Implementation of EU-Georgia Association Agenda 2017-2020 Assessment by Civil Society

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AGENDA 2017-2020

The Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF) is a member of the Open Society Foun-
dation’s Network, which was set up in 1994. In more than twenty years of independence,
Georgia has made progress in building a democratic society that strives to take its place as
part of the European family of nations. Having undergone territorial conflicts, econom-
ic collapse and war with Russia, Georgia has nonetheless managed to turn itself from a
near-failed state to a developing country with western aspirations. Through donor fund-
ing, partnership, training and helping to unlock the potential of talented Georgian young
people, the OSGF has played a significant role in this process that continues to this day.
The Foundation has a strong record of achievements in developing civil institutions and
the media, promoting civil values, contributing to improvement of election environment,
and increasing access to education and healthcare; it has also provided major support to
European and national integration programs and the development of social equality.

Proofreading: Jacqueline Hale

Design: Tornike Lortkipanidze

The views, opinions and statements expressed by the authors and those providing com-
ments are theirs only and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Foundation.
Therefore, the Open Society Georgia Foundation is not responsible for the content of
the information material.









This report brings together monitoring by leading Georgian civil society organ-
isations working together with the support of the Open Society Georgia Foun-
dation to analyse Georgia’s progress in implementing the short-term priorities
indicated in the 2017-2020 Association Agenda.

The report comprises six sections covering 1) Rule of Law (including Justice
Sector and Law Enforcement); 2) Anti-corruption, public administrative reform
and public service; 3) Equal Treatment, 4) Children’s rights (all under 2.2, AA); 5)
Trade Union Rights and Core Labour Standards and Employment, Social Policy
and Equal Opportunities (under 2.2. and 2.6, AA); 6) Environment and Climate
Change (under 2.7, AA).

The findings of this monitoring exercise indicate that while the government has
made efforts under priorities in all thematic areas monitored, overall progress
is uneven. Reforms are often limited to formalistic changes, which have not
resulted in changes in practice. For example, laws and action plans have been
adopted (justice, environment, anti-corruption) yet implementation has fallen
behind in reforming key institutions (justice). Legislative reforms have been
delayed across different sectors. Reforms that have been implemented have not
been done with appropriate consultation/due diligence (environment) or have
lacked adequate scope to be meaningful (labour rights, law enforcement). Un-
even progress is also evident within sectors, with substantial efforts made un-
der specific priorities against a backdrop of institutional and cultural resistance
(anti-corruption, equal treatment). State institutions are hampered by poor ca-
pacity and lack of investment and whole areas of work remain neglected (chil-
dren’s rights).

Implementing the Association Agenda (AA) is of critical importance to Geor-

gia’s progress in transforming its society and coming closer to the EU. The in-
volvement of civil society experts in providing independent assessment of pro-
gress is also key and the views of civil society should be taken into account by
the EU and the government of Georgia.

Short-term priorities are those in the AA which should be achieved or on
which significant progress should be made by end 2018. Where appropriate,
the monitoring assesses the specific actions outlined in the 2018 National Ac-
tion Plan for the Implementation of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement
and Association Agenda according to the indicators established by the Geor-
gian Government’s Action Plan. These short-term priorities are quoted directly
as they appear in the Association Agenda, in bold type. For each priority, an
Overall Assessment is given as to whether it has been Implemented, Partially
Implemented, or Not Implemented. Further detail is then provided as to which
specific actions have been Done, and which actions are Not Done.


1. Develop and gradually implement the Judicial Strategy and its ac-
tion plan, which among other issues will cover improvement of the
policy and practice of the appointment, promotion and training of
the judges, a particular focus on human rights and provide adequate
resources to ensure proper judicial competencies; further promote
independence of the High School of Justice, notably through en-
hanced capacities

Overall Assessment: partially implemented

Done: On 29 May 2017, the Strategy of the Judicial System for 2017-2021 and
the Action Plan for 2017-2018 were approved. The Strategy of the Judicial Sys-
tem reflects five major strategic directions:

• Independence and impartiality;

• Ensuring accountable administration of justice;
• Ensuring high-quality administration of justice and professionalism;
• Ensuring the effectiveness of the judicial system;
• Ensuring access to justice.

The High Council of Justice has adopted a renewed procedure for the qualifi-
cation exam and its preparatory processes. Certain activities have been carried
out with the aim of improving the learning and development system for exist-
ing judges.

Not Done: Despite legislative amendments to the selection and appointment

procedure for judges, the system still fails in practice to meet the standard
of selection/appointment on the basis of merit and objective criteria. Notably,
the process of selection/appointment is not substantiated and transparent. The
work of task forces created with the aim of implementing the Action Plan lacks
transparency and ineffectiveness.

Twelve out of the 14 activities provided for by the National Action Plan for 2018
have not been implemented or have been implemented only partially.


2. Improve effectiveness of the High Council of Justice inter alia by
ensuring its independence as well as its accountability

Overall Assessment: not implemented

Done: In July 2018, the High Council of Justice specified the terms for publish-
ing the decisions of the council. According to the amendments, the decision
of the council shall be published on the official webpage of the High Council
of Justice no later than 5 days following its adoption. Moreover, the council
undertook the obligation to ensure the publication of consolidated versions of
the decisions as well.

Not Done: The package of legislative amendments to the rules of procedure of

the High Council of Justice has not yet been prepared. Important issues relat-
ed to the activity of the High Council of Justice are yet to be regulated by law,
which decreases the accountability of the Council’s activity. The High Coun-
cil’s working procedures, including to relating to making, substantiating and
publishing the decisions of the Council, as well as preparatory procedures and
the rule of conduct of the Council’s meetings, have not been changed, and de-
ficiencies remain.

3. Improve the system of judicial accountability by implementation

of clear and exhaustive disciplinary rules which are effectively en-
forced as well as by guaranteeing professionalism and integrity of

Overall Assessment: partially implemented

Done: The institution of an Independent Inspector has been created, and the
procedural rules of the Inspector have been established.

Not Done: The adjudication of disciplinary complaints is lengthy and protract-

ed, which poses a threat to the independence of judges. The rate of discontinua-
tion of disciplinary proceedings is high, which, due to insufficient transparency,
raises doubts about the objectivity of decisions regarding the discontinuation of
cases. A new list of grounds for disciplinary liability of judges, which meets the
requirement of foreseeability of laws, is yet to be adopted.

4. Streamline institutional structure of general courts, including
where necessary, by introducing specialized panels and chambers
and reduce case backlogs in civil divisions of general courts

Overall Assessment: partially implemented

Done: Legislative amendments have been drafted to resolve the problems of

cases overrunning in courts, excessive flow of cases, and overloading of courts.
As coping mechanisms Courts have established narrow specialisations and in-
creased the number of their employees.

In August 2018, the research has been conducted to identifying the optimal
number of judges. In November 2018, the preliminary assessment has been
prepared of the causes of reported increases in case delays and backlogs in
Georgian courts. 

Not Done: No mechanism for decreasing the number of outstanding cases and
for introducing a policy of time management aimed at preventing and decreas-
ing delays has yet been developed or introduced.


5. Develop an electronic case allocation system and improve elec-
tronic case management program in order to raise trust towards the

Overall Assessment: partially implemented

Done: On 1 May 2017, the High Council of Justice adopted an electronic, au-
tomated procedure to distribute cases in common courts , which ensures that,
save for exceptions provided for by the procedure, cases in common courts
should be distributed among judges of the relevant panel/with narrow special-
ization . The distribution of cases on the basis of an electronic procedure be-
came effective as of 1 July 2017 in the Rustavi City Court (as a pilot project) and
as of 31 December in the entire system of common courts.

Not Done: In order to prevent interruptions to the administration of justice,

the electronic case distribution procedure continues to give chairpersons of
courts a broad discretion: a) to task a judge with taking part in the examination
of a case in another chamber or investigation board of the same court; b) to
task a judge with taking part in the examination of a case as part of another
specialised group of judges within the same court; c) to task a judge with ex-
ercising the powers of a magistrate, and to task a magistrate with examining a
case outside his/her area of jurisdiction – in a district (city) court. Chairpersons
of courts retain the right to determine the composition of judges of narrow
specializations, which leaves the case distribution system vulnerable to risks
of interference by chairpersons of courts. In addition, the Council has unlim-
ited powers to determine the narrow specialization of judges, which grants the
Council indefinite discretion to determine the specialisation of judges thereby
undermining the principle that cases should be distributed randomly.

6. Continue the reform of the Prosecutor’s office aiming at further
ensuring independence of prosecutorial work from any undue influ-
ence and greater transparency and accountability

Overall Assessment: partially implemented

Done: In 2017, the Parliament developed new wording in the Constitution of

Georgia that defined the status, powers, and rules of procedure of the Prosecu-
tor’s Office in a new manner, which should be followed up by further harmo-
nisation of legislation. The Parliament adopted the Organic Law of Georgia on
the Prosecutor’s Office.

On May 25, 2017, the new Code of Conduct for Employees of the Prosecutor’s
Office was approved. In 2017-2018, 26 training sessions were conducted on
professional ethics and conflict of interests, which were attended by 552 partic-
ipants (Prosecutors, Investigators of Prosecutor’s Office, Advisors, Specialists).

Not Done: The Organic Law of Georgia on the Prosecutor’s Office only ensures
formal conformity with the new wording of the Constitution of Georgia, which
in itself is not sufficient for a meaningful reform of the Prosecutor’s Office. The
Council of Prosecutors does not have enough safeguards to achieve functional
and institutional independence.

7. Continue reforming the Criminal Code with the objective of liber-

alisation of sentences and modernisation of the law and ensuring its
full compliance with relevant EU and international standards

Overall Assessment: partially implemented

Done: The draft Criminal Code has been prepared.

Not Done: The draft Criminal Code is yet to be submitted to the Parliament.


8. Further improve legislative and institutional frameworks for pro-
viding high quality free legal aid as well as payable legal services

Overall Assessment: implemented

Done: The mandate of the Legal Aid Service has been broadened to protect
victims of domestic violence in civil and administrative cases.

The legislation has been amended with the aim of reforming the Council of
Legal Aid and ensuring its institutional independence.

9.Continue ensuring fair trial, access to justice and procedural rights

in criminal proceedings in accordance with Georgia’s obligations un-
der the European Convention of Human Rights, the case-law of the
Court and other relevant Conventions of the Council of Europe by
– guaranteeing the procedural rights of accused persons in criminal
– guaranteeing the rights for victims of crime, including hate crime,
for access to justice, protection, support and compensation Intro-
duce fair and efficient, and more widely used, alternative means of
dispute settlement

Overall Assessment: partially implemented

Done: The work on draft amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code has

The National Action Plan for 2018 provided for only one activity – conducting
a training course for judges. Training sessions were conducted and judges were

Not Done: Draft amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code have not been
submitted in the Parliament of Georgia.

10. Introduce fair and efficient, and more widely used, alternative
means of dispute settlement

Overall Assessment: partially implemented

Done: A package of legislative amendments has been prepared with the aim
of contributing to the development of the mechanism of mediation. Trainings
were conducted.

Not Done: Other activities were not implemented or have been implemented
only partially.

11. Implement rehabilitation and re-socialization approaches in the

Penitentiary and Probation Systems and beyond in order to prevent
re-offending and maintain a proper balance between ensuring public
order and security and guaranteeing human rights protection

Overall Assessment: partially implemented

Done: By Order No. 321/S of the Director of N(N)LE Center for Crime Pre-
vention of 24 October 2017, a programme of rehabilitation and resocialisation
of former prisoners was developed. Certain activities have been carried out in
connection with prisoners’ employment, education, and involvement in reha-
bilitation programs.

Not Done: Problems remain with respect to providing probationers with ad-
equate rehabilitation and resocialisation services, and with development of a
long-term strategy in this area. A unified and standard package of psycho-social
support, information and rehabilitation programmes are yet to be approved.


12. Increase the accountability and democratic oversight of law en-
forcement agencies. Complaints against the police will require a
professional, effective mechanism for credible response. Consider
taking further measures to promote independent and effective inves-
tigation of complaints against law enforcement officials. Provide a
comprehensive professional training of law enforcement officers on
ethical standards and the human rights as guaranteed by the Europe-
an Convention of Human Rights

Overall Assessment: partially implemented

Done: On 20 July 2018, the Parliament of Georgia adopted the Law on State
Inspector’s Service (SIS).1 The law aims to create an independent and impartial
institution for the investigation of certain crimes committed by representatives
or employees of law enforcement bodies.

In 2017-2018 (as of 1 October 2018), the Academy of the Ministry of Internal

Affairs conducted 14 training sessions with the aim of teaching standards of
professional ethics, which were attended by 805 participants. During the same
period, 26 training sessions were conducted on human rights issues, which
were attended by 1,800 participants.

Not Done: The mandate and competence of the newly created position of the
State Inspector are limited, which brings into question the effectiveness and
independence of the newly created mechanism Certain types of crime, which,
as noted by the public, are often committed by law enforcement officers, remain
outside the scope of the newly created mechanism. The Prosecutor’s Office re-
tains exclusive powers to conduct criminal prosecution. The powers of the State
Inspector’s Service are limited to investigation, whereas, according to the ap-
plicable legislation, procuratorial supervision over the investigation is almost
entirely carried out by the Prosecutor’s Office.

Despite the limited mandate and powers of the State Inspector, it was vitally
important to put this institution into operation within the determined time
frame – from January 1, 2019. For this reason, the Georgian Parliament’s mak-
ing the amendments to the Law of Georgia on the State Inspectots’ Service in
an accelerated manner – several days before the State Inspector’s Service was to
become operational – should be given a particularly negative assessment. As a
result of the amendments made to the law, instead of January 1, 2019, the law
will enter into force six months later.

1 The law entered into force on 21 July 2018.

12. Further expand application of alternatives to imprisonment, by
introducing new non-custodial sentences and increasing the capaci-
ties of the probation service

Overall Assessment: partially implemented

Done: Amendments to the legislation have introduced house arrest as a form

of non-custodial punishment. Issues related to the enforcement of house arrest
came under regulation by Order No. 146 of the Minister of Corrections and
Probation of 28 December 2017. Individual plans were introduced for serving
sentences based on the assessment of risks and needs.

Not Done: The share of application of custodial penalties remains high.




The EU-Georgia Association Agenda for 2017-2020 includes (in the area of
anti-corruption policy, public administrative reform, and public service) seven
short-term priorities which, according to the document, “should be achieved
or on which significant progress should be made by end 2018.”1 The 2018
National Action Plan for the Implementation of the EU-Georgia Association
Agreement and Association Agenda (hereinafter referred to as the Action
Plan) establishes a list of specific actions that must be implemented in order
to achieve these priorities. The implementation of these actions is assessed in
subsequent sections of this document according to the indicators established
by the Georgian Government’s Action Plan.

1. Continue combating corruption, and ensure effective implementa-

tion of relevant international legal instruments, such as the UN Con-
vention Against Corruption, and the Criminal Law Convention on
Corruption and its Additional Protocol, as well as of recommenda-
tions of the Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption
(GRECO) and the recommendations of the OECD-Anti-Corruption
Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Overall Assessment: implemented


• Prepare corruption risk assessment methodology - employees of the An-

ti-Corruption Council’s Secretariat attended two training sessions on risk
assessment and a draft of the methodology is scheduled to be completed
by the end of 2018.2

• Continue bilateral and multilateral cooperation with the relevant agencies

of partner countries and international organizations on the prevention of
corruption and the fight against it - the State Security Agency’s employees
participated in 12 international events in 2018, while seven documents on
international cooperation were also concluded.3

• Professional development of the State Security Service’s Anti-Corrup-

tion Agency (Department). Implement a special educational program of
re-training - the State Security Service’s employees participated in 14 inter-
national and local training events and courses in 2018.4

• Monitor 2017-2018 Anti-Corruption Action Plan - the 2017-2018 Mon-

itoring Report was presented to the Anti-Corruption Council on 27 De-
cember 2018.

2 TI Georgia’s correspondence with the Ministry of Justice, November-December 2018.

3 TI Georgia’s correspondence with the State Security Service, November-December 2018.
4 TI Georgia’s correspondence with the State Security Service, November-December 2018.


2.Improve citizens’ right to information as one of key measure to ef-
fectively prevent corruption

Overall Assessment: not implemented

Not Done: Prepare the law on freedom of information - according to the Ac-
tion Plan, the draft of the law should have been submitted to the Parliament by
July 2018 but it has not been done even as of December 2018.

3. Continue strengthening capacity of existing oversight, audit and

financial investigation bodies

Overall Assessment: The relevant agency did not provide information on im-

According to the Action Plan, the following activities were to be implemented

by the Ministry of Finance under this priority:

• Conduct trainings according to the annual plan for the improvement of

qualification of the employees of internal audit bodies, including the train-
ing on identifying and eliminating signs of corruption.

• Re-train local trainers in detecting and preventing corruption for sustain-

ability and continuous development.

Transparency International Georgia sent a letter to the Ministry of Finance,

asking them to provide information about the implementation of these activi-
ties, but the ministry has not responded to the letter as of December 2018.


4. Continue inclusive policy making with participation of citizens
and dialogue between civil society and national and local authorities

Overall Assessment: implemented

Done: Prepare the 2018-2021 regional development program that will include
information about potential investment in areas like innovation and assistance
to small and medium enterprises - the program has been adopted and is avail-
able online.5

5. Reinforce oversight capacities of the parliament by improving ca-

pacity of sectoral committees

Overall Assessment: not implemented

Not Done: The 2018 Action Plan does not include any activities under this
topic despite the fact that it is listed as a short-term priority in the Association



6. Continue implementation of the Public Administration Reform
Roadmap and strengthen coordination, monitoring and reporting
on the Roadmap and underlying strategies both at political and ad-
ministrative level

Overall Assessment: implemented


• Prepare the 2018-2019 Open Government Georgia Action Plan - the 2018-
2019 OGP Georgia Action Plan has been adopted and is publicly available.6

• Prepare the final assessment report for the 2016-2017 Open Government
Georgia Action Plan - the final assessment report has been prepared and
is publicly available.7

• Hold the Fifth Global Summit of the Open Government Partnership - the
Summit took place in July 2018.

• Ensure accessibility of the public sector’s electronic services through the

single portal of electronic services ( - the portal currently pro-
vides some 400 services for physical persons and over 50 services for legal

• Prepare policy document on the creation and provision of public services

- a draft of the document has been prepared but no final version has been
approved by the government yet.9

• Provide the services of digital signature and stamp verification - the State
Services Development Agency has purchased the relevant software and is
planning to launch the service before the end of 2018.10

8 TI Georgia’s correspondence with the Data Exchange Agency, November 2018. n
9 TI Georgia’s correspondence with the Public Services Development Agency, November 2018
10 TI Georgia’s correspondence with the Public Services Development Agency, November 2018


7. Implement the new civil service legal framework to ensure a more
professional and merit based civil service

Overall Assessment: implemented

Done: Prepare recommendations on human resources management through

the generalization of the civil service’s practices -- the Civil Service Bureau has
prepared recommendations regarding the introduction of evaluation systems
in public institutions. The Bureau is planning to publish a number of further
documents before the end of 2018 (concerning, in particular, guidelines on
institutional arrangements, gifts in the civil service, disciplinary proceedings in
the civil service, reorganisation of public institutions).11

11 TI Georgia’s correspondence with the Civil Service Bureau, November 2018.



1. Prepare for the approximation and implementation of the EU ac-
quis in the areas of health and safety at work, labour law and work-
ing conditions, and gender equality and antidiscrimination as men-
tioned in the relevant annexes to the Agreement, and in particular
to establish an appropriate law enforcement and supervision system
in line with EU approaches (starting with the Occupational Health
and Safety area) and to build capacity of social partners (e.g. training
on EU health and safety legislation and standards and EU legislation
and standards regarding labour law)12


2. Adopt the legal framework defining the supervision functions of
the Labour Inspection system in the Occupational Health and Safety
area, and remove restrictions to the powers of inspectors in existing
legislation in accordance with International Labour Organisation
(ILO) standards13

Overall Assessment: partially implemented

Done: Georgia adopted the Law of Georgia “On Occupational Safety”14 in

2018, which fully entered into force in January 2019. The law covers only those
employers that operate in spheres identified as being particularly hazardous,
hard, harmful and dangerous. In accordance with the law, the government of
Georgia approved the complete list of such activities.15 Generally, the law guar-
antees essential aspects of labour safety; yet, there is a need to ensure further
progress in this regard, and the Parliament of Georgia is currently discussing
further amendments to the Law of Georgia “On Occupational Safety”16 which
partially address existing gaps in the law.17

12 Association Agenda between the European Union and Georgia 2017-2020, Employment, Social Policy and
Equal Opportunities, 46 <
13 Ibid, 22
14 Law of Georgia “On Occupational Safety” (Law N2048-IIს; adopted 07/03/2018; published: legislative herald
of Georgia 21/03/2018) <>
15 Government Decree “On Adopting the List of Hazardous, Hard, Harmful and Dangerous Works” (Document
N381; adopted 27/07/2018; published legislative herald of Georgia 01/08/2018) <
16 Draft Organic Law of Georgia “On Occupational Safety” (Document N07-3/224/9) <https://info.parliament.
17 EMC’s Assessment on Draft Organic Law of Georgia “On Occupational Safety” <


The fourth and special meeting of the Tripartite Social Partnership Commis-
sion18 was conducted on 19 April 2018 and adopted the 2018-2019 Tripartite
Social Partnership Commission Action Plan.19 In addition, the working group
of the Commission met five times in 2017 and twice in 2018.20

Numerous trainings and seminars were conducted in order to build the capaci-
ty of labour inspectors.21 In parallel relevant technical assistance were provided
to the inspectorate. Another positive development is the financial aspect– as
compared to the budget of 2018, the Labour Inspectorate budget is increased
by more than 50% in 2019.22

The Government exercised its supervision function based on the Government

normative document, entitled “On State Supervision Rules for Prevention and
Response of Forced Labour and Labour Exploitation”.23

Not Done: The scope of application of the law “On Occupational Safety” is
limited. As both the existing law and the draft law demonstrate, labour safety
is deemed to include only the physical safety of workers and almost entirely
overlooks the potential for the labour inspection system to be empowered to
deal with psycho-social hazards and risks in the workplace.

Labour inspection authorities do not have unconditional access to all work-

places. According to the law, the state supervisory mechanism requires prior
approval through a corresponding court order for it to be able to conduct ran-
dom controls.24 The draft law “On Occupational Safety” foresees the removal of
this drawback meaning that, as of September 2019, labour inspectors will enjoy
unconditional and quick access to workplaces. However, taking into account
the magnitude of problems in this regard and previous resistance towards en-
acting labour safety regulations, it is of vital importance to ensure that the reg-
ulations enter into force soon.

18 The fifth meeting of the Commission was held on 7 September 2018.

19 Brief Report (Six Months) on Implementation of the 2018 National Action Plan of the EU-Georgia Associa-
tion Agreement and Association Agenda, 27.
20 Brief Report on Implementation of the 2017 National Action Plan of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement
and Association Agenda, 38; Brief Report (Six Months) on Implementation of the 2018 National Action Plan of
the EU-Georgia Association Agreement and Association Agenda, 27.
21 Brief Report on Implementation of the 2017 National Action Plan of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement
and Association Agenda, 38; 2015-2017 Summary Report of the Labour Conditions Inspection Department, 9-10
22 In accordance with the information received from the Ministry of IDPs from the Occupied Territories, Labour,
Health and Social Affairs of Georgia in 2018 Labour Inspectorate budget was 910,000 GEL, as for the 2019, the
budget is approximately 1,500,000 GEL.
23 Brief Report on Implementation of the 2017 National Action Plan of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement
and Association Agenda, 38.
24 Courts order is not the precondition for conducting inspection in the following cases: a) Through selective
checks once in a calendar year; b) For the aims of the secondary check, within the reasonable timeframe; c)
For the purpose of investigation of the accident at workplace. The list of companies for selective control is ad-
opted by the decree and is not public. Law of Georgia “On Occupational Safety”, Art. 16 (5) (Law N2048-IIს;
adopted 07/03/2018; published: legislative herald of Georgia 21/03/2018) <


The government did not provide any plans as to the mobilisation of additional
administrative, financial and human resources for implementing the new law.
This challenge was revealed when the government was forced to postpone the
registration of employers in the spheres of especially hazardous, hard, harmful
and dangerous work, after it failed to manage the registration process for all
interested employers in time.


3. Complement the legal framework necessary to establish an effec-
tive labour inspection system25

Overall Assessment: partially implemented

Done: The Law “On Occupational Safety” defines the rules on penalties and
sanctions in relation to potential infringements of the law. The proposed sanc-
tions system could be assessed as adequate and appropriate if the law is applied

Not Done: The existing labour inspection system needs to be reformed in order
to achieve full compliance with international legal standards. Therefore, addi-
tional amendments are necessary to enforce and apply core labour standards in
the workplace. In particular, the legislator should ensure that the competences
of this inspectorate exclude the currently existing major drawbacks:

• The Labour Conditions Inspection Department (which was set up in 2015)

is the national labour inspection body, i.e. a structural subdivision of the
Ministry of IDPs from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social
Affairs of Georgia. Taking into account Georgia’s context, such structural
practice limits the powers of the inspectorate.

• The mandate of the labour inspection department applies only to labour

safety, trafficking and labour exploitation and does not provide it with
powers to ensure that other labour rights are observed.26

• The labour inspection system does not fulfil its mandate to inspect cases
where there are violations of existing anti-discrimination rules in labour
relations. In addition, when exercising its powers of inspection, the De-
partment neither has permission to freely access the workplace nor the
powers to take mandatory decisions. Moreover, there is no guaranteed,
proportionate and reasonable sanction system in place. Therefore, the ar-
tificial splitting and limitation of labour inspection service powers runs
counter to relevant EU directives and international standards.

25 Association Agenda between the European Union and Georgia 2017-2020, Employment, Social Policy and
Equal Opportunities, 46 <
26 In accordance with the information received from the Ministry of IDPs from the Occupied Territories, Labour,
Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, amendment to the Organic Law of Georgia “Georgian Labour Code” will be
made in 2019, providing that the competent authority i.e. labour inspectorate will supervise enforcement of la-
bour legislation. The Law will include a reservation determining that the article will apply to especially hazardous,
hard, harmful and dangerous works from 2020 and to the other economic sectors by 2022.


• In parallel with strengthening the legal framework, it is essential to ensure
financial and other types of support for the institutional growth of the in-
spectorate, including establishing local offices across Georgia.

In order to promote and realise internationally recognised core labour stand-

ards in both the law and practice, ratification of the fundamental ILO Conven-
tions is essential. Notwithstanding, no progress has been made with respect to
the ratification of selected ILO instruments, in particular as regards Labour
Inspection Convention 1947 (No. 81), Protocol of 1995 to the Labour Inspec-
tion Convention 1947 (No. 81), Labour Inspection (Agriculture) Convention
1969 (No. 129), Occupational Safety and Health Convention 1981 (No. 155),
Occupational Health Services Convention 1985 (No. 161), Safety and Health
in Mines Convention 1995 (No. 176), Minimum Wage Fixing Convention 1970
(No. 131) etc.


4. Enhance gender equality and ensure equal treatment between
women and men, as well as persons belonging to minorities, regard-
less of religion or belief, ethnic or national origins, race, sex, lan-
guage, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability or other in social,
political and economic life27

Overall Assessment: partially implemented

Done: On 15 December 2017 the Government of Georgia submitted to the

Parliament a package of draft laws aiming to implement the core EU Equality
Directives. The draft package offers some material guarantees, the absence of
which were regarded as a serious drawback of the existing anti-discrimination
legislation. It revises or establishes definitions for several forms of discrimi-
nation, such as harassment and sexual harassment. The draft package amends
the rules concerning occupational requirements and dissemination of infor-
mation. Therefore, the draft laws cover the issues required to ensure that the
principle of equal treatment may eventually be applied at the workplace.

In 2017 the Government of Georgia also enacted the Decree “On Defining
General Rules of Conduct and Ethics at Public Institutions” which stipulates
general provisions on equality, religious neutrality, sexual harassment and hate

Not Done: The draft law was submitted to the Parliament at the end of 2017
and discussions are still under way.29 However, according to the EU-Georgia
Association Agreement, the deadline for implementing the core EU Equality
Directives expired in 2017.

The draft law is faced with some major challenges in terms of categories of

• It does not include failure to provide reasonable accommodation as a form

of discrimination, which is essential for achieving substantive equality for
particular groups, inter alia, people with disabilities. In addition, lengthy
discussions in Parliament render unpredictable the time it will take to re-

27 Association Agenda between the European Union and Georgia 2017-2020, Trade Union rights and core labour
standards, 22 <>
28 Government Decree “On Defining General Rules of Conduct and Ethics at Public Institutions” (Law N200;
adopted 20/04/2017; published: legislative herald of Georgia 21/04/2017) <
29 The Parliament has approved the second reading of the draft law.


vise the anti-discrimination laws and thus be able to guarantee reasonable
accommodation for disabled persons, in line with the EU Labour Equality
Directive 2000/78.

• Contrary to civil service rules, there is no clear regulation in the draft law
that establishes the obligation of the employer, and their consequent re-
sponsibility to prevent and combat sexual harassment at the workplace
where it pertains to private sector employment.

The efficiency of the protection mechanisms against discrimination is of core

importance in order not to weaken the government’s anti-discrimination pol-
icy. Establishing effective institutional mechanisms, outside the Judiciary, re-
mains one of the key challenges in ensuring equality. The Labour Conditions
Inspection Department does not have a mechanism to monitor and eliminate
discrimination practices in the workplace. This gap is not addressed in the draft
law either, as it does not include any provisions establishing the mandate of
the department over discrimination cases, inter alia, the competence to review
discrimination cases and impose sanctions.

Similar institutional challenges prevent the Public Defender of Georgia, the

national equality body, from exercising its role to fully combat discrimination.
To address these challenges, the Public Defender of Georgia itself submitted a
legislative proposal to the Parliament in 2015, which has, to date, nevertheless
not discussed it. That proposal stipulates that private parties have an obligation
to transfer information related to the case to the Public Defender and that the
period to file a lawsuit before the court shall be extended.

Last but not least, there is no substantial progress regarding maternity protec-
tion.30 Though there is an obvious need to conduct reform in the sphere of ma-
ternity, paternity and parental leave, to date, not even minimal improvements
can be identified.

30 Maternity, Paternity and Parental Leave in the Light of Equality: National and International Standards and
Experience, 33-42 (2017) <დეკრეტული_შვებულება.pdf>


1. Enhance gender equality and ensure equal treatment between
women and men, as well as persons belonging to minorities, regard-
less of religion or belief, ethnic or national origins, race, sex, lan-
guage, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability or other in social,
political and economic life

Overall Assessment: not implemented

Not Done: During 2017-2018 no steps were undertaken to improve women’s

political and economic empowerment.

In March 2018, the Georgian parliament took a vote on mandatory gender

quotas once again and rejected the bill. The Speaker of the Parliament, Irakli
Kobakhidze, member of the ruling party “Georgian Dream”, announced that a
new bill would be initiated within just one week, but, to date, no new bill has
been introduced.31

The continued horizontal and vertical segregation of the labour market with
the result that women remain mainly concentrated in low-paid jobs is an acute
problem in Georgia, which has not been addressed by the government.32 To
date, no actions have been taken to increase economic activity of women and
address the problem of the 35% wage gap between men and women.33 Despite
the considerable economic inequality between men and women in Georgia,
government action plans and policies hardly mention women.34 In 2018 Geor-
gia adopted Human Rights Action Plan 2018-2020 covering some aspects
regarding women’s economic activities,35 though major state action plans on
economy still do not focus on women’s economic empowerment.

LGBTQI36 people suffer from numerous systemic violations of their rights and
freedoms in Georgia. Stigma and discriminatory attitudes towards members
of this community are very high, including among politicians, police, medi-
cal personnel, etc.37 Freedom of expression and assembly remain a challenge.
Whereas in 2017, Members of the LGBTQI community were able to have an
event to mark the International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO) in a re-

31 See at:

32 Women’s Economic Empowerment in Georgia: Analysis of Existing Policies and Initiatives, Sapari, 2017, p. 21,
available at:
33 National Statistics Office of Georgia. Monthly Salary of Employees based on Sex. 2017.
34 Pataraia, The Need for State Strategy on Women’s Economic Empowerment, OSGF, Sapari, 2018, See at: http://
35 Human Rights Action Plan 2018-2020, 2018, See at:
36 Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer and Intersex.
37 Submission to the UN Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual
orientation and gender identity, WISG, 2018, see at:

stricted area and subject to time limitations, in 2018 all the LGBTQI communi-
ty organizations in Georgia unanimously refused to stage a demonstration, as
the state failed to guarantee a risk-free environment for the exercise of rights of
free expression and assembly.38

One of the most problematic issues for transgender people is that they are
deprived of legal recognition. They are forced to undergo sex reassignment
surgery to change their sex marker in identification documents and birth cer-
tificates, as well as irreversible sterilization, mandatory hormonal treatment
and various surgeries.39 Despite the deep systemic problems LGBTQI face in
Georgia, the state still omits issues relating to Sexual Orientation, Gender Iden-
tify and Expression, and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC)issues in the national
Human Rights Action Plans.40

Religious minorities in Georgia face the denial of construction permits, which

local self-government bodies can give to religious minority organisations. This
discriminatory practice is assessed by civil society as part of a wider discrim-
inatory and arbitrary state policy towards religious minorities.41 State Agency
for Religious Issues was created in 2014 and is heavily criticised by civil so-
ciety for its attempts to gain control over religious organisations. In fact, the
funding of four religious organisations is deemed discriminatory: the payment
is non-secular, and it containes a high risk of interference. According to civil
society actors in Georgia, the government has to review and change its strategy
and approaches towards non-dominant religious organisations substantially.42

For many years already, the biggest challenge for ethnic minorities in Georgia
is the lack of knowledge of the state language. Existing programs and textbooks
are not sufficient to remedy this problem, and it is obvious that language bar-
riers hinder, for example, the social integration of Azerbaijani and Armenian
communities in Georgia.43 During the past two years no new programs or pol-
icies enhancing access to education have been developed by the government.
The state has not developed neither a unified strategy nor an action plan to
support greater integration of ethnic minorities inn all levels of education.

38 See at:

39 Statement of Minister of Justice of Georgia Mrs. Tea Tsulukiani, 11.06.2018 see at:
40  Equality Movement, Women’s Initiative Support Group and ILGA-Europe, Submission to the UN Indepen-
dent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity,
2018, see at:
41 Overview of Cases on Restriction of Religious Freedoms and Discrimination, EMC, 2017, see at: https://
42 The Human Rights Organisations Respond to the Government’s decision on the abolition of the State Agen-
cy for Religious Issues, 04.07.2018, see at:
43 Annual Report of Public Defender of Georgia, The Situation of Human Rights and Freedoms, 2017. pp.171-
178. See at:

No significant improvement has been made regarding persons with disabilities
during the period 2017-2018, and Georgia has not yet ratified the Optional
Protocol of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. A
fundamental challenge continues to be the low level of participation of people
with disabilities in the Georgian labour market, the educational system and in
social and political life in general.45 The realisation of their right to such access
is highly problematic, especially outside urban centres – a situation that has
arisen due to legislative gaps and the blatant absence of a mechanism that could
monitor discrimination and then also impose penalties.45

44 The Rights of Persons with Disabilities, The Rights of Children Gender Equality and the Rights of Women,
EMC, PHR, Sapari, 2018. See at:
45 Annual Report of Public Defender of Georgia, The Situation of Human Rights and Freedoms, 2017. pp.182-
194. See at:

2. Take further measures to strengthen the implementation of legis-
lation against gender-based violence, including awareness-raising of
both the general population and of specific professional groups, such
as the police, and in particular in rural and minority areas. Increase
the access of victims to counselling services and shelters

Overall Assessment: implemented


• In May 2017, Georgia ratified the Istanbul Convention on preventing and

combating violence against women and domestic violence, and it amended
the relevant national legislation.

• At the beginning of 2018, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia es-

tablished a Human Rights Protection Department, which monitors the
investigation of crimes that are based on discrimination, gender-based
violence, domestic violence, and crimes against underaged citizens.

• The number of investigations increased significantly. In the first six months

of 2018 criminal charges were issued for domestic crimes in 1,933 cases;
this equals the total number of charges issued in 2017.46

• A risk assessment tool and a monitoring mechanism on the implementa-

tion of restrictive orders were developed and piloted in July 201847.

• In 2017, a new hotline (116 006) was established with the Ministries of
Internally Displaced Persons from Occupied Territories, Labour, Health
and Social Affairs of Georgia. In order to make the Hotline better known,
adverts were posted on public transportation systems, street events were
held in seven cities, and information flyers were distributed; in addition,
social adverts were aired on major and regional television channels.48

46 Official website of Ministry of Internal Affairs, see at:

47 Official Letter #MIA 9 18 02486753 from Ministry of Internal Affairs, dated 11.10.2018
48 Official Letter #07/1387 from AtipFund Georgia, State Fund for Protection and Assistance of (Statutory) Vic-
tims of Human Trafficking, dated 05.10.2018.

• With the assistance of UNWOMEN two new crisis centres were opened
in Gori and Kutaisi, and by the end of 2018 new crisis centers in Marneu-
li and Ozurgeti will be opened for victims of gender-based violence and

• In 2017, with the help of UNFPA, new guidelines on the identification of

physical, psychological and sexual violence against women, as well as prin-
ciples for treatment and referral, were adopted.50

49 Official Letter #01/7079-s from the Ministries of Internally Displaced Persons from Occupied Territories,
Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, dated 08.10.2018.
50 Ibid.

1. Provide adequate resources and strengthen the role of the Public
Defender’s Office to undertake further ombudsman work for chil-
dren, inter alia to carry out annual monitoring of the situation in
relevant institutions, including in day centers

Overall Assessment: partially implemented


In 2017, Ombudsman has conducted regular work to protect children, inter


• Raising the issue of safe and harmless toy regulations: Georgia has not yet
approximated internal regulations with the Toy Safety Directive of the EU

• Raising the issue of suicide in children: 2017 saw the increase in suicides,
or attempted suicides among minors. An action plan on the prevention of
suicide has not been developed.

• Monitoring the availability of safe and harmless drinking water and ade-
quate standards of sanitation and hygiene in public schools.

• Monitoring preschool education and the shortage of kindergarten facili-

ties: the public defender observed overcrowded classes, with 60-65 chil-
dren each.

• Monitoring the problem of out-of-school children (due to dropout rates)

and access to education for children belonging to different minority

• Monitoring child poverty and the effectiveness of social programs to pre-

vent child segregation and fulfill the basic needs of the child.

Not Done: Despite efforts by the Ombudsman of Georgia to conduct moni-

toring activities on children’s rights in 2017, incorporating these findings in
a corresponding parliamentary report, there are several barriers obstructing
the work of the Public Defender. It is important to mention that the Public
Defender’s Office was working in such risky conditions during 2017 that they
negatively affected the proper functioning of the entire office, including the
child’s rights center. In particular, due to the failing infrastructure of the office
of Ombudsman, (the building is not safe to work in) and problematic working
conditions, the Ombudsman staff had to cancel the hotline and other services,


including child rights activities, for about two weeks in June 2018. According
to the Public Defender, the primary reason for these problems was an inade-
quate and hazardous infrastructure, which created serious risks for the employ-
ees. The current situation is not adequate either, as the public defender is still
renting office space, which is not a cost-effective solution. The budget that has
been allocated for the purpose of strengthening monitoring and human rights
activities is thus mainly spent on rent. This demonstrates that one of the most
important human rights institutions in Georgia is not sufficiently supported by
the state. Put differently: the state does not comply with its obligation vis-à-vis
the Office.

2. Focus on measures to protect children against all forms of violence

Overall Assessment: not implemented

Not Done: In order to comply with the second short-term priority, according to
the National Action Plan, state authorities were obliged to introduce a “Referral
Mechanism for defending children against all kinds of violence”. However, this
Referral mechanism was already introduced in 2010 in Georgia. So it is unclear
how the measurement of the 2nd short-term priority could be undertaken ei-
ther by the Government or by the NGOs.

In addition to the above, a number of challenges remain in the field of protect-

ing children from violence, none of which are handled properly by the state:

• Corporal Punishment is still not criminalized and remains unpunished in


• The Parliament of Georgia has not made any effort to harmonize domestic
legislation with the “Lanzarote Convention” (The Council of Europe Con-
vention on Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual
Abuse) in relation to preventing sexual violence against children;

• The government of Georgia has not taken any proper steps to guarantee
access to justice for children who are victims of violence; moreover, state
authorities have not put in place a child-friendly justice system that would
lead to the establishment of effective rehabilitation services for children
who are victims of violence and/or abuse;

• Georgia lacks a critical mass of trained professionals working on children’s


• The state’s hotline for children does not operate 24/7. It works until 6 pm.
This means that children and their parents or legal representatives have no
access to the hotline to report child rights violations and violence against
children after 6 pm and during the weekends.

• The state has been reluctant to organize relevant awareness-raising cam-

paigns about children’s rights and combatting violence against children.



1. Enhance environmental governance by adopting and implement-

ing new legislation in Georgia on environmental impact assessment,
strategic environmental assessment, new legislation on environmen-
tal liability, by ensuring public access to environmental information
and public participation in decision-making, by involving all inter-
ested stakeholders, as well as by integrating environment into other
policy areas and by improving environmental information sharing
in line with the principles of the Shared Environmental Information
System (SEIS):

Overall Assessment: partially implemented


• The Environmental Assessment Code entered into force on 1 January

2018, in line with relevant EU directives, and as was required by the EU–
Georgia Association Agreement. The Code established procedures for
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) processes for certain public and
private projects that entail significant environmental and human health
risks, and it re-introduced public participation in the decision-making

• The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SIA) part of the Code came into
force on 1 July 2018. It marks the first time the strategy ‘on tourism, ag-
riculture, road infrastructure, business development and sustainable de-
velopment of mountainous areas’ was submitted to a screening procedure
under the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture.

• The rules on public access to environmental information were adopted by

the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (2017).

• The government re-introduced public participation in the Environmen-

tal Impact Assessment process along with the development and adoption
of bylaws that are supposed to govern the organisation of relevant public

• Work towards the creation of environmental information and knowledge

management under Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) is
still ongoing. Three modules – biodiversity, desertification. and climate
change – were already elaborated and are available on the following web-
site: Also, a mobile application has been devel-

Not Done:

• The government failed to consult with the public on restructuring the en-
vironment governance system in Georgia – a process that led to the merg-
ing of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection with
the Ministry of Agriculture Development in spring 2018.

• The Ministry of Environment and Agriculture Development systematically

violated the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Code on pub-
lic participation, particularly in terms of timeframes for consultation, the
distribution and accessibility of documentation, the organisation of public
hearings, and other requirements. Consequently, public access to environ-
ment-related information and public participation in decision-making
during the EIA processes was severely obstructed.

• The law on Environmental Liability is still under elaboration. The first

draft text was disclosed for public comments and for public hearing in June
2018. The law will re-introduce the ‘polluter pays’ principle to prevent and
remedy environmental damage in line with directive 2004/35/EC.


2. Adopt the Third National Environmental Action Programme of
Georgia’ (2017–2021):

Overall Assessment: implemented

Done: The government of Georgia adopted the Third National Environmental

Program (NEAP-3) 2017–2021 on 22 May 2018.

3. Start implementation of the National Radioactive Waste Manage-

ment Strategy:

Overall Assessment: partially implemented


• The main goal of the national strategy for radioactive waste for the next 15
years is to collect all radioactive waste. In accordance with the 2017–2018
action plan, relevant technical regulations were adopted.

• Measures to increase the safety of radioactive waste treatment facilities

were undertaken. This includes the Mskheta Central Storage Facility
(CSF), which benefited from the installation of a radiation monitoring
system, a cementation facility for handling radioactive waste, measur-
ing equipment and a foot-and-hand radiological monitor device. At the
Saakadze disposal facility, with the support of the IAEA, general safety and
security has increased.

• At the Mskheta Central Storage Facility (CSF), equipment for handling

radioactive liquid waste was procured, and Georgia now has the capacity
to both process and safely store this kind of waste.

• A special project proposal was elaborated and agreed with the EU to in-
vestigate the Saakadze site to allocate all radioactive waste management
facilities on this site and design new storage and waste processing facilities.

Not Done: According to the strategy, an on-ground radiological monitoring of

the Anaseuli site was conducted in cooperation with the Swedish government.
However, the work for preparation of a decontamination plan for the Anaseuli
site lags behind the schedule.


4. Finalise and adopt the Low Emission Development Strategy of


Overall Assessment: not implemented

Not Done: The low emissions development strategy of Georgia has been pre-
pared and finalised, but it has not yet been adopted by the government. Some
actions defined by the strategy have been transferred in National Environmen-
tal Action Plan 2017-2020.

5. Start of the Paris Climate Agreement implementation:

Overall Assessment: implemented


• Georgia submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions

(INDC) document in May 2015. There is ongoing work to update the
NDC document. Therefore, the existing greenhouse gas emissions from
economic sectors were recalculated and a forecast for 2030 was modelled.
In December 2018 the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agri-
culture presented the content and structure of the NDC and suggested the
stakeholders to share their opinions on each component of the document.

• A list of potential activities for greenhouse gas reduction/mitigation sce-

narios for transport sector has been prepared.


Nona Kurdovanidze is the Deputy Chairperson of the Georgian Young Law-
yers’ Association. She has ten years of experience in the field of democratic
reforms and human rights. She has worked as a Head of Legal Aid Center, Pro-
jects Coordinator and Lawyer. As a human rights lawyer, she helps individuals
protect their rights through successful legal representation and consultancy.
Ms. Kurdovanidze is an author of a number of publications and researches.

Anti-Corruption, Public Administrative Reform and Public Service

Erekle Urushadze is a Program Manager at Transparency International Geor-
gia and oversees the organisation’s research and advocacy work in the area of
anti-corruption policy and reforms. Since joining TI Georgia in 2009, he has
played the lead role in producing the organisation’s National Integrity System
assessments, which review the performance of Georgia’s key institutions. Mr
Urushadze worked for the US National Democratic Institute, the BBC Mon-
itoring Service and the Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Devel-
opment before joining TI Georgia. He holds a MA in International Relations.

Trade Union Rights and Core Labour Standards

Nino Kashakashvili is the Social Policy Program researcher at Human Rights
Education and Monitoring Center (EMC). She received Bachelor’s degree and
Master’s degree in Law from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU).
Currently, she is a PhD student at TSU. Nino Kashakashvili is the holder of
several research grants.

Equal Treatment
Baia Pataraia is the Director of the women’s organisation “Sapari” and is ac-
tively involved in the Georgian women’s movement. She cooperates with inter-
national organisations as a national expert on women’s issues and lectures at
various universities on human rights, women’s rights and anti-discrimination
law. She received a LLM degree from the Central European and Tbilisi State
Children’s Rights
Anna Arganashvili is the Executive Director of the Partnership for Human
Rights. She has been working in the field of social inclusion and rehabilitation
of children with disabilities since 2003. She has headed the Department for
Gender Equality and the centres for children and disability rights for seven
years at the Public Defender’s office. She also worked for two years at UNICEF
on the project focused on child welfare issues. In 2009, she was recognised for
her contribution to the field of disability rights by the Coalition for Independent
Living, a local coalition of NGOS working on disability issues. She has authored
multiple studies and research reports on the rights of persons with disabilities,
children and women. She received BSc and MSc degrees in Occupational Ther-
apy from Ilia State University and a MSc in Law from Tbilisi State University.

Environment and Climate Change

Manana Kochladze is a Founder and Сhairwoman of Association Green Al-
ternative. She is also a Regional Coordinator of CEE Bankwatch for EU neigh-
bourhood countries.
Open Society Georgia Foundation
10 Chovelidze Street, Tbilisi, 0108 Georgia
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

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