Limnic Condition in Rheotrhopic Peat Type As The Origin of Petai Coal, Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia

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E-ISSN : 2541-5794

P-ISSN : 2503-216X
Journal of Geoscience,
Engineering, Environment, and Technology
Vol 01 No 01 2017

Limnic Condition In Rheotrhopic Peat Type As the Origin of

Petai Coal, Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia
Budi Prayitno 1,*
Geological Engineering, Universitas Islam Riau

* Corresponding Author: [email protected]

Received: Oct 1, 2016. Revised : 15 Nov 2016, Accepted: Nov 20, 2016, Published: 1 Dec 2016
DOI : 10.24273/jgeet.2016.11.9
Petrographic coal is the study of organic and inorganic components of bearing coal formation. This study aims to
determine the composition, depositional facies, type and stage of the genesis of coal in the area of research. This research
method using a diagram approach Diessel, 1986, Calder et al., 1991 to determine the depositional facies and peat
ecosystems formation of coal carrier. Microscopic observations using Carl Zeiss Microscope and Point Counter Model F was
conducted to determine the micro-organic components of coal.
Based on microscopic investigation of the overall sample average abundance maceral vitrinite reached 66.3%, 30.32%
mineral matter, maceral liptinite 3:26%, and to absent maceral inertinit no indicates oxidation process that occurs during
the decomposition of organic matter. Syngenetic depositional pyrite component type spread sporadically on the surface of
the coal seam in the form frambiodal and particulates. Facies deposition of coal based on the calculation of tissue prevetion
index versus gelification index show faises limnic while the calculation of ground water index versus vegetation index
show atmosphere rheotropic mires (correlation +) supported the absence maceral inertinit and funginite, hypothesized
water level in stable condition was high watertable during the decomposition process takes place in an atmosphere ph 6-8
and eh balanced. Average rate comparison gelifikasi the preserved tissues of plant cells (tellocolinite) is smaller than the
23.6% plant cell tissue is not preserved (desmocollinite) amounted to 52.6% indicated from plants of the type herbaceous

Keywords: Coal, Depositional, Ground Water Index, Vitrinite.

1. INTRODUCTION preservation of peat deposit has commonly been

reconstructed by tissue preservation index (TPI),
whereas, the relative dryness (telmatic) and
The astronomical part of Indonesia is at 0 ° wetness (limnic) of the peat-forming conditions by
0'00'' - 10 ° 0'00'' 0'00'' LU and 0 ° - 10 ° 0'00''LS gelification index (GI) (e.g. Diesel, 1986;
separated by the equator and 90 ° occupy 0' 00''BB Lamberson et al., 1991).
- 140 ° 0'00''BT. Indonesian region based on In the object of this study part of the lower
geographical conditions has a tropical climate and members of Telisa formation (early to middle
is at the Eastern hemisphere. In Indonesia every Miocene) is investigated with respect to its
year only changing two seasons, the rainy season maceral composition. The depositional
and dry season. In general, the intensity of peat environments relating to the degree of
accumulation is affected by the tropical climate preservation, vegetation type, hydrological regime
(Dehmer, 1993;. Grady et al, 1993; Esterle and and wetness of the paleo-mire has been
Ferm, 1994; Hawke et al., 1999). reconstructed.
Climate, geology, vegetation and hydrological
regime significantly determine the accumulation of 1.2. GEOLOGICAL SETTING
peat and its associated facies including the
Location research based on geological framework
composition of maceral. The latter can be used for
of Sumatra in Back Arc Central Sumatra Basin.
reconstruction of the peat accumulation.
whereas the development tektonostratigrafi
Hydrological regime and vegetation type
Central Sumatra Basin can be described as the
influencing the peat accumulation have commonly
following stages:
been indicated with groundwater index (GWI) and
Pre-Rift stage (Eocene); Sediments of the Pre-Rift
vegetation index (VI), respectively (Calder et al.,
stage are relatively poorly represented in Sumatra,
1991). GWI can be used to show the development
but are more common elsewhere in Sundaland. in
of paleo-mires as well as their type varying from
central Sumatra basin it can be seen from the
rheotrophic to ombrotrophic mires (e.g. Widodo,
presence of limestones and conglomerates
2008; Amijaya and Littke, 2005). The degree of

Prayitno B./ JGEET Vol 1 No 1/2016 63

Nummulitic Early Tertiary and Mélanges by intense volcanic activity along with the
deposition (van Bemmelen 1949; Budhitrisna & deposition of Minas Formation.
Andi Mango 1990; Samuel et al. 1997). Horst and
Graben Stage (latest Eocene-Oligocene) In the 2. METHODS
late Eocene, or earliest Oligocene, continental
The coal samples were then crushed to a maximum
margin sedimentation was brought to an end by
size of 1 mm and placed in resin blocks. The
the development of horst and graben structures
sample blocks were polished with a specified
throughout Sundaland. A similar sequence of
polisher. Microscopic investigation was carried out
events occurred not only in Sumatra, but also in
with a Carl Zeiss Microscope and Point Counter
many other areas, including the Java Sea, the Gulf
Model F was conducted to determine the micro-
of Thailand and the South China Sea. Sediment
organic components of coal. During maceral
formation in Central Sumatra represented by
analysis, 500 points with a minimum distance of
Pematang and Kelasa Formation. Transgressive
0.2 mm between each point were counted from the
stage (Late Oligocene-Mid-Miocene) Following
polished sections. The maceral composition is
the change in tectonic regime in the Late Oligocene
expressed as percent (% volume). Maceral
the whole region underwent regional subsidence
classification used in this study refers to ICCP
in a sag phase, the effects of which extended well
(2001). Mean random huminite reflectance
to the east of Sumatra into Malaysia. At the same
measurements were performed on the surface of
time the arc system of Sumatra started developing
huminite particles under oil immersion. Fifty
and the area of the Barisan Mountains became an
points of huminite reflectance were made on each
important source of sediments for the forearc and
backarc basins. The rate of subsidence was greater
in the backarc area than in other areas. Initially
sedimentation outpaced the rate of subsidence,
with sediments transported over greater distances,
so that the basins were filled with fluvial units
which extended well beyond the margins of the
original rift basins to rest unconformably on the
basement horsts. In Central Sumatra Basin
Sediment from Sihapas Group consists of several
formations; Lakat formations, defined by De Coster
(1974) and the Menggala formation, defined by
Mertosono & Nayoan (1974). Maximum
Transgression Stage(Mid-Miocene) The
maximum transgression of Sumatra in the Mid-
Miocene is not distinguished here as a distinct
tectono-stratigraphic stage, but this term is often
Fig1. Carl Zeiss Microscope and Point Counter Model F
used to indicate formations of maximum marine with 500 x magnification
shale deposition and minimum clastic influx. In the
maximum transgressive phase, subsidence Depositional environments of the petai coal were
outpaced sedimentation and the sea gained access reconstructed based on the maceral composition.
to almost the whole area. In the central part of the Some indices namely tissue preservation index
basin the Baong consists almost entirely of shale (TPI) and gelification index (GI) according to
with one significant sandstone incursion, from the Diessel (1986) and Lamberson et al. (1991) were
Malacca Platform to the east. This sandstone is of determined. The indices were applied to
N12-14 (Mid-Miocene) age and has been called the investigate the degree of humification and the
'Middle Baong Sand' in this area. Cameron et al. wetness of the paleo-mires. Vegetation index (VI)
(1980) mentions the "Lower Baong Sand" is and groundwater index (GWI) based on Calder et
equivalent to the top of the Formation Ombilin, al. (1991) were also calculated. The indices were
Telisa and Gumai in North and Central Sumatra used for the reconstruction of the type of paleo-
basin. The Middle Baong Sandstones and the Upper mires developed in the deltaic basin. The indices
Baong Shale by Mulhadiono et al. (1978, 1982), is were calculated by the following formulae.
part of the regression phase. Regressive Stage
(Mid-Miocene-Present) in the Mid-Miocene,
regional sag in Sumatra slowed down. While the
forearc and backarc basins continued to subside,
the Barisan Mountains emerged and became an
important source of sediments. In the backarc
basins from the late Mid-Miocene onwards
turbiditic sandstones become an increasing
component in the deep water formations. the peak
activity and erosion of mountains row
appointment lasts for Late Pliocene accompanied

64 Prayitno B./ JGEET Vol 1 No 1/2016

decomposition of peat. Coal facies interpretation is
based on the calculation tissue reindexs prevention
versus gelification reindexs indicate conditions
transgresive limnic phase. Supporting data on
which to base is not the presence of funginite
above the sample surface coal polishes, maceral
funginite only be present if the peat layer is at
water level slightly above the peat layer. The
presence of pyrite in the form frambiodal
syngenetic also provide evidence of water level far
above the surface of the peat layer. Sedimentation
pattern formation of coal carrier complement the
data supporting the form of intercalation of clays
with sandstone rock is very smooth - smooth
insertion of coal. While the calculation result
reindexs versus groundwater vegetation indexs
Fig 2. Formulae for measurement of TPI, GI, GWI, and VI indicate the type rheotrhopic mires. Peat swamps
with rheotrhopic atmosphere allows the water
supply can be derived from surface water and
3. RESULT groundwater that is likely peat layer is always in
wet conditions.
Investigation under the microscope of the overall
sample average abundance maceral vitrinite
reached 66.3%, 30.32% mineral matter, maceral
liptinite 3.26%, and Inertinit maceral absence
indicates no oxidation process that occurs during
decomposition of organic material. Maceral
desmocollinite composition as the main coal in the
study area followed by maceral densinite and
tellocolinite respectively 45-68%, 34-36% and 19 -
21%. Based on the comparison of the above
composition can be interpreted structure of plant
origin low density easily decomposed.
Decomposition of organic materials can be perfect
if the peat layer is always in wet conditions or Desmocolinite
underwater. While maceral resinite and cuntinite
abundant on the surface of the coal samples which
indicate many species of plants contain cellulose,
maceral species is very easily digested by aerobic
bacteria and tissue composed of epidermis. Pyrite Fig 3. Resinite associated with desmocolinite in coal,
component based on the distribution pattern reflectant white light, 500x. Sample 6105/16.
included in the depositional syngenetic is spread
sporadically on the surface of the coal seam in the
form of particulate and frambiodal
he presence of pyrite in the form frambiodal Pyrite
indicate the level of water surface of the peat layer
was far above / high water table with no presence
maceral funginite supported. Maceral funginite
only be present if the peat layers that are in
unfavorable humidity conditions and water level
slightly above the peat layer. While maceral
corpogelinite is relatively rare, there were only
0.6% occupy the sample composition 4P / 1/16.
While the composition of the present tellocolinite Tellocolinite
as a comparison between maceral preserved
maceral vitrinite is not preserved indicates the
degree of gelifikasi quite instrumental in the
process of decomposition of peat. While the
Fig 4. Corpogelinite and pyrite associated with
composition of the present tellocolinite as a desmocolinite in coal, reflectant white light, 500x.
comparison between maceral preserved maceral Sample 6103/16.
vitrinite is not preserved indicates the degree of
gelifikasi quite instrumental in the process of

Prayitno B./ JGEET Vol 1 No 1/2016 65

Fig 5. Pyrite framboidal associated with desmocolinite in
coal, reflectant white light, 500x. Sample 6105/16.

Fig 8. Diagram TPI vs GI for detemine depositional

Figure 6. Pyrite and cutinite associated with densinite in

coal, reflectant white flouresance , 500x. Sample 6102/16

Fig 9. Diagram VI vs GWI

Figure 7. Diagram TPI vs GI

66 Prayitno B./ JGEET Vol 1 No 1/2016

Fig. 10. Generalized tectono-stratigraphy of {he Tertiary in the backarc basins of Sumatra. The diagram is
highly simplified as most units interfinger and most boundaries

Fig. 11. The development of the stratigraphic terminology for the Tertiary of the Central Sumatra Basin.

Prayitno B./ JGEET Vol 1 No 1/2016 67

Table 1. Maceral Compositions

Komposisi Maseral Batubara (%)

Maseral Group Sub Maseral Maseral 1P/1/16 2P/1/16 3P/1/16 4P/1/16

Telovitrinite Telocollinite - 11.0 11.0 27.0

Detrovitrinite Densinite 16.0 21.0 18.0 1.0

VITRINITE (Humodetrinite
Desmocollinite 20.4 26.0 23.4 60.4

Gelovitrinite - - - 0.6

Sporinite - - - -

- 1.6 1.0 2.6
(EXINITE) Cutinite

Resinite 1.6 1.6 2.6 2.0

INERTINITE - Funginite - - - -

Oksida - - - -

- 32.4 28.4 34.0 6.4

Clay 28.0 11.0 11.0 -

Table 2. Result Analisis of Vitrinite Reflectance

Reflectansi Vitrinite Result

Standar Max Min

No No Sampel Deviation Reflectane Reflectane Rank Coal
Reflectane (%)
(%) (%) (%)

1 2P/1/16 0.02 0.54 0.47 0.50 Sub-bituminous A

2 3P/1/16 0.02 0.56 0.50 0.52 Sub-bituminous A
3 4P/1/16 0.02 0.62 0.55 0.58 Sub-bituminous A

Value of TPI andGI Maseral Analysis result

Coal Fasies GWI VI Paleo-enviro

No No Sampel TPI GI Calder et al., 1991,

1 2P/1/16 0.11 1 Limnic 3.581 0.423 Rheotrophic

2 3P/1/16 0.5 1 Limnic 4.090 0.47 Rheotrophic

3 4P/1/16 0.127 1.006 Limnic 0.6 0.45 Rheotrophic

68 Prayitno B./ JGEET Vol 1 No 1/2016

Composition Group of Maseral and Mineral Matter

Liptinite (%
No No Sampel Vitrinite (% V) Inertinite (% V) Mineral (% V)

1 2P/1/16 58.00 2.6 - 39.40

2 3P/1/16 52.24 2.6 - 45.16
3 4P/1/16 89.00 4.6 - 6.40

Conclusions [10] Styan, W.,B., & Bustin, R.M., (1983), Petrography of

some Fraser Delta Peat Deposits: Coal Maceral and
coal composition by microscopic investigation, the type of Microlithoty Peprecursors Intemperate-
organic matter derived from the wet marsh plants (High Climatepeats. International Journal of Coal Geology,
GI, Low TPI) or limnic conditions. whereas the spread in 2, 321-370.
the form of pyrite mineral frambiodal lines indicate the
condition of surface water is high on the surface layer of
peat (High GWI, Low VI) or rheotropic mire.
the above interpretation is also supported by the absence
of fungal growth.

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Prayitno B./ JGEET Vol 1 No 1/2016 69

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