Apm30h User Guide PDF
Apm30h User Guide PDF
Apm30h User Guide PDF
User Guide
Issue 03
Date 2009-12-30
Website: http://www.huawei.com
Email: [email protected]
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6.4.2 DCDU-03.............................................................................................................................................6-11
6.4.3 Heater...................................................................................................................................................6-13
6.5 TMC11H Cables...........................................................................................................................................6-14
6.5.1 Equipotential Cable..............................................................................................................................6-14
6.5.2 Input Power Cable for the TMC11H....................................................................................................6-15
6.5.3 Power Cable for the Fan Box in the TMC11H.....................................................................................6-15
6.5.4 ELU Signal Cable.................................................................................................................................6-16
6.5.5 Door Status Monitoring Cable.............................................................................................................6-17
6.5.6 Transfer Cable for the Fan on the Front Door......................................................................................6-17
7 SLPU.............................................................................................................................................7-1
7.1 Structure of SLPU...........................................................................................................................................7-2
7.2 Board Configuration of the SLPU...................................................................................................................7-2
7.3 UELP...............................................................................................................................................................7-3
7.4 UFLP...............................................................................................................................................................7-5
7.5 USLP2.............................................................................................................................................................7-5
Figure 2-1 APM30H (stacked on the battery cabinet) working with a distributed base station..........................2-7
Figure 2-2 APM30H working with a separated macro base station.....................................................................2-8
Figure 3-1 Exterior of the APM30H....................................................................................................................3-2
Figure 3-2 Internal structure of the APM30H......................................................................................................3-3
Figure 3-3 Cable connections of the APM30H working with a distributed base station.....................................3-4
Figure 3-4 Cable connections of the APM30H working with a separated macro base station............................3-5
Figure 3-5 Fan Box...............................................................................................................................................3-6
Figure 3-6 Fan......................................................................................................................................................3-7
Figure 3-7 HPMI..................................................................................................................................................3-8
Figure 3-8 Ports on the panel of the HPMI..........................................................................................................3-8
Figure 3-9 Ports on the CMUA............................................................................................................................3-9
Figure 3-10 DIP switches on the CMUA...........................................................................................................3-12
Figure 3-11 Bit settings of the CMUA in different cabinets..............................................................................3-12
Figure 3-12 Structure of the EPS subrack in a distributed base station.............................................................3-13
Figure 3-13 Structure of the EPS subrack in a separated macro base station....................................................3-14
Figure 3-14 Exterior of the PMU.......................................................................................................................3-16
Figure 3-15 Ports on the front panel of the PMU...............................................................................................3-17
Figure 3-16 Rear panel of the PMU...................................................................................................................3-17
Figure 3-17 DIP switch on the PMU..................................................................................................................3-19
Figure 3-18 Panel of the PSU (AC/DC).............................................................................................................3-20
Figure 3-19 DC/DC power system.....................................................................................................................3-22
Figure 3-20 Panel of the PSU (DC/DC).............................................................................................................3-23
Figure 3-21 Power Subrack (DC/DC)................................................................................................................3-24
Figure 3-22 Exterior of the core of the heat exchanger......................................................................................3-26
Figure 3-23 Junction box....................................................................................................................................3-26
Figure 3-24 Structure of the junction box..........................................................................................................3-27
Figure 3-25 ELU................................................................................................................................................3-28
Figure 3-26 Magnet part of the door status sensor.............................................................................................3-28
Figure 3-27 Switch part of the door status sensor..............................................................................................3-29
Figure 3-28 Heater..............................................................................................................................................3-29
Figure 3-29 SOU................................................................................................................................................3-30
Figure 3-30 Different types of sockets...............................................................................................................3-31
Figure 3-31 PGND cable for the cabinet............................................................................................................3-32
Table 3-19 Pin assignment for the wires of the transfer cable for the fan on the front door..............................3-38
Table 3-20 Pin assignment for the wires of the environment monitoring signal cable......................................3-39
Table 3-21 Pin assignment for the wires of the monitoring signal transfer cable..............................................3-41
Table 4-1 Ports on the CMUA..............................................................................................................................4-8
Table 4-2 LEDs on the CMUA...........................................................................................................................4-10
Table 4-3 Technical specifications of the battery...............................................................................................4-12
Table 4-4 PGND cables......................................................................................................................................4-13
Table 4-5 Equipotential cable.............................................................................................................................4-14
Table 4-6 Pin assignment for the wires of the monitoring signal cable for the battery cabinet.........................4-16
Table 5-1 Ports on the CMUA..............................................................................................................................5-8
Table 5-2 LEDs on the CMUA...........................................................................................................................5-10
Table 5-3 Technical specifications of the battery...............................................................................................5-12
Table 5-4 PGND cables......................................................................................................................................5-14
Table 5-5 Equipotential cable.............................................................................................................................5-15
Table 5-6 Pin assignment for the wires of the monitoring signal cable for the battery cabinet.........................5-18
Table 6-1 Technical specifications of the fan.......................................................................................................6-5
Table 6-2 Ports on the panel of the HPMI............................................................................................................6-7
Table 6-3 Ports on the CMUA..............................................................................................................................6-8
Table 6-4 LEDs on the CMUA...........................................................................................................................6-10
Table 6-5 DC power distribution functions of the DCDU-03............................................................................6-12
Table 6-6 Ports on the panel of the DCDU-03...................................................................................................6-13
Table 6-7 Equipotential cable.............................................................................................................................6-15
Table 6-8 Pin assignment for the wires of the ELU signal cable.......................................................................6-16
Table 6-9 Pin assignment for the wires of the transfer cable for the fan on the front door................................6-18
Table 7-1 Board configuration of the SLPU........................................................................................................7-3
Table 7-2 Ports on the panel of the UELP............................................................................................................7-4
Table 7-3 DIP switch on the UELP .....................................................................................................................7-4
Table 7-4 Ports on the panel of the UFLP............................................................................................................7-5
Table 7-5 Ports on the panels of the USLP2........................................................................................................7-6
Table 7-6 DIP switches on the USLP2.................................................................................................................7-6
Table 8-1 Routine maintenance items..................................................................................................................8-3
This document describes the functions, specifications, hardware, and cables of the APM30H,
TMC11H, IBBS200D, and IBBS200T. It also provides instructions for the hardware installation
check and hardware maintenance.
The APM30H is the Advance Power Module (with heat-exchanger cooler).
The IBBS200T is the Integrated Battery Backup System (with TEC cooler).
The IBBS200D is the Integrated Battery Backup System (with direct cooler).
The TMC11H is the Transmission Cabinet (11 U, with heat-exchanger cooler).
Product Version
The following table lists the product version related to this document.
APM30H&TMC11H&IBBS200D/T V200R303
Intended Audience
This document is intended for:
l Field engineers
l Site maintainers
1 Changes in the APM30H&TMC11H&IBBS200D/T User Guide
This describes the changes in the APM30H&TMC11H&IBBS200D/T User Guide.
2 Overview of the APM30H Family
The APM30H family consists of the APM30H, TMC11H, IBBS200T, and IBBS200D.
This describes the exterior, structure, components, and cables of the IBBS200T.
This describes the exterior, structure, components, and cables of the IBBS200D.
This describes the exterior, structure, components, and cables of the TMC11H.
The signal lightning protection unit (SLPU), which can be optionally configured with the UFLP,
UELP, or USLP2, provides the signal surge protection.
If the APM30H should be powered off for maintenance, the duration of the power-off state
cannot exceed 48 hours.
Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Symbol Description
General Conventions
The general conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Convention Description
Command Conventions
The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Convention Description
GUI Conventions
The GUI conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Convention Description
Keyboard Operations
The keyboard operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Format Description
Key Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.
Key 1+Key 2 Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing Ctrl+Alt
+A means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.
Key 1, Key 2 Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means
the two keys should be pressed in turn.
Mouse Operations
The mouse operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Action Description
Click Select and release the primary mouse button without moving
the pointer.
Drag Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the
pointer to a certain position.
03 (2009-12-30)
This is the second commercial release.
Compared with issue 02 (2009-09-30), this issue incorporates the following changes:
l Electrical specifications of the TMC11H is modified.
l 2.3.4 Environmental Requirements of the APM30H, IBBS200T, IBBS200D, and
TMC11H is modified.
l 7.2 Board Configuration of the SLPU is modified.
l Replacing the Core of the Heat Exchanger is deleted.
02 (2009-09-30)
This is the first commercial release.
01 (2009-08-14)
This is the first trial release.
The APM30H family consists of the APM30H, TMC11H, IBBS200T, and IBBS200D.
Function Description
Providing space for the The APM30H provides a 5 U to 7 U space for the customer
customer equipment equipment.
l Providing a 7 U space when the APM30H is not configured with
an internal battery pack
l Providing a 5 U space when the APM30H is configured with an
internal 48 V 24 Ah battery pack
Providing backup The APM30H can connect to a single battery cabinet to support up
power to the 48 V 184 Ah battery pack or connect to two stacked battery
packs to support up to 48 V 368 Ah battery pack.
Providing built-in l The PSU converts the input AC mains power into -48 V DC
PSUs power.
l The PSU is hot-swappable.
Providing a built-in l The PMU manages the PSUs and implements the battery
PMU charging and discharging functions.
l The PMU provides RS485 communication ports and dry contact
alarm ports for remote and unattended monitoring.
l The PMU supports the battery low voltage disconnect (BLVD)
and load low voltage disconnect (LLVD) functions.
l The PMU is hot-swappable.
Supporting AC input The APM30H provides a built-in AC/DC power system, which
supports single-phase 220 V AC, three-phase 220 V AC, and dual-
live wire 110 V AC.
Distributing AC power Through the EPS, the AC power is distributed into two AC outputs:
l One output provides AC power for the SOU.
l The other output is connected to the AC power distribution box
on the left of the cabinet. Through the power distribution, four
AC outputs are provided to the heater or heating film.
Function Description
Providing surge External surge protection modules for AC/DC power ports and
protection for the surge protection circuits for signal ports provide safe and reliable
power supply and surge protection and lightning protection.
signal ports
Dissipating heat Heat dissipation of the APM30H is based on the heat exchanger
system that consists of a core and two air circulation fans. This can
effectively prevent dust from entering the cabinet. The APM30H
can also work with the diesel generator.
Supporting the The grounding busbar for the cabinet and the PGND cables for the
grounding components are all connected to the grounding bar of the cabinet.
Reporting the cabinet The type of the cabinet is automatically reported through the ELU.
type automatically
(in the
(in the
Reporting the The type of the cabinet is automatically reported through the ELU.
cabinet type
Providing a The TEC cooler enables the IBBS200T to adapt to high ambient temperature
built-in TEC and maintains a proper range of temperature for the cabinet.
Monitoring the The CMUA collects the alarm signals from the components such as the door
alarm signals status sensor, temperature sensor of the battery, fan, and smoke sensor.
in a centralized Then, the CMUA transmits the alarm signals to the base station.
Reporting the The type of the cabinet is automatically reported through the ELU.
cabinet type
Providing The fans in the cabinet speed up the circulation of the air inside and outside
built-in fans the cabinet and keep the temperature in the cabinet in a proper range
Monitoring the The CMUA collects the alarm signals from the components such as the door
alarm signals status sensor, temperature sensor of the battery, fan, and smoke sensor.
in a centralized Then, the CMUA transmits the alarm signals to the base station.
Providing -48 The TMC11H is configured with a built-in DCDU-03 and performs the
V DC power following functions:
l Supporting one -48 V DC input
l Providing nine -48 V DC outputs (LOAD0 to LOAD8)
Reporting The TMC11H provides the following two dry contact alarm ports for remote
alarms and unmanned monitoring: One of the dry contact alarm ports is connected
to the door status sensor. An open circuit indicates that the connection is
faulty, whereas a closed circuit indicates that the connection is normal.
Reporting the The type of the cabinet is automatically reported through the ELU.
cabinet type
Figure 2-1 APM30H (stacked on the battery cabinet) working with a distributed base station
When the APM30H works with a distributed base station, it can be configured with the IBBS200D or
IBBS200T. The Figure 2-1 takes the IBBS200D as an example.
When the APM30H works with a separated macro base station, it can be configured with the IBBS200D
or IBBS200T. Figure 2-1 takes the IBBS200D as an example.
Frequenc 50 Hz or 60 Hz
y of the
Item Specification
Typical -53.5 V DC
Prote Input l Overvoltage protection: The system generates an alarm when the input
ction protectio voltage reaches the AC overvoltage alarm threshold, which is 280 V
n by default.
l Undervoltage protection: The system generates an alarm when the
input voltage is lower than the AC undervoltage alarm threshold,
which is 180 V by default.
Maximum input 21 A
Space for the 482.6 mm x 311.15 l The depth refers to the spacing between the
customer mm x 310 mm (19- column and the rear side of the cabinet.
equipment inch x 7 U x 310 mm l The depth of the 3 U space at the bottom of the
(width x height x or 290 mm) cabinet is 290 mm, and heat dissipation from
depth) the back of the customer equipment is not
Installation The APM30H can When installed in stack mode, the APM30H
option be installed on the should be placed on the RFC or the IBBS200D/
ground, on a wall, or IBBS200T.
on a pole, or stacked
with the RFC or the
Installation option The IBBS200T can be installed on When installed in stack mode, the
the ground or stacked with the IBBS200T should be placed below
TMC11H or APM30H. the TMC11H or APM30H.
Installation option The IBBS200D can be installed on When installed in stack mode, the
the ground or stacked with the RFC IBBS200D should be placed below
or APM30H. the RFC or APM30H.
Space for the 482.6 mm x 488.95 mm x 310 mm (19-inch x l The depth refers to
customer 11 U x 310 mm) the spacing between
equipment (width the column and the
x height x depth) rear side of the
l The depth of the 3 U
space at the bottom
of the cabinet is 290
mm, and heat
dissipation from the
back of the
equipment is not
Item Specification
Item Specification
In common mode:
l Nominal through-current capacity In (8/20 µs) 25 kA
l Maximum through-current capacity Imax (8/20 µs) 60 kA
Operating -40oC to +50oC (with solar radiation When the APM30H works under
temperatur of 1,120 ± 10% W/m2) -20oC, a heater needs to be configured.
The operating temperature for configuring
a heater refers to the average of the local
lowest temperatures for a month in a year.
Relative 5% RH to 100% RH -
Wind ≤ 67 m/s -
Dustproof IP55 -
Relative 5% RH to 100% RH -
Wind ≤ 67 m/s -
Dustproof IP55 -
Operating -40oC to +45oC (with solar radiation When the IBBS200D works under
temperatur of not more than 1,120 ± 10% W/m2) -200C, a heater film needs to be
e configured.
The operating temperature for configuring
a heating film refers to the average of the
local lowest temperatures recorded for a
month in a year.
Relative 5% RH to 100% RH -
Wind ≤ 67 m/s -
Dustproof IP35 -
(7) EPS (8) Outer air circulation fan (9) Heat exchanger
Figure 3-3 Cable connections of the APM30H working with a distributed base station
(1) 3.5.9 Environment Monitoring (2) 3.5.7 APM30H Door Status (3) 3.5.10 Monitoring Signal
Signal Cable Monitoring Cable Transfer Cable
(4) 3.5.6 ELU Signal Cable (5) 3.5.8 Transfer Cable for the (6) 3.5.5 Power Cable for the Fan
Fan on the Front Door Box in the APM30H
(7) Power cables for the batteries (8) Input power cable for the (9) Cable for the fan on the front
junction box door
Cable Connections of the APM30H Working with a Separated Macro Base Station
Figure 3-4 shows the cable connections of the APM30H working with a separated macro base
Figure 3-4 Cable connections of the APM30H working with a separated macro base station
(1) 3.5.9 Environment Monitoring (2) 3.5.7 APM30H Door Status (3) 3.5.10 Monitoring Signal
Signal Cable Monitoring Cable Transfer Cable
(4) 3.5.6 ELU Signal Cable (5) 3.5.8 Transfer Cable for the (6) 3.5.5 Power Cable for the Fan
Fan on the Front Door Box in the APM30H
(7) Power cables for RFC1 (8) Power cables for RFC2 (9) Power cables for the batteries
(10) Input power cable for the (11) Cable for the fan on the front (12) Power cable for the heater or
junction box door heating film
temperature of the cabinet. In addition, the core of the heat exchanger keeps the dust away from
the cabinet.
3.4.5 Junction Box
The junction box divides one AC input into four AC outputs. The AC outputs are used for the
SOU and multiple heating films or heaters.
3.4.6 ELU
The Electronic Label Unit (ELU) automatically reports the information about the cabinet type,
facilitating fast troubleshooting.
3.4.7 Door Status Sensor
The door status sensor monitors the opening and closing of the front door of the cabinet.
3.4.8 Heater
The heater provides the proper operating temperature for the customer equipment working in
low temperature in the cabinet. The heater is optional.
3.4.9 SOU
The Service Outlet Unit (SOU) feeds AC power to the customer equipment. The SOU is optional.
Fans are installed in the fan box of the cabinet. They dissipate the heat for the cabinet.
Figure 3-6 shows a fan.
Technical Specifications
Table 3-1 describes the technical specifications of the fan.
Item Specification
Definition of pins 1 to 4 of the lead l Pin 1: red, connected to the positive pole
of the power supply
l Pin 2: yellow, connected to the input of the
speed-adjusting signals
l Pin 3: blue, connected to the output of the
alarm or speed signals
l Pin 4: black, connected to the negative pole
of the power supply
The colors of the cables of the fans vary according
to the manufacturer.
Item Specification
The Hert Power Monitoring Interface unit (HPMI) transfers the power monitoring signals and
provides ports for the input and output of various alarm signals.
Figure 3-7 shows the HPMI.
Figure 3-8 shows the ports on the panel of the HPMI, and Table 3-2 describes the ports on the
panel of the HPMI.
- + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
Port Function
Port Function
This describes the Central Monitoring Unit type A (CMUA).
The CMUA implements the following functions:
l Automatically adjusts and controls the temperature of the cabinet in different temperature
control modes.
l Reserves three ports for Boolean inputs and detects the Boolean alarms in the cabinet. The
remote detection, however, is not supported.
l Provides an RJ-45 port for the ELU and monitors the information about the cabinet type.
Figure 3-9 shows the ports on the CMUA.
(1) TEM/TEM_BAT port (2) COM_OUT port (3) COM_IN port (4) LEDs
(5) ELU port (6) GATE port (7) IN0 port (8) IN1 port
(9) IN2 port (10) SMOKE port (11) FAN_EXT port (12) PWR port
(13) Port for the TEC cooler (14) FAN1/FAN_EXT port (15) FAN2/FAN_INTT port -
IN0, IN1, and IN2 ports Used for receiving three Boolean inputs
Port for the TEC cooler The port is used only in the IBBS200T. It is
used used for connection to the TEC cooler.
Port Description
Table 3-4 describes the LEDs on the CMUA.
RUN Green Blinking (ON for 1s and The board is functional, and the
OFF for 1s) communication with the main control unit is
Blinking (ON for 1s and An alarm is generated, and the alarm may be
OFF for 1s) caused by the faults of the related boards or
ports. Therefore, whether the board needs to
be replaced cannot be determined.
DIP Switches
Three DIP switches are displayed on the CMUA panel, indicating the working modes of the
CMUA in different cabinets. Figure 3-10 shows the DIP switches on the CMUA.
Figure 3-11 shows the bit settings of the CMUA in different cabinets.
The red rectangle in Figure 3-11 shows the position for connecting to the jumper cap.
EPS Subrack
There are two types of EPS subracks, which are used for the distributed base stations and
separated macro base stations.
Figure 3-12 shows structure of the EPS subrack used in a distributed base station.
(5) PSU circuit breaker (6) AC OUT1 circuit (7) AC OUT2 circuit (8) TMC circuit breaker
breaker breaker
(9) Battery circuit breaker (10) Circuit breaker (11) Fuse (12) DC output terminal
(13) Output terminal for the (14) Lithium battery (15) PSU (16) Spare part box
batteries control switch containing fuses
Figure 3-13 shows structure of the EPS subrack used in a separated macro base station.
Figure 3-13 Structure of the EPS subrack in a separated macro base station
(5) PSU circuit breaker (6) AC OUT1 circuit (7) AC OUT2 circuit (8) Battery circuit breaker
breaker breaker
(9) TMC circuit breaker (10) RFC1 circuit breaker (11) RFC2 circuit breaker (12) Fuse
(13) DC output terminal (14) Output terminal for (15) Output terminal for (16) Output terminal for the
RFC1 RFC2 batteries
(17) Lithium battery (18) PSU (19) Spare part box (20) Extraction tool
control switch containing fuses
The EPS has the AC power distribution and DC power distribution functions.
l The EPS has the following AC power distribution functions:
– Providing two AC outputs, one for the Service Outlet Unit (SOU) and the other for the
junction box on the left of the cabinet. After the power distribution through the AC
power distribution box, four AC outputs are supplied to the heater or heating film.
– Reporting the AC input surge protection alarms.
l Providing 16/12 DC outputs for the distributed base station or separated macro base station
Table 3-5 describes the DC power distribution functions of the EPS of the APM30H used for a
distributed base station.
Table 3-5 DC power distribution functions of the EPS subrack used for a distributed base station
DC Power DC Output Protection Specificati Quantity DC Output
To... Terminal Componen on Terminal
t Type
Transmissio LOAD4 to 5A 4
n equipment LOAD7
Table 3-6 describes the DC power distribution functions of the EPS of the APM30H used for a
separated macro base station.
Table 3-6 DC power distribution functions of the EPS used for a separated macro base station
DC Power DC Output Protection Specificati Quantity DC Output
To... Terminal Componen on Terminal
t Type
Transmissio LOAD4 to 5A 4
n equipment LOAD7
The Power Monitoring Unit (PMU) provides the functions of power system and battery
management, power monitoring, and alarm reporting.
The PMU performs the following functions:
l Communicates with the BBU through an RS485 serial port
l Manages the power system and charging and discharging the batteries
l Checks and reports the Boolean values of the door status sensor, and standby sensor, and
reports the analog values of the temperature and humidity, battery temperature, and standby
analog value
l Monitors the power supply and reports alarms, including dry contact alarms
l Communicates with the storage battery cabinet through an RS485 serial port
Figure 3-14 shows exterior of the PMU.
Battery control switch With two control ports: ON and OFF. They control connection to
or disconnection from batteries.
l To connect to batteries, press and hold the ON port for 5s to 10s.
l To disconnect from batteries, press and hold the OFF port for 5s
to 10s.
l When operating the battery control switch, you need to insert a small
round bar into the hole. When you hear a crack, the batteries are connected
or disconnected.
RUN Green Blinking (on for 1s and The PMU is functional and is communicating
off for 1s) with the BBU properly.
Within 3s to 5s after the PMU is powered on, the ALM and RUN indicators are on at the same time for
about 3s.
DIP Switch
The DIP switch is positioned on the right panel of the PMU. The DIP switch has eight bits, which
are set to OFF before delivery. Figure 3-17 shows the DIP switch on the PMU.
The DIP switch uses the binary method. The four least significant bits (1, 2, 3, and 4) of the DIP
switch define the secondary node address of the PMU. The four most significant bits (5, 6, 7,
and 8) are not defined and are reserved for future use.
You can set the monitoring address by setting the four least significant bits of the DIP switch.
The least significant bit corresponds to bit 0, and the fourth least significant bit corresponds to
bit 3.
l The address monitored by the PMU is set to 3 by default. When two PMUs share the same bus, the
address monitored by the other PMU is set to 4.
l ON indicates the value 1, and OFF indicates the value 0.
The Power Supply Unit (PSU) can convert 110 V AC or 220 V AC power into -48 V DC power.
The PSU (AC/DC) implements the following functions:
l Converts 110 V AC or 220 V AC into -48 V DC power
l Monitors the alarms related to module faults (such as output overvoltage, no output, and
fan faults), alarms related to module protection (such as overtemperature protection and
input overvoltage/undervoltage protection), and module out-of-position alarm
Figure 3-18 shows the panel of the PSU (AC/DC).
Table 3-9 describes the LEDs on the panel of the PSU (AC/DC).
ON Temperature pre-
- R TN+
- R TN+
1 2
(1) PSUs (DC/DC) (2) Power subrack (DC/DC)
The PSU is the Power Supply Unit. The PSU (DC/DC) converts +24 V DC power into -48 V
DC power.
Figure 3-20 shows the panel of the PSU (DC/DC).
1 2 3
l Converting +24 V DC power into -48 V DC power and leading the -48 V DC power into
the DCDU-01.
l Monitoring the unit and reporting alarms related to PSU faults (such as output overvoltage,
no output, and fan faults), alarms related to PSU protection (such as overtemperature
protection, and input overvoltage/undervoltage protection), and PSU out-of-position alarm,
if any.
Table 3-11 describes the LEDs on the panel of the PSU (DC/DC).
ON There is abnormal
input or output
voltage, the inside of
the unit is
overheated, the unit
is not properly
Figure 3-21 shows the power subrack (DC/DC).
(1) Power input wiring (2) PRESENT port (3) ALM port (4) Power output wiring
terminals terminals
Table 3-12 describes the ports and terminals on the power subrack (DC/DC).
Power input DC INPUT OT terminal The + wiring terminals are used for the
wiring terminal connections of +24 V power cables, and
the - wiring terminals are used for the
connections of +24 V RTN cables.
Alarm signal ALM Cord end The ALM port is used for the connection
port terminals of the monitoring signal cable for the
Present signal PRESENT RJ-45 The PRESENT port is used for the
port connection of the in-position signal
cable for the PSU.
The core of the heat exchanger is positioned on the inner side of the front door of the APM30H
cabinet. Figure 3-22 shows the exterior of the core of the heat exchanger.
The junction box is on the left inner side of the APM30H. Figure 3-23 shows the junction box.
Figure 3-24 shows the structure of the junction box.
(1) L wiring terminals for four AC (2) N wiring terminals for four AC (3) PE wiring terminals for four AC
outputs outputs outputs
(4) Cable holes (5) N wiring terminals for the AC (6) L wiring terminal for the AC
input input
3.4.6 ELU
The Electronic Label Unit (ELU) automatically reports the information about the cabinet type,
facilitating fast troubleshooting.
The ELU is on the left inner side of the IBBS200D or IBBS200T or on the right inner side of
the APM30H, TMC11H, or RFC. Figure 3-25 shows the ELU.
Figure 3-27 shows the switch part of the door status sensor.
3.4.8 Heater
The heater provides the proper operating temperature for the customer equipment working in
low temperature in the cabinet. The heater is optional.
The heater is 1 U high. Figure 3-28 shows the heater.
Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the heater are as follows:
l When the temperature in the cabinet is lower than 00C, the heater starts working; when the
temperature is higher than 150C, the heater stops working.
l The maximum heating power of the heater is 300 W.
3.4.9 SOU
The Service Outlet Unit (SOU) feeds AC power to the customer equipment. The SOU is optional.
Technical Specifications
Table 3-13 describes the technical specifications of the SOU.
Weight 1.5 kg
Operating frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz
Altitude ≤ 4,000 m
Above the altitude of 3,000 m, the maximum
operating temperature decreases by 10C each time
the altitude increases by 100 m.
Figure 3-29 shows the SOU.
The SOU can be used for different types of sockets in different countries. The types of sockets that are
supported are: North America, European standard, general-purpose, and UK types. Figure 3-30 shows the
different types of sockets.
All PGND cables have the same exterior. Both ends of the cables are linked with OT terminals.
Figure 3-31 and Figure 3-32 show the PGND cables.
OT terminal
OT terminal
Cable Description
Table 3-14 describes the PGND cables.
Figure 3-33 shows the 220 V AC single-phase power input cable.
The number of wires of an AC power input cable varies according to the cable type. Figure 3-33 shows
the 220 V AC single-phase power input cable.
A +24 V DC power input cable consists of two wires, one wire in red, and the other wire in black.
Table 3-15 describes the specifications of different types of AC power input cables.
L3 wire Red
N wire Blue
PE Yellow green
N wire Blue
N White
PE wire Green
The colors and appearance of cables delivered by Huawei vary with countries and areas. If cables are
purchased at local markets, the cables must comply with the local rules and regulations.
Figure 3-35 shows the power cable for the SOU.
Pin Assignment
Table 3-16 shows the pin assignment for the wires of the power cable for the SOU.
Table 3-16 Pin assignment for the wires of the power cable for the SOU
One End
X1 Brown OT terminal L
X3 Blue OT terminal N
Figure 3-36 shows the power cable for the heater.
Pin Assignment
Table 3-17 describes the pin assignment for the wires of the power cable for the heater.
Table 3-17 Pin assignment for the wires of the power cable for the heater
X1 Brown OT terminal L
X3 Blue OT terminal N
Figure 3-37 shows the power cable for the fan box in the APM30H.
Figure 3-37 Power cable for the fan box in the APM30H
(1) 3V3 power connector (2) Easy power receptacle (pressfit type) connector
Figure 3-38 shows the ELU signal cable.
Pin Assignment
Table 3-18 describes the pin assignment for the wires of the ELU signal cable.
Table 3-18 Pin assignment for the wires of the ELU signal cable
Figure 3-39 shows the APM30H door status monitoring cable.
Figure 3-40 shows the transfer cable for the fan on the front door.
Figure 3-40 transfer cable for the fan on the front door
Pin Assignment
Table 3-19 describes the pin assignment for the wires of the transfer cable for the fan on the
front door.
Table 3-19 Pin assignment for the wires of the transfer cable for the fan on the front door
The environment monitoring signal cable is black and 0.5 m long, with a DB50 male connector
at each end. Figure 3-41 shows the environment monitoring signal cable.
View A View B
X1 X2
Pin Assignment
Table 3-20 describes the pin assignment for the wires of the environment monitoring signal
Table 3-20 Pin assignment for the wires of the environment monitoring signal cable
1 1 Single wire
3 3 Twisted pair
4 4
5 5 Twisted pair
8 8
9 9 Twisted pair
10 10
11 11 Twisted pair
12 12
13 13 Twisted pair
14 14
16 16 Twisted pair
17 17
18 18 Twisted pair
19 19
20 20 Twisted pair
21 21
22 22 Twisted pair
23 23
24 24 Twisted pair
25 25
27 27 Twisted pair
28 28
29 29 Twisted pair
30 30
31 31 Twisted pair
32 32
33 33 Twisted pair
34 34
43 43 Twisted pair
44 44
The monitoring signal transfer cable is black and 0.6 m long, with an RJ-45 connector at each
end. Figure 3-42 shows the monitoring signal transfer cable.
Pin Assignment
Table 3-21 describes the pin assignment for the wires of the monitoring signal transfer cable.
Table 3-21 Pin assignment for the wires of the monitoring signal transfer cable
X1 End X2 End Description
X1.2 X2.2
X1.6 X2.6
X1.5 X2.5
X1.8 X2.8
This describes the exterior, structure, components, and cables of the IBBS200T.
(1) TEC cooler (2) CMUA (3) TEC/Battery input (4) MCBs of the TEC/
power wiring terminals FAN
(5) MCB of the batteries in (6) MCB of the batteries in (7) TEC/Battery input -
the lower part the upper part power wiring terminals
(1) Negative power cable for the (2) Power transfer cable for the (3) Negative power cable for the
upper-level batteries TEC cooler lower-level batteries
(4) Input power cable for the (5) Input power cable for the TEC -
batteries cooler
Figure 4-4 shows the TEC cooler.
The TEC cooler implements the following functions:
l The TEC cooler obtains -48 V DC power from the EPS of the APM30H.
l When the ambient temperature is 500C without solar radiation and the battery is in the float
charging state, the temperature in the cabinet is not greater than 400C. If the battery is in
the boost charging state, the temperature is not greater than 450C.
l When the ambient temperature is 500C with solar radiation of 1120 W/m2 and the battery
is in the float charging state, the temperature in the cabinet is not greater than 450C. If the
battery is in the boost charging state, the temperature is not greater than 500C.
l When the ambient temperature is 320C and there is no temperature difference between the
air inlets at the hot and cold sides of the TEC cooler, the refrigeration power of the TEC
cooler is not less than 190 W (±10%), and the COP is not less than 0.5.
Figure 4-5 shows the PDB.
External Structure
Figure 4-6 shows the external structure of the PDB.
(1) RTN(+) cable for the batteries in (2) Input power cable for the (3) Input power cable for the TEC
the upper part batteries cooler or FAN unit
(4) Input power cable for the TEC (5) Input power cable for the (6) Power transfer cable for the TEC
cooler or FAN unit batteries cooler or FAN unit
(7) -48 V cable for the batteries in (8) -48 V cable for the batteries in (9) RTN(+) cable for the batteries in
the lower part the upper part the lower part
The input power cables for the batteries and TEC cooler or FAN unit can be connected to the PDB from the top
or bottom in different scenarios. Figure 4-6 shows the cables connected to the PDB from the bottom.
4.4.3 CMUA
This describes the Central Monitoring Unit type A (CMUA).
The CMUA implements the following functions:
l Automatically adjusts and controls the temperature of the cabinet in different temperature
control modes.
l Reserves three ports for Boolean inputs and detects the Boolean alarms in the cabinet. The
remote detection, however, is not supported.
l Provides an RJ-45 port for the ELU and monitors the information about the cabinet type.
Figure 4-7 shows the ports on the CMUA.
(1) TEM/TEM_BAT port (2) COM_OUT port (3) COM_IN port (4) LEDs
(5) ELU port (6) GATE port (7) IN0 port (8) IN1 port
(9) IN2 port (10) SMOKE port (11) FAN_EXT port (12) PWR port
(13) Port for the TEC cooler (14) FAN1/FAN_EXT port (15) FAN2/FAN_INTT port -
Port Description
IN0, IN1, and IN2 ports Used for receiving three Boolean inputs
Port for the TEC cooler The port is used only in the IBBS200T. It is
used used for connection to the TEC cooler.
Table 4-2 describes the LEDs on the CMUA.
RUN Green Blinking (ON for 1s and The board is functional, and the
OFF for 1s) communication with the main control unit is
Blinking (ON for 1s and An alarm is generated, and the alarm may be
OFF for 1s) caused by the faults of the related boards or
ports. Therefore, whether the board needs to
be replaced cannot be determined.
DIP Switches
Three DIP switches are displayed on the CMUA panel, indicating the working modes of the
CMUA in different cabinets. Figure 4-8 shows the DIP switches on the CMUA.
Figure 4-9 shows the bit settings of the CMUA in different cabinets.
The red rectangle in Figure 4-9 shows the position for connecting to the jumper cap.
4.4.4 Battery
This provides the exterior of batteries and describes technical specifications and types of
The exterior and technical specifications of the battery may vary according to manufacturer. The following
description is based on common batteries.
Figure 4-10 shows the battery.
Technical Specifications
Table 4-3 describes the technical specifications of the battery.
The cabinet supports four types of battery packs: 48 V 50 Ah, 48 V 100 Ah, 48 V 92 Ah, and
48 V 184 Ah.
l The upper and lower 48 V 50 Ah battery packs can be connected in parallel to provide 48
V 100 Ah power.
l The upper and lower 48 V 92 Ah battery packs can be connected in parallel to provide 48
V 184 Ah power.
l Each battery pack contains four single batteries.
All PGND cables have the same exterior. Both ends of the cables are linked with OT terminals.
Figure 4-11 and Figure 4-12 show the PGND cables.
OT terminal
OT terminal
Cable Description
Table 4-4 describes the PGND cables.
Figure 4-13 shows the equipotential cable.
Cable Description
Table 4-5 describes the equipotential cable.
Figure 4-14 shows the input power cables for the batteries.
Figure 4-15 shows the power cable between the batteries and the copper bar in the junction box.
Figure 4-15 Power cable between the batteries and the copper bar in the junction box
The inter-battery connection copper bar between batteries is delivered with the batteries. Figure
4-16 shows the inter-battery connection copper bar.
l Of the input power cables for the batteries, the RTN(+) cable is red, with a cross-sectional
area of 16 mm2, and the NEG(-) cable is black, with a cross-sectional area of 16 mm2.
l Of the power cables between the batteries and the copper bar in the junction box, the RTN
(+) cable is red, with a cross-sectional area of 16 mm2, and the NEG(-) cable is black, with
a cross-sectional area of 16 mm2.
Figure 4-17 shows the input power cable for the TEC cooler.
(1) Easy power receptacle (pressfit type) connector (2) OT terminal (2.5mm2, M4)
Figure 4-18 shows the power transfer cable for the TEC cooler.
(1) 3V3 power connector (2) OT terminal (1.5mm2, (3) OT terminal (6mm2, (4) OT terminal (1.5mm2,
M6) M4) M4)
Figure 4-19 shows the monitoring signal cable for the battery cabinet.
Pin Assignment
Table 4-6 describes the pin assignment for the wires of the monitoring signal cable for the battery
Table 4-6 Pin assignment for the wires of the monitoring signal cable for the battery cabinet
This describes the exterior, structure, components, and cables of the IBBS200D.
(1) FAN unit (2) CMUA (3) ELU (4) Input power (5) FAN/Battery input
transfer terminal for power wiring
the heating film terminals
(6) MCBs of the (7) MCB of the (8) MCB of the (9) FAN/Battery input -
TEC/FAN batteries in the lower batteries in the upper power wiring
part part terminals
l Each FAN/battery input power wiring terminal numbered 5 and 9 can provide two copper
busbars. Therefore, you can determine the installation position according to different
– 1. When the APM30H and the IBBS200D are stacked, the FAN/Batteries input power
cable is connected to the top of the power distribution box.
– 2. When the APM30H and the IBBS200D are chained, the FAN/battery input power
cable is connected to the bottom of the power distribution box.
l The CMUA on the inner side of the cabinet door of the IBBS200D collects alarm signals
from the door status sensor, FAN, and temperature sensor of the batteries, and then reports
them to the PMU on the APM30H side to achieve the central monitoring.
(1) 5.5.3 Power Cables for the (2) 5.5.4 Power Cables for the Fans (3) Power cable for the heating film
Batteries in the IBBS200D
(4) 5.5.5 Power Cable for the (5) 5.5.3 Power Cables for the (6) 5.5.3 Power Cables for the
Heating Film Batteries Batteries
This describes the exterior, functions, and technical specifications of the heating film. The
heating film is optional.
Figure 5-4 shows the fan box.
The fan box implements the following functions:
l The fans speed up the circulation of the air inside and outside the cabinet and keep the
temperature in the cabinet in a normal range, ensuring optimum performance of the
l The CMUA collects the alarm signals from the components such as the door status sensor,
temperature sensor of the battery, fan, and smoke sensor. Then, the monitoring unit
transmits the alarm signals to the PMU through the RS485 signals.
Figure 5-5 shows the PDB.
External Structure
Figure 5-6 shows the external structure of the PDB.
(1) RTN(+) cable for the batteries in (2) Input power cable for the (3) Input power cable for the TEC
the upper part batteries cooler or FAN unit
(4) Input power cable for the TEC (5) Input power cable for the (6) Power transfer cable for the TEC
cooler or FAN unit batteries cooler or FAN unit
(7) -48 V cable for the batteries in (8) -48 V cable for the batteries in (9) RTN(+) cable for the batteries in
the lower part the upper part the lower part
The input power cables for the batteries and TEC cooler or FAN unit can be connected to the PDB from the top
or bottom in different scenarios. Figure 5-6 shows the cables connected to the PDB from the bottom.
5.4.3 CMUA
This describes the Central Monitoring Unit type A (CMUA).
The CMUA implements the following functions:
l Automatically adjusts and controls the temperature of the cabinet in different temperature
control modes.
l Reserves three ports for Boolean inputs and detects the Boolean alarms in the cabinet. The
remote detection, however, is not supported.
l Provides an RJ-45 port for the ELU and monitors the information about the cabinet type.
Figure 5-7 shows the ports on the CMUA.
(1) TEM/TEM_BAT port (2) COM_OUT port (3) COM_IN port (4) LEDs
(5) ELU port (6) GATE port (7) IN0 port (8) IN1 port
(9) IN2 port (10) SMOKE port (11) FAN_EXT port (12) PWR port
(13) Port for the TEC cooler (14) FAN1/FAN_EXT port (15) FAN2/FAN_INTT port -
Port Description
IN0, IN1, and IN2 ports Used for receiving three Boolean inputs
Port for the TEC cooler The port is used only in the IBBS200T. It is
used used for connection to the TEC cooler.
Table 5-2 describes the LEDs on the CMUA.
RUN Green Blinking (ON for 1s and The board is functional, and the
OFF for 1s) communication with the main control unit is
Blinking (ON for 1s and An alarm is generated, and the alarm may be
OFF for 1s) caused by the faults of the related boards or
ports. Therefore, whether the board needs to
be replaced cannot be determined.
DIP Switches
Three DIP switches are displayed on the CMUA panel, indicating the working modes of the
CMUA in different cabinets. Figure 5-8 shows the DIP switches on the CMUA.
Figure 5-9 shows the bit settings of the CMUA in different cabinets.
The red rectangle in Figure 5-9 shows the position for connecting to the jumper cap.
5.4.4 Battery
This provides the exterior of batteries and describes technical specifications and types of
The exterior and technical specifications of the battery may vary according to manufacturer. The following
description is based on common batteries.
Figure 5-10 shows the battery.
Technical Specifications
Table 5-3 describes the technical specifications of the battery.
The cabinet supports four types of battery packs: 48 V 50 Ah, 48 V 100 Ah, 48 V 92 Ah, and
48 V 184 Ah.
l The upper and lower 48 V 50 Ah battery packs can be connected in parallel to provide 48
V 100 Ah power.
l The upper and lower 48 V 92 Ah battery packs can be connected in parallel to provide 48
V 184 Ah power.
l Each battery pack contains four single batteries.
Figure 5-11 shows the heating film.
The heating film ensures that the batteries are stored and function at the proper temperature when
the ambient temperature is low. When the ambient temperature is lower than the normal working
temperature of the battery, the battery capacity decreases. In this case, the heating film is required
to guarantee the best performance of the batteries.
Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the heating film are as follows:
l The heating film works with the rated voltage of 220 V AC, and the rated heating power
is 100 W.
l When the ambient temperature is lower than 00C, the heating film starts working; when the
ambient temperature is higher than 150C, the heating film stops working.
l The surface of the heating film can tolerate a temperature from -400C to +2500C.
All PGND cables have the same exterior. Both ends of the cables are linked with OT terminals.
Figure 5-12 and Figure 5-13 show the PGND cables.
OT terminal
OT terminal
Cable Description
Table 5-4 describes the PGND cables.
Figure 5-14 shows the equipotential cable.
Cable Description
Table 5-5 describes the equipotential cable.
Figure 5-15 shows the input power cables for the batteries.
Figure 5-16 shows the power cable between the batteries and the copper bar in the junction box.
Figure 5-16 Power cable between the batteries and the copper bar in the junction box
The inter-battery connection copper bar between batteries is delivered with the batteries. Figure
5-17 shows the inter-battery connection copper bar.
l Of the input power cables for the batteries, the RTN(+) cable is red, with a cross-sectional
area of 16 mm2, and the NEG(-) cable is black, with a cross-sectional area of 16 mm2.
l Of the power cables between the batteries and the copper bar in the junction box, the RTN
(+) cable is red, with a cross-sectional area of 16 mm2, and the NEG(-) cable is black, with
a cross-sectional area of 16 mm2.
Figure 5-18 shows the input power cable for the fans in the IBBS200D.
Figure 5-18 Input power cable for the fans in the IBBS200D
(1) Easy power receptacle (pressfit type) connector (2) OT terminal (2.5mm2, M4)
Figure 5-19 shows the power transfer cable for the fans in the IBBS200D.
Figure 5-19 Power transfer cable for the fans in the IBBS200D
(1) 3V3 power connector (2) OT terminal (1.5mm2, (3) OT terminal (6mm2, (4) OT terminal (1.5mm2,
M6) M4) M4)
Figure 5-20 shows the power cable for the heating film.
(1) OT terminal (1.5mm2, M4) for the APM30H cabinet (2) OT terminal (1.5mm2, M4) for the battery cabinet
The AC power cable for the heating film has a cross-sectional area of 1.5 mm2 with a black
jacket. The cable consists of the blue and brown wires.
Figure 5-21 shows the monitoring signal cable for the battery cabinet.
Pin Assignment
Table 5-6 describes the pin assignment for the wires of the monitoring signal cable for the battery
Table 5-6 Pin assignment for the wires of the monitoring signal cable for the battery cabinet
X1 End X2 End Wire Color Type
This describes the exterior, structure, components, and cables of the TMC11H.
(4) ELU (5) Door status sensor (6) Outer air circulation fan
The TMC11H has the following features with regard to its structure:
l If the heater is not installed, the TMC11H provides a 11 U space for user equipment.
l The heater should be installed in the 1 U space at the bottom of the TMC11H.
l The TMC11H provides a 1 U space at the top for operation and maintenance of the fan box.
(1) Power transfer cable for the (2) 6.5.2 Input Power Cable for the (3) 6.5.5 Door Status Monitoring
heater TMC11H Cable
(4) 6.5.4 ELU Signal Cable (5) 6.5.3 Power Cable for the Fan -
Box in the TMC11H
Fans are installed in the fan box of the cabinet. They dissipate the heat for the cabinet.
Figure 6-5 shows a fan.
Technical Specifications
Table 6-1 describes the technical specifications of the fan.
Item Specification
Item Specification
Definition of pins 1 to 4 of the lead l Pin 1: red, connected to the positive pole
of the power supply
l Pin 2: yellow, connected to the input of the
speed-adjusting signals
l Pin 3: blue, connected to the output of the
alarm or speed signals
l Pin 4: black, connected to the negative pole
of the power supply
The colors of the cables of the fans vary according
to the manufacturer.
The Hert Power Monitoring Interface unit (HPMI) transfers the power monitoring signals and
provides ports for the input and output of various alarm signals.
Figure 6-6 shows the HPMI.
Figure 6-7 shows the ports on the panel of the HPMI, and Table 6-2 describes the ports on the
panel of the HPMI.
- + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
This describes the Central Monitoring Unit type A (CMUA).
The CMUA implements the following functions:
l Automatically adjusts and controls the temperature of the cabinet in different temperature
control modes.
l Reserves three ports for Boolean inputs and detects the Boolean alarms in the cabinet. The
remote detection, however, is not supported.
l Provides an RJ-45 port for the ELU and monitors the information about the cabinet type.
Figure 6-8 shows the ports on the CMUA.
(1) TEM/TEM_BAT port (2) COM_OUT port (3) COM_IN port (4) LEDs
(5) ELU port (6) GATE port (7) IN0 port (8) IN1 port
(9) IN2 port (10) SMOKE port (11) FAN_EXT port (12) PWR port
(13) Port for the TEC cooler (14) FAN1/FAN_EXT port (15) FAN2/FAN_INTT port -
Port Description
IN0, IN1, and IN2 ports Used for receiving three Boolean inputs
Port for the TEC cooler The port is used only in the IBBS200T. It is
used used for connection to the TEC cooler.
Table 6-4 describes the LEDs on the CMUA.
RUN Green Blinking (ON for 1s and The board is functional, and the
OFF for 1s) communication with the main control unit is
Blinking (ON for 1s and An alarm is generated, and the alarm may be
OFF for 1s) caused by the faults of the related boards or
ports. Therefore, whether the board needs to
be replaced cannot be determined.
DIP Switches
Three DIP switches are displayed on the CMUA panel, indicating the working modes of the
CMUA in different cabinets. Figure 6-9 shows the DIP switches on the CMUA.
Figure 6-10 shows the bit settings of the CMUA in different cabinets.
The red rectangle in Figure 6-10 shows the position for connecting to the jumper cap.
6.4.2 DCDU-03
The Direct Current Distribution Unit-03 (DCDU-03) supplies DC power to each component in
the cabinet. The height of the DCDU-03 is 1 U. It can be classified into the DCDU-03B and
DCDU-03C according to the configured MCBs and application scenarios. The two models have
the same exterior, engineering specifications, and ports.
Figure 6-11 shows the DCDU-03.
The DCDU-03 provides nine -48 V DC outputs and different MCB configurations to meet the
power distribution requirements of the scenarios of distributed and separated base stations.
Figure 6-12 describes the ports on the panel of the DCDU-03.
6.4.3 Heater
The heater provides the proper operating temperature for the customer equipment working in
low temperature in the cabinet. The heater is optional.
The heater is 1 U high. Figure 6-13 shows the heater.
Technical Specifications
The technical specifications of the heater are as follows:
l When the temperature in the cabinet is lower than 00C, the heater starts working; when the
temperature is higher than 150C, the heater stops working.
l The maximum heating power of the heater is 300 W.
Figure 6-14 shows the equipotential cable.
Cable Description
Table 6-7 describes the equipotential cable.
(1) Easy power receptacle (pressfit type) connector (2) OT terminal (4mm2, M6)
Figure 6-17 shows the power cable for the fan box in the TMC11H.
Figure 6-17 Power cable for the fan box in the TMC11H
Figure 6-18 shows the ELU signal cable.
Pin Assignment
Table 6-8 describes the pin assignment for the wires of the ELU signal cable.
Table 6-8 Pin assignment for the wires of the ELU signal cable
The door status monitoring cable are two black cables. One end of the cable is bare, and the
other end is added with a cord end terminal. Figure 6-19 show the door status monitoring cable.
Figure 6-20 shows the transfer cable for the fan on the front door.
Figure 6-20 transfer cable for the fan on the front door
Pin Assignment
Table 6-9 describes the pin assignment for the wires of the transfer cable for the fan on the front
Table 6-9 Pin assignment for the wires of the transfer cable for the fan on the front door
Wire X1 End X2 End Color
The signal lightning protection unit (SLPU), which can be optionally configured with the UFLP,
UELP, or USLP2, provides the signal surge protection.
7.3 UELP
The Universal E1/T1 Lightning Protection (UELP) is a universal E1/T1 surge protection unit,
each UELP provides surge protection for four E1s/T1s.
Figure 7-3 shows the panel of the UELP.
Table 7-2 describes the ports on the panel of the UELP.
DIP Switch
The UELP has one DIP switch, which is used to check whether the receive terminal is grounded.
The DIP switch has four bits. Figure 7-4 shows the DIP switch on the UELP.
S1 ON ON ON ON 75-ohm E1 cable
7.4 UFLP
The universal FE/GE lightning protection (UFLP) board is a universal FE/GE surge protection
unit, each UFLP supports 2-way FE/GE surge protection.
Figure 7-5 shows the panel of the UFLP.
Table 7-4 describes the ports on the panel of the UFLP.
7.5 USLP2
The Universal Signal Lightning Protection unit 2 (USLP2) is a RS485, boolean alarm and E1/
T1 surge protection unit. It is optional and can be installed in the SLPU. Each USLP2 provides
protection for four RS485 signal, four E1s/T1s, or eight Boolean alarm signals.
Figure 7-6 shows the panel of the USLP2.
Table 7-5 describes the ports on the panel of the USLP2.
DIP Switch
The USLP2 has two DIP switches, which determine whether the receiving end is grounded. The
DIP switch has four DIP bits. Figure 7-7 shows the DIP switches on the USLP2.
If the APM30H should be powered off for maintenance, the duration of the power-off state
cannot exceed 48 hours.
If a heater in the APM30H or the TMC11H is faulty and cannot be repaired in time, you must
replace it.
8.11 Replacing the Fan Box in the TMC11H
If the fan box in the TMC11H is faulty, you must replace it.
8.12 Replacing the Batteries
If batteries are faulty or old, you must replace them. Generally, batteries are replaced in batches.
8.13 Replacing the TEC Cooler of the IBBS200T
The TEC cooler helps dissipate the heat of storage batteries to ensure the normal operation of
the IBBS200T in high-temperature areas. If the TEC cooler is faulty and cannot be repaired in
time, you must replace it.
8.14 Replacing the Fan on the Front Door of the IBBS200D
If a centrifugal fan on the front door of the IBBS200D is faulty, you must replace it.
8.15 Replacing the CMUA
If the Central Monitoring Unit type A (CMUA) on the front panel of the IBBS200D or IBBS200T
cabinet is faulty, you must replace it.
8.16 Replacing the ELIA
The Electronic Label Identity type A (ELIA) is installed in the ELU box. The board reports the
information about the cabinet type. If the ELIA is faulty, you must replace it.
Checking whether Once Multim For details, see Checking the Power-On Status of
the output voltage is every eter the APM30H.
normal six
Checking whether Once Visual l For details about how to handle the faulty fan
the fans are every inspecti on the top of the APM30H, see 8.8 Replacing
operational six on the Fan Box in the APM30H .
months l For details about how to handle the faulty fan
on the front door of the APM30H, see 8.9
Replacing the Fan on the Front Door of the
l For details about how to handle the faulty fan
in the IBBS200D, see 8.14 Replacing the Fan
on the Front Door of the IBBS200D.
Checking whether Once Visual l For details on the LEDs on the PMU, see Table
the LEDs are every inspecti 3-8.
operational six on l For details on the LEDs on the CMUA, see
months Table 6-4.
l When the alarm LED is ON, query alarms on
the BAM, and then clear them.
2. Confirm the type of the board to be replaced according to the Boadtype and Description
fields in the query result. Ensure that the new board is of the same type by checking the
information indicated by the bar code on the label of the panel or handle of the new board.
Figure 8-1 shows a label containing the bar code.
Figure 8-1
l The tools and materials, such as an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves, flat-head
screwdriver, ESD box or bag, and key to the cabinet door are ready.
l The quantity and model of the faulty modules are confirmed. For details, see 8.2 Querying
Board Information.
l The authorized personnel are permitted to enter the site. The required keys are available.
l Figure 8-2 shows the installation position of the PMU in the EPS subrack.
Step 1 Wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves.
Take proper ESD protection measures, for example, wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD
gloves, to prevent electrostatic damage to the boards, modules, or electronic components.
Step 2 Record all the cable connections on the panel of the faulty PMU.
Step 3 Disconnect all cables from the panel of the PMU.
When connecting the DB50 connector of the environment monitoring signal cable, you should
press the latches on both sides of the connector with your hands and plug or unplug the connector
perpendicularly to or from the panel on the HPMI to prevent false monitoring alarms caused by
bent pins.
Step 4 Use a flat-head screwdriver to loosen the two screws on the ejector lever of the panel of the
Step 5 Pull the ejector lever gently to disconnect the buckle of the PMU from the subrack, and then
remove the PMU from the slot, as shown in Figure 8-3.
Step 8 Place the new PMU in the corresponding slot, loosen the screws on the ejector lever of the PMU,
and then pull out the ejector lever.
Step 9 Slide the module along the guide rails into the slot until it is in position, and then push the ejector
lever back.
Step 10 Tighten the two screws on the ejector lever. Figure 8-5 shows the installation procedure.
Step 11 Connect the cables to the ports on the panel of the new PMU based on the cable connection
Step 12 Check the status of the indicators to determine whether the new module works properly. For
details on the status of the indicators, see PMU.
Step 13 Take off the ESD wrist strap or gloves, and pack up all the tools.
l Place the replaced module into the ESD box or bag. Then, place the ESD box or bag into
a carton padded with foam or into the packing box of the new module.
l Fill in the fault form with the details of the replaced module.
l Contact the local Huawei office to handle the faulty module.
l The tools and materials, such as an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves, flat-head
screwdriver, ESD box or bag, and key to the cabinet door are ready.
l The quantity and model of the faulty modules are confirmed. For details, see 8.2 Querying
Board Information.
l The authorized personnel are permitted to enter the site. The required keys are available.
l Figure 8-6 shows the installation position of the PSU in the EPS subrack.
Step 1 Wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves.
Take proper ESD protection measures, for example, wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD
gloves, to prevent electrostatic damage to the boards, modules, or electronic components.
Step 2 Use a flat-head screwdriver to loosen the two screws on the ejector lever of the panel of the PSU.
Step 3 Pull the ejector lever gently to disconnect the buckle of the PSU from the subrack, and then
remove the PSU from the slot, as shown in Figure 8-7.
Step 4 Place a new PSU in the corresponding slot, loosen the screws on the ejector lever of the PSU,
and then pull out the ejector lever.
Step 5 Slide the module along the guide rails into the slot until it is in position, and then push the ejector
lever back.
Step 6 Tighten the screws on the ejector lever. Figure 8-8 shows the installation procedure.
Step 7 Check the status of the indicators to determine whether the new module works properly. For
details on the status of the indicators, see PSU (AC/DC).
Step 8 Take off the ESD wrist strap or gloves, and pack up all the tools.
l Place the replaced component into the ESD box or bag. Then, place the ESD box or bag
into a carton padded with foam or into the packing box of the new component.
l Fill in the fault form with the details of the replaced module.
l Contact the local Huawei office to handle the faulty module.
l The tools and materials, such as an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves, Phillips
screwdriver, ESD box or bag, and key to the cabinet door are ready.
l The quantity and model of the faulty subracks are confirmed, and new subracks of the same
quantity and model are ready.
l The authorized personnel are permitted to enter the site. The required keys are available.
l Replacing the EPS subrack disrupts all the services carried by the base station.
l It takes about 30 minutes to replace the EPS subrack.
Step 1 Wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves.
Take proper ESD protection measures, for example, wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD
gloves, to prevent electrostatic damage to the boards, modules, or electronic components.
Step 2 Set the MCB labeled BAT on the panel of the EPS subrack to OFF.
Step 3 Set the three PSU MCBs on the panel of the EPS subrack to OFF.
Step 5 Disconnect the ground cable of the EPS subrack from the ground bar on the left side of the
Step 6 Remove the PMU and the PSU in the EPS subrack. For details, see 8.3 Replacing the PMU
and 8.4 Replacing the PSU respectively.
Step 7 Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the cable support on the right side of the EPS subrack.
Step 8 Label the cables that are delivered with the EPS subrack and connected to the right side of the
EPS subrack, and then disconnect the cables.
Step 9 Loosen the screws on the AC protecting hood on the left side of the EPS subrack, and then
remove the protecting hood.
Step 10 Label the AC input power cable and AC output power cable on the left side of the EPS subrack,
and then disconnect the cables.
The PE wire of the AC input power cable is connected to a hexagonal screw on a mounting ear
of the EPS subrack. The hexagonal screw must be stored properly after the PE wire is
Step 11 Label the DC output cable on the right side of the EPS subrack, and then disconnect the cable.
Step 12 Remove the remaining seven retention screws on both sides of the EPS subrack, and slowly pull
the subrack out of the cabinet, as shown in Figure 8-9.
The EPS subrack is heavy. Therefore, you need to hold the subrack with one hand, support the
bottom with the other hand, and slowly pull the subrack out. This prevents the subrack from
falling and ensures personal safety.
Step 13 Place the faulty EPS subrack into an ESD box or bag.
Step 14 Slide the new EPS subrack into the original installation position, and then tighten the retention
screws on both sides of the subrack.
Step 15 Reinstall the PMU and the PSU in the corresponding slots in the new EPS subrack.
Step 16 Secure the interconnection terminals to the original support, and then install the support on the
right side of the cabinet.
Step 17 Connect the cables to the ports on the panel of the new EPS subrack based on the cable connection
The PE wire of the AC input power cable must be connected to the hexagonal screw that is
removed in Step 10. Otherwise, the level of reliability is low.
Step 18 Secure the AC protecting hood to the left side of the EPS subrack, and then tighten the screws.
Step 20 Set the three PSU MCBs on the panel of the EPS subrack to ON.
Step 21 Set the MCB labeled BAT on the EPS subrack to ON.
Step 22 Check the status of the indicators on the PMU and PSU to determine whether the new EPS
subrack works properly. For details on the status of the indicators, see PMU and PSU (AC/
Step 23 Take off the ESD wrist strap or gloves, and pack up all the tools.
l Place the replaced component into the ESD box or bag. Then, place the ESD box or bag
into a carton padded with foam or into the packing box of the new component.
l Fill in the fault form with the details of the replaced component.
l Contact the local Huawei office to handle the faulty component.
l The tools and materials, such as an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves, ESD box or
bag, and key to the cabinet door are ready.
l The quantity and model of the faulty modules are confirmed, and new modules of the same
quantity and model are ready.
l The authorized personnel are permitted to enter the site. The required keys are available.
l Figure 8-10 shows the installation position of the AC surge protector in the EPS subrack.
l When the color of the protecting hood on the front panel of the surge protector changes
from green to red, the protector is faulty and you must replace it.
Step 1 Wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves.
Take proper ESD protection measures, for example, wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD
gloves, to prevent electrostatic damage to the boards, modules, or electronic components.
Step 2 Press the upper and lower ends of the surge protector, and then remove the protector, as shown
in Figure 8-11.
Step 3 Place the faulty AC surge protector into an ESD box or bag.
Step 4 Place the new surge protector in the corresponding slot, and then push it until it is securely
Step 5 Check the color of the protecting hood on the front panel of the surge protector to determine
whether the new surge protector works properly. When the surge protector works properly, the
color is green.
Step 6 Take off the ESD wrist strap or gloves, and pack up all the tools.
l Place the replaced module into the ESD box or bag. Then, place the ESD box or bag into
a carton padded with foam or into the packing box of the new module.
l Fill in the fault form with the details of the replaced module.
l Contact the local Huawei office to handle the faulty module.
high-current requirement. Replacing the fuse that controls the port for supplying power to the
BBU disrupts all the services carried by the base station.
l The tools and materials, such as an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves, new fuse, ESD
box or bag, and key to the cabinet door are ready.
l The quantity and model of the faulty fuses are confirmed, and new fuses of the same quantity
and model are ready.
l The authorized personnel are permitted to enter the site. The required keys are available.
l Figure 8-12 shows the installation position of the alarm warning fuse in the EPS subrack.
The specifications of the fuse vary according to the ambient temperature. For details on the
derating of the fuse, see the general specifications of the fuse. If the fuse works at a normal
temperature of 25°C, the operating current cannot be greater than 75% of its rated current.
Step 1 Wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves.
Take proper ESD protection measures, for example, wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD
gloves, to prevent electrostatic damage to the boards, modules, or electronic components.
Step 2 Take the extraction tool out of the mounting ear on the right side of the EPS subrack.
Figure 8-13 shows the exterior and position of the extraction tool.
Step 3 Use the extraction tool to remove the faulty fuse, as shown in Figure 8-14.
Step 4 Place the faulty alarm warning fuse into an ESD box or bag.
Step 5 Insert the new fuse into the corresponding port.
Step 6 Set the MCB for the new fuse to ON and check the running status of the related modules to
determine whether the fuse works properly.
Step 7 Take off the ESD wrist strap or gloves, and pack up all the tools.
l Place the replaced component into the ESD box or bag. Then, place the ESD box or bag
into a carton padded with foam or into the packing box of the new component.
l Fill in the fault form with the details of the replaced component.
l The tools and materials, such as an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves, Phillips
screwdriver, ESD box or bag, and key to the cabinet door are ready.
l The quantity and model of the faulty fan boxes are confirmed. For details, see 8.2 Querying
Board Information.
l The authorized personnel are permitted to enter the site. The required keys are available.
l The fan box in the APM30H houses the HPMI, CMUA, and fan. If any of the components
is faulty, the fan box must be replaced.
l It takes about 20 minutes to replace the fan box.
Step 1 Wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves.
Take proper ESD protection measures, for example, wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD
gloves, to prevent electrostatic damage to the boards, modules, or electronic components.
Step 2 Remove the fuse corresponding to the port labeled LOAD0. For details, see 8.7 Replacing the
Alarm Warning Fuse.
Step 3 Record all the cable connections on the panel of the faulty fan box.
Step 4 Disconnect all cables from the panel of the faulty fan box.
Remove the RJ-45 connectors linked to the COM_IN, COM_OUT, and ELU ports on the panel of the CMUA
through the holes in the baffle plate on the ports, as shown in Figure 8-15.
Step 5 Remove the retention screws on the mounting ears of the fan box, and then remove the box from
the cabinet slowly, as shown in Figure 8-16.
When removing the fan box, do not touch the air inlet at the bottom of the fan box.
Step 6 Place the faulty fan box into an ESD box or bag.
Step 7 Slide the new fan box into the installation position, and then tighten the retention screws on the
mounting ears of the fan box.
Step 8 Connect the cables to the ports on the front panel of the fan box based on the cable connection
records, and then check and ensure that the cables are properly and correctly connected.
You must plug or unplug the DB50 connector of the environment monitoring signal cable perpendicularly
to or from the panel on the HPMI with your hands to prevent false monitoring alarms caused by bent pins.
Step 9 Link the connector at one end of the power cable of the fan box in the APM30H to the port
labeled LOAD0 on the panel of the fan box of the EPS subrack.
Step 10 Check the status of the indicators to determine whether the new fan box works properly. For
details on the status of the indicators, see CMUA.
Step 11 Take off the ESD wrist strap or gloves, and pack up all the tools.
l Place the replaced component into the ESD box or bag. Then, place the ESD box or bag
into a carton padded with foam or into the packing box of the new component.
l Fill in the fault form with the details of the replaced component.
l Contact the local Huawei office to handle the faulty component.
l The tools and materials, such as an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves, Phillips
screwdriver, ESD box or bag, and key to the cabinet door are ready.
l The quantity and model of the faulty fans are confirmed, and new fans of the same quantity
and model are ready.
l The authorized personnel are permitted to enter the site. The required keys are available.
l Figure 8-17 shows the installation position of the fan on the front door in the APM30H.
Figure 8-17 Installation position of the fan on the front door in the APM30H
Step 1 Wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves.
Take proper ESD protection measures, for example, wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD
gloves, to prevent electrostatic damage to the boards, modules, or electronic components.
Step 2 Remove the fuse corresponding to the port labeled LOAD0. For details, see 8.7 Replacing the
Alarm Warning Fuse.
Step 3 Remove the connector linked to the port labeled FAN_EXT on the panel of the CMUA to power
off the fan on the front door of the APM30H.
Step 4 Loosen the screws on the cover plate of the transfer board of the fan, and then remove the cover
Step 5 Label the cables connected to the faulty fan, and then disconnect the cables, as shown in 1 of
Figure 8-18.
Step 6 Remove the eight retention screws on the cover plate of the fan and remove the cover plate, as
shown in 2 of Figure 8-18.
Step 7 Remove the baffle and rubber caps on the cable outlets on the side of the fan cavity. Then, pull
out the cable for fans, as shown in 3 of Figure 8-18.
Figure 8-18 Removing the fan on the front door of the APM30H
Step 8 Remove the four retention screws on the support plate of the fan and pull the support plate and
the fan out of the cabinet, as shown in 4 of Figure 8-18.
Step 9 Remove the four screws fixing the fan from the support plate, and then remove the fan.
Step 10 Lead the cables of the new fan through the cable outlets in the support plate. Then, tighten the
four screws of the fan.
Step 11 Install the cover plate of the fan back to the fan cavity after the fan is installed and tighten the
four retention screws.
Step 12 Lead the fan cable through the cable outlets of the fan cavity. Then, add the rubber caps and
baffle to the cable.
Step 14 Reconnect the cables of the fan to the fan transfer board based on the cable connection records.
Then, install the cover plate of the fan transfer board.
Step 15 Re-link the connector to the port labeled FAN_EXT on the panel of the CMUA.
Step 16 Check the running of the fans and the status of the indicators on the CMUA to determine whether
the new fan works properly. For details on the status of the indicators, see CMUA.
Step 17 Take off the ESD wrist strap or gloves, and pack up all the tools.
l Place the replaced component into the ESD box or bag. Then, place the ESD box or bag
into a carton padded with foam or into the packing box of the new component.
l Fill in the fault form with the details of the replaced component.
l Contact the local Huawei office to handle the faulty component.
l The tools and materials, such as an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves, diagonal pliers,
flat-head screwdriver, Phillips screwdriver, insulation screwdriver, ESD box or bag, and
key to the cabinet door are ready.
l The quantity and model of the faulty heaters are confirmed, and new heaters of the same
quantity and model and several cable ties are ready.
l The authorized personnel are permitted to enter the site. The required keys are available.
The heater can be installed in the 1 U transmission space based on the actual condition.
After the installation, do not change the position of the heater during the routine operation.
Step 1 Wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves.
Take proper ESD protection measures, for example, wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD
gloves, to prevent electrostatic damage to the boards, modules, or electronic components.
Step 2 Set the AC output MCB labeled AC OUTPUT on the panel of the EPS subrack to OFF.
Step 3 Remove the connector at one end of the power cable from the heater.
Step 4 Remove the four screws on the panel of the heater. Hold the heater with one hand, and pull the
heater out of the cabinet with the other hand slightly, as shown in Figure 8-19.
Step 5 Place the new heater in its installation position. Hold the new heater with one hand, and push it
into the cabinet with the other hand until the mounting ears are in contact with the columns.
Step 7 Re-link the connector at one end of the power cable to the input port of the heater, as shown in
Figure 8-20.
Step 8 Set the AC output MCB labeled AC OUTPUT on the panel of the EPS subrack to ON.
Step 9 Take off the ESD wrist strap or gloves, and pack up all the tools.
l Place the replaced heater into the ESD box or bag. Then, place the ESD box or bag into a
carton padded with foam or into the packing box of the new heater.
l Fill in the fault form with the details of the replaced heater.
l Contact the local Huawei office to handle the faulty heater.
l The tools and materials, such as an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves, Phillips
screwdriver, ESD box or bag, and key to the cabinet door are ready.
l The quantity and model of the faulty fan boxes are confirmed. For details, see 8.2 Querying
Board Information.
l The authorized personnel are permitted to enter the site. The required keys are available.
l The fan box in the TMC11H houses the HPMI, CMUA, and fan. If any of the components
is faulty, the fan box must be replaced.
l It takes about 20 minutes to replace the fan box.
Step 1 Wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves.
Take proper ESD protection measures, for example, wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD
gloves, to prevent electrostatic damage to the boards, modules, or electronic components.
Step 2 Set the MCB labeled FAN on the DCDU-03 to OFF to power off the fan box.
Step 3 Record all the cable connections on the panel of the faulty fan box.
Step 4 Disconnect all cables from the panel of the faulty fan box.
Remove the RJ-45 connectors linked to the COM_IN, COM_OUT, and ELU ports on the panel of the
CMUA through the holes in the baffle plate on the ports, as shown in Figure 8-21.
Step 5 Remove the retention screws on the mounting ears of the fan box, and then remove the box from
the cabinet slowly, as shown in Figure 8-22.
When removing the fan box, do not touch the air inlet at the bottom of the fan box.
Step 6 Slide the new fan box into the installation position, and then tighten the retention screws on the
mounting ears of the fan box.
Step 7 Connect the cables to the ports on the front panel of the fan box based on the cable connection
records, and then check and ensure that the cables are properly and correctly connected.
Step 8 Set the MCB labeled FAN on the DCDU-03 to ON to power on the fan box.
Step 9 Check the status of the indicators to determine whether the new fan box works properly. For
details on the status of the indicators, see CMUA.
Step 10 Take off the ESD wrist strap or gloves, and pack up all the tools.
l Place the replaced component into the ESD box or bag. Then, place the ESD box or bag
into a carton padded with foam or into the packing box of the new component.
l Fill in the fault form with the details of the replaced component.
l Contact the local Huawei office to handle the faulty component.
l The tools and materials, such as an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves, Phillips
screwdriver, ESD box or bag, and key to the cabinet door are ready.
l The quantity and model of the faulty batteries are confirmed, and new batteries of the same
quantity and model are ready.
l The authorized personnel are permitted to enter the site. The required keys are available.
During the replacement, short circuits or reverse connections cannot exist between the positive
and negative poles of the batteries. All the tools such as wrenches and screwdrivers must be
coated with insulating tubes. This prevents the batteries from being burned and ensures personal
Step 1 Wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves.
Take proper ESD protection measures, for example, wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD
gloves, to prevent electrostatic damage to the boards, modules, or electronic components.
Step 2 Set the MCB labeled BAT on the panel of the EPS subrack in the APM30 cabinet to OFF.
Step 3 Remove the cover plate on the batteries, as shown in Figure 8-23.
Step 4 Label the input power cables on the positive and negative poles of the batteries and the cables
for series connection of batteries, and then disconnect the cables, as shown in Figure 8-24.
Step 5 Hold the steering rope to pull the batteries out. Remove the batteries on this layer with your
hands and place them in a safe location.
l Remove the baffle plates and batteries from top to bottom. Remove the batteries before removing the
baffle plate of the lower layer.
l Remove and place the batteries with your hands to prevent the batteries from falling.
Step 6 Install the new batteries layer by layer and connect the input power cables and the cables for
series connection of batteries based on the cable connection records.
l Install all the batteries and baffle plates from bottom to up. Install the batteries before installing the
baffle plate of the upper layer.
l Ensure that the cables are securely and correctly connected.
Step 7 Use a multimeter to measure the voltage at both ends of the battery pack to prevent inverse
Step 8 Set the MCB labeled BAT on the panel of the EPS subrack to ON.
Step 9 Take off the ESD wrist strap or gloves, and pack up all the tools.
l Place the replaced batteries into the ESD box or bag. Then, place the ESD box or bag into
a carton padded with foam or into the packing box of the new batteries.
l Fill in the fault form with the details of the replaced batteries.
l Contact the local Huawei office to handle the faulty batteries.
l The tools and materials, such as an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves, Phillips
screwdriver, ESD box or bag, and key to the cabinet door are ready.
l The quantity and model of the faulty modules are confirmed, and new modules of the same
quantity and model are ready.
l The authorized personnel are permitted to enter the site. The required keys are available.
l Figure 8-25 shows the installation position of the TEC cooler in the IBBS200T.
Step 1 Wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves.
Take proper ESD protection measures, for example, wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD
gloves, to prevent electrostatic damage to the boards, modules, or electronic components.
Step 2 Set the MCB labeled FAN/TEC_SW2 for the TEC cooler of the power distribution box on the
inner right side in the IBBS200T to OFF to power off the TEC cooler.
Step 3 Loosen the two retention screws fixing the CMUA on the front door, remove the cover plate,
and then disconnect the power cables and alarm signal cables of the TEC cooler from the CMUA,
as shown in 1 of Figure 8-26.
Step 4 Remove the two retention screws of the TEC protecting hood on the inner side of the front door,
as shown in 2 of Figure 8-26.
Step 5 Rotate the movable side of the TEC protecting hood clockwise by 90 degrees. Remove the six
retention screws, as shown in Figure 8-27, and then remove the TEC cooler from the subrack
of the front door.
Step 6 Lead the power cables and the alarm signaling cables through the empty subrack on the front
door, and then install six M4 screws to fix the TEC cooler in the reverse direction in Figure
Step 7 Close the TEC protecting hood, and fix the hood by using two screws.
Step 8 Connect the power cables and the alarm signaling cables that are delivered with the new cooler
to the corresponding ports on the CMUA.
Step 9 Fix the CMUA by using two screws.
Step 10 Set the MCB for the TEC cooler of the power distribution box to ON.
Step 11 Check the running of the fans and the status of the indicators on the CMUA to determine whether
the new TEC cooler works properly. For details on the status of the indicators, see CMUA.
Step 12 Take off the ESD wrist strap or gloves, and pack up all the tools.
l Place the replaced module into the ESD box or bag. Then, place the ESD box or bag into
a carton padded with foam or into the packing box of the new module.
l Fill in the fault form with the details of the replaced module.
l Contact the local Huawei office to handle the faulty module.
l The tools and materials, such as an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves, Phillips
screwdriver, ESD box or bag, and key to the cabinet door are ready.
l The quantity and model of the faulty fans are confirmed, and new fans of the same quantity
and model are ready.
l The authorized personnel are permitted to enter the site. The required keys are available.
l Figure 8-28 shows the installation position of the fan on the front door of the IBBS200D.
Figure 8-28 Installation position of the fan on the front door of the IBBS200D
l The fan box on the front door of the IBBS200D houses two centrifugal fans. When
maintaining the fan box, you need to replace only the faulty fan. This example describes
how to replace the fan on the left side.
l It takes about 20 minutes to replace the fan.
Step 1 Wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves.
Take proper ESD protection measures, for example, wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD
gloves, to prevent electrostatic damage to the boards, modules, or electronic components.
Step 2 Set the MCB labeled TEC/FAN_SW2 of the fan box to OFF on the power distribution box in
the IBBS200D to power off the fan box.
Step 3 Label the cables below the fan box, and then disconnect the cables.
Step 4 Remove the five retention screws on the fan box, and then remove the fan box, as shown in
Figure 8-29.
Step 5 Disconnect the cables that connect the faulty fan to one side of the CMUA.
Step 6 Loosen the four retention screws of the faulty fan, and then remove the faulty fan from the fan
box, as shown in Figure 8-30.
Step 7 Place the new fan in the original position of the faulty fan, and hold the fan with one hand. Then,
tighten the four retention screws with the other hand by using a screwdriver.
Step 8 Connect the cables of the new fan to the corresponding ports on the panel of the CMUA, and
then bind the cables to the binding slot on the fan box by using cable ties.
Step 9 Install the fan box onto the front door, and tighten the five retention screws on the cover plate.
Step 10 Connect the cables to the corresponding ports on the panel below the fan box based on the cable
connection records.
Step 11 Set the MCB for the fan in the fan box to ON.
Step 12 Check the running of the fans and the status of the indicators on the CMUA to determine whether
the new fan works properly. For details on the status of the indicators, see CMUA.
Step 13 Take off the ESD wrist strap or gloves, and pack up all the tools.
l Place the replaced component into the ESD box or bag. Then, place the ESD box or bag
into a carton padded with foam or into the packing box of the new component.
l Fill in the fault form with the details of the replaced component.
l Contact the local Huawei office to handle the faulty component.
l The tools and materials, such as an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves, Phillips
screwdriver, ESD box or bag, and key to the cabinet door are ready.
l The quantity and model of the faulty boards are confirmed. For details, see 8.2 Querying
Board Information.
l DIP settings of the CMUA varies according to cabinet. Figure 8-31 shows the DIP settings
and bit positions of the CMUA in different cabinets.
Figure 8-31 DIP settings and bit positions of the CMUA in different cabinets
The red rectangle in Figure 8-32 shows the position for connecting to the jumper cap.
l The authorized personnel are permitted to enter the site. The required keys are available.
l Figure 8-32 shows the installation position of the CMUA on the front door of the
IBBS200D or IBBS200T.
Step 1 Wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves.
Take proper ESD protection measures, for example, wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD
gloves, to prevent electrostatic damage to the boards, modules, or electronic components.
Step 2 Set the MCB labeled FAN/TEC_SW2 on the power distribution box to OFF to power off the
Step 3 Record all the cable connections on the panel of the faulty CMUA.
Step 4 Disconnect all cables from the panel of the faulty CMUA.
Step 5 Use a screwdriver to loosen the screws on the fan box of the IBBS200D or the CMUA box of
the IBBS200T, and then remove the fan box or CMUA box, as shown in Figure 8-33 or Figure
8-34 respectively.
Step 6 Label all the cables connected to the ports on the panel of the backplane of the CMUA, and then
disconnect the cable for the fans and the cable for the TEC cooler.
Step 7 Use a screwdriver to loosen the four retention screws at the four corners of the faulty CMUA,
and then remove the CMUA.
Step 8 Install the new CMUA in the fan box of the IBBS200D or in the CMUA box of the IBBS200T,
and then use four retention screws to secure the board.
Step 9 Reconnect the cable for the fans and the cable for the TEC cooler to the ports on the panel of
the backplane based on the cable connection records.
Step 10 Reinstall the fan box or CMUA box on the front door of the IBBS200D or IBBS200T
Step 11 Check the status of the indicators to determine whether the new CMUA works properly. For
details on the status of the indicators, see CMUA.
Step 12 Take off the ESD wrist strap or gloves, and pack up all the tools.
Step 13 Paste the bar code delivered with the board onto the cover plate. Figure 8-35 shows the positions
for pasting the bar codes of the CMUA.
Figure 8-35 Positions for pasting the bar codes of the CMUA
l Place the replaced board into the ESD box or bag. Then, place the ESD box or bag into a
carton padded with foam or into the packing box of the new board.
l Fill in the fault form with the details of the replaced board.
l Contact the local Huawei office to handle the faulty board.
l The tools and materials, such as an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves, Phillips
screwdriver, ESD box or bag, and key to the cabinet door are ready.
l The quantity and model of the faulty boards are confirmed, and new boards of the same
quantity and model are ready.
l The authorized personnel are permitted to enter the site. The required keys are available.
The installation position of the ELU varies according to cabinet. It is installed on the inner left
side of the IBBS200D or IBBS200T or on the inner right side of the APM30H, TMC11H, or
Step 1 Wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves.
Take proper ESD protection measures, for example, wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD
gloves, to prevent electrostatic damage to the boards, modules, or electronic components.
Step 2 Remove the RJ-45 connector from the port on the housing of the ELU.
Step 3 Open the housing of the ELU upwards according to the direction displayed on the surface of the
housing, as shown in Figure 8-36.
Step 4 Use a Phillips screwdriver to loosen the retention screws on the ELIA, and then remove the
ELIA, as shown in Figure 8-37.
Step 5 Install a new board, and tighten the screws on the panel of the board.
Step 6 Reinstall the housing of the ELU.
Step 7 Re-link the RJ-45 connector to the port on the housing of the ELU.
Step 8 Take off the ESD wrist strap or gloves, and pack up all the tools.
l Place the replaced board into the ESD box or bag. Then, place the ESD box or bag into a
carton padded with foam or into the packing box of the new board.
l Fill in the fault form with the details of the replaced board.
l Contact the local Huawei office to handle the faulty board.
DIP switch
UELP, 7-3
USLP2, 7-5
SLPU, 7-2
UELP, 7-3
UFLP, 7-5