Electronics II Refernce Notes

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An operational amplifier is a direct-coupled high-gain amplifier usually consisting of one or

more differential amplifiers and usually followed by a level translator and an output stage. An
operational amplifier is available as a single integrated circuit package.

The operational amplifier is a versatile device that can be used to amplify dc as well as ac input
signals and was originally designed for computing such mathematical functions as addition,subtraction,
multiplication, and integration. Thus the name operational amplifier stems from its original use for these
mathematical operations and is abbreviated to op-amp. With the addition of suitable external feedback
components, the modern day op-amp can be used for a variety of applications, such as ac and dc signal
amplification, active filters, oscillators, comparators,regulators, and others.

The ideal op-amp:

An ideal op-amp would exhibit the following electrical characteristics:

1. Infinite voltage gain

2. Infinite input resistance so that almost any signal source can drive it and there is no loading
on the preceding stage.
3. Zero output resistance Ro so that output can drive an infinite number of other devices.
4. Zero output voltage when input voltage is zero.
5. Infinite bandwidth so that any frequency signal from 0 to ∞Hz can be amplified without
6. Infinite common mode rejection ratio so that the output common-mode noise voltage is zero.
7. Infinite slew rate so that output voltage changes occur simultaneously with input voltage

1.3.2 Equivalent circuit of an opamp:

Fig. 1.1 shows an equivalent circuit of an op-amp. V 1 and V2are the two input voltage voltages. R i
is the input impedance of OPAMP. A d Vdis an equivalent Thevenin’s voltage source and R O is the
Thevenin’s equivalent impedance looking back into the terminal of an op-amp.
Fig. 1.1 Equivalent circuit of OP-AMP

This equivalent circuit is useful in analysing the basic operating principles of op-amp and
in observing the effects of standard feedback arrangements.

VO = Ad (V1-V2) = AdVd.

This equation indicates that the output voltage Vo is directly proportional to the algebraic difference
between the two input voltages. In other words the opamp amplifies the difference between the two input
voltages. It does not amplify the input voltages themselves. The polarity of the output voltage depends on
the polarity of the difference voltage Vd.

1.3.3.Ideal Voltage Transfer Curve:

Fig. 1.2 Ideal voltage transfer curve

The graphic representation of the output equation is shown infig.1.2 in which the output voltage Vo is
plotted against differential input voltage Vd, keeping gain Ad constant.

The output voltage cannot exceed the positive and negative saturation voltages. These saturation voltages
are specified for given values of supply voltages. This means that the output voltage is directly proportional
to the input difference voltage only until it reaches the saturation voltages and thereafter the output voltage
remains constant.

Thus curve is called an ideal voltage transfer curve, ideal because output offset voltage is assumed to be
zero. If the curve is drawn to scale, the curve would be almost vertical because of very large values of A d.

The operational amplifier is a direct-coupled high gain amplifier usable from 0 to over 1MHz to
which feedback is added to control its overall response characteristic i.e. gain and bandwidth. The op-amp
exhibits the gain down to zero frequency.

The internal block diagram of an opamp is shown in the fig 1.3. The input stage is the dual input
balanced output differential amplifier. This stage generally provides most of the voltage gain of the
amplifier and also establishes the input resistance of the op-amp. The intermediate stage is usually another
differential amplifier, which is driven by the output of the first stage. On most amplifiers, the intermediate
stage is dual input, unbalanced output. Because of direct coupling, the dc voltage at the output of the
intermediate stage is well above ground potential. Therefore, the level translator (shifting) circuit is used
after the intermediate stage downwards to zero volts with respect to ground. The final stage is usually a push
pull complementary symmetry amplifier output stage. The output stage increases the voltage swing and
raises the ground supplying capabilities of the op-amp. A well designed output stage also provides low
output resistance.

Fig.1.3 Block Diagram of OP-AMP

1.4.1. Differential amplifier

Fig. 1.4 Differential Amplifier
Differential amplifier is a basic building block of an op-amp. The function of a differential amplifier is to
amplify the difference between two input signals. The two transistors Q 1 and Q2 have identical
characteristics. The resistances of the circuits are equal, i.e. R E1 = R E2, RC1 = R C2 and the magnitude of
+VCC is equal to the magnitude of -VEE. These voltages are measured with respect to ground.

To make a differential amplifier, the two circuits are connected as shown in fig. 1.4. The two +VCC and -VEE
supply terminals are made common because they are same. The two emitters are also connected and the
parallel combination of RE1 and RE2 is replaced by a resistance R E. The two input signals v1& v2 are applied
at the base of Q1 and at the base of Q 2. The output voltage is taken between two collectors. The collector
resistances are equal and therefore denoted by R C = RC1 = RC2.

Ideally, the output voltage is zero when the two inputs are equal. When v 1 is greater then v2 the output
voltage with the polarity shown appears. When v 1 is less than v2, the output voltage has the opposite

The differential amplifiers are of different configurations.

Fig1.5. Dual input, balanced output differential amplifier.Fig.1.6. Dual input, unbalanced output differential amplifier.
Fig.1.7.Single input, balanced output differential amplifierFig.1.8.Single input, unbalanced output differential amplifier

The four differential amplifier configurations are following:

1. Dual input, balanced output differential amplifier.

2. Dual input, unbalanced output differential amplifier.
3. Single input balanced output differential amplifier.
4. Single input unbalanced output differential amplifier.

These configurations are shown in fig(1.5,1.6,1.7, 1.8), and are defined by number of input signals used and
the way an output voltage is measured. If use two input signals, the configuration is said to be dual input,
otherwise it is a single input configuration. On the other hand, if the output voltage is measured between
two collectors, it is referred to as a balanced output because both the collectors are at the same dc potential
w.r.t. ground. If the output is measured at one of the collectors w.r.t. ground, the configuration is called an
unbalanced output.

A multistage amplifier with a desired gain can be obtained using direct connection between successive
stages of differential amplifiers. The advantage of direct coupling is that it removes the lower cut off
frequency imposed by the coupling capacitors, and they are therefore, capable of amplifying dc as well as
ac input signals.

1) Dual Input, Balanced Output Differential Amplifier:

The circuit is shown in fig.1.10V1 and V2 are the two inputs, applied to the bases of Q1 and Q2 transistors. The
output voltage is measured between the two collectors C1 and C2, which are at same dc potentials.

D.C. Analysis:To obtain the operating point (ICQ and VCEQ) for differential amplifier dc equivalent circuit
is drawn by reducing the input voltages V1 and V2 to zero as shown in fig1.9

Fig.1.9Differential Amplifier

The internal resistances of the input signals are denoted by RS because RS1= RS2. Since both emitter biased
sections of the different amplifier are symmetrical in all respects, therefore, the operating point for only
one section need to be determined. The same values of I CQ and VCEQ can be used for second transistor Q2.

Applying KVL to the base emitter loop of the transistor Q1.

The value of RE sets up the emitter current in transistors Q1 and Q2 for a given value of V EE. The emitter
current in Q1 and Q2 are independent of collector resistance R C.

The voltage at the emitter of Q1 is approximately equal to -V BE if the voltage drop across R is negligible.
Knowing the value of IC the voltage at the collector VCis given by

Fig.1.10 Differential Amplifier


and VCE = VC- VE


VCE = VCC + VBE - ICRC (E-2)

From the two equations VCEQ and ICQ can be determined. This dc analysis is applicable for all types of
differential amplifier.

A.C. Analysis :

The circuit is shown in fig.1.10 V1 and V2 are the two inputs, applied to the bases of Q1 and Q2 transistors.
The output voltage is measured between the two collectors C 1 and C2, which are at same dc potentials.

In previous lecture dc analysis has been done to obtain the operating point of the two transistors.To
find the voltage gain Ad and the input resistance Ri of the differential amplifier, the ac equivalent circuit is
drawn using r-parameters as shown infig1.11. The dc voltages are reduced to zero and the ac equivalent of
CE configuration is used.

Fig.1.11Differential Amplifier A/C Analysis

Since the two dc emitter currents are equal. Therefore, resistance r' e1 and r'e2 are also equal and designated by
r'e . This voltage across each collector resistance is shown 180° out of phase with respect to the input
voltages v1 and v2. This is same as in CE configuration. The polarity of the output voltage is shown in
Figure. The collector C2 is assumed to be more positive with respect to collector C 1 even though both are
negative with respect to ground.

Applying KVL in two loops 1 & 2.

Substituting current relations,

Again, assuming RS1 /β and RS2 /β are very small in comparison with RE and re' and therefore neglecting these

Solving these two equations, ie1 and ie2 can be calculated.

The output voltage VO is given by

Substituting ie1, & ie2 in the above expression

Thus a differential amplifier amplifies the difference between two input signals. Defining the
difference of input signals as V d =V1-V2 the voltage gain of the dual input balanced output differential
amplifier can be given by

Differential Input Resistance:

Differential input resistance is defined as the equivalent resistance that would be measured at either
input terminal with the other terminal grounded. This means that the input resistance Ri1 seen from the input
signal source V1 is determined with the signal source V2 set at zero. Similarly, the input signal V1
set at zero to determine the input resistance Ri2 seen from the input signal source V 2. Resistance RS1 and RS2
are ignored because they are very small.

Substituting ie1,

The factor of 2 arises because the re' of each transistor is in series.To get very high input impedance
with differential amplifier is to use Darlington transistors. Another ways is to use FET.

Output Resistance:

Output resistance is defined as the equivalent resistance that would be measured at output terminal
with respect to ground. Therefore, the output resistance RO1 measured between collector C1 and ground is
equal to that of the collector resistance RC. Similarly the output resistance R O2 measured at C2 with respect
to ground is equal to that of the collector resistor RC.

RO1 = RO2 = RC 5)

The current gain of the differential amplifier is undefined. Like CE amplifier the differential amplifier is
a small signal amplifier. It is generally used as a voltage amplifier and not as current or power amplifier.
2) Dual Input, Unbalanced Output Differential Amplifier:
Fig. 1.12Differential Amplifier

In this case, two input signals are given however the output is measured at only one of the two-
collector w.r.t. ground as shown infig1.12. The output is referred to as an unbalanced output because the
collector at which the output voltage is measured is at some finite dc potential with respect to ground.

In other words, there is some dc voltage at the output terminal without any input signal applied. DC
analysis is exactly same as that of first case.

AC Analysis:

The output voltage gain in this case is given by

The voltage gain is half the gain of the dual input, balanced output differential amplifier. Since at the
output there is a dc error voltage, therefore, to reduce the voltage to zero, this configuration is normally
followed by a level translator circuit.
1.4.2. Level Translator:

Because of the direct coupling the dc level at the emitter rises from stages to stage. This increase in
dc level tends to shift the operating point of the succeeding stages and therefore limits the output
voltage swing and may even distort the output signal.

To shift the output dc level to zero, level translator circuits are used. An emitter follower with
voltage divider is the simplest form of level translator as shown

Thus a dc voltage at the base of Q produces 0V dc at the output. It is decided by R 1 and R2. Instead
of voltage divider emitter follower either with diode current bias or current mirror bias as shown in
fig 1.14may be used to get better results.

In this case, level shifter, which is common collector amplifier, shifts the level by 0.7V. If this shift
is not sufficient, the output may be taken at the junction of two resistors in the emitter leg.

Fig1.14 Common collector Amplifier

Fig.1.15 shows a complete opamp circuit having input different amplifiers with balanced output,
intermediate stage with unbalanced output, level shifter and an output amplifier.

Fig.1.15 Circuit Diagram of OP-AMP



a)Input offset voltage:

Input offset voltage Vio is the differential input voltage that exists between two input terminals of an
op-amp without any external inputs applied. In other words, it is the amount of the input voltage that should
be applied between two input terminals in order to force the output voltage to zero. Let us denote the output
offset voltage due to input offset voltage Vio as Voo. The output offset voltage Voo is caused by mismatching
between two input terminals. Even though all the components are integrated on the same chip, it is not
possible to have two transistors in the input differential amplifier stage with exactly the same characteristics.
This means that the collector currents in these two transistors are not equal, which causes a differential
output voltage from the first stage. The output of first stage is amplified by following stages and possibly
aggravated by more mismatching in them.
Fig 1.16input offset voltage in opamp Fig 1.17 Output offset voltage in opamp

Fig 1.18.Op-Amp with offset voltage compensating network

The op-amp with offset-voltage compensating network is shown in Figure1.18. The

Compensating network consists of potentiometer Ra and resistors Rb and Re.
To establish a relationship between Vio, supply voltages, and the compensating components,
firstThevenize the circuit, looking back into Ra from point T. The maximum Thevenin’s equivalentresistance
Rmax, occurs when the wiper is at the center of the Potentiometer, as shown in Figure.

Rmax =(R a /2)||(R a /2)

Supply voltages VCCand -VEEare equal in magnitude therefore; let us denote their magnitude byvoltage V.
Thus Vmax= V

where V2 has been expressed as a function of maximum Thevenin‘s voltage Vmax and
maximum Thevenin‘s resistance, But the maximum value of V2 can be equal to Vio since V1
— V2 = Vio. Thus Equation becomes

Assume Rb >Rmax >Rc, where Rmax = Ra/4. Using this assumption Rmax+Rb+Rc=Rb

Let us now examine the effect of Vio in amplifiers with feedback. The non-inverting and inverting
amplifiers with feedback are shown in Figure.1.19To determine the effect of Vio, in each case, we have to
reduce the input voltage vin to zero.
Fig 1.19 Closed loop non inverting or inverting Amp

With vin reduced to zero, the circuits of both non-inverting and inverting amplifiers are the sameas the
circuit in Figure. The internal resistance Rin of the input signal voltage is negligibly small.In the figure, the non-
inverting input terminal is connected to ground; therefore, assume voltageV1 at input terminal to be zero. The
voltageV2 at the inverting input terminal can be determinedby applying the voltage-divider rule:
b) Input offset voltage
A small voltage applied to the input terminals to make the output voltage as zero
when the two input terminals are grounded is called input offset voltage

c)Input bias current

Input bias current IB as the average value of the base currents entering into terminal of an op-
Obtaining the expression for the output offset voltage caused by the inputbias current IB in the
inverting and non-inverting amplifiers and then devise some scheme toeliminate or minimize it.

Fig 1.20 Op-Amp

In the figure, the input bias currents ‘81 and 1 are flowing into the non-inverting and invertinginput
leads, respectively. The non-inverting terminal is connected to ground; therefore, thevoltage V1 = 0 V. The
controlled voltage source A Vio =0 V since Vio= 0 V is assumed. Withoutput resistance Ro is negligibly small,
the right end of RF is essentially at ground potential; thatis, resistors R1, and RF are in parallel and the bias
current I, flows through them. Therefore, thevoltage at the inverting terminal is

d)Thermal Drift:

Bias current, offset current and offset voltage change with temperature. A circuit carefully nulled at
o o
25 c may not remain so when the temperature rises to 35 c. This is called drift
a) Slew rate

b) Frequency Response

Need for frequency compensation in practical op-amps:

Frequency compensation is needed when large bandwidth and lower closed loop gain is desired.
Compensating networks are used to control the phase shift and hence to improve the stability

Frequency compensation methods :

a)Dominant- pole compensation

b)Pole- zero compensation

a)Slew Rate

The slew rate is defined as the maximum rate of change of output voltage caused by a step input voltage.
An ideal slew rate is infinite which means that op-amp’s output voltage should change instantaneously in
response to input step voltage.

The symbolic diagram of an OPAMP is shown in fig1.21

Fig.1.21 Op-Amp Symbol

741c is most commonly used OPAMP available in IC package. It is an 8-pin DIP chip.

1.5.3.Parameters of OPAMP:

The various important parameters of OPAMP are follows:

1.Input Offset Voltage:

Fig. 1.22input 0ffset voltage

If no external input signal is applied to the op-amp at the inverting and non-inverting terminals the output
must be zero. That is, if Vi=0, Vo=0. But as a result of the given biasing supply voltages, +V cc and –Vcc, a
finite bias current is drawn by the op-amps, and as a result of asymmetry on the differential amplifier
configuration, the output will not be zero. This is known as offset. Since Vo must be zero when Vi=0 an input
voltage must be applied such that the output offset is cancelled and Vo is made zero. This is known as input
offset voltage. Input offset voltage (V io) is defined as the voltage that must be applied between the two input
terminals of an OPAMP to null or zero the output voltage. Fig 1.22, shows that two dc voltages are applied
to input terminals to make the output zero.

Vio = Vdc1- Vdc2

Vdc1 and Vdc2 are dc voltages and RS represents the source resistance. V io is the difference of Vdc1 and Vdc2. It
may be positive or negative. For a 741C OPAMP the maximum value of V io is 6mV. It means a voltage ± 6
mV is required to one of the input to reduce the output offset voltage to zero. The smaller the input offset
voltage the better the differential amplifier, because its transistors are more closely matched

2.Input offset Current:

Though for an ideal op-amp the input impedance is infinite, it is not so practically. So the IC draws current
from the source, however smaller it may be. This is called input offset current I io. The input offset current Iio
is the difference between the currents into inverting and non-inverting terminals of a balanced amplifier as
shown in fig 1.22.

Iio = | IB1- IB2 |

The Iio for the 741C is 200nA maximum. As the matching between two input terminals is improved, the
difference between IB1 and IB2 becomes smaller, i.e. the I io value decreases further.For a precision OPAMP
741C, Iio is 6 nA

3.Input Bias Current:

The input bias current IB is the average of the current entering the input terminals of a balanced amplifier

IB = (IB1 + IB2 ) / 2

For ideal op-amp IB=0. For 741C IB(max) = 700 nA and for precision 741C IB = ± 7 nA

4. Differential Input Resistance: (Ri)

Ri is the equivalent resistance that can be measured at either the inverting or non-inverting input terminal
with the other terminal grounded. For the 741C the input resistance is relatively high 2 MΩ. For some
OPAMP it may be up to 1000 G ohm.

5. Input Capacitance: (Ci)

Ci is the equivalent capacitance that can be measured at either the inverting and noninverting terminal with
the other terminal connected to ground. A typical value of Ci is 1.4 pf for the 741C.

6. Offset Voltage Adjustment Range:

741 OPAMP have offset voltage null capability. Pins 1 and 5 are marked offset null for this purpose. It can
be done by connecting 10 K ohm pot between 1 and 5 as shown

By varying the potentiometer, output offset voltage (with inputs grounded) can be reduced to zero volts.
Thus the offset voltage adjustment range is the range through which the input offset voltage can be
adjusted by varying 10 K pot. For the 741C the offset voltage adjustment range is ± 15 mV.

7. Input Voltage Range :

Input voltage range is the range of a common mode input signal for which a differential amplifier
remains linear. It is used to determine the degree of matching between the inverting and non-inverting input
terminals. For the 741C, the range of the input common mode voltage is ± 13V maximum. This means that
the common mode voltage applied at both input terminals can be as high as +13V or as low as -13V.

8. Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR).

CMRR is defined as the ratio of the differential voltage gain Ad to the common mode voltage gain ACM

CMRR = Ad / ACM.

For the 741C, CMRR is 90 dB typically. The higher the value of CMRR the better is the matching between
two input terminals and the smaller is the output common mode voltage

9. Supply voltage Rejection Ratio: (SVRR)

SVRR is the ratio of the change in the input offset voltage to the corresponding change in power supply
voltages. This is expressed inΔV / V or in decibels, SVRR can be defined as


Where ΔV is the change in the input supply voltage and ΔVio is the corresponding change in the
offset voltage.

For the 741C, SVRR = 150 µ V / V.

For 741C, SVRR is measured for both supply magnitudes increasing or decreasing simultaneously, with
R3= 10K. For same OPAMPS, SVRR is separately specified as positive SVRR and negative SVRR.

10. Large Signal Voltage Gain:

Since the OPAMP amplifies difference voltage between two input terminals, the voltage gain of the amplifier
is defined as
Because output signal amplitude is much large than the input signal the voltage gain is commonly called large
signal voltage gain. For 741C is voltage gain is 200,000 typically.

11. Output voltage Swing: The ac output compliance PP is the maximum unclipped peak to peak output
voltage that an OPAMP can produce. Since the quiescent output is ideally zero, the ac output voltage can
swing positive or negative. This also indicates the values of positive and negative saturation voltages of the
OP-AMP. The output voltage never exceeds these limits for a given supply voltages +VCC and -VEE. For
a 741C it is ± 13 V.

12. Output Resistance: (RO)

RO is the equivalent resistance that can be measured between the output terminal of the OPAMP and the
ground. It is 75 ohm for the 741C OPAMP.

13. Output Short circuit Current :

In some applications, an OPAMP may drive a load resistance that is approximately zero. Even its output
impedance is 75 ohm but cannot supply large currents. Since OPAMP is low power device and so its output
current is limited. The 741C can supply a maximum short circuit output current of only 25mA.

14. Supply Current :

IS is the current drawn by the OP-AMP from the supply. For the 741C OPAMP the supply current is 2.8 m A.

15. Power Consumption:

Power consumption (PC) is the amount of quiescent power (Vin= 0V) that must be consumed by the
OPAMP in order to operate properly. The amount of power consumed by the 741C is 85 m W.

16. Gain Bandwidth Product:

The gain bandwidth product is the bandwidth of the OPAMP when the open loop voltage gain is reduced to 1.
From open loop gain vs frequency graph At 1 MHz shown in.fig.1.24,it can be found 1 MHz for the 741C OPAMP
frequency the gain reduces to 1. The mid band voltage gain is 100, 000 and cut off frequency is 10Hz.

Fig.1.24 Band width of OP-AMP

17. Slew Rate:

Slew rate is defined as the maximum rate of change of output voltage per unit of time under large signal
conditions and is expressed in volts / µsecs.

If 'i' is more, capacitor charges quickly. If 'i' is limited to Imax, then rate of change is also limited.Slew rate
indicates how rapidly the output of an OP-AMP can change in response to changes in the input frequency
with input amplitude constant. The slew rate changes with change in voltage gain and is normally specified at
unity gain.

If the slope requirement is greater than the slew rate, then distortion occurs. For the 741C the slew rate is
low 0.5 V / µS. which limits its use in higher frequency applications.

18. Input Offset Voltage and Current Drift:

It is also called average temperature coefficient of input offset voltage or input offset current. The input
offset voltage drift is the ratio of the change in input offset voltage to change in temperature and expressed
in ΔV /° C. Input offset voltage drift = ( ΔVio /ΔT).

Similarly, input offset current drift is the ratio of the change in input offset current to the change in
temperature. Input offset current drift = ( ΔIio / ΔT).

For 741C,

ΔVio / ΔT = 0.5 V / C.
Iio/ ΔT = 12 pA / C.


1. No External frequency compensation is required

2. Short circuit Protection

3. Off Set Null Capability

4. Large Common mode and differential Voltage ranges

5. Low Power Dissipation

6. No-Latch up Problem

7.741 is available in three packages :- 8-pin metal can, 10-pin flat pack and 8 or 14-pin DI.


There are 2 modes in which an op-amp operates:

1. open loop mode

2. closed loop mode

1.8.1 Open loop OPAMP mode:

In the case of amplifiers the term open loop indicates that no connection exists between input and
output terminals of any type. That is, the output signal is not fedback in any form as part of the input signal.
In open loop configuration, The OPAMP functions as a high gain amplifier. There are three open loop
OPAMP configurations.

1. The Differential Amplifier:

Fig. 1.26, shows the open loop differential amplifier in which input signals v in1 and vin2 are applied to
the positive and negative input terminals.
Since the OPAMP amplifies the difference the between the two input signals, this configuration is
called the differential amplifier. The OPAMP amplifies both ac and dc input signals. The source resistance
Rin1 and Rin2 are normally negligible compared to the input resistance R i. Therefore voltage drop across these
resistances can be assumed to be zero.


v1 = vin1 and v2 = vin2.

vo = Ad (vin1- vin2 )

where, Ad is the open loop gain.

2. The Inverting Amplifier:

If the input is applied to only inverting terminal and non-inverting terminal is grounded then it is
called inverting amplifier.This configuration is shown

v1= 0, v2 = vin.

vo = -Ad vi

The negative sign indicates that the output voltage is out of phase with respect to input 180 ° or is
of opposite polarity. Thus the input signal is amplified and inverted also.

3 .The non-inverting amplifier:

In this configuration, the input voltage is applied to non-inverting terminals and inverting terminal is
ground as shown in fig.1.28

v2 =
v1 = +vin , 0

vo = +Ad vin
This means that the input voltage is amplified by Ad and there is no phase reversal at the output.

Fig.1.28 Non Inverting Amplifier

In all there configurations any input signal slightly greater than zero drive the output to saturation
level. This is because of very high gain. Thus when operated in open-loop, the output of the OPAMP is
either negative or positive saturation or switches between positive and negative saturation levels. Therefore
open loop op-amp is not used in linear applications.

1.8.2. Closed Loop mode:

The Open Loop Gain of an ideal operational amplifier can be very high, as much as 1,000,000
(120dB) or more. However, this very high gain is of no real use to us as it makes the amplifier
both unstable and hard to control as the smallest of input signals, just a few micro-volts, (μV)
would be enough to cause the output voltage to saturate and swing towards one or the other of the
voltage supply rails losing complete control of the output.

As the open loop DC gain of an operational amplifier is extremely high we can therefore afford to
lose some of this high gain by connecting a suitable resistor across the amplifier from the output
terminal back to the inverting input terminal to both reduce and control the overall gain of the
amplifier. This then produces and effect known commonly as Negative Feedback, and thus produces
a very stable Operational Amplifier based system.

Negative Feedback is the process of "feeding back" a fraction of the output signal back to the input,
but to make the feedback negative, we must feed it back to the negative or "inverting input" terminal
of the op-amp using an external Feedback Resistor called Rƒ. This feedback connection between
the output and the inverting input terminal forces the differential input voltage towards zero.

This effect produces a closed loop circuit to the amplifier resulting in the gain of the amplifier now
being called its Closed-loop Gain. Then a closed-loop inverting amplifier uses negative feedback
to accurately control the overall gain of the amplifier, but at a cost in the reduction of the amplifiers
This negative feedback results in the inverting input terminal having a different signal on it than the
actual input voltage as it will be the sum of the input voltage plus the negative feedback voltage
giving it the label or term of a Summing Point. We must therefore separate the real input signal
from the inverting input by using an Input Resistor, Rin.

As we are not using the positive non-inverting input this is connected to a common ground or zero

voltage terminal as shown below, but the effect of this closed loop feedback circuit results in the
voltage potential at the inverting input being equal to that at the non-inverting input producing a
Virtual Earth summing point because it will be at the same potential as the grounded reference
input. In other words, the op-amp becomes a "differential amplifier". Inverting Amplifier Configuration

Fig 1.29 inverting amplifier with feedback.

In this Inverting Amplifier circuit the operational amplifier is connected with feedback to produce a
closed loop operation. For ideal op-amps there are two very important rules to remember about
inverting amplifiers, these are: "no current flows into the input terminal" and that "V1 equals V2",
(in real world op-amps both of these rules are broken).

This is because the junction of the input and feedback signal ( X ) is at the same potential as the
positive ( + ) input which is at zero volts or ground then, the junction is a "Virtual Earth". Because
of this virtual earth node the input resistance of the amplifier is equal to the value of the input
resistor, Rin and the closed loop gain of the inverting amplifier can be set by the ratio of the two
external resistors.

We said above that there are two very important rules to remember about Inverting Amplifiers
or any operational amplifier for that matter and these are.

1. No Current Flows into the Input Terminals

2. The Differential Input Voltage is Zero as V1 = V2 = 0 (Virtual Earth)

Then by using these two rules we can derive the equation for calculating the closed-loop gain of
an inverting amplifier, using first principles.

Current ( i ) flows through the resistor network as shown.

Then, the Closed-Loop Voltage Gain of an Inverting Amplifier is given as.

and this can be transposed to give Vout as:

The negative sign in the equation indicates an inversion of the output signal with respect to the
input as it is 180 out of phase. This is due to the feedback being negative in value. The Non-inverting Amplifier

The second basic configuration of an operational amplifier circuit is that of a Non-inverting

Amplifier. In this configuration, the input voltage signal, ( Vin ) is applied directly to the non-
inverting ( + ) input terminal which means that the output gain of the amplifier becomes "Positive"
in value in contrast to the "Inverting Amplifier" circuit we saw in the last tutorial whose output gain
is negative in value. The result of this is that the output signal is "in-phase" with the input signal.

Feedback control of the non-inverting amplifier is achieved by applying a small part of the output
voltage signal back to the inverting ( - ) input terminal via a Rƒ - R2 voltage divider network, again
producing negative feedback. This closed-loop configuration produces a non-inverting amplifier
circuit with very good stability, a very high input impedance, Rin approaching infinity, as no current
flows into the positive input terminal, (ideal conditions) and a low output impedance, Rout as
shown below.

Non-inverting Amplifier Configuration

Fig 1.30 Non-inverting amplifier with feedback.

As said in theInverting Amplifierthat "no current flows into the input" of the amplifier and that "V1
equals V2". This was because the junction of the input and feedback signal ( V1 ) are at the same
potential. In other words the junction is a "virtual earth" summing point. Because of this virtual
earth node the resistors, Rƒ and R2 form a simple potential divider network across the non-inverting
amplifier with the voltage gain of the circuit being determined by the ratios of R2 and Rƒ as shown

Equivalent Potential Divider Network

Fig 1.31 potential divider in non-inverting op-amp

From the fig 1.31 using the formula to calculate the output voltage of a potential divider network,
we can calculate the closed-loop voltage gain ( A V ) of the Non-inverting Amplifier as follows:

Then the closed loop voltage gain of a Non-inverting Amplifier is given as:

We can see from the equation above, that the overall closed-loop gain of a non-inverting amplifier will
always be greater but never less than one (unity), it is positive in nature and is determined by the ratio of
the values of Rƒ and R2. If the value of the feedback resistor Rƒ is zero, the gain of the amplifier will be
exactly equal to one (unity). If resistor R2 is zero the gain will approach infinity, but
in practice it will be limited to the operational amplifiers open-loop differential gain, ( Ao ).

Voltage Follower (Unity Gain Buffer)

If we made the feedback resistor, Rƒ equal to zero, (Rƒ = 0), and resistor R2 equal to infinity,
(R2 = ∞) as shown in fig 1.32, then the circuit would have a fixed gain of "1" as all the output
voltage would be present on the inverting input terminal (negative feedback). This would then
produce a special type of the non-inverting amplifier circuit called a Voltage Follower or also called
a "unity gain buffer".

As the input signal is connected directly to the non-inverting input of the amplifier the output signal
is not inverted resulting in the output voltage being equal to the input voltage, V out = Vin. This then
makes the voltage follower circuit ideal as a Unity Gain Buffer circuit because of its isolation
properties as impedance or circuit isolation is more important than amplification while maintaining
the signal voltage. The input impedance of the voltage follower circuit is very high, typically above
1MΩ as it is equal to that of the operational amplifiers input resistance times its gain ( Rin x Ao ).
Also its output impedance is very low since an ideal op-amp condition is assumed.

Fig 1.32 voltage follower

In this non-inverting circuit configuration, the input impedance Rin has increased to infinity and the
feedback impedance Rƒ reduced to zero. The output is connected directly back to the negative
inverting input so the feedback is 100% and Vin is exactly equal to V out giving it a fixed gain of 1 or
unity. As the input voltage Vin is applied to the non-inverting input the gain of the amplifier is given


One final thought, the output voltage gain of the voltage follower circuit with closed loop gain is Unity,
the voltage gain of an ideal operational amplifier with open loop gain (no feedback) is Infinite. Then by
carefully selecting the feedback components we can control the amount of gain produced by
an operational amplifier anywhere from one to infinity.


In many industrial and consumer applications the measurement and control of physical conditions are very
important.For example measurements of temperature and humidity inside a dairy or meat plant permit the
operator to make necessary adjustments to maintain product quality.Similarly,precise temperature control of
plastic furnace is needed to produce a particular type of plastic.

Fig.2.1 Instrumentation Amplifier

The transducer is a device that converts one form of energy into another. For example a strain gage when
subjected to pressure or force undergoes a change in its resistance (electrical energy).An instrumentation
system is used to measure the output signal produced by a transducer and often to control the physical signal
producing it.

Above fig shows a simplified form of such a system.The input stage is composed of a pre-amplifier and some sort of
transducer,depending on the physical quantity to be measured..The output stage may use devices such as
meters,oscilloscopes,charts,or magnetic records.
In Figure 2.1 the connecting lines between the blocks represent transmis- sion lines, used especially when the
transducer is at a remote test site monitoring hazardous conditions such as high temperatures or liquid levels of
flammable chemicals. These transmission lines permit signal transfer from unit to unit. The length of the
transmission lines depends primarily on the physical quantities tobe monitored and on system requirements.

The signal source of the instrumentation amplifier is the output of the trans- ducer. Although some transducers
produce outputs with sufficient strength to per- m.; their use directly, many do not. To amplify the low-level
output signal of the transducer so that it can drive the indicator or display is the major function of the
instrumentation amplifier. In short, the instrumentation amplifier is intended for precise, low-level signal
amplification where low noise, low thermal and time
drifts, high input resistance, and accurate closed-loop gain are required. Besides, low power consumption, high
common-mode rejection ratio, and high slew rate are desirable for superior performance.

There are many instrumentation operational amplifiers, such as the /LA 725, ICL7605, and LH0036, that make
a circuit extremely stable and accurate. These
ICs are, however, relatively expensive; they are very precise special -purpose cir- cuits in which most of the
electrical parameters, such as offsets, drifts, and power consumption, are minimized, whereas input resistance,
CMRR, and supply range are optimized. Some instrumentation amplifiers are even available in modular form
to suit special installation requirements.

Obviously, the requirements for instrumentation op-amps are more rigid than those for general-purpose
applications. However, where the requirements are not too strict, the general-purpose op-amp can be employed
in the differential mode.
We will call such amplifiers differential instrumentation amplifiers. Since most instrumentation systems use a
transducer in a bridge circuit, we will consider a simplified differential instrumentation system arrangement using a
transducer bridge circuit.

2.1.1.Instrumentation Amplifier Using Transducer Bridge

Figure 2.2 shows a simplified differential instrumentation amplifier using a transducer bridge. A resistive transducer
whose resistance changes as a function of some physical energy is connected in one arm of the Bridge with a small
circle around it and is denoted by (R T± R), where RTis the resistance of the transducer and R the change in resistance
RT .

The bridge is balanced initially at a desired reference condition. However, as the physical quantity
to be measured changes, the resistance of the transducer also changes, which causes the bridge to
unbalance. The output voltage of the bridge can be expressed as a function of the change in
resistance of the transducer, as described next.
Fig.2.2Circuit Diagram of Instrumentation Amplifier

Before proceeding with specific bridge applications, let us briefly

consider the important characteristics of some, resistive types of transducers.
In these re- sistive types of transducers the resistance of the transducer
changes as a function of some physical quantity. Thermistors,
photoconductive cells, and strain gages are some of the most commonly
used resistive transducers; hence they will be fur- ther discussed here.
Thermistors are essentially semiconductors that behave as resistors, usually with a
negative temperature coefficient of resistance. That is, as the temperature of a thermistor
increases, its resistance decreases. The temperature coefficient of resistance is expressed

Fig 2.2.1(a) AC Inverting Amplifier (b)AC Non Inverting Amplifier

2.3 .V to I Converter:

Fig.2.3, shows a voltage to current converter in which load resistor RL is floating

(not connected to ground). The input voltage is applied to the non-inverting input terminal
and the feedback voltage across R drives the inverting input terminal.
This circuit is also called a current series negative feedback, amplifier because the feedback
voltage across R depends on the output current iL and is in series with the input difference
voltage Vd.
Writing the voltage equation for the input loop.

vin = vd + vf

But vd » since A is very large,therefore,

vin = vf vin
= R iin iin =
v in / R.

and since input current is zero.

iL = iin = vin ./ R

The value of load resistance does not appear in this

equation. Therefore, the output current is
independent of the value of load resistance.
Thus the input voltage is converted into

current, the source must be capable of Fig.2.3 Circuit Diagram of V to I Converter supplying this load current.

2.3.1Grounded LoadV to I Converter:

If the load has to be grounded, then the above circuit cannot be used. The modified circuit is shown
in fig.2.4.

Since the collector and emitter currents are equal to a close

approximation and the input impedance of OPAMP is very high,the
load current also flows through the feedback resistor R. On account of
this, there is still current feedback, which means that the load current
is stabilized.

Since vd= 0
v2 = v1 = vin
iout = (vCC- vin ) / R
Thus the load current becomes nearly equal to i out. There is a limit to
the output current that the circuit can supply. The base current in the
transistor equals iout / dc. Since the op-amp has to supply this base
current iout / dc must be less than Iout (max) of the op-amp, typically 10
to 15mA.

There is also a limit on the output voltage, as the load resistance

increases, the load voltage increases and then the transistor goes into
saturation. Since the emitter is at V in w. r. t. ground, the maximum load
voltage is slightly less than Vin. Fig.2.4Circuit Diagram of V to I
ConverterGrounded load
In this circuit, because of negative feedback V BEis automatically adjusted. For instance, if the load resistance decreases the load
current tries to increase. This means that more voltage is feedback to the inverting input, which decreases VBE just enough to almost
completely nullify the attempted increase in load current. From the output current expression it is clear that as Vin increases the load
current decreases.

The sample and hold circuit ,as its name implies samples an i/p signal and holds on to it last sampled
value until the i/p is sampled again.Below fig shows a sample and hold circuit using an op-amp with an E-
MOSFET.In this circuit the E-MOSFET works as a switch that is controlled by the sample and control
voltage Vs,and the capacitor C serves as a storage element.

The analog signal Vin to be sampled is applied to the drain, and sample and hold control voltage Vs
is applied to the gate of the E-MOSFET.During the positive portion of the Vs, the EMOSFET conducts and
acts as a closed switch.This allows i/p voltage to charge capacitor C.In other words input voltage appears
across C and in turn at the o/p as shown in above fig.2.9.On the other hand,when Vs is zero,the EMOSFET
is off and acts as open switch.The only discharge path for C is, through the op-amp.However the i/p
resistance of the op-amp voltage follower is also very high; hence the voltage across C is retained.

The time periods Ts of the sample-and-hold control voltage Vs during which the voltage across the
capacitor is equal to the i/p voltage are called sample periods.The time periods T H of Vs during which the
voltage across the capacitor is constant are called hold periods.The o/p of the op-amp is usually
processed/observed during hold periods.To obtain the close approximation of the i/p waveform,the
frequency of the sample-and-hold control voltage must be significantly higher than that of the i/p

Fig.2.8 sample and hold circuit Fig2.9 I/P and O/P wave forms

A circuit in which the output voltage waveform is the differentiation of input voltage is called
differentiator as shown infig.2.10.

Fig.2.10 Circuit Diagram of Differentiator

The expression for the output voltage can be obtained from the Kirchoff's current equation written at node

the output vo is equal to the RC times the negative instantaneous rate of change of the input voltage vin with time. A cosi
Fig.2.11 Circuit Diagram of Differentiator produces sine output. fig.2.10 also shows the output waveform for different input
The input signal will be differentiated properly if the time period T of the input signal is larger than
or equal to Rf C.

As the frequency changes, the gain changes. Also at higher frequencies the circuit is highly
susceptible at high frequency noise and noise gets amplified. Both the high frequency noise and
problem can be corrected by adding, few components. as shown in fig.2.11.
2.7 Integrator:

A circuit in which the output voltage waveform is the integral of the input voltage waveform is
called integrator. Fig.2.12, shows an integrator circuit using OPAMP.

Fig.2.12 Circuit Diagram of Integrator

Here, the feedback element is a capacitor. The current drawn by OPAMP is zero and also the V2 is
virtually grounded.

Therefore, i1 = if and v2 = v1 = 0

Integrating both sides with respect to time from 0 to t, we get

The output voltage is directly proportional to the negative integral of the input voltage and
inversely proportional to the time constant RC.

If the input is a sine wave the output will be cosine wave. If the input is a square wave, the
output will be a triangular wave. For accurate integration, the time period of the input signal T must
be longer than or equal to RC.
Fig.2.13, shows the output of integrator for square and sinusoidal inputs.

Fig.2.13 Input and Out put wave forms


Voltage comparator circuit.

Voltage comparator is a circuit which compares two voltages and switches the output to either high or low state
depending upon which voltage is higher. A voltage comparator based on opamp is shown here. Fig2.14 shows a
voltage comparator in inverting mode and Fig shows a voltage comparator in non inverting mode.
Fig2.14Circuit Diagram of Comparator

2.8.1.Non inverting comparator.

In non inverting comparator the reference voltage is applied to the inverting input and the voltage
to be compared is applied to the non inverting input. Whenever the voltage to be compared (Vin)
goes above the reference voltage , the output of the opamp swings to positive saturation (V+) and
vice versa. Actually what happens is that, the difference between Vin and Vref, (Vin – Vref) will be
a positive value and is amplified to infinity by the opamp. Since there is no feedback resistor Rf,
the opamp is in open loop mode and so the voltage gain (Av) will be close to infinity. So the output
voltage swings to the maximum possible value ie; V+. Remember the equation Av = 1 + (Rf/R1).
When the Vin goes below Vref, the reverse occurs.

2.8.2.Inverting comparator.

In the case of an inverting comparator, the reference voltage is applied to the non inverting input
and voltage to be compared is applied to the inverting input. Whenever the input voltage (Vin) goes
above the Vref, the output of the opamp swings to negative saturation. Here the difference between
two voltages (Vin-Vref) is inverted and amplified to infinity by the opamp. Remember the equation
Av = -Rf/R1. The equation for voltage gain in the inverting mode is Av = -Rf/R1.Since there is no
feedback resistor, the gain will be close to infinity and the output voltage will be as negative as
possible ie; V-.

2.8.3.Practical voltage comparator circuit.

A practical non inverting comparator based on uA741 opamp is shown below. Here the reference
voltage is set using the voltage divider network comprising of R1 and R2. The equation is Vref =
(V+/ (R1 + R2)) x R2. Substituting the values given in the circuit diagram into this equation
gives Vref = 6V. Whenever Vin goes above 6V, the output swings to ~+12V DC and vice versa.
The circuit is powered from a +/- 12V DC dual supply.
Fig2.15 Circuit diagram of Practical voltage comparator.

2.8.4.Op-amp voltage comparator

Figure 2.16 OP-AMP voltage comparator input and out put wave forms(a,b,c)


Below fig shows an inverting comparator with +ve feed back. This ckt converts an irregular shaped
wave forms to a square wave form or pulse.The ckt is known as schitt trigger or squaring
circuit.The i/p voltage being triggers the o/p Vo every time it exceeds certain voltage levels called
the upper threshold voltage Vut and lower threshold voltage Vlt as shown in fig2.17 (b).In
fig2.17(a) these thresold voltages are obtained by using the voltage divider R1,R2,whrere the
voltage across R1 is F/B to +ve i/p.The voltage across R1 is a variable refference,thershold voltage
that dependens on the value and polarity of the out put voltageVo.when Vo=+Vsat,the voltage
across R1 is called the uper thershold voltage,Vut.
The input voltage Vin must be slightly more positive then Vut in order to cause the out put Vo to
switch from +Vsat to –Vsat.as long as Vin less then Vut,Vo is at +Vsat.using the voltage divider
On the other hand,when Vo=-Vsat, the voltage across R1 is referred to as the lower threshold
voltage,Vlt.Vin must be slightly more negative than Vlt.in order to cause Vo to switch from-Vsat to
+Vsat.in other words,for Vin values greater than Vlt,Vo is at –Vsat.Vlt is given by the following

Thus if the threshold voltages Vut and Vlt are made large than the input noise voltages, the positive
fed back will eliminate the false output transitions.Also the +ve feedback because of its
regenerative action will make Vo switch faster between +Vsat and –Vsat.
Figure2.17 Monostable Multivibrator and input-out put waveforms(a,b,c,d)

Now if Vt ,a –ve trigger of amplitude Vt is applied to the non-inverting terminal,so that

the effective voltage at this terminal is less than 0.7V than the output of th e op-amp changes it‘s
state from +Vsat to –Vsat.The diode is now reverse biased and the capacitor starts charging
exponentionally to –Vsat through the resistance R.The time constant of this charging is г= RC.


An unregulated power supply consists of a transformer (step down), a rectifier and a filter. These
power supplies are not good for some applications where constant voltage is required irrespective of
external disturbances. The main disturbances are:

1. As the load current varies, the output voltage also varies because of its poor regulation.
2. The dc output voltage varies directly with ac input supply. The input voltage may vary over a wide
range thus dc voltage also changes.
3. The dc output voltage varies with the temperature if semiconductor devices are used.

An electronic voltage regulator is essentially a controller used along with unregulated power supply
to stabilize the output dc voltage against three major disturbances

a. Load current (IL)

b. Supply voltage (Vi)
c. Temperature (T)

Fig.2.18, shows the basic block diagram of voltage regulator. where

Vi = unregulated dc voltage.

Vo = regulated dc voltage.
Fig.2.18 Block Diagram of voltage regulator

Since the output dc voltage VLo depends on the input unregulated dc voltage Vi, load current IL and
the temperature t, then the change ΔVo in output voltage of a power supply can be expressed as

VO = VO(Vi, IL, T)

Take partial derivative of VO, we get,

SV gives variation in output voltage only due to unregulated dc voltage. RO gives the output voltage
variation only due to load current. ST gives the variation in output voltage only due to temperature.

The smaller the value of the three coefficients, the better the regulations of power supply. The input
voltage variation is either due to input supply fluctuations or presence of ripples due to inadequate
filtering. A voltage regulator is a device designed to maintain the output voltage of power supply
nearly constant. It can be regarded as a closed loop system because it monitors the output voltage
and generates the control signal to increase or decrease the supply voltage as necessary to
compensate for any change in the output voltage. Thus the purpose of voltage regulator is to
eliminate any output voltage variation that might occur because of changes in load, changes in
supply voltage or changes in temperature.

Zener Voltage Regulator:

The regulated power supply may use zener diode as the voltage controlling device as shown in
fig.2.19. The output voltage is determined by the reverse breakdown voltage of the zener diode. This
is nearly constant for a wide range of currents. The load voltage can be maintained constant by
controlling the current through zener.
Fig.2.19Circuit diagram of Zener voltage regulator

The zener diode regulator has limitations of range. The load current range for which regulation is
maintained, is the difference between maximum allowable zener current and minimum current
required for the zener to operate in breakdown region. For example, if zener diode requires a
minimum current of 10 mA and is limited to a maximum of 1A (to prevent excessive dissipation),
the range is 1 - 0.01 = 0.99A. If the load current variation exceeds 0.99A, regulation may be lost.

Emitter Follower Regulator:

To obtain better voltage regulation in shunt regulator, the zener diode can be connected to the base
circuit of a power transistor as shown in fig.2.20. This amplifies the zener current range. It is also
known as emitter follower regulation.

Fig.2.20Circuit diagram of Emitter follower voltage regulator

This configuration reduces the current flow in the diode. The power transistor used in this
configuration is known as pass transistor. The purpose of CL is to ensure that the variations in one of
the regulated power supply loads will not be fed to other loads. That is, the capacitor effectively
shorts out high-frequency variations.

Because of the current amplifying property of the transistor, the current in the zenor dioide is small.
Hence there is little voltage drop across the diode resistance, and the zener approximates an ideal
constant voltage source.

Operation of the circuit:

The current through resistor R is the sum of zener current IZ and the transistor base current IB( = IL
/ β ).

IL = IZ + IB
The output voltage across RL resistance is given by


Where VBE 0.7 V

Therefore, VO= constant.

The emitter current is same as load current. The current IR is assumed to be constant for a given
supply voltage. Therefore, if IL increases, it needs more base currents, to increase base current Iz
decreases. The difference in this regulator with zener regulator is that in later case the zener current
decreases (increase) by same amount by which the load current increases (decreases). Thus the
current range is less, while in the shunt regulators, if IL increases by ΔIL then IB should increase by
ΔIL / β or IZ should decrease by ΔIL / β. Therefore the current range control is more for the same
rating zener.

The simplified circuit of the shunt regulator is shown in fig.2.21

Fig.2.21 Circuit diagram of Zener Shunt regulator

In a power supply the power regulation is basically, because of its high internal impedance. In the
circuit discussed, the unregulated supply has resistance RS of the order of 100 ohm. The use of
emitter follower is to reduce the output resistance and it becomes approximately.

RO = ( Rz + hie ) / (1 + hfe)

Where RZ represents the dynamic zener resistance. The voltage stabilization ratio SV is

SV = ∂ Vo / ∂ VI = Rz / (Rz + R)

SV can be improved by increasing R. This increases VCE and power dissipated in the transistor.
Other disadvantages of the circuit are.

No provision for varying the output voltage since it is almost equal to the zener voltage. Change in VBEand
Vz due to temperature variations appear at the output since the transistor is connected in series with load, it is
called series regulator and transistor is allow series pass transistor.

Series regulator with Current Pre-regulator

The circuit of fig.2.22 is an improved version of series voltage regulator discussed in previous lecture. Besides
Q1 being replaced with a current regulator circuit. The function of D 2, R6, R7, and Q3 is to establish and
maintain a constant I1.

Fig.2.22 Circuit diagram of Series voltage regulator

The circuit works this way :- I1 is the collector current of Q3, and hence it is also approximately equal to IE3. The
voltage at the base of Q3 relative to V1 is held at a constant level by D 2; current through R6 is selected to keep D2
in breakdown and to yield the proper temperature coefficient. Should I 1 rise, IE3 will also rise, increasing the
voltage across R1. This reduces VEB3, which in turn reduces I E3 and I1. Thus I1 is regulated and remains fairly
constant even if there are changes in the unregulated input.

One disadvantage of this circuit is that a larger input voltage is required to supply the various voltage drops
between Vi and Vo. In this case Vi must supply Vo plus the two VEB drops of Q11 and Q12 (which takes us to point
A), plus the collector-base bias for Q3 (which takes us to the base Q3), plus the Zener voltage for D2.

Power Supply Using IC Regulator (Three-Terminal Regulator)

Monolithic integrated circuits have greatly simplified the design of a wide variety of power supplies. Using a
single IC regulator and a few external components, we can obtain excellent regulation (on the order of 0.01%)
with good stability and reliability and with overload protection.
IC regulators are produced by a number of manufacturers. The IC regulator improves upon the
performance of the Zener diode regulator. It does this by incorporating an operational amplifier. In this section,
we present basic design considerations for IC regulators. These techniques are useful in the design of power
supplies for a variety of low power applications. We consider the internal theory of operation of these and other
three-terminal voltage regulators in the current section. These products vary in the amount of output current.
The most common range of output current is 0.75 A to 1.5 A (depending on whether a heat sink is used).

Fig.2.23 Circuit diagram of Series voltage regulator

The functional block diagram of fig.2.23 illustrates the method of voltage regulation using this series regulator.
The name series regulator is based on the use of a pass transistor (a power transistor) which develops a variable
voltage which is in "series" with the output voltage. The voltage across the pass transistor is varied in such a
manner as to keep the output voltage constant.

A reference voltage, VREF, which is often developed by a Zener diode, is compared with the voltage divided
output, vout. The resulting error voltage is given by

The error voltage v e is amplified through a discrete amplifier or an operational amplifier and used to change the
voltage drop across the pass transistor. This is a feedback system which generates a variable voltage across the pass
transistor in order to force the error voltage to zero. When the error voltage is zero, we obtain the desired equation
by solving equation (Equ-1) for vout .

Thermal shutdown and current-limit circuitry exists between the error amplifier and the pass transistor. This
circuitry protects the regulator in case the temperature becomes too high or an inadvertent short circuit exists at
the output of the regulator.
The maximum power dissipated in this type of series regulator is the power dissipated in the internal
pass transistor, which is approximately (VS max - Vout) IL max. Hence, as the load current
increases, the power dissipated in the internal pass transistor increases. If ILoad exceeds 0.75 A, the
IC package should be secured to a heat sink. When this is done, ILoad can increase to about 1.5 A.

We now focus our attention on the 78XX series of regulators. The last two digits of the IC par
number denote the output voltage of the device. Thus, for example, a 7808 IC package produces a
8V regulated output. These packages, although internally complex, are inexpensive and easy to use.

There are a number of different voltages that can be obtained from the 78XX series 1C; they are 5,
6, 8, 8.5, 10, 12, 15, 18, and 24 V. In order to design a regulator around one of these ICs, we need
only select a transformer, diodes, and filter. The physical configuration is shown in fig.2.24(a). The
ground lead and the metal tab are connected together. This permits direct attachment to a heat sink
for cooling purposes. A typical circuit application is shown in fig.2.24(c).

(a) (b)


Fig.2.24Three terminal IC voltage regulator(a,b,c)

The specification sheet for this IC indicates that there must be a common ground between the input
and output, and the minimum voltage at the IC input must be above the regulated output. In order to
assure this last condition, it is necessary to filter the output from the rectifier. The CF in fig.2.24(b)
performs this filtering when combined with the input resistance to the IC. We use an n:1 step down
transformer, with the secondary winding center-tapped, to drive a full-wave rectifier.

The minimum and maximum input voltages for the 78XX family of regulators are shown in Table-

Type Min Max

7805 7 25
7806 8 25

7808 10.5 25

7885 10.5 25

7810 12.5 28

7812 14.5 30

7815 17.5 30

7818 21 33

7824 27 38

Table -2.1

We use Table -2.1 to select the turns ratio, n, for a 78XX regulator. As a design guide, we will take
the average of Vmax and Vmin of the particular IC regulator to calculate n. For example, using a
7805 regulator, we obtain

The center tap provides division by 2 so the peak voltage out of the rectifier is 115 √2 / 2n = 16.
Therefore, n = 5. This is a conservative method of selecting the transformer ratio. The filter
capacitor, CF, is chosen to maintain the voltage input range to the regulator as specified in Table 2.1.

The output capacitor, CLoad, aids in isolating the effect of the transients that may appear on the
regulated supply line. CLoad should be a high quality tantalum capacitor with a capacitance of 1.0
µF. It should be connected close to the 78XX regulator using short leads in order to improve the
stability performance.This family of regulators can also be used for battery powered systems.
Fig.2.24(c) shows a battery powered application. The value of CF is chosen in the same manner as
for the standard filter. The 79XX series regulator is identical to the 78XX series except that it
provides negative regulated voltages instead of positive.

2.12 FEATURES OF IC 723:

1.Input and out put short circuit protection provided.

2.Positive or negative supply operation



andblocksorattenuatessignalsoffrequenciesoutsidethisband.Filtersmaybeclassifiedina numberof ways:

1. Analog ordigital

2. Passiveoractive

3. Audio (AF) or radio frequency (RF)

usingdigitaltechniques.Dependingonthetypeofelementsusedintheirconstruction,filters maybe classifiedas
passive or active. Elementsusedinpassivefiltersareresistors,capacitors,andinductors.Activefilters,onthe
otherhand,employ transistorsorop-ampsinadditiontotheresistorsandcapacitors.Thetypeof element used dictates
theoperatingfrequencyrangeof the filter.

orcrystalfiltersareemployedatRF orhighfrequencies.EspeciallybecauseoftheirhighQ value (figureof
merit), the crystal providemorestable operation at higher frequencies.

Anactive filteroffers the following advantages overa passivefilter:

1.Gainandfrequencyadjustmentflexibility.Sincetheop-amp is capable of providing again,

theinputsignalisnotattenuatedasitisinapassivefilter.Inaddition,theactivefilteriseasierto tune or adjust.

2.Noloadingprob1em.Because of the high inputresistanceand low outputresistance oftheop- amp, the active
filterdoes not cause loading ofthesourceor load.

3.Cost.Typically,activefiltersaremoreeconomicalthanpassivefilters.Thisisbecauseofthe varietyof cheaper op-

amps and the absenceof inductors.
Themostcommonlyused filters arethese:
1. Low-pass filter

2. High-pass filter

3. Band-pass filter

4. Band-reject filter

5. All-pass filter
Fig 3.1 frequency response of major active filters (a)Low pass (b)High pass (c)Band pass
(d)Band reject (e) All pass

Fig.3 . 1 showsthefrequencyresponsecharacteristicsofthefivetypesoffilters.Theideal responseisshownby

dashedcurves,whilethesolidlinesindicatethepracticalfilterresponse.A low-passfilterhasaconstantgain
from0HztoahighcutofffrequencyfH.Therefore,the bandwidth is also fH.

AtfH thegainisdownby3dB;afterthat (f>fH)itdecreaseswiththeincreaseininput frequency. The

frequencies between 0 Hzandf H areknownas thepassbandfrequencies,whereas
therangeoffrequencies,thosebeyondfH thatareattenuatedincludesthestopbandfrequencies.

anidealfilterhasa zerolossinitspassbandandinfinitelossinitsstopband.Unfortunately,ideal filter response is
not practical because linear networks cannot produce the discontinuities.
However,itispossibletoobtainapractical responsethatapproximatestheidealresponseby usingspecial design
techniques, as well as precision component values andhigh-speed op-amps.
thatapproximatetheidealresponse.ThekeycharacteristicoftheButterworthfilteristhatithas a flat passbandas
wellasstopband. Forthis reason, itis sometimes calledaflat-flatfilter.

TheChebyshevfilterhasaripplepassbandandflatstopband,i.e.theCauerfilterhasaripple passbandanda
amongthethree.Becauseoftheirsimplicityofdesign,thelow-passandhigh-passButterworth filters arediscussed

Figure3 -1(b)showsahigh-passfilterwithastopband0<f<f L andapassbandf>fL.fL isthe low cutoff

frequency, andfis the operating frequency. Aband-pass filterhas apassband between twocutoff frequencies f H and
fL,wherefH>fLand two stop-bands: 0<f<fLand f>fH.Thebandwidthoftheband-passfilter,therefore,isequaltofH -
fL.Theband-rejectfilter performs exactly oppositetotheband-pass;thatis,ithas aband-stop betweentwo cutoff
frequenciesfH andfL andtwopassbands:0<f<fL andf>fH.Theband-rejectisalsocalleda band-stoporband-
eliminationfilter.The frequencyresponsesofband-passandband-reject filtersareshowninFigure3-
1(c)and(d),respectively.Inthesefigures,fC iscalledthecenter frequencysinceit is approximatelyat thecenter ofthe
passband orstopband.

frequencies,withthephaseshiftbetweenthetwoafunctionoffrequency.Thehighestfrequency uptowhichtheinput
andoutput amplitudesremainequal isdependentontheunitygain bandwidthoftheop-amp.(Atthisfrequency, however,
thephaseshiftbetweentheinputand outputismaximum.

offrateis40dB/decadeandsoon.By contrast,forthefirst-orderhigh-passfilterthegain increases at the rate of 20
dB/decade in the stopband, that is, until f=fL;the increase is 40dB/decade for thesecond-order high-pass


Fig. 3-2 shows a first-order low-passButterworthfilterthat uses an RCnetwork for filtering. Notethat the op-
amp is used in thenon-invertingconfiguration; henceitdoes not load down the RCnetwork. ResistorsR1 and
RF determinethegain of the filter.Accordingto thevoltage-divider rule, the voltageat thenon-
invertingterminal (acrosscapacitor C)is
Fig.3.2.First order Low Pass Butter Worth Filter (a)circuit (b)Response
= upper cut-off frequency of the filter.

Where Vo/Vin = gain of the filter as a function of frequency

= passaband gain of the filter

f = input frequency of the filter


Thegain magnitude andphase angleequations ofthe low-pass filter can beobtained by convertingEquation
3.1into its equivalent polar form, as follows:

Whereφ is the phase angle in degrees.

The operation of the low pass filter can be verified from the gain magnitude equation:

1. At very low frequencies that is , f<fH,

2. At f=fH, = 0.707 AF

3. At f>fH , AF


Alow-pass filtercan bedesignedbyimplementingthe foI1owingsteps:

1. Chooseavalue ofhigh cutoff frequencyfH.

2. Select a value of C less than or equal to 1 µF. Mylar or tantalum capacitors are

3. Calculate thevalue of Rusing R

4.Finally, select values ofR1 and RFdependent on thedesired passband gain AFusing
Frequency Scaling

Onceafilterdesigned;theremaysometimes beaneed to changeits cutofffrequency. The

procedureusedto convert an originalcutofffrequencyfHtoa new cutofffrequencyf’Hiscalled
frequencyscaling.Frequencyscalingis accomplished as follows. To change ahigh cutoff frequency,
multiple RorC. but notboth, bytheratio of theoriginalcutoff frequencyto thenew cutofffrequency.


A stop-band response having a 40-dB/decade roll-off is obtained with the second order low-

passfilter. A first-order low-pass filter can be converted into a second order type simply by

using anadditional RC network, as shown in Fig.3.3.

Fig 3.3 Second order Low Pass Butter Worth Filter (a)Circuit(b)Frequency Response

Second-order filters are important because higher-order filters can be designed using them. Thegain of the
second-order filter is set by R 1 and RF, while the high cutoff frequency fH isdetermined by R2, C2, R3, and C3,
as follows

Furthermore, for asecond-order low-passButterworth response, thevoltagegain magnitude equation is

Where Vo/Vin = gain of the filter as a function of frequency

= passaband gain of the filter

f = input frequency of the filter
allfrequencies higher thanfLarepassband frequencies,with thehighest requency determined bythe closed-
loop bandwidth of the op-amp.

Notethat the high-pass filter of Figure3.4(a) and thelow-pass filter of Figure3.4(a) arethe same
circuits, except thatthe frequency-determiningcomponents(R and C) areinterchanged.

Forthe first-order high-pass filter ofFigure3.4(a), the outputvoltageis

Hencethemagnitudeof thevoltagegain is

Where = passaband gain of the filter

f = input frequency of the filter

fL = = Lower cut-off frequency of the filter

Sincehigh-pass filters are formed from low-pass filters simplybyinterchangingR’s andC’s, the
design and frequencyscalingprocedures of thelow-pass filters are also applicable to the high- pass filters.


Asin the caseof the first-orderfilter, asecond-order high-pass filtercan be formed from a second-order low-
pass filter simplybyinterchangingthe frequency-determiningresistorsand capacitors. Figure3.5(a)shows the
second-order high-passfilter.
Fig3.5(a)Second order High Pass Butter Worth Filter (b)Frequency Response

Thevoltagegain magnitude equation ofthe second-order high-pass filter isas follows:

WhereAF=1.586=passband gain forthe second-orderButterworth response

f=frequencyofthe inputsignal (Hz)

fL=low cutofffrequency(Hz)

Sincesecond-order low-pass and high-pass filtersarethe same circuits except that thepositions of
resistors and capacitorsareinterchanged, thedesign and frequencyscalingprocedures forthe high-passfilter
arethe same as those forthe low-pass filter.


Aband-pass filter has a passband between two cutoff frequenciesfHand fL suchthat fH>fL.
Anyinputfrequencyoutsidethis passband is attenuated.Basically, therearetwo types of band-pass filters:

(1) Wide band pass, and

(2) Narrow band pass.

Unfortunately, thereis no set dividinglinebetween the two. However, wewilldefinea filteras

wideband pass if itsfigureof meritorqualityfactorQ<10.On theother hand, if wewillcallthe
filteranarrowband-passfilter. Thus Q is ameasureof selectivity, meaning the higher thevalue Q, the
moreselectiveis the filteror thenarrower itsbandwidth (BW). Therelationship between Q, the3-
dBbandwidth, and the centerfrequency fcis given by

Forthe wideband-pass filter the center frequencyfc can bedefinedas wherefH =highcutofffrequency(Hz)

fL=low cutofffrequencyof thewideband-pass filter (Hz)

Inanarrowband-pass filter, the output voltage peaksatthecenterfrequency.

3.3.1 Wide-bandpass filter

Awideband-passfiltercanbeformedbysimplycascadinghigh-passandlow-passsectionsand is
generallythe choice for simplicityofdesign andperformance.To obtain ±20dB/decade band-pass, first-order
high pass and first order low-pass sectionsare cascaded;fora±40-dB/decadeband-passfilter,
second-orderhigh- passandsecond- order low-pass sections are connected in series.

Figure3 . 6 showsthe±20-dB/decadewideband-passfilter,whichiscomposedoffirst-order high-

passandfirst-orderlow-passfilters.Torealizeaband-passresponse,however,fH mustbe larger than fL.
Fig 3.6(a)±20dB/decade Wide Band Pass Filter (b)Frequency Response

Sincethe band-passgain is 4, thegain of thehigh-pass as wellas low-passsections could be set equal

to 2. That is, input and feedbackresistors must be equalin value, say10 kΩeach. The complete band-pass
filteris shown in Fig 3.6(a).(b)Thevoltagegain magnitudeof theband-pass filter is equal to the product of
thevoltagegain magnitudes of thehigh-pass and low-pass filters.

whereAFT =total passband gain

f= frequencyofthe input signal (Hz)

fL=low cutofffrequency(Hz)



Thenarrow band-pass filterusingmultiple feedback is shown in Figure8-13. As shown in this

figure, the filteruses onlyoneop-amp. Comparedto all the filters discussed so far, this filteris unique in the

1.It has twofeedback paths, hencethe namemultiple-feedback filter.

2.Theop-amp is used inthe invertingmode.

Fig 3.7 Multiple Feedback Narrow Band Pass Filter

Fig 3.8.(b). Frequency Response

Generally, the narrow band-pass filter is designedforspecificvalues ofcenter frequencyfcand Q

orfcand bandwidth. The circuitcomponentsaredeterminedfrom the followingrelationships. To
simplifythedesign calculations, chooseC1 =C2 =C.

WhereAFisthegainat fc, given by

Thegain AF,however, must satisfythe condition

Another advantageof themultiple feedbackfilterof Figure8-13 is that its centerfrequencyfc can

bechanged toanewfrequencyf’cwithoutchangingthegain or bandwidth. This is accomplished
simplybychanging R2 to R’2 sothat


Theband-rejectfilter is also called aband-stoporband-eliminationfilter.In this filter, frequencies

areattenuated in thestopband while they arepassed outsidethis band, as shown in

Aswith band-pass filters,the band-reject filterscan also be classifiedas (1)wideband-reject or

(2)narrowband-reject. The narrow band-reject filteris commonlycalled thenotch filter. Because of its
higherQ (>10), thebandwidth of thenarrow band-reject filteris much smaller than that of thewideband-
reject filter.


Fig3.9(a).Wide Band Reject Filter

Fig 3.9(b)Frequency Response
Figure3.9(a) shows a wide band-reject filterusingalow-pass filter,ahigh-pass filter, andasummingamplifier.
To realizeaband-rejectresponse, thelowcutofffrequencyfLofthe high- pass filter must be largerthan
thehighcutofffrequencyfHofthe low-pass filter.In addition, the passbandgain of both thehigh-passand low-
pass sections must be equal. Thefrequency response ofthewideband-reject filteris shown in Fig3.9(b).

3.4.2 NarrowBand-RejectFilter

Thenarrow band-reject filter, often called thenotch filter, is commonlyused forthe rejection of
asinglefrequencysuch as the 60-Hzpower linefrequencyhum. Themostcommonlyusednotch filteris thetwin-
T network shown in Fig3.10(a). This is a passive filtercomposed of two T- shaped networks.OneTnetwork
is madeup oftwo resistors and acapacitor, while theother usestwo capacitors andaresistor. The notch-out
frequencyis thefrequencyat which maximum attenuation occurs; it is given by

Fig.3.10(a)Twin-T notch Filter

The active notch filter using opamp is shown in fig 3.10b.


Asthenamesuggests,anall-passfilterpassesallfrequencycomponentsoftheinputsignal without
attenuation, whileprovidingpredictablephaseshiftsfordifferent

Fig3.11(b)Phase Shift Between Input And Output

frequenciesofthe inputsignal.Whensignalsaretransmittedovertransmissionlines,suchastelephonewires,they
undergochangeinphase.Tocompensateforthesephasechanges,all-passfiltersarerequired. Theall-
passfiltersarealsocalleddelayequalizersorphasecorrectors.Figure3.11(a)showsan all-passfilterwhereinR F
=R1. TheoutputvoltageVoofthefiltercanbeobtainedbyusingthe superposition theorem:

But -j =1/j and XC =1/2∏fC. Therefore, substitutingfor XC and simplifying, weget

Wherefis the frequencyofthe input signal inhertz.

frequencyrange,andthephaseshiftbetweenVoandVinisafunctionofinputfrequencyf.The phase angle
φisgiven by

angleφiff,R,andCareknown.Figure3 .12 (b)showsaphaseshiftof90°betweentheinput
VinandoutputVo.Thatis,VolagsVinby90°.ForfixedvaluesofRandC,thephaseangleφ changesfrom 0to
180°asthe frequencyf is variedfrom 0to∞.InFigure3.12(a),if thepositions
ofRandCareinterchanged,thephaseshiftbetweeninputandoutputbecomespositive.Thatis, outputVo leads

forcedtooperateinthesaturatedregion.Thatis,theoutputoftheop-ampisforcedtoswing repetitively
betweenpositivesaturation+Vsat(≈+VCC)andnegativesaturation–Vsat(≈+VEE), resultingin thesquare-


Assumethat thevoltageacross capacitorCis zerovolts at the instantthe dcsupplyoltages +V CC and-

VEE areapplied.Thismeansthatthevoltageattheinvertingterminaliszero initially.Atthe
sameinstant,however,thevoltageV1 atthenon-invertingterminalisavery smallfinitevaluethat is
resistors.ThusthedifferentialinputvoltageVid isequaltothevoltageV1 atthenon-inverting terminal. Although
verysmall, voltageV1 willstart to drivethe op-amp into saturation.

Forexample,supposethattheoutputoffsetvoltageVOOTispositiveandthat,therefore,voltage V1
verylarge(A);henceV1drivestheoutputoftheop-amptoitspositivesaturation+V sat.With
theoutputvoltageoftheop-ampat+Vsat,thecapacitorCstartschargingtoward+Vsat through
resistorR.However,assoonasthevoltageV2acrosscapacitorCisslightlymorepositivethan V1,theoutputoftheop-
Vsat,thevoltagev1acrossR1is alsonegative, since

innegativesaturation.TheoutputremainsinnegativesaturationuntilthecapacitorCdischarges and then
recharges to a negativevoltageslightlyhigherthan-V1.Now, assoon as the capacitor’s
andhencedrivestheoutputoftheop-ampbacktoitspositivesaturation+Vsat.Thiscompletes onecycle. With
outputat+Vsat, voltage V1at thenon-invertinginputis
Thetime period T oftheoutputwaveform isgiven by

Above equation indicatesthatthefrequencyoftheoutputf0 isnotonlyafunctionoftheRCtime

constantbutalsooftherelationshipbetweenR1andR2.Forexample,if R2=1.16R1,Equation becomes


squarewavegenerator.TheresultantcircuitisshowninFigure3 . 17 (a).Thiscircuitrequiresa dual op-amp, two
capacitors, and at least five resistors.

values,thefrequencyofthesquarewaveaswellasthetriangularwavedependsontheresistance R.

respectively.Althoughthe amplitudeofthe square waveis constant(±Vsat);the amplitudeofthe triangular
wave decreases with an increase in its frequency, and vice versa. The input of integrator A2 is a square
wave, while its output is a triangularwave.

However,fortheoutputofA2tobeatriangularwaverequiresthat5R3C2>T/2,whereTisthe period ofthe

Fig.3.17 (a)Triangular Wave Generator (b)It’s Output Wave Form

R3C2shouldbeequaltoT.Toobtainastabletriangularwave,itmayalsobenecessary toshunt
thecapacitorC2withresistanceR4=10R3andconnectanoffsetvoltage-compensatingnetwork at thenon-

Anothertriangularwavegenerator,whichrequiresfewercomponents,isshowninFig3 . 1 8
voltageatPgoesslightlybeloworabove0V.theoutputofA1isatthenegativeorpositive saturation level, respectively.
Fig 3.18 Triangular Wave Generator(a)Circuit(b)Input and Output Waveform

Toillustratethecircuit’soperation,letussettheoutputofA,atpositivesaturation+V( +Vc).
This+VisaninputoftheintegratorA2.TheoutputofA2,therefore,willbeanegative-going ramp.Thusoneendofthevoltage-
dividerR2—R3isthepositivesaturationvoltage+VofA, andtheotheristhenegative-goingrampofA2.Whenthenegative-
goingrampattainsacertain value VRamp, point P is slightly below 0 V; hence the output of A1 will switch from
positive saturation to negative saturation.This means that the
willcontinuetoincreaseuntilitreaches+Atthistimethe point Pisslightlyabove0V;
therefore,theoutputofA,isswitchedbacktothepositivesaturationlevel+V.Thesequence then repeats. The out put
waveform is as shown in Figure3.18(b).
Thefrequenciesofthesquarewaveandthetriangularwavearethesame.Theamplitudeofthe squarewaveisa
functionofthedcsupplyvoltages.However,adesiredamplitudecanbe obtained by using
appropriate zeners at the output of .

Figure3.18(b),whentheoutputofthecomparatorA1is+V,,theoutputoftheintegratorA2 steadily
V.Justbeforethisswitchingoccurs,thevoltageatpointP(+input)is0V.Thismeansthatthe —VRamp
mustbedeveloped across R2, and +Vsatmustbedeveloped acrossR3. That is,

Similarly,+Vj,,theoutputvoltageofA2atwhichtheoutputofA1switchesfrom—Vto+V,,is given by

The peak-to-peak (pp) output amplitude of the triangular waveis

Above equation indicates that the amplitudeof thetriangular wave decreases with an increase in R 3.

Thetime it takes fortheoutputwaveform to swingfrom— to + (orfrom +Vmp to — VRamp)

isequal to half thetime period T/2.This time can becalculatedfrom the integrator output equation.
Thefrequencyof oscillation then is

Thedifferencebetween thetriangularandsawtoothwaveformsisthatthe risetimeofthe

hand,thesawtoothwaveformhasunequalriseandfalltimes.Thatis,itmay risepositivelymany times fasterthan it
falls negatively, or viceversa.

Thetriangularwavegenerator ofFigure3.19(a) can be converted intoasawtooth wavegenerator

byinjectingavariabledcvoltageintothenon-invertingterminaloftheintegratorA2.Thiscan be accomplished by
using the potentiometer and connecting it to the +VCC and-VEE as shown in Figure 3.19(a).

Depending ontheR4setting,a certaindclevelisinsertedintheoutputofA2.Now,supposethat

theoutputofA1isasquarewaveandthepotentiometerR4isadjustedforacertaindclevel. ThismeansthattheoutputofA2
andamplitudeofthisdclevel.Aduty cyclelessthan50%willthencausetheoutputofA2tobe asawtooth.
Fig 3.19 Sawtooth Wave generator (a)Circuit(b)Output Waveform

ForanyotherpositionofR4wiper,theoutputisasawtoothwaveform.SpecificallyastheR4 wiperismovedtoward—
V,the risetimeofthesawtoothwavebecomeslongerthanthefall
timebecomeslongerthantherisetime.Also,thefrequencyofthesawtoothwavedecreasesas R 4is adjusted toward
+ V or — VEE. However, the amplitude of the sawtooth wave is independent of theR 4setting.


In all the preceding oscillators the frequency is determined by the RC time constant.However there are
applications,such as frequency modulation,tone generators and frequency keying,where the frequency
needs to be controlled by means of an input voltage called controlled voltage.This function is achieved in
the voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) also called a voltage to frequency converter.

A typical example is the signetics NERSE 566 VCO,which provides simultaneous square wave and
triangular wave outputs as a function of input voltage.Figure(b) is a block diagram of 566,the frequency of
oscillation is determined by an external resistor R1 and capacitor C1 and the voltage Vc applied to the
control terminal 5.The triangular wave is generated by alternately charging the external capacitor C1 by
one current source and then linearly discharging it by another.The discharge levels are determined by smitt
trigger action. The smitt trigger also provides the squar wave output.Both the output wave forms are
buffered so that the output impedance of each is 50ohms.The tipical amplitude of the triangular wave is 2.4
volts peak to peak and that of the squar wave is 5.4 volts peak to peak.-



One of the most versatile linear integrated circuits is the 555 timer. A sample of these applications
includes mono-stable and astable multivibrators, dc-dc converters, digital logic probes, waveform generators,
analog frequency meters and tachometers, temperature measurement and control, infrared transmitters, burglar
and toxic gas alarms, voltage regulators, electric eyes, and many others.

The 555 is a monolithic timing circuit that can produce accurate and highly stable time delays or
oscillation. The timer basically operates in one of the two modes: either as monostable (one-shot)
multivibrator or as an astable (free running) multivibrator.The device is available as an 8-pin metal can, an
8-pin mini DIP, or a 14-pin DIP.

The SE555 is designed for the operating temperature range from -55°Cto + 125°C, while the NE555
operates over a temperature range of 0° to +70°C. The important features of the 555 timer are these: it
operates on +5 to + 18 V supply voltage in both free-running (astable) and one- shot (monostable) modes; it
has an adjustable duty cycle; timing is from microseconds hrough hours; it has a high current output; it can
source or sink 200 mA; the output can drive TTL and has a temperature stability of 50 parts per million
(ppm) per degree Celsius change in temperature, or equivalently 0.005%/°C.

Like general-purpose op-amps, the 555 timer is reliable, easy to us, and low cost.

Pin 1: Ground. All voltages are measured with respect to this terminal.

Pin 2: Trigger. The output of the timer depends on the amplitude of the external trigger pulse applied to this
pin. The output is low if the voltage at this pin is greater than 2/3 V CC. However,when a negative-going pulse
of amplitude larger than 1/3 VCC is applied to this pin, the comparator 2 output goes low, which in turn
switches the output of the timer high [see Figure 4-
1(b)]. The output remains high as long as the trigger terminal is held at a low voltage.

Pin 3: Output. There are two ways a load can be connected to the output terminal: either between pin 3 and
ground (pin 1) or between pin 3 and supply voltage + V CC (pin 8) . When the output is low, the load current
flows through the load connected between pin 3 and + V CC into the output terminal and is called the sink

However, the current through the grounded load is zero when the output is low. For this reason, the
load connected between pin 3 and + VCC is called the normally on load and that connected between pin 3 and
ground is called the normally off load.

On the other hand, when the output is high, the current through the load connected between pin 3and +
VCC (normally on load) is zero. However, the output terminal supplies current to the normally off load. This
current is called the source current. The maximum value of sink or source current is 200 mA.

Fig 4-1 Pin diagram of 555Timer

Pin 4: Reset. The 555 timer can be reset (disabled) by applying a negative pulse to this pin. When the reset
function is not in use, the reset terminal should be connected to + V CC to avoid any possibility of false
Fig 4-1(a) Block Diagram

Pin 5: Control voltage. An external voltage applied to this terminal changes the threshold as well

as the trigger voltage . In other words, by imposing a voltage on this pin or by connecting a pot between this
pin and ground, the pulse width of the output waveform can be varied. When not used, the control pin
should be bypassed to ground with a 0.01-μF capacitor to prevent any noise problems.

Pin 6: Threshold. This is the non-inverting input terminal of comparator 1, which monitors the voltage
across the external capacitor . When the voltage at this pin is threshold voltage 2/3 V, the output of
comparator 1 goes high, which in turn switches the output of the timer low.

Pin 7: Discharge. This pin is connected internally to the collector of transistor Q1, as shown in Figure 4-1(b).
When the output is high, Q1 is off and acts as an open circuit to the external capacitor C connected across it.
On the other hand, when the output is low, Q1 is saturated and acts as a short circuit, shorting out the
external capacitor C to ground.

Pin 8: + VCC. The supply voltage of +5 V to +18 is applied to this pin with respect to ground (pin 1).


Fig 4-1(b) Block diagram of timer


A monostable multivibrator, often called a one-shot multivibrator, is a pulse- generating circuit in

which the duration of the pulse is determined by the RC network connected externally to the 555 timer.
In a stable or standby state the output of the circuit is approximately zero or at logic-low level.
When an external trigger pulse is applied, the output is forced to go high ( ≈V CC). The time the output
remains high is determined by the external RC network connected to the timer. At the end of the timing
interval, the output automatically reverts back to its logic-low stable state. The output stays low until the
trigger pulse is again applied. Then the cycle repeats.

The monostable circuit has only one stable state (output low), hence the name mono-stable.
Normally, the output of the mono- stable multivibrator is low. Fig 4.2 (a) shows the 555 configured for
monostable operation. To better explain the circuit’s operation, the internal block diagram is included in Fig

Figure 4-2(a) IC555 as monostable multivibrator

Mono-stable operation: According to Fig 4-2(b), initially when the output is low, that is, the circuit is in a stable
state, transistor Q is on and capacitor C is shorted out to ground. However, upon application of a negative trigger
pulse to pin 2, transistor Q is turned off, which releases the short circuit across the external capacitor C and
drives the output high. The capacitorC now starts charging up toward Vcc through RA.

However, when the voltage across the capacitor equals 2/3 Va., comparator I ‘s output switches
from low to high, which in turn drives the output to its low state via the output of the flip-flop. At the same
time, the output of the flip-flop turns transistor Q on, and hence capacitor C rapidly discharges through the

The output of the rnonostable remains low until a trigger pulse is again applied. Then the cycle
repeats. Figure 4-2(c) shows the trigger input, output voltage, and capacitor voltage waveforms. As
shownhere, the pulse width of the trigger input must be smaller than the expected pulse width of the
output waveform. Also, the trigger pulse must be a negative-going input signal with amplitude larger than
1/3 the time during which the output remains high is given by where
Fig.4-2 (b)555 connected as a Monostable Multivibrator (c)input and output waveforms
where RA is in ohms and C is in farads. Figure 4-2(c) shows a graph of the various combinations of R A and C
necessary to produce desired time delays. Note that this graph can only be used as a guideline and gives only
the approximate value of R A and C for a given time delay. Once triggered, the circuit’s output will remain in
the high state until the set time 1, elapses. The output will not change its state even if an input trigger is
applied again during this time interval T. However, the circuit can be reset during the timing cycle by
applying a negative pulse to the reset terminal. The output will then remain in the low state until a trigger is
again applied.

Often in practice a decoupling capacitor (10 F) is used between + (pin 8) and ground (pin 1) to
eliminate unwanted voltage spikes in the output waveform. Sometimes, to prevent any possibility of
mistriggering the monostable multivibrator on positive pulse edges, a wave shapingcircuit consisting of R,
C2, and diode D is connected between the trigger input pin 2 and pin 8, as shown in Figure 4-3. The values of
R and C2 should be selected so that the time constant RC 2

is smaller than the output pulse width.

Fig.4-3 Monostable Multivibrator with wave shaping network to prevent +ve pulse edge triggering
4.3.1 Monostable Multivibrator Applications

(a) Frequency divider: The monostable multivibrator of Figure 4-2(a) can be used as a frequency divider by
adjusting the length of the timing cycle t p, with respect to the tine period T of the trigger input signal applied
to pin 2. To use monostable multivibrator as a divide-by-2 circuit, the timing interval t p must be slightly
larger than the time period T of the trigger input signal, as shown in Figure 4-4. By the same concept, to use
the monostable multivibrator as a divide-by-3 circuit, t p must be slightly larger than twice the period of the
input trigger signal, and

so on. The frequency-divider application is possible because the monostable multivibrator cannot
betriggered during the timing cycle.

Fig 4-4 input and output waveforms of a monostable multi vibrator as a divide-by-2 network

(b) Pulse stretcher: This application makes use of the fact that the output pulse width (timing interval) of
the rnonostable multivibrator is of longer duration than the negative pulse width of the input trigger. As
such, the output pulse width of the monostable multivibrator can be viewed as a stretched version of the
narrow input pulse, hence the name pulse stretcher. Often, narrow-pulse- width signals are not suitable for
driving an LED display, mainly because of their very narrow pulse widths. In other words, the LED may be
flashing but is not visible to the eye because its on time is infinitesimally small compared to its off time.
The 555 pulse stretcher can be used to remedy this problem
Fig 4-5 Monostable multi vibrator as aPulse stretcher

Figure 4-5 shows a basic rnonostable used as a pulse stretcher with an LED indicator at the output.
The LED will be on during the timing interval tp = 1.1RAC, which can be varied by changing the value of
RA and/or C.


The 555 as an Astable Multivibrator, often called a free-running multivibrator, is a rectangular-wave-

generating circuit. Unlike the monostable multivibrator, this circuit does not require an external trigger to change
the state of the output, hence the name freerunning. However, the time during which the output is either high or
low is determined by the two resistors and a capacitor, which are externally connected to the 555 timer. Fig 4-
6(a) shows the 555 timer connected as an astable multivibrator. Initially, when the output is high, capacitor C
starts charging toward V through RA and R8. However as soon as voltage across the capacitor equals 2/3 Vcc,
comparator I triggers the flip flop, and the output switches low [see Fig 4-6(b)]. Now capacitor C starts
discharging through R8 and transistor Q. When the voltage across C equals 1/3 comparator 2’s output triggers the
flip-flop, and the output goes high. Then the cycle repeats.
Fig 4-6 The 555 as a Astable Multivibrator (a)Circuit(b)Voltage across Capacitor and O/P waveforms.

The output voltage and capacitor voltage waveforms are shown in Figure 4-6(b). As shown in this
figure, the capacitor is periodically charged and discharged between 2/3 Vcc and 1/3 V, respectively. The
time during which the capacitor charges from 1/3 V to 2/3 V. is equal to the time the output is high and is
given by

where RA and R3 are in ohms and C is in farads. Similarly, the time during which the capacitor
discharges from 2/3 V to 1/3 V is equal to the time the output is low and is given by

where RB is in ohms and C is in farads. Thus the total period of the output waveform is

This, in turn, gives the frequency of oscillation as

Above equation indicates that the frequency f o is independent of the supply voltage V. Often the
term duty cycle is used in conjunction with the astable multivibrator . The duty cycle is the ratio of the time
t during which the output is high to the total time period T. It is generally expressed as a percentage. In
equation form,

4.4.1 Astable Multivibrator Applications:

Square-wave oscillator: Without reducing RA = 0 , the astable multivibrator can be used to

produce a square wave output simply by connecting diode D across resistor R B, as shown in Figure 4-7. The
capacitor C charges through R A and diode D to approximately 2/3 Vcc and discharges through R B and
terminal 7 until the capacitor voltage equals approximately 1/3 Vcc;

Fig 4-7 Astable Multivibrator as a Square wave generator

then the cycle repeats. To obtain a square wave output (50% duty cycle), RA must be a combination of a
fixed resistor and potentiometer so that the potentiorneter can be adjusted for the exact square wave.
Free-running ramp generator: The asab1e multivibrator can be used as a free-running ramp
generator when resistors R A and R3 are replaced by a current mirror. Figure 4-8(a) shows an astable
multivibrator configured to perform this function. The current mirror starts charging capacitor C toward V cc
at a constant rate.

Free-running ramp generator: The asab1e multivibrator can be used as a free-running ramp
generator when resistors R A and R3 are replaced by a current mirror. Figure 4-8(a) shows an astable
multivibrator configured to perform this function. The current mirror starts charging capacitor C toward V cc
at a constant rate.

When voltage across C equals 2/3 V cc, comparator 1 turns transistor Q on, and C rapidly discharges
through transistor Q. However, when the discharge voltage across C is approximately equal to 1/3 V cc,
comparator 2 switches transistor Q off, and then capacitor C starts charging up again. Thus the charge—
discharge cycle keeps repeating. The discharging time of the capacitor is relatively negligible compared to its
charging time; hence, for all practical purposes, the time period of the ramp waveform is equal to the
charging time and is approximately given by

Where I = (Vcc — VBE)/R = constant current in amperes and C is in farads. Therefore,

the freerunningfrequency of the ramp generator is

Fig 4.9 Timer as Schmitt trigger

The input is given to the pin 2 and pin 6 which are tied together.Pins 4 and 8 are connected to supply voltage
+Vcc.The common point of two pins 2 and 6 are externally biased at V cc/2 through the resistance network R1 and
R2.Generally R1=R2 to the gate biasing of V cc/2.The upper comparator will trip at 2/3V ccwhile lower comparator
at 1/3Vcc.The bias provided by R1 and R2 is centered within these two thresholds.

Thus when sine wave of sufficient amplitude,greater thanV cc/6 is applied to the circuit as input,it
causes the internal flip flop to alternately set and reset.Due to this,the circuit produces the square wave at
the output.


4.6.1 Introduction

The phase-locked loop principle has been used in applications such as FM (frequency modulation) stereo
decoders, motor speed controls, tracking filters, frequency synthesized transmitters and receivers, FM
demodulators, frequency shift keying (FSK) decoders, and a generation of local oscillator frequencies in
TV and in FM tuners.
Today the phase-locked loop is even available as a single package, typical examples of which
include the Signetics SE/NE 560 series (the 560, 561, 562, 564, 565, and 567). However, for more
economical operation, discrete ICs can be used to construct a phase-locked loop.
4.6.2 Bloch Schematic and Operating Principle

Figure 4-10 shows the phase-locked loop (PLL) in its basic form. As illustrated in this figure,
the phase-locked loop consists of (1) a phase detector, (2) a low-pass filter, and, (3) a voltage
controlled oscillator.

Fig 4-10 Block Diagram of Phase Locked Loop

The phase detectors or comparator compares the input frequency fIN with the feedback frequency
fOUT.. The output voltage of the phase detector is a dc voltage and therefore is often referred to as the error
voltage. The output of the phase is then applied to the low-pass filter, which removes the high-frequency
noise and produces a dc level.

This dc level, in turn, is the input to the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). The filter also helps in
establishing the dynamic characteristics of the PLL circuit. The output frequency of the VCO is directly
proportional to the input dc level. The VCO frequency is compared with the input frequencies and adjusted
until it is equal to the input frequencies. In short, the phase-locked loop goes through three states: free-
running, capture, and phase lock.

Before the input is applied, the phase-locked loop is in the free-running state. Once the input
frequency is applied, the VCO frequency starts to change and the phase-locked loop is said to be in the
capture mode. The VCO frequency continues to change until it equals the input frequency, and the phase-
locked loop is then in the phase-locked state. When phase locked, the loop tracks any change in the input
frequency through its repetitive action.

Before studying the specialized phase-locked-loop IC, we shall consider the discrete phaselocked
loop, which may be assembled by combining a phase detector, a low-pass filter, and a voltage-controlled

(a) Phase detector:

The phase detector compares the input frequency and the VCO frequency and generates a dc
voltage that is proportional to the phase difference between the two frequencies. Depending on the analog or
digital phase detector used, the PLL is either called an analog or digital type, respectively. Even though most
of the monolithic PLL integrated circuits use analog phase detectors, the majority of discrete phase detectors
in use are of the digital type mainly because of its simplicity.

A double-balanced mixer is a classic example of an analog phase detector. On the other

hand,examples of digital phase detectors are these:

1. Exclusive-OR phase detector

2. Edge-triggered phase detector

3. Monolithic phase detector (such as type 4044)

The following fig 4.11 shows Exclusive-OR phase detector:

Fig 4-11(a) Exclusive-OR phase detector: connection and logic diagram. (b) Input and output waveforms.
(c) Average output voltage versus phase difference between fIN and fOUT curve.

(b) Low-pass filter.

The second block shown in the PLL block diagram of Figure 4-10 is a low-pass filter. The function
of the low-pass filter is to remove the high-frequency components in the output of the phase detector and to
remove high-frequency noise.

More important, the 1ow-pass filter controls the dynamic characteristics of the phase-locked loop.
These characteristics include capture and lock ranges, bandwidth, and transient response. The lock range is
defined as the range of frequencies over which the PLL system follows the changes in the input frequency
fIN. An equivalent term for lock range is tracking range. On the other hand, the capture range is the
frequency range in which the PLL acquires phase lock. Obviously, the capture range is always smaller
than the lock range.

(c) Voltage-controlled oscillator:

A third section of the PLL is the voltage-controlled oscillator.The VCO generates an output
frequency that is directly proportional to its input voltage.Typical example of VCO is Signetics NE/SE 566
VCO, which provides simultaneous square wave and triangular wave outputs as a function of input voltage.
The block diagram of the VCO is shown in Fig 4.12. The frequency of oscillations is determined by thee
external R1 and capacitor C1 and the voltage VC applied to the control terminal 5. The triangular wave is
generated by alternatively charging the external capacitor C 1 by one current source and then linearly
discharging it by another. The charging and discharging levels are determined by Schmitt trigger action. The
schmitt trigger also provides square wave output. Both the wave forms are buffered so that the output
impedance of each is 50 ohms.

Fig 4.12 (c) is a typical connection diagram. In this arrangement the R 1C1 combination determines
the free running frequency and the control voltage V C at pin 5 is set by voltage divider formed with R 2 and
R3. The initial voltage VC at pin 5 must be in the range

Where +V is the total supply voltage.The modulating signal is ac coupled with the capacitor C and must
be <3 VPP. The frequency of the output wave forms is approximated by

where R1should be in the range 2KΩ < R1< 20KΩ. For affixed VC and constant C1, the frequency fO can
be varied over a 10:1 frequency range by the choice of R1 between 2KΩ < R 1< 20KΩ.
Fig 4.12 VCO Block Diagram

Monolithic PLLs are introduced by signetics as SE/NE 560 series and by national semiconductors LM
560 series.

Fig 4.13 Pin configuration of IC 565

Fig 4.14 Block Diagram of IC 565

Fig 4.13 and 4.14 shows the pin diagram and block diagram of IC 565 PLL. It consists of phase
detector,amplifier,low pass filter and VCO.As shown in the block diagram the phase locked feedback loop
is not internally connected.Therefore,it is necessary to connect out put of VCO to the phase comparator
input,externally.In frequency multiplication applications a digital frequency divider is inserted into the loop
i.e between pin 4 and pin 5.

The centre frequency of the PLL is determined by the free-running frequency of the VCO and it
is given by

Where R1 and C1 are an external resistor and capacitor connected to pins 8 and 9, respectively.The
values of R1 and C1 are adjusted such that the free running frequency will be at the centre of the input
frequency range.The values of R1 are restricted from 2 kΩ to 20 kΩ,but a capacitor can have any value.A
capacitor C2 connected between pin 7 and the positive supply forms a first order low pass filter with an
internal resistance of 3.6 kΩ.The value of filter capacitor C 2 should be larger enough to eliminate possible
demodulated output voltage at pin 7 in order to stabilize the VCO frequency

The PLL can lock to and track an input signal over typically ±60% bandwidth w.r.t fo as the center
frequency. The lock range fL and the capture range fC of the PLL are given by the following equations.
Where fo=free running frequency



From above equation the lock range increases with an increase in input voltage but decrease with
increase in supply voltage.The two inputs to the phase detector allows direct coupling of an input
signal,provided that there is no dc voltage difference between the pins and the dc resistances seen from
pins 2 and 3 are equal.


Fig 5.1 shows the application of A/D and D/A converters.

The transducer circuit will gives an analog signal. This signal is transmitted through the LPF circuit to
avoid higher components, and then the signal is sampled at twice the frequency of the signal to avoid the
overlapping. The output of the sampling circuit is applied to A/D converter where the samples are
converted into binary data i.e. 0’s and 1’s. Like this the analog data converted into digital data.

The digital data is again reconverted back into analog by doing exact opposite operation of first half of the
diagram. Then the output of the D/A convertor is transmitted through the smoothing filter to avoid the


The input of the block diagram is binary data i.e, 0 and 1,it contain ‘n’ number of input bits designated as
d1,d2,d3,…..dn .this input is combined with the reference voltage called V dd to give an analog output.

Where d1 is the MSB bit and dn is the LSB bit

-1 -2 -3 -n
Vo=Vdd(d1*2 +d2*2 +d3*2 +…………………..+dn*2 )

Fig 5.2: Basic DAC diagram

Weighted Resistor:

Fig: 5.3 simple 4-bit weighted resistor

Fig. 5.3 shows a simplest circuit of weighted resistor. It uses a summing inverting amplifier. It contains n-
electronic switches (i.e. 4 switches) and these switches are controlled by binary input bits d1, d2, d3, d4. If
the binary input bit is 1 then the switch is connected to reference voltage –V REF , if the binary input bit is 0
then the switch is connected to ground.

The output current equation is

Io=I1+I2+ I3+I 4

-1 -2 -3 -4
Io= VREF (d1*2 +d2*2 +d3*2 +d4*2 )

The transfer characteristics are shown below (fig 5.4) for a 3-bit weighted resistor

Fig 5.4 Transfer characteristics of 3-bit weighted resistor

Disadvantages of Weighted resistor D/A converter:

Wide range of resistor’s are required in this circuit and it is very difficult to fabricate such a wide range of
resistance values in monolithic IC. This difficulty can be eliminated using R-2R ladder network.


Wide range of resistors required in binary weighted resistor type DAC. This can be avoided by using R-2R ladder
type DAC. The circuit of R-2R ladder network is shown in fig 5.5. The basic theory of the R-2R ladder network is
that current flowing through any input resistor (2R) encounters two possible paths at the far end. The effective
resistances of both paths are the same (also 2R), so the incoming current splits equally along both paths. The half-
current that flows back towards lower orders of magnitude does not reach the op amp, and therefore has no effect
on the output voltage. The half that takes the path towards the op amp along
the ladder can affect the output. The inverting input of the op-amp is at virtual earth. Current flowing in the
elements of the ladder network is therefore unaffected by switch positions.

Fig 5.5: A 4-bit R-2R Ladder DAC

If we label the bits (or inputs) bit 1 to bit N the output voltage caused by connecting a particular bit to Vr
with all other bits grounded is:
Vout = Vr/2N
where N is the bit number. For bit 1, Vout =Vr/2, for bit 2, Vout = Vr/4 etc.

Since an R/2R ladder is a linear circuit, we can apply the principle of superposition to calculate Vout. The
expected output voltage is calculated by summing the effect of all bits connected to Vr. For example, if bits
1 and 3 are connected to Vr with all other inputs grounded, the output voltage is calculated by:
Vout = (Vr/2)+(Vr/8)
which reduces to
Vout = 5Vr/8.

An R/2R ladder of 4 bits would have a full-scale output voltage of 1/2 +1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 = 15Vr/16 or 0.9375
volts (if Vr=1 volt) while a 10bit R/2R ladder would have a full-scale output voltage of 0.99902 (if Vr=1 volt).

The number of resistors required for an N-bit D/A converter is 2N in case of R-2R ladder D/A converter
whereas it is only N in the case of weighted resistor D/A converter.


In weighted resistor and R-2R ladder DAC the current flowing through the resistor is always changed
because of the changing input binary bits 0 and 1. More power dissipation causes heating, which in turn cerates
non-linearity in DAC. This problem can be avoided by using INVERTED R-2R LADDER DAC (fig 5.6)

In this MSB and LSB is interchanged. Here each input binary word connects the corresponding switch
either to ground or to the inverting input terminal of op-amp which is also at virtual ground. When the input
binary in logic 1 then it is connected to the virtual ground, when input binary is logic 0 then it is connected
to the ground i.e. the current flowing through the resistor is constant.

Fig 5.6: Inverted R-2R ladder


It provides the function just opposite to that of a DAC. It accepts an analog input voltage Va and produces an
output binary word d1,d2,d3….dn. Where d1 is the most significant bit and dn is the least significant bit.

ADCs are broadly classified into two groups according to their conversion techniques

1) Direct type

2) Integrating type

Direct type ADCs compares a given analog signal with the internally generated equivalent signal. This
group includes
i) Flash (Comparator) type converter
ii) Successive approximation type convertor
iii) Counter type
iv) Servo or Tracking type

Integrated type ADCs perform conversion in an indirect manner by first changing the analog input signal to
linear function of time or frequency and then to a digital code

i) Dual slope ADC


A direct-conversion ADC or flash ADC has a bank of comparators sampling the input signal in parallel, each
firing for their decoded voltage range. The comparator bank feeds a logic circuit that generates a code for
each voltage range. Direct conversion is very fast, capable of gigahertz sampling rates, but usually has only
8 bits of resolution or fewer, since the number of comparators needed, 2 - 1, doubles with each additional
bit, requiring a large, expensive circuit. ADCs of this type have a large die size, a high input capacitance,
high power dissipation, and are prone to produce glitches at the output (by outputting an out-of-sequence
code). Scaling to newer submicrometre technologies does not help as the device mismatch is the dominant
design limitation. They are often used for video, wideband communications or other fast signals in optical

A Flash ADC (also known as a direct conversion ADC) is a type of analog-to-digital converter that
uses a linear voltage ladder with a comparator at each "rung" of the ladder to compare the input voltage to
successive reference voltages. Often these reference ladders are constructed of many resistors; however
modern implementations show that capacitive voltage division is also possible. The output of these
comparators is generally fed into a digital encoder which converts the inputs into a binary value (the
collected outputs from the comparators can be thought of as a unary value).

Also called the parallel A/D converter, this circuit is the simplest to understand. It is formed of a series
of comparators, each one comparing the input signal to a unique reference voltage. The comparator outputs
connect to the inputs of a priority encoder circuit, which then produces a binary output.
Fig-5.7: flash (parallel comparator) type ADC

The following (fig-5.7) illustration shows a 3-bit flashADC circuit:

VR is a stable reference voltage provided by a precision voltage regulator as part of the converter
circuit, not shown in the schematic. As the analog input voltage exceeds the reference voltage at
each comparator, the comparator outputs will sequentially saturate to a high state. The priority
encoder generates a binary number based on the highest-order active input, ignoring all other
active inputs.


In the fig-5.8 the counter is reset to zero count by reset pulse. After releasing the reset pulse
the clock pulses are counted by the binary counter. These pulses go through the AND gate which is
enabled by the voltage comparator high output. The number of pulses counted increase with
Fig-5.8 Countertype A/D converter

time. The binary word representing this count is used as the input of a D/A converter whose output is a
stair case. The analog output V d of DAC is compared to the analog input input V a by the comparator. If
Va>Vd the output of the comparator becomes high and the AND gate is enabled to allow the
transmission of the clock pulses to the counter. When V a<Vd the output of the comparator becomes low
and the AND gate is disabled.This stops the counting we can get the digital data.


Fig: 5.9 A tracking A/D converter (b) waveforms associated with a tracking A/D converter

An improved version of counting ADC is the tracking or servo converter shown in fig 5.9.
The circuit consists of an up/down counter with the comparator controlling the direction of the
count. The analog output of the DAC is V d and is compared with the analog input Va.If the input Va
is greater than the DAC output signal, the output of the comparator goes high and the counter is
caused to count up. The DAC output increases with each incoming clock pulse when it
becomes more than Va the counter reverses the direction and counts down.


One method of addressing the digital ramp ADC's shortcomings is the so-called successive-
approximationADC. The only change in this design as shown in the fig 5.10 is a very special
counter circuit known as a successive-approximation register. Instead of counting up in binary
sequence, this register counts by trying all values of bits starting with the most-significant bit and
finishing at the least-significant bit. Throughout the count process, the register monitors the
comparator's output to see if the binary count is less than or greater than the analog signal input,
adjusting the bit values accordingly. The way the register counts is identical to the "trial-and-fit"
method of decimal-to-binary conversion, whereby different values of bits are tried from MSB to
LSB to get a binary number that equals the original decimal number. The advantage to this
counting strategy is much faster results: the DAC output converges on the analog signal input in
much larger steps than with the 0-to-full count sequence of a regular counter.

Fig: 5.10 successive approximation ADC

The successive approximation analog to digital converter circuit typically consists of four chief sub

1. A sample and hold circuit to acquire the input voltage (Vin).

2. An analog voltage comparator that compares V in to the output of the internal DAC and
outputs the result of the comparison to the successive approximation register (SAR).
3. A successive approximation register sub circuit designed to supply an approximate digital
code of Vin to the internal DAC.

4. An internal reference DAC that supplies the comparator with an analog voltage equivalent of
the digital code output of the SAR for comparison with Vin.

The successive approximation register is initialized so that the most significant bit (MSB) is equal to
a digital 1. This code is fed into the DAC, which then supplies the analog equivalent of this digital code
(Vref/2) into the comparator circuit for comparison with the sampled input voltage. If this analog voltage
exceeds Vin the comparator causes the SAR to reset this bit; otherwise, the bit is left a 1. Then the next bit is
set to 1 and the same test is done, continuing this binary search until every bit in the SAR has been tested.
The resulting code is the digital approximation of the sampled input voltage and is finally output by the
DAC at the end of the conversion (EOC).

Mathematically, let Vin = xVref, so x in [-1, 1] is the normalized input voltage. The objective is
to approximately digitize x to an accuracy of 1/2 . The algorithm proceeds as follows:

1. Initial approximation x0 = 0.
2. ith approximation xi = xi-1 - s(xi-1 - x)/2 .

where, s(x) is the signum-function(sgn(x)) (+1 for x ≥ 0, -1 for x < 0). It follows using mathematical
induction that |xn - x| ≤ 1/2 .

As shown in the above algorithm, a SAR ADC requires:

1. An input voltage source Vin.

2. A reference voltage source Vref to normalize the input.
3. A DAC to convert the ith approximation xi to a voltage.

4. A Comparator to perform the function s(xi - x) by comparing the DAC's voltage with the
input voltage.
5. A Register to store the output of the comparator and apply x i-1 - s(xi-1 - x)/2 .

A successive-approximation ADC uses a comparator to reject ranges of voltages, eventually settling on a

final voltage range. Successive approximation works by constantly comparing the input voltage to the output of
an internal digital to analog converter (DAC, fed by the current value of the approximation) until the best
approximation is achieved. At each step in this process, a binary value of the approximation is stored in a
successive approximation register (SAR). The SAR uses a reference voltage (which is the largest signalthe ADC
is to convert) for comparisons. For example if the input voltage is 60 V and the reference voltage is 100 V, in the
1st clock cycle, 60 V iscompared to 50 V (the reference,divided by two. This is the
voltage at the output of the internal DAC when the input is a '1' followed by zeros), and the voltage from the
comparator is positive (or '1') (because 60 V is greater than 50 V). At this point the first binary digit (MSB)
is set to a '1'. In the 2nd clock cycle the input voltage is compared to 75 V (being halfway between 100 and
50 V: This is the output of the internal DAC when its input is '11' followed by zeros) because 60 V is less
than 75 V, the comparator output is now negative (or '0'). The second binary digit is therefore set to a '0'. In
the 3rd clock cycle, the input voltage is compared with 62.5 V (halfway between 50 V and 75 V: This is the
output of the internal DAC when its input is '101' followed by zeros). The output of the comparator is
negative or '0' (because 60 V is less than 62.5 V) so the third binary digit is set to a 0. The fourth clock cycle
similarly results in the fourth digit being a '1' (60 V is greater than 56.25 V, the DAC output for '1001'
followed by zeros). The result of this would be in the binary form 1001. This is also called bit-weighting
conversion, and is similar to a binary search. The analogue value is rounded to the nearest binary value
below, meaning this converter type is mid-rise (see above). Because the approximations are successive (not
simultaneous), the conversion takes one clock-cycle for each bit of resolution desired. The clock frequency
must be equal to the sampling frequency multiplied by the number of bits of resolution desired. For example,
to sample audio at 44.1 kHz with 32 bit resolution, a clock frequency of over 1.4 MHz would be required.
ADCs of this type have good resolutions and quite wide ranges. They are more complex than some other


Fig 5.11 Functional diagram of dual slope ADC

An integrating ADC (also dual-slopeADC) shown in fig 5.11a applies the unknown input voltage to the input of
an integrator and allows the voltage to ramp for a fixed time period (the run-up period). Then a known reference
voltage of opposite polarity is applied to the integrator and is allowed to ramp until the integrator output returns to
zero (the run-down period). The input voltage is computed as a function of the reference voltage, the constant
run-up time period, and the measuredrun-down time period. The run-down time measurement is usually made in
units of the converter's clock, so longer integration times allow for higher
resolutions. Likewise, the speed of the converter can be improved by sacrificing resolution. Converters of this
type (or variations on the concept) are used in most digital voltmeters for their linearity and flexibility.

Fig 5.11b o/p waveform of dual slope ADC

In operation the integrator is first zeroed (close SW2), then attached to the input (SW1 up) for a fixed time

M counts of theclock (frequency 1/t). At the end of that time it is attached to the reference voltage (SW1 down)
and the number of counts Nwhich accumulate before the integrator reaches zero volts output and the
comparator output changes are determined. The waveform of dual slope ADC is shown in fig 5.11b.

The equations of operation are therefore:


For an integrator,

The voltage Vo will be equal to V1 at the instant t2 and can be written as

The voltage V1 is also given by

Putting the values of and , we get



1. RESOLUTION: The Resolution of a converter is the smallest change in voltage which may be
produced at the output of the converter.

Resolution (in volts)=(VFS)/(2 -1)= 1 LSB increment
Ex: an 8-bit D/A converter have 2 -1=255 equal intervals. Hence the smallest change in
output voltage is (1/255) of the full scale output range.

An 8-bit DAC is said to have: 8 bit resolution

: a resolution of 0.392 of full scale

: a resolution of 1 part in 255

Similarly the resolution of an A/D converter is defined as the smallest change in analog input for
a one bit change at the output.

Ex: the input range of 8-bit A/D converter is divided into 255 intervals. So the resolution for a
10V input range is 39.22 mV(=10V/255)

2. LINEARITY: The linearity of an A/D or D/A converter is an important measure of its

accuracy and tells us how close the converter output is to its ideal characteristics.
3. GLITCHES (PARTICULARLY DAC): In transition from one digital input to the next, like
0111 to 1000, it may effectively go through 1111 or 0000, which produces ―unexpected‖ voltage
briefly. If can cause problems elsewhere.
4. ACCURACY: Absolute accuracy is the maximum deviation between the actual converter
output and the ideal converter output.
5. MONOTONIC: A monotonic DAC is the one whose analog output increases for an increase
in digital input. It is essential in control applications. If a DAC has to be monotonic, the error should
de lessthan ±(1/2) LSB at each output level.
6. SETTLING TIME: The most important dynamic parameter is the settling time. It represents
the time it takes for the output to settle within a specified band ± (1/2) LSB of its final value
following a code change at the input. It depends upon the switching time of the logic circuitry
due to internal parasitic capacitances and inductances. Its ranges from 100ns to 10µs.
STABILITY: The performance of converter changes with temperature, age and power supply

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