Dr. Seuss

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“Theo Geisel” redirects here. For the physicist, see Theo park system by Mayor John A. Denison[7] after the brew-
Geisel (physicist). ery closed because of Prohibition.[8] Mulberry Street in
Springfield, made famous in Dr. Seuss’ first children’s
Theodor Seuss Geisel (/ˈsɔɪs/ i
/ˈɡaɪ.zəl/; March 2, book And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street!,
is less than a mile southwest of his boyhood home on
1904 – September 24, 1991) was an American writer and [9]
illustrator best known for authoring popular children’s Fairfield Street. Geisel was raised a Lutheran. Geisel
Springfield Central High School in 1917 and
books under the pen name Dr. Seuss (/suːs/). His work enrolled at
includes several of the most popular children’s books of graduated in 1921. He took an art class as a freshman
all time, selling over 600 million copies and being trans- and later became manager of the school soccer team.[10]
lated into more than 20 languages by the time of his
1.1 College
Geisel adopted his “Dr. Seuss” pseudonym during
his university studies at Dartmouth College and the Geisel attended Dartmouth College, graduating in
University of Oxford. After leaving Oxford in 1927 he 1925.[11] At Dartmouth, he joined the Sigma Phi Epsilon
began his career as an illustrator and cartoonist for Vanity fraternity[4] and the humor magazine Dartmouth Jack-O-
Fair, Life, and various other publications. He also worked Lantern, eventually rising to the rank of editor-in-chief.[4]
as an illustrator for advertising campaigns, most notably
for Flit and Standard Oil, and as a political cartoonist While at Dartmouth, Geisel was caught drinking gin with
for the New York newspaper PM. He published his first nine friends in his room.[12] As a result, Dean Craven
children’s book, And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Laycock insisted that he resign from all extracurricular
Street, in 1937. During World War II he worked in an an- activities, including the college humor magazine.[13] To
imation department of the United States Army, where he continue work on the Jack-O-Lantern without the ad-
produced several short films, including Design for Death, ministration’s knowledge, Geisel began signing his work
which later won the 1947 Academy Award for Documen- with the pen name “Seuss”. Geisel was encouraged in
tary Feature.[3] his writing by professor of rhetoric W. Benfield Pressey,
whom he described as his “big inspiration for writing” at
After the war Geisel focused on his children’s books, Dartmouth.[14]
writing classics such as If I Ran the Zoo (1950), Horton
Hears a Who! (1955), If I Ran the Circus (1956), The Upon graduating from Dartmouth, he entered Lincoln
Cat in the Hat (1957), How the Grinch Stole Christmas! College, Oxford, intending to earn a PhD in English
(1957), and Green Eggs and Ham (1960). He published literature. At Oxford, he met Helen Palmer, who en-
over 60 books during his career, which have spawned nu- couraged him to give up becoming an English teacher in
merous adaptations, including 11 television specials, four favor of pursuing drawing as a career.
feature films, a Broadway musical and four television se-
ries. He won the Lewis Carroll Shelf Award in 1958
for Horton Hatches the Egg and again in 1961 for And to 1.2 Early career
Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street. Geisel’s birthday,
March 2, has been adopted as the annual date for Na- Geisel left Oxford without earning a degree and returned
tional Read Across America Day, an initiative on reading to the United States in February 1927,[16] where he im-
created by the National Education Association. mediately began submitting his work to magazines, book
publishers, and advertising agencies.[17] Making use of
his time in Europe, he pitched a series of cartoons called
Eminent Europeans to Life magazine, who passed on it.
1 Life and career His first nationally published cartoon appeared in the July
16, 1927, issue of The Saturday Evening Post.[18] This sin-
Theodor Seuss Geisel was born in Springfield, Mas- gle $25 sale encouraged Geisel to move from Springfield
sachusetts, to Theodor Robert and Henrietta (née to New York City.
Seuss) Geisel.[4][5] All of his grandparents were German Later that year, when he accepted a job as writer and il-
immigrants.[6] His father managed the family brewery lustrator at the humor magazine Judge, Geisel felt finan-
and was later appointed to supervise Springfield’s public cially stable enough to marry Helen.[19] His first cartoon


for Judge appeared on October 22, 1927, and the Geisels In 1934, Geisel produced a 30-page booklet entitled Se-
were married on November 29. Geisel’s first work signed crets of the Deep, which was available by mail after June.
“Dr. Seuss” was published in Judge, about six months At the January boat show for 1935, visitors filled out or-
after he started working there.[20] der cards to receive Secrets. Geisel drew up a Certificate
In early 1928, one of Geisel’s cartoons for Judge men- of Commission for visitors in 1936. A mock ship deck
tioned Flit, a common bug spray at the time, manufac- called SS Essomarine provided the scene where photos of
tured by Standard Oil of New Jersey.[21] According to “Admirals” were taken. That summer Geisel released a
Geisel, the wife of an advertising executive in charge of second volume of Secrets. For the 1937 show, he sculpted
Marine Muggs and designed a flag for the Seuss Navy.
advertising Flit saw Geisel’s cartoon at a hairdresser’s and
urged her husband to sign him. Geisel’s first Flit ad The following year featured “Little Dramas of the Deep”,
appeared on May 31, 1928, and the campaign continued a six-act play with ten characters. According to Geisel’s
sporadically until 1941.[23] The campaign’s catchphrase, sister, “He plans the whole show with scenery and action
“Quick, Henry, the Flit!", became a part of popular cul- and then, standing in a realistic bridge, reels off a speech
ture. It spawned a song and was used as a punch line which combines advertising with humor.” For 1939, ex-
for comedians such as Fred Allen and Jack Benny. As hibitors made available the Nuzzlepuss ashtray and illus-
Geisel gained notoriety for the Flit campaign, his work trated tide-table calendars.
was sought after and began to appear regularly in maga- On January 11, 1940, at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, a
zines like Life, Liberty, and Vanity Fair. Seuss Navy Luncheon was held. At that year’s boat show,
Geisel supported himself and his wife through the Great Geisel provided the Navigamarama exhibit and the Sea
Depression by drawing advertising for General Electric, Lawyers Gazette.
NBC, Standard Oil, Narragansett Brewing Company and The final contribution to the Essomarine project, in 1941,
many other companies. In 1935, he wrote and drew a
was the mermaid Essie Neptune and her pet whale. The
short-lived comic strip called Hejji.[24] exhibit offered photos for a Happy Cruising passport.[32]
The increased income allowed the Geisels to move to bet-
ter quarters and to socialize in higher social circles.[25]
They became friends with the wealthy family of the 1.4 World War II-era work
banker Frank A. Vanderlip. They also traveled exten-
sively: by 1936, Geisel and his wife had visited 30
countries together. They did not have children, neither
kept regular office hours, and they had ample money.[26]
Geisel also felt that the traveling helped his creativity.
In 1936, while the couple was returning from an ocean
voyage to Europe, the rhythm of the ship’s engines in-
spired the poem that became his first book, And to Think
That I Saw It on Mulberry Street.[27] Based on Geisel’s var-
ied accounts, the book was rejected by between 20 and
43 publishers.[28][29] According to Geisel, he was walking
home to burn the manuscript when a chance encounter
with an old Dartmouth classmate led to its publication by
Vanguard Press.[30] Geisel wrote four more books before
the US entered World War II. This included The 500 Hats
of Bartholomew Cubbins in 1938 as well as The King’s 'The Goldbrick', Private Snafu episode written by Geisel, 1943
Stilts and The Seven Lady Godivas in 1939, all of which
were, atypically for him, in prose. This was followed by As World War II began, Geisel turned to political car-
Horton Hatches the Egg in 1940, in which Geisel returned toons, drawing over 400 in two years as editorial car-
to the use of poetry. toonist for the left-leaning New York City daily newspa-
per, PM.[33] Geisel’s political cartoons, later published in
Dr. Seuss Goes to War, denounced Hitler and Mussolini
and were highly critical of non-interventionists (“iso-
1.3 Essomarine lationists”), most notably Charles Lindbergh, who op-
posed US entry into the war.[34] One cartoon[35] de-
Geisel gained a significant public profile through a pro- picted all Japanese Americans as latent traitors or fifth-
gram for motor boat lubricants produced by Standard Oil columnists, while at the same time other cartoons de-
under the brand name Essomarine. He later recounted plored the racism at home against Jews and blacks that
that Harry Bruno, Ted Cook, and Verne Carrier worked harmed the war effort. His cartoons were strongly sup-
with him for exhibits at the National Motor Boat Show portive of President Roosevelt's handling of the war,
called the Seuss Navy.[31] combining the usual exhortations to ration and contribute

to the war effort with frequent attacks on Congress[36] nize and asked Geisel to cut the list to 250 words and
(especially the Republican Party),[37] parts of the press write a book using only those words.[45] Spaulding chal-
(such as the New York Daily News, Chicago Tribune and lenged Geisel to “bring back a book children can't put
Washington Times-Herald),[38] and others for criticism of down”.[46] Nine months later, Geisel, using 236 of the
Roosevelt, criticism of aid to the Soviet Union,[39][40] in- words given to him, completed The Cat in the Hat. It re-
vestigation of suspected Communists,[41] and other of- tained the drawing style, verse rhythms, and all the imag-
fences that he depicted as leading to disunity and helping inative power of Geisel’s earlier works, but because of its
the Nazis, intentionally or inadvertently. simplified vocabulary, it could be read by beginning read-
ers. The Cat in the Hat and subsequent books written for
In 1942, Geisel turned his energies to direct support of
the U.S. war effort. First, he worked drawing posters young children achieved significant international success
and they remain very popular today. In 2009, Green Eggs
for the Treasury Department and the War Production
Board. Then, in 1943, he joined the Army as a Captain and Ham sold 540,366 copies, The Cat in the Hat sold
452,258 copies, and One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue
and was commander of the Animation Department of the
First Motion Picture Unit of the United States Army Air Fish (1960) sold 409,068 copies—outselling the major-
ity of newly published children’s books.[47]
Forces, where he wrote films that included Your Job in
Germany, a 1945 propaganda film about peace in Europe Geisel went on to write many other children’s books,
after World War II; Our Job in Japan, and the Private both in his new simplified-vocabulary manner (sold as
Snafu series of adult army training films. While in the Beginner Books) and in his older, more elaborate style.
Army, he was awarded the Legion of Merit.[42] Our Job In 1956, Dartmouth awarded Geisel with an honorary
in Japan became the basis for the commercially released doctorate. He added the “Dr.” to his penname because
film, Design for Death (1947), a study of Japanese cul- his father had always wanted him to practice medicine.[48]
ture that won the Academy Award for Documentary Fea-
ture.[43] Gerald McBoing-Boing (1950), which was based On October 23, 1967, suffering from a long strug-
on an original story by Seuss, won the Academy Award gle with illnesses including cancer—as well as emo-
for Animated Short Film.[44] tional pain over her husband’s affair with Audrey Stone
Dimond—Geisel’s wife, Helen Palmer Geisel, commit-
ted suicide.[49] Geisel married Dimond on June 21, 1968.
1.5 Later years Though he devoted most of his life to writing children’s
books, Geisel had no children of his own. He would say,
After the war, Geisel and his wife moved to La Jolla, Cal- when asked about this, “You have 'em; I'll entertain 'em.”
ifornia. Returning to children’s books, he wrote many
Geisel received the Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal from the
works, including such favorites as If I Ran the Zoo,
professional children’s librarians in 1980, recognizing his
(1950), Horton Hears a Who! (1955), If I Ran the Cir-
“substantial and lasting contributions to children’s liter-
cus (1956), The Cat in the Hat (1957), How the Grinch
ature”. At the time it was awarded every five years.[50]
Stole Christmas (1957) and Green Eggs and Ham (1960).
He won a special Pulitzer Prize in 1984 citing his “con-
Although he received numerous awards throughout his
tribution over nearly half a century to the education and
career, Geisel won neither the Caldecott Medal nor the
enjoyment of America’s children and their parents”.[51]
Newbery Medal. Three of his titles from this period
were, however, chosen as Caldecott runners-up (now re-
ferred to as Caldecott Honor books): McElligot’s Pool
(1947), Bartholomew and the Oobleck (1949), and If I 2 Illness, death and posthumous
Ran the Zoo (1950). Dr Seuss also wrote the musical and honors
fantasy film The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T, which was re-
leased in 1953. The movie was a critical and financial
failure, and Geisel never attempted another feature film. Geisel died of oral cancer on September [52][53]
24, 1991, at his
During the 1950s, he also published a number of illus- home in La Jolla at the age of 87. He was cremated
trated short stories, mostly in Redbook Magazine. Some and his ashes were scattered. On December 1, 1995,
of these were later collected (in volumes such as The four years after his death, University of California, San
Sneetches and Other Stories) or reworked into indepen- Diego's University Library Building was renamed Geisel
dent books (If I Ran the Zoo). A number have never been Library in honor of Geisel and Audrey for the generous
reprinted since their original appearances. contributions they made to the library and their devotion
to improving literacy.[54]
In May 1954, Life magazine published a report on
illiteracy among school children, which concluded that While Geisel was living in La Jolla, the United States
children were not learning to read because their books Postal Service and others frequently confused him with
were boring. Accordingly, William Ellsworth Spaulding, another La Jolla resident, Dr. Hans Suess. Their names
the director of the education division at Houghton Mif- have been linked together posthumously: the personal[55] pa-
flin who later became its chairman, compiled a list of 348 pers of Hans Suess are housed in the Geisel Library.
words he felt were important for first-graders to recog- In 2002, the Dr. Seuss National Memorial Sculpture

Garden opened in his birthplace of Springfield, Mas- For books that Geisel wrote and others illustrated, he used
sachusetts; it features sculptures of Geisel and of many the pen name “Theo LeSieg”, starting with I Wish That I
of his characters. On May 28, 2008, California Governor Had Duck Feet, published in 1965. “LeSieg” is “Geisel”
Arnold Schwarzenegger and First Lady Maria Shriver an- spelled backward.[62]
nounced that Geisel would be inducted into the California Geisel also published one book, 1975’s Because a Little
Hall of Fame, located at The California Museum for His- Bug Went Ka-Choo!!, a collaboration with Michael K.
tory, Women and the Arts. The induction ceremony took Frith, under the name Rosetta Stone. Frith and Geisel
place December 15 and his widow Audrey accepted the chose the name in honor of Geisel’s second wife, Audrey,
honor in his place. On March 2, 2009, the web search
whose maiden name was Stone.[63]
engine Google temporarily changed its logo to commem-
orate Geisel’s birthday (a practice it often follows for var-
ious holidays and events).[56]
4 Political views
In 2004, U.S. children’s librarians established the annual
Theodor Seuss Geisel Award to recognize “the most dis-
tinguished American book for beginning readers pub- Main article: Political messages of Dr. Seuss
lished in English in the United States during the preceding
year”. It should “demonstrate creativity and imagination Geisel was a liberal Democrat and a supporter of Presi-
to engage children in reading” during years pre-K to grade dent Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal. His early
two.[57] political cartoons show a passionate opposition to fas-
At his alma mater, Dartmouth, where over 90% of in- cism, and he urged action against it both before and af-
coming first-year students participate in pre-registration ter the United States entered World War II. His cartoons
Dartmouth Outing Club trips into the New Hampshire portrayed the fear of communism as overstated, find-
wilderness, it is traditional for students returning from ing greater threats in the House Un-American Activities
the trips to overnight at Dartmouth’s Moosilauke Ravine Committee and those who threatened to cut the US “life
Lodge, where they are served green eggs and ham for line”[40] to Stalin and the USSR, whom he once depicted
breakfast in honor of Dr. Seuss. On April 4, 2012, the as a porter carrying “our war load”.[39]
Dartmouth Medical School renamed itself the Audrey Geisel supported the Japanese American internment dur-
and Theodor Geisel School of Medicine in honor of their ing World War II. His treatment of the Japanese and of
many years of generosity to the college.[58] Japanese Americans, between whom he often failed to
Dr. Seuss’s honors include two Academy awards, two differentiate,
has struck many readers as a moral blind
Emmy awards, a Peabody award, the Laura Ingalls Wilder spot. On the issue of the Japanese, he is quoted as say-
Medal, and the Pulitzer Prize. ing:

Dr. Seuss has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, at

the 6500 block of Hollywood Boulevard.[59] But right now, when the Japs are planting
their hatchets in our skulls, it seems like a
hell of a time for us to smile and warble:
“Brothers!" It is a rather flabby battle cry. If
3 Pen names and pronunciations we want to win, we've got to kill Japs, whether
it depresses John Haynes Holmes or not. We
Geisel’s most famous pen name is regularly pronounced can get palsy-walsy afterward with those that
/ˈsʲuːs/, an anglicized pronunciation inconsistent with are left.
his German surname (the standard German pronuncia- — Theodor Geisel, quoted in Dr. Seuss Goes
tion is [ˈzɔʏ̯s]). He himself noted that it rhymed with to War by Richard H. Minear[65]
“voice” (his own pronunciation being /ˈsɔɪs/). Alexander
Liang, one of his collaborators on the Dartmouth Jack-O-
Lantern, wrote of it:
After the war, though, Geisel overcame his feelings of
animosity, using his book Horton Hears a Who! (1954) as
You're wrong as the deuce an allegory for the Hiroshima bombing and the American
And you shouldn't rejoice post-war occupation of Japan, as well as dedicating the
If you're calling him Seuss. book to a Japanese friend.[66]
He pronounces it Soice[60] (or Zoice)[61] In 1948, after living and working in Hollywood for years,
Geisel moved to La Jolla, California, a predominantly Re-
Geisel switched to the anglicized pronunciation because publican town.
it “evoked a figure advantageous for an author of chil- Shortly before the end of the 1972–74 Watergate scandal,
dren’s books to be associated with—Mother Goose"[46] in which United States president Richard Nixon resigned,
and because most people used this pronunciation. Geisel converted a copy of one of his famous children’s

books into a polemic by replacing the name of the main I think I will call it the Circus McGurkus.
character everywhere it occurred.[68] "Richard M. Nixon,
Will You Please Go Now!" was published in major news- “And NOW comes an act of Enormous
papers through the column of his friend Art Buchwald.[68] Enormance!
The line “A person’s a person, no matter how small!!" No former performer’s performed this
from Horton Hears a Who! has been used widely as a performance!"
slogan by the pro-life movement in the U.S., despite the
objections of Geisel’s widow. In 1986, when the line was Geisel also wrote verse in trochaic tetrameter, an arrange-
first used in such a way, he demanded a retraction and ment of a strong syllable followed by a weak syllable,
received one.[69] with four units per line (for example, the title of One
Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish). Traditionally, English
trochaic meter permits the final weak position in the line
4.1 In his books to be omitted, which allows both masculine and feminine
Though Geisel made a point of not beginning the writing
Geisel generally maintained trochaic meter for only brief
of his stories with a moral in mind, stating that “kids can
passages, and for longer stretches typically mixed it with
see a moral coming a mile off”, he was not against writing
iambic tetrameter, which consists of a weak syllable fol-
about issues; he said that “there’s an inherent moral in
[70] lowed by a strong, and is generally considered easier to
any story”, and he remarked that he was “subversive
write. Thus, for example, the magicians in Bartholomew
as hell”.[71]
and the Oobleck make their first appearance chanting in
Many of Geisel’s books express his views on a remark- trochees (thus resembling the witches of Shakespeare’s
able variety of social and political issues: The Lorax Macbeth):
(1971), about environmentalism and anti-consumerism;
"The Sneetches" (1961), about racial equality; The But- "Shuffle, duffle, muzzle, muff"
ter Battle Book (1984), about the arms race; Yertle the
Turtle (1958), about Hitler and anti-authoritarianism; then switch to iambs for the oobleck spell:
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1957), criticizing the
materialism and consumerism of the Christmas season; “Go make the Oobleck tumble down
and Horton Hears a Who! (1954), about anti-isolationism
On every street, in every town!"[75]
and internationalism.[46][66]

6 Artwork
5 Poetic meters
Geisel wrote most of his books in anapestic tetrameter, a
poetic meter employed by many poets of the English lit-
erary canon. This is often suggested as one of the reasons
that Geisel’s writing was so well received.[72][73]
Anapestic tetrameter consists of four rhythmic units,
anapests, each composed of two weak syllables followed
by one strong syllable (the beat); often, the first weak syl-
lable is omitted, or an additional weak syllable is added
at the end. An example of this meter can be found in
Geisel’s “Yertle the Turtle”, from Yertle the Turtle and
Other Stories:

“And today the Great Yertle, that Marvelous

Is King of the Mud. That is all he can see.”[74]

Some books by Geisel that are written mainly in

anapestic tetrameter also contain many lines written in At work on a drawing of The Grinch for How the Grinch Stole
amphibrachic tetrameter, such as these from If I Ran the Christmas, in 1957
Geisel’s earlier artwork often employed the shaded tex-
“All ready to put up the tents for my circus. ture of pencil drawings or watercolors, but in children’s

books of the postwar period, he generally employed the ligot’s Pool, If I Ran the Circus, and other books.
starker medium of pen and ink, normally using just black,
white, and one or two colors. Later books such as The Lo- • Another editorial cartoon from 1941[78] shows a
rax used more colors. long cow with many legs and udders representing the
conquered nations of Europe being milked by Adolf
Geisel’s figures are often rounded and somewhat droopy.
Hitler. This later became the Umbus of On Beyond
This is true, for instance, of the faces of the Grinch and of
the Cat in the Hat. Almost all the buildings and machin-
ery that Geisel drew were devoid of straight lines, even
• The tower of turtles in a 1942 editorial cartoon[79]
when he was representing real objects. For example, If
prefigures a similar tower in Yertle the Turtle. This
I Ran the Circus includes a droopy hoisting crane and a
theme also appeared in a Judge cartoon as one let-
droopy steam calliope.
ter of a hieroglyphic message, and in Geisel’s short-
Geisel evidently enjoyed drawing architecturally elabo- lived comic strip Hejji. Geisel once stated that Yertle
rate objects. His endlessly varied (but never rectilinear) the Turtle was Adolf Hitler.[80]
palaces, ramps, platforms, and free-standing stairways
are among his most evocative creations. Geisel also drew • Little cats A B and C (as well as the rest of the al-
complex imaginary machines, such as the Audio-Telly-O- phabet) who spring from each other’s hats appeared
Tally-O-Count, from Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book, or the “most in a Ford ad.
peculiar machine” of Sylvester McMonkey McBean in
The Sneetches. Geisel also liked drawing outlandish ar- • The connected beards in Did I Ever Tell You How
rangements of feathers or fur, for example, the 500th hat Lucky You Are? appear frequently in Geisel’s work,
of Bartholomew Cubbins, the tail of Gertrude McFuzz, most notably in Hejji, which featured two goats
and the pet for girls who like to brush and comb, in One joined at the beard, The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T,
Fish Two Fish. which featured two roller-skating guards joined at
the beard, and a political cartoon in which Nazism
Geisel’s images often convey motion vividly. He was fond
and the America First movement are portrayed as
of a sort of voilà gesture, in which the hand flips outward,
“the men with the Siamese Beard”.
spreading the fingers slightly backward with the thumb
up; this is done by Ish, for instance, in One Fish Two Fish
• Geisel’s earliest elephants were for advertising and
when he creates fish (who perform the gesture themselves
had somewhat wrinkly ears, much as real elephants
with their fins), in the introduction of the various acts of
do.[81] With And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry
If I Ran the Circus, and in the introduction of the Little
Street! (1937) and Horton Hatches the Egg (1940),
Cats in The Cat in the Hat Comes Back. He was also fond
the ears became more stylized, somewhat like angel
of drawing hands with interlocked fingers, which looked
wings and thus appropriate to the saintly Horton.
as though the characters were twiddling their thumbs.
During World War II, the elephant image appeared
Geisel also follows the cartoon tradition of showing as an emblem for India in four editorial cartoons.[82]
motion with lines, for instance in the sweeping lines that Horton and similar elephants appear frequently in
accompany Sneelock’s final dive in If I Ran the Circus. the postwar children’s books.
Cartoonists’ lines are also used to illustrate the action of
the senses (sight, smell, and hearing) in The Big Brag and • While drawing advertisements for Flit, Geisel be-
even of thought, as in the moment when the Grinch con- came adept at drawing insects with huge stingers,[83]
ceives his awful idea. shaped like a gentle S-curve and with a sharp end
that included a rearward-pointing barb on its lower
side. Their facial expressions depict gleeful malevo-
6.1 Recurring images lence. These insects were later rendered in an edito-
rial cartoon as a swarm of Allied aircraft[84] (1942),
Geisel’s early work in advertising and editorial cartooning and again as the Sneedle of On Beyond Zebra, and
produced sketches that received more perfect realization yet again as the Skritz in I Had Trouble in Getting to
later in the children’s books. Often, the expressive use Solla Sollew.
to which Geisel put an image later on was quite different
from the original.[76] • There are many examples of creatures who arrange
themselves in repeating patterns, such as the “Two
• An editorial cartoon of July 16, 1941[77] depicts a and fro walkers, who march in five layers”, and the
whale resting on the top of a mountain as a parody Through-Horns Jumping Deer in If I Ran the Circus,
of American isolationists, especially Charles Lind- and the arrangement of birds which the protagonist
bergh. This was later rendered (with no apparent of Oh, the Places You'll Go! walks through, as the
political content) as the Wumbus of On Beyond Ze- narrator admonishes him to "... always be dexterous
bra (1955). Seussian whales (cheerful and balloon- and deft, and never mix up your right foot with your
shaped, with long eyelashes) also occur in McEl- left.”

7 Publications gained experience during the Second World War, and

gradually relaxed his policy as he aged.
Further information: Dr. Seuss bibliography The first adaptation of one of Geisel’s works was a cartoon
version of Horton Hatches the Egg, animated at Warner
Over the course of his long career, Geisel wrote over Bros. in 1942. Directed by Robert Clampett, it was pre-
60 books. Though most were published under his well- sented as part of the Merrie Melodies series, and included
known pseudonym, Dr. Seuss, he also authored over a a number of gags not present in the original narrative, in-
dozen books as Theo LeSieg and one as Rosetta Stone. cluding a fish committing suicide and a Katharine Hep-
His books have topped many bestseller lists, sold over burn imitation by Mayzie.
600 million copies, and been translated into more than In 1959, Geisel authorized Revell, the well-known
20 languages.[2] In 2000, Publishers Weekly compiled a plastic-model-making company, to make a series of “an-
list of the best-selling children’s books of all time; of the
imals” that snapped together rather than being glued to-
top 100 hardcover books, 16 were written by Geisel, in- gether, and could be assembled, disassembled and re-
cluding Green Eggs and Ham, at number 4, The Cat in assembled “in thousands” of ways. The series was called
the Hat, at number 9, and One Fish Two Fish Red Fish the “Dr. Seuss Zoo” and included Gowdy the Dowdy
Blue Fish, at number 13.[85] In the years after his death inGrackle, Norval the Bashful Blinket, Tingo the Noodle
1991, two additional books were published based on his Topped Stroodle and Roscoe the Many Footed Lion. The
sketches and notes: Hooray for Diffendoofer Day! and basic body parts were the same and all were interchange-
Daisy-Head Mayzie. My Many Colored Days, originally able, and so it was possible for children to combine parts
written in 1973, was posthumously published in 1996. from various characters in essentially unlimited ways in
In September 2011, seven stories originally published in creating their own animal characters (Revell encouraged
magazines during the 1950s were released in a collection this by selling Gowdy, Norval and Tingo together in a
entitled The Bippolo Seed and Other Lost Stories.[86] “Gift Set” as well as individually). Revell also made a
Geisel also wrote a pair of books for adults: The Seven conventional glue-together “beginner’s kit” of The Cat in
Lady Godivas (1939; reprinted 1987), a retelling of the the Hat.
Lady Godiva legend that included nude depictions; and In 1966, Geisel authorized the eminent cartoon artist
You're Only Old Once! (written in 1986 when Geisel was Chuck Jones – his friend and former colleague from the
82), which chronicles an old man's journey through a war – to make a cartoon version of How the Grinch Stole
clinic. His last book, published the year before his death, Christmas!; Geisel was credited as a co-producer, along
was Oh, the Places You'll Go!, which became a popular with Jones, under his real name, “Ted Geisel”. The car-
gift for graduating students.[87] toon, narrated by Boris Karloff, who also provided the
voice of the Grinch, was very faithful to the original book,
and is considered a classic by many to this day; it is of-
8 Films based on his books ten broadcast as an annual Christmas television special.
Jones directed an adaptation of Horton Hears a Who! in
1970, and produced an adaptation of The Cat in the Hat
9 Adaptations in 1971.
From 1972 to 1983, Geisel wrote six animated specials,
which were produced by DePatie-Freleng: The Lorax
(1972); Dr. Seuss on the Loose (1973); The Hoober-Bloob
Highway (1975); Halloween Is Grinch Night (1977);
Pontoffel Pock, Where Are You? (1980); and The Grinch
Grinches the Cat in the Hat (1982). Several of the specials
were nominated for and won multiple Emmy Awards.
A Soviet paint-on-glass-animated short film called
Welcome (an adaptation of Thidwick the Big-Hearted
Moose) was made in 1986. The last adaptation of Geisel’s
works before he died was The Butter Battle Book, a televi-
sion special based on the book of the same name, directed
by adult animation legend Ralph Bakshi.
Seuss Landing at Islands of Adventure in Orlando A television film titled In Search of Dr. Seuss, released
in 1994, adapted many of Seuss’s stories. It uses both
For most of his career, Geisel was reluctant to have his live-action versions and animated versions of the char-
characters marketed in contexts outside of his own books. acters and stories featured; however, the animated por-
However, he did allow for the creation of several an- tions were merely edited (and, in some cases, re-dubbed
imated cartoons, an art form in which he himself had as well) versions of previous animated television specials.

After Geisel died of cancer at the age of 87 in 1991, his • Aside from considering Cat in the Hat as important
widow Audrey Geisel was placed in charge of all licens- as the Bible,[92] Marilyn Manson used to make pop-
ing matters. She approved a live-action feature-film ver- art flyers mixing porn pictures, serial-killers’ and
sion of How the Grinch Stole Christmas starring Jim Car- other celebrities faces, self-portrait caricatures and
rey, as well as a Seuss-themed Broadway musical called Dr. Seuss characters for the promotion of his early
Seussical, and both premiered in 2000. The Grinch has band Marilyn Manson & the Spooky Kids.[93]
had limited engagement runs on Broadway during the
Christmas season, after premiering in 1998 (under the
title How the Grinch Stole Christmas) at the Old Globe 10 See also
Theatre in San Diego, where it has become a Christmas
tradition. In 2003, another live-action film was released,
this time an adaptation of The Cat in the Hat that fea- 11 References
tured Mike Myers as the title character. Audrey Geisel
has spoken critically of the film, especially the casting of [1] “About the Author, Dr. Seuss, Seussville”. Timeline. Re-
Myers as the Cat in the Hat, and stated that she would trieved February 15, 2012.
not allow any further live-action adaptations of Geisel’s
[2] Bernstein, Peter W. (1992). “Unforgettable Dr. Seuss”.
books.[88] However, an animated CGI feature film adap-
Unforgettable. Reader’s Digest Australia. p. 192. ISSN
tation of Horton Hears a Who! was approved, and was 0034-0375.
eventually released on March 14, 2008, to critical ac-
claim. A CGI-animated feature film adaptation of The [3] “Theodor Seuss Geisel” (2015). Encyclopædia Britannica.
Lorax was released by Universal on March 2, 2012 (on Retrieved July 22, 2015.
what would have been the 108th birthday of Seuss). [4] Mandeville Special Collections Library. “The Dr. Seuss
Four television series have been adapted from Geisel’s Collection”. UC San Diego. Retrieved April 10, 2012.
work. The first, Gerald McBoing-Boing, was an animated [5] Seuss, Geisel (2005). “Dr. Seuss Biography”. In Taylor,
television adaptation of Geisel’s 1951 cartoon of the same Constance. Theodor Seuss Geisel The Early Works of Dr.
name and lasted three months between 1956 and 1957. Seuss 1. 228 Byers Road, Suite 201, Miamisburg, OH
The second, The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss, was a 45342: Checker Book Publishing Group. p. 6. ISBN
mix of live-action and puppetry by Jim Henson Televi- 1-933160-01-2
sion, the producers of The Muppets. It aired for one sea-
[6] Reitwiesner, William Addams. “Ancestry of Theodor
son on Nickelodeon in the United States, from 1996 to
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1997. The third, Gerald McBoing-Boing, is a remake of
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Entertainment (now DHX Media) and North America by (Mass.) – Google Books. Books.google.com. Retrieved
Classic Media (now DreamWorks Classics), it ran from 2013-12-29.
2005 to 2007. The fourth, The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot
[8] “Who Knew Dr. Seuss Could Brew?". Narragansett Beer.
About That!, produced by Portfolio Entertainment Inc., Retrieved February 12, 2012.
began on August 7, 2010, in Canada and September 6,
2010, in the United States and is currently still showing. [9] Deal, Joshua. “Filmcans and Vinyl: The life of Dr.
Seuss”. SunGazette.com. Retrieved September 19, 2012.
Geisel’s books and characters are also featured in Seuss
Landing, one of many islands at the Islands of Adventure [10] Fensch, Thomas (2001). The Man Who Was Dr. Seuss.
theme park in Orlando, Florida. In an attempt to match Woodlands: New Century Books. pp. 30–31, 37. ISBN
Geisel’s visual style, there are reportedly “no straight 0-930751-11-6.
lines” in Seuss Landing. [11] Minear (1999), p. 9.
The Hollywood Reporter has reported that Johnny Depp
[12] Nell, Phillip (March–April 2009). “Impertient Ques-
has agreed to produce and possibly star in a film based tions”. Humanities. National Endowment for the Human-
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[14] Fensch, Thomas (2001). The Man Who Was Dr. Seuss.
9.1 Music Woodlands: New Century Books. p. 38. ISBN 0-
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track in the album Freaky Styley, 1985) [15] Pace, Eric (September 26, 1991). “Dr. Seuss, Modern
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[33] Richard H. Minear, Dr. Seuss Goes to War: The World
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The Political Dr. Seuss". MassHumanities eNews. Mas-
[83] Geisel, Theordor. “Flit kills!".
sachusetts Foundation for the Humanities. Archived from
the original on September 16, 2007. Retrieved September [84] Theodor Geisel (w, a). "Try and pull the wings off these
16, 2008. butterflies, Benito!" PM (November 11, 1942)
[67] Lamothe, Ron (October 27, 2004). “PBS Independent [85] Turvey, Debbie Hochman (December 17, 2001). “All-
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[68] Buchwald, Art (July 30, 1974). “Richard M. Nixon Will
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[69] “Dr Seuss: Rhymes and Reasons (2003 documentary) [87] Blais, Jacqueline; Memmott, Carol; Minzesheimer, Bob
Part 9 of 9”. YouTube. September 24, 2008. Retrieved (May 16, 2007). “Book buzz: Dave Barry really rocks”.
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[88] Associated Press (February 26, 2004). Seussentenial: 100
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[70] Bunzel, Peter (April 6, 1959). “The Wacky World of 2008.
Dr. Seuss Delights the Child—and Adult—Readers of [89] Ellin, Abby (October 2, 2005). “The Return of ... Gerald
His Books”. Life (Chicago: Time Inc.). ISSN 0024-3019. McBoing Boing?". nytimes.com (The New York Times).
OCLC 1643958. Most of Geisel’s books point a moral, Retrieved April 7, 2008.
though he insists he never starts with one. 'Kids,' he says,
'can see a moral coming a mile off and they gag at it. But [90] Universal Orlando.com. The Cat in the Hat ride. Re-
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[71] Cott, Jonathan (1984). “The Good Dr. Seuss”. Pipers at [91] Kit, Borys; Fernandez, Jay A. (October 5, 2011). “Johnny
the Gates of Dawn: The Wisdom of Children’s Literature Depp to Become Dr. Seuss for Illumination and Univer-
(Reprint ed.). New York City: Random House. ISBN sal (exclusive)". The Hollywood Reporter. Prometheus
978-0-394-50464-3. OCLC 8728388. Global Media, LLC.

[72] Mensch, Betty; Freeman, Alan (1987). “Getting to [92] "Interview:1997/08/13 Politically Incorrect – The Mari-
Solla Sollew: The Existentialist Politics of Dr. Seuss”. lyn Manson Wiki”. Mansonwiki.com. Retrieved 2013-
Tikkun: 30. In opposition to the conventional—indeed, 12-16.
hegemonic—iambic voice, his metric triplets offer the
[93] “1989–1995 imagery – The Marilyn Manson Wiki”.
power of a more primal chant that quickly draws the
Mansonwiki.com. 2013-08-30. Retrieved 2013-12-16.
reader in with relentless repetition.

[73] Fensch, Thomas, ed. (1997). Of Sneetches and Whos

and the Good Dr. Seuss. Jefferson, North Carolina: 12 Further reading
McFarland & Company. ISBN 0-7864-0388-8. OCLC
• Cohen, Charles (2004). The Seuss, the Whole Seuss
[74] Dr. Seuss (1958). Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories. and Nothing But the Seuss: A Visual Biography of
Random House. OCLC 18181636. Theodor Seuss Geisel. Random House Books for
Young Readers. ISBN 0-375-82248-8. OCLC
[75] Dr. Seuss (1949). Bartholomew and the Oobleck.
Random House. OCLC 391115.
• Fensch, Thomas (ed.) (1997). Of Sneetches and
[76] “Mandeville Special Collections Library, UC San Diego”.
UC San Diego. Retrieved April 10, 2012.
Whos and the Good Dr. Seuss: Essays on the Writ-
ings and Life of Theodor Geisel. McFarland & Com-
[77] Dr. Seuss (w, a). "The Isolationist" PM (July 16, 1941) pany. ISBN 0-7864-0388-8.

• Geisel, Audrey (1995). The Secret Art of Dr. Seuss. • The Advertising Artwork of Dr. Seuss
Random House. ISBN 0-679-43448-8.
• The Register of Dr. Seuss Collection UC San Diego
• Geisel, Theodor (1987). Dr. Seuss from Then to
Now: A Catalogue of the Retrospective Exhibition. • Hotchkiss, Eugene III (Spring 2004). “Dr. Seuss
Random House. ISBN 0-394-89268-2. Keeps Me Guessing: A Commencement story by
President Emeritus Eugene Hotchkiss III”. lakefor-
• Geisel, Theodor (2001). Minnear, Richard, ed. Dr. est.edu. Archived from the original on August 14,
Seuss Goes to War: The World War II Editorial Car- 2004. Retrieved November 10, 2011.
toons of Theodor Seuss Geisel. New Press. ISBN
1-56584-704-0. • Dr. Seuss / Theodor Geisel artwork can be viewed
at American Art Archives web site
• Geisel, Theodor (2004). The Beginnings of Dr.
Seuss: An Informal Reminiscence. Dartmouth Col- • Dr. Seuss at the Internet Movie Database
• The Dr. Seuss That Switched His Voice – poem by
• Geisel, Theodor (2005). Theodor Seuss Geisel: The Joe Dolce, first published in Quadrant magazine.
Early Works, Volume 1. Checker Book Publishing.
• Register of the Dr. Seuss Collection, UC San Diego
ISBN 1-933160-01-2.
• Geisel, Theodor (1987). Minnear, Richard, ed. • Dr. Seuss at Library of Congress Authorities, with
The Tough Coughs as He Ploughs the Dough: Early 190 catalog records
Writings and Cartoons by Dr. Seuss. New York: • Theodor Seuss Geisel (real name), Theo. LeSieg
Morrow/Remco Worldservice Books. ISBN 0-688- (pseud.), and Rosetta Stone (joint pseud.) at LC Au-
06548-1. thorities with 30, 9, and 1 records
• Lamothe, Ron (2004). The Political Dr. Seuss
(DVD). Terra Incognita Films. Documentary aired
on the Public Television System.
• Lathem, Edward Connery (2000). Who’s Who and
What’s What in the Books of Dr. Seuss. Dartmouth
• MacDonald, Ruth K. (1988). Dr. Seuss. Twayne
Publishers. ISBN 0-8057-7524-2.
• Morgan, Judith; Morgan, Neil (1995). Dr. Seuss &
Mr. Geisel. Random House. ISBN 0-679-41686-2.
• Nel, Philip (2007). The Annotated Cat: Under the
Hats of Seuss and His Cats. Random House. ISBN
• Nel, Philip (2004). Dr. Seuss: American Icon. Con-
tinuum Publishing. ISBN 0-8264-1434-6.
• Pease, Donald E. (2010). Theodor Seuss Geisel.
Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-532302-
• Weidt, Maryann; Maguire, Kerry (1994). Oh, the
Places He Went. Carolrhoda Books. ISBN 0-87614-

13 External links
• Seussville site Random House
• Dr. Seuss biography on Lambiek Comiclopedia
• Dr. Seuss Went to War: A Catalog of Political Car-
toons by Dr. Seuss

14 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

14.1 Text
• Dr. Seuss Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Seuss?oldid=677732512 Contributors: The Epopt, Lee Daniel Crocker, Eloquence,
Bryan Derksen, Koyaanis Qatsi, Manning Bartlett, Andre Engels, Eclecticology, Danny, Rmhermen, Novalis, William Avery, Zoe, David
spector, Isis~enwiki, Yaginuma, Modemac, Frecklefoot, Edward, Ubiquity, Kchishol1970, D, Michael Hardy, Llywrch, Ronincyberpunk,
Dominus, Zanimum, GTBacchus, Reboot, Xadrian, Paul A, Tregoweth, Mdebets, Ahoerstemeier, DavidWBrooks, Ajank, Erzengel, Dark-
wind, Mark Foskey, Xamian, Amcaja, Vzbs34, Susurrus, EdH, Dcoetzee, RickK, Dysprosia, Andrewman327, Wik, Zoicon5, Timc, DJ
Clayworth, Furrykef, RayKiddy, Roachmeister, Tempshill, Thomasedavis, Quoth-22, Topbanana, Opus33, AnonMoos, Jerzy, Camerong,
Jeffq, RadicalBender, Calieber, Phil Boswell, Bgruber, Dale Arnett, Lowellian, Mirv, Postdlf, Flauto Dolce, Auric, Gidonb, LGagnon,
Faught, Andrew Levine, Hadal, Saforrest, Mushroom, Cyrius, Rsduhamel, Dina, Alan Liefting, Giftlite, Smjg, DocWatson42, Seaeagle04,
Barbara Shack, Tom harrison, Lupin, Brian Kendig, No Guru, Dratman, Gamaliel, Ab762, Ssd, Rick Block, Guanaco, Bovlb, Yekrats, Ja-
son Quinn, Kainaw, Jackol, Tagishsimon, Sesel, Alanl, Shakeer, Neilc, Erich gasboy, ChicXulub, Gadfium, Nova77, CryptoDerk, Quadell,
Antandrus, Evertype, FelineAvenger, OwenBlacker, Beerden, Thincat, Icairns, Gscshoyru, Figure, Edsanville, Marcus2, Ukexpat, Fg2,
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Sparky the Seventh Chaos, DanielCD, Dablaze, Discospinster, Rich Farmbrough, Vsmith, Autiger, Ponder, Mjpieters, Kennnesbitt, Darren
Olivier, Arthur Holland, Wadewitz, Pavel Vozenilek, Paul August, Kenb215, ESkog, Flapdragon, Mashford, Pedant, Glenlarson, Mr. Bil-
lion, Szyslak, Rgdboer, Kwamikagami, Shanes, RoyBoy, Dennis Brown, Bobo192, Smalljim, Robnock, Fremsley, KitHutch, Clarkbhm,
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Zachlipton, Merenta, Alansohn, JYolkowski, Cogent, Lord Pistachio, BodyTag, Mailer diablo, Alex '05, Mysdaao, Phyllis1753, Lugevas,
Snowolf, Wtmitchell, SidP, Tony Sidaway, Guthrie, Nintendo Maximus, Kusma, Ianblair23, Versageek, Recury, Netkinetic, KTMor-
ris, Kazvorpal, Pediddle, Dismas, Hijiri88, Spartacus007, Feezo, MickWest, Thryduulf, Philthecow, Starblind, Mel Etitis, Woohookitty,
Etacar11, MONGO, Raguv2000, Bluemoose, GregorB, Macaddct1984, Jagvar, Hughcharlesparker, Wayward, Regoarrarr, Alan Canon,
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Brendan Moody, TeaDrinker, ThePlaz, Alphachimp, Srleffler, Irregulargalaxies, King of Hearts, Tlshd, Rewster, DVdm, Korg, Cac-
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tre, RussBot, Open4D, Ryansworld100000, Lincolnite, Morrislevy, Splash, Madkayaker, Bhoeble, SpuriousQ, Hydrargyrum, Stephenb,
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myj, Pnkrockr, Parent5446, Addshore, Flubbit, DR04, Einnarf, Wolf120, Krich, Zrulli, Cybercobra, Tapered, Nakon, Savidan, Valen-
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Oos, Ehistory, Nipheus, Switchercat, Dia^, Xcentaur, JForget, Blackash, Wolfdog, DupeOfURL, CmdrObot, DUden, Rorshacma, Mat-
tbr, Wafulz, BeenAroundAWhile, Eric, Leopoldhausen, NessBird, Dk1965, Orayzio, Benwildeboer, Green caterpillar, Moreschi, Vvalley,
Ken Gallager, Richard Keatinge, Dorothybaez, Karenjc, MrFish, Bobnorwal, Qrc2006, Kribbeh, Phatom87, AndrewHowse, KaitA, Sen-
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Travelbird, Khatru2, EdiOnjales, Corpx, CiaranG, Dsf, A Softer Answer, Chasingsol, JustinH, Lugnuts, Pascal.Tesson, Yuymako, Tawker-
bot4, UberMan5000, Shirulashem, Doug Weller, Fuelvolts, DumbBOT, Chrislk02, JCO312, Sp, Ssilvers, Mathew5000, Adasiak, Pellucid,
Levip7, Dedda71, Rspeed, Meinterrupted, Tuxide, Gimmetrow, Thijs!bot, Epbr123, Biruitorul, MarkBuckles, TFriesen, Hit bull, win
steak, Pajz, TonyTheTiger, Willworkforicecream, GentlemanGhost, Kablammo, Mojo Hand, Wompa99, Einbierbitte, Luigifan, Marek69,
Frank, A3RO, Tellyaddict, Arthur Ellis, Dfrg.msc, ThisIsAce, Dgies, CharlotteWebb, Amrush, Johnwrw, Natalie Erin, Alexander lau,
ONAGER, John Smythe, Dajagr, AntiVandalBot, Majorly, Nicholas0, Luna Santin, Seaphoto, Emeraldcityserendipity, SummerPhD, Pro-
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Days, Ashadeofgrey, Ephips, Roll Call Guy, Trevgreg, Allstarecho, Styrofoam1994, Yioryios, Greg Williams, Electraplatypus, Enquire,
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