
The psychodynamic approach taken with this patient, labeled dynamic
deconstructive psychotherapy (DDP), was developed specifically for BPD
and shown effective in a randomized controlled trial (Gregory et al., 2008).
A premise of DDP is that the symptoms of BPD, and common comorbid
Axis I disorders, are secondary to aberrant processing of emotional
experiences (Gregory & Remen, 2008; The ther-
apist discerned that Ms. J.'s OCD symptoms represented a projective
displacement of the patient's anger and destructive wishes onto objects in
her house. However, DDP does not involve interpreting symptoms as
defenses, but rather aims to remediate aberrant processing of emotions by
fostering verbalization of recent interpersonal episodes and helping pa-
tients to identify, label, and acknowledge their emotions. In addition,
therapists practicing DDP assist the patient to explore alternative or
opposite attributions towards self and other and provide the patient with
novel experiences in the patient-therapist relationship that deconstruct
distorted attributions and promote individuation and differentiation.
Improvement in OCD symptoms was gradual but steady. By 6 months,
the obsessions and compulsions were much diminished and no longer
interfered significantly with functioning. By 1 year, the OCD had com-
pletely resolved and did not re-emerge over 5 years of follow up.
Case III
Ms. S. was a 22-year-old single female just released from a psychiatric
hospital following a suicide attempt. The year prior to the hospitalization,
she had received treatment for refractory OCD, including multiple trials of
the SSRIs fluvoxamine, fluoxetine, and sertraline at maximum recom-
learning what is within the body and what is outside the self/body.
Through this experience, the individual learns to differentiate between self
and nonself (Rice, 2004). Other theorists emphasize a lack of fusion or
synthesis between good and bad attributions of self and other (Kempke &
Luyten, 2007). The patient feels threatened by thoughts that he or she is
bad, imperfect, unreliable, uncontrollable, or immoral, and he or she is
unable to integrate these attributions into a coherent self-image. These
psychoanalytic formulations overlap with recent cognitive-behavioral for-
mulations of OCD, which emphasize contradictory and poorly integrated
attributions of self and other (Guidano & Liotti, 1983; Bhar & Kyrios,
2007). With both the object relations and modified cbt approaches,
treatment involves exploration and integration of good and bad attribu-
tions of self and other and a therapist with an accepting attitude.
The five cases presented in this paper illustrate how a psychodynamic
perspective may enrich clinical understanding and optimize treatment. In
Case I , the patient's obsessions of harming her children appeared to be a
displacement of aggression towards her husband. Making this connection
conscious to the patient through an interpretation resulted in a sudden and
dramatic remission of her OCD.
Cases I I and I I I were lower functioning patients, and their obsessions
and compulsions were secondary to BPD. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
occurs in about 25% of inpatients with BPD and co-occurrence is
associated with a diminished response to treatments for OCD (Baer et al.,
1992; Hansen, Vogel, Stiles, & Gotestam, 2007). An empirically supported
psychodynamic therapy for BPD, which focused on remediating aberrant
emotion processing, rather than interpretation, resulted in marked im-
provement in OCD symptoms. These cases suggest that specific psychody-
namic therapies may sometimes be helpful for OCD occurring in the
context of BPD, even after serotonergic agents have produced a subopti¬
mal response.
Cases IV and V illustrate how a detailed history and a dynamic
formulation enhance understanding of OCD symptoms and generate a
more successful treatment plan. In Case IV, the patient's symptoms were
refractory to a one-year trial of CBT. However, the previous therapist did
not know the patient had dyspareunia, did not identify that the onset of
OCD coincided with the patient's marriage, and did not recognize the
possible symbolic significance of the obsession. These factors may have
contributed to the patient's poor response to CBT. Supplementing CBT
with couples therapy may have produced better results. This case, how-
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