MN - 2019 02 12

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Moorabool News

Member of

EMAIL: [email protected] Your Local News WEB:
Tuesday 12 February, 2019 Serving Ballan and district since 1872 Phone 5368 1966 Vol 13 No 6

(L-R) Ralph Fletcher and Les Murfitt are not

impressed by the recent break-in and theft of
property at the Bacchus Marsh Lions club
shed. Photo – Helen Tatchell. Inset – A park
bench cross country jump and trailer were

stolen from the Bacchus Marsh Pony club.

By Meg Kennedy stolen sometime between Sunday 3 February and Lions Club President Ralph Fletcher said it was a
Tuesday 5 February. “service club they’re knocking off,” and that the club
Popular community groups in Bacchus Marsh have BMPC President Simon Karp said the theft of the jump, will be installing surveillance equipment in the near
been targeted by two separate thefts in the space of a which had been part of a large fundraising effort for a future.
week. new cross-country course, was “disappointing not just
“It has been a real wake-up call for us,” he said.
The Bacchus Marsh Pony Club and Lions Club had for the club, but for the whole community.”
belongings stolen within a 4-day period, although it is Moorabool CIU are currently investigating both thefts.
Bacchus Marsh Lions Club saw a forced-entry break-
unlikely the incidents are connected. in just three nights beforehand on Wednesday, 30 Anyone with information on the thefts should contact
The Pony Club saw a brand-new cross-country jump, January, with items stolen including a projector and Bacchus Marsh Police on 5366 4500 or Crimestoppers at
valued at $1500, and the contractor’s delivery trailer screen - valued at around $1500 – from the club shed. 1800 333 000.

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Page 2 The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Email - [email protected]
Email - [email protected]  The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Page 3

Fake plate
made from Freeway scene The scene of where the third fatality on the Western Freeway occurred near Wallace, last
Wednesday evening. Photo – Helen Tatchell

paper of third fatality

By Caitlin Bewley alleged the number plates on the car were
(2nd Yr Swinburne Uni) unregistered, and the front number plate By Meg Kennedy occupants were taken to Royal Melbourne
was made of paper,” she said. and Ballarat Base hospitals respectively.
A teenager’s attempt to fool authorities Another fatal accident occurred on the The exact cause of the collision is an ongoing
Schoemaker told the court when Wells was
with a paper number plate did not amuse Western Freeway last week, becoming the investigation by Victoria Police.
questioned by police, he said he “didn’t know
Magistrate Michelle Mykytowycz in the third fatality on the same stretch of road
they were false [plates]”, besides the fact that Local CFA brigades including Ballan Rescue,
lient: Cross Roads Trading
Bacchus Marsh Magistrates’ Court on Friday within just three weeks.
ate: 20/12/17 they were made of paper. Millbrook and Wallace tankers attended the
1 February. A Rosanna man in his 80s died at the
ock Up No.: 3 Magistrate Mykytowycz said to Wells that scene and were on site until approximately
scene after his vehicle, travelling eastbound
18-year-old Brandon Wells was allegedly young people come to court with all sorts of 1.30am.
toward Melbourne in the Ballarat bound
caught on October 12 last year driving whilst driving charges. The accident becomes the third fatality in
lane, collided with another vehicle travelling
disqualified, driving an unregistered vehicle “You’ll be leaving here with two driving the Moorabool area of the Western Freeway
in a westerly direction toward Ballarat, at
and displaying fraudulent number plates. unlicensed charges and a drive whilst Wallace - 2km from the Gordon on-ramp at this year, after a motorcyclist died after
Prosecutor Senior Constable Lisa disqualified charge. You need to be very Butter Factory road - at around 9.30pm on striking a safety barrier on 18 January, and
Schoemaker told the court that it was on careful,” she said. Wednesday 6 February. a 19-year-old passenger died after a single-
this date that the accused, an apprentice Wells was fined $600 without conviction, Paramedics treated two people in the vehicle collision on 24 January.
mechanic, was intercepted on Grant Street with the magistrate telling him that “driving second car, where a woman aged in her Any witnesses or vehicles that have dash
when driving into a petrol station. is a privilege and not a right” as he left the 40s sustained pelvic and leg injuries, and a cam footage are urged to contact Crime
“When intercepted by police, it was courtroom. man in his 50s sustained chest injuries. Both Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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News Moorabool News
Page 4 The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Email
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Scouts welcome local hospitality

Tuesday 31 May, 2016 Serving Ballan and district since 1872 Phone 5368 1966 Fax 5368 2764 Vol 10 No 21

By Meg Kennedy

A flood of almost 4,000 ea-

ger Scouts – including Bal-
lan’s own 1st Scouts Group
- made the trek to Adelaide
last month, and it was lo-
cal faces who helped their
Local businesses includ- Detectives and police near the scene in Labilliere St Bacchus Marsh last Tuesday. INSET – a floral tribute to Paul Hogan from work colleagues at the Noodle Lovers shop where he was

2016 – Detectives and police near the scene in Labilliere St

Murder in Marsh
ing Coach Australia Group
a casual delivery driver. Photos – Helen Tatchell

Bacchus Marsh. INSET – a floral tribute to Paul Hogan from

(CAG), Cartier World Travel,
work colleagues at the Noodle Lovers shop where he was
Ballan Butchers, and Bac- a casual delivery driver. Photos – Helen Tatchell

Murder retrial
By Jessica Howard It is also alleged Duhovic shot the victim at point- “They weren’t arguing. When I later heard there had

chus Marsh Print & Copy

blank range at the request of Yu Lo. The pair appeared been a shooting on that street, I remembered that I had
A Bacchus Marsh man has been fatally shot in the in Melbourne Magistrates court on Thursday, each seen them standing outside the house”.
driveway of his Labilliere Street home, in broad charged with one count of murder. The area was cordoned off for over eight hours.

aided Victorian Scouts on

daylight. A Maddingley resident who ran past the Labilliere In the days following Mr Hogan’s death, tributes
Emergency services were called to the property just Street property just moments before the incident, flowed into Bacchus Marsh Noodle Lovers, where he
before 8:20am on Tuesday (May 24) after the victim, said he saw a female of Asian appearance and a man was employed as a delivery driver.

their trip to South Australia who was sitting in his vehicle, sustained a gunshot
wound to the head.
standing outside the house at around 8am.
“I was jogging past and I saw an Asian lady standing
Members of the community also took to social media
to pay their respects.

for the triennial Australian

The man, identified by police as 48-year-old Paul outside with another guy, I think he might have been “What a tragic and sad case of affairs. No one wins
Hogan, died at the scene. [the victim’s] flat mate, not the shooter. They had a here; a family have lost a dad and another family will
His alleged girlfriend, 26-year-old Yu Tung Lo, was whole heap of boxes and bags, I thought she might have be grieving over the choice their loved one made.

Jamboree in early January.

arrested by Homicide Squad detectives on Wednesday been going overseas or something”. Breaks my heart,” a post read.
night alongside a 33-year-old Thornbury resident The resident, who wished to remain anonymous, said Daniel Duhovic and Yu Tung Lo will reappear in court
Daniel Duhovic. the two were standing and talking quietly. on October 20.

Ballan-based transport For all your Domestic Shedding,

business CAG provided 87
Garages & Sheds Farming and Industrial Structures Country Mile!
coaches and breakfast for
the mass of eager travellers.
The project also saw many By Meg
Quality Kennedy
Structures at Affordable Prices - Contact John Hoffman for more details - 202 Learmonth Street, Ballarat.
Ph: (03) 5336 2227 – Fax (03) 5336 2557 Email: [email protected]

locals give a hand, includ-

ing Ron and Carol Calen- Accused murderer Yu Tung ‘Tracey’ Lo faced court again as
Ballan’s local butcher Shane Zammit was one of many local businesses helping with the the retrial for the murder of Bacchus Marsh man Paul Hogan
dar; Virginie Joost; Peter recent scout jamboree in Adelaide. Photo – Helen Tatchell
Nolan; Elsa Bonnet and her commenced in the Supreme Court of Victoria.
parents; Lesley and Michael and Ballan IGA. repair, food, computers elec- Sparkes said the Jamboree Ms Lo appeared before Justice Paul Coughlan and a jury
Vaas; Kate Molesworth; John David Nickels from CAG trical and cabling, printing was a “pretty full on experi- of 12 on Thursday, 31 January, as both the Crown and
Stewart and Deb McFarland, said it was important to and marketing.” ence” for the scouts. Defence made their introductory submissions to the newly-
and Ballan butcher Shane see local businesses and The Scouts Jamboree ran “They all had their own empanelled jury.
Zammit cooked up to 4,000 residents involved on such a from 4 to 14 January 2019, challenges. There was ex- Various witnesses were recalled to the stand, including
sausages. large scale. with activities including treme heat, it was very
former employer Rae, who told the court of her time
But the work didn’t stop “Every one of the 11-staff camping overnight, naviga- dusty…but it made the kids
employing Lo in Bacchus Marsh.
there. employed by CAG and Carti- tion, rock-climbing and even resilient and have initiative,”
er World Travel are based in fly a light aircraft. she said. Lo is on trial for the murder of Bacchus Marsh man Paul
Cartier World Travel pro-
vided flights and accom- the Moorabool Shire,” said Nine Ballan scouts attend- The Scouts Jamboree runs Hogan, after the deceased was found dead in his white van
modation for the 90-drivers, Mr. Nickels. ed, all between the ages of 11 every three years, with the with a single gunshot wound to his head at around 8:20am
and were provided lunch by “Supply to the businesses is to 14-years-old. next to be held in Victoria at on Tuesday, May 24, 2016.
Foodworks Bacchus Marsh done by locals; bus and car Ballan Scouts parent Lisa a venue to be determined. The trial continues in the Supreme Court of Victoria.

For bookings call 03 5367 2031

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Purchased. Ages 11 and under
Not available with seniors meal purchase.
See staff for details

59 Grant Street, Bacchus Marsh

Phone: 03 5367 2031
Email - [email protected]  The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Page 5

Letters to the Editor

Email: [email protected]

Dear Editor,
Re: Moorabool News article
“Gordon residents pull
media stunt to get attention”,
(Online) 7 January 2019
As previously notified, we
received a complaint con-
cerning the above article.
The complainant expressed
concerns that the article
contains misleading and in-
accurate information; that it
demonstrates a pro-Council Photo: Helen Tatchell

Pykes up the
bias and is unbalanced; that it
unduly violates the Council’s
standards on privacy and the
avoidance of harm; and that
the writer’s relationship with
Mayor Tatchell constitutes

creek, again
a conflict of interest that re-
quires disclosure.
After careful consideration
of the complainant’s con-
cerns, the Executive Director
has decided not to refer the complaint for further consideration.
By Meg Kennedy affected when using drinking water.
In reaching this decision, we have taken into account that the article includes comments from
The water authority told the Moorabool
a range of Councillors as well as balancing comments from a variety of Gordon residents Pykes Creek Reservoir is closed once again News that SRW is still working with experts
expressing diverse opinions that were discussed at a public forum. As such, we consider that due to high bacteria levels. on understanding the nature and cause of
the publication took reasonable steps to be accurate and provide balance; that the information Southern Rural Water issued a statement
in the article was publically available; and that the writer’s relationship with Mayor Tatchell the E. coli bloom.
last week, which said the reservoir has “SRW will continue to take a precautionary
did not improperly influence the article’s contents. “temporarily closed for recreational water
Accordingly, we regard the matter about which the complainant expressed concern is approach to public safety and the reservoir
activities due to the detection of high levels
unlikely to be considered a significant breach of the Council’s Standards of Practice. will remain closed until cells have dropped
of E. coli during regular monitoring.”
to normal levels,” said Edward Smith,
The complainant has been informed of the outcome and the complaint is now closed, subject “Public safety is always a priority, and
to any request for a review (see: Manager Water Supply – West.
the reservoir will remain closed until the
Sheet_Review_of_decisions_Final_30-06-15.pdf). water quality has been declared safe within “We can’t be sure whether there will
Nathan Saad recreational guideline limits,” read the be further blooms this summer, but it is
Complaints Officer statement. possible.”
Australian Press Council Inc Southern Rural Water confirmed the Pykes Creek reservoir was closed after
closure was for recreational purposes only similar levels were found in early January of
and Western Water customers would not be this year.

Dear Editor,
With reference to Bette Martyn’s letter (MN 5 Feb) regarding the removal of the carpet roses
in Inglis Street, I too am appalled by their removal.
I wrote to Moorabool Council and requested the Project Director visit Inglis Street to view
for himself the vibrancy the carpet roses gave to Inglis Street compared to the completed east
end planting, which in my opinion resembles a cemetery.
As expected, there was no response forthcoming from the Council which indicates to me
that residents are not listened to and have no say in what they consider to be best for the
Ballan township. Even though the streetscape has proved to be unattractive, there appears to
be no ‘enlightenment’ within the Council.
I believe Bette Martyn and myself are not alone in our opinions regarding the carpet roses.
Colleen Johnson

Landscape and Visual Screening Program –

Dear Editor, Moorabool
Landscape and Visual Screening North
Program and South
– Moorabool
In response to your article about wind turbines and eagle deaths, (M/N 5 Feb), I would like
to add my voice to the concerns raised. Owners of residential dwellings within 4km of the Moorabool
The Moorabool South Wind Farm is currently under construction. There are 57 turbines at North Wind Farm and Moorabool South Wind Farm are invited to
171 meters tall that will be located close to the existing Yaloak South Wind Farm. The blades
of the Moorabool Wind Farm turbines span 140 metres, at 30 metres from of
Owners theresidential
ground, and parti
dwellings cipate
within 4kminofa the
landscape and
Moorabool visual
North screening
Wind program.
Farm are invited to
travel, to my knowledge, at speeds in excess of 200 km/h.
participate in a landscape and
The territory of the Wedge-tailed Eagles extends beyond the Rowsley Valley into the Mt
This is a requirement of the Moorabool Wind Farm Planning
visual screening program.
Wallace district where the birds hunt. I have seen them on numerous occasions circling high Permit to assist those closest neighbours in reducing the visual
above in pairs. There is no doubt that the cumulative impacts will This
be is
felta with
requirement of the Moorabool Wind Farm Planning Permit to assist those closest
fatalities of
eagles and other birds likely. Brolgas also visit and nest within the boundary
neighbours of the
impacts of the project.
farm. the visual impacts of the project.
The Yaloak South Wind Farm was scaled down significantly to accommodate the birds, and All agreed works are undertaken by Moorabool Wind Farm at no
relocation of turbine numbers at the planned Rokewood Wind Farm to reduce the impact on
All agreed works are undertaken
the Eagles was also applied by the Minister. However, the plight of Wedge-tailed Eagles and cost by
to dwelling owners.
Moorabool North
Brolgas at Mt Wallace has been totally ignored. Not a single turbine has been conceded. Wind Wind Farm at no cost to
farm operators only have to report how many birds have been killed, and as
dwelling Pacific Hydro
owners. Find Out More
has demonstrated, by trying to reduce that responsibility via appeal to VCAT, indicating
precious little regard for the protection of wildlife. If I killed a Wedge-tailed Eagle, or any
If you would like to find out more
other protected fauna, I would face heavy penalties. Why then are wind farm operators not information about the program,
held accountable for the deaths of the birds? Do wind farm proprietors, who are focussed on
their profits and the interests of shareholders, really possess the social licence to kill protected register or check your eligibility, please
Find Out More visit our website or contact us on:
Kevin Ramholdt is right when he says that this area is possibly the If you would
worst placelike to find
to build a out more information
wind farm in terms of the impact on a long-standing population ofabout the program,
Wedge-tailed Eagles. registerT: or1800
The permit to build this industrial scale wind energy facility amongsteligibility, smaller
visit our website or contact
properties in prime Wedge-tailed Eagle habitat demonstrates incredibly us on:poor planning from E: [email protected]
Spring St, an administration deaf to any local issues.
Michelle Evans W:
Mt Wallace T: 1800 019 660
Page 6 The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Email - [email protected]

Out with the old,

and in with the new

By Meg Kennedy

Ballan Recreation Reserve is now home to a new playground, thanks to the

generous support from the local community.
Local parents took it upon themselves to rally for a new playground, creating the
‘Ballan Playground Parents and Friends’ Facebook page which lifted off within
the community.
Ballan Playground Parents and Friends founder Lori Conroy said the idea
stemmed in 2017 after parents commented on the playground’s run-down state,
which had been at the site for over 20 years.
“…After asking around, no one knew who was actually responsible for the
playground structure and it would seem it wasn’t going to be replaced anytime
soon,” she said.
Ms Conroy and interested parents decided to fundraise $10,000 to replace the
old playground, sending out letters to local clubs and businesses for donations,
with forthcoming funds from the Ballan Lions and Lionesses Club, Rotary Club,
Moorabool Wind Farm, Ballan UFS, Ballan Playgroup, Ballan Men’s Group, Ballan
Farmer’s Market and the Ballan & District Community Bank.
Ms Conroy also set up an online ‘GoFundMe’ account, receiving generous
donations from more local families and businesses.
A successful sausage sizzle outside the local supermarket helped to bring the
total to a whopping $22,000. The group was then able to successfully apply for
grants from both the Federal Government ($17,000) and a $40,000 grant from
Moorabool Shire Council, bringing the total amount close to $80,000.
Ms Conroy said the playground wouldn’t have been completed “without the
support and help from so many wonderful people in our local community,”
“We would not have been able to get this project completed and have a brand-
new wonderful playground for our children to enjoy for many years to come, so
a big thank you to each and every one who contributed in one way or another.”
Judd and Jordi Bower test out the new playground at the Ballan Recreation Reserve. The new playground is located at Ballan Recreational Reserve, located on the
Photo – Helen Tatchell corner of Cowie St and Edols St in Ballan.

Research your private planner

By Kate Taylor “You don’t need a license to be a private planner,” he Council’s website explains exactly how to prepare planning
explained. permit applications, complete with a checklist and all of the
Incompetent private planning consultants are clogging “You can charge someone as much as you want to do a background information required for people to complete
up Moorabool Shire Council’s planning permit application planning application for them, and go before council with it. their own applications.
process, according to Mayor Paul Tatchell. But you don’t have to be good at it.
The Moorabool News contacted Cr Tatchell to ask if council Though to be fair, it’s not better in every case for an applicant
“There are planners out there who we see time and time
was cracking down on planning permit warehousing, again before council, they don’t care about doing the job to prepare their own permit application.
following the February council meeting during which an properly and then our planners have to go back to them “A few years ago, we received one and for the ‘farm plan’ the
application for a fifth planning permit extension was heard. again and again to get the application right – and they can bloke had written that he wanted to farm free range snakes.
Cr Tatchell said that council is not cracking down on ware- keep charging their clients for it, and it delays the permit and We had another one for a specialty chicken breeder… who
housing, as each permit application is judged as its own case. clogs up our planning department. wanted to house three chickens,” Cr Tatchell explained.
“Planning permit applications are grey, and they don’t “There are a lot of s*** applications, and you can quote me on
In general, for those wanting to hire a private planner, the
fit into black-and-white structure plan rules,” he told the that,” Cr Tatchell said.
Moorabool News. advice is simple.
He said council’s planning officers often get a bad rap, but
He said a bigger problem facing the shire is that of increasing they do a good job with getting through a massive amount of “I would advise anybody looking to hire a private planner
numbers of private planning consultants being employed by applications – while still following up and spending time on to speak to previous customers of that planner and ask them
residents. fixing up ‘rubbish’ applications. if they are satisfied.”
Email - [email protected]  The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Page 7


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Page 8 The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Email - [email protected]

Father not the father, test proves

By Caitlin Bewley information the accused had received earlier from the
(2nd Yr Swinburne Uni) victim, telling him he was not the biological father of his
15-year-old daughter.
A 15-year-old secret finally came out when a paternity “She [the victim] wanted to have a discussion about
test was taken proving that a man, in breach of his it [paternity test], he didn’t want to talk about it,” the
intervention order, was not the father of his first-born accused’s lawyer said.
daughter. “He has shown some degree of restraint with one abusive
The accused, a 39-year-old Coburg man that the throwaway line.”
Moorabool News has chosen not to name to protect the Magistrate Mykytowycz said this was at the lower end of
victim, was served an intervention order against his now seriousness in breach of an intervention order.
ex-partner to which he broke on September 28 last year “It was a verbal argument,” she said.
when attending her residence. “I understand this would have been a great
It was alleged by Prosecutor Senior Constable Lisa disappointment, shock and grief what you found out
Schoemaker in the Bacchus Marsh Magistrates’ Court about your eldest daughter,” Magistrate Mykytowycz
on Friday 1 February, the accused attended the victim’s told the accused.
home and verbally abused her saying she is “useless”. The Coburg man was placed on an adjourned
The accused’s lawyer told the court before Magistrate undertaking, being of good behaviour for a period of
Michelle Mykytowycz, the outburst was due to 12-months. The accused was charged without conviction.

The What’s On section is for non-profit community organisations. All free events submitted will be considered for FREE publication at the
Editors discretion. Advertising of AGMs in this section will only appear if a paid public notice also appears in the classifieds section, as per
the constitution of Business & Consumer Affairs for incorporated groups.

Bacchus Marsh Playgroup

ADULT EDUCATION (Behind St Andrew’s Church) Cnr Gisborne Rd & Lerderderg
Ballan & District Community House Street, Bacchus Marsh. Monday-Friday 9am, 11am, 1pm & Anglican Parish of West Moorabool
For class enrolment information, venue hire and costs; please 3pm. Enquiries – Cindy 0433 651 066. Service Times: St John’s Ballan 10:30am every Sunday.
call 5368 1934 or email [email protected] Bacchus Marsh & District Garden Club St Mark’s in the Gordon Pub 2nd & 4th Sundays – 5pm.
Darley Neighbourhood House & Learning Centre Meeting 2nd Tuesday of each month, 7.30pm at The Laurels, Enq to Rev’d Glen Wesley - 5368 2730.
Short courses and classes. 33-35 Jonathan Drive, Darley. BM & 229 Main St, Bacchus Marsh. Guest Speakers. Supper after Ballan Uniting Church
District Photography Club - Meetings 2nd & 4th Wednesday each meeting. All Welcome. Enquiries - Wendy 5367 4170. (St Paul’s) - Services 11.15am every Sunday.
of month, 7.30pm. Enquiries welcome. Phone 5367 4390. Ballan Playgroup B3 Community
The Laurels – Bacchus Marsh Community College Every Tuesday of school Term. St John’s Anglican Church Family friendly, informal church with a difference.
Courses and classes. 229 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh. Hall - 9:30-11:30am. Enquiries - 0409 681 138 Anna or 0421 Every 2nd & 4th Sunday 4.30pm at The Pavilion Room,
Enquiries & enrolments - 5367 1061. 905 558 Tamsin.  Darley Civic Centre, 182 Halletts Way, Darley.
U3A Bacchus Marsh Ballan Anglers Inc
Bacchus Marsh Christian Church
Active seniors social learning, for daily activities contact Meeting second Wednesday every month. Hudsons Hotel,
Sunday Services 10am with kids program. 222 Main St,
5367 5341 or visit our website - 7.30pm. More anglers and families needed and welcome –
Bacchus Marsh. Enquiries 9028 2622.
0400 003 936.
MEETINGS Bacchus Marsh CWA Day Branch Bacchus Marsh Baptist Church
BacchChat @ Lerderderg Library Meets 2nd Thursday of each month at 10am at the Darley Sundays, 10:30am, Worship Service and Children’s Program.
1st Saturday of the Month,10am-12 noon.Various topics of Hub, Wittick Street, Darley. Enquiries: 5368 7273. Phone 5367 6550 for more details.
interest presented. Enquiries – 5366 7100 or www.moorabool. Rose-Carers of Maddingley Park Holy Trinity Anglican Church - Bacchus Marsh Working bees every 3rd Sunday of each month. All welcome. Service Times - Bacchus Marsh - Every Sunday 9am and
CWA - The Marshians Night Branch Bacchus Marsh Enquiries - 0400 052 857. 1st Sunday 10.30am, 3rd & 4th Sunday 11am, Balliang - 2nd
Meet first Tuesday of month - The Hub, Wittick St, Darley, Bacchus Marsh Family Drug Support Group Sunday 11am, 4th Sunday 9am, Myrniong - 1st and 3rd
7pm.  Enquiries - Gay Hooper 0413 350 012. For Family Members who have a loved one affected by drugs. Sunday 11am. Enquiries 5367 5362. 
Ballan & District CWA Enquiries - 1300 660 068. Church of the Living God
Branch meetings – 2nd Thursday each month. RSL Hall, Alanon Support Group - for families of alcoholics Christian youth ministry and bible teaching. 2nd Sunday
Inglis St, Ballan, 7.30pm. All welcome - enquiries to 0407 992 Meets at 10.30am on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month of every month, 5pm. Open to all ages. At 14 Darcy St,
767 or email [email protected] at the Uniting Church Hall, Gisborne Road, Bacchus Marsh. Maddingley. Enq – 0408 260 727.
Ballan District Vintage Machinery & Vehicle Club Enq - 0421 222 717.
Meetings - second Monday each month, 8pm. Tom Mullane Our Lady Help of Christians Korobeit
Footscray Poultry Club (at Bacchus Marsh)
Pavilion, Ballan Racecourse Reserve. Enquiries – Brian 5368 Mass every Saturday 6.30pm.
Meetings held 2nd Sunday of month, 2pm. Poultry Pavilion.
2255 or Ray 5368 1177. Racecourse Rec. Reserve, Balliang-Bacchus Marsh Rd, Golden Harvest Christian Fellowship
Moorabool Mission Recovery Group Bacchus Marsh. All welcome – Kerry 9741 9705. Non-denominational - Prayer every Sunday 10am, Men’s
Struggling with addiction; Pain from the past; family member KYB Monday evenings 6pm (0429 681 566.) Ladies KYB
out of control? Meeting weekly - Wednesday, 12.30pm – MARKETS Wednesday 1pm (5367 6834).
Jean Oomes Room, Lerderderg Library, Bacchus Marsh. Bacchus Marsh Life Church
Enq- Pastor Merv Patton – 0412 290 036. Ballan Lions Club Market
Next market – Saturday 2 March 2019. Meeting 10am every Sunday at the Bacchus Marsh RSL, 203
The Pottery Group Main Street. Enquiries Pastor Merv - 0412 290 036.
Tuesday and Saturday 1pm-3pm, at the Public Park Hall First Saturday each month - Inglis St, Ballan – 9am-1pm.
(next to Tennis Courts), Stanley St, Gordon. All welcome. Enquiries – 0402 390 080 (Wayne). St Bernard’s Bacchus Marsh Catholic Church
Enquiries to Maureen 0447173031. Darley Market Mass Times – Saturday- 5pm; Sunday – 8.30am & 10am.
Lal Lal Moorabool Photographic Group Inc Saturday 16th February, 8am - 1pm. 1st & 3rd Saturday each Bacchus Marsh Uniting Church Parish
Meeting 3rd Wednesday each month, 7pm. Soldiers Memorial month at Darley Park Football Reserve. Enquiries – 0488 345 Services - St Andrew’s 9.30am every Sunday. Pentland Hills
Hall, Lal Lal. Enquiries 5341 7535. 145 (Alan). 2pm 1st Sunday of month. Enquiries - 5367 2543 (office).

Djerriwarrh Health Services

We have
moved!!! Longest Lunch
New location: RSL Hall - 203 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh The Plough
Still at 10am Sundays Friday 1st March 2019
We are a Pentecostal, Bible believing Church
Everyone is welcome
For bookings call Nadine
Pastor Merv Patton 0412 290 036 Website: 0431 444 920
Email - [email protected]  The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Page 9

VALE Mark Closter

By Meg Kennedy plant. He loved a practical joke, and at times he
could be a bugger to work for,” said Western
A larrikin personality who had a passion Water colleague Wes.
for family, friends, motorbikes, his work, “He loved nothing more than a joke, a big
and the Bacchus Marsh community has been belly laugh, a drink and a smoke, and he had a
honoured. very mischievous sense of humour. He loved
An overflowing number of attendees gathered his motorbikes – of which there were many –
to farewell Mark Anthony Closter at Bacchus fishing, music, a beer with the boys. He was,
Marsh Public Hall on Friday, 1 February 2019. and will forever be, a larrikin,” wrote Anne,
Mark sadly passed away on 22 January 2019 and read by the celebrant Simon Beasy.
at 62-years of age after a motorcycle accident “I’m going to miss you for the rest of my
in Kurunjang. life Dad. I love you, and I feel lost. You were
Despite the sorrow for family and friends, my best mate. My riding buddy, my fishing
Mark was remembered fondly at the service. buddy, my drinking buddy, my mentor, my
Many recounted their lives with Mark as a protector…it doesn’t feel right saying goodbye,
“jokester” and loving son, husband, father so I’ll just imagine you’ve walked out the door
and grandfather, as well as a loyal employee and I’ll say, I’ll see you soon,” wrote son Ryan.
to Western Water for the past 37-years. “What I can do now is cherish his memories,
Mark was born on 15 April 1956 at the the joy he has brought to my life…I would
Quamby Hospital, now the Andy Arnold love to share all the memories Dad and I have
Centre in Bacchus Marsh. He was the first together, but I need to be selfish because I can’t
child to Brian and Gabrielle Closter, and as his part with him,” wrote daughter Emily.
wife Anne writes, “was born to be a larrikin.” In a statement to the Moorabool News,
Mark grew up in and around Bacchus Western Water shared of their “deep sadness in
Marsh, attending the local Primary and High learning of the passing of our work colleague
Schools before working at the then Bacchus and friend Mark Closter.”
Marsh Shire, and found his niche at the water “Mark was the Team Leader at the Merrimu
treatment plant; moving up to the employ of Water Filtration Plant. He was also Western
Western Water, where he remained until his Water’s longest serving employee, starting
death. with the old water board over 37-years ago.
Following an engagement and marriage to “Our thoughts are with Mark’s son, our
teenage-sweetheart Anne (nee Harding), colleague Ryan Closter, along with Mark’s
Mark became a father to Ryan, Megan (dec.) other family members and friends at this
and Emily. difficult time. He will be greatly missed by
Those close to Mark shared his love of his colleagues and our business,” said Acting
a practical joke, motorbikes and fishing; Managing Director of Western Water, Rob
recounting funny times spent with Mark over Murphy.
the years. Mark was farewelled by a guard of honour
“Mark was a legendary ‘s***-stirrer’, [he] of Western Water colleagues and family and
probably should have worked at the recycling friends.

Moorabool Shire Council

The next Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held on Wednesday 6 March 2019,
at 6.00pm, in the Council Chambers, 5 Stead St, Ballan.
Members of the public are welcome to attend.

The next committee meeting will be of the S86 Development Assessment

Police Rounds
Committee, to be held on Wednesday 20 February 2019, at 5.00pm, in the
North Wing Meeting Room, 182 Halletts Way, Darley.
Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Ballan Police EMPLOYMENT

On Friday 18 January Ballan Police arrested a 43-year old woman at the Bacchus Magistrates’ Council invites applications for the existing vacancy:
Court. The former Geelong-Ballan Road resident was charged in relation to a series of breaches
MCH Nurse - Part Time (4 days per fortnight) -
of Intervention Orders. The woman was remanded in custody pending a sentencing hearing.
applications close on Friday 22 February 2019.
All details available from the website:
On Sunday 20 January Ballan Police attended an address in Inglis Street, Ballan. A 79-year
old man was found deceased in the laundry of the unit. A firearm was recovered from the EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST
scene. The circumstances of the death are currently the subject of an investigation on behalf Council invites expressions of interest for the following projects:
of the State Coroner.
EOI Number Tender Description
ICT02-2018/2019 Customer, Property & Regulatory Systems Replacement
Injuries after freeway crash ICT01-2018/2019 Electronic Records & Document Management System Replacement
Ambulance Victoria have advised the Moorabool News that paramedics were called to Expressions of interest documents and full details of this notice are available at
reports of a collision between two vehicles on the Western Freeway last week.
The incident occurred on the freeway and the Pentland Hills Road in Pentland Hills just
after 5:30pm on Thursday 7 February. Moorabool Shire Council: PO Box 18, Ballan VIC 3342
“A woman in her 50s was taken to The Royal Melbourne Hospital in a serious but stable Telephone: 03 5366 7100 Facsimile: 03 5368 1757
condition with suspected spinal, shoulder and knee injuries,” an AV spokesperson said. CEO: Derek Madden
“A woman in her 40s was taken to Ballarat Base Public Hospital in a serious condition with Email: [email protected] Web:
a spinal and chest injuries also.” Facebook: moorabool shire council Twitter: @mooraboolshire
Bacchus Marsh SES also attended the scene.
Page 10 The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Email - [email protected]

Dining in Style
Advertising Feature

Extensive Tasty Menu Stoney’s Club Bacchus Marsh

Dine in or Takeaway The Newly renovated Stoney’s Hotel in Grant Street, has so much to
Come in and try offer within the town.
The Hotel prides itself in being a family friendly venue, with a great
our Special Meals: sized dinning room, kids playground with FREE kids entertainment on
- Flat Rice Noodles Friday nights and kids eat free meals Sunday-Thursday.
The bistro steps out to an
- Peking Duck stunning alfresco area where
- San Choy Bao guests are also able to
dine and a great sized beer
*All Meals and garden that is attached to
Sauces Home Made the TAB.
Stoney’s offers a FREE
function room upstairs from
celebrations to meetings
and small events and
accommodates for large
functions and events in their
dinning room.
Mon-Sat 5.00–10.00pm With a new menu rolling out
Sunday 5.00–9.30pm in February Stoney’s holds
Closed Tuesdays onto the Pub classics and offers a variety of daily specials to suit
everyones taste. Morning Melodies is held each month and can be
129 Main Street,
booked by calling the hotel.
Bacchus Marsh
Open for lunch & dinner 7 days a week - Bookings are essential and
Ph: 5367 1365 can be made by calling 5367 2031.
or 5367 2090
59 Grant Street, Bacchus Marsh Bookings 5367 2031


Sunday 17th February
92 Main Street Gordon Seafood Night Opening hours:
FATHERS Bowls ’ DAY Lunch Mon to Fri 12 to 2pm Thursday to Saturday:
SUNDAY 6TH SEPTEMBER 1:00—4:00 pm Tuesday- $25 Saturday 12 to 3pm 12 noon to late
Dinner Mon to Thur 6 to 8pm Sunday: 12 noon to 4pm
Saturday 16th March
No entry charge—Excellent pub meals T-Bone Tuesday Friday and Saturday 6 to 9pm Bookings advised to avoid disappointment.
St Patricks Eve
Bookings 5368 9203 ( E ssential )
Karaoke DJ Sunday 12 noon to 8pm
Every Friday Night $18.90 Monday Lunch/Dinner •
$12 Burgers
Pool Competition Pub Classics Locals’ Menu
7pm Sharp Start Tuesday Lunch/Dinner (where everyone is a local)
$50 to the Winner Thursday- $12 Parmas Available for lunch and dinner
Also Happy Hour Night every Thursday
from 5.30pm
$15 Burgers Wednesday Lunch/Dinner 2 Courses $30
3 Courses $35
Friday- 5pm-7pm $12 Pies
Thursday Night 3 Courses + wine of the week $40
Parma Night Happy Hour Thursday Lunch/Dinner Visit our facebook page for details
about this week’s Locals Menu
Kids eat free with every $14 Steaks
adult meal ordered Sunday-
Sunday Lunch
$19.90 Roast
Friday Lunch/Dinner
$12 Fish & Chips

Come and enjoy a Roast
200 Main Street, 139 Main St, Bacchus Marsh 17 Main Street, Myrniong
Bacchus Marsh The Plough @7173
Ph: 5368 Myrniong
92 Main Street, Gordon Phone 5367 6601 Ph 5367 2016 17 Main St, Myrniong
(03) 5368 7173
5368 9203
[email protected]  The Plough Bistro Myrniong
Email - [email protected]  The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Page 11

Abuser jailed after alcohol

fuelled violence
By Caitlin Bewley
(2nd Yr Swinburne Uni)

Anger fuelled family violence was described as a “brutal attack” by

Magistrate Frank Jones in the Bacchus Marsh Magistrates’ court on
Friday 25 January.
A 35-year-old male (who the Moorabool News has chosen not to
Tuesday: Parma and Pasta - $18 name to protect the victim) had been in custody for 49-days leading
up to his hearing, after being remanded in early December for a car
Local Slab draw accident which he allegedly caused.
Pizzas: Wed to Sat 6–8pm, Prior to being remanded on November 11 of last year, it was alleged
Sunday 12 noon–8pm the accused grabbed his partner at the time by the head and pushed
her into the ground in their Darley backyard.
Thursday: Discounted Later that evening [November 11], the accused and his partner were
adult meals from $20-$25, travelling to a family member’s house for drinks, when the accused
discounted Pizza, kids meals $8 grabbed the victim by her hair whilst she was driving.
Friday: Happy Hour 5-7pm, $3.50 It was alleged by the prosecutor, Senior Constable Lisa Schoemaker,
that the accused “yanked it hard” and yelled profanities at her. It was alleged the victim hit the left-hand barriers after veering to
pots, Bar Nibbles and Meat Raffle The accused then began punching the victim to the side of the the right and hitting a truck’s trailer, coming to rest in the right-hand
Wed, Fri, Sat & Sunday face, fracturing her cheekbone in the process, which later required lane.
Full Dinner Menu Available surgery. The accused gave a no comment interview to police on the night of
On December 7 of last year, the accused reoffended when his partner the accident and was subsequently remanded on December 10.
Live Music: (Most Sundays) [same victim], received a phone call to pick the accused up due to The accused’s lawyer said that there was a “common denominator of
1–4pm, Phone or Check our him being heavily intoxicated. alcohol” in both offendings, and his client has a “lack of capacity to
facebook page. It was on this date the accused began verbally abusing the victim deal with frustration in an appropriate way”.
whilst she was driving him home. “There’s no reason that he should take this anger out on his partner,”
General Store, Large Beer Garden Magistrate Jones said.
“The victim chose to ignore him because she was scared she’d say
Open: Monday Closed something to set him off,” the prosecutor said. “He deals with situations totally inappropriately,” he said.
Tuesday to Saturday 10am–1am The accused then pulled the handbrake on, sending the car out of The accused was sentenced to 15-months’ imprisonment with an
Sunday 10am–11pm control on the Western Freeway. eight-month non-parole period.

3 Greendale-Myrniong Rd
Phone 5368 1355
Rotary School Service Awards
Isabelle Suttie and Stephanie Jenks, Grade
6 students attending St Bernard’s Primary
School in 2018 were among 15-students
attending local schools that received a
Bacchus Marsh Rotary Club Award for
School Community Service.
Isabelle was actively involved in raising
funds within her school for drought affected
farmers. She is also involved in the school
radio program, choir and assisting in
running the School Book Fair. Isabelle enjoys
making people happy and would like to
consider acting as a career.
Stephanie has been actively involved in
MONDAY the school Social Justice Leadership Group
sessions and assisted in fundraising for
$14 Pastas St Vincent de Paul and the Fight Cancer
Charity. Stephanie is also a member of the
school choir and a school representative at
the Remembrance Day Service. In future
TUESDAY years she would like to be a teacher or a
$15 PaRMAS sports physiotherapist.
For over 20 years the Rotary Club of
Bacchus Marsh has been presenting awards
to outstanding students. Recipients receive
WEDNESDAY a certificate, a book and a cheque for $100.
Isabelle Suttie and Stephanie Jenks are Grade 6 students at St Bernard’s PS and receive
$10 OFF ALL STEAKS The Members of the Rotary Club want to
encourage and reward those students who
their award from Bacchus Marsh Rotary club member John Lucas.Photo - submitted

demonstrate service within their school or

the wider community. Other successful students included:
THURSDAY Mrs Joanne Allen, the co-ordinator of the
Rotary Student award Program, said they
Bacchus Marsh Grammar-Primary Coimadai PS
$12 BURGERS support the youth of Bacchus Marsh with
Jasvani Kaur Thomas Rimmer
many programs. Jaeden Cabato
Pentland PS
“We sponsor students to attend several Bacchus MarshCollege
NOW Riley Oakley
weekend leadership Camps, we sponsor Danielle Kirwan
SERVING Bailey Wilson
students as part the Rotary International Frank Horrocks
Exchange Program in 2018 and we are Myrniong PS
FRESH Balliang East PS
currently hosting Rasmus Kivela from Emily Baker
TANK BEER Finland,” she said. Abbey Wardrop
Mr John Lucas represented the Rotary Darley PS Bacchus Marsh PS
COURTHOUSE HOTEL 116 Main St, Bacchus Marsh
Club at the St Bernard’s Primary School Zoe Turham Cidney Oates
P (03) 5367 2086
Graduation. Mia Hayes Mikayla Horne
Page 12 The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Email - [email protected]

Manning Estate Luxury! Sale of

YPA Bacchus Marsh double that at $640,000.
Unit and apartment living
is comparatively low main-

tenance: little if any lawn
to mow, gardens to weed,
fences to maintain and it’s
easier to just lock up and
6 Vigor Court, Bacchus Marsh go on holidays. Units and
$1,150,000 apartments are also a more
Situated in the Manning estate, one of the most high- accessible option to get into
end, sought after and luxurious areas, this beautiful the property market with
Classic Queen Anne style façade with a traditional, GIL KING the December quarter unit
Same Network | Same Passion | New Location
contemporary interior feel and awe inspiring front
and rear landscaping is a certain head turner. This
CEO, REIV median for Regional Victoria
sitting at $314,000 compared
astonishing home opens up through private stain glass with the median house price
The REIV’s latest report on
grand entry doors, immediately greeted with timber of $411,000.
median unit prices shows
floors and Axminster carpet, high end quality instantly Mildura also recorded
that the largest increases in
greats you upon entrance. Comprising of four bedrooms, positive results in unit price
sales results over the past
stunning master bedroom is complete with bay window/ growth in 2018, with the
retreat area, WIR and newly renovated ensuite, featuring 12-months have been found
median soaring 18.9 per cent
double tiled based shower, double vanity and floor to in diverse pockets around
to $237,750 (from $200,000).
ceiling tiles. Central bathroom with the option of two Regional Victoria.
Fourth was Belmont with
showers and the antique claw foot bath. The Geelong suburb of
a 16.1 per cent increase to
Highton topped the list for
$418,000 and fifth was Cas-
the most substantial increase tlemaine with a 15.5 per cent
in the annual unit median increase to $387,000.
price, soaring 23.9 per cent
Next on the list was
from $357,000 to $442,500 in
Grovedale with a 14.4 per
2018. There are several new
cent increase to $374,500
estates in Highton which followed by Warragul
offer proximity to the Gee- which recorded a 14.3 per
long CBD, shopping centres, cent increase to $320,000,
schools, Deakin University, Wonthaggi with a 13.2 per
parks and walking tracks. cent increase to $314,000
Coming in equal second and Drouin where the an-
was the Ballarat suburb of nual unit median is $330,000,
Redan and the regional city having gone up 11.9 per cent
Thinking of Selling? Call Vickie Ramon 0403 194 621 or Shane O’Brien 0431 766 082 of Geelong with both record- in 2018.
ing increases in the annual To find out more about me-
median unit price of 19.6 per dian unit prices in particular
YPA BACCHUS MARSH 5310 1333 cent. Redan’s annual unit towns, please visit the Mar-
4/8 Church Street, Bacchus Marsh median was $260,975 and ket Insights section of the
Geelong’s was more than REIV website.

Large Land Parcel – 137.50 Acres Close To Ballan


Lots 19 & 20 Egerton-Bungeeltap Road, Mount Egerton

This is a blank canvas & a unique opportunity to create a trophy rural property in the prized farming hamlet of Mount Egerton
which sits on the corner of Shepherds lane. Just over 137 acres & sitting along a lovely quiet country road, this substantial
allotment offers some scattered trees, tree shelter belts, improved pastures, five dams & some new fencing. The land is
fenced into 2 paddocks, is a grey loam soil type & could run up to 40 cows & calves. Perfect to build your dream home,
enjoy the northerly aspect & the quiet country life!
Price: $840,000 - $890,000

Agent: Chris Leonard 0409 0409 23

51 Lydiard Street South, Ballarat 3350
Phone 5331 1111
Email - [email protected]  The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Page 13

Darley 29 Lewis Street 3 2 2


Exciting piece of modern day real estate, positioned in highly sought-after
seclusion of Darley’s most desired quieter pockets, sitting on 404m2 (approx.)

YPA Bacchus Marsh

close to schooling, public transport and only a short trip to freeway access. Three
bedrooms all with built in robes, master bedroom equipped with an ensuite, also
includes another separate central bathroom and an open modern kitchen that
seamlessly flows onto the family & meals area, opened up by luxurious inclusions
such as high ceilings, square set cornicing and upgraded flooring throughout.

Private Sale $439,000 - $469,000

Inspect Saturday 16th February 12.00-12.30pm
Photo ID required
Contact Shane O’Brien 0431 766 082
Lucas Ekerbicer 0418 465 892

Same Network | Same Passion | New Location

Peace of Mind
Property Management
YPA prides itself on providing the
highest level of property management
service in the industry.
With a combined team of 20 years
experience you can be assured that
our team will achieve an outstanding
result for your property.
Call us today to see how
“our service will move you”
Call our Rental Team on 5310 1333
Monika Davies 0404 587 377 Julie Ramon 0420 996 194
[email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Thinking of Selling? Call Vickie Ramon 0403 194 621 or Shane O’Brien 0431 766 082
[email protected]


4/8 Church Street, Bacchus Marsh
Page 14 The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Email - [email protected]

Arbee Real Estate

FOR SALE 3/125 Holts Lane, Bacchus Marsh FOR SALE 15 Shea Street, Bacchus Marsh
3 2 2 3 1 1

Make This Your Home Perfect Place To Start

This spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom unit is ideal for first home buyer or Whether you’re a first home buyer or looking to add to your investment
downsizer. The master bedroom has a lovely ens & large WIR. Bedroom 2 portfolio you can’t go past this well maintained 3 bedroom residence.
& 3 are very spacious & both have BIR. The open plan living area includes Complete with all the necessities for comfortable family living. Located
lounge room & adjacent kitchen & meals area. 900mm gas cooktop, under within walking distance of shops, schools and Bacchus Marsh CBD.
bench oven & island bench with dishwasher. Ducted heating & R/C split Features include polished hardwood floors, ducted heating & cooling,
system. Double garage with remote & direct access to house. carport with drive through access to a large backyard on a 722m² block.
INSPECT By appointment INSPECT By appointment
FOR SALE $380,000-$395,000 FOR SALE $385,000-$420,000
Daryl 0409 233 157 Peter 0429 671 990
Peter Leonard 0429 671 990

FOR SALE 22a Higgins Court, Bacchus Marsh FOR SALE 291 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh
3 2 2 3 1 2

Near New, Great Location Iconic Location!

Approx. 4-year-old, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home on 521sqm block only Very well maintained & presented solid brick home located on the
2.8km from Main St & 1.2kms from freeway. Bright, open plan, kitchen, Avenue of Honour. 2 bedrooms plus 3rd bedroom/study, comfortable
meals, living area with SS appliances, glass splashback & dishwasher. loungeroom with gas heater, spacious kitchen with electric cooking,
Master bedroom with WIR & ENS, remaining 2 bedrooms have double excellent family room/2nd living area with wall a/c, updated bathroom
BIRs. Central family bathroom, separate laundry & double garage. Ducted with walk in shower, separate toilet & laundry & sunroom on the back.
heating & ducted evap. cooling will keep you comfortable all year round. 791m2 land with side access to a large 6m X 9m galvanised garage.
INSPECT By appointment INSPECT By appointment
FOR SALE $395,000-$410,000 FOR SALE $495,000
CONTACT Steve Creese 0475 888 101 & Liam Gair 0407 385 297 CONTACT Daryl 0409 233 157 & Peter 0429 671 990

FOR SALE 59 Darley Drive, Bacchus Marsh FOR SALE 24 Manning Boulevard, Bacchus Marsh
4 2 2 5 3 4

Quality Family home Manor on Manning

Quality built Shane Cook Home on elevated 1,000sqm, bright, spacious An Executive home to suit the whole family. 5 bedrooms plus study, 3
only 7 years young. Spacious master bedroom with WIR & quality ensuite, bathrooms and 3 living areas. Consisting of a formal lounge, formal
internal access to the double garage & study/theatre room. Formal living dining, family room, rumpus room, large kitchen complete with 2 ovens
room gas log fire & open plan, kitchen, meals, family area that flows to and huge walk in pantry. The formal lounge and dining rooms are on
undercover entertaining area & enjoys views into the distance. the east side of the house to take advantage of the magnificent
panoramic views.
INSPECT By appointment INSPECT By appointment
FOR SALE $580,000-$610,000 FOR SALE $1,250,000
CONTACT Steve Creese 0475 888 101 & Liam Gair 0407 385 297 CONTACT Daryl 0409 233 157 Peter 0429 671 990

FOR SALE 2/10 Lord Street, Bacchus Marsh FOR SALE 100 Halletts Way, Bacchus Marsh
2 1 1 3 2 2

Walk To The Shops As good as new!

This fantastic 2 bedroom unit is ideally located within walking distance Excellent 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home for the most discerning buyers.
to everything you need in town. Very neatly presented, good sized Master bedroom with WIR and ENS, bedrooms 2 & 3 have BIRs. Formal
lounge room with adjoining kitchen, the 2 bedrooms both have BIRs lounge and dining, spacious kitchen with quality appliances, island
and there is a separate bathroom, and the laundry. R/C split system air bench overlooking family room which adjoins decked alfresco. Ducted
conditioner in the lounge. Single garage for your car and the backyard heating & cooling. Outdoor entertaining deck adjacent to the BBQ hut.
is ideal for outdoor entertaining. Double garage with direct access to house. All landscaping done.
INSPECT By appointment INSPECT By appointment
FOR SALE $290,000-$299,000 FOR SALE $475,000-$495,000
CONTACT Daryl 0409 233 157 Peter 0429 671 990 CONTACT Daryl 0409 233 157 Peter 0429 671 990

FOR SALE 38 Gaynor Street, Bacchus Marsh FOR SALE 10 Vance Close, Bacchus Marsh
3 1 1 4 2 2

Walk to the Train! Your Forever Home

This is a perfect low maintenance 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom home on a This beautiful, quality-built home sits on approx half an acre, situated in
compact 350m2 block within walking distance to the Bacchus Marsh a quiet court & only minutes from the centre of town. Offering 4
Railway Station and High Schools. Freshly painted, has a walk through bedrooms, with a WIR & full ENS to the master, a central bathroom & 2
bathroom from the master bed and is serviced by a gas wall furnace for comfortable living spaces. Kitchen is the heart of the home with a WIP,
heating and wall air conditioner for cooling. A single carport is at the an amazing black Belling cooker & stone bench tops. Central heating,
front of the house. Suitable for investors or owner occupier alike. split system air conditioning & a double garage.
INSPECT By appointment INSPECT By appointment
FOR SALE $349,000-$369,000 FOR SALE $695,000-$745,000
CONTACT Daryl Gould 0409 233 157 CONTACT Denise Sniegowski 0456 044 024

Ian McDonald Steve Creese Daryl Gould Peter Leonard Denise Sniegowski Liam Gair
5367 2333 0475 888 101 0409 233 157 0429 671 990 0456 044 024 0407 385 297
140 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh 5367 2333
Email - [email protected]  The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Page 15

16th February
Photo ID required

3 2 8 4 2 2
Bacchus Marsh 17 George Street Bed Bath Car
Bacchus Marsh Lot 45 Connor Street Bed Bath Car

Gorgeous Californian Bungalow with modern Auction Saturday 2nd March Brand New Turn Key Package - 4072 land Private Sale
comforts and a handy address @ 11.00 am on site Construction to commence soon by the award $550,000
This captivating Californian bungalow offers Office 2/137 Main Street, winning builder Exclusive Homes located Office 2/137 Main Street,
character & charm throughout and add to that Bacchus Marsh 5367 8128 on the popular Bellevue Tops Estate. This Bacchus Marsh 5367 8128
an exceptionally convenient central address Contact affordable family home will comprise of 4 Contact
and together you have a gorgeous home Len Smith 0418 343 754 bedrooms, master with ENS & WIRs, generous Len Smith 0418 343 754
that’s destined to impress. Kelvin Gaffiero 0481 991 828 dual living zones and kitchen is well equipped. Kelvin Gaffiero 0481 991 828

16th February
Photo ID required

3 2 8
Greendale Lot 25 Napoleons Road 4000m2 Land Hopetoun Park 47 Riverview Drive Bed Bath Car

Peace & Quiet on 1 Acre Private Sale Quality Spacious Family Living at Hopetoun Private Sale
This 1 acre block is positioned in a rural $250,000 - $275,000 Park. 4421m2 Land $1,090,000 - $1,160,000
setting with a current planning permit to Office 2/137 Main Street, Offering a peaceful lifestyle of comfort and Office 2/137 Main Street,
build a 3 bedroom dwelling. Offering peace Bacchus Marsh 5367 8128 convenience, with flawlessly presented and Bacchus Marsh 5367 8128
and quiet and only minutes from the freeway Contact stunning selection of oversized rooms and a Contact
entrance to Melbourne & Ballarat & approx 9 Len Smith 0418 343 754 highly functional and versatile floorplan that Len Smith 0418 343 754
km to Ballan & 20 km to Bacchus Marsh. Kelvin Gaffiero 0481 991 828 has been designed with relaxed living in mind. Kelvin Gaffiero 0481 991 828

Saturday Saturday
16th February 16th February
12.00-12.30pm 12.45-1.15pm
Photo ID required Photo ID required

3 1 2 4 2 2
Bacchus Marsh 6 Ladds Court Bed Bath Car
Bacchus Marsh 21 Lone Pine Square Bed Bath Car

Great Views Take Centre Stage 956m2 Land Private Sale Modern Day Family Home Private Sale
This Peter Clarke built home is freshened up $430,000 Excellent in design and crafted this home is $470,000 - $490,000
from top to toe, which is sure to impress. Office 2/137 Main Street, tailor-made for modern family living with its large Office 2/137 Main Street,
The home is superbly positioned in a quiet Bacchus Marsh 5367 8128 open plan living zones, 4 generous bedrooms, 2 Bacchus Marsh 5367 8128
Contact Contact
court location, set on an impressive 956m2 bathrooms and double car garage all set on an
Len Smith 0418 343 754 Len Smith 0418 343 754
parcel of land. Kelvin Gaffiero 0481 991 828
approximate 600 sqm parcel of land. Kelvin Gaffiero 0481 991 828

Saturday Saturday
16th February 16th February
1.30-2.00pm 2.15-2.45pm
Photo ID required Photo ID required

4 2 2 3 2 2
Maddingley 9 Mimulus Road Bed Bath Car
Darley 6 Iredell Court Bed Bath Car

Quality Built Family Home - 553m2 Land Private Sale Quality Home, Spacious Living - 760m2 Land Private Sale
This warm and inviting four-year-old built $590,000 - $615,000 Luxurious and spacious north facing home is $795,000 - $815,000
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Page 16 The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Email - [email protected]

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Page 18 The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Email - [email protected]

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[email protected]
Email must include full contact details or
advertisement cannot be placed.

Huge Garage Sale Saturday
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and heartfelt thanks. 37 Fisken Street, Maddingley, 3340 0419 383 067


PAT CASHIN 4 months and 1 week

Have you seen Albert Smith?


Aged 88 From Mt Doran

$28.68 per hour

Missing since Monday 8 October 2018
Confirmed sighting around

Lady Northcote Recreation Camp is seeking a

7.30am at Mt Egerton, after
leaving the Ballan Aged

Lead Cook to work as part of our kitchen team

1114 Doveton St. Nth,
1. Obligation to publish – Designated Resolution 5 Care facility between 5.30-

in the delivery of meals to campers.

Ballarat 5. Publication of notices about the Council Ballan
7am on same day.
Police confirmed

You will be assisting in making great memories

a witness came forward it
Ph: 5333 3911 (1) Each publisher must publish a notice about the Council in each print publication
saying they picked Mr Smith

for campers coming through

of the the camp, thatas determined
controls and on each website it controls.
up on Old Melbourne Rd,
All Hours
they remember for ever.
(2) The content and format notice will be Ballanfrom time to
(Monday timeand
8 Oct) by the
drove to on
Council. The notice is to be published in a prominent position his friend’s
the same house in as letters

Full seartveicceost Please contact Fernando Pizzaro on 5369 2224

to the editor or the home page of a website, or in such Mt Egerton.
other Thatas
position friend was notwith
is agreed home.
Executive Director of the Council. Mr Smith has no mobile phone, had some cash, but

for questions. Applications to be submitted via

has not accessed his bank account. He left the facility

at moder email to [email protected]

without his walker and his walking stick.
Anyone with information is encouraged


2. Form and content determined by the Council – Council decision to contact Det. Snr Const. John Hageman
at Moorabool CIU on 5366 4545 or
Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000.
[Name of publication] is bound by the Standards of Practice of the Australian Press Council. If you believe
the ion
Standards may n
have been SEE SOMETHING?
itself or contact the SAY SOMETHING
RAINFALL descriptio availablebreached,
at: you may approach the newspaper Council by
([email protected]) or byrs **This
phone ([02] 92611930). For community
further informationadvertisement
see is sponsored by the Moorabool News **
Myrniong District FOR SALE
Rainfall Report WATER
Double Horse Float
This float is in very good
Spring Water condition for its age. It has some
surface rust and could be painted
January 2019 rainfall 7 millimetres The
[Name News is bound
of publication]
the Standards
bound ofby Practice
the of
Tanks, however, it looks clean enough
Total for the year 2019 7 millimetres as it is. It will have when finished
Australian Press
Council. If
of Practice
thethe Standards
Australian may
Pools, brand new:
January 2018 rainfall 66.2 millimetres • Wheel Bearings
Total at same time last year 66.2 millimetres
have beenCouncil.
breached, Ifyou
you may
Stock, • HR? Holden wheel pattern
• Brake Slave and Master Cylinders
or may
contact the Council by
breached, you may
been Gardens, • Rewired with new LED Tail lights and Side lights
([email protected]) • Tyres are good, and the float is registered.
or approach the
by phone ([02] 9261 1930). Everything! • I will clean up some surface rust, and prime if necessary
Fornewspaper itself or
further information see • There is no rust in the chassis
contact the Council 0437 96 00 34 • The tailgate wood and metal were replaced a few years,
by email when it was being used
([email protected] • The floor is good and solid
Pykes Creek Reservoir or by phone
([02] 92611930). For
• The float has been not used for a while and always
shedded for over 10 years
The dam and reservoir are located on a tributary
of the Werribee River and impound 22,119 ML of
The Moorabool News
information The Bearings have already been replaced.
Dimensions are: 255 cm high to front of Float. A bit higher
OFFICE 15 Haddon Drive, Ballan, 3342 PHONE (03) 5368 1966
www.presscouncil.or than normal. 270 cm long to front window
water when full, as seen in the picture above EMAIL E
 ditorial [email protected] The drawbar is only about 55 cms.
Advertising [email protected] A very reasonably priced horse float for someone with a
Western Water Report Reservoir levels Ad copy [email protected] budget or a beginner.
Pykes Creek Reservoir at 31 Jan 2019 68.0% EDITOR Helen Tatchell GRAPHIC DESIGN Glen Martin PRICE - only $4600 when work is completed or $4000
Water level this time last year 83.0% PUBLISHED BY The Ballan News Pty Ltd with parts supplied and you do the work on it -
0408 673 778 (Ballan).
Email - [email protected]  The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Page 19

Avenue Bowling Club

Results - Round 15
Bacchus Marsh Little Athletics
Division 1
Avenue 0 lost Buninyong 16.
Division 2
Avenue 0 lost Central Wendouree 16
Division 5
Avenue 14 def Linton 2
Best rink on the day:
Beryl Ham, Ken Graham, Ian Crombie and Robert Delaney.
Results - Round 16
Division 2
Avenue 4 lost Waubra 14
Division 3
Avenue 0 lost Ballarat 18
Division 5
Avenue 16 def Victoria 2
Best rink on the day:
Joel Higgins, Phillip Dunn, Tom Bowtell and Marie Russell.

Ballan Bowling Club

Division 3 travelled to Webbcona and came away with a 22-
shot win.
Best rink - Webb, Sloan, S. McConnell and O’Hanlon
Division 7 had their home game (due to the Ballan green
being unplayable) at Ballarat North and after a hard day went
down by 60-shots.  
Best rink - Armstrong, Burgin, Jensen and Dowling.
Maryborough Open Day competitors. Prior to the commencement of weekly competition, the
Centre conducted a lap of the athletics track. All members
Ballan Brumbies Basketball and families walked a ‘Lap for Kids’ for a gold coin donation
Under 10 boys which will be donated to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good
Ballan White 18 def Sovereign Knights Purple 14 Friday Appeal.
Under 10 boys Unfortunately, we were unable to complete the scheduled
program and were forced to cease competition due to the
Ballan Blue 16 lost Phoenix Purple 24
heavy rain. We did however, complete over half the events,
Under 10 girls therefore the remaining events will now be ‘catch up’ events.
Ballan16 drew Phoenix White 16 Most of the field ‘catch up’ events will be added to this
Under 12 boys Friday’s twilight meet.
Ballan Golf Club Ballan White 2 lost Phoenix 30 On Sunday, athletes from the Centre participated in the
Results - Week ending Saturday 9 February Under 12 boys Maryborough Open Day. The athletes had an extremely
Wednesday– Stableford – Men’s & Ladies Ballan Blue 25 def Drummo Dragons Black 14 successful day winning 24 gold medals, 10 silver and 7
Under 12 girls: Bye bronze. Riley Rogers set a new Open Day record in the
Winner Chris Tudor (12) 42 points, R/up Victor Buttigieg on
Under 10 60 metre hurdles.
c/b from Barry Sims (11) & Hugh Miller (14). Under 14 boys
Thursday night training this week will focus on Discus and
NTP - 15th Jim Walsh.   Ballan White 8 lost Phoenix Black 36
Shot Put. Training commences at 4pm.
Magpie -14th David Blythe. Under 14 boys
This Friday at 5pm a modified program will be held due to
Saturday Stableford – 2nd Round House Teams.  Ballan Blue 31 def Drummo Dragons Black 30 the Region Track & Field Carnival being held on Saturday
A Grade - Winner on the day Chris Tudor (11) 37 points, Under 14 boys and Sunday at Werribee. Bacchus Marsh will be represented
R/up Anthony Moore (8) 36 points. Ballan Gold 14 def Wildcats Blue 12 by 35 athletes at the Carnival.
B Grade - Winner David Blythe (18) 36 points, Under 14 girls Representative athletes are: Nelson Banigo, Ethan Braszell,
R/up Jimmy Walsh (19) 35 points. Ballan White 10 lost Saints Sparks 30 Lincoln Braszell, Jesse Bullard, Elise Cook, Felix Cukavac,
C Grade - Winner Vic Buttigieg (23) 35 points, Under 14 girls Jonas Cukavac, Oliver Cukavac, Violet Dillon, Daphne Dillon,
R/up Rob Brown (21) 32 points. Ballan Blue 25 def Phoenix 14 Kayla Downes, Deegan Doyle, Tyrah Doyle, Evie Ducas,
Mackenzie Estlick, Lachlan Goodman, Xavier Goodman,
NTPs - 12th Les Martin, 15th James Duffy. Under 16 boys: Bye
Tanae Grero, Shameka Grero, Murphy Harrington, Luatangi
Magpies - 14th Anthony Moore, 18th Peter Di Fiore. Under 16 girls
Haunga, Matai Haunga, Tamara Henry, Danielle Ide,
Balls (7), Cut-off 35 points Ballan 10 lost Phoenix Blue 38 Nicholas Ide, Ryan Lister, Alex Lloyd, Hayden Lloyd, Patrick
Chris Tudor, Anthony Moore, David Blythe, Jimmy Walsh, Under 18 boys Lovett, Solomon Miesen, Temi Olaitan, Matilda Schembri,
Don Wickson, Vic Buttigieg, Barry Sims. Ballan 10 lost Phoenix 36. Eliza Schembri, Bridie Shanahan and Emma Stewart.

SELL YOUR ITEMS $100 & UNDER FOR FREE Email: [email protected] Phone: 5368 1966
*Ads must be emailed by Friday 12 noon. Ads by phone must be between 9.30am–12pm Tuesday–Thursday. MAXIMUM 3 ADS PER PERSON.
ANGLE GRINDER Hitachi BOOKS (54) Katherine Cook hard COMPOST BINS, x3, good EXERCISER – Wonder Core 2 as PRAM, Double seater, Childcare,
G135SC 125mm $70 - 5310 6671 covers, collectors item. Selling as condition, 150 litre, $100 the lot, new $50 – 0425 795 798 good working order, waterproof
BABY Jolly Jumper $40 - 0455 480 set EC – 0428 832 350 Ph 0424 930 653 cover, $20 Ph 0418 310 992
FISHING reel, Alvy, no 456A,
196 BUG ZAPPER Ronson Sintinel COMPOST maker, large, with with coloured steel line, $70 – 5367 SANDER/POLISHER Black &
BABY Porta-chair. Attaches to Electric Insect Bug Zapper, as new instructions, $45 – Ph 5367 8933 8933 Decker WP1500K-XE 180mm.
table $30 - 0455 480 196 $20 - 0412 869 304 COUCHES (2) 3 seater couches, Used once $75 - 5310 6671
GOLF CLUBS set Mens RH 5
BABY Jolly Jumper for babies, Navy blue, velvet $100 lot - 5348
CAMERA tripod, Promoter 6400, irons, 2 woods, and golf bag VGC SOCCER table, brand new $100 –
brand new, $35 – 5367 8933 6725
mint condition $60 – 5367 8933 $35 - 0407 229 990 5368 6643
BABY Avent electric bottle DESK computer, black / grey
CAMPING package, Tent, Burner shelves, 1 drawer $20 – 0402 929 GOLF CLUBS set Ladies LH 8 SOFA 2 seater VGC $100 – 5367
steriliser $50 - 0455 480 196
Stove gas tanks, Camp bed, Spare 664 irons, 1 wood, & bag VGC $35 - 8351
BBQ Sunbeam Electric Grill & hot
Poles, pegs. $60 - 5368 1844 0407 229 990 LAWN MOWER, STEAM CLEANER, Bissell
plate. Variable control VGC $15 - DRILL Hitachi impact drill VTV-
0412 869 304 CAR filters (3) to suit Fiat Decato 10 $80 -5310 6671 Victa, VGC $70 - 0420 820 117 power fresh deluxe, book and
BEDS Trundle & child’s bed with 3L from 12-16 model $100 lot – DRYER Tumble Clothes dryer, PAINT dark green fence paint 15 accessories, perfect condition, $35
mattresses EC $60 – 0415 061 990 0413 000 289 $30 - 0434 997 292 litres $20 - 0407 229 990 – Ph 0418 302 463
BICYCLE jackets (2 x mens, sml) CHILDS stroller GC $10. Ph: 5367 DVDS Charmed season 1 & 2 $25 PHOTO FRAME, digital ‘Olin’, as TV CABINET with glass doors 710
$12 each. Ph: 5367 8933 8933 lot - 0409 173 769 new. $25 – 0412 869 304 mm x 450 mm $60 - 0418 127 040
Page 20 The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Email - [email protected]

Lions miss elusive Ballan Cricket Club

outright chance Ballan 1 St X1
Ballan 10/184 def Golden Point 10/156
Batting - M Snaith 48, C Golding 35, Z Graham 31, B
Batting - E Grigg 2, J Bower 2, D Smits 1, A Eskdale 2 not out
Bowling - S Horan 2-0-1/13, C Durante 5-0-1/48, S Burton
4-1-1/23, M Nicholson 4-0-1/35, T Norman 5-0-2/30
By Todd Whelan Loughnane 28, L Snaith 20, S Dehnert 1 no Ballan continued bowling this week needing just one wicket
Bowling - B Loughnane 21.2-6-4/70, Z Graham 7-1-2/19, M which did not come until the 19th over with some excellent
Darley’s First Grade XI have been denied a prized outright
Snaith 21-14-2/18, S Dehnert 7-2-1/16 bowling by Tom Norman to get the wicket bowled. Ballan’s
win as a defiant Brown Hill held off a desperate Lions attack
to finish 4/132 at the end of play on Day Two. Ballan continued in the field this week picking up an early bowlers were encouraged to see how fast they can bowl
wicket by Sam Dehnert, then Golden Point dug in and during the innings with some of the boys learning a lot about
The Lions had already secured first innings points at stumps
on Day One and wasted no time sending the visitors back in. looked in control of the match. Ballan’s bowlers bowled well their abilities. As Ballan were all out last week the batsmen
all day and stuck to their task keeping Golden Point’s run had batting practice with the focus being on hitting the ball
Day Two began as a carbon copy of Day One, the visitors in
‘all sorts’ and looking down the barrel of a second successive rate very low. Ballan’s bowlers got the reward for excellent hard.
outright defeat, reeling at 4/45. To Brown Hill’s credit they bowling picking up the last 9 wickets for 77 runs. Ballan’s Under 12 White
really dug in to see off the Lions attack that included nine main wicket taker was Ben Loughnane with 4 wickets and Ballan 8/103 lost Eynesbury Black 8/121
bowlers desperate to breakthrough. was well supported by Zac Graham and Michael Snaith Batting - A Connor 14 no, Aussie McIlwaine 20 no, C Boland
Despite the disappointment and the (now) unlikely finals picking up 2 wickets each. Ballan won the match by 28 runs. 3 no, N Mauriks 2, B Davenport 2
berth, Lions coach Mike Alexander couldn’t question the
Ballan 2nd X1 Bowling - A McIlwaine 8-1-2/16, M Ayres 4-1-0/6, J Mauriks
output and effort from his boys with the ball and in the field.
“We ended up bowling about 130 overs (for the match) at Ballan 8/183 lost Ballarat Fire Brigade 3/184 2-0-1/5, A Connor 4-0-1/6, C Olthof .5-0-1/4
them for 200 runs which I thought was great,” he said. Batting - N Heafield 102, S Newton 12, M Burton 12 no, J Bowling first Ballan worked much better in the field this
“We toiled hard and looked a real chance (for an outright Forrest 10, M Vallance 6 no week. Combined with tidy bowling they had Eynesbury out
win) when we had them 4/45. Bowling - D Pascoe 6-0-3/43 within 14 overs. Ballan fell a little short chasing the runs,
“They were pretty dire in their defence, we just couldn’t Ballan batted first and got off to a good start with Noel however it was great to see the young players stepping up
breakthrough. Heafield making a quick 102. All batsmen got starts but to the challenge of batting up the order. They are looking
“We probably missed two genuine chances that weren’t failed to go on and make a big score, to be 8/183 at the end forward to building on the performance next week.
easy but should have been taken,” Alexander said. of the innings. Daniel Pascoe opened the bowling for Ballan
The Lions coach remains focused ahead of the club’s (likely) with an excellent spell taking 3 wickets. Ballarat Fire Brigade
two remaining games and isn’t about to look back on the sea- chased down Ballan’s score in 28 overs to win the match.
son that could have been.
Ballan 3rd XI
“(Now) we can only control what we can do, we need an
outright and other results to fall our way,” he said. Ballan 10/112 lost Burrumbeet 4/401
“We just need to concentrate on winning both games and Batting - R Taylor 21, B Rivett 21, J Conroy 17, M Popple 15 no
see where it takes us.” Bowling - B Rivett 1-0-1/21, B Taylor 7-0-1/51, G Dickson 8-0-
Darley will have the opportunity to test their recent run of 1/82, J Costello 6-0-1/48
good form on the road when they meet ladder leaders Mt Burrumbeet won the toss and batted making 4/401. Ballan
Clear (P13 W11 L2) this Saturday. fielded poorly dropping 9 catches with poor ground fielding
But the Lions are winless from their two previous meet- as well. Ben Rivett took his first senior wicket and also equal
ings against Mt Clear following two insipid performances top scored with his career high 21 runs. Jordan Conroy also
with the bat - bowled out for 69 in Round One and 85 in last made his career high score of 17. Beth Taylor was Ballan’s
week’s Major League Waller & Chester Cup T-20 Semi Final best bowler with 1/51. Jason McEgan kept well behind the
at Darley Park. stumps.
Coach Alexander sang the praises of the bowling and field-
ing performance in the recent T-20 loss but wasn’t so compli- Under 15: Bye.
mentary of the response with the bat. Under 12 Blue
“We bowled and fielded well, had them in trouble at 3/16,” Ballan 8/52 lost Melton Centrals 8/330
he said. Corey Golding 35 runs including three 4s and two 6s.
“They fought back through the middle (of the innings) and
we restricted them well late - thought 136 was gettable.”
“Unfortunately, we never really got going (with the bat).
“We were too boundary focussed and that brought about a
loss of wickets which further stalled our run rate.
“We went from needing just over six runs (per over) at the
start to needing 10 an over at the halfway mark.
“We were just never able to get on track and fell well short.”
Alexander said.
BCA First Grade - Round 13
Brown Hill 82 All out & 4/132. Overs 69.
B. Barnes 1/11, H. Wickramasinghe 1/12
Darley 1/86 dec. Overs 21.
D. Hyatt 39, L. Herring 22no, R. Moore 22no.
Darley won by 9 wickets (first innings)
Darley now 7th (P13 W6 L7).
1st XI Major League Waller & Chester T-20 Cup
(Semi final)
Mt Clear 6/135, Overs 20. H. Wickramasinghe 3/13, M. Ward Michael Snaith top scored with 48 and had bowling figures Ben Loughnane opened the batting with 28 and got another
1/23, B. Longhurst 1/25, D. Hyatt 1/28. of 2/18. 4 wicket haul for 70 runs off 21.2 overs.
Darley 85 All out, Overs 16.4. A. Metcalfe 22, J. Cadman 21, H.
Wickramasinghe 14. Darley lost by 50 runs.
BCA Second Grade - Round 11
VRI Delacombe 298, Overs 73.4. Darley 193 All out, Overs
56.1. Darley lost by 105 runs. Darley now 4th (P11 W7 L4).
BCA Third Grade - Round 11
North Ballarat 353, Overs 79.1. Darley 246 All out, Overs 64.4.
B. Ward 73, B. Densley 35. Darley lost by 107 runs.
Darley now 11th (P11 W5 L6).
BCA One Day B-Grade - Round 12
Darley 5/211, Overs 40. C. Salisbury 76, T. Gallagher 56, Z.
Colley 41. Coronet City 8/187, Overs 40. C. Salisbury 2/19, M.
Seager 2/30, A. Bird 2/30. Darley won by 24 runs.
Darley now 4th (P12 W8 D1 L3).



MyClinic 12 Gell Street, Bacchus Marsh VIC 3340 Phone 5367 8000
Zac Graham did well with the bat for 31 runs and 2/19 with the ball. Photos – Chris Thom
Email - [email protected]  Local travelNews
The Moorabool is highlighted, but prepare
– 12 February, 2019for detours
Page 21
through the weekend. Prepare too, for a few mechanical
breakdowns. Some good financial news may be heard
which should brighten your week.

Stars & Puzzles

LEO—July 23-August 22
Best friends now are of the opposite sex and from an-
other generation. Think more about the future. New hob-
bies and recreational programmes should be considered
as a means for expanding horizons - and meeting new
VIRGO—August 23-September 22
This is a week of extremes. Friends are more than help-
★★★★★★★★ ✯✯✯✯✯✯
ful, but neighbours and work mates can be difficult. Take
it all in your stride. Results come easily, so do all those
dreadful things you have been putting off.
LIBRA—September 23-October 22
★★★★★★★★ Children may play an increasingly time consuming role
now, and your romantic partner may seem preoccupied.
Your best approach, ask very few questions and pamper
your mate.
ARIES—March 21-April 20
SCORPIO—October 23-November 21
Until around Thursday, life may seen terribly quiet, even
dull. Then quite suddenly, everything springs to life. A sense of humour is a must this week. No matter how
Overdue information arrives, along with unexpected tied down you feel, keep smiling - then around Friday,
guests. you’ll find you really do have something to be happy
TAURUS—April 21-May 22
SAGITTARIUS—November 22-December 22
A surprise compliment touches you because it’s phrased
so beautifully and affections are sweetest through the It’s the beginning of a happy cycle, with love and laugh-
weekend. Friends and neighbours rely on you for advice ter crisping the air. Of course, nothing is ever perfection
and loans. Be warned! and this time there may be doubts over a friend’s loyalty.
GEMINI—May 23-June 21 CAPRICORN—December 23-January 20
A celebration of sorts is indicated this week and it may A bonus for hard work, an exciting romantic challenge
turn into a surprise party of types. The emphasis is on and a new friend make this one of the most enjoyable
originality - try new approaches and be a little bolder. weeks of the year. It’s an excellent time to express your
deepest feelings.
CANCER—June 22-July 22
NO. 9088 Local travel is highlighted, but prepare for detours AQUARIUS—January 21-February 19
through the weekend. Prepare too, for a few mechanical A romantic relationship changes from intense to carefree
ACROSS DOWN breakdowns. Some good financial news may be heard
1. Flower (13) 1. Run (6) in nature. Meanwhile, prepare for delays in communica-
which should brighten your week. tion and a possible work conflict. Financial acuity is de-
8. Bottom (5) 2. Wireless (5)
9. Disease (7) 3. Wither (7) LEO—July 23-August 22 manded throughout the week.
10. Develop (6) 4. Dead (4) PISCES—February 20-March 20
11. Posture (6) 5. Core (5) Best friends now are of the opposite sex and from an-
12. Insinuate (5) 6. Mixture (7) other generation. Think more about the future. New hob- Forgetful moments are sprinkled through this week,
14. Slumber (5) 7. Shellfish (6) bies and recreational programmes should be considered prompting a joke or two at your expense. Life gets gen-
18. Charm (6) 13. Duck (7) as a means for expanding horizons - and meeting new erally complicated, which isn’t to say there are problems
20. Pamper (6) 15. Cat (7) faces. - simply a little confusion and lots of explanations.
23. Specimen (7) 16. Cake (6) VIRGO—August 23-September 22
24. Confess (5) 17. Figure (6) BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK
25. Student (13) 19. More mature (5) This is a week of extremes. Friends are more than help- You aim high and will go completely out of your way to
21. Dance (5) ful, but neighbours and work mates can be difficult. Take avoid any kind of unpleasantness. Your taste is impecca-
22. Expensive (4) it all in your stride. Results come easily, so do all those ble. Your biggest problem is that you rearrange priorities
dreadful things you have been putting off. for your own convenience.
ACROSS LIBRA—September 23-October 22
1. A furious bellow? (4,2,3,4). 8. Cook is right by the Children may play an increasingly time consuming role
oven (5). 9. Food for a fawn (7). 10. The person looking now, and your romantic partner may seem preoccupied.

after the money (6). 11. One month one day and a quar- Your best approach, ask very few questions and pamper
ter to settle it (6). 12. Developed fully this time last month your mate.
(5). 14. A certain period in transport (5). 18. Spur it into a
nice trot (6). 20. He’s got right into the sea (6). 23. Drops SCORPIO—October 23-November 21
into the little cup, he learns (7). 24. The rest have jellied
eels at “The Pig’s Head” (5). 25. Don;t have to write such
a long letter, obviously (8,2,3).
A sense of humour is a must this week. No matter how
tied down you feel, keep smiling - then around Friday,
you’ll find you really do have something to be happy
1. Minister to the dog that swallowed it (6). 2. Are studi- SAGITTARIUS—November 22-December 22
ous, you find out (5). 3. A meat mixture in oil left out with
the porridge (7). 4. As far as “next to the jug” (4). 5. Hav- It’s the beginning of a happy cycle, with love and laugh-
ing seen hurtling round the bend, follow (5). 6. Getting ter crisping the air. Of course, nothing is ever perfection
used to having one standing round (7). 7. Can’t make and this time there may be doubts over a friend’s loyalty.
up your mind about the free-standing cover (6). 13. Don’t
smuggle anything into a country, or state (7). 15. Pas- CAPRICORN—December 23-January 20
sage going across it (7). 16. Little pet it requires time to A bonus for hard work, an exciting romantic challenge
get to know about (6). 17. Fast becoming irritable (6). and a new friend make this one of the most enjoyable
19. Describing sounds not unfamiliar to a Latin (5). 21. weeks of the year. It’s an excellent time to express your
They’re drawing from banks (5). 22. Trouble in the din- deepest feelings.
ing-room (4).
AQUARIUS—January 21-February 19
A romantic relationship changes from intense to carefree
it . 16, K-it-t-en. 17, Snappy. 19, Ton-a-L. 21, Tiers. 22, in nature. Meanwhile, prepare for delays in communica-
tion and a possible work conflict. Financial acuity is de-
5, Ens-U-e. 6, Inu-ring. 7, Di-the-r. 13, Declare. 15, Trans-
manded throughout the week.
Across - 1, Handcuff. 6, Dace. 8, Alas. 9, Gradient. 10,
Down - 1, Cur-ate. 2, Learn. 3, O(I)-atmea-l. 4, To-by.
Swain. 11, Tanker. 13, Slayer. 15, Rotate. 17, Squirm.
less to say. PISCES—February 20-March 20
19, Lover. 22, Ceremony. 23, Gone. 24, Grit. 25, Elec-
e. 20, Ma-rt-in. 23, T-rain-ee. 24, Slee-P(ig). 25, Need-
Forgetful moments are sprinkled through this week,
Tender. 11, Dec-I-d-E. 12, AD-ult. 14, Stage. 18, Inc-it- prompting a joke or two at your expense. Life gets gen-
Down - 2, Allow. 3, Destiny. 4, Urge. 5, Fracture. 6, Deign.
Across - 1, Call of the wild. 8, R-oast. 9, Biscuit. 10, erally complicated, which isn’t to say there are problems
7, Consent. 12, Trombone. 14, Liqueur. 16, Thought.
CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS - simply a little confusion and lots of explanations.
18, Inert. 20, Ennui. 21, Byre.
Gateau. 17, Statue. 19, Riper. 21, Samba. 22, Dear.
You aim high and will go completely out of your way to
Across - 1,Circular. 6, Drop. 8, Plan. 9, Ar-son-is-t. 10,
6, Melange. 7, Mussel. 13, Mallard. 15, Leopard. 16,
avoid any kind of unpleasantness. Your taste is impecca-
Staf-F. 11, Lessen (lesson). 13, Star-ve(al). 15, Stress.
Down - 1, Canter. 2, Radio. 3, Shrivel. 4, Numb. 5, Heart.
ble. Your biggest problem is that you rearrange priorities
17, Y-ouths. 19, Harry. 22, Springer. 23, Tang (rev.). 24,
Cosset. 23, Example. 24, Admit. 25, Undergraduate.
for your own convenience.
F-r-og. 25, Ste-adi-ed.
Evolve. 11, Stance. 12, Imply. 14, Sleep. 18, Allure. 20,
Down - 2, I-nle-t. 3, Con-I-fer. 4, Lead. 5, Rest-less. 6,
Across - 1, Chrysanthemum. 8, Nadir. 9, Measles. 10,
Dents. 7, Oys-ters. 12, Mes-sage-s. 14, Tro-O-per (rev.).
16, Roa-ste-d. 18, Thing. 20, Range. 21, (ho)Ur-ge(tting).
Page 22 The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Email - [email protected]

Young gun set to Tabcorp Park Saturday 9 February

‘live the dream’
By Todd Whelan

Alex Porter is an impressive

young man.
The Bacchus Marsh First
Grade opening bat will head
to Barnsley, England in early
April on a cricket scholar-
ship after it was confirmed
last month that he was the
successful applicant.
It’s all been a bit of a whirl-
wind since Christmas for the
20-year old as the excitement
and the anticipation con-
tinues to grow ahead of his
lifechanging journey.
“The club, my family and
friends are all pretty excit-
ed,” he said.
“While their support has Saturday 9 February, Tabcorp Park Melton Race 1, Winner: Intrusive (7). Trainer: Emma
been great, they haven’t Stewart. Driver: Sidney Van Den Brande. Photo: Stuart McCormick HRV.
missed giving me some stick
either along the way for any
media attention I’ve had.”
Alex has been a consistent
performer at the top of the
order this season with over
400 runs to his name at the
healthy average of 45.56 in-
cluding two 50s and one un-
forgettable ton. Only coach
James Lidgett (439) and Alex Porter’s cricket career is taking a new path.
Milinda Sepala (439) have Photo - submitted
made more runs than him at for me with my batting. middle order and play my
the club this season. “I’ve already begun to see role for the team.”
The right-hander made spe- positive results at club lev- The patient knock, the in-
cial mention of the highly el,” Porter said. nings build at the top of the
regarded Lidgett and was order is what we can learn
Alex leaves the impression
extremely grateful for his to expect from Porter as the
of the traditional cricketer.
guidance and time ahead of local cricket community
An armory of compact de-
his departure. keeps an eager eye over his
fence and text book stroke- progress.
“James has been a massive
play sees Porter’s preference
influence on my cricket,” he Let’s hope long hours at the
said. lean to the longer version of
crease and big hundreds be-
the game known more so come the order of the day for
“James came to us (Bacchus
now as ‘red ball cricket’. the youngster.
Marsh) as a player last year
and is now the coach this “20-20s are not really my There’s certainly one team
season. He’s worked really thing,” he said. that springs to mind that Saturday 9 February, Tabcorp Park Melton Race 6, Winner: Poster Boy (6). Trainer: Emma
hard to fine tune a few things “I’m happy to drop to the could do with one of those. Stewart. Driver: Chris Alford. Photo: Stuart McCormick HRV.

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Closing Business Sale

New plate compactor,
Heavy duty portable saw
only 8 hours work,
bench. Built August 2018.
warranty May 2019, $1500.
New 13 horse Power motor.
2008 MAJESTIC KNIGHT 1989 VISCOUNT POP-TOP Fire prevention pump, $500.
Roll top bench.
Series 2, tandem axle, 18’6’’, Tandem wheels, Twin single Hitachi metal bench saw,
queen island bed, toilet and beds. Gas oven/hot plates, V belt drive. 27 inch saw.
MOTORISED BIKE $200. Electric concrete
12 months old, as new, shower, 3 gas burners, grill, Water tank. Fridge-gas/ FORD FALCON AU 1999 LED Lights. Complete with
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never used. lady owner since 2007, just tools and machinery.
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Cost $1000 to install motor. serviced, good condition inside $2400.
dual batteries + charger, annex. Lots storage cupboards. Phone 5368 2339
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or 0416 955 138 $32,000 ono - 0408 132 195 Asking $9,000 - Ph 0488 009 233 $2,000. Ph 0407 148 184 between 7pm – 9pm
Email - [email protected]  The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Page 23



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Page 24 The Moorabool News – 12 February, 2019 Email - [email protected]






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