Remedial Work: Exercises On Have Got'

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1 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di have got.

0 He’s very popular. He ’s got numerous friends.
1 She’s very poor. She ________ any money.
2 He’s unemployed. He __________ a job.
3 I’m from a very big family. I ___________ seven brothers and sisters.
4 He can’t drive. He ___________ a car.
5 The fridge is empty. We _________ any food.
6 They’re very rich. They ________ houses in London, New York and Paris.
7 It’s very late. We ___________ time.
8 I can’t come to the cinema. I __________ an exam tomorrow.
9 They ________ a dog. It’s called Fido.
10 Can you help us? We _________ a problem.

2 Leggi le risposte e scrivi domande adeguate usando have got e le espressioni nel riquadro.

a dog • a big house • a job • a nice boss

•any children • a car • a cat • a boyfriend
• a mobile phone

0 Have they got a big house?

– No, they haven’t. They’ve got a small apartment.
1 ___________________________________________
– No, I haven’t. I can’t drive.
2 ___________________________________________
– Yes, they have. They’ve got two sons.
3 ___________________________________________
– Yes, he has. He works in a bank.
4 ___________________________________________
– No, she hasn’t. She’s single.
5 ___________________________________________
– Yes, we have. We’ve got a Doberman.
6 ___________________________________________
– No, they haven’t. They hate cats.
7 ___________________________________________
– Yes, I have. It’s a Nokia.
8 ___________________________________________
– No, I haven’t. He’s very unfriendly.

3 Completa i mini-dialoghi con la forma corretta di have got.

1 A 0 Have you got (you) a big room?
B Yes, I 1______ . I 2______ a very big room.
2 A 3______ (your sister) blue eyes like you?
B No, she 4_____ . She 5________ green eyes. My
mother and my brother 6______ blue eyes.
3 A Who 7_____ a pen to lend me?
B I 8________ a red pen.
4 A 9_______ (they) any friends here?
B Well, Bob 10______some, but Mike and John
_____ any. They’re not very friendly.
5 A _______ (your mother) a car?
B Yes, she 13_______ . And my father 14______
another car.
6 A Where 15______ (Carol and Kevin) their house?
B Well, they 16______ a house, they 17______ a flat.
It’s a small flat – it 18______ only three rooms.
Carol 19_____ a beautiful room.

4 Traduci.
1 Non ho il cellulare ma ho il computer portatile.
2 Hai un pomeriggio libero?
3 Steve ha la macchina?
4 Avete una casa grande?
5 Jill ha una lezione di yoga venerdì.
6 Ho un esame di matematica domani mattina.
7 Ho due sorelle ma non ho fratelli.
8 Il mio amico ha lo skateboard, ma non ha la bicicletta.

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