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The document discusses modular devices for low voltage installations including miniature circuit breakers, residual current devices, and other components.

New products introduced include a DC main switch for photovoltaic applications, overvoltage monitors, circuit breakers, residual current devices, and various instruments.

Compatibility between product ranges allows for additional functionalities like protection, switching, monitoring, and control. It also allows for precise adaptation in existing installations and continuity in terms of profile and appearance.

Technical catalogue System pro M compact®

and other modular devices for low

voltage installation

2CSC400002D0207 Edition 2009


Miniature circuit-breakers
Residual current devices
Auxiliary elements and accessories
Other Protection devices
modular 5
Command devices
Load management devices
Measurement devices
Other functions
Technical details
Application sheets
Overall dimensions
Worldwide marks and approvals
“New entries”

:. NE
:. NEW :. NEW
A new range of DC main switch The new S2C-OVP: monitoring
for photovoltaic applications. voltage between the neutral and
S800 PV provides safe disconnec- phase; when an overvoltage
tion of photovoltaic arrays. reaches the threshold value they
cause the tripping of the associa-
ted MCB or RCCB.

:. NEW :. NEW
The SN 201 range of circuit- New RD3 MRCD (modular resi-
breakers is the new ABB range of dual current devices) together
1P+N single-module MCBs. with toroidal transformers can
detect leakage current.

:. NEW :. NEW
The new F2C-ARH recloses the The new E 90 series of fuse hol-
associated residual current devi- ders is designed for connecting
ce, only after having checked that and disconnecting circuits under
there are no effective faults in the load, providing protection against
the system short circuits and overloads.

1/2 ABB
ew entries”

:. NEW :. NEW
The new E 210 are specifically The MTME series of network
made for commanding loads and analysers measure the true rms
signalling electrical conditions. value of the principal electrical
They are available in half module quantitites, they monitor in real
or 1 module, depending on the time the energy quality on the
contact-layout. system and prevent possible
damage to equipment.

:. NEW :. NEW
The RD residual-current relays for The DMTME series instruments
front panels installation in electric are digital multimeters that per-
switchboards. form true rms value measurement
of the main electrical quantities.
Measured values are displayed
locally on four red-LED displays.

:. NEW :. NEW
The ABB range of modular instru- ABB has extended its range of
ments has been expanded with front panel devices with the new
the introduction of the new digital ANR electrical network analy-
instruments with alarm relay. sers - measuring instruments
that permit advanced analysis of
single and three-phase electrical
distribution networks.





A wide product range suitable terms of profile and appea-

for all applications in residen- rance.
tial, industrial and commercial
installations. Time saving in cross-wiring
within groups and combi-
Thanks to the compatibility nations of devices is another
between the new System pro advantage.
M compact range and the Sy-
stem pro M range, ABB offers The technologically innova-
many additional functionalities tive bidirectional cylinder-lift
like: terminal enables synchronous
- protection and switching closing of the front and rear
- checking and monitoring wiring input.
- control and programming.
Highest safety standard for
Shape and dimensions of the the installer thanks to pro-
new series allow both precise tection against electric shock
adapting in already existing according to
installations and continuity in EN 41140.

Marking of devices is reliable

and clear.

Both supply and connection

with busbars from top or
bottom is admitted.

1/4 ABB

The System pro M electric system: contactors,

latching relays, switch-iso-
compact range lators, switches, pushbut-
n MCBs: tons etc. Typically they are
- circuit-breakers installed to control lights
from severeal points of the
n RCDs: same circuit or to pilot user
- residual current circuit- devices with a high number
breakers (RCCBs) of operations.
- RCD-blocks
- residual current circuit- n MDRCs-Load
breakers with overcurrent management devices
protection (RCBOs) Overload relays, load
management switches,
n Auxiliary elements: anti black-out lamps, time
- a whole range aof ac- switches and the other
cessories and auxiliary modular devices in this
elements category react automatically
to variations of parameters
n MRCDs-Modular residual and other events in the
current devices system to allow for plant
A range of electronic resi- optimisation.
dual current relays providing
residual current protection n MDRCs-Measurement
and monito-ring functions. devices
The range of devices in
n MDRCs-Surge protective this category is very wide,
devices including a great number
of auxiliary components
n MDRCs-Protection devi- and accessories that make
ces installation in switchboards
In addition to MCBs and and consumer units practi-
RCDs, ABB supplies other cal and economic.
modular devices for protec-
tion such as residual current n MDRCs-Other devices
relays and fuse holders. The range of ABB MDRCs
also includes bells, transfor-
n MDRCs-Command devi- mers etc.
This category includes n Various accessories
devices that are operated
manually to command the

ABB 1/5





MCBs are also available with Availability of a quite wide ran- RCD-blocks DDA 200 2P, Universal signal/auxiliary and
an integrated auxiliary contact ge of factory fitted RCBOs. 3P, 4P up to 40 A fit into two auxiliary contacts fit on S 200,
(1 NO or 1 NC). Existing modules. Versions in 63 A F 200 and DS 200.
installations can be easily sizes are supplied with two
upgraded to include auxiliary additional terminals for remote
switch functionality. tripping.



Without busbars two termi- Safety connections between Special quick fastening for an More working space between
nal spaces can be used for DDA 200 and S 200 thanks to easy removal of the devices component rows.
cables with different cross a safe plastic key system. from the assembly pressing
sections: incoming supply upwards, both for MCBs S
with supplementary terminal 200 and RCCBs F 200: the
up to 50 mm2 from the front only in the market that can be
side. removed without a screwdri-

1/6 ABB

New System pro M

compact range is com-
patible with the System
pro M range, thanks to the
configuration of new vs old


Supply from top or bottom Safe terminal technology: the

either with cables or busbars. terminals offer protection from

ABB 1/7

2CSC400556F0201 2CSC400259F0201 2CSC400395F0201
Miniature circuit-breakers


General features and breaking capacities ...................................................................... 2/2

S 200 System pro M compact MCBs ............................................................................... 2/5

SN 201 MCBs 1P+N in 1 module .................................................................................... 2/47

S 280, S 290 and S800 MCBs .......................................................................................... 2/55


System General features MCBs
pro M compact® and breaking capacities

NOTE: All the MCBs of S200 series present

two values of breaking capacities marked
on the product:
on the front Icn according to IEC/EN 60898
on the side I cu/I cs according to IEC/EN
dependig on the rated current.
Value of breaking capacity of S2 K, Z cha-
racteristics marked on the front of the MCBs,
2 refers to the standard VDE 0660.

SN 201 M
S 200 UP

SN 201 L
S 200 M

S 200 U
S 200 P

SN 201
S 200

Characteristics B,C,D, B,C,D, B,C,D, B,C,D, B,C,D,
Rated current [A] 0.5 b 0.5 b 0.5 b 32 b 50 b 0.5 b 32 b 50 b 0.2 b 2b 2b 2b
In In In In In In In In In In In In
b 63 b 63 b 25 b 40 b 63 b 25 b 40 b 63 b 25 b 40 b 40 b 40
Breaking capacity [kA]
Reference standard Nr. poles Ue[V]
IEC 23-3/EN 60898 Icn 230/400 6 10 25 15 15 4.5 6 10
IEC/EN 60947-2 Icu 1, 1P+N 133 20 25 40 25 25 40 25 25 40 10 15 20
Alternating current 230 10 15 25 15 15 25 15 15 25 6 10 10
2, 3, 4 230 20 25 40 25 25 40 25 25 40
400 10 15 25 15 15 25 15 15 25
2, 3, 4 500
Ics 1, 1P+N 133 15 18.7 20 18.7 18.7 20 18.7 18.7 20 6 10 10
230 7.5 11.2 12.5 11.2 7.5 12.5 11.2 11.2 12.5 4.5 6 7.5
2, 3, 4 230 15 / 18.7 20 18.7 18.7 20 18.7 18.7 20
400 7.5 11.2 12.5 11.2 7.5 12.5 11.2 11.2 12.5
2, 3, 4 500
IEC/EN 60947-2 Icu 1, 1P+N 24 20
Direct current 60 10 10 15 10 10 15 10 10 15 10 15 15
T=I/Rb5ms for all 125
series, 250
except S280 UC and 2 48 20
S800S-UC, 125 10 10 15 10 10 15 10 10 15 10 15 15
where T=I/R<15ms 250
3,4 375
Ics 1, 1P+N 24 20
60 10 10 15 10 10 15 10 10 15 10 15 15
2 48 20
125 10 10 15 10 10 15 10 10 15 10 15 15
3,4 375
UL 1077/ C22.2 Int. 1, 1P+N 120 10 10 10 10
No 235 cap. 277 6 10 10 10
Alternating current 2, 3, 4 240 10 10 10 10
480 Y/277 6 10 10 10
UL 1077/ C22.2 Int. 1, 1P+N 60 10
No 235 cap. 2, 3, 4 125
Direct current
UL 489/ C22.2 Int. 1, 1P+N 240 10 10 10 10
No 5 cap. 277 10
Alternating current 2, 3, 4 240 10 10 10 10
480 Y/277 10
Icw 2 800
3, 4 1200
/ only up to 40 A; 10 kA up to 50/63 A 0 only for “D” characteristic 1 values are not for all rated currents 2 800 V DC
2/2 ABB
System General features MCBs
pro M compact® and breaking capacities

S 280 UC



S 280

S 290

80 b 0.5 b 50 b 80 b 10 b 10 b 20 b 10 b 10 b 10 b 10 b 10 b 10 b 32
In In In In In In In In In In In In In 63
b 100 b 40 b 63 b 125 b 125 b 125 b 63 b 125 b 125 b 125 b 125 b 100 b 125 125
50 50 50 50 50 36 25 30, 50 5

6 10 25 20 15
15 10 6
6 6 4.5 20 (15) 0 50 50 50 36 25 30
10 10 6 25 50 50 50 36 25 50
6 6 4.5 20 (15) 0 50 50 50 36 25 50
151 151 151 101
61 61 61 4.5
15 7.5 6
6 6 4.5 10 (7.5) 0 40 40 40 30 18 25
10 7.5 6 12.5 40 40 40 5 30 18 40
6 6 4.5 10 (7.5) 0 40 40 40 30 18
111 111 111 81
41 41 41 3

10 25
6 4.5 30 30 30 20 10
50 50

6 4.5 30 30 30 20 10
50 50

304 304 304 304 304 204 104
305 305 305 305 305 205 105
50 50

10 12.5
6 4.5 30 30 30 20 10
50 50

6 4.5 30 30 30 20 10
50 50

304 304 304 304 304 204 104
305 305 305 305 305 205 105
50 50



3 1200 V DC 4 3 poles 5 4 poles
ABB 2/3
MCBs protect installations
against overload and short-
circuit, warranting reliability
and safety for operations.
New System pro M compact
S 200 series satisfies most
2 common requirements in
terms of MCBs, allowing the
usage of them for domestic,
industrial and commercial
Three series – S 200, S 200
M and S 200 P – with three

different breaking capacities
up to 25 kA are available, in
all characteristics (B, C, D, K
and Z) and configurations (1P,
1P+N, 2P, 3P, 3P+N and 4P),
in all the sizes up to 63 A.
All these MCBs comply to
IEC/EN 60898 and IEC/EN
60947-2 Standards. The
range includes also the new
S 200 U and S 200 UP in
accordance to UL 489/CSA-
C22.2 N 05 Standard.
It is also available the new
integrated auxiliary contact
on the bottom side which per-
mits to save 50% space.
Thought to be advanced,

MCBs range also offers all
the “plus” advantages which
characterized the whole
new System pro M compact
S 200 series devices obtained
a lot of marks and approvals,
so they can be used in all
world’s markets.


Miniature circuit-breakers
S 200 series


Technical features of MCBs S 200 series ........................................................................ 2/6

Selection tables of MCBs S 200 series

S 200-B ................................................................................................................................ 2/8
S 200-C ............................................................................................................................... 2/10
S 200-D ............................................................................................................................... 2/12
S 200-K ............................................................................................................................... 2/14
S 200-Z................................................................................................................................ 2/16
S 200 M-B ........................................................................................................................... 2/18
S 200 M-C ........................................................................................................................... 2/20
S 200 M-D ........................................................................................................................... 2/22
S 200 M-K ........................................................................................................................... 2/24
S 200 M-Z ........................................................................................................................... 2/26
S 200 P-B ............................................................................................................................ 2/28
S 200 P-C ............................................................................................................................ 2/30
S 200 P-D ............................................................................................................................ 2/32
S 200 P-K ............................................................................................................................ 2/34
S 200 P-Z ............................................................................................................................ 2/36

Selection tables of MCBs S 200 in accordance to UL 489/CSA-C22.2 N 05

S 200 U-K ........................................................................................................................... 2/38
S 200 U-Z ........................................................................................................................... 2/40
S 200 UP-K ........................................................................................................................ 2/42
S 200 UP-Z.......................................................................................................................... 2/44

System Technical features S 200
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series

Electrical Rated current In A
features Poles
Rated voltage Ue IEC 1P, 1P+N V
IEC 2P, 3P, 3P+N, 4P V
UL/CSA 2P, 3P, 3P+N, 4P V
Insulation voltage Ui V
Max. operating voltage Ub max. IEC AC V
Min. operating voltage Ub min. V
Rated frequency Hz
Rated breaking capacity acc. to IEC/EN 60898 ultimate Icn A
Rated breaking capacity ultimate Icu kA
acc. to IEC/EN 60947-2 service Ics kA
1P, 1P+N @ 230 VAC 2P, 3P, 3P+N, 4P@ 400 VAC
Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50) Uimp kV
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for 1 min. kV
Overvoltage category
Pollution degree
Thermomagnetic release B: 3 In b Im b 5 In
characteristic C: 5 In b Im b 10 In
D: 10 In b Im b 20 In
K: 10 In b Im b 14 In
Z: 2 In b Im b 3 In
Mechanical Toggle
features Electrical life
Mechanical life/operations
Protection degree/operations housing
Mechanical shock resistance
Resistance to vibrations acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-6
Tropicalization humid heat °C/RH
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2 constant climatic conditions °C/RH
variable climatic conditions °C/RH
Reference temperature for setting of thermal element °C
Ambient temperature (with daily average b +35 °C) IEC 1 °C
Storage temperature °C
Installation Terminal type
Terminal size top/bottom for cable IEC mm2
Terminal size top/bottom for busbar IEC mm2
Tightening torque IEC N*m
UL/CSA in-lbs.
Mounting position
Dimensions Pole dimensions (H x D x W) mm
and weigth Pole weight g
Combination Combinable with: auxiliary contact
with auxiliary signal contact/auxiliary switch
elemenys shunt trip
undervoltage release
/ supplementary protection
0 branch circuit protection
1 for S 200 acc. to UL 1077: -25...+70 °C
2 prior to connection of aluminium conductors (r 4 mm2) ensure that their contact points are cleaned, brushed and coated with grease

2/6 ABB
System Technical features S 200
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series

S 200 S 200 M S 200 P S 200 U S 200 UP

IEC / EN 60898, IEC / EN 60947-2, VDE 0641 Part 11, UL 1077 /, CSA 22.2 No. 235 / UL 489 0, CSA22.2 No.5 0, IEC/EN 60947-2
0.5 b In b 63 0.5 b In b 63 0.5 b In b 25 32 b In b 40 50 b In b 63 0.5 b In b 63 0.2 b In b 25
1P, 1P+N, 2P, 3P, 3P+N, 4P 1P, 2P, 3P, 4P
230 - 240
230/400 - 240/415
120 - 240 - 277 120 - 240 - 277 120- 240 120 - 240 - 277
480Y/277 480Y/277 120- 240 480Y/277
480Y/277 480Y/277 240 480Y/277
12VAC - 12VDC 12VAC
6000 10000 25000 15000 15000 - -
10 15 25 15 15 10 10
7.5 11.2 12.5 11.2 11.2 7.5 7.5

n n n n n
n n n n n
n n n n n
n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n
black sealable in ON-OFF position
30 g - 3 shocks - duration 11 ms
5 g - 20 cycles at frequency 5…150…5 Hz with load 0.8 In
28 cycles with 55/95…100
23/83 - 40/93 - 55/20
25/95 - 40/95
30 (20 for characteristics K,Z) 25
failsafe bi-directional cylinder-lift terminal (shock protected) 2
Nr. 2 Pozidriv
on DIN rail EN 60715 (35 mm) by means of fast clip device
from top and bottom
85 x 68 x 17.5 88 x 68 x 17.5 100 x 68 x 17.5
125 140
yes no

ABB 2/7
System Selection tables S 200-B
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series

B S 200 B characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits; protection for
people and big length cables in TN and IT systems.
Applications: residential, commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2
2 Icn=6 kA

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.


1 6 S 201-B 6 2CDS 251 001 R0065 46490 1 0.125 10

10 S 201-B 10 2CDS 251 001 R0105 46380 5 0.125 10
13 S 201-B 13 2CDS 251 001 R0135 46500 7 0.125 10
16 S 201-B 16 2CDS 251 001 R1165 57863 9 0.125 10
20 / S 201-B 20 2CDS 251 001 R0205 46510 6 0.125 10
25 S 201-B 25 2CDS 251 001 R0255 46520 5 0.125 10
32 0 S 201-B 32 2CDS 251 001 R0325 46530 4 0.125 10
UBmax 40 1 S 201-B 40 2CDS 251 001 R0405 46540 3 0.125 10
253 V F
50 S 201-B 50 2CDS 251 001 R0505 55092 5 0.125 10
72 V ...
63 S 201-B 63 2CDS 251 001 R0635 55093 2 0.125 10

2 6 S 202-B 6 2CDS 252 001 R0065 46640 0 0.250 5


10 S 202-B 10 2CDS 252 001 R0105 46660 8 0.250 5

13 S 202-B 13 2CDS 252 001 R0135 46670 7 0.250 5
16 S 202-B 16 2CDS 252 001 R0165 46690 5 0.250 5
20 S 202-B 20 2CDS 252 001 R0205 46700 1 0.250 5
25 S 202-B 25 2CDS 252 001 R0255 46710 0 0.250 5
UBmax 32 S 202-B 32 2CDS 252 001 R0325 46720 9 0.250 5
440 V F 40 S 202-B 40 2CDS 252 001 R0405 46740 7 0.250 5
125 V ... 50 S 202-B 50 2CDS 252 001 R0505 55094 9 0.250 5
63 S 202-B 63 2CDS 252 001 R0635 55095 6 0.250 5

3 6 S 203-B 6 2CDS 253 001 R0065 46860 2 0.375 1


10 S 203-B 10 2CDS 253 001 R0105 46870 1 0.375 1

13 S 203-B 13 2CDS 253 001 R0135 46890 9 0.375 1
16 S 203-B 16 2CDS 253 001 R0165 46900 5 0.375 1
20 / S 203-B 20 2CDS 253 001 R0205 46910 4 0.375 1
25 S 203-B 25 2CDS 253 001 R0255 46920 3 0.375 1
32 0 S 203-B 32 2CDS 253 001 R0325 46930 2 0.375 1
40 1 S 203-B 40 2CDS 253 001 R0405 46940 1 0.375 1
UBmax 50 S 203-B 50 2CDS 253 001 R0505 55096 3 0.375 1
440 V F
63 S 203-B 63 2CDS 253 001 R0635 55097 0 0.375 1

4 6 S 204-B 6 2CDS 254 001 R0065 52895 5 0.500 1


10 S 204-B 10 2CDS 254 001 R0105 52896 2 0.500 1

13 S 204-B 13 2CDS 254 001 R0135 52897 9 0.500 1
16 S 204-B 16 2CDS 254 001 R0165 52898 6 0.500 1
20 S 204-B 20 2CDS 254 001 R0205 52899 3 0.500 1
25 S 204-B 25 2CDS 254 001 R0255 52900 6 0.500 1
32 S 204-B 32 2CDS 254 001 R0325 52901 3 0.500 1
440 V F 40 S 204-B 40 2CDS 254 001 R0405 52902 0 0.500 1
125 V ... 50 S 204-B 50 2CDS 254 001 R0505 55098 7 0.500 1
63 S 204-B 63 2CDS 254 001 R0635 55099 4 0.500 1

/ suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW 1 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
0 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW 2 UBmax 125 V ... with 2 poles connected in series

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

2/8 ABB
System Selection tables S 200-B
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series

With disconnecting neutral NA

B Number
of poles
Bbn Price
4016779 1 piece
1 piece

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 6 S 201-B 6 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0065 53158 0 0.250 5

+ 10 S 201-B 10 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0105 53159 7 0.250 5

NA 13 S 201-B 13 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0135 53160 3 0.250 5
16 S 201-B 16 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0165 53161 0 0.250 5
20 / S 201-B 20 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0205 53162 7 0.250 5
25 S 201-B 25 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0255 53163 4 0.250 5
32 0 S 201-B 32 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0325 53164 1 0.250 5
UBmax 40 1 S 201-B 40 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0405 53165 8 0.250 5
253 V F 50 S 201-B 50 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0505 53615 8 0.250 5
72 V ...
63 S 201-B 63 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0635 53614 1 0.250 5

3 6 S 203-B 6 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0065 53228 0 0.500 1


+ 10 S 203-B 10 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0105 53229 7 0.500 1

NA 13 S 203-B 13 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0135 53230 3 0.500 1
16 S 203-B 16 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0165 53231 0 0.500 1
20 / S 203-B 20 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0205 53232 7 0.500 1
25 S 203-B 25 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0255 53233 4 0.500 1
32 0 S 203-B 32 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0325 53234 1 0.500 1
40 1 S 203-B 40 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0405 53235 8 0.500 1
UBmax 50 S 203-B 50 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0505 53616 5 0.580 1
440 V F 63 S 203-B 63 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0635 53617 2 0.580 1

/ suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW 1 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
0 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

ABB 2/9
System Selection tables S 200-C
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series

C S 200 C characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits; protection for
resistive and inductive loads with low inrush current.
Applications: residential, commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2
2 Icn=6 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 201-C 0.5 2CDS 251 001 R0984 52329 5 0.125 10
1 S 201-C 1 2CDS 251 001 R0014 52331 8 0.125 10

1.6 S 201-C 1.6 2CDS 251 001 R0974 52330 1 0.125 10

2 S 201-C 2 2CDS 251 001 R0024 52332 5 0.125 10
3 S 201-C 3 2CDS 251 001 R0034 52333 2 0.125 10
4 S 201-C 4 2CDS 251 001 R0044 52334 9 0.125 10
6 S 201-C 6 2CDS 251 001 R0064 46400 0 0.125 10
8 S 201-C 8 2CDS 251 001 R0084 46410 9 0.125 10
10 S 201-C 10 2CDS 251 001 R0104 46420 8 0.125 10
13 S 201-C 13 2CDS 251 001 R0134 46430 7 0.125 10
16 S 201-C 16 2CDS 251 001 R0164 46440 6 0.125 10
20 / S 201-C 20 2CDS 251 001 R0204 46450 5 0.125 10
25 S 201-C 25 2CDS 251 001 R0254 46460 4 0.125 10
32 0 S 201-C 32 2CDS 251 001 R0324 46470 3 0.125 10
40 1 S 201-C 40 2CDS 251 001 R0404 46480 2 0.125 10
50 S 201-C 50 2CDS 251 001 R0504 55100 7 0.125 10
253 V F
72 V ... 63 S 201-C 63 2CDS 251 001 R0634 55101 4 0.125 10

2 0.5 S 202-C 0.5 2CDS 252 001 R0984 52335 6 0.250 5

1 S 202-C 1 2CDS 252 001 R0014 52336 3 0.250 5

1.6 S 202-C 1.6 2CDS 252 001 R0974 52337 0 0.250 5

2 S 202-C 2 2CDS 252 001 R0024 52338 7 0.250 5
3 S 202-C 3 2CDS 252 001 R0034 52339 4 0.250 5
4 S 202-C 4 2CDS 252 001 R0044 52340 0 0.250 5
6 S 202-C 6 2CDS 252 001 R0064 46550 2 0.250 5
8 S 202-C 8 2CDS 252 001 R0084 46560 1 0.250 5
10 S 202-C 10 2CDS 252 001 R0104 46570 0 0.250 5
13 S 202-C 13 2CDS 252 001 R0134 46580 9 0.250 5
16 S 202-C 16 2CDS 252 001 R0164 46590 8 0.250 5
20 S 202-C 20 2CDS 252 001 R0204 46600 4 0.250 5
25 S 202-C 25 2CDS 252 001 R0254 46610 3 0.250 5
32 S 202-C 32 2CDS 252 001 R0324 46620 2 0.250 5
440 V F 40 S 202-C 40 2CDS 252 001 R0404 46630 1 0.250 5
125 V ... 50 S 202-C 50 2CDS 252 001 R0504 55104 5 0.250 5
2 63 S 202-C 63 2CDS 252 001 R0634 55105 2 0.250 5

3 0.5 S 203-C 0.5 2CDS 253 001 R0984 52341 7 0.375 1

1 S 203-C 1 2CDS 253 001 R0014 52342 4 0.375 1
1.6 S 203-C 1.6 2CDS 253 001 R0974 52343 1 0.375 1

2 S 203-C 2 2CDS 253 001 R0024 52344 8 0.375 1

3 S 203-C 3 2CDS 253 001 R0034 52345 5 0.375 1
4 S 203-C 4 2CDS 253 001 R0044 52346 2 0.375 1
6 S 203-C 6 2CDS 253 001 R0064 46750 6 0.375 1
8 S 203-C 8 2CDS 253 001 R0084 46760 5 0.375 1
10 S 203-C 10 2CDS 253 001 R0104 46780 3 0.375 1
13 S 203-C 13 2CDS 253 001 R0134 46790 2 0.375 1
16 S 203-C 16 2CDS 253 001 R0164 46800 8 0.375 1
20 / S 203-C 20 2CDS 253 001 R0204 46810 7 0.375 1
25 S 203-C 25 2CDS 253 001 R0254 46820 6 0.375 1
32 0 S 203-C 32 2CDS 253 001 R0324 46830 5 0.375 1
40 1 S 203-C 40 2CDS 253 001 R0404 46840 4 0.375 1
UBmax 50 S 203-C 50 2CDS 253 001 R0504 55106 9 0.375 1
440 V F 63 S 203-C 63 2CDS 253 001 R0634 55107 6 0.375 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

2/10 ABB
System Selection tables S 200-C
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series

C 4 0.5
S 204-C 0.5
S 204-C 1
S 204-C 1.6
S 204-C 2
2CDS 254 001 R0984 52911 2
2CDS 254 001 R0014 52912 9
2CDS 254 001 R0974 52913 6
2CDS 254 001 R0024 52914 3
3 S 204-C 3 2CDS 254 001 R0034 52915 0 0.500 1
4 S 204-C 4 2CDS 254 001 R0044 52916 7 0.500 1
6 S 204-C 6 2CDS 254 001 R0064 52917 4 0.500 1

8 S 204-C 8 2CDS 254 001 R0084 52918 1 0.500 1

10 S 204-C 10 2CDS 254 001 R0104 52919 8 0.500 1
13 S 204-C 13 2CDS 254 001 R0134 52920 4 0.500 1
16 S 204-C 16 2CDS 254 001 R0164 52921 1 0.500 1
20 S 204-C 20 2CDS 254 001 R0204 52922 8 0.500 1
25 S 204-C 25 2CDS 254 001 R0254 52923 5 0.500 1
32 S 204-C 32 2CDS 254 001 R0324 52924 2 0.500 1
UBmax 40 S 204-C 40 2CDS 254 001 R0404 52925 9 0.500 1
440 V F
50 S 204-C 50 2CDS 254 001 R0504 55110 6 0.500 1
125 V ...
2 63 S 204-C 63 2CDS 254 001 R0634 55111 3 0.500 1

/ suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW 1 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
0 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW 2 UBmax 125 V ... with 2 poles connected in series

With disconnecting neutral NA

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 201-C 0.5 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0984 53166 5 0.250 5
+ 1 S 201-C 1 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0014 53167 2 0.250 5

NA 1.6 S 201-C 1.6 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0974 53168 9 0.250 5

2 S 201-C 2 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0024 53169 6 0.250 5
3 S 201-C 3 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0034 53170 2 0.250 5
4 S 201-C 4 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0044 53172 6 0.250 5
6 S 201-C 6 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0064 53173 3 0.250 5
8 S 201-C 8 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0084 53174 0 0.250 5
10 S 201-C 10 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0104 53175 7 0.250 5
13 S 201-C 13 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0134 53176 4 0.250 5
16 S 201-C 16 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0164 53177 1 0.250 5
20 / S 201-C 20 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0204 53178 8 0.250 5
25 S 201-C 25 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0254 53179 5 0.250 5
32 0 S 201-C 32 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0324 53180 1 0.250 5
253 V F 40 1 S 201-C 40 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0404 53181 8 0.250 5
72 V ... 50 S 201-C 50 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0504 55102 1 0.290 5
63 S 201-C 63 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0634 55103 8 0.290 5

3 0.5 S 203-C 0.5 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0984 53236 5 0.500 1

+ 1 S 203-C 1 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0014 53237 2 0.500 1

NA 1.6 S 203-C 1.6 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0974 53238 9 0.500 1

2 S 203-C 2 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0024 53240 2 0.500 1
3 S 203-C 3 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0034 53241 9 0.500 1
4 S 203-C 4 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0044 53242 6 0.500 1
6 S 203-C 6 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0064 53243 3 0.500 1
8 S 203-C 8 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0084 53244 0 0.500 1
10 S 203-C 10 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0104 53245 7 0.500 1
13 S 203-C 13 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0134 53246 4 0.500 1
16 S 203-C 16 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0164 53247 1 0.500 1
20 / S 203-C 20 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0204 53248 8 0.500 1
25 S 203-C 25 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0254 53249 5 0.500 1
32 0 S 203-C 32 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0324 53250 1 0.500 1
40 1 S 203-C 40 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0404 53251 8 0.500 1
50 S 203-C 50 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0504 55108 3 0.580 1
440 V F
63 S 203-C 63 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0634 55109 0 0.580 1

/ suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW 1 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
0 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

ABB 2/11
System Selection tables S 200-D
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series

D S 200 D characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits; protection
for circuits which supply loads with high inrush current at the circuit closing (LV/LV transformers,
breakdown lamps).
Applications: residential, commercial and industrial.

2 Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2

Icn=6 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 201-D 0.5 2CDS 251 001 R0981 52993 8 0.125 10

1 S 201-D 1 2CDS 251 001 R0011 52994 5 0.125 10

1.6 S 201-D 1.6 2CDS 251 001 R0971 52995 2 0.125 10
2 S 201-D 2 2CDS 251 001 R0021 52996 9 0.125 10
3 S 201-D 3 2CDS 251 001 R0031 52997 6 0.125 10
4 S 201-D 4 2CDS 251 001 R0041 52998 3 0.125 10
6 S 201-D 6 2CDS 251 001 R0061 52999 0 0.125 10
8 S 201-D 8 2CDS 251 001 R0081 53000 2 0.125 10
10 S 201-D 10 2CDS 251 001 R0101 53001 9 0.125 10
13 S 201-D 13 2CDS 251 001 R0131 53002 6 0.125 10
16 S 201-D 16 2CDS 251 001 R0161 53003 3 0.125 10
20 / S 201-D 20 2CDS 251 001 R0201 53004 0 0.125 10
25 S 201-D 25 2CDS 251 001 R0251 53005 7 0.125 10
32 0 S 201-D 32 2CDS 251 001 R0321 53006 4 0.125 10
40 1 S 201-D 40 2CDS 251 001 R0401 53007 1 0.125 10
UBmax 50 S 201-D 50 2CDS 251 001 R0501 55199 1 0.125 10
253 V F
63 S 201-D 63 2CDS 251 001 R0631 55200 4 0.125 10
72 V ...

2 0.5 S 202-D 0.5 2CDS 252 001 R0981 53048 4 0.250 5

1 S 202-D 1 2CDS 252 001 R0011 53049 1 0.250 5
1.6 S 202-D 1.6 2CDS 252 001 R0971 53050 7 0.250 5

2 S 202-D 2 2CDS 252 001 R0021 53051 4 0.250 5

3 S 202-D 3 2CDS 252 001 R0031 53052 1 0.250 5
4 S 202-D 4 2CDS 252 001 R0041 53053 8 0.250 5
6 S 202-D 6 2CDS 252 001 R0061 53054 5 0.250 5
8 S 202-D 8 2CDS 252 001 R0081 53055 2 0.250 5
10 S 202-D 10 2CDS 252 001 R0101 53058 3 0.250 5
13 S 202-D 13 2CDS 252 001 R0131 53060 6 0.250 5
16 S 202-D 16 2CDS 252 001 R0161 53061 3 0.250 5
20 S 202-D 20 2CDS 252 001 R0201 53063 7 0.250 5
25 S 202-D 25 2CDS 252 001 R0251 53064 4 0.250 5
32 S 202-D 32 2CDS 252 001 R0321 53065 1 0.250 5
UBmax 40 S 202-D 40 2CDS 252 001 R0401 53066 8 0.250 5
440 V F 50 S 202-D 50 2CDS 252 001 R0501 55203 5 0.250 5
125 V ...
63 S 202-D 63 2CDS 252 001 R0631 55204 2 0.250 5

3 0.5 S 203-D 0.5 2CDS 253 001 R0981 53081 1 0.375 1

1 S 203-D 1 2CDS 253 001 R0011 53082 8 0.375 1

1.6 S 203-D 1.6 2CDS 253 001 R0971 53083 5 0.375 1

2 S 203-D 2 2CDS 253 001 R0021 53084 2 0.375 1
3 S 203-D 3 2CDS 253 001 R0031 53085 9 0.375 1
4 S 203-D 4 2CDS 253 001 R0041 53086 6 0.375 1
6 S 203-D 6 2CDS 253 001 R0061 53088 0 0.375 1
8 S 203-D 8 2CDS 253 001 R0081 53089 7 0.375 1
10 S 203-D 10 2CDS 253 001 R0101 53090 3 0.375 1
13 S 203-D 13 2CDS 253 001 R0131 53091 0 0.375 1
16 S 203-D 16 2CDS 253 001 R0161 53092 7 0.375 1
20 / S 203-D 20 2CDS 253 001 R0201 53093 4 0.375 1
25 S 203-D 25 2CDS 253 001 R0251 53094 1 0.375 1
32 0 S 203-D 32 2CDS 253 001 R0321 53095 8 0.375 1
40 1 S 203-D 40 2CDS 253 001 R0401 53096 5 0.375 1
50 S 203-D 50 2CDS 253 001 R0501 55205 9 0.375 1
UBmax 63 S 203-D 63 2CDS 253 001 R0631 55206 6 0.375 1
440 V F

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

2/12 ABB
System Selection tables S 200-D
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series

4 0.5 S 204-D 0.5 2CDS 254 001 R0981 53112 2 0.500 1
1 S 204-D 1 2CDS 254 001 R0011 53113 9 0.500 1
1.6 S 204-D 1.6 2CDS 254 001 R0971 53114 6 0.500 1
2 S 204-D 2 2CDS 254 001 R0021 53115 3 0.500 1
3 S 204-D 3 2CDS 254 001 R0031 53116 0 0.500 1
4 S 204-D 4 2CDS 254 001 R0041 53117 7 0.500 1
6 S 204-D 6 2CDS 254 001 R0061 53118 4 0.500 1
8 S 204-D 8 2CDS 254 001 R0081 53119 1 0.500 1 2

10 S 204-D 10 2CDS 254 001 R0101 53120 7 0.500 1

13 S 204-D 13 2CDS 254 001 R0131 53121 4 0.500 1
16 S 204-D 16 2CDS 254 001 R0161 53122 1 0.500 1
20 S 204-D 20 2CDS 254 001 R0201 53123 8 0.500 1
25 S 204-D 25 2CDS 254 001 R0251 53129 0 0.500 1
32 S 204-D 32 2CDS 254 001 R0321 53130 6 0.500 1
UBmax 40 S 204-D 40 2CDS 254 001 R0401 53131 3 0.500 1
440 V F
125 V ... 50 S 204-D 50 2CDS 254 001 R0501 55209 7 0.500 1
2 63 S 204-D 63 2CDS 254 001 R0631 55210 3 0.500 1

/ suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW 1 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
0 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW 2 UBmax 125 V ... with 2 poles connected in series

With disconnecting neutral NA

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 201-D 0.5 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0981 53197 9 0.250 5
+ 1 S 201-D 1 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0011 53199 3 0.250 5
NA 1.6 S 201-D 1.6 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0971 53198 6 0.250 5

2 S 201-D 2 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0021 53200 6 0.250 5

3 S 201-D 3 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0031 53201 3 0.250 5
4 S 201-D 4 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0041 53202 0 0.250 5
6 S 201-D 6 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0061 53203 7 0.250 5
8 S 201-D 8 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0081 53204 4 0.250 5
10 S 201-D 10 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0101 53205 1 0.250 5
13 S 201-D 13 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0131 53206 8 0.250 5
16 S 201-D 16 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0161 53209 9 0.250 5
20 / S 201-D 20 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0201 53210 5 0.250 5
25 S 201-D 25 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0251 53211 2 0.250 5
32 0 S 201-D 32 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0321 53212 9 0.250 5
UBmax 40 1 S 201-D 40 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0401 53213 6 0.250 5
253 V F 50 S 201-D 50 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0501 55201 1 0.290 5
72 V ... 63 S 201-D 63 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0631 55202 8 0.290 5

3 0.5 S 203-D 0.5 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0981 53276 1 0.500 2

+ 1 S 203-D 1 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0011 53278 5 0.500 2
NA 1.6 S 203-D 1.6 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0971 53277 8 0.500 2

2 S 203-D 2 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0021 53279 2 0.500 2

3 S 203-D 3 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0031 53280 8 0.500 2
4 S 203-D 4 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0041 53281 5 0.500 2
6 S 203-D 6 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0061 53282 2 0.500 2
8 S 203-D 8 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0081 53283 9 0.500 2
10 S 203-D 10 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0101 53284 6 0.500 2
13 S 203-D 13 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0131 53286 0 0.500 2
16 S 203-D 16 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0161 53287 7 0.500 2
20 / S 203-D 20 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0201 53288 4 0.500 2
25 S 203-D 25 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0251 53289 1 0.500 2
32 0 S 203-D 32 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0321 53290 7 0.500 2
40 1 S 203-D 40 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0401 53291 4 0.500 2
UBmax 50 S 203-D 50 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0501 55207 3 0.580 2
440 V F 63 S 203-D 63 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0631 55208 0 0.580 2

/ suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW 1 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
0 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

ABB 2/13
System Selection tables S 200-K
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series

K S 200 K (power) characteristic

Function: protection and control of the circuits like motors, transformer and auxiliary circuits, against
overloads and short-circuits.
Advantages: no nuisance tripping in the case of functional peak currents up to 8xIn, depending
on the series; through its highly sensitive thermostatic bimetal trip, the K-type characteristic offers
protection to damageable elements in the overcurrent range; it also provides the best protection to
2 cables and lines.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, VDE 0660 Part 101
Icu=6 kA (acc. to VDE 0660 Part 101)
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 201-K 0.5 2CDS 251 001 R0157 50719 6 0.125 10
1 S 201-K 1 2CDS 251 001 R0217 50720 2 0.125 10
1.6 S 201-K 1.6 2CDS 251 001 R0257 50721 9 0.125 10
2 S 201-K 2 2CDS 251 001 R0277 50722 6 0.125 10
3 S 201-K 3 2CDS 251 001 R0317 50723 3 0.125 10
4 S 201-K 4 2CDS 251 001 R0337 50724 0 0.125 10
6 S 201-K 6 2CDS 251 001 R0377 50725 7 0.125 10
8 S 201-K 8 2CDS 251 001 R0407 50726 4 0.125 10
10 S 201-K 10 2CDS 251 001 R0427 49611 7 0.125 10
13 S 201-K 13 2CDS 251 001 R0447 50727 1 0.125 10
16 S 201-K 16 2CDS 251 001 R0467 49612 4 0.125 10
20 S 201-K 20 2CDS 251 001 R0487 50728 8 0.125 10
25 S 201-K 25 2CDS 251 001 R0517 50729 5 0.125 10
32 S 201-K 32 2CDS 251 001 R0537 49613 1 0.125 10
UBmax 40 S 201-K 40 2CDS 251 001 R0557 50730 1 0.125 10
253 V F 50 S 201-K 50 2CDS 251 001 R0577 55112 0 0.125 10
72 V ... 63 S 201-K 63 2CDS 251 001 R0607 55113 7 0.125 10

2 0.5 S 202-K 0.5 2CDS 252 001 R0157 50731 8 0.250 5

1 S 202-K 1 2CDS 252 001 R0217 50732 5 0.250 5

1.6 S 202-K 1.6 2CDS 252 001 R0257 50733 2 0.250 5

2 S 202-K 2 2CDS 252 001 R0277 50734 9 0.250 5
3 S 202-K 3 2CDS 252 001 R0317 50735 6 0.250 5
4 S 202-K 4 2CDS 252 001 R0337 50736 3 0.250 5
6 S 202-K 6 2CDS 252 001 R0377 50737 0 0.250 5
8 S 202-K 8 2CDS 252 001 R0407 50738 7 0.250 5
10 S 202-K 10 2CDS 252 001 R0427 50739 4 0.250 5
13 S 202-K 13 2CDS 252 001 R0447 50740 0 0.250 5
16 S 202-K 16 2CDS 252 001 R0467 50741 7 0.250 5
20 S 202-K 20 2CDS 252 001 R0487 50742 4 0.250 5
25 S 202-K 25 2CDS 252 001 R0517 50743 1 0.250 5
32 S 202-K 32 2CDS 252 001 R0537 50744 8 0.250 5
40 S 202-K 40 2CDS 252 001 R0557 50745 5 0.250 5
440 V F
125 V ... 50 S 202-K 50 2CDS 252 001 R0577 55116 8 0.250 5
/ 63 S 202-K 63 2CDS 252 001 R0607 55117 5 0.250 5

3 0.5 S 203-K 0.5 2CDS 253 001 R0157 50746 2 0.375 1

1 S 203-K 1 2CDS 253 001 R0217 50747 9 0.375 1
1.6 S 203-K 1.6 2CDS 253 001 R0257 50748 6 0.375 1

2 S 203-K 2 2CDS 253 001 R0277 50749 3 0.375 1

3 S 203-K 3 2CDS 253 001 R0317 50750 9 0.375 1
4 S 203-K 4 2CDS 253 001 R0337 50751 6 0.375 1
6 S 203-K 6 2CDS 253 001 R0377 50752 3 0.375 1
8 S 203-K 8 2CDS 253 001 R0407 50753 0 0.375 1
10 S 203-K 10 2CDS 253 001 R0427 49614 8 0.375 1
13 S 203-K 13 2CDS 253 001 R0447 50754 7 0.375 1
16 S 203-K 16 2CDS 253 001 R0467 49615 5 0.375 1
20 S 203-K 20 2CDS 253 001 R0487 50755 4 0.375 1
25 S 203-K 25 2CDS 253 001 R0517 50756 1 0.375 1
32 S 203-K 32 2CDS 253 001 R0537 49616 2 0.375 1
40 S 203-K 40 2CDS 253 001 R0557 50757 8 0.375 1
50 S 203-K 50 2CDS 253 001 R0577 55118 2 0.375 1
440 V F 63 S 203-K 63 2CDS 253 001 R0607 55119 9 0.375 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

2/14 ABB
System Selection tables S 200-K
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series

K 4 0.5
S 204-K 0.5
S 204-K 1
S 204-K 1.6
S 204-K 2
2CDS 254 001 R0157
2CDS 254 001 R0217
2CDS 254 001 R0257
2CDS 254 001 R0277
52926 6
52927 3
52928 0
52929 7
3 S 204-K 3 2CDS 254 001 R0317 52930 3 0.500 1
4 S 204-K 4 2CDS 254 001 R0337 52931 0 0.500 1
6 S 204-K 6 2CDS 254 001 R0377 52932 7 0.500 1


8 S 204-K 8 2CDS 254 001 R0407 52933 4 0.500 1

10 S 204-K 10 2CDS 254 001 R0427 52934 1 0.500 1
13 S 204-K 13 2CDS 254 001 R0447 52935 8 0.500 1
16 S 204-K 16 2CDS 254 001 R0467 52936 5 0.500 1
20 S 204-K 20 2CDS 254 001 R0487 52937 2 0.500 1
25 S 204-K 25 2CDS 254 001 R0517 52938 9 0.500 1
32 S 204-K 32 2CDS 254 001 R0537 52939 6 0.500 1
UBmax 40 S 204-K 40 2CDS 254 001 R0557 52940 2 0.500 1
440 V F 50 S 204-K 50 2CDS 254 001 R0577 55122 9 0.500 1
60 V ... 63 S 204-K 63 2CDS 254 001 R0607 55123 6 0.500 1

/ UBmax 125 V ... with 2 poles connected in series

With disconnecting neutral NA

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 201-K 0.5 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0157 53182 5 0.250 5
+ 1 S 201-K 1 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0217 53183 2 0.250 5

NA 1.6 S 201-K 1.6 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0257 53184 9 0.250 5

2 S 201-K 2 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0277 53185 6 0.250 5
3 S 201-K 3 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0317 53186 3 0.250 5
4 S 201-K 4 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0337 53187 0 0.250 5
6 S 201-K 6 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0377 53188 7 0.250 5
8 S 201-K 8 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0407 53189 4 0.250 5
10 S 201-K 10 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0427 53190 0 0.250 5
13 S 201-K 13 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0447 53191 7 0.250 5
16 S 201-K 16 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0467 53192 4 0.250 5
20 S 201-K 20 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0487 53193 1 0.250 5
25 S 201-K 25 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0517 53194 8 0.250 5
32 S 201-K 32 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0537 53195 5 0.250 5
UBmax 40 S 201-K 40 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0557 53196 2 0.250 5
253 V F
50 S 201-K 50 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0577 55114 4 0.250 5
72 V ...
63 S 201-K 63 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0607 55115 1 0.250 5

3 0.5 S 203-K 0.5 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0157 53261 7 0.500 1

+ 1 S 203-K 1 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0217 53262 4 0.500 1
NA 1.6 S 203-K 1.6 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0257 53263 1 0.500 1

2 S 203-K 2 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0277 53264 8 0.500 1

3 S 203-K 3 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0317 53265 5 0.500 1
4 S 203-K 4 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0337 53266 2 0.500 1
6 S 203-K 6 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0377 53267 9 0.500 1
8 S 203-K 8 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0407 53268 6 0.500 1
10 S 203-K 10 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0427 53269 3 0.500 1
13 S 203-K 13 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0447 53270 9 0.500 1
16 S 203-K 16 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0467 53271 6 0.500 1
20 S 203-K 20 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0487 53272 3 0.500 1
25 S 203-K 25 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0517 53273 0 0.500 1
32 S 203-K 32 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0537 53274 7 0.500 1
UBmax 40 S 203-K 40 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0557 53275 4 0.500 1
440 V F 50 S 203-K 50 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0577 55120 5 0.500 1
63 S 203-K 63 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0607 55121 2 0.500 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

ABB 2/15
System Selection tables S 200-Z
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series

Z S 200 Z characteristic
Function: protection and control of the electronic circuits against weak and long duration overloads
and short-circuits.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, VDE 0660 Part 101
2 Icu=6 kA (acc. to VDE 0660 Part 101)

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 201-Z 0.5 2CDS 251 001 R0158 53030 9 0.125 10

1 S 201-Z 1 2CDS 251 001 R0218 53033 0 0.125 10

1.6 S 201-Z 1.6 2CDS 251 001 R0258 53034 7 0.125 10
2 S 201-Z 2 2CDS 251 001 R0278 53035 4 0.125 10
3 S 201-Z 3 2CDS 251 001 R0318 53036 1 0.125 10
4 S 201-Z 4 2CDS 251 001 R0338 53037 8 0.125 10
6 S 201-Z 6 2CDS 251 001 R0378 53040 8 0.125 10
8 S 201-Z 8 2CDS 251 001 R0408 53041 5 0.125 10
10 S 201-Z 10 2CDS 251 001 R0428 53042 2 0.125 10
16 S 201-Z 16 2CDS 251 001 R0468 53043 9 0.125 10
20 S 201-Z 20 2CDS 251 001 R0488 53044 6 0.125 10
25 S 201-Z 25 2CDS 251 001 R0518 53045 3 0.125 10
32 S 201-Z 32 2CDS 251 001 R0538 53046 0 0.125 10
UBmax 40 S 201-Z 40 2CDS 251 001 R0558 53047 7 0.125 10
253 V F 50 S 201-Z 50 2CDS 251 001 R0578 55191 5 0.125 10
72 V ...
63 S 201-Z 63 2CDS 251 001 R0608 55192 2 0.125 10

2 0.5 S 202-Z 0.5 2CDS 252 001 R0158 53068 2 0.250 5


1 S 202-Z 1 2CDS 252 001 R0218 53067 5 0.250 5

1.6 S 202-Z 1.6 2CDS 252 001 R0258 53069 9 0.250 5
2 S 202-Z 2 2CDS 252 001 R0278 53070 5 0.250 5
3 S 202-Z 3 2CDS 252 001 R0318 53071 2 0.250 5
4 S 202-Z 4 2CDS 252 001 R0338 53072 9 0.250 5
6 S 202-Z 6 2CDS 252 001 R0378 53073 6 0.250 5
8 S 202-Z 8 2CDS 252 001 R0408 53074 3 0.250 5
10 S 202-Z 10 2CDS 252 001 R0428 53075 0 0.250 5
16 S 202-Z 16 2CDS 252 001 R0468 53076 7 0.250 5
20 S 202-Z 20 2CDS 252 001 R0488 53077 4 0.250 5
25 S 202-Z 25 2CDS 252 001 R0518 53078 1 0.250 5
32 S 202-Z 32 2CDS 252 001 R0538 53079 8 0.250 5
440 V F 40 S 202-Z 40 2CDS 252 001 R0558 53080 4 0.250 5
125 V ... 50 S 202-Z 50 2CDS 252 001 R0578 55193 9 0.250 5
63 S 202-Z 63 2CDS 252 001 R0608 55194 6 0.250 5

3 0.5 S 203-Z 0.5 2CDS 253 001 R0158 53097 2 0.375 1

1 S 203-Z 1 2CDS 253 001 R0218 53098 9 0.375 1

1.6 S 203-Z 1.6 2CDS 253 001 R0258 53099 6 0.375 1

2 S 203-Z 2 2CDS 253 001 R0278 53100 9 0.375 1
3 S 203-Z 3 2CDS 253 001 R0318 53101 6 0.375 1
4 S 203-Z 4 2CDS 253 001 R0338 53102 3 0.375 1
6 S 203-Z 6 2CDS 253 001 R0378 53103 0 0.375 1
8 S 203-Z 8 2CDS 253 001 R0408 53104 7 0.375 1
10 S 203-Z 10 2CDS 253 001 R0428 53105 4 0.375 1
16 S 203-Z 16 2CDS 253 001 R0468 53106 1 0.375 1
20 S 203-Z 20 2CDS 253 001 R0488 53107 8 0.375 1
25 S 203-Z 25 2CDS 253 001 R0518 53108 5 0.375 1
32 S 203-Z 32 2CDS 253 001 R0538 53109 2 0.375 1
40 S 203-Z 40 2CDS 253 001 R0558 53110 8 0.375 1
UBmax 50 S 203-Z 50 2CDS 253 001 R0578 55195 3 0.375 1
440 V F 63 S 203-Z 63 2CDS 253 001 R0608 55196 0 0.375 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

2/16 ABB
System Selection tables S 200-Z
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series

4 0.5 S 204-Z 0.5 2CDS 254 001 R0158 53024 8 0.500 1
1 S 204-Z 1 2CDS 254 001 R0218 53132 0 0.500 1
1.6 S 204-Z 1.6 2CDS 254 001 R0258 53144 3 0.500 1
2 S 204-Z 2 2CDS 254 001 R0278 53143 6 0.500 1
3 S 204-Z 3 2CDS 254 001 R0318 53133 7 0.500 1
4 S 204-Z 4 2CDS 254 001 R0338 53134 4 0.500 1
6 S 204-Z 6 2CDS 254 001 R0378 53135 1 0.500 1

8 S 204-Z 8 2CDS 254 001 R0408 53136 8 0.500 1

10 S 204-Z 10 2CDS 254 001 R0428 53137 5 0.500 1
16 S 204-Z 16 2CDS 254 001 R0468 53138 2 0.500 1
20 S 204-Z 20 2CDS 254 001 R0488 53139 9 0.500 1
25 S 204-Z 25 2CDS 254 001 R0518 53140 5 0.500 1
32 S 204-Z 32 2CDS 254 001 R0538 53141 2 0.500 1
UBmax 40 S 204-Z 40 2CDS 254 001 R0558 53142 9 0.500 1
440 V F 50 S 204-Z 50 2CDS 254 001 R0578 55197 7 0.500 1
125 V ...
63 S 204-Z 63 2CDS 254 001 R0608 55198 4 0.500 1

/ UBmax 125 V ... with 2 poles connected in series

With disconnecting neutral NA

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 201-Z 0.5 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0158 53214 3 0.260 5
+ 1 S 201-Z 1 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0218 53215 0 0.260 5

NA 1.6 S 201-Z 1.6 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0258 53216 7 0.260 5

2 S 201-Z 2 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0278 53217 4 0.260 5
3 S 201-Z 3 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0318 53218 1 0.260 5
4 S 201-Z 4 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0338 53219 8 0.260 5
6 S 201-Z 6 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0378 53220 4 0.260 5
8 S 201-Z 8 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0408 53221 1 0.260 5
10 S 201-Z 10 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0428 53222 8 0.260 5
16 S 201-Z 16 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0468 53223 5 0.260 5
20 S 201-Z 20 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0488 53224 2 0.260 5
25 S 201-Z 25 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0518 53225 9 0.260 5
32 S 201-Z 32 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0538 53226 6 0.260 5
UBmax 40 S 201-Z 40 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0558 53227 3 0.260 5
253 V F
50 S 201-Z 50 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0578 55212 7 0.320 5
72 V ...
63 S 201-Z 63 NA 2CDS 251 103 R0608 55213 4 0.320 5

3 0.5 S 203-Z 0.5 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0158 53292 1 0.520 1

+ 1 S 203-Z 1 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0218 53293 8 0.520 1

NA 1.6 S 203-Z 1.6 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0258 53294 5 0.520 1

2 S 203-Z 2 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0278 53295 2 0.520 1
3 S 203-Z 3 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0318 53297 6 0.520 1
4 S 203-Z 4 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0338 53298 3 0.520 1
6 S 203-Z 6 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0378 53299 0 0.520 1
8 S 203-Z 8 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0408 53300 3 0.520 1
10 S 203-Z 10 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0428 53301 0 0.520 1
16 S 203-Z 16 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0468 53302 7 0.520 1
20 S 203-Z 20 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0488 53305 8 0.520 1
25 S 203-Z 25 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0518 53306 5 0.520 1
32 S 203-Z 32 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0538 53307 2 0.520 1
40 S 203-Z 40 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0558 53308 9 0.520 1
UBmax 50 S 203-Z 50 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0578 55214 1 0.640 1
440 V F
63 S 203-Z 63 NA 2CDS 253 103 R0608 55216 5 0.640 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

ABB 2/17
System Selection tables S 200 M-B
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series M

B S 200 M-B characteristic

Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits; protection for
people and big length cables in TN and IT systems.
Applications: residential, commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2
2 Icn=10 kA

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 6 S 201 M-B 6 2CDS 271 001 R0065 54942 4 0.125 10

10 S 201 M-B 10 2CDS 271 001 R0105 54943 1 0.125 10

13 S 201 M-B 13 2CDS 271 001 R0135 54944 8 0.125 10
16 S 201 M-B 16 2CDS 271 001 R0165 54945 5 0.125 10
20 / S 201 M-B 20 2CDS 271 001 R0205 54946 2 0.125 10
25 S 201 M-B 25 2CDS 271 001 R0255 54947 9 0.125 10
32 0 S 201 M-B 32 2CDS 271 001 R0325 54948 6 0.125 10
253 V F 40 1 S 201 M-B 40 2CDS 271 001 R0405 54949 3 0.125 10
72 V ... 50 S 201 M-B 50 2CDS 271 001 R0505 54381 1 0.125 10
63 S 201 M-B 63 2CDS 271 001 R0635 54382 8 0.125 10

2 6 S 202 M-B 6 2CDS 272 001 R0065 54958 5 0.250 5


10 S 202 M-B 10 2CDS 272 001 R0105 54959 2 0.250 5

13 S 202 M-B 13 2CDS 272 001 R0135 54960 8 0.250 5
16 S 202 M-B 16 2CDS 272 001 R0165 54961 5 0.250 5
20 S 202 M-B 20 2CDS 272 001 R0205 54962 2 0.250 5
25 S 202 M-B 25 2CDS 272 001 R0255 54963 9 0.250 5
UBmax 32 S 202 M-B 32 2CDS 272 001 R0325 54964 6 0.250 5
440 V F
40 S 202 M-B 40 2CDS 272 001 R0405 54965 3 0.250 5
125 V ...
2 50 S 202 M-B 50 2CDS 272 001 R0505 54385 9 0.250 5
63 S 202 M-B 63 2CDS 272 001 R0635 54386 6 0.250 5

3 6 S 203 M-B 6 2CDS 273 001 R0065 54966 0 0.375 1


10 S 203 M-B 10 2CDS 273 001 R0105 54967 7 0.375 1

13 S 203 M-B 13 2CDS 273 001 R0135 54968 4 0.375 1
16 S 203 M-B 16 2CDS 273 001 R0165 54969 1 0.375 1
20 / S 203 M-B 20 2CDS 273 001 R0205 54970 7 0.375 1
25 S 203 M-B 25 2CDS 273 001 R0255 54971 4 0.375 1
32 0 S 203 M-B 32 2CDS 273 001 R0325 54972 1 0.375 1
40 1 S 203 M-B 40 2CDS 273 001 R0405 54973 8 0.375 1
440 V F 50 S 203 M-B 50 2CDS 273 001 R0505 54387 3 0.375 1
63 S 203 M-B 63 2CDS 273 001 R0635 54388 0 0.375 1

4 6 S 204 M-B 6 2CDS 274 001 R0065 54982 0 0.500 1


10 S 204 M-B 10 2CDS 274 001 R0105 54983 7 0.500 1

13 S 204 M-B 13 2CDS 274 001 R0135 54984 4 0.500 1
16 S 204 M-B 16 2CDS 274 001 R0165 54985 1 0.500 1
20 S 204 M-B 20 2CDS 274 001 R0205 54986 8 0.500 1
25 S 204 M-B 25 2CDS 274 001 R0255 54987 5 0.500 1
UBmax 32 S 204 M-B 32 2CDS 274 001 R0325 54988 2 0.500 1
440 V F 40 S 204 M-B 40 2CDS 274 001 R0405 54989 9 0.500 1
125 V ...
2 50 S 204 M-B 50 2CDS 274 001 R0505 54391 0 0.500 1
63 S 204 M-B 63 2CDS 274 001 R0635 54392 7 0.500 1

/ suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW 1 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
0 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW 2 UBmax 125 V ... with 2 poles connected in series

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

2/18 ABB
System Selection tables S 200 M-B
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series M

B With disconnecting neutral NA

of poles
Bbn Price
4016779 1 piece
1 piece

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 6 S 201 M-B 6 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0065 54950 9 0.250 5

+ 10 S 201 M-B 10 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0105 54951 6 0.250 5

NA 13 S 201 M-B 13 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0135 54952 3 0.250 5
16 S 201 M-B 16 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0165 54953 0 0.250 5
20 / S 201 M-B 20 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0205 54954 7 0.250 5
25 S 201 M-B 25 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0255 54955 4 0.250 5
32 0 S 201 M-B 32 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0325 54956 1 0.250 5
40 1 S 201 M-B 40 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0405 54957 8 0.250 5
253 V F
72 V ... 50 S 201 M-B 50 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0505 54383 5 0.250 5
63 S 201 M-B 63 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0635 54384 2 0.250 5

3 6 S 203 M-B 6 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0065 54974 5 0.500 1


+ 10 S 203 M-B 10 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0105 54975 2 0.500 1

NA 13 S 203 M-B 13 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0135 54976 9 0.500 1
16 S 203 M-B 16 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0165 54977 6 0.500 1
20 / S 203 M-B 20 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0205 54978 3 0.500 1
25 S 203 M-B 25 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0255 54979 0 0.500 1
32 0 S 203 M-B 32 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0325 54980 6 0.500 1
40 1 S 203 M-B 40 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0405 54981 3 0.500 1
440 V F 50 S 203 M-B 50 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0505 54389 7 0.500 1
63 S 203 M-B 63 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0635 54390 3 0.580 1

/ suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW 1 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
0 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

ABB 2/19
System Selection tables S 200 M-C
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series M

C S 200 M-C characteristic

Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits; protection for
resistive and inductive loads with low inrush current.
Applications: residential, commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2
2 Icn=10 kA

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 201 M-C 0.5 2CDS 271 001 R0984 54990 5 0.125 10

1 S 201 M-C 1 2CDS 271 001 R0014 54992 9 0.125 10

1.6 S 201 M-C 1.6 2CDS 271 001 R0974 54991 2 0.125 10
2 S 201 M-C 2 2CDS 271 001 R0024 54993 6 0.125 10
3 S 201 M-C 3 2CDS 271 001 R0034 54994 3 0.125 10
4 S 201 M-C 4 2CDS 271 001 R0044 54995 0 0.125 10
6 S 201 M-C 6 2CDS 271 001 R0064 54996 7 0.125 10
8 S 201 M-C 8 2CDS 271 001 R0084 54997 4 0.125 10
10 S 201 M-C 10 2CDS 271 001 R0104 54998 1 0.125 10
13 S 201 M-C 13 2CDS 271 001 R0134 54999 8 0.125 10
16 S 201 M-C 16 2CDS 271 001 R0164 55000 0 0.125 10
20 / S 201 M-C 20 2CDS 271 001 R0204 55001 7 0.125 10
25 S 201 M-C 25 2CDS 271 001 R0254 55002 4 0.125 10
32 0 S 201 M-C 32 2CDS 271 001 R0324 55003 1 0.125 10
UBmax 40 1 S 201 M-C 40 2CDS 271 001 R0404 55004 8 0.125 10
253 V F
72 V ... 50 S 201 M-C 50 2CDS 271 001 R0504 54393 4 0.125 10
63 S 201 M-C 63 2CDS 271 001 R0634 54394 1 0.125 10

2 0.5 S 202 M-C 0.5 2CDS 272 001 R0984 55020 8 0.250 5

1 S 202 M-C 1 2CDS 272 001 R0014 55022 2 0.250 5

1.6 S 202 M-C 1.6 2CDS 272 001 R0974 55021 5 0.250 5
2 S 202 M-C 2 2CDS 272 001 R0024 55023 9 0.250 5
3 S 202 M-C 3 2CDS 272 001 R0034 55024 6 0.250 5
4 S 202 M-C 4 2CDS 272 001 R0044 55025 3 0.250 5
6 S 202 M-C 6 2CDS 272 001 R0064 55026 0 0.250 5
8 S 202 M-C 8 2CDS 272 001 R0084 55027 7 0.250 5
10 S 202 M-C 10 2CDS 272 001 R0104 55028 4 0.250 5
13 S 202 M-C 13 2CDS 272 001 R0134 55029 1 0.250 5
16 S 202 M-C 16 2CDS 272 001 R0164 55030 7 0.250 5
20 S 202 M-C 20 2CDS 272 001 R0204 55031 4 0.250 5
25 S 202 M-C 25 2CDS 272 001 R0254 55032 1 0.250 5
UBmax 32 S 202 M-C 32 2CDS 272 001 R0324 55033 8 0.250 5
440 V F 40 S 202 M-C 40 2CDS 272 001 R0404 55034 5 0.250 5
125 V ...
2 50 S 202 M-C 50 2CDS 272 001 R0504 54397 2 0.250 5
63 S 202 M-C 63 2CDS 272 001 R0634 54398 9 0.250 5

3 0.5 S 203 M-C 0.5 2CDS 273 001 R0984 55035 2 0.375 1

1 S 203 M-C 1 2CDS 273 001 R0014 55037 6 0.375 1

1.6 S 203 M-C 1.6 2CDS 273 001 R0974 55036 9 0.375 1
2 S 203 M-C 2 2CDS 273 001 R0024 55038 3 0.375 1
3 S 203 M-C 3 2CDS 273 001 R0034 55039 0 0.375 1
4 S 203 M-C 4 2CDS 273 001 R0044 55040 6 0.375 1
6 S 203 M-C 6 2CDS 273 001 R0064 55041 3 0.375 1
8 S 203 M-C 8 2CDS 273 001 R0084 55042 0 0.375 1
10 S 203 M-C 10 2CDS 273 001 R0104 55043 7 0.375 1
13 S 203 M-C 13 2CDS 273 001 R0134 55044 4 0.375 1
16 S 203 M-C 16 2CDS 273 001 R0164 55045 1 0.375 1
20 / S 203 M-C 20 2CDS 273 001 R0204 55046 8 0.375 1
25 S 203 M-C 25 2CDS 273 001 R0254 55047 5 0.375 1
32 0 S 203 M-C 32 2CDS 273 001 R0324 55048 2 0.375 1
40 1 S 203 M-C 40 2CDS 273 001 R0404 55049 9 0.375 1
50 S 203 M-C 50 2CDS 273 001 R0504 54399 6 0.375 1
440 V F
63 S 203 M-C 63 2CDS 273 001 R0634 54400 9 0.375 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

2/20 ABB
System Selection tables S 200 M-C
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series M

C 4 0.5
S 204 M-C 0.5
S 204 M-C 1
S 204 M-C 1.6
2CDS 274 001 R0984
2CDS 274 001 R0014
2CDS 274 001 R0974
55065 9
55067 3
55066 6
2 S 204 M-C 2 2CDS 274 001 R0024 55068 0 0.500 1
3 S 204 M-C 3 2CDS 274 001 R0034 55069 7 0.500 1
4 S 204 M-C 4 2CDS 274 001 R0044 55070 3 0.500 1
S 204 M-C 6
S 204 M-C 8
2CDS 274 001 R0064
2CDS 274 001 R0084
55071 0
55072 7
10 S 204 M-C 10 2CDS 274 001 R0104 55073 4 0.500 1
13 S 204 M-C 13 2CDS 274 001 R0134 55074 1 0.500 1
16 S 204 M-C 16 2CDS 274 001 R0164 55075 8 0.500 1
20 S 204 M-C 20 2CDS 274 001 R0204 55076 5 0.500 1
25 S 204 M-C 25 2CDS 274 001 R0254 55077 2 0.500 1
32 S 204 M-C 32 2CDS 274 001 R0324 55078 9 0.500 1
UBmax 40 S 204 M-C 40 2CDS 274 001 R0404 55079 6 0.500 1
440 V F
125 V ... 50 S 204 M-C 50 2CDS 274 001 R0504 54403 0 0.500 1
2 63 S 204 M-C 63 2CDS 274 001 R0634 54404 7 0.500 1

/ suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW 1 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
0 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW 2 UBmax 125 V ... with 2 poles connected in series

With disconnecting neutral NA

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 201 M-C 0.5 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0984 55005 5 0.250 5

+ 1 S 201 M-C 1 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0014 55007 9 0.250 5

NA 1.6 S 201 M-C 1.6 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0974 55006 2 0.250 5
2 S 201 M-C 2 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0024 55008 6 0.250 5
3 S 201 M-C 3 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0034 55009 3 0.250 5
4 S 201 M-C 4 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0044 55010 9 0.250 5
6 S 201 M-C 6 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0064 55011 6 0.250 5
8 S 201 M-C 8 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0084 55012 3 0.250 5
10 S 201 M-C 10 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0104 55013 0 0.250 5
13 S 201 M-C 13 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0134 55014 7 0.250 5
16 S 201 M-C 16 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0164 55015 4 0.250 5
20 / S 201 M-C 20 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0204 55016 1 0.250 5
25 S 201 M-C 25 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0254 55017 8 0.250 5
32 0 S 201 M-C 32 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0324 55018 5 0.250 5
UBmax 40 1 S 201 M-C 40 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0404 55019 2 0.250 5
253 V F
72 V ... 50 S 201 M-C 50 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0504 54395 8 0.250 5
63 S 201 M-C 63 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0634 54396 5 0.250 5

3 0.5 S 203 M-C 0.5 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0984 55051 2 0.500 1

+ 1 S 203 M-C 1 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0014 55052 9 0.500 1

NA 1.6 S 203 M-C 1.6 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0974 55050 5 0.500 1
2 S 203 M-C 2 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0024 55053 6 0.500 1
3 S 203 M-C 3 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0034 55054 3 0.500 1
4 S 203 M-C 4 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0044 55055 0 0.500 1
6 S 203 M-C 6 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0064 55056 7 0.500 1
8 S 203 M-C 8 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0084 55057 4 0.500 1
10 S 203 M-C 10 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0104 55058 1 0.500 1
13 S 203 M-C 13 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0134 55059 8 0.500 1
16 S 203 M-C 16 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0164 55060 4 0.500 1
20 / S 203 M-C 20 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0204 55061 1 0.500 1
25 S 203 M-C 25 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0254 55062 8 0.500 1
32 0 S 203 M-C 32 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0324 55063 5 0.500 1
40 1 S 203 M-C 40 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0404 55064 2 0.500 1
UBmax 50 S 203 M-C 50 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0504 54401 6 0.580 1
440 V F
63 S 203 M-C 63 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0634 54402 3 0.580 1

/ suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW 1 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
0 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

ABB 2/21
System Selection tables S 200 M-D
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series M

S 200 M-D characteristic

D Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits; protection for
circuits which supply loads with high inrush current at the circuit closing (LV/LV transformers, break-
down lamps).
Applications: residential, commercial and industrial.

2 Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2

Icn=10 kA

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.


1 0.5 S 201 M-D 0.5 2CDS 271 001 R0981 59983 2 0.125 10
1 S 201 M-D 1 2CDS 271 001 R0011 50031 3 0.125 10
1.6 S 201 M-D 1.6 2CDS 271 001 R0971 59982 5 0.125 10
2 S 201 M-D 2 2CDS 271 001 R0021 59933 7 0.125 10
3 S 201 M-D 3 2CDS 271 001 R0031 59935 1 0.125 10
4 S 201 M-D 4 2CDS 271 001 R0041 59935 7 0.125 10
6 S 201 M-D 6 2CDS 271 001 R0061 59939 9 0.125 10
8 S 201 M-D 8 2CDS 271 001 R0081 59940 5 0.125 10
10 S 201 M-D 10 2CDS 271 001 R0101 59942 9 0.125 10
13 S 201 M-D 13 2CDS 271 001 R0131 66326 7 0.125 10
16 S 201 M-D 16 2CDS 271 001 R0161 59945 0 0.125 10
20 / S 201 M-D 20 2CDS 271 001 R0201 50046 7 0.125 10
25 S 201 M-D 25 2CDS 271 001 R0251 59949 8 0.125 10
32 0 S 201 M-D 32 2CDS 271 001 R0321 59956 6 0.125 10
40 1 S 201 M-D 40 2CDS 271 001 R0401 59961 0 0.125 10
50 S 201 M-D 50 2CDS 271 001 R0501 59970 2 0.125 10
253 V F
72 V ... 63 S 201 M-D 63 2CDS 271 001 R0631 59981 8 0.125 10

2 0.5 S 202 M-D 0.5 2CDS 272 001 R0981 60088 0 0.250 5
1 S 202 M-D 1 2CDS 272 001 R0011 60036 1 0.250 5
1.6 S 202 M-D 1.6 2CDS 272 001 R0971 60087 3 0.250 5
2 S 202 M-D 2 2CDS 272 001 R0021 60038 5 0.250 5
3 S 202 M-D 3 2CDS 272 001 R0031 60040 8 0.250 5
4 S 202 M-D 4 2CDS 272 001 R0041 60042 2 0.250 5
6 S 202 M-D 6 2CDS 272 001 R0061 60044 6 0.250 5
8 S 202 M-D 8 2CDS 272 001 R0081 60045 3 0.250 5
10 S 202 M-D 10 2CDS 272 001 R0101 60047 7 0.250 5
13 S 202 M-D 13 2CDS 272 001 R0131 66327 4 0.250 5
16 S 202 M-D 16 2CDS 272 001 R0161 60050 7 0.250 5
20 S 202 M-D 20 2CDS 272 001 R0201 60051 4 0.250 5
25 S 202 M-D 25 2CDS 272 001 R0251 60054 5 0.250 5
32 S 202 M-D 32 2CDS 272 001 R0321 60061 3 0.250 5
UBmax 40 S 202 M-D 40 2CDS 272 001 R0401 60066 8 0.250 5
440 V F
125 V ... 50 S 202 M-D 50 2CDS 272 001 R0501 60075 0 0.250 5
2 63 S 202 M-D 63 2CDS 272 001 R0631 60086 6 0.250 5

3 0.5 S 203 M-D 0.5 2CDS 273 001 R0981 60141 2 0.375 1

1 S 203 M-D 1 2CDS 273 001 R0011 60089 7 0.375 1

1.6 S 203 M-D 1.6 2CDS 273 001 R0971 60140 5 0.375 1
2 S 203 M-D 2 2CDS 273 001 R0021 60091 0 0.375 1
3 S 203 M-D 3 2CDS 273 001 R0031 60093 4 0.375 1
4 S 203 M-D 4 2CDS 273 001 R0041 60095 8 0.375 1
6 S 203 M-D 6 2CDS 273 001 R0061 60097 2 0.375 1
8 S 203 M-D 8 2CDS 273 001 R0081 60098 9 0.375 1
10 S 203 M-D 10 2CDS 273 001 R0101 60100 9 0.375 1
13 S 203 M-D 13 2CDS 273 001 R0131 66328 1 0.375 1
16 S 203 M-D 16 2CDS 273 001 R0161 60103 0 0.375 1
20 / S 203 M-D 20 2CDS 273 001 R0201 60104 7 0.375 1
25 S 203 M-D 25 2CDS 273 001 R0251 60107 8 0.375 1
32 0 S 203 M-D 32 2CDS 273 001 R0321 60114 6 0.375 1
40 1 S 203 M-D 40 2CDS 273 001 R0401 60119 1 0.375 1
50 S 203 M-D 50 2CDS 273 001 R0501 60128 3 0.375 1
440 V F 63 S 203 M-D 63 2CDS 273 001 R0631 60139 9 0.375 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

2/22 ABB
System Selection tables S 200 M-D
pro M compact MCBs S 200 series M


4 0.5 S 204 M-D 0.5 2CDS 274 001 R0981 60214 3 0.500 1
1 S 204 M-D 1 2CDS 274 001 R0011 60163 4 0.500 1
1.6 S 204 M-D 1.6 2CDS 274 001 R0971 60213 6 0.500 1
2 S 204 M-D 2 2CDS 274 001 R0021 60165 8 0.500 1
3 S 204 M-D 3 2CDS 274 001 R0031 60167 2 0.500 1

4 S 204 M-D 4 2CDS 274 001 R0041 60169 6 0.500 1

6 S 204 M-D 6 2CDS 274 001 R0061 60171 9 0.500 1
S 204 M-D
S 204 M-D
2CDS 274 001 R0081
2CDS 274 001 R0101
60172 6
60174 0
13 S 204 M-D 13 2CDS 274 001 R0131 66329 8 0.500 1
16 S 204 M-D 16 2CDS 274 001 R0161 60177 1 0.500 1
20 S 204 M-D 20 2CDS 274 001 R0201 60178 8 0.500 1
25 S 204 M-D 25 2CDS 274 001 R0251 60181 8 0.500 1
32 S 204 M-D 32 2CDS 274 001 R0321 60188 7 0.500 1
UBmax 40 S 204 M-D 40 2CDS 274 001 R0401 60193 1 0.500 1
440 V F
125 V ... 50 S 204 M-D 50 2CDS 274 001 R0501 60201 3 0.500 1
2 63 S 204 M-D 63 2CDS 274 001 R0631 60212 9 0.500 1

/ suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW 1 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
0 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW 2 UBmax 125 V ... with 2 poles connected in series

With disconnecting neutral NA

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 201 M-D 0.5 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0981 60035 4 0.250 5
+ 1 S 201 M-D 1 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0011 59984 9 0.250 5
NA 1.6 S 201-M D 1.6 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0971 60034 7 0.250 5
2 S 201 M-D 2 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0021 59986 3 0.250 5
3 S 201 M-D 3 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0031 59988 7 0.250 5
4 S 201 M-D 4 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0041 59990 0 0.250 5
6 S 201 M-D 6 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0061 59992 4 0.250 5
8 S 201 M-D 8 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0081 59993 1 0.250 5
10 S 201 M-D 10 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0101 59994 8 0.250 5
13 S 201 M-D 13 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0131 66330 4 0.250 5
16 S 201 M-D 16 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0161 59997 9 0.250 5
20 / S 201 M-D 20 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0201 59998 6 0.250 5
25 S 201 M-D 25 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0251 60001 9 0.250 5
32 0 S 201 M-D 32 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0321 60008 8 0.250 5
UBmax 40 1 S 201 M-D 40 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0401 60013 2 0.250 5
253 V F 50 S 201 M-D 50 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0501 60022 4 0.290 5
72 V ... 63 S 201 M-D 63 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0631 60033 0 0.290 5

3 0.5 S 203 M-D 0.5 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0981 66331 1 0.500 2
+ 1 S 203 M-D 1 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0011 66332 8 0.500 2
NA 1.6 S 203 M-D 1.6 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0971 66333 5 0.500 2
2 S 203 M-D 2 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0021 66334 2 0.500 2
3 S 203 M-D 3 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0031 66335 9 0.500 2
4 S 203 M-D 4 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0041 66336 6 0.500 2
6 S 203 M-D 6 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0061 66337 3 0.500 2
8 S 203 M-D 8 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0081 663380 0.500 2
10 S 203 M-D 10 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0101 66339 7 0.500 2
13 S 203 M-D 13 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0131 66340 3 0.500 2
16 S 203 M-D 16 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0161 66341 0 0.500 2
20 / S 203 M-D 20 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0201 66342 7 0.500 2
25 S 203 M-D 25 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0251 66343 4 0.500 2
32 0 S 203 M-D 32 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0321 66344 1 0.500 2
40 1 S 203 M-D 40 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0401 66345 8 0.500 2
UBmax 50 S 203 M-D 50 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0501 66346 5 0.580 2
440 V F 63 S 203 M-D 63 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0631 66347 2 0.580 2

/ suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW 1 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
0 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

ABB 2/23
System Selection tables S 200 M-K
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series M

S 200 M-K (power) characteristic

K Function: protection and control of the circuits like motors, transformer and auxiliary circuits, against
overloads and short-circuits.
Advantages: no nuisance tripping in the case of functional peak currents up to 10xIn, depending
on the series; through its highly sensitive thermostatic bimetal trip, the K-type characteristic offers
protection to damageable elements in the overcurrent range; it also provides the best protection to
2 cables and lines.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, VDE 0660 Part 101
Icu=10 kA (acc. to VDE 0660 Part 101)

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack


of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 201 M-K 0.5 2CDS 271 001 R0157 59943 6 0.125 10
1 S 201 M-K 1 2CDS 271 001 R0217 59947 4 0.125 10
1.6 S 201 M-K 1.6 2CDS 271 001 R0257 59950 4 0.125 10
2 S 201 M-K 2 2CDS 271 001 R0277 59952 8 0.125 10
3 S 201 M-K 3 2CDS 271 001 R0317 59954 2 0.125 10
4 S 201 M-K 4 2CDS 271 001 R0337 59957 3 0.125 10
6 S 201 M-K 6 2CDS 271 001 R0377 59959 7 0.125 10
8 S 201 M-K 8 2CDS 271 001 R0407 59962 7 0.125 10
10 S 201 M-K 10 2CDS 271 001 R0427 59964 1 0.125 10
13 S 201 M-K 13 2CDS 271 001 R0447 65939 0 0.125 10
16 S 201 M-K 16 2CDS 271 001 R0467 59966 5 0.125 10
20 S 201 M-K 20 2CDS 271 001 R0487 59968 9 0.125 10
25 S 201 M-K 25 2CDS 271 001 R0517 59971 9 0.125 10
32 S 201 M-K 32 2CDS 271 001 R0537 59973 3 0.125 10
UBmax 40 S 201 M-K 40 2CDS 271 001 R0557 59975 7 0.125 10
253 V F 50 S 201 M-K 50 2CDS 271 001 R0577 59977 1 0.125 10

72 V ... 63 S 201 M-K 63 2CDS 271 001 R0607 59979 5 0.125 10

2 0.5 S 202 M-K 0.5 2CDS 272 001 R0157 60048 4 0.250 5
1 S 202 M-K 1 2CDS 272 001 R0217 60052 1 0.250 5
1.6 S 202 M-K 1.6 2CDS 272 001 R0257 60055 2 0.250 5
2 S 202 M-K 2 2CDS 272 001 R0277 60057 6 0.250 5
3 S 202 M-K 3 2CDS 272 001 R0317 60059 0 0.250 5
4 S 202 M-K 4 2CDS 272 001 R0337 60062 0 0.250 5
6 S 202 M-K 6 2CDS 272 001 R0377 60064 4 0.250 5
8 S 202 M-K 8 2CDS 272 001 R0407 60067 5 0.250 5
10 S 202 M-K 10 2CDS 272 001 R0427 60069 9 0.250 5
13 S 202 M-K 13 2CDS 272 001 R0447 65940 6 0.250 5
16 S 202 M-K 16 2CDS 272 001 R0467 60071 2 0.250 5
20 S 202 M-K 20 2CDS 272 001 R0487 60073 6 0.250 5
25 S 202 M-K 25 2CDS 272 001 R0517 60076 7 0.250 5
UBmax 32 S 202 M-K 32 2CDS 272 001 R0537 60078 1 0.250 5
440 V F 40 S 202 M-K 40 2CDS 272 001 R0557 60080 4 0.250 5
125 V ... 50 S 202 M-K 50 2CDS 272 001 R0577 60082 8 0.250 5
/ 63 S 202 M-K 63 2CDS 272 001 R0607 60084 2 0.250 5

3 0.5 S 203 M-K 0.5 2CDS 273 001 R0157 60101 6 0.375 1
1 S 203 M-K 1 2CDS 273 001 R0217 60105 4 0.375 1
1.6 S 203 M-K 1.6 2CDS 273 001 R0257 60108 5 0.375 1
2 S 203 M-K 2 2CDS 273 001 R0277 60110 8 0.375 1
3 S 203 M-K 3 2CDS 273 001 R0317 60112 2 0.375 1
4 S 203 M-K 4 2CDS 273 001 R0337 60115 3 0.375 1
6 S 203 M-K 6 2CDS 273 001 R0377 60117 7 0.375 1
8 S 203 M-K 8 2CDS 273 001 R0407 60120 7 0.375 1
10 S 203 M-K 10 2CDS 273 001 R0427 60122 1 0.375 1
13 S 203 M-K 13 2CDS 273 001 R0447 65941 3 0.375 1
16 S 203 M-K 16 2CDS 273 001 R0467 60124 5 0.375 1
20 S 203 M-K 20 2CDS 273 001 R0487 60126 9 0.375 1
25 S 203 M-K 25 2CDS 273 001 R0517 60129 0 0.375 1
32 S 203 M-K 32 2CDS 273 001 R0537 60131 3 0.375 1
40 S 203 M-K 40 2CDS 273 001 R0557 60133 7 0.375 1
UBmax 50 S 203 M-K 50 2CDS 273 001 R0577 60135 1 0.375 1
440 V F 63 S 203 M-K 63 2CDS 273 001 R0607 60137 5 0.375 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

2/24 ABB
System Selection tables S 200 M-K
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series M

K 4 0.5
S 204 M-K 0.5
S 204 M-K 1
S 204 M-K 1.6
S 204 M-K 2
2CDS 274 001 R0157
2CDS 274 001 R0217
2CDS 274 001 R0257
2CDS 274 001 R0277
60175 7
60179 5
60182 5
60184 9
3 S 204 M-K 3 2CDS 274 001 R0317 60186 3 0.500 1

4 S 204 M-K 4 2CDS 274 001 R0337 60189 4 0.500 1

6 S 204 M-K 6 2CDS 274 001 R0377 60191 7 0.500 1
S 204 M-K 8
S 204 M-K 10
2CDS 274 001 R0407
2CDS 274 001 R0427
60194 8
60196 2
1 2
13 S 204 M-K 13 2CDS 274 001 R0447 65942 0 0.500 1
16 S 204 M-K 16 2CDS 274 001 R0467 60198 6 0.500 1
20 S 204 M-K 20 2CDS 274 001 R0487 60200 6 0.500 1
25 S 204 M-K 25 2CDS 274 001 R0517 60202 0 0.500 1
32 S 204 M-K 32 2CDS 274 001 R0537 60204 4 0.500 1
UBmax 40 S 204 M-K 40 2CDS 274 001 R0557 60206 8 0.500 1
440 V F 50 S 204 M-K 50 2CDS 274 001 R0577 60208 2 0.500 1
125 V ... 63 S 204 M-K 63 2CDS 274 001 R0607 60210 5 0.500 1

/ UBmax 125 V ... with 2 poles connected in series

With disconnecting neutral NA


Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 201 M-K 0.5 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0157 59995 5 0.250 5
+ 1 S 201 M-K 1 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0217 59999 3 0.250 5
NA 1.6 S 201 M-K 1.6 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0257 60002 6 0.250 5
2 S 201 M-K 2 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0277 60004 0 0.250 5
3 S 201 M-K 3 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0317 60006 4 0.250 5
4 S 201 M-K 4 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0337 60009 5 0.250 5
6 S 201 M-K 6 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0377 60011 8 0.250 5
8 S 201 M-K 8 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0407 60014 9 0.250 5
10 S 201 M-K 10 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0427 60016 3 0.250 5
13 S 201 M-K 13 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0447 65943 7 0.250 5
16 S 201 M-K 16 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0467 60018 7 0.250 5
20 S 201 M-K 20 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0487 60020 0 0.250 5
25 S 201 M-K 25 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0517 60023 1 0.250 5

32 S 201 M-K 32 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0537 60025 5 0.250 5

UBmax 40 S 201 M-K 40 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0557 60027 9 0.250 5
253 V F 50 S 201 M-K 50 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0577 60029 3 0.250 5
72 V ... 63 S 201 M-K 63 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0607 60031 6 0.250 5

3 0.5 S 203 M-K 0.5 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0157 65944 4 0.500 1
+ 1 S 203 M-K 1 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0217 65045 1 0.500 1
NA 1.6 S 203 M-K 1.6 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0257 65946 8 0.500 1
2 S 203 M-K 2 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0277 65947 5 0.500 1
3 S 203 M-K 3 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0317 65948 2 0.500 1
4 S 203 M-K 4 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0337 65949 9 0.500 1
6 S 203 M-K 6 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0377 65950 5 0.500 1
8 S 203 M-K 8 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0407 65951 2 0.500 1
10 S 203 M-K 10 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0427 65952 9 0.500 1
13 S 203 M-K 13 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0447 65953 6 0.500 1
16 S 203 M-K 16 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0467 65954 3 0.500 1
20 S 203 M-K 20 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0487 65955 0 0.500 1
25 S 203 M-K 25 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0517 65956 7 0.500 1
32 S 203 M-K 32 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0537 65957 4 0.500 1
40 S 203 M-K 40 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0557 65958 1 0.500 1
50 S 203 M-K 50 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0577 65960 4 0.500 1
440 V F
63 S 203 M-K 63 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0607 65961 1 0.500 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

ABB 2/25
System Selection tables S 200 M-Z
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series M

S 200 M-Z characteristic

Z Function: protection and control of the electronic circuits against weak and long duration overloads
and short-circuits.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, VDE 0660 Part 101

2 Icu=10 kA (acc. to VDE 0660 Part 101)

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.


1 0.5 S 201 M-Z 0.5 2CDS 271 001 R0158 59944 3 0.125 10
1 S 201 M-Z 1 2CDS 271 001 R0218 59948 1 0.125 10
1.6 S 201 M-Z 1.6 2CDS 271 001 R0258 59951 1 0.125 10
2 S 201 M-Z 2 2CDS 271 001 R0278 59953 5 0.125 10
3 S 201 M-Z 3 2CDS 271 001 R0318 59955 9 0.125 10
4 S 201 M-Z 4 2CDS 271 001 R0338 59958 0 0.125 10
6 S 201 M-Z 6 2CDS 271 001 R0378 59960 3 0.125 10
8 S 201 M-Z 8 2CDS 271 001 R0408 59963 4 0.125 10
10 S 201 M-Z 10 2CDS 271 001 R0428 59965 8 0.125 10
16 S 201 M-Z 16 2CDS 271 001 R0468 59967 2 0.125 10
20 S 201 M-Z 20 2CDS 271 001 R0488 59969 6 0.125 10
25 S 201 M-Z 25 2CDS 271 001 R0518 59972 6 0.125 10
32 S 201 M-Z 32 2CDS 271 001 R0538 59974 0 0.125 10
UBmax 40 S 201 M-Z 40 2CDS 271 001 R0558 59976 4 0.125 10
253 V F 50 S 201 M-Z 50 2CDS 271 001 R0578 59978 8 0.125 10
72 V ...
63 S 201 M-Z 63 2CDS 271 001 R0608 59980 1 0.125 10

2 0.5 S 202 M-Z 0.5 2CDS 272 001 R0158 60049 1 0.250 5

1 S 202 M-Z 1 2CDS 272 001 R0218 60053 8 0.250 5

1.6 S 202 M-Z 1.6 2CDS 272 001 R0258 60056 9 0.250 5
2 S 202 M-Z 2 2CDS 272 001 R0278 60058 3 0.250 5
3 S 202 M-Z 3 2CDS 272 001 R0318 60060 6 0.250 5
4 S 202 M-Z 4 2CDS 272 001 R0338 60063 7 0.250 5
6 S 202 M-Z 6 2CDS 272 001 R0378 60065 1 0.250 5
8 S 202 M-Z 8 2CDS 272 001 R0408 60068 2 0.250 5
10 S 202 M-Z 10 2CDS 272 001 R0428 60070 5 0.250 5
16 S 202 M-Z 16 2CDS 272 001 R0468 60072 9 0.250 5
20 S 202 M-Z 20 2CDS 272 001 R0488 60074 3 0.250 5
25 S 202 M-Z 25 2CDS 272 001 R0518 60077 4 0.250 5
32 S 202 M-Z 32 2CDS 272 001 R0538 60079 8 0.250 5
440 V F 40 S 202 M-Z 40 2CDS 272 001 R0558 60081 1 0.250 5
125 V ... 50 S 202-M Z 50 2CDS 272 001 R0578 60083 5 0.250 5
/ 63 S 202 M-Z 63 2CDS 272 001 R0608 60085 9 0.250 5

3 0.5 S 203 M-Z 0.5 2CDS 273 001 R0158 60102 3 0.375 1

1 S 203 M-Z 1 2CDS 273 001 R0218 60106 1 0.375 1

1.6 S 203 M-Z 1.6 2CDS 273 001 R0258 60109 2 0.375 1
2 S 203 M-Z 2 2CDS 273 001 R0278 60111 5 0.375 1
3 S 203 M-Z 3 2CDS 273 001 R0318 60113 9 0.375 1
4 S 203 M-Z 4 2CDS 273 001 R0338 60116 0 0.375 1
6 S 203 M-Z 6 2CDS 273 001 R0378 60118 4 0.375 1
8 S 203 M-Z 8 2CDS 273 001 R0408 60121 4 0.375 1
10 S 203 M-Z 10 2CDS 273 001 R0428 60123 8 0.375 1
16 S 203 M-Z 16 2CDS 273 001 R0468 60125 2 0.375 1
20 S 203 M-Z 20 2CDS 273 001 R0488 60127 6 0.375 1
25 S 203 M-Z 25 2CDS 273 001 R0518 60130 6 0.375 1
32 S 203 M-Z 32 2CDS 273 001 R0538 60132 0 0.375 1
40 S 203 M-Z 40 2CDS 273 001 R0558 60134 4 0.375 1
UBmax 50 S 203 M-Z 50 2CDS 273 001 R0578 60136 8 0.375 1
440 V F 63 S 203 M-Z 63 2CDS 273 001 R0608 60138 2 0.375 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

2/26 ABB
System Selection tables S 200 M-Z
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series M

4 0.5 S 204 M-Z 0.5 2CDS 274 001 R0158 60176 4 0.500 1
1 S 204 M-Z 1 2CDS 274 001 R0218 60181 0 0.500 1
1.6 S 204 M-Z 1.6 2CDS 274 001 R0258 60183 2 0.500 1
2 S 204 M-Z 2 2CDS 274 001 R0278 60185 6 0.500 1
3 S 204 M-Z 3 2CDS 274 001 R0318 60187 0 0.500 1

4 S 204 M-Z 4 2CDS 274 001 R0338 60190 0 0.500 1

S 204 M-Z 6
S 204 M-Z 8
S 204 M-Z 10
2CDS 274 001 R0378 60192 4
2CDS 274 001 R0408 60195 5
2CDS 274 001 R0428 60197 9
16 S 204 M-Z 16 2CDS 274 001 R0468 60199 3 0.500 1
20 S 204 M-Z 20 2CDS 274 001 R0488 65962 8 0.500 1
25 S 204 M-Z 25 2CDS 274 001 R0518 60203 7 0.500 1
32 S 204 M-Z 32 2CDS 274 001 R0538 60205 1 0.500 1
UBmax 40 S 204 M-Z 40 2CDS 274 001 R0558 60207 5 0.500 1
440 V F 50 S 204 M-Z 50 2CDS 274 001 R0578 60209 9 0.500 1
125 V ...
63 S 204 M-Z 63 2CDS 274 001 R0608 60211 2 0.500 1

/ UBmax 125 V ... with 2 poles connected in series

With disconnecting neutral NA


Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 201 M-Z 0.5 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0158 59996 2 0.260 5
+ 1 S 201 M-Z 1 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0218 60000 2 0.260 5
NA 1.6 S 201 M-Z 1.6 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0258 60003 3 0.260 5
2 S 201 M-Z 2 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0278 60005 7 0.260 5
3 S 201 M-Z 3 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0318 60007 1 0.260 5
4 S 201 M-Z 4 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0338 60010 1 0.260 5
6 S 201 M-Z 6 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0378 60012 5 0.260 5
8 S 201 M-Z 8 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0408 60015 6 0.260 5
10 S 201 M-Z 10 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0428 60017 0 0.260 5
16 S 201 M-Z 16 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0468 60019 4 0.260 5
20 S 201 M-Z 20 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0488 60021 7 0.260 5
25 S 201 M-Z 25 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0518 60024 8 0.260 5
32 S 201 M-Z 32 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0538 60026 2 0.260 5

UBmax 40 S 201 M-Z 40 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0558 60028 6 0.260 5

253 V F 50 S 201 M-Z 50 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0578 60030 9 0.320 5
72 V ...
63 S 201 M-Z 63 NA 2CDS 271 103 R0608 60032 3 0.320 5

3 0.5 S 203 M-Z 0.5 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0158 60147 4 0.520 1
+ 1 S 203 M-Z 1 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0218 60148 1 0.520 1
NA 1.6 S 203 M-Z 1.6 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0258 60149 8 0.520 1
2 S 203 M-Z 2 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0278 60150 4 0.520 1
3 S 203 M-Z 3 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0318 60151 1 0.520 1
4 S 203 M-Z 4 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0338 60152 8 0.520 1
6 S 203 M-Z 6 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0378 60153 5 0.520 1
8 S 203 M-Z 8 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0408 60154 2 0.520 1
10 S 203 M-Z 10 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0428 60155 9 0.520 1
16 S 203 M-Z 16 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0468 60156 6 0.520 1
20 S 203 M-Z 20 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0488 60157 3 0.520 1
25 S 203 M-Z 25 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0518 60158 0 0.520 1
32 S 203 M-Z 32 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0538 60159 7 0.520 1
40 S 203 M-Z 40 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0558 60160 3 0.520 1
UBmax 50 S 203 M-Z 50 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0578 60161 0 0.640 1
440 V F 63 S 203 M-Z 63 NA 2CDS 273 103 R0608 60162 7 0.640 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

ABB 2/27
System Selection tables S 200 P-B
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series P
25000 - 15000

B S 200 P-B characteristic

Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits; protection for
people and big length cables in TN and IT systems.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898
2 Icn=25 kA for 0.5 AbInb25 A
Icn=15 kA for 32 AbInb63 A

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 6 S 201 P-B 6 2CDS 281 001 R0065 589574 0.14 10
10 S 201 P-B 10 2CDS 281 001 R0105 589581 0.14 10

13 S 201 P-B 13 2CDS 281 001 R0135 589598 0.14 10

16 S 201 P-B 16 2CDS 281 001 R0165 589260 0.14 10
20 S 201 P-B 20 2CDS 281 001 R0205 589604 0.14 10
25 S 201 P-B 25 2CDS 281 001 R0255 589611 0.14 10
32 S 201 P-B 32 2CDS 281 001 R0325 589628 0.14 10
UBmax 40 S 201 P-B 40 2CDS 281 001 R0405 589635 0.14 10
253 V F
72 V ... 50 S 201 P-B 50 2CDS 281 001 R0505 589659 0.14 10
63 S 201 P-B 63 2CDS 281 001 R0635 589666 0.14 10

2 6 S 202 P-B 6 2CDS 282 001 R0065 589673 0.28 5

10 S 202 P-B 10 2CDS 282 001 R0105 589680 0.28 5
13 S 202 P-B 13 2CDS 282 001 R0135 589697 0.28 5

16 S 202 P-B 16 2CDS 282 001 R0165 589703 0.28 5

20 S 202 P-B 20 2CDS 282 001 R0205 589710 0.28 5
25 S 202 P-B 25 2CDS 282 001 R0255 589727 0.28 5
UBmax 32 S 202 P-B 32 2CDS 282 001 R0325 589734 0.28 5
440 V F 40 S 202 P-B 40 2CDS 282 001 R0405 589741 0.28 5
125 V ...
/ 50 S 202 P-B 50 2CDS 282 001 R0505 589758 0.28 5
63 S 202 P-B 63 2CDS 282 001 R0635 589765 0.28 5

3 6 S 203 P-B 6 2CDS 283 001 R0065 589772 0.42 1

10 S 203 P-B 10 2CDS 283 001 R0105 589789 0.42 1
13 S 203 P-B 13 2CDS 283 001 R0135 589796 0.42 1

16 S 203 P-B 16 2CDS 283 001 R0165 589802 0.42 1

20 S 203 P-B 20 2CDS 283 001 R0205 589819 0.42 1
25 S 203 P-B 25 2CDS 283 001 R0255 589826 0.42 1
32 S 203 P-B 32 2CDS 283 001 R0325 589833 0.42 1
40 S 203 P-B 40 2CDS 283 001 R0405 589840 0.42 1
UBmax 50 S 203 P-B 50 2CDS 283 001 R0505 589857 0.42 1
440 V F
63 S 203 P-B 63 2CDS 283 001 R0635 589864 0.42 1

4 6 S 204 P-B 6 2CDS 284 001 R0065 589871 0.56 1

10 S 204 P-B 10 2CDS 284 001 R0105 589888 0.56 1
13 S 204 P-B 13 2CDS 284 001 R0135 589895 0.56 1

16 S 204 P-B 16 2CDS 284 001 R0165 589901 0.56 1

20 S 204 P-B 20 2CDS 284 001 R0205 589918 0.56 1
25 S 204 P-B 25 2CDS 284 001 R0255 589925 0.56 1
UBmax 32 S 204 P-B 32 2CDS 284 001 R0325 589932 0.56 1
440 V F 40 S 204 P-B 40 2CDS 284 001 R0405 589949 0.56 1
125 V ... 50 S 204 P-B 50 2CDS 284 001 R0505 589956 0.56 1
63 S 204 P-B 63 2CDS 284 001 R0635 589963 0.56 1

/ UBmax 125 V ... with 2 poles connected in series

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

2/28 ABB
System Selection tables S 200 P-B
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series P
25000 - 15000

B With disconnecting neutral NA

of poles
Bbn Price
4016779 1 piece
1 piece

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 6 S 201 P-B 6 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0065 589970 0.28 5

+ 10 S 201 P-B 10 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0105 589987 0.28 5

NA 13 S 201 P-B 13 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0135 589994 0.28 5
16 S 201 P-B 16 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0165 590006 0.28 5
20 S 201 P-B 20 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0205 590013 0.28 5
25 S 201 P-B 25 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0255 590020 0.28 5
32 S 201 P-B 32 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0325 590037 0.28 5
UBmax 40 S 201 P-B 40 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0405 590044 0.28 5
253 V F 50 S 201 P-B 50 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0505 590051 0.28 5
72 V ...
63 S 201 P-B 63 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0635 590068 0.28 5

3 6 S 203 P-B 6 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0065 590075 0.56 1


+ 10 S 203 P-B 10 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0105 590082 0.56 1

NA 13 S 203 P-B 13 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0135 590099 0.56 1
16 S 203 P-B 16 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0165 590105 0.56 1
20 S 203 P-B 20 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0205 590112 0.56 1
25 S 203 P-B 25 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0255 590129 0.56 1
32 S 203 P-B 32 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0325 590136 0.56 1
40 S 203 P-B 40 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0405 590143 0.56 1
UBmax 50 S 203 P-B 50 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0505 590150 0.56 1
440 V F 63 S 203 P-B 63 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0635 590167 0.56 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

ABB 2/29
System Selection tables S 200 P-C
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series P
25000 - 15000

C S 200 P-C characteristic

Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits; protection for
resistive and inductive loads with low inrush current.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898
2 Icn=25 kA for 0.5 AbInb25 A
Icn=15 kA for 32 AbInb63 A

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 201 P-C 0.5 2CDS 281 001 R0984 590174 0.14 10
1 S 201 P-C 1 2CDS 281 001 R0014 590181 0.14 10
1.6 S 201 P-C 1.6 2CDS 281 001 R0974 590198 0.14 10

2 S 201 P-C 2 2CDS 281 001 R0024 590204 0.14 10

3 S 201 P-C 3 2CDS 281 001 R0034 590211 0.14 10
4 S 201 P-C 4 2CDS 281 001 R0044 590228 0.14 10
6 S 201 P-C 6 2CDS 281 001 R0064 590235 0.14 10
8 S 201 P-C 8 2CDS 281 001 R0084 590242 0.14 10
10 S 201 P-C 10 2CDS 281 001 R0104 590259 0.14 10
13 S 201 P-C 13 2CDS 281 001 R0134 590266 0.14 10
16 S 201 P-C 16 2CDS 281 001 R0164 590273 0.14 10
20 S 201 P-C 20 2CDS 281 001 R0204 590280 0.14 10
25 S 201 P-C 25 2CDS 281 001 R0254 590297 0.14 10
32 S 201 P-C 32 2CDS 281 001 R0324 590303 0.14 10
40 S 201 P-C 40 2CDS 281 001 R0404 590310 0.14 10
253 V F
72 V ... 50 S 201 P-C 50 2CDS 281 001 R0504 590327 0.14 10
63 S 201 P-C 63 2CDS 281 001 R0634 590334 0.14 10

2 0.5 S 202 P-C 0.5 2CDS 282 001 R0984 590341 0.28 5

1 S 202 P-C 1 2CDS 282 001 R0014 590358 0.28 5

1.6 S 202 P-C 1.6 2CDS 282 001 R0974 590365 0.28 5
2 S 202 P-C 2 2CDS 282 001 R0024 590372 0.28 5
3 S 202 P-C 3 2CDS 282 001 R0034 590389 0.28 5
4 S 202 P-C 4 2CDS 282 001 R0044 590396 0.28 5
6 S 202 P-C 6 2CDS 282 001 R0064 590402 0.28 5
8 S 202 P-C 8 2CDS 282 001 R0084 590419 0.28 5
10 S 202 P-C 10 2CDS 282 001 R0104 590426 0.28 5
13 S 202 P-C 13 2CDS 282 001 R0134 590433 0.28 5
16 S 202 P-C 16 2CDS 282 001 R0164 590440 0.28 5
20 S 202 P-C 20 2CDS 282 001 R0204 590457 0.28 5
25 S 202 P-C 25 2CDS 282 001 R0254 590464 0.28 5
UBmax 32 S 202 P-C 32 2CDS 282 001 R0324 590471 0.28 5
440 V F
40 S 202 P-C 40 2CDS 282 001 R0404 590488 0.28 5
125 V ...
2 50 S 202 P-C 50 2CDS 282 001 R0504 590495 0.28 5
63 S 202 P-C 63 2CDS 282 001 R0634 590501 0.28 5

3 0.5 S 203 P-C 0.5 2CDS 283 001 R0984 590518 0.42 1
1 S 203 P-C 1 2CDS 283 001 R0014 590525 0.42 1

1.6 S 203 P-C 1.6 2CDS 283 001 R0974 590532 0.42 1
2 S 203 P-C 2 2CDS 283 001 R0024 590549 0.42 1
3 S 203 P-C 3 2CDS 283 001 R0034 590556 0.42 1
4 S 203 P-C 4 2CDS 283 001 R0044 590563 0.42 1
6 S 203 P-C 6 2CDS 283 001 R0064 590570 0.42 1
8 S 203 P-C 8 2CDS 283 001 R0084 590587 0.42 1
10 S 203 P-C 10 2CDS 283 001 R0104 590594 0.42 1
13 S 203 P-C 13 2CDS 283 001 R0134 590600 0.42 1
16 S 203 P-C 16 2CDS 283 001 R0164 590617 0.42 1
20 S 203 P-C 20 2CDS 283 001 R0204 590624 0.42 1
25 S 203 P-C 25 2CDS 283 001 R0254 590631 0.42 1
32 S 203 P-C 32 2CDS 283 001 R0324 590648 0.42 1
40 S 203 P-C 40 2CDS 283 001 R0404 590655 0.42 1
440 V F 50 S 203 P-C50 2CDS 283 001 R0504 590662 0.42 1
63 S 203 P-C63 2CDS 283 001 R0634 590679 0.42 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

2/30 ABB
System Selection tables S 200 P-C
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series P
25000 - 15000

4 0.5 S 204 P-C 0.5 2CDS 284 001 R0984 590686 0.56 1

C 1
S 204 P-C 1
S 204 P-C 1.6
S 204 P-C 2
S 204 P-C 3
2CDS 284 001 R0014
2CDS 284 001 R0974
2CDS 284 001 R0024
2CDS 284 001 R0034
4 S 204 P-C 4 2CDS 284 001 R0044 590730 0.56 1

6 S 204 P-C 6 2CDS 284 001 R0064 590747 0.56 1

8 S 204 P-C 8 2CDS 284 001 R0084 590754 0.56 1
S 204 P-C 10
S 204 P-C 13
2CDS 284 001 R0104
2CDS 284 001 R0134
16 S 204 P-C 16 2CDS 284 001 R0164 590785 0.56 1
20 S 204 P-C 20 2CDS 284 001 R0204 590792 0.56 1
25 S 204 P-C 25 2CDS 284 001 R0254 590808 0.56 1
UBmax 32 S 204 P-C 32 2CDS 284 001 R0324 590815 0.56 1
440 V F 40 S 204 P-C 40 2CDS 284 001 R0404 590822 0.56 1
125 V ... 50 S 204 P-C 50 2CDS 284 001 R0504 590839 0.56 1
2 63 S 204 P-C 63 2CDS 284 001 R0634 590846 0.56 1

/ suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW 1 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
0 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW 2 UBmax 125 V ... with 2 poles connected in series

With disconnecting neutral NA

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.


1 0.5 S 201 P-C 0.5 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0984 590853 0.28 5
+ 1 S 201 P-C 1 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0014 590860 0.28 5
NA 1.6 S 201 P-C 1.6 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0974 590877 0.28 5
2 S 201 P-C 2 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0024 590884 0.28 5
3 S 201 P-C 3 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0034 590891 0.28 5
4 S 201 P-C 4 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0044 590907 0.28 5
6 S 201 P-C 6 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0064 590914 0.28 5
8 S 201 P-C 8 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0084 590921 0.28 5
10 S 201 P-C 10 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0104 590938 0.28 5
13 S 201 P-C 13 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0134 590945 0.28 5
16 S 201 P-C 16 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0164 590952 0.28 5
20 S 201 P-C 20 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0204 590969 0.28 5
25 S 201 P-C 25 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0254 590976 0.28 5
32 S 201 P-C 32 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0324 590983 0.28 5
40 S 201 P-C 40 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0404 590990 0.28 5
253 V F
72 V ... 50 S 201 P-C 50 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0504 591003 0.28 5
63 S 201 P-C 63 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0634 591010 0.28 5

3 0.5 S 203 P-C 0.5 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0984 591027 0.56 1
+ 1 S 203 P-C 1 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0014 591034 0.56 1
NA 1.6 S 203 P-C 1.6 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0974 591041 0.56 1

2 S 203 P-C 2 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0024 591058 0.56 1

3 S 203 P-C 3 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0034 591065 0.56 1
4 S 203 P-C 4 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0044 591072 0.56 1
6 S 203 P-C 6 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0064 591089 0.56 1
8 S 203 P-C 8 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0084 591096 0.56 1
10 S 203 P-C 10 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0104 591102 0.56 1
13 S 203 P-C 13 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0134 591119 0.56 1
16 S 203 P-C 16 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0164 591126 0.56 1
20 S 203 P-C 20 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0204 591133 0.56 1
25 S 203 P-C 25 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0254 591140 0.56 1
32 S 203 P-C 32 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0324 591157 0.56 1
40 S 203 P-C 40 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0404 591164 0.56 1
50 S 203 P-C 50 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0504 591171 0.56 1
440 V F
63 S 203 P-C 63 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0634 591188 0.56 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

ABB 2/31
System Selection tables S 200 P-D
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series P
25000 - 15000

D S 200 P-D characteristic

Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits; protection
for circuits which supply loads with high inrush current at the circuit closing (LV/LV transformers,
breakdown lamps).
Applications: commercial and industrial.

2 Standard: IEC/EN 60898

Icn=25 kA for 0.5 AbInb25 A
Icn=15 kA for 32 AbInb63 A

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 201 P-D 0.5 2CDS 281 001 R0981 591195 0.14 10
1 S 201 P-D 1 2CDS 281 001 R0011 591201 0.14 10

1.6 S 201 P-D 1.6 2CDS 281 001 R0971 591218 0.14 10
2 S 201 P-D 2 2CDS 281 001 R0021 591225 0.14 10
3 S 201 P-D 3 2CDS 281 001 R0031 591232 0.14 10
4 S 201 P-D 4 2CDS 281 001 R0041 591249 0.14 10
6 S 201 P-D 6 2CDS 281 001 R0061 591256 0.14 10
8 S 201 P-D 8 2CDS 281 001 R0081 591263 0.14 10
10 S 201 P-D 10 2CDS 281 001 R0101 591270 0.14 10
13 S 201 P-D 13 2CDS 281 001 R0131 591287 0.14 10
16 S 201 P-D 16 2CDS 281 001 R0161 591294 0.14 10
20 S 201 P-D 20 2CDS 281 001 R0201 591300 0.14 10
25 S 201 P-D 25 2CDS 281 001 R0251 591317 0.14 10
32 S 201 P-D 32 2CDS 281 001 R0321 591324 0.14 10
40 S 201 P-D 40 2CDS 281 001 R0401 591331 0.14 10
253 V F
72 V ... 50 S 201 P-D 50 2CDS 281 001 R0501 591348 0.14 10
63 S 201 P-D 63 2CDS 281 001 R0631 591355 0.14 10

2 0.5 S 202 P-D 0.5 2CDS 282 001 R0981 591362 0.28 5

1 S 202 P-D 1 2CDS 282 001 R0011 591379 0.28 5

1.6 S 202 P-D 1.6 2CDS 282 001 R0971 591386 0.28 5
2 S 202 P-D 2 2CDS 282 001 R0021 591393 0.28 5
3 S 202 P-D 3 2CDS 282 001 R0031 591409 0.28 5
4 S 202 P-D 4 2CDS 282 001 R0041 591416 0.28 5
6 S 202 P-D 6 2CDS 282 001 R0061 591423 0.28 5
8 S 202 P-D 8 2CDS 282 001 R0081 591430 0.28 5
10 S 202 P-D 10 2CDS 282 001 R0101 591447 0.28 5
13 S 202 P-D 13 2CDS 282 001 R0131 591454 0.28 5
16 S 202 P-D 16 2CDS 282 001 R0161 591461 0.28 5
20 S 202 P-D 20 2CDS 282 001 R0201 591478 0.28 5
25 S 202 P-D 25 2CDS 282 001 R0251 591485 0.28 5
UBmax 32 S 202 P-D 32 2CDS 282 001 R0321 591492 0.28 5
440 V F
125 V ... 40 S 202 P-D 40 2CDS 282 001 R0401 591508 0.28 5
2 50 S 202 P-D 50 2CDS 282 001 R0501 591515 0.28 5
63 S 202 P-D 63 2CDS 282 001 R0631 591522 0.28 5

3 0.5 S 203 P-D 0.5 2CDS 283 001 R0981 591539 0.42 1
1 S 203 P-D 1 2CDS 283 001 R0011 591546 0.42 1

1.6 S 203 P-D 1.6 2CDS 283 001 R0971 591553 0.42 1
2 S 203 P-D 2 2CDS 283 001 R0021 591560 0.42 1
3 S 203 P-D 3 2CDS 283 001 R0031 591577 0.42 1
4 S 203 P-D 4 2CDS 283 001 R0041 591584 0.42 1
6 S 203 P-D 6 2CDS 283 001 R0061 591591 0.42 1
8 S 203 P-D 8 2CDS 283 001 R0081 591607 0.42 1
10 S 203 P-D 10 2CDS 283 001 R0101 591614 0.42 1
13 S 203 P-D 13 2CDS 283 001 R0131 591621 0.42 1
16 S 203 P-D 16 2CDS 283 001 R0161 591638 0.42 1
20 S 203 P-D 20 2CDS 283 001 R0201 591645 0.42 1
25 S 203 P-D 25 2CDS 283 001 R0251 591652 0.42 1
32 S 203 P-D 32 2CDS 283 001 R0321 591669 0.42 1
40 S 203 P-D 40 2CDS 283 001 R0401 591676 0.42 1
440 V F 50 S 203 P-D50 2CDS 283 001 R0501 591683 0.42 1
63 S 203 P-D63 2CDS 283 001 R0631 591690 0.42 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

2/32 ABB
System Selection tables S 200 P-D
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series P
25000 - 15000

4 0.5 S 204 P-D 0.5 2CDS 284 001 R0981 591706 0.56 1
1 S 204 P-D 1 2CDS 284 001 R0011 591713 0.56 1
1.6 S 204 P-D 1.6 2CDS 284 001 R0971 591720 0.56 1
2 S 204 P-D 2 2CDS 284 001 R0021 591737 0.56 1
3 S 204 P-D 3 2CDS 284 001 R0031 591744 0.56 1
4 S 204 P-D 4 2CDS 284 001 R0041 591751 0.56 1
6 S 204 P-D 6 2CDS 284 001 R0061 591768 0.56 1

S 204 P-D 8
S 204 P-D 10
S 204 P-D 13
2CDS 284 001 R0081
2CDS 284 001 R0101
2CDS 284 001 R0131
16 S 204 P-D 16 2CDS 284 001 R0161 591805 0.56 1
20 S 204 P-D 20 2CDS 284 001 R0201 591812 0.56 1
25 S 204 P-D 25 2CDS 284 001 R0251 591829 0.56 1
32 S 204 P-D 32 2CDS 284 001 R0321 591836 0.56 1
40 S 204 P-D 40 2CDS 284 001 R0401 591843 0.56 1
440 V F
125 V ... 50 S 204 P-D 50 2CDS 284 001 R0501 591850 0.56 1
2 63 S 204 P-D 63 2CDS 284 001 R0631 591867 0.56 1

/ suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW 1 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
0 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW 2 UBmax 125 V ... with 2 poles connected in series

With disconnecting neutral NA

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 201 P-D 0.5 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0981 591874 0.28 5
+ 1 S 201 P-D 1 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0011 591881 0.28 5
NA 1.6 S 201 P-D 1.6 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0971 591898 0.28 5
2 S 201 P-D 2 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0021 591904 0.28 5
3 S 201 P-D 3 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0031 591911 0.28 5
4 S 201 P-D 4 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0041 591928 0.28 5
6 S 201 P-D 6 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0061 591935 0.28 5
8 S 201 P-D 8 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0081 591942 0.28 5
10 S 201 P-D 10 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0101 591959 0.28 5
13 S 201 P-D 13 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0131 591966 0.28 5
16 S 201 P-D 16 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0161 591973 0.28 5
20 S 201 P-D 20 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0201 591980 0.28 5
25 S 201 P-D 25 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0251 591997 0.28 5
32 S 201 P-D 32 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0321 592000 0.28 5
40 S 201 P-D 40 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0401 592017 0.28 5
253 V F
72 V ... 50 S 201 P-D 50 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0501 592024 0.28 5
63 S 201 P-D 63 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0631 592031 0.28 5

3 0.5 S 203 P-D 0.5 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0981 592048 0.56 1
+ 1 S 203 P-D 1 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0011 592055 0.56 1
NA 1.6 S 203 P-D 1.6 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0971 592062 0.56 1

2 S 203 P-D 2 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0021 592079 0.56 1

3 S 203 P-D 3 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0031 592086 0.56 1
4 S 203 P-D 4 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0041 592093 0.56 1
6 S 203 P-D 6 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0061 592109 0.56 1
8 S 203 P-D 8 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0081 592116 0.56 1
10 S 203 P-D 10 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0101 592123 0.56 1
13 S 203 P-D 13 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0131 592130 0.56 1
16 S 203 P-D 16 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0161 592147 0.56 1
20 S 203 P-D 20 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0201 592154 0.56 1
25 S 203 P-D 25 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0251 592161 0.56 1
32 S 203 P-D 32 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0321 592178 0.56 1
40 S 203 P-D 40 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0401 592185 0.56 1
440 V F 50 S 203 P-D 50 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0501 592192 0.56 1
63 S 203 P-D 63 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0631 592208 0.56 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

ABB 2/33
System Selection tables S 200 P-K
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series P
25000 - 15000

K S 200 P-K characteristic

Function: protection and control of the circuits like motors, transformers and auxiliary circuits, against
overloads and short-circuits.
Advantages: no nuisance tripping in the case of functional peak currents up to 8xIn, depending
on the series; through its highly sensitive thermostatic bimetal trip, the K-type characteristic offers
protection to damageable elements in the overcurrent range; it also provides the best protection to
2 cables and lines.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, VDE 0660 Part 101
Icu=25 kA for 0.5 AbInb25 A; Icu=15 kA for 32 AbInb63 A (acc. to VDE 0660 Part 101)
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.2 S 201 P-K 0.2 2CDS 281 001 R0087 592215 0.14 10
0.3 S 201 P-K 0.3 2CDS 281 001 R0117 592222 0.14 10
0.5 S 201 P-K 0.5 2CDS 281 001 R0157 592239 0.14 10
0.75 S 201 P-K 0.75 2CDS 281 001 R0187 592246 0.14 10
1 S 201 P-K 1 2CDS 281 001 R0217 592253 0.14 10
1.6 S 201 P-K 1.6 2CDS 281 001 R0257 592260 0.14 10
2 S 201 P-K 2 2CDS 281 001 R0277 592277 0.14 10
3 S 201 P-K 3 2CDS 281 001 R0317 592284 0.14 10
4 S 201 P-K 4 2CDS 281 001 R0337 592291 0.14 10
6 S 201 P-K 6 2CDS 281 001 R0377 592307 0.14 10
8 S 201 P-K 8 2CDS 281 001 R0407 592314 0.14 10
10 S 201 P-K 10 2CDS 281 001 R0427 592321 0.14 10
13 S 201 P-K 13 2CDS 281 001 R0447 592338 0.14 10
16 S 201 P-K 16 2CDS 281 001 R0467 592345 0.14 10
20 S 201 P-K 20 2CDS 281 001 R0487 592352 0.14 10
25 S 201 P-K 25 2CDS 281 001 R0517 592369 0.14 10
32 S 201 P-K 32 2CDS 281 001 R0537 592376 0.14 10
UBmax 40 S 201 P-K 40 2CDS 281 001 R0557 592383 0.14 10
253 V F 50 S 201 P-K 50 2CDS 281 001 R0577 592390 0.14 10
72 V ... 63 S 201 P-K 63 2CDS 281 001 R0607 592406 0.14 10

2 0.2 S 202 P-K 0.2 2CDS 282 001 R0087 592413 0.28 5
0.3 S 202 P-K 0.3 2CDS 282 001 R0117 592420 0.28 5

0.5 S 202 P-K 0.5 2CDS 282 001 R0157 592437 0.28 5
0.75 S 202 P-K 0.75 2CDS 282 001 R0187 592444 0.28 5
1 S 202 P-K 1 2CDS 282 001 R0217 592451 0.28 5
1.6 S 202 P-K 1.6 2CDS 282 001 R0257 592468 0.28 5
2 S 202 P-K 2 2CDS 282 001 R0277 592475 0.28 5
3 S 202 P-K 3 2CDS 282 001 R0317 592482 0.28 5
4 S 202 P-K 4 2CDS 282 001 R0337 592499 0.28 5
6 S 202 P-K 6 2CDS 282 001 R0377 592505 0.28 5
8 S 202 P-K 8 2CDS 282 001 R0407 592512 0.28 5
10 S 202 P-K 10 2CDS 282 001 R0427 592529 0.28 5
13 S 202 P-K 13 2CDS 282 001 R0447 592536 0.28 5
16 S 202 P-K 16 2CDS 282 001 R0467 592543 0.28 5
20 S 202 P-K 20 2CDS 282 001 R0487 592550 0.28 5
25 S 202 P-K 25 2CDS 282 001 R0517 592567 0.28 5
UBmax 32 S 202 P-K 32 2CDS 282 001 R0537 592574 0.28 5
440 V F 40 S 202 P-K 40 2CDS 282 001 R0557 592581 0.28 5
125 V ... 50 S 202 P-K 50 2CDS 282 001 R0577 592598 0.28 5
/ 63 S 202 P-K 63 2CDS 282 001 R0607 592604 0.28 5

3 0.2 S 203 P-K 0.2 2CDS 283 001 R0087 592611 0.42 1
0.3 S 203 P-K 0.3 2CDS 283 001 R0117 592628 0.42 1
0.5 S 203 P-K 0.5 2CDS 283 001 R0157 592635 0.42 1

0.75 S 203 P-K 0.75 2CDS 283 001 R0187 592642 0.42 1
1 S 203 P-K 1 2CDS 283 001 R0217 592659 0.42 1
1.6 S 203 P-K 1.6 2CDS 283 001 R0257 592666 0.42 1
2 S 203 P-K 2 2CDS 283 001 R0277 592673 0.42 1
3 S 203 P-K 3 2CDS 283 001 R0317 592680 0.42 1
4 S 203 P-K 4 2CDS 283 001 R0337 592697 0.42 1
6 S 203 P-K 6 2CDS 283 001 R0377 592703 0.42 1
8 S 203 P-K 8 2CDS 283 001 R0407 592710 0.42 1
10 S 203 P-K 10 2CDS 283 001 R0427 592727 0.42 1
13 S 203 P-K 13 2CDS 283 001 R0447 592734 0.42 1
UBmax 16 S 203 P-K 16 2CDS 283 001 R0467 592741 0.42 1
440 V F 20 S 203 P-K 20 2CDS 283 001 R0487 592758 0.42 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

2/34 ABB
System Selection tables S 200 P-K
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series P
25000 - 15000

25 S 203 P-K 25 2CDS 283 001 R0517 592765 0.42 1

K 32
S 203 P-K 32
S 203 P-K 40
S 203 P-K 50
S 203 P-K 63
2CDS 283 001 R0537
2CDS 283 001 R0557
2CDS 283 001 R0577
2CDS 283 001 R0607

4 0.2 S 204 P-K 0.2 2CDS 284 001 R0087 592819 0.56 1

0.3 S 204 P-K 0.3 2CDS 284 001 R0117 592826 0.56 1
S 204 P-K 0.5
S 204 P-K 0.75
2CDS 284 001 R0157
2CDS 284 001 R0187
1 2
1 S 204 P-K 1 2CDS 284 001 R0217 592857 0.56 1
1.6 S 204 P-K 1.6 2CDS 284 001 R0257 592864 0.56 1
2 S 204 P-K 2 2CDS 284 001 R0277 592871 0.56 1
3 S 204 P-K 3 2CDS 284 001 R0317 592888 0.56 1
4 S 204 P-K 4 2CDS 284 001 R0337 592895 0.56 1
6 S 204 P-K 6 2CDS 284 001 R0377 592901 0.56 1
8 S 204 P-K 8 2CDS 284 001 R0407 592918 0.56 1
10 S 204 P-K 10 2CDS 284 001 R0427 592925 0.56 1
13 S 204 P-K 13 2CDS 284 001 R0447 592932 0.56 1
16 S 204 P-K 16 2CDS 284 001 R0467 592949 0.56 1
20 S 204 P-K 20 2CDS 284 001 R0487 592956 0.56 1
25 S 204 P-K 25 2CDS 284 001 R0517 592963 0.56 1
32 S 204 P-K 32 2CDS 284 001 R0537 592970 0.56 1
UBmax 40 S 204 P-K 40 2CDS 284 001 R0557 592987 0.56 1
440 V F 50 S 204 P-K 50 2CDS 284 001 R0577 592994 0.56 1
60 V ...
63 S 204 P-K 63 2CDS 284 001 R0607 593007 0.56 1
/ UBmax 125 V ... with 2 poles connected in series

With disconnecting neutral NA

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.2 S 201 P-K 0.2 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0087 593014 0.28 5

+ 0.3 S 201 P-K 0.3 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0117 593021 0.28 5
NA 0.5 S 201 P-K 0.5 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0157 593038 0.28 5
0.75 S 201 P-K 0.75 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0187 593045 0.28 5
1 S 201 P-K 1 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0217 593052 0.28 5
1.6 S 201 P-K 1.6 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0257 593069 0.28 5
2 S 201 P-K 2 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0277 593076 0.28 5
3 S 201 P-K 3 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0317 593083 0.28 5
4 S 201 P-K 4 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0337 593090 0.28 5
6 S 201 P-K 6 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0377 593106 0.28 5
8 S 201 P-K 8 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0407 593113 0.28 5
10 S 201 P-K 10 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0427 593120 0.28 5
13 S 201 P-K 13 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0447 593137 0.28 5
16 S 201 P-K 16 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0467 593144 0.28 5
20 S 201 P-K 20 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0487 593151 0.28 5
25 S 201 P-K 25 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0517 593168 0.28 5
32 S 201 P-K 32 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0537 593175 0.28 5
40 S 201 P-K 40 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0557 593182 0.28 5
50 S 201 P-K 50 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0577 593199 0.28 5
253 V F
72 V ... 63 S 201 P-K 63 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0607 593205 0.28 5

3 0.2 S 203 P-K 0.2 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0087 593212 0.56 2
+ 0.3 S 203 P-K 0.3 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0117 593229 0.56 2
NA 0.5 S 203 P-K 0.5 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0157 593236 0.56 2
0.75 S 203 P-K 0.75 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0187 593243 0.56 2

1 S 203 P-K 1 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0217 593250 0.56 2

1.6 S 203 P-K 1.6 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0257 593267 0.56 2
2 S 203 P-K 2 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0277 593274 0.56 2
3 S 203 P-K 3 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0317 593281 0.56 2
4 S 203 P-K 4 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0337 593298 0.56 2
6 S 203 P-K 6 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0377 593304 0.56 2
8 S 203 P-K 8 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0407 593311 0.56 2
10 S 203 P-K 10 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0427 593328 0.56 2
13 S 203 P-K 13 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0447 593335 0.56 2
16 S 203 P-K 16 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0467 593342 0.56 2
20 S 203 P-K 20 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0487 593359 0.56 2
25 S 203 P-K 25 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0517 593366 0.56 2
32 S 203 P-K 32 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0537 593373 0.56 2
40 S 203 P-K 40 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0557 593380 0.56 2
UBmax 50 S 203 P-K 50 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0577 593397 0.56 2
440 V F 63 S 203 P-K 63 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0607 593403 0.56 2

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

ABB 2/35
System Selection tables S 200 P-Z
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series P
25000 - 15000

Z S 200 P-Z characteristic

Function: protection and control of the electronic circuits against weak and long duration overloads
and short-circuits.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, VDE 0660 Part 101
2 Icu=25 kA for 0.5 AbInb25 A; Icu=15 kA for 32 AbInb63 A (acc. to VDE 0660 Part 101)

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 201 P-Z 0.5 2CDS 281 001 R0158 593410 0.14 10

1 S 201 P-Z 1 2CDS 281 001 R0218 593427 0.14 10

1.6 S 201 P-Z 1.6 2CDS 281 001 R0258 593434 0.14 10
2 S 201 P-Z 2 2CDS 281 001 R0278 593441 0.14 10
3 S 201 P-Z 3 2CDS 281 001 R0318 593458 0.14 10
4 S 201 P-Z 4 2CDS 281 001 R0338 593465 0.14 10
6 S 201 P-Z 6 2CDS 281 001 R0378 593472 0.14 10
8 S 201 P-Z 8 2CDS 281 001 R0408 593489 0.14 10
10 S 201 P-Z 10 2CDS 281 001 R0428 593496 0.14 10
16 S 201 P-Z 16 2CDS 281 001 R0468 593502 0.14 10
20 S 201 P-Z 20 2CDS 281 001 R0488 593519 0.14 10
25 S 201 P-Z 25 2CDS 281 001 R0518 593526 0.14 10
32 S 201 P-Z 32 2CDS 281 001 R0538 593533 0.14 10
UBmax 40 S 201 P-Z 40 2CDS 281 001 R0558 593540 0.14 10
253 V F 50 S 201 P-Z 50 2CDS 281 001 R0578 593557 0.14 10
72 V ... 63 S 201 P-Z 63 2CDS 281 001 R0608 593564 0.14 10

2 0.5 S 202 P-Z 0.5 2CDS 282 001 R0158 593571 0.28 5
1 S 202 P-Z 1 2CDS 282 001 R0218 593588 0.28 5

1.6 S 202 P-Z 1.6 2CDS 282 001 R0258 593595 0.28 5
2 S 202 P-Z 2 2CDS 282 001 R0278 593601 0.28 5
3 S 202 P-Z 3 2CDS 282 001 R0318 593618 0.28 5
4 S 202 P-Z 4 2CDS 282 001 R0338 593625 0.28 5
6 S 202 P-Z 6 2CDS 282 001 R0378 593632 0.28 5
8 S 202 P-Z 8 2CDS 282 001 R0408 593649 0.28 5
10 S 202 P-Z 10 2CDS 282 001 R0428 593656 0.28 5
16 S 202 P-Z 16 2CDS 282 001 R0468 593663 0.28 5
20 S 202 P-Z 20 2CDS 282 001 R0488 593670 0.28 5
25 S 202 P-Z 25 2CDS 282 001 R0518 593687 0.28 5
32 S 202 P-Z 32 2CDS 282 001 R0538 593694 0.28 5
440 V F 40 S 202 P-Z 40 2CDS 282 001 R0558 593700 0.28 5
125 V ... 50 S 202 P-Z 50 2CDS 282 001 R0578 593717 0.28 5
/ 63 S 202 P-Z 63 2CDS 282 001 R0608 593724 0.28 5

3 0.5 S 203 P-Z 0.5 2CDS 283 001 R0158 593731 0.42 1
1 S 203 P-Z 1 2CDS 283 001 R0218 593748 0.42 1

1.6 S 203 P-Z 1.6 2CDS 283 001 R0258 593755 0.42 1
2 S 203 P-Z 2 2CDS 283 001 R0278 593762 0.42 1
3 S 203 P-Z 3 2CDS 283 001 R0318 593779 0.42 1
4 S 203 P-Z 4 2CDS 283 001 R0338 593786 0.42 1
6 S 203 P-Z 6 2CDS 283 001 R0378 593793 0.42 1
8 S 203 P-Z 8 2CDS 283 001 R0408 593809 0.42 1
10 S 203 P-Z 10 2CDS 283 001 R0428 593816 0.42 1
16 S 203 P-Z 16 2CDS 283 001 R0468 593823 0.42 1
20 S 203 P-Z 20 2CDS 283 001 R0488 593830 0.42 1
25 S 203 P-Z 25 2CDS 283 001 R0518 593847 0.42 1
32 S 203 P-Z 32 2CDS 283 001 R0538 593854 0.42 1
40 S 203 P-Z 40 2CDS 283 001 R0558 593861 0.42 1
UBmax 50 S 203 P-Z 50 2CDS 283 001 R0578 593878 0.42 1
440 V F
63 S 203 P-Z 63 2CDS 283 001 R0608 593885 0.42 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

2/36 ABB
System Selection tables S 200 P-Z
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series P
25000 - 15000

Z 4 0.5
S 204 P-Z 0.5
S 204 P-Z 1
S 204 P-Z 1.6
S 204 P-Z 2
2CDS 284 001 R0158 593892
2CDS 284 001 R0218 593908
2CDS 284 001 R0258 593915
2CDS 284 001 R0278 593922
2CSC400132F0201 3 S 204 P-Z 3 2CDS 284 001 R0318 593939 0.56 1
4 S 204 P-Z 4 2CDS 284 001 R0338 593946 0.56 1
S 204 P-Z 6
S 204 P-Z 8
2CDS 284 001 R0378 593953
2CDS 284 001 R0408 593960
1 2
10 S 204 P-Z 10 2CDS 284 001 R0428 593977 0.56 1
16 S 204 P-Z 16 2CDS 284 001 R0468 593984 0.56 1
20 S 204 P-Z 20 2CDS 284 001 R0488 593991 0.56 1
25 S 204 P-Z 25 2CDS 284 001 R0518 594004 0.56 1
32 S 204 P-Z 32 2CDS 284 001 R0538 594011 0.56 1
40 S 204 P-Z 40 2CDS 284 001 R0558 594028 0.56 1
440 V F
125 V ... 50 S 204 P-Z 50 2CDS 284 001 R0578 594035 0.56 1
/ 63 S 204 P-Z 63 2CDS 284 001 R0608 594042 0.56 1

/ UBmax 125 V ... with 2 poles connected in series

With disconnecting neutral NA

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.


1 0.5 S 201 P-Z 0.5 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0158 594059 0.28 5
+ 1 S 201 P-Z 1 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0218 594066 0.28 5
NA 1.6 S 201 P-Z 1.6 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0258 594073 0.28 5
2 S 201 P-Z 2 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0278 594080 0.28 5
3 S 201 P-Z 3 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0318 594097 0.28 5
4 S 201 P-Z 4 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0338 594103 0.28 5
6 S 201 P-Z 6 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0378 594110 0.28 5
8 S 201 P-Z 8 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0408 594127 0.28 5
10 S 201 P-Z 10 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0428 594134 0.28 5
16 S 201 P-Z 16 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0468 594141 0.28 5
20 S 201 P-Z 20 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0488 594158 0.28 5
25 S 201 P-Z 25 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0518 594165 0.28 5
32 S 201 P-Z 32 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0538 594172 0.28 5
UBmax 40 S 201 P-Z 40 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0558 594189 0.28 5
253 V F
72 V ... 50 S 201 P-Z 50 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0578 594196 0.28 5
63 S 201 P-Z 63 NA 2CDS 281 103 R0608 594202 0.28 5

3 0.5 S 203 P-Z 0.5 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0158 594219 0.56 1
+ 1 S 203 P-Z 1 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0218 594226 0.56 1

NA 1.6 S 203 P-Z 1.6 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0258 594233 0.56 1
2 S 203 P-Z 2 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0278 594240 0.56 1
3 S 203 P-Z 3 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0318 594257 0.56 1
4 S 203 P-Z 4 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0338 594264 0.56 1
6 S 203 P-Z 6 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0378 594271 0.56 1
8 S 203 P-Z 8 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0408 594288 0.56 1
10 S 203 P-Z 10 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0428 594295 0.56 1
16 S 203 P-Z 16 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0468 594301 0.56 1
20 S 203 P-Z 20 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0488 594318 0.56 1
25 S 203 P-Z 25 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0518 594325 0.56 1
32 S 203 P-Z 32 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0538 594332 0.56 1
40 S 203 P-Z 40 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0558 594349 0.56 1
UBmax 50 S 203 P-Z 50 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0578 594356 0.56 1
440 V F
63 S 203 P-Z 63 NA 2CDS 283 103 R0608 594363 0.56 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

ABB 2/37
System Selection tables S 200 U-K
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series U

K S 200 U-K characteristic

Function: protection and control of the electronic circuits against weak and long duration overloads
and short-circuits.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, UL 489, CSA 22.2 No. 5
2 Number
of poles
Bbn Price
4016779 1 piece
1 piece

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.2 S 201 U-K 0.2 2CDS 271 417 R0087 619226 0.14 10
0.3 S 201 U-K 0.3 2CDS 271 417 R0117 619233 0.14 10
0.5 S 201 U-K 0.5 2CDS 271 417 R0157 619240 0.14 10

0.75 S 201 U-K 0.75 2CDS 271 417 R0187 619257 0.14 10
1 S 201 U-K 1 2CDS 271 417 R0217 619264 0.14 10
1.6 S 201 U-K 1.6 2CDS 271 417 R0257 619271 0.14 10
2 S 201 U-K 2 2CDS 271 417 R0277 619288 0.14 10
3 S 201 U-K 3 2CDS 271 417 R0317 619295 0.14 10
4 S 201 U-K 4 2CDS 271 417 R0337 619301 0.14 10
5 S 201 U-K 5 2CDS 271 417 R0357 619318 0.14 10
6 S 201 U-K 6 2CDS 271 417 R0377 619325 0.14 10
8 S 201 U-K 8 2CDS 271 417 R0407 619332 0.14 10
10 S 201 U-K 10 2CDS 271 417 R0427 619349 0.14 10
13 S 201 U-K 13 2CDS 271 417 R0447 619356 0.14 10
15 S 201 U-K 15 2CDS 271 417 R0457 619363 0.14 10
16 S 201 U-K 16 2CDS 271 417 R0467 619370 0.14 10
20 S 201 U-K 20 2CDS 271 417 R0487 619387 0.14 10
25 S 201 U-K 25 2CDS 271 417 R0517 619394 0.14 10
30 S 201 U-K 30 2CDS 271 417 R0527 619400 0.14 10
32 S 201 U-K 32 2CDS 271 417 R0537 619417 0.14 10
40 S 201 U-K 40 2CDS 271 417 R0557 619424 0.14 10
50 S 201 U-K 50 2CDS 271 417 R0577 619431 0.14 10
60 S 201 U-K 60 2CDS 271 417 R0587 619448 0.14 10
63 S 201 U-K 63 2CDS 271 417 R0607 619455 0.14 10

2 0.2 S 202 U-K 0.2 2CDS 272 417 R0087 619462 0.28 5
0.3 S 202 U-K 0.3 2CDS 272 417 R0117 619479 0.28 5
0.5 S 202 U-K 0.5 2CDS 272 417 R0157 619486 0.28 5

0.75 S 202 U-K 0.75 2CDS 272 417 R0187 619493 0.28 5
1 S 202 U-K 1 2CDS 272 417 R0217 619509 0.28 5
1.6 S 202 U-K 1.6 2CDS 272 417 R0257 619516 0.28 5
2 S 202 U-K 2 2CDS 272 417 R0277 619523 0.28 5
3 S 202 U-K 3 2CDS 272 417 R0317 619530 0.28 5
4 S 202 U-K 4 2CDS 272 417 R0337 619547 0.28 5
5 S 202 U-K 5 2CDS 272 417 R0357 619554 0.28 5
6 S 202 U-K 6 2CDS 272 417 R0377 619561 0.28 5
8 S 202 U-K 8 2CDS 272 417 R0407 619578 0.28 5
10 S 202 U-K 10 2CDS 272 417 R0427 619585 0.28 5
13 S 202 U-K 13 2CDS 272 417 R0447 619592 0.28 5
15 S 202 U-K 15 2CDS 272 417 R0457 619608 0.28 5
16 S 202 U-K 16 2CDS 272 417 R0467 619615 0.28 5
20 S 202 U-K 20 2CDS 272 417 R0487 619622 0.28 5
25 S 202 U-K 25 2CDS 272 417 R0517 619639 0.28 5
30 S 202 U-K 30 2CDS 272 417 R0527 619646 0.28 5
32 S 202 U-K 32 2CDS 272 417 R0537 619653 0.28 5
40 S 202 U-K 40 2CDS 272 417 R0557 619660 0.28 5
50 S 202 U-K 50 2CDS 272 417 R0577 619677 0.28 5
60 S 202 U-K 60 2CDS 272 417 R0587 619684 0.28 5
63 S 202 U-K 63 2CDS 272 417 R0607 619691 0.28 5

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

2/38 ABB
System Selection tables S 200 U-K
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series U

K 2CSC400016F0201
3 0.2
S 203 U-K 0.2
S 203 U-K 0.3
S 203 U-K 0.5
2CDS 273 417 R0087 619707
2CDS 273 417 R0117 619714
2CDS 273 417 R0157 619721
0.75 S 203 U-K 0.75 2CDS 273 417 R0187 619738 0.42 3
1 S 203 U-K 1 2CDS 273 417 R0217 619745 0.42 3
1.6 S 203 U-K 1.6 2CDS 273 417 R0257 619752 0.42 3
S 203 U-K 2
S 203 U-K 3
2CDS 273 417 R0277 619769
2CDS 273 417 R0317 619776
4 S 203 U-K 4 2CDS 273 417 R0337 619783 0.42 3
5 S 203 U-K 5 2CDS 273 417 R0357 619790 0.42 3
6 S 203 U-K 6 2CDS 273 417 R0377 619806 0.42 3
8 S 203 U-K 8 2CDS 273 417 R0407 619813 0.42 3
10 S 203 U-K 10 2CDS 273 417 R0427 619820 0.42 3
13 S 203 U-K 13 2CDS 273 417 R0447 619837 0.42 3
15 S 203 U-K 15 2CDS 273 417 R0457 619844 0.42 3
16 S 203 U-K 16 2CDS 273 417 R0467 619851 0.42 3
20 S 203 U-K 20 2CDS 273 417 R0487 619868 0.42 3
25 S 203 U-K 25 2CDS 273 417 R0517 619875 0.42 3
30 S 203 U-K 30 2CDS 273 417 R0527 619882 0.42 3
32 S 203 U-K 32 2CDS 273 417 R0537 619899 0.42 3
40 S 203 U-K 40 2CDS 273 417 R0557 619905 0.42 3
50 S 203 U-K 50 2CDS 273 417 R0577 619912 0.42 3
60 S 203 U-K 60 2CDS 273 417 R0587 619929 0.42 3
63 S 203 U-K 63 2CDS 273 417 R0607 619936 0.42 3

4 0.2 S 204 U-K 0.2 2CDS 274 417 R0087 619943 0.56 2

0.3 S 204 U-K 0.3 2CDS 274 417 R0117 619479 0.56 2
0.5 S 204 U-K 0.5 2CDS 274 417 R0157 619967 0.56 2
0.75 S 204 U-K 0.75 2CDS 274 417 R0187 619974 0.56 2
1 S 204 U-K 1 2CDS 274 417 R0217 619509 0.56 2
1.6 S 204 U-K 1.6 2CDS 274 417 R0257 619998 0.56 2
2 S 204 U-K 2 2CDS 274 417 R0277 620000 0.56 2
3 S 204 U-K 3 2CDS 274 417 R0317 620017 0.56 2
4 S 204 U-K 4 2CDS 274 417 R0337 620024 0.56 2
5 S 204 U-K 5 2CDS 274 417 R0357 620031 0.56 2
6 S 204 U-K 6 2CDS 274 417 R0377 620048 0.56 2
8 S 204 U-K 8 2CDS 274 417 R0407 620055 0.56 2
10 S 204 U-K 10 2CDS 274 417 R0427 620062 0.56 2
13 S 204 U-K 13 2CDS 274 417 R0447 620079 0.56 2
15 S 204 U-K 15 2CDS 274 417 R0457 620086 0.56 2
16 S 204 U-K 16 2CDS 274 417 R0467 620093 0.56 2
20 S 204 U-K 20 2CDS 274 417 R0487 620109 0.56 2
25 S 204 U-K 25 2CDS 274 417 R0517 620116 0.56 2
30 S 204 U-K 30 2CDS 274 417 R0527 620123 0.56 2
32 S 204 U-K 32 2CDS 274 417 R0537 620130 0.56 2
40 S 204 U-K 40 2CDS 274 417 R0557 620147 0.56 2
50 S 204 U-K 50 2CDS 274 417 R0577 620154 0.56 2
60 S 204 U-K 60 2CDS 274 417 R0587 620161 0.56 2
63 S 204 U-K 63 2CDS 274 417 R0607 620178 0.56 2

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

ABB 2/39
System Selection tables S 200 U-Z
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series U

Z S 200 U-Z characteristic

Function: protection and control of the electronic circuits against weak and long duration overloads
and short-circuits.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, UL 489, CSA 22.2 No. 5
2 Number
of poles
Bbn Price
4016779 1 piece
1 piece

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 201 U-Z 0.5 2CDS 271 417 R0158 620185 0.14 10
1 S 201 U-Z 1 2CDS 271 417 R0218 620192 0.14 10
1.6 S 201 U-Z 1.6 2CDS 271 417 R0258 620208 0.14 10

2 S 201 U-Z 2 2CDS 271 417 R0278 620215 0.14 10

3 S 201 U-Z 3 2CDS 271 417 R0318 620222 0.14 10
4 S 201 U-Z 4 2CDS 271 417 R0338 620239 0.14 10
5 S 201 U-Z 5 2CDS 271 417 R0358 620246 0.14 10
6 S 201 U-Z 6 2CDS 271 417 R0378 620253 0.14 10
8 S 201 U-Z 8 2CDS 271 417 R0408 620260 0.14 10
10 S 201 U-Z 10 2CDS 271 417 R0428 620277 0.14 10
15 S 201 U-Z 15 2CDS 271 417 R0458 620291 0.14 10
16 S 201 U-Z 16 2CDS 271 417 R0468 620307 0.14 10
20 S 201 U-Z 20 2CDS 271 417 R0488 620314 0.14 10
25 S 201 U-Z 25 2CDS 271 417 R0518 620321 0.14 10
30 S 201 U-Z 30 2CDS 271 417 R0528 622851 0.14 10
32 S 201 U-Z 32 2CDS 271 417 R0538 620345 0.14 10
40 S 201 U-Z 40 2CDS 271 417 R0558 620352 0.14 10
50 S 201 U-Z 50 2CDS 271 417 R0578 620369 0.14 10
60 S 201 U-Z 60 2CDS 271 417 R0588 620376 0.14 10
63 S 201 U-Z 63 2CDS 271 417 R0608 620383 0.14 10

2 0.5 S 202 U-Z 0.5 2CDS 272 417 R0158 620390 0.28 5
1 S 202 U-Z 1 2CDS 272 417 R0218 620406 0.28 5
1.6 S 202 U-Z 1.6 2CDS 272 417 R0258 620413 0.28 5
2 S 202 U-Z 2 2CDS 272 417 R0278 620420 0.28 5
3 S 202 U-Z 3 2CDS 272 417 R0318 620437 0.28 5
4 S 202 U-Z 4 2CDS 272 417 R0338 620444 0.28 5
5 S 202 U-Z 5 2CDS 272 417 R0358 620451 0.28 5

6 S 202 U-Z 6 2CDS 272 417 R0378 620468 0.28 5

8 S 202 U-Z 8 2CDS 272 417 R0408 620475 0.28 5
10 S 202 U-Z 10 2CDS 272 417 R0428 620482 0.28 5
15 S 202 U-Z 15 2CDS 272 417 R0458 620505 0.28 5
16 S 202 U-Z 16 2CDS 272 417 R0468 620512 0.28 5
20 S 202 U-Z 20 2CDS 272 417 R0488 620529 0.28 5
25 S 202 U-Z 25 2CDS 272 417 R0518 620536 0.28 5
30 S 202 U-Z 30 2CDS 272 417 R0528 620543 0.28 5
32 S 202 U-Z 32 2CDS 272 417 R0538 620550 0.28 5
40 S 202 U-Z 40 2CDS 272 417 R0558 620567 0.28 5
50 S 202 U-Z 50 2CDS 272 417 R0578 620574 0.28 5
60 S 202 U-Z 60 2CDS 272 417 R0588 620581 0.28 5
63 S 202 U-Z 63 2CDS 272 417 R0608 620598 0.28 5

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

2/40 ABB
System Selection tables S 200 U-Z
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series U

Z 2CSC400016F0201

S 203 U-Z 0.5
S 203 U-Z 1
S 203 U-Z 1.6
2CDS 273 417 R0158 620604
2CDS 273 417 R0218 620611
2CDS 273 417 R0258 620628
2 S 203 U-Z 2 2CDS 273 417 R0278 620635 0.42 3
3 S 203 U-Z 3 2CDS 273 417 R0318 620624 0.42 3
4 S 203 U-Z 4 2CDS 273 417 R0338 620659 0.42 3
S 203 U-Z 5
S 203 U-Z 6
2CDS 273 417 R0358 620666
2CDS 273 417 R0378 620673
8 S 203 U-Z 8 2CDS 273 417 R0408 620680 0.42 3
10 S 203 U-Z 10 2CDS 273 417 R0428 620697 0.42 3
15 S 203 U-Z 15 2CDS 273 417 R0458 620710 0.42 3
16 S 203 U-Z 16 2CDS 273 417 R0468 620727 0.42 3
20 S 203 U-Z 20 2CDS 273 417 R0488 620734 0.42 3
25 S 203 U-Z 25 2CDS 273 417 R0518 620741 0.42 3
30 S 203 U-Z 30 2CDS 273 417 R0528 620758 0.42 3
32 S 203 U-Z 32 2CDS 273 417 R0538 620765 0.42 3
40 S 203 U-Z 40 2CDS 273 417 R0558 620772 0.42 3
50 S 203 U-Z 50 2CDS 273 417 R0578 620789 0.42 3
60 S 203 U-Z 60 2CDS 273 417 R0588 620796 0.42 3
63 S 203 U-Z 63 2CDS 273 417 R0608 620802 0.42 3

4 0.5 S 204 U-Z 0.5 2CDS 274 417 R0158 620819 0.56 2
1 S 204 U-Z 1 2CDS 274 417 R0218 620826 0.56 2
1.6 S 204 U-Z 1.6 2CDS 274 417 R0258 620833 0.56 2
2 S 204 U-Z 2 2CDS 274 417 R0278 620840 0.56 2
3 S 204 U-Z 3 2CDS 274 417 R0318 620857 0.56 2

4 S 204 U-Z 4 2CDS 274 417 R0338 620864 0.56 2

5 S 204 U-Z 5 2CDS 274 417 R0358 620871 0.56 2
6 S 204 U-Z 6 2CDS 274 417 R0378 620888 0.56 2
8 S 204 U-Z 8 2CDS 274 417 R0408 620895 0.56 2
10 S 204 U-Z 10 2CDS 274 417 R0428 620901 0.56 2
15 S 204 U-Z 15 2CDS 274 417 R0458 620925 0.56 2
16 S 204 U-Z 16 2CDS 274 417 R0468 620932 0.56 2
20 S 204 U-Z 20 2CDS 274 417 R0488 620949 0.56 2
25 S 204 U-Z 25 2CDS 274 417 R0518 620956 0.56 2
30 S 204 U-Z 30 2CDS 274 417 R0528 620963 0.56 2
32 S 204 U-Z 32 2CDS 274 417 R0538 620970 0.56 2
40 S 204 U-Z 40 2CDS 274 417 R0558 620987 0.56 2
50 S 204 U-Z 50 2CDS 274 417 R0578 620994 0.56 2
60 S 204 U-Z 60 2CDS 274 417 R0588 621007 0.56 2
63 S 204 U-Z 63 2CDS 274 417 R0608 621014 0.56 2

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

ABB 2/41
System Selection tables S 200 UP-K
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series UP

K S 200 UP-K characteristic

Function: protection and control of the electronic circuits against weak and long duration overloads
and short-circuits.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, UL 489, CSA 22.2 No. 5
2 Number
of poles
Bbn Price
4016779 1 piece
1 piece

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.2 S 201 UP-K 0.2 2CDS 271 317 R0087 615631 0.14 10
0.3 S 201 UP-K 0.3 2CDS 271 317 R0117 615648 0.14 10
0.5 S 201 UP-K 0.5 2CDS 271 317 R0157 615655 0.14 10
0.75 S 201 UP-K 0.75 2CDS 271 317 R0187 615662 0.14 10

1 S 201 UP-K 1 2CDS 271 317 R0217 615679 0.14 10

1.6 S 201 UP-K 1.6 2CDS 271 317 R0257 615686 0.14 10
2 S 201 UP-K 2 2CDS 271 317 R0277 615693 0.14 10
3 S 201 UP-K 3 2CDS 271 317 R0317 615709 0.14 10
4 S 201 UP-K 4 2CDS 271 317 R0337 615716 0.14 10
5 S 201 UP-K 5 2CDS 271 317 R0357 615723 0.14 10
6 S 201 UP-K 6 2CDS 271 317 R0377 615730 0.14 10
8 S 201 UP-K 8 2CDS 271 317 R0407 615747 0.14 10
10 S 201 UP-K 10 2CDS 271 317 R0427 615754 0.14 10
13 S 201 UP-K 13 2CDS 271 317 R0447 615761 0.14 10
15 S 201 UP-K 15 2CDS 271 317 R0457 615778 0.14 10
16 S 201 UP-K 16 2CDS 271 317 R0467 615785 0.14 10
20 S 201 UP-K 20 2CDS 271 317 R0487 615792 0.14 10
25 S 201 UP-K 25 2CDS 271 317 R0517 615808 0.14 10

2 0.2 S 202 UP-K 0.2 2CDS 272 317 R0087 615877 0.28 5
0.3 S 202 UP-K 0.3 2CDS 272 317 R0117 615884 0.28 5
0.5 S 202 UP-K 0.5 2CDS 272 317 R0157 615891 0.28 5
0.75 S 202 UP-K 0.75 2CDS 272 317 R0187 615907 0.28 5
1 S 202 UP-K 1 2CDS 272 317 R0217 615914 0.28 5
1.6 S 202 UP-K 1.6 2CDS 272 317 R0257 615921 0.28 5
2 S 202 UP-K 2 2CDS 272 317 R0277 615938 0.28 5
3 S 202 UP-K 3 2CDS 272 317 R0317 615945 0.28 5

4 S 202 UP-K 4 2CDS 272 317 R0337 615952 0.28 5

5 S 202 UP-K 5 2CDS 272 317 R0357 615969 0.28 5
6 S 202 UP-K 6 2CDS 272 317 R0377 615976 0.28 5
8 S 202 UP-K 8 2CDS 272 317 R0407 615983 0.28 5
10 S 202 UP-K 10 2CDS 272 317 R0427 615990 0.28 5
13 S 202 UP-K 13 2CDS 272 317 R0447 616003 0.28 5
15 S 202 UP-K 15 2CDS 272 317 R0457 616010 0.28 5
16 S 202 UP-K 16 2CDS 272 317 R0467 616027 0.28 5
20 S 202 UP-K 20 2CDS 272 317 R0487 616034 0.28 5
25 S 202 UP-K 25 2CDS 272 317 R0517 616041 0.28 5

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

2/42 ABB
System Selection tables S 200 UP-K
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series UP

K 2CSC400021F0201
3 0.2
S 203 UP-K 0.2
S 203 UP-K 0.3
S 203 UP-K 0.5
2CDS 273 317 R0087 616119
2CDS 273 317 R0117 616126
2CDS 273 317 R0157 616133
0.75 S 203 UP-K 0.75 2CDS 273 317 R0187 616140 0.42 3
1 S 203 UP-K 1 2CDS 273 317 R0217 616157 0.42 3
1.6 S 203 UP-K 1.6 2CDS 273 317 R0257 616164 0.42 3
S 203 UP-K 2
S 203 UP-K 3
2CDS 273 317 R0277 616171
2CDS 273 317 R0317 616188
4 S 203 UP-K 4 2CDS 273 317 R0337 616195 0.42 3
5 S 203 UP-K 5 2CDS 273 317 R0357 616201 0.42 3
6 S 203 UP-K 6 2CDS 273 317 R0377 616218 0.42 3
8 S 203 UP-K 8 2CDS 273 317 R0407 616225 0.42 3
10 S 203 UP-K 10 2CDS 273 317 R0427 616232 0.42 3
13 S 203 UP-K 13 2CDS 273 317 R0447 616249 0.42 3
15 S 203 UP-K 15 2CDS 273 317 R0457 616256 0.42 3
16 S 203 UP-K 16 2CDS 273 317 R0467 616263 0.42 3
20 S 203 UP-K 20 2CDS 273 317 R0487 616270 0.42 3
25 S 203 UP-K 25 2CDS 273 317 R0517 616287 0.42 3

4 0.2 S 204 UP-K 0.2 2CDS 274 317 R0087 616355 0.56 2
0.3 S 204 UP-K 0.3 2CDS 274 317 R0117 616362 0.56 2
0.5 S 204 UP-K 0.5 2CDS 274 317 R0157 616379 0.56 2
0.75 S 204 UP-K 0.75 2CDS 274 317 R0187 616386 0.56 2
1 S 204 UP-K 1 2CDS 274 317 R0217 616393 0.56 2
1.6 S 204 UP-K 1.6 2CDS 274 317 R0257 616409 0.56 2
2 S 204 UP-K 2 2CDS 274 317 R0277 616416 0.56 2

3 S 204 UP-K 3 2CDS 274 317 R0317 616423 0.56 2

4 S 204 UP-K 4 2CDS 274 317 R0337 616430 0.56 2
5 S 204 UP-K 5 2CDS 274 317 R0357 616447 0.56 2
6 S 204 UP-K 6 2CDS 274 317 R0377 616454 0.56 2
8 S 204 UP-K 8 2CDS 274 317 R0407 616461 0.56 2
10 S 204 UP-K 10 2CDS 274 317 R0427 616478 0.56 2
13 S 204 UP-K 13 2CDS 274 317 R0447 616485 0.56 2
15 S 204 UP-K 15 2CDS 274 317 R0457 616492 0.56 2
16 S 204 UP-K 16 2CDS 274 317 R0467 616508 0.56 2
20 S 204 UP-K 20 2CDS 274 317 R0487 616515 0.56 2
25 S 204 UP-K 25 2CDS 274 317 R0517 616522 0.56 2

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

ABB 2/43
System Selection tables S 200 UP-Z
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series UP

Z S 200 UP-Z characteristic

Function: protection and control of the electronic circuits against weak and long duration overloads
and short-circuits.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, UL 489, CSA 22.2 No. 5
2 Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 201 UP-Z 0.5 2CDS 271 317 R0158 616591 0.14 10
1 S 201 UP-Z 1 2CDS 271 317 R0218 616607 0.14 10
1.6 S 201 UP-Z 1.6 2CDS 271 317 R0258 616614 0.14 10

2 S 201 UP-Z 2 2CDS 271 317 R0278 616621 0.14 10

3 S 201 UP-Z 3 2CDS 271 317 R0318 616638 0.14 10
4 S 201 UP-Z 4 2CDS 271 317 R0338 616645 0.14 10
5 S 201 UP-Z 5 2CDS 271 317 R0358 616652 0.14 10
6 S 201 UP-Z 6 2CDS 271 317 R0378 616669 0.14 10
8 S 201 UP-Z 8 2CDS 271 317 R0408 616676 0.14 10
10 S 201 UP-Z 10 2CDS 271 317 R0428 616683 0.14 10
13 S 201 UP-Z 13 2CDS 271 317 R0448 616690 0.14 10
15 S 201 UP-Z 15 2CDS 271 317 R0458 616706 0.14 10
16 S 201 UP-Z 16 2CDS 271 317 R0468 616713 0.14 10
20 S 201 UP-Z 20 2CDS 271 317 R0488 616720 0.14 10
25 S 201 UP-Z 25 2CDS 271 317 R0518 616737 0.14 10

2 0.5 S 202 UP-Z 0.5 2CDS 272 317 R0158 616805 0.28 5
1 S 202 UP-Z 1 2CDS 272 317 R0218 616812 0.28 5
1.6 S 202 UP-Z 1.6 2CDS 272 317 R0258 616829 0.28 5
2 S 202 UP-Z 2 2CDS 272 317 R0278 616836 0.28 5
3 S 202 UP-Z 3 2CDS 272 317 R0318 616843 0.28 5
4 S 202 UP-Z 4 2CDS 272 317 R0338 616850 0.28 5
5 S 202 UP-Z 5 2CDS 272 317 R0358 616867 0.28 5
6 S 202 UP-Z 6 2CDS 272 317 R0378 616874 0.28 5
8 S 202 UP-Z 8 2CDS 272 317 R0408 616881 0.28 5
10 S 202 UP-Z 10 2CDS 272 317 R0428 616898 0.28 5

13 S 202 UP-Z 13 2CDS 272 317 R0448 616904 0.28 5

15 S 202 UP-Z 15 2CDS 272 317 R0458 616911 0.28 5
16 S 202 UP-Z 16 2CDS 272 317 R0468 616928 0.28 5
20 S 202 UP-Z 20 2CDS 272 317 R0488 616935 0.28 5
25 S 202 UP-Z 25 2CDS 272 317 R0518 616942 0.28 5

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

2/44 ABB
System Selection tables S 200 UP-Z
pro M compact® MCBs S 200 series UP

Z 3

S 203 UP-Z 0.5
S 203 UP-Z 1
S 203 UP-Z 1.6
2CDS 273 317 R0158 617017
2CDS 273 317 R0218 617024
2CDS 273 317 R0258 617031
2 S 203 UP-Z 2 2CDS 273 317 R0278 617048 0.42 3

3 S 203 UP-Z 3 2CDS 273 317 R0318 617055 0.42 3

4 S 203 UP-Z 4 2CDS 273 317 R0338 617062 0.42 3
S 203 UP-Z 5
S 203 UP-Z 6
2CDS 273 317 R0358 617079
2CDS 273 317 R0378 617086
8 S 203 UP-Z 8 2CDS 273 317 R0408 617093 0.42 3
10 S 203 UP-Z 10 2CDS 273 317 R0428 617109 0.42 3
13 S 203 UP-Z 13 2CDS 273 317 R0448 617116 0.42 3
15 S 203 UP-Z 15 2CDS 273 317 R0458 617123 0.42 3
16 S 203 UP-Z 16 2CDS 273 317 R0468 617130 0.42 3
20 S 203 UP-Z 20 2CDS 273 317 R0488 617147 0.42 3
25 S 203 UP-Z 25 2CDS 273 317 R0518 617154 0.42 3

4 0.5 S 204 UP-Z 0.5 2CDS 274 317 R0158 617222 0.56 2
1 S 204 UP-Z 1 2CDS 274 317 R0218 617239 0.56 2
1.6 S 204 UP-Z 1.6 2CDS 274 317 R0258 617246 0.56 2
2 S 204 UP-Z 2 2CDS 274 317 R0278 617253 0.56 2
3 S 204 UP-Z 3 2CDS 274 317 R0318 617260 0.56 2
4 S 204 UP-Z 4 2CDS 274 317 R0338 617277 0.56 2
5 S 204 UP-Z 5 2CDS 274 317 R0358 617284 0.56 2
6 S 204 UP-Z 6 2CDS 274 317 R0378 617291 0.56 2

8 S 204 UP-Z 8 2CDS 274 317 R0408 617307 0.56 2

10 S 204 UP-Z 10 2CDS 274 317 R0428 617314 0.56 2
13 S 204 UP-Z 13 2CDS 274 317 R0448 617321 0.56 2
15 S 204 UP-Z 15 2CDS 274 317 R0458 617338 0.56 2
16 S 204 UP-Z 16 2CDS 274 317 R0468 617345 0.56 2
20 S 204 UP-Z 20 2CDS 274 317 R0488 617352 0.56 2
25 S 204 UP-Z 25 2CDS 274 317 R0518 617369 0.56 2

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/2

ABB 2/45
2 2CSC400133F0201


The SN 201 range of circuit- their average lifetime. to give maximum visibility to ensuring maximum safety
afety of
breakers is the new ABB A redesigned red/green toggle the information relating to the the operation.
range of 1P+N single-module makes the ON/OFF status protected loads. he DIN
Due to larger size of the
MCBs. immediately apparent. The larger neutral hole allows de with
rail fixing system, made
These circuit-breakers are With the practical label carrier the use of an insulated ces, the
2 bistable fixing devices,
available with rated currents fitted in the new SN 201 screwdriver to tighten the same screwdriver used sed for
from 2 to 40 A, in the version circuit-breakers it’s possible screws of both wire terminals, als can
tightening the terminals
with C characteristic, and embling
also be used for assembling
with rated currents from 6 to and disassembling the
40 A, in the version with B device.
and D characteristics.
For each current there are All versions are equipped
also three different breaking with high capacity cagege type
capacities available: 4.5 kA terminals (16 mm2).
(SN 201 L series), 6 kA (SN 201 The SN 201 range circuit
series) and 10 kA (SN 201 M breakers have been designed
series). for wiring with the ABB

Unifix rapid system.

The circuit-breakers have The SN 201 fully integrates
been designed to ensure, with the range of System
in the final closing section, pro M compact® miniature
that the closing speed of the circuit-breakers, sharing
ing the
contacts is independent of wide selection of accessories
the speed at which the knob available through a dedicated
rotated. interface (half module),, which
The trip mechanism (ABB also can be used as auxiliary
international patent) ensures contact.
perfect closure every time,
thereby considerably
improving the performance of
these devices and extending

2/46 ABB
Miniature circuit-breakers
SN 201 series


Technical features of MCBs SN 201 series ................................................................... 2/48


Selection tables of MCBs SN 201 series
SN 2
201 L-B ......................................................................................................................... 2/50
SN 2
201 L-C ......................................................................................................................... 2/50
SN 2
201-B ............................................................................................................................ 2/51
SN 2
201-C ............................................................................................................................ 2/51
SN 2
201-D ............................................................................................................................ 2/52
SN 2
201 M-B ....................................................................................................................... 2/53
SN 2
201 M-C ....................................................................................................................... 2/53

System Technical features SN 201
pro M MCBs SN 201 series

Rated current In A
Rated voltage Ue V
Insulation voltage Ui V
Max. operating voltage Ub max. AC V
Min. operating voltage Ub min. V
Rated frequency Hz
Rated breaking capacity acc. to IEC/EN 60898 ultimate Icn A
Rated making and breaking capacity of an individual pole Icn1 kA
Rated breaking capacity ultimate Icu kA
acc. to IEC 947-2 1P+N - 230 V service Ics kA
Rated impulse withstand voltage (1,2/50) Uimp kV
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for 1 min. kV
Overvoltage category
Thermal-magnetic release B: 3 In b Im b 5 In
characteristic C: 5 In b Im b 10 In
D: 10 In b Im b 20 In
Electrical life
Mechanical life
Protection degree housing
Tropicalization humid heat °C/RH
acc. to IEC 68-2 constant climate conditions °C/RH
variable climate conditions °C/RH
Reference temperature for calibration of thermal element °C
Ambient temperature (with daily average b+35°C) °C
Storage temperature °C
Terminal size upper/lower per cable mm2
Tightening torque N*m
Pole dimensions (H x D x W) mm
Pole weight g

2/48 ABB
System Technical features SN 201
pro M MCBs SN 201 series

SN 201 L SN 201 SN 201 M

IEC/EN 60898
2 b In b 40 /
12VAC - 12VDC
4500 6000 10000
4.5 6 6
6 10 10
4.5 6 7.5
■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■

black sealable in ON-OFF position
28 cycles with 55/95…100
23/83 - 40/93 - 55/20
25/95 - 40/95
on DIN rail EN 60715 (35mm) by means of rapid fixing device
85 x 68.9 x 17.6

/ SN201 and SN201M series in B and D characteristic are available for rated current In > 6 A

ABB 2/49
System Selection tables SN 201 L B
pro M SN 201 L series MCBs SN 201 L C

SN 201 L - B characteristic
B Function: overload and short-circuit protection of circuits in final distribution; protection of long cable
lengths in TN and IT systems.
Applications: residential.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898

2 Icn: 4.5 kA

Number Rated Order details Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
In A Type Order code EAN kg pc.
1+N 2 SN201 L B2 2CSS245101R0025 087366 0.110 6
4 SN201 L B4 2CSS245101R0045 087465 0.110 6
6 SN201 L B6 2CSS245101R0065 087564 0.110 6
10 SN201 L B10 2CSS245101R0105 087663 0.110 6
16 SN201 L B16 2CSS245101R0165 087762 0.110 6
20 SN201 L B20 2CSS245101R0205 087861 0.110 6
25 SN201 L B25 2CSS245101R0255 087960 0.110 6
32 SN201 L B32 2CSS245101R0325 088066 0.110 6
40 SN201 L B40 2CSS245101R0405 088165 0.110 6

C SN 201 L - C characteristic
Function: overload and short-circuit protection of circuits in final distribution; protection of resistive
and inductive loads with low inrush current.
Applications: residential.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898
Icn: 4.5 kA

Number Rated Order details Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
In A Type Order code EAN kg pc.
1+N 2 SN201 L C2 2CSS245101R0024 088264 0.110 6
4 SN201 L C4 2CSS245101R0044 088363 0.110 6
6 SN201 L C6 2CSS245101R0064 088462 0.110 6
10 SN201 L C10 2CSS245101R0104 088561 0.110 6
16 SN201 L C16 2CSS245101R0164 088660 0.110 6
20 SN201 L C20 2CSS245101R0204 088769 0.110 6
25 SN201 L C25 2CSS245101R0254 088868 0.110 6
32 SN201 L C32 2CSS245101R0324 088967 0.110 6
40 SN201 L C40 2CSS245101R0404 089063 0.110 6

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/3

2/50 ABB
System Selection tables SN 201 B
pro M SN 201 series MCBs SN 201 C

SN 201 - B characteristic
B Function: overload and short-circuits protection of circuits in final distribution; protection of long cable
lengths in TN and IT systems.
Applications: residential and commercial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898
Icn: 6 kA
Number Rated Order details Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
In A Type Order code EAN kg pc.
1+N 6 SN201 B6 2CSS255101R0065 090762 0.110 6
10 SN201 B10 2CSS255101R0105 090861 0.110 6
16 SN201 B16 2CSS255101R0165 090960 0.110 6
20 SN201 B20 2CSS255101R0205 091066 0.110 6
25 SN201 B25 2CSS255101R0255 091165 0.110 6
32 SN201 B32 2CSS255101R0325 091264 0.110 6
40 SN201 B40 2CSS255101R0405 091363 0.110 6

C SN 201 - C characteristic
Function: overload and short-circuit protection of circuits in final distribution; protection of resistive
and inductive loads with low inrush current.
Applications: residential and commercial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898
Icn: 6 kA

Number Rated Order details Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
In A Type Order code EAN kg pc.
1+N 2 SN201 C2 2CSS255101R0024 091462 0.110 6
4 SN201 C4 2CSS255101R0044 091561 0.110 6
6 SN201 C6 2CSS255101R0064 091660 0.110 6
10 SN201 C10 2CSS255101R0104 091769 0.110 6
13 SN201 C13 2CSS255101R0134 091868 0.110 6
16 SN201 C16 2CSS255101R0164 091967 0.110 6
20 SN201 C20 2CSS255101R0204 092063 0.110 6
25 SN201 C25 2CSS255101R0254 092162 0.110 6
32 SN201 C32 2CSS255101R0324 092261 0.110 6
40 SN201 C40 2CSS255101R0404 092360 0.110 6

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/3

ABB 2/51
System Selection tables SN 201 D
pro M SN 201 series MCBs

SN 201 - D characteristic
D Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits in final distribution;
protection for circuits which supply loads with high inrush current at the circuit closing.
Applications: residential and commercial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898

2 Icn: 6 kA

Number Rated Order details Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
In A Type Order code EAN kg pc.
1+N 6 SN201 D6 2CSS255101R0061 092469 0,110 6
10 SN201 D10 2CSS255101R0101 092568 0,110 6
16 SN201 D16 2CSS255101R0161 092667 0,110 6
20 SN201 D20 2CSS255101R0201 092766 0,110 6
25 SN201 D25 2CSS255101R0251 092865 0,110 6
32 SN201 D32 2CSS255101R0321 092964 0,110 6
40 SN201 D40 2CSS255101R0401 093060 0,110 6

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/3

2/52 ABB
System Selection tables SN 201 M B
pro M SN 201 M series MCBs SN 201 M C

SN 201 M - B characteristic
B Function: overloads and short-circuit protection of circuits in final distribution; protection of long cable
lengths in TN and IT systems.
Applications: residential and commercial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898
Icn: 10 kA
Number Rated Order details Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
In A Type Order code EAN kg pc.
1+N 6 SN201 M B6 2CSS275101R0065 093152 0.110 6
10 SN201 M B10 2CSS275101R0105 093251 0.110 6
16 SN201 M B16 2CSS275101R0165 093350 0.110 6
20 SN201 M B20 2CSS275101R0205 093459 0.110 6
25 SN201 M B25 2CSS275101R0255 093558 0.110 6
32 SN201 M B32 2CSS275101R0325 093657 0.110 6
40 SN201 M B40 2CSS275101R0405 093756 0.110 6

C SN 201 M - C characteristic
Function: overload and short-circuit protection of circuits in final distribution; protection of resistive
and inductive loads with low inrush current.
Applications: residential and commercial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898
Icn: 10 kA

Number Rated Order details Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
In A Type Order code EAN kg pc.
1+N 2 SN201 M C2 2CSS275101R0024 093862 0.110 6
4 SN201 M C4 2CSS275101R0044 093961 0.110 6
6 SN201 M C6 2CSS275101R0064 094067 0.110 6
10 SN201 M C10 2CSS275101R0104 094166 0.110 6
16 SN201 M C16 2CSS275101R0164 094265 0.110 6
20 SN201 M C20 2CSS275101R0204 094364 0.110 6
25 SN201 M C25 2CSS275101R0254 094463 0.110 6
32 SN201 M C32 2CSS275101R0324 094562 0.110 6
40 SN201 M C40 2CSS275101R0404 094661 0.110 6

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/3

ABB 2/53


MCBs for heavy-duty industrial
protection consist of three
different ranges.

S 280 series, which includes

the 80 A and 100 A rated
current versions (one pole, one
module), available in B and C
characteristics, 6 kA breaking
capacity according to IEC/EN
60898 Standard and 35 mm2
size of the terminals. The range
includes also the S 280 UC
series that protects direct
current circuits with high
In all circuit-breakers of the

range there is no specific
mechanical constraint between
the case and the internal
mechanical components
which form three independent
functional blocks: in this way,
any distortion of the case, in 45 mm slotting and rated MCBs with high-rated breaking safely in an uncomplicated
the event of thermal shock, currents up to 125 A. They capacities and various tripping manner.
does not affect the correct can be mounted alongside characteristics. The units of the Compact dimensions ensure
functioning of the circuit-breaker. standard modular circuit- S 800 S series, both AC and that energy distribution systems
The supply lines of the protected breakers because of their DC types, operate in a nominal can be set up in a space-
circuit can be connected modular design and ability to current range of between 10 saving way. S800 MCBs satisfy
to either the upper or lower be installed on 35 mm DIN EN and 125 A covering breaking all the main standards and
terminals of the circuit-breakers 50022 rails. capacities of up to 50 kA. approvals.
(reversibility of connections). T h e c i rc u i t - b re a k e r s a re The S800 N is the ideal solution For the photovoltaic market
The double terminal of these available in 1-2-3-4 pole for applications of up to 36 ABB supply the new S800
c i rc u i t - b re a k e r s e n a b l e s versions with a width equal to kA; of course also for current PV range allowing complete
simultaneous connection 1 module and a half per pole ratings of between 10 and protection in such innovative
of cables and busbars. (27 mm); the characteristic 125 A. plants.
curves are C, D and K. T h e h i g h - r a t e d b re a k i n g
S 290 series, for the use in capacities of up to 50 kA allow
switchboards and consumer The extensive S800 range offers electrical distribution systems
units for modular devices with the right high performance to be configured and operated


Miniature circuit-breakers
S 280, S 290 and S800 series


Technical features of MCBs S 280 series 80-100 A ...................................................... 2/56

Selection tables of MCBs S 280 series 80-100 A

S 280 80-100 A-B ............................................................................................................. 2/57
S 280 80-100 A-C ................................................................................................................2/57

Technical features of MCBs S 280 UC series ................................................................ 2/58

Selection tables of MCBs S 280 UC series

S 280-UC B ........................................................................................................................ 2/59
S 280-UC K ...........................................................................................................................2/60
S 280-UC Z ...........................................................................................................................2/62

Technical features of MCBs S 290 series ...................................................................... 2/64

Selection tables of MCBs S 290 series

S 290-C .............................................................................................................................. 2/65
S 290-D .................................................................................................................................2/66
S 290-K .................................................................................................................................2/67

Technical features of MCBs S800 series ....................................................................... 2/68

Selection tables of MCBs S800 series

S800S-B ............................................................................................................................. 2/73
S800S-C ............................................................................................................................. 2/75
S800S-D ............................................................................................................................. 2/77
S800S-K ............................................................................................................................. 2/79
S800S-KM .......................................................................................................................... 2/81
S800S-UCB ........................................................................................................................ 2/82
S800S-UCK ........................................................................................................................ 2/84
S800N-B ............................................................................................................................. 2/86
S800N-C ............................................................................................................................. 2/87
S800N-D ............................................................................................................................. 2/88
S800C-B ............................................................................................................................. 2/89
S800C-C ............................................................................................................................. 2/90
S800C-D ............................................................................................................................. 2/91
S800C-K ............................................................................................................................. 2/92
S800U-Z ............................................................................................................................. 2/93
S800U-K ............................................................................................................................. 2/94
S800PV-S ........................................................................................................................... 2/96
S800PV-M .......................................................................................................................... 2/97

System Technical features S 280
pro M MCBs S 280 series 80-100 A


Standards IEC/EN 60898; IEC/EN 60947-2
Electrical Rated current In A 80 b In b 100
feature Poles 1P, 2P, 3P, 4P
Rated voltage Ue IEC AC 1P V 230-240
IEC AC 2P, 3P, 4P V 230/400-240/415
Insulation voltage Ui V 500
Max. operating voltage Ub max. IEC AC V 254/440
IEC DC 1P V 60
IEC DC 2P, 3P, 4P V 125
Min. operating voltage Ub min. V 12 VAC - 12 VDC
Rated frequency Hz 50...60
Rated breaking capacity acc. ultimate Icn A 6000
to IEC/EN 60898
Rated breaking capacity ultimate Icu kA 6
acc. to IEC/EN 60947-2 1P @ 230 VAC service Ics kA 6
2P, 3P, 4P@ 400 VAC
Rated impulse withstand voltage kV 5
(1.2/50) Uimp
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for kV 2.5
1 min.
Overvoltage category III
Thermomagnetic release B: 3 In b Im b 5 In n
characteristic C: 5 In b Im b 10 In n
Mechanical Toggle black sealable in ON- OFF position
feature Electrical life 4000
Mechanical life 10000
Protection degree housing IP4X
terminals IP2X
Mechanical shock resistance 30 g, minimum of 2 impacts, duration of shocks 13 ms
Resistance to vibrations acc. to IEC/EN 5 g - 20 cycles at frequency 5…150…5 Hz with load
60068-2-6 0.8 In
Tropicalization humid heat °C/RH 28 cycles with 55/95…100
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2 constant climatic conditions °C/RH 23/83 - 40/93 - 55/20
variable climatic conditions °C/RH 25/95 - 40/95
Reference temperature for setting °C 30
of thermal element
Ambient temperature °C -25…+55
(with daily average b +35°C)
Storage temperature °C -40…+70
Installation Terminal type cage (shock protected)
Terminal size top/bottom for cable mm2 35/35
Tightening torque N*m 2.5
Mounting on DIN rail EN 60715 (35 mm) by means of fast clip
Connection from top and bottom
Dimensions Pole dimensions (H x D x W) mm 90 x 68 x 17.5
and weight Pole weight g 160
Combination Combinable with: signal contact/auxiliary switch yes
with auxiliary shunt trip yes
elements undervoltage release yes

2/56 ABB
System Selection tables S 280 B and C
pro M MCBs S 280 series 80-100 A

B&C S 280 80-100A B characteristic

Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits; protection for
people and big length cables in TN and IT systems.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=6 kA 2

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 80 S281 B80 GHS2810001R0805 499503 0.140 1/6
100 S281 B100 GHS2810001R0825 499602 0.140 1/6

2 80 S282 B80 GHS2820001R0805 500100 0.275 1/3

100 S282 B100 GHS2820001R0825 500209 0.275 1/3

3 80 S283 B80 GHS2830001R0805 500704 0.400 1/2

100 S283 B100 GHS2830001R0825 500803 0.400 1/2

4 80 S284 B80 GHS2840001R0805 518006 0.525 1

100 S284 B100 GHS2840001R0825 518105 0.525 1

S 280 80-100A C characteristic

Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits; protection for
resistive and inductive loads with low inrush current.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=6 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.


1 80 S281 C80 GHS2810001R0804 499305 0.140 1/6

100 S281 C100 GHS2810001R0824 499404 0.140 1/6

2 80 S282 C80 GHS2820001R0804 499909 0.275 1/3

100 S282 C100 GHS2820001R0824 500001 0.275 1/3

3 80 S283 C80 GHS2830001R0804 500506 0.400 1/2

100 S283 C100 GHS2830001R0824 500605 0.400 1/2

4 80 S284 C80 GHS2840001R0804 517801 0.525 1

100 S284 C100 GHS2840001R0824 517900 0.525 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

ABB 2/57
System Technical features S 280 UC
pro M MCBs S 280 series UC


Standards IEC/EN 60947-2, UL1077 /, CSA22.2 No.235 /
Electrical Rated current In A 0.5 b In b 40 50 b In b 63
features Poles 1P, 2P
Rated voltage Ue IEC DC 1P V 220
IEC DC 2P, 3P, 4P V 440
UL/CSA DC 1P V 250
UL/CSA DC 2P, 3P, 4P V 500
Insulation voltage Ui V 500
Max. operating voltage Ub max. IEC AC V 254/440
UL/CSA AC V 480 Y/277
IEC/UL/CSA DC 2P, 3P, 4P V 500
Min. operating voltage Ub min. V 12 VAC - 12 VDC
Rated frequency Hz 50...60
Rated breaking capacity ultimate Icu kA 6 4.5
acc. to IEC/EN 60947-2 1P@ 220 VDC service Ics kA 6 4.5
2P, 3P, 4P@ 440 VDC
Rated interrupting capacity IR kA (RMS) 10
acc. to UL1077, CSA22.2 No.235
1P@60 VDC 2P,3P,4P@125 VDC
Rated impulse withstand voltage kV 5
(1.2/50) Uimp
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for kV 2.5
1 min.
Overvoltage category III
Thermomagnetic release B: 3 In b Im b 5 In n n
characteristic K: 8 In b Im b 14 In n n
Z: 2 In b Im b 3 In n n
Mechanical Toggle black sealable in ON- OFF position
features Electrical life 10000
Mechanical life 20000
Protection degree housing IP4X
terminals IP2X
Mechanical shock resistance 30 g, minimum of 2 impacts, duration of shocks 13 ms
Resistance to vibrations acc. to IEC/EN 5 g - 20 cycles at frequency 5…150…5 Hz with
60068-2-6 load 0,8 In
Tropicalization humid heat °C/RH 28 cycles with 55/95…100
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2 constant climatic conditions °C/RH 23/83 - 40/93 - 55/20
variable climatic conditions °C/RH 25/95 - 40/95
Reference temperature for setting of °C 30 (20 for characteristics K,Z)
thermal element
Ambient temperature IEC °C -25…+55
(with daily average b +35°C) UL/CSA °C -25…+70
Storage temperature °C -40…+70
Installation Terminal type cage (shock protected)
Terminal size top/bottom for cable IEC mm2 25/25
UL/CSA AWG 18-16
Tightening torque IEC N*m 2
UL/CSA in-lbs. 17.5
Tool No. 2 Posidriv
Mounting on DIN rail EN 60715 (35 mm) by means of fast clip device
Connection from top or bottom, according to the position of
load (see wiring diagrams)
Dimensions Pole dimensions (H x D x W) mm 90 x 68 x 17.5
and weight Pole weight g 140
Combination Combinable with: signal contact/auxiliary switch yes
with auxiliary shunt trip yes
elements undervoltage release yes

2/58 ABB
System Selection tables S 280 UC B
pro M MCBs S 280 series UC
max voltage 220 V DC 1 pole, 440 V DC 2, 3 and 4 poles

B S 280 series UC B characteristic

Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits; protection for
people and big length cables in TN and IT systems; version dedicated to application in direct current
circuits for voltages up to 220 V DC 1 pole and 440 V DC 2, 3 and 4 poles.
Applications: industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=6 kA

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 6 S281-UC B 6 GHS2810164R0065 162302 0.130 10/40
10 S281-UC B10 GHS2810164R0105 162401 0.130 10/40
UBmax 16 S281-UC B16 GHS2810164R0165 162500 0.130 10/40
440 V~ 20 S281-UC B20 GHS2810164R0205 162609 0.130 10/40
220 V –... 25 S281-UC B25 GHS2810164R0255 162708 0.130 10/40

2 6 S282-UC B 6 GHS2820164R0065 162807 0.260 5/20

10 S282-UC B10 GHS2820164R0105 162906 0.260 5/20

UBmax 16 S282-UC B16 GHS2820164R0165 163002 0.260 5/20

440 V~ 20 S282-UC B20 GHS2820164R0205 163101 0.260 5/20
440 V –... 25 S282-UC B25 GHS2820164R0255 163200 0.260 5/20

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

ABB 2/59
System Selection tables S 280 UC K
pro M MCBs S 280 series UC
max voltage 220 V DC 1 pole, 440 V DC 2, 3 and 4 poles

K S 280 series UC K (power) characteristic

Function: protection and control of the circuits like motors and auxiliary circuits, against overloads
and short-circuits; version dedicated to application in direct current circuits for voltages up to 220 V
DC 1 pole and 440 V DC 2, 3 and 4 poles.
Advantages: no nuisance tripping in the case of functional peak currents up to 8xIn, depending
on the series; through its highly sensitive thermostatic bimetal trip, the K-type characteristic offers
2 protection to damageable elements in the overcurrent range; it also provides the best protection to
cables and lines.

Applications: industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, VDE 0660 Part 101
Icn=6 kA

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current details 4012233 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.2 S 281 UC-K 0.2 GHS2810164R0087 634200 0.130 10/40
0.3 S 281 UC-K 0.3 GHS2810164R0117 634309 0.130 10/40
0.5 S 281 UC-K 0.5 GHS2810164R0157 634408 0.130 10/40
0.75 S 281 UC-K 0.75 GHS2810164R0187 635504 0.130 10/40
1 S 281 UC-K 1 GHS2810164R0217 634606 0.130 10/40
1.6 S 281 UC-K 1.6 GHS2810164R0257 634705 0.130 10/40
2 S 281 UC-K 2 GHS2810164R0277 634804 0.130 10/40
3 S 281 UC-K 3 GHS2810164R0317 634903 0.130 10/40
4 S 281 UC-K 4 GHS2810164R0337 635009 0.130 10/40
6 S 281 UC-K 6 GHS2810164R0377 635207 0.130 10/40
8 S 281 UC-K 8 GHS2810164R0407 635108 0.130 10/40
10 S 281 UC-K 10 GHS2810164R0427 635306 0.130 10/40
16 S 281 UC-K 16 GHS2810164R0467 635405 0.130 10/40
20 S 281 UC-K 20 GHS2810164R0487 635603 0.130 10/40
25 S 281 UC-K 25 GHS2810164R0517 635702 0.130 10/40
32 S 281 UC-K 32 GHS2810164R0537 635801 0.130 10/40
_UBmax 40 S 281 UC-K 40 GHS2810164R0557 635900 0.130 10/40
440 V~ 50 S 281 UC-K 50 GHS2810164R0577 636006 0.160 10/40
220 V –... 63 S 281 UC-K 63 GHS2810164R0607 636105 0.160 10/40

2 0.2 S 282 UC-K 0.2 GHS2820164R0087 636204 0.260 5/20

0.3 S 282 UC-K 0.3 GHS2820164R0117 636303 0.260 5/20
0.5 S 282 UC-K 0.5 GHS2820164R0157 636402 0.260 5/20
0.75 S 282 UC-K 0.75 GHS2820164R0187 636501 0.260 5/20
1 S 282 UC-K 1 GHS2820164R0217 636600 0.260 5/20
1.6 S 282 UC-K 1.6 GHS2820164R0257 636709 0.260 5/20
2 S 282 UC-K 2 GHS2820164R0277 652808 0.260 5/20
3 S 282 UC-K 3 GHS2820164R0317 636808 0.260 5/20
4 S 282 UC-K 4 GHS2820164R0337 636907 0.260 5/20
6 S 282 UC-K 6 GHS2820164R0377 637003 0.260 5/20
8 S 282 UC-K 8 GHS2820164R0407 637102 0.260 5/20
10 S 282 UC-K 10 GHS2820164R0427 637201 0.260 5/20
16 S 282 UC-K 16 GHS2820164R0467 637300 0.260 5/20
20 S 282 UC-K 20 GHS2820164R0487 637409 0.260 5/20
25 S 282 UC-K 25 GHS2820164R0517 637508 0.260 5/20
32 S 282 UC-K 32 GHS2820164R0537 637607 0.260 5/20
_UBmax 40 S 282 UC-K 40 GHS2820164R0557 637706 0.260 5/20
440 V~ 50 S 282 UC-K 50 GHS2820164R0577 637904 0.320 5/20
440 V –... 63 S 282 UC-K 63 GHS2820164R0607 638000 0.320 5/20

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

2/60 ABB
System Selection tables S 280 UC K
pro M MCBs S 280 series UC
max voltage 220 V DC 1 pole, 440 V DC 2, 3 and 4 poles

K 2CSC400478F0201
3 0.2
S 283 UC-K 0.2
S 283 UC-K 0.3
S 283 UC-K 0.5
0.75 S 283 UC-K 0.75 GHS2830164R0187 738403 0.390 3/12
1 S 283 UC-K 1 GHS2830164R0217 738502 0.390 3/12
1.6 S 283 UC-K 1.6 GHS2830164R0257 738601 0.390 3/12
S 283 UC-K 2
S 283 UC-K 3
4 S 283 UC-K 4 GHS2830164R0337 738908 0.390 3/12
6 S 283 UC-K 6 GHS2830164R0377 739004 0.390 3/12
8 S 283 UC-K 8 GHS2830164R0407 739103 0.390 3/12
10 S 283 UC-K 10 GHS2830164R0427 739202 0.390 3/12
16 S 283 UC-K 16 GHS2830164R0467 739301 0.390 3/12
20 S 283 UC-K 20 GHS2830164R0487 739400 0.390 3/12
25 S 283 UC-K 25 GHS2830164R0517 739509 0.390 3/12
32 S 283 UC-K 32 GHS2830164R0537 739608 0.390 3/12
_UBmax 40 S 283 UC-K 40 GHS2830164R0557 739707 0.390 3/12
440 V~ 50 S 283 UC-K 50 GHS2830164R0577 739806 0.480 3/12
440 V –... 63 S 283 UC-K 63 GHS2830164R0607 739905 0.480 3/12

4 0.2 S 284 UC-K 0.2 GHS2840164R0087 741601 0.520 2

0.3 S 284 UC-K 0.3 GHS2840164R0117 741700 0.520 2

0.5 S 284 UC-K 0.5 GHS2840164R0157 741809 0.520 2

0.75 S 284 UC-K 0.75 GHS2840164R0187 741908 0.520 2
1 S 284 UC-K 1 GHS2840164R0217 742004 0.520 2
1.6 S 284 UC-K 1.6 GHS2840164R0257 742103 0.520 2
2 S 284 UC-K 2 GHS2840164R0277 742202 0.520 2
3 S 284 UC-K 3 GHS2840164R0317 742301 0.520 2
4 S 284 UC-K 4 GHS2840164R0337 742400 0.520 2
6 S 284 UC-K 6 GHS2840164R0377 742509 0.520 2
8 S 284 UC-K 8 GHS2840164R0407 742608 0.520 2
10 S 284 UC-K 10 GHS2840164R0427 742707 0.520 2
16 S 284 UC-K 16 GHS2840164R0467 742806 0.520 2
20 S 284 UC-K 20 GHS2840164R0487 743001 0.520 2
25 S 284 UC-K 25 GHS2840164R0517 743100 0.520 2
32 S 284 UC-K 32 GHS2840164R0537 743209 0.520 2
_UBmax 40 S 284 UC-K 40 GHS2840164R0557 743308 0.520 2
440 V~ 50 S 284 UC-K 50 GHS2840164R0577 743407 0.640 2
440 V –... 63 S 284 UC-K 63 GHS2840164R0607 743506 0.640 2

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

ABB 2/61
System Selection tables S 280 UC Z
pro M MCBs S 280 series UC
max voltage 220 V DC 1 pole, 440 V DC 2, 3 and 4 poles

Z S 280 series UC Z characteristic

Function: protection and control of the electronic circuits against weak and long duration overloads
and short-circuits; version dedicated to application in direct current circuits for voltages up to 220 V
DC 1 pole and 440 V DC 2, 3 and 4 poles.
Applications: industrial.

2 Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, VDE 0660 Part 101


Icn=6 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 4012233 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 0.5 S 281 UC-Z 0.5 GHS2810164R0158 638604 0.130 10/40
1 S 281 UC-Z 1 GHS2810164R0218 638703 0.130 10/40
1.6 S 281 UC-Z 1.6 GHS2810164R0258 638802 0.130 10/40
2 S 281 UC-Z 2 GHS2810164R0278 638901 0.130 10/40
3 S 281 UC-Z 3 GHS2810164R0318 639007 0.130 10/40
4 S 281 UC-Z 4 GHS2810164R0338 639106 0.130 10/40
6 S 281 UC-Z 6 GHS2810164R0378 639205 0.130 10/40
8 S 281 UC-Z 8 GHS2810164R0408 639403 0.130 10/40
10 S 281 UC-Z 10 GHS2810164R0428 639502 0.130 10/40
16 S 281 UC-Z 16 GHS2810164R0468 639601 0.130 10/40
20 S 281 UC-Z 20 GHS2810164R0488 639700 0.130 10/40
25 S 281 UC-Z 25 GHS2810164R0518 639809 0.130 10/40
32 S 281 UC-Z 32 GHS2810164R0538 639908 0.130 10/40
_UBmax 40 S 281 UC-Z 40 GHS2810164R0558 640003 0.130 10/40
440 V~ 50 S 281 UC-Z 50 GHS2810164R0578 640102 0.160 10/40
220 V –... 63 S 281 UC-Z 63 GHS2810164R0608 640201 0.160 10/40

2 0.5 S 282 UC-Z 0.5 GHS2820164R0158 640300 0.260 5/20

1 S 282 UC-Z 1 GHS2820164R0218 640409 0.260 5/20
1.6 S 282 UC-Z 1.6 GHS2820164R0258 642304 0.260 5/20
2 S 282 UC-Z 2 GHS2820164R0278 641000 0.260 5/20
3 S 282 UC-Z 3 GHS2820164R0318 641109 0.260 5/20
4 S 282 UC-Z 4 GHS2820164R0338 641208 0.260 5/20
6 S 282 UC-Z 6 GHS2820164R0378 641307 0.260 5/20
8 S 282 UC-Z 8 GHS2820164R0408 641406 0.260 5/20
10 S 282 UC-Z 10 GHS2820164R0428 641505 0.260 5/20
16 S 282 UC-Z 16 GHS2820164R0468 641604 0.260 5/20
20 S 282 UC-Z 20 GHS2820164R0488 641703 0.260 5/20
25 S 282 UC-Z 25 GHS2820164R0518 641802 0.260 5/20
32 S 282 UC-Z 32 GHS2820164R0538 641901 0.260 5/20
_UBmax 40 S 282 UC-Z 40 GHS2820164R0558 642007 0.260 5/20
440 V~ 50 S 282 UC-Z 50 GHS2820164R0578 642106 0.320 5/20
440 V –... 63 S 282 UC-Z 63 GHS2820164R0608 642205 0.320 5/20

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

2/62 ABB
System Selection tables S 280 UC Z
pro M MCBs S 280 series UC
max voltage 220 V DC 1 pole, 440 V DC 2, 3 and 4 poles

Z 2CSC400478F0201
3 0.5
S 283 UC-Z 0.5
S 283 UC-Z 1
S 283 UC-Z 1.6
2 S 283 UC-Z 2 GHS2830164R0278 740307 0.390 3/12
3 S 283 UC-Z 3 GHS2830164R0318 740406 0.390 3/12
4 S 283 UC-Z 4 GHS2830164R0338 740505 0.390 3/12
S 283 UC-Z 6
S 283 UC-Z 8
10 S 283 UC-Z 10 GHS2830164R0428 740802 0.390 3/12
16 S 283 UC-Z 16 GHS2830164R0468 740901 0.390 3/12
20 S 283 UC-Z 20 GHS2830164R0488 741007 0.390 3/12
25 S 283 UC-Z 25 GHS2830164R0518 741106 0.390 3/12
32 S 283 UC-Z 32 GHS2830164R0538 741205 0.390 3/12
_UBmax 40 S 283 UC-Z 40 GHS2830164R0558 741304 0.390 3/12
440 V~ 50 S 283 UC-Z 50 GHS2830164R0578 741403 0.480 3/12
440 V –... 63 S 283 UC-Z 63 GHS2830164R0608 741502 0.480 3/12

4 0.5 S 284 UC-Z 0.5 GHS2840164R0158 743605 0.520 2

1 S 284 UC-Z 1 GHS2840164R0218 743704 0.520 2
1.6 S 284 UC-Z 1.6 GHS2840164R0258 743803 0.520 2
2 S 284 UC-Z 2 GHS2840164R0278 743902 0.520 2
3 S 284 UC-Z 3 GHS2840164R0318 744008 0.520 2

4 S 284 UC-Z 4 GHS2840164R0338 744107 0.520 2

6 S 284 UC-Z 6 GHS2840164R0378 744206 0.520 2
8 S 284 UC-Z 8 GHS2840164R0408 744305 0.520 2
10 S 284 UC-Z 10 GHS2840164R0428 744404 0.520 2
16 S 284 UC-Z 16 GHS2840164R0468 744503 0.520 2
20 S 284 UC-Z 20 GHS2840164R0488 744602 0.520 2
25 S 284 UC-Z 25 GHS2840164R0518 744701 0.520 2
32 S 284 UC-Z 32 GHS2840164R0538 744800 0.520 2
_UBmax 40 S 284 UC-Z 40 GHS2840164R0558 744909 0.520 2
440 V~ 50 S 284 UC-Z 50 GHS2840164R0578 745005 0.640 2
440 V –... 63 S 284 UC-Z 63 GHS2840164R0608 745104 0.640 2

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

ABB 2/63
System Technical features S 290
pro M MCBs S 290 series

Standards IEC / EN 60898, IEC / EN 60947-2, UL 1077 /
Rated current In A 80 b In b 125
Poles 1P, 2P, 3P, 4P
Rated voltage Ue IEC AC 1P V 230-240
IEC AC 2P, 3P, 4P V 230/400-240/415
UL AC 1P V 277
UL AC 2P, 3P, 4P V 480 Y/277
Insulation voltage Ui V 500
Max. operating voltage Ub max. IEC AC V 250/440
UL AC 1P V 480 Y/277
IEC/UL DC 2P, 3P, 4P V 125
Min. operating voltage Ub min. V 24VAC - 24VDC
Rated frequency Hz 50…60
Rated breaking capacity acc. to IEC/EN 60898 ultimate Icn A 10000
Rated breaking capacity acc. to IEC/EN ultimate Icu kA 20 (15 for D characteristic)
60947-2 1P @ 230 VAC 2P, 3P, 4P@ 400 VAC service Ics kA 10 (8 for D characteristic)
Rated interrupting capacity acc. to UL1077, IR kA (RMS) 5
CSA22.2 No.235 1P@277 VAC 2P,3P,4P@480
Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50) Uimp kV 5
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for 1 min. kV 2.5
Overvoltage category III
Thermomagnetic release C: 5 In b Im b 10 In n
characteristic D: 10 In b Im b 20 In n
K: 10 In b Im b 14 In n
Toggle black sealable in ON-OFF position
Electrical life 10000
Mechanical life 20000
Protection degree housing IP4X
terminals IP2X
Mechanical shock resistance 5 g, 2 impact shock, half wave form, duration 11 ms
Resistance to vibrations acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-6 5 g - 20 cycles at frequency 5…150…5 Hz with load 0.8 In
Tropicalization humid heat °C/RH 28 cycles with 55/95…100
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2 constant climatic conditions °C/RH 23/83 - 40/93 - 55/20
variable climatic conditions °C/RH 25/95 - 40/95
Reference temperature for setting of thermal °C 30 (20 for characteristics K)
Ambient temperature (with daily IEC/UL °C -25…+45
average b +35 °C)
Storage temperature °C -40…+70
Terminal type cage (shock protected)
Terminal size top/bottom for cable IEC mm2 50/50
UL AWG 14-1
Tightening torque IEC N*m 3.0...3.5
UL in-lbs. 35
Tool No. 2 Posidriv
Mounting on DIN rail EN 60715 (35 mm) by means of fast clip device
Connection from top and bottom
Pole dimensions (H x D x W) mm 90 x 70 x 26.25
Pole weight g 258
Combinable with: signal contact/auxiliary switch yes
shunt trip yes
undervoltage release yes

/ supplementary protection

2/64 ABB
System Selection tables S 290 C
pro M MCBs S 290 series

C S 290 C characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when high nominal
currents are required; protection for resistive and inductive loads with low inrush current.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=10 kA 2
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 4016799 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.


1 80 S291 C 80 GHS2912001R0804 570541 0.267 1/6

100 S291 C100 GHS2912001R0824 570572 0.267 1/6
125 S291 C125 GHS2912001R0844 570602 0.267 1/6

2 80 S292 C 80 GHS2922001R0804 570626 0.534 1/3

100 S292 C100 GHS2922001R0824 570657 0.534 1/3
125 S292 C125 GHS2922001R0844 570688 0.534 1/3

3 80 S293 C 80 GHS2932001R0804 570701 0.801 1/2

100 S293 C100 GHS2932001R0824 570732 0.801 1/2
125 S293 C125 GHS2932001R0844 570763 0.801 1/2

4 80 S294 C 80 GHS2942001R0804 570787 1.068 1

100 S294 C100 GHS2942001R0824 570732 1.068 1
125 S294 C125 GHS2942001R0844 570848 1.068 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

ABB 2/65
System Selection tables S 290 D
pro M MCBs S 290 series

D S 290 D characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when high nominal
current are required; protection for circuits which supply loads with high inrush current at the circuit
closing (motors, LV / LV transformers, breakdown lamps).
Applications: commercial and industrial.

2 Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2

Icn=10 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 4016799 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 80 S291 D 80 GHS2912001R0801 120807 0.267 1/6
100 S291 D100 GHS2912001R0821 120906 0.267 1/6

2 80 S292 D 80 GHS2922001R0801 121002 0.534 1/3

100 S292 D100 GHS2922001R0821 121507 0.534 1/3

3 80 S293 D 80 GHS2932001R0801 121705 0.801 1/2

100 S293 D100 GHS2932001R0821 121804 0.801 1/2

4 80 S294 D 80 GHS2942001R0801 121200 1.068 1


100 S294 D100 GHS2942001R0821 121309 1.068 1


Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

2/66 ABB
System Selection tables S 290 K
pro M MCBs S 290 series

K S 290 K (power) characteristic

Function: protection and control of the circuits like motors, transformer and auxiliary circuits, against
overloads and short-circuits when high nominal current are required.
Advantages: no nuisance tripping in the case of functional peak currents up to 8xIn, depending
on the series; through its highly sensitive thermostatic bimetal trip, the K-type characteristic offers
protection to damageable elements in the overcurrent range; it also provides the best protection to
cables and lines. 2
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, VDE 0660 Part 101
Icn=10 kA

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current details 4016799 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 80 S291 K 80 GHS2912001R0807 570558 0.267 1/6
100 S291 K100 GHS2912001R0827 570589 0.267 1/6

2 80 S292 K 80 GHS2922001R0807 570633 0.534 1/3

100 S292 K100 GHS2922001R0827 570664 0.534 1/3

3 80 S293 K 80 GHS2932001R0807 570718 0.801 1/2

100 S293 K100 GHS2932001R0827 570749 0.801 1/2

4 80 S294 K 80 GHS2942001R0807 570794 1.068 1

100 S294 K100 GHS2942001R0827 570824 1.068 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

ABB 2/67
System Technical features S800
pro M compact® MCBs S800 series

Characteristics available B, C, D K
Max. rated continuous current In [A] 10...125 10...125 20...63 10...125
Poles 1...4 1...4 3 1...4
Rated operating voltage Ue
(AC) 50/60Hz [V] 400/690 400/690 400/690 -
(DC)/pole [V] max. 125 max. 125 max. 125 250
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 690 690 690 250 0
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp [kV] 8 8 8 8
Ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity Icu in accordance with IEC 60947-2
(AC) 50/60Hz 240/415V [kA] 50 50 50 -
(AC) 50/60Hz 254/440V (10...80A) [kA] 30 30 30 -
(AC) 50/60Hz 254/440V (100...125A) [kA] 30 30 30 -
(AC) 50/60Hz 289/500V (10...63A) [kA] 15 15 15 -
(AC) 50/60Hz 289/500V (80A) [kA] 15 15 15 -
(AC) 50/60Hz 289/500V (100...125A) [kA] 10 10 10 -
(AC) 50/60Hz 400/690V (10...80A) [kA] 6 6 6 -
(AC) 50/60Hz 400/690V (100...125A) [kA] 4.5 4.5 4.5 -
(DC) 125V (1-pole) [kA] 30 30
(DC) 250V (1-pole) [kA] - - - 50
(DC) 250V (2-pole) [kA] 30 30
(DC) 375V (3-pole) [kA] 30 30 30
(DC) 500V (2-pole) [kA] - - - 50
(DC) 500V (4-pole) [kA] 30 30
(DC) 750V (3-pole) [kA] - - - 50
(DC) 750V (4-pole) [kA] - - - 50
Rated short-circuit breaking capacity Icn EN 60898-1
(AC) 50/60Hz 240/415V (up to 80A) [kA] 25 - - -
Service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics in accordance with IEC 60947-2 - -
(AC) 50/60Hz 240/415V [kA] 40 40 40 -
(AC) 50/60Hz 254/440V (10...80A) [kA] 22.5 22.5 22.5 -
(AC) 50/60Hz 254/440V (100...125A) [kA] 15 15 15 -
(AC) 50/60Hz 289/500V (10...63A) [kA] 11 11 11 -
(AC) 50/60Hz 289/500V (80A) [kA] 8 8 8 -
(AC) 50/60Hz 289/500V (100...125A) [kA] 5 5 5 -
(AC) 50/60Hz 400/690V (10...80A) [kA] 4 4 4 -
(AC) 50/60Hz 400/690V (100...125A) [kA] 3 3 3 -
(DC) 125V (1-pole) [kA] 30 30
(DC) 250V (1-pole) [kA] - - - 50
(DC) 250V (2-pole) [kA] 30 30
(DC) 375V (3-pole) [kA] 30 30 30
(DC) 500V (2-pole) [kA] - - - 50
(DC) 500V (4-pole) [kA] 30 30
(DC) 750V (3-pole) [kA] - - - 50
(DC) 750V (4-pole) [kA] - - - 50
Service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics in accordance with EN 60898-1
(AC) 50/60Hz 240/415V (up to 80A) [kA] 12.5 - - -
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60, (16 2 ⁄ 3) / 50/60, (16 2 ⁄ 3) / 50/60 -
Total breaking time (240/415V; 50kA) [ms] b2.5
Mounting position any
Disconnector properties according to IEC 60947-2 yes
Standards IEC 60947-2
EN 60898-1 - - -
Connections CU (10...32A) [mm2] 1...25 strand 1...25 strand 1...25 strand 1...25 strand
1...35 cable 1...35 cable 1...35 cable 1...35 cable
Connections CU (40...125A) [mm2] 6...50 strand 6...50 strand 6...50 strand 6...50 strand
6...70 cable 6...70 cable 6...70 cable 6...70 cable
Tightening torque [Nm] min. 3 / max. 4
AC/DC supply any
Mounting on DIN top hat rail EN 60715
Permissible ambient temperature for operations [°C] -25...+60
Storage temperature [°C] -40...+70
Type of protection IP20, IP40 (only actuation side)
Classification in accordance with NF-16-101, NF16-102 I3F2
Resistance to vibration IEC 60068-2-27; IEC 60068-2; EN 61373 Cat.1/class B
/ On request
0 (DC)/pole
2/68 ABB
System Technical features S800
pro M compact® MCBs S800 series

Characteristics available B, C, D
Max. rated continuous current In [A] 10...125
Poles 1...4
Rated operating voltage Ue
(AC) 50/60Hz [V] 400/690
(DC)/pole [V] max. 125
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 690
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp [kV] 8
Ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity Icu in accordance with
IEC 60947-2
(AC) 50/60Hz 240/415V [kA] 36
(AC) 50/60Hz 254/440V (10...80A) [kA] 20
(AC) 50/60Hz 254/440V (100...125A) [kA] 20
(AC) 50/60Hz 289/500V (10...63A) [kA] 10
(AC) 50/60Hz 289/500V (80A) [kA] 10
(AC) 50/60Hz 289/500V (100...125A) [kA] 10
(AC) 50/60Hz 400/690V (10...80A) [kA] 4.5
(AC) 50/60Hz 400/690V (100...125A) [kA] 4.5
(DC) 125V (1-pole) [kA] 20
(DC) 250V (2-poles) [kA] 20
(DC) 375V (3-poles) [kA] 20
(DC) 500V (4-poles) [kA] 20
Rated short-circuit breaking capacity Icn EN 60898-1
(AC) 50/60Hz 240/415V (up to 80A) [kA] 20
Service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics in accordance with
IEC 60947-2
(AC) 50/60Hz 240/415V [kA] 30
(AC) 50/60Hz 254/440V (10...80A) [kA] 15
(AC) 50/60Hz 254/440V (100...125A) [kA] 10
(AC) 50/60Hz 289/500V (10...63A) [kA] 8
(AC) 50/60Hz 289/500V (80A) [kA] 5
(AC) 50/60Hz 289/500V (100...125A) [kA] 5
(AC) 50/60Hz 400/690V (10...80A) [kA] 3
(AC) 50/60Hz 400/690V (100...125A) [kA] 3
(DC) 125V (1-pole) [kA] 20
(DC) 250V (2-pole) [kA] 20
(DC) 375V (3-pole) [kA] 20
(DC) 500V (4-pole) [kA] 20
Service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics in accordance with
EN 60898-1
(AC) 50/60Hz 240/415V (up to 80A) [kA] 10
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Total breaking time (240/415V; 50kA) [ms] b2.5
Mounting position any
Disconnector properties according to IEC 60947-2 yes
Standards IEC 60947-2, EN 60898-1
Connections CU (10...32A) [mm2] 1...25 strand
1...35 cable
Connections CU (40...125A) [mm2] 6...50 strand
6...70 cable
Tightening torque [Nm] min. 3 / max. 4
Supply AC any
Mounting on DIN top hat rail EN 60715
Permissible ambient temperature for operations [°C] -25...+60
Storage temperature [°C] -40...+70
Type of protection IP20, IP40 (only actuation side)
Classification in accordance with NF-16-101, NF16-102 I3F2

ABB 2/69
System Technical features S800
pro M compact® MCBs S800 series

Characteristics available B, C, D, K
Max. rated continuous current In [A] 10...125
Poles 1...4
Rated operating voltage Ue
(AC) 50/60Hz [V] 254/440
(DC)/pole [V] max. 125
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 500
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp [kV] 8
Ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity Icu in accordance with
IEC 60947-2
(AC) 50/60Hz 240/415V [kA] 25
(AC) 50/60Hz 254/440V [kA] 15
(DC) 125V (1-pole) [kA] 10
(DC) 250V (2-pole) [kA] 10
(DC) 375V (3-pole) [kA] 10
(DC) 500V (4-pole) [kA] 10
Rated short-circuit breaking capacity Icn EN 60898-1
(AC) 50/60Hz 230/400V (characteristic: B, C, D /) [kA] 15
Service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics in accordance with
IEC 60947-2
(AC) 50/60Hz 240/415V [kA] 18
(AC) 50/60Hz 254/440V [kA] 10
(DC) 125V (1-pole) [kA] 10
(DC) 250V (2-pole) [kA] 10
(DC) 375V (3-pole) [kA] 10
(DC) 500V (4-pole) [kA] 10
Service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics in accordance with
EN 60898-1
(AC) 50/60Hz 230/400V (characteristic: B, C, D /) [kA] 7.5
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Total breaking time (240/415V; 25kA) [ms] b2.5
Mounting position any
Disconnector properties according to IEC 60947-2 yes
Standards IEC 60947-2

Connections CU (10...32A) [mm2] 1...25 strand

1...35 cable
Connections CU (40...125A) [mm2] 6...50 strand
6...70 cable
Tightening torque [Nm] min. 3 / max. 4
Supply AC any
Mounting on DIN top hat rail EN 60715
Permissible ambient temperature for operations [°C] -25...+60
Storage temperature [°C] -40...+70
Type of protection IP20
IP40 (only actuation side)
Classification in accordance with NF-16-101, NF16-102 I3F2

/ (DC) b 100A; S800C-D125 only IEC 60947-2

2/70 ABB
System Technical features S800
pro M compact® MCBs S800 series

Standards UL489, CSA 22.2 No. 5-02
Characteristics available Z/ K0
Rated current In [A] 10...100
Poles 1...4
Rated operating voltage Ue
(AC) 50/60Hz [V] 240
Rated interrupting in accordance with UL489
1-pole [kA] 30
2...4-pole [kA] 50
Ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity Icu in accordance with IEC 60947-2
(AC) 50/60 Hz 240/415V 1-pole [kA] 30
(AC) 50/60 Hz 240/415V 2 ...4-pole [kA] 50
Service short-circuit capacity Ics in accordance with IEC 60947-2
(AC) 50/60 Hz 240/415V 1-pole [kA] 25
(AC) 50/60 Hz 240/415V 2 ...4-pole [kA] 40
Conductor type Single conductor copper only
Wire range 10...30A 14-2AWG
Wire range 40...100A 8-1AWG
Tightening torque 31 in.lbs. (3.5Nm)
Mounting position any
Type of protection IP20
IP40 (only actuation side)
Plastic material halogen free
Contacts cadmium free
Certifications UL listed circuit breaker (File 312425)
Standards CSA 22.2 No. 5-02
/ Magnetic release 4xIn
0 Magnetic release 8xIn

ABB 2/71
System Technical features S800
pro M compact® MCBs S800 series

Characteristics available PV-S -
Max. rated continuous current In [A] 10...125 32, 63, 125
Poles 2...4 2...4
Rated operating voltage Ue
(AC) 50/60Hz [V] -
(DC)/pole [V] 400 /
10...80 A 100, 125 A 32, 63, 125 A
(DC)/2 pole [V] 800 600 800
(DC)/3 pole [V] 1200 1000 1200
(DC)/4 pole [V] 1200 1200 1200
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 1500
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp [kV] 8
Ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity Icu in accordance with
IEC 60947-2
(DC) 800V (2-pole) [kA] 5 -
(DC) 1200V (3-pole) [kA] 5 -
(DC) 1200V (4-pole) [kA] 5 -
Service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics in accordance with IEC
(DC) 800V (2-pole) [kA] 5 -
(DC) 1200V (3-pole) [kA] 5 -
(DC) 1200V (4-pole) [kA] 5 -
Rated short-time withstand current Icw in accordance with IEC
(DC) 800V (2-pole) [kA] - 1.5
(DC) 1200V (3-pole) [kA] - 1.5
(DC) 1200V (4-pole) [kA] - 1.5
Rated short-circuit making capacity Icm in accordance with IEC
(DC) 800V (2-pole) [kA] - 0.5
(DC) 1200V (3-pole) [kA] - 0.5
(DC) 1200V (4-pole) [kA] - 0.5
Mounting position any
Disconnector properties according to IEC 60947-2 yes
Standards IEC 60947-2 IEC 60947-3
Connections CU (10...32A) [mm2] 1...25 strand
1...35 cable
Connections CU (40...125A) [mm2] 6...50 strand
6...70 cable
Tightening torque [Nm] min. 3 / max. 4
DC supply any
Mounting on DIN top hat rail EN 60715
Permissible ambient temperature for operations [°C] -25...+60
Storage temperature [°C] -40...+70
Type of protection IP20
IP40 (only actuation side)
Resistance to vibration IEC 60068-2-6; EN 61373 Cat. 1/Class 3
Utilisation category A DC-21A
Pollution degree 2
Overvoltage category III
/ 4-pole 1200VDC

2/72 ABB
System Selection tables S800S-B
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with cage terminal

S800S-B characteristic
B Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems; very
useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=25 kA
Icu=50 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801S-B10 2CCS861001R0105 200008 0.245 1
13 S801S-B13 2CCS861001R0135 200015 0.245 1
16 S801S-B16 2CCS861001R0165 200022 0.245 1
20 S801S-B20 2CCS861001R0205 200039 0.245 1
25 S801S-B25 2CCS861001R0255 200046 0.245 1
32 S801S-B32 2CCS861001R0325 200053 0.245 1
40 S801S-B40 2CCS861001R0405 200060 0.245 1
50 S801S-B50 2CCS861001R0505 200077 0.245 1
63 S801S-B63 2CCS861001R0635 200084 0.245 1
80 S801S-B80 2CCS861001R0805 200091 0.245 1
100 S801S-B100 2CCS861001R0825 200107 0.245 1
125 S801S-B125 2CCS861001R0845 200114 0.245 1

2 10 S802S-B10 2CCS862001R0105 200121 0.49 1

13 S802S-B13 2CCS862001R0135 200138 0.49 1
16 S802S-B16 2CCS862001R0165 200145 0.49 1
20 S802S-B20 2CCS862001R0205 200152 0.49 1
25 S802S-B25 2CCS862001R0255 200169 0.49 1
32 S802S-B32 2CCS862001R0325 200176 0.49 1
40 S802S-B40 2CCS862001R0405 200183 0.49 1
50 S802S-B50 2CCS862001R0505 200190 0.49 1
63 S802S-B63 2CCS862001R0635 200206 0.49 1
80 S802S-B80 2CCS862001R0805 200213 0.49 1
100 S802S-B100 2CCS862001R0825 200220 0.49 1
125 S802S-B125 2CCS862001R0845 200237 0.49 1

3 10 S803S-B10 2CCS863001R0105 200244 0.735 1

13 S803S-B13 2CCS863001R0135 200251 0.735 1
16 S803S-B16 2CCS863001R0165 200268 0.735 1
20 S803S-B20 2CCS863001R0205 200275 0.735 1
25 S803S-B25 2CCS863001R0255 200282 0.735 1
32 S803S-B32 2CCS863001R0325 200299 0.735 1
40 S803S-B40 2CCS863001R0405 200305 0.735 1
50 S803S-B50 2CCS863001R0505 200312 0.735 1
63 S803S-B63 2CCS863001R0635 200329 0.735 1
80 S803S-B80 2CCS863001R0805 200336 0.735 1
100 S803S-B100 2CCS863001R0825 200343 0.735 1
125 S803S-B125 2CCS863001R0845 200350 0.735 1

4 10 S804S-B10 2CCS864001R0105 200367 0.98 1

13 S804S-B13 2CCS864001R0135 200374 0.98 1
16 S804S-B16 2CCS864001R0165 200381 0.98 1
20 S804S-B20 2CCS864001R0205 200398 0.98 1
25 S804S-B25 2CCS864001R0255 200404 0.98 1
32 S804S-B32 2CCS864001R0325 200411 0.98 1
40 S804S-B40 2CCS864001R0405 200428 0.98 1
50 S804S-B50 2CCS864001R0505 200435 0.98 1
63 S804S-B63 2CCS864001R0635 200442 0.98 1
80 S804S-B80 2CCS864001R0805 200459 0.98 1
100 S804S-B100 2CCS864001R0825 200466 0.98 1
125 S804S-B125 2CCS864001R0845 200473 0.98 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

ABB 2/73
System Selection tables S800S-B
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with ring terminal cable connection

S800S-B characteristic
B Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems; very
useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2
2 Icn=25 kA
Icu=50 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801S-B10-R 2CCS861002R0105 209636 0,245 1
13 S801S-B13-R 2CCS861002R0135 209643 0,245 1
16 S801S-B16-R 2CCS861002R0165 209650 0,245 1
20 S801S-B20-R 2CCS861002R0205 209667 0,245 1
25 S801S-B25-R 2CCS861002R0255 209674 0,245 1
32 S801S-B32-R 2CCS861002R0325 209681 0,245 1
40 S801S-B40-R 2CCS861002R0405 206826 0,245 1
50 S801S-B50-R 2CCS861002R0505 206833 0,245 1
63 S801S-B63-R 2CCS861002R0635 206840 0,245 1
80 S801S-B80-R 2CCS861002R0805 206857 0,245 1
100 S801S-B100-R 2CCS861002R0825 206864 0,245 1
125 S801S-B125-R 2CCS861002R0845 206871 0,245 1

2 10 S802S-B10-R 2CCS862002R0105 209698 0,49 1

13 S802S-B13-R 2CCS862002R0135 209704 0,49 1
16 S802S-B16-R 2CCS862002R0165 209711 0,49 1
20 S802S-B20-R 2CCS862002R0205 209728 0,49 1
25 S802S-B25-R 2CCS862002R0255 209735 0,49 1
32 S802S-B32-R 2CCS862002R0325 209742 0,49 1
40 S802S-B40-R 2CCS862002R0405 206888 0,49 1
50 S802S-B50-R 2CCS862002R0505 206895 0,49 1
63 S802S-B63-R 2CCS862002R0635 206901 0,49 1
80 S802S-B80-R 2CCS862002R0805 206918 0,49 1
100 S802S-B100-R 2CCS862002R0825 206925 0,49 1
125 S802S-B125-R 2CCS862002R0845 206932 0,49 1

3 10 S803S-B10-R 2CCS863002R0105 209759 0,735 1

13 S803S-B13-R 2CCS863002R0135 209766 0,735 1
16 S803S-B16-R 2CCS863002R0165 209773 0,735 1
20 S803S-B20-R 2CCS863002R0205 209780 0,735 1
25 S803S-B25-R 2CCS863002R0255 209797 0,735 1
32 S803S-B32-R 2CCS863002R0325 209803 0,735 1
40 S803S-B40-R 2CCS863002R0405 206949 0,735 1
50 S803S-B50-R 2CCS863002R0505 206956 0,735 1
63 S803S-B63-R 2CCS863002R0635 206963 0,735 1
80 S803S-B80-R 2CCS863002R0805 206970 0,735 1
100 S803S-B100-R 2CCS863002R0825 206987 0,735 1
125 S803S-B125-R 2CCS863002R0845 206994 0,735 1

4 10 S804S-B10-R 2CCS864002R0105 209810 0,98 1

13 S804S-B13-R 2CCS864002R0135 209827 0,98 1
16 S804S-B16-R 2CCS864002R0165 209834 0,98 1
20 S804S-B20-R 2CCS864002R0205 209841 0,98 1
25 S804S-B25-R 2CCS864002R0255 209858 0,98 1
32 S804S-B32-R 2CCS864002R0325 209865 0,98 1
40 S804S-B40-R 2CCS864002R0405 207007 0,98 1
50 S804S-B50-R 2CCS864002R0505 207014 0,98 1
63 S804S-B63-R 2CCS864002R0635 207021 0,98 1
80 S804S-B80-R 2CCS864002R0805 207038 0,98 1
100 S804S-B100-R 2CCS864002R0825 207045 0,98 1
125 S804S-B125-R 2CCS864002R0845 207052 0,98 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

2/74 ABB
System Selection tables S800S-C
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with cage terminal

S800S-C characteristic
C Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for resistive and inductive loads with low inrush current; very
useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=25 kA 2
Icu=50 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801S-C10 2CCS861001R0104 200480 0.245 1
13 S801S-C13 2CCS861001R0134 200497 0.245 1
16 S801S-C16 2CCS861001R0164 200503 0.245 1
20 S801S-C20 2CCS861001R0204 200510 0.245 1
25 S801S-C25 2CCS861001R0254 200527 0.245 1
32 S801S-C32 2CCS861001R0324 200534 0.245 1
40 S801S-C40 2CCS861001R0404 200541 0.245 1
50 S801S-C50 2CCS861001R0504 200558 0.245 1
63 S801S-C63 2CCS861001R0634 200565 0.245 1
80 S801S-C80 2CCS861001R0804 200572 0.245 1
100 S801S-C100 2CCS861001R0824 200589 0.245 1
125 S801S-C125 2CCS861001R0844 200596 0.245 1

2 10 S802S-C10 2CCS862001R0104 200602 0.49 1

13 S802S-C13 2CCS862001R0134 200619 0.49 1
16 S802S-C16 2CCS862001R0164 200626 0.49 1
20 S802S-C20 2CCS862001R0204 200633 0.49 1
25 S802S-C25 2CCS862001R0254 200640 0.49 1
32 S802S-C32 2CCS862001R0324 200657 0.49 1
40 S802S-C40 2CCS862001R0404 200664 0.49 1
50 S802S-C50 2CCS862001R0504 200671 0.49 1
63 S802S-C63 2CCS862001R0634 200688 0.49 1
80 S802S-C80 2CCS862001R0804 200695 0.49 1
100 S802S-C100 2CCS862001R0824 200701 0.49 1
125 S802S-C125 2CCS862001R0844 200718 0.49 1

3 10 S803S-C10 2CCS863001R0104 200725 0.735 1

13 S803S-C13 2CCS863001R0134 200732 0.735 1
16 S803S-C16 2CCS863001R0164 200749 0.735 1
20 S803S-C20 2CCS863001R0204 200756 0.735 1
25 S803S-C25 2CCS863001R0254 200763 0.735 1
32 S803S-C32 2CCS863001R0324 200770 0.735 1
40 S803S-C40 2CCS863001R0404 200787 0.735 1
50 S803S-C50 2CCS863001R0504 200794 0.735 1
63 S803S-C63 2CCS863001R0634 200800 0.735 1
80 S803S-C80 2CCS863001R0804 200817 0.735 1
100 S803S-C100 2CCS863001R0824 200824 0.735 1
125 S803S-C125 2CCS863001R0844 200831 0.735 1

4 10 S804S-C10 2CCS864001R0104 200848 0.98 1

13 S804S-C13 2CCS864001R0134 200855 0.98 1
16 S804S-C16 2CCS864001R0164 200862 0.98 1
20 S804S-C20 2CCS864001R0204 200879 0.98 1
25 S804S-C25 2CCS864001R0254 200886 0.98 1
32 S804S-C32 2CCS864001R0324 200893 0.98 1
40 S804S-C40 2CCS864001R0404 200909 0.98 1
50 S804S-C50 2CCS864001R0504 200916 0.98 1
63 S804S-C63 2CCS864001R0634 200923 0.98 1
80 S804S-C80 2CCS864001R0804 200930 0.98 1
100 S804S-C100 2CCS864001R0824 200947 0.98 1
125 S804S-C125 2CCS864001R0844 200954 0.98 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

ABB 2/75
System Selection tables S800S-C
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with ring terminal cable connection

S800S-C characteristic
C Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for resistive and inductive loads with low inrush current; very
useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, IEC/EN 60898
2 Icn=25 kA
Icu=50 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801S-C10-R 2CCS861002R0104 209872 0,245 1
13 S801S-C13-R 2CCS861002R0134 209889 0,245 1
16 S801S-C16-R 2CCS861002R0164 209896 0,245 1
20 S801S-C20-R 2CCS861002R0204 209902 0,245 1
25 S801S-C25-R 2CCS861002R0254 209919 0,245 1
32 S801S-C32-R 2CCS861002R0324 209926 0,245 1
40 S801S-C40-R 2CCS861002R0404 207069 0,245 1
50 S801S-C50-R 2CCS861002R0504 207076 0,245 1
63 S801S-C63-R 2CCS861002R0634 207083 0,245 1
80 S801S-C80-R 2CCS861002R0804 207090 0,245 1
100 S801S-C100-R 2CCS861002R0824 207106 0,245 1
125 S801S-C125-R 2CCS861002R0844 207113 0,245 1

2 10 S802S-C10-R 2CCS862002R0104 209933 0,49 1

13 S802S-C13-R 2CCS862002R0134 209940 0,49 1
16 S802S-C16-R 2CCS862002R0164 209957 0,49 1
20 S802S-C20-R 2CCS862002R0204 209964 0,49 1
25 S802S-C25-R 2CCS862002R0254 209971 0,49 1
32 S802S-C32-R 2CCS862002R0324 209988 0,49 1
40 S802S-C40-R 2CCS862002R0404 207120 0,49 1
50 S802S-C50-R 2CCS862002R0504 207137 0,49 1
63 S802S-C63-R 2CCS862002R0634 207144 0,49 1
80 S802S-C80-R 2CCS862002R0804 207151 0,49 1
100 S802S-C100-R 2CCS862002R0824 207168 0,49 1
125 S802S-C125-R 2CCS862002R0844 207175 0,49 1

3 10 S803S-C10-R 2CCS863002R0104 209995 0,735 1

13 S803S-C13-R 2CCS863002R0134 210007 0,735 1
16 S803S-C16-R 2CCS863002R0164 210014 0,735 1
20 S803S-C20-R 2CCS863002R0204 210021 0,735 1
25 S803S-C25-R 2CCS863002R0254 210038 0,735 1
32 S803S-C32-R 2CCS863002R0324 210045 0,735 1
40 S803S-C40-R 2CCS863002R0404 207182 0,735 1
50 S803S-C50-R 2CCS863002R0504 207199 0,735 1
63 S803S-C63-R 2CCS863002R0634 207205 0,735 1
80 S803S-C80-R 2CCS863002R0804 207212 0,735 1
100 S803S-C100-R 2CCS863002R0824 207229 0,735 1
125 S803S-C125-R 2CCS863002R0844 207236 0,735 1

4 10 S804S-C10-R 2CCS864002R0104 210052 0,98 1

13 S804S-C13-R 2CCS864002R0134 210069 0,98 1
16 S804S-C16-R 2CCS864002R0164 210076 0,98 1
20 S804S-C20-R 2CCS864002R0204 210083 0,98 1
25 S804S-C25-R 2CCS864002R0254 210090 0,98 1
32 S804S-C32-R 2CCS864002R0324 210106 0,98 1
40 S804S-C40-R 2CCS864002R0404 207243 0,98 1
50 S804S-C50-R 2CCS864002R0504 207250 0,98 1
63 S804S-C63-R 2CCS864002R0634 207267 0,98 1
80 S804S-C80-R 2CCS864002R0804 207274 0,98 1
100 S804S-C100-R 2CCS864002R0824 207281 0,98 1
125 S804S-C125-R 2CCS864002R0844 207298 0,98 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

2/76 ABB
System Selection tables S800S-D
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with cage terminal

S800S-D characteristic
D Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for circuits which supply loads with high inrush current at
the circuit closing (motors, LV / LV transformers, breakdown lamps); very useful when selectivity is
needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=25 kA
Icu=50 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801S-D10 2CCS861001R0101 200961 0.245 1
13 S801S-D13 2CCS861001R0131 200978 0.245 1
16 S801S-D16 2CCS861001R0161 200985 0.245 1
20 S801S-D20 2CCS861001R0201 200992 0.245 1
25 S801S-D25 2CCS861001R0251 201005 0.245 1
32 S801S-D32 2CCS861001R0321 201012 0.245 1
40 S801S-D40 2CCS861001R0401 201029 0.245 1
50 S801S-D50 2CCS861001R0501 201036 0.245 1
63 S801S-D63 2CCS861001R0631 201043 0.245 1
80 S801S-D80 2CCS861001R0801 201050 0.245 1
100 S801S-D100 2CCS861001R0821 201067 0.245 1
125 S801S-D125 2CCS861001R0841 201074 0.245 1

2 10 S802S-D10 2CCS862001R0101 201081 0.49 1

13 S802S-D13 2CCS862001R0131 201098 0.49 1
16 S802S-D16 2CCS862001R0161 201104 0.49 1
20 S802S-D20 2CCS862001R0201 201111 0.49 1
25 S802S-D25 2CCS862001R0251 201128 0.49 1
32 S802S-D32 2CCS862001R0321 201135 0.49 1
40 S802S-D40 2CCS862001R0401 201142 0.49 1
50 S802S-D50 2CCS862001R0501 201159 0.49 1
63 S802S-D63 2CCS862001R0631 201166 0.49 1
80 S802S-D80 2CCS862001R0801 201173 0.49 1
100 S802S-D100 2CCS862001R0821 201180 0.49 1
125 S802S-D125 2CCS862001R0841 201197 0.49 1

3 10 S803S-D10 2CCS863001R0101 201203 0.735 1

13 S803S-D13 2CCS863001R0131 201210 0.735 1
16 S803S-D16 2CCS863001R0161 201227 0.735 1
20 S803S-D20 2CCS863001R0201 201234 0.735 1
25 S803S-D25 2CCS863001R0251 201241 0.735 1
32 S803S-D32 2CCS863001R0321 201258 0.735 1
40 S803S-D40 2CCS863001R0401 201265 0.735 1
50 S803S-D50 2CCS863001R0501 201272 0.735 1
63 S803S-D63 2CCS863001R0631 201289 0.735 1
80 S803S-D80 2CCS863001R0801 201296 0.735 1
100 S803S-D100 2CCS863001R0821 201302 0.735 1
125 S803S-D125 2CCS863001R0841 201319 0.735 1

4 10 S804S-D10 2CCS864001R0101 201326 0.98 1

13 S804S-D13 2CCS864001R0131 201333 0.98 1
16 S804S-D16 2CCS864001R0161 201340 0.98 1
20 S804S-D20 2CCS864001R0201 201357 0.98 1
25 S804S-D25 2CCS864001R0251 201364 0.98 1
32 S804S-D32 2CCS864001R0321 201371 0.98 1
40 S804S-D40 2CCS864001R0401 201388 0.98 1
50 S804S-D50 2CCS864001R0501 201395 0.98 1
63 S804S-D63 2CCS864001R0631 201401 0.98 1
80 S804S-D80 2CCS864001R0801 201418 0.98 1
100 S804S-D100 2CCS864001R0821 201425 0.98 1
125 S804S-D125 2CCS864001R0841 201432 0.98 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

ABB 2/77
System Selection tables S800S-D
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with ring terminal cable connection

S800S-D characteristic
D Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for circuits which supply loads with high inrush current at
the circuit closing (motors, LV / LV transformers, breakdown lamps); very useful when selectivity is
needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
2 Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, IEC/EN 60898
Icn=25 kA
Icu=50 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801S-D10-R 2CCS861002R0101 210113 0,245 1
13 S801S-D13-R 2CCS861002R0131 210120 0,245 1
16 S801S-D16-R 2CCS861002R0161 210137 0,245 1
20 S801S-D20-R 2CCS861002R0201 210144 0,245 1
25 S801S-D25-R 2CCS861002R0251 210151 0,245 1
32 S801S-D32-R 2CCS861002R0321 210168 0,245 1
40 S801S-D40-R 2CCS861002R0401 207304 0,245 1
50 S801S-D50-R 2CCS861002R0501 207311 0,245 1
63 S801S-D63-R 2CCS861002R0631 207328 0,245 1
80 S801S-D80-R 2CCS861002R0801 207335 0,245 1
100 S801S-D100-R 2CCS861002R0821 207342 0,245 1
125 S801S-D125-R 2CCS861002R0841 207359 0,245 1

2 10 S802S-D10-R 2CCS862002R0101 210175 0,49 1

13 S802S-D13-R 2CCS862002R0131 210182 0,49 1
16 S802S-D16-R 2CCS862002R0161 210199 0,49 1
20 S802S-D20-R 2CCS862002R0201 210205 0,49 1
25 S802S-D25-R 2CCS862002R0251 210212 0,49 1
32 S802S-D32-R 2CCS862002R0321 210229 0,49 1
40 S802S-D40-R 2CCS862002R0401 207366 0,49 1
50 S802S-D50-R 2CCS862002R0501 207373 0,49 1
63 S802S-D63-R 2CCS862002R0631 207380 0,49 1
80 S802S-D80-R 2CCS862002R0801 207397 0,49 1
100 S802S-D100-R 2CCS862002R0821 207403 0,49 1
125 S802S-D125-R 2CCS862002R0841 207410 0,49 1

3 10 S803S-D10-R 2CCS863002R0101 210236 0,735 1

13 S803S-D13-R 2CCS863002R0131 210243 0,735 1
16 S803S-D16-R 2CCS863002R0161 210250 0,735 1
20 S803S-D20-R 2CCS863002R0201 210267 0,735 1
25 S803S-D25-R 2CCS863002R0251 210274 0,735 1
32 S803S-D32-R 2CCS863002R0321 210281 0,735 1
40 S803S-D40-R 2CCS863002R0401 207427 0,735 1
50 S803S-D50-R 2CCS863002R0501 207434 0,735 1
63 S803S-D63-R 2CCS863002R0631 207441 0,735 1
80 S803S-D80-R 2CCS863002R0801 207458 0,735 1
100 S803S-D100-R 2CCS863002R0821 207465 0,735 1
125 S803S-D125-R 2CCS863002R0841 207472 0,735 1

4 10 S804S-D10-R 2CCS864002R0101 210298 0,98 1

13 S804S-D13-R 2CCS864002R0131 210304 0,98 1
16 S804S-D16-R 2CCS864002R0161 210311 0,98 1
20 S804S-D20-R 2CCS864002R0201 210328 0,98 1
25 S804S-D25-R 2CCS864002R0251 210335 0,98 1
32 S804S-D32-R 2CCS864002R0321 210342 0,98 1
40 S804S-D40-R 2CCS864002R0401 207489 0,98 1
50 S804S-D50-R 2CCS864002R0501 207496 0,98 1
63 S804S-D63-R 2CCS864002R0631 207502 0,98 1
80 S804S-D80-R 2CCS864002R0801 207519 0,98 1
100 S804S-D100-R 2CCS864002R0821 207526 0,98 1
125 S804S-D125-R 2CCS864002R0841 207533 0,98 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

2/78 ABB
System Selection tables S800S-K
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with cage terminal

S800S-K characteristic
K Function: protection and control of the circuits like motors, transformer and auxiliary circuits, against
overloads and short-circuits when a high breaking capacity is required; very useful when selectivity
is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Advantages: no nuisance tripping in the case of functional peak currents up to 10xIn, depending
on the series; through its highly sensitive thermostatic bimetal trip, the K-type characteristic offers
protection to damageable elements in the overcurrent range; it also provides the best protection to
cables and lines.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu=50 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801S-K10 2CCS861001R0427 201449 0.245 1
13 S801S-K13 2CCS861001R0447 201456 0.245 1
16 S801S-K16 2CCS861001R0467 201463 0.245 1
20 S801S-K20 2CCS861001R0487 201470 0.245 1
25 S801S-K25 2CCS861001R0517 201487 0.245 1
32 S801S-K32 2CCS861001R0537 201494 0.245 1
40 S801S-K40 2CCS861001R0557 201500 0.245 1
50 S801S-K50 2CCS861001R0577 201517 0.245 1
63 S801S-K63 2CCS861001R0597 201524 0.245 1
80 S801S-K80 2CCS861001R0627 201531 0.245 1
100 S801S-K100 2CCS861001R0637 201548 0.245 1
125 S801S-K125 2CCS861001R0647 201555 0.245 1

2 10 S802S-K10 2CCS862001R0427 201562 0.49 1

13 S802S-K13 2CCS862001R0447 201579 0.49 1
16 S802S-K16 2CCS862001R0467 201586 0.49 1
20 S802S-K20 2CCS862001R0487 201593 0.49 1
25 S802S-K25 2CCS862001R0517 201609 0.49 1
32 S802S-K32 2CCS862001R0537 201616 0.49 1
40 S802S-K40 2CCS862001R0557 201623 0.49 1
50 S802S-K50 2CCS862001R0577 201630 0.49 1
63 S802S-K63 2CCS862001R0597 201647 0.49 1
80 S802S-K80 2CCS862001R0627 201654 0.49 1
100 S802S-K100 2CCS862001R0637 201661 0.49 1
125 S802S-K125 2CCS862001R0647 201678 0.49 1

3 10 S803S-K10 2CCS863001R0427 201685 0.735 1

13 S803S-K13 2CCS863001R0447 201692 0.735 1
16 S803S-K16 2CCS863001R0467 201708 0.735 1
20 S803S-K20 2CCS863001R0487 201715 0.735 1
25 S803S-K25 2CCS863001R0517 201722 0.735 1
32 S803S-K32 2CCS863001R0537 201739 0.735 1
40 S803S-K40 2CCS863001R0557 201746 0.735 1
50 S803S-K50 2CCS863001R0577 201753 0.735 1
63 S803S-K63 2CCS863001R0597 201760 0.735 1
80 S803S-K80 2CCS863001R0627 201777 0.735 1
100 S803S-K100 2CCS863001R0637 201784 0.735 1
125 S803S-K125 2CCS863001R0647 201791 0.735 1

4 10 S804S-K10 2CCS864001R0427 201807 0.98 1

13 S804S-K13 2CCS864001R0447 201814 0.98 1
16 S804S-K16 2CCS864001R0467 201821 0.98 1
20 S804S-K20 2CCS864001R0487 201838 0.98 1
25 S804S-K25 2CCS864001R0517 201845 0.98 1
32 S804S-K32 2CCS864001R0537 201852 0.98 1
40 S804S-K40 2CCS864001R0557 201869 0.98 1
50 S804S-K50 2CCS864001R0577 201876 0.98 1
63 S804S-K63 2CCS864001R0597 201883 0.98 1
80 S804S-K80 2CCS864001R0627 201890 0.98 1
100 S804S-K100 2CCS864001R0637 201906 0.98 1
125 S804S-K125 2CCS864001R0647 201913 0.98 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

ABB 2/79
System Selection tables S800S-K
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with ring terminal cable connection

S800S-K characteristic
K Function: protection and control of the circuits like motors, transformer and auxiliary circuits, against
overloads and short-circuits when a high breaking capacity is required; very useful when selectivity
is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Advantages: no nuisance tripping in the case of functional peak currents up to 10xIn, depending
on the series; through its highly sensitive thermostatic bimetal trip, the K-type characteristic offers
2 protection to damageable elements in the overcurrent range; it also provides the best protection to
cables and lines.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu=50 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801S-K10-R 2CCS861002R0427 209391 0,245 1
13 S801S-K13-R 2CCS861002R0447 209407 0,245 1
16 S801S-K16-R 2CCS861002R0467 209414 0,245 1
20 S801S-K20-R 2CCS861002R0487 209421 0,245 1
25 S801S-K25-R 2CCS861002R0517 209438 0,245 1
32 S801S-K32-R 2CCS861002R0537 209445 0,245 1
40 S801S-K40-R 2CCS861002R0557 207540 0,245 1
50 S801S-K50-R 2CCS861002R0577 207557 0,245 1
63 S801S-K63-R 2CCS861002R0597 207564 0,245 1
80 S801S-K80-R 2CCS861002R0627 207571 0,245 1
100 S801S-K100-R 2CCS861002R0637 207588 0,245 1
125 S801S-K125-R 2CCS861002R0647 207595 0,245 1

2 10 S802S-K10-R 2CCS862002R0427 209452 0,49 1

13 S802S-K13-R 2CCS862002R0447 209469 0,49 1
16 S802S-K16-R 2CCS862002R0467 209476 0,49 1
20 S802S-K20-R 2CCS862002R0487 209483 0,49 1
25 S802S-K25-R 2CCS862002R0517 209490 0,49 1
32 S802S-K32-R 2CCS862002R0537 209506 0,49 1
40 S802S-K40-R 2CCS862002R0557 207601 0,49 1
50 S802S-K50-R 2CCS862002R0577 207618 0,49 1
63 S802S-K63-R 2CCS862002R0597 207625 0,49 1
80 S802S-K80-R 2CCS862002R0627 207632 0,49 1
100 S802S-K100-R 2CCS862002R0637 207649 0,49 1
125 S802S-K125-R 2CCS862002R0647 207656 0,49 1

3 10 S803S-K10-R 2CCS863002R0427 209513 0,735 1

13 S803S-K13-R 2CCS863002R0447 209520 0,735 1
16 S803S-K16-R 2CCS863002R0467 209537 0,735 1
20 S803S-K20-R 2CCS863002R0487 209544 0,735 1
25 S803S-K25-R 2CCS863002R0517 209551 0,735 1
32 S803S-K32-R 2CCS863002R0537 209568 0,735 1
40 S803S-K40-R 2CCS863002R0557 207663 0,735 1
50 S803S-K50-R 2CCS863002R0577 207670 0,735 1
63 S803S-K63-R 2CCS863002R0597 207687 0,735 1
80 S803S-K80-R 2CCS863002R0627 207694 0,735 1
100 S803S-K100-R 2CCS863002R0637 207700 0,735 1
125 S803S-K125-R 2CCS863002R0647 207717 0,735 1

4 10 S804S-K10-R 2CCS864002R0427 209575 0,98 1

13 S804S-K13-R 2CCS864002R0447 209582 0,98 1
16 S804S-K16-R 2CCS864002R0467 209599 0,98 1
20 S804S-K20-R 2CCS864002R0487 209605 0,98 1
25 S804S-K25-R 2CCS864002R0517 209612 0,98 1
32 S804S-K32-R 2CCS864002R0537 209629 0,98 1
40 S804S-K40-R 2CCS864002R0557 207724 0,98 1
50 S804S-K50-R 2CCS864002R0577 207731 0,98 1
63 S804S-K63-R 2CCS864002R0597 207748 0,98 1
80 S804S-K80-R 2CCS864002R0627 207755 0,98 1
100 S804S-K100-R 2CCS864002R0637 207762 0,98 1
125 S804S-K125-R 2CCS864002R0647 207779 0,98 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

2/80 ABB
System Selection tables S800S-KM
pro M compact® High performance MCB S800S-KM-R

S800S-KM characteristic with cage terminal

KM Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; only magnetic version dedicated to protect motors; very useful when
selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream; version dedicated
to application in direct current circuits.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2 2
Icu=50 kA

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

3 20 S803S-KM20 2CCS863001R0486 202194 0.735 1
25 S803S-KM25 2CCS863001R0516 202200 0.735 1
32 S803S-KM32 2CCS863001R0536 202217 0.735 1
40 S803S-KM40 2CCS863001R0556 202224 0.735 1
50 S803S-KM50 2CCS863001R0576 202231 0.735 1
63 S803S-KM63 2CCS863001R0596 202248 0.735 1

S800S-KM-R characteristic with ring terminal cable connection

KM Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; only magnetic version dedicated to protect motors; very useful when
selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream; version dedicated
to application in direct current circuits.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu=50 kA

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles current details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

3 20 S803S-KM20-R 2CCS863002R0486 210830 0,735 1
25 S803S-KM25-R 2CCS863002R0516 210847 0,735 1
32 S803S-KM32-R 2CCS863002R0536 210854 0,735 1
40 S803S-KM40-R 2CCS863002R0556 207786 0,735 1
50 S803S-KM50-R 2CCS863002R0576 207793 0,735 1
63 S803S-KM63-R 2CCS863002R0596 207809 0,735 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

ABB 2/81
System Selection tables S800S-UCB
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with cage terminal

S800S-UCB characteristic
B Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems; very
useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream; version
dedicated to application in direct current circuits.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
2 Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu=50 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801S-UCB10 2CCS861001R1105 202842 0.245 1
13 S801S-UCB13 2CCS861001R1135 202859 0.245 1
16 S801S-UCB16 2CCS861001R1165 202866 0.245 1
20 S801S-UCB20 2CCS861001R1205 202873 0.245 1
25 S801S-UCB25 2CCS861001R1255 202880 0.245 1
32 S801S-UCB32 2CCS861001R1325 202897 0.245 1
40 S801S-UCB40 2CCS861001R1405 202903 0.245 1
50 S801S-UCB50 2CCS861001R1505 202910 0.245 1
63 S801S-UCB63 2CCS861001R1635 202927 0.245 1
80 S801S-UCB80 2CCS861001R1805 202934 0.245 1
100 S801S-UCB100 2CCS861001R1825 202941 0.245 1
125 S801S-UCB125 2CCS861001R1845 202958 0.245 1

2 10 S802S-UCB10 2CCS862001R1105 202965 0.49 1

13 S802S-UCB13 2CCS862001R1135 202972 0.49 1
16 S802S-UCB16 2CCS862001R1165 202989 0.49 1
20 S802S-UCB20 2CCS862001R1205 202996 0.49 1
25 S802S-UCB25 2CCS862001R1255 203009 0.49 1
32 S802S-UCB32 2CCS862001R1325 203016 0.49 1
40 S802S-UCB40 2CCS862001R1405 203023 0.49 1
50 S802S-UCB50 2CCS862001R1505 203030 0.49 1
63 S802S-UCB63 2CCS862001R1635 203047 0.49 1
80 S802S-UCB80 2CCS862001R1805 203054 0.49 1
100 S802S-UCB100 2CCS862001R1825 203061 0.49 1
125 S802S-UCB125 2CCS862001R1845 203078 0.49 1

3 10 S803S-UCB10 2CCS863001R1105 203085 0.735 1

13 S803S-UCB13 2CCS863001R1135 203092 0.735 1
16 S803S-UCB16 2CCS863001R1165 203108 0.735 1
20 S803S-UCB20 2CCS863001R1205 203115 0.735 1
25 S803S-UCB25 2CCS863001R1255 203122 0.735 1
32 S803S-UCB32 2CCS863001R1325 203139 0.735 1
40 S803S-UCB40 2CCS863001R1405 203146 0.735 1
50 S803S-UCB50 2CCS863001R1505 203153 0.735 1
63 S803S-UCB63 2CCS863001R1635 203160 0.735 1
80 S803S-UCB80 2CCS863001R1805 203177 0.735 1
100 S803S-UCB100 2CCS863001R1825 203184 0.735 1
125 S803S-UCB125 2CCS863001R1845 203191 0.735 1

4 10 S804S-UCB10 2CCS864001R1105 203207 0.98 1

13 S804S-UCB13 2CCS864001R1135 203214 0.98 1
16 S804S-UCB16 2CCS864001R1165 203221 0.98 1
20 S804S-UCB20 2CCS864001R1205 203238 0.98 1
25 S804S-UCB25 2CCS864001R1255 203245 0.98 1
32 S804S-UCB32 2CCS864001R1325 203252 0.98 1
40 S804S-UCB40 2CCS864001R1405 203269 0.98 1
50 S804S-UCB50 2CCS864001R1505 203276 0.98 1
63 S804S-UCB63 2CCS864001R1635 203283 0.98 1
80 S804S-UCB80 2CCS864001R1805 203290 0.98 1
100 S804S-UCB100 2CCS864001R1825 203306 0.98 1
125 S804S-UCB125 2CCS864001R1845 203313 0.98 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

2/82 ABB
System Selection tables S800S-UCB
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with ring terminal cable connection

S800S-UCB characteristic
B Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems; very
useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream; version
dedicated to application in direct current circuits.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2 2
Icu=50 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801S-UCB10-R 2CCS861002R1105 210359 0,245 1
13 S801S-UCB13-R 2CCS861002R1135 210366 0,245 1
16 S801S-UCB16-R 2CCS861002R1165 210373 0,245 1
20 S801S-UCB20-R 2CCS861002R1205 210380 0,245 1
25 S801S-UCB25-R 2CCS861002R1255 210397 0,245 1
32 S801S-UCB32-R 2CCS861002R1325 210403 0,245 1
40 S801S-UCB40-R 2CCS861002R1405 208424 0,245 1
50 S801S-UCB50-R 2CCS861002R1505 208431 0,245 1
63 S801S-UCB63-R 2CCS861002R1635 208448 0,245 1
80 S801S-UCB80-R 2CCS861002R1805 208455 0,245 1
100 S801S-UCB100-R 2CCS861002R1825 208462 0,245 1
125 S801S-UCB125-R 2CCS861002R1845 208479 0,245 1

2 10 S802S-UCB10-R 2CCS862002R1105 210410 0,49 1

13 S802S-UCB13-R 2CCS862002R1135 210427 0,49 1
16 S802S-UCB16-R 2CCS862002R1165 210434 0,49 1
20 S802S-UCB20-R 2CCS862002R1205 210441 0,49 1
25 S802S-UCB25-R 2CCS862002R1255 210458 0,49 1
32 S802S-UCB32-R 2CCS862002R1325 210465 0,49 1
40 S802S-UCB40-R 2CCS862002R1405 208486 0,49 1
50 S802S-UCB50-R 2CCS862002R1505 208493 0,49 1
63 S802S-UCB63-R 2CCS862002R1635 208509 0,49 1
80 S802S-UCB80-R 2CCS862002R1805 208516 0,49 1
100 S802S-UCB100-R 2CCS862002R1825 208523 0,49 1
125 S802S-UCB125-R 2CCS862002R1845 208530 0,49 1

3 10 S803S-UCB10-R 2CCS863002R1105 210472 0,735 1

13 S803S-UCB13-R 2CCS863002R1135 210489 0,735 1
16 S803S-UCB16-R 2CCS863002R1165 210496 0,735 1
20 S803S-UCB20-R 2CCS863002R1205 210502 0,735 1
25 S803S-UCB25-R 2CCS863002R1255 210519 0,735 1
32 S803S-UCB32-R 2CCS863002R1325 210526 0,735 1
40 S803S-UCB40-R 2CCS863002R1405 208547 0,735 1
50 S803S-UCB50-R 2CCS863002R1505 208554 0,735 1
63 S803S-UCB63-R 2CCS863002R1635 208561 0,735 1
80 S803S-UCB80-R 2CCS863002R1805 208578 0,735 1
100 S803S-UCB100-R 2CCS863002R1825 208585 0,735 1
125 S803S-UCB125-R 2CCS863002R1845 208592 0,735 1

4 10 S804S-UCB10-R 2CCS864002R1105 210533 0,98 1

13 S804S-UCB13-R 2CCS864002R1135 210540 0,98 1
16 S804S-UCB16-R 2CCS864002R1165 210557 0,98 1
20 S804S-UCB20-R 2CCS864002R1205 210564 0,98 1
25 S804S-UCB25-R 2CCS864002R1255 210571 0,98 1
32 S804S-UCB32-R 2CCS864002R1325 210588 0,98 1
40 S804S-UCB40-R 2CCS864002R1405 208608 0,98 1
50 S804S-UCB50-R 2CCS864002R1505 208615 0,98 1
63 S804S-UCB63-R 2CCS864002R1635 208622 0,98 1
80 S804S-UCB80-R 2CCS864002R1805 208639 0,98 1
100 S804S-UCB100-R 2CCS864002R1825 208646 0,98 1
125 S804S-UCB125-R 2CCS864002R1845 208653 0,98 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

ABB 2/83
System Selection tables S800S-UCK
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with cage terminal

S800S-UCK characteristic
K Function: protection and control of the circuits like motors, transformer and auxiliary circuits, against
overloads and short-circuits when a high breaking capacity is required; very useful when selectivity is
needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream; version dedicated to application
in direct current circuits.
Advantages: no nuisance tripping in the case of functional peak currents up to 10xIn, depending
2 on the series; through its highly sensitive thermostatic bimetal trip, the K-type characteristic offers
protection to damageable elements in the overcurrent range; it also provides the best protection to
cables and lines.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu=50 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801S-UCK10 2CCS861001R1427 203320 0.245 1
13 S801S-UCK13 2CCS861001R1447 203337 0.245 1
16 S801S-UCK16 2CCS861001R1467 203344 0.245 1
20 S801S-UCK20 2CCS861001R1487 203351 0.245 1
25 S801S-UCK25 2CCS861001R1517 203368 0.245 1
32 S801S-UCK32 2CCS861001R1537 203375 0.245 1
40 S801S-UCK40 2CCS861001R1557 203382 0.245 1
50 S801S-UCK50 2CCS861001R1577 203399 0.245 1
63 S801S-UCK63 2CCS861001R1597 203405 0.245 1
80 S801S-UCK80 2CCS861001R1627 203412 0.245 1
100 S801S-UCK100 2CCS861001R1637 203429 0.245 1
125 S801S-UCK125 2CCS861001R1647 203436 0.245 1

2 10 S802S-UCK10 2CCS862001R1427 203443 0.49 1

13 S802S-UCK13 2CCS862001R1447 203450 0.49 1
16 S802S-UCK16 2CCS862001R1467 203467 0.49 1
20 S802S-UCK20 2CCS862001R1487 203474 0.49 1
25 S802S-UCK25 2CCS862001R1517 203481 0.49 1
32 S802S-UCK32 2CCS862001R1537 203498 0.49 1
40 S802S-UCK40 2CCS862001R1557 203504 0.49 1
50 S802S-UCK50 2CCS862001R1577 203511 0.49 1
63 S802S-UCK63 2CCS862001R1597 203528 0.49 1
80 S802S-UCK80 2CCS862001R1627 203535 0.49 1
100 S802S-UCK100 2CCS862001R1637 203542 0.49 1
125 S802S-UCK125 2CCS862001R1647 203559 0.49 1

3 10 S803S-UCK10 2CCS863001R1427 203566 0.735 1

13 S803S-UCK13 2CCS863001R1447 203573 0.735 1
16 S803S-UCK16 2CCS863001R1467 203580 0.735 1
20 S803S-UCK20 2CCS863001R1487 203597 0.735 1
25 S803S-UCK25 2CCS863001R1517 203603 0.735 1
32 S803S-UCK32 2CCS863001R1537 203610 0.735 1
40 S803S-UCK40 2CCS863001R1557 203627 0.735 1
50 S803S-UCK50 2CCS863001R1577 203634 0.735 1
63 S803S-UCK63 2CCS863001R1597 203641 0.735 1
80 S803S-UCK80 2CCS863001R1627 203658 0.735 1
100 S803S-UCK100 2CCS863001R1637 203665 0.735 1
125 S803S-UCK125 2CCS863001R1647 203672 0.735 1

4 10 S804S-UCK10 2CCS864001R1427 203689 0.98 1

13 S804S-UCK13 2CCS864001R1447 203696 0.98 1
16 S804S-UCK16 2CCS864001R1467 203702 0.98 1
20 S804S-UCK20 2CCS864001R1487 203719 0.98 1
25 S804S-UCK25 2CCS864001R1517 203726 0.98 1
32 S804S-UCK32 2CCS864001R1537 203733 0.98 1
40 S804S-UCK40 2CCS864001R1557 203740 0.98 1
50 S804S-UCK50 2CCS864001R1577 203757 0.98 1
63 S804S-UCK63 2CCS864001R1597 203764 0.98 1
80 S804S-UCK80 2CCS864001R1627 203771 0.98 1
100 S804S-UCK100 2CCS864001R1637 203788 0.98 1
125 S804S-UCK125 2CCS864001R1647 203795 0.98 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

2/84 ABB
System Selection tables S800S-UCK
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with ring terminal cable connection

S800S-UCK characteristic
K Function: protection and control of the circuits like motors, transformer and auxiliary circuits, against
overloads and short-circuits when a high breaking capacity is required; very useful when selectivity is
needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream; version dedicated to application
in direct current circuits.
Advantages: no nuisance tripping in the case of functional peak currents up to 10xIn, depending
on the series; through its highly sensitive thermostatic bimetal trip, the K-type characteristic offers
protection to damageable elements in the overcurrent range; it also provides the best protection to
cables and lines.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu=50 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801S-UCK10-R 2CCS861002R1427 210595 0,245 1
13 S801S-UCK13-R 2CCS861002R1447 210601 0,245 1
16 S801S-UCK16-R 2CCS861002R1467 210618 0,245 1
20 S801S-UCK20-R 2CCS861002R1487 210625 0,245 1
25 S801S-UCK25-R 2CCS861002R1517 210632 0,245 1
32 S801S-UCK32-R 2CCS861002R1537 210649 0,245 1
40 S801S-UCK40-R 2CCS861002R1557 208660 0,245 1
50 S801S-UCK50-R 2CCS861002R1577 208677 0,245 1
63 S801S-UCK63-R 2CCS861002R1597 208684 0,245 1
80 S801S-UCK80-R 2CCS861002R1627 208691 0,245 1
100 S801S-UCK100-R 2CCS861002R1637 208707 0,245 1
125 S801S-UCK125-R 2CCS861002R1647 208714 0,245 1

2 10 S802S-UCK10-R 2CCS862002R1427 210656 0,490 1

13 S802S-UCK13-R 2CCS862002R1447 210663 0,490 1
16 S802S-UCK16-R 2CCS862002R1467 210670 0,490 1
20 S802S-UCK20-R 2CCS862002R1487 210687 0,490 1
25 S802S-UCK25-R 2CCS862002R1517 210694 0,490 1
32 S802S-UCK32-R 2CCS862002R1537 210700 0,490 1
40 S802S-UCK40-R 2CCS862002R1557 208721 0,490 1
50 S802S-UCK50-R 2CCS862002R1577 208738 0,490 1
63 S802S-UCK63-R 2CCS862002R1597 208745 0,490 1
80 S802S-UCK80-R 2CCS862002R1627 208752 0,490 1
100 S802S-UCK100-R 2CCS862002R1637 208769 0,490 1
125 S802S-UCK125-R 2CCS862002R1647 208776 0,490 1

3 10 S803S-UCK10-R 2CCS863002R1427 210717 0,735 1

13 S803S-UCK13-R 2CCS863002R1447 210724 0,735 1
16 S803S-UCK16-R 2CCS863002R1467 210731 0,735 1
20 S803S-UCK20-R 2CCS863002R1487 210748 0,735 1
25 S803S-UCK25-R 2CCS863002R1517 210755 0,735 1
32 S803S-UCK32-R 2CCS863002R1537 210762 0,735 1
40 S803S-UCK40-R 2CCS863002R1557 208783 0,735 1
50 S803S-UCK50-R 2CCS863002R1577 208790 0,735 1
63 S803S-UCK63-R 2CCS863002R1597 208806 0,735 1
80 S803S-UCK80-R 2CCS863002R1627 208813 0,735 1
100 S803S-UCK100-R 2CCS863002R1637 208820 0,735 1
125 S803S-UCK125-R 2CCS863002R1647 208837 0,735 1

4 10 S804S-UCK10-R 2CCS864002R1427 210779 0,98 1

13 S804S-UCK13-R 2CCS864002R1447 210786 0,98 1
16 S804S-UCK16-R 2CCS864002R1467 210793 0,98 1
20 S804S-UCK20-R 2CCS864002R1487 210809 0,98 1
25 S804S-UCK25-R 2CCS864002R1517 210816 0,98 1
32 S804S-UCK32-R 2CCS864002R1537 210823 0,98 1
40 S804S-UCK40-R 2CCS864002R1557 208844 0,98 1
50 S804S-UCK50-R 2CCS864002R1577 208851 0,98 1
63 S804S-UCK63-R 2CCS864002R1597 208868 0,98 1
80 S804S-UCK80-R 2CCS864002R1627 208875 0,98 1
100 S804S-UCK100-R 2CCS864002R1637 208882 0,98 1
125 S804S-UCK125-R 2CCS864002R1647 208899 0,98 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

ABB 2/85
System Selection tables S800N-B
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with cage terminal

S800N-B characteristic
B Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems; very
useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2
2 Icn=20 kA
Icu=36 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801N-B10 2CCS891001R0105 203801 0.24 1
13 S801N-B13 2CCS891001R0135 203818 0.24 1
16 S801N-B16 2CCS891001R0165 203825 0.24 1
20 S801N-B20 2CCS891001R0205 203832 0.24 1
25 S801N-B25 2CCS891001R0255 203849 0.24 1
32 S801N-B32 2CCS891001R0325 203856 0.24 1
40 S801N-B40 2CCS891001R0405 203863 0.24 1
50 S801N-B50 2CCS891001R0505 203870 0.24 1
63 S801N-B63 2CCS891001R0635 203887 0.24 1
80 S801N-B80 2CCS891001R0805 203894 0.24 1
100 S801N-B100 2CCS891001R0825 203900 0.24 1
125 S801N-B125 2CCS891001R0845 203917 0.24 1

2 10 S802N-B10 2CCS892001R0105 203924 0.48 1

13 S802N-B13 2CCS892001R0135 203931 0.48 1
16 S802N-B16 2CCS892001R0165 203948 0.48 1
20 S802N-B20 2CCS892001R0205 203955 0.48 1
25 S802N-B25 2CCS892001R0255 203962 0.48 1
32 S802N-B32 2CCS892001R0325 203979 0.48 1
40 S802N-B40 2CCS892001R0405 203986 0.48 1
50 S802N-B50 2CCS892001R0505 203993 0.48 1
63 S802N-B63 2CCS892001R0635 204006 0.48 1
80 S802N-B80 2CCS892001R0805 204013 0.48 1
100 S802N-B100 2CCS892001R0825 204020 0.48 1
125 S802N-B125 2CCS892001R0845 204037 0.48 1

3 10 S803N-B10 2CCS893001R0105 204044 0.72 1

13 S803N-B13 2CCS893001R0135 204051 0.72 1
16 S803N-B16 2CCS893001R0165 204068 0.72 1
20 S803N-B20 2CCS893001R0205 204075 0.72 1
25 S803N-B25 2CCS893001R0255 204082 0.72 1
32 S803N-B32 2CCS893001R0325 204099 0.72 1
40 S803N-B40 2CCS893001R0405 204105 0.72 1
50 S803N-B50 2CCS893001R0505 204112 0.72 1
63 S803N-B63 2CCS893001R0635 204129 0.72 1
80 S803N-B80 2CCS893001R0805 204136 0.72 1
100 S803N-B100 2CCS893001R0825 204143 0.72 1
125 S803N-B125 2CCS893001R0845 204150 0.72 1

4 10 S804N-B10 2CCS894001R0105 204167 0.96 1

13 S804N-B13 2CCS894001R0135 204174 0.96 1
16 S804N-B16 2CCS894001R0165 204181 0.96 1
20 S804N-B20 2CCS894001R0205 204198 0.96 1
25 S804N-B25 2CCS894001R0255 204204 0.96 1
32 S804N-B32 2CCS894001R0325 204211 0.96 1
40 S804N-B40 2CCS894001R0405 204228 0.96 1
50 S804N-B50 2CCS894001R0505 204235 0.96 1
63 S804N-B63 2CCS894001R0635 204242 0.96 1
80 S804N-B80 2CCS894001R0805 204259 0.96 1
100 S804N-B100 2CCS894001R0825 204266 0.96 1
125 S804N-B125 2CCS894001R0845 204273 0.96 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

2/86 ABB
System Selection tables S800N-C
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with cage terminal

S800N-C characteristic
C Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for resistive and inductive loads with low inrush current; very
useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=20 kA
Icu=36 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801N-C10 2CCS891001R0104 204280 0.24 1
13 S801N-C13 2CCS891001R0134 204297 0.24 1
16 S801N-C16 2CCS891001R0164 204303 0.24 1
20 S801N-C20 2CCS891001R0204 204310 0.24 1
25 S801N-C25 2CCS891001R0254 204327 0.24 1
32 S801N-C32 2CCS891001R0324 204334 0.24 1
40 S801N-C40 2CCS891001R0404 204341 0.24 1
50 S801N-C50 2CCS891001R0504 204358 0.24 1
63 S801N-C63 2CCS891001R0634 204365 0.24 1
80 S801N-C80 2CCS891001R0804 204372 0.24 1
100 S801N-C100 2CCS891001R0824 204389 0.24 1
125 S801N-C125 2CCS891001R0844 204396 0.24 1

2 10 S802N-C10 2CCS892001R0104 204402 0.48 1

13 S802N-C13 2CCS892001R0134 204419 0.48 1
16 S802N-C16 2CCS892001R0164 204426 0.48 1
20 S802N-C20 2CCS892001R0204 204433 0.48 1
25 S802N-C25 2CCS892001R0254 204440 0.48 1
32 S802N-C32 2CCS892001R0324 204457 0.48 1
40 S802N-C40 2CCS892001R0404 204464 0.48 1
50 S802N-C50 2CCS892001R0504 204471 0.48 1
63 S802N-C63 2CCS892001R0634 204488 0.48 1
80 S802N-C80 2CCS892001R0804 204495 0.48 1
100 S802N-C100 2CCS892001R0824 204501 0.48 1
125 S802N-C125 2CCS892001R0844 204518 0.48 1

3 10 S803N-C10 2CCS893001R0104 204525 0.72 1

13 S803N-C13 2CCS893001R0134 204532 0.72 1
16 S803N-C16 2CCS893001R0164 204549 0.72 1
20 S803N-C20 2CCS893001R0204 204556 0.72 1
25 S803N-C25 2CCS893001R0254 204563 0.72 1
32 S803N-C32 2CCS893001R0324 204570 0.72 1
40 S803N-C40 2CCS893001R0404 204587 0.72 1
50 S803N-C50 2CCS893001R0504 204594 0.72 1
63 S803N-C63 2CCS893001R0634 204600 0.72 1
80 S803N-C80 2CCS893001R0804 204617 0.72 1
100 S803N-C100 2CCS893001R0824 204624 0.72 1
125 S803N-C125 2CCS893001R0844 204631 0.72 1

4 10 S804N-C10 2CCS894001R0104 204648 0.96 1

13 S804N-C13 2CCS894001R0134 204655 0.96 1
16 S804N-C16 2CCS894001R0164 204662 0.96 1
20 S804N-C20 2CCS894001R0204 204679 0.96 1
25 S804N-C25 2CCS894001R0254 204686 0.96 1
32 S804N-C32 2CCS894001R0324 204693 0.96 1
40 S804N-C40 2CCS894001R0404 204709 0.96 1
50 S804N-C50 2CCS894001R0504 204716 0.96 1
63 S804N-C63 2CCS894001R0634 204723 0.96 1
80 S804N-C80 2CCS894001R0804 204730 0.96 1
100 S804N-C100 2CCS894001R0824 204747 0.96 1
125 S804N-C125 2CCS894001R0844 204754 0.96 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

ABB 2/87
System Selection tables S800N-D
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with cage terminal

S800N-D characteristic
D Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for circuits which supply loads with high inrush current at
the circuit closing (motors, LV / LV transformers, breakdown lamps); very useful when selectivity is
needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
2 Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=20 kA
Icu=36 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801N-D10 2CCS891001R0101 204761 0.245 1
13 S801N-D13 2CCS891001R0131 204778 0.245 1
16 S801N-D16 2CCS891001R0161 204785 0.245 1
20 S801N-D20 2CCS891001R0201 204792 0.245 1
25 S801N-D25 2CCS891001R0251 204808 0.245 1
32 S801N-D32 2CCS891001R0321 204815 0.245 1
40 S801N-D40 2CCS891001R0401 204822 0.245 1
50 S801N-D50 2CCS891001R0501 204839 0.245 1
63 S801N-D63 2CCS891001R0631 204846 0.245 1
80 S801N-D80 2CCS891001R0801 204853 0.245 1
100 S801N-D100 2CCS891001R0821 204860 0.245 1
125 S801N-D125 2CCS891001R0841 204877 0.245 1

2 10 S802N-D10 2CCS892001R0101 204884 0.49 1

13 S802N-D13 2CCS892001R0131 204891 0.49 1
16 S802N-D16 2CCS892001R0161 204907 0.49 1
20 S802N-D20 2CCS892001R0201 204914 0.49 1
25 S802N-D25 2CCS892001R0251 204921 0.49 1
32 S802N-D32 2CCS892001R0321 204938 0.49 1
40 S802N-D40 2CCS892001R0401 204945 0.49 1
50 S802N-D50 2CCS892001R0501 204952 0.49 1
63 S802N-D63 2CCS892001R0631 204969 0.49 1
80 S802N-D80 2CCS892001R0801 204976 0.49 1
100 S802N-D100 2CCS892001R0821 204983 0.49 1
125 S802N-D125 2CCS892001R0841 204990 0.49 1

3 10 S803N-D10 2CCS893001R0101 205003 0.735 1

13 S803N-D13 2CCS893001R0131 205010 0.735 1
16 S803N-D16 2CCS893001R0161 205027 0.735 1
20 S803N-D20 2CCS893001R0201 205034 0.735 1
25 S803N-D25 2CCS893001R0251 205041 0.735 1
32 S803N-D32 2CCS893001R0321 205058 0.735 1
40 S803N-D40 2CCS893001R0401 205065 0.735 1
50 S803N-D50 2CCS893001R0501 205072 0.735 1
63 S803N-D63 2CCS893001R0631 205089 0.735 1
80 S803N-D80 2CCS893001R0801 205096 0.735 1
100 S803N-D100 2CCS893001R0821 205102 0.735 1
125 S803N-D125 2CCS893001R0841 205119 0.735 1

4 10 S804N-D10 2CCS894001R0101 205126 0.98 1

13 S804N-D13 2CCS894001R0131 205133 0.98 1
16 S804N-D16 2CCS894001R0161 205140 0.98 1
20 S804N-D20 2CCS894001R0201 205157 0.98 1
25 S804N-D25 2CCS894001R0251 205164 0.98 1
32 S804N-D32 2CCS894001R0321 205171 0.98 1
40 S804N-D40 2CCS894001R0401 205188 0.98 1
50 S804N-D50 2CCS894001R0501 205195 0.98 1
63 S804N-D63 2CCS894001R0631 205201 0.98 1
80 S804N-D80 2CCS894001R0801 205218 0.98 1
100 S804N-D100 2CCS894001R0821 205225 0.98 1
125 S804N-D125 2CCS894001R0841 205232 0.98 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

2/88 ABB
System Selection tables S800C-B
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with cage terminal

S800C-B characteristic
B Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems; very
useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, IEC/EN 60898
Icu=25 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current 1 piece group 1 piece unit
details 7612271

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801C-B10 2CCS881001R0105 212087 0.245 1
13 S801C-B13 2CCS881001R0135 212247 0.245 1
16 S801C-B16 2CCS881001R0165 212407 0.245 1
20 S801C-B20 2CCS881001R0205 212568 0.245 1
25 S801C-B25 2CCS881001R0255 212728 0.245 1
32 S801C-B32 2CCS881001R0325 212889 0.245 1
40 S801C-B40 2CCS881001R0405 213046 0.245 1
50 S801C-B50 2CCS881001R0505 213206 0.245 1
63 S801C-B63 2CCS881001R0635 213367 0.245 1
80 S801C-B80 2CCS881001R0805 213527 0.245 1
100 S801C-B100 2CCS881001R0825 213688 0.245 1
125 S801C-B125 2CCS881001R0845 213848 0.245 1

2 10 S802C-B10 2CCS882001R0105 212094 0.49 1

13 S802C-B13 2CCS882001R0135 212254 0.49 1
16 S802C-B16 2CCS882001R0165 212414 0.49 1
20 S802C-B20 2CCS882001R0205 212575 0.49 1
25 S802C-B25 2CCS882001R0255 212735 0.49 1
32 S802C-B32 2CCS882001R0325 212896 0.49 1
40 S802C-B40 2CCS882001R0405 213053 0.49 1
50 S802C-B50 2CCS882001R0505 213213 0.49 1
63 S802C-B63 2CCS882001R0635 213374 0.49 1
80 S802C-B80 2CCS882001R0805 213534 0.49 1
100 S802C-B100 2CCS882001R0825 213695 0.49 1
125 S802C-B125 2CCS882001R0845 213855 0.49 1

3 10 S803C-B10 2CCS883001R0105 212100 0.735 1

13 S803C-B13 2CCS883001R0135 212261 0.735 1
16 S803C-B16 2CCS883001R0165 212421 0.735 1
20 S803C-B20 2CCS883001R0205 212582 0.735 1
25 S803C-B25 2CCS883001R0255 212742 0.735 1
32 S803C-B32 2CCS883001R0325 212902 0.735 1
40 S803C-B40 2CCS883001R0405 213060 0.735 1
50 S803C-B50 2CCS883001R0505 213220 0.735 1
63 S803C-B63 2CCS883001R0635 213381 0.735 1
80 S803C-B80 2CCS883001R0805 213541 0.735 1
100 S803C-B100 2CCS883001R0825 213701 0.735 1
125 S803C-B125 2CCS883001R0845 213862 0.735 1

4 10 S804C-B10 2CCS884001R0105 212117 0.98 1

13 S804C-B13 2CCS884001R0135 212278 0.98 1
16 S804C-B16 2CCS884001R0165 212438 0.98 1
20 S804C-B20 2CCS884001R0205 212599 0.98 1
25 S804C-B25 2CCS884001R0255 212759 0.98 1
32 S804C-B32 2CCS884001R0325 212919 0.98 1
40 S804C-B40 2CCS884001R0405 213077 0.98 1
50 S804C-B50 2CCS884001R0505 213237 0.98 1
63 S804C-B63 2CCS884001R0635 213398 0.98 1
80 S804C-B80 2CCS884001R0805 213558 0.98 1
100 S804C-B100 2CCS884001R0825 213718 0.98 1
125 S804C-B125 2CCS884001R0845 213879 0.98 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

ABB 2/89
System Selection tables S800C-C
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with cage terminal

S800C-C characteristic
C Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems; very
useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, IEC/EN 60898
2 Icu=25 kA, Icn=15kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current 1 piece group 1 piece unit
details 7612271

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801C-C10 2CCS881001R0104 212124 0.245 1
13 S801C-C13 2CCS881001R0134 212285 0.245 1
16 S801C-C16 2CCS881001R0164 212445 0.245 1
20 S801C-C20 2CCS881001R0204 212605 0.245 1
25 S801C-C25 2CCS881001R0254 212766 0.245 1
32 S801C-C32 2CCS881001R0324 212926 0.245 1
40 S801C-C40 2CCS881001R0404 213084 0.245 1
50 S801C-C50 2CCS881001R0504 213244 0.245 1
63 S801C-C63 2CCS881001R0634 213404 0.245 1
80 S801C-C80 2CCS881001R0804 213565 0.245 1
100 S801C-C100 2CCS881001R0824 213725 0.245 1
125 S801C-C125 2CCS881001R0844 213886 0.245 1

2 10 S802C-C10 2CCS882001R0104 212131 0.49 1

13 S802C-C13 2CCS882001R0134 212292 0.49 1
16 S802C-C16 2CCS882001R0164 212452 0.49 1
20 S802C-C20 2CCS882001R0204 212612 0.49 1
25 S802C-C25 2CCS882001R0254 212773 0.49 1
32 S802C-C32 2CCS882001R0324 212933 0.49 1
40 S802C-C40 2CCS882001R0404 213091 0.49 1
50 S802C-C50 2CCS882001R0504 213251 0.49 1
63 S802C-C63 2CCS882001R0634 213411 0.49 1
80 S802C-C80 2CCS882001R0804 213572 0.49 1
100 S802C-C100 2CCS882001R0824 213732 0.49 1
125 S802C-C125 2CCS882001R0844 213893 0.49 1

3 10 S803C-C10 2CCS883001R0104 212148 0.735 1

13 S803C-C13 2CCS883001R0134 212308 0.735 1
16 S803C-C16 2CCS883001R0164 212469 0.735 1
20 S803C-C20 2CCS883001R0204 212629 0.735 1
25 S803C-C25 2CCS883001R0254 212780 0.735 1
32 S803C-C32 2CCS883001R0324 212940 0.735 1
40 S803C-C40 2CCS883001R0404 213107 0.735 1
50 S803C-C50 2CCS883001R0504 213268 0.735 1
63 S803C-C63 2CCS883001R0634 213428 0.735 1
80 S803C-C80 2CCS883001R0804 213589 0.735 1
100 S803C-C100 2CCS883001R0824 213749 0.735 1
125 S803C-C125 2CCS883001R0844 213909 0.735 1

4 10 S804C-C10 2CCS884001R0104 212155 0.98 1

13 S804C-C13 2CCS884001R0134 212315 0.98 1
16 S804C-C16 2CCS884001R0164 212476 0.98 1
20 S804C-C20 2CCS884001R0204 212636 0.98 1
25 S804C-C25 2CCS884001R0254 212797 0.98 1
32 S804C-C32 2CCS884001R0324 212957 0.98 1
40 S804C-C40 2CCS884001R0404 213114 0.98 1
50 S804C-C50 2CCS884001R0504 213275 0.98 1
63 S804C-C63 2CCS884001R0634 213435 0.98 1
80 S804C-C80 2CCS884001R0804 213596 0.98 1
100 S804C-C100 2CCS884001R0824 213756 0.98 1
125 S804C-C125 2CCS884001R0844 213916 0.98 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

2/90 ABB
System Selection tables S800C-D
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with cage terminal

S800C-D characteristic
D Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems; very
useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, IEC/EN 60898
Icu=25 kA, Icn=15kA 2
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current 1 piece group 1 piece unit
details 7612271

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801C-D10 2CCS881001R0101 212162 0.245 1
13 S801C-D13 2CCS881001R0131 212322 0.245 1
16 S801C-D16 2CCS881001R0161 212483 0.245 1
20 S801C-D20 2CCS881001R0201 212643 0.245 1
25 S801C-D25 2CCS881001R0251 212803 0.245 1
32 S801C-D32 2CCS881001R0321 212964 0.245 1
40 S801C-D40 2CCS881001R0401 213121 0.245 1
50 S801C-D50 2CCS881001R0501 213282 0.245 1
63 S801C-D63 2CCS881001R0631 213442 0.245 1
80 S801C-D80 2CCS881001R0801 213602 0.245 1
100 S801C-D100 2CCS881001R0821 213763 0.245 1
125 S801C-D125 2CCS881001R0841 213923 0.245 1

2 10 S802C-D10 2CCS882001R0101 212179 0.49 1

13 S802C-D13 2CCS882001R0131 212339 0.49 1
16 S802C-D16 2CCS882001R0161 212490 0.49 1
20 S802C-D20 2CCS882001R0201 212650 0.49 1
25 S802C-D25 2CCS882001R0251 212810 0.49 1
32 S802C-D32 2CCS882001R0321 212971 0.49 1
40 S802C-D40 2CCS882001R0401 213138 0.49 1
50 S802C-D50 2CCS882001R0501 213299 0.49 1
63 S802C-D63 2CCS882001R0631 213459 0.49 1
80 S802C-D80 2CCS882001R0801 213619 0.49 1
100 S802C-D100 2CCS882001R0821 213770 0.49 1
125 S802C-D125 2CCS882001R0841 213930 0.49 1

3 10 S803C-D10 2CCS883001R0101 212186 0.735 1

13 S803C-D13 2CCS883001R0131 212346 0.735 1
16 S803C-D16 2CCS883001R0161 212506 0.735 1
20 S803C-D20 2CCS883001R0201 212667 0.735 1
25 S803C-D25 2CCS883001R0251 212827 0.735 1
32 S803C-D32 2CCS883001R0321 212988 0.735 1
40 S803C-D40 2CCS883001R0401 213145 0.735 1
50 S803C-D50 2CCS883001R0501 213305 0.735 1
63 S803C-D63 2CCS883001R0631 213466 0.735 1
80 S803C-D80 2CCS883001R0801 213626 0.735 1
100 S803C-D100 2CCS883001R0821 213787 0.735 1
125 S803C-D125 2CCS883001R0841 213947 0.735 1

4 10 S804C-D10 2CCS884001R0101 212193 0.98 1

13 S804C-D13 2CCS884001R0131 212353 0.98 1
16 S804C-D16 2CCS884001R0161 212513 0.98 1
20 S804C-D20 2CCS884001R0201 212674 0.98 1
25 S804C-D25 2CCS884001R0251 212834 0.98 1
32 S804C-D32 2CCS884001R0321 212995 0.98 1
40 S804C-D40 2CCS884001R0401 213152 0.98 1
50 S804C-D50 2CCS884001R0501 213312 0.98 1
63 S804C-D63 2CCS884001R0631 213473 0.98 1
80 S804C-D80 2CCS884001R0801 213633 0.98 1
100 S804C-D100 2CCS884001R0821 213794 0.98 1
125 S804C-D125 2CCS884001R0841 213954 0.98 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

ABB 2/91
System Selection tables S800C-K
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with cage terminal

S800C-K characteristic
K Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems; very
useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
2 Icu=25 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current 1 piece group 1 piece unit
details 7612271

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801C-K10 2CCS881001R0427 212209 0.245 1
13 S801C-K13 2CCS881001R0447 212360 0.245 1
16 S801C-K16 2CCS881001R0467 212520 0.245 1
20 S801C-K20 2CCS881001R0487 212681 0.245 1
25 S801C-K25 2CCS881001R0517 212841 0.245 1
32 S801C-K32 2CCS881001R0537 213008 0.245 1
40 S801C-K40 2CCS881001R0557 213169 0.245 1
50 S801C-K50 2CCS881001R0577 213329 0.245 1
63 S801C-K63 2CCS881001R0597 213480 0.245 1
80 S801C-K80 2CCS881001R0627 213640 0.245 1
100 S801C-K100 2CCS881001R0637 213800 0.245 1
125 S801C-K125 2CCS881001R0647 213961 0.245 1

2 10 S802C-K10 2CCS882001R0427 212216 0.49 1

13 S802C-K13 2CCS882001R0447 212377 0.49 1
16 S802C-K16 2CCS882001R0467 212537 0.49 1
20 S802C-K20 2CCS882001R0487 212698 0.49 1
25 S802C-K25 2CCS882001R0517 212858 0.49 1
32 S802C-K32 2CCS882001R0537 213015 0.49 1
40 S802C-K40 2CCS882001R0557 213176 0.49 1
50 S802C-K50 2CCS882001R0577 213336 0.49 1
63 S802C-K63 2CCS882001R0597 213497 0.49 1
80 S802C-K80 2CCS882001R0627 213657 0.49 1
100 S802C-K100 2CCS882001R0637 213817 0.49 1
125 S802C-K125 2CCS882001R0647 213978 0.49 1

3 10 S803C-K10 2CCS883001R0427 212223 0.735 1

13 S803C-K13 2CCS883001R0447 212384 0.735 1
16 S803C-K16 2CCS883001R0467 212544 0.735 1
20 S803C-K20 2CCS883001R0487 212704 0.735 1
25 S803C-K25 2CCS883001R0517 212865 0.735 1
32 S803C-K32 2CCS883001R0537 213022 0.735 1
40 S803C-K40 2CCS883001R0557 213183 0.735 1
50 S803C-K50 2CCS883001R0577 213343 0.735 1
63 S803C-K63 2CCS883001R0597 213503 0.735 1
80 S803C-K80 2CCS883001R0627 213664 0.735 1
100 S803C-K100 2CCS883001R0637 213824 0.735 1
125 S803C-K125 2CCS883001R0647 213985 0.735 1

4 10 S804C-K10 2CCS884001R0427 212230 0.98 1

13 S804C-K13 2CCS884001R0447 212391 0.98 1
16 S804C-K16 2CCS884001R0467 212551 0.98 1
20 S804C-K20 2CCS884001R0487 212711 0.98 1
25 S804C-K25 2CCS884001R0517 212872 0.98 1
32 S804C-K32 2CCS884001R0537 213039 0.98 1
40 S804C-K40 2CCS884001R0557 213190 0.98 1
50 S804C-K50 2CCS884001R0577 213350 0.98 1
63 S804C-K63 2CCS884001R0597 213510 0.98 1
80 S804C-K80 2CCS884001R0627 213671 0.98 1
100 S804C-K100 2CCS884001R0637 213831 0.98 1
125 S804C-K125 2CCS884001R0647 213992 0.98 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

2/92 ABB
System Selection tables S800U-Z
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with cage terminal

S800U-Z characteristic
Z Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems; very
useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: UL489, CSA 22.2 NO.5.1, IEC/EN 60898
Icn: 15 kA 2
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801U-Z10 2CCS881017R0105 214487 0.245 1
15 S801U-Z15 2CCS881017R0155 214524 0.245 1
20 S801U-Z20 2CCS881017R0205 214562 0.245 1
25 S801U-Z25 2CCS881017R0255 214609 0.245 1
30 S801U-Z30 2CCS881017R0305 214647 0.245 1
40 S801U-Z40 2CCS881017R0405 214685 0.245 1
50 S801U-Z50 2CCS881017R0505 214722 0.245 1
60 S801U-Z60 2CCS881017R0605 214760 0.245 1
70 S801U-Z70 2CCS881017R0705 214807 0.245 1
80 S801U-Z80 2CCS881017R0805 214845 0.245 1
90 S801U-Z90 2CCS881017R0905 214883 0.245 1
100 S801U-Z100 2CCS881017R0825 214920 0.245 1

2 10 S802U-Z10 2CCS862017R0105 214494 0.49 1

15 S802U-Z15 2CCS862017R0155 214531 0.49 1
20 S802U-Z20 2CCS862017R0205 214579 0.49 1
25 S802U-Z25 2CCS862017R0255 214616 0.49 1
30 S802U-Z30 2CCS862017R0305 214654 0.49 1
40 S802U-Z40 2CCS862017R0405 214692 0.49 1
50 S802U-Z50 2CCS862017R0505 214739 0.49 1
60 S802U-Z60 2CCS862017R0605 214777 0.49 1
70 S802U-Z70 2CCS862017R0705 214814 0.49 1
80 S802U-Z80 2CCS862017R0805 214852 0.49 1
90 S802U-Z90 2CCS862017R0905 214890 0.49 1
100 S802U-Z100 2CCS862017R0825 214937 0.49 1

3 10 S803U-Z10 2CCS863017R0105 214500 0.735 1

15 S803U-Z15 2CCS863017R0155 214548 0.735 1
20 S803U-Z20 2CCS863017R0205 214586 0.735 1
25 S803U-Z25 2CCS863017R0255 214623 0.735 1
30 S803U-Z30 2CCS863017R0305 214661 0.735 1
40 S803U-Z40 2CCS863017R0405 214708 0.735 1
50 S803U-Z50 2CCS863017R0505 214746 0.735 1
60 S803U-Z60 2CCS863017R0605 214784 0.735 1
70 S803U-Z70 2CCS863017R0705 214821 0.735 1
80 S803U-Z80 2CCS863017R0805 214869 0.735 1
90 S803U-Z90 2CCS863017R0905 214906 0.735 1
100 S803U-Z100 2CCS863017R0825 214944 0.735 1

4 10 S804U-Z10 2CCS864017R0105 214517 0.98 1

15 S804U-Z15 2CCS864017R0155 214555 0.98 1
20 S804U-Z20 2CCS864017R0205 214593 0.98 1
25 S804U-Z25 2CCS864017R0255 214630 0.98 1
30 S804U-Z30 2CCS864017R0305 214678 0.98 1
40 S804U-Z40 2CCS864017R0405 214715 0.98 1
50 S804U-Z50 2CCS864017R0505 214753 0.98 1
60 S804U-Z60 2CCS864017R0605 214791 0.98 1
70 S804U-Z70 2CCS864017R0705 214838 0.98 1
80 S804U-Z80 2CCS864017R0805 214876 0.98 1
90 S804U-Z90 2CCS864017R0905 214913 0.98 1
100 S804U-Z100 2CCS864017R0825 214951 0.98 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

ABB 2/93
System Selection tables S800U-K
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with cage terminal

S800U-K characteristic
K Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems; very
useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: UL489, CSA 22.2 NO.5.1, IEC/EN 60898
2 Icu: 30 kA (1-pole), 50 kA (2...4-pole)
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current 1 piece group 1 piece unit
details 7612271

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 10 S801U-K10 2CCS881017R0427 214005 0.245 1
15 S801U-K15 2CCS881017R0457 214043 0.245 1
20 S801U-K20 2CCS881017R0487 214081 0.245 1
25 S801U-K25 2CCS881017R0517 214128 0.245 1
30 S801U-K30 2CCS881017R0527 214166 0.245 1
40 S801U-K40 2CCS881017R0557 214203 0.245 1
50 S801U-K50 2CCS881017R0577 214241 0.245 1
60 S801U-K60 2CCS881017R0587 214289 0.245 1
70 S801U-K70 2CCS881017R0707 214326 0.245 1
80 S801U-K80 2CCS881017R0627 214364 0.245 1
90 S801U-K90 2CCS881017R0907 214401 0.245 1
100 S801U-K100 2CCS881017R0637 214449 0.245 1

2 10 S802U-K10 2CCS862017R0427 214012 0.49 1

15 S802U-K15 2CCS862017R0457 214050 0.49 1
20 S802U-K20 2CCS862017R0487 214098 0.49 1
25 S802U-K25 2CCS862017R0517 214135 0.49 1
30 S802U-K30 2CCS862017R0527 214173 0.49 1
40 S802U-K40 2CCS862017R0557 214210 0.49 1
50 S802U-K50 2CCS862017R0577 214258 0.49 1
60 S802U-K60 2CCS862017R0587 214296 0.49 1
70 S802U-K70 2CCS862017R0707 214333 0.49 1
80 S802U-K80 2CCS862017R0627 214371 0.49 1
90 S802U-K90 2CCS862017R0907 214418 0.49 1
100 S802U-K100 2CCS862017R0637 214456 0.49 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

2/94 ABB
System Selection tables S800U-K
pro M compact® High performance MCB
with cage terminal

K 3 10
25 S803U-K25 2CCS863017R0517 214142 0.735 1
30 S803U-K30 2CCS863017R0527 214180 0.735 1
70 S803U-K70 2CCS863017R0707 214340 0.735 1
80 S803U-K80 2CCS863017R0627 214388 0.735 1
90 S803U-K90 2CCS863017R0907 214425 0.735 1
100 S803U-K100 2CCS863017R0637 214463 0.735 1

4 10 S804U-K10 2CCS864017R0427 214036 0.98 1

15 S804U-K15 2CCS864017R0457 214074 0.98 1
20 S804U-K20 2CCS864017R0487 214111 0.98 1
25 S804U-K25 2CCS864017R0517 214159 0.98 1
30 S804U-K30 2CCS864017R0527 214197 0.98 1
40 S804U-K40 2CCS864017R0557 214234 0.98 1
50 S804U-K50 2CCS864017R0577 214272 0.98 1
60 S804U-K60 2CCS864017R0587 214319 0.98 1
70 S804U-K70 2CCS864017R0707 214357 0.98 1
80 S804U-K80 2CCS864017R0627 214395 0.98 1
90 S804U-K90 2CCS864017R0907 214432 0.98 1
100 S804U-K100 2CCS864017R0637 214470 0.98 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

ABB 2/95
System Selection tables S800PV-S
pro M compact® High performance MCB
for photovoltaic systems

S800PV-S characteristic
PV-S Function: protection and control of photovoltaic strings against overloads and short-circuits. Ideal
replacement for fuses due to comfortable string failure identification and signalisation.
Applications: Photovoltaic systems.
Standard: IEC 60947-2
Icu: 5 kA
Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current 1 piece group 1 piece unit
details 7612271

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

2 10 S802PV-S10 2CCP842001R1109 210939 0.49 1

13 S802PV-S13 2CCP842001R1139 210946 0.49 1
16 S802PV-S16 2CCP842001R1169 210953 0.49 1
20 S802PV-S20 2CCP842001R1209 210960 0.49 1
25 S802PV-S25 2CCP842001R1259 210977 0.49 1
32 S802PV-S32 2CCP842001R1329 210984 0.49 1
40 S802PV-S40 2CCP842001R1409 210991 0.49 1
50 S802PV-S50 2CCP842001R1509 211004 0.49 1
63 S802PV-S63 2CCP842001R1639 211011 0.49 1
80 S802PV-S80 2CCP842001R1809 211028 0.49 1
100 S802PV-S100 2CCP842001R1829 214968 0.49 1
125 S802PV-S125 2CCP842001R1849 214999 0.49 1

3 10 S803PV-S10 2CCP843001R1109 211035 0.735 1

13 S803PV-S13 2CCP843001R1139 211042 0.735 1
16 S803PV-S16 2CCP843001R1169 211059 0.735 1
20 S803PV-S20 2CCP843001R1209 211066 0.735 1
25 S803PV-S25 2CCP843001R1259 211073 0.735 1
32 S803PV-S32 2CCP843001R1329 211080 0.735 1
40 S803PV-S40 2CCP843001R1409 211097 0.735 1
50 S803PV-S50 2CCP843001R1509 211103 0.735 1
63 S803PV-S63 2CCP843001R1639 211110 0.735 1
80 S803PV-S80 2CCP843001R1809 211127 0.735 1
100 S803PV-S100 2CCP843001R1829 214975 0.740 1
125 S803PV-S125 2CCP843001R1849 215002 0.740 1

4 10 S804PV-S10 2CCP844001R1109 211134 0.98 1

13 S804PV-S13 2CCP844001R1139 211141 0.98 1
16 S804PV-S16 2CCP844001R1169 211158 0.98 1
20 S804PV-S20 2CCP844001R1209 211165 0.98 1
25 S804PV-S25 2CCP844001R1259 211172 0.98 1
32 S804PV-S32 2CCP844001R1329 211189 0.98 1
40 S804PV-S40 2CCP844001R1409 211196 0.98 1
50 S804PV-S50 2CCP844001R1509 211202 0.98 1
63 S804PV-S63 2CCP844001R1639 211219 0.98 1
80 S804PV-S80 2CCP844001R1809 211226 0.98 1
100 S804PV-S100 2CCP844001R1829 214982 0.98 1
125 S804PV-S125 2CCP844001R1849 215019 0.98 1

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

2/96 ABB
System Selection tables S800PV-M
pro M compact® High performance MCB
for photovoltaic systems

Function: DC main switch for photovoltaic applications. Safe disconnection of photovoltaic arrays.
Applications: Photovoltaic systems.
Standard: IEC 60947-3

Number Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles current 1 piece group 1 piece unit
details 7612271

In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

2 32 S802PV-M32 2CCP812001R1329 211233 0.43 1

63 S802PV-M63 2CCD842001R1590 215026 0.65 1
125 S802PV-M125 2CCP812001R1849 211240 0.43 1
1 3

2 4

3 32 S803PV-M32 2CCP813001R1329 211257 0.65 1

63 S803PV-M63 2CCD843001R1590 215033 0.65 1
125 S803PV-M125 2CCP813001R1849 211264 0.65 1

1 3 5

2 4 6

4 32 S804PV-M32 2CCP814001R1329 211271 0.86 1

63 S804PV-M63 2CCD844001R1590 215040 0.86 1
125 S804PV-M125 2CCP814001R1849 211288 0.86 1

1 3 5 7

2 4 6 8

Technical details ............................ pag. 10/2 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/4

ABB 2/97

2CSC400162F0201 2CSC400266F0201

2CSC400170F0201 2CSC400256F0201
Residual current devices

Index 3
F 200, DDA 200, FS 201 and DS 200 System pro M compact RCDs ............................. 3/2

DS 9.. and DS 271 RCBOs 1P+N .................................................................................... 3/43

DDA 60, 70, 90 for S 290 MCBs, DDA 800 RCD-blocks and DS800 ............................ 3/59

ABB 3/1
RCDs assure a protection
to people and installations
against fault current to earth.
They are divided into three

- RCCBs, which are sensitive
only to earth fault current
(therefore they have to be
connected in series with a
MCB or a fuse to protect
3 them against overcurrents
and short-circuits)
- RCD-blocks, which are


devices to be assembled
on a MCB with lower or
equal rated current to
provide protection against
both earth-fault currents
and overload or short-
- RCBOs, which combines
in a single device protection
against both earth-fault
currents and overloads or
New RCDs System pro M
compact range presents a
wide offer for all the three
families, respectively F 200,
DDA 200 and DS 200 series.
A large offer for standard


instantaneous and selective

AC and A types is completed
with some configurations for
special applications, like AP-R
type against perturbations or
AE type for emergency stop.
All sizes up to 63 A with all
the sensitivity thresholds up
to 1 A are offered in all the

possible pole configurations.

The new F200 PV B is
specifically designed for
differential protect against
earth-fault currents in
photovoltaic installation.
ABB RCDs obtained a lot
of marks and approvals
and offer the same “plus”


advantages of the other

System pro M compact


Residual current devices
F 200, DDA 200, FS 201 and DS 200

Index 3
Technical features of RCCBs F 200 series ...................................................................... 3/4

Selection tables of RCCBs F 200 series

F 200 AC................................................................................................................................ 3/6
F 200 AC (for overseas market) ............................................................................................. 3/7
F 200 A .................................................................................................................................. 3/8
F 200 left neutral.................................................................................................................... 3/9
F 200 AP-R AC .................................................................................................................... 3/11
F 200 AP-R A....................................................................................................................... 3/12
F 200 AC S .......................................................................................................................... 3/13
F 200 A S ............................................................................................................................. 3/14
F 200 A 400 Hz .................................................................................................................... 3/15
F 200 B ................................................................................................................................ 3/16
F 200 B left neutral .............................................................................................................. 3/17
F 200 PV B .......................................................................................................................... 3/18

Technical features of RCD-blocks DDA 200 series ...................................................... 3/20

Selection tables of RCD-blocks DDA 200 series

DDA 200 AC ........................................................................................................................ 3/22
DDA 200 A ........................................................................................................................... 3/23
DDA 200 AE......................................................................................................................... 3/24
DDA 200 B ........................................................................................................................... 3/25
DDA 200 AP-R..................................................................................................................... 3/26
DDA 200 AC S ..................................................................................................................... 3/28
DDA 200 A S ....................................................................................................................... 3/29

Technical features of RCBOs FS 201 and DS 200 series ............................................. 3/30

Selection tables of RCBOs FS 201 series and DS 200 series

FS 201 ................................................................................................................................. 3/32
DS 200 AC B ....................................................................................................................... 3/34
DS 200 AC C ....................................................................................................................... 3/35
DS 200 A B .......................................................................................................................... 3/36
DS 200 A C .......................................................................................................................... 3/37
DS 200 M AC B ................................................................................................................... 3/38
DS 200 M AC C ................................................................................................................... 3/39
DS 200 M A B ...................................................................................................................... 3/40
DS 200 M A C...................................................................................................................... 3/41


System Technical features F 200
pro M compact RCCBs F 200 series

3 Standards

Electrical Type (wave form of the earth leakage sensed)

features Poles
Rated current In A

Rated sensitivity I$n A

Rated voltage Ue IEC V
Insulation voltage Ui V
Max. operating voltage of circuit test IEC V
Min. operating voltage of circuit test V
Rated frequency Hz
Rated conditional short-circuit current Inc=I$c SCPD - fuse gL 100 A kA
Rated residual breaking capacity I$m=Im kA
Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50) Uimp kV
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for 1 min. kV
Overvoltage category
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20) A

Mechanical Toggle
features Contact position indicator (CPI)
Electrical life
Mechanical life
Protection degree housing
Tropicalization humid heat °C/RH
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2 constant climatic conditions °C/RH
variable climatic conditions °C/RH
Ambient temperature (with daily average b +35 °C) IEC °C
Storage temperature °C
Installation Terminal type
Terminal size top/bottom for cable IEC mm2

Terminal size top/bottom for busbar IEC mm2
Tightening torque IEC N*m
UL/CSA in-lbs.
Withdrawal from busbar
Dimensions Dimensions (H x D x W) 2P mm
and weight 4P mm
Weight 2P g
4P g
Combination Combinable with: auxiliary contact
with auxiliary signal contact/auxiliary switch
elements shunt trip
undervoltage release

/ Ground-fault sensing and relaying equipment-component (up to 63 A)
0 prior to connection of aluminium conductors (r 4 mm2) ensure that their contact points are cleaned, brushed and coated with grease

3/4 ABB
System Technical features F 200
pro M compact RCCBs F 200 series

F200 AC F200 A F200 AC AP-R F200 A AP-R F200 AC S F200 A S F200 A 400 Hz F200
00 B
IEC/EN 61008, UL 1053 / IEC/EN 61008 IEC/EN 61008,
IEC 62423
2P, 4P (for 125 A only 4P) 4P 4P
16, 25, 40, 63, 80, 100, 125 25, 40, 63 25, 40, 63, 80, 40, 63 40, 63, 80, 100, 25, 40 40, 63, 125
100, 125 125
0.01-0.03-0.1-0.3-0.5 0.03 0.1-0.3-0.5-1 0.03 0.03-0.3-0.5
230/400 - 240/415
480Y/277 (up to 63 A) -
254 (440 for 125 A); 440 for F 200 left neutral 254 440
277 (up to 63 A); 480 for F 200 left neutral -
110 (185 for 125 A); 195 for F 200 left neutral 110 185
50…60 50...400 50...60
10 (for 125 A fuse is gL 125 A)
1 (1.25 for 125 A)
6 5
III, disconnector abilities
250 3000 5000 250 3000 (5000 for
selective type)
blue sealable in ON-OFF position
yes no
10000 (2000 for 125 A) 10000 2000
20000 (5000 for 125 A) 20000 5000
28 cycles with 55/95…100
23/83 - 40/93 - 55/20
25/95 - 40/95
-25…+55 (-25...+40 for 125 A) -25...+55 -25...+40
-35…+70 (up to 63 A) -
failsafe bi-directional cylinder-lift terminal at top and bottom (shock protected) (cage for In > 63 A) 0
25/25 (35/35 single slot terminal for In > 63 A) 25/25 25/25
(35/35 single slot
terminal for
In > 63 A)
18-4 (up to 63 A) -
10/10 (not for In = 80-100 A) 10/10 -
18-8 (up to 63 A) -
2.8 (3 for In = 125 A) 2.8 3
25 (up to 63 A) -
Nr. 2 Pozidriv
on DIN rail EN 60715 (35 mm) by means of fast clip device
from top and bottom
it is possible without using any tools only from the bottom (not for 125 A)
85 x 69 x 35 -
85 x 69 x 70 (85 x 69.5 x 72 for 125 A) 85 x 69 x 70 85 x 69.5 x 72
200 -
350 (380 for In = 80 and 100 A and 460 for In = 125A) 350 500
yes (no for 125 A) yes no
yes yes yes
yes (no for 125 A) yes no
yes (no for 125 A) yes no

ABB 3/5
System Selection tables F 200 AC
pro M compact RCCBs F 200 series

AC L type

F 200 AC type
AC Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against
indirect contacts and additional protection against direct (with I$n=30 mA) contacts.
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61008
Marking: according to EN 61008

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

3 current
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
2 10 16 F202 AC-16/0.01 2CSF202001R0160 779902 0.225 1/6
30 25 F202 AC-25/0.03 2CSF202001R1250 780007 0.225 1/6
40 F202 AC-40/0.03 2CSF202001R1400 780106 0.225 1/6

63 F202 AC-63/0.03 2CSF202001R1630 780205 0.225 1/6

80 F202 AC-80/0.03 2CSF202001R1800 914204 0.225 1/6
100 F202 AC-100/0.03 2CSF202001R1900 914303 0.225 1/6
100 25 F202 AC-25/0.1 2CSF202001R2250 780304 0.225 1/6
40 F202 AC-40/0.1 2CSF202001R2400 780403 0.225 1/6
63 F202 AC-63/0.1 2CSF202001R2630 780502 0.225 1/6
80 F202 AC-80/0.1 2CSF202001R2800 914402 0.225 1/6
100 F202 AC-100/0.1 2CSF202001R2900 914501 0.225 1/6
300 25 F202 AC-25/0.3 2CSF202001R3250 780601 0.225 1/6
40 F202 AC-40/0.3 2CSF202001R3400 780700 0.225 1/6
63 F202 AC-63/0.3 2CSF202001R3630 780809 0.225 1/6
80 F202 AC-80/0.3 2CSF202001R3800 914600 0.225 1/6
100 F202 AC-100/0.3 2CSF202001R3900 914709 0.225 1/6
500 25 F202 AC-25/0.5 2CSF202001R4250 780908 0.225 1/6

40 F202 AC-40/0.5 2CSF202001R4400 781004 0.225 1/6

63 F202 AC-63/0.5 2CSF202001R4630 781103 0.225 1/6
80 F202 AC-80/0.5 2CSF202001R4800 914808 0.225 1/6
100 F202 AC-100/0.5 2CSF202001R4900 914907 0.225 1/6

4 30 25 F204 AC-25/0.03 2CSF204001R1250 781202 0.375 1/3

40 F204 AC-40/0.03 2CSF204001R1400 781301 0.375 1/3
63 F204 AC-63/0.03 2CSF204001R1630 781400 0.375 1/3
80 F204 AC-80/0.03 2CSF204001R1800 916604 0.405 1/3
100 F204 AC-100/0.03 2CSF204001R1900 916703 0.405 1/3
125 F204 AC-125/0.03 2CSF204001R1950 941507 0.500 1
100 25 F204 AC-25/0.1 2CSF204001R2250 781509 0.375 1/3
40 F204 AC-40/0.1 2CSF204001R2400 781608 0.375 1/3
63 F204 AC-63/0.1 2CSF204001R2630 781707 0.375 1/3

80 F204 AC-80/0.1 2CSF204001R2800 916802 0.405 1/3

100 F204 AC-100/0.1 2CSF204001R2900 916901 0.405 1/3
125 F204 AC-125/0.1 2CSF204001R2950 941606 0.500 1
300 25 F204 AC-25/0.3 2CSF204001R3250 781806 0.375 1/3
40 F204 AC-40/0.3 2CSF204001R3400 781905 0.375 1/3
63 F204 AC-63/0.3 2CSF204001R3630 782001 0.375 1/3
80 F204 AC-80/0.3 2CSF204001R3800 917007 0.405 1/3
100 F204 AC-100/0.3 2CSF204001R3900 917106 0.405 1/3
125 F204 AC-125/0.3 2CSF204001R3950 941705 0.500 1
500 25 F204 AC-25/0.5 2CSF204001R4250 782100 0.375 1/3
40 F204 AC-40/0.5 2CSF204001R4400 782209 0.375 1/3
63 F204 AC-63/0.5 2CSF204001R4630 782308 0.375 1/3
80 F204 AC-80/0.5 2CSF204001R4800 917205 0.405 1/3
100 F204 AC-100/0.5 2CSF204001R4900 917304 0.405 1/3
125 F204 AC-125/0.5 2CSF204001R4950 941804 0.500 1

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/5

3/6 ABB
System Selection tables F 200 AC
pro M compact RCCBs F 200 series
for overseas
AC L type, for overseas markets markets
F 200 AC type (for overseas markets)
AC Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against
indirect contacts and additional protection against direct (with I$n=30 mA) contacts.
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61008
Marking: according to IEC 61008

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
2 10 16 F202 AC-16/0.01 2CSF202005R0160 814603 0.225 1/6
30 25 F202 AC-25/0.03 2CSF202005R1250 814702 0.225 1/6
40 F202 AC-40/0.03 2CSF202005R1400 814801 0.225 1/6

63 F202 AC-63/0.03 2CSF202005R1630 814900 0.225 1/6

80 F202 AC-80/0.03 2CSF202005R1800 935902 0.225 1/6
100 F202 AC-100/0.03 2CSF202005R1900 936008 0.225 1/6
100 25 F202 AC-25/0.1 2CSF202005R2250 815006 0.225 1/6
40 F202 AC-40/0.1 2CSF202005R2400 815105 0.225 1/6
63 F202 AC-63/0.1 2CSF202005R2630 815204 0.225 1/6
80 F202 AC-80/0.1 2CSF202005R2800 936107 0.225 1/6
100 F202 AC-100/0.1 2CSF202005R2900 936206 0.225 1/6
300 25 F202 AC-25/0.3 2CSF202005R3250 815303 0.225 1/6
40 F202 AC-40/0.3 2CSF202005R3400 815402 0.225 1/6
63 F202 AC-63/0.3 2CSF202005R3630 815501 0.225 1/6
80 F202 AC-80/0.3 2CSF202005R3800 936305 0.225 1/6
100 F202 AC-100/0.3 2CSF202005R3900 936404 0.225 1/6
500 80 F202 AC-80/0.5 2CSF202005R4800 936503 0.225 1/6

100 F202 AC-100/0.5 2CSF202005R4900 936602 0.225 1/6

4 30 25 F204 AC-25/0.03 2CSF204005R1250 817109 0.375 1/3

40 F204 AC-40/0.03 2CSF204005R1400 817208 0.375 1/3
63 F204 AC-63/0.03 2CSF204005R1630 817307 0.375 1/3
80 F204 AC-80/0.03 2CSF204005R1800 936701 0.405 1/3
100 F204 AC-100/0.03 2CSF204005R1900 936800 0.405 1/3
100 25 F204 AC-25/0.1 2CSF204005R2250 817406 0.375 1/3
40 F204 AC-40/0.1 2CSF204005R2400 817505 0.375 1/3
63 F204 AC-63/0.1 2CSF204005R2630 817604 0.375 1/3
80 F204 AC-80/0.1 2CSF204005R2800 936909 0.405 1/3
100 F204 AC-100/0.1 2CSF204005R2900 937005 0.405 1/3
300 25 F204 AC-25/0.3 2CSF204005R3250 817703 0.375 1/3
40 F204 AC-40/0.3 2CSF204005R3400 817802 0.375 1/3
63 F204 AC-63/0.3 2CSF204005R3630 817901 0.375 1/3
80 F204 AC-80/0.3 2CSF204005R3800 937104 0.405 1/3
100 F204 AC-100/0.3 2CSF204005R3900 937203 0.405 1/3
500 80 F204 AC-80/0.5 2CSF204005R4800 937302 0.405 1/3
100 F204 AC-100/0.5 2CSF204005R4900 937401 0.405 1/3

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/5

ABB 3/7
System Selection tables F 200 A
pro M compact RCCBs F 200 series

A N type

F 200 A type
A Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault
currents; protection against indirect contacts and additional protection against direct (with I$n=30
mA) contacts.
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61008
Marking: according to EN 61008

3 Number
of poles
Bbn Price
8012542 1 piece
1 piece

I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

2 10 16 F202 A-16/0.01 2CSF202101R0160 782407 0.225 1/6

30 25 F202 A-25/0.03 2CSF202101R1250 782506 0.225 1/6

40 F202 A-40/0.03 2CSF202101R1400 782605 0.225 1/6
63 F202 A-63/0.03 2CSF202101R1630 782704 0.225 1/6
80 F202 A-80/0.03 2CSF202101R1800 915201 0.225 1/6
100 F202 A-100/0.03 2CSF202101R1900 915300 0.225 1/6
100 25 F202 A-25/0.1 2CSF202101R2250 786900 0.225 1/6
40 F202 A-40/0.1 2CSF202101R2400 787006 0.225 1/6
63 F202 A-63/0.1 2CSF202101R2630 787105 0.225 1/6
80 F202 A-80/0.1 2CSF202101R2800 915409 0.225 1/6
100 F202 A-100/0.1 2CSF202101R2900 915508 0.225 1/6
300 25 F202 A-25/0.3 2CSF202101R3250 782803 0.225 1/6
40 F202 A-40/0.3 2CSF202101R3400 782902 0.225 1/6
63 F202 A-63/0.3 2CSF202101R3630 783008 0.225 1/6
80 F202 A-80/0.3 2CSF202101R3800 915607 0.225 1/6

100 F202 A-100/0.3 2CSF202101R3900 915706 0.225 1/6

500 25 F202 A-25/0.5 2CSF202101R4250 783107 0.225 1/6
40 F202 A-40/0.5 2CSF202101R4400 783206 0.225 1/6
63 F202 A-63/0.5 2CSF202101R4630 783305 0.225 1/6
80 F202 A-80/0.5 2CSF202101R4800 915805 0.225 1/6
100 F202 A-100/0.5 2CSF202101R4900 915904 0.225 1/6

4 30 25 F204 A-25/0.03 2CSF204101R1250 783404 0.375 1/3

40 F204 A-40/0.03 2CSF204101R1400 783503 0.375 1/3
63 F204 A-63/0.03 2CSF204101R1630 783602 0.375 1/3
80 F204 A-80/0.03 2CSF204101R1800 917809 0.405 1/3
100 F204 A-100/0.03 2CSF204101R1900 917908 0.405 1/3
125 F204 A-125/0.03 2CSF204101R1950 941903 0.500 1
100 25 F204 A-25/0.1 2CSF204101R2250 787204 0.375 1/3
40 F204 A-40/0.1 2CSF204101R2400 787303 0.375 1/3

63 F204 A-63/0.1 2CSF204101R2630 787402 0.375 1/3

80 F204 A-80/0.1 2CSF204101R2800 918004 0.405 1/3
100 F204 A-100/0.1 2CSF204101R2900 918103 0.405 1/3
125 F204 A-125/0.1 2CSF204101R2950 942009 0.500 1
300 25 F204 A-25/0.3 2CSF204101R3250 783701 0.375 1/3
40 F204 A-40/0.3 2CSF204101R3400 783800 0.375 1/3
63 F204 A-63/0.3 2CSF204101R3630 783909 0.375 1/3
80 F204 A-80/0.3 2CSF204101R3800 918202 0.405 1/3
100 F204 A-100/0.3 2CSF204101R3900 918301 0.405 1/3
125 F204 A-125/0.3 2CSF204101R3950 942108 0.500 1
500 25 F204 A-25/0.5 2CSF204101R4250 784005 0.375 1/3
40 F204 A-40/0.5 2CSF204101R4400 784104 0.375 1/3
63 F204 A-63/0.5 2CSF204101R4630 784203 0.375 1/3
80 F204 A-80/0.5 2CSF204101R4800 918400 0.405 1/3
100 F204 A-100/0.5 2CSF204101R4900 918509 0.405 1/3
125 F204 A-125/0.5 2CSF204101R4950 942207 0.500 1

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/5

3/8 ABB
System Selection tables F 200 left neutral
pro M compact RCCBs F 200 series

AC L type left neutral

F 200 AC type with neutral pole on the left

AC Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against
indirect contacts and additional protection against direct (with I$n=30 mA) contacts. Product helpful
where for installation habits, for wiring with busbars or cables, for special needs neutral on the left
is needed.
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61008
Marking: according to EN 61008
Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

N 1/2 3/4 5/6

of poles residual
current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
4 30 25 F204 AC-25/0.03 2CSF204023R1250 815907 0.375 1/3
40 F204 AC-40/0.03 2CSF204023R1400 816003 0.375 1/3
N 2/1 4/3 6/5
63 F204 AC-63/0.03 2CSF204023R1630 816102 0.375 1/3
80 F204 AC-80/0.03 2CSF204023R1800 917403 0.405 1/3
100 F204 AC-100/0.03 2CSF204023R1900 917502 0.405 1/3
125 F204 AC-125/0.03 2CSF204023R1950 975106 0.500 1

100 25 F204 AC-25/0.1 2CSF204023R2250 816201 0.375 1/3

40 F204 AC-40/0.1 2CSF204023R2400 816300 0.375 1/3
63 F204 AC-63/0.1 2CSF204023R2630 816409 0.375 1/3
300 25 F204 AC-25/0.3 2CSF204023R3250 816508 0.375 1/3
40 F204 AC-40/0.3 2CSF204023R3400 816607 0.375 1/3
63 F204 AC-63/0.3 2CSF204023R3630 816706 0.375 1/3
80 F204 AC-80/0.3 2CSF204023R3800 917601 0.405 1/3
100 F204 AC-100/0.3 2CSF204023R3900 917700 0.405 1/3
125 F204 AC-125/0.3 2CSF204023R3950 975304 0.500 1
500 25 F204 AC-25/0.5 2CSF204023R4250 816805 0.375 1/3
40 F204 AC-40/0.5 2CSF204023R4400 816904 0.375 1/3
63 F204 AC-63/0.5 2CSF204023R4630 817000 0.375 1/3

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/5

ABB 3/9
System Selection tables F 200 left neutral
pro M compact RCCBs F 200 series

A Ntype left neutral

A F 200 A type with neutral pole on the left

Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault cur-
rents; protection against indirect contacts and additional protection against direct (with I$n=30 mA)
contacts. Product helpful where for installation habits, for wiring with busbars or cables, for special
needs neutral on the left is needed.

Application: residential, commercial, industrial.

Standard: IEC/EN 61008
Marking: according to EN 61008

3 N 1/2 3/4 5/6

of poles
Bbn Price
8012542 1 piece
1 piece

I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

4 30 25 F204 A-25/0.03 2CSF204123R1250 820109 0.375 1/3
N 2/1 4/3 6/5
40 F204 A-40/0.03 2CSF204123R1400 820208 0.375 1/3
63 F204 A-63/0.03 2CSF204123R1630 820307 0.375 1/3
80 F204 A-80/0.03 2CSF204123R1800 918608 0.405 1/3
100 F204 A-100/0.03 2CSF204123R1900 918707 0.405 1/3
125 F204 A-125/0.03 2CSF204123R1950 967705 0.500 1

100 25 F204 A-25/0.1 2CSF204123R2250 820406 0.375 1/3

40 F204 A-40/0.1 2CSF204123R2400 820505 0.375 1/3
63 F204 A-63/0.1 2CSF204123R2630 820604 0.375 1/3
300 25 F204 A-25/0.3 2CSF204123R3250 820703 0.375 1/3
40 F204 A-40/0.3 2CSF204123R3400 820802 0.375 1/3
63 F204 A-63/0.3 2CSF204123R3630 820901 0.375 1/3
80 F204 A-80/0.3 2CSF204123R3800 918806 0.405 1/3
100 F204 A-100/0.3 2CSF204123R3900 918905 0.405 1/3
125 F204 A-125/0.3 2CSF204123R3950 967804 0.500 1
500 25 F204 A-25/0.5 2CSF204123R4250 821007 0.375 1/3
40 F204 A-40/0.5 2CSF204123R4400 821106 0.375 1/3
63 F204 A-63/0.5 2CSF204123R4630 821205 0.375 1/3

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/5

3/10 ABB
System Selection tables F 200 AC AP-R
pro M compact RCCBs F 200 series

AC Ltype, AP-R (high immunity)

F 200 AP-R, AC type

AC Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents, providing the
best compromise between safety and continuity in the service thanks to the resistance to unwanted
trippings; protection against indirect contacts and additional protection against direct (I$n=30 mA)
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61008
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20)=3000 A

Marking: according to EN 61008

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
2 30 25 F202 AC-25/0.03 AP-R 2CSF202301R1250 785705 0.225 1/6
40 F202 AC-40/0.03 AP-R 2CSF202301R1400 823704 0.225 1/6
63 F202 AC-63/0.03 AP-R 2CSF202301R1630 785804 0.225 1/6

4 30 25 F204 AC-25/0.03 AP-R 2CSF204301R1250 785903 0.375 1/3

40 F204 AC-40/0.03 AP-R 2CSF204301R1400 823803 0.375 1/3
63 F204 AC-63/0.03 AP-R 2CSF204301R1630 786009 0.375 1/3

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/5

ABB 3/11
System Selection tables F 200 A AP-R
pro M compact RCCBs F 200 series

A Ntype, AP-R (high immunity)

F 200 AP-R, A type

A Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault
currents, providing the best compromise between safety and continuity in the service thanks to
the resistance to unwanted trippings; protection against indirect contacts and additional protection
against direct (I$n=30 mA) contacts.
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61008
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20)=3000 A

Marking: according to EN 61008

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
2 30 25 F202 A-25/0.03 AP-R 2CSF202401R1250 785101 0.225 1/6
40 F202 A-40/0.03 AP-R 2CSF202401R1400 785200 0.225 1/6
63 F202 A-63/0.03 AP-R 2CSF202401R1630 785309 0.225 1/6
80 F202 A-80/0.03 AP-R 2CSF202401R1800 916406 0.225 1/6
100 F202 A-100/0.03 AP-R 2CSF202401R1900 916505 0.225 1/6

4 30 25 F204 A-25/0.03 AP-R 2CSF204401R1250 785408 0.375 1/3

40 F204 A-40/0.03 AP-R 2CSF204401R1400 785507 0.375 1/3
63 F204 A-63/0.03 AP-R 2CSF204401R1630 785606 0.375 1/3
80 F204 A-80/0.03 AP-R 2CSF204401R1800 919407 0.405 1/3
100 F204 A-100/0.03 AP-R 2CSF204401R1900 919506 0.405 1/3
125 F204 A-125/0.03 AP-R 2CSF204401R1950 967903 0.500 1

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/5

3/12 ABB
System Selection tables F 200 AC S
pro M compact RCCBs F 200 series

AC L type, selective

F 200 AC selective type

AC Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents with an intentional
tripping delay, which permits to realize the selectivity with downstream instantaneous devices (for
more information about selectivity see the technical guide); protection against indirect contacts.
Application: commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61008
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20)=5000 A
Marking: according to EN 61008

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

2 100 40 F202 AC S-40/0.1 2CSF202901R2400 821304 0.225 1/6

63 F202 AC S-63/0.1 2CSF202901R2630 821403 0.225 1/6
300 40 F202 AC S-40/0.3 2CSF202901R3400 821502 0.225 1/6
63 F202 AC S-63/0.3 2CSF202901R3630 821601 0.225 1/6
500 40 F202 AC S-40/0.5 2CSF202901R4400 821700 0.225 1/6
63 F202 AC S-63/0.5 2CSF202901R4630 821809 0.225 1/6
1000 40 F202 AC S-40/1 2CSF202901R5400 821908 0.225 1/6
63 F202 AC S-63/1 2CSF202901R5630 822004 0.225 1/6

4 100 40 F204 AC S-40/0.1 2CSF204901R2400 822103 0.375 1/3


63 F204 AC S-63/0.1 2CSF204901R2630 822202 0.375 1/3

300 40 F204 AC S-40/0.3 2CSF204901R3400 822301 0.375 1/3
63 F204 AC S-63/0.3 2CSF204901R3630 822400 0.375 1/3
500 40 F204 AC S-40/0.5 2CSF204901R4400 822509 0.375 1/3
63 F204 AC S-63/0.5 2CSF204901R4630 822608 0.375 1/3
1000 40 F204 AC S-40/1 2CSF204901R5400 822707 0.375 1/3
63 F204 AC S-63/1 2CSF204901R5630 822806 0.375 1/3

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/5

ABB 3/13
System Selection tables F 200 A S
pro M compact RCCBs F 200 series

A N type, selective

F 200 A selective type

A Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault
currents with an intentional tripping delay, which permits to realize the selectivity with downstream
instantaneous devices (for more information about selectivity see the technical guide); protection
against indirect contacts.
Application: commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61008
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20)=5000 A
Marking: according to EN 61008
Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

2 100 40 F202 A S-40/0.1 2CSF202201R2400 822905 0.225 1/6
63 F202 A S-63/0.1 2CSF202201R2630 823001 0.225 1/6
100 F202 A S-100/0.1 2CSF202201R2900 916000 0.225 1/6
300 40 F202 A S-40/0.3 2CSF202201R3400 784302 0.225 1/6
63 F202 A S-63/0.3 2CSF202201R3630 784401 0.225 1/6
100 F202 A S-100/0.3 2CSF202201R3900 916109 0.225 1/6
500 40 F202 A S-40/0.5 2CSF202201R4400 784500 0.225 1/6
63 F202 A S-63/0.5 2CSF202201R4630 784609 0.225 1/6
100 F202 A S-100/0.5 2CSF202201R4900 916208 0.225 1/6
1000 40 F202 A S-40/1 2CSF202201R5400 823100 0.225 1/6
63 F202 A S-63/1 2CSF202201R5630 823209 0.225 1/6
100 F202 A S-100/1 2CSF202201R5900 916307 0.225 1/6

4 100 40 F204 A S-40/0.1 2CSF204201R2400 823308 0.375 1/3

63 F204 A S-63/0.1 2CSF204201R2630 823407 0.375 1/3
100 F204 A S-100/0.1 2CSF204201R2900 919001 0.405 1/3
300 40 F204 A S-40/0.3 2CSF204201R3400 784708 0.375 1/3
63 F204 A S-63/0.3 2CSF204201R3630 784807 0.375 1/3
100 F204 A S-100/0.3 2CSF204201R3900 919100 0.405 1/3
125 F204 A S-125/0.3 2CSF204201R3950 968207 0.500 1
500 40 F204 A S-40/0.5 2CSF204201R4400 784906 0.375 1/3
63 F204 A S-63/0.5 2CSF204201R4630 785002 0.375 1/3
100 F204 A S-100/0.5 2CSF204201R4900 919209 0.405 1/3
125 F204 A S-125/0.5 2CSF204201R4950 968405 0.500 1

1000 40 F204 A S-40/1 2CSF204201R5400 823506 0.375 1/3

63 F204 A S-63/1 2CSF204201R5630 823605 0.375 1/3
100 F204 A S-100/1 2CSF204201R5900 919308 0.405 1/3

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/5

3/14 ABB
System Selection tables F 200 A 400 Hz
pro M compact RCCBs F 200 series

A N type for high frequency

F 200 A type for high frequency (400 Hz)

A Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault
currents; protection against indirect contacts and additional protection against direct (with Idn=30
mA) contacts.
Advantages: increasing the frequency generates an increase of the magnetic reluctance of the toroi-
dal transformer of standard RCCB and what follows is the value of the increasing operating residual
current at 400 Hz reaching values 3 or more times higher than those of the residual current at 50Hz.
The RCCB F 200 400 Hz guarantees protection against indirect contacts and additional protection
against direct (with Idn=30 mA) contacts considering that the operating residual current doesn’t
increase with the increase of the network frequency.
Application: commercial, industrial. 3
Standard: IEC/EN 61008
Marking: according to EN 61008

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
4 30 25 F204 A-25/0.03 400Hz 2CSF204197R1250 968603 0.375 1/3
40 F204 A-40/0.03 400Hz 2CSF204197R1400 968702 0.375 1/3

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/5

ABB 3/15
System Selection tables F 200 B
pro M compact RCCBs F 200 series

BN type

F 200 B type for smooth DC earth fault current

B Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating, direct pulsating and pulsating DC or
smooth DC earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts and additional protection against
direct (with I$n=30 mA) contacts.
Application: industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61008, IEC 62423
Marking: according to EN 61008

3 Number
of poles
Bbn Price
8012542 1 piece
1 piece

I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
4 30 40 F204 B-40/0.03 2CSF204501R1400 988403 0.500 1
63 F204 B-63/0.03 2CSF204501R1630 988502 0.500 1
300 63 F204 B-63/0.3 2CSF204501R3630 989004 0.500 1

1 3 5 N Input

F 200 B selective type for smooth DC earth fault current

T Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating, direct pulsating and pulsating DC
or smooth DC earth fault currents with an intentional tripping delay, which permits to realize the
selectivity with downstream instantaneous devices (for more information about selectivity see the
technical guide); protection against indirect contacts.
2 4 6 N Output
Application: industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61008, IEC 62423
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20)=5000A
Marking: according to EN 61008

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
4 300 63 F204 B S-63/0.3 2CSF204801R3630 989301 0.500 1

1 3 5 N Input

2 4 6 N Output

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/5

3/16 ABB
System Selection tables F 200 B
pro M compact RCCBs F 200 series

BN type

F 200 B type for smooth DC earth fault current with neutral pole
B on the left
Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating, direct pulsating and pulsating DC or
smooth DC earth fault currents; protection against indirect contact and additional protection against
direct (with I$n=30 mA) contact.
The product is useful in installations which require a neutral on the left for busbar or cable connec-
Application: industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61008, IEC 62423
Marking: according to EN 61008 3

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
4 30 125 F204 B-125/0.03 2CSF204523R1950 988700 0.500 1
N 3 5 7 Input
300 125 F204 B-125/0.3 2CSF204523R3950 989202 0.500 1
500 125 F204 B-125/0.5 2CSF204523R4950 730439 0.500 1

F 200 B selective type for smooth DC earth fault current with neu-
tral pole on the left
N 4 6 8 Output Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating, direct pulsating and pulsating DC
or smooth DC earth fault currents with an intentional trip time delay, for achieving selectivity with
instantaneous downstream devices (for more information about selectivity see the technical guide);
protection against indirect contact.
The product is useful in installations which require a neutral on the left for busbar or cable connec-

Application: industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61008, IEC 62423
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20)=5000A
Marking: according to EN 61008

N 3 5 7 Input

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
4 300 125 F204 B S-125/0.3 2CSF204823R3950 989509 0.500 1
500 125 F204 B S-125/0.5 2CSF204823R4950 731238 0.500 1

N 4 6 8 Output

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/5

ABB 3/17
System Selection tables F 200 PV B
pro M compact RCCBs F 200 series

PV B N type

F200 PV B type for smooth DC earth fault current for photovoltaic

B applications
Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating, direct pulsanting and pulsanting
DC or smooth DC earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts and additional protection
against direct (with I$n=30mA) contacts.
Where an electrical installation includes a PV power supply system without at least simple separation
between the AC side and the DC side, an RCD installed to provide fault protection by automatic
disconnection of supply should be type B according to IEC 60755, amendment 2 (according to IEC
60364-7 art. 712.413.
Application: particularly suitable for use in solar energy (photovoltaic) systems

standard: IEC/EN 61008, IEC 62423

Marking: according to EN 61008
5 7

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
T I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
2 30 25 F202PV B-25/0,03 2CSF202601R1250 071235 0.500 1
63 F202PV B-63/0,03 2CSF202601R1630 368632 0.500 1

6 8

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/5

3/18 ABB
System Selection tables F 200 PV B
pro M compact RCCBs F 200 series

PV B N type

Technical Data
Rated current In 25A 63 A
Rated residual current I$n 0.03 A
Working frequency range 0 - 1000 Hz
Rated voltage Un 230 V AC
Rated frequency 50 Hz
Min. operating voltage
for detecting type A/AC residual currents 0 V (mains voltage-independent)
for detecting type B residual currents 30 V AC
Own consumption max. 1.2 W
Working range of test circuit
No. of poles:
100 V AC – 250 V AC
Dissipated power Pv 1.2 W 7.2 W
Short-circuit fuse to VDE 0636 / IEC 60269-1 100 A/gL
Tripping times F200PV B type 1xI$n b 300 ms; 5xI$n b 40 ms
Rated breaking capacity Im 500 A 800 A
Rated fault breaking capacity I$m 500 A 800 A
Rated short circuit current Inc 10 kA
Rated short circuit fault current I$c 10 kA
Surge current resistance Ring wave 0.5 ms / 100 kHz: 200 A, impulse 8/20 μs: 3 kA
Impact resistance 20 g / 20 ms duration
Enclosure protection type IP40
Input side Terminals 5, 7
Ambient temperature -25°C to 40°C
Resistance to climate changes according to IEC 68-2-30 damp / heat cyclic (25°C / 55°C; 93% / 97% rel.hum., 28 cycles)
Cables max. size 1x1.5-50 mm2 (1-wire connect.); 2x1.5-16 mm2 (2-wire connect.)
Tightening torque of fastening screws 3 Nm
Service life, mechanical > 5000 switching cycles
Service life, electrical > 2000 switching cycles
Electromagnetic compatibility IEC 61453; DIN VDE 0664 Pt.30 (interference resistance-industrial environment)
Mounting On DIN rail EN 60715 (35 mm) by means of fast clip device; any mounting position
Toggle Blue sealable in ON/OFF position.
Dimensions (H x D x W) 85 x 69 x 72 mm
Weight 500 g

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/5

ABB 3/19
System Technical features DDA 200
pro M compact RCD-blocks DDA 200 series

3 Standards
Electrical Operating characteristic: type
features Poles
Rated sensitivity I$n A
Size A
Rated voltage UN V
Insulation voltage Ui V
Max. operating voltage of circuit test V
Min. operating voltage of circuit test V
Rated frequency Hz
Rated breaking capacity (Icn) acc. to IEC /EN 61009 A
Rated breaking capacity (Icn) acc. to IEC/EN 60947-2 A
Rated residual breaking capacity I$m kA
Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50) Uimp kV
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for 1 min. kV
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20) A

Mechanical Toggle
features Electrical life
Mechanical life
Protection degree housing
Tropicalization humid heat °C/RH
acc. to IEC /EN 60068-2 constant climatic conditions °C/RH
variable climatic conditions °C/RH
Ambient temperature (with daily average b +35 °C) °C
Storage temperature °C
Installation Terminal type 2P
3P/4P In = 25 and 40 A
3P/4P In = 63 A
Terminal size for cables 2P mm2
3P/4P In = 25 and 40 A mm2
3P/4P In = 63 A mm2
Tightening torque 2P N*m
3P/4P In = 25 and 40 A N*m
3P/4P In = 63 A N*m
Dimensions Dimensions (H x D x W) 2P mm
and weight 3P/4P In = 25 and 40 A mm
3P/4P In = 63 A mm
Weight 2P g
3P/4P In = 25 and 40 A g
3P/4P In = 63 A g
Combination Combinable with: S 200
with MCBs S 200 M
S 200 P

/ prior to connection of aluminium conductors (r 4 mm2) ensure that their contact points are cleaned, brushed and coated with grease

3/20 ABB
System Technical features DDA 200
pro M compact RCD-blocks DDA 200 series

DDA200 AC DDA200 A DDA200 A AE DDA200 B DDA200 AC AP-R DDA200 A AP-R DDA200 AC S DDA200 A S
IEC/EN 61009 Ann.G (and IEC 62423 for B type) 3
2P, 3P, 4P 4P 2P, 3P, 4P
0.01-0.03-0.1-0.3-0.5-1 0.03-0.3-0.5-1 0.03-0.3 0.03 0.1-0.3-0.5-1
25, 40, 63 63 25, 40, 63 63
230/400 - 240/415
254 (440 for 3P and 4P) 264 (440 for 3P) 254 (440 for 3P and 4P)
110 (195 for 3P and 4P) 184 (310 for 3P) 110 (195 for 3P and 4P)
Icn of the associated MCB
Icu of the associated MCB
Icn of the associated MCB
250 3000 (5000 for 3000 5000
selective type)
28 cycles with 55/95…100
23/83 - 40/93 - 55/20
25/95 - 40/95
failsafe bi-directional cylinder-lift terminal (shock protected) /
cage (shock protected)
failsafe bi-directional cylinder-lift terminal (shock protected) /
(rigid and flexible) up to 25
(rigid and flexible) up to 16
(rigid and flexible) up to 25
on DIN rail EN 60715 (35 mm) by means of fast clip device
85 x 69 x 70
85 x 69 x 70
85 x 69 x 140

ABB 3/21
System Selection tables DDA 200 AC
pro M compact RCD-blocks DDA 200 series

AC L type

DDA 200 AC type

AC Function: RCD-block for assembly on site with MCBs S 200 series. Protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts and additional protection
against direct (with I$n=30 mA) contacts.
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009 Ann. G
Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
3 2 10 25 DDA202 AC-25/0.01 2CSB202001R0250 791003 0.180 1
30 25 DDA202 AC-25/0.03 2CSB202001R1250 791102 0.180 1
40 DDA202 AC-40/0.03 2CSB202001R1400 791201 0.180 1

63 0 DDA202 AC-63/0.03 2CSB202001R1630 791300 0.180 1

100 25 DDA202 AC-25/0.1 2CSB202001R2250 791409 0.180 1
40 DDA202 AC-40/0.1 2CSB202001R2400 791508 0.180 1
63 0 DDA202 AC-63/0.1 2CSB202001R2630 791607 0.180 1
300 25 DDA202 AC-25/0.3 2CSB202001R3250 791706 0.180 1
40 DDA202 AC-40/0.3 2CSB202001R3400 791805 0.180 1
63 0 DDA202 AC-63/0.3 2CSB202001R3630 791904 0.180 1
500 25 DDA202 AC-25/0.5 2CSB202001R4250 790200 0.180 1
40 DDA202 AC-40/0.5 2CSB202001R4400 792109 0.180 1
63 0 DDA202 AC-63/0.5 2CSB202001R4630 792208 0.180 1
1000 25 DDA202 AC-25/1 2CSB202001R5250 808305 0.180 1
40 DDA202 AC-40/1 2CSB202001R5400 808404 0.180 1
63 0 DDA202 AC-63/1 2CSB202001R5630 792307 0.180 1
2000 63 DDA202 AC-63/2 2CSB202001R6630 792406 0.180 1

3 30 25 DDA203 AC-25/0.03 2CSB203001R1250 792505 0.220 1

40 DDA203 AC-40/0.03 2CSB203001R1400 792604 0.220 1
63 0 DDA203 AC-63/0.03 2CSB203001R1630 792703 0.260 1
100 25 DDA203 AC-25/0.1 2CSB203001R2250 792802 0.220 1
40 DDA203 AC-40/0.1 2CSB203001R2400 792901 0.220 1
63 0 DDA203 AC-63/0.1 2CSB203001R2630 793007 0.260 1
300 25 DDA203 AC-25/0.3 2CSB203001R3250 793106 0.220 1
40 DDA203 AC-40/0.3 2CSB203001R3400 793205 0.220 1
63 0 DDA203 AC-63/0.3 2CSB203001R3630 793304 0.260 1
500 25 DDA203 AC-25/0.5 2CSB203001R4250 793403 0.220 1
40 DDA203 AC-40/0.5 2CSB203001R4400 793502 0.220 1
63 0 DDA203 AC-63/0.5 2CSB203001R4630 793601 0.260 1
In=63 A
Y1 Y2
1 3 5
1000 25 DDA203 AC-25/1 2CSB203001R5250 808503 0.220 1
40 DDA203 AC-40/1 2CSB203001R5400 808602 0.220 1
2 4 6

63 0 DDA203 AC-63/1 2CSB203001R5630 793700 0.260 1

2/1 4/3 6/5 2000 63 DDA203 AC-63/2 2CSB203001R6630 793809 0.260 1

4 30 25 DDA204 AC-25/0.03 2CSB204001R1250 793908 0.260 1

40 DDA204 AC-40/0.03 2CSB204001R1400 794004 0.260 1
63 / 0 DDA204 AC-63/0.03 2CSB204001R1630 794103 0.305 1
100 25 DDA204 AC-25/0.1 2CSB204001R2250 794202 0.260 1
40 DDA204 AC-40/0.1 2CSB204001R2400 794301 0.260 1
63 0 DDA204 AC-63/0.1 2CSB204001R2630 794400 0.305 1
300 25 DDA204 AC-25/0.3 2CSB204001R3250 794509 0.260 1
40 DDA204 AC-40/0.3 2CSB204001R3400 794608 0.260 1
63 0 DDA204 AC-63/0.3 2CSB204001R3630 794707 0.305 1
500 25 DDA204 AC-25/0.5 2CSB204001R4250 794806 0.260 1
40 DDA204 AC-40/0.5 2CSB204001R4400 794905 0.260 1
63 0 DDA204 AC-63/0.5 2CSB204001R4630 795001 0.305 1
1000 25 DDA204 AC-25/1 2CSB204001R5250 808701 0.260 1
40 DDA204 AC-40/1 2CSB204001R5400 808800 0.260 1
63 0 DDA204 AC-63/1 2CSB204001R5630 795100 0.305 1
2000 63 DDA204 AC-63/2 2CSB204001R6630 795209 0.305 1

/ version with test button working at 115VAC - 127VAC is available on request

0 provided with additional terminals for remote tripping

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/6

3/22 ABB
System Selection tables DDA 200 A
pro M compact RCD-blocks DDA 200 series

A N type

DDA 200 A type

A Function: RCD-block for assembly on site with MCBs S 200 series. Protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts
and additional protection against direct (with I$n=30 mA) contacts.
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009 Ann. G
Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
2 10 25 DDA202 A-25/0.01 2CSB202101R0250 795308 0.180 1 3
30 25 DDA202 A-25/0.03 2CSB202101R1250 795407 0.180 1
40 DDA202 A-40/0.03 2CSB202101R1400 795506 0.180 1

63 0 DDA202 A-63/0.03 2CSB202101R1630 795605 0.180 1

100 25 DDA202 A-25/0.1 2CSB202101R2250 795704 0.180 1
40 DDA202 A-40/0.1 2CSB202101R2400 795803 0.180 1
63 0 DDA202 A-63/0.1 2CSB202101R2630 795902 0.180 1
300 25 DDA202 A-25/0.3 2CSB202101R3250 796008 0.180 1
40 DDA202 A-40/0.3 2CSB202101R3400 796107 0.180 1
63 0 DDA202 A-63/0.3 2CSB202101R3630 796206 0.180 1
500 25 DDA202 A-25/0.5 2CSB202101R4250 796305 0.180 1
40 DDA202 A-40/0.5 2CSB202101R4400 796404 0.180 1
63 0 DDA202 A-63/0.5 2CSB202101R4630 796503 0.180 1
1000 25 DDA202 A-25/1 2CSB202101R5250 808909 0.180 1
40 DDA202 A-40/1 2CSB202101R5400 809005 0.180 1
63 0 DDA202 A-63/1 2CSB202101R5630 796602 0.180 1

3 30 25 DDA203 A-25/0.03 2CSB203101R1250 796701 0.220 1

40 DDA203 A-40/0.03 2CSB203101R1400 796800 0.220 1
63 0 DDA203 A-63/0.03 2CSB203101R1630 796909 0.260 1
100 25 DDA203 A-25/0.1 2CSB203101R2250 797005 0.220 1
40 DDA203 A-40/0.1 2CSB203101R2400 797104 0.220 1
63 0 DDA203 A-63/0.1 2CSB203101R2630 797203 0.260 1
300 25 DDA203 A-25/0.3 2CSB203101R3250 797302 0.220 1
40 DDA203 A-40/0.3 2CSB203101R3400 797401 0.220 1
63 0 DDA203 A-63/0.3 2CSB203101R3630 797500 0.260 1
500 25 DDA203 A-25/0.5 2CSB203101R4250 797609 0.220 1
40 DDA203 A-40/0.5 2CSB203101R4400 797708 0.220 1
63 0 DDA203 A-63/0.5 2CSB203101R4630 797807 0.260 1
Y1 Y2
In=63 A
1 3 5 1000 25 DDA203 A-25/1 2CSB203101R5250 809104 0.220 1
40 DDA203 A-40/1 2CSB203101R5400 809203 0.220 1
2 4 6
63 0 DDA203 A-63/1 2CSB203101R5630 797906 0.260 1
2/1 4/3 6/5

4 30 25 DDA204 A-25/0.03 2CSB204101R1250 798002 0.260 1


40 DDA204 A-40/0.03 2CSB204101R1400 798101 0.260 1

63 / 0 DDA204 A-63/0.03 2CSB204101R1630 798200 0.305 1
100 25 DDA204 A-25/0.1 2CSB204101R2250 798309 0.260 1
40 DDA204 A-40/0.1 2CSB204101R2400 798408 0.260 1
63 0 DDA204 A-63/0.1 2CSB204101R2630 798507 0.305 1
300 25 DDA204 A-25/0.3 2CSB204101R3250 798606 0.260 1
40 DDA204 A-40/0.3 2CSB204101R3400 798705 0.260 1
63 0 DDA204 A-63/0.3 2CSB204101R3630 798804 0.305 1
500 25 DDA204 A-25/0.5 2CSB204101R4250 798903 0.260 1
40 DDA204 A-40/0.5 2CSB204101R4400 799009 0.260 1
63 0 DDA204 A-63/0.5 2CSB204101R4630 799108 0.305 1
1000 25 DDA204 A-25/1 2CSB204101R5250 809302 0.260 1
40 DDA204 A-40/1 2CSB204101R5400 809401 0.260 1
63 0 DDA204 A-63/1 2CSB204101R5630 799207 0.305 1

/ version with test button working at 115 VAC-127 VAC is available on request
0 provided with additional terminals for remote tripping

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/6

ABB 3/23
System Selection tables DDA 200 AE
pro M compact RCD-blocks DDA 200 series

A N type, AE (for emergency stop)

DDA 200 AE, A type

A Function: RCD-block for assembly on site with MCBs S 200 series. Protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents; the RCD-block is provided with two
additional terminals to be used in emergency circuits for remote opening in positive safety; protection
against indirect contacts and additional protection against direct (with I$n=30 mA) contacts.
Application: commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009 Ann. G

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

3 of poles residual
current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

2 30 63 DDA202 A-63/0.03 AE 2CSB202701R1630 801702 0.180 1

300 63 DDA202 A-63/0.3 AE 2CSB202701R3630 801801 0.180 1

500 63 DDA202 A-63/0.5 AE 2CSB202701R4630 801900 0.180 1
1000 63 DDA202 A-63/1 AE 2CSB202701R5630 802006 0.180 1


1 3

2 4

Y1 Y2

2 4

3 30 63 DDA203 A-63/0.03 AE 2CSB203701R1630 802105 0.260 1

300 63 DDA203 A-63/0.3 AE 2CSB203701R3630 802204 0.260 1
500 63 DDA203 A-63/0.5 AE 2CSB203701R4630 802303 0.260 1
1000 63 DDA203 A-63/1 AE 2CSB203701R5630 802402 0.260 1

Y1 Y2

1 3 5

2 4 6
2 4 6

4 30 63 DDA204 A-63/0.03 AE 2CSB204701R1630 802501 0.305 1

300 63 DDA204 A-63/0.3 AE 2CSB204701R3630 802600 0.305 1
500 63 DDA204 A-63/0.5 AE 2CSB204701R4630 802709 0.305 1
1000 63 DDA204 A-63/1 AE 2CSB204701R5630 802808 0.305 1

Y1 Y2

1 3 5 7

2 4 6 8
2 4 6 8

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/6 Application sheets ......................... pag. 11/4

3/24 ABB
System Selection tables DDA 200 B
pro M compact RCD-blocks DDA 200 series

BN type

DDA 200 B type for smooth DC earth fault current

B Function: RCD-block for assembly on site with MCBs S 200 series. Protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating, direct pulsating and pulsating DC or smooth DC earth fault currents; protection
against indirect contacts and additional protection against direct (with Idn=30 mA) contacts.
2CSC400125F0201 Application: industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009 Ann. G, IEC 62423

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc. 3
1 3 5 7
4 30 63 DDA204 B-63/0.03 2CSB204501R1630 987505 0.325 1
300 63 DDA204 B-63/0.3 2CSB204501R3630 987604 0.325 1
2 4 6 8

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

B DDA 200 B selective type for smooth DC earth fault current

Function: RCD-block for assembly on site with MCBs S 200 series. Protection against the effects
of sinusoidal alternating, direct pulsating and pulsating DC or smooth DC earth fault currents with

an intentional tripping delay, which permits to realize the selectivity with downstream instantaneous
devices (for more information about selectivity see the technical guide).
Application: industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009 Ann. G, IEC 62423

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
1 3 5 7
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
4 300 63 DDA204 B S-63/0.3 2CSB204801R3630 987901 0.325 1
2 4 6 8

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/6

ABB 3/25
System Selection tables DDA 200 AP-R
pro M compact RCD-blocks DDA 200 series

AC L type, AP-R (high immunity)

DDA 200 AP-R, AC type

AC Function: RCD-block for assembly on site with MCBs S 200 series. Protection against the effects
of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents, providing the best compromise between safety and
continuity in the service thanks to the resistance to unwanted trippings; protection against indirect
contacts and additional protection against direct (with I$n=30 mA) contacts.

Application: residential, commercial, industrial.

Standard: IEC/EN 61009 Ann. G
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20)=3000 A

3 Number
of poles
Bbn Price
8012542 1 piece
1 piece
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
2 30 25 DDA202 AC-25/0.03 AP-R 2CSB202301R1250 800507 0.180 1
40 DDA202 AC-40/0.03 AP-R 2CSB202301R1400 800606 0.180 1
63 / DDA202 AC-63/0.03 AP-R 2CSB202301R1630 800705 0.180 1

Y1 Y2
In=63 A
1 3 5
3 30 25 DDA203 AC-25/0.03 AP-R 2CSB203301R1250 810704 0.220 1
2 4 6 40 DDA203 AC-40/0.03 AP-R 2CSB203301R1400 810803 0.220 1
2/1 4/3 6/5 63 / DDA203 AC-63/0.03 AP-R 2CSB203301R1630 810902 0.260 1

4 30 25 DDA204 AC-25/0.03 AP-R 2CSB204301R1250 800804 0.260 1

40 DDA204 AC-40/0.03 AP-R 2CSB204301R1400 800903 0.260 1
63 / DDA204 AC-63/0.03 AP-R 2CSB204301R1630 801009 0.305 1

/ provided with additional terminals for remote tripping

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/6

3/26 ABB
System Selection tables DDA 200 AP-R
pro M compact RCD-blocks DDA 200 series

A N type, AP-R (high immunity)

DDA 200 AP-R, A type

A Function: RCD-block for assembly on site with MCBs S 200 series. Protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents, providing the best compromise between
safety and continuity in the service thanks to the resistance to unwanted trippings; protection against
2CSC400163F0201 indirect contacts and additional protection against direct (with I$n=30 mA) contacts.
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009 Ann. G
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20)=3000 A

of poles
Bbn Price
8012542 1 piece
1 piece
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
2 30 25 DDA202 A-25/0.03 AP-R 2CSB202401R1250 801108 0.180 1
40 DDA202 A-40/0.03 AP-R 2CSB202401R1400 801207 0.180 1
63 / DDA202 A-63/0.03 AP-R 2CSB202401R1630 801306 0.180 1

In=63 A
1 3 5
Y1 Y2

3 30 25 DDA203 A-25/0.03 AP-R 2CSB203401R1250 811008 0.220 1

2 4 6

40 DDA203 A-40/0.03 AP-R 2CSB203401R1400 811107 0.220 1

63 / DDA203 A-63/0.03 AP-R 2CSB203401R1630 811206 0.260 1
2/1 4/3 6/5

4 30 25 DDA204 A-25/0.03 AP-R 2CSB204401R1250 801405 0.260 1

40 DDA204 A-40/0.03 AP-R 2CSB204401R1400 801504 0.260 1
63 / DDA204 A-63/0.03 AP-R 2CSB204401R1630 801603 0.305 1

/ provided with additional terminals for remote tripping

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/6

ABB 3/27
System Selection tables DDA 200 AC S
pro M compact RCD-blocks DDA 200 series

AC L type, selective

DDA 200 AC selective type

AC Function: RCD-block for assembly on site with MCBs S 200 series. Protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents with an intentional tripping delay, which permits to realize
the selectivity with downstream instantaneous devices (for more information about selectivity see
the technical guide).
Application: commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009 Ann. G
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20)=5000 A

3 Number
of poles
Bbn Price
8012542 1 piece
1 piece
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

2 100 63 DDA202 AC S-63/0.1 2CSB202901R2630 809500 0.180 1

300 63 DDA202 AC S-63/0.3 2CSB202901R3630 809609 0.180 1
500 63 DDA202 AC S-63/0.5 2CSB202901R4630 809708 0.180 1
1000 63 DDA202 AC S-63/1 2CSB202901R5630 809807 0.180 1

3 100 63 DDA203 AC S-63/0.1 2CSB203901R2630 809906 0.260 1

300 63 DDA203 AC S-63/0.3 2CSB203901R3630 810001 0.260 1
500 63 DDA203 AC S-63/0.5 2CSB203901R4630 810100 0.260 1
1000 63 DDA203 AC S-63/1 2CSB203901R5630 810209 0.260 1

In=63 A
1 3 5
Y1 Y2

2 4 6

2/1 4/3 6/5


4 100 63 DDA204 AC S-63/0.1 2CSB204901R2630 810308 0.305 1

300 63 DDA204 AC S-63/0.3 2CSB204901R3630 810407 0.305 1
500 63 DDA204 AC S-63/0.5 2CSB204901R4630 810506 0.305 1
1000 63 DDA204 AC S-63/1 2CSB204901R5630 810605 0.305 1

All DDA 200 AC S are provided with additional terminals for remote tripping

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/6

3/28 ABB
System Selection tables DDA 200 A S
pro M compact RCD-blocks DDA 200 series

A N type, selective

DDA 200 A selective type

A Function: RCD-block for assembly on site with MCBs S 200 series. Protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents with an intentional tripping delay, which
permits to realize the selectivity with downstream instantaneous devices (for more information about
selectivity see the technical guide).
Application: commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009 Ann. G
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20)=5000 A

of poles
Bbn Price
8012542 1 piece
1 piece
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

2 100 63 DDA202 A S-63/0.1 2CSB202201R2630 799306 0.180 1

300 63 DDA202 A S-63/0.3 2CSB202201R3630 799405 0.180 1
500 63 DDA202 A S-63/0.5 2CSB202201R4630 799504 0.180 1
1000 63 DDA202 A S-63/1 2CSB202201R5630 799603 0.180 1

3 100 63 DDA203 A S-63/0.1 2CSB203201R2630 799702 0.260 1

300 63 DDA203 A S-63/0.3 2CSB203201R3630 799801 0.260 1
500 63 DDA203 A S-63/0.5 2CSB203201R4630 799900 0.260 1
1000 63 DDA203 A S-63/1 2CSB203201R5630 800002 0.260 1

In=63 A
1 3 5
Y1 Y2

2 4 6

2/1 4/3 6/5


4 100 63 DDA204 A S-63/0.1 2CSB204201R2630 800101 0.305 1

300 63 DDA204 A S-63/0.3 2CSB204201R3630 800200 0.305 1
500 63 DDA204 A S-63/0.5 2CSB204201R4630 800309 0.305 1
1000 63 DDA204 A S-63/1 2CSB204201R5630 800408 0.305 1

All DDA 200 A S are provided with additional terminals for remote tripping

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/6

ABB 3/29
System Technical features FS 201
pro M compact RCBOs FS 201 and DS 200 series
DS 200


3 Electrical
Operating characteristic: type (wave form of the earth leakage sensed)
Rated sensitivity I$n A
Rated current In A
Rated voltage Un 1P+N V
2P, 3P, 4P V
Rated residual operating current A
Insulation voltage Ui V
Max. operating voltage of circuit test V
Min. operating voltage of circuit test V
Rated frequency Hz
Rated breaking capacity acc. to IEC/EN 61009 ultimate Icn A
Rated breaking capacity ultimate Icu kA
acc. to IEC/EN 60947-2 1P+N @230 VAC, 2P, 3P, 4P @400 VAC service Ics kA
Rated residual breaking capacity I$m kA
Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50) Uimp kV
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for 1 min. kV
Overvoltage category
Thermomagnetic release B: 3 In b Im b 5 In
characteristic C: 5 In b Im b 10 In
K: 8 In b Im b 14 In
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20) A
Mechanical Toggle 1P+N, 2P, 3P, 4P
features Electrical life
Mechanical life
Protection degree housing
Tropicalization humid heat °C/RH
acc. to IEC /EN 60068-2 constant climatic conditions °C/RH
variable climatic conditions °C/RH
Reference temperature for setting of thermal element °C
Ambient temperature (with daily average b +35 °C) °C
Storage temperature °C
Installation Terminal type top
bottom 1P+N/2P
3P/4P In b 40 A
3P/4P 50 A b In b 63 A
Terminal size top/bottom per cable 1P+N mm2
2P mm2
3P/4P In b 40 A mm2
3P/4P 50 A b In b 63 A mm2
Tightening torque top/bottom 1P+N N*m
2P N*m
3P/4P In b 40 A N*m
3P/4P 50 A b In b 63 A N*m
Dimensions Dimensions (H x D x W) 1P+N mm
and weight 2P mm
3P In b 40 A mm
4P In b 40 A mm
3P 50 A b In b 63 A mm
4P 50 A b In b 63 A mm
Weight 1P+N g
2P g
3P In b 40 A g
4P In b 40 A g
3P 50 A b In b 63 A g
4P 50 A b In b 63 A g
Combination Combinable with: auxiliary contact
with auxiliary signal contact/auxiliary switch
elements shunt trip
undervoltage release
/ prior to connection of aluminium conductors (r 4 mm2) ensure that their contact points are cleaned, brushed and coated with grease
3/30 ABB
System Technical features FS 201
pro M compact RCBOs FS 201 and DS 200 series
DS 200

FS 201 DS 200 AC DS 200 A DS 200 M AC DS 200 M A

IEC/EN 61009, IEC/EN 60947-2
2P, 3P, 4P
6, 10, 13, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40 6, 10, 13, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63
230/400 - 240/415
0.01...0.3 0.03
254 (440 for 3P and 4P)
110 (195 for 3P and 4P)
6000 6000 6000 10000 10000
10 10 10 15 15
7.5 7.5 7.5 11.2 11.2
6 6 6 10 10
III, disconnector abilities
n n
n n
black sealable in ON-OFF position black (MCB) sealable in ON-OFF position + blue (RCD)
28 cycles with 55/95…100
23/83 - 40/93 - 55/20
25/95 - 40/95
30 (20 for characteristics K)
-5…+40 -25…+55
failsafe bidirectional cylinder-lift terminal (shock protected) /
failsafe bidirectional cylinder-lift terminal (shock protected) /
- cage (shock protected)
- failsafe bidirectional cylinder-lift terminal (shock protected) /
(rigid and flexible) up to 16/16 -
- (rigid and flexible) up to 25/25
- (rigid and flexible) up to 25/16
- (rigid and flexible) up to 25/25
2.5/2.5 -
- 2.8/2.8
- 2.8/1.2
- 2.8/2.8
on DIN rail EN 60715 (35 mm) by means of fast clip device
from top and bottom
85 x 69 x 35 -
- 85 x 69 x 70
- 85 x 69 x 87.5
- 85 x 69 x 105
- 85 x 69 x 122.5
- 85 x 69 x 140
200 -
- 475
- 625
- 775
- 775
- 925
no yes
no yes
no yes
no yes

ABB 3/31
System Selection tables FS 201
pro M compact RCBOs FS 201 series

6000 - A N type

FS 201 A type, B, C and K characteristics

B Function: protection against overload and short-circuit currents; protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts
and additional protection against direct contacts.
Application: commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009 and IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=6 kA
Number Type/ Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles class residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

3 current
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1P+N A 10 10 FS 201-B 10/0.01 2CSR255101R0105 982609 0.200 1

13 FS 201-B 13/0.01 2CSR255101R0135 982708 0.200 1
16 FS 201-B 16/0.01 2CSR255101R0165 982807 0.200 1
30 6 FS 201-B 6/0.03 2CSR255101R1065 983408 0.200 1
10 FS 201-B 10/0.03 2CSR255101R1105 983705 0.200 1
13 FS 201-B 13/0.03 2CSR255101R1135 984009 0.200 1
1 16 FS 201-B 16/0.03 2CSR255101R1165 984306 0.200 1
2 N
20 FS 201-B 20/0.03 2CSR255101R1205 984603 0.200 1
25 FS 201-B 25/0.03 2CSR255101R1255 984900 0.200 1
32 FS 201-B 32/0.03 2CSR255101R1325 985204 0.200 1
40 FS 201-B 40/0.03 2CSR255101R1405 985501 0.200 1
1 N

1P+N A 30 6 FS 201-C 6/0.03 2CSR255101R1064 983309 0.200 1

C 10
FS 201-C 10/0.03
FS 201-C 13/0.03
FS 201-C 16/0.03
FS 201-C 20/0.03
2CSR255101R1104 983606
2CSR255101R1134 983903
2CSR255101R1164 984207
2CSR255101R1204 984504
25 FS 201-C 25/0.03 2CSR255101R1254 984801 0.200 1
32 FS 201-C 32/0.03 2CSR255101R1324 985105 0.200 1
40 FS 201-C 40/0.03 2CSR255101R1404 985402 0.200 1

300 6 FS 201-C 6/0.3 2CSR255101R3064 985907 0.200 1

10 FS 201-C 10/0.3 2CSR255101R3104 986102 0.200 1
13 FS 201-C 13/0.3 2CSR255101R3134 986300 0.200 1
16 FS 201-C 16/0.3 2CSR255101R3164 986508 0.200 1
20 FS 201-C 20/0.3 2CSR255101R3204 986706 0.200 1
25 FS 201-C 25/0.3 2CSR255101R3254 986904 0.200 1
1 32 FS 201-C 32/0.3 2CSR255101R3324 987109 0.200 1
2 N
40 FS 201-C 40/0.3 2CSR255101R3404 987307 0.200 1

1 N

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/7

3/32 ABB
System Selection tables FS 201
pro M compact RCBOs FS 201 series

6000 - A N type

K 1P+N A 10
FS 201-K 16/0.01
FS 201-K 1/0.03
FS 201-K 2/0.03
2CSR255101R0167 982906
2CSR255101R1017 983002
2CSR255101R1027 983101
4 FS 201-K 4/0.03 2CSR255101R1047 983200 0.200 1
6 FS 201-K 6/0.03 2CSR255101R1067 983507 0.200 1
10 FS 201-K 10/0.03 2CSR255101R1107 983804 0.200 1
13 FS 201-K 13/0.03 2CSR255101R1137 984108 0.200 1
16 FS 201-K 16/0.03 2CSR255101R1167 984405 0.200 1
20 FS 201-K 20/0.03 2CSR255101R1207 984702 0.200 1
25 FS 201-K 25/0.03 2CSR255101R1257 985006 0.200 1

FS 201-K 32/0.03
FS 201-K 1/0.3
2CSR255101R1327 985303
2CSR255101R3017 985600

2 FS 201-K 2/0.3 2CSR255101R3027 985709 0.200 1

4 FS 201-K 4/0.3 2CSR255101R3047 985808 0.200 1
6 FS 201-K 6/0.3 2CSR255101R3067 986003 0.200 1
10 FS 201-K 10/0.3 2CSR255101R3107 986201 0.200 1
13 FS 201-K 13/0.3 2CSR255101R3137 986409 0.200 1
16 FS 201-K 16/0.3 2CSR255101R3167 986607 0.200 1
2 N 20 FS 201-K 20/0.3 2CSR255101R3207 986805 0.200 1
25 FS 201-K 25/0.3 2CSR255101R3257 987000 0.200 1
32 FS 201-K 32/0.3 2CSR255101R3327 987208 0.200 1

1 N

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/7

ABB 3/33
System Selection tables DS 200 AC B
pro M compact RCBOs DS 200 series

6000 - AC L type

DS 200 AC type, B characteristic

B Function: protection against overload and short-circuit currents; protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts and additional pro-
tection against direct contacts.
Application: commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009 and IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=6 kA

3 Number
of poles
Rated Rated
residual current
Bbn Price
8012542 1 piece
1 piece

I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

2 AC 30 6 DS202 AC-B6/0.03 2CSR252001R1065 863502 0.440 1
10 DS202 AC-B10/0.03 2CSR252001R1105 863601 0.440 1
13 DS202 AC-B13/0.03 2CSR252001R1135 863700 0.440 1
16 DS202 AC-B16/0.03 2CSR252001R1165 863809 0.440 1
1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 20 DS202 AC-B20/0.03 2CSR252001R1205 863908 0.440 1
25 DS202 AC-B25/0.03 2CSR252001R1255 864004 0.440 1
32 DS202 AC-B32/0.03 2CSR252001R1325 864103 0.440 1
40 DS202 AC-B40/0.03 2CSR252001R1405 864202 0.440 1
50 / DS202 AC-B50/0.03 2CSR252001R1505 864301 0.440 1
63 / DS202 AC-B63/0.03 2CSR252001R1635 864400 0.440 1

3 AC 30 6 DS203 AC-B6/0.03 2CSR253001R1065 865506 0.610 1

10 DS203 AC-B10/0.03 2CSR253001R1105 865605 0.610 1
1/2 3/4 5/6 13 DS203 AC-B13/0.03 2CSR253001R1135 865704 0.610 1
16 DS203 AC-B16/0.03 2CSR253001R1165 865803 0.610 1
20 DS203 AC-B20/0.03 2CSR253001R1205 865902 0.610 1
25 DS203 AC-B25/0.03 2CSR253001R1255 866008 0.610 1
32 DS203 AC-B32/0.03 2CSR253001R1325 866107 0.610 1
40 DS203 AC-B40/0.03 2CSR253001R1405 866206 0.610 1
In=50-63 A 1/2 3/4 5/6
50 / DS203 AC-B50/0.03 2CSR253001R1505 866305 0.650 1
Y1 Y2
63 / DS203 AC-B63/0.03 2CSR253001R1635 866404 0.650 1

2/1 4/3 6/5


4 AC 30 6 DS204 AC-B6/0.03 2CSR254001R1065 867500 0.780 1

10 DS204 AC-B10/0.03 2CSR254001R1105 867609 0.780 1
13 DS204 AC-B13/0.03 2CSR254001R1135 867708 0.780 1
16 DS204 AC-B16/0.03 2CSR254001R1165 867807 0.780 1
20 DS204 AC-B20/0.03 2CSR254001R1205 867906 0.780 1
1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8
25 DS204 AC-B25/0.03 2CSR254001R1255 868002 0.780 1
In up to 40 A
32 DS204 AC-B32/0.03 2CSR254001R1325 868101 0.780 1
40 DS204 AC-B40/0.03 2CSR254001R1405 868200 0.780 1
50 / DS204 AC-B50/0.03 2CSR254001R1505 868309 0.825 1
63 / DS204 AC-B63/0.03 2CSR254001R1635 868408 0.825 1

In=50-63 A
/ provided with additional terminals for remote tripping
1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8
Y1 Y2

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ....................... pag. 12/7

3/34 ABB
System Selection tables DS 200 AC C
pro M compact RCBOs DS 200 series

6000 - AC L type

DS 200 AC type, C characteristic

C Function: protection against overload and short-circuit currents; protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts and additional pro-
tection against direct contacts.
Application: commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009 and IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=6 kA

of poles
Rated Rated
residual current
Bbn Price
8012542 1 piece
1 piece
unit 3

I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

2 AC 30 6 DS202 AC-C6/0.03 2CSR252001R1064 869504 0.440 1
10 DS202 AC-C10/0.03 2CSR252001R1104 869603 0.440 1
13 DS202 AC-C13/0.03 2CSR252001R1134 869702 0.440 1
16 DS202 AC-C16/0.03 2CSR252001R1164 869801 0.440 1
1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 20 DS202 AC-C20/0.03 2CSR252001R1204 869900 0.440 1
25 DS202 AC-C25/0.03 2CSR252001R1254 870005 0.440 1
32 DS202 AC-C32/0.03 2CSR252001R1324 870104 0.440 1
40 DS202 AC-C40/0.03 2CSR252001R1404 870203 0.440 1
50 / DS202 AC-C50/0.03 2CSR252001R1504 870302 0.440 1
63 / DS202 AC-C63/0.03 2CSR252001R1634 870401 0.440 1

3 AC 30 6 DS203 AC-C6/0.03 2CSR253001R1064 871507 0.610 1

10 DS203 AC-C10/0.03 2CSR253001R1104 871606 0.610 1
1/2 3/4 5/6 13 DS203 AC-C13/0.03 2CSR253001R1134 871705 0.610 1
16 DS203 AC-C16/0.03 2CSR253001R1164 871804 0.610 1
20 DS203 AC-C20/0.03 2CSR253001R1204 871903 0.610 1
25 DS203 AC-C25/0.03 2CSR253001R1254 872009 0.610 1
32 DS203 AC-C32/0.03 2CSR253001R1324 872108 0.610 1
40 DS203 AC-C40/0.03 2CSR253001R1404 872207 0.610 1
In=50-63 A 1/2 3/4 5/6
50 / DS203 AC-C50/0.03 2CSR253001R1504 872306 0.650 1
Y1 Y2
63 / DS203 AC-C63/0.03 2CSR253001R1634 872405 0.650 1

2/1 4/3 6/5


4 AC 30 6 DS204 AC-C6/0.03 2CSR254001R1064 873501 0.780 1

10 DS204 AC-C10/0.03 2CSR254001R1104 873600 0.780 1
13 DS204 AC-C13/0.03 2CSR254001R1134 873709 0.780 1
16 DS204 AC-C16/0.03 2CSR254001R1164 873808 0.780 1
20 DS204 AC-C20/0.03 2CSR254001R1204 873907 0.780 1
1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8
25 DS204 AC-C25/0.03 2CSR254001R1254 874003 0.780 1
In up to 40 A
32 DS204 AC-C32/0.03 2CSR254001R1324 874102 0.780 1
40 DS204 AC-C40/0.03 2CSR254001R1404 874201 0.780 1
50 / DS204 AC-C50/0.03 2CSR254001R1504 874300 0.825 1
63 / DS204 AC-C63/0.03 2CSR254001R1634 874409 0.825 1

In=50-63 A
/ provided with additional terminals for remote tripping
1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8
Y1 Y2

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/7

ABB 3/35
System Selection tables DS 200 A B
pro M compact RCBOs DS 200 series

6000 - A N type

DS 200 A type, B characteristic

B Function: protection against overload and short-circuit currents; protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts
and additional protection against direct contacts.
Application: commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009 and IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=6 kA

3 Number
of poles
Rated Rated
residual current
Bbn Price
8012542 1 piece
1 piece

I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

2 A 30 6 DS202 A-B6/0.03 2CSR252101R1065 857501 0.440 1
10 DS202 A-B10/0.03 2CSR252101R1105 857600 0.440 1
13 DS202 A-B13/0.03 2CSR252101R1135 857709 0.440 1
16 DS202 A-B16/0.03 2CSR252101R1165 857808 0.440 1
1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 20 DS202 A-B20/0.03 2CSR252101R1205 857907 0.440 1
25 DS202 A-B25/0.03 2CSR252101R1255 858003 0.440 1
32 DS202 A-B32/0.03 2CSR252101R1325 858102 0.440 1
40 DS202 A-B40/0.03 2CSR252101R1405 858201 0.440 1
50 / DS202 A-B50/0.03 2CSR252101R1505 858300 0.440 1
63 / DS202 A-B63/0.03 2CSR252101R1635 858409 0.440 1

3 A 30 6 DS203 A-B6/0.03 2CSR253101R1065 858508 0.610 1

10 DS203 A-B10/0.03 2CSR253101R1105 858607 0.610 1
13 DS203 A-B13/0.03 2CSR253101R1135 858706 0.610 1
1/2 3/4 5/6 16 DS203 A-B16/0.03 2CSR253101R1165 858805 0.610 1
20 DS203 A-B20/0.03 2CSR253101R1205 858904 0.610 1
25 DS203 A-B25/0.03 2CSR253101R1255 859000 0.610 1
32 DS203 A-B32/0.03 2CSR253101R1325 859109 0.610 1
40 DS203 A-B40/0.03 2CSR253101R1405 859208 0.610 1
50 / DS203 A-B50/0.03 2CSR253101R1505 859307 0.650 1
Y1 Y2
In=50-63 A 1/2 3/4 5/6 63 / DS203 A-B63/0.03 2CSR253101R1635 859406 0.650 1

2/1 4/3 6/5


4 A 30 6 DS204 A-B6/0.03 2CSR254101R1065 859505 0.780 1

10 DS204 A-B10/0.03 2CSR254101R1105 859604 0.780 1
13 DS204 A-B13/0.03 2CSR254101R1135 859703 0.780 1
16 DS204 A-B16/0.03 2CSR254101R1165 859802 0.780 1
20 DS204 A-B20/0.03 2CSR254101R1205 859901 0.780 1
1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8
25 DS204 A-B25/0.03 2CSR254101R1255 860006 0.780 1
32 DS204 A-B32/0.03 2CSR254101R1325 860105 0.780 1
In up to 40 A

40 DS204 A-B40/0.03 2CSR254101R1405 860204 0.780 1

50 / DS204 A-B50/0.03 2CSR254101R1505 860303 0.825 1
63 / DS204 A-B63/0.03 2CSR254101R1635 860402 0.825 1

/ provided with additional terminals for remote tripping

In=50-63 A 1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8
Y1 Y2

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/7

3/36 ABB
System Selection tables DS 200 A C
pro M compact RCBOs DS 200 series

6000 - A N type

DS 200 A type, C characteristic

C Function: protection against overload and short-circuit currents; protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts
and additional protection against direct contacts.
Application: commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009 and IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=6 kA

of poles
Rated Rated
residual current
Bbn Price
8012542 1 piece
1 piece
unit 3

I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

2 A 30 6 DS202 A-C6/0.03 2CSR252101R1064 860501 0.440 1
10 DS202 A-C10/0.03 2CSR252101R1104 860600 0.440 1
13 DS202 A-C13/0.03 2CSR252101R1134 860709 0.440 1
16 DS202 A-C16/0.03 2CSR252101R1164 860808 0.440 1
1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 20 DS202 A-C20/0.03 2CSR252101R1204 860907 0.440 1
25 DS202 A-C25/0.03 2CSR252101R1254 861003 0.440 1
32 DS202 A-C32/0.03 2CSR252101R1324 861102 0.440 1
40 DS202 A-C40/0.03 2CSR252101R1404 861201 0.440 1
50 / DS202 A-C50/0.03 2CSR252101R1504 861300 0.440 1
63 / DS202 A-C63/0.03 2CSR252101R1634 861409 0.440 1

3 A 30 6 DS203 A-C6/0.03 2CSR253101R1064 861508 0.610 1

10 DS203 A-C10/0.03 2CSR253101R1104 861607 0.610 1
13 DS203 A-C13/0.03 2CSR253101R1134 861706 0.610 1
1/2 3/4 5/6 16 DS203 A-C16/0.03 2CSR253101R1164 861805 0.610 1
20 DS203 A-C20/0.03 2CSR253101R1204 861904 0.610 1
25 DS203 A-C25/0.03 2CSR253101R1254 862000 0.610 1
32 DS203 A-C32/0.03 2CSR253101R1324 862109 0.610 1
40 DS203 A-C40/0.03 2CSR253101R1404 862208 0.610 1
50 / DS203 A-C50/0.03 2CSR253101R1504 862307 0.650 1
Y1 Y2
In=50-63 A 1/2 3/4 5/6 63 / DS203 A-C63/0.03 2CSR253101R1634 862406 0.650 1

2/1 4/3 6/5


4 A 30 6 DS204 A-C6/0.03 2CSR254101R1064 862505 0.780 1

10 DS204 A-C10/0.03 2CSR254101R1104 862604 0.780 1
13 DS204 A-C13/0.03 2CSR254101R1134 862703 0.780 1
16 DS204 A-C16/0.03 2CSR254101R1164 862802 0.780 1
20 DS204 A-C20/0.03 2CSR254101R1204 862901 0.780 1
1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8
25 DS204 A-C25/0.03 2CSR254101R1254 863007 0.780 1
32 DS204 A-C32/0.03 2CSR254101R1324 863106 0.780 1
In up to 40 A

40 DS204 A-C40/0.03 2CSR254101R1404 863205 0.780 1

50 / DS204 A-C50/0.03 2CSR254101R1504 863304 0.825 1
63 / DS204 A-C63/0.03 2CSR254101R1634 863403 0.825 1

/ provided with additional terminals for remote tripping

In=50-63 A 1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8
Y1 Y2

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/7

ABB 3/37
System Selection tables DS 200 M AC B
pro M compact RCBOs DS 200 series M

10000 - AC L type

DS 200 M AC type, B characteristic

B Function: protection against overload and short-circuit currents; protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts and additional pro-
tection against direct contacts.
Application: commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009 and IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=10 kA

3 Number
of poles
Rated Rated
residual current
Bbn Price
8012542 1 piece
1 piece

I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

2 AC 30 6 DS202 M AC-B6/0.03 2CSR272001R1065 851509 0.440 1
10 DS202 M AC-B10/0.03 2CSR272001R1105 851608 0.440 1
13 DS202 M AC-B13/0.03 2CSR272001R1135 851707 0.440 1
16 DS202 M AC-B16/0.03 2CSR272001R1165 851806 0.440 1
1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 20 DS202 M AC-B20/0.03 2CSR272001R1205 851905 0.440 1
25 DS202 M AC-B25/0.03 2CSR272001R1255 852001 0.440 1
32 DS202 M AC-B32/0.03 2CSR272001R1325 852100 0.440 1
40 DS202 M AC-B40/0.03 2CSR272001R1405 852209 0.440 1
50 / DS202 M AC-B50/0.03 2CSR272001R1505 852308 0.440 1
63 / DS202 M AC-B63/0.03 2CSR272001R1635 852407 0.440 1

3 AC 30 6 DS203 M AC-B6/0.03 2CSR273001R1065 852506 0.610 1

10 DS203 M AC-B10/0.03 2CSR273001R1105 852605 0.610 1
1/2 3/4 5/6 13 DS203 M AC-B13/0.03 2CSR273001R1135 852704 0.610 1
16 DS203 M AC-B16/0.03 2CSR273001R1165 852803 0.610 1
20 DS203 M AC-B20/0.03 2CSR273001R1205 852902 0.610 1
25 DS203 M AC-B25/0.03 2CSR273001R1255 853008 0.610 1
32 DS203 M AC-B32/0.03 2CSR273001R1325 853107 0.610 1
40 DS203 M AC-B40/0.03 2CSR273001R1405 853206 0.610 1
In=50-63 A 1/2 3/4 5/6
50 / DS203 M AC-B50/0.03 2CSR273001R1505 853305 0.650 1
Y1 Y2
63 / DS203 M AC-B63/0.03 2CSR273001R1635 853404 0.650 1

2/1 4/3 6/5


4 AC 30 6 DS204 M AC-B6/0.03 2CSR274001R1065 853503 0.780 1

10 DS204 M AC-B10/0.03 2CSR274001R1105 853602 0.780 1
13 DS204 M AC-B13/0.03 2CSR274001R1135 853701 0.780 1
16 DS204 M AC-B16/0.03 2CSR274001R1165 853800 0.780 1
20 DS204 M AC-B20/0.03 2CSR274001R1205 853909 0.780 1
1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8
25 DS204 M AC-B25/0.03 2CSR274001R1255 854005 0.780 1
In up to 40 A
32 DS204 M AC-B32/0.03 2CSR274001R1325 854104 0.780 1
40 DS204 M AC-B40/0.03 2CSR274001R1405 854203 0.780 1
50 / DS204 M AC-B50/0.03 2CSR274001R1505 854302 0.825 1
63 / DS204 M AC-B63/0.03 2CSR274001R1635 854401 0.825 1

In=50-63 A
/ provided with additional terminals for remote tripping
1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8
Y1 Y2

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/7

3/38 ABB
System Selection tables DS 200 M AC C
pro M compact RCBOs DS 200 series M

10000 - AC L type

DS 200 M AC type, C characteristic

C Function: protection against overload and short-circuit currents; protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts and additional pro-
tection against direct contacts.
Application: commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009 and IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=10 kA

of poles
Rated Rated
residual current
Bbn Price
8012542 1 piece
1 piece
unit 3

I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

2 AC 30 6 DS202 M AC-C6/0.03 2CSR272001R1064 851509 0.440 1
10 DS202 M AC-C10/0.03 2CSR272001R1104 851608 0.440 1
13 DS202 M AC-C13/0.03 2CSR272001R1134 851707 0.440 1
16 DS202 M AC-C16/0.03 2CSR272001R1164 851806 0.440 1
1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 20 DS202 M AC-C20/0.03 2CSR272001R1204 851905 0.440 1
25 DS202 M AC-C25/0.03 2CSR272001R1254 852001 0.440 1
32 DS202 M AC-C32/0.03 2CSR272001R1324 852100 0.440 1
40 DS202 M AC-C40/0.03 2CSR272001R1404 852209 0.440 1
50 / DS202 M AC-C50/0.03 2CSR272001R1504 852308 0.440 1
63 / DS202 M AC-C63/0.03 2CSR272001R1634 852407 0.440 1

3 AC 30 6 DS203 M AC-C6/0.03 2CSR273001R1064 852506 0.610 1

10 DS203 M AC-C10/0.03 2CSR273001R1104 852605 0.610 1
1/2 3/4 5/6 13 DS203 M AC-C13/0.03 2CSR273001R1134 852704 0.610 1
16 DS203 M AC-C16/0.03 2CSR273001R1164 852803 0.610 1
20 DS203 M AC-C20/0.03 2CSR273001R1204 852902 0.610 1
25 DS203 M AC-C25/0.03 2CSR273001R1254 853008 0.610 1
32 DS203 M AC-C32/0.03 2CSR273001R1324 853107 0.610 1
40 DS203 M AC-C40/0.03 2CSR273001R1404 853206 0.610 1
In=50-63 A 1/2 3/4 5/6
50 / DS203 M AC-C50/0.03 2CSR273001R1504 853305 0.650 1
Y1 Y2
63 / DS203 M AC-C63/0.03 2CSR273001R1634 853404 0.650 1

2/1 4/3 6/5


4 AC 30 6 DS204 M AC-C6/0.03 2CSR274001R1064 853503 0.780 1

10 DS204 M AC-C10/0.03 2CSR274001R1104 853602 0.780 1
13 DS204 M AC-C13/0.03 2CSR274001R1134 853701 0.780 1
16 DS204 M AC-C16/0.03 2CSR274001R1164 853800 0.780 1
20 DS204 M AC-C20/0.03 2CSR274001R1204 853909 0.780 1
1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8
25 DS204 M AC-C25/0.03 2CSR274001R1254 854005 0.780 1
In up to 40 A
32 DS204 M AC-C32/0.03 2CSR274001R1324 854104 0.780 1
40 DS204 M AC-C40/0.03 2CSR274001R1404 854203 0.780 1
50 / DS204 M AC-C50/0.03 2CSR274001R1504 854302 0.825 1
63 / DS204 M AC-C63/0.03 2CSR274001R1634 854401 0.825 1

In=50-63 A
/ provided with additional terminals for remote tripping
1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8
Y1 Y2

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/7

ABB 3/39
System Selection tables DS 200 M A B
pro M compact RCBOs DS 200 series M

10000 - A N type

DS 200 M A type, B characteristic

B Function: protection against overload and short-circuit currents; protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts
and additional protection against direct contacts.
Application: commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009 and IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=10 kA

3 Number
of poles
Rated Rated
residual current
Bbn Price
8012542 1 piece
1 piece

I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

2 A 30 6 DS202 M A-B6/0.03 2CSR272101R1065 845508 0.440 1
10 DS202 M A-B10/0.03 2CSR272101R1105 845607 0.440 1
13 DS202 M A-B13/0.03 2CSR272101R1135 845706 0.440 1
16 DS202 M A-B16/0.03 2CSR272101R1165 845805 0.440 1
1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 20 DS202 M A-B20/0.03 2CSR272101R1205 845904 0.440 1
25 DS202 M A-B25/0.03 2CSR272101R1255 846000 0.440 1
32 DS202 M A-B32/0.03 2CSR272101R1325 846109 0.440 1
40 DS202 M A-B40/0.03 2CSR272101R1405 846208 0.440 1
50 / DS202 M A-B50/0.03 2CSR272101R1505 846307 0.440 1
63 / DS202 M A-B63/0.03 2CSR272101R1635 846406 0.440 1

3 A 30 6 DS203 M A-B6/0.03 2CSR273101R1065 846505 0.610 1

10 DS203 M A-B10/0.03 2CSR273101R1105 846604 0.610 1
13 DS203 M A-B13/0.03 2CSR273101R1135 846703 0.610 1
1/2 3/4 5/6 16 DS203 M A-B16/0.03 2CSR273101R1165 846802 0.610 1
20 DS203 M A-B20/0.03 2CSR273101R1205 846901 0.610 1
25 DS203 M A-B25/0.03 2CSR273101R1255 847007 0.610 1
32 DS203 M A-B32/0.03 2CSR273101R1325 847106 0.610 1
40 DS203 M A-B40/0.03 2CSR273101R1405 847205 0.610 1
50 / DS203 M A-B50/0.03 2CSR273101R1505 847304 0.650 1
Y1 Y2
In=50-63 A 1/2 3/4 5/6 63 / DS203 M A-B63/0.03 2CSR273101R1635 847403 0.650 1

2/1 4/3 6/5


4 A 30 6 DS204 M A-B6/0.03 2CSR274101R1065 847502 0.780 1

10 DS204 M A-B10/0.03 2CSR274101R1105 847601 0.780 1
13 DS204 M A-B13/0.03 2CSR274101R1135 847700 0.780 1
16 DS204 M A-B16/0.03 2CSR274101R1165 847809 0.780 1
20 DS204 M A-B20/0.03 2CSR274101R1205 847908 0.780 1
1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8
25 DS204 M A-B25/0.03 2CSR274101R1255 848004 0.780 1
32 DS204 M A-B32/0.03 2CSR274101R1325 848103 0.780 1
In up to 40 A

40 DS204 M A-B40/0.03 2CSR274101R1405 848202 0.780 1

50 / DS204 M A-B50/0.03 2CSR274101R1505 848301 0.825 1
63 / DS204 M A-B63/0.03 2CSR274101R1635 848400 0.825 1

/ provided with additional terminals for remote tripping

In=50-63 A 1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8
Y1 Y2

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/7

3/40 ABB
System Selection tables DS 200 M A C
pro M compact RCBOs DS 200 series M

10000 - A N type

DS 200 M A type, C characteristic

C Function: protection against overload and short-circuit currents; protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts
and additional protection against direct contacts.
Application: commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009 and IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=10 kA

of poles
Rated Rated
residual current
Bbn Price
8012542 1 piece
1 piece
unit 3

I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

2 A 30 6 DS202 M A-C6/0.03 2CSR272101R1064 848509 0.440 1
10 DS202 M A-C10/0.03 2CSR272101R1104 848608 0.440 1
13 DS202 M A-C13/0.03 2CSR272101R1134 848707 0.440 1
16 DS202 M A-C16/0.03 2CSR272101R1164 848806 0.440 1
1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 20 DS202 M A-C20/0.03 2CSR272101R1204 848905 0.440 1
25 DS202 M A-C25/0.03 2CSR272101R1254 849001 0.440 1
32 DS202 M A-C32/0.03 2CSR272101R1324 849100 0.440 1
40 DS202 M A-C40/0.03 2CSR272101R1404 849209 0.440 1
50 / DS202 M A-C50/0.03 2CSR272101R1504 849308 0.440 1
63 / DS202 M A-C63/0.03 2CSR272101R1634 849407 0.440 1

3 A 30 6 DS203 M A-C6/0.03 2CSR273101R1064 849506 0.610 1

10 DS203 M A-C10/0.03 2CSR273101R1104 849605 0.610 1
13 DS203 M A-C13/0.03 2CSR273101R1134 849704 0.610 1
1/2 3/4 5/6 16 DS203 M A-C16/0.03 2CSR273101R1164 849803 0.610 1
20 DS203 M A-C20/0.03 2CSR273101R1204 849902 0.610 1
25 DS203 M A-C25/0.03 2CSR273101R1254 850007 0.610 1
32 DS203 M A-C32/0.03 2CSR273101R1324 850106 0.610 1
40 DS203 M A-C40/0.03 2CSR273101R1404 850205 0.610 1
50 / DS203 M A-C50/0.03 2CSR273101R1504 850304 0.650 1
Y1 Y2
In=50-63 A 1/2 3/4 5/6 63 / DS203 M A-C63/0.03 2CSR273101R1634 850403 0.650 1

2/1 4/3 6/5


4 A 30 6 DS204 M A-C6/0.03 2CSR274101R1064 850502 0.780 1

10 DS204 M A-C10/0.03 2CSR274101R1104 850601 0.780 1
13 DS204 M A-C13/0.03 2CSR274101R1134 850700 0.780 1
16 DS204 M A-C16/0.03 2CSR274101R1164 850809 0.780 1
20 DS204 M A-C20/0.03 2CSR274101R1204 850908 0.780 1
1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8
25 DS204 M A-C25/0.03 2CSR274101R1254 851004 0.780 1
32 DS204 M A-C32/0.03 2CSR274101R1324 851103 0.780 1
In up to 40 A

40 DS204 M A-C40/0.03 2CSR274101R1404 851202 0.780 1

50 / DS204 M A-C50/0.03 2CSR274101R1504 851301 0.825 1
63 / DS204 M A-C63/0.03 2CSR274101R1634 851400 0.825 1

/ provided with additional terminals for remote tripping

In=50-63 A 1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8
Y1 Y2

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/7

ABB 3/41


With the range of RCBOs DS The DS 9.. range satisfies The DS 9.. range consists of RCBO DS 271 is a particular
9.. 1P+N ABB is able to provide all protection requirements three series, DS 941, DS 951 combination of MCB+RCCB
a protection solution for all in two modules, offering and DS 971, with 4.5 kA, 6 in a compact housing of only 1
type of single-phase circuits in the opportunity of choosing kA and 10 kA respectively of module. It protects both people
modern applications. between three different breaking capacity. and lines and equipments.
breaking capacities, five
All the RCBOs are characterized All RCBOs are insensitive to
different sensitivities, and for
by an innovative design with a temporary surge currents
each of these, the possibili-ty
single red/green two-color generated by lightning,
of choosing between type A
operating lever and residual operations on the power
or type AC residual current
current trip signal on the front network, interferences, etc.
of the apparatus.


Residual current devices
DS 9.. and DS 271 series

Index 3
Technical features of RCBOs DS 9.. series ................................................................... 3/44

Selection tables of RCBOs DS 9.. series

DS 941 AC B ...................................................................................................................... 3/46
DS 941 AC C ...................................................................................................................... 3/46
DS 941 A B ......................................................................................................................... 3/47
DS 941 A C ......................................................................................................................... 3/47
DS 951 AC B ...................................................................................................................... 3/48
DS 951 AC C ...................................................................................................................... 3/49
DS 951 A B ......................................................................................................................... 3/50
DS 951 AP-R A C ............................................................................................................... 3/50
DS 951 A C ......................................................................................................................... 3/51
DS 951 A K ......................................................................................................................... 3/51
DS 971 AC B ...................................................................................................................... 3/52
DS 971 AC C ...................................................................................................................... 3/52
DS 971 A B ......................................................................................................................... 3/53
DS 971 A C ......................................................................................................................... 3/53

Technical features of RCBOs DS 271 series ................................................................. 3/54

Selection tables of RCBOs DS 271 series

DS 271 AC B ...................................................................................................................... 3/56
DS 271 AC C ...................................................................................................................... 3/56
DS 271 A B ......................................................................................................................... 3/57
DS 271 A C ......................................................................................................................... 3/57


System Technical features DS 9..
pro M RCBOs DS 9.. series

3 Electrical
Type (wave form of the earth leakage sensed)
features Poles
Rated current In A
Rated sensitivity I$n A
Rated voltage Ue V
Insulation voltage Ui V
Max. operating voltage of circuit test V
Min. operating voltage of circuit test V
Rated frequency Hz
Rated breaking capacity acc. to IEC/EN 61009 ultimate Icn A
Rated breaking capacity ultimate Icu kA
acc. to IEC/EN 60947-2 1P+N @230 VAC, 2P, 3P, 4P @400 VAC service Ics kA
Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50) Uimp kV
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for 1 min. kV
Thermomagnetic release B: 3 In b Im b 5 In
characteristic C: 5 In b Im b 10 In
K: 8 In b Im b 14 In
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20) A
Mechanical Toggle
features Electrical life
Mechanical life
Protection degree housing
Tropicalization humid heat °C/RH
acc. to IEC /EN 60068-2 constant climatic conditions °C/RH
variable climatic conditions °C/RH
Reference temperature for setting of thermal element °C
Ambient temperature (with daily average b +35 °C) °C
Storage temperature °C
Installation Terminal type top
Terminal size top/bottom for cables mm2
Tightening torque top/bottom N*m
Dimensions Dimensions (H x D x W) 1P+N mm
and weight Weight 1P+N g
Combination Combinable with: auxiliary contact
with auxiliary signal contact
elements shunt trip
undervoltage release

3/44 ABB
System Technical features DS 9..
pro M RCBOs DS 9.. series

DS 941 AC DS 941 A DS 951 AC DS 951 A DS 951 A AP-R DS 971 AC DS 971 A

IEC / EN 61009, IEC / EN 60947-2
6 b In b 40 6 b In b 32
0.03-0.3 0.01-0.03 0.03-0.1-0.3-1 0.01-0.03-0.1-0.3-0.5 0.03 0.03-0.1-0.3-1 0.03-0.1-0.3-0.5
4500 6000 10000
6 10 10
4,5 6 7.5
n n
n n n
250 3000 250
black sealable in ON-OFF position
28 cycles with 55/95…100
23/83 - 40/93 - 55/20
25/95 - 40/95
cage (shock protected)
cage (shock protected)
(rigid and flexible) up to 16/16
on DIN rail EN 60715 (35mm) by means of fast clip device
from top and bottom
85 x 70 x 35.6

ABB 3/45
System Selection tables DS 941 AC B
pro M RCBOs DS 941 series DS 941 AC C
4500 AC L type

DS 941 AC type, B characteristic

B Function: protection in terminal single-phase circuit against overload and short-circuit currents;
protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against indirect
contacts and additional protection against direct contacts (I$n=30 mA).
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009
Icn=4.5 kA

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

3 current
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1+N 30 6 DS 941 AC-B6/0.03 16020007 403005 0.200 5
10 DS 941 AC-B10/0.03 16020015 403104 0.200 5
16 DS 941 AC-B16/0.03 16020023 403203 0.200 5
20 DS 941 AC-B20/0.03 16020031 403302 0.200 5
25 DS 941 AC-B25/0.03 16020049 403401 0.200 5
32 DS 941 AC-B32/0.03 16020056 403500 0.200 5
40 DS 941 AC-B40/0.03 16020064 403609 0.200 5

DS 941 AC type, C characteristic

C Function: protection in terminal single-phase circuit against overload and short-circuit currents;
protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against indirect
contacts and additional protection against direct contacts (I$n=30 mA).
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009
Icn=4.5 kA

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1+N 30 6 DS 941 AC-C6/0.03 16020395 406501 0.200 5
10 DS 941 AC-C10/0.03 16020403 406600 0.200 5
16 DS 941 AC-C16/0.03 16020411 406709 0.200 5
20 DS 941 AC-C20/0.03 16020429 406808 0.200 5
25 DS 941 AC-C25/0.03 16020437 406907 0.200 5
32 DS 941 AC-C32/0.03 16020445 407003 0.200 5
40 DS 941 AC-C40/0.03 16020452 407102 0.200 5
300 6 DS 941 AC-C6/0.3 16020536 407904 0.200 5
10 DS 941 AC-C10/0.3 16020544 408000 0.200 5
16 DS 941 AC-C16/0.3 16020551 408109 0.200 5
20 DS 941 AC-C20/0.3 16020569 408208 0.200 5
25 DS 941 AC-C25/0.3 16020577 408307 0.200 5
32 DS 941 AC-C32/0.3 16020585 408406 0.200 5
40 DS 941 AC-C40/0.3 16020593 408505 0.200 5

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/8

3/46 ABB
System Selection tables DS 941 A B
pro M RCBOs DS 941 series DS 941 A C
4500 A N type

DS 941 A type, B characteristic

B Function: protection in terminal single-phase circuit against overload and short-circuit currents; pro-
tection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents; protection
against indirect contacts and additional protection against direct contacts (I$n=30 mA).
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009

Icn=4.5 kA
Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc. 3
1+N 10 6 DS 941 A-B6/0.01 16023555 424000 0.200 5
10 DS 941 A-B10/0.01 16023563 424109 0.200 5
16 DS 941 A-B16/0.01 16023571 424208 0.200 5
30 6 DS 941 A-B6/0.03 16023753 424307 0.200 5
10 DS 941 A-B10/0.03 16023761 424406 0.200 5
16 DS 941 A-B16/0.03 16023779 424505 0.200 5
20 DS 941 A-B20/0.03 16023787 424604 0.200 5
25 DS 941 A-B25/0.03 16023795 424703 0.200 5
32 DS 941 A-B32/0.03 16023803 424802 0.200 5
40 DS 941 A-B40/0.03 16023811 424901 0.200 5

DS 941 A type, C characteristic

C Function: protection in terminal single-phase circuit against overload and short-circuit currents; pro-
tection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents; protection
against indirect contacts and additional protection against direct contacts (I$n=30 mA).
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009

Icn=4.5 kA
Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1+N 30 6 DS 941 A-C6/0.03 16024108 427803 0.200 5
10 DS 941 A-C10/0.03 16024116 427902 0.200 5
16 DS 941 A-C16/0.03 16024124 428008 0.200 5
20 DS 941 A-C20/0.03 16024132 428107 0.200 5
25 DS 941 A-C25/0.03 16024140 428206 0.200 5
32 DS 941 A-C32/0.03 16024157 428305 0.200 5
40 DS 941 A-C40/0.03 16024165 428404 0.200 5

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/8

ABB 3/47
System Selection tables DS 951 AC B
pro M RCBOs DS 951 series
6000 AC L type

DS 951 AC type, B characteristic

B Function: protection in terminal single-phase circuit against overload and short-circuit currents;
protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against indirect
contacts and additional protection against direct contacts (I$n=30 mA).
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009

Icn=6 kA
Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

3 current
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1+N 30 6 DS 951 AC-B6/0.03 16021005 410003 0.200 5
10 DS 951 AC-B10/0.03 16021013 410102 0.200 5
16 DS 951 AC-B16/0.03 16021021 410201 0.200 5
20 DS 951 AC-B20/0.03 16021039 410300 0.200 5
25 DS 951 AC-B25/0.03 16021047 410409 0.200 5
32 DS 951 AC-B32/0.03 16021054 410508 0.200 5
40 DS 951 AC-B40/0.03 16021062 410607 0.200 5

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/8

3/48 ABB
System Selection tables DS 951 AC C
pro M RCBOs DS 951 series
6000 AC L type

DS 951 AC type, C characteristic

C Function: protection in terminal single-phase circuit against overload and short-circuit currents;
protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against indirect
contacts and additional protection against direct contacts (I$n=30 mA).
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009

Icn=6 kA

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles residual
current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1+N 30 6 DS 951 AC-C6/0.03 16021351 413509 0.200 5
10 DS 951 AC-C10/0.03 16021369 413608 0.200 5
16 DS 951 AC-C16/0.03 16021377 413707 0.200 5
20 DS 951 AC-C20/0.03 16021385 413806 0.200 5
25 DS 951 AC-C25/0.03 16021393 413905 0.200 5
32 DS 951 AC-C32/0.03 16021401 414001 0.200 5
40 DS 951 AC-C40/0.03 16021419 414100 0.200 5
100 6 DS 951 AC-C6/0.1 16021427 414209 0.200 5
10 DS 951 AC-C10/0.1 16021435 414308 0.200 5
16 DS 951 AC-C16/0.1 16021443 414407 0.200 5
20 DS 951 AC-C20/0.1 16021450 414506 0.200 5
25 DS 951 AC-CB25/0.1 16021468 414605 0.200 5
32 DS 951 AC-C32/0.1 16021476 414704 0.200 5
40 DS 951 AC-C40/0.1 16021484 414803 0.200 5
300 6 DS 951 AC-C6/0.3 16021492 414902 0.200 5
10 DS 951 AC-C10/0.3 16021500 415008 0.200 5
16 DS 951 AC-C16/0.3 16021518 415107 0.200 5
20 DS 951 AC-C20/0.3 16021526 415206 0.200 5
25 DS 951 AC-C25/0.3 16021534 415305 0.200 5
32 DS 951 AC-C32/0.3 16021542 415404 0.200 5
40 DS 951 AC-C40/0.3 16021559 415503 0.200 5
1000 6 DS 951 AC-C6/1 16021633 416302 0.200 5
10 DS 951 AC-C10/1 16021641 416401 0.200 5
16 DS 951 AC-C16/1 16021658 416500 0.200 5
20 DS 951 AC-C20/1 16021666 416609 0.200 5
25 DS 951 AC-C25/1 16021674 416708 0.200 5
32 DS 951 AC-C32/1 16021682 416807 0.200 5
40 DS 951 AC-C40/1 16021690 416906 0.200 5

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/8

ABB 3/49
System Selection tables DS 951 A B
pro M RCBOs DS 951 series DS 951 AP-R A C
6000 A N type

DS 951 A type, B characteristic

B Function: protection in terminal single-phase circuit against overload and short-circuit currents; pro-
tection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents; protection
against indirect contacts and additional protection against direct contacts (I$n=30 mA).
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009

Icn=6 kA
Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles residualC current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

3 current
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1+N 10 10 DS 951 A-B10/0.01 16226776 968900 0.200 5
13 DS 951 A-B13/0.01 16226784 969006 0.200 5
16 DS 951 A-B16/0.01 16226792 969105 0.200 5
30 6 DS 951 A-B6/0.03 16024751 431305 0.200 5
10 DS 951 A-B10/0.03 16024769 431404 0.200 5
16 DS 951 A-B16/0.03 16024777 431503 0.200 5
20 DS 951 A-B20/0.03 16024785 431602 0.200 5
25 DS 951 A-B25/0.03 16024793 431701 0.200 5
32 DS 951 A-B32/0.03 16024801 431800 0.200 5
40 DS 951 A-B40/0.03 16024819 431909 0.200 5
300 6 DS 951 A-B6/0.3A 16024892 432708 0.200 5
10 DS 951 A-B10/0.3A 16024900 432807 0.200 5
16 DS 951 A-B16/0.3A 16024918 432906 0.200 5
20 DS 951 A-B20/0.3A 16024926 433002 0.200 5
25 DS 951 A-B25/0.3A 16024934 433101 0.200 5
32 DS 951 A-B32/0.3A 16024942 433200 0.200 5
40 DS 951 A-B40/0.3A 16024959 433309 0.200 5

C DS 951 AP-R, A type, C characteristic

Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents, providing the
best compromise between safety and continuity in the service thanks to the resistance to unwanted
trippings; protection against indirect contacts and additional protection against direct (I$n=30mA)
contacts; protection and isolation of resistive and inductive loads.
Application: residential,commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20)=3000A
Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles residualC current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1+N 30 6 DS951 A-C6/0,03 AP-R 16025626 008309 0.200 5
10 DS951 A-C10/0,03 AP-R 16025634 008408 0.200 5
16 DS951 A-C16/0,03 AP-R 16025642 008507 0.200 5
20 DS951 A-C20/0,03 AP-R 16025659 010005 0.200 5
25 DS951 A-C25/0,03 AP-R 16025667 010104 0.200 5
32 DS951 A-C32/0,03 AP-R 16025675 010203 0.200 5

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/8

3/50 ABB
System Selection tables DS 951 A C
pro M RCBOs DS 951 series DS 951 A K
6000 A N type

DS 951 A type, C characteristic

C Function: protection in terminal single-phase circuit against overload and short-circuit currents; protection against
the effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts and
additional protection against direct contacts (I$n=30 mA).
Standard: IEC/EN 61009; Icn=6 kA
Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1+N 10 10 DS 951 A-C10/0.01 16226800 969204 0.200 5
DS 951 A-C13/0.01
DS 951 A-C16/0.01
30 6 DS 951 A-C6/0.03 16025154 434801 0.200 5
10 DS 951 A-C10/0.03 16025162 434900 0.200 5
16 DS 951 A-C16/0.03 16025170 435006 0.200 5
20 DS 951 A-C20/0.03 16025188 435105 0.200 5
25 DS 951 A-C25/0.03 16025196 435204 0.200 5
32 DS 951 A-C32/0.03 16025204 435303 0.200 5
40 DS 951 A-C40/0.03 16025212 435402 0.200 5
100 6 DS 951 A C6/0.1 16025220 435501 0.200 5
10 DS 951 A-C10/0.1 16025238 435600 0.200 5
16 DS 951 A-C16/0.1 16025246 435709 0.200 5
20 DS 951 A-C20/0.1 16025253 435808 0.200 5
25 DS 951 A-C25/0.1 16025261 435907 0.200 5
32 DS 951 A-C32/0.1 16025279 436003 0.200 5
40 DS 951 A-C40/0.1 16025287 436102 0.200 5
300 6 DS 951 A-C6/0.3 16025295 436201 0.200 5
10 DS 951 A-BC10/0.3 16025303 436300 0.200 5
16 DS 951 A-BC16/0.3 16025311 436409 0.200 5
20 DS 951 A-C20/0.3 16025329 436508 0.200 5
25 DS 951 A-C25/0.3 16025337 436607 0.200 5
32 DS 951 A-C32/0.3 16025345 436706 0.200 5
40 DS 951 A-C40/0.3 16025352 436805 0.200 5
500 6 DS 951 A-C6/0.5 16025360 436904 0.200 5
10 DS 951 A-C10/0.5 16025378 437000 0.200 5
16 DS 951 A-C16/0.5 16025386 437109 0.200 5
20 DS 951 A-C20/0.5 16025394 437208 0.200 5
25 DS 951 A-C25/0.5 16025402 437307 0.200 5
32 DS 951 A-C32/0.5 16025410 437406 0.200 5
40 DS 951 A-C40/0.5 16025428 437505 0.200 5

DS 951 A type, K characteristic

K Function: protection in terminal single-phase circuit against overload and short-circuit currents; protection against
the effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts and additional protection
against direct contacts (I$n=30 mA).
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.

Standard: IEC/EN 61009, IEC/EN 60947-2; Icn=6 kA

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles residualC current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1+N 30 6 DS 951 A-K6/0.03 16025501 519904 0.200 5
10 DS 951 A-K10/0.03 16025519 520009 0.200 5
16 DS 951 A-K16/0.03 16025527 520108 0.200 5
20 DS 951 A-K20/0.03 16025535 520207 0.200 5
25 DS 951 A-K25/0.03 16025543 520306 0.200 5
300 6 DS 951 A-K6/0.3 16025568 520504 0.200 5
10 DS 951 A-K10/0.3 16025576 520603 0.200 5
16 DS 951 A-K16/0.3 16025584 520702 0.200 5
20 DS 951 A-K20/0.3 16025592 520801 0.200 5
25 DS 951 A-K25/0.3 16025600 520900 0.200 5

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/8

ABB 3/51
System Selection tables DS 971 AC B
pro M RCBOs DS 971 series DS 971 AC C
10000 AC L type

DS 971 AC type, B characteristic

B Function: protection in terminal single-phase circuit against overload and short-circuit currents;
protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against indirect
contacts and additional protection against direct contacts (I$n=30 mA).
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009

Icn=10 kA
Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

3 current
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1+N 30 6 DS 971 AC-B6/0.03 16021955 417002 0.200 5
10 DS 971 AC-B10/0.03 16021963 417101 0.200 5
16 DS 971 AC-B16/0.03 16021971 417200 0.200 5
20 DS 971 AC-B20/0.03 16021989 417309 0.200 5
25 DS 971 AC-B25/0.03 16021997 417408 0.200 5
32 DS 971 AC-B32/0.03 16022003 417507 0.200 5

DS 971 AC type, C characteristic

C Function: protection in terminal single-phase circuit against overload and short-circuit currents;
protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against indirect
contacts and additional protection against direct contacts (I$n=30 mA).
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009

Icn=10 kA
Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1+N 30 6 DS 971 AC-C6/0.03 16023159 420507 0.200 5
10 DS 971 AC-C10/0.03 16023167 420606 0.200 5
16 DS 971 AC-C16/0.03 16023175 420705 0.200 5
20 DS 971 AC-C20/0.03 16023183 420804 0.200 5
25 DS 971 AC-C25/0.03 16023191 420903 0.200 5
32 DS 971 AC-C32/0.03 16023209 421009 0.200 5
100 6 DS 971 AC-C6/0.1 16023225 421207 0.200 5
10 DS 971 AC-C10/0.1 16023233 421306 0.200 5
16 DS 971 AC-C16/0.1 16023241 421405 0.200 5
20 DS 971 AC-C20/0.1 16023258 421504 0.200 5
25 DS 971 AC-C25/0.1 16023266 421603 0.200 5
32 DS 971 AC-C32/0.1 16023274 421702 0.200 5
300 6 DS 971 AC-C6/0.3 16023290 421900 0.200 5
10 DS 971 AC-C10/0.3 16023308 422006 0.200 5
16 DS 941 AC-C16/0.3 16023316 422105 0.200 5
20 DS 971 AC-C20/0.3 16023324 422204 0.200 5
25 DS 971 AC-C25/0.3 16023332 422303 0.200 5
32 DS 971 AC-C32/0.3 16023340 422402 0.200 5
1000 6 DS 971 AC-C6/1 16023431 423300 0.200 5
10 DS 971 AC-C10/1 16023449 423409 0.200 5
16 DS 971 AC-C16/1 16023456 423508 0.200 5
20 DS 971 AC-C20/1 16023464 423607 0.200 5
25 DS 971 AC-C25/1 16023472 423706 0.200 5
32 DS 971 AC-C32/1 16023480 423805 0.200 5

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/8

3/52 ABB
System Selection tables DS 971 A B
pro M RCBOs DS 971 series DS 971 A C
10000 A N type

DS 971 A type, B characteristic

B Function: protection in terminal single-phase circuit against overload and short-circuit currents; pro-
tection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents; protection
against indirect contacts and additional protection against direct contacts (I$n=30 mA).
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009

Icn=10 kA
Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc. 3
1+N 30 6 DS 971 A-B6/0.03 16025758 438304 0.200 5
10 DS 971 A-B10/0.03 16025766 438403 0.200 5
16 DS 971 A-B16/0.03 16025774 438502 0.200 5
20 DS 971 A-B20/0.03 16025782 438601 0.200 5
25 DS 971 A-B25/0.03 16025790 438700 0.200 5
32 DS 971 A-B32/0.03 16025808 438809 0.200 5
300 6 DS 971 A-B6/0.3A 16025899 439707 0.200 5
10 DS 971 A-B10/0.3A 16025907 439806 0.200 5
16 DS 971 A-B16/0.3A 16025915 439905 0.200 5
20 DS 971 A-B20/0.3A 16025923 440000 0.200 5
25 DS 971 A-B25/0.3A 16025931 440109 0.200 5
32 DS 971 A-B32/0.3A 16025949 440208 0.200 5

DS 971 A type, C characteristic

C Function: protection in terminal single-phase circuit against overload and short-circuit currents; pro-
tection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents; protection
against indirect contacts and additional protection against direct contacts (I$n=30 mA).
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009

Icn=10 kA
Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1+N 30 6 DS 971 A-C6/0.03 16026657 441809 0.200 5
10 DS 971 A-C10/0.03 16026665 441908 0.200 5
16 DS 971 A-C16/0.03 16026673 442004 0.200 5
20 DS 971 A-C20/0.03 16026681 442103 0.200 5
25 DS 971 A-C25/0.03 16026699 442202 0.200 5
32 DS 971 A-C32/0.03 16026707 442301 0.200 5
100 6 DS 971 A-C6/0.1 16026723 442509 0.200 5
10 DS 971 A-C10/0.1 16026731 442608 0.200 5
16 DS 971 A-C16/0.1 16026749 442707 0.200 5
20 DS 971 A-C20/0.1 16026756 442806 0.200 5
25 DS 971 A-C25/0.1 16026764 442905 0.200 5
32 DS 971 A-C32/0.1 16026772 443001 0.200 5
300 6 DS 971 A-C6/0.3 16026798 443209 0.200 5
10 DS 971 A-C10/0.3 16026806 443308 0.200 5
16 DS 941 A-C16/0.3 16026814 443407 0.200 5
20 DS 971 A-C20/0.3 16026822 443506 0.200 5
25 DS 971 A-C25/0.3 16026830 443605 0.200 5
32 DS 971 A-C32/0.3 16026848 443704 0.200 5
500 6 DS 971 A-C6/0.5 16026863 443902 0.200 5
10 DS 971 A-C10/0.5 16026871 444008 0.200 5
16 DS 971 A-C16/0.5 16026889 444107 0.200 5
20 DS 971 A-C20/0.5 16026897 444206 0.200 5
25 DS 971 A-C25/0.5 16026905 444305 0.200 5
32 DS 971 A-C32/0.5 16026913 444404 0.200 5

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/8

ABB 3/53
System Technical features DS 271
pro M RCBOs DS 271 series

3 Electrical
Type (wave form of the earth leakage sensed)
features Poles
Rated current In A
Rated sensitivity I$n A
Rated voltage Ue V
Insulation voltage Ui
Max. operating voltage V
Min. operating voltage V
Rated frequency Hz
Rated breaking capacity acc. to IEC/EN 61009 ultimate Icn A
Rated breaking capacity ultimate Icu kA
acc. to IEC/EN 60947-2 1P+N @230 VAC, 2P, 3P, 4P @400 VAC service Ics kA
Rated residual breaking capacity I$m kA
Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50) Uimp kV
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for 1 min. kV
Thermomagnetic release B: 3 In b Im b 5 In
characteristic C: 5 In b Im b 10 In
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20) A
Mechanical Toggle
features Electrical life
Mechanical life
Protection degree housing
Tropicalization humid heat °C/RH
acc. to IEC /EN 60068-2 constant climatic conditions °C/RH
variable climatic conditions °C/RH
Reference temperature for setting of thermal element °C
Ambient temperature (with daily average b +35 °C) °C
Storage temperature °C
Installation Terminal type top
Terminal size top/bottom for cables 1P+N mm2
line side mm2
load side mm2
Tightening torque top/bottom 1P+N N*m
Dimensions Dimensions (H x D x W) 1P+N mm
and weight Weight 1P+N g
Combination Combinable with: auxiliary contact
with auxiliary signal contact
elements shunt trip
undervoltage release

3/54 ABB
System Technical features DS 271
pro M RCBOs DS 271 series

DS 271 AC DS 271 A

IEC 61009, BSEN 61009-2-2
6 b In b 32
0.01-0.03-0.1-0.3 0.01-0.03-0.1-0.3
black sealable in on-off position
28 cycles with 55/95…100
23/83 - 40/93 - 55/20
25/95 - 40/95
cage (shock protected)
cage (shock protected)
L1: 1up to 25; N: flexible 4; FE: flexible 0.5
L1 and N: 1 up to 10
2 top; 1.2 bottom
on DIN rail EN 60715 (35 mm) by means of fast clip device
120 x 67.6 x 17.5

ABB 3/55
System Selection tables DS 271 AC B
pro M RCBOs DS 271 series DS 271 AC C
10000 AC L type

DS 271 AC type, B and C characteristics

B Function: protection against overload and short-circuit currents; protection against the effects of si-
nusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts and additional protection
against direct contacts (I$n=30 mA).
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC 61009, BSEN61009-2-2
Icn=10 kA
Character Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
istics/ residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

3 Curve current
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
B 10 6 DS271 AC-B6/0.01 ELN 2CSR175092R0065 036753 0.205 1
10 DS271 AC-B10/0.01 ELN 2CSR175092R0105 036852 0.205 1
16 DS271 AC-B16/0.01 ELN 2CSR175092R0165 036951 0.205 1
20 DS271 AC-B20/0.01 ELN 2CSR175092R0205 037057 0.205 1

25 DS271 AC-B25/0.01 ELN 2CSR175092R0255 037156 0.205 1

32 DS271 AC-B32/0.01 ELN 2CSR175092R0325 037255 0.205 1
30 6 DS271 AC-B6/0.03 ELN 2CSR175092R1065 037354 0.205 1
10 DS271 AC-B10/0.03 ELN 2CSR175092R1105 037453 0.205 1
16 DS271 AC-B16/0.03 ELN 2CSR175092R1165 037552 0.205 1
20 DS271 AC-B20/0.03 ELN 2CSR175092R1205 037651 0.205 1
25 DS271 AC-B25/0.03 ELN 2CSR175092R1255 037750 0.205 1
32 DS271 AC-B32/0.03 ELN 2CSR175092R1325 037859 0.205 1/20

C C 10 6
DS271 AC-C6/0.01 ELN 2CSR175092R0064 038559
DS271 AC-C10/0.01 ELN 2CSR175092R0104 038658
DS271 AC-C16/0.01 ELN 2CSR175092R0164 038757
20 DS271 AC-C20/0.01 ELN 2CSR175092R0204 038856 0.205 1
25 DS271 AC-C25/0.01 ELN 2CSR175092R0254 038955 0.205 1
32 DS271 AC-C32/0.01 ELN 2CSR175092R0324 039051 0.205 1/20
30 6 DS271 AC-C6/0.03 ELN 2CSR175092R1064 039150 0.205 1
10 DS271 AC-C10/0.03 ELN 2CSR175092R1104 039259 0.205 1
16 DS271 AC-C16/0.03 ELN 2CSR175092R1164 039358 0.205 1
20 DS271 AC-C20/0.03 ELN 2CSR175092R1204 039457 0.205 1
25 DS271 AC-C25/0.03 ELN 2CSR175092R1254 039556 0.205 1
32 DS271 AC-C32/0.03 ELN 2CSR175092R1324 039655 0.205 1
100 6 DS271 AC-C6/0.1 ELN 2CSR175092R2064 039754 0.205 1
10 DS271 AC-C10/0.1 ELN 2CSR175092R2104 039853 0.205 1/20
16 DS271 AC-C16/0.1 ELN 2CSR175092R2164 039952 0.205 1/20
20 DS271 AC-C20/0.1 ELN 2CSR175092R2204 040057 0.205 1/20

25 DS271 AC-C25/0.1 ELN 2CSR175092R2254 040156 0.205 1

32 DS271 AC-C32/0.1 ELN 2CSR175092R2324 040255 0.205 1
300 6 DS271 AC-C6/0.3 ELN 2CSR175092R3064 040354 0.205 1
10 DS271 AC-C10/0.3 ELN 2CSR175092R3104 040453 0.205 1
16 DS271 AC-C16/0.3 ELN 2CSR175092R3164 040552 0.205 1
20 DS271 AC-C20/0.3 ELN 2CSR175092R3204 040651 0.205 1
25 DS271 AC-C25/0.3 ELN 2CSR175092R3254 040750 0.205 1
32 DS271 AC-C32/0.3 ELN 2CSR175092R3324 040859 0.205 1

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/8

3/56 ABB
System Selection tables DS 271 A B
pro M RCBOs DS 271 series DS 271 A C
10000 A N type

DS 271 A type, B and C characteristics

B Function: protection against overload and short-circuit currents; protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts
and additional protection against direct contacts (I$n=30 mA).
Application: commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC 61009, BSEN61009-2-2
Icn=10 kA
Character Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
istics/ residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Curve current
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc. 3
B 10 6 DS271 A-B6/0.01 ELN 2CSR175192R0065 032557 0.205 1
10 DS271 A-B10/0.01 ELN 2CSR175192R0105 032656 0.205 1
16 DS271 A-B16/0.01 ELN 2CSR175192R0165 032755 0.205 1
20 DS271 A-B20/0.01 ELN 2CSR175192R0205 032854 0.205 1

25 DS271 A-B25/0.01 ELN 2CSR175192R0255 032953 0.205 1

32 DS271 A-B32/0.01 ELN 2CSR175192R0325 033059 0.205 1
30 6 DS271 A-B6/0.03 ELN 2CSR175192R1065 033158 0.205 1
10 DS271 A-B10/0.03 ELN 2CSR175192R1105 033257 0.205 1
16 DS271 A-B16/0.03 ELN 2CSR175192R1165 033356 0.205 1
20 DS271 A-B20/0.03 ELN 2CSR175192R1205 033455 0.205 1
25 DS271 A-B25/0.03 ELN 2CSR175192R1255 033554 0.205 1
32 DS271 A-B32/0.03 ELN 2CSR175192R1325 033653 0.205 1

C 10 6 DS271 A-C6/0.01 ELN 2CSR175192R0064 034353 0.205 1

10 DS271 A-C10/0.01 ELN 2CSR175192R0104 034452 0.205 1

C 16
DS271 A-C16/0.01 ELN
DS271 A-C20/0.01 ELN
DS271 A-C25/0.01 ELN
2CSR175192R0164 034551
2CSR175192R0204 034650
2CSR175192R0254 034759
32 DS271 A-C32/0.01 ELN 2CSR175192R0324 034858 0.205 1
30 6 DS271 A-C6/0.03 ELN 2CSR175192R1064 034957 0.205 1
10 DS271 A-C10/0.03 ELN 2CSR175192R1104 035053 0.205 1/20
16 DS271 A-C16/0.03 ELN 2CSR175192R1164 035152 0.205 1/20
20 DS271 A-C20/0.03 ELN 2CSR175192R1204 035251 0.205 1/20
25 DS271 A-C25/0.03 ELN 2CSR175192R1254 035350 0.205 1
32 DS271 A-C32/0.03 ELN 2CSR175192R1324 035459 0.205 1
100 6 DS271 A-C6/0.1 ELN 2CSR175192R2064 035558 0.205 1
10 DS271 A-C10/0.1 ELN 2CSR175192R2104 035657 0.205 1
16 DS271 A-C16/0.1 ELN 2CSR175192R2164 035756 0.205 1
20 DS271 A-C20/0.1 ELN 2CSR175192R2204 035855 0.205 1
25 DS271 A-C25/0.1 ELN 2CSR175192R2254 035954 0.205 1
32 DS271 A-C32/0.1 ELN 2CSR175192R2324 036050 0.205 1

300 6 DS271 A-C6/0.3 ELN 2CSR175192R3064 036159 0.205 1

10 DS271 A-C10/0.3 ELN 2CSR175192R3104 036258 0.205 1
16 DS271 A-C16/0.3 ELN 2CSR175192R3164 036357 0.205 1
20 DS271 A-C20/0.3 ELN 2CSR175192R3204 036456 0.205 1
25 DS271 A-C25/0.3 ELN 2CSR175192R3254 036555 0.205 1
32 DS271 A-C32/0.3 ELN 2CSR175192R3324 036654 0.205 1

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/8

ABB 3/57
The range of DDA 60, 70 and In compliance with IEC EN In contrast, RCD blocks for the not sensitive to impulsive
selective 90 RCD blocks for 61009, which establishes S 800 series which conform atmospheric and operational
the S 290 series includes 100A that the RCD blocks can be to IEC EN 60947-2 app. B do discharges, therefore, they
devices suitable for assembly assembled with an MCB only not have unlosable coupling are not subject to unwanted
with MCBs in the S 290 series once, the S 290 series DDA elements. tripping in accordance with IEC
of type C only. blocks have a mechanical pin EN 61008, and IEC EN 61009,
3 The new DDA 800 RCD which prevents disassembly DDA RCD blocks for the S
290 and S 800 series are
even with 8/20 μs wave up to
250 A.
once inserted.
blocks for protecting people
and electrical installations
are useful when a higher
breaking capacity is required.
Assembling a DDA 800 RCD
block with an S 800 N or S
800 S MCB creates an RCBO
with a breaking capacity of 36
kA and 50 kA respectively. The
RCD-blocks must be mounted
on the right side of the MCB, so
that the available accessories
can be mounted on the left
side. DDA 800 RCD blocks are
available in AC and A, A AP-R
(high immunity) and A selective

types. DS 800 RCBOs are
available, only in the size of 125
A, in A, AP-R (high immunity)
and A selective types.



Residual current devices
DDA for S 290 and S800 series

Technical features of RCDs-blocks for MCBs S 290 series ........................................ 3/60

Selection tables of RCDs-blocks for MCBs S 290 series

DDA 60, DDA 70 and DDA 90 for MCBs S 290 series ........................................................ 3/62

Technical features of RCDs-blocks for MCBs S800 series ......................................... 3/64

Selection tables of RCD-blocks for MCBs S800 series

DDA 800 for MCBs S800 series .......................................................................................... 3/66

Technical features of DS800 RCBOs series .................................................................. 3/70

Selection tables of DS800 RCBOs series

DS800 RCBOs series .......................................................................................................... 3/72


System Technical features DDA 60
pro M compact RCD-blocks for MCBs S 290 series
DDA 70
DDA 90

3 Electrical
Type (wave form of the earth leakage sensed)
features Poles
Rated current In A
Rated sensitivity I$n A
Rated voltage UN V
Insulation voltage Ui V
Max. operating voltage of circuit test V
Min. operating voltage of circuit test V
Rated frequency Hz
Rated breaking capacity (Icn) acc. to IEC /EN 61009 A
Rated breaking capacity (Icn) acc. to IEC/EN 60947-2 A
Rated residual breaking capacity I$m kA
Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50) Uimp kV
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for 1 min. kV
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20) A
Mechanical Toggle
features Electrical life
Mechanical life
Protection degree housing
Tropicalization humid heat °C/RH
acc. to IEC /EN 60068-2 constant climatic conditions °C/RH
variable climatic conditions °C/RH
Ambient temperature (with daily average b +35 °C) °C
Storage temperature °C
Installation Terminal size for cables mm2
Tightening torque N*m
Dimensions Dimensions (H x D x W) 2P mm
and weight 3P/4P mm
Weight 2P g
3P/4P g
Combination Combinable with: S 290 C characteristic
with auxiliary S 290 D and K characteristics

3/60 ABB
System Technical features DDA 60
pro M compact RCD-blocks for MCBs S 290 series
DDA 70
DDA 90

DDA 60 DDA 70 DDA 90

IEC/EN 61009 Ann. G
A A - A selective
2P, 4P
0.03-0.3 0.03-0.3 0.3-1
240(2P), 415(4P)
100(2P), 175(4P)
according to the breaking capacity of the associated MCB
according to the breaking capacity of the associated MCB
250 1000 3000
black operating from ON-OFF position
28 cycles with 55/95…100
23/83 - 40/93 - 55/20
25/95 - 40/95
on DIN rail EN 60715 (35 mm) by means of rapid fixing device
94 x 68 x 61
94 x 68 x 90

ABB 3/61
System Selection tables DDA 60
pro M compact RCD-blocks DDA 60

for MCBs S 290 series

DDA 60 AC type for MCBs S 290

AC Function: RCD-block for assembly on site with MCBs S 290 series only in C characteristic. Protection
against the effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts
and additional protection against direct (with I$n=30 mA) contacts.
Additional terminals for remote tripping are available.
Application: commercial, industrial.

Standard: IEC/EN 61009 Ann. G

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
3 I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
2 0.03 100 DDA62 100 30MA 36229002 183307 0.325 1
Y1 Y2 2 4/N
0.3 100 DDA62 100 300MA 36229010 183505 0.325 1


4 0.03 100 DDA 64 100 30MA 36229044 183901 0.600 1

0.3 100 DDA 64 100 300MA 36229051 184106 0.600 1

Y1 Y2 2 4 6 8/N

2/1 6/5
4/3 8/7(N)

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/9

3/62 ABB
System Selection tables DDA 70
pro M compact RCD-blocks DDA 70 and DDA 90
DDA 90
for MCBs S 290 series

DDA 70 A type for MCBs S 290

A Function: RCD-block for assembly on site with MCBs S 290 series only in C characteristic. Protection
against the effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents; protection against
indirect contacts and additional protection against direct (with I$n=30 mA) contacts.
Additional terminals for remote tripping are available.
Application: commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009 Ann. G
Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Y1 Y2 2 4/N

I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

2 0.03 100 DDA 72 100 30MA 36229069 184304 0.325 1
0.3 100 DDA 72 100 300MA 36229077 184403 0.325 1

4 0.03 100 DDA 74 100 30MA 36229101 184700 0.600 1

0.3 100 DDA 74 100 300MA 36229119 184809 0.600 1

Y1 Y2 2 4 6 8/N

2/1 6/5
4/3 8/7(N)

DDA 90 A selective type for MCBs S 290

Function: RCD-block for assembly on site with MCBs S 290 series (only in C characteristic). Protection
against the effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents with an intentional
tripping delay, which permits to realize the selectivity with downstream instantaneous devices (for
more information about selectivity see the technical guide).
Additional terminals for remote tripping are available.
Y1 Y2 2 4/N

Application: commercial, industrial.

Standard: IEC/EN 61009 Ann. G
2 0.3 100 DDA 92 100 300MA S 36229127 185103 0.325 1
1 100 DDA 92 100 1A S 36229135 185509 0.325 1

4 0.3 100 DDA 94 100 300MA S 36229168 185905 0.600 1

1 100 DDA 94 100 1A S 36229176 186001 0.600 1

Y1 Y2 2 4 6 8/N

2/1 6/5
4/3 8/7(N)

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/9

ABB 3/63
System Technical features DDA 800
pro M compact RCD-blocks for MCBs S800 series

3 Electrical
Type (wave form of the earth leakage sensed)
features Poles
Rated current In A
Rated sensitivity I$n A
Rated voltage Ue V
Insulation voltage Ui V
Max. operating voltage of circuit test V
Min. operating voltage of circuit test V
Rated frequency Hz
Rated breaking capacity (Icn) acc. to IEC /EN 60947-2 A
Rated residual breaking capacity I$m with S 800 N kA
with S 800 S kA
Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50) Uimp kV
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for 1 min. kV
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20) A
Mechanical Toggle
features Electrical life
Mechanical life
Protection degree housing
Tropicalization humid heat °C/RH
acc. to IEC /EN 60068-2 constant climatic conditions °C/RH
variable climatic conditions °C/RH
Ambient temperature (with daily average b +35 °C) °C
Storage temperature °C
Terminal size for cables flexible mm2
rigid mm2
Tightening torque N*m
Dimensions Dimensions (H x D x W) 2P mm
and weight 3P mm
4P mm
Weight 2P g
3P g
4P g
Combination Combinable with: S 800 N
with MCBs S 800 S

3/64 ABB
System Technical features DDA 800
pro M compact RCDs-blocks for MCBs S800 series

DDA 800 AC DDA 800 A DDA 800 A AP-R DDA 800 A S

IEC/EN 60947-2 Ann. B 3
2P, 3P, 4P
63 63 100 63-100 63 100
0.03-0.3 0.03-0.3-0.5 0.3-0.5 0.03 0.3-1 0.3-0.5*-1
230/400 - 240/415 - 400/690
according to the breaking capacity of the associated MCB
according to the Icu of the associated MCB
according to the Icu of the associated MCB
250 3000 5000
blue operating just from OFF position
28 cycles with 55/95...100
23/83 - 40/93 - 55/20
25/95 - 40/95
min. 3 / max. 4
on DIN rail EN 60715 (35 mm) by means of rapid fixing device
108.2 x 82.3 x 81
108.2 x 82.3 x 117
108.2 x 82.3 x 117
300 for 63 A - 415 for 100 A
400 for 63 A - 640 for 100 A
460 for 63 A - 765 for 100 A

* only on 3P and 4P versions

ABB 3/65
System Selection tables DDA 800 AC
pro M compact RCD-blocks DDA 800

AC L type

DDA 800 AC type for MCBs S800

AC Function: RCD-block for assembly on site with MCBs S800 series up to 63A. Protection against the
effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts and additional
protection against direct (with I$n=30 mA) contacts.
Application: commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2 Ann. B

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
3 1 3 2 30 63 DDA802AC-63/0.03 2CSB802001R1630 919704 0.300 1
300 63 DDA802AC-63/0.3 2CSB802001R3630 919902 0.300 1
2 4

2/1 4/3 3 30 63 DDA803AC-63/0.03 2CSB803001R1630 922001 0.400 1

300 63 DDA803AC-63/0.3 2CSB803001R3630 922209 0.400 1

4 30 63 DDA804AC-63/0.03 2CSB804001R1630 924401 0.460 1


300 63 DDA804AC-63/0.3 2CSB804001R3630 924609 0.460 1

1 3 5

2 4 6

2/1 4/3 6/5


1 3 5 7

2 4 6 8

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/9

3/66 ABB
System Selection tables DDA 800 A
pro M compact RCD-blocks DDA 800

A N type

DDA 800 A type for MCBs S800

A Function: RCD-block for assembly on site with MCBs S800 up to 63A. Protection against the effects
of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts
and additional protection against direct (with I$n=30 mA) contacts.
Application: commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2 Ann. B

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1 3 2 30 63 DDA802 A-63/0.03 2CSB802101R1630 920007 0.300 1 3
300 63 DDA802 A-63/0.3 2CSB802101R3630 920205 0.300 1
2 4
100 DDA802 A-100/0.3 2CSB802101R3000 545033 0.415 1
500 63 DDA802 A-63/0.5 2CSB802101R4630 920403 0.300 1
2/1 4/3

100 DDA802 A-100/0.5 2CSB802101R4000 542636 0.415 1

3 30 63 DDA803 A-63/0.03 2CSB803101R1630 922308 0.400 1


300 63 DDA803 A-63/0.3 2CSB803101R3630 922506 0.400 1

100 DDA803 A-100/0.3 2CSB803101R3000 544135 0.640 1
500 63 DDA803 A-63/0.5 2CSB803101R4630 922704 0.400 1
100 DDA803 A-100/0.5 2CSB803101R4000 541738 0.640 1

1 3 5

4 30 63 DDA804 A-63/0.03 2CSB804101R1630 924807 0.460 1

2 4 6
300 63 DDA804 A-63/0.3 2CSB804101R3630 925002 0.460 1
100 DDA804 A-100/0.3 2CSB804101R3000 547532 0.765 1
2/1 4/3 6/5 500 63 DDA804 A-63/0.5 2CSB804101R4630 925200 0.460 1
100 DDA804 A-100/0.5 2CSB804101R4000 544937 0.765 1

1 3 5 7

2 4 6 8

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/9

ABB 3/67
System Selection tables DDA 800 A AP-R
pro M compact RCD-blocks DDA 800

A N type AP-R (high immunity)

DDA 800 A AP-R type for MCBs S800

A Function: RCD-block for assembly on site with MCBs S800 up to 63A. Protection against the effects
of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents, providing the best compromise
between safety and continuity in the service thanks to the resistance to unwanted trippings; protection
against indirect contacts and additional protection against direct (with I$n=30 mA) contacts.
Application: commercial, industrial.

Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2 Ann. B

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles residual current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
3 1 3
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
2 4 2 30 63 DDA802 A-63/0.03 AP-R 2CSB802401R1630 921400 0.300 1
100 DDA802 A-100/0.03 AP-R 2CSB802401R1000 544630 0.415 1
2/1 4/3

3 30 63 DDA803 A-63/0.03 AP-R 2CSB803401R1630 923800 0.400 1

100 DDA803 A-100/0.03 AP-R 2CSB803401R1000 542230 0.640 1

4 30 63 DDA804 A-63/0.03 AP-R 2CSB804401R1630 927709 0.460 1

100 DDA804 A-100/0.03 AP-R 2CSB804401R1000 547136 0.765 1

1 3 5

2 4 6

2/1 4/3 6/5


1 3 5 7

2 4 6 8

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/9

3/68 ABB
System Selection tables DDA 800 A S
pro M compact RCD-blocks DDA 800

A N type selective

DDA 800 A selective type for MCBs S800

A Function: RCD-block for assembly on site with MCBs S800 series up to 63A. Protection against the
effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth fault currents with an intentional tripping
delay, which permits to realize the selectivity with downstream instantaneous devices (for more
information about selectivity see the technical guide).
Application: commercial, industrial.

Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2 Ann. B

Number Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

1 3
of poles residual current
I$n mA In A

Type code Order code

8012542 1 piece

group 1 piece


2 4
2 300 63 DDA802 A S-63/0.3 2CSB802201R3630 920601 0.300 1
100 DDA802 A S-100/0.3 2CSB802201R3000 542537 0.415
2/1 4/3

1000 63 DDA802 A S-63/1 2CSB802201R5630 920809 0.300 1

100 DDA802 A S-100/1 2CSB802201R5000 547433 0.415 1

3 300 63 DDA803 A S-63/0.3 2CSB803201R3630 922902 0.400 1

100 DDA803 A S-100/0.3 2CSB803201R3000 544838 0.640 1
500 100 DDA803 A S-100/0.5 2CSB803201R4000 542438 0.640 1
1000 63 DDA803 A S-63/1 2CSB803201R5630 923206 0.400 1
100 DDA803 A S-100/1 2CSB803201R5000 547334 0.640 1
1 3 5

2 4 6 3 300 63 DDA804 A S-63/0.3 2CSB804201R3630 926207 0.460 1

100 DDA804 A S-100/0.3 2CSB804201R3000 544739 0.765 1
2/1 4/3 6/5
500 100 DDA804 A S-100/0.5 2CSB804201R4000 542339 0.765 1
1000 63 DDA804 A S-63/1 2CSB804201R5630 547235 0.460 1
100 DDA804 A S-100/1 2CSB804201R5000 547334 0.765 1

1 3 5 7

2 4 6 8

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/9

ABB 3/69
System Technical features DS800
pro M compact RCBOs DS800 series

3 Electrical
Operating characteristic: type (wave form of the earth leakage sensed)
features Poles
Rated sensitivity I$n A
Rated current In A
Rated voltage Ue V
Insulation voltage Ui V
Max. operating voltage of circuit test V
Min. operating voltage of circuit test V
Rated frequency Hz
Short-circuit breaking capacity 240/415 V kA
ultimate Icu 254/440 V kA
acc. to IEC/EN 60947-2 289/500 V kA
(AC) 50/60 Hz 400/690 V kA
Short-circuit breaking capacity 240/415 V kA
service Ics 254/440 V kA
acc. to IEC/EN 60947-2 289/500 V kA
(AC) 50/60 Hz 400/690 V kA
Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50) Uimp kV
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for 1 min. kV
Thermomagnetic release B: 3 In b Im b 5 In
characteristic C: 5 In b Im b 10 In
D: 10 In b Im b 20 In
K: 8 In b Im b 14 In
Surge current resistance acc. to VDE 0432 Part 2 (wave 8/20) A
Mechanical Toggle
features Electrical life
Mechanical life
Protection degree housing
Tropicalization humid heat °C/RH
acc. to IEC /EN 60068-2 constant climatic conditions °C/RH
variable climatic conditions °C/RH
Ambient temperature (with daily average b + 35 °C) °C
Storage temperature °C
Installation Terminal size for cables flexible mm2
rigid mm2
Tightening torque N*m
Dimensions Dimensions (H x D x W) 2P mm
and weight 3P mm
4P mm
Weight 2P g
3P g
4P g
Combination Combinable with: auxiliary contact
with auxiliary signal contact/auxiliary switch
elements shunt trip
undervoltage release
(*) 1A on 2P and 4P versions, while 0.3A only on 4P ones.

3/70 ABB
System Technical features DS800
pro M compact RCBOs DS800 series

DS800S A DS800N A DS800S A S DS800N A S DS800S A AP-R DS800N A AP-R

IEC/EN 60947-2 3
2P, 3P, 4P 2P,4P 2P, 3P, 4P
0.3 0.3-1(*) 0.03
50 36 50 36 50 36
30 20 30 20 30 20
10 10 10 10 10 10
4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
40 30 40 30 40 30
15 10 15 10 15 10
5 5 5 5 5 5
3 3 3 3 3 3
n n n n n n
n n n n n n
n n n n n n
n n n
250 250 5000 5000 3000 3000
black (MCB) sealable in ON-OFF position + blue (RCD) operating just from OFF position
28 cycles with 55/95…100
23/83 - 40/93 - 55/20
25/95 - 40/95
min. 3 / max. 4
on DIN rail EN 60715 (35 mm) by means of rapid fixing device
108,2 x 82,3 x 133.5
108,2 x 82,3 x 196
108,2 x 82,3 x 223

ABB 3/71
System Selection tables DS800S A
pro M compact RCBOs DS800 series

A N type

DS800S, A type
Function: protection against overload and short-circuit currents; protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts; command and isolation
of resistive and inductive loads.
Application: industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu=50 kA
Number Curve Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles residual current details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

3 current
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
2 B 300 125 DS802S-B125/0.3A 2CCA862005R0845 211721 0.790 1
C 300 125 DS802S-C125/0.3A 2CCA862005R0844 211738 0.790 1
D 300 125 DS802S-D125/0.3A 2CCA862005R0841 211745 0.790 1
1/2 3/4
K 300 125 DS802S-K125/0.3A 2CCA862005R0647 211752 0.790 1

3 B 300 125 DS803S-B125/0.3A 2CCA863005R0845 211769 1.14 1

2/1 4/3
C 300 125 DS803S-C125/0.3A 2CCA863005R0844 211776 1.14 1
D 300 125 DS803S-D125/0.3A 2CCA863005R0841 211783 1.14 1

K 300 125 DS803S-K125/0.3A 2CCA863005R0647 211790 1.14 1

4 B 300 125 DS804S-B125/0.3A 2CCA864005R0845 211806 1.44 1

C 300 125 DS804S-C125/0.3A 2CCA864005R0844 211813 1.44 1
D 300 125 DS804S-D125/0.3A 2CCA864005R0841 211820 1.44 1
1/2 3/4 5/6 K 300 125 DS804S-K125/0.3A 2CCA864005R0647 211837 1.44 1

2/1 4/3 6/5


1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/9

3/72 ABB
System Selection tables DS800N A
pro M compact RCBOs DS800 series

A N type

DS800N, A type
Function: protection against overload and short-circuit currents; protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts; command and isolation
of resistive and inductive loads.
Application: industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu=36 kA
Number Curve Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of poles residual current details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc. 3
2 B 300 125 DS802N-B125/0.3A 2CCA892005R0845 211844 0.790 1
C 300 125 DS802N-C125/0.3A 2CCA892005R0844 211851 0.790 1
D 300 125 DS802N-D125/0.3A 2CCA892005R0841 211868 0.790 1
1/2 3/4

2/1 4/3
3 B 300 125 DS803N-B125/0.3A 2CCA893005R0845 211875 1.14 1
C 300 125 DS803N-C125/0.3A 2CCA893005R0844 211882 1.14 1
D 300 125 DS803N-D125/0.3A 2CCA893005R0841 211899 1.14 1

4 B 300 125 DS804N-B125/0.3A 2CCA894005R0845 211905 1.44 1

C 300 125 DS804N-C125/0.3A 2CCA894005R0844 211912 1.44 1
D 300 125 DS804N-D125/0.3A 2CCA894005R0841 211929 1.44 1
1/2 3/4 5/6

2/1 4/3 6/5


1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/9

ABB 3/73
System Selection tables DS800S A S
pro M compact RCBOs DS800 series

A N type, selective

DS800S, A selective type

Function: protection against overload and short-circuit currents; protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents with an intentional tripping delay, which allows to realize
the selectivity with downstream instantaneous devices (for more information about selectivity see
the technical guide); protection against indirect contacts; command and isolation of resistive and
inductive loads.
Application: industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu=50 kA

3 Number Curve Rated Rated Order

of poles residual current details
Bbn Price Price
7612271 1 piece group
Weight Pack
1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
2 B 1000 125 DS802S-B125/1AS 2CCC862006R0845 211516 0.790 1
1/2 3/4
C 1000 125 DS802S-C125/1AS 2CCC862006R0844 211523 0.790 1
D 1000 125 DS802S-D125/1AS 2CCC862006R0841 211530 0.790 1
K 1000 125 DS802S-K125/1AS 2CCC862006R0647 211547 0.790 1
2/1 4/3

4 B 300 125 DS804S-B125/0.3AS 2CCC864005R0845 211554 1.44 1


1000 125 DS804S-B125/1AS 2CCC864006R0845 211592 1.44 1

C 300 125 DS804S-C125/0.3AS 2CCC864005R0844 211561 1.44 1
1000 125 DS804S-C125/1AS 2CCC864006R0844 211608 1.44 1
D 300 125 DS804S-D125/0.3AS 2CCC864005R0841 211578 1.44 1
1000 125 DS804S-D125/1AS 2CCC864006R0841 211615 1.44 1
1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8 K 300 125 DS804S-K125/0.3AS 2CCC864005R0647 211685 1.44 1
1000 125 DS804S-K125/1AS 2CCC864006R0647 211622 1:44 1

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/9

3/74 ABB
System Selection tables DS800N A S
pro M compact RCBOs DS800 series

A N type

DS800N, A selective type

Function: protection against overload and short-circuit currents; protection against the effects of
sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents with an intentional tripping delay, which allows to realize
the selectivity with downstream instantaneous devices (for more information about selectivity see
the technical guide); protection against indirect contacts; command and isolation of resistive and
inductive loads.
Application: industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu=36 kA

Number Curve Rated Rated Order

of poles residual current details
Bbn Price Price
7612271 1 piece group
Weight Pack
1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
2 B 1000 125 DS802N-B125/1AS 2CCC892006R0845 211639 0.790 1
1/2 3/4
C 1000 125 DS802N-C125/1AS 2CCC892006R0844 211646 0.790 1
D 1000 125 DS802N-D125/1AS 2CCC892006R0841 211653 0.790 1

2/1 4/3

4 B 300 125 DS804N-B125/0.3AS 2CCC894005R0845 211660 1.44 1


1000 125 DS804N-B125/1AS 2CCC894006R0845 211691 1.44 1

C 300 125 DS804N-C125/0.3AS 2CCC894005R0844 211677 1.44 1
1000 125 DS804N-C125/1AS 2CCC894006R0844 211707 1.44 1
D 300 125 DS804N-D125/0.3AS 2CCC894005R0841 211684 1.44 1
1000 125 DS804N-D125/1AS 2CCC894006R0841 211714 1.44 1
1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/9

ABB 3/75
System Selection tables DS800S A AP-R
pro M compact RCBOs DS800 series

A N type, AP-R (high immunity)

DS800S AP-R, A type

Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents, providing the
best compromise between safety and continuity in the service thanks to the resistance to unwanted
trippings; protection against indirect contacts and additional protection against direct (I$n=30mA)
contacts; protection and isolation of resistive and inductive loads.
Application: industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu=50 kA

Number Curve Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
3 of poles residual current details
7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit

I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

2 B 300 125 DS802SB125/.03AP-R 2CCB862004R0845 211301 0.790 1
C 300 125 DS802SC125/.03AP-R 2CCB862004R0844 211318 0.790 1
1/2 3/4
D 300 125 DS802SD125/.03AP-R 2CCB862004R0841 211325 0.790 1
K 300 125 DS802SK125/.03AP-R 2CCB862004R0647 211332 0.790 1

2/1 4/3

3 B 300 125 DS803SB125/.03AP-R 2CCB863004R0845 211349 1.14 1

C 300 125 DS803SC125/.03AP-R 2CCB863004R0844 211356 1.14 1

D 300 125 DS803SD125/.03AP-R 2CCB863004R0841 211363 1.14 1

K 300 125 DS803SK125/.03AP-R 2CCB863004R0647 211370 1.14 1

4 B 300 125 DS804SB125/.03AP-R 2CCB864004R0845 211387 1.44 1

C 300 125 DS804SC125/.03AP-R 2CCB864004R0844 211394 1.44 1
1/2 3/4 5/6 D 300 125 DS804SD125/.03AP-R 2CCB864004R0841 211400 1.44 1
K 300 125 DS804SK125/.03AP-R 2CCB864004R0647 211417 1,44 1

2/1 4/3 6/5


1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/9

3/76 ABB
System Selection tables DS800N A AP-R
pro M compact RCBOs DS800 series

A N type, AP-R (high immunity)

DS800N AP-R, A type

Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents, providing the
best compromise between safety and continuity in the service thanks to the resistance to unwanted
trippings; protection against indirect contacts and additional protection against direct (I$n=30mA)
contacts; protection and isolation of resistive and inductive loads.
Application: industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu=36 kA

Number Curve Rated Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current details
7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit
I$n mA In A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
2 B 300 125 DS802NB125/.03AP-R 2CCB892004R0845 211424 0.790 1
C 300 125 DS802NC125/.03AP-R 2CCB892004R0844 211431 0.790 1
1/2 3/4
D 300 125 DS802ND125/.03AP-R 2CCB892004R0841 211448 0.790 1

2/1 4/3

3 B 300 125 DS803NB125/.03AP-R 2CCB893004R0845 211455 1.14 1

C 300 125 DS803NC125/.03AP-R 2CCB893004R0844 211462 1.14 1

D 300 125 DS803ND125/.03AP-R 2CCB893004R0841 211479 1.14 1

4 B 300 125 DS804NB125/.03AP-R 2CCB894004R0845 211486 1.44 1

1/2 3/4 5/6
C 300 125 DS804NC125/.03AP-R 2CCB894004R0844 211493 1.44 1
D 300 125 DS804ND125/.03AP-R 2CCB894004R0841 211509 1.44 1

2/1 4/3 6/5


1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Technical details .......................... pag. 10/78 Overall dimensions ........................ pag. 12/9

ABB 3/77

2CSC400187F0201 2CSC400263F0201
Auxiliary elements
and accessories


Auxiliary elements and accessories for

MCBs S 200 and SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series .............................................. 4/2
Auxiliary elements and accessories for RCBOs DS 9.. series ..................................... 4/35
Auxiliary elements and accessories for MCBs S 280, S 290 and
S800 series and for RCD-blocks DDA 800 .................................................................... 4/41


New System pro M compact
range of auxiliary elements
and accessories is universal:
in fact it is suitable for MCBs
S 200 and SN 201 range, for
RCDs F 200 range and also
for RCBOs DS 200 range and
it is useful in terms of stock
The auxiliary elements range
(composed by auxiliary and
signal contacts, shunt trips,
undervoltage releases and

automatic reclosing units)
is quite wide and there are
4 different possible schemes
for assemblage with devi-
ces. Thus MCBs and RCDs
performances are improved,
even because innovative and
integrated solutions can be
used in every installation.
The connection accessories
range (busbars, connection
terminals, feeder terminals)
allows any kind of wiring. The
range of standard accessories
(labels, covers) permits to
customize the installation.


4/2 ABB
Auxiliary elements
and accessories for
MCBs S 200 and SN 201,
RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series


Schemes for combination of auxiliary elements

and S 200, SN 201, F 200 and DS 200 series ................................................................... 4/4
Technical features of auxiliary elements and accessories
for MCBs S 200 and SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series ........................................ 4/6

Selection tables of auxiliary elements and accessories

for MCBs S 200 and SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series
Signal/auxiliary contacts ....................................................................................................... 4/9
Auxiliary contacts .................................................................................................................. 4/9
Bottom-fitting auxiliary contacts for S 200, S 200 M, S 200 P ............................................. 4/9
Signal contacts for SN 201 ................................................................................................... 4/9
Auxiliary contact/interface module for SN 201...................................................................... 4/9
Signal/auxiliary contacts for F 200 125 A and F 200 B ....................................................... 4/10
Shunt trips ........................................................................................................................... 4/10
Undervoltage releases ......................................................................................................... 4/10
Overvoltage releases ........................................................................................................... 4/10
Hand operated neutral ........................................................................................................ 4/11
Accessories for S 200 U and S 200 UP .............................................................................. 4/11
UL-approved busbar blocks................................................................................................ 4/11
Mechanical tripping device ................................................................................................. 4/12
Plug-in base ........................................................................................................................ 4/12
Motor operating devices ..................................................................................................... 4/12
Auto-reclosing units ............................................................................................................ 4/12
Home automatic resetting unit ............................................................................................ 4/15
Busbars ............................................................................................................................... 4/16
Other accessories ............................................................................................................... 4/26

ABB 4/3
System Schemes for combination
pro M compact Auxiliary elements and accessories for MCBs S 200

and SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series

Combination of auxiliary elements with S 200, DDA 200 + S 200 or DS 200


or S 200


4 DDA 200

(H) (H)

H Auxiliary contact
S/H Signal/Auxiliary contact
S/H (H) Signal/Auxiliary contact used as auxi-
liary contact
ST Shunt trip for S 200 MCB
UR Undervoltage release
OR Overvoltage release
AR Auto reclosing unit
MOD-S* Motor operating device BP S/H
ST-L Shunt trip for S 200 MCBs to be mounted
on the left
H-L Auxiliary contact for S 200 MCBs to be
mounted on the left
H-BF Auxiliary contact for MCBs bottom fitting S/H S/H
(1 for each pole of MCB) (H) (H)
BP Mechanical tripping device
NT Switched neutral
* in case of using S 200 coupled with DDA 200, MOD-S doesn’t
operate in case of earth-leakage fault

Combination of S 200 with motor operating device Combination of auxiliary elements with SN 201


SN 201

S 200 IH

IH Coupling interface/auxiliary contact
S Signal contact
H Auxiliary contact
S/H Signal/auxiliary contact
ST Shunt trip for S 200 MCB S/H (H) Signal/auxiliary contact
MOD-S* Motor operating device used as auxiliary contact
* in case of using S 200 coupled with DDA 200, MOD-S doesn’t ST-F Shunt trip of F200 RCD
operate in case of earth-leakage fault UR Undervoltage release

4/4 ABB
System Schemes for combination
pro M compact Auxiliary elements and accessories for MCBs S 200

and SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series

Combination of home automatic resetting unit with F 200 Combination of auxiliary elements with F 200



F 200 ST-F
F 200 *

H Auxiliary contact
S/H Signal/Auxiliary contact
S/H (H) Signal/Auxiliary contact used as auxi-
liary contact
ARH Home automatic resetting unit UR Undervoltage release
OR Overvoltage release
* F 202 30 mA, max 63 A
AR Auto reclosing unit
MOD-F Motor operating device
ST-F Shunt trip for F 200 RCCB

Combination of auxiliary elements with F 200 125 A

F 200 125 A

S/H Signal/Auxiliary contact

ABB 4/5
System Technical features
pro M compact Auxiliary elements and accessories for MCBs S 200

and SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series

Auxiliary contact and signal/auxiliary contact S2C-H6R, S2C-H11L, S2C-H20, S2C-H02 and S2C-S/H6R
Rated current A 10
Min. rated voltage UBmin AC V 24
DC V 24
Min. rated operational current/voltage 10 mA at 12 V; 5 mA at 24 V
Short-circuit withstand capacity V 230 a.c. 100A with S201 K4
Overvoltage category III
Surge voltage (1.2/50 ms) kV 4
Connection cross section mm2 0.75…2.5 (up to 2 x 1.5 mm2 for S2C-H11L, S2C-H20L and S2C-H02L)
Tightening torque Nm 1.2 (max. 0.8 for S2C-H11L, S2C-H20L and S2C-H02L)
Contact stability in vibration test according 5g, 20 sweep cycles 5…150…5 Hz at 24 V AC/DC, 5 mA
to DIN IEC 68-2-6 automatic reclosing < 10 ms
Mechanical service life 10000 operations
Dimensions (H x D x W) mm 85 x 69 x 8.8

Bottom-fitting auxiliary contact S 2C-H10 and S 2C-H01

4 Contact complement
Contact load
1NO (1 make contact), 1NC (1 normally closed contact), leading make contact, late closing
AC14 2 A/230 V - DC 12 identical DC13/DC13 1 A /50 V, 2 A/30 V
Min. rated voltage V 12 AC/DC at 0.1 VA
Short-circuit withstand capacity 230 VAC 1000 A, fault protection with S 201-K2 or Z2
Electrical serviceable life > 4000 switchover cycles
Standard VDE 0106 Part 101
Connection cross-section mm2 0.75 to 2.5
Tightening torque N*m 0.5

Signal auxiliary contact for F 200 125A and F 200 B F2 125A-S/H

Rated current AC A 6
DC A 1
Min. rated voltage Ub min AC V 230
DC V 110
Connection cross section mm2 1...1.5
Tightening torque Nm 0.8
Dimensions (H x D x W) mm 85 x 69 x 8.8

Shunt trip for S 200 MCBs S 2C-A1 S 2C-A2

Rated voltage AC V 12…60 110…415
DC V 12…60 110…250
Max release duration ms <10 <10
Min. release voltage AC V 7 55
DC V 10 80
Consumption on release Ub V 12 DC 12 AC 24 DC 24 AC 60 DC 60 AC 110 DC 110 AC 220 DC 230 AC 415 AC
Ib max A 2.2 2.5 4.5 5 14 8.8 0.35 0.5 1.1 1.0 2.7
Coil resistance 7 3.7 225
Terminals mm2 16 16
Tightening torque Nm 2.5 2.5
Dimensions (H x D x W) mm 85 x 69 x 17.5 85 x 69 x 17.5

Shunt trip for F 200 RCCBs F 2C-A1 F 2C-A2

Rated voltage AC V 12...60 110...415
DC V 12...60 110...250
Max release duration ms 10 10
Min. release voltage AC V 6 75
DC V 4.5 55
Consumption on release Ub V 12 DC 12 AC 60 DC 60 AC 110 DC 110 AC 250 DC 415 AC
Ib max VA 9 12 32 328 25 28 215 435
Coil resistance ¾ 5.5 150
Terminals mm2 2x1.5 2x1.5
Tightening torque Nm 0.2 0.2
Dimensions (H x D x W) mm 85 x 69 x 17.5 85 x 69 x 17.5

4/6 ABB
System Technical features
pro M compact Auxiliary elements and accessories for MCBs S 200

and SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series

Undervoltage release
12 DC 24 AC 24 DC 48 AC 48 DC 110 AC 110 DC 230 AC 230 DC 400 AC
Standards IEC/EN 60947-1
Rated voltage AC V 24 48 110 230 400
DC V 12 24 48 110 230
Frequency Hz 50…60
Release trip V 0.35 Un r V r 0.7 Un
Terminals mm2 2x1.5
Consumption VA 2.2 3.6 2 3.6 2.1 3.5 2.2 3.7 2.3 2.4
Resistance to corrosion °C/RH constant atmosphere: 23/83 - 40/93 - 55/20; variable atmosphere: 25/95 - 40/93
Protection degree IPXXB/IP2X
Tightening torque Nm 0.4
Dimensions (H x D x W) mm 85 x 69 x 17.5

Overvoltage release S2C - OVP2 S2C - OVP1

Rated voltage VAC 230
Rated frequency
Max non-tripping voltage AC
Max tripping voltage AC V 290 275
Tripping time @ 290V AC s t<1
@ 380V AC s t<0.1
Peak current @ 315V AC A 1
@ 440V AC A 1.8
Max duration of impulse command ms 7
Operating temperature °C -5….+40

Hand operated neutral left side mounted S2C-Nt

Rated current A max. 40
Terminal mm2 10; box terminal
Tightening torque Nm 1.2
Dimensions (H x D x W) mm 85 x 69 x 8.8

Busbars Busbars for S200 MCBs, F200 RCCBs, DDA200 RCD-blocks, DS200 RCBOs and FS201 RCBOs
Specifications DIN IEC/EN 60439-1
Busbars material SF-Cu F 244
Insulating profile material plastic temperature resistantr90°C flame-retardant, self estinguishing, dioxine and halogene-free
Busbar cross section mm2 10 / 16
Max. busbar current Is phase A 63 / 80
Max. current in branch Ie phase A 100 / 130
Max. operating voltage V 440
Rated surge voltage kV 4
Test surge voltage (1.2/50) kV 6.02
Short-circuit withstand capacity kA 25
Climatic resistance constant climate L23/83; 40/92 55/20 according to DIN 50015
humid heat, 28 cycles (r IEC/EN 60068-2-30)
Overvoltage category III

Motor operating devices S2C-CM F2C-CM

Supply V 12 ... 30 V a.c. +10% - 15% (50-60Hz); 12 ... 48 V d.c. +10% - 15%
Power consumption during 12Va.c. VA < 15
the operation 24Va.c. VA < 22
30Va.c. VA < 25
12 ... 48Vd.c. VA < 20
Power consumption at rest VA < 1.5
Make-time at ambient temperature sec <1
Opening time at ambient temperature sec < 0.5
Number of operations < 20.000
Operating temperature °C - 25 ... + 55
Cables length of control circuit m < 1500
Cables cross-section mm2 < 2.5
Signal contact (terminals 3 – 4 – 5) Current carrying capacity 1NA + 1NC (change-over contact) 5A (250V AC) (inductive-ohmic load)
Auxiliary contact (terminals 6 – 7 – 8) Current carrying capacity 1NA + 1NC (change-over contact) 3A (250V AC) (inductive-ohmic load)
Remote control* By means of dry contacts
Remote control terminals Terminal 9 = make contact; Terminal 10 = opening contact
Terminal 11 = common reference for control contacts, +5V d.c. (supplied by the motor operating device)
* Note: 1- After having powered the device, wait 5 seconds before activating the control functions.
2- In case of the device opening due to a fault, please wait 8 seconds before attempting to reclose the motor operator.
ABB 4/7
System Technical features
pro M compact Auxiliary elements and accessories for MCBs S 200

and SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series

Auto-reclosing unit F2C-ARI F2C-ARI30

Supply V 12 ... 30 V a.c. +10% - 15% (50-60Hz); 12 ... 48 V d.c. +10% - 15%
Number of automatic reset attempts 3
Time of reset of the auto-reset meter sec 16 45
Power consumption during 12Va.c. VA < 15
the operation 24Va.c. VA < 22
30Va.c. VA < 25
12 ... 48Vd.c. VA < 20
Power consumption at rest VA < 1.5
Waiting time between auto-reset attempts sec 3 30
Closing time at ambient temperature sec <1
Opening time at ambient temperature sec < 0.5
Number of operations < 20.000
Operating temperature °C - 25 ... + 55
Cables length of control circuit m < 1500
Cables cross-section mm2 < 2.5
4 Signaling contact to signal a locked state following
three auto-reset attempts (terminals 3 – 4 – 5)
1NA + 1NC (change-over contact)

Current carrying capacity 5A (250V AC) (ohmic load)

Auxiliary contact (terminals 6 – 7 – 8) 1NA + 1NC (change-over contact)
Current carrying capacity 3A (250V AC) (ohmic load)
Remote control By means of dry contacts
Remote control terminals Terminal 9 = closing and remote reset contact for locked state; Terminal 10 = opening contact
Terminal 11 = common reference for control contacts, +5V d.c. (supplied by the motor operating
* After having powered the device, wait 5 seconds before activating the control functions.

Home automatic resetting unit F2C-ARH

Power supply VAC 230
Number of automatic reclosing attempts 1
Reset time for counter of automatic reclosing sec 12
Power absorbed during the operation VA (t<0.5s) 20 max
Power consumption in stand-by W 0.4 max
Number of operations b 10.000
Operating temperature °C -25 ... + 55
Signal contact cable section mm² b 2.5
Signal contact for the locked state (terminals 1-2) 1NA (change-over contact)
Signal contact rated current A 3 (250V AC)

Accessories for range S 200 U and S 200 UP acc. to UL 489/CSA-22.2 No.5

Auxiliary contact and signal contact S2C-H6R U, S2C-S/6R U
Rated current A 10
Min. rated voltage UBmin AC V 24
DC V 24
Min. rated operational current/voltage 10 mA at 12 V; 5 mA at 24 V
Short-circuit withstand capacity V 230 a.c. 100A with S201 K4
Overvoltage category III
Surge voltage (1.2/50 ms) kV 4
Connection cross section mm2 0.75…2.5
Tightening torque Nm 1.2
Contact stability in vibration test 5g, 20 sweep cycles 5…150…5 Hz according to DIN IEC 68-2-6 at 24 V AC/DC,
5 mA automatic reclosing < 10 ms
Mechanical service life 10000 operations
Dimensions (H x D x W) mm 100 x 69 x 8.8

Shunt trip S 2C-A1 U S 2C-A2 U

Rated voltage AC V 12…60 110…415
DC V 12…60 110…250
Max release duration ms <10 <10
Min. release voltage AC V 7 55
DC V 10 80
Consumption on release Ub V 12 DC 12 AC 24 DC 24 AC 60 DC 60 AC 110 DC 110 AC 220 DC 230 AC 415 AC
Ib max A 2.2 2.5 4.5 5 14 8.8 0.35 0.5 1.1 1.0 2.7
Coil resistance 7 3.7 225
Terminals mm2 16 16
Tightening torque Nm 2 2
Dimensions (H x D x W) mm 100 x 69 x 17.5 100 x 69 x 17.5
4/8 ABB
System Selection tables Auxiliary elements S 200,
pro M compact Auxiliary elements for MCBs S 200, SN 201, F 200, DS 200

SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series and other series

Signal/auxiliary contacts

Function S2C-S/H6R: choice through a selector between indication of the position of the device’s
contacts and signalling of the fault (overcurrent/short-circuit for MCBs and RCBOs; earth fault for RC-
CBs and RCBOs). Suitable for MCBs S 200 series, RCCBs F 200 series, RCBOs DS 200 series.
Function S2C-H6R: indication of the position of the device’s contacts. Suitable for MCBs S200 series.
To be mounted on the left side of the MCBs thanks to the special pin. They are not suitable to be
mounted together with RCD-block DDA200.
5SEDAS !UTOMATIC -ANUAL Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
Signal contact/
         auxiliary switch S 2C-S/H6R 2CDS200922R0001 563819 0.04 1
Auxiliary contact S2C-H6R 2CDS200912R0001 563826 0.04 1

Auxiliary contacts mounting on the left side 4

Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

3# (2 Auxiliary contact 1 NO/1NC S2C-H11L 2CDS200936R0001 648820 0.04 1

5SEDAS !UTOMATIC -ANUAL Auxiliary contact 2 NO S2C-H20L 2CDS200936R0002 648837 0.04 1
Auxiliary contact 2 NC S2C-H02L 2CDS200936R0003 648844 0.04 1

Bottom-fitting auxiliary contacts for S 200, S 200 M, S 200 P
1 NC S 2C-H01 2CDS 200 970 R0001 64551 5 0.01 1
1 NO S 2C-H10 2CDS 200 970 R0002 64552 2 0.01 1

packing unit 15 parts

1 NC S 2C-H01 15x 2CDS 200 970 R0011 64677 2 0.01 15

1 NO S 2C-H10 15x 2CDS 200 970 R0012 64681 9 0.01 15

Signal contact for SN201 MCBs

Function: indication of the device contact positions only after the automatic release of the MCBs
due to overcurrent.
Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
      Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
Signal contact 1NO + 1 NC SN201-S 2CSS200924R0001 104957 0.040 1


Auxiliary contact / interface module for SN201 MCBs

Function: indication of the device contact positions. The auxiliary contact can be used as an interface
module between SN201 and other compact auxiliary elements.
Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
3# (2
Interface module/Aux.
AUXILIARYCONTACT OPENING OPENING Contact 1NO+1NC SN201-IH 2CSS200923R0001 104858 0.050 1


Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/10

ABB 4/9
System Selection tables Auxiliary elements S 200,
pro M compact Auxiliary elements for MCBs S 200, SN 201, F 200, DS 200

SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series and other series

Signal/auxiliary contact for F 200 125A and F 200 B

Function: choice through a selector between indication of the position of the device’s contacts and
signalling of the earth fault. Suitable for RCCBs F 200 125A and F 200 B series
14 21 Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
22 details 4014712 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
Signal/auxiliary contact F2 125A-S/H 2CSS200922R0001 076983 0.04 1

Shunt trips
Function: remote opening of the device when a voltage is applied. Suitable for MCBs S 200 series
and RCBOs DS 200 series.

Rated voltage Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

4 AC/DC 12…60 V
Type code
S 2C-A1
Order code
AC 110…415 V/
DC110…250 V S 2C-A2 2CDS200909R0002 571005 0.15 1

Function: remote opening of the device when a voltage is applied. Suitable for RCCBs F 200 series.
Rated voltage Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
AC/DC 12...60V F2C-A1 2CSS200933R0011 974901 0.15 1
AC 110...415V / DC 110...250V F2C-A2 2CSS200933R0012 975007 0.15 1

Undervoltage releases
Function: protection of the load in the event of a voltage drop (between 70% and 35% of its rated
value); positive safety (device’s tripping when the voltage is disconnected) emergency stop by means

of a button. Suitable for MCBs S 200 series, RCCBs F200 series and RCBOs DS 200 series.
Rated voltage Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
12VDC S2C-UA 12 DC 2CSS200911R0001 839705 0.09 1
24VAC S2C-UA 24 AC 2CSS200911R0002 839804 0.09 1
24VDC S2C-UA 24 DC 2CSS200911R0007 896401 0.09 1
48VAC S2C-UA 48 AC 2CSS200911R0003 839903 0.09 1
48VDC S2C-UA 48 DC 2CSS200911R0008 896500 0.09 1
110VAC S2C-UA 110 AC 2CSS200911R0004 840008 0.09 1
110VDC S2C-UA 110 DC 2CSS200911R0009 896609 0.09 1
230VAC S2C-UA 230 AC 2CSS200911R0005 840107 0.09 1
230VDC S2C-UA 230 DC 2CSS200911R0010 896708 0.09 1
400VAC S2C-UA 400 AC 2CSS200911R0006 840206 0.09 1

Overvoltage releases
Function: monitoring voltage between the neutral and phase; when an overvoltage reaches the
threshold value, the OVP device causes the tripping of the associated MCB or RCCB.
Suitable for MCBs of the S200 series up to 63 A, and RCCBs of the F200 series up to 100 A.
Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
Overvoltage release (max
tripping voltage AC: 275V) S2C-OVP1 2CSS200910R0005 748137 0.100 1/5
Overvoltage release (max
tripping voltage AC: 290V) S2C-OVP2 2CSS200993R0005 952039 0.100 1/5

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/10

4/10 ABB
System Selection tables Auxiliary elements S 200,
pro M compact Auxiliary elements for MCBs S 200, SN 201, F 200, DS 200

SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series and other series

Hand operated neutral

The hand operated neutral has to be mounted to the left side of the MCB and be snaped on the
DIN rail. It is used for measuring duties where the neutral conductor must be in the open position.
Due to the special design of the handle - when switching ON the MCB – the neutral will make before

the MCB is closed.

The S2C - Nt is not to switch with a tool (screw driver).
Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
Max 40A S2C-Nt 2CDS200918R0001 647625 0.06 1

Accessories for S 200 U and S 200 UP acc. UL 489 and CSA-22.2 No. 5
Auxiliary contact (switch) 4

only for range U and UP S 2C-H6R U 2CDS 200 914 R0001 61561 7 0.035 1
S 2C-S6R U

Signal contact (bell alarm)

only for range U and UP S 2C-S6R U 2CDS 200 924 R0001 64677 2 0.035 1

Shunt trip only for range U and UP

S 2C-H6R U
12 - 60 V AC/DC S 2C-A1 U 2CDS 200 908 R0001 64472 3 0.15 1

110-415 V AC,110-250V DC S 2C-A2 U 2CDS 200 908 R0002 64473 0 0.15 1

Conn. Lenght No. of Order Bbn CuNo Price Price Weight Pack
capacity poles details 4016779 1 piece 1 piece group 1 piece unit
mm2 mm Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
S 2C-A1 U

UL-approved busbar blocks (not to be cut)

1 pole busbars, spacing 17.5 mm, UL 489

16 6 1 PS 1/6/16 BP 2CDL 210 489 R1606 64496 9 0.035 0.058 1

16 12 1 PS 1/12/16 BP 2CDL 210 489 R1612 64497 6 0.070 0.108 1
16 18 1 PS 1/18/16 BP 2CDL 210 489 R1618 64498 3 0.105 0.163 1

PS 3/6/16 BP
2 pole busbars, spacing 17.5 mm, UL 489

16 6 2 PS 2/6/16 BP 2CDL 220 489 R1606 64499 0 0.070 0.062 1

16 12 2 PS 2/12/16 BP 2CDL 220 489 R1612 64500 3 0.140 0.133 1
16 18 2 PS 2/18/16 BP 2CDL 220 489 R1618 64501 0 0.210 0.203 1

3 pole busbars, spacing 17.5 mm, UL 489

16 6 3 PS 3/6/16 BP 2CDL 230 489 R1606 64502 7 0.110 0.066 1

16 12 3 PS 3/12/16 BP 2CDL 230 489 R1612 64503 4 0.221 0.152 1
16 18 3 PS 3/18/16 BP 2CDL 230 489 R1618 64504 1 0.332 0.237 1

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/10

ABB 4/11
System Selection tables Auxiliary elements S 200,
pro M compact Auxiliary elements for MCBs S 200, SN 201, F 200, DS 200

SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series and other series

Mechanical tripping device

Function: it causes the automatic tripping of the circuit-breakers which it is associated to, when the
panel or the door of the electrical switchboard are opened or removed.

Suitable for MCBs S 200 series (on both sides of the devices) and for DS 200 (only on the right side,
because on the left side there’s RCD-block DDA 200).
Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
Mechanical tripping device S2C-BP 2CSS200998R0001 940203 0.048 1

Plug-in base
Function: it is possible to transform a standard circuit-breaker of the S 200 and F 200 range in a

4 plug-in device which can be pulled out of the circuit where it is installed in one operation.
Suitable for MCBs S 200 series and for RCCBs F 200 series up to 63A.

Plug-in base S2C-EST 2CSS200999R0001 940708 0.115 1


Motor operating devices

Function: S2C-CM and F2C-CM allow the remote control (opening or closing) of the coupled device.
Suitable for S 200 MCBs and F 200 RCCBs.

Motor operating device for

1P S200 MCBs S2C-CM1 2CSS201997R0013 026259 0,166 1
Motor operating device for

2P and 3P S200 MCBs S2C-CM2/3 2CSS203997R0013 026358 0,166 1

Motor operating device for
4P S200 MCBs S2C-CM4 2CSS204997R0013 026457 0,166 1
Motor operating device for
2P and 4P F200 RCCBs F2C-CM 2CSF200997R0013 026556 0,166 1

Auto-reclosing units
Function: F2C-ARI and F2C-ARI30 allow the auto-reclosing of the coupled device in case of unwanted
tripping. Suitable for F 200 RCCBs.

Auto-reclosing unit for 2P

and 4P F200 RCCBs F2C-ARI 2CSF200996R0013 026655 0,166 1
Auto-reclosing unit for 2P
and 4P F200 RCCBs (30”) F2C-ARI30 2CSF200995R0013 064350 0,166 1

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/10

4/12 ABB
System Selection tables Auxiliary elements S 200,
pro M compact Auxiliary elements for MCBs S 200, SN 201, F 200, DS 200

SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series and other series

Wiring diagrams for S2C-CM and F2C-CM motor operating devices

Low voltage use: 12...30 V AC, 12...48 V DC Use at 230 V AC via a TM15/12 bell transformer

12-30 V AC

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
SIGN SIGN 5 6 7 8



1 2 3 4

6 7 8 9 10 11
6 7 8 9 10 11 4
230 V AC
ON MAX 1500m ON MAX 1500m
open open
closed closed

Low voltage use of several motor operating devices: 12...30 V AC, 12...48 V DC

12-48 V DC

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5



6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 8 9 10 11



1 2 n ...

Use of several motor operating devices at 230 V AC via a single safety transformer

12-30 V a.c. 230 V AC

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5



6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 8 9 10 11


1 2 n ...

ABB 4/13
System Selection tables Auxiliary elements S 200,
pro M compact Auxiliary elements for MCBs S 200, SN 201, F 200, DS 200

SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series and other series

Wiring diagrams for F2C-ARI auto-reclosing unit

Low voltage use: 12...30 V AC, 12...48 V DC Use at 230 V AC via a TM15/12 bell transformer

12-30 V AC

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5



1 2 3 4

6 7 8 9 10 11
6 7 8 9 10 11

230 V AC
ON MAX 1500m ON MAX 1500m
open open
closed / reset closed / reset

Low voltage use of several auto-reclosing units: 12-30 V AC, 12-48 V DC

12-48 V DC

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5


6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 8 9 10 11
closed / reset

closed / reset

closed / reset

1 2 n ...

Use of several auto-reclosing units at 230 V AC via a single transformer

12-30 V AC 230 V AC

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5


6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 8 9 10 11
closed / reset

closed / reset

closed / reset

1 2 n ...

4/14 ABB
System Selection tables Auxiliary elements S 200,
pro M compact Auxiliary elements for MCBs S 200, SN 201, F 200, DS 200

SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series and other series

Home automatic resetting unit

(for domestic and similar applications)
Function: recloses the associated residual current device (2-pole RCCBs up to 63A – 30 mA), only
after having checked that there are no effective faults in the the system protected by the RCCB.
Suitable for 2-pole RCCB series with 30mA sensitivity
Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
Home automatic resetting unit F2C-ARH 2CSF200992R0005 952039 0.200 1



1 2


Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/10

ABB 4/15
System Selection tables Accessories S 200, SN 201,
pro M compact Busbars and accessories for MCBs S 200,
F 200, DS 200
SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series and other series

No. of Phases mm2 Order Bbn Price Price Cu-No. Weight Pack
pins details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg kg pc.

Pre-assembled busbars (not to be cut)

1-phase busbars, pin distance 17.6 mm, end caps PS-END 0
PS 1/2 - PS 1/12 SK 0027 B 99
2 1 10 PS1/2 2CDL 210 001 R1002 463003 0.01 0.01 180
3 1 10 PS1/3 2CDL 210 001 R1003 514651 0.03 0.03 120
4 1 10 PS1/4 2CDL 210 001 R1004 648233 0.03 0.03 100
6 1 10 PS1/6 2CDL 210 001 R1006 463102 0.03 0.03 60
9 1 10 PS1/9 2CDL 210 001 R1009 463201 0.04 0.04 30
12 1 10 PS1/12 2CDL 210 001 R1012 463300 0.05 0.05 30

4 3-phase busbars, pin distance 17.6 mm

6 3 10 PS3/6 2CDL 231 001 R1006 463409 0.04 0.04 60

9 3 10 PS3/9 2CDL 231 001 R1009 463508 0.07 0.07 30
PS 3/6 - PS 3/12 SK 0028 B 99 12 3 10 PS3/12 2CDL 231 001 R1012 463607 0.10 0.10 30
12 3 10 PS3/12FI 2CDL 231 002 R1012 463706 0.10 0.09 50

Busbars suitable for cutting

2CDC 062 527 F0003

1-phase busbars, pin distance 17.6 mm, end caps PS-END 0

60 1 10 PS1/60 2CDL 210 001 R1060 514668 0.26 0.26 20

60 1 16 PS1/60/16 2CDL 210 001 R1660 516655 0.41 0.41 20
5 1 30 PS1/5/30 Π2CDL 210 001 R3005 653244 0.04 0.04 100
7 1 30 PS1/7/30 Π2CDL 210 001 R3007 653251 0.06 0.06 100
PS 1/57/6 10 1 30 PS1/10/30 Π2CDL 210 001 R3010 653268 0.09 0.09 100
11 1 30 PS1/11/30 Π2CDL 210 001 R3011 653275 0.09 0.10 100
14 1 30 PS1/14/30 Π2CDL 210 001 R3014 653282 0.120 0.120 50
15 1 30 PS1/15/30 Π2CDL 210 001 R3015 653299 0.130 0.130 50
18 1 30 PS1/18/30 Π2CDL 210 001 R3018 653305 0.150 0.150 50
19 1 30 PS1/19/30 Π2CDL 210 001 R3019 653312 0.160 0.160 50
60 1 30 PS1/60/30 2CDL 210 001 R3060 653596 0.520 0.520 20

PS 3/57 FI SK 0058 Z 02 1-phase busbars, connection of 1-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END 0
PS 3/9 FI
PS 9/10 FI 38 1 10 PS1/38H 2CDL 210 001 R1038 586139 0.27 0.27 30
PS 3/12 FI (2 CDL 230…)
38 1 16 PS1/38/16H 2CDL 210 001 R1638 586146 0.45 0.45 30

1-phase busbars, connection of neutral (blue insulation), end caps END 1.1

28 1 10 PS1/28N 2CDL 210 001 R1028 629546 0.24 0.14 50

28 1 16 PS1/28/16N 2CDL 210 001 R1628 629560 0.32 0.20 50
57 1 10 PS1/57NA 2CDL 210 011 R1057 579728 0.24 0.14 50
57 1 10 PS1/57N 2CDL 210 001 R1057 629539 0.24 0.14 50
PS 4/12 NA SK 0065 Z 02
57 1 16 PS1/57/16NA 2CDL 210 011 R1657 579735 0.32 0.20 50
PS 4/58 N 57 1 16 PS1/57/16N 2CDL 210 001 R1657 629553 0.32 0.20 50
PS 4/58/16 N
PS 4/58/16 NA

1-phase busbars, connection of auxiliaries, end caps END 1.1 except PS 1/57/6
* rail with cutout for auxiliary switch 23 1 6 PS1/23/6 2CDL 210 005 R0623 584739 0.16 0.09 50
** blue isolation cover
29 1 6 PS1/29/6 2CDL 210 005 R0629 580823 0.14 0.10 50
- PS 1/60 and PS 1/60/16 no end 38 1 6 PS1/38/6 2CDL 210 005 R0638 580816 0.14 0.09 50
cap required 57 1 6 PS1/57/6 2CDL 210 005 R0657 585309 0.11 0.08 50
- PS 2/.. and PS 3/.. use PS END
- PS 4/.. use PS END 1 see also
wiring examples on the next

Œinclusive of end caps

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/15

4/16 ABB
System Selection tables Accessories S 200, SN 201,
pro M compact Busbars and accessories for MCBs S 200,
F 200, DS 200
SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series and other series

No. of Phases mm2 Order Bbn Price Price Cu-No. Weight Pack
pins details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg kg pc.

2-phase busbars, pin distance 17.6 mm, end caps PS-END

12 2 10 PS2/12 2CDL 220 001 R1012 556521 0.07 0.08 50

12 2 10 PS2/12A 2CDL 220 010 R1012 584616 0.07 0.08 50
12 2 16 PS2/12/16 2CDL 220 001 R1612 646918 0.11 0.09 50
58 2 10 PS2/58 2CDL 220 001 R1058 556552 0.32 0.36 10
58 2 16 PS2/58/16 2CDL 220 001 R1658 556569 0.55 0.49 10
58 2 16 PS2/58/16A 2CDL 220 010 R1658 584746 0.55 0.49 10
58 2 30 PS2/58/30 Œ 2CDL 220 010 R3058 654272 1.81 1.81 10
Note: PS...A is a busbar with removable pin

2-phase busbars, connection of 2-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END

48 2 10 PS2/48H 2CDL 220 001 R1048 556538 0.47 0.35 10

48 2 16 PS2/48/16H 2CDL 220 001 R1648 556545 0.68 0.48 10
48 2 16 PS2/48/16HA 2CDL 220 012 R1648 584630 0.68 0.48 10

3-phase busbars, pin distance 17.6 mm, end caps PS-END

12 3 10 PS3/12 2CDL 230 001 R1012 576116 0.09 0.09 50

12 3 10 PS3/12A 2CDL 230 010 R1012 584647 0.09 0.09 50
12 3 16 PS3/12/16 2CDL 230 001 R1612 562805 0.16 0.12 50
60 3 10 PS3/60 2CDL 230 001 R1060 514699 0.51 0.47 10
60 3 10 PS3/60A 2CDL 230 010 R1060 563758 0.51 0.47 10
60 3 16 PS3/60/16 2CDL 230 001 R1660 514705 0.76 0.65 10
60 3 16 PS3/60/16A 2CDL 230 010 R1660 563765 0.76 0.65 10
60 3 30 PS3/60/30 Œ 2CDL 230 001 R3060 654289 2.65 2.65 10

3-phase busbars, connection of 1-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END

39 3 10 PS3/39H 2CDL 230 001 R1039 556590 0.51 0.43 10

39 3 16 PS3/39/16H 2CDL 230 001 R1639 556606 0.76 0.60 10

3-phase busbars, connection of 2-pole devices (Phase+N) with auxiliary, end caps PS-END

24 3 10 PS3/24H 2CDL 230 001 R1024 556576 0.80 0.41 10

3-phase busbars, connection of 2-pole devices (Phase+Phase) with auxiliary, end caps PS-END

46 3 16 PS3/46/16H-IT 2CDL 230 001 R1646 662109 0.98 0.98 10

3-phase busbars, connection of 3-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END

48 3 10 PS3/48H 2CDL 230 001 R1048 556613 0.51 0.43 10

48 3 16 PS3/48/16H 2CDL 230 001 R1648 556644 0.76 0.60 10
48 3 16 PS3/48/16HA 2CDL 230 012 R1648 584654 0.76 0.60 10

3-phase busbars, connection of 1+N or RCBOs, end caps PS-END

30 3 10 PS3/30 2CDL 230 001 R1030 556583 0.50 0.42 10

3-phase busbars, N of the RCD omitted, end caps PS-END

9 3 10 PS3/9FI 2CDL 230 002 R1009 517515 0.10 0.06 50

10 3 10 PS3/10FI 2CDL 230 002 R1010 517522 0.10 0.07 50
12 3 10 PS3/12FI 2CDL 230 002 R1012 571074 0.11 0.09 50
57 3 10 PS3/57FI 2CDL 230 002 R1057 556651 0.55 0.46 10

Œremoval of installed MCB not possible use end cap PS-END 3

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/15

ABB 4/17
System Selection tables Accessories S 200, SN 201,
pro M compact Busbars and accessories for MCBs S 200,
F 200, DS 200
SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series and other series

No. of Phases mm2 Order Bbn Price Price Cu-No. Weight Pack
pins details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg kg pc.

3-phase busbars, N of the RCD omitted, with auxilary at RCD end caps PS-END

12 3 10 PS3/12FIH 2CDL 230 003 R1012 571081 0.11 0.09 50

4-phase busbars, pin distance 17.6 mm, end caps PS-END 1

12 4 10 PS4/12 2CDL 240 001 R1012 556668 0.12 0.11 30

12 4 10 PS4/12A 2CDL 240 010 R1012 584678 0.12 0.11 30
12 4 16 PS4/12/16 2CDL 240 001 R1612 556675 0.24 0.16 30
60 4 10 PS4/60 2CDL 240 001 R1060 556682 0.80 0.64 10
60 4 16 PS4/60/16 2CDL 240 001 R1660 556743 1.21 0.89 10

4 60
PS4/60/30 Œ
2CDL 240 010 R1660 584685
2CDL 240 001 R3060 654296

Note: PS...A is a busbar with removable pin

4-phase busbars, connection of 4-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END 1

52 4 16 PS4/52/16H 2CDL 240 001 R1652 556699 1.30 0.78 10

52 4 16 PS4/52/16HA 2CDL 240 012 R1652 584692 1.30 0.78 10

4-phase busbars, connection of 1+N or RCBOs, end caps PS-END 1

12 4 10 PS4/12NA 2CDL 240 013 R1012 584708 0.14 0.10 30

58 4 10 PS4/58N 2CDL 240 001 R1058 556705 0.80 0.59 10
58 4 16 PS4/58/16N 2CDL 240 001 R1658 556736 1.21 0.77 10
58 4 16 PS4/58/16NA 2CDL 240 013 R1658 584715 1.21 0.77 10

4-phase busbars, connection of 1+N or RCBOs with auxiliary, end caps PS-END 1

48 4 16 PS4/48/16NHA 2CDL 240 014 R1648 584722 1.48 0.76 10

4-phase busbars, connection of 4-pole RCD with 1+N , end caps PS-END 1

58 4 10 PS4/58NNA 2CDL 240 010 R1058 563734 0.80 0.58 10

58 4 16 PS4/58/16NNA 2CDL 240 010 R1658 563741 1.21 0.80 10

Pre-assembled busbars (not to be cut) UL 489

1-phase busbars, pin distance 17.6 mm, UL 489

6 1 16 PS 1/6/16 BP 2CDL 210 489 R1606 644969 0.04 0.05 1

12 1 16 PS 1/12/16 BP 2CDL 210 489 R1612 644976 0.07 0.11 1
18 1 16 PS 1/18/16 BP 2CDL 210 489 R1618 644983 0.11 0.16 1

2-phase busbars, pin distance 17.6 mm, UL489

6 2 16 PS 2/6/16 BP 2CDL 220 489 R1606 644990 0.07 0.06 1

12 2 16 PS 2/12/16 BP 2CDL 220 489 R1612 645003 0.14 0.13 1
18 2 16 PS 2/18/16 BP 2CDL 220 489 R1618 645010 0.21 0.20 1

3-phase busbars. pin distance 17.6 mm. UL 489

6 3 16 PS 3/6/16 BP 2CDL 230 489 R1606 645027 0.11 0.07 1

12 3 16 PS 3/12/16 BP 2CDL 230 489 R1612 645034 0.22 0.15 1
18 3 16 PS 3/18/16 BP 2CDL 230 489 R1618 645041 0.33 0.24 1

Œremoval of installed MCB not possible use end cap PS-END 3.1

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/15

4/18 ABB
System Selection tables Accessories S 200, SN 201,
pro M compact Busbars and accessories for MCBs S 200,
F 200, DS 200
SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series and other series

No. of Phases mm2 Order Bbn Price Price Cu-No. Weight Pack
pins details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg kg pc.

Busbars (suitable for cutting) UL 1077

1-phase busbars, pin distance 17.6 mm, end caps PS-END 0

60 1 10 PS 1/60 2CDL 210 001 R1060 514668 0.26 0.26 20

60 1 16 PS 1/60/16 2CDL 210 001 R1660 516655 0.41 0.41 20

1-phase busbars, connection of 1-pole devices with auxiliary, PS-END 0

38 1 10 PS 1/38H 2CDL 210 001 R1038 586139 0.27 0.27 30

38 1 16 PS 1/38/16H 2CDL 210 001 R1638 586146 0.45 0.45 30

2-phase busbars, pin distance 17.6 mm, end caps PS-END SP

58 2 10 PS 2/58 SP 2CDL 220 111 R1058 646413 0.42 10
58 2 16 PS 2/58/16 SP 2CDL 220 111 R1658 646420 0.69 10

Note: PS...A is a busbar with removable pin

2-phase busbars, connection of 2-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END SP

48 2 16 PS 2/48/16 SP 2CDL 220 112 R1648 646437 0.68 10


3-phase busbars, pin distance 17.6 mm, end caps PS-END SP

60 3 10 PS 3/60 SP 2CDL 230 111 R1060 646444 0.68 10

60 3 16 PS 3/60/16 SP 2CDL 230 111 R1660 646451 1.02 10
PS3/6/16 BP

3-phase busbars, connection of 3-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END SP

48 3 16 PS 3/48/16 SP 2CDL 230 112 R1648 646468 1.16 10

4-phase busbars, pin distance 17.6 mm, PS-END 1 SP

60 4 16 PS 4/60/16 SP 2CDL 240 111 R1660 646475 1.97 10

4-phase busbars, connection of 4-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END 1 SP

52 4 16 PS 4/52/16 SP 2CDL 240 112 R1652 646482 1.90 10

4-phase busbars, connection of 1+N and RCBO, end caps PS-END 1 SP

58 4 16 PS4/58/16N SP 2CDL 240 113 R1658 646499 1.86 10

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/15

ABB 4/19
System Selection tables Accessories S 200, SN 201,
pro M compact Busbars and accessories for MCBs S 200,
F 200, DS 200
SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series and other series

No. of Phases mm2 Order Bbn Price Price Cu-No. Weight Pack
pins details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg kg pc.

Busbars (suitable for cutting) for DDA 200 and DS 200 – bottom
mounting (RCD)
3-phase busbars, connection of DDA 202 and DS 202, end caps PSB-END 3

30 3 10 PS 3/30-DDA 202 2CDL 230 202 R1030 647472 0.97 0.41 10

30 3 16 PS 3/30/16-DDA 202 2CDL 230 202 R1630 647502 1.46 0.55 10

3-phase busbars, connection of DDA 202 and DS 202 with auxiliary, end caps PSB-END 3

26 3 16 PS 3/26/16H-DDA 202 2CDL 230 202 R1626 648912

4 4-phase busbars, connection of DDA 204 63 A and DS 204 50 A and 63 A, end caps PSB-END 4

32 4 10 PS 4/32-DDA 204 2CDL 240 204 R1032 647458 1.41 0.56 10

32 4 16 PS 4/32/16-DDA 204 2CDL 240 204 R1632 647465 2.12 0.77 10
A = breakable pins

Busbars (suitable for cutting) for DDA 200 and DS 200 – top side
mounting (MCD)
3-phase busbars, connection of DDA 202 and DS 202, end caps PSB-END 3

30 3 16 PS 3/30/16-DDA 202T 2CDL 033 202 R1630 652629 1.25 10

3-phase busbars, connection of DDA 202 and DS 202 with auxiliary, end caps PSB-END 3

28 3 16 PS 3/28/16H-DDA 202T 2CDL 034 202 R1628 652636 1.31 10

4-phase busbars, connection of DDA 202 and DS 202, end caps PSB-END 4

30 4 16 PS 4/30/16N-DDA 202T 2CDL 040 202 R1630 652852 1.67 10

4-phase busbars, connection of DDA 202 and DS 202 with auxiliary, end caps PSB-END 4

30 4 16 PS 4/30/16NH-DDA 202T 2CDL 041 202 R1630 652599 1.72 10

4-phase busbars, connection of DDA 204 25 A and 40 A and DS 204 up to 40 A,

end caps PSB-END 4

40 4 16 PS 4/40/16-DDA 204T 2CDL 040 204 R1640 652605 1.79 10

4-phase busbars, connection of DDA 204 25 A and 40 A and DS 204 up to 40 A with auxiliary,
end caps PSB-END 4

36 4 16 PS 4/36/16H-DDA 204T 2CDL 041 204 R1636 652612 1.73 10

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/15

4/20 ABB
System Selection tables Accessories S 200, SN 201,
pro M compact Busbars and accessories for MCBs S 200,
F 200, DS 200
SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series and other series

Conn. Module Phases Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

capacity details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
mm2 Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

End caps
END 1.1 2CDL 200 011 R0011 638913 0.001 50
END 1.1
PS-END 0 2CDL 200 001 R0004 652261 0.001 50
PS-END 2CDL 200 001 R0001 514729 0.001 50
PS-END 1 2CDL 200 001 R0002 570114 0.001 50
PS-END SP 2CDL 200 110 R0001 646505 0.001 50
PS-END 1 SP 2CDL 200 110 R0002 646512 0.001 50
PS-END 3 2CDL 200 001 R3001 654302 0.001 50
PS-END 3.1 2CDL 200 001 R3002 654319 0.001 50
PSB-END 3 GHV0 361 325 R0001 556304 Π0.001 50

Πbbn-No. 4012233
PSB-END 4 GHV0 361 325 R0002 556403 Π0.001 50

Main circuit breaker busbar

3-phase busbar (10 mm2) for connecting main circuit breaker E 463/3-KB and pro M compact
devices incl. end caps. No. of poles: 12 (1 x E 463/3-KB + 9 x S 201)

12 3 PS 3/12 E463 2CDL230004R1012 51741 6 0.220 30


Loads depending on supply point and required connection capacity

End feeding
busbar blocks
comb and oblong-hole busbars (type KS)
(type PS/PSB )
cross section/mm2 10 12 20 24 36 10 16 30
max. supply current
A 63 65 90 100 130* 63 80 120*

* If fed via the terminals, always ensure that the following values are not exceeded, irrespective of the current carrying capacity
(IS) of the busbar:
For S 200 and S 200M series: max. 110 A.
For S 280 series: max. 140 A.

Non-end feeding (center or elsewhere on the rail)

busbar blocks
comb and oblong-hole busbars (KS-type)
(type PS/PSB)
cross section/mm2 10 12 20 24 36 10 16 30
max. current in branch
A 100 110 150* 170* 220* 100 120* 160*
max. supply current
A depends on cross section

* If fed via the terminals, always ensure that the following values are not exceeded, irrespective of the current carrying capacity
(IS) of the busbar:
For S 200 and S 200M series: max. 110 A.
For S 280 series: max. 140 A.

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/15

ABB 4/21
System Selection tables Accessories S 200, SN 201,
pro M compact Busbars and accessories for MCBs S 200,
F 200, DS 200
SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series and other series
PS 1/... PS 1/57 N A
PS 1/.../16 PS 1/57/16 N A
PS 1/.../30

PS 3/... PS 1/23/6
(2CDL 231 ...)

PS 3/12 FI PS 1/29/6
(2CDL 231 ...)

PS 1/38 H PS 1/38/6
PS 1/38/16 H

PS 1/28 N PS 1/57/6 H
PS 1/28/16 N (integrated
aux. switch)

PS 1/60 PS 2/12
PS 1/60/16 PS 2/58
PS 2/58/16
PS 2/12 A
PS 2/58/16 A
PS 2/58 SP
PS 2/58/16 SP

4/22 ABB
System Selection tables Accessories S 200, SN 201,
pro M compact Busbars and accessories for MCBs S 200,
F 200, DS 200
SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series and other series
PS 2/48 H PS 3/46/16 H-IT
PS 2/48/16 H
PS 2/48/16 H
PS2/48/16 SP

PS 3/11 PS 3/9 FI
PS 3/10 FI
PS 3/12 FI
(2CDL 230...)
PS 3/57

PS 3/12 PS 3/12 FI H
PS 3/12 A
PS 3/12/16
PS 3/60
PS 3/60/16
PS 3/60 A
PS 3/60/16 A
PS 3/60 SP
PS 3/60/16 SP
PS 3/60/30

PS 3/24 H PS 3/12 E 463

PS 3/39 H PS 4/12
PS 3/39/16 H PS 4/12/16
PS 4/60
PS 4/60/16
PS 4/12 A
PS 4/60/16 A
PS 4/60/16 SP
PS 4/60/30

PS 3/48 H PS 4/12
PS 3/48/16 H PS 4/12/16
PS 3/48/16 HA PS 4/60
PS 3/48/16 SP PS 4/60/16
PS 4/12 A
PS 4/60/16 A
PS 4/60/16 SP
PS 4/60/30

ABB 4/23
System Selection tables Accessories S 200, SN 201,
pro M compact Busbars and accessories for MCBs S 200,
F 200, DS 200
SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series and other series
PS 4/52/16 H PS 1/28 N
PS 4/52/16 HA PS 3/30
PS 4/52/16 SP

PS 4/12 NA
PS 4/58 N
PS 4/58/16 N
PS 4/58/16 NA
PS 4/58/16 N SP

PS 4/48/16 NH A PS 2/12
PS 2/12/16
PS 2/58
PS 2/58/16
PS 2/12 A
PS 2/58/16 A

PS 4/58 NN A PS 4/12
PS 4/58/16 NN A PS 4/12/16
PS 4/60
PS 4/60/16
PS 4/12 A
PS 4/60/16 A
PS 4/60/30

Example for PS 3/9 FI

overlapping PS 3/10 FI
PS 3/57 FI

Example for PS 3/11

overlapping PS 3/12
PS 3/12 A
PS 3/12/16
PS 3/60
PS 3/60/16
PS 3/60 A
PS 3/60/16 A

4/24 ABB
System Selection tables Accessories S 200, SN 201,
pro M compact Busbars and accessories for MCBs S 200,
F 200, DS 200
SN 201, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series and other series
PS 3/30-DDA 202 PS 4/30/16N-DDA 202 T
PS 3/30/16-DDA 202 DS 202 + DS 202 + (DDA 202 + S 202) + (DDA 202 + S 202) ... DS 202 + DS 202 + (DDA 202 + S 202) ...

PS 3/26/16H-DDA 202 PS 4/30/16NH-DDA 202 T

DS 202 + S2C-S/H6R + DS 202 + S2C-S/H6R + DDA 202 DS 202 + S2C-S/H6R + DS 202 + S2C-S/H6R + (DDA 202 + S 202)
+ S 202 + S2C-S/H6R + DDA 202 + S 202 + S2C-S/H6R ... + S2C-S/H6R + (DDA 202 + S 202) + S2C-S/H6R ...

PS 4/32-DDA 204 PS 4/32/16-DDA 204 PS 4/40/16-DDA 204 T

DS 204 (50/63 A) + (DDA 204 (63 A) + S 204) ... DS 204 (C 40 A) + DS 204 (C 40 A) + DDA 204 (C 40 A) + S 204
+ DDA 204 (C 40 A) + S 204 ...

PS 3/30/16-DDA 202 T PS 4/36/16 H-DDA 204 T

DS 202 + DS 202 + DA 202 + S 202 + DDA 202 + S 202 ... DS 204 (C 40 A) + S2C-S/H6R + DS 204 (C 40 A) + S2C-S/H6R
+ DDA 204 (C 40 A) + S 204 + S2C-S/H6R + DDA 204 (C 40 A)
+ S 204 + S2C-S/H6R

PS 3/28/16 H-DDA 202 T

DS 202 + S2C-S/H6R + (DDA 202 + S 202) + S2C-S/H6R ...

ABB 4/25
System Selection tables Accessories S 200,
pro M compact Accessories for S 200, SN 201,
SN 201, F 200, DS 200
F 200, DS 200 and other series and other series
Rail connectors
For wiring of component rails in the consumer unit, rail-to-rail clearance 125 mm. In the case of the
4-pole connector, the color of the N conductor is blue.

10 3-pole RV 3 GH V036 0504 R0023 512381 0.080 25

10 4-pole RV 4 GH V036 0504 R0024 512244 0.114 25
SK 0120 Z 01

Auxiliary contact bridge

SK 0121 Z 01

RV 3
Wire jumper for integrated auxiliary contact S 200 H for series connections (HKB) or parallel
connections (HKB1).
RV 4

1/2 mod. HKB GH V036 0504 R0100 523134 0.001 1000

1 mod. HKB 1 GH V036 0504 R0101 524209 0.001 1000

Shock-protection caps for PS...

5 parts SZ-BSK 2CDL 200 001 R0011 420006 0.003 10

5 parts BSK* 2CDL 200 001 R0012 649834 0.003 10
* closed version
Shock-protection caps for PS...BP (UL 489)
3 parts BSK BP 2CDL 200 489 R0001 656368 0.001 10

BSK BP 2CDC 061 095 F0007

Labelling system
Package comes with 40 labels, marked or blank. Blank labels can be labeled by hand with an inde-
lible, waterproof pen or using a computerised labelling system (plotter).

identification labels blank BS GH S200 1946 R0001 478106 0.004 30

identification labels BS Pikto GH S200 1946 R0002 478205 0.004 30
with pictograms

identification labels BS 1/10 GH S200 1946 R0003 478304 0.004 30

marked 4 x 1 – 10
identification labels BS 1/20 GH S200 1946 R0004 478403 0.004 30

& marked 2 x 1 – 20
identification labels
marked 1 – 40
BS 1/40 GH S200 1946 R0005 478502 0.004 30

identification labels BS 41 – 80 GH S200 1946 R0006 585910 0.004 30

identification label marked 41 – 80
identification labels BS 81 – 120 GH S200 1946 R0007 585927 0.004 30
marked 81 – 120
identification labels BS 121/160 GH S200 1946 R0008 585934 0.004 30
marked 121 – 160

Identification system ILS

The ILS individual identification sytem for labels is a DIN A5 polyester film for ink jet and laser printers
with high temperature resistance. (If laser printers are used, please check whether self-adhesive film with
thickness of 250 μm can be fed.) Adhesive coating 3MTM9471 LE has obtained UL approval (file No.
MH 11410). There are two types of sheet: uncut for making individual labels or precut with 23 stripes
(6 x 191 mm each) for labelling 11 devices (1-module width) per stripe. Word template can be downloaded
from Can also be used as write-on labels (ink, ballpoint pen, pencil, marker).
BS 1/10 Sk 0103 Z99
1 sheet DIN A5 uncut ILS-L 2CDL 200 002 R0003 663076 0.011 1
for laser printer
1 sheet DIN A5 precut ILS-LS 2CDL 200 002 R0004 663083 0.011 1
in 23 stripes (6 x 191 mm)
for laser printer
1 sheet DIN A5 uncut ILS-I 2CDL 200 002 R0005 663090 0.011 1
for inkjet printer
1 sheet DIN A5 precut
in 23 stripes (6 x 191 mm)
for inkjet printer IILS-IS 2CDL 200 002 R0006 663106 0.011 1

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/15

4/26 ABB
System Selection tables Accessories S 200,
pro M compact Accessories for S 200, SN 201,
SN 201, F 200, DS 200
F 200, DS 200 and other series and other series

Conn. Terminal Type of Order Bbn Cu No. Price Price Weight Pack
capacity Iug connection details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
mm2 LxW mm Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Ast 25/15 QS Terminals, insulated with pin contact

Ast 25/15 Q
Ast 25/30 QS
Ast 25/30 Q 6-25 15/4 90° Ast 25/15 QS 2CDL200010R2515 656535 0.012 50
Ast 50/15 QS 6-25 15/4 straight Ast 25/15 S 2CDL200011R2515 656542 0.012 50
Ast 50/15 Q
6-25 15/6 90° Ast 25/15 Q 2CDL200000R2515 656474 0.012 50
Ast 50/18 QU
Ast 50/32 Q 6-25 30/4 90° Ast 25/30 QS 2CDL200010R2530 656481 0.012 50
6-25 30/6 90° Ast 25/30 Q 2CDL200000R2530 656498 0.014 50
6-50 15/4 90° Ast 50/15 QS 2CDL200000R5015 656504 0.014 50
6-50 15/4 straight Ast 50/15 S 2CDL200011R5015 656566 0.014 50
SZ-Ast 95 gk 6-50 15/7 90° Ast 50/15 Q 2CDL200010R5015 656559 0.014 50
6-50 15/7 straight Ast 50/15 2CDL200001R5015 656511 0.014 50

SZ-Ast 95
Ast 50/18 QU
Ast 50/18 U
6-50 32/6 90° Ast 50/32 Q 2CDL200000R5032 656528 0.017 50
25-95 21/6.5 straight SZ-Ast 95 gk* 2CDL360501R0012 622618 0.06 0.067 50
25-95 21/6.5 straight SZ-Ast 95* 2CDL360501R0013 622625 0.06 0.067 50
Ast 25/15 S Abbreviations: Q terminal 90°
Ast 50/15 S S narrow connection pin
Ast 50/15 U special for circuit breaker ranges S 200 U and S 200 UP
Ast 50/18 U * not for pro M compact

Technical features
Ast 50/32 Q Connection capacity 6-25 mm2 6-50 mm2 25-95 mm2
Max. electrical load 63 A 100 A 225 A
Max. operating voltage 600 V AC 600 V AC 690 V AC
Max. tightening torque 2 Nm 3 Nm 19 Nm

Feeder terminals
Single-pole terminals can be mounted side by side with multipole terminals.

6-35 SZ-ESK 2 2CDL200001R3501 646765 0.024 10

SZ-ESK 3 6-50 SZ-ESK 3 2CDL200003R5001 652575 0.025 10
6-50 SZ-ESK 3 S 2CDL200003R5003 652889 0.024 10

SZ-ESK 3 S Flexible connecting wires

with fork-type cable lug (black)
Conn. Length Order Bbn Cu No. Price Price Weight Pack
capacity details 4012233 1 piece group 1 piece unit

SZ-DB 121
mm2 Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
6 125 SZ-DB 121 GH V036 1425 R0001 55650 2 0.006 0.025 1000/50
SZ-DB 232 N 10 135 SZ-DB 122 N GH V036 1425 R0031 55670 0 0.010 0.02 500/25
6 260 SZ-DB 231 N GH V036 1425 R0032 55680 9 0.014 0.02 500/25
10 SZ-DB 232 N GH V036 1425 R0033 55690 8 0.022 0.04 250/25
SZ-DB 125 N 10 330 SZ-DB 311 GH V036 1425 R0034 55700 4 0.029 0.05 100/25

with fork-type cable lug and ultrasonic compacted cable ends (black)
6 125 SZ-DB 123 GH V036 1425 R0006 55660 1 0.007 0.01 1000/50
10 135 SZ-DB 124 N GH V036 1425 R0035 55710 3 0.012 0.02 500/25
6 260 SZ-DB 235 GH V036 1425 R0036 55720 2 0.014 0.02 500/25
10 SZ-DB 236 GH V036 1425 R0037 55730 1 0.024 0.04 250/25
example 1 Advantages:
wiring of devices consisting of
modules with different lengths with - smaller dimensions for the same cross-section (more space in terminal)
SZ-DB 125 N or 312 - nearly no transition resistances
- more reliability; conductor sleeves could be loosen under specific conditions
Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/15

ABB 4/27
System Selection tables Accessories S 200,
pro M compact Accessories for S 200, SN 201,
SN 201, F 200, DS 200
F 200, DS 200 and other series and other series

with ultrasonic compacted cable ends (black)

6 125 SZ-DB 125 N GH V036 1425 R0038 55740 0 0.007 0.01 1000/50
6 260 SZ-DB 233 N GH V036 1425 R0039 55750 9 0.015 0.02 500/25
10 135 SZ-DB 126 N GH V036 1425 R0040 55760 8 0.013 0.02 500/25
10 260 SZ-DB 234 N GH V036 1425 R0041 55770 7 0.025 0.04 250/25
10 330 SZ-DB 312 GH V036 1425 R0042 55780 6 0.032 0.05 100/25

with ultrasonic compacted cable ends (blue)

10 135 SZ-DB 10/135 N 2CDL 200 301 R0135 66352 6 0.013 0.02 25
10 260 SZ-DB 10/260 N 2CDL 200 301 R0260 66353 3 0.025 0.04 25
10 330 SZ-DB 10/330 N 2CDL 200 301 R0330 66354 0 0.032 0.05 25

4 - smaller dimensions for the same cross-section (more space in terminal)
- nearly no transition resistances
- more reliability; conductor sleeves could be loosen under specific conditions

Input Output Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 4012233 1 piece group 1 piece unit
mm2 mm2 Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Neutral or protective-conductor terminals without insulation

1 x 16 6 x to 16 SZ-6/3 GH V036 0876 R0003 50592 5/ 0.022 10
SZ-KLB 8, 12, 16, 24 1 x 16 2 x to 16 SZ-KLB 8 GJ I232 0131 R0001 59660 7 0.025 30
6 x to 10
1 x 16 2 x to 16 SZ-KLB 12 GJ I232 0071 R0013 59530 3 0.035 30
10 x to 10

1 x 35 4 x to 16 SZ-KLB 16 GJ I232 0072 R0017 59540 2 0.077 30

12 x to 10
1 x 35 4 x to 16 SZ-KLB 24 GJ I232 0073 R0016 59550 1 0.100 30
20 x to 10

Holders for SZ-KLB terminals

SZ-KLB 8 and 12 each 1 piece required
SZ-KLB 16 and 24 each 2 pieces required

SZ-Ktr GJ I202 4027 R0001 59450 4 0.003 100

SZ-Ktr with KLB

Neutral and protective-conductor terminals with insulation holder


for quick fastening onto DIN rails EN 50 022

Neutral with blue insulation holder; type C finger safe, conductor opening closed on one side

1 x 16 6 x 16 SZ-N 6/3 GH V036 0876 R0001 55570 3 0.027 20

SZ-N6/3 1 x 16 11 x 16 SZ-N 11/3 GH V036 0876 R0002 55580 2 0.043 20
1 x 16 6 x 16 SZ-N 6/3 C GH V036 0876 R0011 57095 4 Π0.028 20
1 x 16 6 x 16 SZ-N 11/3 C GH V036 0876 R0012 57096 1 Π0.046 20

Protective conductor with green/yellow insulation holder; type C finger safe, conductor opening
closed on one side
1 x 16 6 x 16 SZ-PE 6/3 GH V036 0876 R0004 55600 7 0.027 20
1 x 16 11 x 16 SZ-PE 11/3 GH V036 0876 R0005 55610 6 0.043 20
1 x 16 6 x 16 SZ-PE 6/3 C GH V036 0876 R0014 57097 8 Π0.028 20
1 x 16 11 x 16 SZ-PE 11/3 C GH V036 0876 R0015 57098 5 Π0.046 20
Πbbn-No. 40 16779

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/15

4/28 ABB
System Selection tables Accessories S 200,
pro M compact Accessories for S 200, SN 201,
SN 201, F 200, DS 200
F 200, DS 200 and other series and other series
Busbars for SN 201 range

No. pins Phases Cross Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
section details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
mm2 Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
12 1 10 BS9 1/12 2CSL910001R1012 047650 0.050 10
12 1 10 BS9 1/12 NA 2CSL910011R1012 047759 0.050 10
56 1 10 BS9 1/56 2CSL910001R1056 047353 0.140 10
56 1 10 BS9 1/56 NA 2CSL910011R1056 047452 0.140 10
12 3 10 BS9 3/12 2CSL930001R1012 047551 0.090 5
57 3 10 BS9 3/57 2CSL930001R1057 047858 0.470 5

Busbars for F200/S200 and SN 201 range

2 + 10 x 1+N 2 10 BF2-S9 UP 1N/12 2CSL920009R1012 046950 0,110 5

4 + 8 x 1+N 4 10 BF2-S9 UP 3N/12 2CSL940009R1012 047056 0,110 5
2 + 10 x 1+N 2
4 + 8 x 1+N 4
BF2-S9 DOWN 1N/12 2CSL920002R1012
BF2-S9 DOWN 3N/12 2CSL940002R1012
Terminals, insulated
Conn. Type of Terminal Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
capacity connect. lug L details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
mm2 mm Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
25 pin 15 FEED-IN 25/15 1P 2CSL980001R2515 047957 0.010 5
25 pin 30 FEED-IN 25/30 3P 2CSL980001R2530 048053 0.010 5

End caps
Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
BS9-END 3P / 2CSL980001R0001 064251 0.001 20
/ In combination with BS9 3/57

Example of application with SN 201 breakers

Feed-in 25-15

Feed-in 25-15
BS9 1/12 NA

BS9 1/12

BF2-S9 UP 1N/12 L1 L2 L3 N

L1 N BF2-S9 DOWN 3N/12

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/15

ABB 4/29
System Selection tables Accessories S 200,
pro M compact Accessories for S 200, SN 201,
SN 201, F 200, DS 200
F 200, DS 200 and other series and other series

Length Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 4012233 1 piece group 1 piece unit
DSW 6 mm Type code Order code EAN kg pc.


DIN rails

DIN rails (DIN EN 60 715 – 35 x 7.5) for individual installation with 2 screws on an even surface (1
module = 17.5 mm)
for 1 module DSW 1 GH S210 1926 R0001 13580 6 0.060 10

for 2 modules DSW 2 GH S210 1926 R0002 13590 5 0.012 10

for 3 modules DSW 3 GH S210 1926 R0003 13600 1 0.018 10
for 4 modules DSW 4 GH S210 1926 R0004 13610 0 0.024 10
for 6 modules DSW 6 GH S210 1926 R0006 13620 9 0.036 10


DIN rail DIN EN 60 715, 35 x 7.5, material thickness 1 mm, surface protected, galvanised.

241 SKV-GTS 1 GH L110 1915 R0001 04090 2 0.09 40

SZ-SI 45.460

DIN rails DIN EN 60 715, 35 x 7.5, material thickness 1 mm, surface galvanised.

1000 SZ-SI 45.460 GJ I232 2218 R0001 59730 7 0.35 10

2000 SZ-TS 7.5 L2 GJ I232 2218 R0007 59760 4 0.70 20

SZ-TS 7.5 L2

DIN rails DIN EN 60 715, 35 x 15, material thickness 1.5 mm, surface galvanised

2000 SZ-SI 45.472 GJ I232 2218 R0010 59780 2 1.30 10

SZ-SI 45.472 2000 SZ-TS 15 L2 GJ I232 2218 R0009 59770 3 0.78 10

SZ-TS 15 L2

SZ-FB 45.53-1 Spring catch for mounting devices onto DIN rails (DIN EN 60 715, 35 x 7.5)

for screw type M4 SZ-FB 45.53-3 GJ I184 2013 P0003 64560 2 0.03 50
for screw type M5 SZ-FB 45.53-1 GJ I184 2013 P0004 64580 0 0.03 50
SZ-FB 45.53-3

False poles

Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
False pole - 1 module FP1 16021765 061304 0.01 100
False pole - 2 modules FP2 16021773 061403 0.014 50

False pole - 4 modules FP4 16021781 061502 0.022 30

False pole - 6 modules FP6 16021799 061601 0.031 20
Support for false pole SFP 16021831 061700 0.012 100

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/15

4/30 ABB
System Selection tables Accessories S 200,
pro M compact Accessories for S 200, SN 201,
SN 201, F 200, DS 200
F 200, DS 200 and other series and other series

Height of Width Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

cutout/color details 4012233 1 piece group 1 piece unit
mm mm Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

SZ-BP 1 Blanking plates
For device covers with materials of a thickness of 1 to 3 mm, width: 1 module = 17.5 mm; color:
grey RAL 7035, white RAL 9001
46/grey 213 SZ-BP 1 GH L530 1904 R0001 06050 4 0.028 100
46/white 17.5 SZ-BP GH S270 1913 R0001 12857 4 / 0.005
46/grey 17.5 SZ-BP 2 GH S270 1913 R0002 12861 1 / 0.005
46/grey 220 SZ-BP 12 G 2CDL 000 001 R1220 65227 8 / 0.022 50
46/white 220 SZ-BP 12 W 2CDL 000 001 R2220 66355 7 0 0.020 50

SZ-BP 12 G
Description Order
Type code Order code
Bbn Price
4012233 1 piece
1 piece
Locking devices
for SZ-BP 12 G SZ-BP R 2CDL 000 001 R1001 652285 / 0.001 30

SZ-BP R Sealing plate


Seal-proof locking of stamped-out device covers.

Detachable only from the inside of the device cover.
Can be used for device covers with 1.5 to 3 mm material thickness.
SZ-VP 1500
Height of Width Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
cutout/color details 4012233 1 piece group 1 piece unit

mm mm Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

46/grey 1500 SZ-VP 1500 GJ I995 9038 R0001 60290 2 0.366 10

Rotary operating mechanism

(for operation of MCBs in closet distribution boards)
Suitable for S 2 classic and S 200 compact series to be combined with selection types handles
S2C-DH OH_ 2_ and consistent extended shafts OXS 5X_.

S2C-DH GH S200 1901 R0003 57960 5 / 0.01 25

End bracket
Prevents lateral shifting of built-in devices mounted on DIN rails according to DIN EN 60 715, 35 x
END 7.5 mm.

END GJ I100 1814 R0001 59090 2 0.02 50

Filling piece
SZ-FDT 2 e.g. for heat dissipation of closely mounted devices that generate much heat. Width 8.75 mm, as
spacer, two different heights, breakable, for DIN rails according to DIN EN 60 715, 35 x 7.5 mm.

8.75 SZ-FST 2 GH L530 1908 R0002 06070 2 0.01 25

Spring piece
Holder for device covers, various heights available (in connection with FST 2 filling piece)
SZ-FDT 2 GH L530 1908 R0005 06080 1 0.002 25

Filling piece

Two different heights, breakable, for DIN rails according to DIN EN 60 715, 35 x 7.5 mm
for MCBs S 220 (3 different heights)

8.75 SZ-FST GH I148 0003 R0001 59410 8 0.01 25

SZ-FST / bbn-Nr. 4016779

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/15

ABB 4/31
System Selection tables Accessories S 200,
pro M compact Accessories for S 200, SN 201,
SN 201, F 200, DS 200
F 200, DS 200 and other series and other series

Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 4012233 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Elevation piece
Compensates for different size of built-in devices with a mounting height of 68 mm and power MCBs
of series S 500 (83 mm)
SZ-ES 68/83
SZ-ES 68/83 GH V021 1425 R0001 53390 9 0.003 100

Locking device for MCBs and switches

Prevents unauthorised or dangerous operation of the operating lever. An adaptor makes it possible
to block the operating lever whether switched ON or OFF. The lever is blocked with a padlock having
a cross bar section of 3 or, as the case may be, 6 mm max. For multipole devices, one lock may
4 SA 1
be fitted per pole.
The lock adaptor can be used for all MCBs of the S 220, S 280 series as well as for switches E 220
and 270.

locking devices 3 mm SA 1 GJ F110 1903 R0001 58760 5 0.004 10

for padlock bar 6 mm SA 1E GJ F110 1903 R0004 58790 2 0.004 10
padlock with 2 keys SA 2 GJ F110 1903 R0002 58770 4 0.02 10
SA 2
padlock, identical
locking with 2 keys SA 2 i GJ F110 9999 R0001 96940 1 0.02 10
lock adaptor incl. padlock

with 3 keys
in transparent box SA 3 GJ F110 1903 R0003 58780 3 0.05 10

Terminal cover KA 27
Provides overall touch protection of live parts. Suitable for installations acc. to DIN EN 50274 (DIN
VDE 0660 Part 514) and BGV A2.
End parts can be snapped onto mounting rails EN 60 715, 35 mm. Covers are 486 mm = 27 modules
(18 mm each) long. Knockouts for each half module for individualised use.
KA 27 H + KA 27 S
cover, 1 piece KA 27 H GH S210 1933 R0001 13630 8 0.104 10
end part, 1 piece KA 27 S GH S210 1934 R0001 13640 7 0.027 10

Terminal covers with base plate, protection IP 40


Material: high-impact and flame-retardant (UL 94 V-0), color: white (RAL 9001), glow-wire test 960
°C according to IEC 695-2-1
The base plate has an integrated top-hat rail for snap-on fixing of MCBs, RCDs, modular built-in
devices, etc.
PCD 2 N PCD 4 N for 2 modules PCD 2 N GH S270 1921 R0002 12402 6/ 0.09 1
for 4 modules PCD 4 N GH S270 1921 R0004 12404 0/ 0.15 1
for 6 modules PCD 6 N GH S270 1921 R0006 12406 4/ 0.2 1
for 8 modules PCD 8 N GH S270 1921 R0008 12408 8/ 0.7 1

Common terminals for terminal covers PCD

for PCD 4 N and 6 N KL-PCD 4/6 GH S270 1912 R0004 12502 3/ 0.017
for PCD 8 N KL-PCD 8 GH S270 1912 R0008 12592 7/ 0.079
/ bbn-No. 80 00126

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/15

4/32 ABB
System Selection tables Accessories S 200,
pro M compact Accessories for S 200, SN 201,
SN 201, F 200, DS 200
F 200, DS 200 and other series and other series
Insulated housings IP 55
come with DIN rail according to DIN EN 60 715 and cable entry grommet without N + PE common
terminals (see SMO)
2CSC400410F0201 Material: high-impact and flame-retardant (UL 94 V-0), color grey (RAL 7035), glow-wire test 960
°C according to IEC 695-2-1

Type with Enclosed Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

knock-outs cable details 8000126 1 piece group 1 piece unit
ø in mm Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

QES 4/3 N
housings for 4 modules

2 x Ø 27 2 QES 4/3 N GH L111 2304 R0013 12644 0 0.370 18

housings for 6 modules 4

2 x Ø 27 2 QES 6/3 N GH L111 2306 R0013 12646 4 0.440 12

housings for 10 modules

6 x Ø 32 3 QES 10/3 N GH L111 2310 R0013 12650 1 0.690 10

N + PE common terminals for QES (IP 55)

Neutral and protective-conductor terminals with insulation holder for screw-fixing
Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 4012233 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
for QES 4/3 N SMO 4 GH L430 1910 R0004 12880 2 0.093 10
for QES 6/3 N SMO 6 GH L430 1910 R0006 12882 6 0.125 10
for QES 10/3 N SMO 10 GH L430 1910 R0010 12884 0 0.105 10

Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8000126 1 piece group 1 piece unit

Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Flange for rear board fixing
1 module - IP40 ME 1 16219300 304401 0.040 1
Flange for rear board fixing
2 modules - IP40 ME 2 16219318 304500 0.045 1
Flange for rear board fixing
3 modules - IP40 ME 3 16219326 304609 0.055 1
Flange for rear board fixing
4 modules - IP40 ME 4 16219334 304708 0.060 1
Flange for rear board fixing
6 modules - IP40 ME 6 16219342 304807 0.070 1
Flange for rear board fixing
8 modules - IP40 ME 8 16219359 304906 0.080 1

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/15

ABB 4/33
For the RCBOs DS 9.. series,
shunt trips, undervoltage
releases and contacts (auxiliary
and signal) are available.
T h e s e e l e m e n t s p ro v i d e
additional functions and they
are all coupled directly to the
circuit-breaker without the use
of other components such as
pins or clips.
The auxiliary contact is
equipped with a green indicator
which shows the position of the
circuit-breaker (when the circuit-
breaker is in the “open” position
4 the indicator protrudes). The
same indicator also enables a
test of the auxiliary circuit.
The signal contact is equipped
with a yellow indicator which
protrudes out when the circuit-
breaker trips. This indicator
also resets manually the signal
circuit (RESET).
The signal contact is also
equipped with a test button
(TEST) which tests the signal
circuit contact irrespective of
the state of the MCB.
Up to a maximum of 3 contacts

can be used (the signal contact,
if necessary, should be installed
directly on the circuit-breaker
and only one can be used).
Shunt trips and undervoltage
releases are equipped with
a protruding red indicator
which shows opening of the
circuit-breaker (if caused by
the release).
There are also two versions
of the undervoltage releases
equipped with a tripping delay
of 100 ms (S 9-V24CA and
S 9-V24CC types), which
prevents unwanted tripping
caused by microinterruption
or drop in the network voltage
which lasts less than 100 ms.

4/34 ABB
Auxiliary elements and
accessories for DS 9.. series


Schemes for combination of auxiliary elements and DS 9.. series ............................ 4/36

Technical features of auxiliary elements for DS 9.. series ........................................... 4/37

Selection tables of auxiliary elements and accessories for DS 9.. series
Shunt trips ........................................................................................................................... 4/38
Signal/auxiliary contact ....................................................................................................... 4/38
Undervoltage releases ......................................................................................................... 4/38
Busbars ............................................................................................................................... 4/39

ABB 4/35
System Schemes for combination
pro M Busbars and accessories
for DS 9.. series

Combination between auxiliary elements and DS 9

ST DS 941 N H H H
or or
UR DS 951 N S
DS 971 N
4 H
Auxiliary contact
Signal contact
ST Shunt trip
UR Undervoltare release

4/36 ABB
System Technical features
pro M Busbars and accessories
for DS 9.. series
Technical characteristics of shunt trips
Type S9-T24 S9-T130 S9-T415
Voltage [V] a.c. 12…24 48…130 220…415
[V] d.c. 12…24 48…60 110…250
Frequency [V] 50…60
on release [VA] 20 VA (12 V a.c.) 22 VA (48 V a.c.) 40 VA (220 V a.c.)
90 VA (24 V a.c.) 200 VA (130 V a.c.) 130 VA (415 V a.c.)
20 VA (12 V d.c.) 22 VA (48 V d.c.) 10 VA (110 V d.c.)
90 VA (24 V d.c.) 20 VA (250 V d.c.)
Terminals [mm2] 2x1.5

Technical characteristics of undervoltage releases

Type S9-V24CA S9-V24CC S9-V48CA S9-V48CC S9-V230CA
Voltage [V] a.c.
[V] d.c.



Frequency [Hz] 50…60
Consumption on release [VA] 6 2 4.3 2 4.3
Terminals [mm2] 2x1.5

ABB 4/37
System Selection tables Accessories
pro M Busbars and accessories for DS 9..
for DS 9.. series

Shunt trips
Function: remote opening of the device when a voltage is applied.

With transformer TM 30, 10 undervoltage releases S9-T24 at 12 V AC (TM 30/12) and 9 undervoltage
releases S9-T24 at 24 V AC (TM 30/24) can be fed.
With transformer TM 40, 9 undervoltage releases S9-T24 at 12 V AC (TM 30/12) and 9 undervoltage
releases S9-T24 at 24 V AC (TM 30/24) can be fed.
Suitable for RCBOs DS 941, DS 951 and DS 971 series.
Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

C2 2 12-24 V a.c./d.c. S9-T24 16056191 402701 0.100 1

48-130 V a.c./48-60 d.c. S9-T130 16056209 402800 0.100 1
Mounting only on the left
220-415 V a.c./
4 110-250 V d.c. S9-T415 16056217 402909 0.100 1

Auxiliary contact
Function: indication of the position of the device’s contacts.
Suitable for RCBOs DS941, DS951 and DS971 series.
Automatic Manual
95 1
95 1
95 1
Signal contact
Function: indication of the position of the device’s contacts only after the automatic release of the
RCBOs due to an overload or a short-circuit.
Suitable for RCBOs DS 941, DS 951 and DS 971 series.
96 98 2 96 98 2 96 98 2
Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
S9-X Automatic Manual details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
opening opening
11 1 11 1 11 1 Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
aux. contact 1 NO + 1 NC S9-X 16056100 372202 0.040 1
signal contact 1 NO + 1 NC S9-S 16056118 372301 0.040 1

12 14 2 12 14 2 12 14 2

Undervoltage releases
Function: protection of the load in the event of a voltage drop (between 70% and 35% of its rated
value); positive safety (device’s tripping when the voltage is disconnected) emergency stop by means
of a button.
Suitable for RCBOs DS 941, DS 951 and DS 971 series.
Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
24 V a.c. with delay S9-V24CA 16056126 372400 0.100 1
24 V d.c. with delay S9-V24CC 16056134 372509 0.100 1
24 V a.c. S9-V48CA 16056142 372608 0.100 1
24 V d.c. S9-V48CC 16056159 372707 0.100 1
230 V a.c. S9-V230CA 16056167 372806 0.100 1

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/13

4/38 ABB
System Selection tables Accessories
pro M Busbars and accessories for DS 9..
for DS 9.. series
Busbars for DS9 ranges

No. pins Phases Cross Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
section details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
mm2 Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
12 1 10 BS9 1/12 2CSL910001R1012 047650 0.050 10
12 1 10 BS9 1/12 NA 2CSL910011R1012 047759 0.050 10
56 1 10 BS9 1/56 2CSL910001R1056 047353 0.140 10
56 1 10 BS9 1/56 NA 2CSL910011R1056 047452 0.140 10
12 3 10 BS9 3/12 2CSL930001R1012 047551 0.090 5
57 3 10 BS9 3/57 2CSL930001R1057 047858 0.470 5

Busbars for F200/S200 and DS9 range

2 + 10 x 1+N 2 10 BF2-S9 UP 1N/12 2CSL920009R1012 046950 0,110 5

4 + 8 x 1+N 4 10 BF2-S9 UP 3N/12 2CSL940009R1012 047056 0,110 5
2 + 10 x 1+N 2
4 + 8 x 1+N 4
BF2-S9 DOWN 1N/12 2CSL920002R1012
BF2-S9 DOWN 3N/12 2CSL940002R1012
Terminals, insulated
Conn. Type of Terminal Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
capacity connect. lug L details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
mm2 mm Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
25 pin 15 FEED-IN 25/15 1P 2CSL980001R2515 047957 0.010 5
25 pin 30 FEED-IN 25/30 3P 2CSL980001R2530 048053 0.010 5

End caps
Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
BS9-END 3P / 2CSL980001R0001 064251 0.001 20
/ In combination with BS9 3/57

Example of application with DS 9.. breakers

Feed-in 25-15

Feed-in 25-15

BS9 1/12 NA

BS9 1/12

BF2-S9 UP 1N/12 L1 L2 L3 N

L1 N BF2-S9 DOWN 3N/12

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/13

ABB 4/39
The S 280 and S 280 UC
series of MCBs are supported
by a whole group of auxiliary
elements with many functions
and configurations.
Undervoltage releases, shunt
trips, auxiliary contacts, signal
contacts, mechanical interlocks
are available. A wide range of
auxiliary elements considerably
improves the performance of
the MCBs and enables inno-va-
tive and integrated solutions to
be used in every installation.

4 The S 290 circuit-breakers are

supplied with special shunt tri-
ps, undervoltage releases and
contacts (auxiliary and signal).
All the accessories are instal-
led to the right of the circuit-
breaker. The left part is used for
installing RCD blocks.

Also S800 MCBs series is

completed with a wide range
of accessories which includes
auxiliary and signal contacts,
separating neutral, rotary han-

dles and interchangeable adap-
ter kits.
All the auxiliary elements are
installed to the left side of the
circuit breakers.
The right part is used for instal-
ling DDA 800 RCD blocks.

4/40 ABB
Auxiliary elements and
accessories for MCBs
S 280, S 290 and S800 series
and for RCD-blocks DDA 800


Schemes for combination of auxiliary elements and MCBs S 280 series .................. 4/42

Technical features of auxiliary elements for MCBs S 280 series ................................ 4/43
Selection tables of auxiliary elements for MCBs S 280 series
Shunt trips ........................................................................................................................... 4/44
Auxiliary contacts ................................................................................................................ 4/44
Signal/auxiliary contacts ..................................................................................................... 4/44
Undervoltage releases ......................................................................................................... 4/45
Hand operated neutral ........................................................................................................ 4/45

Schemes for combination of auxiliary elements and MCBs S 290 series .................. 4/46

Technical features of auxiliary elements for MCBs S 290 series ................................ 4/47

Selection tables of auxiliary elements for MCBs S 290 series

Shunt trips ........................................................................................................................... 4/48
Signal/auxiliary contact ....................................................................................................... 4/48
Undervoltage releases ......................................................................................................... 4/48

Schemes for combination of auxiliary elements and MCBs S800 series ................... 4/49

Technical features of auxiliary elements for MCBs S800 series ................................. 4/50

Selection tables of auxiliary elements and accessories for MCBs S800 series ......... 4/52
Short-circuit current limiters with cage terminal ................................................................. 4/52
Short-circuit current limiters with ring terminal cable connection ....................................... 4/52
Auxiliary contact .................................................................................................................. 4/52
Signal/auxiliary contact ....................................................................................................... 4/52
Separating neutral ............................................................................................................... 4/52
Accessories ......................................................................................................................... 4/53

ABB 4/41
System Schemes for combination and
pro M technical features
Auxiliary elements for MCBs S 280 series

Combination between auxiliary elements and S 280

S/H S 280 ST




H Auxiliary contact
S Signal contact
UR Undervoltare release
ST Shunt trip

Technical characteristics of auxiliary and signal contacts

Type S2-H11 I S2-H20 I S2-H02 I S2-H21 S2-H12 S2-H30 S2-H03
S2-H11 X S2-H20 X S2-H02 X
Description 1NO+1NC 2NO 2NC 2NO+1NC 1NO+2NC 3NO 3NC
Alternating Ue [V]sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 240 415
current Ie [A]sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 6 2
Direct Ue [V]ssssssssssssssssssssssss 24 60 110 250
current Ie [A]ssssssssssssssssssssssss 4 2 1.5 1
voltage [V] 12 a.c.-12 d.c.
Min. operating
current [mA] 12
Terminals [mm2] up to 2x1.5
Dielectric strength [kV] 3
Resistance to short-circuit
at 240 V a.c. [A] 1000 (protected with S 2 breaker characteristic K - 6 A)
Impulse voltage withstand
capacity [kV] 4
Tightening torque [Nm] 0.7
Dimensions (WxDxH) [mm] 8.75x68x90
NB: the auxiliary contacts S2-H11 X, S2-H20 X, S2-H02 X differ from the contacts S2-H11, S2-H20, S2-H02 in that they do not have a terminal to tighten the cable
which is replaced by a bayonet for the Faston connection.

4/42 ABB
System Technical features
pro M Auxiliary elements for MCBs S 280 series

Technical characteristics of shunt trips

Type S2-A1 S2-A2
Rated voltage [V]
a.c. 12 - 60 110 - 415
d.c. 12 - 60 110 - 250
Max. release duration [ms] <10 <10
Min. release [V]
voltage a.c. 7 55
d.c. 10 80
Consumption on release [VA]
12 V a.c. 35
12 V d.c. 30
24 V a.c. 140
24 V d.c. 100
48 V a.c. 600
48 V d.c.
110 V a.c.
110 V d.c. 40
220 V a.c. 180
220 V d.c. 170
Coil resistance [7] 3.7 225
Terminals [mm2] 25 25
Tightening torque [Nm] 2 2
Dimens.(WxDxH) [mm] 17.5x68x90 17.5x68x90

Technical characteristics of undervoltage releases

Type S2-BM1 S2-BM2 S2-BM3 S2-BM4 S2-BM5 S2-BM6
Standards VDE0660 part I - IEC EN 60947.1
Rated [V] a.c. - 24 48 110 220-240 380
voltage [V] d.c. 12 24 - 110 - -
Frequency [Hz] 50...60
Release trip [V] 0.35 UnbVb0.7 Un
Terminals [mm2] 2 x 1.5
Consumption [mA] 10
Resistance to corrosion [°C/RH] const. climatic cond.: 23/83-40/93-55/20; var. climatic cond.: 25/95-40/93
Protection degree IPXXB/IP2X
Tightening torque [Nm] 0.4
Dimensions (WxDxH) [mm] 17.5x68x90

S2-S S2-SH

1 change over 2 change over

240 415
6 2
250 110 60 24
0.5 1 1 4

12 a.c.-12 d.c.

up to 2x1.5

1000 (protected with S 2 breaker characteristic K - 6 A)


ABB 4/43
System Selection tables Auxiliary elements
pro M Auxiliary elements for MCBs S 280 for S 280 and
and S 280 UC series S 280 UC series

Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 4012233 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Shunt trips
Function: remote opening of the device when a voltage is applied
Suitable for MCBs S 280 and S 280 UC series

12-60 VAC/VDC shunt trip S2-A1 GH S280 1909 R0001 42930 1 0.145 1
S2-A1 I, 110-415 VAC and
S2-A2 I
C1 1 1 C1
110-250 VDC shunt trip S2-A2 GH S280 1909 R0002 42940 0 0.145 1

C2 2 2 C2 Auxiliary contacts
Function: indication of the position of the device’s contacts
4 Suitable for MCBs S 280 and S 280 UC series

Signal contacts
Function: indication of the position of the device’s contacts only after the automatic release of the
MCBs and RCBOs due to an overload or a short-circuit
Suitable for MCBs S 280 and S 280 UC series

Auxiliary contact 1 NO +
1 NC (1/2 module) S2-H11 GH S270 1916 R0001 61500 1 0.04 1
Auxiliary contact 2 NO
(1/2 module) S2-H20 GH S270 1916 R0002 61510 0 0.04 1
Auxiliary contact 2 NC
(1/2 module) S2-H02 GH S270 1916 R0003 61520 9 0.04 1
Auxiliary contact 1 NO +
1 NC (1/2 module) with
Faston connections S2-H11X GH S270 1917 R0001 61530 8 0.04 1
Auxiliary contact 2 NO
(1/2 module) with

Faston connections S2-H20X GH S270 1917 R0002 61540 7 0.04 1

Auxiliary contact 2 NC
(1/2 module) with
Faston connections S2-H02X GH S270 1917 R0003 61550 6 0.04 1
Auxiliary contact 2 NO +
1 NC (1/2 module) S2-H21 GH S270 1936 R0001 01370 3* 0.05 1
Auxiliary contact 1 NO +
2 NC (1/2 module) S2-H12 GH S270 1936 R0002 01380 2 * 0.05 1
Auxiliary contact 3 NO
(1/2 module) S2-H30 GH S270 1936 R0003 01390 1* 0.05 1
Auxiliary contact 3 NC
(1/2 module) S2-H03 GH S270 1936 R0004 01400 7* 0.05 1
Signal contact (1/2 module) S2-S GH S280 1902 R0008 12770 7* 0.07 1
Signal contact + Auxiliary
contact (1/2 module) S2-S/H GH S280 1901 R0008 42900 4 0.05 1
* Bbn 4016779

S2-H11 S2-H20 S2-H02 S2-H21 S2-H12 S2-H30 S2-H03

S2-h11 X S2-H20 X S2-H02 X
13 21 1 13 23 1 11 21 1 11 23 33 1 11 21 33 1 13 23 33 1 11 21 31 1

14 22 2 14 24 2 12 22 2 12 24 34 2 12 22 34 2 14 24 34 2 12 22 32 2

S2-S S2-S/H
Automatic Manual Automatic Manual
opening opening opening opening
95 1 95 1 95 1 95 11 1 95 11 1 95 11 1

96 98 2 96 98 2 96 98 2 96 98 12 14 2 96 98 12 14 2 96 98 12 14 2

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/14

4/44 ABB
System Selection tables Auxiliary elements
pro M Auxiliary elements for MCBs S 280 for S 280 and
and S 280 UC series S 280 UC series
Undervoltage releases
Function: protection of the load in the event of a voltage drop (between 70% and 35% of its rated
value); positive safety (device’s tripping when the voltage is disconnected) emergency stop by means
of a button.
Suitable for MCBs S 280 and S 280 UC series
Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 4012233 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
Undervoltage release
12V DC (1 module) S2-UA 12 GH S280 1911 R0001 42970 7 0.09 1
Undervoltage release
24V AC/DC (1 module) S2-UA 24 GH S280 1911 R0002 42980 6 0.09 1
Undervoltage release
48V AC/DC (1 module) S2-UA 48 GH S280 1911 R0003 79360 0 0.09 1
Undervoltage release
110V AC/DC (1 module)
Undervoltage release
220V AC/DC (1 module)
S2-UA 110

S2-UA 220
GH S280 1911 R0004

GH S280 1911 R0005

43000 0

43010 9


Undervoltage release
380V AC (1 module) S2-UA 380 GH S280 1911 R0006 79370 9 0.09 1

Hand operated neutral

The hand operated neutral has to be mounted to the left side of the MCB and be snaped on the
DIN rail. It is used for measuring duties where the neutral conductor must be in the open position.
Due to the special design of the handle - when switching ON the MCB – the neutral will make before
the MCB is closed.
The S2C - Nt is not to switch with a tool (screw driver).

Hand operated neutral S2-NT GH S270 1908 R0001 36610 1 0.06 1

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/14

ABB 4/45
System Schemes for combination
pro M Auxiliary elements and accessories
for MCBs S 290 series

Combination between auxiliary elements and S 290


122,5 S 290 H H
or or
S 290

H Auxiliary contact
S Signal contact ST h H
ST Shunt trip or or
UR Undervoltare release S S

4/46 ABB
System Technical features
pro M Auxiliary elements and accessories
for MCBs S 290 series
Technical characteristics of shunt trips
Type S 290 A1 S 290 A2
Rated voltage [V]
a.c. 110...415 24...48
d.c. 110 24...48
Max. release duration [ms] <10 <10
Peak-up power [W] 110 V AC/ DC: 8 24 V AC/ DC: 23
415 V AC: 153 48 V AC/ DC: 108
Terminals solid conductor [mm2] 2 x 1.5 max
strandet conductor 2 x 1 max
flexible conductor 2 x 1 max
Tightening torque [Nm] 2 2
Dimensions (WxDxH) [mm] 17.5x68x90 17.5x68x90

Technical characteristics of auxiliary and signal contacts

Type S 290 H11
S 290 S
Description 1NO+1NC
Alternating Ue [V] 230/400
current (AC 13) Ie [A] 6/2
Direct Ue [V] 24/60/110/220
current (DC 13) Ie [A] 6/3/1/1
Min. operating voltage [V] 12 a.c.-12 d.c.
Min. operating current [mA] 5
Terminals solid conductor [mm2] 1 x 0.5 ...1 x 4
strandet conductor 1 x 1.5 ...1 x 2.5
flexible conductor 1 x 0.5 ...1 x 2.5
Dielectric strength [kV] 3
Resistance to short- [A] 1000 (protected with
circuit at 240 V a.c. breaker char. K 6 A)
Impulse voltage withstand
capacity [kV] 4
Tightening torque [Nm] 0.5
Dimensions (WxDxH) [mm] 8.75x68x90

Technical characteristics of undervoltage releases

Type S290-UA 24 S290-UA 110 S 290-UA 230
Standards VDE0660 part I - IEC EN 60947.1
Rated [V] a.c. 230
voltage [V] d.c. -
Frequency [Hz] 50...60
Release trip threshold [V] 0.35 UnbVb0.7 Un
Terminals [mm2] 2x1.5
Consumption [W] 2,3 1,74 1,44
Resistance to corrosion [°C/RH] constant atmosphere: 23/83-40/93-55/20;
variable atmosphere: 25/95-40/93
Protection degree IPXXB/IP2X
Tightening torque [Nm] 0.4
Dimensions (WxDxH) [mm] 17.5x68x90

ABB 4/47
System Selection tables Auxiliary elements
pro M Auxiliary elements for S 290 series
for MCBs S 290 series

Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Shunt trips
Function: remote opening of the device when a voltage is applied
Suitable for MCBs S 290 series

110-415V AC/110 DC
S 290 A1 shunt trip S 290 A1 GH S290 1909 R0011 57033 6 0,09 1
S 290 A2 24-48V AC/DC S 290 A2 GH S290 1909 R0012 57034 3 0,09 1
1 C1

2 C2

4 M t i l d t

Auxiliary contact
Function: indication of the position of the device’s contacts
Suitable for MCBs S 290 series

Signal contact
Automatic Manual
S 290-H11 opening opening Function: indication of the position of the device’s contacts only after the automatic release of the
13 21 1 13 21 1 13 21 1
MCBs and RCBOs due to an overload or a short-circuit
Suitable for MCBs S 290 series

14 22 2 14 22 2 14 22 2
Auxiliary contact 1 NO +
1 NC (1/2 module) S 290 H11 GH S290 1916 R0011 57031 2 0,05 1
Automatic Manual
S 290 S opening opening Signal contact (1/2 module) S 290-S11 GH S290 1902 R0018 57032 9 0,05 1
13 21 1 13 21 1 13 21 1

14 22 2 14 22 2 14 22 2

Undervoltage releases
Function: protection of the load in the event of a voltage drop (between 70% and 35% of its rated
value); positive safety (device’s tripping when the voltage is disconnected) emergency stop by means
of a button.
Suitable for MCBs S 290 series

Undervolage release DC
24 V S 290-UA 24 GH S290 1911 R0012 57035 0 0,09 1
Undervolage release DC
110 V S 290-UA 110 GH S290 1911 R0014 57036 7 0,09 1
Undervolage release AC
230 V S 290-UA 230 GH S290 1911 R0015 57037 4 0,09 1

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/14

4/48 ABB
System Schemes for combination
pro M compact Auxiliary elements and accessories

for MCBs S800 series

Combination between auxiliary elements and S800


S800 N
S800 S DDA 800



H Auxiliary contact
S/H Signal/Auxiliary contact
S/H ST Shunt trip
UR Undervoltare release

ABB 4/49
System Technical features Auxiliary elements
pro M compact Auxiliary elements
for S800 series
for MCBs S800 series

Short circuit limiter S803S-SCL Auxiliary contact S800-AUX

Max. rated continuous current In [A] 32, 63, 125 Utilisation category AC15 400/2A
Poles 3 AC15 240/6A
Rated operating voltage Ue [V] 400/690 DC13 250/0.55A
(AC) 50/60Hz DC13 125V/1.1A
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 690 DC13 60V/2A
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp [kW] 8 DC13 24V/4A
Ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity Icu in Continuous thermal current In [A] 6
accordance with IEC 60947-2
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 690
400VAC [kA] 100
Number of contacts 2
440VAC [kA] 100
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp [kV] 6
690VAC [kA] 50
Pollution degree 3
Valid combination see:
Function of contact Changeover contacts
Low Voltage Products and Systems/Modular DIN Rail Products/High
Connection Cu [mm2] 1 x 2.5
Performance Circuit Breakers HPCBs/Software
2 x 1.5
4 Service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics in
accordance with IEC 60947-2
Rated frequency [Hz]50/60
100% Icu Tightening torque
AC/DC supply
[Nm] 1
Mounting position any Mounting on DIN top hat rail EN 60715
Disconnector proporties according to IEC 60947-2 yes Type of protection IP20
Standard IEC 60947-2 Permissible ambient temperature for [°C] -25...+60
Connection Cu (10...32A) [mm2]
1...25 strand Storage temperature [°C] -40...+70
1...35 cable Mech. device service life 6000 switching cycles
Connection Cu (40...125A) [mm2] 6...50 strand
Icu with S450E [A] 1000
6...70 cable
Tightening torque [Nm] min. 3/max. 4 Resistance to vibration IEC 60068-2-6;
EN 61373 Cat.1/class B
Supply any 5g, 20 frequency cycle
Mounting on DIN top hat rail EN 60715 5...150...5Hz
Permissible ambient temperature for operations [°C] -25...+60 at 24V AC/DC, 5mA
brief interrupt <10ms
Storage temperature [°C] -40...+70
Type of protection IP20
IP40 (only
actuation side)
Classification in accordance with NF-16-101, I3F2 Combined auxiliary and signal contact S800 AUX/ALT
NF16-102 Utilisation category AC15 400/2A
Resistance to vibration IEC 60068-2-27;
IEC 60068-2; AC15 240/6A
EN 61373 Cat.1/ DC13 250/0.55A
class B DC13 125V/1.1A
DC13 60V/2A
DC13 24V/4A
Rated current In Internal resistance Ri Power loss Pv
Continuous thermal current In [A] 6
[A] [m¾] [W]
Rated insulation voltage Ui [[A]] 690
32 1.7 1.7
Number of contacts 2 (1x AUX, 1 x AUX/ALT)
63 1.0 4.0
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp [kV] 6
125 0.6 9.4
Pollution degree 3
Function of contact Changeover contacts
Connection Cu [mm2] 1 x 2.5
2 x 1.5
Tightening torque [Nm] 1
AC/DC supply any
Mounting on DIN top hat rail EN 60715
Type of protection IP20
Permissible ambient temperature for [°C] -25...+60
Storage temperature [°C] -40...+70
Mech. device service life 6000 switching cycles
Icu with S450E [A] 1000
Resistance to vibration IEC 60068-2;
EN 61373 Cat.1/class B
5g, 20 frequency cycle
at 24V AC/DC, 5mA
brief interrupt <10ms

4/50 ABB
System Technical features Auxiliary elements
pro M compact Auxiliary elements
for S800 series
for MCBs S800 series

Shunt Operation Release S800-SOR

S800-SOR24 S800-SOR130 S800-SOR250 S800-SOR400
Rated voltage Ue [V AC/DC] 24 48...130 110...250 220...400
Operating range [%] Ue 70...110
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 690
Coil pull in consumption [W/VA] 16.6 41.9...307.3 23...119 45...148.1
Rated frequency [Hz] DC; 50/60
Pollution degree 3
Connection Cu [mm2] 1...25 strand
1...35 cable
Tightening torque [Nm] min.3/ max.4
AC/DC supply any
DIN top hat rail EN 60715
Type of protection IP20
IP40 (only actuation side)
Permissible ambient temperature of operations
Storage temperature
Resistance to vibration IEC 60068-2-6; EN61373 Cat.1/class B

Undervoltage Release S800-UVR

S800-UVR36 S800-UVR60 S800-UVR130 S800-UVR250
Rated voltage Ue [V AC/DC] 24...36 48...60 110...130 220...250
Operating range
Operating opening [%] Ue 35...70
Operating closing [%] Ue 85
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 690
Coil pull in consumption [W/VA] 1.11...1.14 1.14...1.25 1.3...1.41 1.71...1.91
Rated frequency [Hz] DC; 50/60
Pollution degree 3
Standard IEC 60947-5-1
Connection Cu [mm2] 1...25 strand
1...35 cable
Tightening torque [Nm] min.3/ max.4
AC/DC supply any
DIN top hat rail EN 60715
Type of protection IP20
IP40 (only actuation side)
Permissible ambient temperature of operations [°C] -25...+60

Storage temperature [°C] -40...+70

Resistance to vibration IEC 60068-2-6; EN61373 Cat.1/class B

Bus-bar S803-BB250 Bus-bar Power Connector S803-BBPC120

Max. rated continuous current In Max. rated continuous current In [A] 250
Side supply [A] 125 Poles 3
Central supply [A] 250 Rated operating voltage Ue [V] 400/690
Conditional short circuit current Ip [kA eff] 100 protected by Tmax Rated frequency [Hz] 50
Poles 3 Standards EN 60439-2:2000
Rated operating voltage Ue Material of the terminals CuZn39Pb2; material
(AC) 50/60Hz [V] 400/690 no.:2.0380
Casing material Polyamide PA66+PA6; UL94
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 690 V-0 at 0.4mm
Rated impulse withstand voltage [kV] 8 Free of halogen and phos-
Uimp phorus
Rated frequency [Hz] 50 Tightening torque
Standards EN 60439-2:2000 At supply end [Nm] 19
Material of the bars E-Cu 58 half-hard rolled F25 At busbar end [Nm] 3
Material of the insulation profile Cycoloy C 3600; UL94 V-0 at Connection cross-section [mm2] 120
1.5mm Polution degree 2
Material of the end caps Polyamide PA66+PA6; UL94
V-0 at 0.4mm
Free of halogen and phos-
Busbar cross-sections [mm2] 60
Overvoltage category III
Polution degree 2

ABB 4/51
System Selection tables Auxiliary elements
pro M compact Auxiliary elements
for S800 series
for MCBs S800 series

Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit
[A] Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Short-circuit current limiters with cage terminal

32 S 803S-SCL32 2CCS800900R0291 208912 0.735 1
63 S 803S-SCL63 2CCS800900R0301 208929 0.735 1
125 S 803S-SCL125 2CCS800900R0281 208905 0.735 1

Short-circuit current limiters with ring terminal cable connection

4 63
S 803S-SCL63-R 2CCS800900R0331
S 803S-SCL125-R 2CCS800900R0311

Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Auxiliary contact
Auxiliary contact S 800-AUX 2CCS800900R0011 206802 0.049 1

Combined auxiliary and signal contact

Auxiliary/signal contact S 800-AUX/ALT 2CCS800900R0021 206819 0.050 1

Separating neutral
Separating neutral 63A S 800-NT 2CCS800900R0061 208196 0.115 1

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/14

4/52 ABB
System Selection tables Accessories
pro M compact Accessories
for S800 series
for MCBs S800 series

Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Shunt operation releases

24VAC/DC S800-SOR24 2CCS800900R0191 208318 0.15 1
48...130VAC/DC S800-SOR130 2CCS800900R0221 208349 0.15 1
110...250VAC/DC S800-SOR250 2CCS800900R0211 208332 0.15 1
220...400VAC/DC S800-SOR400 2CCS800900R0231 208356 0.15 1

Under voltage releases

24...36VAC/DC S800-UVR36 2CCS800900R0241 208363 0.15 1
220...250VAC/DC S800-UVR250 2CCS800900R0271 208394 0.15 1

Rotary drive adapter for 3-4-pole High Performance MCB

Rotary Drive S 800-RD 2CCS800900R0041 208172 0.080 1

Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8015644 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Anthracite/Standard rotary handle for door assembly

Anthracite rotary handle S 800-RHE-H 1SDA060150R1 625771 0.21 1

Red/Emergency rotary handle for door assembly

Red rotary handle S 800-RHE-H-EM 1SDA060151R1 625764 0.21 1

Axial extension of rotary drive – rotary handle 500mm

Rod 500mm for RHE S 800-RHE-S 1SDA060179R1 626242 0.19 1

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/14

ABB 4/53
System Selection tables Accessories for S800
pro M compact Accessories for MCBs S800
and RCD-blocks
and RCD-blocks DDA 800 series DDA 800 series
IP54 protection for rotary handle
IP54 kit S 800-RHE-IP54 1SDA060180R1 626259 0.075 1

Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 7612271 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Intermediate piece
Intermediate Piece 9mm S 800-IP9 2CCS800900R0031 208202 0.011 1

Padlock device
Padlock Lever Lock
with 4mm hasp S 800-PLL 2CCS800900R0051 208189 0.0015 1

Interchangeable adapter kit

Cage Terminal S800-CT232 2CCS800900R0451 208257 0.03 2
Cage Terminal S800-CT432 2CCS800900R0441 208226 0.06 4
Cage Terminal S800-CT2125 2CCS800900R0181 208264 0.03 2
Cage Terminal S800-CT4125 2CCS800900R0151 208233 0.06 4
Cage Terminal S800N-CT232 2CCS800900R0451 212025 0.03 2
Cage Terminal S800N-CT432 2CCS800900R0441 212018 0.06 4
Cage Terminal S800N-CT2125 2CCS800900R0471 212049 0.03 2
Cage Terminal S800N-CT4125 2CCS800900R0461 212032 0.06 4

Interchangeable adapter kit

Ring Terminal cable connection S800-RT232 2CCS800900R0431 211981 0.03 2
Ring Terminal cable connection S800-RT432 2CCS800900R0421 211974 0.06 4
Ring Terminal cable connection S800-RT2125 2CCS800900R0161 208240 0.03 2
Ring Terminal cable connection S800-RT4125 2CCS800900R0131 208219 0.06 4
Ring Terminal cable connection S800N-RT232 2CCS800900R0491 212001 0.03 2
Ring Terminal cable connection S800N-RT432 2CCS800900R0481 211998 0.06 4
Ring Terminal cable connection S800N-RT2125 2CCS800900R0391 210878 0.03 2
Ring Terminal cable connection S800N-RT4125 2CCS800900R0401 210861 0.06 4

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/15

4/54 ABB
System Selection tables Accessories for S800
pro M compact Accessories for MCBs S800
and RCD-blocks
and RCD-blocks DDA 800 series DDA 800 series
Busbar 250A S 803-BB250 2CCS800900R0071 208288 1.5 1

Supply block
Busbar Power
Connector 120mm2 S 803-BBPC120 2CCS800900R0101 208301 0.46 1

Contact protection cap

Busbar Isolation Cap S 800-BBIC 2CCS800900R0081 208967 0.02 12

End cap 4
End cap S 800-END 2CCS800900R0091 208295 0.04 1

S 800-ILS
Identification Labeling
System 168x6x11.5mm S 800-ILS 2CCS800900R0121 208271 0.011 1

Auxiliary elements and accessories for DDA 800 RCD-blocks

Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
Ring tongue terminal kit DDA 800-RT 2CSB100913R0001 987406 0.01 1/12

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/15

ABB 4/55
The following chapter shows Fuse holders can protect
other protection devices in against short circuits and
addition to the MCBs and overload.
RCDs ones.:
They are available in the
Surge protective devices following versions:
OVR: they are aimed at - E90: fuse disconnectors
protecting electrical and that can disconnect circuits
electronic equipment against under load
overvoltages and impulse - E90h and E930 fuse holders
currents (such as switching ranges suitable for use with
and lighting surges). gG and aM cylindrical fuse
- E90PV: fuse disconnectors,
SPDs feature the following
designed for operating
two functions:
voltages of 1000 V d.c. with
- they limit overvoltage to
utilization category DC-20B
a level acceptable by the
equipment to be protected
- they divert surge currents Insulation monitoring
Residual current relays Moreover ABB offers a wide
together with toroidal range of insulation monitoring
transformers can detect devices:
leakage current.
For medical location
6 They are available in modular
version (RD2 range and the
insulation monitoring
new RD3 electronic residual devices for medical
current relay range) and in locations
front panel versions (RD - QSD remote signalling panel
For industrial environments
A common range of toroidal
- ISL insulation monitoring
transformers is available for all
the residual current relays.


Other modular devices
Protection devices


Technical features of OVR Surge Protective Devices .................................................... 5/2

Selection tables
OVR Surge Protective Devices.............................................................................................. 5/6
RD2 residual current monitors............................................................................................. 5/11
RD3 residual current monitors............................................................................................. 5/12
RD front panel residual current relays ................................................................................. 5/13 5
TR toroidal transformers...................................................................................................... 5/14
E 90 fuse holders................................................................................................................. 5/15
E 930 fuse holders............................................................................................................... 5/20
M2160-M2060 fuse switches .............................................................................................. 5/23
ILTS switch-disconnectors .................................................................................................. 5/24
ISOLTESTER-DIG insulation monitoring devices ................................................................ 5/26
ISL industrial insulation monitoring devices........................................................................ 5/29

ABB 5/1
System Technical features SPDs
pro M compact OVR Surge Protective Devices

Type 1 & Type 1+2

Type 1
OVR T1 25 TS
Technology Triggered spark-gap

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class 1/I
Poles 1P - 1P - , 2P 2L , 3P 3L , 4P 4L 1P+N 1N 3P+N 3N
Types of networks IT - TNS - TNC TNS - TNC TT TT

5 Type of current
Nominal voltage Un V 400 230
230 230
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc V 440 255 - -
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc (L-N / N- ) V - 255 / 255 255 / 255
Impulse current Iimp (10/350) per pole kA 25 25 - -
Impulse current Iimp (10/350) (L-N / N- ) kA - 25 / 50 25 / 100
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) per pole kA 25 25 - -
Nominal discharge current In (8/20 (L-N / N- ) kA - 25 / 50 25 / 100
Voltage protection level Up kV 2 2.5 - -
Voltage protection level Up (L-N / N- ) kV - - 2.5 / 1.5 2.5 / 1.5
Follow current interrupting rating Ifi kArms 50 50 - -
Follow current interrupting rating Ifi (L-N / N- ) kArms - - 50 / 0.1 50 / 0.1
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand UT (5s.) V 690 400 - -
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand UT (L-N: 5s. / N- : 200ms.) V - - 400 / 1200 400 / 1200
Continuous operating current Ic mA None
Short-circuit withstand capability kArms 50
Load current Iload (for V-wiring) A 125
Maximum back-up fuse gG/gL
Parrallel Connection A 125
Serial Connection (V-wiring) A 125

Mechanical features
Stocking and operating temperature °C -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP 20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0
Colour of Housing Polyarylamide grey RAL 7035
State indicator Option (with TS)
TS remote indicator Option (TS)

Wire range (L, N, )
solid wire mm2 2.5 ... 50
stranded wire mm2 2.5 ... 35
Stripping length (L, N, ) mm 15
Tightening torque (L, N, ) Nm 3.5


Electrical features
Contact complement 1NO (1 normally open contact),
+1NC (1 normally closed contact)
Min. load 6V D.C. - 10 mA
Max. load 250V A.C. - 5 A
Continuous operating current mA 10

Connection cross-section mm2 1.5

5/2 ABB
System Technical features SPDs
pro M compact OVR Surge Protective Devices

Type 1 & Type 1+2

Type 1 Type1+2 Type 1+2 Type 1+2

OVR T1 25 255-7 OVR T1+2 25 255 TS OVR T1+2 15 255-7 OVR T1+2 7 275 s P
Triggered spark-gap Triggered spark-gap/varistor Triggered spark-gap Varistor

IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
1/I 1/I 1/I 1/I
1P - 3P+N 3N 1P - 3P+N 3N 1P - , 3P 3L , 4P 4L 1P+N 1N 3P+N 3N
230 5
255 - 255 255 - 275 275 275 / 255
- 255 / 255 - - 255 / 255
25 - 25 15 - 7 - -
- 25 / 100 - - 15 / 50 - 7 / 12 7 / 12
25 - 25 15 - 6
- 25 / 100 - - 15 / 50 - 6 6
2.5 - 1.5 1.5 - 0.9 - -
- 2.5 / 1.5 - - 1.5 / 1.5 - 0.9 / 1.4 0.9 / 1.5
7 - 15 7 - NA - -
- 7 / 0.1 - - 7 / 0.1 - NA / 0.1 NA / 0.1
650 - 334 650 - 334 - -
- 650 / 1200 - - 650 / 1200 - 334 / 1200
< 2 (LED) < 1 (Varistor leakage) < 2 (LED) <1
50 50 50 50
- 125 - -

125 125 125 32

NA 125 NA NA

-40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80

IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20
V0 V0 V0 V0
Polyarylamide grey RAL 7035 Polyarylamide grey RAL 7035 Polyarylamide grey RAL 7035 PC grey RAL 7035
Yes Yes Yes Yes
No Yes No No

2.5 ... 50 2.5 ... 50 2.5 ... 50 2.5 ... 25

2.5 ... 35 2.5 ... 35 2.5 ... 35 2.5 ... 16
15 15 15 12.5
3.5 3.5 3.5 2.8

- 1NO (1 normally open contact), - -

- +1NC (1 normally closed contact)
- 12V D.C. - 10 mA - -
- 250V A.C. - 1 A - -
- None - -

- 1.5 - -

ABB 5/3
System Technical features SPDs
pro M compact OVR Surge Protective Devices

Type 2

Type 2 (pluggable)
Technology Varistor

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class 2 / II
Poles 1P - 1P - , 3P+N 3N 1P - , 3P 3L , 4P 4L 1P+N 1N , 3P+N 3N
Types of networks IT TT TNS - TNC TT
Type of current A.C. A.C. A.C. A.C.
5 Nominal voltage Un
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc (L-N / N- ) V - 440 / 255 - 275 / 255
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) per pole kA 15 40 70 - - - 15 40 70 - - -
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) (L-N / N- ) kA - - - 15 /70 40 /70 70 /70 - - - 15 /70 40 /70 70 /70
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) per pole kA 5 20 30 - - - 5 20 30 - - -
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) (L-N / N- ) kA - - - 5/30 20/30 30/30 - - - 5/30 20/30 30/30
Voltage protection level Up kV 1.5 1.9 2 - - - 1 1.4 1.5 - - -
Voltage protection level Up (L-N / N- ) kV - - - 1.5/1.4 1.9/1.4 1.9/1.4 - - - 1/1.4 1.4/1.4 1.5/1.4
Follow current interrupting rating Ifi kArms NA - NA -
Follow current interrupting rating Ifi (L-N / N- ) kArms - NA / 0.1 - NA / 0.1
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand UT (5s.) V 440 440 440 - 334 -
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand UT (L-N: 5s. / N- : 200ms.) V - 400 / 1200 - 334 / 1200
Continuous operating current Ic mA <1 <1 <1 <1
Short-circuit withstand capability kArms 50 50 50 50
gG -gL fuse A 32 32 32 32
curve C circuit breaker A 40 40 40 40

Mechanical features
Stocking and operating temperature °C -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP 20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0
Material of Housing PC grey RAL 7035
Pluggable cartridge Yes
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes
State indicator Yes
Safety reserve Option (s)
TS remote indicator Option (TS)

Wire range (L, N, )
solid wire mm2 2.5 ... 25
stranded wire mm2 2.5 ... 16
Stripping length (L, N, ) mm 12.5
Tightening torque (L, N, ) Nm 2.8


Electrical features
Contact complement 1NO (1 make contact),
+1NC (1 normally closed contact)
Min. load 12V D.C. - 10 mA
Max. load 250V A.C. - 1 A
Continuous operating current mA None

Connection cross-section mm2 1.5

5/4 ABB
System Technical features SPDs
pro M compact OVR Surge Protective Devices

Type 2

Type 2 (non pluggable) Type 2 Photovoltaic Telecom / Dataline

OVR T2 275 OVR PV P (TS) OVR TC ... P
Varistor Varistor

IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-21

2 / II 2 / II TC
1P - , 3P 3L , 4P 4L 3P+N 3N 2 3 1 pair
TNS - TNC - TT PV Systems Dataline / Telecom
A.C. D.C. D.C. Low current
- - 275 / 440 -
15 40 - 40 40 10
- - 40 / 70 - - -
5 20 - 20 20 5
- - 20 / 30 - - -
1 1.4 - - - 15 20 35 70 700 300
- - 1.4 / 1.4 2.8 / 1.4 3.8 -
NA - - -
- - - -
334 - - -
- - - -
<1 <1 <1 140
50 - - -

32 - - -
40 - - -

-40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80

IP 20 IP 20 IP 20
V0 V0 V0
PC grey RAL 7035 PC grey RAL 7035 PC grey RAL 7035
No Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes No
No Option (s) No
No No

2.5 ... 25 2.5 ... 25 0.5 ... 2.5

2.5 ... 16 2.5 ... 16 0.5 ... 2.5
12.5 12.5 -
2.8 2.8 -

- 1NO (1 make contact), -

- +1NC (1 normally closed contact) -
- 12V D.C. - 10 mA -
- 250V A.C. - 1 A -
- None -

- 1.5 -

ABB 5/5
System Selection tables SPDs
pro M compact OVR Surge Protective Devices

Surge Protective Devices, Type 1 / Type 1+2

T1 Function: Type 1 and Type 1+2 SPDs are Lightning Current Arresters. They can handle and divert
high energy from lightning.
They are necessary when the installation is exposed to direct lightning (for example when the building
is equipped with external lightning protection system or powered by aerial lines). They shall be installed
at the line entrance of the installation (meter board or main distribution board).
ABB Type 1 and Type 1+2 SPDs are tested with wave-shape 10/350. Additionnaly, Type 1+2 SPDs
are also tested with wave-shape 8/20 to guarantee protection against overvoltage of low energy
from remote lightning stroke or from switching operations.
ABB Type 1+2 SPDs feature a better voltage protection level (Up) than Type 1 SPDs which make them
suitable for protection of most of electrical and electronic equipment situated within the protective
distance (up to 30 meters).
Type 1 Neutral SPDs are for TT networks when used in combination with phase SPDs Type 1 or
Type 1+2.

Application: residential, commercial, industrial

Standard: IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
10/350 current wave for SPDs Type 1, 10/350 & 8/20 for SPDs Type 1+2, spark-gap technology
(no blow-out).

5 Nb. of
Follow Voltage Nominal Max. cont. Order
current protection voltage operating details
interrupting level voltage
Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
3660308 1 piece group 1 piece unit

(10/350) Ifi Up Un Uc
kA kArms kV V V Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Type 1 (Ifi = 50 kA)

1 25 50 2.5 230 255 OVR T1 25 255 2CTB815101R0100 510877 0.25 1

IT (230 / 400 V) & TNS, TNC (400 / 690 V)

1 25 50 2 400 440 OVR T1 25 440-50 2CTB815101R9300 514929 0.27 1

TNS (1 Ph+N)

2 25 (2) 50 2.5 230 255 OVR T1 2L 25 255 2CTB815101R1200 510891 0.50 1

2 25 (2) 50 2.5 230 255 OVR T1 2L 25 255 TS (3) 2CTB815101R1100 510945 0.60 1

TT (1 Ph+N)
1+N 25/50 (1) 50/0.1 (1) 2.5/1.5 (1) 230 255/255 (1) OVR T1 1N 25 255 2CTB815101R1500 510921 0.50 1
1+N 25/50 (1) 50/0.1 (1) 2.5/1.5 (1) 230 255/255 (1) OVR T1 1N 25 255 TS (3) 2CTB815101R1000 510976 0.60 1

3 25 (2) 50 2.5 230 255 OVR T1 3L 25 255 2CTB815101R1300 510907 0.75 1
3 25 (2) 50 2.5 230 255 OVR T1 3L 25 255 TS (3) 2CTB815101R0600 510952 0.85 1

TNS (3 Ph+N)
4 25 (2) 50 2.5 230 255 OVR T1 4L 25 255 2CTB815101R1400 510914 1.00 1
4 25 (2) 50 2.5 230 255 OVR T1 4L 25 255 TS (3) 2CTB815101R0800 510969 1.10 1

TT (3 Ph+N)
3+N 25/100 (1) 50/0.1 (1) 2.5/1.5 (1) 230 255/255 (1) OVR T1 3N 25 255 2CTB815101R1600 510938 1.00 1
3+N 25/100 (1) 50/0.1 (1) 2.5/1.5 (1) 230 255/255 (1) OVR T1 3N 25 255 TS (3) 2CTB815101R0700 510983 1.10 1
(1) L-N / N- .
(2) per pole.
(3) TS: telesignal contact for remote control of the status of the Surge Protective Device.

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/115 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/23 Application sheets ......................... pag. 11/5

5/6 ABB
System Selection tables SPDs
pro M compact OVR Surge Protective Devices

T1 Nb. of
Voltage Nominal Max. cont. Order
protection voltage operating details
V Type code Order code

Price Price Weight Pack
3660308 1 piece group 1 piece unit

kg pc.

Type 1 (Ifi = 7 kA)

1 25 7 2.5 230 255 OVR T1 25 255-7 2CTB815101R8700 514110 0.12 1

TT (3 Ph+N)

3+N 25/100 (1) 7/0.1 (1) 2.5/1.5 (1) 230 255/255 (1) OVR T1 3N 25 255-7 2CTB815101R8800 514127 0.60 1

T1+T2 Type 1+2 (Iimp = 25 kA)


1 25 15 1.5 230 255 OVR T1+2 25 255 TS (3) 2CTB815101R0300 510884 0.30 1

Type 1+2 (Iimp = 15 kA)


1 15 7 1.5 230 255 OVR T1+2 15 255-7 2CTB815101R8900 514134 0.12 1

TT (3 Ph+N)
3+N 15/50 (1) 7/0.1 (1) 1.5/1.5 (1) 230 255/255 (1) OVR T1+2 3N 15 255-7 2CTB815101R9000 514141 0.60 1

Type 1+2 (Iimp = 7 kA)

1 7 0 0.9 230 275 OVR T1+2 7 275s P 2CTB815101R3900 513403 0.12 1
2 7 0 0.9/1.4 230 275 OVR T1+2 1N 7 275s P 2CTB815302R1000 515728 0.27 1
4 7 0 0.9/1.5 230 275 OVR T1+2 3N 7 275s P 2CTB815502R1000 515735 0.5 1
3 7 0 0.9 230 275 OVR T1+2 3L 7 275s P 2CTB815101R4000 513410 0.4 1
4 7 0 0.9 230 275 OVR T1+2 4L 7 275s P 2CTB815101R4100 513427 0.5 1
- 7 0 0.9 230 275 OVR T1+2 7 275s C 2CTB815101R3800 513458 0.1 1
- 7 0 1.4 230 275 OVR T1+2 70 NC 2CTB815101R5100 515742 0.05 1

T1 Type 1 Neutral

(N+PE) For TT networks when used in combination with phase SPDs Type 1 or Type 1+2
OVR T1 50 N
OVR T1 100 N

(1) L-N / N- .
(3) TS: telesignal contact for remote control of the status of the Surge Protective Device.

Bus bar
For TT (3Ph+N) networks, this bus bar can be used to connect four single pole Type 1 & Type 1+2 SPDs
(except for Type 1 with Ifi = 7 kA)
- - - - - - Bus bar 3N 2CTB815102R0400 516091 0.005 50

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/115 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/23 Application sheets ......................... pag. 11/5

ABB 5/7
System Selection tables SPDs
pro M compact OVR Surge Protective Devices

Surge Protective Devices, Type 2

T2 Function: Type 2 SPDs are surge arresters. They can handle energy from distant/ indirect lightning
strikes or from switching operations. Type 2 SPDs can not discharge high energies from direct
lightning like Type 1 SPDs but they feature lower protection level (Up). They are recommended at
the incoming of installation for locations with no exposure to direct lightning impulses.
Application: residential, commercial, industrial
Standard: IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
8/20 current wave, varistor technology.
Nb. of Maxi. Nominal Voltage Nom. Max. cont. Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
poles discharge discharge protection voltage operating details 3660308 1 piece group 1 piece unit
current current level Un voltage
Imax In Up Uc
(8/20) (8/20)
kA kA kV V V Type code Order code EAN kg ppc.

Type 2 (pluggable)

1 15 5 1.0 230 275 OVR T2 15 275 P 2CTB803851R2400 512840 0.12 1

1 40 20 1.4 230 275 OVR T2 40 275 P 2CTB803851R2300 512833 0.12 1
1 40 20 1.4 230 275 OVR T2 40 275s P 2CTB803851R2000 512826 0.12 1

5 1
OVR T2 40 275 P TS
OVR T2 40 275s P TS (3)
OVR T2 70 275 s P
1 70 30 1.5 230 275 OVR T2 70 275s P TS (3) 2CTB803851R1300 512796 0.15 1

IT (230 / 400 V)

1 15 5 1.5 400 440 OVR T2 15 440 P 2CTB803851R1100 512772 0.12 1

1 40 20 1.9 400 440 OVR T2 40 440 P 2CTB803851R1200 512789 0.12 1
1 40 20 1.9 400 440 OVR T2 40 440 s P 2CTB803851R0800 512765 0.12 1
1 40 20 1.9 400 440 OVR T2 40 440 P TS 2CTB803851R0500 514370 0.14 1
1 40 20 1.9 400 440 OVR T2 40 440s P TS (3) 2CTB803851R0200 512741 0.15 1
1 70 30 2 400 440 OVR T2 70 440 s P 2CTB803851R0700 512758 0.12 1
1 70 30 2.0 400 440 OVR T2 70 440s P TS (3) 2CTB803851R0100 512734 0.15 1

TT (1 Ph+N)
1+N 15/70 (1) 5/30 (1) 1.0/1.4 (1) 230 275/255 (1) OVR T2 1N 15 275 P 2CTB803952R1200 513106 0.22 1

1+N 40/70 (1) 20/30 (1) 1.4/1.4 (1) 230 275/255 (1) OVR T2 1N 40 275 P 2CTB803952R1100 513250 0.27 1
1+N 40/70 (1) 20/30 (1) 1.4/1.4 230 275/255 OVR T2 1N 40 275s P 2CTB803952R0800 513090 0.27 1
1+N 40/70 (1) 20/30 (1) 1.4/1.4 (1) 230 275/255 (1) OVR T2 1N 40 275 P TS 2CTB803952R0500 514387 0.27 1
1+N 40/70 (1) 20/30 (1) 1.4/1.4 (1) 230 275/255 (1) OVR T2 1N 40 275s P TS (3) 2CTB803952R0200 513076 0.27 1
1+N 70/70 (1) 30/30 (1) 1.5/1.4 230 275/255 OVR T2 1N 70 275 s P 2CTB803952R0700 513083 0.27 1
1+N 70/70 (1) 30/30 (1) 1.5/1.4 (1) 230 275/255 (1) OVR T2 1N 70 275s P TS (3) 2CTB803952R0100 513069 0.27 1

3 15 (2) 5 (2) 1.0 230 275 OVR T2 3L 15 275 P 2CTB803853R3400 512987 0.35 1

3 40 (2) 20 (2) 1.4 230 275 OVR T2 3L 40 275 P 2CTB803853R2400 513366 0.35 1
3 40 (2) 20 (2) 1.4 230 275 OVR T2 3L 40 275sP 2CTB803853R2200 512963 0.35 1
3 40 (2) 20 (2) 1.4 230 275 OVR T2 3L 40 275 P TS 2CTB803853R2500 514400 0.40 1
3 40 (2) 20 (2) 1.4 230 275 OVR T2 3L 40 275s P TS (3) 2CTB803853R2300 512970 0.40 1
3 70 (2) 30 (2) 1.5 230 275 OVR T2 3L 70 275 s P 2CTB803853R4100 512994 0.35 1
3 70 (2) 30 (2) 1.5 230 275 OVR T2 3L 70 275s P TS (3) 2CTB803853R4400 513007 0.40 1

TNS (3 Ph+N)
4 15 (2) 5 (2) 1.0 230 275 OVR T2 4L 15 275 P 2CTB803853R6000 513038 0.45 1
4 40 (2) 20 (2) 1.4 230 275 OVR T2 4L 40 275 P 2CTB 803853R5600 513274 0.45 1

4 40 (2) 20 (2) 1.4 230 275 OVR T2 4L 40 275sP 2CTB803853R5400 513021 0.45 1
4 40 (2) 20 (2) 1.4 230 275 OVR T2 4L 40 275 P TS 2CTB803853R5200 514417 0.50 1
4 40 (2) 20 (2) 1.4 230 275 OVR T2 4L 40 275s P TS (3) 2CTB803853R5000 513014 0.50 1
4 70 (2) 30 (2) 1.5 230 275 OVR T2 4L 70 275 s P 2CTB803919R0200 513045 0.45 1
4 70 (2) 30 (2) 1.5 230 275 OVR T2 4L 70 275s P TS (3) 2CTB803919R0400 513052 0.50 1

TT (3 Ph+N)
3+N 15/70 (1) 5/30 (1) 1.0/1.4 (1) 230 275/255 (1) OVR T2 3N 15 275 P 2CTB803953R1200 513151 0.45 1
3+N 40/70 (1) 20/30 (1) 1.4/1.4 (1) 230 275/255 (1) OVR T2 3N 40 275 P 2CTB803953R1100 513267 0.45 1
3+N 40/70 (1) 20/30 (1) 1.4/1.4 230 275/255 OVR T2 3N 40 275sP 2CTB803953R0800 513144 0.45 1

3+N 40/70 (1) 20/30 (1) 1.4/1.4 (1) 230 275/255 (1) OVR T2 3N 40 275 P TS 2CTB803953R0500 514394 0.50 1
3+N 40/70 (1) 20/30 (1) 1.4/1.4 (1) 230 275/255 (1) OVR T2 3N 40 275s P TS (3) 2CTB803953R0200 513120 0.50 1
3+N 70/70 (1) 30/30 (1) 1.5/1.4 230 275/255 OVR T2 3N 70 275 s P 2CTB803953R0700 513137 0.45 1
3+N 70/70 (1) 30/30 (1) 1.5/1.4 (1) 230 275/255 (1) OVR T2 3N 70 275s P TS (3) 2CTB803953R0100 513113 0.50 1
(1) L-N / N- . (2) per pole. (3) TS: telesignal contact for remote control of the status of the Surge Protective Device.
The safety reserve (s) ensures a preventive maintenance of the installation.
Technical details ........................ pag. 10/115 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/23 Application sheets ......................... pag. 11/5

5/8 ABB
System Selection tables SPDs
pro M compact OVR Surge Protective Devices

Nb. of Maxi. Nominal Voltage Nom. Max. cont. Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
poles discharge discharge protection voltage operating details 3660308 1 piece group 1 piece unit
current current level Un voltage
Imax In Up Uc
(8/20) (8/20)
kA kA kV V V Type code Order code EAN kg ppc.

TT (3 Ph+N)
3+N 15 5 1.5/1.4 (1) 230 440/255 (1) OVR T2 3N 15-440 P 2CTB803953R1300 3660308516800 0.45 1
3+N 40 20 1.9/1.4 (1) 230 440/255(1) OVR T2 3N 40-440 P 2CTB803953R1400 3660308516817 0.45 1
3+N 40 20 1.9/1.4 (1) 230 440/255(1) OVR T2 3N 40-440 P TS(3) 2CTB803953R1500 3660308516824 0.45 1
3+N 40 20 1.9/1.4 (1) 230 440/255(1) OVR T2 3N 40-440s P TS(3) 2CTB803953R1600 3660308516831 0.45 1
3+N 70 30 1.9/1.4 (1) 230 440/255(1) OVR T2 3N 70-440s P 2CTB803953R1700 3660308516848 0.45 1

3+N 70 30 1.9/1.4 (1) 230 440/255(1) OVR T2 3N 70-440s P TS(3) 2CTB803953R1800 3660308516855 0.45 1
1 70 30 1.4 230 255 OVR T2 70N P 2CTB813812R2600 3660308516862 0.23 1

Replacement cartridges for Surge Protective Devices Type 2

Phase cartridge, 275 V
- 15 5 1.0 230 275 OVR T2 15 275 C 2CTB803854R1200 513168 0.10 1

- 40 20 1.4 230 275 OVR T2 40 275 C 2CTB803854R1000 513182 0.10 1

- 40 20 1.4 230 275 OVR T2 40 275s C (1) 2CTB803854R0900 513199 0.10 1
- 70 30 1.5 230 275 OVR T2 70 275s C (1) 2CTB803854R0700 513229 0.10 1
Neutral cartridge for products OVR T2 1N (..) & OVR T2 3N (..), 275 V
- 70 30 1.4 - 440 OVR T2 70 N C 2CTB803854R0000 513243 0.05 1

Phase cartridge, 440 V

- 15 5 1.5 400 440 OVR T2 15 440 C 2CTB803854R0600 513175 0.10 1
- 40 20 1.9 400 440 OVR T2 40 440 C 2CTB803854R0400 513205 0.10 1
- 40 20 1.9 400 440 OVR T2 40 440s C (1) 2CTB803854R0300 513212 0.10 1
- 70 30 2.0 400 440 OVR T2 70 440s C (1) 2CTB803854R0100 513236 0.10 1

Type 2 (non pluggable)


1 15 5 1 230 275 OVR T2 15 275 2CTB804200R0100 514882 0.12 1

1 40 20 1.4 230 275 OVR T2 40 275 2CTB804201R0100 514103 0.12 1
1 40 20 1.4 230 275 OVR T2 3L 40 275 2CTB804601R0400 515964 0.35 1
3N 1 40 20 1.4 230 275 OVR T2 4L 40 275 2CTB804211R0100 515612 0.45 1
1 40/40 20/20 1.4/1.4 230 275/255 OVR T2 3N 40 275 2CTB804301R0300 515940 0.45 1
(1) The safety reserve (s) ensures a preventive maintenance of the installation.

OVR Plus 1N 10 275 with integrated disconnector

1+N 10/10 5/5 1/1.4 230 275/255 OVR Plus 1N 10 275 2CTB813812R2600 515770 0.2 1

Surge Protective Devices, Low current

TC The transmission line pluggable surge arresters (OVR TC P) provide protection against transient overvol-
tages for quipment connected to telephone lines (digital or analog), computer links or current loops, for
applications such as RS-485, or 4-20 mA.
1 10 5 0.015 6 OVR TC 6V P 2CTB804820R0000 515230 0.05 1

1 10 5 0.02 12 OVR TC 12V P 2CTB804820R0100 515247 0.05 1

1 10 5 0.035 24 OVR TC 24V P 2CTB804820R0200 515254 0.05 1
1 10 5 0.07 48 OVR TC 48V P 2CTB804820R0300 515261 0.05 1
1 10 5 0.7 200 OVR TC 200V P 2CTB804820R0400 515278 0.05 1
1 10 5 0.3 200 OVR TC 200FR P 2CTB804820R0500 515285 0.05 1
- 10 5 0.015 7 OVR TC 6V C 2CTB804821R0000 515292 0.02 1
- 10 5 0.02 14 OVR TC 12V C 2CTB804821R0100 515308 0.02 1
- 10 5 0.035 27 OVR TC 24V C 2CTB804821R0200 515315 0.02 1
- 10 5 0.07 53 OVR TC 48V C 2CTB804821R0300 515322 0.02 1
- 10 5 0.7 220 OVR TC 200V C 2CTB804821R0400 515339 0.02 1
OVR TC P 200 V OVR TC P / xx V / - 10 5 0.3 220 OVR TC 200FR C 2CTB804821R0500 515346 0.02 1
in parallel 200 FR in series 1 - - - - - Base OVR TC RJ11 2CTB804840R1000 515599 0.02 1
2 - - - - - Base OVR TC RJ45 2CTB804840R1100 515605 0.04 1

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/115 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/23 Application sheets ......................... pag. 11/5

ABB 5/9
System Selection tables SPDs
pro M compact OVR Surge Protective Devices

Nb. of Maxi. Nominal Voltage Nom. Max. cont. Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

PV poles discharge discharge

current current
Imax In
(8/20) (8/20)
voltage operating
Un voltage
details 3660308 1 piece group 1 piece unit

kA kA kV V V Type code Order code EAN kg ppc.

Surge Protective Devices, Photovoltaic

The photovoltaic pluggable surge arresters OVR PV provide protection for equipment on photovoltaic
connected system, against transient overvoltages that occur on the electrical network.
3 40 20 2.8/1.4 600 720 OVR PV 40 600 P 2CTC803953R5300 516511 0.27 1
3 40 20 2.8/1.4 600 720 OVR PV 40 600 P TS 2CTC803953R5400 516528 0.27 1
OVR PV 600 V 3 40 20 3.8 1000 1120 OVR PV 40 1000 P 2CTC803953R6400 516534 0.27 1
3 40 20 3.8 1000 1120 OVR PV 40 1000 P TS 2CTC803953R6500 516541 0.27 1

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/115 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/23 Application sheets ......................... pag. 11/5

5/10 ABB
System Selection tables RD2
pro M compact Protection devices

RD2 residual current monitors

Residual current monitors (RCMs) with external transformer can detect leakage currents. Through
minidip you can set sensitivity and intervention time.

RD2 residual current monitors

Operating Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
voltage details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
V Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
230…400 a.c. RD2 2CSM142120R1201 058007 0.125 1
48…150 a.c./d.c. RD2-48 2CSM242120R1201 537809 0.125 1

Technical features
Operating voltage [V] 230÷400 a.c. (RD2) and
48÷150 a.c./d.c. (RD2-48)
Type A
Frequency [Hz] 50÷60
Sensitivity settings I$n [A] 0.03; 0.1; 0.3; 0.5; 1; 2
Intervention time [s] Fast (instantaneous); 0.3; 0.5; 1; 2; 5
Contact capacity [A] 10 at 250 V a.c. (ohmic)
Contact type NC-C-NO
temperature [°C] -5…+40
Modules [No.] 2
Standards IEC/EN 62020

Selection of calibration
I$n(A) 0.03 0.1 0.3 0.5 1 2
Green LED: supply voltage present
0.1 Red LED: alarm status
More functions
0.5 The connection between the toroidal transformer
1 and the residual current relay is continually che-
2 cked by the relay; if the connection interrupts, the
residual current relay enters the “alarm” status.
Fast 0.3 0.5 1 2 5 Time The ”test” pushbutton simulates - internally to the
(sec.) RD2 - the residual current conditions for the RD2
to operate. If pushed, the RD2 must enter the
0.3 alarm status.
0.5 The “reset” pushbutton allows the residual current
1 relay to return to the starting condition.

If the configuration is not appropriate, the de-


vice will automatically consider as valid the first

configuration (according to the diagram) and
enter the maximum safety.

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/101 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/25

ABB 5/11
System Selection tables RD3
pro M compact Protection devices

RD3 residual current monitors

RD3 residual current monitors

The RD3 family of electronic residual current relays provides residual current protection and monitoring
functions according to IEC/EN 60947-2:2006 annex M and can be used in conjunction with all S 200

automatic devices and Tmax range moulded case devices up to T5, for industrial installations.
The RD3P residual current relays can provide status indications through the LED bar and through
the two output contacts.

Operating Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

voltage details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
V Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

12-48 a.c./d.c. RD3-48 2CSJ201001R0001 748236 0.13 1

230-400 a.c. RD3 2CSJ201001R0002 734833 0.25 1
12-48 a.c./d.c. RD3M-48 2CSJ202001R0001 733935 0.13 1
230-400 a.c. RD3M 2CSJ202001R0002 747031 0.25 1
12-48 a.c./d.c. RD3P-48 2CSJ203001R0001 734734 0.13 1
230-400 a.c. RD3P 2CSJ203001R0002 733836 0.25 1


Technical features
RD3/RD3-48 RD3M/RD3M-48 RD3P/RD3P-48
Operating voltage RD3: 230-400 Vac +10% / -15% RD3M: 230-400 Vac +10% / -15% RD3P: 230-400 Vac +10% / -15%
RD3-48: 12-48 Vac/Vdc +10% / -15% RD3M-48: 12-48 Vac/Vdc +10% / -15% RD3P-48: 12-48 Vac/Vdc +10% / -15%
Operating frequency 45-66 Hz 45-66 Hz 45-66 Hz
Frequency filter - 150 Hz fT = 400 Hz 150 Hz fT = 400 Hz
Type A (up to I$n=5 A) A (up to I$n=5 A) A (up to I$n=5 A)
Operating temperature -25….+70 °C -25….+70 °C -25….+70 °C
Maximum power consumption <3.6 W (RD3), <3.6W (RD3M), <3.6 W (RD3P),
<600 mW (RD3-48) <600mW (RD3M-48) <600 mW (RD3P-48)
Sensitivity settings I$n 0.03-0.1-0.3-0.5-1-2-3-5-10-30 0.03-0.1-0.3-0.5-1-2-3-5-10-30 0.03-0.1-0.3-0.5-1-2-3-5-10-30
Tripping time settings $t 0-0.06-0.2-0.3-0.5-1-2-3-5-10 0-0.06-0.2-0.3-0.5-1-2-3-5-10 0-0.06-0.2-0.3-0.5-1-2-3-5-10
Pre-alarm threshold - 60% 60%
Max. resistance connection between
toroidal transformer and relay 37 37 37
Max. length connection of
remote reset button 15 m 15 m 15 m
Output Contact capacity
(7-8-9); (10-11-12) 8 A, 250 V a.c. 8 A, 250 V a.c. 8 A, 250 V a.c.
Led bar indicator - - Yes
Max. cable terminals section 2.5 mm² 2.5 mm² 2.5 mm²
Modules 3 3 3
Dimensions 52.8 × 85 × 64.7 mm 52.8 × 85 × 64.7 mm 52.8 × 85 × 64.7 mm
Protection degree IP20 IP20 IP20
Standards IEC/EN 60947-2 annex. M IEC/EN 60947-2 annex. M IEC/EN 60947-2 annex. M

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/102 Overall dimensions...................... pag. 12/25

5/12 ABB
System Selection tables RD
pro M compact Protection devices

Front panel residual current relays

RD front panel residual current relays

achieve their protective function in combination with an external toroidal transformer. Thanks to the
excellent electromagnetic properties of the core, the transformer works by adding the line currents
together, detecting even the slightest earth fault. In the event of any leakage in the circuit, the
transformer produces a signal on one of its two windings and sends this to the residual current relay,
which in turn achieves different selectivity levels with the residual current circuit breakers downstream
of the circuit: in particular, the sensitivity can be set between 0.025 A and 25 A, while the tripping
time can vary from 0.02 to 5 seconds.
During the routine tests that it is always advisable to perform on the device, the relay sends an
electronic earth fault signal to the transformer’s secondary winding, which detects it and returns it to
the relay to verify its timely and efficient tripping, thereby also checking the integrity of the connections

between the two devices. Residual current relays are available in 48 mm x 48 mm, 72 mm x
72 mm and 96 mm x 96 mm versions, all complete with accessories, and with special filters to ensure
immunity against any outside disturbances applied to the input circuit.

Operating Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

voltage details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

V Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

24, 48 V a.c./V d.c. RD148-24 2CSG452211R1201 540908 0.112 1 5
115 V a.c./ d.c., 230 V a.c. RD148-230 2CSG252211R1201 541004 0.112 1

24, 48 V a.c./V d.c. RD172-24 2CSG452120R1201 747406 0.322 1

115 V a.c./ d.c., 230 V a.c. RD172-230 2CSG252120R1201 747505 0.322 1

24, 48 V a.c./V d.c. RD272-24 2CSG452424R1201 742302 0.322 1

115 V a.c./V d.c RD272-115 2CSG352424R1201 742401 0.322 1

115, 230, 400 V a.c. RD272-230 2CSG152424R1201 742500 0.322 1

24, 48 V a.c./V d.c. RD196-24 2CSG452130R1201 541103 0.383 1

115 V a.c./ d.c. and 230, 400 V a.c. RD196-230 2CSG252130R1201 541202 0.383 1

24, 48, 115 V a.c./ V d.c. RD296-24 2CSG452434R1201 541301 0.383 1

115 V a.c./ V d.c. RD296-115 2CSG352434R1201 742906 0.383 1
115 V a.c./ V d.c. and 230, 400 V a.c. RD296-230 2CSG152434R1201 541400 0.383 1
24, 48, 115 V a.c./ V d.c. RD296-S-24 2CSG452435R1201 541509 0.383 1

115 V a.c./ V d.c. RD296-S-115 2CSG352435R1201 743002 0.383 1

115 V a.c./ V d.c. and 230, 400 V a.c. RD296-S-230 2CSG152435R1201 541608 0.383 1
24, 48 V a.c./ V d.c. RD296-DIG-24 2CSG452436R1201 743101 0.383 1
115 V a.c./V d.c. RD296-DIG-115 2CSG352436R1201 743200 0.383 1
115, 230, 400 V a.c. RD296-DIG-230 2CSG152436R1201 743309 0.383 1

Technical features
RD148 RD172 RD272 RD196 RD296/RD296-S RD296-DIG
Type A A A A A A
Operating voltage [V] 24, 48, 24, 48, 24, 48, 115 24, 48, 115, 24, 48, 115, 24, 48, 115,
115, 230 a.c./ 115, 230 a.c./ 230, 400 a.c./ 230, 400 a.c./ 230, 400 a.c./ 230, 400 a.c./
24, 48, 115 d.c. 24, 48, 115 d.c. 24, 48, 115 d.c. 24, 48, 115 d.c. 24, 48, 115 d.c. 24, 48, 115 d.c.
Operating frequency [Hz] 50 – 60 50 – 60 50 – 60 50 – 60 50 – 60 50 – 60
Current tripping thresholds I$n [A] from 0.025 to 25 from 0.025 to 25 from 0.025 to 25 from 0.025 to 25 from 0.025 to 25 from 0.025 to 25
Tripping times [sec.] from 0.02 to 5 from 0.02 to 5 from 0.02 to 5 from 0.02 to 5 from 0.02 to 5 from 0.02 to 5
Number of contacts [No.] 2 1 2 1 2 2
Contact capacity [A] 5 (250 V a.c.) 5 (250 V a.c.) 5 (250 V a.c.) 5 (250 V a.c.) 5 (250 V a.c.) 5 (250 V a.c.)
Contact type change over change over change over change over change over change over
Working temperature [°C] -10…+60 -10…+60 -10…+60 -10…+60 -10…+60 -10…+60
Storage temperature [°C] -10…+70 -10…+70 -10…+70 -10…+70 -10…+70 -10…+70
Dissipated power [W] 7 max. 7 max. 7 max. 7 max. 7 max. 7 max.
Dimensions W x H [mm] 48 x 48 72 x 72 72 x 72 96 x 96 96 x 96 96 x 96
Display - - - - - yes
Applicable standards EN 62020 EN 62020 EN 62020 EN 62020 EN 62020 EN 62020
IEC 62020 IEC 62020 IEC 62020 IEC 62020 IEC 62020 IEC 62020

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/106 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/25

ABB 5/13
System Selection tables TR
pro M compact Protection devices

Toroidal transformers

Toroidal transformers
Dimension Ø Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
mm Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

29 (modular version) TRM 2CSM029000R1211 020707 0.170 1

35* TR1 2CSG035100R1211 020301 0.212 1
60* TR2 2CSG060100R1211 020400 0.274 1
80* TR3 2CSG080100R1211 020509 0.454 1
110* TR4 2CSG110100R1211 020608 0.530 1
110 (openable version)* TR4/A 2CSG110200R1211 743408 0.600 1
160* TR160 2CSG160100R1211 743507 1.350 1
160 (openable version)* TR160A 2CSG160200R1211 743606 1.600 1
210* TR5 2CSG210100R1211 024804 1.534 1
210 (openable version)* TR5/A 2CSG210200R1211 065708 1.856 1

* Wiring terminals 1 and 2




1 2 3 4

Wire the terminals 9 and 10 of
the RD2 to the terminals 1 and
6 7 8 9 10 2 of the toroidal transformers.
Do not use terminals 3 and 4,
when present

1 2 3 4 5

Power supply
RD2: 230w400 V a.c.
RD2-48: 48w150 V a.c./d.c.

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/113 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/26

5/14 ABB
System Selection tables duc E 90
Pro ilable m
pro M compact Protection devices
ava ng fro
E 90 fuse-disconnectors star 2009

E 90 fuse-disconnectors
E 90 series fuse-disconnectors are designed for connecting and disconnecting circuits under load, providing
protection against short circuits and overloads. The case is made of self-extinguishing thermoplastic material
2CSC400696F0201 resistant to high temperatures (all materials are UL listed) while the contact clips are in silver plated copper.
E 90 fuse-disconnectors can be sealed or padlocked to ensure operator safety during maintenance.
Versions with blown fuse indicator allow to check whether the fuse is still working correctly or not. For
easy and quick installation E 90 range is fully compatible with connecting bars, terminals and caps of
S 200 MCBs

E 90 fuse-disconnectors for 10.3 x 38 mm fuses (AC-22B) 38 mm Ø 10.3 mm

Poles Rated Modules Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
In Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 32 1 E 91/32 2CSM200923R1801 009238 0.061 6

1 32 1 E 91/32s 2CSM202483R1801 024835 0.062 6
1+N 32 2 E 91N/32 2CSM200893R1801 008934 0.130 3
2 32 2 E 92/32 2CSM200883R1801 008835 0.122 3
3 32 3 E 93/32 2CSM204753R1801 047537 0.183 2
E 93N/32
E 94/32
1 5
N 32 - E 9N 2CSM277953R1801 779537 0.069 6
s: version with blown fuse indicator light

E 90 fuse-disconnectors for 8.5 x 31.5 mm fuses (AC-22B) 31.5 mm Ø 8.5 mm

1 20 1 E 91/20 2CSM200983R1801 009832 0.061 6

1 20 1 E 91/20s 2CSM202423R1801 024231 0.062 6
2 20 2 E 92/20 2CSM200953R1801 009535 0.122 3
3 20 3 E 93/20 2CSM200943R1801 009436 0.183 2
N 20 - E 9N 2CSM277953R1801 779537 0.069 6
s: version with blown fuse indicator light

Technical features
Type E 90/20 E 90/32
Fuse 8 x 32 10 x 38
Kind of current AC / DC
Rated frequency [Hz] = / 50-60
Rated current [A] 20 32
Tightening torque [Nm] PZ2 2-2.5
Protection degree IP20
Padlocked (open) ■
Sealed (closed) ■

IEC 60947-3
Rated operational voltage [V] 400 690
Utilization category AC-22B / DC-20B
Power consumption aM [W] 0.9 1.2
per polecnsuption per pole gG [W] 2.5 3.0

IEC 60269-1
Rated voltage AC [V] 400 690
Rated voltage DC [V] 400 690

IEC 60269-2
Fuse system F
Rated voltage AC [V] 400 690
Rated voltage DC [V] 250 440
Minimum rated breaking capacity 50 AC – 25 DC

IEC 60269-3
Fuse system B
Rated voltage AC [V] 400

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/27

ABB 5/15
System Selection tables duc E 90
Pro ilable m
pro M compact Protection devices
ava ng fro
E 90 fuse-disconnectors star 2009


Plastic parts Case: Material PA 6 +30% glass fibre

Self extinguishing class: V2 (UL94)
Temperature resistance: 130 °C
Opening handle Material PA 66 +25% glass fibre
Self-extinguishing class V0 (UL94)
Temperature resistance: 140 °C

Metal parts Clips Silver plated copper

Clip spring Stainless steel
Terminals Galvanized steel

Utilization category

Current type Utilization category Typical applications

Alternating current AC-20A - AC-20B Connecting and disconnecting under no load (in this case the

5 AC-21A - AC-21B
devices must be marked “Do not disconnect under load”)
Switching of resistive loads, including moderate overloads
AC-22A - AC-22B Switching of mixed resistive/inductive loads,
including moderate overloads
AC-23A - AC-23B Switching of motors and other highly inductive loads
Direct current DC-20A - DC-20B Connecting and disconnecting under no load (in this case
the devices must be marked “Do not disconnect under load”)
DC-21A - DC-21B Switching of resistive loads, including moderate overloads
DC-22A - DC-22B Switching of mixed resistive / inductive loads,
including moderate overloads
DC-23A - DC-23B Switching of motors or other highly inductive loads

Suffix A Frequent use

Suffix B Infrequent use

Electrical symbols

N 1P 1P+N 2P 3P 3P+N 4P

N 1 1 N 1 3 1 3 5 1 3 5 N 1 3 5 7

2 2 2 4 2 4 6 2 4 6 2 4 6 8

Multi-pole coupling
1 2 3 4

5/16 ABB
System Selection tables duc E 90
Pro ilable m
pro M compact Protection devices
ava ng fro
E 90 class CC fuseholders star 2009

E 90 range class CC fuseholders are appropriate to protect against overloads and short circuits.
They are designed for use with class CC cartridge fuses and they are available in 1P, 1P+N, 2P,
3P, 3P+N, 4P an N poles. Fuseholders can be safetly locked in open position and sealed in closed
position. E 90 range assure maximum protection against direct contancts thanks to IP20 finger-safe
protection degree. They are the ideal solution in industrial and process control systems, automated
systems, industrial systems and individual control circuits. Versions with blown fuse indicator allow to
check whether the fuse is still working correctly or not.

E 90 for class CC cartridge fuses 38 mm Ø 10.4 mm

Poles Rated Modules Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
In Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1 30 1 E 91/30 2CSM205833R1801 058335 0,061 6
1 30 1 E 91/30s 2CSM251533R1801 515333 0,062 6

1+N 30 2 E 91N/30 2CSM200693R1801 006930 0,13 3

2 30 2 E 92/30 2CSM202443R1801 024439 0,122 3
3 30 3 E 93/30 2CSM200683R1801 006831 0,183 2
3+N 30 4 E 93N/30 2CSM202433R1801 024330 0,252 1
4 30 4 E 94/30 2CSM200673R1801 006732 0,244 1
N 30 1 E 9N
s: version with blown fuse indicator light
2CSM277953R1801 779537 0,069 6
Accessories for E 90 disconnector fuseholders

Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
E 90/ACP 2CSM205823R1801 058236 0,050 1

Technical features
Rated voltage Un [V] 600 AC/DC
Rated current In [A] 30
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Fuse dimensions [mm] 10,4 x 38,1
Tightening torque [lib-in] 18-22
Rated temperature [°C] 75
Sealability ■
Lockability ■
Marking UL CSA
Standards UL 512

ABB 5/17
System Selection tables duc E 90h
Pro ilable m
pro M compact Protection devices
ava ng fro
E 90h fuseholders star 2009

E 90h fuseholders
E 90h fuseholders are suitable for protection against overloads and short circuits. Available in a
single module 1P+N version and in a three-module 3P+N version, they are designed for use with
gG and aM cylindrical fuse links. The body is made from self-extinguishing material resistant to high
temperatures, while the contact clips are in silver-plated copper. E 90h fuseholders can be sealed
or padlocked to assure operator safety during maintenance. Versions with blown fuse indicator allow to
check whether the fuse is still working correctly or not.

E 90h fuseholders for 10.3 x 38 mm fuses (AC-20B) 38 mm Ø 10.3 mm


Poles Rated Modules Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
In Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1+N 32 1 E 91hN/32 2CSM200913R1801 009139 0.070 6
1+N 32 1 E 91hN/32s 2CSM206573R1801 065739 0.071 6
3+N 32 3 E 93hN/32 2CSM204743R1801 047438 0.192 2
s: version with blown fuse indicator light

E 90h fuseholders for 8.5 x 31.5 mm fuses (AC-20B) 31.5 mm Ø 8.5 mm

5 1+N 20 1 E 91hN/20 2CSM200963R1801 009634 0.070 6


1+N 20 1 E 91hN/20s 2CSM200703R1801 007036 0.071 6

3+N 20 3 E 93hN/20 2CSM200933R1801 009337 0.192 2
s: version with blown fuse indicator light

Accessories for E90 fuse disconnectors and for E 90h fuseholders series

- - - E 90/ACP 2CSM205823R1801 058236 0.118 1

Fuse indicator LED Technical features

Type E 90h/20 E 90h/32
Fuse 8 x 32 10 x 38
Kind of current AC / DC
Rated frequency [Hz] = / 50-60
Rated current [A] 20 32
Power consumption aM [W] 0.9 1.2
per polensuption per pole gG [W] 2.5 3.0
Tightening torque [Nm] PZ2 2-2.5
Protection degree IP20
Padlocked (open) N
Sealed (closed) N

Electrical symbols IEC 60269-1

Rated voltage AC [V] 400 690
1P+N 3P+N
Rated voltage DC [V] 400 690
1 N 1 3 5 N
IEC 60269-2
Fuse system F
Rated voltage AC [V] 400 690
Rated voltage DC [V] 250 440
Minimum rated breaking capacity 50 AC – 25 DC
2 2 4 6
IEC 60269-3
Fuse system B
Rated voltage AC [V] 400

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/27

5/18 ABB
System Selection tables duc E 90 PV
Pro ilable m
pro M compact Protection devices
® a
av ng fr o
E 90 PV fuse-disconnectors star 2009

E 90 PV fuse-disconnectors
E 90 PV series fuse-disconnectors, designed for operating voltages of 1000 V d.c. with utilization
category DC-20B, are particularly suited for protection against overcurrents of photovoltaic systems.
The single-pole or two-pole E 90 PV disconnectors for 10.3 x 38 mm cylindrical fuse links offer a
reliable, compact and affordable solution for photovoltaic installations. Versions with blown fuse
indicator allow to check whether the fuse is still working correctly or not.

E 90 PV fuse-disconnectors for 10.3 x 38 mm fuses (DC-20B) 38 mm Ø 10.3 mm

Poles Rated Modules Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

In Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 32 1 E 91/32 PV 2CSM204713R1801 047131 0,061 6
1 32 1 E 91/32 PVs 2CSM204693R1801 046936 0,062 6
2 32 2 E 92/32 PV 2CSM204703R1801 047032 0,122 3
s: version with blown fuse indicator light

Electrical symbols Technical features
Type E 90/32 PV
1P 2P Fuse 10 x 38
Kind of current DC
1 1 3
Rated frequency [Hz] = / 50-60
Rated Current [A] 32
Tightening Torque [Nm] PZ2 2-2.5
Protection degree IP20
Padlocked (open) N
2 2 4
Sealed (closed) N

IEC 60947-3
Rated operational voltage [V] 1000
Utilization category DC-20B
Power consumption aM [W] 1.2
per poleuption per pole gG [W] 3.0

Application example of fuse disconnectors in photovoltaic system

+ -

+ - + - + -

Lines protection OVR Surge Protective Device protection Inverter protection

E 90 PV fuse-disconnectors allow overlo- E 90 PV fuse-disconnectors can be In small photovoltaic plants, inverter pro-
ad protection of each line, thus preventing installed in field enclosure as back-up tection against overload and short-circuit
damage of critical plant components. protection of Surge Protective Device. is possible by means of E 90 PV.

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/27

ABB 5/19
System Selection tables E 930
pro M compact Protection devices

E 930 fuseholders

E 930 fuseholders
E 930 fuseholders are suitable for overload and short-circuit protection, and designed for use with
gG and aM industrial cylindrical fuses with ratings of 20, 32, 50 and 125A.

E 930 fuseholders for 10.3 x 38 mm fuses 38 mm Ø 10.3 mm

Poles Rated Modules Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
In Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1 32 1 E 931/32* 2CSM151510R1801 366003 0,100 6
1+N 32 1 E 931N/32 2CSM155510R1801 374602 0,150 6

2 32 2 E 932/32* 2CSM152510R1801 366201 0,200 3

3 32 3 E 933/32 2CSM153510R1801 366300 0,300 2
3+N 32 3 E 933N/32 2CSM157510R1801 374701 0,350 2

* Product certified up to 1.000V d.c. according to IEC 60269-1, 3, 4

E 930 fuseholders for 8.5 x 31.5 mm fuses 31.5 mm Ø 8.5 mm


5 1
E 931/20
E 931N/20
2 20 2 E 932/20 2CSM132210R1801 365204 0,200 3
3 20 3 E 933/20 2CSM133210R1801 365303 0,300 2
3+N 20 3 E 933N/20 2CSM137210R1801 374503 0,350 2

Padlocked in open position Technical features

20 A 32 A
Rated voltage Un [V] 400 AC/DC
Insulation voltage [V] 8000
Rated current In [A] 20 32
Short circuit current Icc [kA] see fuse link
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Fuse size [mm] 8 x 32 10 x 38
Power consumption per pole See technical details
Can be sealed closed -
Can be padlocked open N
Markings IMQ - LCIE
Marine certifications -
Standards IEC 60269-2

Electrical symbols

1P 1P+N 2P 3P 3P+N

1 1 N 1 3 1 3 5 1 3 5 N

2 2 2 4 2 4 6 2 4 6

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/123 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/27

5/20 ABB
System Selection tables E 930
pro M compact Protection devices

E 930 fuseholders

E 930 fuseholders for 14 x 51 mm fuses (AC-20B) 51 mm Ø 15 mm

Poles Rated Modules Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
In Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1 50 1 E 931/50 2CSM361610R1801 446804 0,200 6

1+N 50 2 E 931N/50 2CSM365610R1801 446903 0,400 3

2 50 2 E 932/50 2CSM362610R1801 447009 0,400 3
3 50 3 E 933/50 2CSM363610R1801 447108 0,600 1
3+N 50 4 E 933N/50 2CSM367610R1801 447207 0,800 1

E 930 fuseholders for 22 x 58 mm fuses (AC-20B) 58 mm Ø 22 mm

1 125 1 E 931/125 2CSM371710R1801 447504 0,200 6

1+N 125 2 E 931N/125 2CSM375710R1801 447603 0,400 3
2 125 2 E 932/125 2CSM372710R1801 447702 0,400 3
3 125 3 E 933/125 2CSM373710R1801 447801 0,600 1
3+N 125 4 E 933N/125 2CSM377710R1801 447900 0,800 1

Accessories for series E 930 fuseholders

1 50 1 E 930/MCR1P50 2CSM060019R1801 451006 0,030 1

3 50 3 E 930/MCR3P50 2CSM060029R1801 451105 0,030 1
1 125 1 E 930/MCR1P125 2CSM070019R1801 451204 0,030 1
3 125 3 E 930/MCR3P125 2CSM070029R1801 451303 0,030 1
cap E 930/KIT 2CSM050018R1801 367000 0,020 5
cap + microtube lamp
(Un = 230 V) E 930/KIT+Lamp 2CSM050028R1801 539902 0,050 5

Technical features
50 A 125 A
Rated voltage Un [V] 690 AC/DC
Insulation voltage [V] 8000
Rated current In [A] 50 125
Short circuit current Icc [A] see fuse link
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Fuse size [mm] 14 x 51 22 x 58
Utilization category AC-20B/DC-20B AC-20B/DC-20B
Power consumption per pole See technical details
Can be sealed closed N
Can be padlocked open N
Markings UL, CSA
Marine certifications -
Standards IEC 60269-2, IEC 60947-3

Electrical symbols

1P 1P+N 2P 3P 3P+N

1 1 N 1 3 1 3 5 1 3 5 N

2 2 2 4 2 4 6 2 4 6

ABB 5/21
System Selection tables E 930
pro M compact Protection devices

E 930 fuseholders

State of the microswitch contact

Closed fuseholders with fuse Open fuseholders without fuse

Microswitch functions

a - fuse blown : indicates fuse break condition

b - pre-opening: indicates when the fuseholders cover is open

c - presence: indicates when the cover is closed but there is no fuse inside

Padlocked in open position Microswitch assembly and disassembly steps

1- assembly 2- disassembly

Multi-pole coupling

5/22 ABB
System Selection tables M2160
pro M compact Protection devices
M2160 - M2060 fuse-switches
Fuse-switches are used in tertiary and small industrial plants to open/close under load circuits, allowing
protection against short circuits and overloads. The contact tongs are of silver-plated copper (fuse
is not provided).

M2160: fuse-switches (8.5 x 31.5)

Poles Modules Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 1 M 2161 2CSM131210R1811 026808 0.100 12
1+N 2 M 2161 Na 2CSM135210R1811 026907 0.200 6
2 2 M 2162 2CSM132210R1811 027003 0.200 6
3 3 M 2163 2CSM133210R1811 027201 0.300 4
3+N 4 M 2163 Na 2CSM137210R1811 027102 0.400 3

M2060: fuse-switches (10.3 x 38)

Poles Modules Order
Bbn Price
8012542 1 piece
1 piece
unit 5
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1 1 M 2061 2CSM131510R1811 027300 0.100 12
1+N 2 M 2061 Na 2CSM135510R1811 027409 0.200 6
2 2 M 2062 2CSM132510R1811 027508 0.200 6
3 3 M 2063 2CSM133510R1811 027607 0.300 4
3+N 4 M 2063 Na 2CSM137510R1811 027706 0.400 3

Technical features
Rated voltage Un [V] 400 AC
Rated current In [A] 20
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Fuse dimension [mm] 8.5x31.5; 10.3x38
Utilization category AC-22B
Power consumption see technical details
Modules [No.] 1, 2, 3, 4
Standards IEC 60947-3; IEC 60669-1
IEC 60947-3

The fuse can be inserted only with open switch.

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/124 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/28

ABB 5/23
System Selection tables ILTS
pro M compact Protection devices

Switch-disconnector ILTS for D0 2-63 A fuse links
“Screw-clamp connection”
The switch-disconnector is user-friendly and offers a high degree of safety:
SK 0139B 00


Poles Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
2CDC 051 406 F0003

1 ILTS 1 GHV0 271 001 R0011 512510 13 0.198 3

2 ILTS 2 GHV0 271 001 R0012 579599 13 0.406 2
5 3
GHV0 271 001 R0013
GHV0 271 001 R0014
* N conductor leading make contact, late closing

Technical data
Standards: $).6$% $).6$%0ART %.  )%# 
Approval: 6$%
No. of poles:   POLEANDPOLE .
Rated voltage: POLE6!# POLE6!# PERPOLE6$#POLEUPTO6$#
Operating current In: ACCTOFUSELINK$ !
Rated frequency: n(Z
Rated short circuit capacity: K!FOR!#K!FOR$#
SK 0140 B 00

Rated insulating voltage: 6!#

Power loss: MAX7POLE!
Utilization category: !#"6!#! !#"6!#! $#"6$#POLE
Ambient temperature: nª#UPTO ª#
Shock protection: ACCORDINGTO$).%.$).6$%0ART
Connection capacity: MM
Pick-up torque: .M
SK 0259 B 01



2CDC 052 038 F0003

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/28

5/24 ABB
System Selection tables ILTS
pro M compact Protection devices

Switch-disconnector ILTS-E for D0 2-63 A fuse links “Drawer technology”

User-friendly switch-disconnector in “drawer technology”:

2CDC 051 105 F0007


2CDC 051 106 F0007

Poles Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1 ILTS-E1 2CDE 101 001 R1901 65347 3 13 0.210 3

2CDE 102 001 R1901
2CDE 103 001 R1901
65348 0
65349 7
1 5
3+N* ILTS-E3+N 2CDE 103 101 R1901 65350 3 13 0.790 1
Reducing piece ILTS-E/RE 2CDE 000 011 R1901 65407 4 13 0.001 20
Auxiliary switch 1NO/1NC LTS-E/H11 2CDE 000 012 R1901 65671 9 13 0.050 1
* N conductor leading make contact, late closing
2CDC 051 107 F0007

Technical data
Standards: $).6$% %.  %.  
Approval: 6$%
ILTS-E3 No. of poles:   POLEANDPOLE .
Rated voltage: 6!# PERPOLE6$#POLE6$# POLE6$#
Operating current In: ACCTOFUSELINK$ !
Rated frequency: (Z
Rated short circuit capacity: K!FOR!#K!FOR$#
2CDC 051 108 F0007

Power loss: 7POLE

Utilization category: !#"6!#!ACCORDINGTO)%#%. ALLVERSIONS
Leakage current resistance: #4)
Ambient temperature: nª#UPTO ª#
Fire classification: 5,SELF EXTINGUISHING
2CDC 051 113 F0007

Shock protection: ACCORDINGTO$).%.$).6$%0ART "'6!


Pick-up torque: .M

Auxiliary switch indicating contact position
Contact rating: !#!6 !6
Circuit $#!6 !6

2CDC 052 038 F0003

ABB 5/25
System Selection tables ISOLTESTER-DIG
pro M compact Protection devices

Insulation monitoring devices

Assuring operational continuity in medical environments, even in presence of first earthing fault, it’s
mandatory in operating theatre group 2 medical locations.
For this reason an IT distribution system with insulating transformer is used to supply medical equi-

ISOLTESTER range of insulation monitoring device allows IT-M network monitoring, assuring safety
for patients and medical personnel avoiding supply interruption in case of first earthing fault according
to IEC 60364-7-710 Standard.

The ISOLTESTER-DIG range assures safety to patients and medical personnel, signalling when a
fault to earth occurs. Thanks to its innovative technology it is used to sense the insulation status of
the network by far more efficiently compared to traditional insulation monitoring devices.

Advanced features Order details Bbn Price Price Weight Packing

8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
ISOLTESTER-DIG-RZ 2CSM244000R1501 884507 0.500 1
RS485, Max-Min values,
5 Programmable relay ISOLTESTER-DIG-PLUS 2CSM341000R1501 884606 0.500 1

Functioning of the frontal operators

Display to see the value of the Led to indicate Led to indicate Led to indicate alarm
parameters under control and of the the device’s status of the auxiliary due to an internal
settings programming relays output fault or to the missed
status wiring of the network
Led to indicate the display of the resi- to be controlled or to
stance insulation (kW) parameter of the Led of alarm a fault of the tempe-
transformer, flashing for parameter out of indication for a rature probe
threshold parameter’s value
out of threshold

Led to indicate the display of the

impedance insulation of the transformer,
flashing for parameter out of threshold

Led to indicate the display of the tem-

perature parameter of the transformer,
flashing for parameter out of threshold

Led to indicate the display of the tempe- Button to test

rature parameter for the second sensor, Buttons to the device or
flashing for parameter out of threshold select the Button for the remote si-
parameter to the access to gnalling panels
be seen and the device’s and to reset
Led to indicate the display of the current to program program and
network parameter, flashing for parameter the device’s confirmation of
out of threshold settings the settings

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/125 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/28 Application sheets ......................... pag. 11/6

5/26 ABB
System Selection tables ISOLTESTER-DIG
pro M compact Protection devices

Insulation monitoring devices

Technical features
Rated 110 - 230 V/50-60 Hz
Network voltage to be controlled 24÷230 V a.c.
Voltage max. measure 24 V
Current max. measure 1 mA
Insulation voltage 2.5 kV/60 sec.
Type of control’s signal Codified signal Direct component with digital filter
Sensed measures Measure range 0 ÷ 999 kohm/HIGH - resolution 1 kohm
Thermal-probe temperature PT100 0÷250 °C, accuracy 2%
Current measure from external T.A. with secondary 5 A , accuracy 2% (selectable statement value T.A. 1÷200)
Impedance measure 0 ÷ 999 Kohm/HIGH - Impedance measure 0 ÷ 999 Kohm/HIGH -
resolution 1 Kohm (codified composed signal) resolution 1 Kohm (test signal 2500 Hz)
Intervention threshold Low insulation 50 ÷ 500 kohm, accuracy 5%, hysteresis 5%, delay which can be setted
Overtemperature 0 ÷200 °C, accuracy 2%
Overload current 1 ÷ 999 A, accuracy 2%
Low impedance (which can be disarmed)
Link fail device
Available output Max. up to 4 QSD panels for remote signalling Max. up to 2 QSD panels for remote signalling 5
Programmable auxiliary relays output NA-C-NC, 5 A, 250 VAC
Serial output RS485, standard protocol Modbus-rtu -
Displays Insulation resistance value with signalling of over fullscale value and direct earth fault
Value of measured temperature 0 ÷ 200 °C per channel 1
Value of measured temperature 0 ÷ 200 °C per channel 2
Value of measured current 0 ÷ 999 A
Value insulation impedance
Value of network capacity to earth -
Setting parameters
Link fail
Relays output status
Memorization of min. insulation -
Max. temperature and current values -
Connection Max. section 2.5 sqmm
Operating temperature -10 ÷ 60 °C
Storage temperature -25 ÷ 70 °C, humidity < 90%
Dimensions 6 modules DIN
Weight 0.5 kg
Housing Plastic self-extinguishing housing for 35 mm, with transparent sealable plate
Protection degree IP20
Self-consumption 5 VA
Reference standard IEC/EN 61557-8, EN 60255-6

ABB 5/27
System Selection tables SELVTESTER
pro M compact Protection devices
Insulation monitoring devices
SELVTESTER for measurement and testing of insulated networks at
It is used to monitor permanently the insulation status of safety extremely low voltage circuits (up
to 24V).

Function Order details Bbn Price Price Weight Packing

8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
Insulation monitoring SELVTESTER-24 2CSM211000R1511 884705 0.250 1

QSD remote signalling panel

They are installed in combination with insulation monitoring devices, to remotely report the signalling
generated by these devices. Flush mounting box already included in the packaging.
Version Order details Bbn Price Price Weight Packing
8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
Universal QSD-DIG 230/24 2CSM273063R1521 730637 0.800 1

Technical features of SELVTESTER

Network voltage and auxiliary power supply 24 V 50-60 Hz/d.c. ± 20%
Max loss 3 VA – 3 W
Max measuring current max. 0,5 mA
Internal impedance 50 kohm
Activation threshold setting programmable to 10 ÷ 50 kohm (4 levels using microswitches)
Activation delay about 1 second
Signals led ON, led ALARM +, led ALARM -
Output for up to 2 QSD-230/24-C, max. 24 V 1 A remote panels
Operating / storage temperature -10 ÷ 60 °C / -20 ÷ 70 °C
Relative humidity b 95%
Insulation test 2,5 kV 60 sec. / 4 kV imp. 1,2/50μs
Terminal cross section 4 mm2
Front degree of protection IP40 with cover / IP20 container
Modules 3
Weight about 200 g
Reference standards for safety IEC 60364-7-710, EN 61326-1, EN 61010-1

Technical features of QSD

Signals green led network, red led overload ALARM, yellow led low
insulation FAULT ALARM, acoustic signaller, emission 2400 Hz
intermittence 2 Hz dB
Buttons TEST and MUTE buttons
Terminal cross section 2,5 mm2
Degree of protection IP30
Installation universal flush-mounted box
Weight 200 g
Operating temperature -10 ÷ 60 °C, max. humidity 95%
Storage temperature -25 ÷ +80 °C
Insulation 2500 Vrms 50 Hz per 60 sec
Cables section 0.35 mm2 for 300 m
Reference standards safety EN 61010-1 product EN 61557-8 /
IEC 60364-7-710 /
UNE 20615 electromagnetic compatibility EN 61326-1

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/125 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/29 Application sheets ......................... pag. 11/6

5/28 ABB
System Selection tables ISL
pro M compact Protection devices

ISL industrial insulation monitoring devices

Insulation monitoring devices

In IT electrical distribution networks with isolated neutral, the high insulation impedance prevents earth
faults from generating currents that would dangerously elevate the potential of exposed conductive
parts. Therefore, in case of earth leakage in an IT network it is not necessary to interrupt the supply,
but it is still essential to continually monitor the insulation level in order to detect faults and restore
optimal functioning of the system.
In industrial installations, IT networks are used when operational continuity is an intrinsic requirement
of the production process, due to both technical and economic considerations. Such applications
include: metalworking and chemical industries, explosion risk locations, railway lines and vehicles,
uninterruptible power supplies, cinema sets, emergency lines, fire water pumps and emergency

Monitored Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

line voltage details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Insulation monitoring devices for a.c. networks

220-240 V a.c. ISL-C 230 2CSM444000R1500 942801 0.300 1
380-415 V a.c. ISL-C 440

Insulation monitoring devices for d.c. networks

2CSM545000R1500 942900 0.300 1
100-144 V d.c ISL-A 115 2CSM222000R1500 942603 0.500 1
220 V d.c. ISL-A 230 2CSM333000R1500 942702 0.500 1

Insulation monitoring devices for a.c./d.c. networks

24-28 V a.c./d.c. ISL-A 24-48 2CSM111000R1500 942504 0.300 1

Insulation monitoring devices for voltageless network

20-700 V a.c./d.c. ISL-MOT 1000 2CSM808000R1500 943204 0.300 1

Technical features
24-48 115 and 230 230 440 1000
Power consumption [VA] 3 4 3 3 3
ALARM threshold [k7] 30 - 300
TRIP threshold [k7] 10 - 60 10 - 100 100 10 -150 0.1 - 1000
LED indications
ON ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
TRIP ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
+/- ■ ■
Max trip delay [s] 0.2 2 1 4 0.2
Max measuring current [mA] 0.5 1.8 0.1 0.1 0.0015
Max measuring voltage [V] 12 20
Internal impedance [k7] 50 100 250 250 1500 d.c.
TRIP relay output 1 NO-C-NC 2 NO-C-NC 1 NO-C-NC 1 NO-C-NC 1 NO-C-NC
ALARM relay output 2 NO-C-NC
Relay contact capacity max 250V 5A
Programmed functions
Alarm output ■
Fail safe ■
Reset ■
Insulation test 2.5 kV60 sec. / 4 kV imp 1.2/50 μs
Operating temperature [°C] -10 ÷ 60
Storage temperature [°C] -20 ÷ 70
Relative humidity b 95%
Max terminal section [mm2] 4 2.5 4 4 4
Protection degree IP40 front, IP20 enclosure
Modules 3 6 3 3 3
Weight [g] 200 400 200 200 200
Reference standards EN 61010-1, EN 61557-8, EN 61326-1

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/128 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/29 Application sheets ......................... pag. 11/7

ABB 5/29
Command devices can be
operated to command other
- E200 and E210 switches:
these devices are suitable
for commanding loads and
they are realized according
to the EN 60947-3 and EN
60669-1 respectively.
- ESB and EN series
contactors: they are
devices suitable for loads to
be automatically controlled
through high number of
- E250, E260 latching relays
and E259 installation relays
Their high performance in
the single or multi-point
control of lamps make them
an ideal solution for lighting
- AT electro-mechanical, DT
digital and TW and TWA
twilight switches:
They control circuit opening
7 and closing according to
scheduled programs (AT
and DT) or scheduled level
of the ambient light (TW)
or on the basis of the sun
rising and setting (TWA)
- E 232 staircase lighting
time-delay switches: they
are suitable to command
the lighting in stairs in
- ATT telephone attuator is
suitable for remote control
of electrical loads


Other modular devices
Command devices


Selection tables
E 200 switches ...................................................................................................................... 6/2
E 463/3, E 480/3 switches..................................................................................................... 6/5
E 220 switches, pushbuttons and indicator lamps ............................................................... 6/6
E 210 switches, pushbuttons and indicator lamps ............................................................. 6/12
SL luminous indicators for panel installation....................................................................... 6/19
ESB series contactors ......................................................................................................... 6/21
EN series contactors ........................................................................................................... 6/23
E 259 installation relays ....................................................................................................... 6/25
E 250 latching relays ........................................................................................................... 6/27
FLR latching relays .............................................................................................................. 6/33
FL 6
E 260 latching relays ........................................................................................................... 6/34
STD dimmers....................................................................................................................... 6/37
E 234 CT-D electronic timers............................................................................................... 6/41
AT electro-mechanical time switches .................................................................................. 6/49
DT digital time switches ...................................................................................................... 6/53
E 232 staircase lighting time-delay switches ...................................................................... 6/61
TW twilight switches............................................................................................................ 6/64
THS modular thermostats ................................................................................................... 6/70
ATT GSM modules .............................................................................................................. 6/73
CL logic relays ..................................................................................................................... 6/75

ABB 6/1
System Selection tables E 200
pro M compact® Command devices
E 200 switches

E 200 switches
Isolator for panel installation onto DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 60715
Mounting depth: 70mm
Mounting width: per pole = 17.5mm = 1module
Colour: grey, RAL 7035

Colour of switch lever: red RAL 3000 (r); grey RAL 7000 (g)

Special features
- Fast removal without dismantling of the busbar
- Captive screws with recessed/slotted head, Pozidriv size 2
- Add-on of up to 3 auxiliary contact S2C-H6R possible
- Integrated lay-on edge for labeling system ILS
- Locking device as accessories for unauthorized ON/OFF
- Approval: VDE, CCC, KEMA
Poles Rated Power Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
voltage loss details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
V AC W Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Rated current 16 A

1NO 230V 0.15 E201/16g 2CDE281001R1016 645614 0.095 10

1NO 230V 0.15 E201/16r 2CDE281001R0016 645621 0.095 10
2NO 400V 0.30 E202/16g 2CDE282001R1016 645799 0.190 5

6 2NO
3NO 400V 0.45 E203/16r 2CDE283001R0016 645980 0.290 3
4NO 400V 0.60 E204/16g 2CDE284001R1016 646154 0.390 2
4NO 400V 0.60 E204/16r 2CDE284001R0016 646161 0.390 2

Technical data
Switching capacity 1.25 x In; 1.1 x Un; cosJ = 0.3 acc. to DIN VDE 0632
AC22-A/AC23-A acc. to VDE 0660 part 107,
DIN EN 60947-3 resp. IEC 947-3
DC21-B for applications up to 60 V DC
Positive opening acc. to DIN VDE 0113
Short-circuit withstand capacity 25 kAeff in series with NH 00 100 A gL-gG;
6 kAeff in series with NH 00 125 A gL-gG and S 2.. b63 A
Rated voltage 230/400 V AC; 50/60 Hz
Surge withstand capability Uimp 4 kV acc. to EN 60947-1
Ambient temperature -25 °C to +55 °C
Storage temperature -40 °C to +70 °C
Climatic resistance constant climate 23/83, 40/93, 55/20 [°C/RH]
alternating climate 25/95 - 40/93 [°C/RH]
Mounting position optional
Degree of protection IP10, IP40 in panelboard
Mechanical endurance 20000 switching cycles
Electrical endurance 1000 switching cycles
Min. voltage 12 V AC/DC at 0.1 VA
Min. contact loading 24 V/4 mA
Wire range 2.5 to 50 mm2
Busbars cross section r 16 mm2
Torque 2,5 Nm

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/30

6/2 ABB
System Selection tables E 200
pro M compact® Command devices
E 200 switches
Rated current 25 A

1NO 230V 0.30 E201/25g 2CDE281001R1025 645638 0.095 10

1NO 230V 0.30 E201/25r 2CDE281001R0025 645645 0.095 10
2NO 400V 0.60 E202/25g 2CDE282001R1025 645812 0.190 5
2NO 400V 0.60 E202/25r 2CDE282001R0025 645829 0.190 5

3NO 400V 0.90 E203/25g 2CDE283001R1025 645997 0.290 3

3NO 400V 0.90 E203/25r 2CDE283001R0025 646000 0.290 3
4NO 400V 1.20 E204/25g 2CDE284001R1025 646178 0.390 2
4NO 400V 1.20 E204/25r 2CDE284001R0025 646185 0.390 2

Rated current 32 A

1NO 230V 0.50 E201/32g 2CDE281001R1032 645652 0.095 10

1NO 230V 0.50 E201/32r 2CDE281001R0032 645669 0.095 10
2NO 400V 0.95 E202/32g 2CDE282001R1032 645836 0.190 5
2NO 400V 0.95 E202/32r 2CDE282001R0032 645843 0.190 5
3NO 400V 1.40 E203/32g 2CDE283001R1032 646017 0.290 3
3NO 400V 1.40 E203/32r 2CDE283001R0032 646024 0.290 3
4NO 400V 1.90 E204/32g 2CDE284001R1032 646192 0.390 2
4NO 400V 1.90 E204/32r 2CDE284001R0032 646208 0.390 2

Rated current 40 A

1NO 230V 0.70 E201/40g 2CDE281001R1040 645676 0.095 10

2NO 400V 1.40 E202/40r 2CDE282001R0040 645867 0.190 5
3NO 400V 2.10 E203/40g 2CDE283001R1040 646031 0.290 3
3NO 400V 2.10 E203/40r 2CDE283001R0040 646048 0.290 3
4NO 400V 2.80 E204/40g 2CDE284001R1040 646215 0.390 2
4NO 400V 2.80 E204/40r 2CDE284001R0040 646222 0.390 2

Rated current 45 A

1NO 230V 0.90 E201/45g 2CDE281001R1045 645690 0.095 10

1NO 230V 0.90 E201/45r 2CDE281001R0045 645706 0.095 10
2NO 400V 1.80 E202/45g 2CDE282001R1045 645874 0.190 5
2NO 400V 1.80 E202/45r 2CDE282001R0045 645881 0.190 5
3NO 400V 2.65 E203/45g 2CDE283001R1045 646055 0.290 3
3NO 400V 2.65 E203/45r 2CDE283001R0045 646062 0.290 3
4NO 400V 3.50 E204/45g 2CDE284001R1045 646239 0.390 2
4NO 400V 3.50 E204/45r 2CDE284001R0045 646246 0.390 2

Rated current 63 A

1NO 230V 1.65 E201/63g 2CDE281001R1063 645713 0.095 10

1NO 230V 1.65 E201/63r 2CDE281001R0063 645720 0.095 10
2NO 400V 3.30 E202/63g 2CDE282001R1063 645898 0.190 5
2NO 400V 3.30 E202/63r 2CDE282001R0063 645904 0.190 5
3NO 400V 4.90 E203/63g 2CDE283001R1063 646079 0.290 3
3NO 400V 4.90 E203/63r 2CDE283001R0063 646086 0.290 3
4NO 400V 6,55 E204/63g 2CDE284001R1063 646253 0.390 2
4NO 400V 6.55 E204/63r 2CDE284001R0063 646260 0.390 2

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/30

ABB 6/3
System Selection tables E 200
pro M compact® Command devices
E 200 switches
Rated current 80 A

1NO 230V 2.60 E201/80g 2CDE281001R1080 645737 0.095 10

1NO 230V 2.60 E201/80r 2CDE281001R0080 645744 0.095 10
2NO 400V 5.15 E202/80g 2CDE282001R1080 645911 0.190 5
2NO 400V 5.15 E202/80r 2CDE282001R0080 645928 0.190 5
3NO 400V 7.75 E203/80g 2CDE283001R1080 646093 0.290 3
3NO 400V 7.75 E203/80r 2CDE283001R0080 646109 0.290 3
4NO 400V 10.30 E204/80g 2CDE284001R1080 646277 0.390 2
4NO 400V 10.30 E204/80r 2CDE284001R0080 646284 0.390 2

Rated current 100 A

1NO 230V 3.95 E201/100g 2CDE281001R1100 645751 0.095 10

1NO 230V 3.95 E201/100r 2CDE281001R0100 645738 0.095 10
2NO 400V 7.90 E202/100g 2CDE282001R1100 645935 0.190 5
2NO 400V 7.90 E202/100r 2CDE282001R0100 645942 0.190 5
3NO 400V 11.85 E203/100g 2CDE283001R1100 646116 0.290 3
3NO 400V 11.85 E203/100r 2CDE283001R0100 646123 0.290 3
4NO 400V 15.80 E204/100g 2CDE284001R1100 646291 0.390 2
4NO 400V 15.80 E204/100r 2CDE284001R0100 646307 0.390 2

Rated current 125 A

1NO 230V 6.10 E201/125g 2CDE281001R1125 645775 0.095 10

6 1NO
2NO 400V 12.20 E202/125r 2CDE282001R0125 645966 0.190 5
3NO 400V 18.30 E203/125g Π2CDE283001R1125 646130 0.33 3
3NO 400V 18.30 E203/125r Π2CDE283001R0125 646147 0.33 3
4NO 400V 24.35 E204/125g Π2CDE284001R1125 646314 0.44 2
4NO 400V 24.35 E204/125r Π2CDE284001R0125 646321 0.44 2
Œwithout approvals

E 200
DC switching capacity
2CDC 052 131 F0005

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/30

6/4 ABB
System Selection tables E 463/3-KB
pro M compact® Command devices E 480/3-KB
E 463/3, E 480/3 switches E 463/3-SL
E 463/3-KB, E 480/3-KB, E 463/3-SL switches
Rated Power Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
current loss details 7612270 1 piece group 1 piece unit
A W Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
63 5.4 E 463/3-KB 2CCE160300R0131 932528 0.190 1
63 5.5 E 463/3-SL 2CCE160301R0131 932535 0.195 1
80 9.9 E 480/3-KB 2CCE180300R0141 932542 0.210 1

Padlock for E 463/3-SL with 2 keys


Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 7612270 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
SA 2 GJF1101903R0002 587704 0.020 1

Technical features
Switching capacity 1.25 In; 1.1 Un; cosJ = 0.6 according to DIN VDE 0632
Rated voltage 250/400 V a.c.
Connection cross section 1 mm2 stranded wire/0.5 mm2 wire up to 25 mm2
Pick-up torque 3 Nm max.
Positive opening according to DIN VDE 0113
Ambient temperature -25°C to +55°C
Storage temperature -40°C to +70°C
Poles 3 NO
Short-circuit withstanding capacity 10 kA, 400 V a.c.
SK 0105 Z 97

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/30

ABB 6/5
System Selection tables E 220
pro M compact® Command devices
E 220 switches

E 220 switches
Suitable for underload operation and equipped with sealable control lever in both positions. All devices
are manufactured in a single module, through simple, quick and safe procedures. For correct operation,
they need an upstream protection by devices against short-circuit and overload (fuses, MCBs).

Type Rated Power Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

voltage loss details 7612270 1 piece group 1 piece unit
V AC W Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Control switches
Rated current = 16 A

2 NO+2 NC 250 1.92 E 221–22 2CCE 110 900 R0101 93256 6 0.070 10
3 NO+1 NC 400 1.92 E 221–31 2CCE 111 000 R0101 93257 3 0.070 10
1 NO+1 NC 250 0.96 E 221–11 2CCE 110 800 R0101 93255 9 0.070 10

Rated current = 25 A

1 NO+1 NC 250 2.26 E 222–11 2CCE 120 800 R0111 93262 7 0.070 10

One-way switches
6 Rated current = 16 A

1 NO 250 0.48 E 221–10 2CCE 110 100 R0101 93234 4 0.055 10

2 NO 250 0.96 E 221–20 2CCE 110 200 R0101 93236 8 0.060 10
3 NO 400 1.44 E 221–30 2CCE 110 300 R0101 93238 2 0.065 10
4 NO 400 1.92 E 221–40 2CCE 110 400 R0101 93240 5 0.070 10

Rated current = 25 A

1 NO 250 1.13 E 222–10 2CCE 120 100 R0111 93241 2 0.055 10

2 NO 250 2.26 E 222–20 2CCE 120 200 R0111 93243 6 0.060 10
3 NO 400 3.39 E 222–30 2CCE 120 300 R0111 93245 0 0.065 10
4 NO 400 4.52 E 222–40 2CCE 120 400 R0111 93247 4 0.070 10

Technical features
Switching capacity 1.25 In; 1.1 Un; cosJ = 0.6 according to DIN VDE 0632,
AC 22 according to VDE 0660 Part 107, IEC 947-3
Short-circuit-withstand capacity 3 kA, 400 V, cosJ = 0.8
Sealable in ON and OFF positions
Climatic resistance constant climate 40/92 DIN 50 015
alternating climate SFW DIN 50 017
Ambient temperature -25 °C / -13 °F to +55 °C / 131 °F
Storage temperature -40 °C to +70 °C
Connection capacity from 1 x 1 mm2 to 1 x 6 mm2 or 2 x 2.5 mm2 massive; from 1 x 0.75 mm2
to 2 x 1.5 mm2 flexible with connector sleeve or pin-end connector
Positive opening according to DIN VDE 0113
Rated voltage 250/400 V AC
Minimum rated voltage 24 V DC/AC

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/30

6/6 ABB
System Selection tables E 220
pro M compact® Command devices
E 220 switches

Type Rated Power Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

voltage loss details 7612270 1 piece group 1 piece unit
V AC W Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Rated current = 32 A

1 NO 250 2.2 E 223–10 2CCE 130 100 R0121 93248 1 0.055 10

2 NO 250 4.4 E 223–20 2CCE 130 200 R0121 93249 8 0.060 10
3 NO 400 6.6 E 223–30 2CCE 130 300 R0121 93250 4 0.065 10
4 NO 400 8.8 E 223–40 2CCE 130 400 R0121 93251 1 0.070 10

One-way switches with built-in pilot lamp for 230 V~


Rated current = 16 A

1 NO 250 0.5 E 221–10 x 2CCE 110 103 R0101 93235 1 0.060 10

2 NO 250 1.0 E 221–20 x 2CCE 110 203 R0101 93237 5 0.065 10
3 NO 400 1.5 E 221–30 x 2CCE 110 303 R0101 93239 9 0.087 10

Rated current = 25 A

1 NO 250 1.15 E 222–10 x 2CCE 120 103 R0111 93242 9 0.060 10

2 NO 250 2.30 E 222–20 x 2CCE 120 203 R0111 93244 3 0.065 10
3 NO 400 3.45 E 222–30 x 2CCE 120 303 R0111 93246 7 0.087 10

Two-way switches
Rated current = 16 A

1 CO 250 0.48 E 221–6 2CCE 110 500 R0101 93260 3 0.060 10

2 CO 250 0.96 E 221–6/2 2CCE 110 600 R0101 93261 0 0.070 10

E 220 DC switching capacity

SK 0079 Z00

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/30

ABB 6/7
System Selection tables E 220
pro M compact® Command devices
E 220 switches

Type Rated Power Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

voltage loss details 7612270 1 piece group 1 piece unit
V AC W Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Rated current = 25 A

1 CO 250 1.13 E 222–6 2CCE 120 500 R0121 932658 0.060 10

Two-way switch with two off positions (I-O-II, manual-OFF-automatic)

Rated current = 16 A

1-pole 250 0.48 E 221–4 2CCE 110 502 R0101 93258 0 0.060 10
2-pole 250 0.96 E 221–4/2 2CCE 110 602 R0101 93259 7 0.070 10

Rated current = 25 A

1-pole 250 1.13 E 222–4 2CCE 120 520 R0111 93263 4 0.060 10

Terminal assignment
control switch

1 NO + 1 NC 2 NO +2 NC 3 NO + 1 NC 2CDC 052 163 F0004

SK 0170 Z 91

one-way switch

1 NO 2 NO 3 NO 4 NO
2CDC 052 164 F0004

one-way switch with

pilot lamp

1 NO 2 NO 3 NO
2CDC 052 165 F0004

2CDC 052 166 F0004

two-way switch group switch

1 CO 2 CO 1-pole 2-pole

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/30

6/8 ABB
System Selection tables E 220
pro M compact® Command devices
E 220 pushbuttons and indicator lamps

E 220 pushbuttons and indicator lamps

The pushbuttons are used for remote control in every kind of electric installation (public, tertiary,
The indicator lamps signal any event in every kind of electric installation (public, tertiary, industrial).

Not lighted pushbuttons with contacts 1NO+1NC

Hood’s colour Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 7612270 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
grey E225-11 B 2CCE110810R0001 932665 0.055 10

red E225-11 C 2CCE110820R0001 932672 0.055 10

green E225-11 D 2CCE110830R0001 932689 0.055 10
yellow E225-11 E 2CCE110840R0001 932696 0.055 10
black E225-11 F 2CCE110850R0001 932702 0.055 10
blue E225-11 G 2CCE110860R0001 932719 0.055 10
no hood E225-11 Z 2CCE110804R0001 932726 0.053 10

Lighted pushbuttons with contacts 1NO+1NC

Button’s colour Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 7612270 1 piece group 1 piece unit

Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
transparent E227-11 B 2CCE110870R0011 932740 0.055 10 6
red E227-11 C 2CCE110820R0011 932757 0.055 10
green E227-11 D 2CCE110830R0011 932764 0.055 10
yellow E227-11 E 2CCE110840R0011 932771 0.055 10
blue E227-11 G 2CCE110860R0011 932788 0.055 10
no button - no lamp E227-11 Z 2CCE110804R0011 932795 0.045 10

Indicator lamps with 230 V a.c. bulb


Hood’s colour Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 7612270 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
transparent E229-B 2CCE100070R0021 932801 0.045 10
red E229-C 2CCE100020R0021 932818 0.045 10
green E229-D 2CCE100030R0021 932825 0.045 10
yellow E229-E 2CCE100040R0021 932832 0.045 10
blue E229-G 2CCE100060R0021 932849 0.045 10
no hood E229-Z 2CCE100004R0021 932856 0.040 10

Technical features
Rated voltage Un [V] a.c. 250
Rated current In [A] 16
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Power consumption [W] see technical details
Modules [No.] 1
Standards IEC EN 60669-1

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/30

ABB 6/9
System Selection tables E 220
pro M compact® Command devices
E 220 pushbuttons and indicator lamps

Hoods for not lighted pushbuttons E225


Hood’s colour Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 7612270 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
grey E220-B 1 2CCE000015R0001 932948 0.002 100
red E220-C 1 2CCE000025R0001 932979 0.002 100
green E220-D 1 2CCE000035R0001 933006 0.002 100
yellow E220-E 1 2CCE000045R0001 933037 0.002 100
black E220-F 1 2CCE000055R0001 933051 0.002 100

blue E220-G 1 2CCE000065R0001 933075 0.002 100

Spare buttons for E227 indicator lamps

Button’s colour Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 7612270 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
transparent E220-B 2CCE000075R0011 932931 0.002 100
red E220-C 2CCE000025R0011 932962 0.002 100
green E220-D 2CCE000035R0011 932993 0.002 100
yellow E220-E 2CCE000045R0011 933020 0.002 100
blue E220-G 2CCE000065R0011 933068 0.002 100

6 Spare hoods for E229 indicator lamps

Hood’s colour Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 7612270 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
transparent E220-B 3 2CCE000075R0021 932955 0.002 100
red E220-C 3 2CCE000025R0021 932986 0.002 100
green E220-D 3 2CCE000035R0021 933013 0.002 100
yellow E220-E 3 2CCE000045R0021 933044 0.002 100
blue E220-G 3 2CCE000065R0021 933082 0.002 100

E225 pushbutton E227 lighted pushbutton Indicator lamp

1NO + 1NC 1NO + 1NC
5 7
1 3
1 7 1 7 1

Max. 2W Max. 2W

2 4 2 8 2 8 2
6 8

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/30

6/10 ABB
System Selection tables E 220
pro M compact® Command devices
E 220 pushbuttons and indicator lamps

Spare bulbs
Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
voltage details 4012233 1 piece group 1 piece unit
V Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
12 AC E 10/12 2CCE300005R0001 631605 0.004 100
24 AC E 10/24 2CCE400005R0001 631803 0.004 100
48 AC E 10/48 2CCE500005R0001 632008 0.004 100
60 AC E 10/60 2CCE700005R0001 632107 0.004 100
110 AC E 10/110 2CCE800005R0001 632206 0.003 100
230 AC E 10/230 2CCE100005R0001 983704 0.003 100
220 DC E 10/220 2CCE900005R0001 667307 0.003 100

Lamp driver
Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 4011395 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
E 220-LZ 2CCE000005R0001 002902 0.002 10

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/30

ABB 6/11
System Selection tables duc le
P ilab m E
ro 210
pro M compact Command devices
® ava ng fro 2009
star uarter
E 210 switches NEW 2nd

These devices are specifically made for commanding loads and signalling electrical conditions in
any low-voltage switchboard. They are available in half module or 1 module, depending on the
contact-layout. The devices with indicator lights are equipped with a LED, which grants an optimal
illumination with very low consumption.

The functions of these devices are particularly switching, pushing and signalling electrical conditions
in any installations (low-voltage area)

General new features

 Space-saving through 9mm modules
 All terminals equipped with Pozidrive 1 screws
 Safe connection due to cage-clamp
 LED with bright colours and available in three different voltage ranges
 Different lens and button colours
 Compliance to international standards

E 211-... ON-OFF switches

For example, such devices are used to switch indicators or other electrical components (like fan’s,
air-conditions, e.g.). The new On-Off switches distinguish themselves through simple handling,
easy mounting and optimal functionality.
Contacts Rated Power Width Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
voltage loss details 7612270 1 piece group 1 piece unit
6 VAC W mm Type code Order code EAN EURO kg pc.

Rated current = 16A

1 NO 250 0.32 9 E211-16-10 2CCA703000R0001 938575 0.035 10

2 NO 230/400 0.82 9 E211-16-20 2CCA703005R0001 938582 0.045 10
3 NO 230/400 1.14 18 E211-16-30 2CCA703010R0001 938599 0.080 10
4 NO 230/400 1.64 18 E211-16-40 2CCA703015R0001 938605 0.090 10

Rated current = 25A


1 NO 250 0.75 9 E211-25-10 2CCA703001R0001 938612 0.035 10

2 NO 230/400 1.95 9 E211-25-20 2CCA703006R0001 938629 0.045 10
3 NO 230/400 2.70 18 E211-25-30 2CCA703011R0001 938636 0.080 10
4 NO 230/400 3.90 18 E211-25-40 2CCA703016R0001 938643 0.090 10

Rated current = 32A

1 NO 250 1.12 9 E211-32-10 2CCA703002R0001 938650 0.035 10

2 NO 230/400 2.73 9 E211-32-20 2CCA703007R0001 938667 0.045 10
3 NO 230/400 3.85 18 E211-32-30 2CCA703012R0001 938674 0.080 10
4 NO 230/400 5.46 18 E211-32-40 2CCA703017R0001 938681 0.090 10

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/32

6/12 ABB
System Selection tables duc le
P ilab m E
ro 210
pro M compact Command devices
® ava ng fro 2009
star uarter
E 210 switches NEW 2nd

E 211X-... ON-OFF switches with yellow LED for contact indication

LED voltage 115-250 VAC
Contacts Rated Power LED Width Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
voltage loss colour details 7612270 1 piece group 1 piece unit

VAC W mm Type code Order code EAN EURO kg pc.

Rated current = 16A

1 NO 250 0.50 yellow 9 E211X-16-10 2CCA703100R0001 938872 0.040 10

2 NO 230/400 1.00 yellow 18 E211X-16-20 2CCA703110R0001 938889 0.050 10
3 NO 230/400 1.50 yellow 18 E211X-16-30 2CCA703115R0001 938896 0.060 10

Rated current = 25A

1 NO 250 1.15 yellow 9 E211X-25-10 2CCA703101R0001 938902 0.040 10

2 NO 230/400 2.30 yellow 18 E211X-25-20 2CCA703111R0001 938919 0.050 10
3 NO 230/400 3.45 yellow 18 E211X-25-30 2CCA703116R0001 938926 0.060 10

E 213-... Change over switches

The new change-over switches distinguish themselves through simple handling, easy mounting and
optimal functionality. Example applications include opening and closing of electrically operated flaps.

Contacts Rated Power LED Width Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
voltage loss colour details 7612270 1 piece group 1 piece unit
VAC W mm Type code Order code EAN EURO kg pc.

Rated current = 16A

1 CO 250 0.32 - 9 E213-16-001 2CCA703040R0001 938698 0.041 10

2 CO 250 0.82 - 18 E213-16-002 2CCA703045R0001 938704 0.082 10

Rated current = 25A

1 CO 250 0.40 - 9 E213-25-001 2CCA703041R0001 938711 0.041 10

2 CO 250 0.88 - 18 E213-25-002 2CCA703046R0001 938728 0.082 10

Terminal assignment

ON / OFF switch


1 NO 2 NO 3 NO 4 NO

Change-over switches
OFF switches with indicator lamps



1 NO 2 NO 3 NO 1 C/O 2 C/O

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/31

ABB 6/13
System Selection tables duc le
P ilab m E
ro 210
pro M compact Command devices
® ava ng fro 2009
star uarter
E 210 switches NEW 2nd

E 214-... Group switches (I-0-II, manual-OFF-automatic)

The new Group switches can be used to control the main installation of an emergency supply. Such
devices distinguish themselves through simple handling, easy mounting and optimal functionality.

Contacts Rated Power Width Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
voltage loss details 7612270 1 piece group 1 piece unit
VAC W mm Type code Order code EAN EURO kg pc.

Rated current = 16A

1 CO 250 0.32 9 E214-16-101 2CCA703025R0001 938735 0.041 10


2 CO 250 0.82 18 E214-16-202 2CCA703030R0001 938742 0.082 10

Rated current = 25A

1 CO 250 0.40 9 E214-25-101 2CCA703026R0001 938759 0.041 10

2 CO 250 0.88 18 E214-25-202 2CCA703031R0001 938766 0.082 10

E 218-... Control switches

These devices can be used in distribution board for any control function. The new control switches

distinguish themselves through simple handling, easy mounting and optimal functionality.

Contacts Rated Power Width Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
voltage loss details 7612270 1 piece group 1 piece unit
VAC W mm Type code Order code EAN EURO kg pc.

Rated current = 16A


1NO+1NC 250 0.50 9 E218-16-11 2CCA703050R0001 938773 0.041 10

2NO+2NC 250 1.00 18 E218-16-22 2CCA703060R0001 938780 0.082 10
3NO+1NC 250 1.50 18 E218-16-31 2CCA703065R0001 938797 0.082 10

Rated current = 25A

1NO+1NC 250 0.75 18 E218-25-11 2CCA703051R0001 938803 0.041 10

Terminal assignment

Group switches Control switches






1-pole 2-pole 1 NO + 1 NC 2 NO + 2 NC 3 NO + 1 NC

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/31

6/14 ABB
System Selection tables duc le
P ilab m E
ro 210
pro M compact Command devices
® ava ng fro 2009
star uarter
E 210 switches NEW 2nd

Technical features - Switches

Switching capacity according to EN 60669-1
Isolating properties according to EN 60669-2-4
Short-circuit withstand capacity [kA] 3
Rated voltage Un [V] 250/400
Rated current In [A] 16, 25, 32
LED current [mA] 5
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Modules [No] 0.5 or 1
Sealable in ON and OFF position
Climatic resistance according to IEC 60068-2-2 (Dry heat)
IEC 60068-2-30 (Damp heat)
IEC 60068-2-1 (Cold)
Ambient temperature [°C/°F] -25°C/-13°F to +55°C/+131°F
Storage temperature [°C] -40°C to +70°C
Connection capacity [mm2] from 1x1 mm2 to 1x6 mm2 or 2x2.5 mm2 massive;
Flexible up 1x0.75 mm2 to 2x1.5 mm2 with connector
sleve or pin-endconnector
Tightening torque [Nm] 1.8
Positive opening according to EN 60204-1
Standards DIN EN 60669-1 *VDE 0632-1
DIN EN 60669-2-4 *VDE 0632-2-4
Approvals VDE
E 210 DC switching capacity

U (V)





30 Resistive load

NO contact
NC contact
Load with time constant
t = 15ms (inductive load)
NO contact
10 NC contact
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 16 20 30 40
32 I (A)

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/31

ABB 6/15
System Selection tables t
duc E 210
Pro ilable m
pro M compact® Command devices NEW ava ng fro 2009
rti r
E 210 Pushbuttons with and without LEDs sdtaquarte
E 215-... Pushbuttons (6 different button colours)

Pushbuttons without and with LED

The new products are available in 9 mm widths (= 0.5 modules).

The devices can be used in distribution boards and are all distinguished by their simple handling,
ease of mounting and optimal functionality. The pushbuttons are used for remote control in all
kinds of electrical installation (e.g. public, industrial). The range offers three different voltages.
(Ranges: 12-48 V AC/DC; 115-250 V AC and 110-220 V DC).

Rated current = 16A

Contacts Rated Power Button Width Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
voltage loss colour details 7612270 1 piece group 1 piece unit
VAC W mm Type code Order code EAN EURO kg pc.

1NO+1NC 250 0.50 grey 9 E215-16-11B 2CCA703150R0001 938810 0.046 10

1NO+1NC 250 0.50 red 9 E215-16-11C 2CCA703151R0001 938827 0.046 10
1NO+1NC 250 0.50 green 9 E215-16-11D 2CCA703152R0001 938834 0.046 10
1NO+1NC 250 0.50 yellow 9 E215-16-11E 2CCA703153R0001 938841 0.046 10
1NO+1NC 250 0.50 black 9 E215-16-11F 2CCA703154R0001 938858 0.046 10
1NO+1NC 250 0.50 blue 9 E215-16-11G 2CCA703155R0001 938865 0.046 10

E 217-... Luminous Pushbuttons (5 different LED colours)
Rated current = 16A
Contacts Rated Power LED Width Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
voltage loss colour details 7612270 1 piece group 1 piece unit

VAC W mm Type code Order code EAN EURO kg pc.

LED Voltage range = 115-250VAC

1 NO 250 1.10 white 9 E217-16-10B 2CCA703160R0001 938988 0.050 10

1 NO 250 1.10 red 9 E217-16-10C 2CCA703161R0001 938995 0.050 10
1 NO 250 1.10 green 9 E217-16-10D 2CCA703162R0001 939008 0.050 10
1 NO 250 1.10 yellow 9 E217-16-10E 2CCA703163R0001 939015 0.050 10
1 NO 250 1.10 blue 9 E217-16-10G 2CCA703164R0001 939022 0.050 10

1 NC 250 1.10 white 9 E217-16-01B 2CCA703250R0001 939084 0.050 10

1 NC 250 1.10 red 9 E217-16-01C 2CCA703251R0001 939091 0.050 10
1 NC 250 1.10 green 9 E217-16-01D 2CCA703252R0001 939107 0.050 10
1 NC 250 1.10 yellow 9 E217-16-01E 2CCA703253R0001 939114 0.050 10
1 NC 250 1.10 blue 9 E217-16-01G 2CCA703254R0001 939121 0.050 10

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/31

6/16 ABB
System Selection tables t
duc E 210
Pro ilable m
pro M compact® Command devices NEW ava ng fro 2009
rti r
E 210 Pushbuttons without and with LEDs sdtaquarte
E 217-... Luminous Pushbuttons (5 different LED colours)
Rated current = 16A
2CCC441048F0001 Contacts Rated Power LED Width Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
voltage loss colour details 7612270 1 piece group 1 piece unit
VAC W mm Type code Order code EAN EURO kg pc.

LED Voltage range = 12-48VAC/DC

1 NO 250 0.72 white 9 E217-16-10B48 2CCA703170R0001 938933 0.050 10

1 NO 250 0.72 red 9 E217-16-10C48 2CCA703171R0001 938940 0.050 10
1 NO 250 0.72 green 9 E217-16-10D48 2CCA703172R0001 938957 0.050 10
1 NO 250 0.72 yellow 9 E217-16-10E48 2CCA703173R0001 938964 0.050 10
1 NO 250 0.72 blue 9 E217-16-10G48 2CCA703174R0001 938971 0.050 10

1 NC 250 0.72 white 9 E217-16-01B48 2CCA703260R0001 939039 0.050 10

1 NC 250 0.72 red 9 E217-16-01C48 2CCA703261R0001 939046 0.050 10
1 NC 250 0.72 green 9 E217-16-01D48 2CCA703262R0001 939053 0.050 10
1 NC 250 0.72 yellow 9 E217-16-01E48 2CCA703263R0001 939060 0.050 10
1 NC 250 0.72 blue 9 E217-16-01G48 2CCA703264R0001 939077 0.050 10

LED Voltage range = 110-220VDC

1 NO
1 NO
E217-16-10B220 2CCA703165R0001
E217-16-10C220 2CCA703166R0001
1 NO 250 1.50 green 9 E217-16-10D220 2CCA703167R0001 939152 0.050 10
1 NO 250 1.50 yellow 9 E217-16-10E220 2CCA703168R0001 939169 0.050 10
1 NO 250 1.50 blue 9 E217-16-10G220 2CCA703169R0001 939176 0.050 10

1 NC 250 1.50 white 9 E217-16-01B220 2CCA703255R0001 939183 0.050 10

1 NC 250 1.50 red 9 E217-16-01C220 2CCA703256R0001 939190 0.050 10
1 NC 250 1.50 green 9 E217-16-01D220 2CCA703257R0001 939206 0.050 10
1 NC 250 1.50 yellow 9 E217-16-01E220 2CCA703258R0001 939213 0.050 10
1 NC 250 1.50 blue 9 E217-16-01G220 2CCA703259R0001 939220 0.050 10

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/31

ABB 6/17
System Selection tables duc le
P ilab m E
ro 210
pro M compact Command devices NEW
® ava ng fro 2009
star uarter
E 210 Indicator Lights with LED 2nd

E 219-... Indicator Lights with LED (5 different colours)

Indicator Lights with LED

The new products are available in 9 mm width (= 0.5 modules) and can be used for indicating any

operational condition such as signalling loss of a phase.

The range offers three different voltages.
(Ranges: 12-48 V AC/DC; 115-250 V AC and 110-220 V DC).

LED Power Width Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

colour loss details 7612270 1 piece group 1 piece unit
W mm Type code Order code EAN EURO kg pc.

LED Voltage range = 115-250VAC

white 0.47 9 E219-B 2CCA703400R0001 939282 0.04 10

red 0.47 9 E219-C 2CCA703401R0001 939299 0.04 10
green 0.47 9 E219-D 2CCA703402R0001 939305 0.04 10
yellow 0.47 9 E219-E 2CCA703403R0001 939312 0.04 10
blue 0.47 9 E219-G 2CCA703404R0001 939329 0.04 10

LED Voltage range = 12-48VAC/DC

white 0.40 9 E219-B48 2CCA703420R0001 939237 0.04 10

6 red
yellow 0.40 9 E219-E48 2CCA703423R0001 939268 0.04 10
blue 0.40 9 E219-G48 2CCA703424R0001 939275 0.04 10

LED Voltage range = 110-220VDC

white 1.00 9 E219-B220 2CCA703405R0001 939336 0.04 10

red 1.00 9 E219-C220 2CCA703406R0001 939343 0.04 10
green 1.00 9 E219-D220 2CCA703407R0001 939350 0.04 10
yellow 1.00 9 E219-E220 2CCA703408R0001 939367 0.04 10
blue 1.00 9 E219-G220 2CCA703409R0001 939374 0.04 10

Technical features - Pushbuttons and Indicator Lights

Rated Voltage Un [V] 250
Rated current In [A] 16
LED current [mA] 5
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Modules [No] 0.5
Tightening torque [Nm] 1.8
Standards EN 60669-1; EN 62094-1
Approvals VDE

Terminal assignment

Pushbutton Luminous Pushbutton Indicator Light





Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/31

6/18 ABB
System Selection tables SL
pro M compact Command devices

Luminous indicators for panel installation

Luminous indicator
These luminous indicator devices provide an intuitive and readily visible front panel display of the
state of an electrical line or load situated either remotely or inside the panel itself. The range of
luminous indicator includes devices with 3, 4 or 12 LEDs with various supply voltage ratings, and
fully-customisable plain labels.
The version with 115 V d.c. supply rating, is ideal for installation on medium voltage panels and for
non-standard applications, and complete an extensive range of easy-to-install indicator devices.

Size Number Characteristics Label Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of LEDs of the LEDs details 801254 1 piece group 1 piece unit
mm Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Indicator lamps 24 V a.c./d.c.

48 3 not included neutral SL-3-24V/48 2CSG211010R3001 2659501 0.01 1
48 4 not included neutral SL-4-24V/48 2CSG221010R3001 2659600 0.01 1
48 3 red neutral SL-3-L1-L2-L3-24V/48 2CSG241020R3001 2659709 0.01 1
48 3 green, red, yellow in English SL-3-A-C-S-24V/48 2CSG251030R3001 2659808 0.01 1
48 4 green, red, in English SL-3-A-C-S-E-24V/48 2CSG251040R3001 2659907 0.01 1
yellow, green

Indicator lamps 48 V a.c./d.c.

48 3 not included neutral SL-3-48V/48 2CSG311010R3001 2660002 0.01 1
48 4 not included neutral SL-4-48V/48 2CSG321010R3001 2658603 0.01 1
48 3 red neutral SL-3-L1-L2-L3-48V/48 2CSG341020R3001 2658702 0.01 1
green, red, yellow in English SL-3-A-C-S-48V/48 2CSG351030R3001 2658801
green, red, in English SL-3-A-C-S-E-48V/48 2CSG351040R3001 2658900
1 6
yellow, green

Indicator lamps 115 V a.c.

48 3 not included neutral SL-3-115V/48 2CSG411010R3001 2659006 0.01 1
48 4 not included neutral SL-4-115V/48 2CSG421010R3001 2659105 0.01 1
48 3 green, red, yellow in English SL-3-A-C-S-115V/48 2CSG451030R3001 2659303 0.01 1
48 4 green, red, in English SL-4-A-C-S-E-115V/48 2CSG451040R3001 2659402 0.01 1
yellow, green

Indicator lamps 115 V d.c.

48 3 not included neutral SL-3-115V/48 2CSG411010R3001 2659006 0.01 1
48 4 not included neutral SL-4-115V/48 2CSG421010R3001 2659105 0.01 1
48 3 green, red, yellow in English SL-3-A-C-S-115V/48 2CSG451030R3001 2659303 0.01 1
48 4 green, red, in English SL-4-A-C-S-E-115V/48 2CSG451040R3001 2659402 0.01 1
yellow, green

Connection diagram

C 3 2 1

C = Common
a.c. supply N L L L 1 = Led 1
2 = Led 2
d.c. supply – + + + 3 = Led 3

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/31

ABB 6/19
System Selection tables SL
pro M compact Command devices

Luminous indicators for panel installation

Panel Number Characteristics Label Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
dimens. of LEDs of the LEDs details 801254 1 piece group 1 piece unit
mm Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Luminous indicators 230 V a.c.

48 3 not included neutral SL-3-230V/48 2CSG511010R3001 2659501 0.01 1

48 4 not included neutral SL-4-230V/48 2CSG521010R3001 2659600 0.01 1
48 3 red neutral SL-3-L1-L2-L3-230V/48 2CSG541020R3001 2659709 0.01 1
48 3 green, red, yellow in English SL-3-A-C-S-230V/48 2CSG551030R3001 2659808 0.01 1
48 4 green, red, in English SL-3-A-C-S-E-230V/48 2CSG551040R3001 2659907 0.01 1
yellow, green
96 12 not included alarm SL-12-24V/96 2CSG274050R3001 2660002 0.03 1
96 12 not included alarm SL-12-48V/96 2CSG374050R3001 2660101 0.03 1
96 12 not included alarm SL-12-115V/96 2CSG474050R3001 2660200 0.03 1
96 12 not included alarm SL-12-230V/96 2CSG574050R3001 2660309 0.03 1

144 12 not included alarm SL-12-24V/144 2CSG233050R3001 2660408 0.35 1

144 12 not included alarm SL-12-48V/144 2CSG333050R3001 2660507 0.35 1
144 12 not included alarm SL-12-115V/144 2CSG433050R3001 2660606 0.35 1
144 12 not included alarm SL-12-230V/144 2CSG533050R3001 2660705 0.35 1

Accessories for luminous indicators

red LED 2CSG500060R3001 2660804 0.05 5 pcs

green LED 2CSG500070R3001 2660903 0.05 5 pcs
yellow LED 2CSG500080R3001 2661009 0.05 5 pcs

6 blue LED
white LED
2CSG500090R3001 2661108
2CSG500100R3001 2661207
5 pcs
5 pcs

Technical characteristics
Electrical characteristics
Supply [V] - a.c./d.c 24, 48
- a.c. 115, 230
- d.c. 115
Frequency [Hz] 0-1000
Power consumption [W] 0.5 max per input
TEST input consumption [W] 4 max
Other characteristics
Operating temperature [°C] -20 +60
Storage temperature [°C] -20 +70
Relative humidity 30-95%
Overall dimensions [mm] 48 x 48 x 56 (SL-3 e SL-4)
96 x 96 x 56 (SL...96)
72 x 144 x 70 (SL...72-144)
Weight [gr] 100 (SL-3 e SL-4),
300 (SL-12-115V/96)
350 (SL-12-115V/72-144)
Protection degree IP40
Label dimensions [mm] 30 x 9

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/31

6/20 ABB
System Selection tables ESB
pro M compact® Command devices
ESB series contactors
For loads to be automatically controlled through high number of operations; i.e, building automation,
controlling of small pumps, ventilations, heating systems, lighting systems, and so on.

ESB series contactors

The series consists of various models differing in the number of contacts, rated current and control
circuit voltage.

ESB contactors (20 A)

Number Command Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of circuit’s rated details 347152 1 piece group 1 piece unit
contacts voltage Uc

VAC Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1NO+1NC 12 ESB20-11/12 GHE3211302R1004 1231148 0.200 10
1NO+1NC 24 ESB20-11/24 GHE3211302R0001 0263515 0.200 10
1NO+1NC 48 ESB20-11/48 GHE3211302R0003 0263539 0.200 10
1NO+1NC 110 ESB20-11/110 GHE3211302R0004 1231049 0.200 10
1NO+1NC 230 ESB20-11/230 GHE3211302R0006 0263560 0.200 10

2NC 12 ESB20-02/12 GHE3211202R1004 1232145 0.200 10

2NC 24 ESB20-02/24 GHE3211202R0001 0236812 0.200 10
2NC 48 ESB20-02/48 GHE3211202R0003 0263836 0.200 10
2NC 110 ESB20-02/110 GHE3211202R0004 1232046 0.200 10
2NC 230 ESB20-02/230 GHE3211202R0006 0263867 0.200 10

2NO 12 ESB20-20/12 GHE3211102R1004 1230141 0.200 10 6

2NO 24 ESB20-20/24 GHE3211102R0001 0263218 0.200 10
2NO 48 ESB20-20/48 GHE3211102R0003 0263232 0.200 10
2NO 110 ESB20-20/110 GHE3211102R0004 1230042 0.200 10

2NO 230 ESB20-20/230 GHE3211102R0006 0263263 0.200 10

ESB24 contactors (24 A)

Number Command Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of circuit’s rated details 401361 1 piece group 1 piece unit
contacts voltage Uc
VAC Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
4NO 12 ESB24-40/12 GHE3291102R1004 4084478 0.280 5
4NO 24 ESB24-40/24 GHE3291102R0001 4084416 0.280 5
4NO 230 ESB24-40/230 GHE3291102R0006 4084454 0.280 5

Technical characteristics
ESB 20 ESB 24
Rated voltage Un [V] a.c. 230 a.c. 400
Rated current In in AC1 [A] 20 24
Rated power in AC3 [kW]
230V 1.3 2.2
400V - 4
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60 40/450
Control circuit voltage [V] a.c. 12, 24, 48, 110, 230 a.c./d.c. 12, 24, 230
Mechanic operations [No.] 1 million 1 million
Electric operations
in AC1 [No.] 150000 130000
in AC3 [No.] 150000 500000
Power consumption [W] 1 per pole 1, 2 per pole
Modules [No.] 1 2
Standards IEC 60947-4-1 IEC 60947-4-1
IEC 61095 IEC 61095

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/32

ABB 6/21
System Selection tables ESB
pro M compact® Command devices
ESB series contactors
ESB40 contactors (40 A)
Number Command Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
of circuit’s rated details 401361 1 piece group 1 piece unit
contacts voltage Uc
VAC Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

4NO 24 ESB40-40/24 GHE3491102R0001 4084829 0.450 1

4NO 230 ESB40-40/230 GHE3491102R0006 4084867 0.450 1

ESB63 contatctors (63 A)

4NO 24 ESB63-40/24 GHE3691102R0001 4084935 0.450 1

4NO 230 ESB63-40/230 GHE3691102R0006 4084973 0.450 1

Auxiliary elements and accessories available for ESB24/40/63,


Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 401361 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Auxiliary elements

2NO EH 04-20 GHE3401321R0001 4084768 0.230 1

6 1NO+1NC EH 04-11 GHE3401321R0002 4084775 0.230 1

Other accessories

Spacer ESB-DIS GHE3201902R0001 4085215 0.002 10

Terminal covers for ESB24 ESB-PLK 24 GHE3201903R0001 0.003 10
Terminal covers for ESB40/63 ESB-PLK 40/63 GHE3401903R0001 4085277 0.003 10

Technical characteristics
ESB 40 ESB 63
Rated voltage Un [V] a.c. 400 a.c. 400
Rated current In in AC1 [A] 40 63
Rated power in AC3 [kW]
230V 5.5 8.5
400V 11 15
Rated frequency [Hz] 40/450 40/450
Control circuit voltage [V] a.c./d.c. 24, 230 a.c./d.c. 24, 230
Mechanic operations [No.] 1 million 1 million
Electric operations
in AC1 [No.] 150000 150000
in AC3 [No.] 170000 240000
Power consumption [W] 3 per pole 6 per pole
Modules [No.] 3 3
Standards IEC 60947-4-1 IEC 60947-4-1
IEC 61095 IEC 61095

Technical characteristics of the auxiliary contact

Thermal current Ith [A] 6
Operating rated current Ie AC15 at
< 240 V a.c. [A] 4
< 380/415 V a.c. [A] 3
< 500 V a.c. [A] 2
Minimum load 12 V, 300 mA

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/32

6/22 ABB
System Selection tables EN
pro M compact® Command devices
EN series contactors

EN series contactors
Equipped with front switch to select operation mode (override): permanent OFF, automatic operation,
manual ON.

EN20 contactors (20 A)


Number Command Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of circuit’s rated details 347152 1 piece group 1 piece unit
contacts voltage Uc
VAC Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
2NO 230 EN20-20/230 GHE3221101R0006 0265069 0.280 1

EN24 contactors (24 A)


Number Command Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

of circuit’s rated details 401361 1 piece group 1 piece unit
contacts voltage Uc
VAC Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
3NO 230 EN24-30/230 GHE3261501R0006 4134319 0.280 1
4NO 230 EN24-40/230 GHE3261101R0006 4133688 0.280 1

EN40 contactors (40 A)


2NO 230 EN40-20/230 GHE3421401R0006 4129582 0.450 1

3NO 230 EN40-30/230 GHE3421501R0006 0.450 1
4NO 230 EN40-40/230 GHE3421101R0006 4133701 0.450 1

Technical characteristics
EN 20 EN 24 EN 40
Rated voltage Un [V] a.c. 230/400 a.c. 230/400 a.c. 230/400
Rated current In in AC1 [A] 20 24 40
Rated output in AC3
230 [kW] 1.3 2.2 5.5
400 [kW] - 4 11
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60 40/450 40/450
Control circuit voltage [V] a.c. 230
Power consumption [W] 1 per pole 1.2 per pole 3 per pole
Modules [No.] 1 2 3
Standards IEC/EN 61095 IEC/EN 61095 IEC/EN 61095
Approvals UTE

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/32

ABB 6/23
System Selection tables E 250
pro M compact Command devices
E 259
Relays selection
Latching relays Installation relays
E250 E259
Contacts switching on each impulse sent Contacts maintained in switched position only
to the control coil. while the control coil is supplied.
General characteristics
Type of command Impulse (i.e. via pushbutton) Continuous (i.e. via switch)
Energy consumption of command circuit Only on pickup For entire time contact switching is maintained
Local control lever Yes Temporary
Main application Lighting command by pushbuttons Lighting command by switches, thermostats,
time switches
Rated current 16 A 32 A 16 A
Single phase lamps load characteristics /
Incandescent and halogen 3000 W 4000 W 1800 W
Fluorescent power factor corrected in series 3000 VA 4000 VA 1800 VA
Fluorescent power factor corrected in parallel 2500 VA 3200 VA 500 VA
Fluorescent uncorrected power factor 1800 VA 2200 VA 900 VA
Power contacts
1NA ■ ■ ■
2NA ■ ■ ■
Sequential ■
1NA+1NC ■ ■
2NA+2NC with E250CM11
3NA, 4NA with E250CM20 with E250-32 CM20 ■
1C/O, 2C/O ■ ■
3C/O, 4C/O with E250CM002 ■

6 See technical details for information on each lamp type

Accessories for E250 series latching relays Accessories for E259 installation relays

Auxiliary con- No accessory Auxiliary contacts

tacts for E255 max one for E259 relay
max. two per with 3 or 4 contacts
without other

E250H E255
3 or 4
Auxiliary contact Central Power
E250H contacts
max one if the command contact
relay is max one max one
coupled with per relay per relay
other accessories Auxiliary contacts
max two for E259
E251 relay with 1 or 2 contacts
E250H E257CM E250CM E256

Accessories of E257C and E258C series latching relays

Auxiliary con- Auxiliary 1 or 2
tacts contacts E250H contacts
max one for max two for
E257 and E258 E257 relay with
relays single contact
2 or more E257C
contacts 1 or 2
E250H E258C E250H contacts

Other accessories for E250 series latching relays

These accessories do not Compensator module Group module

require any mechanical To be connected in Can be connected to the
connection and can be parallel with the command central command circuit to
used with all the latching circuit if using illuminated create subgroups of relays.
relays. pushbuttons with two Suitable only for use with
terminals. E257 and E258 devices, or
See table for max. number with E250 equipped with
of installable pushbuttons the E257 CM accessory.
in technical details. See specific connection
E250CP diagram. E250GM

6/24 ABB
System Selection tables E 259
pro M compact® Command devices
E 259 installation relays

E 259 installation relays

E 259 Installation relays are 16 A contactors specifically engineered for residential and commercial
applications. Their high performance in the control of lamps makes them ideal for lighting circuit
The front control lever indicates the position of the contacts and allows the relay to be commanded,
for example for local testing of the circuit.
In installations that require several E 259 relays side by side or which involve high temperatures,
it is advisable to use half-module width spacer elements such as E 259-DIS for heat dissipation.

E 259, 16 A
Contacts Coil voltage Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1NO 8 V AC E259 16-10/8 2CSM261123R0401 611233 0.100 12

12 V AC / 6 V DC E259 16-10/12 2CSM273693R0401 736936 0.100 12

24 V AC / 12 V DC E259 16-10/24 2CSM273603R0401 736035 0.100 12
48 V AC / 24 V DC E259 16-10/48 2CSM273683R0401 736837 0.100 12
230 V AC / 115 V DC E259 16-10/230 2CSM273593R0401 735939 0.100 12

1NO+1NC 8 V AC E259 16-11/8 2CSM273673R0401 736738 0.100 12

12 V AC / 6 V DC E259 16-11/12 2CSM273583R0401 735830 0.100 12
24 V AC / 12 V DC E259 16-11/24 2CSM273663R0401 736639 0.100 12
48 V AC / 24 V DC E259 16-11/48 2CSM273573R0401 735731 0.100 12
230 V AC / 115 V DC E259 16-11/230 2CSM273653R0401 736530 0.100 12
2NO 8 V AC E259 16-20/8 2CSM273563R0401 735632 0.100 12
12 V AC / 6 V DC E259 16-20/12 2CSM273643R0401 736431 0.100 12
24 V AC / 12 V DC E259 16-20/24 2CSM273553R0401 735533 0.100 12
48 V AC / 24 V DC E259 16-20/48 2CSM273633R0401 736332 0.100 12
115 V.AC / 48 V DC E259 16-20/115 2CSM273543R0401 735434 0.100 12
230 V AC / 115 V DC E259 16-20/230 2CSM273623R0401 736233 0.100 12

1CO 8 V AC E259 16-19/8 2CSM273533R0401 735335 0.100 12

12 V AC / 6 V DC E259 16-19/12 2CSM273613R0401 736134 0.100 12
24 V AC / 12 V DC E259 16-19/24 2CSM273523R0401 735236 0.100 12
48 V AC / 24 V DC E259 16-19/48 2CSM274833R0401 748335 0.100 12
230 V AC / 115 V DC E259 16-19/230 2CSM261113R0401 611134 0.100 12

2CO 12 V AC / 6 V DC E259 16-29/12 2CSM273513R0401 735137 0.100 12

24 V AC / 12 V DC E259 16-29/24 2CSM273423R0401 734239 0.100 12
230 V AC / 115 V DC E259 16-29/230 2CSM273503R0401 735038 0.100 12

Auxiliary contacts
2 4 2 12 2 22 12 4 2 8 6 2 8 6 4 2 42 32 12 2 42 32 22 12 2 2 2 12
14 2 24 14 44 34 14 2 44 34 24 14 4 4 4 14

2 4 2 12 14 22 24 12 14 4 2 8 6 2 8 6 4 2 42 44 32 34 12 14 42 44 32 34 22 24 12 14 2 4 2 4 2 4 12 14

1 3 1 11 21 11 3 1 7 5 1 7 5 3 1 41 31 11 41 31 21 11 1 3 1 3 1 3 11

A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 3 3 3
1 3 1 11 21 11 3 1 7 5 1 7 5 3 1 41 31 11 41 31 21 11 1 1 1 11

E259 16-10 E259 16-20 E259 16-19 E259 16-29 E259 16-11 E259 16-30 E259 16-40 E259 16-39 E259 16-49 E250 H02 E250 H20 E250 H11 E250 H001

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/132 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/32 Application sheets ......................... pag. 11/8

ABB 6/25
System Selection tables E 259
pro M compact® Command devices
E 259 installation relays

Contacts Coil voltage Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
3NO 230 V AC / 115 V DC E259 16-30/230 2CSM272983R0401 729839 0.200 6

4NO 12 V AC / 6 V DC E259 16-40/12 2CSM273413R0401 734130 0.200 6

24 V AC / 12 V DC E259 16-40/24 2CSM273493R0401 734932 0.200 6
48 V AC / 24 V DC E259 16-40/48 2CSM272993R0401 729938 0.200 6
230 V AC / 115 V DC E259 16-40/230 2CSM273403R0401 734031 0.200 6

3CO 230 V AC / 115 V DC E259 16-39/230 2CSM274783R0401 747833 0.200 6

4CO 230 V AC / 115 V DC E259 16-49/230 2CSM273073R0401 730736 0.200 6

Auxiliary contacts
Rated Current Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1NO+1NC 5 E 250 H11 2CSM004400R0201 534709 0.033 16

2NO 5 E 250 H20 2CSM002400R0201 536901 0.033 16
2NC 5 E 250 H02 2CSM008400R0201 536802 0.033 16

Other accessories

6 Spacer element for heat dissipation E 259-DIS 2CSM000800R0401 0.04 25

Technical features
1 - 2 contacts 3 - 4 contacts
Rated voltage Un [V] 250 400
Rated frequency [Hz] 50 50
Rated current in AC1/AC-7a [A] 16 16
Control coil characteristics a.c. power supply voltage [V] 8, 12, 24, 48, 115, 230 12, 24, 48, 230
d.c. power supply voltage [V] 6, 12, 24, 48, 115 6, 12, 24, 115
d.c./ a.c. ratio / 0.5 : 1 0.5 : 1
Operation limits ±10% ±10%
Power consumption
a.c. [VA] pick-up 3.4 6.7
[VA] holding 1.8 3.4
d.c. [W] 2.1 3.9
Load specifications per Maximum load AC-1 [kW] 3 8.5
phase Maximum load AC-5b [kW] 1.8 1.8
Maximum load AC-7b [kW] 0.9 -
Maximum load AC-3 (400V) [kW] - 2.2
Minimum load (under 5V) [W] 2 2
Short circuit fuse protection [gL] [A] 20 20
Lifetime in number of Electrical (in AC-1 at full load) [No.] 3 x 105 3 x 105
operations Mechanical [No.] 2 x 106 2 x 106
Max.lamp power 0 Incandescent and halogen (40-200W) [W] 1800 1800
Fluorescent Parallel p.f. correction (cosJ=0.9) [VA] 500 500
p.f. uncorrected (cosJ=0.5) [VA] 900 900
Width (number of DIN modules) [No.] 1 2
Cable cross section (Ø min/max) [mm2] 1.5 / 10 1.5 / 10
Maximum torque on terminals [Nm] 1 1
Min./Max. ambient T ° at installation point [°C] -20 … +45 -20 … +45
Standard IEC EN 60947-4-1, IEC EN 61095

/ Control coil voltage: all the products work both in a.c. and d.c. (with the specified ratio) except the 115 V a.c. version that works at 48 d.c.
0 See technical details for lamp types

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/132 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/32 Application sheets ......................... pag. 11/8

6/26 ABB
System Selection tables E 250
pro M compact® Command devices
E 250 latching relays

E 250 Latching relays

Allow switching of the contacts in response to each pulse sent to the coil via the normally open
pushbuttons. Their high performance in the single or multi-point control of lamps make them an
ideal solution for lighting circuits. The manual control lever also gives an indication of the contact
The relays come in versions with different coil voltages and contact configurations. The basic modules,
available in one-and two-contact versions, can be combined with two-pole power contact modules
to obtain three-contact and four-contact devices. They can also be provided with auxiliary signal

E 250, 16 A

Contacts Coil voltage Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1NO 8 V a.c. E 251-8 2CSM211000R0201 53050 3 0.114 12
12 V a.c. / 6 V d.c. E 251-12 2CSM311000R0201 53020 6 0.114 12
24 V a.c. / 12 V d.c. E 251-24 2CSM411000R0201 53040 4 0.114 12
48 V a.c. / 24 V d.c. E 251-48 2CSM511000R0201 53060 2 0.114 12
230 V a.c. / 115 V d.c. E 251-230 2CSM111000R0201 53030 5 0.114 12

1NO+1NC 8 V a.c. E 256-8 2CSM214000R0201 53190 6 0.116 12

12 V a.c. / 6 V d.c. E 256-12 2CSM314000R0201 53160 9 0.116 12
24 V a.c. / 12 V d.c.
48 V a.c. / 24 V d.c.
E 256-24
E 256-48
53180 7
53200 2
230 V a.c. / 115 V d.c. E 256-230 2CSM114000R0201 53170 8 0.116 12

2NO 8 V a.c. E 252-8 2CSM212000R0201 53100 5 0.116 12

12 V a.c. / 6 V d.c. E 252-12 2CSM312000R0201 53070 1 0.116 12
24 V a.c. / 12 V d.c. E 252-24 2CSM412000R0201 53090 9 0.116 12
48 V a.c. / 24 V d.c. E 252-48 2CSM512000R0201 53110 4 0.116 12
230 V a.c. / 115 V d.c. E 252-230 2CSM112000R0201 53080 0 0.116 12

1CO 12 V a.c. / 6 V d.c. E 256.1-12 2CSM315000R0201 53720 5 0.115 12

24 V a.c. / 12 V d.c. E 256.1-24 2CSM415000R0201 53740 3 0.115 12
230 V a.c. / 115 V d.c. E 256.1-230 2CSM115000R0201 53730 4 0.115 12

2CO 12 V a.c. / 6 V d.c. E 256.2-12 2CSM316000R0201 53750 2 0.118 12

24 V a.c. / 12 V d.c. E 256.2-24 2CSM416000R0201 53770 0 0.118 12
230 V a.c. / 115 V d.c. E 256.2-230 2CSM116000R0201 53760 1 0.118 12


0 0
1 A 1 3 A+B
0 0
2 A 2 4 A+B


0 B
1 3 3 1 A
2 4 A 4 2 A

E 256-1 E 256-2

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/133 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/32 Application sheets ......................... pag. 11/9

ABB 6/27
System Selection tables E 250
pro M compact® Command devices
E 250 latching relays
E 250, 32 A
Contacts Coil voltage Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1NO 8 V a.c. E 251-32/8 2CSM231000R0201 91200 2 0.114 12

12 V a.c. / 6 V d.c. E 251-32/12 2CSM331000R0201 91210 1 0.114 12
24 V a.c. / 12 V d.c. E 251-32/24 2CSM431000R0201 91220 0 0.114 12
48 V a.c. / 24 V d.c. E 251-32/48 2CSM531000R0201 91230 9 0.114 12
115 V a.c. / 48 V d.c. E 251-32/115 2CSM631000R0201 91240 8 0.114 12
230 V a.c. / 115 V d.c. E 251-32/230 2CSM131000R0201 91250 7 0.114 12

2NO 8 V a.c. E 252-32/8 2CSM232000R0201 91260 6 0.116 12

12 V a.c. / 6 V d.c. E 252-32/12 2CSM332000R0201 91270 5 0.116 12
24 V a.c. / 12 V d.c. E 252-32/24 2CSM432000R0201 91280 4 0.116 12
48 V a.c. / 24 V d.c. E 252-32/48 2CSM532000R0201 91290 3 0.116 12
115 V a.c. / 48 V d.c. E 252-32/115 2CSM632000R0201 91300 9 0.116 12
230 V a.c. / 115 V d.c. E 252-32/230 2CSM132000R0201 91310 8 0.116 12

E 255, 16 A with 2 sequential contacts Application sheets .......................... pag. 11/9

This particular version is equipped with two sequential switching contacts. In the initial stable position
both contacts are open: one pulse causes the first contact (A) to close; the next pulse causes the
second contact to also close (B); a third pulse causes contact A to open and a final pulse completes
6 the cycle by also reopening contact B, thus returning both contacts to their initial state.
The E255 relays cannot be combined with power contacts or auxiliary devices. They are equipped
with two LEDs that give an indication of the contact position.

E 255
Contacts Coil voltage Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
2 8 V a.c. E 255-8 2CSM219000R0201 53150 0 0.121 12
A 12 V a.c. / 6 V d.c. E 255-12 2CSM319000R0201 53120 3 0.121 12
0 AB 24 V a.c. / 12 V d.c. E 255-24 2CSM419000R0201 53140 1 0.121 12
B 230 V a.c. / 115 V d.c. E 255-230 2CSM119000R0201 53130 2 0.121 12

2 4 2 4 2 4 2 22 12 12 2 2 ON 12 ON

24 14 14 2 OFF 14 OFF

2 4 2 4 2 4 2 22 24 12 14 12 14 2 12 14


1 3 1 3 1 3 1 21 11 11 1 11

A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2
1 3 1 3 1 3 1 21 11 11 1 11

E 251 E 252 E 255 E256 E 256.2 E 256.1 E 257 C10 E 257 C001

4 2 ON 22 12 ON 6 4 1 ON 32 22 12 ON

OFF 24 14 OFF OFF 34 24 14 OFF

4 2 22 24 12 14 6 4 2 32 34 22 24 12 14

3 1 21 11 5 3 1 31 21 11

A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2
3 1 21 11 5 3 1 31 21 11

E 257 C20 E 257 C002 E 257 C30 E 257 C003

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/133 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/32 Application sheets ......................... pag. 11/9

6/28 ABB
System Selection tables E 250
pro M compact® Command devices
E 250 latching relays

Latching relays with central command function

The E 257 C and E 258 C versions are latching relays which integrate a central command function (ON
2CSC400203F0201 and OFF) that allows multiple relays to be controlled from a pair of normally open push-buttons. Using the
E 250 GM group module it is also possible to create sub-groups of relays, so as to implement central
command of individual subgroups as well as of the entire group of relays. The central command circuit
can be permanently supplied, but in that case the circuit of the local coil is excluded.
On E 257 C the central (ON/OFF) command needs to be supplied on the same line as the local
pushbuttons (see diagram below). This is not required for E 258 C, which can thus also be supplied
on the central command at a different voltage than the local pushbuttons circuit.
E 257, 16 A
Contacts Coil voltage Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1NO 12 V a.c. / 6 V d.c. E 257 C10-12 2CSM311000R0211 53210 1 0.126 12
24 V a.c. / 12 V d.c. E 257 C10-24 2CSM411000R0211 53230 9 0.126 12
230 V a.c. / 115 V d.c. E 257 C10-230 2CSM111000R0211 53220 0 0.126 12

2NO 12 V a.c. / 6 V d.c. E 257 C20-12 2CSM312000R0211 53240 8 0.174 8

24 V a.c. / 12 V d.c. E 257 C20-24 2CSM412000R0211 53260 6 0.174 8
230 V a.c. / 115 V d.c. E 257 C20-230 2CSM112000R0211 53250 7 0.174 8

3NO 12 V a.c. / 6 V d.c.

24 V a.c. / 12 V d.c.
E 257 C30-12
E 257 C30-24
53480 8
53500 3
6 6
230 V a.c. / 115 V d.c. E 257 C30-230 2CSM113000R0211 53490 7 0.240 6

1CO 12 V a.c. / 6 V d.c. E 257 C001-12 2CSM315000R0211 54020 5 0.126 12

24 V a.c. / 12 V d.c. E 257 C001-24 2CSM415000R0211 54010 6 0.126 12
230 V a.c. / 115 V d.c. E 257 C001-230 2CSM115000R0211 54000 7 0.126 12

2CO 12 V a.c. / 6 V d.c. E 257 C002-12 2CSM316000R0211 54050 2 0.174 8

24 V a.c. / 12 V d.c. E 257 C002-24 2CSM416000R0211 54040 3 0.174 8
230 V a.c. / 115 V d.c. E 257 C002-230 2CSM116000R0211 54030 4 0.174 8

3CO 12 V a.c. / 6 V d.c. E 257 C003-12 2CSM317000R0211 54080 9 0.240 6

24 V a.c. / 12 V d.c. E 257 C003-24 2CSM417000R0211 54070 0 0.240 6
230 V a.c. / 115 V d.c. E 257 C003-230 2CSM117000R0211 54060 1 0.240 6

E 257 - local and central command by push-buttons E 257 - permanently supplied

Each local push-button controls a single relay. It is possible to permanently supply the central
Pressing the central ON(/OFF) button puts all the relays in the ON (/OFF) command, for example using a change-over
position irrespective of their previous state. switch to control the relay.

E257 E257



Local Local


Connect the push-buttons on the same line for both local and central command.
In this configuration a local actuating
With alternating current use either the phase (L) or neutral (N)
coil cannot be used.
With direct current the positive (+) pole must be used.

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/133 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/32 Application sheets ....................... pag. 11/10

ABB 6/29
System Selection tables E 250
pro M compact® Command devices
E 250 latching relays
E 257, 32 A
Contacts Coil voltage Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1NO 12 V a.c. / 6 V d.c. E 257-32C10/12 2CSM331000R0211 91320 7 0.126 12
24 V a.c. / 12 V d.c. E 257-32C10/24 2CSM431000R0211 91330 6 0.126 12
230 V a.c. / 115 V d.c. E 257-32C10/230 2CSM131000R0211 91340 5 0.126 12

2NO 12 V a.c. / 6 V d.c. E 257-32C20/12 2CSM332000R0211 91350 4 0.174 8

24 V a.c. / 12 V d.c. E 257-32C20/24 2CSM432000R0211 91360 3 0.174 8
230 V a.c. / 115 V d.c. E 257-32C20/230 2CSM132000R0211 91370 2 0.174 8

3NO 12 V a.c. / 6 V d.c. E 257-32C30/12 2CSM333000R0211 91380 1 0.240 6

24 V a.c. / 12 V d.c. E 257-32C30/24 2CSM433000R0211 91390 0 0.240 6
230 V a.c. / 115 V d.c. E 257-32C30/230 2CSM133000R0211 91400 6 0.240 6

E 258 C, 16 A
Contacts Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Local coil voltage 230V AC / 115V DC, central ON/OFF 24V AC/DC

1 NO E 258 C10-230/24 2CSM211000R0231 78910 9 0.226 6

6 2 NO
1 NO + 1 NC
E 258 C20-230/24
E 258 C11-230/24
78830 0
78870 6
1 NO + 1 NC +1 CO E 258 C111-230/24 2CSM215000R0231 78890 4 0.239 6
2 NO +1 CO E 258 C201-230/24 2CSM214000R0231 78850 8 0.241 6
2 CO E 258 C002-230/24 2CSM216000R0231 78960 4 0.25 6
3 CO E 258 C003-230/24 2CSM217000R0231 78990 1 0.256 6

Grouped central command: connection diagram for E 250 GM

The E250 GM module allows the creation of subgroups of relays with a central command for each group of relays
and a general command. This function requires using an E 250 GM for each subgroup.

E250 GM
OFF ON E257 E257 E257


In the case of very

long lines, it is
recommended to
protect them with
an OVR surge
M arrester.
E250 GM
OFF ON E257 E257 E257

2 D E F

Local: each relay can be individually commanded from the local pushbuttons.
Group: each group can be centrally commanded, therefore the ON/OFF 1 button controls relays A B C
while the ON/OFF 2 button controls relays D E F
General: the ON/OFF buttons M command both groups 1 2 at simultaneously, allowing all the relays to be commanded.

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/133 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/32 Application sheets ....................... pag. 11/10

6/30 ABB
System Selection tables E 250
pro M compact® Command devices
E 250 latching relays
Local coil voltage 230V AC / 115V DC, central ON/OFF 230V AC/DC

1 NO E 258 C10-230/230 2CSM111000R0231 78920 8 0.233 6

2 NO E 258 C20-230/230 2CSM112000R0231 78840 9 0.243 6
1 NO + 1 NC E 258 C11-230/230 2CSM113000R0231 78880 5 0.24 6
1 NO + 1 NC +1 CO E 258 C111-230/230 2CSM115000R0231 78900 0 0.244 6
2 NO +1 CO E 258 C201-230/230 2CSM114000R0231 78860 7 0.247 6
2 CO E 258 C002-230/230 2CSM116000R0231 78970 3 0.257 6
3 CO E 258 C003-230/230 2CSM117000R0231 79000 6 0.262 6

Local coil voltage 24V AC / 12V DC, central ON/OFF 24V AC/DC

1 NO E 258 C10-24/24 2CSM411000R0231 79010 5 0.225 6

2 NO E 258 C20-24/24 2CSM412000R0231 78930 7 0.234 6
2 NO +1 CO E 258 C201-24/24 2CSM414000R0231 78940 6 0.241 6
2 CO E 258 C002-24/24 2CSM416000R0231 78950 5 0.249 6
3 CO E 258 C003-24/24 2CSM417000R0231 78980 2 0.256 6

Auxiliary components and accessories for E 250

Contacts Rated current Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Additional power contacts for all coil voltages

E 250 CM20
E 250 CM11
53460 0
53450 1
2CO 16A E 250 CM002 2CSM016100R0201 53440 2 0.059 10
2NO 32A E 250-32 CM20* 2CSM032100R0201 91410 5 0.058 10
* To be used only with 32A latching relays
Auxiliary contacts

1NO+1NC 5A E 250 H11 2CSM004400R0201 53470 9 0.033 16

2NO 5A E 250 H20 2CSM002400R0201 53690 1 0.033 16
2NC 5A E 250 H02 2CSM008400R0201 53680 2 0.033 16

Other accessories

central command for

E251, E252 and E256 E 257 CM 2CSM000200R0211 53510 2 0.033 16
group module E 250 GM 2CSM000600R0201 53700 7 0.058 12
compensator module E 250 CP 2CSM000500R0201 53710 6 0.058 12

8 6 8 6 42 32 ON 2 2 2
44 34 OFF 4 4 4

8 6 8 6 42 44 32 34 2 4 2 4 2 4

7 5 7 5 41 31 1 3 1 3 1 3

3 3 3 3
7 5 7 5 41 31 1 1 1 1

E 250 CM20 E 250 CM11 E 250 CM002 E 257 CM E 257 H02 E 250 H20 E 250 H11

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/133 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/32

ABB 6/31
System Selection tables E 250
pro M compact® Command devices
E 250 latching relays
Technical characteristics
E 255 E 250/E 251/ E 257 C
E 252/E 256
Rated voltage Un [V] 250 250 (1-2 contacts) 250 (1-2 contacts)
400 (3-4 contacts) 400 (3 contacts)
Rated current In [A] 16 16-32 16-32
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60 / 50/60 / 50/60 /
Contacts motor module NO 1+1 1-2 1...3
change-over - 1-2 1...3
NO+NC - 1+1 -
additional power contacts NO - 2 -
change-over - 2 -
NO+NC - 1+1 -
Width (n° of DIN modules) motor module [mod.] 1 1 1-2
with main contact block [mod.] - 2 -
Control coil supply voltage: d.c / a.c. ratio 0 0,5 : 1 0,5 : 1 0,5 : 1
characteristics tolerance on supply voltage ±10% ±10% ±10%
power consumption a.c. holding 1 [VA] 11.0 11.0/11.5 11.0/14.5
pick-up [VA] 14.5 14.5/16.5 11.0/14.5
power consumption d.c. [W] 7.5 7.5/8 7.5/8
Pulse durations minimum pulse duration (at Un) [s] 0.050 0.050 0.050
minimum pulse duration (90% Un) [s] 0.100 0.100 0.100

6 minimum interval between two pulses

maximum number of pulses per minute
[s] 0.150
Lifetime in number of electrical (in AC-1 at full load) 3 x 105 4 x 105/3 x 105 4 x 105/3 x 105
operations 2 mechanical 2 x 106 2 x 106 2 x 106
Load characteristics maximum load in AC-1 per phase [A] 20 20/32 20/32
maximum load in DC (up to 30 V d.c.) [A] 16 16 16
minimum load per phase (under 5 V) [W] 2 2 2
short circuit protection fuse (gL) [A] 20 20/32 20/32
Maximum number of lam- incandescent and halogen [W] 3000 3000/4000 3000/4000
ps (103 operations/h) fluorescent, corrected series [VA] 3000 3000/4000 3000/4000
power factor (cosJ = 0.9) parallel [VA] 2500 2500/3200 2500/3200
fluorescent, uncorrected power factor [VA] 1800 1800/220 1800/2200
(cosJ = 0.5)
Maximum number of non illuminated unlimited unlimited unlimited
buttons illuminated 3 wires unlimited unlimited unlimited
2 wires 3 3 3
General characteristics DIN rail mount yes yes yes
hooking on bistable DIN rail yes yes yes
two position knob - yes yes
contact position indication yes yes yes
label-holder yes yes yes
cage terminals yes yes yes
captive screws yes yes yes
sealable terminals yes yes yes
cable section (ø min./max.) [mm2] 1.5/10 1.5/10 (2P: 6) 1.5/10
min./max. operating temperature [°C] -20...+45 -20...+45 -20...+45

/ All latching relays can also be used at 60Hz. In this case and escluding E255, you can use maximum one auxiliary contact E250H but it is not possible to use power contacts
0 Supply voltage: all devices operate in both a.c. and d.c., with the specified voltage ratios, except for the 115 V a.c. version that operates at 48 V d.c..
1 The relays can withstand the “button stuck” condition. When the application calls for the relays to be permanently supplied, spacers must be used on either side,
making sure that the duty cycle allows the device to cool down to ambient temperature.
2 1 cycle = 2 operations per pole (closing + opening)
3 See table for use of the E 250 CP compensator modules

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/133 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/32

6/32 ABB
System Selection tables FLR
pro M compact Command devices

FLR latching relays

Flush mounting latching relays

Speed and ease of assembly, along with their compact size, make the FLR flush mounting latching
relays suitable for installation inside flush mount or junction boxes. They are ideal for implementing
multipoint command of lighting systems in residential and commercial installations, so as to simplify
and reduce the cost of wiring.

Contacts Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1 FLR1-12 2CSM206365R0241 063650 0:06 20
1 FLR1-230 2CSM206375R0241 063759 0:06 20
2 FLR5-12 2CSM206385R0241 063858 0:06 20
2 FLR5-230 2CSM206395R0241 063957 0:06 20

Technical features
Contact type 1NO 2NO
Number of sequences [No.] 2 4
Rated voltage
Rated load
[V] 12 / 230 AC
10 A / 250 V AC
Max. Peak current [A] 15
Max. switching power [VA] 2500
Max. switching voltage [V] 250 AC
Incandescent lamp load [W] 805
Fluorescent lamp load [W] 345
Frequency [Hz] 50-60
Type of operation sequential - mechanical
Protection degree IP20
Max. number of electrical operations [No.] 100000
Max. number of mechanical operations [No.] 300000
Insulation resistance [M7] 100 (500 V DC)
Dielectric strength (contacts) [V] 2000 AC
Dielectric strength (coil) [V] 3500 AC
Power dissipation [VA] 4.5
Operating temperature [°C] -25…+55
Max. Cable section at terminals [mm²] 1...2.5
Terminals screw
Installation type wall/flush mounting
Dimensions (LxWxH) [mm] 45 x 22 x 45
Standards EN 60669-1 ; EN 60669-2-1

Characteristics Connection diagram

of the contact FLR1-12, FLR1-230 FLR5-12, FLR5-230
No. of Sequences L L
Type pul- N N
ses 1 2 3 4

FLR1-12 2
A1 A2 A1 A2
FLR1-230 2 P C1 P C1 C2

1 3 4 2 1 3 4 2
FLR5-12 2

FLR5-230 2

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/33

ABB 6/33
System Selection tables E 260
pro M compact® Command devices
E 260 latching relays

E 260 electronic latching relays

The electronic version of latching relays guarantees maximum reliability, life, and noiseless operation.
The E 260 C version also allows centralized reset function (ON/OFF).

Contacts Power Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

loss details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
W/ Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
/ Values in brackets indicate power loss when permanently excitated, rated voltage and rated contact loading.

Latching relays with control electronics

Coil voltage UC = 24 V AC/DC

1 NO 2.4 (3.0) E 261-24 2CDE441000R0301 57592 8 0.085 1

1 NO+1 NC 2.4 (3.5) E 266-24 2CDE444000R0301 57595 9 0.096 1
2 NO 2.4 (3.5) E 262-24 2CDE442000R0301 57593 5 0.096 1

Coil voltage UC = 230 V AC

1 NO 1.5 (2.0) E 261-230 2CDE141000R0301 57596 6 0.085 1

1 NO+1 NC 1.7 (3.6) E 266-230 2CDE144000R0301 57598 0 0.096 1
2 NO 1.7 (3.6) E 262-230 2CDE142000R0301 57597 3 0.096 1

Connection examples

E 261-230 E 261 C-230 E 266 C-230

2CDC 052 089 F0003 2CDC 052 092 F0003

2CDC 052 087 F0003

E 261-24 E 261 C-24

* E 260 C
2CDC 052 088 F0003 The same electr. potential must
2CDC 052 086 F0003 be applied to terminals A1, B1
and C1.

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/33

6/34 ABB
System Selection tables E 260
pro M compact® Command devices
E 260 latching relays

Latching relays with returning time

They switch off automatically after expiry of preset delay time (1 to 60 min.) if the manual OFF
command has not been received. Glow lamp current 50 mA.
Coil voltage UC = 230 V AC

1 NO 1.5 (2.0) E 261 SRV-230 2CDE111010R0301 48570 8 0.07 1

Technical features
E 260/E 260 C E 261 SRV-230
Rated load at 250 V AC 8A 16 A
Incandescent lamp load
Fluorescent lamp load in twin-lamp circuit
1000 W
1000 W
1600 W
1000 W
Fluorescent lamp load shunt compensated 350 W / 500 W
Fluorescent lamp load inductive or capacitive 500 W 1000 W
Electronic ballast Ion m 70 A/10 ms 0 Ion m 70 A/10 ms 0
Inductive load, cosJ = 0.6/230 V ~ 5A 5A
Contact rating at DC 100 W 100 W
Minimum contact rating 4 V AC/10 mA 4 V AC/10 mA
Contact gap/contact material 0.5 mm/Ag Sn02 0.5 mm/Ag Sn02
Service life mechanical switchover at 103/h > 107 > 107
Service life at rated load cosJ = 1 and 103/h > 105 > 105
Service life with filament lamps 1000 W and 103/h > 105 > 105
Service life at rated load cosJ = 0.6 and 103/h > 104 > 104
Max. switching rate 103/h 103/h
Bounce time 3 ms
Connection capacity 2 x 1.5 mm2 with connector sleeve
2 x 2.5 mm2 without connector sleeve
Tightening torque 0.5 … 0.8 Nm 0.5 … 0.8 Nm
ON duration at rated voltage 100 % 100 %
Coil voltage range 0.9 to 1.1 Un 09. to 1.1 Un
Minimum command time/interval
between commands 50/1000 ms 50 ms
Ambient temperature -20 °C / -4 °F to 50 °C / 122 °F -20 °C / - 4 °F to 50 °C / 122 °F
Control current when controlled locally 230 V AC 115 mA, after 10s 8 mA ± 20 %
24 V UC 140 mA, after 10s 80 mA ± 20 %
Control current when controlled centrally 230 V AC 8 mA, after 10s 3 mA ± 20 %
24 V UC 17 mA ± 20 %
Max. parallel capacity of individual
control wire at 230 V ~ 0.7 μF (ca. 2000 m)
Max. parallel capacity of central
control wire at 230 V ~ 0.2 μF (ca. 700 m)
Max. glow lamp current
– parallel to 230 V control buttons 10 mA 10 mA
Max. induced voltage at 230 V control inputs 0.2 Un 120 V

Latching relays for lamp installations on request.

/ E 260 C can not be used with fluorescent lamp load shunt compensated.
0 In the case of electronic control gear, take into account a 40-fold inrush current.

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/33

ABB 6/35
System Selection tables E 260
pro M compact® Command devices
E 260 latching relays

Latching relays with control electronics for central ON/OFF switch

The central commands have always priority and reliably switch on/off any given number of devices
connected in parallel, irrespective of their previous switching position. Local control inputs are blocked
when a central command is received. Same potential at central / local control input.
Contacts Power Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
loss details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
W/ Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
/ Values in brackets indicate power loss when permanently excitated, rated voltage and rated contact loading.

Coil voltage UC = 24 V AC/DC

1 NO 2.4 (3.0) E 261 C-24 2CDE441000R0311 57599 7 0.085 1

1 NO+1 NC 2.4 (3.5) E 266 C-24 2CDE444000R0311 57601 7 0.096 1
2 NO 2.4 (3.5) E 262 C-24 2CDE442000R0311 57600 0 0.096 1

Coil voltage UC = 230 V AC

1 NO 1.5 (2.0) E 261 C-230 2CDE141000R0311 57602 4 0.085 1

1 NO+1 NC 1.7 (3.0) E 266 C-230 2CDE144000R0311 57604 8 0.096 1
2 NO 1.7 (3.0) E 262 C-230 2CDE142000R0311 57603 1 0.096 1

6 simple latching relay


returning time
2CDC 052 093 F0003

OFF 2CDC 052 091 F0103

2CDC 052 066 F0103

Release Snap-on
E 261-SRV

Terminal assignment
2CDC 052 055 F0003

2CDC 052 054 F0003

E 266 C E 261-SRV E 261 E 266

E 262 C E 261 C E 262
SK 0018 Z 92

E 261- E 266 E 262

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/33

6/36 ABB
System Selection tables STD50
pro M compact Command devices

STD50 dimmers

STD50 dimmers for the control of lamps and ballast

Description/ Power Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
application loss details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
W Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Dimmer for brightness control of filament lamps , 230 V tungsten halogen lamps, lv halogen
lamps with conventional transformers (phase control)

5/ STD 50-3 GH V021 1370 R0074 02790 8 0.155 1

Dimmer for brightness control of filament lamps , 230 V tungsten halogen lamps, lv halogen
lamps with ABB electronic transformers (reverse phase)

4/ STD 50-4 GH V021 1370 R0075 03300 8 0.105 1

/ power loss = 1% of connected load (4 or 5 W max)

Technical features
Rated voltage 230 V ~ 50 Hz
Ambient temperature 0 °C to + 35 °C
Interference suppression CE 6
Control power STD 50-3: 20-500 W/VA Influence of ambient temperature on the control power
STD 50-4: 40-420 W/VA The certified rated power is indicated on the dimmer.
Where higher ambient temperatures occur, reduce values as
is specified in the diagram.
At 50 °C /122°F ambient temperature, the permissible load
drops to 57%.
SK 0043 Z 96

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/33

ABB 6/37
System Selection tables STD50
pro M compact Command devices

STD50 dimmers
Electronic potentiometer for electronic control gear with control input 0/1 - 10 V DC, control
current 50 mA DC
Rated current (terminal 3 and 4) 4 A cosJ = 0.9; switching capacity 700 VA

Description/ Power Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

application loss details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
W Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
5/ STD-EP GH V021 1370 R0076 27050 2 0.073 1

Memory touch controller for electronic control gear

Rated voltage/switching output 4 A (~ 10 electronic control gear units) cosJ = 0.9; 3 A cosJ = 0.5,
switching capacity 700 VA

for electronic 1 STD-MTS GH V021 0881 R0004 27070 0 0.110 1

control gear
with control input
1 – 10 V DC control
current 50 mA max.

/ power loss = 1% of connected load (7 W max)

Electronic potentiometer Dimmer STD 50-4 in two-way circuit,

6 lv halogen lamps via electronic


SK 0190 Z 99

Brightness control of fluorescent lamps Brightness control of a fluorescent lamp

with 1 -10 V control input. Control of more than with 1 - 10 V DC control input with
one memory touch controller STD-MTS via one push- memory touch controller STD-MTS with
button. external pushbutton, e.g. E 225
SK 0190 Z 99
SK 0189 Z 99

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/33

6/38 ABB
System Selection tables STD
pro M compact Command devices

Universal dimmer for phase control and reverse phase control

Universal dimmer for phase control and reverse phase control

Universal dimmer STD-500 U and the connected power extension unit STD-420 E are suitable for
the brightness control of:
- glow lamps
- 230 V halogen glow lamps
- lv halogen glow lamps with conventional transformer (phase control)
- electronic transformers for lv halogen glow lamps (reverse phase control) e.g.: ABB ETR-70-230,
105-230, 150-230
The STD-500 U dimmer can be operated by one or more unlit pushbuttons (N- or L-controlled) or
via a data line:
- EIB control element SB/S
- Powernet control element PSB
Power unit STD-420 E is used to boost the connected load and is controlled exclusively by the preset
command of the STD-500 U dimmer. The parallel connection of the outputs of the universal high-
performance dimmer and the pertaining power extensions (up to 6 units; connection with enclosed
RJ 12 line cut to length) allow for a dimming power of 3,000 W/VA max at one load line.
Not suitable for dimming fluorescent lamps, transformers with current monitor and high-reactance

Description/ Power Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack.

application loss details 4011395 1 piece group 1 piece unit

W Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

6 STD-500 U GJB0 006 590 A0178 06692 8 1
rotary operation
6 STD-420 E GJB0 006 590 A0179 06693 5 1 6
– STD-OCD GJB0 006 590 A0183 06698 0 1
button operation
– STD-OCP GJB0 006 590 A0181 06695 9 1
timer operation
– STD-OCT GJB0 006 590 A0185 07056 7 1

Note: Load and control cables must not be laid in one cable.

Technical features
Rated voltage 230 V ~ ± 10%, 50/60 Hz
Rated current STD U 2.17 A
STD E 1.83 A
Max. connected load U 500 W/VA
E 420 W/VA
Power extension 1 U + max. 6 E/phase = > max. 3 kVA
Min. connected load STD U 60 W/VA
STD E 200 W/VA
Max. line length 100 m pushbutton cable, 2 m data line
Interference suppression CE
Ambient temperature 0 to + 45°C, higher temperatures reduce the power
Electronic protection against short circuit, overload, excessive temperature, automatic load recognition, soft-
OFF function optional, memory function, minimum brightness control, visual overload indication

Connected load / ambient temperature diagram

2CDC 052 081 F0207

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/33

ABB 6/39
System Selection tables STD
pro M compact Command devices

Universal dimmer for phase control and reverse phase control

Plug-in operation elements:
pushbutton operation element (STD-OCP)
rotary operation element (STD-OCD)
timer (STD-OCT)

Remove dimmer cap and snap on operation element to provide for control of dimmer with central
pushbutton or rotary operation. Local operation elements are still active.
Apart from the manual local control feature, the timer also allows for time-programmed operations.

Basic timer functions:

- year time switch with 48 time programs
- optional with/without decentralized pushbutton control
- special programs: adjustable background brightness, cycle, display and emergency light, holiday
- running reserve: 5 hours

2CDC 052 138 F0006

STD-500 U
2CDC 052 129 F0208

STD-500 U

2CDC 052 073 F0207

STD-500 U, SB/S or PSB/S

6/40 ABB
System Selection tables E 234
pro M compact Command devices

E 234 electronic timers

E 234 electronic timers

2CDC 251 089 F0b06

Rated Control Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

control input details 1 piece group 1 piece unit
V Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Multifunction timers
E 234 CT-MFD: 7 functions 1), 7 time ranges (0.05 s- 100 h), 2 c/o contacts, 2 LEDs

12-240 AC/DC yes E 234 CT-MFD.21 1SVR 500 020 R1100 0.065 1

E 234 CT-MFD: 7 functions 1) , 7 time ranges (0.05 s- 100 h), 1 c/o contact, 2 LEDs
2CDC 251 088 F0b06

24-48 DC,
24-240 AC yes E 234 CT-MFD.12 1SVR 500 020 R0000 0.060 1

ON-delay timers
E 234 CT-ERD: 7 time ranges (0.05 s- 100 h), 2 c/o contacts, 2 LEDs

24-48 DC,
24-240 AC E 234 CT-ERD.22 1SVR 500 100 R0100 0.065 1

E 234 CT-ERD: 7 time ranges (0.05 s- 100 h), 1 c/o contact, 2 LEDs
24-48 DC,
24-240 AC E 234 CT-ERD.12 1SVR 500 100 R0000 0.060 1
2CDC 251 092 F0b06

OFF-delay timers
E 234 CT-AHD: 7 time ranges (0.05 s- 100 h), 2 c/o contacts, 2 LEDs

24-48 DC,
24-240 AC yes E 234 CT-AHD.22 1SVR 500 110 R0100 0.065 1

E 234 CT-AHD: 7 time ranges (0.05 s- 100 h), 1 c/o contact, 2 LEDs

24-48 DC,
24-240 AC yes E 234 CT-AHD.12 1SVR 500 110 R0000 0.060 1
2CDC 251 093 F0b06

Functions: ON-delay, OFF-delay with auxiliary voltage, Impulse-ON, Impulse-OFF with auxiliary voltage,
Flasher starting with ON, Flasher starting with OFF, Pulseformer

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/34

ABB 6/41
System Selection tables E 234
pro M compact Command devices

E 234 electronic timers

Rated Control Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

control input details 1 piece group 1 piece unit
2CDC 251 095 F0b06

V Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

E 234 CT-VWD: 7 time ranges (0.05 s- 100 h), 1 c/o contact, 2 LEDs

24-48 V DC,
24-240 V AC E 234 CT-VWD.12 1SVR 500 130 R0000 0.060 1

Flasher, starting with the ON time

E 234 CT-EBD: 7 time ranges (0.05 s- 100 h), 1 c/o contact, 2 LEDs
2CDC 251 096 F0b06

24-48 V DC,
24-240 V AC E 234 CT-EBD.12 1SVR 500 150 R0000 0.060 1

Pulse generators
E 234 CT-TGD: 2x7 time ranges (0.05 s- 100 h) 2), 2 c/o contacts, 2 LEDs

24-48 V DC,

6 24-240 V AC yes E 234 CT-TGD.22 1SVR 500 160 R0100 0.065 1

E 234 CT-TGD: 2x7 time ranges (0.05 s- 100 h) 2), 1 c/o contact, 2 LEDs

24-48 V DC,
2CDC 251 098 F0b06

24-240 V AC yes E 234 CT-TGD.12 1SVR 500 160 R0000 0.060 1

Star-delta change-over
E 234 CT-SDD: 4 time ranges (0.05 s- 10 min), transition time 50 ms fixed, 2 n/o contacts,
3 LEDs

24-48 V DC,
24-240 V AC E 234 CT-SDD.22 1SVR 500 211 R0100 0.065 1

E 234 CT-SAD: 4 time ranges (0.05 s- 10 min), transition time adjustable, 2 n/o contacts,
3 LEDs
2CDC 251 099 F0b06

24-48 V DC,
24-240 V AC E 234 CT-SAD.22 1SVR 500 210 R0000 0.065 1

ON and OFF times adjustable independently,
2x7 time ranges 0.05 s - 100 h

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/34

6/42 ABB
System Selection tables E 234
pro M compact Command devices

E 234 electronic timers

Technical data
Data at Ta = 25 °C and rated values, if nothing else indicated
Type CT-D with 1 c/o contact CT-D with 2 c/o contacts

Input circuit - Supply circuit

Rated control supply voltage US A1-A2 24-240 V AC / 24-48 V DC
A1-A2 - 12-240 V AC/DC
Rated control supply voltage US tolerance -15...+10 %
Rated frequency AC/DC versions DC or 50/60 Hz
AC versions 50/60 Hz
Frequency range AC/DC versions DC or 47/63 Hz
AC versions 47/63 Hz
Typical power consumption 24 V DC 0.6 W on request
230 V AC 1.3 VA on request
115 V AC 1.3 VA on request
Power failure buffering time min. 20 ms min. 30 ms

Input circuit - Control circuit

Voltage-related triggering
Control input, Control function A1-Y1/B1 start timing external
Maximum cable length to the control input 50 m - 100 pF/m
Minimum control pulse length 30 ms
Control voltage potential see rated control supply voltage
Current consumption of the control input max. 4 mA on request 6
Parallel load / polarized yes / yes

Timing circuit
Time ranges 7 time ranges 0.05 s - 100 h 1.) 0.05-1 s 2.) 0.5-10 s 3.) 5-100 s
4.) 0.5-10 min 5.) 5-100 min 6.) 0.5-10 h
7.) 5-100 h
4 time ranges 0.05 s - 10 min 1.) 0.05-1 s 2.) 0.5-10 s 3.) 5-100 s
(CT-SDD, CT-SAD) 4.) 0.5-10 min
Recovery time < 50 ms
Repeat accuracy (constant parameters) $t < ±0.5 %
Accuracy within the rated control supply voltage tolerance $t < 0.005 % / V
Accuracy within the temperature range $t < 0.06 % / °C
Star-delta transition time CT-SDD fixed 50 ms
CT-SAD adjustable: 20-100 ms in steps of 10 ms
Star-delta transition time tolerance CT-SDD, CT-SAD ±3 ms

Indication of operational states

Control supply voltage / timing U: green LED : control supply voltage applied
: timing
Relay status R: yellow LED : output relay 1 or 2 energized

Output circuit
Kind of output 15-16/18 relay, 1 c/o contact -
15-16/18; 25-26/28 - relay, 2 c/o contacts
17-18; 17-28 relay, 2 n/o contacts (CT-SDD, CT-SAD)
Contact material Cd-free, see data sheet
Rated operational voltage Ue 250 V
Minimum switching voltage / minimum switching current 12 V / 100 mA
Maximum switching voltage / maximum switching current see load limit curves
Rated operational current Ie AC12 (resistive) at 230 V 6A 5A
(IEC 60947-5-1 ) AC15 (inductive) at 230 V 3A 3A/
for category DC12 (resistive) at 24 V 6A 5A
DC13 (inductive) at 24 V 2A 3A/
Mechanical lifetime 30 x 106 switching cycles
Electrical lifetime at AC12, 230 V, 4 A 0.1 x 106 switching cycles
Short-circuit proof / n/c contact 6 A fast-acting
maximum fuse rating (IEC/EN 60947-5-1) n/o contact 10 A fast-acting
/CT-MFD.2x on request
ABB 6/43
System Selection tables E 234
pro M compact Command devices

E 234 electronic timers

Technical data
Data at Ta = 25 °C and rated values, if nothing else indicated
Type CT-D with 1 c/o contact CT-D with 2 c/o contacts

General data
Duty time 100%
Dimensions (W x H x D) 17.5 mm x 70 mm x 58 mm 17.5 mm x 80 mm x 58 mm
(0.69 x 2.76 x 2.28 inches) (0.69 x 3.15 x 2.28 inches)
Weight see ordering details
Mounting DIN rail (EN 60715),
snap-mounting without any tool
Mounting position any
Minimum distance to other units horizontal / vertical no / no
Degree of protection enclosure / terminals IP50 / IP20

Electrical connection
Wire size fine-strand with wire end ferrule 2 x 0.5-1.5 mm2 (2 x 20-16 AWG)
1 x 0.5-2.5 mm2 (1 x 20-14 AWG)
without wire end ferrule 2 x 0.5-1.5 mm2 (2 x 20-16 AWG)
1 x 0.5-2.5 mm2 (1 x 20-14 AWG)
rigid 2 x 0.5-1.5 mm2 (2 x 20-16 AWG)
1 x 0.5-4 mm2 (1 x 20-12 AWG)
Stripping length 7 mm (0.28 inches)
Tightening torque 0.5-0.8 Nm

6 Environmental data
Ambient temperature range operation -20 ... +60 °C
storage -40 ... +85 °C
Damp heat (cyclic) (IEC/EN 60068-2-30) 6 x 24 h cycles, 55 °C, 95 % RH
Vibration (sinusoidal) (IEC/EN 60068-2-6) 40 m/s2, 20 cycles, 10....150...10 Hz
Shock (half-sine) (IEC/EN 60068-2-27) 100 m/s2, 11 ms

Isolation data
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp 4 kV; 1.2/50 μs
between all isolated circuits (VDE 0110, IEC/EN 60664-1)
Pollution category (IEC/EN 60664-1, VDE 0110, UL 508) 3
Overvoltage category (IEC/EN 60664-1, VDE 0110, UL 508) III
Rated insulation voltage Ui input circuit / output circuit 300 V
output circuit 1 / output circuit 2 300 V
Basic insulation (IEC/EN 61140) input circuit / output circuit 300 V
Protective separation input circuit / output circuit 250 V
(VDE 0106 part 101 and part 101/A1; IEC/EN 61140)
Test voltage between all isolated circuits (type test) 2.5 kV, 50 Hz, 1 s

Product standard IEC 61812-1, EN 61812-1 + A11, DIN VDE 0435 part 2021
Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC
EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC

Electromagnetic compatibility
Interference immunity IEC/EN 61000-6-1, IEC/EN 61000-6-2
electrostatic discharge (ESD) IEC/EN 61000-4-2 Level 3 (6 kV / 8 kV)
electromagnetic field IEC/EN 61000-4-3 Level 3 (10 V/m)
(HF radiation resistance)
fast transients (Burst) IEC/EN 61000-4-4 Level 3 (2 kV / 5 kHz)
powerful impulses (Surge) IEC/EN 61000-4-5 Level 4 (2 kV L-L)
HF line emission IEC/EN 61000-4-6 Level 3 (10 V)
Interference emission IEC/EN 61000-6-3, IEC/EN 61000-6-4
electromagnetic field IEC/CISPR 22, EN 55022 B
(HF radiation resistance)
HF line emission IEC/CISPR 22, EN 55022 B

6/44 ABB
System Selection tables E 234
pro M compact Command devices

E 234 electronic timers

Technical diagrams
Load limit curves
AC load (resistive) DC load (resistive)

2CDC 252 044 F0207

2CDC 252 045 F0207

DC voltage [V]
AC voltage [V]

resistive load resistive load

AC current [A] DC current [A]

CT-D.1x CT-D.1x

2CDC 252 122 F0206

2CDC 252 121 F0206

DC voltage [V]
AC voltage [V]

resistive load resistive load

AC current [A] DC current [A]

CT-D.2x CT-D.2x

Derating factor F Contact lifetime

for inductive AC load

2CDC 252 123 F0206
Switching cycles
2CDC 252 124 F0206
Derating factor F



0.7 250 V
resistive load


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Switching current [A]

ABB 6/45
System Selection tables E 234
pro M compact Command devices

E 234 electronic timers

Connection diagrams


2CDC 252 113 F0b06

2CDC 252 114 F0b06

2CDC 252 115 F0b06

2CDC 252 177 F0b05

A1 15 25 A1 15 Y1/B1 A1 15 25 A1 15
Y1/ Y1/
B1 A1 15 25 B1 A1 15 A1 15 25 A1 15

A2 16 18 26 28 A2 16 18 A2 16 18 26 28 A2 16 18
18 16 Y1/B1 18 16
18 16 A2 18 16 A2
28 26 A2 28 26 A2


2CDC 252 116 F0b06

2CDC 252 117 F0b06

2CDC 252 179 F0b05

2CDC 252 180 F0b05

A1 15 25 A1 15 Y1/B1 A1 15 A1 15
Y1/ Y1/
B1 A1 15 25 B1 A1 15 A1 15 A1 15

6 A2 16 18 26 28 A2 16 18 A2 16 18 A2 16 18
18 16 Y1/B1
18 16 A2 18 16 A2 18 16 A2
28 26 A2


2CDC 252 118 F0b06

2CDC 252 119 F0b06

2CDC 252 160 F0b06

2CDC 252 160 F0b06

A1 15 25 A1 15 Y1/B1 A1 17 A1 17
Y1/ Y1/
B1 A1 15 25 B1 A1 15 A1 17 A1 17

A2 16 18 26 28 A2 16 18 A2 18 28 A2 18 28
18 16 Y1/B1
18 16 A2 28 18 A2 28 18 A2
28 26 A2

Wiring notes for devices with control input

A parallel load to the control input is possible

2CDC 252 102 F0b06

A1 Y1/B1



6/46 ABB
System Selection tables E 234
pro M compact Command devices

E 234 electronic timers

Terminal designations on the device and in the diagrams
Legend The 1st c/o contact is always designated 15-16/18.
Control supply voltage not applied / Output contact open The 2nd c/o contact is designated 25-26/28.
Control supply voltage applied / Output contact closed The n/o contacts of the star-delta timers are designated with 17-18 and 17-28.
A1-Y1/B1 Control input with voltage-related triggering Control supply voltage is always applied to terminals A1-A2.
Function of the yellow LED
The yellow LED R glows as soon as the output relay energizes and turns
off when the output relay de-energizes.

ON-delay OFF-delay with auxiliary voltage

(Delay on make) (Delay on break)
This function requires continuous control supply voltage for timing. This function requires continuous control supply voltage for timing. If
Timing begins when control supply voltage is applied. The green LED control input A1-Y1/B1 is closed, the output relay energizes immediately.
flashes during timing. When the selected time delay is complete, the If control input A1-Y1/B1 is opened, the time delay starts. The green LED
output relay energizes and the flashing green LED turns steady. If control flashes during timing. When the selected time delay is complete, the
supply voltage is interrupted, the output relay de-energizes and the time output relay de-energizes and the flashing green LED turns steady. If
delay is reset. Control input A1-Y1/B1 of the CT-MFD is disabled when control input A1-Y1/B1 recloses before the time delay is complete, the
this function is selected. time delay is reset and the output relay does not change state. Timing
starts again when control input A1-Y1/B1 re-opens. If control supply
voltage is interrupted, the output relay de-energizes and the time delay
is reset.
2CDC 252 106 F0206

2CDC 252 107 F0206

A1-A2 A1-A2
15-18, 25-28 A1-Y1/B1
15-16, 25-26
green LED
t <t
15-18, 25-28
15-16, 25-26
green LED
t <t
t = adjusted time delay
t = adjusted time delay

Impulse-ON Impulse-OFF with auxiliary voltage

(Interval) (Trailing edge interval)
This function requires continuous control supply voltage for timing. The This function requires continuous control supply voltage for timing.
output relay energizes immediately when control supply voltage is If control supply voltage is applied, opening control input A1-Y1/B1
applied and de-energizes after the set pulse time is complete. The green energizes the output relay immediately and starts timing. The green LED
LED flashes during timing. When the selected pulse time is complete, flashes during timing. When the selected pulse time is complete, the
the flashing green LED turns steady. If control supply voltage is inter- output relay de-energizes and the flashing green LED turns steady.
rupted, the output relay de-energizes and the time delay is reset. Control Closing control input A1-Y1/B1, before the time delay is complete, de-
input A1-Y1/B1 of the CT-MFD is disabled when this function is selected. energizes the output relay and resets the time delay. If control supply
voltage is interrupted, the output relay de-energizes and the time delay
is reset.
2CDC 252 108 F0206

2CDC 252 109 F0206

A1-A2 A1-A2
15-18, 25-28 A1-Y1/B1
15-16, 25-26
15-18, 25-28
green LED 15-16, 25-26
t <t green LED
t <t
t = adjusted pulse time
t = adjusted pulse time

Flasher, starting with the ON time Flasher, starting with the OFF time
(Recycling equal times, ON first) (Recycling equal times, OFF first)
Applying control supply voltage starts timing with symmetrical ON & OFF Applying control supply voltage starts timing with symmetrical ON & OFF
times. The cycle starts with an ON time first. The ON & OFF times are times. The cycle starts with an OFF time first. The ON & OFF times are
displayed by the flashing green LED, which flashes twice as fast during displayed by the flashing green LED, which flashes twice as fast during
the OFF time. If control supply voltage is interrupted, the output relay the OFF time. If control supply voltage is interrupted, the output relay
de-energizes and the time delay is reset. Control input A1-Y1/B1 of the de-energizes and the time delay is reset. Control input A1-Y1/B1 of the
CT-MFD is disabled when this function is selected. CT-MFD is disabled when this function is selected.
2CDC 252 029 F0206

2CDC 252 030 F0206

A1-A2 A1-A2
15-18, 25-28 15-18, 25-28
15-16, 25-26 15-16, 25-26
green LED green LED
t t t t

t = adjusted flashing time t = adjusted flashing time

ABB 6/47
System Selection tables E 234
pro M compact Command devices

E 234 electronic timers

Pulse former (Single shot) Pulse generator, starting with the ON or OFF time
CT-MFD (Recycling unequal times, ON or OFF first)
This function requires continuous control supply voltage for timing. CT-TGD
Closing control input A1-Y1/B1 energizes the output relay immediately This function requires continuous control supply voltage for timing.
and starts timing. Operating the control contact switch A1-Y1/B1 during Applying control supply voltage, with open control input A1-Y1/B1,
the time delay has no effect. The green LED flashes during timing. When starts timing with an ON time first. Applying control supply voltage, with
the selected ON time is complete, the output relay de-energizes and the closed control input A1-Y1/B1, starts timing with an OFF time first. The
flashing green LED turns steady. After the ON time is complete, it can be ON & OFF times are displayed by the flashing green LED, which flashes
restarted by closing control input A1-Y1/B1. If control supply voltage is twice as fast during the OFF time. The ON & OFF times are indepen-
interrupted, the output relay de-energizes and the time delay is reset. dently adjustable. If control supply voltage is interrupted, the output relay
de-energizes and the time delay is reset.

2CDC 252 110 F0206

2CDC 252 111 F0206

A1-A2 A1-A2
A1-Y1/B1 A1-Y1/B1
15-18, 25-28 15-18, 25-28
15-16, 25-26 15-16, 25-26
green LED green LED
t t t1 t2 t2 t1

t = adjusted pulse time t1 = adjusted OFF time

t2 = adjusted ON time

Star-delta change-over
(Star-delta starting)
This function requires continuous control supply voltage for timing.

2CDC 252 112 F0206

Applying control supply voltage to terminals A1-A2, energizes the star
6 contactor connected to terminals 17-18 and begins the set starting
time t1. The green LED flashes during timing. When the starting time is

green LED
t1 t2

complete, the first output contact de-energizes the star contactor. t1 = adjusted starting time
Now, the transition time t2 starts. When the transition time is complete, t2 = transition time
CT-SDD: t2 = 50 ms
the second output contact energizes the delta contactor connected to CT-SAD: t2 adjustable

terminals 17-28. The delta contactor remains energized as long as

control supply voltage is applied to the unit.
2CDC 252 128 F0b06

2CDC 252 012 F0b07

F3 L1 L2 L3

95 1 3 5
F2 -F1
96 2 4 6
S1 21

S2 13 53
I K2
14 54 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5
-K2 2 4 6
-K3 2 4 6
-K1 2 4 6
17 17 13 13
K1T K2 K1
18 28 14 14

22 22 1 5 4 97 95

K3 K1 -F2 98 96
21 21
3 2 6

A1 A1 A1 A1
K1T K1 K3 K2
A2 A2 A2 A2 W1 W2
N V1 M V2
U1 3~ U2
Y  N
Control circuit diagram Power circuit diagram

6/48 ABB
System Selection tables AT
pro M compact Command devices

AT electro-mechanical time switches

AT electro-mechanical time switches

They control circuit opening and closing according to the scheduled program. Available both on daily
and weekly version and equipped with a 16A contact, they can be set on the scheduled program

or on the permanent ON function (ON-OFF only for three modules versions). The AT1-R, AT3-R and
AT3-7R versions are equipped with a built-in battery, generally charged by the network voltage, which
allows the devices to maintain the set time also in case of long (up to 200h) power supply failures.
The products fit applications such as shop lighting systems, public buildings, schools, heating and
irrigation systems and so forth.

Contacts Running Version Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

reserve details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1NO - daily AT1 2CSM204205R0601 042051 0,095 1
1NO 200h daily AT1-R 2CSM204215R0601 042150 0,095 1
1CO - daily AT3 2CSM204225R0601 042259 0,180 1
1CO 200h daily AT3-R 2CSM204235R0601 042358 0,180 1
1CO 200h weekly AT3-7R 2CSM204245R0601 042457 0,180 1

Technical features
AT1 AT1-R AT3 AT3-R AT3-7R
Rated supply voltage
Contact type
230 AC + 10%
1CO 1 CO 1CO
Switching capacity
resistive load [A] 16
inductive load [A] 4 4 3 3 3
Rated frequency [Hz] 50-60
Time base quartz
Minimum switching time [min] 15 15 15 15 120
Max number of commands 96 96 96 96 84
per cycle
Running reserve [h] - 200 - 200 200
Accurary ± 1sec / 24h
Power consumption [VA] 0.5
Max. switching power [W] 4000
Terminal size for cable [mm²] 4
Terminals loss-proof screw
Mounting on DIN rail
Operating temperature [°C] -10….+55
Storage temperature [°C] -10...+55 -10...+55 -20 …+70 -10….+55 -10….+55
Modules 1 1 3 3 3
Reference standards EN 60730-1 ; EN 60730-2-7

Connection scheme

AT1, AT1-R AT3, AT3-R, AT3-7R


2 4
2 4 6 10 12
1 3

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/34 Application sheets ....................... pag. 11/12

ABB 6/49
System Selection tables AT
pro M compact Command devices

AT electro-mechanical time switches

Programming AT1 - AT1-R

Switching dial Time setting Manual override


23 15' 12

24 13

1 14
I 0
2 5

I 0 I 0
= automatic
I = ON permanently


23 4
23 4 24
24 2


I 0
I 0
0 0

Programming AT3 - AT3-R - AT3-7R

Setting the time

Program setting Manual override

3-position selector:

0 = permanently OFF
= automatic programmed operation
2 4 6 2 4 6 I = permanently ON.

6/50 ABB
System Selection tables AT
pro M compact Command devices

AT2 electro-mechanical time switches

AT2 electro-mechanical time switches

The AT2 versions are particularly useful where there is the need to have a complete visibility of the
programmable dial in only two modules.They control, as well as the AT1 and AT3 ones, circuit opening

and closing according to a scheduled program and are available both on daily and weekly version
with a 16A change-over contact. They can be set on the scheduled program or on permanent ON
and the versions AT2-R and AT2-7R are equipped with a built-in battery, generally charged by the
network voltage, which allows the devices to maintain the set time also in case of long (up to 150h)
power supply failures. The products fit applications such as store lighting system, public buildings,
schools, heating and irrigation systems and so forth.

Contacts Running Version Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

reserve details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1 CO - daily AT2 2CSM204105R0601 041054 0,118 1
1 CO 150h daily AT2-R 2CSM204115R0601 041153 0,118 1
1 CO 150h weekly AT2-7R 2CSM204125R0601 041252 0,118 1

Technical features
AT2 AT2-R AT2-7R
Rated supply voltage
Contact type
[V] 230 AC
1 CO
Switching capacity
resistive load [A] 16
inductive load [A] 4
Rated frequency [Hz] 50-60
Time base quartz
Minimum switching time [min] 30 30 210
Max number of commands per cycle 48
Running reserve [h] - 150 150
Accuracy ± 1sec / 24h
Power consumption [VA] 0.5
Potenza commutabile massima [W] 3500
Terminal size for cable [mm²] 2.5
Terminals loss-proof screw
Mounting on DIN rail
Operating temperature [°C] -10 …+50
Storage temperature [°C] -10 …+50
Modules 2
Reference standards EN 60730-1 ; EN 60730-2-7

Connection diagram

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/34 Application sheets ....................... pag. 11/12

ABB 6/51
System Selection tables AT
pro M compact Command devices

AT2 electro-mechanical time switches

Time setting

AT2 - AT2-R AT2-7R

GB Example: 3 = Wednesday 14:45


Type mode Switching dial

= Working according to
the scheduled program
1 = Permanent ON

6/52 ABB
System Selection tables DT
pro M compact Command devices

DT digital time switches

DT digital time switches

The digital versions, included in the range, are equipped with a permanent EEPROM memory which
allows them to respect the scheduled program and the preservation of the data and hour settings also
in the case of long power supply failures. The range, used for both daily and weekly programming,
includes single/double channels versions with a change-over contact with a switching capacity of
16(10)A. The programming key,available on versions DT..-..K, guarantees an easy and quick pro-
gramming of n switches avoiding the numbers of mistakes due to future modifications. The DT1-IK/
DCF time switch can be combined with the antenna DT-DCF for the automatic synchronization of
one or more switches, even if mounted in unsupervised places, with Frankfurt DCF77 official time.
The novelties regard the holiday mode that allows to force the ON-OFF output for a certain period,
the random mode used to simulate the presence and the waiver one to carry out waivers remotely

or locally.

Contacts Version Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1CO DT1 2CSM204255R0611 042556 0,160 1
1CO key DT1-K 2CSM204265R0611 042655 0,160 1

1CO key + pulse DT1-IK 2CSM204275R0611 042754 0,160 1

1CO 24VAC/DC + key DT1-IK/24 2CSM204285R0611 042853 0,160 1
+ pulse
1CO key + antenna DCF DT1-IK/DCF 2CSM204295R0611 042952 0,160 1
+ pulse
2 CO
2 CO key
2 CO key + pulse DT2-IK 2CSM204325R0611 043256 0,160 1

Technical features
DT1; DT1-K; DT1-IK DT1-IK/24 DT1-IK/DCF DT2; DT2-K; DT2-IK
Rated supply voltage [V] 230 AC ± 15% 12 AC/DC +20%-10%; 230 AC ± 15% 230 AC ± 15%
24 AC/DC +10%-15%
Contact type 1 CO 1 CO 1 CO 2 CO
Switching capacity resistive load [A] 16
inductive load [A] 10
Rated frequency [Hz] 50-60
Max. breaking capacity AC1 (250 V AC) [μA] 16
DC1 (12 V DC) [μA] 4
Min. breaking capacity AC1 (250 V AC) [mA] 100
DC1 (12 V DC) [mA] 100
Max. number of lamps incandescent and [W] 2300
halogen fluorescent
compensated [W] 400
(max. 45μF)
non-compensated, [W] 1000
series compensated
compact fluorescent [W] 500
Time base quartz
Minimum time between two steps [min] 1
Program steps 56
Power reserve [years] 5
Accuracy ± 1 sec / 24h
Power consumption [VA] 6 0.8 0.5 6
Terminal size for cable flexible [mm²] 1 to 6
rigid [mm²] 1.5 to 10
Protection degree [IP] 20
Terminals loss-proof screw
Mounting on DIN rail
Operating temperature [°C] -5…+45
Storage temperature [°C] -20…+60
Modules 2
Reference standards EN 60730-1 ; EN 60730-2-7

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/34 Application sheets ....................... pag. 11/13

ABB 6/53
System Selection tables DT
pro M compact Command devices

DT digital time switches

Programming key ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Pulse ■ ■ ■ ■
Random mode ■ ■ ■ ■
Holiday mode ■ ■ ■ ■
Walver mode ■
Radiosynchronized ■
Backlit display ■ ■


Connection diagram
DT1, DT1-K DT1-IK, DT1-IK/24V
L L/+
N N/-

1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7

2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8



1 3 5 7
1 3 5 7


2 4 6 8
2 4 6 8

6/54 ABB
System Selection tables DT
pro M compact Command devices

DT digital time switches

Accessories for DT digital time switches

The whole switching program can be operated directly on your PC using the HANDYTIMER software.
The program, once created, can be transferred in the DT-VK key in order to be quickly copied in n
digital time switches of the DT...-K range avoiding the errors due to future modifications. The version
DT-LK, on the other hand, allows to lock the keyboard to prevent possible manipulations. The DT1-
IK/DCF time switch can use the antenna DT-DCF for the automatic synchronization of one or more
switches, even if mounted in unsupervised places, with Frankfurt official time signal transmitted via
radio on long waves. The capacity of the DCF77 signal is around 2,000 km from Frankfurt.

Version Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

programming key DT-VK 2CSM204335R0611 043355 0,005 1
locking key DT-LK 2CSM204615R0611 046158 0,005 1
software HANDYTIMER and
software plug-in adaptor
with USB cable DT-SW 2CSM204345R0611 043454 0,200 1
antenna for DT1-IK/DCF DT-DCF 2CSM204355R0611 043553 0,150 1

Programming with HANDYTIMER software


Minimum requirements:
- Microsoft Windows 95 or higher
- 15Mb RAM

1a - Plug the interface of the HANDYTIMER-plug adaptor into the USB port of your
1b - Install the HANDYTIMER software on your PC
1c - Define the program
2a - Insert the programming key in the HANDYTIMER plug-in adaptor
2b - Copy the program in the programming key
3 - Insert the programming key in the time switch to transfer the program
4 - The programming key can now serve as back-up or for program transfer from
time switch to time switch

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/34 Application sheets ....................... pag. 11/13

ABB 6/55
System Selection tables DT
pro M compact Command devices

DT digital time switches

Connection diagram

1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7


The DT-DCF antenna allows you to control up to 10 instruments. The polarity of the first instru-
ment is regardless, while the others have to respect the polarity of the first one.

Antenna DT-DCF operation field



6/56 ABB
System Selection tables DTS
pro M compact Command devices

DTS digital time switches

DTS digital time switches

DTS series yearly digital time switches are available in 3 or 4 channel versions. Used for more sophi-
sticated configurations, they are able to control multiple loads or even groups of independent loads
that require time-differentiated commands, but with a common clock reference.
An EPROM memory eliminates the risk of program loss in the event of power failure, irrespective of
its duration.
DTS yearly digital time switches are ideal in large buildings that have variable needs over the course of
the year (public lighting, heating of public buildings, distribution chains, shopping centres, etc...).

Channels Order Bbn Price Price Unit Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group weight unit

No. Type ABB Code EAN kg pc.

3 DTS7/3Y 2CSM133100R0601 507000 0.380 1
4 DTS7/4Y 2CSM134100R0601 538509 0.410 1

Accessories for DTS yearly digital time switches

DTS time switches can be programmed directly from the user’s PC using the DTS/PRG-SW software,
which allows quick and easy configuration. The program can in fact be transferred from the PC to a
portable memory unit, and then copied from there to multiple devices, thus avoiding reprogramming
DTS/PRG-SW software also allows the device to be used as a conventional astronomical time switch.
By defining the latitude and longitude of the geographical place of installation, it is possible to auto-
matically control the switching of circuits based on the time when the sun rises and sets.
DTS/DCF antenna, used in conjunction with the device, enables it to be automatically synchronised
with the official DCF77 Frankfurt time signal, broadcast via long wave radio. The range of the DCF77
signal is about 2500 km from Frankfurt.

Order Bbn Bbn Price Price Unit Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group weight unit

Type ABB code EAN kg pc.

DTS/DCF 2CSM000010R0601 538608 0.230 1
DTS/PRG-SW 2CSM000050R0601 538707 0.350 1

Technical characteristics
Rated voltage Un 230 AC +10%/-15%
Contact type 3CO 4CO
Contact capacity
ohmic loads [A] 16
inductive loads [A] 2.5
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Time reference quartz
Minimum ON/OFF setting unit [min] 1
Max. operations per cycle 400
Pulse duration 1 sec … 99 min
Battery life [years] 6
Operating accuracy ± 1 sec/day
Power consumption [W] 5
Terminals captive screw
Installation type DIN rail
Protection degree [IP] 20
Storage temperature [°C] -25…+55
Can be sealed ■
Modules 6
Standards EN 60730-1, IEC 730-1, CEI 107-70, VDE0633

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/34 Application sheets ....................... pag. 11/13

ABB 6/57
System Selection tables DTS
pro M compact Command devices

DTS digital time switches

Connection diagram

DTS/PRG-SW: simple installation

/ Install the DTS/PRG-SW software on the PC. The system requirements are a 486 processor or higher, with Windows
95/98/2000/NT/XP and at least 4 MB free disk space.
0 Connect one end of the serial cable to the PC serial port, and the other end to the portable memory unit.
1 Using the DTS/PRG-SW software, copy the yearly program from the PC to the portable memory unit.
3 Disconnect the portable memory unit and insert it into the infrared slot on the device.
4 Copy the program from the portable memory unit to the device.

At this point the portable memory unit can be removed from the device and the procedure repeated on another de-
vice. In addition to pasting programs onto multiple devices, it is also possible to copy a program from a device to the
portable memory unit.

Removable control panel

The removable control panel allows

the device to be conveniently pro-
grammed at the desk.

6/58 ABB
System Selection tables DTS
pro M compact Command devices

DTS digital time switches

Time switch controls
up to, set standard/
for date daylight select:
field saving time day
I/O Day Month Year
minutes/seconds and
+1 h h m m/s
pulse/cycle function
Manual switch I/O
IR Clear cancel

IR transmit / receive
4 Day Prog. Prior.

Reset 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 priority

Select days
of the week: select select
1 = monday pulse cycle
2 = tuesday set current start
3 = ... date, time programming


Month (US day)

Day (US month)
Pulse (minutes) Pulse (seconds)
Cycle (minutes) Cycle (seconds)

Channel 1 Year
Channel 2 Block number
Channel 3 Priority
Channel 4
Summer time / winter time switchover
Automatic operation
DCF 77 radio reception



Continuous operation
Manual operation
Automatic operation
Switching state 1234567 = day of the week
12h/24h time display
Year number

ABB 6/59
System Selection tables DTS
pro M compact Command devices

DTS digital time switches

DTS/PRG-SW programming
The DTS/PRG-SW programming software makes it easy to set up a yearly program that can subsequently be copied to the DTS7/3Y or DTS7/4Y digital timers.

Programming in a few easy steps

Part one: Part two:


The DTS/PRG-SW software can also be used for configuring the astronomical
function, for viewing a clear graphical representation of the entire yearly program,
with detail access to individual days, as well as for printing a summary of the

6 program to be kept for reference near the installed deviced or archived.

Astronomical function

Using the DTS/PRG-SW software, the DTS7/3Y and DTS7/4Y models can be The astronomical function is ideal where:
configured to control one or more contacts based on the sunrise or sunset - The distance between the sensor and the time switch is more than 100 m, or if
times of each day of the year, thus replacing the functions of a conventional an external sensor cannot be used (panel installed inside a basement...).
twilight switch. - The external sensor cannot be installed away from light sources (amusement
parks, campsites,...).
The device will start to operate once the date, time and the latitude and longitude - The external sensor cannot be installed because it is potentially subject to
of the place of installation have been entered. interference from pollution or exposed to vandalism.

Graphical representation Program summary

After setting up and checking
the program, it is possible to
print out a summary of the pro-
gram to keep near the installed
device or as a reference. The
program printout shows the
following details:
s $URATION OF /. AND /&&
It is possible to view a clear representation of the yearly program, and of the (requires correct entry of load
days and weeks that have been defined. The active parts are highlighted in values)
different colours, as can be seen in the example at left.

6/60 ABB
System Selection tables E 232
pro M compact Command devices

E 232 staircase lighting time-delay switches

E 232 staircase lighting time-delay switches

Staircase lighting time-delay switches are usually operated by pushbuttons, often fitted with a filament
lamp. Switches are designed for a glow lamp current of up to 150 mA and thus perfectly suitable for
2CSC400470F0201 installations in multi-storey buildings.
The E 232-230 staircase lighting time-delay switch includes an electro-mechanical timer with a
synchronous motor drive to ensure high operational safety in whatever mounting position. The time
range is adjustable in increments of 15 seconds from 1 to seven minutes. Can be connected in
series after 30 seconds.
E 232E–230N and E 232E-8/230N devices feature electronic time delays. A high switching capacity,
150 mA glow lamp current parallel to the pushbuttons, steplessly adjustable time range from 0.5 to
20 min, as well as low switching noise make these devices so special.
Devices of the E 232E-230 Multi 10 and E 232E-8/230 Multi 10 series are multi-functional products
with 10 functions to choose from that can be adjusted from the front. Through an electronically
controlled connection of the load at voltage zero, a very high switching capacity of 3,600 W (load
of filament lamp) is reached.
The devices include an integrated warning feature (warning by blinking) according to DIN 18015-2
as well as a 60 minute long-time function.
The E 232E-8/230N and E 232E-8/230 Multi 10 staircase lighting time-delay switches offer an ad-
ditional metallically separated control input for 8 … 240 V AC/DC.
The electronic E 232-HLM half-light module is a supplementary device for staircase lighting time-delay
switches for semi-light control according to DIN 18015-2. The module switches filament lamps and
230 V halogen lamps up to 2,300 W in the warning phase to an output voltage that is reduced by
50%. Adjustable time range from 20 – 60 seconds.

Technical features E 232-230 E 232E-230N E 232E-8/230N E 232E-230 Multi 10 E 232E-8/230 Multi 10 E 232E-HLM
Time range (stepless) 1 – 7 min. 0.5 – 20 min. 0.5 – 20 min. 0.5 – 20 min. 0.5 – 20 min. 20 – 60 sec.
in 15 sec. increments stepless stepless stepless stepless stepless
Control voltage 230 V AC ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Universal voltage in addition 8 … 240 V AC/DC 8…240 V AC/DC
Glow lamp load 50 mA 150 mA 150 mA 150 mA 150 mA
3/4 conductor operated switches automatically automatically automatically automatically
Can be connected in series ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Steady-light switch ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Advance warning acc. DIN 18015-2 ■ ■ ■
Long-time range of 60 min. ■ ■
Multi-functional device (10 functions) ■ ■
Rated voltage 230 V AC 240 V AC 240 V AC 240 V AC 240 V AC 240 V AC
50Hz 50 / 60 Hz 50 / 60 Hz 50 / 60 Hz 50 / 60 Hz 50 / 60 Hz
Control voltage range 0.9 ... 1.1 Un 0.85 ... 1.1 Un 0.85 ... 1.1 Un 0.85 ... 1.1 Un 0.85 ... 1.1 Un 0.9 ... 1.1 Un
Power loss 1 VA 6 VA 6 VA 6 VA 6 VA 6 VA
Rated switching capacity 16 A, 230 V AC 16 A, 230 V AC 16 A, 230 V AC 16 A, 230 V AC 16 A, 230 V AC 10 A, 230 V AC
Filament lamp load 2,300 W 2,300 W 2,300 W 3,600 W 3,600 W 2,300 W
Halogen lamp load 2,300 W 2,300 W 2,300 W 3,600 W 3,600 W 2,300 W
Fluorescent lamps series compensated / 2,300 VA 2,300 VA 2,300 VA 3,600 VA * 3,600 VA * not permitted
Fluorescent lamps inductive or capacitive 2,300 VA 2,300 VA 2,300 VA 3,600 VA * 3,600 VA * not permitted
Fluorescent lamps shunt compensated 1300 VA (70 μF) 400 VA (42 μF) 400 VA (42 μF) 1200 VA (120 μF) * 1200 VA (120 μF) * not permitted
Electronic controlgear 9x7 W, 6x11 W 9x7 W, 7x11 W, 9x7 W, 7x11 W, 34x7 W, 27x11 W, 34x7 W, 27x11 W, not permitted
5x15 W, 5x20 W 7x20 W, 7x23 W 7x20 W, 7x23 W 24x15 W, 22x23 W 24x15 W, 22x23 W
Inductive load (cos J = 0.6/230 V AC) 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 not permitted
Contact material AgSnO2 AgSnO2 AgSnO2 AgSnO2 AgSnO2 AgSnO2
Contact gap r 3 mm < 3 mm < 3 mm < 3 mm < 3 mm < 3 mm
Mech. serviceable life > 10 6 > 107 107 107 107 > 107
Serviceable life at rated load, cos J=1 > 105 2x105 2x105 2x105 2x105 > 105
Serviceable life at rated load, cos J =0.6 > 104 4x104 4x104 4x104 4x104 > 104
Terminal capacity 10.7 mm² 13 mm² 13 mm² 13 mm² 13 mm² 13.6 mm²
Max. conductor capacity 6 mm² 4 mm² 4 mm² 4 mm² 4 mm² 6 mm²
ON duration can be connected in 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100%
series after 30 sec.
Ambient temperature – 10 °C to + 50 °C – 25 °C to + 50 °C – 25 °C to + 50 °C – 25 °C to + 50 °C – 25 °C to + 50 °C – 10 °C to + 50 °C
Housing and insulation material heat resistant, heat resistant, heat resistant, heat resistant, heat resistant, heat resistant,
self-extinguishing self-extinguishing self-extinguishing self-extinguishing self-extinguishing self-extinguishing
thermoplast thermoplast thermoplast thermoplast thermoplast thermoplast
Control current at 230 V AC 4.5 mA 26 mA 26 mA 26 mA (min. 8 mA 26 mA (min. 8 mA
at 8 V AC) at 8 V AC)
Minimum command duration 10 ms 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms / 50 ms for 20 ms / 50 ms for
multi voltage input multi voltage input
* no disconnection advance warning possible for this application.

ABB 6/61
System Selection tables E 232
pro M compact Command devices

E 232 staircase lighting time-delay switches

Time Power Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack


range loss details 4013614 1 piece group 1 piece unit

W Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

1 … 7 min. 1VA E 232-230 2CDE 110 000 R0501 54824 3 0.081 10

20 min 6VA E 232 E-230N 2CDE 110 003 R0511 65416 6 0.095 10
20 min 6VA E 232 E-8/230N 2CDE 010 003 R0511 65417 3 0.1 10
20 min 6VA E 232 E-230 Multi 10 2CDE 110 013 R0511 65418 0 0.095 10
20 min 6VA E 232 E-8/230 Multi 10 2CDE 010 013 R0511 65419 7 0.1 10
20 … 60 sec. 6VA E 232-HLM 2CDE 150 000 R0521 54828 1 0.075 10

E 232E-230 Multi 10, 8/230 Multi 10

Wiring diagrams
2CDC 052 030 F0007

2CDC 052 031 F0007

2CDC 052 032 F0007

E 232-230 3 conductor E 232-230 4 conductor

2CDC 052 034 F0007

2CDC 052 035 F0007

E 232E-8/230 Multi 10 3 conductor E 232E-8/230 Multi 10 4 conductor E 232E-230 Multi 10 3 conductor

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/35

6/62 ABB
System Selection tables E 232
pro M compact Command devices

E 232 staircase lighting time-delay switches

Wiring diagrams

2CDC 052 037 F0007

2CDC 052 033 F0007
E 232E-230 Multi 10 4 conductor E 232E-8/230 Multi 10 3 conductor
E 232E 8/230 3 conductor
E 232E 230 Multi 10 3 conductor
E 232E 230 N 3 conductor
E 232-230 3 conductor

2CDC 052 039 F0007

E 232E-8/230 Multi 10 4 conductor

E 232E 8/230 4 conductor
E 232E 230 Multi 10 4 conductor
E 232E 230 N 4 conductor
E 232-230 4 conductor

Staircase lighting time-delay

switches E 232 HLM

E 232 HLM 3 conductor E 232 HLM 4 conductor

2CDC 052 214 F0203

2CDC 052 215 F0203

timing of a staircase lighting time-delay switch warning function of E 232E-8/230 Plus

with semi-light module E 232-HLM

DIN 18015-2
provides that "that the automatic disconnection of lighting equipment fitted in staircases of apartment buildings must provide
for warning signals, e.g. dimming, in order to avoid sudden unexpected darkness".

ABB 6/63
System Selection tables TW
pro M compact Command devices

TW twilight switches

TW modular twilight switches

They allow to switch on and switch off lighting devices according to a scheduled level of the am-
bient light. They are used in combination with a sensor to detect if the ambient light is higher or
lower than the set level. TW2/10K, equipped with three different types of adjustment range (2:100,
2:1000, 2:10000), fits well the daylight applications where the Lux value is very high. The version

TW1-D, with built-in time switch, allows the control of the lighting system in relation to the set level
of the ambient light combined with a specific time planning. This range, thanks to its features, fits
all the applications (for example shop windows and lights) where the rationalization of the energy
consumption is required.
Brightness Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
range details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

lx Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

2 : 100 TW1 2CSM204135R1341 041351 0.107 1
2 : 10.000 TW2/10K 2CSM204145R1341 041450 0.215 1
2 : 200 TW1/D* 2CSM204155R1341 041559 0.112 1
* Digital timer integrated

Accessories for TW modular twilight switches

The photosensor is supplied in the same package of the switch, but it’s also available separately
as spare part. The upper part of the external case (with screw locking), made up of thermoplastic
material, bears up against ultraviolet rays to guarantee an homogeneous diffusion of the daylight
internally. The photosensor, wall mounted, is supplied with a cable gland.
Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

6 details
Type code Order code
8012542 1 piece
group 1 piece
LS-SP 2CSM204195R1341 041955 0.035 1

Technical features
TW1 TW2/10K TW1-D
Rated supply voltage [V] 230 AC
Contact type 1NO 1CO 1NO
Switching capacity resistive load [A] 16
inductive load cosJ 0.6 [A] 3
incandescent lamps cosJ 1 max 960 W max 1080 W max 960 W
fluorescent lamps cosJ 0.8 max 720 W max 720 W max 720 W
fluorescent - duo./electronic lamps cosJ 0.9 max 200 W max 200 W max 200 W
Rated frequency [Hz] 50-60
Programs ON-OFF - - 1 for OFF
Switching delay ON [s] 8 ±10% 8 ±10% 20 ±10%
OFF [s] 38 ±10% 38 ±10% 20 ±10%
Brightness range [lx] 2:100
2:100 2:1,000 2:200
Accuracy - - ±2 sec/day
Protection degree twilight switch IP20
sensor IP65
Operating temperature twilight switch [°C] 0…+55 0…+55 0…+50
sensor [°C] -30...+65
twilight switch [°C] -10...+65 -10...+65 -10...+50
sensor [°C] -40...+75
Power consumption [VA] 4.5 2.5 3
Max. commutable power [W] 3500
Terminal size for cable [mm²] 2.5
Terminals loss-proof screw
Mounting on DIN rail
Switching status indication/brightness range red Led / green Led LCD display
Max wiring length [m] 100
Modules 1 2 1
Reference standards EN 60669-1 ; EN 60669-2-1

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/35 Application sheets ....................... pag. 11/14

6/64 ABB
System Selection tables TW
pro M compact Command devices

TW twilight switches

Connection diagram Electrical connection and fixing of the sensor

TW1 - TW1/D

Cable Base with Terminals

retaining nut Sensor-holder
Cable cable holder card
holder seal

1 3
! Cable
5 7


L N Max 100 m
Fixing Seal Seal
Fixing bracket screw on base on screw
230 V~


TW1 and TW2/10K operating principle

! 1 3 5 L N


2 4 6 8 10
~10 sec
Programmed threshold

230 V~ Red contact LED OFF OFF ON

Green threshold LED OFF ON ON

TW1-D operating principle

- Turn lights on at 30 Lux.
- Turn lights off at 23:00

- Adjust for the desired Lux value (30 Lux)
- Enter the current time.
- Enter the clock On time (e.g. 12:00 so that at 30 Lux the contact is closed).
- Now enter the clock Off time at 23:00 (the contact opens).

Functional diagram of the example

Time band





Variable twilight depending on the season (summer-winter)

ABB 6/65
System Selection tables TWP
pro M compact Command devices

TWP pole mounting twilight switch

TWP pole mounting twilight switch

The TWP pole twilight switch, equipped internally with a preset sensor of 10 Lux, is the ideal solution
for the management of external light systems such as the public ones. The sensor is extractable from
the base and allows an easy and efficient maintenance without needing further wiring.

Brightness Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

range details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit

lx Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

2 : 200 TWP 2CSM204165R1341 041658 0,155 1

Accessory for TWP pole mounting twilight switch

The LS-65 sensor, supplied also individually as spare part, is equipped with internal connections
Fast-On which are fast to extract. The sensor, with the upper part of the external case made up of
thermoplastic material, bears up against ultraviolet rays to guarantee an homogeneous diffusion of
the daylight internally.

LS-65 2CSM204185R1341 041856 0,085 1

6 Technical features
Rated supply voltage [V] 230 AC
Contact type 1NO polarized
Switching capacity
resistive load [A] 16
inductive load cosJ 0.6 [A] 3
incandescent lamps cosJ 1 max 960 W
fluorescent lamps cosJ 0.8 max 720 W
fluorescent - duo./electronic lamps cosJ 0.9 max 200 W
Rated frequency [Hz] 50-60
Switching delay
ON [s] 25 ± 10%
OFF [s] 25 ± 10%
Brightness range [lx] 2:200
Protection degree IP65
Operating temperature [°C] -30…+60
Storage temperature [°C] -30…+65
Power consumption [VA] 7.5
Max. commutable power [W] 3500
Terminal size for cable [mm²] 2.5
Terminals screw
Mounting pole
Switching status indication/
- / red Led
brightness range
Reference standards EN 60669-1 ; EN 60669-2-1

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/35 Application sheets ....................... pag. 11/14

6/66 ABB
System Selection tables TWP
pro M compact Command devices

TWP pole mounting twilight switch

Connection diagram
( )


230 V~ 230 V~

Setting position


ABB 6/67
System Selection tables TWA
pro M compact Command devices

TWA twilight switches

TWA twilight astronomical switches

They allow to control automatically the light systems according to the hour when the sun rises and sets.
The programming is made defining the longitude and latitude parameters of the geographical area whe-
re the switch is mounted. Thanks to its features the TWA fits applications such as public lighting system,
shop windows, monuments, signs and so forth and particularly when the external sensor is subjected to
strong external inconveniences like in area with high level of pollution or in area exposed to vandalic acts.

Contacts Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1 CO TWA-1 2CSM204365R1341 043652 0,160 1
2 CO TWA-2 2CSM204375R1341 043751 0,160 1

Technical features
Rated supply voltage [V] 230 AC ± 15%
Contact type 1CO 2 CO
Switching capacity
resistive load [A] 16
inductive load cosJ 0.6 [A] 10
6 Max. number of lamps
incandescent and halogen fluorescent [W] 2300
compensated (max. 45μF) [W] 400
non-compensated, series compensated [W] 1000
compact fluorescent [W] 500
Rated frequency [Hz] 50-60
Time base quartz
Minimum time between two steps [min] 1
Program steps 56
Power reserve [years] 5
Accuracy ± 1,5sec / 24h
Astronomical time accuracy [min] ± 10
Power consumption [VA] 6
Terminal size for cable 4
flexible [mm²] 1 to 6
rigid [mm²] 1.5 to 10
Terminals loss-proof screw
Mounting on DIN rail
Operating temperature [°C] -10…+55
Storage temperature [°C] -20…+60
Protection degree IP20
Modules 2
Reference standards NFC 15 100; IEC 60 634-1

Connection diagram
1 channel 2 channels

L/+ L
N/- N

1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7

2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/35 Application sheets ....................... pag. 11/15

6/68 ABB
System Selection tables TWA
pro M compact Command devices

TWA twilight switches


TWA-1 TWA-2 Keys

menu : selection of operating mode.
auto : mode of running according to the program selected.
prog : new for programming mode.
prog : modif to modify an existing program.
: checking of the program.
: modification of time, date and selection of
the winter/summer timechange mode
+ + : astronomical mode.
C1 C2
: indicates that the channel is in astronomical mode.

enter menu enter menu

2 + and - : navigation or setting of values.
- (TWA-1)
4 3 1 C1 , C2 (TWA-2) : in auto mode, selection of overrides,
or waivers.

enter : to validate flashing information on display.

DT-VK : to return to the previous step.

Programming example 6
Ex: Rome Longitude North
Latitude North


Lo Longitude 12° EAST


enwich merid

La Latitude 41° NORTH T

UDT +1 Universal Date

WEST 180o Equator
Time = +1 hour 0o



T = Longitude 60o East 90o T = Latitude 45o North

South South

165 150 13 5 1 20 10 5 90 75 60 45 30 15 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180

-11 - 10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 + 10 + 11 + 12 - 12 - 11



Qaanaaq LAND
Greenland Kara Sea
-6 -4 0 Sea Laptev Sea NEW SIBERIAN ISLANDS
75 +3 75
Baffin (DENMARK) Barents Sea NOVAYA
-1 ZEMLYA East Siberian Sea
Beaufort Sea Bay -3 Wrangel
Itseqqortoomiit Jan Mayen Island
-7 (Scoresbysund)

-5 Norwegian Chukchi
Repulse Bay
U.S. Davis +11
-6 Iqaluit Denmark ICELAND 0 +9 + 12
-9 Dawson
(Frobisher Bay) Strait
Nuuk (Godthåb) Strait SWEDEN
R U S S I A Yakutsk
Anchorage NORWAY +5 + 10 -9
Hudson St. Petersburg +7 Magadan
60 60
Bay EST. +3 +4
C A N A D A Labrador
Bering Sea
Moscow Omsk
Edmonton Sea RUS. Sea
+4 Lake Baikal of
Samara Petropavlovsk- U.S. - 10
POLAND Astana Okhotsk Kamchatskiy
Island of London GERMANY A LE
Winnipeg Newfoundland BEL. Sakhalin I S L AN
- 31/2 Paris SLOV..
+6 LA
Québec AUS.
St. Pierre ROMANIA occupied by the SOVIET UNION in 1945
45 45
International Date Line

Toronto and Miquelon administered by RUSSIA, claimed by JAPAN

ITALY Black Sea

NORTH Denver
New York
Rome ALB.

Beijing NORTH Sea of NORTH
Los Angeles Dallas ISLANDS Mediterranean Sea LEB. AFGHANISTAN
IRAQ I R A N + 41/2
JORDAN + 31/2 +5
+8 Shanghai
30 Cairo 30
Gulf of THE Western EGYPT
Eastward across Date Line
SAUDI Kolkata (Calcutta)
U.S.. MEXICO CUBA ARABIA INDIA BURMA Hong Kong S.A.R. subtract 24 hours Johnston
OMAN + 6 1/2 LAOS Macau S.A.R
Philippine Atoll
+3 +4 Mumbai + 5 1/2 Northern
CAPE VERDE (Bombay) Sea Mariana + 10 Westward across Date Line
NIGER Arabian Bay of Islands -10
Manila 15
+ 51/2 South China
French Guiana

Gulf of Guinea Kisangani UGANDA KIRIBATI


Manaus Annobon DEM. REP. RAWAKI



British Indian
Ocean Territory PAPUA
- 12 -4 Ascension (St. Helena) (U.K.)
(French Polynesia)
PERU Cocos
(Keeling) Islands
Cook Islands
MALAWI + 61/2


BOLIVIA Brasilia St. Helena


F r e n c h P o l y n e s i a OCEAN SOUTH (St. Helena)

Coral Sea
Pitcairn Islands São Paulo BOTSWANA MADAGASCAR Reunion INDIAN Alice Springs Caledonia

Easter Island St. Helena +3 OCEAN AUSTRALIA Norffolk Island

International Date Line

Buenos Aires
Great Australian + 10
(St. Helena) Bight
CHILE Tasman
Gough Island
Scale 1:85,000,000 at 0o (St. Helena) Sea NEW
r Southern and Antarctic Lands Tasmania ZEALAND
Miller Cylindrical Projection (FRANCE)
45 0 500 1000 Kilometers CHATHAM 45
r. S and Ant. Lands)
0 500 1000 Miles
Falkland Islands
(Islas Malvinas)
(administered by U.K. (Fr.
r. S and Ant. Lands)
claimed by ARGENTINA) South Georgia and the
South Sandwich Islands
(administered by U.K.
claimed by ARGENTINA)
Universal DayTime (UDT)

-11 - 10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 + 10 + 11 + 12 - 12 -11

WEST Subtract time zone number from UDT to obtain local time. Add time zone number to UDT yo obtain local time EAST

ABB 6/69
System Selection tables THS
pro M compact Command devices

THS modular thermostats

THS modular thermostats

The THS series modular thermostats are suited for a wide array of refrigeration and heating ap-
plications. The THS-C and THS-W models, both with a potential-free switching contact, are ideal
for controlling temperature in heating systems, industrial settings or difficult-to-access locations,
as well as for temperature regulation in refrigeration systems, refrigerated counters, greenhouses,
dryers, etc....
The THS-S model, with two independent potential-free contacts, allows regulation of cooling between
+20 and +60 °C and anti-condensation between 0 and +10 °C. The THS-S thermostat is supplied

with remote sensor and is ideal for temperature control of electrical cabinets.

Temperature Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
°C Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
-20…+40 THS-C 2CSM251163R1380 511632 1
0…+60 THS-W 2CSM207083R1380 070832 1
*+20…+60 / 0…+10 THS-S 2CSM236803R1380 368038 1
* cooling / anticondensation

Temperature sensors for THS-C and THS-W thermostats

The remote sensors (supplied separately) are used in conjunction with the THS-C and THS-W
series thermostats to detect temperature overshoot or undershoot from the programmed setpoint.
The THS-1 and THS-4 models work in a temperature range between -30 °C and +100 °C and are
respectively 1.5 and 4 metres long.

6 Length Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
m Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
1.5 THS-1 2CSM202033R1380 020332 0.035 1
4 THS-4 2CSM277603R1380 776031 0.035 1

Technical features
Rated voltage [V] 230 AC
Type of contact 1NO change-over 2NO
Contact capacity
ohmic load [A] 16
inductive load cosJ 0.6 [A] 3
Frequency [Hz] 50-60
Number of temperature setpoints 1 continuously adjustable 2 continuously adjustable
Adjustment range see product data see product table
Max switching power [VA] 3500
Differential [°C] fixed $t = 2 fixed $t = 1
Thermal gradient 1 °K / 15 minutes
Type of operation ON / OFF fixed differential
Max cable section at terminals [mm2] 2.5
Protection degree IP20
Relay ON/OFF indication LED indicator
Temperature tolerance [°C] ± 0.5 ±1
T limits in operation [°C] 0 ÷ + 50 0 ÷ + 70
Storage temperature [°C] -10 +60 -10 +70
Type of installation DIN rail
Case / color thermoplastic / grey RAL 7035
Power consumption [VA] 2-3
Application type services / industrial
Programming graduated scale with mechanical pointer

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/36

6/70 ABB
System Selection tables THS
pro M compact Command devices

THS modular thermostats

Connection diagram


Heating Cooling

230 V~ 230 V~ 230 V~

1 3 5 L N L 3 5 L N 1 3 5 L N

2 4
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 6 8 10

Controls and indicators 6

Yellow LED:
“Sensor short-circuit indication”
on = sensor short-circuited

green LED:
“Load state indication”
on = load connected

Temperature regulation knob 30 50
(scale differs depending
on the model) 20 60

Green LED: cooling
load state indication
on = connected device active 40 oC
30 50
Cooling temperature setpoint knob
Green LED: heating 20 60 Adjustment range: +20oC to +60oC
load state indication
on = connected device active
4 6 oC
2 8 Heating temperature setpoint knob
Adjustment range: 0oC to +10oC
0 10

ABB 6/71
System Selection tables THS
pro M compact Command devices

THS modular thermostats

Mode of operation

The modular thermostats of the THS-C and THS-W oC

series function by differential temperature regulation
as shown in the figure.
The thermostat closes contact 3 if the system Differential
requires heating (or closes contact 1 if the system
requires cooling) and keeps the contact closed until
the setpoint temperature is attained; it then opens
the contact and waits until the differential is exceeded
before reclosing the contact again.
Sensor installation
The brass sensor, encapsulated in silicone rubber,
is waterproof and resistant to high temperatures
(130 °C); it can have a maximum length of 100 m.

Mode of operation
The THS-S series modular thermostat activates: Panel temp.

- The fan when the temperature in the panel exce-

Set: tMax
eds the maximum setpoint programmed with the $t = 2 oC

- The heating device when the panel temperature

Set: tMin
falls below the minimum setpoint programmed with $t = 2 oC
the knob.

Sensor installation Time

The brass sensor, encapsulated in silicone rubber,
is waterproof and resistant to high temperatures
Cooling ON ON
(130 °C); it can have a maximum length of 100 m.

Heating ON ON

6/72 ABB
System Selection tables ATT
pro M compact Command devices

ATT GSM modules

ATT GSM modules

The ATT modules are GSM telephone actuators for remotely controlling electrical loads over the
mobile phone network, which answer the installation requirements of a variety of application settings.
In particular, the ATT-22 version consists of a control module with 2 outputs and 2 inputs for resi-
dential, services-sector and industrial installations, while the ATT-81 alarm module, with 8 inputs and
one output, is suitable for status and alarm monitoring in industrial and services-sector installations.

Instructions and alarms can be sent via SMS message, free phone call ring, fax or e-mail according
to need. Configuration can be accomplished by SMS messages or using the ATT-Tool software.
All the ATT modules are supplied with backup lithium battery, ATT-Tool programming software and
PC connecting cable. In addition, the ATT-22E and ATT-81E models are equipped with a pre-wired
external antenna – essential if the module is installed in locations that do not assure adequate GSM
coverage, such as cellars, enclosed metal structures, etc.
The modules can be supplied with an ABB type TS 25/12-24 C modular transformer and are com-
patible with the GSM SIM cards of all mobile telephone operators.

Inputs Outputs Order Price Price Weight Pack

details 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code ABB code Order code kg pc.
2 analog or digital 2 NO ATT-22 2CSM322000R1371 M429449 0.200 1
8 digital 1 NO ATT-81 2CSM381000R1371 M429450 0.200 1
2 analog or digital 2 NO ATT-22E 2CSM208345R1371 M208345 0.200 1
8 digital 1 NO ATT-81E 2CSM208355R1371 M208355 0.200 1

Technical characteristics
GSM module Dual band EGSM900 and GSM1800 for data,
sms, fax and voice applications. Full Type Approved
conforming to ETSI GSM Phase 2+
Output power Class 4 (2 W@900 MHz )
Class 1 (1 W@1800 MHz )
Commands sent by SMS, call rings, DTMF tones, GPRS connection
Incoming alarms SMS, call rings, e-mail, fax
Inputs digital self-powered max. 20 V d.c., 2 mA
analog (only ATT-22) input voltage 0...10 V
input impedance < 10 Kohm / 100 nF
sampling rate 90 Ksps/sec
Outputs relay NO 4 A 250 V a.c. - max 2500 VA
minimum load 100 mA, 12 V
GSM indicator LED OFF device not supplied
STEADY ON device under power not connected to mobile
network, SIM pin code missing or incorrect
SLOW BLINK device under power, connected to mobile network
FAST BLINK communication in progress
Power supply [V] 12 ±10% a.c. /d.c.
Power consumption when transmitting [W] 2.5
in stand-by [W] 0.4
Terminal section 2.5 mm2
Temperature ambient [°C] -20...55
storage [°C] -30...85
Relative humidity ambient 5...95% non condensing
storage 5...95% only external condensation
Modules 4
Protection degree IP40

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/135 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/36 Application sheets ....................... pag. 11/16

ABB 6/73
System Selection tables ATT
pro M compact Command devices

ATT GSM modules

A: Power supply input A: Power supply input

2x2.5 mm2 (AWG14) 2x2.5 mm2(AWG14)
6 B: Input and output terminals
14x2.5 mm2 (AWG14)
B: Input and output terminals
14x2.5 mm2 (AWG14)
C: Red LED, input status indicator C: Red LED, input status indicator
D: Green LED, output status indicator D: Green LED, output status indicator
X: External antenna (type ATT22-E) X: External antenna (type ATT-81E)
RG174 + FME male jack RG174 + FME male jack
S: GSM indicator LED S: GSM indicator LED

6/74 ABB
System Selection tables CL
pro M compact Command devices

Logic relays, display system

CL range logic relays are suitable for small and medium-sized
control tasks and are able to substitute logic wiring in a quick
and simple manner.
They can be used for applications in control as well as for timing
functions, e. g.
- in buildings, lighting systems, air-conditioning systems,
general control functions,
- in small machines and systems or
- as stand-alone control module for small applications.

Steps to the application of CL range

- CL range can be used easily, rapidly and comfortably without
any time-consuming planning and programming.
- The user can discover the advantages and the benefit of
these logic relays in no time at all.
Technical Data overview - CL range provides for the control statements according to a
Logic relays simple circuit diagram.
- 8 or 12 digital inputs - Setup, storage, simulation and documentation are performed
- 4 or 6 digital relay outputs using the compact and user-friendly CL-SOFT software
- optionally with 4 or 8 transistor outputs (CL-LAS.PS002).
- 128 rungs
- 3 contacts as n/o or n/c contacts in series plus 1 coil per rung Software characteristics (CL-SOFT)
- optionally with 2 or 4 analog inputs - display on a PC monitor according to IEC, ANSI
(not 100-240 V AC version)
- power flow display for checking the circuit diagram (devices
- up to 10 languages to choose from
- easy installation on all Microsoft WindowsTM operating systems
with display)
- expansions for local or remote level
- enclosure color RAL 7035 Logic links instead of wiring
- DIN rail mounting
S1 K1 S4 S6

Display system
- useable as compact HMI logic relay
1SVC 110 000 F 0554

- fully graphic, backlit display module T1
- 12 digital inputs
- 4 digital relay outputs K1 K2 T1

- optionally with 4 transistor outputs

- 265 rungs
- 4 contacts as n/o or n/c contacts in series plus 1 coil per rung
- optionally with 4 analog inputs (not 100-240 V AC version) Further Documentation
- networking-compatible via CL-NET (download from the internet:
- front panel mounting
- expansion for local - Control Products
- Electronic Relays and Controls)
Remote display
- Remote display up to a distance of 5 m Technical catalogue
- Illustration of text and status displays Electronic Products
- Remote adjustment via keypad and Relays 2CDC 110 004 C0205
- Front panel mounting
Software Logic relay manual 1SVC 440 795 M0100
- 16 timing relays 0.01-99:59 h Remote display manual 1SVC 440 795 M2100
- 16 counting relays for up-, down counting Display system manual 1SVC 440 795 M1100
- 8 weekly timer, 8 annual timers
- 16 analog value comparators
- 16 freely editable text display
- 32 markers or auxiliary relays

ABB 6/75
System Selection tables CL
pro M compact Command devices

Logic relays, display system

System overview

Logic relays Display system Compact HMI logic relay

Power ...
2 4
10 4
1a 1b

2CDC 312 025 F0b06

5 3
1 2
4 1
6, 8b 6, 8b 6

5 5
1 Display module CL-LDD..
8a 2 Display base module CL-LDC.LN..
9 3 Display I/O module CL-LDR.., CL-LDT..
2CDC 312 036 F0b07

4 Termination resistor CL-LAD.TK009

5 I/O expansion CL-LER.., CL-LET..
6 Coupler unit CL-LEC.. for remote expansion
8b 7 Memory module CL-LAD.MD004 for display base module
8 Connecting cable CL-LAD.TK002, CL-LAD.TK003, CL-LAD.TK004
9 Connecting cable CL-LAD.TK001, CL-LAD.TK011 to connect PC
6 10

CL-LINK plug CL-LAS.TK011 for expansion of logic relays CL-LM..
e.g. door of switchgear cabinet
1a Logic relay CL-LS..
1b Logic relay CL-LM..
2 Power supply CL-LAS.SD00...
3 I/O expansion CL-LER.., CL-LET.. for logic relays CL-LM..
Stand alone with I/O module
4 Coupler unit CL-LEC.. for remote expansion of logic relays CL-LM..
5 Memory module CL-LAS.MD003
for logic relays CL-LS.., CL-LM.. 2 1 Display CL-LDD..
6 Connecting cable CL-LAS.TK001, CL-LAS.TK002 to connect PC 1 2 Remote display connection module
2CDC 312 027 F0b06

7 CL-LINK plug CL-LAS.TK011 to connect expansion to logic relays CL-LM.. CL-LDC.S.. incl. connecting cable
8a Remote display connection module CL-LDC.S.. 3 Display base module CL-LDC.L..
8b Connecting cable CL-LAD.TK007 to connect a remote displays to a logic relay
9 Display module CL-LDD.. 3

Expansion of logic relays Communication via CL-NET

1 5 5
5 4
2CDC 312 026 F0b06

3 2b
2CDC 312 037 F0b07

3 3
2 2
2a 1 1

1 Logic relay CL-LM.. 1 Display CL-LDD..

2 I/O expansion CL-LER.., CL-LET.. 2 Display base module CL-LDC.LN.. for CL-NET
2a local expansion 3 Display I/O module CL-LDR.., CL-LDT..
2b remote expansion
4 Connecting cable CL-LAD.TK002, CL-LAD.TK003, CL-LAD.TK004
3 Coupler unit CL-LEC.. for remote expansion of logic relays CL-LM..
4 CL-LINK plug CL-LAS.TK011for expansion of logic relays CL-LM.. 5 Termination resistor CL-LAD.TK009
5 up to 30 m

6/76 ABB
System Selection tables CL
pro M compact Command devices

Logic relays

Display + Keypad
2CDC 311 034 F0b06

Rated Pack. Price Weight

operational unit 1 piece 1 piece
Type voltage Order code pieces kg/lb

Logic relays – 8 inputs, 4 relay outputs

CL-LSR.C12AC1 6!# s s 3622  

CL-LSR.CX12AC1 6!# s 3622  
CL-LSR.12AC2  6!# s 3622  
2CDC 311 033 F0b06

CL-LSR.C12AC2  6!# s s 3622  

CL-LSR.CX12AC2  6!# s 3622  
CL-LSR.C12DC1 6$# s s 3622  
CL-LSR.CX12DC1 6$# s 3622  
CL-LSR.12DC2 6$# s 3622  
CL-LSR.C12DC2 6$# s s 3622  
CL-LSR.CX12DC2 6$# s 3622  

Logic relays – 8 inputs, 4 transistor outputs

CL-LST.C12DC2 6$# s s 3622  
2CDC 311 036 F0b06

CL-LST.CX12DC2 6$# s 3622  

Logic relays – 12 inputs, 6 relay outputs

CL-LMR.C18AC1 6!# s s s 3622  
CL-LMR.CX18AC1 6!# s s 3622  
CL-LMR.C18AC2  6!# s s s 3622  
CL-LMR.CX18AC2  6!# s s 3622  
CL-LMR.C18DC1 6$# s s s 3622  
CL-LMR.CX18DC1 6$# s s 3622  
2CDC 311 035 F0b06

CL-LMR.C18DC2 6$# s s s 3622  

CL-LMR.CX18DC2 6$# s s 3622  

Logic relays – 12 inputs, 8 transistor outputs

CL-LMT.C20DC2 6$# s s s 3622  

CL-LMT.CX20DC2 6$# s s 3622  

2CDC 311 037 F0b06

Rated Pack. Price Weight

operational unit 1 piece 1 piece
Type voltage Order code pieces kg/lb

Expansion – 2 relays outputs

CL-LER.2O - 1SVR 440 709 R5000 1 0.07/0.15

Expansions – 12 inputs, 6 relay outputs

CL-LER.18AC2 100-240 V AC 1SVR 440 723 R0000 1 0.26/0.57
2CDC 311 038 F0b06

CL-LER.18DC2 24 V DC 1SVR 440 721 R0000 1 0.22/0.49

Expansion - 12 inputs, 8 transistor outputs

CL-LET.20DC2 24 V DC 1SVR 440 721 R1000 1 0.21/0.46

Coupler unit for remote expansion with a distance of up to 30 m

CL-LEC CL-LEC.CI000 - 1SVR 440 709 R0000 1 0.07/0.15

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/37

ABB 6/77
System Selection tables CL
pro M compact Command devices

Accessories for logic relays

Pack. Price Weight

unit 1 piece 1 piece
2CDC 311 012 F0b07

Type Description Order code pieces kg/lb

Software CL-SOFT for programming and control of CL range devices

CL-LAS.PS002 Installation CD-ROM 1SVR 440 799 R8000 1 0.10/0.21
for Microsoft WindowsTM

Memory module for logic relays

CL-LAS.MD003 Memory size: 32 kB 1SVR 440 799 R7000 1 0.02/0.04
Connecting cable with serial interface to connect PC and logic relay
CL-LAS.TK001 Length: 2 m 1SVR 440 799 R6000 1 0.10/0.22
2CDC 311 013 F0b07

Connecting cable with USB interface to connect PC and logic relay

CL-LAS.TK002 Length: 1SVR 440 799 R6100 1

CL-LAS.MD003 Connecting cable for point-to-point connection of remote-display connection module

and logic relay
2CDC 311 014 F0b07

CL-LAD.TK007 Length: 5 m, adaptable 1SVR 440 899 R6600 1 0.20/0.44

6 Fixing brackets for screw mounting of logic relay, expansion, display base module

CL-LAS.FD001 content: 9 fixing brackets 1SVR 440 799 R5000 1 0.01/0.01

CL-LAS.TK001 Connecting plug CL-LINK for connection of logic relay to expansion

CL-LAS.TK011 CL-LINK 1SVR 440 799 R5100 1 0.10/0.22

2CDC 311 031 F0b07


Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/37

6/78 ABB
System Selection tables CL
pro M compact Command devices

Accessories for logic relays

Pack. Price Weight

Rated input Rated output unit 1 piece 1 piece
Type voltage voltage/current Order code pieces kg/lb

Input-/ output simulator with wall power supply, fits to CL-LSR and CL-LST
2CDC 311 016 F0b07

CL-LAS.TD001 100-240 V AC 24 V DC 1SVR 440 793 R0000 1 0.19/0.43

Primary switch mode power supplies

CL-LAS.SD001 100-240 V AC 24 V DC / 0.35 A 1SVR 440 703 R0000 1 0.10/0.22
12 V DC / 20 mA
CL-LAS.SD002 100-240 V AC 24 V DC / 1.25 A 1SVR 440 713 R0000 1 0.20/0.44

Pack. Price Weight

CL-LAS.SD.. unit 1 piece 1 piece
Type Rated operational voltage Order code pieces kg/lb
2CDC 311 017 F0b07

Graphic display modules 132 x 64 pixel

CL-LDD.XK without keyboard 1SVR 440 839 R4500 1 0.14/0.30
CL-LDD.K with keyboard 1SVR 440 839 R4400 1 0.13/0.29

Remote display connection modules to displace the display from the logic relay,
incl. connecting cable CL-LAD.TK007, 5 m, length adaptable
CL-LDC.SDC2 24 V DC 1SVR 440 841 R0000 1 0.16/0.36
CL-LDC.SAC2 100-240 V AC 1SVR 440 843 R0000 1 0.16/0.36

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/37

ABB 6/79
System Selection tables CL
pro M compact Command devices

Display system

Pack. Price Weight

unit 1 piece 1 piece
2CDC 311 028 F0b06

Type Rated operational voltage Order code pieces kg/lb

Grafic Display modules 132 x 64 pixel

CL-LDD.XK without keyboard 1SVR 440 839 R4500 1 0.14/0.30
CL-LDD.K with keyboard 1SVR 440 839 R4400 1 0.13/0.29

Display base modules - CPU / power supply

CL-LDC.LDC2 24 V DC 1SVR 440 821 R0000 1 0.16/0.36
CL-LDC.LAC2 100-240 V AC 1SVR 440 823 R0000 1 0.16/0.36

CL-LDD.K Display base modules - CPU / power supply, networking-compatible (CL-NET)

2CDC 311 031 F0b06

CL-LDC.LNDC2 24 V DC 1SVR 440 821 R1000 1 0.17/0.38

CL-LDC.LNAC2 100-240 V AC 1SVR 440 823 R1000 1 0.17/0.38

Display I/O modules - 8 inputs, 4 relay outputs

CL-LDR.16AC2 100-240 V AC 1SVR 440 853 R0000 1 0.17/0.38
CL-LDR.16DC2 24 V DC 1SVR 440 851 R0000 1 0.17/0.38

Display I/O modules - 8 inputs, 4 relay outputs, 1 analog output

6 CL-LDC.LN.. CL-LDR.17DC2 24 V DC 1SVR 440 851 R2000 1 0.17/0.38

Display I/O module - 8 inputs, 4 transistor outputs

2CDC 311 032 F0b06

CL-LDT.16DC2 24 V DC 1SVR 440 851 R1000 1 0.14/0.30

Display I/O module - 8 inputs, 4 transistor outputs, 1 analog output

CL-LDT.17DC2 24 V DC 1SVR 440 851 R3000 1 0.14/0.30


Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/37

6/80 ABB
System Selection tables CL
pro M compact Command devices

Accessories for display system

Pack. Price Weight

unit 1 piece 1 piece
2CDC 311 018 F0b07

Type Description Order code pieces kg/lb

Memory module for display base modules

CL-LAD.MD004 Memory size: 256 kB 1SVR 440 899 R7000 1 0.02/0.03

Connecting cable with serial interface to connect PC and display base module
CL-LAD.TK001 Length: 2 m 1SVR 440 899 R6000 1 0.11/0.23

Connecting cable with USB interface to connect PC and display base module

CL-LAD.MD004 CL-LAD.TK011 Length: 1SVR 440 899 R6700 1

Network cable (CL-NET) to connect 2 display base modules

2CDC 311 021 F0b07

CL-LAD.TK002 Length: 0.3 m 1SVR 440 899 R6100 1 0.05/0.12

CL-LAD.TK003 Length: 0.8 m 1SVR 440 899 R6200 1 0.07/0.14
CL-LAD.TK004 Length: 1.5 m 1SVR 440 899 R6300 1 0.08/0.18

Connecting cable for point-to-point connection of remote display connection modules

and display base module
CL-LAD.TK005 Length: 5 m, adaptable 1SVR 440 899 R6400 1 0.20/0.44
Connecting cable for point-to-point connection of 2 display base modules, length adaptable 6
CL-LAD.TK006 Length: 5 m 1SVR 440 899 R6500 1 0.12/0.26

Termination resistor
CL-LAD.TK009 content: 2 pieces 1SVR 440 899 R6900 1 0.01/0.02

Protective covers, transparent

CL-LAD.FD001 for harsh environmental 1SVR 440 899 R1000 1 0.03/0.07
conditions and application in
the food industry
CL-LAD.FD011 sealable 1SVR 440 899 R2000 1 0.03/0.07

Assembly tool for mounting of display modules

CL-LAD.FD002 - 1SVR 440 899 R3000 1

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/37

ABB 6/81
Modular devices in the
load management devices
category react automatically
to variations of parameters
and other events in the
system to allow plant
- E 450 priority switches: the
priority switch disconnects
the long-term load as long
as the short-term consumer
is switched on.
- RAL overload relays:
they monitor the power
consumption in the system
and signals if the threshold
value is reached
- LSS1/2 load shedding
switch: it switches off a
maximum of two non-
prioritary loads when the
preset threshold of power
consumption is exceeded
- SQZ3 phase and sequence
relay: it performs the
continue monitoring in
three-phases networks for
the phase sequence, phase
failure, minimum voltage.
- E 236 undervoltage
monitoring relays
8 control the three-phase
undervoltage (each phase
to neutral) of switchgear.


Other modular devices
Load management devices


Selection tables
E 450 priority switches .......................................................................................................... 7/2
RAL overload relays .............................................................................................................. 7/3
LSS1/2 load shedding switch................................................................................................ 7/5
E 235 mains disconnection relays ......................................................................................... 7/6
SQZ3 phase and sequence relay .......................................................................................... 7/7
RH/RL Maximum and minimum current/voltage relays ........................................................ 7/8
E 236 undervoltage monitoring relays ................................................................................. 7/10
LEE 230 extractable power failure signalling lamp.............................................................. 7/11

ABB 7/1
System Selection tables E 450
pro M compact Load management devices

E 450 priority switches

E 450 priority switches

The priority switch is used in wiring systems where existing lead cross sections or the size of the
power supply service box do not allow for simultaneous operation of two powerful loads (e.g. storage
heating and flow-type heater).
The priority switch disconnects the long-term load (storage heating) for as long as the short-term
consumer (flow-type heater) is switched on.
The coil of the priority switch is connected in series to the short-term load. When this load is switched
on, the NC contact of the priority switch disconnects e.g. the heating system contactor.

Rated Power Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

current loss details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
W Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

For pneumatically controlled flow-type heaters

6,7 ... 39 A 2.4 E 451- 5.7 A 2CDE160000R0901 41590 3 0.1 10

For electronically controlled flow-type heaters

6.7 ... 39 A 2.4 E 452-5.7 A 2CDE160010R0901 20950 2 0.1 10

SK 0078 Z 00

Technical characteristics E 451-5.7 E 452-5.7
Operating coil
Range of rated current 6.7 … 39 A
equivalent to 1.5 … 9 kW at 230 V, 4.6 … 27 kW at 230/400 V
Threshold current 3.1 … 5.3 A
OFF delay (max.) 0 main half waves 2 main half waves
Max. continuous current 43 A
Therm. continuous capacity
at 40 °C/104 °F 5W

Contact assembly
Control contact 1 NC contact
Rated contact current at 250 V 1A
Contact material solid silver
Max. switching voltage 400 V
Max. switching capacity 230 VA
Max. switched current 1A
Max. inrush current peak 5A
Electr. service life > 105 operations
Mechanical service life ca. 2 x 106 operations
Max. electrical switching rate ca. 1800 operations/hour
ON duration 100 %
Ambient temperature – 20 °C/– 4 °F to + 40 °C/104 °F
Response time 10 … 20 ms
Release time 5 … 20 ms r 20 ms
Test voltage contact/coil 2.5 kV
Clearance and creepage distance C/250 V AC cording to IEC 669-1-23
Degree of protection IP 40
Protection against electric shock according to DIN VDE 0106 Part 100 (BGV A2)
Terminal contact series coil up to 16 mm2, control contact up to 2.5 mm2

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/38

7/2 ABB
System Selection tables RAL
pro M compact Load management devices

RAL overload relays

RAL overload relays

Installed downstream of the main circuit-breaker in a single-phase system, they constantly compare
the actual power consumption to the preset threshold. An acoustic alarm alerts that some applian-
ces must be switched off to avoid tripping the main circuit-breaker whenever the preset threshold is
exceeded. The device calibration is 3 kW.

RAL built in relay output contact allows the following functions to be implemented:
a) remote signalling (acoustic or lighting)
b) opening a divisional circuit-breaker to disable a non essential electrical appliance.
Function b) allows one or more appliances to be automatically switched off in order to keep the
power consumption within the preset limit and avoid unwanted tripping of the current-limiting device
installed outside the home (e.g. in the basement). RAL must be reset manually.

Adjustable Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

range details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
kW Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
0/3 RAL 3 2CSM111200R1301 400509 0.200 1
0/6 RAL 6 2CSM121200R1301 400608 0.200 1

Technical characteristics RAL3 RAL6

Rated voltage Un
Rated current In
[A] 18.3
a.c. 230
27.5 7
Rated contact capacity In [A] 12 cosJ=1; 4 cosJ=0.8
Rated frequency [Hz] 50
Adjustment ranges [A] 0 ...18.3 0…27.5
Power consumption [W] 10
Modules [No.] 2
Intervention delay instantaneous

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/38 Application sheets ....................... pag. 11/18

ABB 7/3
System Selection tables RAL
pro M compact Load management devices

RAL overload relays

Acoustic warning

230 V~
3 kW max for RAL 3
L 6 kW max for RAL 6

RAL overload relay

cannot be connected
to a contactor.

5 6 7 8

Load release

230 V a.c.

Main circuit

7 5 6 8
Shunt trip
RAL (230 V a.c.)
in case of
1 2 3

Lights Dedicated

7/4 ABB
System Selection tables LSS1/2
pro M compact Load management devices

LSS1/2 load shedding switch

LSS1/2 load shedding switch

Installed downstream of the main circuit-breaker, it compares the actual power consum-
ption of the system to a preset maximum permitted value, and prevents tripping of the
main circuit-breaker by sequentially switching off a maximum of two non-prioritary loads
(NPL1 and NPL2) when the preset threshold is exceeded. A green LED indicates the pre-
sence of the supply voltage, and two red LEDs indicate the load OFF conditions. At preset
time intervals, the device automatically attempts to reconnect the previously disabled loads.

Note: In unbalanced threephase systems same function of LSS1/2 can be implemented via DMTME
multimeters. Digital outputs of the multimeter can be set to trip with an user defined delay to switch
off - by means of external contactors - non prioritary loads of arbitrary consumption. See for details
page 10/142.

Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
LSS1/2 2CSM112500R1311 274407 0.400 1

Technical characteristics
Rated voltage Un [V] a.c. 230
Rated capacity In [A] 90
Rated contact capacity In [A] 16 each
NPL1 and NPL2 (terminals 12 and 14)
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Regulating thresholds [A] 5...30

Load reinsertion delay

5-7 min. (NPL1); 4-5, 50 min. (NPL2)
Load disinsertion delay about 2 sec.
Indicators 1 green LED = supply voltage available
2 red LEDs = loads switched off
Load OFF remote signalling [A] 1 (terminals 11 and 13)
Terminals Primary load 35 mm2
Non prioritary loads 10 mm2
Power consumption [W] 5
Modules [No.] 5

Single-phase wiring diagram Balanced three-phase wiring diagram

N 230V~ L Auxiliary Auxiliary L1
forced NPL1 remote
and NPL2
switch off
signalling L2

380 V

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 220 V

E Le1 Le2

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16


- The device must be inserted into the network downstream of the main circuit breaker
- PL= Primary Load
- NPL= Non Prioritary Load

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/38 Application sheets ....................... pag. 11/19

ABB 7/5
System Selection tables E 235
pro M compact Load management devices

E 235 mains disconnection relays

E 235 mains disconnection relays - Bioswitch

Constant exposure of electrical interference fields originating from live conductors - as is the case
e.g. in bedrooms - may impair the well-being of people, experts say.
With the extra base load adapter E235-GLA, the mains disconnection relays can be switched on

For the permanent installation of loads that switch on independently of the supply voltage, such as
fluorescent lamps, a E235-GLE PTC base load element is available.

Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
mains disconnection relay E 235-NFS 2CDE110000R1701 571821 0.065 1
base load element E 235-GLE 2CDE100500R1711 571814 0.001 1

base load adapter E 235-GLA 2CDE100510R1711 571869 0.070 1

Wiring diagram

2CDC 052 107 F0003

2CDC 052 106 F0003

use with dim-

NO contact)

Technical features
Short circuit rupturing capacity 16 A/230 V a.c.
Rated frequency 50/60 Hz
Range of control voltage 0.9 to 1.1 Un
Load of filament lamps 2300 W
Fluorescent lamp load:
twin lamp circuit 100 W
shunt compensated 56 W
electronic ballast max. 36 W, dependent on manufacturer
Induce load 6 A cosJ = 0.6
Max. switching capacity (cosJ 0.5) 3500 VA
Intrinsic consumption ca. 1W
Control voltage 5 V a.c.
Adjustable making capacity 2 - 15 VA
Breaking capacity 0.66 x making capacity
ON delay 50 ms
OFF delay ca. 3 sec.
Contact assembly 1 NO contact
Service life at rated load > 100000 switching cycles
Ambient temperature - 10 °C/14 °F to +45 °C/113 °F
Connection capacity (clamping terminal) max 2.5 mm2

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/39

7/6 ABB
System Selection tables SQZ3
pro M compact Load management devices

SQZ3 phase and sequence relay

SQZ3 phase and sequence relay

SQZ3 relay performs the following continue monitoring functions on three-phase networks at
400 V a.c.:
- phase sequence
- phase failure
- minimum voltage (adjustable up to 70% of Vn).
If one of the three failures is detected, the output relay (safety switching contact) intervenes with a
delay adjustable from 2 to 20 seconds for minimum voltage only and controls the following:
- acoustic alarms
- motor controlling contactors
- circuit-breakers with coils.

Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
SQZ3 2CSM111310R1331 372004 0.300 1

Wiring diagram



L3 7
circuit breaker

7 8 9 10 11 12


70% 100%

OK Phases Sequence Min Voltage

400V 50Hz

OK Three phases

2 20

OK Min Voltage Delay (s)

1 2 3 4 5 6


Output Three-phase
contact 10 A 250 V motor

Technical features
Supply voltage [Vn] 400 V a.c.
Frequency [Hz] 50/60
Contact type [A] 1 CO, 250 V, 10 A (cosJ=1) safety switching
Minimum voltage adjustment trimmer [%] 100 to 70% of Vn
Intervention delay adjustment trimmer [s] 2 to 20 (only for min. voltage)
Protection degree [IP] 20
Operating temperature [°C] -10…+55
Power consumption [W] 1.5
Modules [No.] 3

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/39 Application sheets ....................... pag. 11/20

ABB 7/7
System Selection tables RH/RL
pro M compact Load management devices

Maximum and minimum current/voltage relays

Maximum and minimum current/voltage relays

These relays are used for monitoring current and voltage on single-phase electrical networks, to
ensure perfect protection of the devices installed on the system.
The range includes:
s maximum current (RHI) and maximum voltage (RHV) relays. The control relay remains on as
long as the measured quantity stays below the preset threshold value.
s minimum current (RLI) and minimum voltage (RLV) relays. The control relay remains on as long
as the measured quantity stays above a preset threshold value.
Both types of relays have trimmers for adjusting the switch-off delay and the hysteresis (from 1 to
The 100 V and 5 A relay inputs allow indirect connection of external CTs and VTs for monitoring
voltage and current values exceeding the maximum device scale

Type Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
maximum current relay RHI 2CSM121310R1321 334309 0.300 1
maximum voltage relay RHV 2CSM111310R1321 334101 0.300 1
minimum current relay RLI 2CSM122310R1321 334200 0.300 1
minimum voltage relay RLV 2CSM112310R1321 334002 0.300 1

Technical characteristics
Rated voltage Un [V] a.c. 230
Contact type 1 CO, 250 V, 16 A
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Current relay alarm thresholds [A] 2, 5, 10
Voltage relay alarm thresholds [V] 100, 300, 500
Adj. calibration of In and Vn% [%] 30...100
Adjustable hysteresis value [%] 1...45
Time delay [s] 1...30
Power consumption [W] 2
Modules [No.] 3
Control relay alarm indication red LED on = alarm
Power supply lighting indication green LED on = ON
Alarm indication blinking green LED = alarm

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/39

7/8 ABB
System Selection tables RH/RL
pro M compact Load management devices

Maximum and minimum current/voltage relays

C 2A C 100V
5A 300V
10A 500V

7 8 9 10 11 12
7 8 9 10 11 12

40 45 RHV 40 45
RHI 30
30 230 V~ 50...60Hz
230 V~ 50...60Hz Hysteresis Hysteresis
16A (cos 1) 16A (cos 1) $V %
$I % 20
10 1 10 1
30 30
20 20
Power Operating Power Operating
C NC NO C NC NO ON time (s)
ON time (s)
1 2 3 4 5 6 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 1
90 100 90 100
70 Alarm
Output 50 Output 50 Voltage


N Current


N V%
Supply 230 V~ Supply 230 V~ 40
40 30
L 30

Maximum voltage relay (RHV) application example

Monitoring a load with the following ratings: 2. Set the “Voltage%” trimmer to 83.33%, since:
In = 5A (standard rated operating current) 250 (Vmax)
V% = x100=83.33%
300 (Vset)
Vn = 230 V a.c. (standard rated operating voltage) being terminal 7-11 wired.
Vmax = 250 V a.c. (RHV relay intervention voltage)
3. Set the “hysteresis %” trimmer; choosing 5% gives a intervention
range from 237.5 to 250 V (250-5%=237.5 V).
The relay will switch at 250 V and return to its normal state at 237.5 V
1. Connect as in the diagram (since Vmax=250 V).
F 4. Adjust the “delay” trimmer to select the desired relay intervention
Network to be measured Vmax 250 V a.c. LOAD
N delay (1…30 sec).
During this delay the “Power ON” LED blinks; at the end of the delay
the “Alarm” LED becomes steadily lit and the relay intervenes. 7
7 8 9 10 11 12

Vmax=250 V
RHV hysteresis window
237.5 V
Vn=230 V
1 2 3 4 5 6

NOTE Alarm off as out of the

Alarm on
Generally connect terminals: hysteresis window
7-10 if Vmax is b100 V Regular Alarm on as within of the
Supply Alarm 7-11 if Vmax is >100 V and b300 V operation hysteresis window
230 V a.c. 7-12 if Vmax is >300 V and b500 V

ABB 7/9
System Selection tables E 236
pro M compact Load management devices

E 236 undervoltage monitoring relays

E 236 undervoltage monitoring relays

The green LED is lit when the supply voltage is applied. If each phase voltage exceeds 195 V (US1)
or exceeds the preset threshold value (US2) with respect to the neutral including the hysteresis when
switching the device on, the relay switches immediately into the working position. The yellow LED

is lit. If at least one phase voltage falls below the threshold value, the relay goes back into its normal
position and the yellow LED goes out.
If also phase 2 fails, the green LED goes out, too.
It is indispensable to connect the neutral conductor!

For the control of three-phase undervoltage (each phase to neutral) of switchgear, also for installations
according to DIN VDE 0107 (power installations in hospitals and rooms used for medical purposes
outside of hospitals) and DIN VDE 0108 (power installations and safety supply in buildings where
many people gather).

US 1: 3 phases to neutral with fixed threshold at 195 V; hysteresis fixed 5 %

US 2: 3 phases to neutral with fixed threshold at 160 – 240 V; hysteresis fixed 5 %

Contact Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 4016779 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
2CO E 236-US 1 2CDE165000R2001 511087 0.095 5
2CO E 236-US 2 2CDE165010R2001 511094 0.095 5

Technical features
E 236 US 1 Rated voltage 250 V a.c.
E 236 US 2 Frequency 48-63 Hz
Measuring range: supply voltage 3N 400/230 V a.c. (terminals N-L1-L2-L3)
overload capacity 3N 459/265 V a.c.
Switching capacity device in series (distance < 5 mm): 750 VA (3 A/250 V a.c.);
device not in series (distance > 5 mm): 1250 VA (5 A/250 V a.c.)
Rated insulation voltage 250 V a.c. (corresponds with IEC 664-1)
Rated surge voltage 4 kV
Tripping delay ca. 100 ms
Clearence and creepage distance > 6 mm (between contact and electronics)
SK 0148 Z 00

Mechanical service life 20 x 106 operations

Electrical service life at 10000 VA 2 x 105 operations
Max. switching rate max. 6/min (1000 VA Ohmic load);
max. 60/min (100 VA Ohmic load)
Ambient temperature -25 °C/-13 °F to +55 °C/131 °F
Overvoltage category III
Accuracy in non-changing environment:
setting tolerance (US 2) b5 %
repeat accuracy ±1 %
temperature effect b0.1 %/°C
Terminals up to 4 mm2
Specifications VDE 0110 and VDE 0435
EMC tests EM 50081-1 and EN 50082-2
Displays LED green= supply voltage applied; LED yellow= relay status
Power loss 1.7 W

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/40

7/10 ABB
System Selection tables LEE 230
pro M compact Load management devices

LEE 230 extractable power failure signalling lamp

LEE 230 extractable power failure signalling lamp

The LEE 230 lamp is an automatic electronic lamp that can be installed in any modular socket or
wiring accessory socket conforming to the German VDE Schuko standard (e.g. ABB M1173 or
M1175), to the Italian standard P11 10A, or to the 10/16 A italian dual standard.
The device functions both as a power failure signalling lamp and as a lighting device, to be used for
example during maintenance activities or when seeking faults in the panel.

Pack Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
Blister LEE-230 2CSM111000R1361 507406 0.100 1

Technical characteristics
2P 10 A plug distance between pins 19 mm, pin ø 4 mm
Supply [V] 230 a.c., 50-60 Hz
Recharge time [h] 24
Endurance [h] 3 7
Lighting level [mcd] 3000
Operating temperature [°C] 0…+45
Min. life cycle 5 years (battery)

Additional technical features

LEE-230 lamp automatically switches on when the voltage fails; the built-in rechargeable battery guarantees
the supply.
It is particularly useful thanks to its construction and functional characteristics:
– it can be extracted from the socket and used as a torch with ON-OFF button on its frontal side
– when necessary it can work with standard sockets
– it can be moved when it is needed
– it has a long operation endurance, up to three hours
– it is ready to use, it does not require installation
– with a screw (ø 3.5 mm, L 16 mm) it is possible to fix it preventing the extraction from the M1173 ABB sockets
with central hole
– the projecting part of the Schuko profile is very small (8 mm).
The two LEDs placed on the frontal side of the lamp indicate its operation condition:
– the red LED indicates the recharge activity and that, in the case of a network voltage back-out, the lamp will
remain off
– the green LED indicates the recharge activity and that, in the case of a network voltage black-out, the lamp
will switch on (it will automatically switch off when the voltage returns).
By pushing the frontal pushbutton it is possible to change the status; if you do not use the lamp for a prolonged
time it is suggested to set the first condition in order to preserve the battery life.

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/40

ABB 7/11
ABB offers a wide range of
analogue voltmeters, ammeters,
frequency meters, power factor
meters, available in modular or
front panel version.
Voltmeters, ammeters and
frequency meters are also
available in a digital range
(both modular and front panel
version) that also includes
voltmeters and ammeters
equipped with output relay.
ABB multimeters allow the
measurement of the main

electrical parameters in three The range of network Meter and DELTAplus).

phase networks. analyzers is divided into:
For all these measurement
The range is divided in: - MTME measuring in TRMS devices ABB provides a
of all electric quantities wide range of accessories
- DMTME - modular version
(V-I-P-Q-A-cosJ-Hz-kWh- like current transformers (CT
- DMTME-72 and kVArh etc) range), voltage transformers
DMTME-96 - front panel (TV range) and shunts (SNT).
- ANR which are able to
version also available with
measure and record network
RS485 Modbus RTU port
parameters, information and
for communicating the
alarms, routing data towards
measured parameters over
supervision and monitoring
a Modbus network.
ABB offers a front panel range
ABB also provides a range
of network analyzers that
of electronic energy meters
perform true rms value of the
for single-phase (ODINsingle
principal electrical quantitites
and DELTAsingle Meter) and
in single and three phase
three-phase systems (ODIN


Other modular devices
Measurement devices


Selection tables
Analogue instruments............................................................................................................ 8/2
Interchangeable scales for analogue instruments ................................................................. 8/4
Front panel analogue instruments ......................................................................................... 8/5
Interchangeable scales for front panel analogue instruments ............................................ 8/11
Caps and terminal covers .....................................................................................................8/15
Digital instruments............................................................................................................... 8/16
Digital measuring instruments with relay............................................................................. 8/18
MCV-MCA voltmetric and ammetric switches .................................................................... 8/20
Front panel digital instruments ............................................................................................ 8/21
QCV-QCA front panel voltmetric and ammetric switches ................................................... 8/24
DMTME multimeters............................................................................................................ 8/25
DMTME front panel multimeters ......................................................................................... 8/27
MTME network analysers .................................................................................................... 8/30
ANR network analysers ....................................................................................................... 8/33
CUS serial converters.......................................................................................................... 8/36
TMD temperature control units ........................................................................................... 8/38
Current transformers ........................................................................................................... 8/39
CTSM summing current transformers ................................................................................. 8/46
TV vvoltage transformers ...................................................................................................... 8/47
CONV current and voltage converters ................................................................................ 8/48
CNV transducers ................................................................................................................. 8/49
Shunts ................................................................................................................................ 8/50
233 hour counters ............................................................................................................ 8/51
E 23
HMT hour counters ............................................................................................................. 8/52
EMT electronic energy meter .............................................................................................. 8/53
ODINsingle electronic single phase energy meters............................................................. 8/54
ODIN Meter electronic three-phase energy meters............................................................. 8/56
DELTAsingle electronic single phase energy meters ........................................................... 8/58
DELTAplus electronic three-phase energy meters .............................................................. 8/60
Accessories for electronic energy meters .............................................................................8/62

ABB 8/1
System Selection tables VLM, AMT
pro M compact Measurement devices
Analogue instruments
The range provided includes analogue and digital instruments. In addition to standard measurement
devices for electric quantities (voltmeters, ammeters, frequency meters, power factor meters), and
a set of accessories are available, including ammetric transformers, which increase the functions of
these instruments.

Analogue instruments for alternated current

Suitable for direct or indirect measurement through the appropriate accessories.

Scale Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Direct voltmeters

300 V VLM1/300 2CSM110190R1001 007906 0.200 1

500 V VLM1/500 2CSM110220R1001 000006 0.200 1

Direct ammeters

5A AMT1/5 2CSM310030R1001 000709 0.200 1

10 A AMT1/10 2CSM310040R1001 000105 0.200 1
15 A AMT1/15 2CSM310050R1001 000204 0.200 1

20 A AMT1/20 2CSM310060R1001 000303 0.200 1

25 A AMT1/25 2CSM310070R1001 000402 0.200 1
30 A AMT1/30 2CSM310080R1001 000501 0.200 1

Ammeters without scale for C.T. (sec. 5 A)

For scale SCL1 Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
A1 AMT1/A1 2CSM320250R1001 000600 0.200 1
A5 AMT1/A5 2CSM320260R1001 000808 0.200 1

8 100/280V 45-65 Hz frequency meter with scale

Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
FRZ1 2CSM810310R1001 008606 0.200 1

Power factor meter with scale for transducer (1 mA input)

CSF1 2CSM720310R1001 028000 0.300 1

Technical features
Rated voltage Un [V] a.c. 300, 500; d.c. 100, 300
Rated currents in a.c. Direct reading [A] full scale values 5...30
Indirect reading full scale values 5...2500
Rated currents in d.c. Direct reading [A] full scale values 0.1...30
Indirect reading full scale values 5...500
Frequency [Hz] 50/60
Overload capacity [%] 20 compared to the voltage or to the rated current
Accuracy class [%] 1.5 (0.5 for frequency meters)
Power consumption [W] see technical details
Modules [No.] 3
Standards EN 60051

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/140 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/41

8/2 ABB
System Selection tables VLM, AMT
pro M compact Measurement devices
Analogue instruments

Analogue instruments for direct current

Scale Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Direct voltmeters

100 V VLM2/100 2CSM210130R1001 008002 0.200 1

300 V VLM2/300 2CSM210190R1001 008101 0.200 1

Direct ammeters

10 mA AMT2/0.01 2CSM410330R1001 028307 0.200 1

100 mA AMT2/0.1 2CSM410340R1001 028406 0.200 1
1000 mA AMT2/1 2CSM410020R1001 028505 0.200 1
5A AMT2/5 2CSM410030R1001 028604 0.200 1
10 A AMT2/10 2CSM410040R1001 028703 0.200 1
15 A AMT2/15 2CSM410050R1001 028802 0.200 1
20 A AMT2/20 2CSM410060R1001 028901 0.200 1
25 A AMT2/25 2CSM410070R1001 029007 0.200 1
30 A AMT2/30 2CSM410080R1001 029106 0.200 1

Ammeters without scale for shunt…/60 mV

For scale SCL2 Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
AMT2 2CSM420270R1001 029205 0.200 1

Wiring diagrams



1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

S1 S2
L1 L1 L1 P1 P2 +

N N N –

Direct insertion Indirect insertion Insertion by shunt

through C.T.

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/140 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/41

ABB 8/3
System Selection tables SCL
pro M compact Measurement devices

Interchangeable scales for analogue instruments

Interchangeable scales for analogue instruments

Scale Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Scales SCL 1 for analogue ammeters in a.c. AMT1


A1-5A SCL 1/5 2CSM110021R1041 001201 0.010 10

A1-10A SCL 1/10 2CSM110032R1041 001300 0.010 10
A1-20A SCL 1/20 2CSM110075R1041 001409 0.010 10
A1-25A SCL 1/25 2CSM110096R1041 030706 0.010 10
A1-30A SCL 1/30 2CSM110107R1041 001508 0.010 10
A1-40A SCL 1/40 2CSM110128R1041 030805 0.010 10
A1-50A SCL 1/50 2CSM110149R1041 001607 0.010 10
A1-60A SCL 1/60 2CSM110159R1041 030904 0.010 10
A1-75A SCL 1/75 2CSM110169R1041 031000 0.010 10
A1-80A SCL 1/80 2CSM110179R1041 001706 0.010 10
A1-100A SCL 1/100 2CSM110189R1041 001805 0.010 10
A1-150A SCL 1/150 2CSM110209R1041 001904 0.010 10
A1-200A SCL 1/200 2CSM110229R1041 002000 0.010 10
A1-250A SCL 1/250 2CSM110249R1041 031109 0.010 10
A1-300A SCL 1/300 2CSM110259R1041 002109 0.010 10
A1-400A SCL 1/400 2CSM110279R1041 002208 0.010 10
A1-500A SCL 1/500 2CSM110299R1041 002307 0.010 10
A1-600A SCL 1/600 2CSM110309R1041 031208 0.010 10
A1-800A SCL 1/800 2CSM110329R1041 002406 0.010 10
A1-1000A SCL 1/1000 2CSM110339R1041 002505 0.010 10
SCL1/A1/100 A1-1500A SCL 1/1500 2CSM110359R1041 274704 0.010 10
Full scale at 90°
A1-2000A SCL 1/2000 2CSM110379R1041 274803 0.010 10
100 A1-2500A SCL 1/2500 2CSM110389R1041 274902 0.010 10

Scale SCL 1/A5 for analogue ammeters in a.c. AMT1


8 A5-5A SCL 1/A5/5 2CSM120021R1041 031307 0.010 10


0 A5-10A SCL 1/A5/10 2CSM120032R1041 031406 0.010 10

A5-20A SCL 1/A5/20 2CSM120075R1041 031505 0.010 10
A5-30A SCL 1/A5/30 2CSM120107R1041 031604 0.010 10
A5-50A SCL 1/A5/50 2CSM120149R1041 031703 0.010 10
A5-80A SCL 1/A5/80 2CSM120179R1041 031802 0.010 10
Full scale at 78° A5-100A SCL 1/A5/100 2CSM120189R1041 031901 0.010 10
(with extra scale) A5-150A SCL 1/A5/150 2CSM120209R1041 032007 0.010 10


Scales SCL 2 for analogue ammeters in d.c. AMT2


A1-5A SCL 2/5 2CSM230025R1041 032106 0.010 10

A1-6A SCL 2/6 2CSM230345R1041 032205 0.010 10
A1-10A SCL 2/10 2CSM230035R1041 032304 0.010 10
A1-20A SCL 2/20 2CSM230075R1041 032403 0.010 10
A1-30A SCL 2/30 2CSM230105R1041 032502 0.010 10
A1-50A SCL 2/50 2CSM230145R1041 032601 0.010 10
A1-80A SCL 2/80 2CSM230179R1041 032700 0.010 10
A1-100A SCL 2/100 2CSM230189R1041 032809 0.010 10
A1-150A SCL 2/150 2CSM230209R1041 032908 0.010 10
A1-200A SCL 2/200 2CSM230229R1041 033004 0.010 10
A1-250A SCL 2/250 2CSM230249R1041 033103 0.010 10
A1-300A SCL 2/300 2CSM230259R1041 033202 0.010 10
A1-400A SCL 2/400 2CSM230279R1041 033301 0.010 10
A1-500A SCL 2/500 2CSM230299R1041 033400 0.010 10

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/140 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/41

8/4 ABB
System Selection tables VLM
pro M compact Measurement devices

Front panel analogue instruments

Available in both alternating current and direct current versions, they come in three standard sizes,
48 mm x 48 mm, 72 mm x 72 mm and 96 mm x 96 mm (special versions available on request). The
code for the interchangeable scale to fit is specified for the ammeters without a scale.

Analogue voltmeters for alternating current

Size Insertion Scale VT type Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
mm V a.c. Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

48 D 50 VLM-1-50/48 2CSG111100R4001 541707 1

48 D 60 VLM-1-60/48 2CSG111110R4001 541806 1
48 D 80 VLM-1-80/48 2CSG111120R4001 541905 1
48 D 100 VLM-1-100/48 2CSG111130R4001 542001 1
48 D 150 VLM-1-150/48 2CSG111150R4001 542100 1
48 D 200 VLM-1-200/48 2CSG111160R4001 542209 1
48 D 250 VLM-1-250/48 2CSG111180R4001 542308 1
48 D 300 VLM-1-300/48 2CSG111190R4001 542407 1
48 D 400 VLM-1-400/48 2CSG111210R4001 542506 1
48 D 500 VLM-1-500/48 2CSG111220R4001 542605 1
48 D 600 VLM-1-600/48 2CSG111230R4001 542704 1
48 I 200 110/100 VLM1-TV-110-100/200/48 2CSG121140R4001 743705 1
48 I 300 230/100 VLM1-TV-230-100/300/48 2CSG121170R4001 542803 1
48 I 500 380/100 VLM1-TV-380-100/500/48 2CSG121200R4001 542902 1
48 I 500 400/100 VLM1-TV-400-100/500/48 2CSG121210R4001 743804 1
48 I 600 500/100 VLM1-TV-500-100/600/48 2CSG121220R4001 543008 1
48 I 800 600/100 VLM1-TV-600-100/800/48 2CSG121230R4001 743903 1
48 I 1100 1000/100 VLM1-TV-1000-100/1100/48 2CSG121240R4001 744009 1

72 D 50 VLM-1-50/72 2CSG112100R4001 544104 1

72 D 60 VLM-1-60/72 2CSG112110R4001 544203 1
72 D 80 VLM-1-80/72 2CSG112120R4001 544302 1
72 D 100 VLM-1-100/72 2CSG112130R4001 544401 1

72 D 150 VLM-1-150/72 2CSG112150R4001 544500 1

72 D 200 VLM-1-200/72 2CSG112160R4001 544609 1
1 8
72 D 400 VLM-1-400/72 2CSG112210R4001 544906 1
72 D 500 VLM-1-500/72 2CSG112220R4001 545002 1
72 D 600 VLM-1-600/72 2CSG112230R4001 545101 1
72 I 200 110/100 VLM1-TV-110-100/200/72 2CSG122140R4001 744108 1
72 I 300 230/100 VLM1-TV-230-100/300/72 2CSG122170R4001 545200 1
72 I 500 380/100 VLM1-TV-380-100/500/72 2CSG122200R4001 545309 1
72 I 500 400/100 VLM1-TV-400-100/500/72 2CSG122210R4001 744207 1
72 I 600 500/100 VLM1-TV-500-100/600/72 2CSG122220R4001 545408 1
72 I 800 600/100 VLM1-TV-600-100/800/72 2CSG122230R4001 744306 1
72 I 1100 1000/100 VLM1-TV-1000-100/1100/72 2CSG122240R4001 744405 1

D: direct connection
I: indirect connection with VT, CT and shunt, according to the type

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/140 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/41

ABB 8/5
System Selection tables VLM
pro M compact Measurement devices

Front panel analogue instruments

Size Insertion Scale VT type Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
mm V a.c. Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
96 D 50 VLM-1-50/96 2CSG113100R4001 546702 1
96 D 60 VLM-1-60/96 2CSG113110R4001 546801 1
96 D 80 VLM-1-80/96 2CSG113120R4001 546900 1
96 D 100 VLM-1-100/96 2CSG113130R4001 547006 1
96 D 150 VLM-1-150/96 2CSG113150R4001 547105 1
96 D 200 VLM-1-200/96 2CSG113160R4001 547204 1
96 D 250 VLM-1-250/96 2CSG113180R4001 547303 1
96 D 300 VLM-1-300/96 2CSG113190R4001 547402 1
96 D 400 VLM-1-400/96 2CSG113210R4001 547501 1
96 D 500 VLM-1-500/96 2CSG113220R4001 547600 1
96 D 600 VLM-1-600/96 2CSG113230R4001 547709 1
96 I 200 110/100 VLM1-TV-110-100/200/96 2CSG123140R4001 744504 1
96 I 300 230/100 VLM1-TV-230-100/300/96 2CSG123170R4001 547808 1
96 I 500 380/100 VLM1-TV-380-100/500/96 2CSG123200R4001 547907 1
96 I 500 400/100 VLM1-TV-400-100/500/96 2CSG123210R4001 744603 1
96 I 600 500/100 VLM1-TV-500-100/600/96 2CSG123220R4001 548003 1
96 I 800 600/100 VLM1-TV-600-100/800/96 2CSG123230R4001 744702 1
96 I 1100 1000/100 VLM1-TV-1000-100/1100/96 2CSG123240R4001 744801 1

Analogue voltmeters for direct current

Size Insertion Scale Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
mm V d.c. Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

48 D 10 VLM-2-10/48 2CSG211040R4001 549307 1

48 D 15 VLM-2-15/48 2CSG211050R4001 549406 1
48 D 25 VLM-2-25/48 2CSG211070R4001 549505 1
48 D 40 VLM-2-40/48 2CSG211090R4001 549604 1
48 D 60 VLM-2-60/48 2CSG211110R4001 549703 1
48 D 80 VLM-2-80/48 2CSG211120R4001 549802 1
48 D 100 VLM-2-100/48 2CSG211130R4001 549901 1
48 D 150 VLM-2-150/48 2CSG211150R4001 550006 1

8 48
48 D 400 VLM-2-400/48 2CSG211210R4001 550303 1
48 D 600 VLM-2-600/48 2CSG211230R4001 550402

72 D 10 VLM-2-10/72 2CSG212040R4001 551003 1

72 D 15 VLM-2-15/72 2CSG212050R4001 551102 1
72 D 25 VLM-2-25/72 2CSG212070R4001 551201 1
72 D 40 VLM-2-40/72 2CSG212090R4001 551300 1
72 D 60 VLM-2-60/72 2CSG212110R4001 551409 1
72 D 80 VLM-2-80/72 2CSG212120R4001 551508 1
72 D 100 VLM-2-100/72 2CSG212130R4001 551607 1
72 D 150 VLM-2-150/72 2CSG212150R4001 551706 1
72 D 200 VLM-2-200/72 2CSG212160R4001 551805 1
72 D 250 VLM-2-250/72 2CSG212180R4001 551904 1

72 D 400 VLM-2-400/72 2CSG212210R4001 552000 1

72 D 600 VLM-2-600/72 2CSG212230R4001 552109

96 D 10 VLM-2-10/96 2CSG213040R4001 552703 1

96 D 15 VLM-2-15/96 2CSG213050R4001 552802 1
96 D 25 VLM-2-25/96 2CSG213070R4001 552901 1
96 D 40 VLM-2-40/96 2CSG213090R4001 553007 1
96 D 60 VLM-2-60/96 2CSG213110R4001 553106 1
96 D 80 VLM-2-80/96 2CSG213120R4001 553205 1
96 D 100 VLM-2-100/96 2CSG213130R4001 553304 1
96 D 150 VLM-2-150/96 2CSG213150R4001 553403 1
96 D 200 VLM-2-200/96 2CSG213160R4001 553502 1
96 D 250 VLM-2-250/96 2CSG213180R4001 553601 1
96 D 400 VLM-2-400/96 2CSG213210R4001 553700 1
96 D 600 VLM-2-600/96 2CSG213230R4001 553809 1

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/140 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/41

8/6 ABB
System Selection tables AMT
pro M compact Measurement devices

Front panel analogue instruments

Analogue ammeters for alternating current

Size Insertion Scale Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

mm A a.c. Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

48 D 1 AMT1-A1-1/48 2CSG311020R4001 543107 1
48 D 5 AMT1-A1-5/48 2CSG311030R4001 543206 1
48 D 10 AMT1-A1-10/48 2CSG311040R4001 543305 1
48 D 15 AMT1-A1-15/48 2CSG311050R4001 543404 1
48 D 20 AMT1-A1-20/48 2CSG311060R4001 543503 1
48 D 25 AMT1-A1-25/48 2CSG311070R4001 543602 1
48 D 30 AMT1-A1-30/48 2CSG311080R4001 543701 1
48 D 40 AMT1-A1-40/48 2CSG311090R4001 543800 1

48 I 1In/5 AMT1-A1/48 2CSG321250R4001 543909 1

48 I 5In/5 AMT1-A5/48 2CSG321260R4001 544005 1

72 D 1 AMT1-A1-1/72 2CSG312020R4001 545507 1


72 D 5 AMT1-A1-5/72 2CSG312030R4001 545606 1

72 D 10 AMT1-A1-10/72 2CSG312040R4001 545705 1
72 D 15 AMT1-A1-15/72 2CSG312050R4001 545804 1
72 D 20 AMT1-A1-20/72 2CSG312060R4001 545903 1
72 D 25 AMT1-A1-25/72 2CSG312070R4001 546009 1
72 D 30 AMT1-A1-30/72 2CSG312080R4001 546108 1
72 D 40 AMT1-A1-40/72 2CSG312090R4001 546207 1
72 D 50 AMT1-A1-50/72 2CSG312100R4001 546306 1
72 D 60 AMT1-A1-60/72 2CSG312110R4001 546405 1

72 I 1In/5 AMT1-A1/72 2CSG322250R4001 546504 1

72 I 5In/5 AMT1-A5/72 2CSG322260R4001 546603 1

96 D 1 AMT1-A1-1/96 2CSG313020R4001 548102 1

96 D 5 AMT1-A1-5/96 2CSG313030R4001 548201 1
96 D 10 AMT1-A1-10/96 2CSG313040R4001 548300 1

1 8
96 D 25 AMT1-A1-25/96 2CSG313070R4001 548607 1
96 D 30 AMT1-A1-30/96 2CSG313080R4001 548706 1
96 D 40 AMT1-A1-40/96 2CSG313090R4001 548805 1
96 D 50 AMT1-A1-50/96 2CSG313100R4001 548904 1
96 D 60 AMT1-A1-60/96 2CSG313110R4001 549000 1

96 I 1In/5 AMT1-A1/96 2CSG323250R4001 549109 1

96 I 5In/5 AMT1-A5/96 2CSG323260R4001 549208 1

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/140 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/41

ABB 8/7
System Selection tables VLM
pro M compact Measurement devices

Front panel analogue instruments

Analogue ammeters for direct current


Size Insertion Scale Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
mm A d.c. Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
48 D 0,5 AMT2-A2-0,5/48 2CSG411010R4001 550501 1
48 D 1 AMT2-A2-1/48 2CSG411020R4001 550600 1
48 D 5 AMT2-A2-5/48 2CSG411030R4001 550709 1
48 D 10 AMT2-A2-10/48 2CSG411040R4001 550808 1
48 I In/60mV AMT2-A2/48 2CSG421270R4001 550907 1

72 D 0,5 AMT2-A2-0,5/72 2CSG412010R4001 552208 1

72 D 1 AMT2-A2-1/72 2CSG412020R4001 552307 1
72 D 5 AMT2-A2-5/72 2CSG412030R4001 552406 1
72 D 10 AMT2-A2-10/72 2CSG412040R4001 552505 1
72 I In/60mV AMT2-A2/72 2CSG422270R4001 552604 1

96 D 0,5 AMT2-A2-0,5/96 2CSG413010R4001 553908 1

96 D 1 AMT2-A2-1/96 2CSG413020R4001 554004 1

96 D 5 AMT2-A2-5/96 2CSG413030R4001 554103 1

96 D 10 AMT2-A2-10/96 2CSG413040R4001 554202 1
96 I In/60mV AMT2-A2/96 2CSG423270R4001 554301 1

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/140 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/41

8/8 ABB
System Selection tables COS
pro M compact Measurement devices
Front panel analogue instruments

Analogue power factor meters


Size Insertion Scale Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
mm V a.c. Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
48 1mA 90° COS-90/48 2CSG721310R4001 555001 1
48 1mA 240° COS-240/48 2CSG721320R4001 555100 1


72 1mA 90° COS-90/72 2CSG722310R4001 555209 1

72 1mA 240° COS-240/72 2CSG722320R4001 555308 1

96 1mA 90° COS-90/96 2CSG723310R4001 555407 1

96 1mA 240° COS-240/96 2CSG723320R4001 555506 1

Analogue frequency meters

Size Insertion Scale Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
mm V a.c. Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

48 D 90° FRZ-90/48 2CSG811310R4001 555605 1

72 D 90° FRZ-90/72 2CSG812310R4001 555704 1

72 D 240° FRZ-240/72 2CSG812320R4001 555902 1

96 D 90° FRZ-90/96 2CSG813310R4001 555803 1

96 D 240° FRZ-240/96 2CSG813320R4001 556008 1 8

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/140 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/41

ABB 8/9
System Selection tables
pro M compact Measurement devices

Front panel analogue instruments

Technical features
Rated max. reference voltage for insulation [V] 650
Test voltage [V] 2000 eff. (50 Hz/1 min)
Precision class 1.5 (0.5 for frequency meters)
Overload capacity /
- ammetric windings up to In x 10/< sec. up to In x 2/permanent
- voltmetric windings up to Un x 2/< 5 sec. up to Un x 1.2/permanent

Operating temperature [°C] -20...+40

Storage temperature [°C] -40...+70
Average and max. relative 0 65% (yearly average)
humidity (DIN 40040) 85% (+35 °C/60 days a year)
Vibration resistance (IEC 50-1) [g (9.81 m/s)] 0.08-1.8 (0.35 mm/10-55 Hz; 3 axis/6 h)
Degree of protection IP52 indoors
IP00 on the terminals (IEC 144. DIN 40050)
IP40 with suitable terminal covers
- cases and front edge self-extinguishing thermosetting material
in accordance with UL94 V-0, fungus and termite
- pointers (DIN 43802) 1 molded aluminium
- terminals brass
Assembly vertical/horizontal with special screw-on brackets 2
Dimensions W x H x D (DIN 43700/43718) [mm] 48 x 48 X 53 72 x 72 x 53 96 x 96 X 53
Applicable standards IEC EN 61010-1

/ The overload can be greater for instruments enabled by a CT because the transformer generally keeps secondary current
peaks to within 10 In.
0 Tropicalization enables the instruments to withstand up to 95% max. relative humidity (+35 °C/60 days). In accordance
with DIN standard 40040, they must be protected against any penetration of humidity inside the device. Terminals, screws,
washers, bolts and magnets are galvanically protected against rust, while the electrical circuits are painted with the special
Multicolor PC52 varnish.
1 The pointer damping time is 1 second. The recorded values are cleared by pressing the control provided.
2 With 0.5 mm -19 mm thick panels, the screws must be attached in the fixing position nearest to the front edge of the me-

8 asuring device, whereas the 20 mm - 39 mm thick panels require the screws to be fixed in the position furthest away from
the front edge.

Voltmeter for alternating current Voltmeter for direct current

Direct insertion Insertion via VT Direct insertion

L1 L1 +
N N -

Ammeter for alternating current Ammeter for direct current

Direct insertion Insertion via CT Direct insertion Insertion with Shunt

S1 S2

P1 P2

L1 L1 + +
N N - -

8/10 ABB
System Selection tables SCL
pro M compact Measurement devices

Interchangeable scales for front panel instrument

Interchangeable scales
Scale Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
A a.c. Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Scales 48 x 48 mm, SCL-A1 for AMT1-A1 a.c. ammeters

1 SCL-A1-1/48 2CSG111010R5011 769408 0.010 10


5 SCL-A1-5/48 2CSG111021R5011 769507 0.010 10

10 SCL-A1-10/48 2CSG111032R5011 769606 0.010 10
15 SCL-A1-15/48 2CSG111054R5011 769705 0.010 10
20 SCL-A1-20/48 2CSG111075R5011 769804 0.010 10
25 SCL-A1-25/48 2CSG111096R5011 769903 0.010 10
30 SCL-A1-30/48 2CSG111107R5011 770008 0.010 10
40 SCL-A1-40/48 2CSG111128R5011 770107 0.010 10
50 SCL-A1-50/48 2CSG111149R5011 770206 0.010 10
60 SCL-A1-60/48 2CSG111159R5011 770305 0.010 10
80 SCL-A1-80/48 2CSG111179R5011 770404 0.010 10
100 SCL-A1-100/48 2CSG111189R5011 560500 0.010 10
150 SCL-A1-150/48 2CSG111209R5011 560609 0.010 10
200 SCL-A1-200/48 2CSG111229R5011 560708 0.010 10
250 SCL-A1-250/48 2CSG111249R5011 560807 0.010 10
300 SCL-A1-300/48 2CSG111259R5011 560906 0.010 10
400 SCL-A1-400/48 2CSG111279R5011 561002 0.010 10
500 SCL-A1-500/48 2CSG111299R5011 561101 0.010 10
600 SCL-A1-600/48 2CSG111309R5011 561200 0.010 10
800 SCL-A1-800/48 2CSG111329R5011 561309 0.010 10
1000 SCL-A1-1000/48 2CSG111339R5011 561408 0.010 10
1500 SCL-A1-1500/48 2CSG111359R5011 561507 0.010 10
2000 SCL-A1-2000/48 2CSG111379R5011 561606 0.010 10
2500 SCL-A1-2500/48 2CSG111389R5011 561705 0.010 10
3000 SCL-A1-3000/48 2CSG111399R5011 561804 0.010 10
4000 SCL-A1-4000/48 2CSG111409R5011 561903 0.010 10
8000 SCL-A1-8000/48 2CSG111439R5011 562207 0.010 10
10000 SCL-A1-10000/48 2CSG111449R5011 562306 0.010 10

Scales 48 x 48 mm, SCL-A5 for AMT1-A5 a.c. ammeters

1 SCL-A5-1/48 2CSG121010R5011 770503 0.010 10

5 SCL-A5-5/48 2CSG121021R5011 770602 0.010 10

10 SCL-A5-10/48 2CSG121032R5011 770701 0.010 10

15 SCL-A5-15/48 2CSG121054R5011 770800 0.010 10
20 SCL-A5-20/48 2CSG121075R5011 770909 0.010 10
25 SCL-A5-25/48 2CSG121096R5011 771005 0.010 10
30 SCL-A5-30/48 2CSG121107R5011 771104 0.010 10
40 SCL-A5-40/48 2CSG121128R5011 771203 0.010 10
50 SCL-A5-50/48 2CSG121149R5011 771302 0.010 10
60 SCL-A5-60/48 2CSG121159R5011 771401 0.010 10
80 SCL-A5-80/48 2CSG121179R5011 771500 0.010 10
100 SCL-A5-100/48 2CSG121189R5011 562405 0.010 10
150 SCL-A5-150/48 2CSG121209R5011 562504 0.010 10
200 SCL-A5-200/48 2CSG121229R5011 262603 0.010 10
250 SCL-A5-250/48 2CSG121249R5011 562702 0.010 10
300 SCL-A5-300/48 2CSG121259R5011 562801 0.010 10
400 SCL-A5-400/48 2CSG121279R5011 562900 0.010 10
500 SCL-A5-500/48 2CSG121299R5011 563006 0.010 10
600 SCL-A5-600/48 2CSG121309R5011 563105 0.010 10
800 SCL-A5-800/48 2CSG121329R5011 563204 0.010 10
1000 SCL-A5-1000/48 2CSG121339R5011 563303 0.010 10
1500 SCL-A5-1500/48 2CSG121359R5011 563402 0.010 10

ABB 8/11
System Selection tables SCL
pro M compact Measurement devices

Interchangeable scales for front panel instrument

Scale Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
A a.c. Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
2000 SCL-A5-2000/48 2CSG121379R5011 563501 0.010 10
2500 SCL-A5-2500/48 2CSG121389R5011 563600 0.010 10
3000 SCL-A5-3000/48 2CSG121399R5011 563709 0.010 10
4000 SCL-A5-4000/48 2CSG121409R5011 563808 0.010 10
5000 SCL-A5-5000/48 2CSG121419R5011 563907 0.010 10
6000 SCL-A5-6000/48 2CSG121429R5011 564003 0.010 10
8000 SCL-A5-8000/48 2CSG121439R5011 564102 0.010 10
10000 SCL-A5-10000/48 2CSG121449R5011 564201 0.010 10

Scales 72 x 72 mm, SCL-A1 for AMT1-A1 a.c. ammeters

1 SCL-A1-1/72 2CSG112010R5011 771609 0.010 10


5 SCL-A1-5/72 2CSG112021R5011 771708 0.010 10

10 SCL-A1-10/72 2CSG112032R5011 771807 0.010 10
15 SCL-A1-15/72 2CSG112054R5011 771906 0.010 10
20 SCL-A1-20/72 2CSG112075R5011 772002 0.010 10
25 SCL-A1-25/72 2CSG112096R5011 772101 0.010 10
30 SCL-A1-30/72 2CSG112107R5011 772200 0.010 10
40 SCL-A1-40/72 2CSG112128R5011 772309 0.010 10
50 SCL-A1-50/72 2CSG112149R5011 772408 0.010 10
60 SCL-A1-60/72 2CSG112159R5011 772507 0.010 10
80 SCL-A1-80/72 2CSG112179R5011 772606 0.010 10
100 SCL-A1-100/72 2CSG112189R5011 572305 0.010 10
150 SCL-A1-150/72 2CSG112209R5011 572404 0.010 10
200 SCL-A1-200/72 2CSG112229R5011 572503 0.010 10
250 SCL-A1-250/72 2CSG112249R5011 572602 0.010 10
300 SCL-A1-300/72 2CSG112259R5011 572701 0.010 10
400 SCL-A1-400/72 2CSG112279R5011 572800 0.010 10
500 SCL-A1-500/72 2CSG112299R5011 572909 0.010 10
600 SCL-A1-600/72 2CSG112309R5011 573005 0.010 10
800 SCL-A1-800/72 2CSG112329R5011 573104 0.010 10

8 1000
2000 SCL-A1-2000/72 2CSG112379R5011 573401 0.010 10
2500 SCL-A1-2500/72 2CSG112389R5011 573500 0.010 10
3000 SCL-A1-3000/72 2CSG112399R5011 573609 0.010 10
4000 SCL-A1-4000/72 2CSG112409R5011 573708 0.010 10
5000 SCL-A1-5000/72 2CSG112419R5011 573807 0.010 10
6000 SCL-A1-6000/72 2CSG112429R5011 573906 0.010 10
8000 SCL-A1-8000/72 2CSG112439R5011 574002 0.010 10
10000 SCL-A1-10000/72 2CSG112449R5011 574101 0.010 10

Scales 72 x 72 mm, SCL-A5 for AMT1-A5 a.c. ammeters

1 SCL-A5-1/72 2CSG122010R5011 772705 0.010 10


5 SCL-A5-5/72 2CSG122021R5011 772804 0.010 10

10 SCL-A5-10/72 2CSG122032R5011 772903 0.010 10
15 SCL-A5-15/72 2CSG122054R5011 773009 0.010 10
20 SCL-A5-20/72 2CSG122075R5011 773108 0.010 10
25 SCL-A5-25/72 2CSG122096R5011 773207 0.010 10
30 SCL-A5-30/72 2CSG122107R5011 773306 0.010 10
40 SCL-A5-40/72 2CSG122128R5011 773405 0.010 10
50 SCL-A5-50/72 2CSG122149R5011 773504 0.010 10
60 SCL-A5-60/72 2CSG122159R5011 773603 0.010 10
80 SCL-A5-80/72 2CSG122179R5011 773702 0.010 10
100 SCL-A5-100/72 2CSG122189R5011 574200 0.010 10
150 SCL-A5-150/72 2CSG122209R5011 574309 0.010 10
200 SCL-A5-200/72 2CSG122229R5011 574408 0.010 10
250 SCL-A5-250/72 2CSG122249R5011 574507 0.010 10
300 SCL-A5-300/72 2CSG122259R5011 574606 0.010 10
400 SCL-A5-400/72 2CSG122279R5011 574705 0.010 10

8/12 ABB
System Selection tables SCL
pro M compact Measurement devices

Interchangeable scales for front panel instrument

Scale Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
A a.c. Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
500 SCL-A5-500/72 2CSG122299R5011 574804 0.010 10
600 SCL-A5-600/72 2CSG122309R5011 574903 0.010 10
800 SCL-A5-800/72 2CSG122329R5011 575009 0.010 10
1000 SCL-A5-1000/72 2CSG122339R5011 575108 0.010 10
1500 SCL-A5-1500/72 2CSG122359R5011 575207 0.010 10
2000 SCL-A5-2000/72 2CSG122379R5011 575306 0.010 10
2500 SCL-A5-2500/72 2CSG122389R5011 575405 0.010 10
3000 SCL-A5-3000/72 2CSG122399R5011 575504 0.010 10
4000 SCL-A5-4000/72 2CSG122409R5011 575603 0.010 10
5000 SCL-A5-5000/72 2CSG122419R5011 575702 0.010 10
6000 SCL-A5-6000/72 2CSG122429R5011 575801 0.010 10
8000 SCL-A5-8000/72 2CSG122439R5011 575900 0.010 10
10000 SCL-A5-10000/72 2CSG122449R5011 576006 0.010 10

Scales 96 x 96 mm, SCL-A1 for AMT1-A1 a.c. ammeters

1 SCL-A1-1/96 2CSG113010R5011 773801 0.010 10

5 SCL-A1-5/96 2CSG113021R5011 773900 0.010 10
10 SCL-A1-10/96 2CSG113032R5011 774006 0.010 10
15 SCL-A1-15/96 2CSG113054R5011 774105 0.010 10
20 SCL-A1-20/96 2CSG113075R5011 774204 0.010 10
25 SCL-A1-25/96 2CSG113096R5011 774303 0.010 10
30 SCL-A1-30/96 2CSG113107R5011 774402 0.010 10
40 SCL-A1-40/96 2CSG113128R5011 774501 0.010 10
50 SCL-A1-50/96 2CSG113149R5011 774600 0.010 10
60 SCL-A1-60/96 2CSG113159R5011 774709 0.010 10
80 SCL-A1-80/96 2CSG113179R5011 774808 0.010 10
100 SCL-A1-100/96 2CSG113189R5011 584100 0.010 10
150 SCL-A1-150/96 2CSG113209R5011 584209 0.010 10
200 SCL-A1-200/96 2CSG113229R5011 584308 0.010 10
250 SCL-A1-250/96 2CSG113249R5011 584407 0.010 10
10 8
500 SCL-A1-500/96 2CSG113299R5011 584704 0.010 10
600 SCL-A1-600/96 2CSG113309R5011 584803 0.010 10
800 SCL-A1-800/96 2CSG113329R5011 584902 0.010 10
1000 SCL-A1-1000/96 2CSG113339R5011 585008 0.010 10
1500 SCL-A1-1500/96 2CSG113359R5011 585107 0.010 10
2000 SCL-A1-2000/96 2CSG113379R5011 585206 0.010 10
2500 SCL-A1-2500/96 2CSG113389R5011 585305 0.010 10
3000 SCL-A1-3000/96 2CSG113399R5011 585404 0.010 10
4000 SCL-A1-4000/96 2CSG113409R5011 585503 0.010 10
5000 SCL-A1-5000/96 2CSG113419R5011 585602 0.010 10
6000 SCL-A1-6000/96 2CSG113429R5011 585701 0.010 10
8000 SCL-A1-8000/96 2CSG113439R5011 585800 0.010 10
10000 SCL-A1-10000/96 2CSG113449R5011 585004 0.010 10

Scales 96 x 96 mm, SCL-A5 for AMT1-A5 a.c. ammeters

1 SCL-A1-1/96 2CSG113010R5011 773801 0.010 10

5 SCL-A1-5/96 2CSG113021R5011 773900 0.010 10
10 SCL-A1-10/96 2CSG113032R5011 774006 0.010 10
15 SCL-A1-15/96 2CSG113054R5011 774105 0.010 10
20 SCL-A1-20/96 2CSG113075R5011 774204 0.010 10
25 SCL-A1-25/96 2CSG113096R5011 774303 0.010 10
30 SCL-A1-30/96 2CSG113107R5011 774402 0.010 10
40 SCL-A1-40/96 2CSG113128R5011 774501 0.010 10
50 SCL-A1-50/96 2CSG113149R5011 774600 0.010 10
60 SCL-A1-60/96 2CSG113159R5011 774709 0.010 10
80 SCL-A1-80/96 2CSG113179R5011 774808 0.010 10
100 SCL-A1-100/96 2CSG113189R5011 584100 0.010 10

ABB 8/13
System Selection tables SCL
pro M compact Measurement devices

Interchangeable scales for front panel instrument

Scale Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
A a.c. Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
150 SCL-A1-150/96 2CSG113209R5011 584209 0.010 10
200 SCL-A1-200/96 2CSG113229R5011 584308 0.010 10
250 SCL-A1-250/96 2CSG113249R5011 584407 0.010 10
300 SCL-A1-300/96 2CSG113259R5011 584506 0.010 10
400 SCL-A1-400/96 2CSG113279R5011 584605 0.010 10
500 SCL-A1-500/96 2CSG113299R5011 584704 0.010 10
600 SCL-A1-600/96 2CSG113309R5011 584803 0.010 10
800 SCL-A1-800/96 2CSG113329R5011 584902 0.010 10
1000 SCL-A1-1000/96 2CSG113339R5011 585008 0.010 10
1500 SCL-A1-1500/96 2CSG113359R5011 585107 0.010 10
2000 SCL-A1-2000/96 2CSG113379R5011 585206 0.010 10
2500 SCL-A1-2500/96 2CSG113389R5011 585305 0.010 10
3000 SCL-A1-3000/96 2CSG113399R5011 585404 0.010 10
4000 SCL-A1-4000/96 2CSG113409R5011 585503 0.010 10
5000 SCL-A1-5000/96 2CSG113419R5011 585602 0.010 10
6000 SCL-A1-6000/96 2CSG113429R5011 585701 0.010 10
8000 SCL-A1-8000/96 2CSG113439R5011 585800 0.010 10
10000 SCL-A1-10000/96 2CSG113449R5011 585004 0.010 10

Scales 48 x 48 mm, SCL-A2 for AMT2-A2 d.c. ammeters


20 SCL-A2-20/48 2CSG231075R5011 595908 0.010 10

100 SCL-A2-100/48 2CSG231189R5011 596004 0.010 10
150 SCL-A2-150/48 2CSG231209R5011 596103 0.010 10
200 SCL-A2-200/48 2CSG231229R5011 596202 0.010 10
250 SCL-A2-250/48 2CSG231249R5011 596301 0.010 10
300 SCL-A2-300/48 2CSG231259R5011 596400 0.010 10
400 SCL-A2-400/48 2CSG231279R5011 596509 0.010 10
500 SCL-A2-500/48 2CSG231299R5011 596608 0.010 10
600 SCL-A2-600/48 2CSG231309R5011 596707 0.010 10
800 SCL-A2-800/48 2CSG231329R5011 596806 0.010 10

8 1000 SCL-A2-1000/48 2CSG231339R5011 596905 0.010 10

Scales 72 x 72 mm, SCL-A2 for AMT2-A2 d.c. ammeters

20 SCL-A2-20/72 2CSG232075R5011 597001 0.010 10

100 SCL-A2-100/72 2CSG232189R5011 597100 0.010 10
150 SCL-A2-150/72 2CSG232209R5011 597209 0.010 10
200 SCL-A2-200/72 2CSG232229R5011 597308 0.010 10
250 SCL-A2-250/72 2CSG232249R5011 597407 0.010 10
300 SCL-A2-300/72 2CSG232259R5011 597506 0.010 10
400 SCL-A2-400/72 2CSG232279R5011 597605 0.010 10
500 SCL-A2-500/72 2CSG232299R5011 597704 0.010 10
600 SCL-A2-600/72 2CSG232309R5011 597803 0.010 10
800 SCL-A2-800/72 2CSG232329R5011 597902 0.010 10
1000 SCL-A2-1000/72 2CSG232339R5011 598008 0.010 10

Scales 96 x 96 mm, SCL-A2 for AMT2-A2 d.c. ammeters

20 SCL-A2-20/96 2CSG233075R5011 598107 0.010 10

100 SCL-A2-100/96 2CSG233189R5011 598206 0.010 10
150 SCL-A2-150/96 2CSG233209R5011 598305 0.010 10
200 SCL-A2-200/96 2CSG233229R5011 598404 0.010 10
250 SCL-A2-250/96 2CSG233249R5011 598503 0.010 10
300 SCL-A2-300/96 2CSG233259R5011 598602 0.010 10
400 SCL-A2-400/96 2CSG233279R5011 598701 0.010 10
500 SCL-A2-500/96 2CSG233299R5011 598800 0.010 10
600 SCL-A2-600/96 2CSG233309R5011 598909 0.010 10
800 SCL-A2-800/96 2CSG233329R5011 599005 0.010 10
1000 SCL-A2-1000/96 2CSG233339R5011 599104 0.010 10

8/14 ABB
System Selection tables COP
pro M compact Measurement devices

Caps and terminal covers

Caps and terminal covers

Providing protection against accidental bumping or contact, they also assure a degree of protection
to IP55.
They come in three standard sizes, 48 mm x 96 mm, 72 mm x 72 mm and 96 mm x 96 mm.

Size Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
mm Type code Order code EAN kg pc.


48 x 96 Trasparent cover COP-48-96 2CSG300000R5041 611608 1

IP55 for instruments
72 x 72 Trasparent cover COP-72 2CSG400000R5041 611707 1
IP55 for instruments
96 x 96 Trasparent cover COP-96 2CSG500000R5041 611806 1
IP55 for instruments



Description Order
Type code Order code
Bbn Price
8012542 1 piece
1 piece

Terminal covers

48 x 48 Terminal cover COP-M-48 2CSG300000R5051 619901 1

72 x 72 Terminal cover COP-M-72 2CSG400000R5051 620006 1
96 x 96 Terminal cover COP-M-96 2CSG500000R5051 620105 1


ABB 8/15
System Selection tables VLMD, AMTD,
pro M compact Measurement devices
Digital instruments
Suitable for direct or indirect measurement using appropriate accessories.
Measurements are displayed through 3-digit digital indicator with out-of-scale signalling.
As electronic instruments do not have parts subject to friction wear, they have a longer operation
life and high accuracy.

Measuring instruments with digital display


Effective Power Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

range loss details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
0-... W Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Measuring instruments for alternating or direct voltage (direct measurement)

600 V AC/DC 2.0 VLMD-1-2 2CSM110000R1011 62040 2 0.300 1

Ammeter fot C.T. .../5A (alternating current)


15-20-25-40-60 2.0 AMTD-1 2CSM320000R1011 62050 1 0.300 1

250-400-600-999 A

Ammeter for shunt (direct current)

15-20-25-40-60 2.0 AMTD-2 2CSM420000R1011 62060 0 0.300 1

250-400-600-999 A

Measuring instruments for frequencies (direct measurement)


40 … 80 Hz 2.0 FRZ-DIG 2CSM710000R1011 62070 9 0.300 1

Technical features
Rated voltage [V] a.c. 230
Rated frequency [Hz] 50÷400
Overload capacity [In/Vn] 1.2
Accuracy rating [%] ±0.5 full scale ±1 digit at 25 °C
Max. signal input value 5 A a.c/60 mV d.c
Measurement field VLM-D1 VLM-D2 0…999 A
AMTD1 AMTD2 0…999 A
FRZ-DIG 40…80 Hz (0.5% rating)
Selection of capacity continuous through menu pushbuttons
Display 3-digit display+LED for out-of scale signalling
Operating temperature [°C] -10…+55
Storage temperature [°C] -40…+70
Protection degree [IP] 20
Power consumption [VA] <2
Modules [No.] 3
Standards CEI EN 61010

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/141 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/42

8/16 ABB
System Selection tables VLMD, AMTD,
pro M compact Measurement devices
Digital instruments

Wiring diagrams


1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

S1 S2
P1 P2
Power supply Signal input Power supply Signal
input max. 600 V input input
230 V a.c. d.c./a.c. 230 V a.c. max. 5 A


A Hz

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Power supply Signal Power supply Signal
input input input input
230 V a.c. max. 60 mV d.c. 230 V a.c. max. 600 V a.c.

Full scale calibration

Press the set up pushbutton for 3 seconds until the display blinks, then press repeate-
dly the pushbutton until viewing the desired full scale (3 lines=5 A full scale). Then press
again the pushbutton for 3 seconds for saving the selected setting.

ABB 8/17
System Selection tables VLMD
pro M compact Measurement devices
Digital instruments with relay

Digital instruments with alarm relay

The ABB range of modular instruments has been expanded with the introduction of the digital in-
struments with alarm relay.
The range comprises 3 instruments that display and monitor a value, tripping a relay contact and
signalling an alarm condition if it over- or undershoots a programmable threshold. The alarm threshold
is programmable as either a minimum or maximum limit. The peak maximum and minimum values
measured are stored in the non volatile instrument memory.
The contact type is N.O., so that the contact is open when the instrument is powered off, but it is
possible to obtain positive safety operation via a software setting which determines whether the alarm

condition is with an open or closed contact.

The instrument with relay can be used as either a minimum or maximum relay, but not for both
functions simultaneously.

Version Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
AC-DC digital voltmeter VLMD-1-2-R 2CSM274693R1011 746935 0.300 1
AC digital ammeter AMTD-1-R 2CSM274773R1011 747734 0.300 1

DC digital ammeter AMTD-2-R 2CSM261073R1011 610731 0.300 1

Technical features
Rated frequency [Hz] 50÷400
Ammeter full scale value [A] 5, 20, 25, 40, 60, 100, 150, 200, 250, 400, 600
Voltmeter full scale value [V] 300, 500
Tripping delay [s] 1, 5, 10, 20, 30
Hysteresis [%] 5, 10, 20, 40 of set threshold
Output pins 3-4
Output relay NO
Overload [In/Vn] 1, 2
Accuracy rating [%] ±0.5 full scale
±1digit at 25 °C
Max. signal input value 5 A a.c./60 mV d.c.
Display 3 digit display + LED for out-of-scale indication
Operating temperature [°C] -10…+55
Storage temperature [°C] -40...+70
Protection degree [IP] 20
Power consumption [VA] <2
Modules [No.] 3
Standards CEI EN 61010

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/141 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/42

8/18 ABB
System Selection tables VLMD
pro M compact Measurement devices
Digital instruments with relay

Wiring diagrams


1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

output output 5A
S1 S2
power signal power P1 P2
supply input input supply input signal
230 V a.c. max. 600 V a.c./d.c. 230 V a.c. input
max. 5 A


A Hz

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6


signal Ingresso

supply input input alimentazione input
230 V a.c. max. 60 mV d.c. 230 V a.c. max. 600 V a.c.

Alarm activation logic

Device status NO polarity (default) NC polarity

Instrument not supplied

Instrument supplied - no alarm

Instrument supplied - alarm


ABB 8/19
System Selection tables MCV and
pro M compact Measurement devices
Accessories for analogue and digital instruments

MCV - MCA voltmetric and ammetric switches

Cam rotary switches are suitable for mounting on EN 50022 rail. In three-phase systems they enable
the use of a single measurement instrument (single-phase) for viewing the current or voltage value
set through the switch itself.

Range Power Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack


loss details 4034656 1 piece group 1 piece unit

W Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Voltmeter changeover switches

L1, L2, L3 0.5 MCV 4 1SCA 022 404 R4740 52246 9 0.095 1

L1, L2, L3, N 0.5 MCV 7 1SCA 022 647 R7840 52243 8 0.110 1

Ammeter changeover switches

0-1-2-3 0.5 MCA 4 1SCA 022 404 R4821 52245 2 0.110 1

Technical features
Insulation voltage [V] 600
Rated thermal current [A] 12
Mechanic operations [n°] 1000000
Power consumption [W] 0.23
Modules [No.] 3

MCV4 0
0 0
L1-L2 L1-N L1-L2
L1 R L1 R L1 R

L2 S L2-L3 L2 S L3 L1 L2 S L2-N L2-L3

L3 T L3-L1 L3 T L3 T L3-N L3-L1


5 3 7 6 5 9 3 9 5 1 3

6 V 2 6 A 4 10 V 12

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/43

8/20 ABB
System Selection tables VLM-D
pro M compact Measurement devices
Front panel digital instruments for alternating current

Front panel digital instruments for alternating current

2CSC445082F0001 Size Digits Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
mm Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

VLM-D1 Digital voltmeters for alternating current


Digital voltmeters with 3-digit LED display, end of scale adjustable by minidip switches,
100/600 V a.c.

36x72 3 VLM-D1-3/36x72 2CSG111010R4011 556701 0.3 1

48x96 3 VLM-D1-3/48x96 2CSG113010R4011 557302 0.3 1
72x72 3 VLM-D1-3/72x72 2CSG114010R4011 557906 0.3 1
96x96 3 VLM-D1-3/96x96 2CSG115010R4011 558309 0.3 1

AMT-D1 Digital ammeters for alternating current

Digital ammeter with 3 or 3 ½-digit LED display indirect insertion through CT…/5 A. It’s possible to set
following full scale: 15A, 25A, 40A, 60A, 100A, 150A, 250A, 400A, 600A, 999A.

36x72 3 AMT-D1-3/36x72 2CSG321010R4011 556800 0.3 1

36x72 3½ AMT-D1-4/36x72 2CSG321020R4011 556909 0.3 1
48x96 3 AMT-D1-3/48x96 2CSG323010R4011 557401 0.3 1

48x96 3½ AMT-D1-4/48x96 2CSG323020R4011 557500 0.3 1

72x72 3 AMT-D1-3/72x72 2CSG324010R4011 558002 0.3 1
96x96 3 AMT-D1-3/96x96 2CSG325010R4011 558408 0.3 1

Digital voltemeter/ammeter for alternating current

Digital voltmeter/ammeter with 3-digit LED display, end of scale 600 V a.c. and 999 A with CT…/5 A
(96 mm x 96 mm)

96x96 3 VLM-D1-AMT-D1-3/96x96 2CSG525010R4011 558705 0.3 1


Technical details ........................ pag. 10/141 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/42

ABB 8/21
System Selection tables VLM-D
pro M compact Measurement devices
Front panel digital instruments for direct current

Front panel digital instruments for direct current

Size Digits Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

mm Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

VLM-D2 Digital voltmeters for direct current


Digital voltmeters with 3-digit LED display, end of scale adjustable by minidip switches
100/600 V d.c.

36x72 3 VLM-D2-3/36x72 2CSG211010R4011 557005 0.3 1

48x96 3 VLM-D2-3/48x96 2CSG213010R4011 557609 0.3 1
72x72 3 VLM-D2-3/72x72 2CSG214010R4011 558101 0.3 1

96x96 3 VLM-D2-3/96x96 2CSG215010R4011 558507 0.3 1

AMT-D2 Digital ammeters for direct current

Digital ammeters with 3 or 3 ½-digit LED display indirect insertion with shunt …/60 mV. It’s possible
to set following full scale: 15A, 25A, 40A, 60A, 100A, 150A, 250A, 400A, 600A, 999A.

36x72 3 AMT-D2-3/36x72 2CSG421010R4011 557104 0.3 1

36x72 3½ AMT-D2-4/36x72 2CSG421020R4011 557203 0.3 1
48x96 3 AMT-D2-3/48x96 2CSG423010R4011 557708 0.3 1

48x96 3½ AMT-D2-4/48x96 2CSG423020R4011 557807 0.3 1

72x72 3 AMT-D2-3/72x72 2CSG424010R4011 558200 0.3 1
96x96 3 AMT-D2-3/96x96 2CSG425010R4011 558606 0.3 1

Digital voltemeter/ammeter for direct current

Digital voltmeter/ammeter with 3-digit LED display, end of scale 600 V d.c. and 999 A with
shunt…/60 mV

96x96 3 VLM-D2-AMT-D2-3/96x96 2CSG625010R4011 558804 0.3 1


Technical details ........................ pag. 10/141 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/42

8/22 ABB
System Selection tables
pro M compact Measurement devices

Front panel digital instruments

Technical features
Power supply voltage [V] 230 a.c. (for all versions)
Test voltage [V] 2000 rms (50 Hz/1 min)
Max. signal input VLM-D1 600 V a.c.; VLM-D2 600 V d.c.
AMT-D1 5 A; AMT-D2 60 mV
Measuring range VLM-D1 and VLM-D2 600 V a.c./d.c.
AMT-D1 and AMT-D2 from 15 A to 999 A
(15-25-40-60-99.9-150-250-400-600-999 A)
Precision class 0.5 (± 1 digit)
Operating temperature [°c] -10...+55 (±0.C6%)
Storage temperature [°c] -40...+70
Average and max. relative 65% (yearly average)
humidity (DIN 40040) / 85% (+35 °C/60 days a year)
Vibration resistance UEC 50-1) [G] (9.81 m/s)0.3-5 (0.35-3 mnv’5-60 Hz: 3 axes/6 h)
Degree of protection IP52 indoors
IP00 on the terminals (IEC 144, DIN 40050) can be
raised to IP40 with suitable terminal covers
- cases and front edge self-extinguishing thermosetting material fungus and
termite resistance according to UL94 V-0
- indicators red LED. H 24 mm
- terminals brass cable clamps for 72 mm x 72 mm devices/
Faston 6.35 mm x 0.8 mm for 96 mm x 96 mm devices
Assembly vertical/horizontal with special screw-on brackets 1
Dimensions W x H x D (DIN 43700/43716) [mm] 72 x 36 x 86
96 x 48 x 86
72 x 72 x 53
96 x 96 x 53
Applicable standards IEC EN 61010-1

/ Tropicalization allows the instruments to withstand up to 95% relative humidity max {+35 °C/30 days a year) and 75% average
relative humidity.
0 When the LEDs read “EEE*, this means that the end of the scale has been reached.
1 With 0.5 mm-19 mm thick panels, the screws must be attached in the fixing position nearest to the front edge of the mea-
suring device, whereas the 20 mm-39 mm thick panels require the screws to be fixed in the position furthest away from the
front edge. 8

Wiring diagrams

Ammeter and Voltmeter alternating connection Double Ammeter and Voltmeter alternating connection

Power supply
1 2 220 V ˜
Input Power supply
signal 220 V ˜ 3
1 2 3 4
5 6

S1 S2 220 V ˜ S1 S2 220 V ˜

P1 P2 P1 P2
L1 L1

ABB 8/23
System Selection tables QCV
pro M compact Measurement devices
Front panel voltage and current switches

Front panel QCV - QCA voltage and current switches

For use in three-phase systems, to allow a single device to measure the voltage and current settings
adjusted by the switches.

Measure Position Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 4034656 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

VLM-D1 Digital voltmeters for alternating current

Voltage 4 QCV-4/48 1SCA022780R0770 527990 0.150 1

Current 4 QCA-4/48 1SCA022780R0690 528003 0.150 1
Voltage 7 QCV-7/48 1SCA022780R0850 527983 0.150 1

Wiring diagrams

8 QCV-4 L1 R
L2 S
1 V 5
L3 T

2 6 4

QCA-4 L1 R
L2 S
1 A 3
L3 T

8 2 6

QCV-7 L1 R
L2 S
10 V 12
L3 T

9 5 1 11

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/43

8/24 ABB
System Selection tables DMTME
pro M compact Measurement devices

DMTME multimeters

DMTME multimeters
The instruments DMTME are digital multimeters that allow the measurement (in TRMS mode) of the
principal electrical parameters in three-phase 230/400 Vac networks, including the max/min/average
detection of the main electrical parameters and the active and reactive energy count. The different
measured variables are displayed locally on four red 7-segment LED displays providing easy readability
and simultaneous display of multiples measures.
The instruments DMTME combine also (in a single instrument) the functions of a voltmeter, amme-
ter, power factor meter, wattmeter, varmeter, frequency meter, active and reactive energy meters,
allowing remarkable financial savings thanks to the reduction of space required for the panels and
also of time required for cabling.
The DMTME-I-485 model is additionally equipped with two relays, fully programmable as either pulse
outputs for remote metering of energy consumption, or as alarm outputs.
There is also an RS485 port for communicating the measured parameters over a Modbus net-
All versions come complete with Mini CD containing the instruction manual, technical documentation,
communication protocol and the DMTME-SW software.

DMTME modular multimeters

TRMS measure of VL-L, VL-N, A, W, Var, VA, kWh, kVar, PF in 230/400 V a.c. lines. Indirect connection
through CT …/5 A. Auxiliary supply at 110 V a.c. and 230 V a.c.

Type Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
DMTME 2CSM170040R1021 975700 0.450 1
RS485 Modbus RTU
2 programmable outputs DMTME-I-485 2CSM180050R1021 975809 0.450 1

Technical features

Dimensions (LxHxW) 6 DIN rail model: 105 mm x 90 mm x 63 mm

Weight About 350 g
Protection IP50 on the front panel
IP20 on the terminal blocks
Power-supply 230 V rms (+15% -10%)
Voltage 240 V rms (+10% -15%)
115 V rms (+15% -10%)
120 V rms (+10% -15%)
Frequency 45 ÷ 65 Hz
Power consumption < 6 VA
Fuse Fit external fuse T0,1 A
Voltmeter inputs Range 5 ÷ 500 V rms (L-N)
Max non-destructive value 550 V rms
L-N input impedance Greater than 8M7
Ammeter inputs (use always external CTs) Range 50 mA ÷ 5 A rms
Overload 1.1 permanent
Max dispersed power (with 1.4 VA
Imax = 5A rms), for each
phase input
Type of measurement Current inputs through internal shunts and using external CTs
Direction of CTs current Automatic detection of current direction
Maximum value for the single-phase energy 4,294.9 MWh (MVArh) with KA = KV = 1
Maximum value for the three-phase energy 4,294.9 MWh (MVArh) with KA = KV = 1
Accuracy Class 1
Operating temperature 0 °C ÷ 50 °C
Storage temperature -10 °C ÷ 60 °C
Relative humidity 90% max. (without condense) at 40 °C
Standard IEC / EN 61010-1

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/142 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/44 Application sheets ....................... pag. 11/21

ABB 8/25
System Selection tables DMTME
pro M compact Measurement devices

DMTME multimeters

Wiring diagrams

RS485 Digital output

230/240 Vac RS485 Digital output
0 115 230 C 01 02 0 115 230 C 01 02

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1
l1 l2 l3 l1 l2 l3 VL1 VL2 VL3

S1 S2 S1 S2


L1 S2 S1 P1 P2 P1 P2
L2 L L1
O S2 S1
A L3 L2
N D L3

Three phase direct connection Three phase direct connection without

neutral with 2 CTs

RS485 Digital output

0 115 230 C 01 02

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


S2 S1


Single phase direct connection

8/26 ABB
System Selection tables DMTME-96
pro M compact Measurement devices
Front panel DMTME multimeters

Front panel DMTME multimeters

The DMTME series instruments are digital multimeters that perform true rms value measurement
of the main electrical quantities on 230/400 V a.c. three-phase networks, with the ability to store
in memory the maximum/minimum/average values of the main electrical parameters, and carry out
active and reactive energy metering.
Measured values are displayed locally on four red-LED displays, which afford good legibility and allow
multiple quantities to be viewed at the same time.
The DMTME meters incorporate the functions of a voltmeter, ammeter, power factor meter, wattmeter,
varmeter, frequency meter and active and reactive energy meter into a single instrument, thus delivering
significant benefits in terms of reduced panel space occupation and faster wiring times.
The DMTME-I-485-96 and DMTME-I-485-72 are additionally equipped with two relays, fully program-
mable as either pulse outputs for remote metering of energy consumption, or as alarm outputs. There
is also an RS485 port for communicating the measured parameters over a Modbus network.
All versions come complete with Mini CD containing the instruction manual, technical documentation,
communication protocol and the DMTME-SW software.

Communication Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

DMTME-96 panel multimeters


TRMS measure of VL-L, VL-N, A, W, Var, VA, kWh, kVar, PF in 230/400 V a.c. lines. Indirect connection
through CT …/5 A. Size 96 mm x 96 mm. Auxiliary supply 230 V a.c. and 110 V a.c.

DMTME-96 2CSG133030R4022 046752 0.450 1

RS485 ModbusRTU
2 programmable outputs DMTME-I-485-96 2CSG163030R4022 046851 0.450 1

DMTME-72 panel multimeters


TRMS measure of VL-L, VL-N, A, W, Var, VA, kWh, kVar, PF in 230/400 V a.c. lines. Indirect connection
through CT …/5 A. Size 72 mm x 72 mm. Auxiliary supply 230 V a.c. and 400 V a.c.

RS485 ModbusRTU
2 programmable outputs






Technical details ........................ pag. 10/142 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/44 Application sheets ....................... pag. 11/21

ABB 8/27
System Selection tables DMTME-96
pro M compact Measurement devices
Front panel DMTME multimeters
Technical characteristics

Rated voltage [V rms] 230 +15% - 10% DMTME-72 and DMTME-96

[V rms] 400 + 10% - 10% DMTME-72
[V rms] 115 +15% - 10% DMTME-96
Frequency [Hz] 45…65
Power consumption [VA] <6
Fuse protection T0.1A
Voltage measuring inputs
Range [V rms] 10…500 V (L-N)
Max. non destructive [V rms] 550
Impedance (L-N) [M7] >8
Current measuring inputs (only external CTs)
Range [A rms] 0.05…5
Overload 1.1 permanent
Measurement accuracy
Voltage ±0.5% F.S. ±1 digit in range
Current ±0.5% F.S. ±1 digit in range
Active power ±1% ±0.1% F.S. from cosJ = 0.3 to cosJ = -0.3
Frequency ±0.2% ±0.1Hz from 40.0 to 99.9 Hz
±0.2% ±1Hz from 100 to 500 Hz
Energy metering
Maximum metered value for single 4,294.9 MWh (MVarh) with KA = KV = 1
Maximum metered value for three 4,294.9 MWh (MVarh) with KA = KV = 1
Accuracy Class 1
Max. power consumption [VA] 1.4 for each input (with Imax = 5A rms)
Digital outputs
Pulse duration 50 ms OFF (min)/ 50 ms ON
Vmax on contact 48 V (d.c. or a.c. peak)
Wmax dissipation 450 mW
Max frequency 10 pulses/sec
Imax contact 100 mA (d.c. or a.c. peak value)
Insulation 750 Vmax
Programmable parameters
kVT transformer ratio Vprim/Vsec 1…500
8 kCT transformer ratio Iprim/Isec
Free hour counter [h]
0…10,000,000, resettable
Countdown [h] 1…32,000
Operating temperature [°C] 0…+50
Storage temperature [°C] -10…+60
Relative humidity 90% max. (non condensing) at 40°C
Overall dimensions [mm] 96x96x103 DMTME-96
[mm] 72x72x90 DMTME-72

8/28 ABB
System Selection tables DMTME
pro M compact Measurement devices

Front panel DMTME multimeters

Wiring diagrams

DMTME-72, DMTME-I-485-72 DMTME-96, DMTME-I-485-96

L1 L1
L2 O L2 O
L3 A L3 A

S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1
I1 I2 I3


400 230 0 L3 L2 L1 N

Three phase connection with 3 CTs .../5A.

L1 L1
L2 O L2 O
L3 A L3 A

S1 S2 S1 S1 S1 I1
S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1
I1 I2 I3 S2
TV1 TV3 S1 I2
P1 P2 P1 P2 I3
P1 P2 P1 P2

400 230 0 L3 L2 L1 N SUPPLY IMPUTS
230 115 0 L3 L2 L1 N S1 S2 S1 S1

230/240 V a.c.

Three phase connection without neutral with 2 CTs and 2 VTs

L1 L1
L2 O L2 O
L3 A L3 A

S1 I1
S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1
I1 I2 I3 S2
S1 I2
S1 I3

400 230 0 L3 L2 L1 N
230 115 0 L3 L2 L1 N

Single phase connection with 1 CT .../5A.

ABB 8/29
System Selection tables MTME-…-LCD-96
pro M compact Measurement devices

Network Analysers

Network analysers
The MTME series network analysers measure the true rms value of the principal electrical quantitites
in 230/400 V a.c. three-phase networks, with memory storage of the maximum/minimum/average
values and metering of the active and reactive energy on total and partial counters. Measurement of
THD (total harmonic distortion), in absolute value and percentage terms, makes it possible to monitor
in real time the energy quality on the system and prevent possible damage to equipment. The MTME
network analysers are additionally capable, depending on the versions, of managing load shedding
to conserve energy or optimise consumption, and of sisgnalling alarm conditions on a total of 34
quantities via two relay outputs.
The versions with RS 485 port allow local and remote monitoring of all the values measured by an
instrument or network of instruments.
Values are displayed locally on a high-visibility backlit LCD display.
Other features include:
- Automatic recognition of the CT polarity (selectable)
- Programmable main screen
- Access password
- Firmware updating via PC
All versions are supplied with a Mini CD containing the instruction manual, technical documentation,
communication protocol and the DMTME-SW software.

MTME network analyzers

TRMS measurement of all electric quantities: V-I-P-Q-A-cosJ-Hz-kWh-kVArh in 230/400 V a.c.
networks, evaluation of THD harmonic distortion factor, load management, backlit LCD display. Size

96 mm x 96 mm
Communication Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
MTME-SUI-LCD-96 2CSG233030R4021 940302 0.450 1
RS485 ModbusRTU MTME-485-SUI-LCD-96 2CSG253030R4021 940401 0.450 1
RS485 ModbusRTU
2 programmable outputs MTME-485-LCD-96 2CSG283040R4021 559702 0.550 1

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/142 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/44

8/30 ABB
System Selection tables MTME-…-LCD-96
pro M compact Measurement devices

Network Analysers
Technical features

Rated voltage [V rms] 230 +15% - 10%

[V rms] 240 +15% - 10%
[V rms] 115 +15% - 10%
[V rms] 120 +15% - 10%
Frequency [Hz] 45…65
Power consumption [VA] <6
Protective fuse T0.1A
Voltage measuring inputs
Range [V rms] 10…500 V (L-N)
Max. non destructive [V rms] 550
Impedance (L-N) [M7] >2
Current measuring inputs
Range [A rms] 0-0.5…5
Overload 1.1 permanent
Measurement accuracy
Voltage ±0.25% ±0.3% F.S.
Current ±0.25% ±0.3% F.S.
Active power ±0.5% ±0.1% F.S. from cosJ = 0.3 to cosJ = -0.3
Frequency ±0.2% ±0.1Hz from 40.0 to 99.9 Hz
±0.2% ±1Hz from 100 to 500 Hz
Energy metering
Maximum metered value for 4,294.9 MWh (MVarh) with KCT = KVT = 1
single phase
Maximum metered value for 4,294.9 MWh (MVarh) with KCT = KVT = 1
three phase
Digital outputs
Pulse duration 50 ms OFF (min)/ 50 ms ON
Vmax on contact 48 V (d.c. or peak a.c.)
Wmax dissipation 450 mW
Max frequency 10 pulses/sec
Imax contact 100 mA (d.c. or a.c. peak)
Insulation 750 Vmax
Programmable parameters
kVT transformer ratio 1…500
kCT transformer ratio
Operating temperature [°C]
0…+50 8
Storage temperature [°C] -10…+60
Relative humidity 90% max. (non condensing) at 40 °C
Overall dimensions [mm] 96 x 96 x 103

ABB 8/31
System Selection tables MTME-…-LCD-96
pro M compact Measurement devices

Network Analysers

Wiring diagrams
MTME-485-LCD-96 MTME-SUI-LCD-96 and MTME-485-SUI-LCD-96

(R) L1 L1


(S) L2

(T) L3
S2-I3 S1-I3 S2-I2 S1-I2 S2-I1 S1-I1

L3 L2 L1

230 0 L3 L2 L1 N Only for MTME-485-SUI-LCD-96 RS485 POWER VOLTAGE

TV B G A 230 115 0 L3 L2 L1 N

Insertion with 3 CTs and 3 VTs Insertion with 3 CTs

(R) L1

(S) L2 L1

(T) L3

S2-I3 S1-I3 S2-I2 S1-I2 S2-I1 S1-I1
L3 L2 L1


8 230 0 L3 L2 L1 N


B G A 230 115 0 L3 L2 L1 N

230 V

Insertion with 2 CTs and 2 VTs

230/240 V c.a.

Insertion with 2 CTs and 2 VTs (Aron)

(R) L1

(S) L2

(T) L3 L1
S1 S2
S1 S2

L3 L2 L1
S2-I3 S1-I3 S2-I2 S1-I2 S2-I1 S1-I1

230 0 L3 L2 L1 N


Balance system: 1 CTs B G A 230 115 0 L3 L2 L1 N

230/240 V c.a.

Insertion with 3 CTs and 3VTs

8/32 ABB
System Selection tables ANR
pro M compact Measurement devices

Network analyser

ANR Network analyser

ABB has extended its range of front panel devices with the introduction of the new ANR electrical
network analysers - measuring instruments that permit advanced analysis of single and three-phase
electrical distribution networks.

In particular, the ANR devices are able to measure and record network parameters, information and
alarms, routing data towards supervision and monitoring systems.

Available in 96 x 96 mm or 144 x 144 mm front panel format, they are equipped with a backlit graphic
LCD display.

The ANR analysers measure current and voltage in TRMS, frequency and temperature, calculate
concatenate voltage and three-phase system voltage and current, power factor and cosJ, apparent,
active and reactive power, THD total harmonic distortion up to the 31st harmonic, and measure active
energy consumed and cogenerated, submetering the counters in total counter, programmable by
the user.

All the parameters can be stored in the 128 kbyte internal memory, expandable to up to 1 Mbyte for
the ANR144 and ANR96P versions.

The devices come with a mini-CD containing:

- Instruction manual
- Technical datasheet
- SW-01 software for managing the recorded data.

Type Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
Auxiliary supply 24 V a.c./d.c. ANR96-24 2CSG113000R4051 943402 0.430 1
Auxiliary supply 230 V a.c./d.c. ANR96-230 2CSG213000R4051 943501 0.430 1
Auxiliary supply 24 V a.c./d.c. -
Memory 1 Mb - 4 digital outputs -
2 digital inputs ANR96P-24 2CSG123000R4051 943600 0.430 1
Auxiliary supply 230 V a.c./d.c. -
Memory 1 Mb - 4 digital outputs -
2 digital inputs ANR96P-230 2CSG223000R4051 943709 0.430 1
Auxiliary supply 24 V a.c./d.c. -

Accessories ANR144-24 2CSG114000R4051 943808 0.430 1

Auxiliary supply 230 V a.c./d.c. -
Accessories ANR144-230 2CSG214000R4051 943907 0.430 1

Expandable range for versions ANR144-24 and ANR144-230

1 Mb internal memory board ANR-1MB 2CSG000010R4051 944003 0.100 1

6 digital input board ANR-6I 2CSG000020R4051 944102 0.100 1
4 digital output board ANR-4O 2CSG000030R4051 944201 0.100 1
2 dig. input + 2 dig. output board ANR-2I2O 2CSG000040R4051 944300 0.100 1
2 analogue output board ANR-2AN 2CSG000050R4051 944409 0.100 1
4 analogue output board ANR-4AN 2CSG000060R4051 944508 0.100 1
RS232/485 board ANR-CM2 2CSG000070R4051 944607 0.100 1
Profibus DP board ANR-PRF 2CSG000080R4051 944706 0.100 1
Ethernet Modbus RTU board ANR-LAN 2CSG000090R4051 944805 0.100 1

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/142 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/44 Application sheets ....................... pag. 11/22

ABB 8/33
System Selection tables ANR
pro M compact Measurement devices

Network analyser
Technical features

Overall dimensions [mm] 96 x 96 x 130 - 144 x 144 x 66 IEC 61554
Max cable section [mm2] 2.5
Protection degree IP52 on front - IP20 on terminal EN 60529
Weight [g] 430
Graphic LCD Backlit 128 x 128 pixel graphic LCD display
Display dimensions [mm] ANR96: 50 x 50 - ANR144: 70 x 70 IEC 60529
Voltage (TRMS)
Direct measurement [V] 10 - 600
Ratio transformer range kVT [V] 0.01 - 5,000.00
Max over voltage [V] 750, beyond this value must use VT
Consumption [VA] 0.2
Input resistor [M7] >2
Current (TRMS)
3 isolated inputs with internal CT [A] 0.01 - 5
Min current value [mA] 10
Consumption [VA] 0.2
Max over current [A] 10 (100 A for 1 second)
Ratio transformer range kCT 0.01 - 5,000.00
Voltage and current Up to 31st harmonic
Range [Hz] 30 - 500
Accuracy class
Current [%] <0.5 EN 61036
Voltage [%] <0.5
Power [%] <1
Power factor [%] <1
Active energy [%] <1 IEC 62052-11
IEC 62053-11
Reactive energy [%] 2 IEC 62053-23
Auxiliary supply
ANR96-230, ANR96P-230, ANR144- [V] 85 ÷265 a.c./d.c.
8 230
ANR96-24, ANR96P-24, ANR144-24 [V] 20 ÷ 60 a.c./d.c.
Internal fuse 5x20 mm 315 mA 250 V Fast
Operating environment
Operating temperature [°C] -10 ÷ +50
Storage temperature [°C] -15 ÷ +70
Operating humidity [°C] 90% without condensation
Voltage insulation 3,700 V a.c. rms for 1 minute
Serial output
Baud rate [bps] 1,200 - 19,200
Protocols Modbus RTU, ASCII
Internal memory
For ANR96 and ANR144 [kbytes] 128 (usable: 80)
For ANR96P [Mbytes] 1
Memory Non-volatile data storage using internal battery
Data retention 5 years at 25 °C
Internal clock
RTC clock IEC 61038
Class of accuracy [ppm] 5
Digital output
Connection area [mm² ] 0 ÷ 2.5
External pulse voltage [V] 12 ÷ 230 V a.c./d.c.
Max current [mA] 150
Digital input
Voltage [V] 12 - 24 d.c.

8/34 ABB
System Selection tables ANR
pro M compact Measurement devices

Network analyser

Wiring diagrams ANR96 and ANR144

4 wires insertion 3 wires insertion

Insertion with 3 CTs and 3 VTs Insertion with 2 CTs

Insertion with 3 CTs Insertion with 2 CTs and 2 VTs (Aron)

Insertion 3 CTS and 2 VTs ???

ABB 8/35
System Selection tables CUS
pro M compact Measurement devices

Serial converter

RS485 / RS232 serial converter

The CUS multifunction serial converter has applications in all those situations which require converting
or managing EIA -232 (RS-232) , EIA-485 (RS-485) or EIA-422 (RS-422) serial lines. The communi-
cation links between devices that use these types of buses (for example PLCs, measurement and
control instruments, peripherals and computers running specific software applications, etc.) often call
for converting between different serial interfaces, ampliying the signal on the line, isolating different
parts of the communication network, etc. These diverse application requirements are readily met by
the CUS converter, thanks to its configurability and operational flexibility.

The CUS assures galvanically-isolated interface conversion between the RS-232 side, the RS422-
485 side and the power supply source.
Its versatility permits following operating modes:
- Full duplex conversion of RS-232 to RS-422
- Half duplex conversion of RS-232 to single-pair RS-485
- Half duplex conversion of RS-232 to two-pair RS-485
- RS-485 repeater (and monitoring function on RS-232)

The principal applications are:

- Multipoint data transmission networks
- Long distance serial links
- Galvanic separation of peripherals
- Extension of RS-485 lines

CUS serial converter/serial repeater

Version Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
serial converter -
signal repeater CUS 2CSM200000R1031 333807 0.5 1

Technical features

Supply voltage [V] 230 V ac ±20%

Frequency [Hz] 50-60
Power consumption [VA] 7 max
Power loss [W] 3.5
Fuse 500 mA internal
Supply terminal dimensions [mm2] 2.5 max
RS485-422 terminal dimensions [mm2] 2.5 max
RS232 connection Sub-D 0 female poles (DB9)
Max RS232 line length [m] 15
Max RS485-422 line length [m] 1200
Connection of multidrop units Max 32
Operating temperature [°C] -20…+60
Storage temperature [°C] -20...+80
Modules [No.] 6

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/144 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/46

8/36 ABB
System Selection tables CUS
pro M compact Measurement devices

Serial converter

Connection diagram

Channel 1 Channel 2 Aux

RS485 RS485 supply

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Ch1-RS485 Ch2-RS485 PE Jumper


pin 1 = not connected

pin 2 = TXD transmit data
pin 3 = RXD receive data
pin 4 = DTR
pin 5 = GND signal ground
pin 6 = DSR
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 pin 7 = RTS
pin 8 = CTS
pin 9 = not connected

Application example

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Line 2 - max 1200 m, 32 units

Line 3 - max 1200 m, 32 units

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Line 1 - max 1200 m, 32 units

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Ch1-RS485 Ch2-RS485 PE Jumper


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Ch1-RS485 Ch2-RS485 PE Jumper

2 (tx)
3 (rx)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
5 (gnd)

ABB 8/37
System Selection tables TMD
pro M compact Measurement devices

Accessories for analogue and digital instruments

Temperature control units

TMD are used to control the temperature levels and efficiency of forced air circulation around
electric machines, transformers, motors, etc.
The temperature is measured by PT100 and RTD type sensors. Each measuring channel has
two programmable alarm thresholds which trip two output relays to remotely signal that a critical
temperature has been reached.
The measured values and any alarm conditions are shown on the dual 3-digit display on
the front of the device, which also has five five programming keys for configuring its
The control unit is also able to store in memory maximum values and a log of all trip-events.

Temperature measured Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack


details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
2 TMD-T2/96 2CSG514000R2021 560302 0.8 1
4 TMD-4/96 2CSG524000R2021 560203 0.8 1

Technical features
Aux. supply voltage [V] 100 … 125, 220 … 240, 380 … 415/50-60 Hz
Max. loss [VA] 4
Measure inputs 2 da RTD PT100
Measure range [°C] 0 … +220 ±2 °C
Delay – Hysteresis 5 s/2 °C
Measure display 7 segmens LED display, numbers
Outputs 1 at 12 V d.c., 3 with relay NA-C-NC, 8 A resistive load
Output functions alarm, trip, ventilation, autodiagnostic
Programmable functions ALARM, TRIP, HOLD, FAN, T. MAX
Connections withdrawable screws, max. section 2.5 mm2

8 Insulation
Protection degree
[Vrms] 2500/50 Hz - 1 min
IP52 front panel
up to IP65 with optional cap
cod. 8012542611806
IP20 rear panel
Operation temperature [°C] -10 ... +55, max. humidity 90%
Storage temperature [°C] -25 ... +80
Reference standards CEI EN 50081-2, CEI EN 50082-2,
CEI 14.1, CEI EN 60255

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/157 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/52

8/38 ABB
System Selection tables TRF M
pro M compact Measurement devices

Measurement modular current transformers

Modular current transformers with Ø 29 mm through primary, secondary .../5A
TFR M are modular current transformers with through primary for measuring instruments. Their
compact size and quick DIN rail plug allow easy installation along with great measurement preci-

Primary Precision Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack


rated class - Rating details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

current power
A -VA Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
40 3-1 TRFM/40 2CSM100050R1111 046912 0.721 4
60 1-2 TRFM/60 2CSM100070R1111 047018 0.744 4
100 0.5-2 TRFM/100 2CSM100090R1111 047117 0.744 4
150 0.5-3 TRFM/150 2CSM100100R1111 047216 0.712 4
250 0.5-4 TRFM/250 2CSM100120R1111 047315 0.746 4
400 0.5-6 TRFM/400 2CSM100140R1111 047407 0.780 4
600 0.5-7 TRFM/600 2CSM100160R1111 047506 0.859 4

Technical features
Frequency 50÷60 Hz
Insulation reference voltage 0,72 kV
Test voltage 3 kV x 1’ 50 Hz
Insulation class B
Protection degree IP20
Permanent overcurrent
Thermal short-time current
1,2 In
40 In
Operating temperature -25 ÷ +50 °C
Storage temperature -40 ÷ + 80 °C
Reference standards IEC EN 60044-1, IEC 61010-1

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/146 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/46

ABB 8/39
System Selection tables CT
pro M compact Measurement devices
Current transformers
CT and CTA current transformers
Used to transform primary currents (max. 6000 A) into .../5 A low secondary currents indirectly sup-
plying power to analogue and digital measurement devices. They are available both with wound and
through primary. In the first case they are provided along with the bar or the primary terminal; in the
second case they have a hole to insert in the bar or the cable which forms the primary.

Technical features
Standard secondary current [A] 5
Max. voltage for operation / [kV] 1.2
Test voltage 0 [kV] 6 at 50 Hz/1 min.
Short circuit rated thermal current Imin 1 [IpN] 40 for 1 sec.
Short circuit rated dynamic current Imin 2 [Iter] 2.5 for 1 sec.
Permanent overload [IpN] 1.2
Safety factor 3 [Fs] b2 at b10 according to version and capacity
Frequency [Hz] 50/60
Air insulation E class
Terminals 4 primary = P1, P2 (K-L)
secondary = s1, s2 (k-l)
P1 (K)=primary wound input
P2 (L)=primary wound output
s1 (k)=secondary wound input
s2 (l)=secondary wound output
with double ration on secondary s1-s2=lower ratio, s1-s3=higher ratio
Housing ABS resin
Protection degree IP30
Operating temperature [°C] -20…+50
Max. temperature on bars [°C] +70
Storage temperature [°C] -40…+80
8 Relative humidity
Reference standard
EN 61010, IEC-EN 60044-1
/ Max. voltage (effective value) the transformer can bear.
0 Industrial frequency voltage in relation to insulation the transformer bears for 1 min. between the primary and the secondary.
1 Max. primary current (effective value) the transformer bears for 1 sec. with counter-circuited secondary without overload-induced damages.
2 Max. primary current (effective value) the transformer bears for 1 sec. with counter-circuited secondary without damaged due to electromagnetic efforts.
3 Ratio between primary current causing nucleus saturation and the rated primary current value: the lower the Sf the higher the protection level on the transformer.
4 Brass terminals CuZn37, M4x6 screws with torsion value 1.9 Nm, tensile value 440 N/mm2 and elasticity limit 340 N/mm2.
During the installation control the correct input (P1-K) and output (P2-L) direction of the primary cable.
On versions with primary and secondary on terminals pay attention the connection of the primary with the secondary is not inverted.
In the case of a detachment from measurement devices of the transformer in a connected plant counter-circuit the two terminals of the transformer.
It is suggested to earth the transformers.

8/40 ABB
System Selection tables CTA
pro M compact Measurement devices

Measurement current transformers with wound primary

Standard type current transformers …/5 A with wound primary

Primary Precision Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
rated class - Rating details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
current power
A -VA Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

CTA series CTA .../5 A series, wound primary with insertion on Ø8 MA bolt
Wound primary max section [mm]
cable 8 5 0.5-5 and 1-7 CTA/5 2CSG111020R1141 661306 0.290 1
10 0.5-5 and 1-7 CTA/10 2CSG111030R1141 661405 0.290 1
horizontal bar -
15 0.5-5 and 1-7 CTA/15 2CSG111040R1141 661504 0.290 1
vertical bar - 20 0.5-5 and 1-7 CTA/20 2CSG111050R1141 661603 0.290 1
25 0.5-5 and 1-7 CTA/25 2CSG111060R1141 661702 0.290 1
40 0.5-5 and 1-7 CTA/40 2CSG111080R1141 661801 0.290 1
50 0.5-5 and 1-7 CTA/50 2CSG111090R1141 661900 0.290 1

60 0.5-5 and 1-7 CTA/60 2CSG111100R1141 662006 0.290 1

80 0.5-5 and 1-7 CTA/80 2CSG111110R1141 662105 0.290 1
100 0.5-5 and 1-7 CTA/100 2CSG111120R1141 662204 0.290 1

CTA/25 CTA/40

CTA1 series CTA1 .../5 A series, wound primary with insertion on 25 mm bar
Wound primary max section [mm]
cable - 5 0.5-10 and 1-20 CTA1/5 2CSG211020R1141 662303 0.440 1
10 0.5-10 and 1-20 CTA1/10 2CSG211030R1141 662402 0.440 1
horizontal bar 25
15 0.5-10 and 1-20 CTA1/15 2CSG211040R1141 662501 0.440 1
vertical bar - 20 0.5-10 and 1-20 CTA1/20 2CSG211050R1141 662600 0.440 1
25 0.5-10 and 1-20 CTA1/25 2CSG211060R1141 662709 0.440 1
40 0.5-10 and 1-20 CTA1/40 2CSG211080R1141 662808 0.440 1
50 0.5-10 and 1-20 CTA1/50 2CSG211090R1141 662907 0.440 1
60 0.5-10 and 1-20 CTA1/60 2CSG211100R1141 663003 0.440 1

80 0.5-10 and 1-20 CTA1/80 2CSG211110R1141 663102 0.440 1

0.5-10 and 1-20
0.5-10 and 1-20
1 8
200 0.5-10 and 1-20 CTA1/200 2CSG211140R1141 663409 0.440 1
250 0.5-10 and 1-20 CTA1/250 2CSG211150R1141 663508 0.440 1
300 0.5-10 and 1-20 CTA1/300 2CSG211160R1141 663607 0.440 1
400 0.5-10 and 1-20 CTA1/400 2CSG211170R1141 663706 0.440 1
500 0.5-10 and 1-20 CTA1/500 2CSG211180R1141 663805 0.440 1

CTA2 series CTA2 .../5 A series, wound primary with insertion on 25 mm bar
Wound primary max section [mm]
cable - 5 0.5-10 and 1-35 CTA2/5 2CSG311020R1141 663904 0.440 1
10 0.5-10 and 1-35 CTA2/10 2CSG311030R1141 664000 0.440 1
horizontal bar 25
15 0.5-10 and 1-35 CTA2/15 2CSG311040R1141 664109 0.440 1
vertical bar - 20 0.5-10 and 1-35 CTA2/20 2CSG311050R1141 664208 0.440 1
25 0.5-10 and 1-35 CTA2/25 2CSG311060R1141 664307 0.440 1
40 0.5-10 and 1-35 CTA2/40 2CSG311080R1141 664406 0.440 1
50 0.5-10 and 1-35 CTA2/50 2CSG311090R1141 664505 0.440 1

60 0.5-10 and 1-35 CTA2/60 2CSG311100R1141 664604 0.440 1

80 0.5-10 and 1-35 CTA2/80 2CSG311110R1141 664703 0.440 1
100 0.5-10 and 1-35 CTA2/100 2CSG311120R1141 664802 0.440 1
150 0.5-10 and 1-35 CTA2/150 2CSG311130R1141 664901 0.440 1
200 0.5-10 and 1-35 CTA2/200 2CSG311140R1141 665007 0.440 1
250 0.5-10 and 1-35 CTA2/250 2CSG311150R1141 665106 0.440 1
CTA2 300 0.5-10 and 1-35 CTA2/300 2CSG311160R1141 665205 0.440 1
400 0.5-10 and 1-35 CTA2/400 2CSG311170R1141 665304 0.440 1
500 0.5-10 and 1-35 CTA2/500 2CSG311180R1141 665403 0.440 1

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/146 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/47

ABB 8/41
System Selection tables CT
pro M compact Measurement devices

Current transformers
Breaker choice

S200, S500
S280, S800


T1,T2,T3,T4 T5 T6 T6


E1, E2 E1 E2 E1 E2, E3 E2, E3

Rated current choice

Rated Current [A] CT3 CT4 CT6 CT8 CT8-V CT12 CT12-V
40 3
50 3
60 3
80 3
2CSG121100R1101 2CSG221100R1101
100 1
CT3/100 CT4/100
2CSG121110R1101 2CSG221110R1101
150 0.5
CT3/150 CT4/150
2CSG121120R1101 2CSG221120R1101
200 0.5
CT3/200 CT4/200
2CSG121130R1101 2CSG221130R1101 2CSG421130R1101
250 0.5
CT3/250 CT4/250 CT6/250
2CSG121140R1101 2CSG221140R1101 2CSG421140R1101 2CSG521140R1101
300 0.5
CT3/300 CT4/300 CT6/300 CT8/300
2CSG221150R1101 2CSG421150R1101 2CSG521150R1101 2CSG631150R1101
400 0.5
CT4/400 CT6/400 CT8/400 CT8-V/400
2CSG221160R1101 2CSG421160R1101 2CSG521160R1101 2CSG631160R1101
500 0.5

8 600
CT8-V/600 CT12/600
2CSG421180R1101 2CSG521180R1101 2CSG631180R1101
2CSG721180R1101 2CSG831180R1101
800 0.5
CT6/800 CT8/800 CT8-V/800 CT12/800 CT12-V/800
2CSG421190R1101 2CSG521190R1101 2CSG631190R1101
2CSG721190R1101 2CSG831190R1101
1000 0.5
CT6/1000 CT8/1000 CT8-V/1000 CT12/1000 CT12-V/1000
2CSG421200R1101 2CSG521200R1101 2CSG631200R1101
2CSG721200R1101 2CSG831200R1101
1200 0.5
CT6/1200 CT8/1200 CT8-V/1200 CT12/1200 CT12-V/1200
1250 0.5
2CSG421220R1101 2CSG521220R1101 2CSG631220R1101 2CSG721220R1101 2CSG831220R1101
1500 0.5
CT6/1500 CT8/1500 CT8-V/1500 CT12/1500 CT12-V/1500
2CSG421230R1101 2CSG521230R1101 2CSG721230R1101 2CSG831230R1101
2000 0.5
CT6/2000 CT8/2000 CT12/2000 CT12-V/2000
2CSG721240R1101 2CSG831240R1101
2500 0.5
CT12/2500 CT12-V/2500
2CSG721250R1101 2CSG831250R1101
3000 0.5
CT12/3000 CT12-V/3000
4000 0.5

Primary choice
CT3 CT4 CT6 CT8 CT8-V CT12 CT12-V
21 25 50 2x30 2x35 2x50 2x35
primary max 30x10 40x10 60x20 80x30 - 125x50 - class
section [mm]
20x10 40x10 - - 3x80x5 - 4x125x5

8/42 ABB
System Selection tables CT
pro M compact Measurement devices

Measurement current transformers with through primary

Standard type current transformers …/5 A with through primary

Primary Precision Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
rated class - Rating details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
current power
A -VA Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
CT3 series
Through primary max section [mm] CT3 .../5 A series, through primary
cable 21 40 3-1.5 CT3/40 2CSG121060R1101 602408 0.340 1
horizontal bar 30x10 50 3-2 CT3/50 2CSG121070R1101 602507 0.340 1
60 3-2 CT3/60 2CSG121080R1101 602606 0.340 1
vertical bar 20x10
80 3-3 CT3/80 2CSG121090R1101 602705 0.340 1
100 1-2.5 CT3/100 2CSG121100R1101 602804 0.340 1
150 0.5-3 CT3/150 2CSG121110R1101 602903 0.340 1

200 0.5-3 CT3/200 2CSG121120R1101 603009 0.340 1

250 0.5-5 CT3/250 2CSG121130R1101 603108 0.340 1
300 0.5-5 CT3/300 2CSG121140R1101 603207 0.340 1
400 0.5-6 CT3/400 2CSG121150R1101 603306 0.340 1
500 0.5-6 CT3/500 2CSG121160R1101 603405 0.340 1
600 0.5-6 CT3/600 2CSG121170R1101 603504 0.340 1

CT4 .../5 A series, through primary

CT4 series
Through primary max section [mm]
100 1-3 CT4/100 2CSG221100R1101 603603 0.500 1
cable 32 150 1-3 CT4/150 2CSG221110R1101 603702 0.500 1
horizontal bar 40x10 200 1-4 CT4/200 2CSG221120R1101 603801 0.500 1
250 1-6 CT4/250 2CSG221130R1101 603900 0.500 1
vertical bar 40x10
300 0.5-6 CT4/300 2CSG221140R1101 604006 0.500 1
400 0.5-10 CT4/400 2CSG221150R1101 604105 0.500 1
500 0.5-10 CT4/500 2CSG221160R1101 604204 0.500 1
600 0.5-10 CT4/600 2CSG221170R1101 604303 0.500 1


800 0.5-10 CT4/800 2CSG221180R1101 604402 0.500 1

1000 0.5-10 CT4/1000 2CSG221190R1101 604501 0.500 1


Technical details ........................ pag. 10/146 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/47

ABB 8/43
System Selection tables CT
pro M compact Measurement devices

Measurement current transformers with through primary

Primary Precision Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

rated class - Rating details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
current power
A -VA Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

CT6 series CT6 .../5 A series, through primary

Through primary max section [mm]
250 0.5-5 CT6/250 2CSG421130R1101 605508 1.000 1
cable 50
300 0.5-5 CT6/300 2CSG421140R1101 605607 1.000 1
horizontal bar 60x20 400 0.5-6 CT6/400 2CSG421150R1101 605706 1.000 1
vertical bar - 500 0.5-6 CT6/500 2CSG421160R1101 605805 1.000 1
600 0.5-10 CT6/600 2CSG421170R1101 605904 1.000 1
800 0.5-10 CT6/800 2CSG421180R1101 606000 1.000 1
1000 0.5-20 CT6/1000 2CSG421190R1101 606109 1.000 1
1200 0.5-20 CT6/1200 2CSG421200R1101 606208 1.000 1
1500 0.5-30 CT6/1500 2CSG421220R1101 606307 1.000 1

2000 0.5-30 CT6/2000 2CSG421230R1101 606406 1.000 1

2500 0.5-30 CT6/2500 2CSG421240R1101 606505 1.000 1


CT8 series CT8 .../5 A series, through primary

Through primary max section [mm]
cable 2x30 300 0.5-5 CT8/300 2CSG521140R1101 606604 1.000 1
400 0.5-6 CT8/400 2CSG521150R1101 606703 1.000 1
horizontal bar 80x30
500 0.5-10 CT8/500 2CSG521160R1101 606802 1.000 1
vertical bar - 600 0.5-10 CT8/600 2CSG521170R1101 606901 1.000 1
800 0.5-10 CT8/800 2CSG521180R1101 607007 1.000 1
1000 0.5-10 CT8/1000 2CSG521190R1101 607106 1.000 1
1200 0.5-15 CT8/1200 2CSG521200R1101 607205 1.000 1
1500 0.5-20 CT8/1500 2CSG521220R1101 607304 1.000 1
2000 0.5-20 CT8/2000 2CSG521230R1101 607403 1.000 1
8 2500 0.5-20 CT8/2500 2CSG521240R1101 607502 1.000 1

3000 0.5-20 CT8/3000 2CSG521250R1101 607601 1.000 1


CT8-V series CT8-V .../5 A series, through primary

Through primary max section [mm]
cable 2x35 400 0.5-6 CT8-V/400 2CSG631150R1101 608707 0.800 1
500 0.5-10 CT8-V/500 2CSG631160R1101 608806 0.800 1
horizontal bar -
600 0.5-10 CT8-V/600 2CSG631170R1101 608905 0.800 1
vertical bar 80x30 3x80x5 800 0.5-10 CT8-V/800 2CSG631180R1101 609001 0.800 1
1000 0.5-10 CT8-V/1000 2CSG631190R1101 609100 0.800 1
1200 0.5-10 CT8-V/1200 2CSG631200R1101 609209 0.800 1
1500 0.5-10 CT8-V/1500 2CSG631220R1101 609308 0.800 1
2000 0.5-20 CT8-V/2000 2CSG631230R1101 609407 0.800 1
2500 0.5-20 CT8-V/2500 2CSG631240R1101 609506 0.800 1


Technical details ........................ pag. 10/146 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/47

8/44 ABB
System Selection tables CT
pro M compact Measurement devices

Measurement current transformers with through primary

Primary Precision Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

rated class - Rating details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
current power
A -VA Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

CT12 series CT12 .../5 A series, through primary

Through primary max section [mm]
500 0.5-10 CT12/500 2CSG721160R1101 607700 1.600 1
cable 2x50
600 0.5-10 CT12/600 2CSG721170R1101 607809 1.600 1
horizontal bar 125x50 800 0.5-15 CT12/800 2CSG721180R1101 607908 1.600 1
vertical bar - 1000 0.5-20 CT12/1000 2CSG721190R1101 608004 1.600 1
1200 0.5-20 CT12/1200 2CSG721200R1101 608103 1.600 1
1500 0.5-20 CT12/1500 2CSG721220R1101 608202 1.600 1
2000 0.5-30 CT12/2000 2CSG721230R1101 608301 1.600 1
2500 0.5-40 CT12/2500 2CSG721240R1101 608400 1.600 1
3000 0.5-40 CT12/3000 2CSG721250R1101 608509 1.600 1
4000 0.5-50 CT12/4000 2CSG721260R1101 608608 2.000 1

5000 0.5-50 CT12/5000 2CSG721270R1101 745600 3.000 1

6000 0.5-50 CT12/6000 2CSG721280R1101 745709 3.000 1


CT12-V series CT12-V .../5 A series, through primary

Through primary max section [mm]
800 0.5-10 CT12-V/800 2CSG831180R1101 609605 0.700 1
cable 3x35 1000 0.5-10 CT12-V/1000 2CSG831190R1101 609704 0.700 1
horizontal bar - 1200 0.5-10 CT12-V/1200 2CSG831200R1101 609803 0.700 1
125x30 3x100x10 1250 0.5-10 CT12-V/1250 2CSG831210R1101 609902 0.700 1
vertical bar 1500 0.5-12 CT12-V/1500 2CSG831220R1101 610007 0.700 1
2000 0.5-15 CT12-V/2000 2CSG831230R1101 610106 1.000 1
2500 0.5-20 CT12-V/2500 2CSG831240R1101 610205 1.000 1
3000 0.5-20 CT12-V/3000 2CSG831250R1101 610304 1.000 1
4000 0.5-20 CT12-V/4000 2CSG831260R1101 745808 1.000 1 8


Technical details ........................ pag. 10/146 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/47

ABB 8/45
System Selection tables CTSM
pro M compact Measurement devices

Accessories for analogue and digital instruments

Summing current transformers

They are used for calculating the vector sum of currents of two or more lines of a single voltage
system. Installation on DIN rail. The insulation reference voltage is 0.72 kV – 3 kV.

Summing current transformers…/5 A (6 DIN modules)

Type Power Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

VA Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

5+5=5A 6 CTSM-5-5 2CSM101010R1181 610403 0.300 1
5+5+5=5A 6 CTSM-5-5-5 2CSM101020R1181 610502 0.300 1
5+5+5+5=5A 6 CTSM-5-5-5-5 2CSM101030R1181 610601 0.300 1

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/150 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/50

8/46 ABB
System Selection tables TV
pro M compact Measurement devices

Accessories for analogue and digital instruments

Voltage transformers

They are used for transforming primary voltages up to 600 V into secondary voltages of…/100 V
max. for indirect supply of analogue as well as digital measurement instruments.
R3 voltage transformers are used in three-phase distribution systems with neutral.

Voltage transformers with self-extinguishing plastic housing, precision class 1

Primary/ Power Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
secondary details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

V/V VA Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

100/100 3 TV-100/100 2CSG112010R5021 746805 1.000 1
230/100 6 TV-230/100 2CSG112070R5021 610809 1.000 1
380/100 6 TV-380/100 2CSG112090R5021 610908 1.000 1
400/100 6 TV-400/100 2CSG112110R5021 611004 1.000 1
440/100 3 TV-440/100 2CSG112130R5021 747000 1.000 1
500/100 6 TV-500/100 2CSG112150R5021 611103 1.000 1

100/100-•3 1.5 TV-100R3/100 2CSG111020R5021 747604 1.000 1

230/100-•3 1.5 TV-230R3/100 2CSG111080R5021 747901 1.000 1
380/100-•3 1.5 TV-380R3/100 2CSG111100R5021 748007 1.000 1
400/100-•3 1.5 TV-400R3/100 2CSG111120R5021 748106 1.000 1
440/100-•3 1.5 TV-440R3/100 2CSG111140R5021 748205 1.000 1
500/100-•3 1.5 TV-500R3/100 2CSG111160R5021 748304 1.000 1

Voltage transformers with metallic housing, precision class 0.5

Primary/ Power Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
secondary details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

V/V VA Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

100/100 10 TV2-100/100 2CSG324010R5021 729808 2.100 1
230/100 10 TV2-230/100 2CSG324070R5021 730101 2.100 1
440/100 10 TV2-440/100 2CSG324130R5021 730408 2.100 1
500/100 10 TV2-500/100 2CSG324150R5021 730507 2.100 1
600/100 10 TV2-600/100 2CSG324170R5021 730606 2.100 1

100/100-•3 5 TV2-100R3/100 2CSG323020R5021 730705 2.100 1

230/100-•3 5 TV2-230R3/100 2CSG323080R5021 731009 2.100 1
380/100-•3 5 TV2-380R3/100 2CSG323100R5021 731108 2.100 1
400/100-•3 5 TV2-400R3/100 2CSG323120R5021 731207 2.100 1
440/100-•3 5 TV2-440R3/100 2CSG323140R5021 731306 2.100 1
500/100-•3 5 TV2-500R3/100 2CSG323160R5021 731405 2.100 1
600/100-•3 5 TV2-600R3/100 2CSG323180R5021 731504 2.100 1

100/100 50 TV4-100/100 2CSG528010R5021 733409 2.400 1

230/100 50 TV4-230/100 2CSG528070R5021 733706 2.400 1
380/100 50 TV4-380/100 2CSG528090R5021 733805 2.400 1
400/100 50 TV4-400/100 2CSG528110R5021 733904 2.400 1
440/100 50 TV4-440/100 2CSG528130R5021 734000 2.400 1
500/100 50 TV4-500/100 2CSG528150R5021 734109 2.400 1
600/100 50 TV4-600/100 2CSG528170R5021 734208 2.400 1

100/100-•3 25 TV4-100R3/100 2CSG527020R5021 734307 2.400 1

230/100-•3 25 TV4-230R3/100 2CSG527080R5021 734604 2.400 1
380/100-•3 25 TV4-380R3/100 2CSG527100R5021 734703 2.400 1
400/100-•3 25 TV4-400R3/100 2CSG527120R5021 734802 2.400 1
440/100-•3 25 TV4-440R3/100 2CSG527140R5021 734901 2.400 1
500/100-•3 25 TV4-500R3/100 2CSG527160R5021 735007 2.400 1
600/100-•3 25 TV4-600R3/100 2CSG527180R5021 735106 2.400 1

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/51

ABB 8/47
System Selection tables CONV
pro M compact Measurement devices

Accessories for analogue and digital instruments

Current and voltage converters

They produce an output signal in direct current independent from the load that is directly proportional
to the input current or voltage signal.
Their electronic circuit guarantees high reliability and accuracy of operation, extension of the mea-
surement field, resistance to temperature changes and to vibrations, limited power absorption from
the circuit to be measured.
Thanks to their centralized data acquisition speed, even at high distances, and thanks to the availability
of different output types (that can be selected by means of the adjusting minidips) they are appropriate
for plants requiring specific attention to production, distribution and use of electric energy.

Supply Modules Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
VAC Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Current converters with a.c. supply with inputs 1 and 5 V a.c.

and selectable outputs 1-5-10 V d.c. and 1-5-10-20-4…20 mA d.c.

24 3 CONV-I-1-24CA 2CSG313000R5031 740902 0.400 1

110 3 CONV-I-1-110CA 2CSG353000R5031 741107 0.400 1
230 3 CONV-I-1-230CA 2CSG373000R5031 741206 0.400 1

Current converters with a.c. supply with inputs 60 mV a.c.

and selectable outputs 1-5-10 V d.c. and 1-5-10-20-4…20 mA d.c.

24 3 CONV-I-2-24CA 2CSG414000R5031 741305 0.800 1

110 3 CONV-I-2-110CA 2CSG454000R5031 741503 0.800 1
230 3 CONV-I-2-230CA 2CSG474000R5031 741602 0.800 1

Current converters with d.c. supply with inputs 1 and 5 V a.c.

and selectable outputs 1-5-10 V d.c. and 1-5-10-20-4…20 mA d.c.

24 3 CONV-I-1-24CC 2CSG323000R5031 741701 0.400 1

8 48

Current converters with d.c. supply with inputs 60 mV a.c.

and selectable outputs 1-5-10 V d.c. and 1-5-10-20-4…20 mA d.c.

24 6 CONV-I-2-24CC 2CSG424000R5031 742005 0.800 1

48 6 CONV-I-2-48CC 2CSG444000R5031 742104 0.800 1
110 6 CONV-I-2-110CC 2CSG464000R5031 742203 0.800 1

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/52

8/48 ABB
System Selection tables CNV
pro M compact Measurement devices

Accessories for analogue and digital instruments

Transducers for angle phase meters

They are necessary for the indirect insertion of analogue angle phase meters. They operate with a 230 V
or 400 V supply and they are equipped with an electronic programming pushbutton for the selection of
the more suitable output out of the eight available outputs (1, 5, 10 V d.c. and 1, 5, 10, 20, 4/20 mA
d.c.). They have a galvanic type separation between inputs and outputs.

Phase Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Transducers for angle phase meters 230/440 VAC supply

1 (2 wires) CNV-C-1 2CSM310000R1131 600206 0.400 1

3 balanced without CNV-C-2 2CSM320000R1131 600305 0.400 1
neutral (3 wires)

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/52

ABB 8/49
System Selection tables SNT
pro M compact Measurement devices

Accessories for analogue and digital instruments

Shunts have 60 mV voltage and must be used with a maximum load of 0.25 7in combination with
measurement instruments in d.c.
For an appropriate operation:
against accidental contacts.

Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

current details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
A Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

60 mV shunts

5 SNT 1/5 2CSM100010R1121 047605 1.300 1

6 SNT 1/6 2CSM100020R1121 047704 1.800 1
10 SNT 1/10 2CSM100030R1121 047803 1.800 1
15 SNT 1/15 2CSM100040R1121 047902 1.800 1
20 SNT 1/20 2CSM100050R1121 048008 1.800 1
25 SNT 1/25 2CSM100060R1121 048107 1.800 1
30 SNT 1/30 2CSM100070R1121 048206 1.300 1
40 SNT 1/40 2CSM100080R1121 048305 1.300 1
50 SNT 1/50 2CSM100090R1121 048404 2.200 1
60 SNT 1/60 2CSM100100R1121 048503 2.200 1
80 SNT 1/80 2CSM100110R1121 048602 1.300 1
100 SNT 1/100 2CSM100120R1121 048701 1.300 1
8 150
SNT 1/150
SNT 1/200
250 SNT 1/250 2CSM100150R1121 049005 1.900 1
400 SNT 1/400 2CSM100160R1121 049104 1.900 1
500 SNT 1/500 2CSM100170R1121 049203 1.900 1
600 SNT 1/600 2CSM100180R1121 049302 1.900 1
800 SNT 1/800 2CSM100190R1121 049401 2.200 1
1000 SNT 1/1000 2CSM100200R1121 049500 2.000 1
1500 SNT 1/1500 2CSM100210R1121 049609 2.200 1
2000 SNT 1/2000 2CSM100220R1121 049708 2.200 1
2500 SNT 1/2500 2CSM100230R1121 049807 2.200 1
4000 SNT 1/4000 2CSM100240R1121 747109 2.200 1
6000 SNT 1/6000 2CSM100250R1121 747208 2.300 1

Technical features

Voltage [mV] 60
Current rating [A] from 5 to 2500 (on request up to 8000)
Accuracy class 0.5 (from 10 to 30 °C)
Max. load ;7] 0.25
Overload for 5 sec. from 10 to 500 A : 1xIn
G U from 600 to 2000 A: 5xIn
at 2500A: 2xIn

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/53

8/50 ABB
System Selection tables E 233
pro M compact Measurement devices

E 233 hour counters

E 233 electro-mechanical hour counters

Hour counters are used to record operating times as well as to determine idle times and off times
of industrial machinery and plant, for commercial purposes or in domestic installations. No reset

Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack


voltage details 4012233 1 piece group 1 piece unit

Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
AC 230 V/50 Hz E 233-230 2CDE100000R1601 63000 4 0.05 10
AC 24 V/50 Hz E 233-24 2CDE400000R1601 63010 3 0.05 10
DC 12 V ... 48 V E 233-12/48 2CDE300010R1601 63020 2 0.05 10
AC 240 V/60 Hz E 233-240/60 Hz* 2CDE100021R1601 36590 1 / 0.05 10
AC 120 V/60 Hz E 233-120/60 Hz* 2CDE600021R1601 36600 7 / 0.05 10
AC 24 V/60 Hz E 233- 24/60 Hz* 2CDE400021R1601 36610 6 / 0.05 10

Other rated voltages upon request.

/ Bbn No. 40 16779
* UL approval

Wiring diagram

elapsed-time meter

SK 0011 Z 96

SK 0129 Z 96

E 233-12/48 DC

Technical features
AC equipment DC equipment
Rated voltage 50 Hz: 24 V, 230 V DC 12 V ... 48 V
60 Hz: 24 V, 120 V, 240 V*
Voltage tolerance + 6% – 10 % ± 10 %
Power consumption 1.5 VA ca. 20 mW (at 12 V DC)
Ambient temperature – 15 °C/5 °F... + 50 °C/122 °F – 10 °C/14 °F ... + 50 °C/122 °F
Counting capacity 100 000 h 100 000 h
Precision class 0.01 h 0.1 h
Operation display fast running LED blinking
Protection against electric shock according to DIN VDE 0106 according to DIN VDE 0106
Part 100 (BGV A2) Part 100 (BGV A2)
Terminal size up to 10 mm2 up to 10 mm2
* UL approval

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/54

ABB 8/51
System Selection tables HMT
pro M compact Measurement devices

HMT hour counters

HMT electro-mechanical hour counters

Equipped with 7-digit indicator (99.999,99) and available in two modules. They cannot be reset.

Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

voltage details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

V AC Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

24 HMT 1/24 2CSM111000R1601 030300 0.200 6
110 HMT 1/110 2CSM121000R1601 030409 0.200 6
220 HMT 1/220 2CSM131000R1601 030508 0.200 6
230 HMT 11 2CSM133000R1601 030607 0.200 1

Wiring diagram
HMT 1 HMT 11
5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8

8 HMT1


1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

230V 50Hz 230V 50Hz

Technical features
Rated voltage Un [V] a.c. 24
a.c. 110
a.c. 230
d.c. 12...48
Displayed digits (in hours) [n°] 99,999.9 (for HMT1 and HMT11)
Accuracy class [%] 0.5
Frequency [Hz] 50
Power consumption [W] 1.1...2.2
Modules [No.] 2

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/54

8/52 ABB
System Selection tables EMT
pro M compact Measurement devices

EMT electronic energy meter

EMT electronic energy meter

Highly reliable single-phase meter for measuring active energy; it is ideal for all those applications
that do not require certified devices. EMT allows direct connection and indirect through C.T. This
series is equipped with local reset and analogue/digital microprocessor with 5 channels for current
and voltage measurement.

Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
Single phase energy
meter (local reset, direct/
indirect reading) EMT 2CSM113000R1011 620808 0,320 1

Technical features
Rated voltage Un [V] a.c. 230 ±10% single-phase
Direct insertion current [A] up to 25
Indirect insertion current [A] through C.T. (by choise)/5A
Protection fuse [A] max 25
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Measurement range [kWh] 0…9999
Overload capacity 1.2 In/Vn
Set transformation ratios kCT
Accuracy rating [%]
60/5, 100/5, 250/5, 600/5, 800/5, 1000/5
Data storage through internal EEprom
Power consumption [W] 2
Protection degree [IP] 20
Operating temperature [°C] -40 +70
Modules [No.] 3
Standards EN 62053-21

EMT wiring diagrams


kWh A

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6



Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/55

ABB 8/53
System Selection tables ODINsingle
pro M compact Measurement devices

ODINsingle electronic energy meters

ODINsingle electronic single phase energy meters

ODINsingle is intended for mounting on a DIN rail and is designed in accordance with
the ABB Pro M standard.

General Features
ODINsingle is an active energy, single phase meter for direct metering up to 65A. The LCD display
has 6 digits, 6 mm high to ensure easy reading. ODINsingle is made compact, only 2 modules (35
mm) to save space in the installation. A red LED at the front flashes proportionally to the energy
consumed. ODINsingle has a temperature range from -25 to +55 (storage +70 °C)

ODINsingle has 3 ways to communicate depending on type.
- Display at front
- Pulse output (option)
- IR interface for serial communication (together with serial communication adapter)

Type Approval
All ODINsingle types are tested and approved according to MID, EN 50470-1, EN 50470-3 (Pls.
see page 8/57), IEC 62052-11 and 62053-21 (technical data according to IEC are written within
paranthesis in the Technical features). These standards cover all technical aspects of the meter like
climate conditions, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), electrical requirements, mechanical requi-
rements and accuracy.
Voltage Pulse output Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
(V) frequency details 7392696 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

OD1065 direct connected, single phase meter 65A

230 - OD1065 2CMA131040R1000 0.145 1

OD1365 direct connected, single phase meter 65A, pulse output and resetable

230 100 imp/kWh OD1365 2CMA131041R1000 0.145 1

Technical features
Rated voltage Un [V] a.c. 230, -23% to +20%
Direct insertion current [A] up to 65
Protection fuse [A] 63
Rated frequency [Hz] 50 (50/60)
Starting current [mA] 20
Pulse output frequency [imp] 100
Pulse output max current [mA] 100
Pulse output impulse length [ms] 100
LED frequency [imp] 1000
LED impulse length [ms] 40
Accuracy class Cl. B (Cl. 1)
Power consumption [W] 1.0 VA
Protection degree [IP] 20
Operating temperature [°C] -25 to +55
Modules [No.] 2
Standards EN 50470-1, EN 50470-3 (IEC 62052-11, IEC 62053-21)

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/55

8/54 ABB
System Selection tables ODINsingle
pro M compact Measurement devices

ODINsingle electronic energy meters

ODINsingle wiring diagrams

Direct connection Pulse output

ABB 8/55
System Selection tables ODIN Meter
pro M compact Measurement devices

ODIN Meter electronic energy meters

ODIN Meter electronic three-phase energy meters

ODIN Meter is a compact three-phase meter for measuring active energy, designed for mounting on
DIN rail, on panel and for flush mounting in distribution switchboard or standard boxes.
It is designed and developed to offer extremely easy application and it is equipped with terminals with
transparent scores and strong holding screws for connecting cables and terminal boards, phase bus
connectors, easy to read 7-digit display, current direction indicator, clear mounting instructions with
text and diagrams on the device. ODIN Meter is a highly reliable and strong meter that maintains the
highest measuring accuracy in time.

Type Approval
All ODIN Meter types are tested and approved according to MID, EN 50470-1, EN 50470-3 (Pls.
see page 8/57), IEC 62052-11 and 62053-21 (technical data according to IEC standards are written
within paranthesis in the Technical features). These standards cover all technical aspects of the meter
like climate conditions, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), electrical requirements, mechanical
requirements and accuracy.

Active energy meter 3x230/400 (three-phase+N)

Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 7392696 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
direct up to 65A, impulsive OD4165 2CMA131024R1000 310246 0.38 1
output 100 Imp./kWh
indirect with CT/5A, impulsive OD4110 2CMA131025R1000 310253 0.40 1
output 10 Imp./kWh

ODIN series wiring diagrams

- Direct connection - Indirect connection (through C.T.)
L1 P1 P1 P2
N L1 L2 L3
P1 S1 S2
11 1 4 7 L3 P1

8 + -
20 21
11 3 6 9

2 5 8 11 1 4 7
N L1 L2 L3

+ - 11 3 6 9
20 21

Technical features
Direct measuring/connection Connection through A.T.
Voltage 3x230/400 V, -20% to +15% 3x230/400 V, -20% to +15%
Current 65 A 10 A
Frequency 50 (50/60) Hz 50 (50/60) Hz
Selection of insertion currents through 5/5, 75/5, 100/5, 150/5, 200/5,
C.T. 250/5, 300/5, 400/5, 500/5, 600/5,
700/5, 750/5, 800/5, 900/5 A
Starting current 25 mA 15 mA
Pulse output voltage 5...40 V ...40 V
Pulse output max. current 100 mA 100 mA
Pulse output impule length 100 ms 100 ms
LED frequency 100 imp/kWh 10 imp/kWh
LED pulse length 40 ms 40 ms
Accuracy class Cl. A (Cl. 2) Cl. A (Cl. 2)
Display 7-digit LCD 7-digit LCD
Protection degree IP 20 IP 20
Operating temperature -25 + 55 °C 25 + 55 °C
Standards EN 50470-1, EN 50470-3 EN 50470-1, EN 50470-3
IEC 62052-11 and IEC 62053-21 IEC 62052-11 and IEC 62053-21

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/56

8/56 ABB
System Selection tables ODIN Meter
pro M compact Measurement devices

ODIN Meter electronic energy meters

Direct measurement Wiring

Type Phase diagram


indicator Impulse



Through Wiring
Type Adjustable transformer ratio diagram
CT measurement

indicator Impulse

10 imp/kWh
Identification Pulse
number 3k6 output


ABB 8/57
System Selection tables DELTAsingle
pro M compact Measurement devices

DELTAsingle electronic energy meters

DELTAsingle electronic single phase energy meters

DELTAsingle is an electronic electricity meter for single phase metering. The meter has an internal clock
for handling of tariffs. The setting is done with push buttons. DELTAsingle is intended for mounting
on a DIN rail and is designed in accordance with the ABB pro M standard.

General Features
DELTAsingle is an active energy, single phase meter for direct metering up to 80 A. The LCD display
has 6 digits, 6 mm high to ensure easy reading.
DELTAsingle is made compact, only 4 modules (72 mm) to save space in the installation.
In case of power failure, the meter is equipped with a Super Cap power backup that will run the clock
for 48 hours. A red LED at the front flashes proportionally to the energy consumed.
DELTAsingle has a temperature range from –40 to +55 (storage +70 °C)

DELTAsingle has 3 ways to communicate depending on type.
- Display at front
- Pulse output
- IR interface for serial communication (together with serial communication adapter)

Selection of information to be shown on the display is easily achieved by using push buttons. The
programming / push button can be sealed.

The DELTAsingle range includes 1, 2 and 4 tariffs meters.

Type Approval
All DELTAsingle types are tested and approved according to MID, EN 50470-1, EN 50470-3 (Pls.
see page 8/57), IEC 62052-11 and 62053-21 (technical data according to IEC standards are written
within paranthesis in the Technical features). These standards cover all technical aspects of the meter

like climate conditions, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), electrical requirements, mechanical

requirements and accuracy.
Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 7392696 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
Without pulse output FBU 11200 2CMA180891R1000 808910 0.150 1
With pulse output FBB 11200 2CMA180892R1000 808927 0.150 1
Without pulse output FBU 11205 2CMA180893R1000 0.150 1
With pulse output FBB 11205 2CMA180894R1000 0.150 1
Without pulse output FBU 11206 2CMA180895R1000 0.150 1
With pulse output FBB 11206 2CMA180896R1000 0.150 1

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/56

8/58 ABB
System Selection tables DELTAsingle
pro M compact Measurement devices

DELTAsingle electronic energy meters

Technical features

General features
Voltage [V] 230 AC
Voltage range -23 % to +20 %
Max current [A] 80
Start current [mA] 40
Power consumption of current circuit [VA] < 1.3
Frequency [Hz] 50 (50/60) ± 5 %
Accuracy class Cl. B (Cl. 1)
Memory backup EEprom
Clock backup Super Cap. 48h
Clock accuracy IEC 62054-21
Standard EN 50470-1 and EN 50470-3 (IEC 62052-11 and IEC 62053-21)
Temperature range [°C] -40 to +55
Material of front cover Polycarbonate
Material of back cover Polycarbonate/glass fibre
Resistance to heat and fire IEC 60695-2-10
Protection against penetration of dust and water [IP] 20
Connection area in the current connecting terminals [mm2] 1 - 25
Weight [gr] 150

Pulse output
Connection area in the connecting terminal [mm2] 0.5 - 2.5
External pulse voltage [V] 5 - 40 DC
Max. current [mA] 100
Pulse length [ms] 100
Pulse frequency 100 imp/kWh
Standard IEC 62053-31 (S0)

Pulse frequency
Pulse length [ms]
1000 imp/kWh
Display LCD with 6 digits, 6 mm

ABB 8/59
System Selection tables DELTAplus
pro M compact Measurement devices

DELTAplus electronic energy meters

DELTAplus electronic three-phase energy meters

DELTAplus meters are designed to offer extremely easy and simple application. Suitable for mounting
on DIN rail, lightweight and small, they are ideal for the installation on switchboards, feeder
panels and enclosed. The range includes devices for measuring active energy, reactive energy and
the combination of active and reactive energy.

Type Approval
All DELTAplus types are tested and approved according to MID, EN 50470-1, EN 50470-3 (Pls. see
page 8/57), IEC 62052-11 and 62053-21 (technical data according to IEC standards are written
within paranthesis in the Technical features). These standards cover all technical aspects of the me-
ter like climate conditions, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), electrical requirements, mechanical

requirements and accuracy.

Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 7392696 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Active energy meter for direct connection up to 80 A

3 x 100-500 V AC (3P) DBB 22 00 0 2CMA180802R1000 808026 0.338 1
3 x 100-500/57-288 V AC (3P+N) DBB 23 00 0 2CMA180800R1000 808002 0.338 1
3 x 100-500/57-288 V AC (3P+N)

+ act/react DDB 13 00 0 2CMA180810R1000 808101 0.338 1

Active energy meter for direct connection through C.T. /5 A

3 x 100-500 V AC (3P) DAB 12 00 0 2CMA180807R1000 808071 0.304 1
3 x 100-500/57-288 V AC (3P+N) DAB 13 00 0 2CMA180806R1000 808064 0.304 1
3 x 100-500/57-288 V AC (3P+N)
+ act/react DCB 13 00 0 2CMA180808R1000 808088 0.304 1

Auxiliary elements/accessories
Long cover DELTA/CPL 2CMA132633R1000 326339 1
DIN rail DELTA/DIN 2CMA132540R1000 325400 1
Front mounting kit DELTA/FRQ 2CMA132635R1000 325417 1

Technical features
Voltage [V] 3 x 57-288 / 100-500 (4-wire, 3-element)
3 x 100-500 (3 wire, 2-element)
1 x 57-288 (Single phase)
Current [A] b80 (direct connection); b6 (indirect connection through C.T.)
Frequency [Hz] 50 (50/60)
Starting current [mA] 20 (direct connection), 2 (C.T. connection)
Pulse output frequency [imp/kWh] programmable
Pulse output inpulse length [ms] 100
Frequency of blinking of LED [imp/kWh] 1000 (direct connection), 5000 (C.T. connection)
Pulse output
-max. current [mA] 100
-max. voltage [Va.c./d.c.] 247
-max. cable section [mm ] 2.5
-standards IEC 62053-31 for pulse output
Standards EN 50470-1 and EN 50470-3
(IEC 62052-11 and IEC 62053-21 for active energy meters;
IEC 62053-23 for reactive energy meters)
Accuracy class Cl. B or A (Cl. 1 or 2)
Display LCD (liquid crystal) with 7 digits, h=7mm
Terminal holder 10 mm2 (insertion through C.T.); 25 mm2 (direct insertion)
Protection degree IP51 (IP20 on the terminal holder without cover)
Operating temperature [°C] -40 +70
Power consumption <1 VA, 1 W
Modules [No.] 7

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/56

8/60 ABB
System Selection tables DELTAplus
pro M compact Measurement devices

DELTAplus electronic energy meters

Wiring diagrams


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Direct measurement up to Imax = 80 A

Direct connection to the three-phase network
without neutral (3 cables) 230/400 V
Max. cable section: 25 mm2

L1 S1 S2
P1 P2

S1 S2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 L3
P1 P2
L1 Secondary measurement for Imax < 6 A
L2 Connection through external current
L3 transformer to the three-phase network without
N neutral (3 cables) 230/400 V
Direct measurement up to Imax = 80 A Max. cable section: 10 mm2
Direct connection to the three-phase network Adjustable transformation ratio
with neutral (4 cables) 230/400 V
Max. cable section: 25 mm2

DAB 13 XX XX For connections through current
transformer, C.T. must have 5 A or 1 A
secondary and be connected
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 according to correct polarities: P1->P2,
20 21 22 21 20
S1 S2
P1 P2
S1 S2 kWh hVarh kWh
P1 P2 7 7 7
S1 S2
P1 P2 2-pole balanced or 3-pole unbalanced
N output for sending to a personal
computer information from energy
meter, encoded as numerical signal.
Some types enable to connect an
external voltage to control teleset

Secondary measurement for Imax > 6 A

Connection through external current transformer
to the three-phase network with neutral (4 cables)
230/400 V
Max. cable section: 10 mm2
Adjustable transformation ratio

ABB 8/61
System Selection tables Accessories for
pro M compact Measurement devices
electronic energy
Accessories for electronic energy meters meters

Module Protocol/Media Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 7392696 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Serial Communication Adapter

M-bus M-Bus/M-Bus CTM04000 2CMA137090R1000 0.090 1

Twisted pair
RS232 M-Bus/RS232 CRM04000 2CMA137091R1000 0.090 1
Ethernet M-Bus over TCP/IP CEM05000 2CMA137099R1000 0.090 1
or UDP/IP/Ethernet
LON PLC A-band LONWorks/ CAL06000 2CMA137100R1000 0.189 1
Power Line
LON PLC C-band LONWorks/ CCL06000 2CMA137103R1000 0.189 1
Power Line
EIB/KNX EIB/KNX/Twisted Pair ZS7S 1.1 2CDG110083R1011 0.100 1


The GSM/GPRS communication adapter is a quard band GSM/GPRS device, which enables AMR with
GSM or GPRS over GSM 850/900 and GSM 1800/1900 networks. Further more the ABB GSM/GPRS com-
munication adapter support remote configuration using Short Message Service (SMS) providing configura-
tion and easy upgrading of the adapter. The adapter is powered with 100-240 VAC (-15/+10%).

Module Protocol/Media Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 7392696 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Serial Communication Adapter

GSM/GPRS M-bus over CSD/GSM CGM05000 2CMA137104R1000 0.105 1

M-bus over TCP or

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/56

8/62 ABB
System Selection tables Accessories for
pro M compact Measurement devices
electronic energy
Accessories for electronic energy meters meters

MID - Measuring Instrument Directive

The European parliament decided in 2004 to establish a new directive for measuring instruments.
The MID directive took affect at the 30th of October 2006 and each member country has to take
this directive into the national legislation latest April 2006.

The MID directive means:

- Common testing rules based on IEC standards for all EU and EEA countries. EN 50470-1 and
EN 50470-3.
- No need for local testing/approval. Test performed in one EU country must be accepted in all
EU and EEA countries.
- No special national requirements of any kind are allowed.

On the product as well as on the packing you find a label certifying that the ABB electricity meter
is tested and approved according to MID directive.

ABB 8/63
TS-C safety transformers
suitable for general and
continuos use.
TM and TS fail safe bell
transformers suitable for
driving loads that need
discontinuous supply
SM, RM, TSM and TSR bells
and buzzers are suitable for
public and tertiary acoustic
Modular sockets allow the
connection of devices, tools
or electrical and electronic
non modular equipments in
civil and industrial electrical
switchboards. They are
available in Italian, French and
German standards in grey
version or colored versions.
Some versions are also
4 equipped with fuse or a light
TI Insulation transformers for
medical use: permanently
connected to an IT power
supply system they provide
galvanic separation between
the distribution network and
the user load.
QSO Complete electrical
switchboard for medical
locations : they are the ideal
solution for distribution within
group II medical locations,
allowing monitoring of all
network parameters.

3/2 ABB
Other modular devices
Other functions


Selection tables
isolating transformers for general use ............................................................... 9/2
TS-C safety isolat
transformers ................................................................................................ 9/4
TM fail safe bell tra
TS non-inherently short-circuit proof bell transformers ........................................................ 9/5
Bells and buzzers .................................................................................................................. 9/6
swit mode power supplies.......................................................................... 9/8
CP-D primary switch
sockets .................................................................................................................... 9/9
Modular sockets..
MA1-8001 DIN rai rail adapter.................................................................................................. 9/11
transformers for medical locations .................................................................. 9/12
TI insulating transf
switchboards for medical locations ............................................................................ 9/13
QSO switchboard

ABB 9/1
System Selection tables TS-C, TM, TS
pro M compact Other functions

Modular transformer selection

Safety transformers Bell transformers

for general use for discontinuous use

Series TS-C TM TS

Reference standard IEC EN 61558-2-6 IEC EN 61558-2-8

Non-inherently Non-inherently
Fail safe
short-circuit proof short-circuit proof

Thermal protection integrated in secondary ■ ■

Rated powers 25, 40, 63 VA 10, 15, 30, 40 VA 8, 16, 24 VA

Operation Continuous Discontinuous

Primary circuit voltage ratings 230 V a.c. 230 V a.c. 230 V a.c.

Secondary circuit characteristics

Double insulation between primary and secondary winding ■ ■ ■

Full power on all outputs ■

Safety secondary (no-load output voltage <50 V a.c.) ■ ■ ■

Single secondary outputs: 8 V a.c., 12 V a.c., 24 V a.c. ■

9 4-6-8 V a.c. secondary output ■

4-8-12 V a.c. secondary output ■ ■

8-12-24 V a.c. secondary output ■

12-24 V a.c. secondary output ■ ■

1-0 control switch on secondary Only TS8/SW

4 modules [25 VA, 40 VA] 2 modules [10, 15 VA] 2 modules [8, 16 VA]
5 modules [63 VA] 3 modules [30, 40 VA] 3 modules [24 VA]


9/2 ABB
System Selection tables TS-C
pro M compact Other functions

TS-C safety isolating transformers for general use

TS-C safety isolating transformers for general use

These transformers are non-inherently short-circuit proof. In fact they are equipped with a thermal
protective device which automatically restores power when the transformer is sufficiently cooled down.
So even during an overload or short-circuit they maintain their temperature below the specified limits
and they continue functioning after the fault has been removed.
They are ideal for supplying permanent power to meters, auxiliary electronic devices (e.g. measu-
rement, video-entry phone systems, BUS communication) and circuits with safety extremely-low
voltage (SELV) for bathrooms and showers, lighting, fountains, electro-medical devices and suchlike.
One important feature of these new devices is that they take up very little space in the 4-module size
for the 25 and 40 VA versions and the 5-module size for the 63 VA versions.

Rated Secondary Order details Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

power rated 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
(continuous) voltage
VA V Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
25 12-24 TS 25/12-24 C 2CSM251043R0811 928508 0.920 1
40 12-24 TS 40/12-24 C 2CSM401043R0811 928607 1.000 1
63 12-24 TS 63/12-24 C 2CSM631043R0811 928706 1.150 1

Technical features
TS 25 C TS 40 C TS 63 C
Primary rated voltage Un [V] 230 AC 230 AC 230 AC
Secondary rated voltage Un [V] 12 - 24 V AC 12 - 24 V AC 12 - 24 V AC
Rated frequency
Rated power (continuous use)
Power loss [W] 5 10 16,7
Modules [No.] 4 4 5
Standards IEC/EN 61558-2-6
Approvals IMQ, VDE, GOST

Wiring diagrams and marking information

TS25/12-24 C TS40/12-24 C TS63/12-24 C

3 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 7 3 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 7 3 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 7

25 VA 40 VA 63 VA
10 12 14 10 12 14 10 12 14
12 V~ 12 V~ 12 V~
24 V~ 25 VA 24 V~ 40 VA 24 V~ 63 VA
t a 40 oC t a 40 oC t a 40 oC

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/159 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/57

ABB 9/3
System Selection tables TM
pro M compact Other functions

TM bell transformers

TM fail safe bell transformers

These transformers, with safety extremely-low voltage secondary, are suitable for loads that requi-
re a discontinuous supply, and in particular doorbells and chimes.
Fail safe operation and excellent safety are assured thanks to the perfect isolation and separation
between the primary and secondary circuits.

Maximum Secondary Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

rated voltage details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
power / rating
VA V a.c. Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
10 4-8-12 TM10/12 2CSM101021R0801 367109 0.300 6
10 12-24 TM10/24 2CSM101041R0801 367208 0.300 6
15 4-8-12 TM15/12 2CSM151021R0801 367307 0.300 6

15 12-24 TM15/24 2CSM151041R0801 367406 0.300 6

30 4-8-12 TM30/12 2CSM301021R0801 367505 0.450 4
30 12-24 TM30/24 2CSM301041R0801 367604 0.450 4
40 4-8-12 TM40/12 2CSM401021R0801 367703 0.450 4
40 12-24 TM40/24 2CSM401041R0801 367802 0.450 4

/ See diagrams below for the rms power on each secondary output

Technical characteristics
Rated primary voltage Un [V] 230 a.c.
Rated secondary voltage Un [V] 4, 8, 12, 24
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Rated power (discontinuous) [VA] 10, 15, 30, 40
Power loss [W] 1…4
Modules [No.] 2, 3

9 Cable section (Ø min/max)

Tightening torque
1.5 / 10
Protection degree IP 20
Reference standards IEC/EN 61558-2-8
Approvals IMQ, GOST

TM10/12 TM10/24 TM15/12 TM15/24

12 V~ 10 VA 24 V~ 10 VA 12 V~ 15 VA 24 V~ 15 VA

5 8 V~ 7 4 V~ 8 5 12 V~ 7 12 V~ 8 5 8 V~ 7 4 V~ 8 5 12 V~ 7 12 V~ 8
6,66 VA 3,33 VA 5 VA 5 VA 10 VA 5 VA 7,5 VA 7,5 VA

1 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 4 1 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 4 1 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 4 1 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 4

t 40 oC/B t 40 oC/B t a 40 oC/B t a 40 oC/B

F a F a F F

TM30/12 TM30/24 TM40/12 TM40/24

12 V~ 30 VA 24 V~ 30 VA 12 V~ 40 VA 24 V~ 40 VA

8 8 V~ 10 4 V~ 11 8 12 V~ 10 12 V~ 11 8 8 V~ 10 4 V~ 11 8 12 V~ 10 12 V~ 11
20 VA 10 VA 15 VA 15 VA 27 VA 13 VA 20 VA 20 VA

2 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 5 2 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 5 2 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 5 2 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 5

t a 40 oC/B t a 40 oC/B t a 40 oC/B t a 40 oC/B


Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/57

9/4 ABB
System Selection tables TS
pro M compact Other functions

TS bell transformers

TS non-inherently short-circuit proof bell transformers

These transformers, with safety extremely-low voltage secondary, are suitable for driving loads
that call for a discontinuous supply, and in particular doorbells and chimes. In addition to perfect
isolation and separation between the primary and secondary circuits, the TS transformers have a
thermal protection device integrated into the secondary that makes them resistant to short circuit
currents (non-inherently short-circuit proof).
In addition, the TS8/SW series is equipped with a switch for controlling loads connected to the

Maximum Secondary Switch Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

rated voltage 0-1 details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit
power / rating
VA V a.c. Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
8 8 TS8/8 2CSM081301R0811 368007 0.355 6
8 12 TS8/12 2CSM081401R0811 368106 0.355 6
8 24 TS8/24 2CSM081501R0811 368205 0.355 6
8 8 ■ TS8/8 SW 2CSM081302R0811 368304 0.277 6

8 12 ■ TS8/12 SW 2CSM081402R0811 368403 0.277 6

8 4-6-8 ■ TS8/4-6-8 SW 2CSM081012R0811 368601 0.280 6
8 4-8-12 ■ TS8/4-8-12 SW 2CSM081022R0811 368700 0.280 6
16 8 TS16/8 2CSM161301R0811 368809 0.355 6
16 12 TS16/12 2CSM161401R0811 368908 0.355 6
16 24 TS16/24 2CSM161501R0811 369004 0.330 6
16 4-6-8 TS16/4-6-8 2CSM161011R0811 369103 0.333 6
16 4-8-12 TS16/4-8-12 2CSM161021R0811 369202 0.333 6
24 4-8-12 TS24/4-8-12 2CSM241021R0811 369301 0.465 4
24 8-12-24 TS24/8-12-24 2CSM241031R0811 369400 0.465 4

/ See diagrams below for the rms power on each secondary output

Technical characteristics
Rated voltage Un primary [V] 230 a.c.
Rated voltage Un secondary [V] 4, 8, 12, 24
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Rated power (discontinuous)
Power loss
10, 15, 30, 40
Modules [No.] 2, 3
Cable section (Ø min/max) [mm2] 1.5 / 10
Tightening torque [Nm] 1
Protection degree IP 20
Reference standards IEC/EN 61558-2-8
Approvals VDE, GOST

TS8/8 TS8/12 TS8/24 TS8/8 SW TS8/12 SW TS8/4-6-8 SW TS8/4-8-12 SW

8 V~ 8 VA 8
12 V~ 8 VA
6 V~ 6 VA 7
5 ~ 8 V 8 VA 8 5 ~ 12 V 8 VA 8 5 ~ 24 V 8 VA 8 5 8 V~ 8 VA 8 5 12 V~ 8 VA 8
5 4 V~ 4 VA 6 5 8 V~ 7 4 V~ 8
5,3 VA 2,7 VA

1 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 4 1 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 4 1 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 4 1 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 4 1 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 4

1 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 4 4 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 4

ta 40 oC/B ta 40 oC/B ta 40 oC/B ta 40 oC/B ta 40 oC/B ta 40 oC/B ta 40 oC/B

TS16/8 TS16/12 TS16/24 TS16/4-6-8 TS16/4-8-12 TS24/4-8-12 TS24/8-12-24

8 V~16 VA 8 12 V~16 VA 8 12 V~ 24 VA 11 24 V~ 24 VA 11
6 V~12 VA 7 8 V~10,6 VA 7 8 V~ 16 VA 10 12 V~ 12 VA 10
5 8 V~ 16 VA 8 5 12 V~16 VA 8 5 24 V~16 VA 8
5 4 V~ 8 VA 6 5 4 V~ 5,3 VA 6 8 4 V~ 8 VA 9 8 8 V~ 8 VA 9

1 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 4 1 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 4 1 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 4

1 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 4 1 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 4 2 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 5 2 ~ 50 Hz 230 V 5

ta 40 oC/B ta 40 oC/B ta 40 oC/B ta 40 oC/B ta 40 oC/B ta 40 oC/B ta 40 oC/B

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/57

ABB 9/5
System Selection tables SM, RM,
pro M compact Other functions
Bells and buzzers

Bells and buzzers

Characterized by discontinuous use through one or more pushbuttons, bells and buzzers are suitable
for public and tertiary acoustic signalling.

Rated Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack


voltage details 8012542 1 piece group 1 piece unit

V AC Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

SM-1 electro-mechanical modular bells in 1 module (discontinuous use)

12 SM1-12 2CSM111000R0821 886204 0.076 12

230 SM1-230 2CSM131000R0821 886303 0.076 12

SM-2 electro-mechanical modular bells in 1 module (continuous use)

12 SM2-12 2CSM112000R0821 886600 0.076 12

24 SM2-24 2CSM122000R0821 886709 0.076 12
230 SM2-230 2CSM132000R0821 886808 0.076 12



Technical features
SM1-12 SM1-230 SM2-12 SM2-24 SM2-230
RM1-12 RM1-230 RM2-12 RM2-24 RM2-230
Rated Voltage Un [V a.c.] 8-12 230 12 24 230
Rated frequency [Hz] - 50
Power consunmption [VA] 2.5-6.5 4 4 4 4
Sound level at 1 meter SM [dB] 82
RM [dB] 80
Max permanent [min] 15 - -
Working time [h] - - 12
Max cable cross-section [mm2] - 10
Protection degree - IP40
Modules [No.] - 1

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/59

9/6 ABB
System Selection tables SM, RM,
pro M compact Other functions
Bells and buzzers
RM-1 modular buzzers in 1 module (discontinuous use)

12 RM1-12 2CSM211000R0821 886419 0.076 12

230 RM1-230 2CSM231000R0821 886518 0.076 12

RM-2 modular buzzers in 1 module (continuous use)

12 RM2-12 2CSM212000R0821 886907 0.076 12

24 RM2-24 2CSM222000R0821 887003 0.076 12
230 RM2-230 2CSM232000R0821 887102 0.076 12

TSM modular electronic bell + 10 VA transformer (two-tones), 2 modules

12 TSM 2CSM100000R0841 007005 0.300 6


TSR bell + buzzer + transformer, 2 modules

24 TSR 2CSM100000R0831 369608 0.300 1

TSM 5 6 7 8 TSR 5 6 7 8

24V 24V

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

230V 230V

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/59

ABB 9/7
System Selection tables CP-D
pro M compact Other functions

Primary switch mode power supplies

Primary switch mode power supplies

2CDC 271 024 F0b07

Rated output Pack. Price Weight

Rated input voltage / unit 1 piece 1 piece
Type voltage current Order code pieces kg/lb
CP-D 12/0.83 100-240 V AC 12 V DC / 0.83 A 1SVR 427 041 R1000 1 0.06/0.13
CP-D 12/2.1 100-240 V AC 12 V DC / 2.1 A 1SVR 427 043 R1200 1 0.19/0.41
CP-D 24/0.42 100-240 V AC 24 V DC / 0.42 A 1SVR 427 041 R0000 1 0.06/0.13
CP-D 24/1.3 100-240 V AC 24 V DC / 1.3 A 1SVR 427 043 R0100 1 0.19/0.41
CP-D 24/2.5 100-240 V AC 24 V DC / 2.5 A 1SVR 427 044 R0200 1 0.25/0.55
CP-D 24/4.2 100-240 V AC 24 V DC / 4.2 A 1SVR 427 045 R0400 1 0.32/0.71

CP-D 12/0.83,
CP-D 24/0.42 - Output voltages 12 V, 24 V
- Adjustable output voltages (devices > 10 W)
- Output currents 0.42 A / 0.83 A / 1.3 A / 2.1 A / 2.5 A / 4.2 A
- Power range 10 W, 30 W, 60 W, 100 W
- Wide range input 100-240 V AC (90-264 V AC, 120-370 V DC)
- High efficiency of up to 89 %
2CDC 271 025 F0b07

- Low power dissipation and low heating

- Free convection cooling (no forced cooling with ventilators)
- Ambient temperature range during operation -10...+70 °C
- Open-circuit, overload and short-circuit stable
- Integrated input fuse
- U/I characteristic (fold-forward behaviour at overload – no switch-off)
- LEDs for status indication
- Light-grey enclosure in RAL 7035

CP-D 12/2.1
CP-D 24/1.3
2CDC 271 028 F0b07

CP-D 24/2.5
2CDC 271 029 F0b07

CP-D 24/4.2

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/58

9/8 ABB
System Selection tables M1170, M1173
pro M compact Other functions

Modular sockets

Modular sockets
Modular sockets allow the connection of devices, tools or electrical and electronic non modular
equipments in civil and industrial electrical switchboards.
In addition to the grey-coloured version there are three other colours which are useful to indicate
specific socket uses:
- green, for example to indicate a dedicated upstream protection device;
- red, for example to indicate an UPS group that allows the socket to be used if the main power
supply fails;
- black, to be combined with industrial and automation devices.
The range is completed by versions with an integrated light to indicate the presence of voltage and
versions with protection fuse.
Color Description Bbn Weight Pack unit
80122542 1 piece
Type Order code EAN kg

Italian/German dual standard modular sockets

The M1170 series takes Italian standard P11/P17 plugs and Schuko plugs up to 16 A

grey (RAL 7035) M1170 2CSM210000R0701 027454 0,120 4

green (RAL 6029) M1170-G 2CSM220000R0701 027553 0,120 4
red (RAL 3000) M1170-R 2CSM230000R0701 027652 0,120 4
black (RAL 7012) M1170-B 2CSM240000R0701 027751 0,120 4

Italian/German standard modular sockets

The M1173 series (IMQ certified) takes Italian standard plugs and Schuko plugs up to 16 A

grey (RAL 7035) M1173 2CSM110000R0701 004103 0,120 4

green (RAL 6029) M1173-G 2CSM120000R0701 026754 0,120 4
red (RAL 3000) M1173-R 2CSM130000R0701 026853 0,120 4
black (RAL 7012) M1173-B 2CSM140000R0701 026952 0,120 4

Italian/German standard modular sockets with integrated indicator light

grey (RAL 7035) with light M1173-L 2CSM112000R0701 027058 0,140 4

green (RAL 6029) with light M1173-L-G 2CSM122000R0701 027157 0,140 4
red (RAL 3000) with light M1173-L-R 2CSM132000R0701 027256 0,140 4
black (RAL 7012) with light M1173-L-B 2CSM142000R0701 027355 0,140 4

Fuse detail Indicator light detail Front view

M1170 M1173

M1174 M1175

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/59

ABB 9/9
System Selection tables M1174, M1175
pro M compact Other functions

Modular sockets
French-standard modular sockets
The M1174 series (LCIE certified) takes standard French plugs up to 16 A

grey (RAL 7035) M1174 2CSM110000R0711 06602 0,140 4

German-standard modular sockets

The M1175 series (VDE certified) takes Schuko standard plugs up to 16 A. Also available with cover,

grey (RAL 7035) M1175 2CSM210000R0721 027850 0,120 4

green (RAL 6029) M1175-G 2CSM220000R0721 027959 0,120 4
red (RAL 3000) M1175-R 2CSM230000R0721 028055 0,120 4
black (RAL 7012) M1175-B 2CSM240000R0721 028154 0,120 4
grey (RAL 7035) with cover M1175-C 2CSM211000R0721 029052 0,140 4
green (RAL 6029) with cover M1175-C-G 2CSM221000R0721 029151 0,140 4
red (RAL 3000) with cover M1175-C-R 2CSM231000R0721 029250 0,140 4
black (RAL 7012) with cover M1175-C-B 2CSM241000R0721 029359 0,140 4

German-standard modular sockets with integrated indicator light and/or fuse

grey (RAL 7035) with light M1175-L 2CSM212000R0721 028253 0,140 4

green (RAL 6029) with light M1175-L-G 2CSM222000R0721 028352 0,140 4
red (RAL 3000) with light M1175-L-R 2CSM232000R0721 028451 0,140 4
black (RAL 7012) with light M1175-L-B 2CSM242000R0721 028550 0,140 4
grey (RAL 7035)
with light and fuse M1175-FL 2CSM214000R0721 028659 0,160 4
green (RAL 6029)
with light and fuse M1175-FL-G 2CSM224000R0721 028758 0,160 4
red (RAL 3000)
with light and fuse M1175-FL-R 2CSM234000R0721 028857 0,160 4
black (RAL 7012)
with light and fuse M1175-FL-B 2CSM244000R0721 028956 0,160 4

Technical specifications
Rated voltage Un [V] 250 a.c.
Rated current In [A] 16
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
9 Power loss
Safety shutters yes, on entire range
Terminal type positive safety
Cable section (ø min./max.) [mm2] 2.5 / 16
Tightening torque [Nm] 1,2
storage [°C] -40 … +70
operating [°C] -25 … +35
Protection degree IP20 / IP30 versions with cover
Reference standards CEI 23-50 (M1173), NF C 61 303 (M1174), DIN VDE 0620-1 (M1175)
Approvals IMQ (M1173), LCIE (M1174), CEBEC (M1174), VDE (M1175), GOST

Indicator light technical specifications

Type fluorescent torpedo-shaped lamp
Function indication of power supply presence
Light colour green
Power consumption [W] 0.25

Fuse technical specifications

Type 5 x 20 mm up to 6.3 A aM
Function phase protection

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/61 Application sheets ....................... pag. 11/23

9/10 ABB
System Selection tables MA1-8001
pro M compact Other functions

MA1-8001 DIN rail adapter

MA1-8001 DIN rail adapter

Through an appropriate kit, this product born with the Modular Range of Pilot devices is the perfect
case for alongside Ø 22 mm pilot devices with “System pro M compact” products.
The Ø 22 mm pilot devices can now find a greater use even within distribution or automation switch-
boards with modular panels maintaining an high aesthetic level.
The MA1-8001 offers a lot of advantages:
- Fast and easy mounting
- Simple wiring
- Simple maintenance
- Less depth of operators
- Perfect harmony alongside the “System pro M compact” products
Using MA1-8001 it’s possible to put together “System pro M compact” products with LED pilot light,
potentiometer, key selectors , toggle switches, selector switches, push- buttons, mushroom buttons
and emergency stop, illuminated or not.
For detailed description of the industrial devices that can be installed using this kit, see technical
catalogue 1SFC151001C0201

Description Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

details 7320500 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
DIN rail adapter (2 modules) (1) MA1-8001 1SFA611920R8001 357880 0,023 1

Can be used only with Modular range, pilot devices units; it cannot be used with the old CBK range or Compact range pro-

Technical notes
– To assemble the new housing with push-buttons, selector switch and indicator lamps, contact
blocks and lamp blocks for DIN rails must be used.
– The MCBH-00 holder is not necessary, because the housing hooks directly to contact blocks.
– To line up with “System pro M compact” products, a maximum of 3 blocks must be used.
– In the configuration with 3 contacts, it is advisable to use securing pins to make the blocks more
– In making up actuators or indicator lamps that use a single contact, one or two SK616009-B empty
blocks must be used.
Assembly instruction
After hooking the contact and/or lamp blocks on the DIN rail, inserting the securing pins (if
necessary) and wiring the terminals:
1) Insert the push-button, selector or pilot light where desired
2) tighten the locking nut using the specific tool
3) hook the housing to the empty and/or contact blocks fixed on the DIN rail

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/59

ABB 9/11
System Selection tables TI
pro M compact Other functions

Switchboards and devices for medical locations

Insulating transformers for medical locations

Permanently connected to an IT power supply system, single-phase medical insulating transformers
provide galvanic separation between the distribution network and the user load in accordance with
the IEC standards EN 61558-1 and IEC EN 61558-2-15 concerning power supply group 2 medical

Rated PT100 Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

Output details 801254 1 piece group 1 piece unit
KVA Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
3 TI 3 2CSM110000R1541 2896005 29.5 1
5 TI 5 2CSM120000R1541 2896104 44.0 1
7.5 TI 7.5 2CSM130000R1541 2896203 50.5 1
10 TI 10 2CSM140000R1541 2521204 73.0 1
3 ■ TI 3-S 2CSM210000R1541 2521402 29.5 1
5 ■ TI 5-S 2CSM220000R1541 2521501 44.0 1
7.5 ■ TI 7.5-S 2CSM230000R1541 2521600 50.5 1
10 ■ TI 10-S 2CSM240000R1541 2521709 73.0 1

Accessories for insulating transformers for medical locations

Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack
details 801254 1 piece group 1 piece unit
Type code Order code EAN kg pc.
Shock absorber AMM 2CSM900000R1541 1 4

Technical characteristics

Rated output [KVA] 3 5 7,5 10

Frequency [Hz] 50-60
Electrical protection class 1
Thermal insulation class [°C] B 130 B 130 F 155 F 155
Operating temperature max [°C] 40
Primary winding voltage [V] 230
Secondary winding voltage [V] 230
No load current [A] < 0.39 < 0.65 < 0.98 < 1.3
Short circuit voltage drop <3%
Inrush current [A] < 221 < 369 < 553 < 738
Power loss [W] 120 150 260 320
Winding separation double insulation
Metallic shield ■
Reference standard IEC-EN 61558-1, IEC-EN 61558-2-15, IEC-EN 62041
Dimensions [mm] 205x340x150 240x380x150 240x380x160 277x380x260

Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/60

9/12 ABB
System Selection tables QSO
pro M compact Other functions

Switchboards and components for medical locations

Electrical switchboard for medical locations

Electrical switchboards for operating theatres incorporate all the latest ABB modular instrumentation.
They are the ideal solution for distribution within group II medical locations, allowing monitoring of
all network parameters and control of the 24 V a.c. supply line to the scialytic lamp. ABB panels
are provided with declaration of conformity required for commissioning, thus guaranteeing installers
compliance with all regulations.

Power PT100 Order Bbn Price Price Weight Pack

sensor details 801254 1 piece group 1 piece unit
KVA Type code Order code EAN kg pc.

Wall mounted electrical switchboard for medical locations

3 QSO 3kVA 2CSM110000R1551 2376101 100.0

5 QSO 5kVA 2CSM120000R1551 2376200 104.5
7.5 QSO 7.5kVA 2CSM130000R1551 2376309 121.0
3 ■ QSO 3kVA-S 2CSM210000R1551 2526308 100.0
5 ■ QSO 5kVA-S 2CSM210000R1541 2526407 104.5
7.5 ■ QSO 7.5kVA-S 2CSM230000R1551 2526506 121.0

Floor standing electrical switchboard for medical locations

3 ■ QSO 3kVA-S-PV 2CSM310000R1551 2526605 161.5

5 ■ QSO 5kVA-S-PV 2CSM320000R1551 2526704 176.0
7.5 ■ QSO 7.5kVA-S-PV 2CSM330000R1551 2526803 182.5
10 ■ QSO 10kVA-S-PV 2CSM340000R1551 2526902 205.0
3 ■ QSO 3kVA-S-PV+24Vac 2CSM410000R1551 2614302 161.5
5 ■ QSO 5kVA-S-PV+24Vac 2CSM420000R1541 2614401 176
7.5 ■ QSO 7.5kVA-S-PV+24Vac 2CSM430000R1551 2614500 182.5
10 ■ QSO 10kVA-S-PV+24Vac 2CSM440000R1551 2614609 205

Technical characteristics
Rated voltage [V] 230 ± 15% a.c.
Rated frequency
Number of phases
[Hz] 50
1 + N ~/ PE 9
Auxiliary circuits rated voltage [V] 230 a.c.
Insulation rated voltage [V] 300 - 2,500
Distribution system TT / TN-S
Max short circuit current [kA] 6 RMS sym
Max altitude [m] 2000 a.s.l
Contamination level 1 absent or only dry and non conducting
Resistance to impact IK09
Protection degree IP65 front with door - IP31 front without door - IP20 on top
Relative humidity 50%
Operating temperature [°C] - 5 / + 40
Storage temperature [°C] - 25 / + 55
Reference standard IEC 60364-7-710; EN60439-1

Technical details ........................ pag. 10/160 Overall dimensions ...................... pag. 12/60

ABB 9/13
System Technical details
pro M compact®

Tripping characteristics ....................................................................................................... 10/2
Limitation of specific let-through energy I2t......................................................................... 10/3
Peak current Ip .................................................................................................................. 10/14
Coordination tables ........................................................................................................... 10/21
MCBs internal resistance, power loss and max. permissible earth-fault loop impedance .. 10/67
Performances at different ambient temperatures, altitudes and frequencies ................... 10/70
Use of MCBs in direct current circuits .............................................................................. 10/72
Particular supply sources and loads ................................................................................. 10/73
Double tampoprinting of S 200 P ...................................................................................... 10/76
Wiring diagrams of MCBs ................................................................................................. 10/77

Functions and classification criteria for RCDs .................................................................. 10/78
Influence on RCDs of currents with DC components ...................................................... 10/81
Coordination tables .............................................................................................................10/82
Power loss, derating and performance in altitude ............................................................ 10/86
Emergency stop using DDA 200 AE series ....................................................................... 10/87
Unwanted tripping - AP-R solution ................................................................................... 10/88
Unwanted tripping - F2C-ARH solution ............................................................................ 10/90
Type B RCDs ..................................................................................................................... 10/91
Use of 4P RCCBs in 3-phase system without neutral pole............................................... 10/93
Operating voltage of test button ....................................................................................... 10/94
Wiring diagrams of RCCBs, RCBOs and RCD-blocks ...................................................... 10/98

Protection devices
RD2 residual current monitors......................................................................................... 10/101
RD3 residual current devices .......................................................................................... 10/102
RD front panel residual current monitors ........................................................................ 10/106
Toroidal transformers....................................................................................................... 10/113

Terminology of SPD electrical characteristics ................................................................. 10/115
Common mode and/or differential mode protection ....................................................... 10/116
Principle of coordination for Surge Protective Devices ................................................... 10/117
Operating diagrams of Surge Protective Devices ........................................................... 10/118
Installation rules for SPDs: choice of associated
Breaking devices (fuse/circuit breaker) ...........................................................................
Cabling and installation of Surge Protective Devices in an electrical panel....................
Protection devices
E 930 fuse holders........................................................................................................... 10/123
M2160-M2060 fuse switches .......................................................................................... 10/124
Insulation monitoring devices ......................................................................................... 10/125

Command devices
E 259 installation relays ................................................................................................... 10/132
E 250 latching relays ....................................................................................................... 10/133
ATT-Tool ........................................................................................................................... 10/135

Measurement devices
Analogue and digital measurement instruments and accessories .................................. 10/140

Other functions
Modular transformers ...................................................................................................... 10/159
QSO switchboard for medical locations.......................................................................... 10/160

ABB 10/1
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Tripping characteristics

Tripping characteristics
Thermal release 0 Electromagnetic release /
Acc. to Tripping characteristic Current: Tripping time Currents: Tripping time
and rated current conventional conventional hold trip
non-tripping c. tripping c. current at least at

IEC/EN 60898 B 6 to 63 A 1.13 · In >1h 3 · In > 0.1 s

1.45 · In <1h 5 · In < 0.1 s
C 0.5 to 63 A 1.13 · In >1h 5 · In > 0.1 s
1.45 · In <1h 10 · In < 0.1 s
D 0.5 to 63 A 1.13 · In >1h 10 · In > 0.1 s
1.45 · In <1h 20 · In < 0.1 s
DIN VDE 0660/9.82 K 0.5 to 63 A 1.05 · In >1h
1.2 · In <1h not applicable
IEC/EN 60947-2 1.05 · In >2h 10 · In > 0.2 s
DIN VDE 0660 1.2 · In <1h1 14 · In < 0.2 s
8/69 1.5 · In < 2 min. 1
Part 101 6.0 · In > 2 s (T1)
DIN VDE 0660/9.82 Z 0.5 to 63 A 1.05 · In >1h
1.2 · In <1h not applicable
IEC/EN 60947-2 1.05 · In >2h 2 · In > 0.2 s
DIN VDE 0660 1.2 · In <1h1 3 · In < 0.2 s
8/69 1.5 · In < 2 min. 1
Part 101 6.0 · In > 2 s (T1)

/ The indicated tripping values of electromagnetic tripping devices apply to a 0 The thermal releases are calibrated to a nominal reference ambient temperature;
frequency range of 16 2/3...60 Hz. In the case of diverging frequencies or direct for Z and K, the value is 20 °C, for B and C = 30 °C. In the case of higher ambient
current, see paragraph “Variation of tripping threshold of MCBs, according to temperatures, the current values fall by ca. 6 % for each 10 K temperature rise.
network frequency” (page 6/7) 1 As from operating temperature (after I1 > 1 h or, as applicable, 2 h).

Characteristics B, C, D Characteristics K, Z
> 63 > 32
1.45 1.2
IEC-EN60898 1.13 b 63 b 32 IEC-EN60947-2 1.05

120 120

60 60
40 40

20 20

10 10
6 6
4 4

90 2 2

1 1

10 30



10 10
6 6
4 4

2 2

1 1
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0.06 0.06
0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02

0.01 0.01
1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 15 20 30 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 15 20 30

2.55 10 20 30 10 14 18
multiples of rated current multiples of rated current

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/2 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Limitation of specific

let-through energy I2t

Limitation of specific let-through energy

I 1
Tripping of an installation circuit by circuit-breaker when there is a short-circuit requires a certain
amount of time depending on the characteristics of the circuit-breaker and the entity of the short-circuit
U t
tv current. During this period of time, some or all of the short-circuit current flows into the installation;
t=0 uB the parameter I2t defines the “specific let-through energy”, ie. the specific energy that the breaker
I2 t allows through when there is a short-circuit current Icc during the tripping time t.
iK In this way, we can determine the capacity of a circuit-breaker to limit, ie. break high currents up to
t the rated breaking power of the device, by reducing the peak value of the above-mentioned currents
to a value which is considerably lower than the estimated current.
Non-current limiting circuit-breaker
This can be achieved using mechanisms which open very rapidly and have the following advanta-
Oscillogram of short-circuit ges:
breaks on two circuit-breakers: - they limit the thermal and dynamic effects both on the circuit-breaker and on the protected circuit;
1 = traditional non-current - they reduce the dimensions of the current-limiting circuit-breaker without reducing breaking capacity;
limiting circuit-breaker
2 = current limiting circuit- - they considerably reduce ionized gases and sparklers emitted during the short-circuit and therefore
breaker they avoid the danger of ignition and fires.
uB = arc voltage (red)
Irms = perspective simmetrical short-circuit current
uM = rest voltage (blue)
Max. withstanding specific let-through energy of cables
50 33,062,500 39,062,500 51,122,500
35 16,200,625 19,140,625 25,050,025
U tv 25 8,265,625 9,765,625 12,780,625
uB 16 3,385,600 4,000,000 5,234,944
10 1,322,500 1,562,500 2,044,900
I2 iK
6 476,100 562,500 736,164
iK 4 211,600 250,000 327,184
2.5 82,656 97,656 127,806
1.5 29,756 35,156 46,010
Current limiting circuit-breaker
The selection of the cables depends both from the breakers’ specific let-through energy and from carrying capacity and voltage
drop of the line.

Short-circuit current
red = effective short-circuit Data of the previous table are referred to the following cables:
current squared
blue = estimated short-circuit
current squared (shun- FM9 H07RN-F N07G9-K
ted circuit-breaker) FM9OZ1 FTG10OM1
iKM = maximum values of N07V-K RG7OR
symmetrical component
of short-circuit current
shaded in
red = specific let-through Designation
energy in two cases
Cable’s reference to the standards harmonized H
national cable recognized by CENELC A
Rated voltage Uo/U 100/100 b Uo/U < 300/300 01
300/300 V 03
300/500 V 05
450/750 V 07
750/1000 V 1
Insulating materials and non-metallic sheath ethylene-vinylacetate G
mineral M
polyvinyl chloride V
Conductor’s shape flexible conductor of a cable for fixed installation K
Some cables on the market are identified with different names according with the designation UNEL 35011.

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/3
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Limitation of specific

let-through energy I2t

I2t diagrams - Specific let-through energy value I2t

The I2t curves give the values of the specific let-through energy expressed in A2s (A=amps; s=seconds)
in relation to the perspective short-circuit current (Irms) in kA.

S 200-S 200 M-S 200 P, characteristics B and C

DS 200-DS 200 M, characteristics B and C
230/400 V let-through energy

50/60 A 32/40 A
2.5 mm2

97.656 EPR 127.806 HEPR 5

82.656 PVC
10 20/25 A
46.010 HEPR 13/16 A
1.5 mm2

35.156 EPR 10 A
29.756 PVC

10 4A
I2t [A2s]



1.6 A


10 2
0.1 1 10 100
S 200 S 200 P
DS 200
S 200 M
Irms [kA] DS 200 M

S 200-S 200 M-S 200 P, characteristics D-K

230/400 V let-through energy


50/63 A 20/32 A
40 A
2.5 mm2

97.656 EPR 127.806 HEPR 5

10 20 A

10 82.656 PVC

46.010 HEPR
13/16 A
1.5 mm2

35.156 EPR 10 A
29.756 PVC

I2t [A2s]



3 2A
1.6 A


10 2
0.1 1 10 100
S 200 S 200 M S 200 P

Irms [kA]

For further information about the selection of the cable, please look at the table in page 10/3
Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/4 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Limitation of specific

let-through energy I2t

S 200 P, characteristic Z
230/400 V let-through energy


50/63 A
2.5 mm2

97.656 EPR 127.806 HEPR 5

82.656 PVC
20/25 A
32/40 A
46.010 HEPR 13/16 A
1.5 mm2

35.156 EPR 10 A
29.756 PVC

I2t [A2s]

10 4A



1,6 A


10 2
0,1 1 10 100
S 200 P
Irms [kA]

SN201 L-SN201-SN201 M, characteristics B

230 V let-through energy
2.5 mm2

97.656 EPR 127.806 HEPR 5

82.656 PVC

46.010 HEPR
1.5 mm2

40 A
35.156 EPR 32 A
25 A
29.756 PVC 20 A
16 A
10 A
Specific let-through energy I2t (A2s)




0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5
SN201L SN201 SN201M

Perspective short-circuit current (kA)

For further information about the selection of the cable, please look at the table in page 10/3
Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/5
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Limitation of specific

let-through energy I2t

SN201 L-SN201-SN201 M, characteristics C

230 V let-through energy

2.5 mm2
97.656 EPR 127.806 HEPR 5
82.656 PVC

46.010 HEPR 40 A
1.5 mm2

35.156 EPR 32 A
25 A
20 A
29.756 PVC
16 A
10 A

Specific let-through energy I2t (A2s)





0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5
SN201L SN201 SN201M

Perspective short-circuit current (kA)

SN201, characteristics D
230 V let-through energy
2.5 mm2

97.656 EPR 127.806 HEPR 5

82.656 PVC

46.010 HEPR
1.5 mm2

40 A
35.156 EPR
32 A
25 A
29.756 PVC 20 A
16 A
10 A

10 6A
Specific let-through energy I2t (A2s)




0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5

Perspective short-circuit current (kA)

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/6 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Limitation of specific

let-through energy I2t

S 280 80-100 A, characteristic B

230/400 V let-through energy


I2t [A2s]

100 A

80 A
2.5 mm2

97.656 EPR 127.806 HEPR -1

82.656 PVC
46.010 HEPR
1.5 mm2

35.156 EPR

29.756 PVC



1 10
Irms [kA]

S 280 80-100 A, characteristic C

230/400 V let-through energy
I2t [A2s]

100 A
80 A
2.5 mm2

97.656 EPR 127.806 HEPR -1

82.656 PVC
46.010 HEPR
1.5 mm2

35.156 EPR

29.756 PVC



1 10
Irms [kA]

For further information about the selection of the cable, please look at the table in page 10/3
Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/7
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Limitation of specific

let-through energy I2t

S 280 characteristics K, Z
230/400 V let-through energy
2.5 mm2

97.656 EPR 127.806 HEPR 5


2.5 mm2
97.656 EPR 127.806 HEPR 5
82.656 PVC
82.656 PVC
46.010 HEPR
1.5 mm2

46.010 HEPR

1.5 mm2
35.156 EPR
35.156 EPR
29.756 PVC
29.756 PVC
10 K40
K32 10
K25 Z40

K16 Z16
K10 Z10
I2t (A2s)

I2t (A2s)
10 10

2 K3
10 10

10 10

1 10 1 10
Icc (kA)
Icc (kA)

S 290 characteristics C, D
230/400 V let-through energy




D 100/125 A
I2t (A2s)

D 80 A
C 100/125 A

10 C 80 A
2.5 mm2

97.656 EPR 127.806 HEPR 5

82.656 PVC
46.010 HEPR
1.5 mm2

35.156 EPR

29.756 PVC


3 4
10 10
1.5.10 4
Irms (kA)

For further information about the selection of the cable, please look at the table in page 10/3

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/8 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Limitation of specific

let-through energy I2t

S800 S characteristics B, C, K and D

230 V let-through energy

200 A
125 A
105 80 A
160 A
50 A

32 A

125 A 20 A

13 A
Let-through energy I2t [A2s]

100 A

80 A

63 A 2


230 VAC/50 Hz

2 10 50
Prospective short current circuit Icc [kA]

200 A
100 A
10 63 A
160 A
40 A

25 A

125 A

16 A
Let-through energy I2t [A2s]

100 A

10 A


80 A

63 A


230 VAC/50 Hz

2 10 50
Prospective short current circuit Icc [kA]

/ Min. pre-arching I2t, e.g. NH80 A gL/gG

0 Max. let-through I2t, e.g. S801S-C20

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/9
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Limitation of specific

let-through energy I2t

S800 S characteristics B, C, K and D

400 V let-through energy

200 A
125 A
105 80 A
160 A
50 A

32 A

125 A 20 A

13 A
Let-through energy I2t [A2s]

ha 100 A

80 A

63 A 2


400 VAC/50 Hz

2 10 50
Prospective short current circuit Icc [kA]

200 A
100 A
10 63 A
160 A
40 A

25 A

125 A

16 A
Let-through energy I2t [A2s]

100 A

10 A


80 A

63 A


400 VAC/50 Hz

2 10 50
Prospective short current circuit Icc [kA]

/ Min. pre-arching I2t, e.g. NH80 A gL/gG

0 Max. let-through I2t, e.g. S801S-C20

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/10 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Limitation of specific

let-through energy I2t

S800 N characteristics B, C and D

230 V let-through energy

200 A 125 A
80 A
160 A 50 A
32 A

125 A 20 A

13 A

Let-through energy I2t [A2s]

100 A

80 A

63 A 2


230 VAC/50 Hz

2 10 36
Prospective short current circuit Icc [kA]

200 A 100 A

5 63 A
160 A 40 A

25 A

125 A

16 A
Let-through energy I2t [A2s]


100 A

10 A


80 A

63 A


230 VAC/50 Hz

2 10 36
Prospective short current circuit Icc [kA]

/ Min. pre-arching I2t, e.g. NH80 A gL/gG

0 Max. let-through I2t, e.g. S801S-C20

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/11
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Limitation of specific

let-through energy I2t

S800 N characteristics B, C and D

400 V let-through energy

200 A 125 A
80 A
160 A 50 A
32 A

125 A 20 A

13 A
Let-through energy I2t [A2s]

pe 100 A

80 A

63 A 2


400 VAC/50 Hz

2 10 36
Prospective short current circuit Icc [kA]

200 A 100 A

105 63 A
160 A 40 A

25 A

125 A

16 A
Let-through energy I2t [A2s]


100 A

10 A


80 A

63 A


400 VAC/50 Hz

2 10 36
Prospective short current circuit Icc [kA]

/ Min. pre-arching I2t, e.g. NH80 A gL/gG

0 Max. let-through I2t, e.g. S801S-C20

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/12 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Limitation of specific

let-through energy I2t

DS 941 N-DS 951 N-DS 971 N, characteristics B and C

230 V let-through energy

2.5 mm2
97.656 EPR 127.806 HEPR 5
82.656 PVC

46.010 HEPR

1.5 mm2
40 A
35.156 EPR 32 A
25 A
20 A
29.756 PVC
16 A
10 A


Specific let-through energy I2t (A2s)






0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5
DS 941N DS 951N
DS 971N

Perspective short-circuit current (kA)


Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/13
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Peak current Ip

Limitation curves - Peak current values

The Ip curves give the values of the peak current, expressed in kA, in relation to the perspective
simmetrical short-circuit current (kA).

S 200-S 200 P, characteristics B-C

DS 200-DS 200 M, characteristics B-C


50 63 A

32 40 A
20 25 A

13 16 A
8 10 A
Ip [kA]


2 4A

1 2A

1,6 A
0.5 0,5 1 A


0 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100
S 200 S 200 M S 200 P
Irms [kA] DS 200 DS 200 M

S 200-S 200 P, characteristics K-D



10 20
50 63 A

32 40 A
20 25 A

13 16 A
8 10 A
Ip [kA]


2 4A

1 2A

1,6 A
0.5 0,5 1 A


0 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100
Irms [kA] S 200 S 200 M S 200 P

10/14 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Peak current Ip

S 200 P, characteristic Z



50 63 A

32 40 A
20 25 A

13 16 A
8 10 A
Ip [kA]


2 4A

1 2A

1,6 A
0.5 0,5 1 A


0 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100
Irms [kA] S 200 P

SN 201 L, SN 201, SN 201 M, characteristic B

230 V


40 A
32 A
25 A
20 A

2000 16 A

10 A
Ip [A]




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
SN201 L SN201 SN201 M

Irms [kA]

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/15
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Peak current Ip

SN 201 L, SN 201, SN 201 M, characteristic C

230 V


5000 40 A
32 A
25 A
20 A
16 A

2000 10 A

Ip [A]




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
SN201 L SN201 SN201 M

Irms [kA]

SN 201, characteristic D
230 V


40 A
32 A
25 A

10 2000 16 A
10 A
20 A

Ip [A]




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Irms [kA]

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/16 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Peak current Ip

S 280 80-100 A, characteristic B




100 A
80 A
Ip [kA]



0 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100
Irms [kA]

S 280 80-100 A, characteristic C




100 A
80 A
Ip [kA]



0 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100
Irms [kA]

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/17
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Peak current Ip

S 800 S characteristics B, C, K and D


Ip [kA]


Irms [kA]


10 !
Ip [kA]


Irms [kA]

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/18 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Peak current Ip

S 800 N characteristics B, C and D

Ip [kA]


Irms [kA]


! 10
Ip [kA]


Irms [kA]

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/19
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Peak current Ip

DS 941-DS 951-DS 971 characteristics B and C

230 V




32 A 40 A

20A 25 A
13A 16 A
10 A
Ip [kA]

2 6A



0 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100
DS 941 DS 951
DS 971
Irms [kA]


Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/20 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables

Back-up protection
The tables given provide the value (in kA, referring to the breaking capacity according to the IEC
60947-2 Standard) for which the back-up protection among the combination of selected circuit-
breakers is verified. The tables cover the possible combinations between ABB SACE Tmax series
of moulded-case circuit-breakers and those between the above-mentioned circuit-breakers and the
ABB series of modular circuit-breakers.
The values indicated in the tables refer to the voltage:
– Vn of 230/240 V AC for coordination with modular SN 201 circuit-breakers
– Vn of 400/415 V AC for all the other coordinations.

Selective protection
The tables given provide the value (in kA, referring to the breaking capacity according to the IEC
60947-2 Standard) for which the selective protection is verified among the combination of selected
L1 L2 L3 N circuit-breakers. The tables cover the possible combinations between ABB SACE Tmax series of
moulded-case circuit-breakers, and the ABB series of modular circuit-breakers. The values in the
400 V table represent the maximum value obtainable of discrimination between supply side circuit-breaker
400 V
400 V and load side circuit-breaker referring to the voltage:
230 V
– Vn of 230/240 V AC for the SN 201 circuit-breakers and Vn of 400/415 V AC for the supply side
circuit-breakers in the coordination between MCB with the modular SN 201 circuit-breakers
(see picture).
– Vn of 400/415 V AC for all the other coordinations.
L3 N
General prescriptions
– Function I of the electronic releases of the supply side circuit-breakers must be excluded (I3 in
– The magnetic trip of thermomagnetic (TM) or magnetic only (M) circuit-breakers placed on the
supply side must be 10 x In and regulated to the maximum threshold;
– It is of prime importance to check that the settings made by the user for the electronic and ther-
momagnetic relays of circuit-breakers placed both on the load and supply side do not create
intersections on the time-current curves.

The following tables give the breaking capacities at 415 V AC for circuit-breakers SACE Tmax.

Tmax @ 415 V AC
Version Icu [kA]
B 16
C 25
N 36
S 50
L (T2)
L (T4, T5) 120
V 200

MCB = miniature circuit-breakers (SN 201, – MF (Tmax)
S 2, S 800) – MA (Tmax)
MCCB = moulded-case circuit-breakers EL = electronic release
(Tmax) – PR221DS - PR222DS (Tmax)

For moulded-case or air circuit-breakers: For miniature circuit-breakers:

TM = thermomagnetic release B = trip characteristic (Im=3...5In)
– TMD (Tmax) C = trip characteristic (Im=5...10In)
– TMA (Tmax) D = trip characteristic (Im=10...20In)
M = magnetic only release K = trip characteristic (Im=8...14In)
Z = trip characteristic (Im=2...3In)
For solutions not shown in these tables, please consult the website: or contact ABB SACE

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/21
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

MCB -MCB @240 V
Supply s. S200 S200M S200P S200P S280 S290 S800S 25gL 40gL 50gL 63gL 80gL 100gL
Char. B-C B-C B-C B-C B-C C-D B-C-D-K
Icu[kA] 20 25 40 25 20 25 50
Load s. In[A] 0,5…63 0,5…63 0,5…25 32…63 80…100 80…125 10…125
SN 201 L/DS 941 B,C 6 2...40 20 25 40 25 15 15 50 35 25 20 15 10 10
SN 201/DS 951 B,C,D 10 2...40 20 25 40 25 15 15 50 35 25 20 15 10 10
SN 201 M/DS 971 B,C 10 2...40 20 25 40 25 15 15 50 35 25 20 15 10 10
S 200 B,C,K,Z 20 0,5…63 25 40 25 50
S 200 M B,C,D 25 0,5…63 40 50
B,C 40 0,5…25 50
S 200 P
D,K,Z 25 32…63 50
S 290 C,D,K 25 80,125
S 800 B,C 100 10…125

MCCB @415 V -MCB @240 V

240 V Supply s. T1 T1 T1 T2 T3 T2 T3 T2 T2
Char. Version B C N N N S S H L
16 25 36 36 36 50 50 70 85
Icu [kA]
Load s. In [A]
2...25 16 16 16 20 10 20 10 20 20
SN 201 L B-C 6
32, 40 10 10 10 16 16 16 16
2...25 16 16 16 25 16 25 16 25 25
SN 201 B-C-D 10
32, 40 16 16 16 16
2...25 16 16 16 25 16 25 16 25 25
SN 201 M B-C 10
32, 40 16 16 16 16

MCB -MCB @415 V

Supply s. S200 S200M S200P S200P S 280 S 290 S 800 S S 800 N
Char. B-C B-C B-C B-C B-C C B-C-D-K B-C-D
Icu [kA ] 10 15 25 15 6 20 50 36
Load s. In [A ] 0.5..63 0.5..63 0.5..25 32..63 80,100 80..125 10..125 10..125
S 200 B,C,K,Z 10 0.5..63 15 25 15 15 50 36
S 200 M B,C,D 15 0.5..63 25 50 36
B,C, 25 0.5..25 50 36
S 200 P
D,K,Z 15 32..63 50 36
S 280 B,C 6 80,100
S 290 C,D,K 20 (15)* 80..125

MCCB -MCB @415 V

Supply s. T1 T1 T1 T2 T3 T4 T2 T3 T4 T2 T4 T2 T4 T4
Version B C N N N N S S S H H L L V
Load s. Char. In [A ] Icu [kA ] 16 25 36 36 36 36 50 50 50 70 70 85 120 200
0.5..10 10 16 25 30 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
S 200 B,C,K,Z
13..63 10 16 25 30 36 16 36 36 16 40 40 40 40 40 40
0.5..10 15 16 25 30 36 36 36 50 40 40 70 40 85 40 40
S 200 M B,C,D
13..63 15 16 25 30 36 25 36 50 25 40 60 40 60 40 40
0.5..10 25 30 36 36 36 50 40 40 70 40 85 40 40
S 200 P 13..25 25 30 36 30 36 50 30 40 60 40 60 40 40
32..63 15 16 25 30 36 25 36 50 25 40 60 40 60 40 40
10 S 280
S 290
20 (15)*
S 800 S B,C,D,K 10..125 50 70 70 85 120 200
S 800 N B,C,D 10..125 36 70 70 85 120 200
*Only for D characteristic

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/22 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

Fuse gG, gL - MCB S 200, S 200 M
240 V Supply s. Fuse gG, gL
Load s. In [A]
S 200 B 6 63
S 200 M 10...20 100
25...32 100
40 125
50...63 160
S 200 C 3...4 20
S 200 M 6 40
8 63
10...20 100
25...32 100
40 125
50...63 160
S 200 K 3 20
4 25
6...10 63
16...20 80
25...32 100
40 125
50...63 160
S 200 Z 3...4 20
6 35
8 40
10...16 63
20...25 80
32...40 100
50...63 125


Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/23
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

Selective protection
Selectivity between SN 201 and S 200 upstream and downstream modular circuit-breakers
In the case, selectivity is amperometric and so the selectivity limit is given simply by the magnetic
threshold of the upstream breaker, which is fixed. The selectivity value is obtained if a minimum
ratio of 1.6 (In upstream/In downstream > 1.6) is observed between the rated currents of the two

Upstream circuit-breaker S 200 P, curve D 50 A
Downstream circuit-breaker SN 201 L, curve B 10 A
Selectivity limit 10 In=500 A

MCB -SN 201 @230/240 V MCB - S 200 @ 400/415 V

Supply s.** S290 Supply s. S 290
Char. C D Char. D
Icu [kA ] 25 Icu [kA] 15
Load s.* In [A ] 80 100 125 80 100 Load s. In [A] 80 100
2 T T T T T b2 T T
4 5 T T T T C 10 3 T T
6 4.5 5 T 5.5 T 4 T T
10 4 4.5 5 5 5 6 T T
SN 201 L B-C 6 16 2.5 3.5 3.5 4 4.5 8 T T
20 1.5 2.5 2.5 3 4.5 10 5 8
25 0.5 0.5 1.5 2 4 13 4.5 7
32 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 3.5 16 4.5 7
40 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 3.5 B-C 10 20 3.5 5
2 6 8 9 7 8 25 3.5 5
4 5 6 7.5 6 7 32 4.5
6 4.5 5 6 5.5 6 40
10 4 4.5 5 5 5 50
SN 201 B-C-D 10 16 2.5 3.5 3.5 4 4.5 63
20 1.5 2.5 2.5 3 4.5 b2 T T
25 0.5 0.5 1.5 2 4 3 T T
32 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 3.5 4 T T
40 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 3.5 6 T T
2 6 8 9 7 8 8 T T
4 5 6 7.5 6 7 10 5 8
6 4.5 5 6 5.5 6 13 3 5
D 10
10 4 4.5 5 5 5 16 3 5
SN 201 M B-C 10 16 2.5 3.5 3.5 4 4.5 20 3 5
20 1.5 2.5 2.5 3 4.5 25 4
25 0.5 0.5 1.5 2 4 32
32 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 3.5 40
40 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 3.5 50
S 200
*Load side circuit-breaker 1P+N (230/240 V) 63
**For networks with 230/240 V AC ->two-pole circuit-breaker b2 T T
(phase +neutral) 3 T T
for networks at 400/415 V AC ->four-pole circuit-breaker (load side 4 T T
circuit branched between one phase and the neutral) 6 T T

10 K 10
20 3 5
25 4
b2 T T
3 T T
4 T T
6 T T
8 T T
10 5 8
Z 10 16 4.5 7
20 3.5 5
25 3.5 5
32 3 4.5
40 3 4.5
50 3

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/24 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

Fuse MCB S 700
Im Icu [kA] Im E E E E E E E E
In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 Icu [kA] 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
6 2 1.5 2.5 T T T T T T In [A] 20 25 35 40 50 63 80 100
6 4 1 2 4.5 T T T T T 6 2 T T T T T T T T
6 6 1 1.5 4 4.5 T T T T 6 4 T T T T T T T T
6 10 - 1.2 3.5 4 T T T T 6 6 T T T T T T T T
SN 201 L
B-C 6 16 - 1 3 3.5 5 T T T 6 10 T T T T T T T T
6 20 - 1 3 3.5 5 T T T SN 201 L B-C 6 16 - T T T T T T T
6 25 - 1 2 3 4.5 T T T 6 20 - - T T T T T T
6 32 - 1 2 3 4.5 5 T T 6 25 - - T T T T T T
6 40 - - 1.5 2.5 4 5 T T 6 32 - - - - T T T T
10 2 1.5 2.5 5 T T T T T 6 40 - - - - - T T T
10 4 1 2 4.5 5 T T T T 10 2 T T T T T T T T
10 6 1 1.5 4 4.5 7 T T T 10 4 T T T T T T T T
10 10 - 1.2 3.5 4 6 T T T 10 6 T T T T T T T T
SN 201 B-C-D 10 16 - 1 3 3.5 5 T T T 10 10 T T T T T T T T
10 20 - 1 3 3.5 5 8 T T SN 201 B-C-D 10 16 - T T T T T T T
10 25 - 1 2 3 4.5 6.5 T T 10 20 - - T T T T T T
10 32 - 1 2 3 4.5 5 8 T 10 25 - - T T T T T T
10 40 - - 1.5 2.5 4 5 6.5 T 10 32 - - - - T T T T
10 2 1.5 2.5 5 7 T T T T 10 40 - - - - - T T T
10 4 1 2 4.5 5 8 T T T 10 2 T T T T T T T T
10 6 1 1.5 4 4.5 7 T T T 10 4 T T T T T T T T
10 10 - 1.2 3.5 4 6 T T T 10 6 T T T T T T T T
SN 201 M B-C 10 16 - 1 3 3.5 5 9 T T 10 10 T T T T T T T T
10 20 - 1 3 3.5 5 8 T T SN 201 M B-C 10 16 - T T T T T T T
10 25 - 1 2 3 4.5 6.5 9 T 10 20 - - T T T T T T
10 32 - 1 2 3 4.5 5 8 T 10 25 - - T T T T T T
10 40 - - 1.5 2.5 4 5 6.5 9 10 32 - - - - T T T T
10 40 - - - - - T T T


Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/25
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

MCCB @415 V 4p - SN 201 @240 V
Supply s. T1 T2
Version B,C,N N, S, H, L
Release TMD TMD,MA
Iu [A] 160 160
Load s. Char. Icu [kA ] In [A] 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160** 160 16 20 25 32 40 50
4 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
6 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
10 3 3 3 4.5 T T T T T T 3* 3 3 3 4.5
16 3 4.5 5 T T T T T 3* 3 4.5
SN 201 L B-C 6
20 3 5 6 T T T T 3* 3

Continue in the table below

25 5 6 T T T T 3*
32 6 T T T T 3*
40 T T T T
4 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 T T T T T T T T T T T T
10 3 3 3 4.5 7.5 8.5 T T T T 3* 3 3 3 4.5
16 3 4.5 5 7.5 T T T T 3* 3 4.5
SN 201 B-C-D 10
20 3 5 6 T T T T 3* 3
25 5 6 T T T T 3*
32 6 7.5 T T T 3*
40 7.5 T T T
4 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 T T T T T T T T T T T
10 3 3 3 4.5 7.5 8.5 T T T T 3* 3 3 3 4.5
16 3 4.5 5 7.5 T T T T 3* 3 4.5
SN 201 M B-C 10
20 3 5 6 T T T T 3* 3
25 5 6 T T T T 3*
32 6 7.5 T T T 3*
40 7.5 T T T

T2 T3
Iu [A] 160 250
Load s. Char. Icu [kA ] In [A] 63 80 100 125** 125 160** 160 10 25 63 100 160 63 80 100 125** 125 160** 160 200** 200 250** 250
4 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
6 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
10 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
16 5 T T T T T T T T T 5 T T T T T T T T T T
SN 201 L B-C 6
20 5 T T T T T T T T T 5 T T T T T T T T T T
25 5 T T T T T T T T T 5 T T T T T T T T T T
32 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
40 T* T T T T T T T* T T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
6 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
10 7.5 8.5 T T T T T T T T T 7.5 8.5 T T T T T T T T T
16 5 7.5 T 7.5 T T T T T T 5 7.5 T 7.5 T T T T T T T
SN 201 B-C-D 10
20 5 6 T 6 T T T T T T 5 6 T 6 T T T T T T T
25 5 6 T 6 T T T T T T 5 6 T 6 T T T T T T
32 6 7.5 6 T T T T T T 6 7.5 6 T T T T T T T
40 6* 7.5 T T T T T 6* 7.5 T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
6 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T

10 SN 201 M B-C 10
25 5 6 T 6 T T T T T T 5 6 T 6 T T T T T T T
32 6 7.5 6 T T T T T T 6 7.5 6 T T T T T T T
40 6* 7.5 T T T T T 6* 7.5 T T T T T T T
Supply side circuit-breaker 4P (load side circuit branched between one phase and the neutral)
Load side circuit-breaker 1P+N (230/240 V)
*Value valid only for magnetic only supply side circuit-breaker
**Neutral 50%

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/26 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

MCB - S 200 @ 400/415 V MCB - S 200 M @ 400/415 V
400/415 V Supply s. S 290 400/415 V Supply s. S 290
Char. D Char. D
Icu [kA] 15 Icu [kA] 15
Load s. In [A] 80 100 Load s. In [A] 80 100
S 200 C 10 b2 T T S 200 M C 15 b2 T T
3 T T 3 T T
4 T T 4 T T
B-C 10 6 T T B-C 15 6 10.5 T
8 T T 8 10.5 T
10 5 8 10 5 8
13 4.5 7 13 4.5 7
16 4.5 7 16 4.5 7
20 3.5 5 20 3.5 5
25 3.5 5 25 3.5 5
32 4.5 32 4.5
40 40
50 50
63 63
D 10 b2 T T D 15 b2 T T
3 T T 3 T T
4 T T 4 T T
6 T T 6 10.5 T
8 T T 8 10.5 T
10 5 8 10 5 8
13 3 5 16 3 5
16 3 5 20 3 5
20 3 5 25 4
25 4 32
32 40
40 50
50 63
63 K 15 b2 T T
3 T T
400/415 V Supply s. S 290 4 T T
Char. D 6 10.5 T
Icu [kA] 15 8 10.5 T
Load s. In [A] 80 100 10 5 8
S 200 K 10 b2 T T 16 3 5
3 T T 20 3 5
4 T T 25 4
6 T T 32
8 T T 40
10 5 8 50
16 3 5 63
20 3 5
25 4
Z 10 b2
6 T T
8 T T
10 5 8
16 4.5 7
20 3.5 5
25 3.5 5
32 3 4.5
40 3 4.5
50 3

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/27
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

MCB - S 200 P @ 400/415 V
400/415 V Supply s. S 290 400/415 V Supply s. S 290
Char. D Char. D
Icu [kA] 15 Icu [kA] 15
Load s. In [A] 80 100 Load s. In [A] 80 100
S 200 P B-C 25 b2 T T S 200 P K 25 b2 T T
3 T T 3 T T
4 T T 4 T T
6 10.5 T 6 10.5 T
8 10.5 T 8 10.5 T
10 5 8 10 5 8
13 4.5 7 13 3 5
16 4.5 7 16 3 5
20 3.5 5 20 3 5
25 3.5 5 25 4
15 32 4.5 15 32
40 40
50 50
63 63
D 25 b2 T T Z 25 b2 T T
3 T T 3 T T
4 T T 4 T T
6 10.5 T 6 10.5 T
8 10.5 T 8 10.5 T
10 5 8 10 5 8
13 3 5 16 4.5 7
16 3 5 20 3.5 5
20 3 5 25 3.5 5
25 4 15 32 3 4.5
15 32 40 3 4.5
40 50 3
50 63


Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/28 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

S 800 S - S 200 @ 230/400 V

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. B
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
6 0.4 0.5 0.7 1 1.5 2.6
10 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
13 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3
16 0.7 0.9 1.3
20 0.9 1.3
S 200 B 10
25 0.9 1.3
32 0.8 1.1
40 0.8 1.1
50 1
63 0.9

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. B
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 3.3 T T T T T T T
1.6 0.6 1.3 T T T T T T
2 0.4 0.7 1.3 T T T T T
3 0.4 0.6 0.7 1.1 2.6 T T
4 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.7 3.1 T
6 0.4 0.5 0.7 1 1.5 2.6
8 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
S 200 C 10 10 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
13 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3
16 0.7 0.9 1.3
20 0.9 1.3
25 0.9 1.3
32 0.8 1.1
40 0.8 1.1

ABB 10/29
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:


230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. B
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 0.8 4.5 T T T T T T
1.6 0.5 1 2.3 T T T T T
2 0.3 0.5 0.7 2.3 T T T T
3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.2 2.5 T T
4 0.4 0.4 0.7 1 1.7 3 T
6 0.6 0.8 1.2 2 3.6
8 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
S 200 D 10 10 0.9 1.3 2
13 1 1.5
16 1.5

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. B
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 0.8 5 T T T T T T
1.6 0.5 1 2.1 T T T T T
2 0.3 0.5 0.7 2.1 T T T T
3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.2 2.5 T T
4 0.4 0.4 0.7 1 1.7 3 T
6 0.6 0.8 1.2 2 3.6
8 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
S 200 K 10 10 0.9 1.3 2
13 1 1.5

10 16


Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/30 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:


230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. C
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
6 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.4 2.4 4.8
10 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
13 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.9
16 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.9
20 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8
S 200 B 10
25 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8
32 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.4
40 0.6 0.8 1 1.4
50 0.7 0.9 1.3
63 0.9 1.2

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. C
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 T T T T T T T T
1.6 0.6 T T T T T T T
2 0.5 1 T T T T T T
3 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.2 2.1 T T T
4 0.3 0.4 0.7 1 1.5 2.6 T T
6 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.4 2.4 4.8
8 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
S 200 C 10 10 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
13 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.9
16 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.9
20 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8
25 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8
32 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.4
40 0.6 0.8 1 1.4
50 0.7 0.9 1.3
63 0.9 1.2

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. C 10
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 2.1 T T T T T T T
1.6 0.8 2.3 T T T T T T
2 0.4 0.7 2.3 T T T T T
3 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.2 2.2 T T T
4 0.3 0.4 0.7 1 1.4 2.6 T T
6 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.8 3.2 T
8 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8 2.8
S 200 D-K 10 10 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8 2.8
13 0.7 1 1.4 2
16 1 1.4 2
20 1 1.4
25 1.4
Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/31
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:


230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. D
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
6 0.5 1 1.2 2 2.8 T T T
10 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.8 3.9 T
13 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 T
16 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
20 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
S 200 B 10
25 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
32 0.9 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
40 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
50 1.5 1.9 2.3
63 1.7 2.3

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. D
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 T T T T T T T T
1.6 T T T T T T T T
2 T T T T T T T T
3 0.7 2.2 4.4 T T T T T
4 0.7 1.3 2.2 4.4 T T T T
6 0.5 1 1.2 2 2.8 T T T
8 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.8 3.9 T
S 200 C 10 10 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.8 3.9 T
13 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
16 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
20 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
25 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
32 0.9 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
40 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
50 1.5 1.9 2.3
63 1.7 2.3

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

10 Char.
Icu [kA]
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 T T T T T T T T
1.6 T T T T T T T T
2 2.3 T T T T T T T
3 0.7 1.3 4.4 T T T T T
4 0.7 1 2.2 4.4 T T T T
6 0.6 0.8 1.5 2.5 3.6 T T T
8 0.5 0.7 1.1 1.5 2 4 5.5 T
S 200 D-K 10 10 0.5 0.7 1.1 1.5 2 4 5.5 T
13 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 2.6 3.4 5.2
16 0.9 1.2 1.5 2.6 3.4 5.2
20 0.9 1.1 1.8 2.2 3.2
25 1.1 1.8 2.2 3.2
32 1.7 2 2.9
40 1.9 2.6
50 2.2

10/32 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:


230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. B
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
6 0.4 0.5 0.7 1 1.5 2.6
10 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
13 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3
16 0.7 0.9 1.3
20 0.9 1.3
S 200 M B 15
25 0.9 1.3
32 0.8 1.1
40 0.8 1.1
50 1
63 0.9

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. B
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 3.3 T T T T T T T
1.6 0.6 1.3 T T T T T T
2 0.4 0.7 1.3 T T T T T
3 0.4 0.6 0.7 1.1 2.6 T T
4 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.7 3.1 T
6 0.4 0.5 0.7 1 1.5 2.6
8 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
S 200 M C 15 10 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
13 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3
16 0.7 0.9 1.3
20 0.9 1.3
25 0.9 1.3
32 0.8 1.1
40 0.8 1.1
50 1
63 0.9

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. B

Load s.
Icu [kA]
In [A] 25 32 40 50
63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 0.8 5 T T T T T T
1.6 0.5 1 2.3 T T T T T
2 0.3 0.5 0.7 2.3 T T T T
3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.2 2.5 T T
4 0.4 0.4 0.7 1 1.7 3 T
6 0.6 0.8 1.2 2 3.6
8 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
S 200 M D-K 15 10 0.9 1.3 2
13 1 1.5
16 1.5

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/33
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:


230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. C
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
6 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.4 2.4 4.8
10 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
13 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.9
16 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.9
20 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8
S 200 M B 15
25 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8
32 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.4
40 0.6 0.8 1 1.4
50 0.7 0.9 1.3
63 0.9 1.2

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. C
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 T T T T T T T T
1.6 0.6 T T T T T T T
2 0.5 1 T T T T T T
3 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.2 2.1 T T T
4 0.3 0.4 0.7 1 1.5 2.6 T T
6 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.4 2.4 4.8
8 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
S 200 M C 15 10 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
13 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.9
16 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.9
20 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8
25 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8
32 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.4
40 0.6 0.8 1 1.4
50 0.7 0.9 1.3
63 0.9 1.2

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. C
Icu [kA] 50
10 Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80
0.5 T T T T T
1 2.1 T T T T T T T
1.6 0.8 2.3 T T T T T T
2 0.4 0.7 2.3 T T T T T
3 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.2 2.2 T T T
4 0.3 0.4 0.7 1 1.4 2.6 T T
6 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.8 3.2 T
8 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8 2.8
S 200 M D-K 15 10 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8 2.8
13 0.7 1 1.4 2
16 1 1.4 2
20 1 1.4
25 1.4

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/34 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:


230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. D
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
6 0.5 1 1.2 2 2.8 T T T
10 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.8 3.9 T
13 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
16 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
20 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
S 200 M B 15
25 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
32 0.9 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
40 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
50 1.5 1.9 2.3
63 1.7 2.3

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. D
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 T T T T T T T T
1.6 T T T T T T T T
2 T T T T T T T T
3 0.7 2.2 4.4 T T T T T
4 0.7 1.3 2.2 4.4 7.7 T T T
6 0.5 1 1.2 2 2.8 T T T
8 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.8 3.9 T
S 200 M C 15 10 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.8 3.9 T
13 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
16 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
20 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
25 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
32 0.9 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
40 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
50 1.5 1.9 2.3
63 1.7 2.3

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. D
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A]
1 T T T T T T T T
1.6 T T T T T T T T
2 2.3 T T T T T T T
3 0.7 1.3 4.4 T T T T T
4 0.7 1 2.2 4.4 7.7 T T T
6 0.6 0.8 1.5 2.5 3.6 T T T
8 0.5 0.7 1.1 1.5 2 4 5.5 T
S 200 M D-K 15 10 0.5 0.7 1.1 1.5 2 4 5.5 T
13 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 2.6 3.4 5.2
16 0.9 1.2 1.5 2.6 3.4 5.2
20 0.9 1.1 1.8 2.2 3.2
25 1.1 1.8 2.2 3.2
32 1.7 2 2.9
40 1.9 2.6
50 2.2

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/35
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:


230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. B
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
6 0.4 0.5 0.7 1 1.5 2.6
10 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
13 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3
16 0.7 0.9 1.3
20 0.9 1.3
S 200 P B
25 0.9 1.3
32 0.8 1.1
40 0.8 1.1
50 1
63 0.9

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. B
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 3.3 T T T T T T T
1.6 0.6 1.3 T T T T T T
2 0.4 0.7 1.2 T T T T T
3 0.4 0.6 0.7 1.1 2.6 8.8 T
4 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.7 3.1 7
25 6 0.4 0.5 0.7 1 1.5 2.6
8 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
S 200 P C 10 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
13 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3
16 0.7 0.9 1.3
20 0.9 1.3
25 0.9 1.3
32 0.8 1.1
40 0.8 1.1
50 1
63 0.9

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. B
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
10 0.2
0.5 T T T T T T T T
0.75 T T T T T T T T
1 0.8 5 T T T T T T
1.6 0.5 1 2.3 T T T T T
2 0.3 0.5 0.7 2.1 T T T T
3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.2 2.5 8.6 T
4 0.4 0.4 0.7 1 1.7 3 7.7
6 0.6 0.8 1.2 2 3.6
S 200 P K
8 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
10 0.9 1.3 2
13 1 1.5
16 1.5

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/36 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:


230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. C
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
6 0.4 0.5 0.7 1 1.5 2.6
10 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
13 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3
16 0.7 0.9 1.3
20 0.9 1.3
S 200 P B
25 0.9 1.3
32 0.8 1.1
40 0.8 1.1
50 1
63 0.9

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. C
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 3.3 T T T T T T T
1.6 0.6 1.3 T T T T T T
2 0.4 0.7 1.3 T T T T T
3 0.4 0.6 0.7 1.1 2.6 8.8 T
4 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.7 3.1 7
25 6 0.4 0.5 0.7 1 1.5 2.6
8 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
S 200 P C 10 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
13 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3
16 0.7 0.9 1.3
20 0.9 1.3
25 0.9 1.3
32 0.8 1.1
40 0.8 1.1
50 1
63 0.9

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. C
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
T 10
0.5 T T T T T T T T
0.75 T T T T T T T T
1 0.8 5 T T T T T T
1.6 0.5 1 2.3 T T T T T
2 0.3 0.5 0.7 2.3 T T T T
3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.2 2.5 8.6 T
4 0.4 0.4 0.7 1 1.7 3 7.7
6 0.6 0.8 1.2 2 3.6
S 200 P K
8 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
10 0.9 1.3 2
13 1 1.5
16 1.5

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/37
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:


230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. D
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
6 0.5 1 1.2 2 2.8 9.9 21.3 T
10 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.8 3.9 7.4
13 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
16 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
20 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
S 200 P B
25 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
32 0.9 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
40 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
50 1.5 1.9 2.3
63 1.7 2.3

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. D
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 T T T T T T T T
1.6 T T T T T T T T
2 T T T T T T T T
3 0.7 2.2 4.4 T T T T T
4 0.7 1.3 2.2 4.4 7.7 T T T
25 6 0.5 1 1.2 2 2.8 9.9 22 T
8 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.8 3.9 7.4
S 200 P C 10 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.8 3.9 7.4
13 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
16 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
20 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
25 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
32 0.9 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
40 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
50 1.5 1.9 2.3
63 1.7 2.3

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 S

Char. D
Icu [kA] 50
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.2 T T T T T T T T
10 0.3
0.75 T T T T T T T T
1 T T T T T T T T
1.6 T T T T T T T T
2 2.3 T T T T T T T
3 0.7 1.3 4.4 T T T T T
4 0.7 1 2.2 4.4 7.7 T T T
6 0.6 0.8 1.5 2.5 3.6 12.1 24.2 T
S 200 P K
8 0.5 0.7 1.1 1.5 2 4 5.5 9.9
10 0.5 0.7 1.1 1.5 2 4 5.5 9.9
13 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 2.6 3.4 5.2
16 0.9 1.2 1.5 2.6 3.4 5.2
20 0.9 1.1 1.8 2.2 3.2
25 1.8 2.2 3.2
32 1.7 2 2.9
40 1.9 2.6
50 2.2

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/38 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

S 800 N - S 200 @ 230/400 V

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. B
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
6 0.4 0.5 0.7 1 1.5 2.6
10 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
13 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3
16 0.7 0.9 1.3
20 0.9 1.3
S 200 B 10
25 0.9 1.3
32 0.8 1.1
40 0.8 1.1
50 1
63 0.9

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. B
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 3.3 T T T T T T T
1.6 0.6 1.3 T T T T T T
2 0.4 0.7 1.2 T T T T T
3 0.4 0.6 0.7 1.1 2.6 T T
4 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.7 3.1 T
6 0.4 0.5 0.7 1 1.5 2.6
8 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
S 200 C 10 10 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
13 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3
16 0.7 0.9 1.3
20 0.9 1.3
25 0.9 1.3
32 0.8 1.1
40 0.8 1.1
50 1
63 0.9


Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/39
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:


230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. B
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 0.8 5 T T T T T T
1.6 0.5 1 2.3 T T T T T
2 0.3 0.5 0.7 2.3 T T T T
3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.2 2.5 T T
4 0.4 0.4 0.7 1 1.7 3 T
6 0.6 0.8 1.2 2 3.6
8 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
S 200 D-K 10 10 0.9 1.3 2
13 1 1.5
16 1.5

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. C
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 36 63 80 100 125
6 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.4 2.4 4.8
10 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
13 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.9
16 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.9
20 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8
S 200 B 10
25 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8
32 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.4
40 0.6 0.8 1 1.4
50 0.7 0.9 1.3
63 0.9 1.2

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. C

10 Load s.
Icu [kA]
In [A] 25 32 40 36
63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 T T T T T T T T
1.6 0.6 T T T T T T T
2 0.5 1 T T T T T T
3 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.2 2.1 T T T
4 0.3 0.4 0.7 1 1.5 2.6 T T
6 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.4 2.4 4.8
8 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
S 200 C 10 10 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
13 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.9
16 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.9
20 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8
25 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8
32 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.4
40 0.6 0.8 1 1.4
50 0.7 0.9 1.3
63 0.9 1.2

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/40 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:


230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. C
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 36 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 2.1 T T T T T T T
1.6 0.8 2.3 T T T T T T
2 0.4 0.7 2.3 T T T T T
3 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.2 2.2 T T T
4 0.3 0.4 0.7 1 1.4 2.6 T T
6 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.8 3.2 T
8 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8 2.8
S 200 D-K 10 10 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8 2.8
13 0.7 1 1.4 2
16 1 1.4 2
20 1 1.4
25 1.4

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. D
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 36 63 80 100 125
6 0.5 1 1.2 2 2.8 T T T
10 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.8 3.9 T
13 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
16 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
20 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
S 200 B 10
25 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
32 0.9 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
40 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
50 1.5 1.9 2.3
63 1.7 2.3

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. D

Load s.
Icu [kA]
In [A] 25 32 40 36
63 80 100 125 10
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 T T T T T T T T
1.6 T T T T T T T T
2 T T T T T T T T
3 0.7 2.2 4.4 T T T T T
4 0.7 1.3 2.2 4.4 T T T T
6 0.5 1 1.2 2 2.8 T T T
8 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.8 3.9 T
S 200 C 10 10 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.8 3.9 T
13 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
16 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
20 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
25 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
32 0.9 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
40 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
50 1.5 1.9 2.3
63 1.7 2.3

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/41
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:


230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. D
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 36 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 T T T T T T T T
1.6 T T T T T T T T
2 2.3 T T T T T T T
3 0.7 1.3 4.4 T T T T T
4 0.7 1 2.2 4.4 T T T T
6 0.6 0.8 1.5 2.5 3.6 T T T
8 0.5 0.7 1.1 1.5 2 4 5.5 T
S 200 D-K 10 10 0.5 0.7 1.1 1.5 2 4 5.5 T
13 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 2.6 3.4 5.2
16 0.9 1.2 1.5 2.6 3.4 5.2
20 0.9 1.1 1.8 2.2 3.2
25 1.1 1.8 2.2 3.2
32 1.7 2 2.9
40 1.9 2.6
50 2.2

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. B
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
6 0.4 0.5 0.7 1 1.5 2.6
10 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
13 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3
16 0.7 0.9 1.3
20 0.9 1.3
S 200 M B 15
25 0.9 1.3
32 0.8 1.1
40 0.8 1.1
50 1
63 0.9

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. B

10 Load s.
Icu [kA]
In [A] 25 32 40 50
63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 3.3 T T T T T T T
1.6 0.6 1.3 T T T T T T
2 0.4 0.7 1.2 T T T T T
3 0.4 0.6 0.7 1.1 2.6 8.8 T
4 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.7 3.1 7
6 0.4 0.5 0.7 1 1.5 2.6
8 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
S 200 M C 15 10 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
13 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3
16 0.7 0.9 1.3
20 0.9 1.3
25 0.9 1.3
32 0.8 1.1
40 0.8 1.1
50 1
63 0.9

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/42 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:


230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. B
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 0.8 5 T T T T T T
1.6 0.5 1 2.3 T T T T T
2 0.3 0.5 0.7 2.3 T T T T
3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.2 2.5 8.6 T
4 0.4 0.4 0.7 1 1.7 3 7.7
6 0.6 0.8 1.2 2 3.6
8 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
S 200 M D-K 15 10 0.9 1.3 2
13 1 1.5
16 1.5

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. C
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 36 63 80 100 125
6 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.4 2.4 4.8
10 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
13 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.9
16 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.9
20 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8
S 200 M B 15
25 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8
32 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.4
40 0.6 0.8 1 1.4
50 0.7 0.9 1.3
63 0.9 1.2

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. C
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A]
1 T T T T T T T T
1.6 0.6 T T T T T T T
2 0.5 1 T T T T T T
3 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.2 2.1 6.4 T T
4 0.3 0.4 0.7 1 1.5 2.6 6.1 T
6 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.4 2.4 4.8
8 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
S 200 M C 15 10 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
13 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.9
16 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.9
20 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8
25 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8
32 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.4
40 0.6 0.8 1 1.4
50 0.7 0.9 1.3
63 0.9 1.2

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/43
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:


230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. C
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 36 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 2.1 T T T T T T T
1.6 0.8 2.3 T T T T T T
2 0.4 0.7 2.3 T T T T T
3 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.2 2.2 6.4 T T
4 0.3 0.4 0.7 1 1.4 2.6 6.2 T
6 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.8 3.2 6.4
8 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8 2.8
S 200 M D-K 15 10 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.8 2.8
13 0.7 1 1.4 2
16 1 1.4 2
20 1 1.4
25 1.4

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. D
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 36 63 80 100 125
6 0.5 1 1.2 2 2.8 T T T
10 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.8 3.9 7.4
13 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
16 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
20 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
S 200 M B 15
25 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
32 0.9 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
40 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
50 1.5 1.9 2.3
63 1.7 2.3

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. D
Icu [kA] 36
10 Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 36 63 80
0.5 T T T T T
1 T T T T T T T T
1.6 T T T T T T T T
2 T T T T T T T T
3 0.7 2.2 4.4 T T T T T
4 0.7 1.3 2.2 4.4 7.7 T T T
6 0.5 1 1.2 2 2.8 9.9 T T
8 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.8 3.9 7.4
S 200 M C 15 10 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.8 3.9 7.4
13 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
16 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
20 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
25 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
32 0.9 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
40 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
50 1.5 1.9 2.3
63 1.7 2.3

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/44 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:


230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. D
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 36 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 T T T T T T T T
1.6 T T T T T T T T
2 2.3 T T T T T T T
3 0.7 1.3 4.4 T T T T T
4 0.7 1 2.2 4.4 7.7 T T T
6 0.6 0.8 1.5 2.5 3.6 T T T
8 0.5 0.7 1.1 1.5 2 4 5.5 T
S 200 M D-K 15 10 0.5 0.7 1.1 1.5 2 4 5.5 T
13 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 2.6 3.4 5.2
16 0.9 1.2 1.5 2.6 3.4 5.2
20 0.9 1.1 1.8 2.2 3.2
25 1.1 1.8 2.2 3.2
32 1.7 2 2.9
40 1.9 2.6
50 2.2


Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/45
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:


230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. B
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
6 0.4 0.5 0.7 1 1.5 2.6
10 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
13 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3
16 0.7 0.9 1.3
20 0.9 1.3
S 200 P B
25 0.9 1.3
32 0.8 1.1
40 0.8 1.1
50 1
63 0.9

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. B
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 3.3 T T T T T T T
1.6 0.6 1.3 T T T T T T
2 0.4 0.7 1.3 T T T T T
3 0.4 0.6 0.7 1.1 2.6 8.8 T
4 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.7 3.1 7
25 6 0.4 0.5 0.7 1 1.5 2.6
8 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
S 200 P C 10 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
13 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3
16 0.7 0.9 1.3
20 0.9 1.3
25 0.9 1.3
32 0.8 1.1
40 0.8 1.1
50 1
63 0.9

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. B
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.2 T T T T T T T T
10 0.3
0.75 T T T T T T T T
1 0.8 5 T T T T T T
1.6 0.5 1 2.3 T T T T T
2 0.3 0.5 0.7 2.1 T T T T
3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.2 2.5 8.6 T
4 0.4 0.4 0.7 1 1.7 3 7.7
6 0.6 0.8 1.2 2 3.6
S 200 P K
8 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
10 0.9 1.3 2
13 1 1.5
16 1.5

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/46 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:


230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. C
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
6 0.4 0.5 0.7 1 1.5 2.6
10 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
13 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3
16 0.7 0.9 1.3
20 0.9 1.3
S 200 P B
25 0.9 1.3
32 0.8 1.1
40 0.8 1.1
50 1
63 0.9

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. C
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 3.3 T T T T T T T
1.6 0.6 1.3 T T T T T T
2 0.4 0.7 1.3 T T T T T
3 0.4 0.6 0.7 1.1 2.6 8.8 T
4 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.7 3.1 7
25 6 0.4 0.5 0.7 1 1.5 2.6
8 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
S 200 P C 10 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 1.4
13 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3
16 0.7 0.9 1.3
20 0.9 1.3
25 0.9 1.3
32 0.8 1.1
40 0.8 1.1
50 1
63 0.9

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. C
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.2 T T T T T T T T
0.75 T T T T T T T T
1 0.8 5 T T T T T T
1.6 0.5 1 2.3 T T T T T
2 0.3 0.5 0.7 2.3 T T T T
3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.2 2.5 8.6 T
4 0.4 0.4 0.7 1 1.7 3 7.7
6 0.6 0.8 1.2 2 3.6
S 200 P K
8 0.7 0.9 1.3 2
10 0.9 1.3 2
13 1 1.5
16 1.5

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/47
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:


230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. D
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
6 0.5 1 1.2 2 2.8 9.9 21.3 T
10 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.8 3.9 7.4
13 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
16 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
20 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
S 200 P B
25 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
32 0.9 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
40 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
50 1.5 1.9 2.3
63 1.7 2.3

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. D
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.5 T T T T T T T T
1 T T T T T T T T
1.6 T T T T T T T T
2 T T T T T T T T
3 0.7 2.2 4.4 T T T T T
4 0.7 1.3 2.2 4.4 7.7 T T T
25 6 0.5 1 1.2 2 2.8 9.9 22 T
8 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.8 3.9 7.4
S 200 P C 10 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.8 3.9 7.4
13 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
16 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.3 5.6
20 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
25 0.8 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 4.7
32 0.9 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
40 1.1 1.9 2.4 3.7
50 1.5 1.9 2.3
63 1.7 2.3

230/400 V Supply s. S 800 N

Char. D
Icu [kA] 36
Load s. In [A] 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
0.2 T T T T T T T T
10 0.3
0.75 T T T T T T T T
1 T T T T T T T T
1.6 T T T T T T T T
2 2.3 T T T T T T T
3 0.7 1.3 4.4 T T T T T
4 0.7 1 2.2 4.4 7.7 T T T
6 0.6 0.8 1.5 2.5 3.6 12.1 24.2 T
S 200 P K
8 0.5 0.7 1.1 1.5 2 4 5.5 9.9
10 0.5 0.7 1.1 1.5 2 4 5.5 9.9
13 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 2.6 3.4 5.2
16 0.9 1.2 1.5 2.6 3.4 5.2
20 0.9 1.1 1.8 2.2 3.2
25 1.1 1.8 2.2 3.2
32 1.7 2 2.9
40 1.9 2.6
50 2.2

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/48 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

MCB S 700 - fuse gL/gG
Short circuit selectivity: In the case of a short circuit, selectivity exists up to the values indicated.
short circuit discrimination in kA
to main circuit breaker S 700 to fuse gL/gG (DIN VDE 0636; IEC 269/3)
In A 16 20 25 35 40 50 63 80 100 16 20 25 35 50 63 80 100 125 160
2 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1 1.2 4 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 0.3 0.7 1.2 4.6 6 6 6 6 6 6
4 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 0.3 0.6 0.9 2.8 6 6 6 6 6 6
S 200 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 0.2 0.5 0.8 2 3.3 5.5 6 6 6 6
B, C, D 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 0.2 0.4 0.7 1.7 2.8 4.5 6 6 6 6
Current values 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 0.2 0.4 0.7 1.5 2.5 3.5 5 6 6 6
smaller than 6 A 13 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 0.7 1.5 2.5 3.5 5 6 6 6
and 8 A, apply 16 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 1.3 2 2.9 4.1 6 6 6
only to C and D 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 1.8 2.6 3.5 5 6 6
characteristics 25 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 1.8 2.6 3.5 5 6 6
32 10 10 10 10 8 8 2.2 3 4 6 6
40 ** 10 10 10 8 8 2.5 4 6 6 6
50/63 10 10 8 8 3,5 5 6
2 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1 1.2 4 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
3 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 0.3 0.7 1.2 4.6 6 6 6 6 6 6
4 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 0.3 0.6 0.9 2.8 6 6 6 6 6 6
S 200 M 6 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 0.2 0.5 0.8 2 3.3 5.5 6 6 6 6
B, C 8 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 0.2 0.4 0.7 1.7 2.8 4.5 6 6 6 6
Current values 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 0.2 0.4 0.7 1.5 2.5 3.5 5 6 6 6
smaller than 6 A 13 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 0.7 1.5 2.5 3.5 5 6 6 6
and 8 A, apply 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 1.3 2 2.9 4.1 6 6 6
only to C charac- 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 1.8 2.6 3.5 5 6 6
teristics 25 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 1.8 2.6 3.5 5 6 6
32 15 15 15 15 10 10 2.2 3 4 6 6
40 ** 15 15 15 10 10 2.5 4 6 6
50/63 15 15 10 10 3.5 5 6
2 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 0.3 1.2 4 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.3 0.7 1.2 4.6 6 6 6 6 6 6
4 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.3 0.6 0.9 2.8 6 6 6 6 6 6
S 200 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.7 1.7 3 5.9 6 6 6 6
K 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1.3 2.2 3.6 6 6 6 6
Selectivity values 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1.7 2.5 4 6 6 6
apply to Icu 16 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2.2 3.1 4.6 6 6
according to IEC 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3.1 4.6 6 6
947-2 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2.6 3.5 6 6
32 10 10 10 10 10 10 3.5 6 6
40 ** 10 10 10 10 10 5.5 6
50/63 10 10 10 10 6
2 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 0.5 2 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.3 0.7 1.2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
4 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.3 0.6 1.3 7 6 6 6 6 6 6
S 200 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.2 0.5 0.9 2.7 6 6 6 6 6 6
Z 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.2 0.5 0.6 1.7 3.8 6 6 6 6 6
Selectivity values 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.4 0.6 1.3 2.4 4 6 6 6 6
apply to Icu 16 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.5 1.1 1.7 3 4.5 6 6 6
according to IEC 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.9 1.5 2.3 3.5 5.2 6 6
947-2 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1.4 2 3 4 6 6
32 10 10 10 10 10 10 1.4 2 3 4 6 6
40 ** 10 10 10 10 10 2 3 4 6 6
50/63 10 10 10 10 2.2 3.5 5.8 6
** Limited or no selectivity at all possible in the overload range (thermal tripping)


Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/49
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

Tmax T1 - S 200 @ 400/415 V
400/415 V Supply s. T1
Version B-C-N
Relay TM
Iu [A] 160
Load s. Char. Icu [kA] In [A] 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160
S 200 C 10 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T T T T T
B-C 10 6 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 T T T T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 T T T T T
10 3 3 3 4.5 7.5 8.5 T T T
13 3 3 4.5 7.5 7.5 T T T
16 3 4.5 5 7.5 T T T
20 3 5 6 T T T
25 5 6 T T T
32 6 7.5 T T
40 7.5 T T
50 7.5 T
63 T
D 10 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T T T T T
6 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 T T T T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 T T T T T
10 3 3 3 3 5 8.5 T T T
13 2 2 3 5 8 T T
16 2 2 3 5 8 T T
20 2 3 4.5 6.5 T T
25 2.5 4 6 9.5 T
32 4 6 9.5 T
40 5 8 T
50 5 9.5
63 9.5


Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/50 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

400//415 V Supply s. T1
B, C, N
Relay TM
Iu [A] 160
Load s. Char. Icu [kA] In [A] 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160
S 200 K 10 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T T T T T
6 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 T T T T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 T T T T T
10 3 3 3 3 6 8.5 T T T
16 3 3 4.5 7.5 T T T
20 3 3.5 5.5 6.5 T T
25 3.5 5.5 6 9.5 T
32 4.5 6 9.5 T
40 5 8 T
50 6 9.5
63 9.5
Z 10 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T T T T T
6 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 T T T T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 T T T T T
10 3 3 3 4.5 8 8.5 T T T
16 3 4.5 5 7.5 T T T
20 3 5 6 T T T
25 5 6 T T T
32 6 7.5 T T
40 7.5 T T
50 7.5 T
63 T


Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/51
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

Tmax T1 - S 200 M @ 400/415 V
400/415 V Supply s. T1
Version B-C-N
Relay TM
Iu [A] 160
Load s. Char. Icu [kA] In [A] 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160
S 200 M C 15 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T T T T T
B-C 15 6 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 T T T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 T T T T
10 3 3 3 4.5 7.5 8.5 T T T
13 3 3 4.5 7.5 7.5 12 T T
16 3 4.5 5 7.5 12 T T
20 3 5 6 10 T T
25 5 6 10 T T
32 6 7.5 12 T
40 7.5 12 T
50 7.5 10.5
63 10.5
D 15 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T T T T T
6 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 T T T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 12 T T T
10 3 3 3 3 5 8.5 T T T
16 2 2 3 5 8 13.5 T
20 2 3 4.5 6.5 11 T
25 2.5 4 6 9.5 T
32 4 6 9.5 T
40 5 8 T
50 5 9.5
63 9.5
K 15 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T T T T T
6 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 T T T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 12 T T T
10 3 3 3 3 6 8.5 T T T
10 16 3 3 4.5 7.5 10 13.5 T
20 3 3.5 5.5 6.5 11 T
25 3.5 5.5 6 9.5 T
32 4.5 6 9.5 T
40 5 8 T
50 6 9.5
63 9.5

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/52 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

Tmax T1 - S 200 P @ 400/415 V
400/415 V Supply s. T1
Version B-C-N
Relay TM
Iu [A] 160
Load s. Char. Icu [kA] In [A] 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160
S 200 P C 25 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T
3 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 17* T T
4 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 17* T T
B-C 25 6 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 15 17* T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 15 17* T T
10 3 3 3 4.5 7.5 8.5 17* T T
13 3 3 4.5 7.5 7.5 12 20* T
16 3 4.5 5 7.5 12 20* T
20 3 5 6 10 15 T
25 5 6 10 15 T
15 32 6 7.5 12 T
40 7.5 12 T
50 7.5 10.5
63 10.5
D 25 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T
3 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 17* T T
4 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 17* T T
6 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 15 17* T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 12 17* T T
10 3 3 3 3 5 8.5 17* T T
13 2 2 3 5 8 13.5 T
16 2 2 3 5 8 13.5 T
20 2 3 4.5 6.5 11 T
25 2.5 4 6 9.5 T
15 32 4 6 9.5 T
40 5 8 T
50 5 9.5
63 9.5
* Choose the lowest value among those indicated and the rated ultimate short-circuit current of the supply side circuit breaker.


Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/53
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

400/415 V Supply s. T1
Version B-C-N
Relay TM
Iu [A] 160
Load s. Char. Icu [kA] In [A] 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160
S 200 P K 25 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T
3 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 17* T T
4 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 17* T T
6 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 15 17* T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 12 17* T T
10 3 3 3 3 6 8.5 17* T T
13 3 3 5 7.5 10 13.5 T
16 3 3 4.5 7.5 10 13.5 T
20 3 3.5 5.5 6.5 11 T
25 3.5 5.5 6 9.5 T
15 32 4.5 6 9.5 T
40 5 8 T
50 6 9.5
63 9.5
Z 25 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T
3 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 17* T T
4 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 17* T T
6 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 15 17* T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 12 17* T T
10 3 3 3 4.5 8 8.5 17* T T
16 3 4.5 5 7.5 12 20* T
20 3 5 6 10 15 T
25 5 6 10 15 T
15 32 6 7.5 12 T
40 7.5 12 T
50 7.5 10.5
63 10.5
* Choose the lowest value among those indicated and the rated ultimate short-circuit current of the supply side circuit breaker.


Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/54 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

Tmax T1 - S 800 S @400/415 V
E. T1
A. B, C, N
Release TM
Iu [A] 160
L. Char. Icu [kA] In [A] 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160
10 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 8 10 20* 25* 36*
13 4.5 4.5 4.5 7.5 10 15 25* 36*
16 4.5 4.5 7.5 10 15 25* 36*
20 4.5 7.5 10 15 25* 36*
25 6 10 15 20* 36*
B, C, 32 7.5 10 20* 36*
S 800 S 50 40 10 20* 36*
D, K
50 15 36*
63 36*
80 36*
100 36*

Tmax T1 - S 800 N @400/415 V

E. T1
A. B, C, N
Release TM
Iu [A] 160
L. Char. Icu [kA] In [A] 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160
10 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 8 10 20* 25* 36*
13 4.5 4.5 4.5 7.5 10 15 25* 36*
16 4.5 4.5 7.5 10 15 25* 36*
20 4.5 7.5 10 15 25* 36*
25 6 10 15 20* 36*
32 7.5 10 20* 36*
S 800 N B, C, D 36 40 10 20* 36*
50 15 36*
63 36*
80 36*
100 36*
E. = supply side L. = load side
T = total selectivity up to breaking capacity of load side breaker
Selectivity limits are specified in kA


Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/55
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

Tmax T2 - S 200 @ 400/415 V
400/415 V Supply s. T2
Version N-S-H-L
Relay TM-M EL
Iu [A] 160 160
Load s. Char. Icu [kA] In [A] 12.5 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 10 25 63 100 160
S 200 C 10 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
B-C 10 6 5.5* 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 T T T T T T T T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 T T T T T T T T T
10 3* 3 3 3 4.5 7.5 8.5 T T T T T T T
13 3* 3 3 4.5 7.5 7.5 T T T T T T T
16 3* 3 4.5 5 7.5 T T T T T T
20 3* 3 5 6 T T T T T T
25 3* 5 6 T T T T T T
32 3* 6 7.5 T T T T T
40 5.5* 7.5 T T T T
50 3* 5* 7.5 T T T
63 5* T T
D 10 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
6 5.5* 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 T T T T T T T T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 T T T T T T T T T
10 3* 3 3 3 3 5 8.5 T T T T T T T
13 2* 2 2 3 5 8 T T T T T
16 2* 2 2 3 5 8 T T T T T
20 2* 2 3 4.5 6.5 T T T T T
25 2* 2.5 4 6 9.5 T T T T
32 4 6 9.5 T T T T
40 3* 5 8 T T T
50 2* 3* 5 9.5 9.5 9.5
63 3* 9.5 9.5
* Value valid with supply side magnetic only circuit-breaker.


Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/56 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

400/415 V Supply s. T2
Version N-S-H-L
Relay TM-M EL
Iu [A] 160 160
Load s. Char. Icu [kA] In [A] 12.5 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 10 25 63 100 160
S 200 K 10 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
6 5.5* 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 T T T T T T T T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 T T T T T T T T T
10 3* 3 3 3 3 6 8.5 T T T T T T T
16 2* 3 3 4.5 7.5 T T T T T T
20 2* 3 3.5 5.5 6.5 T T T T T
25 2* 3.5 5.5 6 9.5 T T T T
32 4.5 6 9.5 T T T T
40 3* 5 8 T T T
50 2* 3* 6 9.5 9.5 9.5
63 3* 9.5 9.5
Z 10 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
6 5.5* 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 T T T T T T T T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 T T T T T T T T T
10 3* 3 3 3 4.5 8 8.5 T T T T T T T
16 3* 3 4.5 5 7.5 T T T T T T
20 3* 3 5 6 T T T T T T
25 3* 5 6 T T T T T T
32 3* 6 7.5 T T T T T
40 5.5* 7.5 T T T T
50 4* 5* 7.5 T T T
63 5* T T
* Value valid with supply side magnetic only circuit-breaker.


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ABB 10/57
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

Tmax T2 - S 200 M @ 400/415 V
400/415 V Supply s. T2
Version N-S-H-L
Relay TM-M EL
Iu [A] 160 160
Load s. Char. Icu [kA] In [A] 12.5 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 10 25 63 100 160
S 200 M C 15 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
B-C 15 6 5.5* 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 T T T T T T T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 T T T T T T T T
10 3* 3 3 3 4.5 7.5 8.5 T T T T T T T
13 3* 3 3 4.5 7.5 7.5 12 T T T T T T
16 3* 3 4.5 5 7.5 12 T T T T T
20 3* 3 5 6 10 T T T T T
25 3* 5 6 10 T T T T T
32 3* 6 7.5 12 T T T T
40 5.5* 7.5 12 T T T
50 3* 5* 7.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
63 5* 10.5 10.5
D 15 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
6 5.5* 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 T T T T T T T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 12 T T T T T T T
10 3* 3 3 3 3 5 8.5 T T T T T T T
16 2* 2 2 3 5 8 13.5 T T T T
20 2* 2 3 4.5 6.5 11 T T T T
25 2* 2.5 4 6 9.5 T T T T
32 4 6 9.5 T T T T
40 3* 5 8 T T T
50 2* 3* 5 9.5 9.5 9.5
63 3* 9.5 9.5
K 15 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
6 5.5* 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 T T T T T T T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 12 T T T T T T T
10 3* 3 3 3 3 6 8.5 T T T T T T T
10 16 2* 3 3 4.5 7.5 10 13.5 T T T T
20 2* 3 3.5 5.5 6.5 11 T T T T
25 2* 3.5 5.5 6 9.5 T T T T
32 4.5 6 9.5 T T T T
40 3* 5 8 T T T
50 2* 3* 6 9.5 9.5 9.5
63 3* 9.5 9.5
* Value valid with supply side magnetic only circuit-breaker.

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/58 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

Tmax T2 - S 200 P @ 400/415 V
400/415 V Supply s. T2
Version N-S-H-L
Relay TM-M EL
Iu [A] 160 160
Load s. Char. Icu [kA] In [A] 12.5 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 10 25 63 100 160
S 200 P C 25 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
3 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 17 T T T T T T T
4 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 17 T T T T T T T
B-C 25 6 5.5* 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 15 17 T T T T T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 15 17 T T T T T T
10 3* 3 3 3 4.5 7.5 8.5 17 T T T T T T
13 3* 3 3 4.5 7.5 7.5 12 20 T T T T T
16 3* 3 4.5 5 7.5 12 20 T T T T
20 3* 3 5 6 10 15 T T T T
25 3* 5 6 10 15 T T T T
15 32 3* 6 7.5 12 T T T T
40 5.5* 7.5 12 T T T
50 3* 5* 7.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
63 5* 10.5 10.5
D 25 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
3 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 17 T T T T T T T
4 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 17 T T T T T T T
6 5.5* 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 15 17 T T T T T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 12 17 T T T T T T
10 3* 3 3 3 3 5 8.5 17 T T T T T T
13 2* 2 2 3 5 8 13.5 T T T T
16 2* 2 2 3 5 8 13.5 T T T T
20 2* 2 3 4.5 6.5 11 T T T T
25 2* 2.5 4 6 9.5 T T T T
15 32 4 6 9.5 T T T T
40 3* 5 8 T T T
50 2* 3* 5 9.5 9.5 9.5
63 3* 9.5 9.5
* Value valid with supply side magnetic only circuit-breaker.


Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/59
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:


400/415 V Supply s. T2
Version N-S-H-L
Relay TM-M EL
Iu [A] 160 160
Load s. Char. Icu [kA] In [A] 12.5 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 10 25 63 100 160
S 200 P K 25 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
3 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 17 T T T T T T T
4 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 17 T T T T T T T
6 5.5* 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 15 17 T T T T T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 12 17 T T T T T T
10 3* 3 3 3 3 6 8.5 17 T T T T T T
13 2* 3 3 5 7.5 10 13.5 T T T T T
16 2* 3 3 4.5 7.5 10 13.5 T T T T
20 2* 3 3.5 5.5 6.5 11 T T T T
25 2* 3.5 5.5 6 9.5 T T T T
15 32 4.5 6 9.5 T T T T
40 3* 5 8 T T T
50 2* 3* 6 9.5 9.5 9.5
63 3* 9.5 9.5
Z 25 b2 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
3 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 17 T T T T T T T
4 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 17 T T T T T T T
6 5.5* 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 15 17 T T T T T T
8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.5 15 17 T T T T T T
10 3* 3 3 3 4.5 8 8.5 17 T T T T T T
16 3* 3 4.5 5 7.5 12 20 T T T T
20 3* 3 5 6 10 15 T T T T
25 3* 5 6 10 15 T T T T
15 32 3* 6 7.5 12 T T T T
40 5.5* 7.5 12 T T T
50 4* 5* 7.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
63 5* 10.5 10.5
* Value valid with supply side magnetic only circuit-breaker.

Tmax T2 - S 290 @ 400 V

400V Supply s. T2
10 Version
Relay TM-M
Iu [A] 160 160
Int.a valle Char. Icu [kA] In [A] 160 160
S 290 C-D 20* 80 4
100 4
C 20* 125 4
* 15 kA for D characteristic.

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10/60 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

Tmax T3 - S 200 @ 400/415 V
400/415 V Supply s. T3
Version N-S
Relay TM-M
Iu [A] 250
Load s. Char. Icu [kA] In [A] 63 80 100 125 160 200 250
S 200 C 10 b2 T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T
B-C 10 6 T T T T T T T
8 T T T T T T T
10 7.5 8.5 T T T T T
13 7.5 7.5 T T T T T
16 5 7.5 T T T T T
20 5 6 T T T T T
25 5 6 T T T T T
32 6 7.5 T T T T
40 7.5 T T T T
50 5* 7.5 T T T
63 5* 6* T T T
D 10 b2 T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T
6 T T T T T T T
8 T T T T T T T
10 5 8.5 T T T T T
13 3 5 8 T T T T
16 3 5 8 T T T T
20 3 4.5 6.5 T T T T
25 2.5 4 6 9.5 T T T
32 4 6 9.5 T T T
40 5 8 T T T
50 3* 5 9.5 T T
63 3* 5* 9.5 T T
* Value valid with supply side magnetic only circuit-breaker.


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ABB 10/61
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:


400/415 V Supply s. T3
Version N-S
Relay TM-M
Iu [A] 250
Load s. Char. Icu [kA] In [A] 63 80 100 125 160 200 250
S 200 K 10 b2 T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T
6 T T T T T T T
8 T T T T T T T
10 6 8.5 T T T T T
16 4.5 7.5 T T T T T
20 3.5 5.5 6.5 T T T T
25 3.5 5.5 6 9.5 T T T
32 4.5 6 9.5 T T T
40 5 8 T T T
50 3* 6 9.5 T T
63 3* 5.5* 9.5 T T
Z 10 b2 T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T
6 T T T T T T T
8 T T T T T T T
10 8 8.5 T T T T T
16 5 7.5 T T T T T
20 5 6 T T T T T
25 5 6 T T T T T
32 6 7.5 T T T T
40 7.5 T T T T
50 5* 7.5 T T T
63 5* 6* T T T
* Value valid with supply side magnetic only circuit-breaker.


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10/62 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

Tmax T3 - S 200 M @ 400/415 V
400/415 V Supply s. T3
Version N-S
Relay TM-M
Iu [A] 250
Load s. Char. Icu [kA] In [A] 63 80 100 125 160 200 250
S 200 M C 15 b2 T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T
B-C 15 6 10.5 T T T T T T
8 10.5 T T T T T T
10 7.5 8.5 T T T T T
13 7.5 7.5 12 T T T T
16 5 7.5 12 T T T T
20 5 6 10 T T T T
25 5 6 10 T T T T
32 6 7.5 12 T T T
40 7.5 12 T T T
50 5* 7.5 10.5 T T
63 5* 6* 10.5 T T
D 15 b2 T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T
6 10.5 T T T T T T
8 10.5 12 T T T T T
10 5 8.5 T T T T T
16 3 5 8 13.5 T T T
20 3 4.5 6.5 11 T T T
25 2.5 4 6 9.5 T T T
32 4 6 9.5 T T T
40 5 8 T T T
50 3* 5 9.5 T T
63 3* 5* 9.5 T T
K 15 b2 T T T T T T T
3 T T T T T T T
4 T T T T T T T
6 10.5 T T T T T T
8 10.5 12 T T T T T
10 6 8.5 T T T T T
16 4.5 7.5 10 13.5 T T T 10
20 3.5 5.5 6.5 11 T T T
25 3.5 5.5 6 9.5 T T T
32 4.5 6 9.5 T T T
40 5 8 T T T
50 3* 6 9.5 T T
63 3* 5.5* 9.5 T T
* Value valid with supply side magnetic only circuit-breaker.

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ABB 10/63
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

Tmax T3 - S 200 P @ 400/415 V
400/415 V Supply s. T3
Version N-S
Relay TM-M
Iu [A] 250
Load s. Char. Icu [kA] In [A] 63 80 100 125 160 200 250
S 200 P C 25 b2 T T T T T T T
3 15 15 17 T T T T
4 15 15 17 T T T T
B-C 25 6 10.5 15 17 T T T T
8 10.5 15 17 T T T T
10 7.5 8.5 17 T T T T
13 7.5 7.5 12 20 T T T
16 5 7.5 12 20 T T T
20 5 6 10 15 T T T
25 5 6 10 15 T T T
15 32 6 7.5 12 T T T
40 7.5 12 T T T
50 5* 7.5 10.5 T T
63 5* 6* 10.5 T T
D 25 b2 T T T T T T T
3 15 15 T T T T T
4 15 15 T T T T T
6 10.5 15 T T T T T
8 10.5 12 T T T T T
10 5 8.5 T T T T T
13 3 5 8 13.5 T T T
16 3 5 8 13.5 T T T
20 3 4.5 6.5 11 T T T
25 2.5 4 6 9.5 T T T
15 32 4 6 9.5 T T T
40 5 8 T T T
50 3* 5 9.5 T T
63 3* 5* 9.5 T T
* Value valid with supply side magnetic only circuit-breaker.


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10/64 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

400/415 V Supply s. T3
Version N-S
Relay TM-M
Iu [A] 250
Load s. Char. Icu [kA] In [A] 63 80 100 125 160 200 250
S 200 P K 25 b2 T T T T T T T
3 15 15 17 T T T T
4 15 15 17 T T T T
6 10.5 15 17 T T T T
8 10.5 12 17 T T T T
10 6 8.5 17 T T T T
13 5 7.5 10 13.5 T T T
16 4.5 7.5 10 13.5 T T T
20 3.5 5.5 6.5 11 T T T
25 3.5 5.5 6 9.5 T T T
15 32 4.5 6 9.5 T T T
40 5 8 T T T
50 3* 6 9.5 T T
63 3* 5.5* 9.5 T T
Z 25 b2 T T T T T T T
3 15 15 17 T T T T
4 15 15 17 T T T T
6 10.5 15 17 T T T T
8 10.5 15 17 T T T T
10 8 8.5 17 T T T T
16 5 7.5 12 20 T T T
20 5 6 10 15 T T T
25 5 6 10 15 T T T
15 32 6 7.5 12 T T T
40 7.5 12 T T T
50 5* 7.5 10.5 T T
63 5* 6* 10.5 T T
* Value valid with supply side magnetic only circuit-breaker.


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ABB 10/65
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Coordination tables:

Tmax T3 - S 290 @ 400 V
400 V Supply s. T3
Version N-S
Relay TM-M
Iu [A] 250
Load s. Char. Icu [kA] In [A] 160 200 250
S 290 C-D 20* 80 4** 10 15
100 4** 7.5** 15
125 7.5**

* 15 kA for D characteristic.
** Value valid with supply side magnetic only circuit-breaker.

Tmax T3 - S 800 S @400/415 V Tmax T3 - S 800 N @400/415 V

E. T3 E. T3
A. N, S A. N, S
Iu [A] 250 Iu [A] 250
L. Char. Icu In [A] 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 L. Char. Icu In [A] 63 80 100 125 160 200 250
10 8 10 20* 25* 36* 36* T 10 8 10 20* 25* T T T
13 7.5 10 15 25* 36* 36* T 13 7.5 10 15 25* T T T
16 7.5 10 15 25* 36* 36* T 16 7.5 10 15 25* T T T
20 7.5 10 15 25* 36* 36* T 20 7.5 10 15 25* T T T
25 6 10 15 20* 36* 36* T 25 6 10 15 20* T T T
B, C, 32 7.5 10 20* 36* 36* T 32 7.5 10 20* T T T
S 800 S 50 40 10 20* 36* 36* T S 800 N B, C, D 36 40 10 20* T T T
D, K
50 15 36* 36* T 50 15 T T T
63 36* 36* T 63 T T T
80 36* T 80 T T
100 T 100 T
125 T 125 T
* Choose the lowest value among those indicated and the rated ultimate short-circuit current of the supply side circuit breaker.


Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/66 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact MCBs internal resistance, power loss

and max. permissible earth-fault loop impedance

Internal resistance and power loss of the miniature circuit-breakers

Internal resistance per pole in m7, power loss per pole in W

Type Rated current Device series

B, C, D *

In A m7 W
SN201 L 2 520 2.1
SN201 4 147.5 2.4
SN201 M 6 64 2.3
10 19 1.9
16 14 3.6
20 12 4.8
25 7,1 4.4
32 6,5 6.7
40 4,7 7.5

* Total power loss


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ABB 10/67
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact MCBs internal resistance, power loss

and max. permissible earth-fault loop impedance

Internal resistance and power loss of the miniature circuit-breakers

Internal resistance per pole in m7, power loss per pole in W

Type Rated Device series

current B, C, D / K Z
In A m7 W m7 W m7 W

S 200 and 0.5 5500 1.4 6340 1.6 10100 2.5

1 1440 1.4 1550 1.6 2270 2.3
S 200 M 1.6 630 1.6 695 1.8 1100 2.8
2 460 1.8 460 1.9 619 2.5
3 150 1.3 165 1.5 202 1.8
4 110 1.8 120 2.0 149 2.4
6 55 2.0 52 1.9 104 3.7
8 15 1.0 38 2.5 53.9 3.45

10 13.3 1.3 12.6 1.26 17.5 1.7

13 13.3 2.3 12.6 1.26 – –
16 7.0 1.8 7.7 2.0 10.9 2.8
20 6.25 2.5 6.7 2.7 6.0 2.4
25 5.0 3.2 4.6 2.9 4.1 2.6
32 3.6 3.7 3.5 3.6 2.8 2.9
40 3.0 4.8 2.8 4.5 2.5 4.1
50 1.3 3.25 1.25 2.9 1.8 4.4
63 1.2 4.8 0.7 5.2 1.3 5.2
/ Current intensities 0.5 – 4 apply exclusively to C-type trip characteristics.

Maximum permissible earth-fault loop impedance ZS at U0 = 230 V~ 0

to ensure compliance with the operation conditions pursuant to IEC 60364-4.
Operating time < 0.4 s; at 400 V~ < 0.2 s and at > 400 V~ < 0.1 s
The instantaneous release of the MCB ensures an operating time of b 0.1 s (TN system).

Determined according to DIN VDE 0100-520 sheet 2:2002-11(source impedance = 300 m7, c = 0.95 and conductor temperature
70 °C = factor 0.8). The internal resistance of the MCB is already included.

S 200 and S 200 M

Rated B C D K Z
current In A max. ZS max. ZS max. ZS max. ZS max. ZS
0.5 – 46 33.0 33.0 153.3
1 – 23 16.5 16.5 76.7
1.6 – 14.4 10.3 10.3 47.9

10 2

6 7.7 3.8 2.7 2.7 12.8
8 – 2.8 2.1 2.1 9.5
10 4.6 2.2 1.6 1.6 7.7
13 3.5 1.7 1.2 1.2 –
16 2.9 1.4 1.0 1.0 4.8
20 2.3 1.2 0.8 0.8 3.8
25 1.8 0.9 0.7 0.7 3.1
32 1.4 0.7 0.5 0.5 2.4
40 1.1 0.6 0.4 0.4 1.9
50 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.3 1.5
63 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.3 1.2
0 U0 = rated voltage against earthed conductor; for U0 = 240 V~ is ZS · 1.04; for U0 = 127 V~ is ZS · 0.55

Take into account the voltage drop:

e.g. in the case of a 1.5 mm2 conductor, protected by a B 16 circuit-breaker, the maximum cable length is 82 m.
If the voltage drop is below 3%, this would result in a maximum cable length (2-strand) of 17 m.
For more details on this topic, get your own copy of the technical information leaflet “Maximum cable lengths”.

Maximum cable lengths in the case of different voltages and cross sections on request.

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/68 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact MCBs internal resistance, power loss

and max. permissible earth-fault loop impedance

Internal resistance and power loss of the miniature circuit-breakers

Internal resistance per pole in m7, power loss per pole in W

Type Rated Device series

current B, C, D / K Z
In A m7 W m7 W m7 W

S 200 P 0.2 – – 42500 1.7 – –

0.3 – – 20000 1.8 – –
0.5 5500 1.4 6340 1.6 10100 2.5
0.75 – – 2500 1.4 – –
1 1440 1.4 1400 1.4 2270 2.3
1.6 630 1.6 625 1.6 1100 2.8
2 460 1.8 460 1.8 619 2.5
3 211 1.9 211 1.9 211 1.9
4 150 2.4 163 2.6 163 2.6
6 61 2.2 67 2.4 104 3.7
8 45 2.9 45 2.9 55 3.5
10 14 1.4 19 1.9 21 2.1
13 13.3 2.3 – – – –
16 9.7 2.5 8.2 2.1 10.9 2.8
20 7.3 2.9 7.3 2.9 7.3 2.9
25 5.6 3.5 5.6 3.5 5.6 3.5
32 4.1 4.2 4.1 4.2 4.1 4.2
40 4.0 6.4 4.0 6.4 4.0 6.4
50 1.2 3.0 1.2 3.0 1.8 4.4
63 1.4 5.6 1.3 5.2 1.3 5.2

/ Current intensities 0.5 – 4 apply exclusively to C-type trip characteristics.

Maximum permissible earth-fault loop impedance ZS at U0 = 230 V~ 0

to ensure compliance with the operation conditions pursuant to IEC 60364-4.
Operating time < 0.4 s; at 400 V~ < 0.2 s and at > 400 V~ < 0.1 s
The instantaneous release of the MCB ensures an operating time of b 0.1 s (TN system).
Determined according to DIN VDE 0100-520 sheet 2:2002-11(source impedance = 300 m7, c = 0.95 and conductor temperature
70 °C = factor 0.8). The internal resistance of the MCB is already included.
S 200 P

Rated B C D K Z
current In A max. ZS max. ZS max. ZS max. ZS max. ZS
0.2 – – 40 –

46 27.4

143 10
0.75 – – 19.4 –
1 – 23 15 15 74.4
1.6 – 14.4 9.6 9.6 47.9
2 – 11.5 7.8 7.8 38.3
3 – 7.7 11.8 5.3 25.3
4 – 5.8 8.8 4.1 19.1
6 7.6 3.8 5.9 2.7 12.7
8 – 2.8 5.7 2.0 9.5
10 4.6 2.3 3.5 1.6 7.6
13 3.5 1.7 2.7 – –
16 2.9 1.4 2.2 1.0 4.7
20 2.3 1.1 1.7 0.8 3.8
25 1.8 0.9 1.4 0.6 3.0
32 1.4 0.7 1.1 0.5 2.4
40 1.1 0.6 0.9 0.4 1.9
50 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.3 1.5
63 0.7 0.4 0.6 0.25 1.1
0 U0 = rated voltage against earthed conductor; for U0 = 240 V~ is ZS · 1.04; for U0 = 127 V~ is ZS · 0.55

Take into account the voltage drop (see the previous page)

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/69
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Performances at different ambient

temperatures, altitudes and frequencies

Derating of load capability of MCBs

Derating of MCBs load capability takes in consideration 3 factors:
- ambient temperature
- continuity (duration) of the load
- influence of adjacent devices

The 3 rules to obtain the effective value of In are the following:

1. Deviating ambient temperature:
The rated value of the current of a miniature circuit-breaker refers to a temperature of 20 °C for
circuit-breakers with characteristics K and Z and 30 °C for characteristics B, C and D.
The following tables contain the derating of load capability of S 200/M/P MCBs* with temperature
from -40 °C to 70 °C for the curves B, C, D and K, Z.

Max. operating current depending on the ambient temperature of a circuit-breaker in load circuit of characteristics type B, C and D

B, C and D Ambient temperature T (°C)

In (A) - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0.5 0.67 0.65 0.62 0.60 0.58 0.55 0.53 0.50 0.47 0.44 0.41 0.37
1.0 1.33 1.29 1.25 1.20 1.15 1.11 1.05 1.00 0.94 0.88 0.82 0.75
1.6 2.13 2.07 2.00 1.92 1.85 1.77 1.69 1.60 1.51 1.41 1.31 1.19
2.0 2.67 2.58 2.49 2.40 2.31 2.21 2.11 2.00 1.89 1.76 1.63 1.49
3.0 4.0 3.9 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.3 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2
4.0 5.3 5.2 5.0 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.5 3.3 3.0
6.0 8.0 7.7 7.5 7.2 6.9 6.6 6.3 6.0 5.7 5.3 4.9 4.5
8.0 10.7 10.3 10.0 9.6 9.2 8.8 8.4 8.0 7.5 7.1 6.5 6.0
10.0 13.3 12.9 12.5 12.0 11.5 11.1 10.5 10.0 9.4 8.8 8.2 7.5
13.0 17.3 16.8 16.2 15.6 15.0 14.4 13.7 13.0 12.3 11.5 10.6 9.7
16.0 21.3 20.7 20.0 19.2 18.5 17.7 16.9 16.0 15.1 14.1 13.1 11.9
20.0 26.7 25.8 24.9 24.0 23.1 22.1 21.1 20.0 18.9 17.6 16.3 14.9
25.0 33.3 32.3 31.2 30.0 28.9 27.6 26.4 25.0 23.6 22.0 20.4 18.6
32.0 42.7 41.3 39.9 38.5 37.0 35.4 33.7 32.0 30.2 28.2 26.1 23.9
40.0 53.3 51.6 49.9 48.1 46.2 44.2 42.2 40.0 37.7 35.3 32.7 29.8
50.0 66.7 64.5 62.4 60.1 57.7 55.3 52.7 50.0 47.1 44.1 40.8 37.3
63.0 84.0 81.3 78.6 75.7 72.7 69.6 66.4 63.0 59.4 55.6 51.4 47.0
80.0 112.6 107.2 102.1 97.2 92.6 88.2 84.0 80.0 76.0 72.2 68.6 65.2
100.0 140.7 134.0 127.6 121.6 115.8 110.3 105.0 100.0 95.0 90.3 85.7 81.5
125.0 175.9 167.5 159.5 151.9 144.7 137.8 131.3 125.0 118.8 112.8 107.2 101.8

Max. operating current depending on the ambient temperature of a circuit-breaker in load circuit of characteristics type K and Z

K and Z Ambient temperature T (°C)

In (A) - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
10 0.5
1.6 2.12 2.04 1.96 1.88 1.79 1.70 1.60 1.50 1.39 1.26 1.13 0.98
2.0 2.65 2.55 2.45 2.35 2.24 2.12 2.00 1.87 1.73 1.58 1.41 1.22
3.0 4.0 3.8 3.7 3.5 3.4 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.1 1.8
4.0 5.3 5.1 4.9 4.7 4.5 4.2 4.0 3.7 3.5 3.2 2.8 2.4
6.0 7.9 7.6 7.3 7.0 6.7 6.4 6.0 5.6 5.2 4.7 4.2 3.7
8.0 10.8 10.2 9.8 9.4 8.9 8.5 8.0 7.5 6.9 6.3 5.7 4.9
10.0 13.2 12.7 12.2 11.7 11.2 10.6 10.0 9.4 8.7 7.9 7.1 6.1
13.0 17.2 16.6 15.9 15.2 14.5 13.8 13.0 12.2 11.3 10.3 9.2 8.0
16.0 21.2 20.4 19.6 18.8 17.9 17.0 16.0 15.0 13.9 12.6 11.3 9.8
20.0 26.5 25.5 24.5 23.5 22.4 21.2 20.0 18.7 17.3 15.8 14.1 12.2
25.0 33.1 31.9 30.6 29.3 28.0 26.5 25.0 23.4 21.7 19.8 17.7 15.3
32.0 42.3 40.8 39.2 37.5 35.8 33.9 32.0 29.9 27.7 25.3 22.6 19.6
40.0 52.9 51.0 49.0 46.9 44.7 42.4 40.0 37.4 34.6 31.6 28.3 24.5
50.0 66.1 63.7 61.2 58.6 55.9 53.0 50.0 46.8 43.3 39.5 35.4 30.6
63.0 83.3 80.3 77.2 73.9 70.4 66.8 63.0 58.9 54.6 49.8 44.5 38.6

* the same tables contain derating of FS 201 and DS 200 RCBOs with temperature from -25 °C to
55 °C for the curves B, C and K.

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10/70 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Performances at different ambient

temperatures, altitudes and frequencies

2. Multiply the rated current (equivalent) referring to the new temperature by another factor
0.9 only for loads that last for more than an hour.

3. Multiply the rated current (equivalent) referring to the new temperature by another factor
only in case of presence of several devices installed alongside each other; see table.

Influence of adjacent devices Influence of adjacent devices

Correction factor Fm
No. of adjacent devices Fm
1 1
0.9 2 0.95
3 0.9
Fm Factor

4 0.86
5 0.82
0.7 6 0.795
7 0.78
0.6 8 0.77

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 0.76
>9 0.76
Number of devices

Example: S 202 C 16 with T=35 °C

Type of use Values to use Formula Calculation Result

Load less than an hour In (amb. t°) -see tables- In=15.43 A
Load more than an hour In (amb. t°) -see tables-, 0.9 In (amb. t°)x0.9 15.43x0.9 In=13.9 A
Load over an hour with 8 adj. devices In (amb. t°) -see tables-, 0.9, Fm (0.77) In (amb. t°)x0.9x0.77 15.43x0.9x0.77 In=10.7 A


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ABB 10/71
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Use of MCBs in direct current circuits

Use of S 200/S 200 M/S 200 P miniature circuit-breakers in direct

current circuits 72 VDC/125 VDC
In DC systems up to 72 VDC or, as the case may be, series connection up to 125 VDC, customary
S 200/S 200 M series MCBs can be used. Polarity does not need to be taken into consideration,
the outgoing circuit may be implemented from above or below the device.
For higher direct voltage up to 440 VDC devices of the S 280 UC series must be used.

Example for max. permissible voltages between conductors depending on the number of
poles and type of connection.

SK 0173 Z 99
Examples for different voltages between a conductor and earth where voltages between
conductors are identical: SK 0174 Z 99

Performance in altitude of MCBs

Up to the height of 2000 m, MCBs do not undergo any alterations in their rated performances. Over
this height the properties of the atmosphere change in terms of composition, dielectric capacity,
cooling capacity and pressure, therefore the performances of the MCBs undergo derating, which
can basically be measured in terms of variations in significant parameters, such as the maximum
operating voltage and the rated current.

S 200/M/P
Altitude[m] 2000 3000 4000
Rated service voltage Ue[V] 440 380 380
10 Rated current In In 0.96xIn 0.93xIn

Variation of tripping thresholds of MCBs according to network

The circuit-breakers are calibrated for a current with a frequency range between 50 and 60 Hz.
For other frequency values, the electro-magnetic tripping current varies according to the multiplication
factor H.

D.C. 100 Hz 200Hz 400Hz

H 1.5 1.1 1.2 1.5

For the thermal trip, on the other hand, there is no variation because it is independent of the network

S 202 C10 supplied at 50-60 Hz, the electro-magnetic tripping current is: 50 AbImb100 A;
S 202 C10 supplied at 400 Hz, the electro-magnetic tripping current is: 75 AbImb150 A.

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10/72 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Particular supply sources and loads

Lighting circuit protection

Selection of circuit-breakers for the protection of lighting circuit and calculation of their rated
To select the correct circuit-breaker for use in the protection of lighting circuits you need to know
the type of load based on which you will work out the breaker’s rated current. The protection circuit
utilization current can be calculated simply starting with the rated power and the lighting voltage, or
it may be supplied directly by the device manufacturer.
Considering the utilization current, it is important to select the version of the breaker with a rated
current just above the value calculated, defining the cable cross-section accordingly.
The tables below show the rated current values of the circuit-breakers to be used according to the
type and power of the device connected.

Table 1 High pressure discharge lamps

230 V and 400 VAC three-phase with or without power factor correcting capacitors, star or delta

Mercury vapour fluorescent lamp Pw [W] <700 <1000 <2000

I [A] 6 10 16
Mercury vapour metal halogen lamp Pw [W] <375 <1000 <2000

I [A] 6 10 16
High pressure sodium discharge lamp Pw [W] <400 <1000

I [A] 6 16

Table 2 Fluorescent lamps

230 VAC single-phase/three-phase with neutral (400 V), with star connection.
The tables indicate the rated current of the circuit-breakers according to the lamp power and type
of power supply.

Example of calculation
- Starter dissipated power: 25% of lamp power
- Reference temperature: 30 and 40 °C according to circuit-breaker
- Power factor: lamp without capacitors cosJ=0.6
lamp with capacitors cosJ=0.86
Method of calculation
- IB = (PL * n°L * KST * KC) / (Un * cosJ) where: - Un = rated voltage 230 V
- cosJ = power factor
- PL = lamp power
- n°L = number of lamps per phase
- KC
= 1.25
= 1 for star connection and 1.732
for delta connection

Type of lamp Tube diss. pwr. [W] Number of lamps per phase
Single without capacitors 18 4 9 14 29 49 78 98 122 157 196 245 309 392 490
36 2 4 7 14 24 39 49 61 78 98 122 154 196 245
58 1 3 4 9 15 24 30 38 48 60 76 95 121 152
Single with capacitors 18 7 14 21 42 70 112 140 175 225 281 351 443 562 703
36 3 7 10 21 35 56 70 87 112 140 175 221 281 351
58 2 4 6 13 21 34 43 54 69 87 109 137 174 218
Double with capacitors 2x18=36 3 7 10 21 35 56 70 87 112 140 175 221 281 351
2x36=72 1 3 5 10 17 28 35 43 56 70 87 110 140 175
2x58=116 1 2 3 6 10 17 21 27 34 43 54 68 87 109
In [A] - 2P and 4P circuit-breakers 1 2 3 6 10 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/73
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact® Particular supply sources and loads

Fluorescent lamps. 230 VAC three-phase – Delta connection

Type of lamp Tube diss. pwr. [W] Number of lamps per phase
Single without capacitors 18 2 5 8 16 28 45 56 70 90 113 141 178 226 283
36 1 2 4 8 14 22 28 35 45 56 70 89 113 141
58 0 1 2 5 8 14 17 21 28 35 43 55 70 87
Single with capacitors 18 4 8 12 24 40 64 81 101 127 162 203 255 324 406
36 2 4 6 12 20 32 40 50 64 81 101 127 162 203
58 1 2 3 7 12 20 25 31 40 50 63 79 100 126
Double with capacitors 2x18=36 2 4 6 12 20 32 40 50 64 81 101 127 162 203
2x36=72 1 2 3 6 10 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 81 101
2x58=116 0 1 1 3 6 10 12 15 20 25 31 39 50 63
In [A] - 3P circuit-break. 1 2 3 6 10 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100

Transformer protection
Insertion current
When the LV/LV transformers are powered up, very strong currents occur, which must be considered
when selecting the protective device. The peak value of the first current wave often reaches a value
between 10 and 15 times the transformer’s effective rated current.
For power ratings below 50 kVA, it may reach between 20 and 25 times the rated current. This transient
current decreases very rapidly with a time constant T varying from several ms to 10, 20 ms.

Main protection on the primary side

The tables below are the result of a set of tests on co-ordination between circuit-breakers and BT/BT
transformers. The transformers used in the tests are normalized. The table, referring to a primary
supply voltage of 230 or 400 V and to single-phase and three-phase transformers, indicate which
circuit-breaker should be used according to the transformer power rating.
The transformers considered have the primary winding outside the secondary winding.
The circuit-breakers suggested allow:
1. modular circuit-breakers with a high magnetic threshold, curve D or K
2. circuit-breakers with magnetic only releaser;

Protection on the secondary side

Due to the transformer’s high insertion current, the circuit-breaker on the primary winding may not
10 guarantee thermal protection for the transformer and its feeder line on the primary side.
This is typical of modular circuit-breakers which must have a higher rated current than the transformers.
In such cases, in the event of a single-phase short-circuit at the transformer’s primary terminals
(minimum Icc at end of line), check that the circuit-breaker’s magnetic releaser is tripped. In the
normal application in distribution panels, this condition is always satisfied provided that the length
of the feeder lines is reduced.
The transformer can be provided with thermal protection by installing a circuit-breaker with a rated
current less than or equal to that of the transformer secondary winding immediately downstream of
the LV/LV transformer.

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10/74 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Particular supply sources and loads

In lighting systems protection against overloads is not necessary if the number of light points is clearly
defined (no overloads).
Moreover, the Standard in force for these systems recommends the omission of protection against
overloads in circuits in which unwanted tripping may prove hazardous, e.g.: circuits which supply
fire-fighting equipment.

Single-phase transformer (primary voltage 230 V)-1P and 1P+N MCBs

Pn [kVA] In [A] ucc (%) Circuit-breaker on primary side (1) and (2)
0.1 0.4 13 S 2* D1 o K1
0.16 0.7 10.5 S 2* D2 o K2
0.25 1.1 9.5 S 2* D3 o K3
0.4 1.7 7.5 S 2* D4 o K4
0.63 2.7 7 S 2* D6 o K6
1 4.2 5.2 S 2* D10 o K10
1.6 6.8 4 S 2* D16 o K16
2 8.4 2.9 S 2* D16 o K16
2.5 10.5 3 S 2* D20 o K20
4 16.9 2.1 S 2* D40 o K40
5 21.1 4.5 S 2* D50 o K50
6.3 27 4.5 S 2* D63 o K63
8 34 5 S 290 D80
10 42 5.5 S 290 D100
12.5 53 5.5 S 290 D100

Single-phase transformer (primary voltage 400 V)-2P MCBs

Pn [kVA] In [A] ucc (%) Circuit-breaker on primary side (1) and (2)
1 2.44 8 S 2* D6 o K6
1.6 3.9 8 S 2* D10 o K10
2.5 6.1 3 S 2* D16 o K16
4 9.8 2.1 S 2* D20 o K20
5 12.2 4.5 S 2* D32 o K32
6.3 15.4 4.5 S 2* D40 o K40
8 19.5 5 S 2* D50 o K50
10 24 5 S 2* D63 o K63
12.5 30 5 S 2* D63 o K63
16 39 5 S 290 D80
20 49 5 S 290 D100

Three-phase transformer (primary voltage 400 V)-3P, 3P+N and 4P MCBs 10

Pn [kVA] In [A] ucc (%) Circuit-breaker on primary side (1) and (2)
5 7 4.5 S 2* D20 o K20
6.3 8.8 4.5 S 2* D20 o K20
8 11.6 4.5 S 2* D32 o K32
10 14 5.5 S 2* D32 o K32
12.5 17.6 5.5 S 2* D40 o K40
16 23 5.5 S 2* D63 o K63
20 28 5.5 S 2* D63 o K63
25 35 5.5 S 290 D80
31.5 44 5 S 290 D80
40 56 5 S 290 D80
50 70 4.5 S 290 D100
S 2*.. = S 200, S 200 M, S 200 P
(1) With modular or magnetic only circuit-breakers, without thermal adjustment, thermal protection is required for the transformer’s
secondary winding.
(2) Breaking capacity selected according to estimated Icc at the point where the breaker is installed.

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ABB 10/75
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Double tampoprinting of S 200 P

Double tampoprinting of S 200 P

The breaking capacity
For the modular circuit-breakers realized according to IEC/EN 60898 standard, the breaking capacity
is expressed by the Icn quantity, indicated in Ampere, contained within a rectangle on the front
side of the device.The max value of rated short-circuit capacity (Icn) considered by this standard
is 25000 A.

Always according to IEC/EN 60898 standard, the ratio between the service short-circuit capacity
(Ics) and the rated short-circuit capacity (Icn) – K factor – shall have to be conforming to the enclosed

Icn K
< 6000 A 1
> 6000 A
< 10000 A 0.75(*)
>10000 A 0.5(**)
(*) Ics minimum value: 6000 A
(**) Ics minimum value: 7500 A

Limiting class
The Manufacturer of the circuit-breaker has the right to declare the energy limiting class of the
device. According to IEC/EN 60898 standard, the Manufacturer classifies the circuit-breaker with a
limiting class which ranges from 1 to 3 according to the Ib t values let though by the circuit-breaker
for rated current up to 16 A and rated currents exceeding 16 A up to 32 A included, according
to the table below.

Limited energy classes

Short-circuit 1 2 3
rated capacity I2t max (A2s) I2t max (A2s) I2t max (A2s)
(A) B-C Type B Type C Type B Type C Type
3000 No 31000 37000 15000 18000
4500 limits 60000 75000 25000 30000
6000 are 100000 120000 35000 42000
10000 specified 240000 290000 70000 84000

Limited energy classes

Short-circuit 1 2 3
rated capacity I2t max (A2s) I2t max (A2s) I2t max (A2s)
(A) B-C Type B Type C Type B Type C Type
10 3000 No 40000 50000 18000 22000
4500 limits 80000 100000 32000 39000
6000 are 130000 160000 45000 55000
10000 specified 310000 370000 90000 110000

For instance, a circuit-breaker with rated current 16 A, B characteristic, with short-circuit rated
capacity equal to 6 kA belongs to class 3 if it lets through max 35000 A2s of specific energy.
The limiting class value (1, 2 or 3) is indicated on the front side of the device, within a square, in
addition to the breaking capacity.

As regards the miniature circuit-breakers S200P series, two different breaking capacities are
indicated on the front side of the device, contained in a rectangle.
The breaking capacity indicated above the operating toggle is the one of the device, according to
IEC/EN 60898 standard, the breaking capacity indicated under the lever is regarding the limiting
class which, according to the standard, can be expressed only for values up to 10000 A.

Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

10/76 ABB
System Technical details MCBs
pro M compact Wiring diagrams of MCBs

S 201 S 202 S 203 S 204 S 201 Na S 203 Na


Selection tables ............................... pag. 2/2

ABB 10/77
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Functions and classification criteria

for RCDs

Functions and classification criteria for RCDs

A residual current operated circuit-breaker is an amperometric protection device which is tripped
when the system leaks a significant current to earth.
This device continuously calculates the vector sum of the single-phase or three-phase system line
currents and while the sum is equal to zero allows electricity to be supplied. This supply is rapidly
interrupted if the sum exceeds a value preset according to the sensitivity of the device.
Residual current operated circuit-breakers can be classed according to four parameters:
Depending on the type of construction, RCDs may be classed as:
RCBOs combine, in a single device, the residual current function and the overcurrent protection
function typical of MCBs. RCBOs are tripped by both current leakage to earth and overloads and
RCD-blocks short-circuits and they are self-protecting up to a maximum short-circuit current value indicated on
the label.
RCCBs are only sensitive to current leakage to earth. They must be used in series with an MCB
or fuse which protects them from the potentially damaging thermal and dynamic stresses of any
These devices are used in systems already equipped with MCBs which preferably limit the specific
energy passing through, also acting as the main disconnecting switches upstream of any derived
MCBs (e.g.: domestic consumer unit).
RCD blocks are residual current devices suitable for assembly with a standard MCB. IEC/EN
61009 app. G only allows assembly of RCBOs once on site, that is to say outside the factory, using
adaptable RCD blocks and the appropriate MCBs. Any subsequent attempts to separate them must
leave permanent visible damage. The residual current operated circuit-breaker obtained in this way
maintains both the electrical characteristics of the MCB and those of the RCD block.
According to the wave form of the earth leakage currents they are sensitive to, the RCDs may be
classed as:

AC type RCDs are suitable for all systems where users have sinusoidal earth current.
They are not sensitive to impulsive leakage currents up to a peak of 250 A (8/20 wave form) such as
those which may occur due to overlapping voltage impulses on the mains (e.g.: insertion of fluorescent
bulbs, X-ray equipment, data processing systems and SCR controls).
A type RCDs are not sensitive to impulsive currents up to a peak of 250 A (8/20 wave form).
They are particularly suitable for protecting systems in which the user equipment has electronic devices
for rectifying the current or phase cutting adjustment of a physical quantity (speed temperature, light
intensity, etc.) supplied directly by the mains without the insertion of transformers and insulated in
class I (class II is, by definition, free of faults to earth). These devices may generate a pulsating fault
current with DC components which the A type RCD can recognise.

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10/78 ABB
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Functions and classification criteria

for RCDs
B type RCDs are recommended for use with drives and inverters for supplying motors for pumps,
lifts, textile machines, machine tools, etc., since they recognise a continuous fault current with a low
level ripple.
Type AC, A and B RCDs comply with IEC/EN 61008/61009, moreover type B is covered by IEC
62423 Ed. 1 and by IEC/EN 60755 for residual current operated protective devices.
According to tripping sensitivity (I$n value), RCDs may be divided into the following categories:
s LOW SENSITIVITY )$n >0.03 A), not suitable for protection against direct contacts; co-ordinated
with the earth system according to the formula I$n <50/R, to provide protection against indirect
s HIGH SENSITIVITY)$n: 0.01…0.03 A), or “physiologically sensitivity” for protection against indirect
contacts, with simultaneous additional protection against direct contacts.

Residual current sensitivity and environment

Household and special environments

I$n High-sensitivity or physiologically sensi-

tive RCDs
IEC/EN 60364 makes the use of these devices man-

b30 mA datory in all bathrooms, showers and private and

public swimming pools and environments in which
plugs and sockets may be installed without insulating
or low safety voltage transformers.

Laboratories, service industry and small industry

from 30 mA
to 500 mA
Low-sensitivity RCDs
Large service industry and industrial complex

from 500 mA 10
to 1000 mA
According to their tripping time, RCDs can be classed as:
Selective RCDs (RCBOs - RCCBs or RCD-blocks) have a delayed tripping action and are installed
upstream of other rapid residual current operated circuit-breakers to guarantee selectivity and limit
the power out only to the portion of the system affected by a fault.

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ABB 10/79
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Functions and classification criteria

for RCDs
The tripping time is not adjustable. It is set according to a predetermined time – current characteristic
with an intrinsic delay for small currents, tending to disappear as the current grows.
IEC/EN 61008 and 61009 establish the tripping times relative to the type of RCD and the I$n.

Type AC In [A] I$ [A] Tripping times (s)xcurrents

1xI$ 2xI$ 5xI$ 500A
Generic Any Any 0.3 0.15 0.04 0.04
S (selective) Any >0.030 0.13-0.5 0.06-0.2 0.05-0.15 0.04-0.15

The indicated maximum tripping times are also valid for A type RCDs, but increasing the current
values of factor 1.4 for RCDs with I$n > 0.01 A and of factor 2 for RCDs with I$n b 0.01 A.
The range of ABB RCDs also includes AP-R (anti-disturbance) devices which trip according to the
limit times allowed by the Standards for instantaneous RCDs. This function is due to the slight tripping
delay (approx. 10 ms) relative to the standard instantaneous ones.
The graph shows the comparison of the qualitative tripping curves for:

I$n=30 mA I$n=30 mA I$n=100 mA


300 300


150 150 150

60 Selective (type S)
40 40
Instantaneous AP-R
Tripping times (ms)

10 10 10


0 0 0
10 15 30 50 100 150 200 500 1000

Tripping current I$n (mA)

Note: this is a qualitative chart; it is referred only to industrial frequencies of 50-60 Hz.

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10/80 ABB
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Influence on RCDs of currents with DC

For many years the manufacturers of electrical appliances and other electrical equipment have been
using electronic components to improve the performance of their products, increase comfort and
save energy.
Loads such as washing machines with variations in spin speed, variable-speed tools, thermostats
and dimmers operate at currents with varying wave shapes (pulsating currents with DC components,
inverted currents, levelled currents).
There are three different types of current (fig. A).
Type I Inverted current with DC components, with value continuously greater than zero,
caused by:
- three-phase current
- median point and three-phase current
- jumper connection
- unidirectional rectification with inductive and capacitive levelling
Uzqf!J u
- Villard type voltage doubling.
Type II Pulsating current with DC components sometimes with zero value, caused by
ohmic load with:
J$ - unidirectional rectification without levelling
- single-phase jumper connection with or without levelling
Uzqf!JJ u
- regulation of the symmetrical and asymmetrical phase operating angle (dimmers, RPM
Type III Pulsating current with DC components passing through zero caused by inductive
loads with:
J$ - unidirectional rectification without levelling
- single-phase jumper connection with or without levelling
- symmetrical and asymmetrical regulation of the phase operating angle (dimmers, RPM
Uzqf!JJJ u meters).
If there is a fault current to earth after an insulation fault on live parts supplied with rectified
current, the contact voltages are the same size as in alternating current.
Standard RCDs, which are designed to operate with alternating current at 50-60 Hz, are
2 insensitive to fault currents with DC components.
Non-tripping of a RCD when there are fault currents with DC components may have two

- it is dangerous for people and equipment (electrocution or fire)

- it causes desensitivation of RCD due to excessive polarization of the transformer core

that is no longer able to send the necessary power supply to the releaser (figure B -

I2 I3!B0dn
hysteresis cycle 1).
To avoid this problem, type A RCDs must be used. Thanks to the specific technology of
the residual current transformer toroidal cores, the supply level is increased to a value
sufficient to trigger the releaser or tripping mechanism (figure B - hysteresis cycle 2).
The sensitivity of the tripping mechanism is further increased by its connection to an
electrical circuit sensitive to the wave shape of the current.
In this way the tripping of the RCD is assured for any unidirectional pulsating wave shape
even in case of overlapping of a DC component up to 6 mA.

Selection tables ............................... pag. 3/2

ABB 10/81
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Coordination tables: F 200 RCCBs

Coordination tables between Short Circuit Protection Devices (SCPD) and F 200
If you are using an RCCB you must verify that the Short Circuit Protection Device (SCPD) protects
it from the effects of high current that arise under short-circuit conditions. The IEC/EN 61008
provides some tests to verify the behaviour of RCCB in short-circuit conditions. The tables below
provide the maximum withstanding short-circuit current expressed in eff. kA for which the RCCBs
are protected thanks to the coordination with the SCPD installed upstream or downstream. The
tests are performed with SCPD with a rated current (thermal protection) less than or eqaul to the
rated current of the associated RCCB.

F 202
Single-phases 230-240 V circuit
25 A 40 A 63 A 80 A 100 A 125 A
SN201L/S201L Na 4.5 4.5
SN201/S201 Na 6 6
SN201M/S201M Na 10 10
S202L 10 10
S202 20 20 20
S202M 25 25 25
S202P 40 25 25
S292 25 25 25 25 25 25
S802N 36 36 36 36 36 36
S802S 50 50 50 50 50 50
Fuse 25gL 100
Fuse 40gL 60 60
Fuse 63gL 20 20 20
Fuse 100gL 10 10 10 10 10

F 202
400-415 V circuits with isolated neutral (IT) under double faults
25 A 40 A 63 A 80 A 100 A 125 A
SN201N/SN201/SN201M 3 3
S201L/S201L Na/S202L 4.5 4.5
S201/S201 Na/S202 6 6 6
S201M/S201M Na/S202M 10 10 10
S201P/S201P Na/S202P 25 15 15
S291/S292 10 10 10 10 10 10
S801N/S802N 20 20 20 20 20 20
S801S/S802S 25 25 25 25 25 25

10 F 204
Three-phases circuits with neutral (y/$) 230-240 V/400-415 V*
25 A 40 A 63 A 80 A 100 A 125 A
SN201L/S201L/S201LNa* 4.5 4.5
SN201/S201/S201Na* 6 6
SN201M/S201M/S201MNa* 10 10
S202L* 10 10
S202* 20 20 20
S202M* 25 25 25
S202P* 40 25 25
S292* 25 25 25 25 25 25
S802N* 36 36 36 36 36 36
S802S* 50 50 50 50 50 50
Fuse 25gL 100
Fuse 40gL 60 60
Fuse 63gL 20 20 20
Fuse 100gL 10 10 10 10 10
* The switches are considered between phase and neutral (230/240V)

10/82 ABB
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Coordination tables: F 200 RCCBs

F 204
Three-phases circuits with neutral (y/$) 230-240 V/400-415 V
25 A 40 A 63 A 80 A 100 A 125 A
S203L. S204L 4.5 4.5
S203. S204 6 6 6
S203M. S204M 10 10 10
S203P. S204P 25 15 15
S293. S294 10 10 10 10 10 10
S803N. S804N 20 20 20 20 20 20
S803S. S804S 25 25 25 25 25 25
Fuse 25gL 50
Fuse 40gL 30 30
Fuse 63gL 20 20 20
Fuse 100gL 10 10 10 10 10

F 204
Three-phases circuits with neutral (y/$) 133-138V/230-240V
25A 40A 63A 80A 100A 125A
SN201L 10 10
SN201 15 15
S2010M 20 20
S203L/S204L 10 10
S203/S204 20 20 20
S203M/S204M 25 25 25
S203P/S204P 40 25 25
S293/S294 25 25 25 25 25 25
S803N-S804N 36 36 36 36 36 36
S803S-S804S 50 50 50 50 50 50
Fuse 25gL 100
Fuse 40gL 60 60
Fuse 63gL 20 20 20
Fuse 100gL 10 10 10 10 10


Selection tables ............................... pag. 3/2

ABB 10/83
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Coordination tables: residual current

protection selectivity

RCDs raise similar issue to those surrounding the installation of MCBs, and in particular the need to
reduce to a minimum the parts of the system out of order in the event of a fault.
For RCBOs the problem of selectivity in the case of short-circuit currents may be handled with the
same specific criteria as for MCBs.
However, for correct residual current protection, the more important aspects are linked to tripping
times. Protection against contact voltages is only effective if the maximum times indicated on the
safety curve are not exceeded.
If an electrical system has user devices with earth leakage currents which exceed the normal values
(e.g.: presence of capacitor input filters inserted between the device phase and earth cables) or if
the system consists of many user devices, it is good practice to install various RCDs, on the main
branches, with an upstream main residual current or non-residual current device instead of a single
main RCD.
Horizontal selectivity
The non-residual current main circuit-breaker provides “horizontal selectivity”, preventing an earth
fault at any point on the circuit or small leakage from causing unwanted main circuit-breaker tripping,
which would put the entire system out of order.
However, in this way, section k of the circuit between the main circuit-breaker and the RCDs remains
without “active” protection. Using a main RCD to protect it would lead to problems with “vertical
selectivity”, which require tripping of the various devices to be co-ordinated, so that service continuity
and system safety are not compromised. In this case, selectivity may be amperometric (partial) or
chronometric (total).


Vertical selectivity
Vertical selectivity may also be established for residual current tripping, bearing in mind that in working
back from system peripheral branches to the main electrical panels the risk of unskilled persons
coming into contact with dangerous parts is significantly reduced.

Amperometric (partial) selectivity

Selectivity may be created by placing low-sensitivity RCDs upstream and higher-sensitivity RCDs
An essential condition which must be satisfied in order to achieve selective co-ordination is that the
I$1 value of the breaker upstream (main breaker) is more than double the I$2 value of the breaker
downstream. The operative rule to obtain an amperometric (partial) selectivity is I$n of the upstream
breaker = 3 x I$n of the downstream breaker (e. g.: F 204, A type, 300 mA upstream; F 202, A type,
100 mA downstream).
In this case, selectivity is partial and only the downstream breaker trips for earth fault currents
I$2< I$m<0.5*I$1.

Selection tables ............................... pag. 3/2

10/84 ABB
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Coordination tables: residual current

protection selectivity

sI$1 I$1

sI$2 I$2

Dubious Certain Certain

selectivity selectivity selectivity

Chronometric (total) selectivity

To achieve total selectivity, delayed or selective RCDs must be installed.
The tripping times of the two devices connected in series must be co-ordinated so that the total
interruption time t2 of the downstream breaker is less than the upstream breaker’s no-response limit
time t1, for any current value. In this way, the downstream breaker completes its opening before the
upstream one.
To completely guarantee total selectivity, the I$ value of the upstream device must also be more than
double that of the downstream device in accordance with IEC 64-8/563.3, comments. The operative
rule to obtain an amperometric (partial) selectivity is I$n of the upstream breaker = 3 x I$n of the down-
stream breaker (e. g.: F 204, S type, 300 mA upstream; F 202, A type, 100 mA downstream).
For safety reasons, the delayed tripping times of the upstream breaker must always be below the
safety curve.

t [s] Legend

I$1 1 Theoretical safety

A curve
t1 2 RCD A tripping cha-
2 racteristic
3 No-response limit
I$2 4 RCD B tripping
B characteristic
x I$ 10
Table of RCD selectivity

Upstream I$n 10 30 100 300 300 500 500 1000 1000

Downstream I$n inst inst inst inst S inst S inst S
10 inst n n n n n n n n
30 inst n n n n n n n
100 inst n n n n n n
300 inst n n
300 S n n
500 inst
500 S
1000 inst
1000 S
inst=instantaneous S=selective n=amperometric (partial) selectivity n=chronometric (total) selectivity
Selection tables ............................... pag. 3/2

ABB 10/85
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Power loss, derating and

performance in altitude

Power loss of RCDs

RCCBs F200 series RCBO FS201-DS200 series

Rated current Power loss W Rated current Power loss W

In [A] [W] In [A] [W]
2P 4P 1P+N 2P 3P,4P
16 1.5 - 1 1.8 - -
25 1.0 1.3 2 1.8 - -
40 2.4 3.2 4 1.8 - -
63 3.2 4.4 6 2 4.1 6.2
80 8.8 33,3 10 2.1 2.9 4.4
100 15.2 44,4 13 3.7 5.2 7.7
125 - 28 16 4.5 4.5 6.6
20 4.8 6.4 9.3
25 6.3 8.5 12.4
RCD-Blocks DDA200 series
32 8.8 10.9 15.7
Rated current Power loss WIb* 40 9.9 15.0 21.6
Ib [A] [W]
50 - 11.4 18.4
2P 3P,4P
63 - 17.4 28.2
25 2.0 3.0
40 3.2 4.8
RCBO DS9 series
63 5.0 7.6
*The power loss WIb shown in the table refers to Ib. For use Rated current Power loss W
with circuit-breakers with lower rated current In the power loss In [A] [W]
6 2,5
DDA for S290 series 10 2
13 3,3
Rated Rated Power loss W
current residual current 16 3,3
Ib [A] I$n [A] [W] 20 3
2P 4P 25 4
100 0.03 6 6 32 5,7
100 0.03 - 1 5 5 40 5,16

Derating of load capability of RCBOs FS 201 and DS 200

For FS 201 and DS 200 see tables for S 200 MCBs in technical details MCBs, within the range of
temperatures from -25 °C to +55 °C.

10 Performance in altitude of RCDs

The functioning of ABB RCDs over 2000 m is guaranteed within the standard conditions for operation
in service prescribed by the standard IEC/ EN 61008 and IEC/ EN 61009 shown below:

Ambient temperature - 25 °C…+40 °C (with daily average temperature b 35 °C)

Relative humidity maximum value 40 °C 50%
External magnetic field Not exceeding 5 times the earth’s magnetic field in any direction
Frequency Reference value ±5 %
Sinusoidal wave distortion Not exceeding 5 %

Selection tables ............................... pag. 3/2

10/86 ABB
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Emergency stop using

DDA 200 AE series

Emergency stop using DDA 200 AE series RCD blocks

The AE series RCD block combines the protection supplied by the RCBOs with a positive safety
emergency stop function for remote tripping.
In the AE version, the DDA 200 AE series RCD blocks are available.

Operating principle (patented)

Two additional primary circuits powered with the same voltage and equipped with the same resistance
have been added to the transformer; under normal conditions the same current would flow through,
but since they are wound by the same number of coils in opposite directions they cancel each other
out and do not produce any flow.
One of these two windings acts as the remote control circuit: the emergency stop is obtained by
interrupting the current flow in this circuit.
The positive safety is therefore obvious: an accidental breakage in the circuit is equivalent to operating
an emergency control button.

Compared with the devices which are normally used in emergency circuits, DDA 200 AE blocks
have the following advantages:
- positive safety
- no undesirable tripping if there is a temporary reduction or interruption of the mains voltage
- efficient immediate operating even after long off-service periods of the installation.

Application of the DDA 200 AE blocks complies with the requirements of IEC/EN 60364-8. They
are therefore suitable, for example, for escalators, lifts, hoists, electrically operated gates, machine
tools, car washes and conveyor belts.
No more than one DDA 200 AE can be controlled using the same control circuit. Each DDA 200 AE
requires a dedicated control circuit.

1 Polarized relay
2 Sensor winding
3 Induction toroid
4 Supplementary 1 2 3 n
primary windings
5 Single or multiple
push-button unit
6 Test button
Ø ≥ 1,5 mm2
Y1 Y2

1 5


DDA 202 A AE L max = 230 m

DDA 203 A AE L max = 60 m
DDA 204 A AE L max = 230 m

Selection tables ............................... pag. 3/2

ABB 10/87
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Unwanted tripping - AP-R solution

(high immunity)

Unwanted tripping
In the event of disturbance in the mains, the RCDs normally present in the system are tripped, breaking
the circuit even in the absence of a true earth fault.
Disturbances of this kind are most often caused by:
- operation overvoltages caused by inserting or removing loads (opening or closing protection of
control devices, starting and stopping motors, switching fluorescent lighting systems on and off,
- overvoltages of atmospheric origin, caused by direct or indirect discharges on the electrical line.
Under these circumstances, breaker tripping is unwanted, since it does not satisfy the need to avoid
the risks due to direct and indirect contacts. On the contrary, the sudden and unjustified interruption
of the power supply may result in very serious problems.

The ABB range of AP-R anti-disturbance residual current circuit-breakers and blocks was designed
to overcome the problem of unwanted tripping due to overvoltages of atmospheric or operation
The electronic circuit in these devices can distinguish between temporary leakage caused by
disturbances on the mains and permanent leakage due to actual faults, only breaking the circuit in
the latter case.
AP-R residual current circuit-breakers and blocks have a slight delay into the tripping time, but this does
not compromise the safety limits set by the Standards in force (release time at 2 I$n=150 ms).
Guaranteeing conventional residual current protection, their installation in the electrical circuit there-
fore allows any unwanted tripping to be avoided in domestic and industrial systems in which service
continuity is essential.
This delay makes the AP-R residual current devices especially suited for installations involving motor
starters/variable speed drives, fluorescent lamps or IT/electronic equipment.

F 200 traditional F 200 AP-R

30 mA residual 30 mA residual
current breaker current breaker


10 breaker

Max 20 electronic reactors Max 50 electronic reactors

The use of multiple electronic reactors for the supply of fluorescent lamps instead generates perma-
nent leakage currents and inrush currents that can provoke nuisance tripping of a standard residual
current breaker.
IT system loads and other electronic equipment (e.g. dimmers, computers, inverters) with capacitive
input filters connected between the phases and ground can also generate permanent earth leaka-
ge currents whose sum may provoke the nuisance tripping of a standard residual current breaker.
For these situations, the AP-R breakers allow a greater number of devices to be connected to the
Soft-starters for motors are loads which can generate high-frequency capacitive currents (provoked
by the harmonics) toward ground or fed into the network. Also in this case, the use of AP-R residual
breakers reduces the sensibility to nuisance tripping.
Selection tables ............................... pag. 3/2

10/88 ABB
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Unwanted tripping - AP-R solution

(high immunity)

Traditional ABB Type AP-R ABB

residual current residual current
breaker breaker


thermal-magnetic Softstarter Inverter

overload cut-out

Lighting Cooling ABB asynchronous


Compared with standard type breakers, AP-R residual current breakers are therefore characterised,
for any given sensibility, by:
- Higher residual trip current
- Tripping time delay
- Better resistance to overvoltages, harmonics and impulse disturbances.
The tests set out in the IEC 61008 and IEC 61009 standards verify the resistance of residual current
breakers to unwanted tripping provoked by operation overvoltages, using a ring wave impulse shape
of 0.5 μs/100 kHz. All residual current circuit-breakers are required to pass this test with a peak
current value of 200 A.
For what concerns atmospheric overvoltages, the IEC 61008 and 61009 standards prescribe the
8/20 μs surge test with a 3000 A peak current, but limit the requirement to residual current devices
classified as selective; no test is required for other types.
The ABB range of AP-R anti-nuisance tripping breakers and blocks pass the general 0.5 μs/100
kHz ring wave test and also withstand the 8/20 μs impulse test with the same peak current of 3000
A prescribed for selective devices. 10
Instantaneous AP-R Selective
Resistance to unwanted tripping caused by network
disturbances with wave shape (0.5 μs/100 kHz) 250 250 250
Resistance to nuisance tripping due to overvoltages
(operational or atmospheric) peak (8/20 wave) 250 3000 5000

Selection tables ............................... pag. 3/2

ABB 10/89
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Unwanted tripping - F2C-ARH solution

The F2C-ARH is an auto-reclosing device particularly suited for household and similar uses. Unlike
the F2C-ARI auto-reclosing unit, it doesn’t require a separate low voltage power supply, but can
be supplied by the associated RCCBs (2 pole RCCBs up to 63 A – 30 mA ) at the 230 V a.c. rated
Another feature that makes the product ideal for home applications is an internal control unit that
checks there are no insulation faults in the system before allowing the RCCB to reclose.
This ensures that reclosing occurs only in case of unwanted tripping of the RCCB (i.e. overvoltages
induced by electrical storms), thus assuring continuity of power supply also in these situations.

Situation of temporary over-voltage, for example caused by a lightning, that causes RCCB’s
untimely tripping.

? ON!
30 mA 30 mA 30 mA

0 0 ON 0


b3 sec

When the RCCB operates in presence of an effective insulation fault, the auto-reclosing device doesn’t
allow its reclosing and guarantees the system insulation.

Situation of permanent earth fault that causes RCCB’s tripping.


? OFF!
30 mA 30 mA 30 mA

0 0 0


1 2

b3 sec

Selection tables ............................... pag. 3/2

10/90 ABB
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Type B RCDs

Type B RCDs
In industrial electrical applications it is more and more common to use devices where in the event of
an earth fault current unidirectional direct currents or currents with a minimum residual ripple which
flow through the PE conductor can emerge. These devices can be for example inverters, medical
equipment (e.g. x-ray equipment and CAT), or UPS.

Type A RCDs sensitive to pulsating currents (in addition to sinusoidal currents detected by RDCs of
type AC as well) cannot detect and break these earth fault direct currents or currents with a minimum
level residual ripple. In case there are electrical appliances which generate this type of currents in the
event of an earth fault the use of RCDs of type AC or type A would not be appropriate.

In order to meet these new demands, type B RCDs have been designed (which are able to detect
the same earth fault currents detected by type AC and type A RCDs).
This type of RCD (type B) is not mentioned in the reference standards for RCDs (IEC 61008-1 and
IEC 61009-1). An international standard has been introduced in 2007 an it specifies additional re-
quirements for B type RCDs.
This new standard, IEC 62423, can only be referred to together with IEC 61008-1 (for RCCBs) and
IEC 61009-1 (for RCD-blocks and RCBOs), this means that B type RCDs have to be compliant to
all the prescriptions of IEC 61008/9.

As already said, type B RCDs are not only sensitive to alternating and pulsating earth fault currents
with DC components at a frequency of 50/60 Hz (type A), but they are also sensitive to:

- alternating currents up to a frequency of 1000 Hz;

- alternating and/or pulsating currents with DC components overlapping with a direct current;
- earth fault currents generated by a rectifier with two or more phases;
- direct earth fault currents without residual ripple

...independently of the polarity or whether the earth fault current appears suddenly or increases

Type B RCDs must be marked with the following symbols highlighting the switches’ capacity to
detect every type of current: .


Selection tables ............................... pag. 3/2

ABB 10/91
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Type B RCDs

Construction features
Type B RCDs consist of one section for the detection of alternating earth fault currents and unidi-
rectional pulsating earth fault currents, which functions independently of the line voltage. For the
detection of direct earth fault currents or currents with a minimum residual ripple, type B RCDs have
a second electronic section, the functioning of which depends on the line voltage.
The structure of the product is illustrated in the following diagram.

1 3 5 7

S 2 4 6 8
T Tr2

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

S Release
M Protection device mechanism
E Electronics for the intervention with direct unidirectional earth fault currents
T Test device
Tr1 Residual current transformer for the detection of sinusoidal earth fault currents
Tr2 Residual current transformer for the detection of direct unidirectional currents.

The residual current transformer Tr1 monitors the presence of pulsating and alternating earth fault
currents in the electronic installation while residual current transformer Tr2 measures the direct uni-
directional currents. In the event of a fault the second transformer transmits the opening command
to the release S via the (printed) circuit board E. In type B RCCBs, the section whose functioning
depends on the line voltage is supplied by all three-phase conductors and the neutral, so that the
functioning as type B is guaranteed even if there is a voltage only in two of the 4 power conductors.
In addition, the supply of the electronic section is sized in such a way that the device can safely
intervene even if there is a voltage drop of 70%.
In this way an intervention takes place when direct unidirectional earth fault currents emerge, even in
the event of faults in the electric power supply grid, for example if there is no neutral conductor.

Direct or similar earth fault currents

An increasing amount of industrial equipment is supplied by circuits which in the event of a fault
generate direct earth fault currents with a very low residual ripple, which can be even less than 10%.

10 For example with direct current supplied motor drives for pumps, elevators, textile machines etc. it
is becoming more common to use inverters with a three-phase rectifier bridge.
In the event of an earth fault current the wave of the earth fault is as indicated in the figure below.

Three-phase rectifier bridge Three-phase wye rectifier Phase currents Earth fault current
L1 L2 L3 N L1 L2 L3


I$ I$ t t

Selection tables ............................... pag. 3/2

10/92 ABB
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Use of 4P RCCBs in 3-phase system wi-

thout neutral pole

Use of a 4P RCCB in a 3-phase circuit without neutral

The test button circuit of these RCCBs 4P F 200 is wired inside the device between terminal 5/6
and 7/8/N as indicated below, and has been sized for an operating voltage between 110 and
254 V (110 and 277 V according tu UL 1053).
1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8/N

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7/N

In case of installation in a 3 phase circuit without neutral, if the concatenate voltage is between 110
and 254 V (277 V according to UL 1053) for the correct working of the test button there are two
possible solutions:
1) To connect the 3 phases to the terminals 3/4 5/6 7/8/N and the terminals 4/3 6/5 8/7/N (supply
and load side respectively)
2) To connect the 3 phases normally (supply to terminals 1/2 3/4 5/6 and load to terminals 2/1
4/3 6/5) and to bridge terminal 1/2 and 7/8/N in order to bring to the terminal 7/8/N the potential
of the first phase. In this way the test button is supplied with the phases’ concatenate voltage.

If the circuit is supplied with a concatenate voltage higher than 254 V, as in the typical case of
3 phase net with concatenate voltage of 400 V - or 480 V according to UL 1053 - (and voltage
between phase and neutral of 230 V or 277 V according to UL 1053), it is not possible to use these
connections because the circuit of the test button will be supplied at 400 V and could be damaged
by this voltage.
1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8/N
I$n [A] Rest [7]
0.03 3300
0.1 1000
0.3 330
2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7/N 0.5 200

In order to allow the correct operation of the test button also in 3 phase nets at 400 V - 480 V
according to UL 1053 - (concatenate voltage) it is necessary to connect normally the phases (supply
to terminals 1/2 3/4 5/6 and load to terminals 2/1 4/3 6/5) and to jump terminal 4/3 and 8/7/N by
mean of an electric resistance as indicated above.
In this way the test button circuit is fed at 400 V - 480 V according to UL 1053 - but for exam-
ple in an RCCB with I$n=0.03 A there will be the Rest=3.3 kOhm resistance in series to the test
circuit resistance. Rest will cause a voltage drop that leaves in the test circuit a voltage less than
254 V - 277 V according to UL 1053. Rest resistance must have a power loss higher than 4 W. 10
In the normal operation of the RCCB (test circuit opened) the Rest resistance is not fed so it does not
cause any power loss.

The solution RCCBs with neutral pole on left side

The test button circuit of these RCCBs is wired inside the device between terminal 3/4 and 5/6 as
indicated below, and it has been sized for an operating voltage between 195 V and 440 V - 480 V
according to UL 1053. In case of a three phase system without neutral with concatenate voltage
between phases of 230 V or 400 V - 277 V or 480 V according to UL 1053 - it is enough to connect
the 3 phases normally (supply to terminals 1/2 3/4 5/6 and load to terminals 2/1 4/3 6/5) without
any bridge.

N 1/2 3/4 5/6

N 2/1 4/3 6/5

Selection tables ............................... pag. 3/2

ABB 10/93
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Operating voltage of test button

Operating voltage of test button

The operation of RCDs depends on the maximum and minimum operating voltage of the test but-

Maximum and minimum operating voltage of DS 9 test button

DS 9
Ut = 110-254 V

1/2 N

Between the two terminals there is a rated voltage of 110-254 V

2/1 N

Maximum and minimum operating voltage of DS 200 and DDA 200 test button

DDA 202 and DS 202 DDA 203 and DS 203 DDA 204 and DS 204
In = 25-40 A In = 25-40 A In = 25-40 A
Ut = 110-254 V Ut = 195-440 V Ut = 195-440 V
1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 5/6 1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8

2/1 4/3 2/1 4/3 6/5 2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

10 DDA 202 and DS 202 DDA 204 and DS 203 DDA 204 and DS 204
In = 63 A In = 63 A In = 63 A
Ut = 110-254 V Ut = 195-440 V Ut = 195-440 V
1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 5/6 1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8

2/1 4/3 2/1 4/3 6/5 2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Selection tables ............................... pag. 3/2

10/94 ABB
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Operating voltage of test button

Maximum and minimum operating voltage of DDA 200 AE test button

DDA 202 AE DDA 203 AE DDA 204 AE

In = 63 A In = 63 A In = 63 A
Ut = 184-264 V Ut = 310-440 V Ut = 184-264 V
1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 5/6 1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8

2/1 4/3 2/1 4/3 6/5 2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Maximum and minimum operating voltage of DDA 200 B type test button

DDA 204 B
In = 63 A
Ut = 195-440 V
1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7


Selection tables ............................... pag. 3/2

ABB 10/95
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Operating voltage of test button

Maximum and minimum operating voltage of F 200 standard test button

F 202 standard F 204 standard F 204 standard

In = b 100 A In = b 100 A In = 125 A
Ut = 110-254 V Ut = 110-254 V Ut = 185-440 V
1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8/N 1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8/N

2/1 4/3 2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7/N 2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7/N

Maximum and minimum operating voltage of F 200 B and F 200 B (N on the left) type test button

F 204 B F 204 B neutral on the left

Ut = 185-440 V Ut = 185-440 V

1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8/N 7/8/N 1/2 3/4 5/6

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7/N 8/7/N 2/1 4/3 6/5

10 Maximum and minimum operating voltage of F 200 (N on the left) test button
F 204 neutal on left
In = b 100 A
Ut = 195-440 V
7/8/N 1/2 3/4 5/6

For use in 3-phases circuit without neutral at 400 V it is possible to

connect the three phases R, S and T like in the figure.

8/7/N 2/1 4/3 6/5


Selection tables ............................... pag. 3/2

10/96 ABB
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Operating voltage of test button

Maximum and minimum operating voltage of DDA 60-70-90 test button

DDA 62, DDA 72, DDA 92 with S 290 DDA 64, DDA 74, DDA 94 with S 290
In = 100 A In = 100 A
Ut = 100-240 V 1/2 3/4 Ut = 175-415 V 1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8

2/1 4/3
2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Maximum and minimum operating voltage of DDA 800 and DS800 test button

DDA 802 DDA 803

DS802 DS803
IN b 125 A IN b 125 A
Ut = 195-690 V Ut = 195-690 V
1/2 2/3 1/2 3/4 5/6

DDA 804
DS804 2/1 4/3 2/1 4/3 6/5
IN b 125 A
Ut = 195-690 V
1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Selection tables ............................... pag. 3/2

ABB 10/97
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Wiring diagrams of RCCBs, RCBOs

and RCD-blocks

F 202 F 204 F 204 Left neutral
1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8/N N 1/2 3/4 5/6

2/1 4/3 2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7/N N 2/1 4/3 6/5

1 3 5 N Input
F 204 B type

2 4 6 N Output

DDA 202 DDA 203 DDA 204
1 3 1 3 5 1 3 5 7

In=25-40 A In=25-40 A In=25-40 A

2 4 2 4 6 2 4 6 8

2/1 4/3 2/1 4/3 6/5 2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

DDA 202 DDA 203

10 1 3 Y1 Y2
In=63 A
1 3 5

In=63 A
2 4 6

2 4
Y1 Y2

2/1 4/3 6/5

DDA 204
In=63 A
1 3 5 7
Y1 Y2
2/1 4/3

2 4 6 8

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Selection tables ............................... pag. 3/2

10/98 ABB
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Wiring diagrams of RCCBs, RCBOs

and RCD-blocks


DDA 202 AE DDA 203 AE

Supply Y1 Y2

1 3 Supply

1 3 5

2 4

2 4 6
Y1 Y2 2 4 6

DDA 204 AE

Y1 Y2
2 4
Load Supply

1 3 5 7

2 4 6 8
2 4 6 8

DDA 204 B type

1 3 5 7

2 4 6 8

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

DDA 802 DDA 803

1 3 1 3 5

2 4 2 4 6 10
2/1 4/3 2/1 4/3 6/5

DDA 804
1 3 5 7

2 4 6 8

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Selection tables ............................... pag. 3/2

ABB 10/99
System Technical details RCDs
pro M compact Wiring diagrams of RCCBs, RCBOs

and RCD-blocks


FS 201

2 N

1 N

DS 202 DS 203 DS 204

1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 5/6 1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8

In up to 40 A In up to 40 A In up to 40 A

2/1 4/3 2/1 4/3 6/5 2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

DS 202 DS 203
1/2 3/4 In=50-63 A 1/2 3/4 5/6
Y1 Y2

In=50-63 A
Y1 Y2

2/1 4/3 6/5

DS 204
In=50-63 A 1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8
2/1 4/3 Y1 Y2

2/1 4/3 6/5 8/7

Selection tables ............................... pag. 3/2

10/100 ABB
System Technical details Modular
pro M compact® RD2 residual current monitors residual current


They operate combined with appropriate toroidal transformers (in 9 different diameters) which perform
the sum of line currents; any current leakage in the monitored circuit causes, in the secondary of the
toroidal transformer, a signal detected by the relay which intervenes.
The relay can command the tripping of the protection circuit-breaker release, thus breaking the
According to the IEC 60755 Standard, these relays are sensitive to leakage sinusoidal currents and
to leakage pulsating currents with direct components. Thus they can be defined as “A type”.
Some electric circuits allow to adjust sensitivity and time; the values can be selected through
appropriate minidips.

More technical characteristics

Calibration tolerances - sensitivity +0% -50%
- time +0% -50%
Power consumption [W] 0.45 at 48 V AC/DC
1.2 at 110 V AC/DC
3.4 at 230 V AC
11 at 400 V AC
Dielectric test voltage
at ind. freq. for 1 min. [kV] 2.5
Max. peak current
with 8/20 μs wave [A] 5000
Installation position any
Protection degree IP20




1 2 3 4

Wire the terminals 9 and 10 of
the RD2 to the terminals 1 and
6 7 8 9 10 2 of the toroidal transformers.
Do not use terminals 3 and 4,
when present 10

1 2 3 4 5

Power supply
RD2: 230w400 V a.c.
RD2-48: 48w150 V a.c./d.c.

Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/11

ABB 10/101
System Technical details Modular
pro M compact RD3 residual current devices
residual current


The RD3 is a residual current device that in combination with a toroidal transformer is able to detect
and evaluate earth fault current. If used in combination with a shunt-trip or undervoltage release, it
can realize the opening of a circuit breaking performing earth leakage current protection.


Toroid - relay connection

L1 L2 L3 N PE
Remote Reset


T2-T1 S2-S1
4 3 2 1

1 2 3 4 5 6

l %
20% 40% 60% 80% TR...

l n [A] t [s]
1 2 0,5 1
0,5 3 0,3 2
0,3 5 0,2 3 LOAD
0,1 10 0,06 5
0,03 30 0 10

Pre Alarm RD3P

TEST RESET Autoreset

Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/12

10/102 ABB
System Technical details Modular
pro M compact RD3 residual current monitors
residual current
TR toroid selection table
Model Transformer diam. max cable section (4x) max monitored current (1x)
[mm] [mm2] [A]
TRM 29 25 65
TR1 35 35 75
TR2 60 50 85
TR3 80 95 160
TR4 110 240 400
TR5 210 480 630
TR160 160 400 25
TR160/A 160 400 250
TR4/A 110 240 400
TR5/A 210 480 630

Adjustment of residual operating current and trip time delay.

Using the rotary selectors on the front of the device, it is possible to adjust the residual operating
current and the trip time delay.

l n [A] t [s]
1 2 0,5 1 Adjustment of residual operating
0,5 3 0,3 2 current (I$n [A]) and trip time delay
0,3 5 0,2 3 ($t [s]).
0,1 10 0,06 5
0,03 30 0 10

Main features
Pre-alarm Autoreset Fail-safe
placing the dip-switch in the ON position placing the dip-switch in the ON position Built into the device (positive safety). In
enables the pre-alarm function: the enables the automatic Reset function: case of absence of supply to the device
output contact on terminals 7 8 9 will the Relay OUTPUT contacts revert RD3 the output contact on terminals 10
change state in the event of a residual to their original state once the fault 11 12 will change state as shown in the
current exceeding 60% I$. condition ceases. figure.
RD3 ■ 10
RD3M ■ ■
RD3P ■ ■ ■

Pre Alarm
Pre Alarm

7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12
7 8 9 10 11 12


Prealarm / TRIP OUTPUT Relay
Prealarm / TRIP TRIP

Contact status when the device is switched off:

7 8 9 10 11 12

Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/12

ABB 10/103
System Technical details Modular
pro M compact RD3 residual current monitors
residual current


l %
20% 40% 60% 80%


l %
20% 40% 60% 80%


20% 40% 60% 80%

ON Pre Alarm FAULT

20% 40% 60% 80%

20% 40% 60% 80%

ON Pre Alarm FAULT 20% 40% 60% 80%

20% 40% 60% 80%

l %
20% 40% 60% 80%
Absent connection ON FAULT ON Pre Alarm FAULT ON FAULT
with toroid

Fault condition
Remote Reset Remote Reset
230-400 VAC 230-400 VAC
12-48 VAC/DC 12-48 VAC/DC

T2-T1 S2-S1

T2-T1 S2-S1
4 3 2 1

4 3 2 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

l % l %
20% 40% 60% 80% TR... 20% 40% 60% 80% TR...

l n [A] t [s] l n [A] t [s]

1 2 0,5 1 Undervoltage release 1 2 0,5 1 Undervoltage release
0,5 3 0,3 2 0,5 3 0,3 2 230V
0,3 5 0,2 3
230V 0,3 5 0,2 3
0,1 10 0,06 5 0,1 10 0,06 5
0,03 30 0 10 0,03 30 0 10

Pre Alarm RD3P Pre Alarm RD3P

TEST RESET Autoreset 4 poles TEST RESET Autoreset 4 poles
circuit circuit
OFF ON IEC60947-2/M OFF ON IEC60947-2/M
Test no Trip (3s) breaker Test no Trip (3s) breaker

7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12

L1 L2 L3 N L1 L2 L3 N

Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/12

10/104 ABB
System Technical details Modular
pro M compact RD3 residual current monitors
residual current
To perform the relay test, press the button on the front.
The relay can be reset via the front button or a remote button, as shown in the figure:
t [s] 10 11 12


10 11 12

In the RD3P version, a no trip test can also be performed by simultaneously pressing the front test
and reset buttons for 3 seconds. In this case, the output contacts will not switch, as shown in the
figure below:



3 sec.
t [s] 10 11 12

RESET Remote

10 11 12

Associated circuit breakers (and relative releasers)

- Tmax range from T1 to T5, In up to 630 A, Ue up to 690 V, with UVR undervoltage release or SOR
shunt opening release
- pro M Compact S200 range with In up to 63 A, Ue up to 440 V, with S 2C-A shunt trip or S 2C-UA
undervoltage release
Tripping time (RD3 output relay switching time), cumulative time (with associate circuit breakers),
non-trip time limit:
I$n 2 I$n 5 I$n 10 I$n
Time tripping cumulative time time limit for tripping cumulative time tripping cumulative time tripping cumulative time
selection time with associate non-trip time with associate time with associate time with associate
$t b circuit breaker [s] b circuit breaker b circuit breaker b circuit breaker
[s] b b b b
[s] [s] [s] [s] [s] [s] [s] [s]
0 0.03 0.3 - 0.03 0.15 0.015 0.04 0.015 0.04
0.06 0.09 0.5 0.06 0.09 0.2 0.09 0.15 0.09 0.15
0.2 0.2+15% - 0.2 0.2+15% - 0.2+15% - 0.2+15% -
0.5 0.5+15% - 0.5 0.5+15% - 0.5+15% - 0.5+15% -
1 1+15% - 1 1+15% - 1+15% - 1+15% -
2 2+15% - 2 2+15% - 2+15% - 2+15% -
3 3+15% - 3 3+15% - 3+15% - 3+15% -
5 5+15% - 5 5+15% - 5+15% - 5+15% -
10 10+15% - 10 10+15% - 10+15% - 10+15% -

Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/12

ABB 10/105
System Technical details Modular
pro M compact RD front panel
residual current
residual current monitors devices


Front operator functions




1 6 2 8 9

1 1,5 0,2 0,3

7 8 9 10 11 12

1 2 3 4 5
0,5 2 0,4
0,25 2,5 0,02 0,5
1$n (A) t (sec)
auto man
tx10 tx1
I$n x1
I$n x0,1
I$n x10
RESET off on TEST 1 0
A) t
earth leakage relay RD 148 auto man
tx10 b tx1
I$n x1 c I$n x0,1
4 5 I$n x10 d
off e on

1. Potentiometer for adjusting tripping current energized (positive safety)

time 4. Test pushbutton
2. Potentiometer for adjusting tripping time 5. Manual reset pushbutton
3. Programming microswitches: 6. Green LED indicating presence of auxiliary
a) in position 1 automatic reset, in position 0 supply
manual reset 7. Red LED indicating that the relay has been
b) choice of constant for calibrating the tripping tripped
time; in position 1 ➔ K=10, in position 0 ➔ 8. Output terminals
9. Terminals for auxiliary supply and connection to
c) and d) choice of constant for calibrating the separate toroidal transformer
tripping current; c) and d) in position 0 ➔ K=0.1;
c) in position 1 and d) in position 0 ➔ K=1; c)
and d) in position 1 ➔ K=10

e) in position 1, output relays normally de-

energized; in position 0, output relays normally

Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/13

10/106 ABB
System Technical details Modular
pro M compact RD front panel
residual current
residual current monitors devices
Wiring diagrams
All phase conductors and the neutral conductor (if any) must pass through the separate toroidal transformer.
The earthing conductor must not pass through the separate toroidal transformer.


Earth Wiring diagram with switch with opening coil and end
relays energized when tripped (FAIL SAFE OFF) to
use in de-energized (FAIL SAFE ON) it’s necessary to
x x x x connect at the BA the terminals 7 - 8 (contact NO in
the condition of rest).

The output contacts 10-11-12 can be used to signal

at distance the relay tripped.

* auxiliary supply Vaux

RD148 - terminals 1 - 3 = 220-240 V a.c.
- terminals 2 - 3 = 110-125 V a.c./d.c.
TR... RD148-24
- terminals 1 - 3 = 48 V a.c./d.c.
- terminals 2 - 3 = 24 V a.c./d.c.

Wiring diagram with switch with undervoltage opening

Earth Aux
coil and end relay enrgized when tripped (FAIL SAFE
OFF) to use in de-energized (FAIL SAFE ON) it’s ne-
cessary to connect at BM the terminals 8 - 9 (contact
x x x x
NO in the condition of rest).

The output contacts 10-11-12 can be used to signal

at distance the relay tripped.

* auxyliary supply Vaux

- terminals 1 - 3 = 220-240 V a.c.
RD148 - terminals 2 - 3 = 110-125 V a.c./d.c.
TR... - terminals 1 - 3 = 48 V a.c./d.c.
- terminals 2 - 3 = 24 V a.c./d.c.

Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/13

ABB 10/107
System Technical details Modular
pro M compact RD front panel
residual current
residual current monitors devices
RD172, RD196

2 6 7 1 1. Potentiometer for adjusting tripping time

2. Potentiometer for adjusting tripping current time
3. Programming microswitches:
a) in position 1 automatic reset, in position 0 manual reset
b) choice of constant for calibrating the tripping time; in position
1 1,5 0,2 0,3 1 ➔ K=10, in position 0 ➔ K=1
0,5 2 0,4
0,05 c) and d) choice of constant for calibrating the tripping current; c)
0,25 2,5 0,02 0,5
1$n (A) t (sec) and d) in position 0 ➔ K=0.1; c) in position 1 and d) in position 0
RESET ➔ K=1; c) and d) in position 1 ➔ K=10
auto man
tx10 tx1
I$n x1
4. Test pushbutton
I$n x0,1
5. Manual reset pushbutton
6. Green LED indicating presence of auxiliary supply
earth leakage relay RD 196 1 0
7. Red LED indicating that the relay has been tripped
auto a man
tx10 b tx1
4 5 I$n x1 c
I$n x10 d

RD272, RD296, RD 296-S

2 6 8 9 7 1 1. Potentiometer for adjusting tripping time

2. Potentiometer for adjusting tripping current time
3. Programming microswitches:
a) in position 1 automatic reset, in position 0 manual reset
b) choice of constant for calibrating the tripping time; in position
1 1,5 0,2 0,3 1 ➔ K=10, in position 0 ➔ K=1
0,5 2 0,4
0,05 c) and d) choice of constant for calibrating thetripping current; c)
0,25 2,5 0,02 0,5
1$n (A) t (sec) and d) in position 0 ➔ K=0.1; c) in position 1 and d) in position 0

10 auto
I$n x1
I$n x10
I$n x0,1
➔ K=1; c) and d) in position 1 ➔ K=10
e) in position 1, TRIP output relay normally de-energized; in po-
off fs trip
TEST off fs alarm RESET sition 0, TRIP output relay normally energized (positive safety)
f) in position 1, ALARM output relay normally de-energized; in po-
sition 0, ALARM output relay normally energized (positive safety)
earth leakage relay RD 296S 1 0
4. Test pushbutton
auto a man
tx10 b tx1 5. Manual reset pushbutton
I$n x1 c
4 5 I$n x0,1
I$n x10 d 6. Green LED indicating presence of auxiliary supply
off e fs trip
3 off f fs alarm 7. Red LED indicating that the relay has been tripped
8. Red LED indicating an alarm
9. Mechanical tripped relay indicator (for RD296-S)

Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/13

10/108 ABB
System Technical details Modular
pro M compact RD front panel
residual current
residual current monitors devices
RD172, RD196

Earth Wiring diagram with switch with opening coil.The ou-

tput contact can be used to signal at distance the relay
tripped, it isn’t connected at opening coils.
x x x x
* power supply Uaux

RD172-230, RD196-230
- terminals 5 - 8 = 380-415 V a.c.
- terminals 5 - 7 = 220-240 V a.c.
- terminals 5 - 6 = 110-125 V a.c./ d.c.

RD172-24, RD196-24
- terminals 5 - 7 = 48 V a.c./ d.c.
- terminals 5 - 6 = 24 V a.c./d.c.

TR... *


Earth Wiring diagram with switch with under voltage ope-

ning coil. The output contact can be used to signal
at distance the relay tripped, it isn’t connected at
opening coils.
x x x x
* power supply Uaux

RD172-230, RD196-230
- terminals 5 - 8 = 380-415 V a.c.
- terminals 5 - 7 = 220-240 V a.c.
- terminals 5 - 6 = 110-125 V a.c./d.c.

RD172-24, RD196-24
- terminals 5 - 7 = 48 V a.c./d.c.
- terminals 5 - 6 = 24 V a.c./d.c.


Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/13

ABB 10/109
System Technical details Modular
pro M compact RD front panel
residual current
residual current monitors devices
RD272, RD296, RD 296-S

SUPPLY remote Example of wiring diagram: circuit breaker with un-

Earth N L1 L2 L3
RESET dervoltage release with output relay energized (fail
15 (au to reset)
safe off).
Aux 14 ouput
13 relay
The output contacts can only be used for signaling
x x x x ALARM
12 that the relay has been tripped. More specifically, the
11 ouput ALARM relay signals that the current has exceeded
10 relay 60% of the programmed threshold (if ALARM ON is
T2-T1 S2-S1

8 input
* auxiliary supply Vaux:
6 out test RD272-230
5 signal
- terminals 2 - 3 = 100-125 V a.c.
4 - terminals 1 - 2 = 220-240 V a.c.
3 * - terminals 1 - 3 = 380-415 V a.c.
2 V aux.
1 RD272-115
- terminals 2 - 3 = 100-125 V a.c./d.c.
RD272 - terminals 2 - 3 = 24 V a.c./d.c.

- terminals 1 - 3 = 48 V a.c./d.c.

Connection to the toroidal transformer: Connection of the output relay con- (TRIP 2);
Terminals 7-8 for connecting to the measure- tacts: contact 13-14 is normally closed if FAIL SAFE
ment winding; terminals 5-6 for connecting to Terminals 9-10-11 for the TRIP relay; contact OFF is selected or with no auxiliary supply; with
the test winding. 10-11 is normally closed if FAIL SAFE OFF is FAIL SAFE ALARM ON, the contact will be
selected or with no auxiliary supply; with FAIL normally open in the untripped condition.
Connection for remote or auto-reset: SAFE TRIP ON, the contact will be normally Connection at toroidal current transfor-
Terminals 15-16 for connecting to a separate open in the untripped condition. mer:
button with NO contact; short circuit the termi- terminals 11-12 to connect at measure coil
nals to obtain the automatic reset function. Terminals 12-13-14 for the ALARM relay terminals 13-14 to connect at test coil

Earth Example of wiring diagram: switch with opening coil

with output relay energized (fail safe off).

x x x x The output contacts can beused to signal the relay

tripped. The ALARM relay allows to signal the current
besides the 60% of threshold set (if ALARM ON is

10 * power supply Vaux:

* RD296-230
ouput relay ouput relay - terminals 1 - 2 = 100-125 V a.c.
(TRIP 2)
TRIP - terminals 2 - 3 = 220-240 V a.c.
- terminals 1 - 3 = 380-415 V a.c.
TR... test remote
signal RESET
output (auto reset) RD296 RD296-115
11 12 13 14 15 16 - terminals 1 - 2 = 100-125 V a.c./d.c.

- terminals 1 - 2 = 24 V a.c./d.c.
- terminals 1 - 3 = 48 V a.c./d.c.

Connection reset at distance or automatic Connection contacts output relay: relay (TRIP2) the contact 4-5 is normally closed
reset: terminals 7-8-9 of TRIP relay the contact 7-8 if FAIL-SAFE OFF is selected or without power
terminals 15-16to connect at a external bot- is normally closed if FAIL-SAFE OFF is selec- supply with FAIL-SAFE ALARM ON the contact
ton with contact normally open to realize the ted or with out power supply with FAIL-SAFE will be normally opened in condition of rest
function of automatic reset, to short-circuit TRIP ON the contact will be normally opened
the terminals in condition of rest terminals 4-5-6 of ALARM

Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/13

10/110 ABB
System Technical details Modular
pro M compact RD front panel
residual current
residual current monitors devices

10 7 9 8 10 HOLD

HOLD *V aux:
OFF 1 - 2 = 110V ac
(A) 9
2 - 3 = 230V ac
1 - 3 = 400V ac

output relay
20A 200A


8 RD296-DIG-24
*V aux:

7 1 - 2 = 24V ac / dc
1 - 3 = 48V ac / dc
2 0,2 0,3


output relay

2,5 0,1 0,4 RD296-DIG-115
0,6 5 *V aux
1 - 2 = 110V ac / dc
0,3 3 ON ALARM TRIP 0,02 0,5
n(A) t (sec) 4


alarm off alarm on
tx10 tx1
x1 x0,1
3 15

current transf. TR...


FS trip off

V aux
FS alarm off 2 13

1 0 1 11
alarm off a alarm on 005 A s.n.
earth leakage relay RD296-DIG tx10 b tx1 MADE IN ITALY

x1 c
x10 d
trip e off
2 5 6 1 alarm f off


1. Potentiometer for adjusting tripping time 4. Three-way microswitch

2. Potentiometer for adjusting tripping current g) enable/disable residual current memory on display
3. Six-way microswitch in position 1 memory is enabled (it stops the visualization of
the tripping current)
a) enable/disable alarm
in position 0 memory is disabled (display values in real time)
in position 1 alarm disabled
in position 0 alarm enabled h) and i) select scale for ammeter display
h, i in position 1 selects the 20 A range
b) select constant for adjusting the time
h, i in position 0 selects the 200 A range
in position 1 K=10
in position 0 K=1 5. Test button
c) and d) select constant for adjusting the current 6. Manual reset button
c,d in position 1 K=10 7. Green LED: indicates presence of the auxiliary supply
c in position 1, d in position 0 K=1 8. Yellow LED: indicates that the relay has been tripped
c,d in position 0 K=0.1
9. Red LED: indicates an alarm condition
e) enable/ disable positive safety on tripped relay
10. 4-digit display for residual current visualization
in position 1 positive safety is enabled
in position 0 negative safety is enabled 10
f) enable/ disable positive safety on alarm
in position 1 positive safety is enabled
in position 0 negative safety is enabled

Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/13

ABB 10/111
System Technical details Modular
pro M compact RD front panel
residual current
residual current monitors devices


Earth Vc Earth

x x xx x x xx
BA 1 1
1-2=110-127Vac 1-2=110-127Vac
2 Vaux: 2-3=220-240Vac Vc 2 Vaux: 2-3=220-240Vac
3 1-3=380-415Vac 3 1-3=380-415Vac
4 4
6 6
7 Bm 7
9 9

T2-T1 S2-S1
T2-T1 S2-S1

12 12
TR... 14 TR... 14
16 RD296-DIG 16 RD296-DIG
Remote reset Remote reset
(Autoreset) (Autoreset)



Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/13

10/112 ABB
System Technical details Modular
pro M compact® Toroidal transformers residual current

Toroidal transformers
More technical characteristics
Core closed closed closed closed closed open closed open closed open
Available internal diameter [mm] 29 35 60 80 110 110 160 160 210 210
Weight [kg] 0.17 0.22 0.28 0.45 0.52 0.6 1.35 1.6 1.45 1.85
Minimum measurable current [mA] 30 30 30 100 100 300 300 500 300 500
Installation position Any
Operating temperature [°C] -10…+70
Storage temperature [°C] -20…+80
Transformation ratio 500/1
Dielectric test voltage at
industrial freq. for 1 min. [kV] 2.5
Max. insulating voltage [V a.c.] 1000
Max. thermal overload [kA] 40/1 sec.
Connections Screw terminal boards, max. section 2.5 mm2
Protection degree IP20

They must be mounted with residual current monitors upstream the lines or loads to be protected;
all active conductors (phases and neutral) of single-phase as well as of three-phases lines must
pass through them.
In this way these devices perform the vector sum of line currents detecting the possible homopolar
differential currents that leak to earth: their core of sheet iron has high magnetic properties that allow
to detect even very low leakage currents.
The choice of a toroidal transformer depends on the conductor or on the bar to be used.
It is suggested to use the open versions in case of revamping or upgrading of an existing

All active conductors can be introduced in the toroidal transformers without the need of respecting
any specific sense of introduction (P1-P2 or P2-P1). The output signal must be picked up from
terminals 1 (S1) and 2 (S2) and connected to the residual current monitor, while terminals 3 and
4 must be connected to the test output of those relays of FPP range with this function. With RD2
they must remain disconnected. For this connection it is better to use twisted or shielded cables,
possibly far from busbars. The minimum recommended section of connection cables should have
a maximum resistance of 3 7; anyway consider a maximum length of connection of 20 m for 0.5
mm2 and of 100 m for 2.5 mm2.
For versions with openable core it is necessary to control that the contact surface of the two semi-cores
is clean, that bolts are tight and that connection cables connections on both sides are intact.
Connection cables with metallic shielding or armor must be earthed downstream the toroidal
transformer; if they run within the transformer they must be earthed in the opposite direction.

Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/14

ABB 10/113
System Technical details Modular
pro M compact® Toroidal transformers residual current
In presence of line overcurrents (for ex. motor operation, energizing of transformers, etc.):
- install the toroidal transformer on a straight cable segment

Cable metallic
PE L1 L2 L3 N Cable external
insulating coating



- center cable position within the transformer

- use transformers with a diameter wider than minimum requirements, if necessary with a diameter
up to 2 times wider than that of cables.

Coordination table of toroidal transformers acc. to cable section

Copper cables 3 ph + N

Max section per phase Toroidal Transformer

16 mm2 TRM
25 mm2 TR1
50 mm2 TR2
95 mm2 TR3
240 mm2 TR4 or TR4/A
2 x 150 mm2 TR160 or TR160/A
2 x 185 mm2 TR5 or TR5/A


Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/14

10/114 ABB
System Technical details SPDs
pro M compact® OVR Surge Protective Devices


Terminology of SPD electrical characteristics
10/350 and 8/20 impulse waves


Type 1 Surge Arresters
Iimp: current wave

10/350 wave:
Current waveform which passes through equipment when subjected to an overvoltage due to a
direct lightning strike.
Type 1 surge arrester:
Surge arrester designed to run-off energy caused by an overvoltage comparable to that of a direct
lightning strike. It has successfully passed testing to the standard with the 10/350 wave (class I

8/20 10

Type 2 Surge Arresters
Imax: current wave

8/20 wave:
Current waveform which passes through equipment when subjected to an overvoltage (low ener-
Type 2 surge arrester:
Surge arrester designed to run-off energy caused by an overvoltage comparable to that of an indirect
lightning strike or an operating overvoltage. It has successfully passed testing to the standard with
the 8/20 wave (class II test).
Selection tables ............................... pag. 5/2

ABB 10/115
System Technical details SPDs
pro M compact® OVR Surge Protective Devices

Common mode and/or differential mode protection

Common mode
Common mode overvoltages appear between the live conductors and earth, e.g. phase/earth or
A live conductor not only refers to the phase conductors but also to the neutral conductor.
This overvoltage mode destroys equipmaent connected to earth (class I equipment) and also equip-
ment not connected to earth (class II equipment) which is located near an earthed mass and which
does not have sufficient electrical isolation (a few kilovolts).
Class II equipment not located near an earthed mass is theoretically protected from this type of

Common mode
overvoltages affect
all earthing systems.

Differential mode
Differential mode overvoltages circulate between live conductors: phase/phase or phase/neutral.
These overvoltages have a potentially high damaging effect for all equipment connected to the
electrical network, especially ‘sensitive’ equipment.

Differential mode overvoltages affect
the TT earthing system.
These overvoltages also affect
the TN-S earthing system if there
is a considerable
difference in the
Ph lengths of the
neutral cable and the
protective cable (PE).



Selection tables ............................... pag. 5/2

10/116 ABB
System Technical details SPDs
pro M compact® OVR Surge Protective Devices

Principle of coordination for Surge Protective Devices

The coordination of Type 2 surge After having defined the characteristics of the incoming surge arrester, the protection must be
arresters is analysed using their completed with one or more additional surge arresters.
respective maximum discharge
currents Imax (8/20) starting from the The incoming surge arrester does not provide effective protection for the whole installation
installation’s incoming switchboard by itself.
and working towards the equipment
which is to be protected, taking into
Certain electrical phenomena can double the protection’s residual voltage if cable lengths
account the progressive reduction exceed 10m.
in Imax. Surge arresters must be coordinated when they are installed (refer to the tables below).
E.g. 70 kA followed by 40 kA. Coordination required if:
All ABB Type 2 surge arresters The incoming surge arrester does not reach the protection voltage (Up) by itself.
coordinate between each other by
respecting a minimum distance of The incoming surge arrester is more than 10m away from the equipment to be protected.
1m between them. Recommended solution
Use of modular Type 2 surge arresters.
Coordination between Type 1 and Type 2 surge arrester

Type 1 Type 2
Without Safety
25 kA (10/350) ➤ L>0m
➤ Reserve
Ifi = 50 kA (0 m minimum between the two devices) 40 kA (8/20)

Type 1
25 kA (10/350)
➤ L>5m
➤ Type 2
(5 m minimum between the two devices) 40 kA (8/20)
Ifi = 7 kA

Coordination between Type 2 surge arresters

Type 2 ➤ L>1m
➤ Type 2
70 kA (8/20) (1 m minimum between the two devices) 40 kA (8/20)

Selection tables ............................... pag. 5/2

ABB 10/117
System Technical details SPDs
pro M compact® OVR Surge Protective Devices

Operating diagrams of Surge Protective Devices

Type 1 internal schematic

Single pole Type 1 SPD


OVR T1 25 255 OVR T1 25 440-50 OVR T1 25 255-7 OVR T1 50 N OVR T1 100 N

Multipole Type 1 SPD

OVR T1 1N 25 255 OVR T1 2L 25 255 OVR T1 3L 25 255

OVR T1 3N 25 255 OVR T1 3N 25 255-7

OVR T1 4L 25 255
10 Multipole Type 1 SPD with remote indication (TS)

OVR T1 1N 25 255 TS OVR T1 2L 25 255 TS OVR T1 3L 25 255 TS

OVR T1 3N 25 255 TS OVR T1 4L 25 255 TS

Selection tables ............................... pag. 5/2

10/118 ABB
System Technical details SPDs
pro M compact® OVR Surge Protective Devices

Photovoltaic SPDs - OVR PV

OVR PV 1000 V OVR PV 600 V OVR PV 75 V

Low Current SPDs - OVR TC

OVR TC 200 V in parallel OVR TC / xx V / 200 FR in series

Type 1+2 internal schematic

OVR T1+2 25 255 TS OVR T1+2 15 255-7 OVR T1+2 3N 15 255-7

Type 1+2 / Type 2 internal schematic

Non pluggable Type 2 SPDs

L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 N L1 L2 L3 N

OVR T2 40 275 OVR T2 3L 40 275 OVR T2 4L 40 275 OVR T2 3N 40 275
OVR T2 15 275

Pluggable Type 1+2 / Type 2 SPDs

Single pole Type 2 SPD
Single pole Type 2 SPD Single pole Type 2 SPD with with safety reserve (s)
Single pole Type 2 SPD with safety reserve (s) remote indication (TS) and remote indication (TS)

OVR T2 15 275 P OVR T2 40 275s P OVR T2 15 275 P TS OVR T2 40 275s P TS

OVR T2 40 275 P OVR T2 70 275s P OVR T2 40 275 P TS OVR T2 70 275s P TS
OVR T2 15 440 P OVR T2 40 440s P OVR T2 15 440 P TS OVR T2 40 440s P TS
OVR T2 40 440 P OVR T2 70 440s P OVR T2 40 440 P TS OVR T2 70 440s P TS
OVR T1+2 7 275s P

Selection tables ............................... pag. 5/2

ABB 10/119
System Technical details SPDs
pro M compact OVR Surge Protective Devices

Multipole Type 2 SPD

OVR T2 1N 15 275 P OVR T2 3L 15 275 P OVR T2 4L 15 275 P OVR T2 3N 15 275 P

OVR T2 1N 40 275 P OVR T2 3L 40 275 P OVR T2 4L 40 275 P OVR T2 3N 40 275 P

Multipole Type 2 SPD with safety reserve (s)

OVR T2 1N 40 275s P OVR T2 3L 40 275s P OVR T2 4L 40 275s P OVR T2 3N 40 275s P

OVR T2 1N 70 275s P OVR T2 3L 70 275s P OVR T2 4L 70 275s P OVR T2 3N 70 275s P
OVR T1+2 1N 7 275s P OVR T1+2 3L 7 275s P OVR T1+2 4L 7 275s P OVR T1+2 3N 7 275s P

Multipole Type 2 SPD with remote indication (TS)

OVR T2 1N 15 275 P TS OVR T2 3L 15 275 P TS OVR T2 4L 15 275 P TS OVR T2 3N 15 275 P TS

OVR T2 1N 40 275 P TS OVR T2 3L 40 275 P TS OVR T2 4L 40 275 P TS OVR T2 3N 40 275 P TS

Multipole Type 2 SPD with safety reserve (s) and remote indication (TS)


OVR T2 1N 40 275s P TS OVR T2 3L 40 275s P TS OVR T2 4L 40 275s P TS OVR T2 3N 40 275s P TS

OVR T2 1N 70 275s P TS OVR T2 3L 70 275s P TS OVR T2 4L 70 275s P TS OVR T2 3N 70 275s P TS

Selection tables ............................... pag. 5/2

10/120 ABB
System Technical details SPDs
pro M compact® OVR Surge Protective Devices

Installation rules for SPDs: choice of associated breaking devices (fuse/circuit-


Choice of disconnector
Surge arresters must be associated with upstream short-circuit protection and residual current pro-
tection against indirect contact (usually already present in the installation).

Function Application
Protection against If a residual current circuit-breaker is used, it is preferable to use a type S.
indirect contact
Otherwise there is a risk of nuisance tripping.
This does not affect the effectiveness of the surge arrester,
but may cause the circuit to be opened.

The breaking device associated with the surge arrester can

Protection against be either a circuit breaker or a fuse.
or fault currents Its rating should take into consideration the surge arrester’s
characteristics and the short-circuit current of the installation.

Thermal protection Thermal protection is integrated into the surge arrester.

Maximum circuit-breaker or fuse

protection rating depending on
Imax and Iimp of the surge arrester.

Type 1 surge arresters Circuit-breaker (curve C) Fuse (gG)

25 kA (10/350): OVR T1 - < 125 A

Type 1+2 surge arresters Circuit-breaker (curve C) Fuse (gG)

7 kA (10/350): OVR T1+2
sIp = 300 A to 1 kA 40 A (1) 32 A
sIp = 1 kA and above 63 A (2) 32 A

Type 2 surge arresters

70 kA (8/20)
Circuit-breaker (curve C) Fuse (gG)
sIp = 300 A to 1 kA 40 A (1) 32 A
sIp = 1 kA and above 63 A (2) 32 A
40 kA (8/20)
sIp = 300 A to 1 kA 40 A (1) 32 A
sIp = 1 kA and above 63 A (2) 32 A
15 kA (8/20)
sIp = 300 A to 1 kA 40 A (1) 32 A
sIp = 1 kA and above 63 A (2) 32 A
(1) Series S 200 L or SN 201 L.
(2) Series S 200 L, S 200 / S 200 M and series S 200 P / S 500 / S800.

Selection tables ............................... pag. 5/2

ABB 10/121
System Technical details SPDs
pro M compact® OVR Surge Protective Devices

Cabling and installation of Surge Protective Devices in an electrical panel

50 cm rule
Remember that a 10 kA lightning current passing through a 1 m length of cable generates

1000 Volts. Equipment protected by a surge arrester is subjected to a voltage equal to

the sum of the Up voltage of the surge arrester, Ud of its disconnector and the sum of
U1 L1
the inductive voltages of connecting cables (U1+U2+U3).

It is therefore essential that the total length (L = L1+L2+L3) of the connecting cables is
as short as possible (0.50 m). UD

If this length (L = L1 + L2+L3) exceeds 0.50m, it is necessary to carry out one
of the following: U2 L2 L

adapt the combined Up value to the impulse withstand of the equipment to be protec-

Wiring ring surfaces U3 L3

The wires must be arranged in such a way that they are as close to each other as possible
(see adjacent diagram) to avoid overvoltages induced by a ring surface between phases,
the neutral and the PE conductor.
Routing of clean cables and polluted cables
During installation, lay clean cables (protected) and polluted cables as shown in the Crossing
adjacent diagrams. at 90°
To avoid magnetic coupling between the different cable types (clean and polluted), it is cable
strongly advised that they are kept apart (> 30 cm) and if a crossing cannot be avoided,
it should be at right angles (90°). Main
cable circuit-
➤ breaker
Polluted cables D > 30 cm ➤ Clean cables

Terminal / MCB Clean Polluted

cable cable

➤ D > 30 cm

Feeder 1
10 ➤ D < 30 cm



The cross-section of the con-

necting cables is calculated ac-
cording to the local short-circuit
current level (where the surge
arrester is installed). It must
be equal to the cross-section
Feeder 2 of the installation’s upstream
The minimum cross-section
for the earth conductor is 4
SPD / Earth terminal mm2 if there is not a lightning
conductor and 10 mm2 if there
is a lightning conductor.
Equipotential grounding:
It is critical to check the earth equipotentiality of the various items of equipment.

Selection tables ............................... pag. 5/2

10/122 ABB
System Technical details Protection
pro M compact® E 930 fuse holders devices


More technical characteristics
Breaking capacity that of the cartridge
Dielectric test voltage
at ind. freq. for 1 min. 2.5 kV
up to 32 A 10 mm2
up to 50 A 25 mm2
up to 125 A 35 mm2
Protection degree IP20
Rated voltage Un
E930/32 (10.3x38 fuses) 400 V*
* E930/32 fuse holders comply with IEC EN 60269-3 Standard (fuse for domestic applications) and they have been released
with Un=400 V; by construction, they can be used up to 500 V.

Power consumption in Watt at rated current

Fuse rating Fuses Fuses Fuses
In [A] 10.3x38 14x51 22x58
gG gG gG
1 0.272 0.50 0.80
4 1.05 0.95 1.45
6 1.10 1.30 1.60
8 1.20 1.60 2.15
10 1.30 1.90 2.50
12 1.50 2.10 2.70
16 1.80 2.20 2.75
20 2.00 2.30 2.90
25 2.30 3.00 3.40
32 2.60 3.30 3.60
40 3.60 4.50
45 4.10 4.80
50 5.00 5.50
63 6.35
80 7.35
100 8.75
125 12.50

Power consumption in Watt at rated current

Fuse rating Fuses Fuses Fuses
In [A] 10.3x38 14x51 22x58
aM aM aM
1 0.08
2 0.12 10
4 0.17 0.25 0.30
6 0.30 0.30 0.45
8 0.35 0.40 0.55
10 0.40 0.50 0.60
12 0.45 0.65 0.75
16 0.70 0.90 0.90
20 1.00 1.00 1.10
25 1.20 1.20 1.35
32 1.50 1.55 1.60
40 2.10 1.90
45 2.15 2.20
50 2.50 3.00
63 4.10
80 5.20
100 6.50
125 7.80

Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/20

ABB 10/123
System Technical details Protection
pro M compact® E 930 fuse holders and devices
M2160-M2060 fuse switches
Maximum values of specific
let-through energy in A2s gL type cylindrical fuses
In [A] gL fuses

Pre-arc Total
1 3 15 10 3

2 5 30 4

Blow-out time in seconds

4 15 110 2


60 200



8 80 330
10 130 400 1

12 250 700

16 450 1500 2
20 800 2700
25 1400 4500 2
32 2200 7000 10 -1

40 3500 11000 4

45 4000 15000 2
50 4500 17000
63 9300 27000 2 3 4 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 10 2 3 4 50 100 2 3 4 500 1000 2 3 4 5

80 20000 65000 Current intensity

100 40000 100000 A: max. time for protection against short-circuits
125 70000 160000 B: max. time for protection against indirect contact for m=1
Maximum values of specific
let-through energy in A2s Type aM cylindrical fuses
In [A] aM fuses



Pre-arc Total
1 10 20 2

2 35 60 10 3

4 110 270 4
Blow-out time in seconds

6 200 600 2
8 400 1100
10 800 2000 2

12 A
1000 2800 10

16 1200 4500 4

20 1700 7000 0

25 2700 11000

32 5000 19000 2

10 -1
40 9000 28000
45 14000 37000 4

50 19000 45000 10 -2

10 63
2 3 4 5 10 2 3 4 50 100 2 3 4 500 1000 2 3 4 5000 10000 2 3 4 5

100 80000 170000 Current intensity

125 100000 185000


Additional technical features

Type Power Type Power Type Power Type Power

consumption consumption consumption consumption
[W] [W] [W] [W]
M2161 3.18 M2163 9.54 M2061 Na 4.38 M2063 9.54
M2161 Na 4.38 M2163 Na 16.00 M2062 6.38 M2063 Na 16.00
M2162 6.38 M2061 3.18

Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/20

10/124 ABB
System Technical details Protection
pro M compact Insulation monitoring devices


Wiring diagrams

The following schemes illustrate the ISOLTESTER-DIG-RZ and ISOLTESTER-DIG-PLUS wiring dia-
grams with the QSD-DIG 230/24 remote signalling panel in single- and three-phase networks, with
or without central socket, and the SELVTESTER-24 wiring diagrams with QSD-DIG 230/24 remote
signalling panel.
Wiring diagram with transformer with central socket (PC)

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

RS485 Input 2 Input 1 Input

seriale port PT100 PT100 current Output
(only PLUS sensor sensor C.T. .../5 A aux. relay
ISOLTESTER-DIG-PLUS Remote control panel
QSD-DIG 230/24
V aux.* V aux.* Link fail Insulation Remote control panel
115 V 115 V 115 V 115 V control control QSD-DIG 230/24

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Power supply Power supply

To other QSD-DIG
V aux. 115 V AC V aux. 230 V AC



Current transformer

Insulated network Loads

Insulation transformer


Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/26

ABB 10/125
System Technical details Protection
pro M compact Insulation monitoring devices

Wiring diagram with transformer without central socket (PC)

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

RS485 Input 2 Input 1 Input

seriale port PT100 PT100 current Output
(only PLUS sensor sensore C.T. .../5 A aux. relay
ISOLTESTER-DIG-PLUS Remote control panel
QSD-DIG 230/24
V aux.* Linl fail Insulation Remote control panel
115 V 115 V control control QSD-DIG 230/24

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Power supply
V aux. 230 V AC

To other QSD-DIG


Current transformer

Insulated network Loads

Insulation transformer
without PC

Wiring diagram with three-phase transformer

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

RS485 Input 2 Input 1 Input

serial port PT100 PT100 current Output
(only PLUS sensor sensore C.T. .../5 A aux. relay

10 V aux.*
115 V 115 V
Link fail

Remote control panel

QSD-DIG 230/24
Remote control panel
QSD-DIG 230/24

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Power supply
To other QSD-DIG

V aux. 230 V AC



L3 Insulated three-phase network Loads


Insulation transformer

Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/26

10/126 ABB
System Technical details Protection
pro M compact Insulation monitoring devices

Wiring diagram with transformer 220/24

QSD-DIG 230/24

QSD-DIG 230/24

Test button for the

LED for signalling
presence of
testing QSD network voltage
LED for signalling over
temperature of the
insulating transformer
LED for signalling fault
Muting local in case of low
acoustic signal insulation

Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/26

ABB 10/127
System Technical details Protection
pro M compact Insulation monitoring devices


ISL-A 24-48

ISL-A 24-48

V aux:*
V control

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12




The front microswitches allow the insulation threshold level to be adjusted between 10 and 60 k7,
as shown below:
10 k7 20 k7 30 k7 40 k7 60 k7

40 60 40 60 40 60 40 60 40 60
30 30 30 30 30
20 20 20 20 20
10 10 10 10 10


Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/29

10/128 ABB
System Technical details Protection
pro M compact Insulation monitoring devices

ISL-A 115 and ISL-A 230


19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

ISL-A 115
ISL-A 230

V aux:*
V control

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18




The front microswitches are used for adjusting the insulation threshold level, enabling the fail-safe
function and configuring the reset mode for both the alarm and trip thresholds.

Microswitches A, B, C, D for programming the trip and alarm thresholds:

300 k7: A=0, B=0, C=0, D=0 100 k7: A=0, B=0, C=0, D=0
150 k7: A=1, B=0, C=0, D=0 60 k7: A=1, B=0, C=0, D=0
80 k7: A=1, B=1, C=0, D=0 40 k7: A=1, B=1, C=0, D=0
50 k7: A=1, B=1, C=1, D=0 20 k7: A=1, B=1, C=1, D=0
30 k7: A=1, B=1, C=1, D=1 10 k7: A=1, B=1, C=1, D=1

Microswitch E for configuring the FAIL SAFE mode ALARM k7 TRIP k7

E=0 fail safe mode disabled

E=1 fail safe mode enabled
300 A
100 A
C 50 C 20
D 30 D 10
off E F.S. on off E F.S. on
Microswitch F for configuring the RESET mode man. F auto man. F auto

F=0 manual reset RESET RESET

F=1 automatic reset 0 1 0 1

Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/29

ABB 10/129
System Technical details Protection
pro M compact Insulation monitoring devices

ISL-C 230

ISL-C 230

V aux

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

V aux:
220-240 V a.c.
100-130 V a.c.


Max 230 V L-N N


ISL-C 440

ISL-C 440

V aux

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

V aux:

10 220-240 V a.c.
100-130 V a.c.


Max 400 V L-N N


The front microswitches are used for adjusting the insulation threshold level between 10 and 150
k7, as shown below:
10 k7 30 k7 50 k7 100 k7 150 k7

100 150 100 150 100 150 100 150 100 150
50 50 50 50 50
30 30 30 30 30
10 10 10 10 10

Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/29

10/130 ABB
System Technical details Protection
pro M compact Insulation monitoring devices

ISL-MOT 1000

ISL-MOT 1000

V aux

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

V aux:
220-240 V a.c.
100-130 V a.c. C


Max 700 V L-L N


The front microswitches are used for adjusting the insulation threshold level between 0.1 and 10 M7.
A total of 7 microswitches are used, divided into two groups as shown below:
10 M7 7.5 M7 5 M7

10 10 10

7.5 0.5 7.5 0.5 7.5 0.5

5 0.2 5 0.2 5 0.2
2.5 0.1 2.5 0.1 2.5 0.1
1 1 1

2.5 M7 1 M7 0.5 M7

10 10 10

7.5 0.5 7.5 0.5 7.5 0.5

5 0.2 5 0.2 5 0.2
2.5 0.1 2.5 0.1 2.5 0.1

1 1 1

0.25 M7 0.1 M7

10 10

7.5 0.5 7.5 0.5

5 0.2 5 0.2
2.5 0.1 2.5 0.1
1 1

Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/29

ABB 10/131
System Technical details Command
pro M compact E 259 installation relays


Information about lamp insertion between phase and neutral
Power Number Power Number
[W] of switchable lamps [W] of switchable lamps

Incandescent lamps (230 V a.c.)

Low pressure sodium vapor lamps (SOX)
15 120
55 6
25 72
90 4
40 45
135 3
60 30
180 2
75 24
185 2
100 18
High pressure sodium vapor lamps (NAV)
150 12
70 10
200 9
150 5
300 6
250 3
500 3
400 2
Fluorescent lamps without power factor capacitors
1000 -
18 50
Metal halide and high pressure mercury vapor lamps (HQL)
36 25
50 16
40 23
80 10
58 16
125 7
65 13
250 3
Fluorescent lamps with power factor capacitors
400 2
18 17
1000 -
36 13
230 V halogen lamps (HQI)
40 12
150 12
58 8
250 7
65 7
300 6
Fluorescent twin-lamps
400 4
2 x 18 50
500 3
2 x 36 25
1000 2
2 x 40 23
Very low voltage halogen lamps (12 or 24 V AC)
2 x 58 16
20 72
2 x 65 13
50 29
0 Lamps with electronic reactor
1 x 18 38
75 20
100 15
1 x 36 30
150 10
1 x 58 17
200 7
2 x 18 19
300 5
2 x 36 15
2 x 58 8

Selection tables ............................. pag. 6/25

10/132 ABB
System Technical details Command
pro M compact E 250 latching relays


Information about lamp insertion between phase and neutral
Power Number of switchable lamps Power Number of switchable lamps
[W] E 250 - 16 A E 250 - 32 A [W] E 250 - 16 A E 250 - 32 A

Incandescent lamps (230 V a.c.) Low pressure sodium vapor lamps (SOX)
15 200 266 55 27 36
25 120 160 90 16 22
40 75 102 135 11 14
60 50 65 180 8 11
75 40 52 185 8 10
100 30 40
150 20 26 High pressure sodium vapor lamps (NAV)
200 15 20 70 15 18
300 9 12 150 8 10
500 5 7 250 4 6
400 3 4
Fluorescent lamps without power factor capacitors 1000 1 1
18 81 110
36 44 58 Metal halide and high pressure mercury vapor lamps (HQL)
40 38 53 50 30 40
58 29 35 80 18 25
65 26 34 125 12 16
250 6 8
Fluorescent lamps with power factor capacitors 400 3 5
18 103 132 1000 1 2
36 63 81
40 40 77 230 V halogen lamps (HQI)
58 41 52 150 20 27
65 37 48 250 12 16
300 10 13
Fluorescent twin-lamps 400 7 10
2 x 18 82 110 500 6 8
2 x 36 41 55 1000 3 4
2 x 40 35 50
2 x 58 23 30 Very low voltage halogen lamps (12 or 24 V AC)
2 x 65 22 30 20 116 160 10
50 46 64
Lamps with electronic reactor 75 31 42
18 83 112 100 24 32
36 46 61 150 15 21
58 31 38 200 12 16
2 x 18 40 56 300 7 10
2 x 36 23 30
2 x 58 14 19

Selection tables ............................. pag. 6/27

ABB 10/133
System Technical details Command
pro M compact® E 250 latching relays devices

Use of lighted pushbuttons

Latching relays can be controlled through lighted pushbuttons, without any limitations in terms of
connection of three-terminal types.
In two-terminals pushbuttons the current that flows through pushbutton lamps can trigger an
unwanted activation; in order to avoid this there is the E 250 CP compensation module, installed in
parallel on the coil.

Number of E 250 CP Number of connectable lighted pushbuttons

compensation modules
1P – 2P types 3P – 4P types
0 8 9
1 18 22
2 45 38

Maximum length of very low voltage connections

Too long feeding cables can cause a drop in the supply voltage, which could be inadequate for gua-
ranteeing standard operating conditions of latching relays, in particular for very low voltage types.
For this reason the wiring must not exceed the maximum lengths (outward and return) shown in the

UN 0.5 mm2 0.75 mm2 1 mm2 1.5 mm2

8 V~ 28 m 41 m 55 m 90 m
12 V~ 68 m 102 m 136 m 224 m
24 V~ 272 m 412 m 548 m 896 m
48 V~ 1096 m 1640 m 2184 m 3584 m


Selection tables ............................. pag. 6/27

10/134 ABB
System Technical details Command
pro M compact® ATT-Tool devices

ATT-Tool configuration and programming software allows users to fully customise GSM ATT telephone
module to their specific requirements. ATT-Tool has a simple and intuitive interface that allows ATT
to be quickly configured without having to remember complicated programming strings or consult
a manual to learn the programming syntax. ATT-Tool, available in all the main languages, makes it
possible to:
- Add/remove up to 250 users authorised for complete or conditional use of ATT module.
- Add/remove up to 100 recipients of call rings, sms messages, faxes or emails.
- Configure the analog or digital activation mode of the inputs.
- Configure the activation mode of the outputs.
- Define actions to be performed at pre-established intervals.
- Remotely track users and events.
- Customise commands and alerts.
- Perform program debugging.

ATT programming
The following steps describe how to program the device for receiving alarm notifications and remotely
controlling loads via mobile phone.


Menu tree
Work area


Status bar

1. Preparing the device

- Insert the SIM inside ATT, positioning it as described in the manual.
- Connect ATT to the serial port of the PC using the cable supplied in the box.
- Insert the battery inside ATT (alternatively, connect the device to a power supply).
- Check the connection to the GSM network (fast constant blinking of “GSM Network” LED ).
- Install ATT-Tool on the PC from the CD supplied in the box.
- Start ATT-Tool software.
- Right click with the mouse to select ATT model being used (A).
- Right click wtih the mouse to select the language (B).
- Right click with the mouse to select the serial port being used (C).

Selection tables ............................. pag. 6/73

ABB 10/135
System Technical details Command
pro M compact® ATT-Tool devices

2. Adding users
- Right click on the “SIM Users” item in the menu tree and choose “Add”.
- The symbol will appear inside the “SIM Users” section
- Enter the user’s name (e.g. User 1)
- Enter the user’s telephone number (e.g. +34314987536). Enter the number with the international
dial prefix.
- Right click on the “SIM Users” item in the menu tree and choose “Send”.
- The symbol changes to to show that the user has successfully been added.


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10/136 ABB
System Technical details Command
pro M compact® ATT-Tool devices

3. Configuring the inputs

- Click the “+” symbol on the “In settings” item in the menu tree and select “Input 1”.
- Configure the functioning of the inputs: digital (ON/OFF type) or analog (available only for ATT-22
and ATT-22E).

Disabled Notification of changes in the inputs is disabled.

Digital Allows ATT to notify when ON/OFF type switching of the inputs occurs.

Analog Allows ATT to monitor a continuous signal (e.g. temperature) across the
(for ATT-22 and ATT-22E) inputs, and issue a notification when it exceeds a preset threshold

- Right click on the “Input 1” item and choose “Send”

- The symbol changes to to show that the input has been successfully configured.


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ABB 10/137
System Technical details Command
pro M compact® ATT-Tool devices

To receive a call ring

To receive an SMS

To receive a FAX

4. Configuring the recipients

- Click on the “+” symbol next to the “Recipients” item in the menu tree.
- Select the event to be notified (e.g. in1 Closing, the ATT notifies when contact 1 closes).
- Enter the name of the recipient of the notification (e.g. User2). Note that the user does not have
to be the same one entered in step 2.
- Enter the telephone number (e.g. +54689764) in the desired field, as follows:
- Repeat the procedure to add other recipients or to set up notifications for other inputs.

5. Transferring the data

- Click on the “Write” symbol
- Enter the PIN of the device and click “OK”. If the SIM does not have a personal PIN enter “0000”.
10 - Enable all the fields and click “OK”.
- When the data transfer is complete, ATT module is ready for use.

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10/138 ABB
System Technical details Command
pro M compact® ATT-Tool devices

Remote programming via mobile phone

It is also possible to perform quick configuration of ATT module without using ATT-Tool software. Use
the following procedure to remotely command the loads connected to ATT and receive notifications
in real time.

1- Insert ATT SIM into your own mobile phone.

2- Save onto that SIM the mobile phone number (administrator) from which ATT is to be control-
3- Replace the SIM inside ATT.
4- Install and wire ATT as shown in the electrical diagram (connecting the load to be monitored to
input 1)
5- Send an SMS from the telephone number chosen in step 2 (administrator) to the number of the
SIM inside ATT, containing the following text:

+9, , , , SMS recipient number,01, , , ,Text example: +9, , , , +3984675,01, , , ,Alarm pump 1

- In this case the administrator will be alerted with an “Alarm pump 1” SMS as soon as input 1 of
ATT closes.
- The administrator can also activate ATT output relay by :
- Sending an SMS to ATT number, containing the text “S1” (to activate OUT1) or “S2” (to
activate OUT2).
- A free call ring to ATT number to activate output 1


Selection tables ............................. pag. 6/73

ABB 10/139
System Technical details Measurement
pro M compact Analogue measurement instruments


Wiring diagrams
Power factor meters with alternated current – Single-phase line

Direct insertion
230 V 1 8 2 19

1m A d.c.

+ -

16 17 19 23 24

Indirect insertion through C.T. (.../5 A)


S1 S2
1 2 8
P1 P2

V Indirect insertion through C.T. and V.T. (.../100 V)
S1 S2
P1 P2
Pushbutton for signal change S1 S2 S1 S2

It is placed next to the minidips – rear view and with lever to the right.
Proportional to the phase angle (output in grades, for insertion with analogue reading device). P1 P2 P1 P2

Alternated current power factor meters – Three-phase line without neutral (3 wires)

400 V 230 V Direct insertion

1m A d.c.


+ -

10 cosJ
16 17 21 23 24

Indirect insertion through C.T. (.../5 A)

0 TERMINAL BOARD 1 2 10 12

1 2 10 12 S1 S2

L1 P1 P2
5A L3

S1 S2 V Indirect insertion through C.T. and V.T. (.../100 V)

P1 P2 TERMINAL BOARD 1 2 10 12

S1 S2 S1 S2

Pushbutton for signal change P1 P2 P1 P2

It is placed next to the minidips – rear view and with lever to the right. L1
Proportional to the phase angle (output in grades, for insertion with analogue reading device). L2

Selection tables ............................... pag. 8/2

10/140 ABB
System Technical details Measurement
pro M compact Digital measurement instruments


Control of a load with the following characteristics:
In = 5 A (rated normal operating current)
Vn = 230 V a.c. (rated normal operating voltage)
Vmin = 200 V a.c. (RLV relay trip)
To scroll through the menu items press briefly (<3sec); to confirm press and hold (>3sec).
1 Connect as shown in the diagram (Vmin = 200 V).
2 Press and hold the key to enter the programming menu.
3 Scroll to the ACC menu item and confirm, then choose CC to select direct current operation, and
4 Set the full scale value to 300 V
5 Set the alarm threshold at 70 and confirm.
6 Adjust the Delay trimmer: scroll to the dLY menu item and confirm, then select the relay tripping
delay (1…30 sec).
7 Program the alarm reset hysteresis (HySTeresis) at 10% of the threshold: scroll to the HSt menu
item, confirm, and select the value 10. This results in a trip window between 200 and 220 V. The
relay will be tripped at 200 V and return to normal operation at 220 V.
8 Set the alarm output polarity: scroll to the OUt menu item and confirm, then choose whether the
contact opens or closes when an alarm is triggered (N.O. by default).

Vn=230 V
220 V
V window
= 10%
1 2 3 4 5 6 Vmin=200 V

Alarm No alarm because outside

condition hysteresis window

power signal Normal Alarm because inside

supply input input operation hysteresis window
230 V a.c. max. 600 V a.c./d.c.

Voltmeters menu layout Ammeters menu layout


ACC AC tA ---

CC 5


tHL/tHH 10...590 tHL/tHH ---...600 25

dLY 1 dLY 1 60

5 5 100

10 10 150

20 20 200

30 30 250


HSt 5 HSt 5 600

10 10

20 20

40 40

OUt nO OUt nO

nC nC


Selection tables ............................. pag. 8/16

ABB 10/141
System Technical details Measurement
pro M compact Digital measurement instruments

The DMTME series instruments are digital mul-
timeters that measure the true rms value of the
principal electrical quantities in 230/400 V a.c.
networks, with the ability to store in memory the
maximum/minimum/average measured values,
and meter active and reactive energy.
Four red LED displays provide a clear local
readout of multiple measurements simulta-
The DMTME multimeters perform the functions
of a voltmeter, ammeter, power factor meter,
wattmeter, varmeter, frequency meter, active and reactive energy meter in a single instrument, thus
substantially reducing installation space requirements and wiring time.
The DMTME-I-485 version is additionally equipped with a pulse output and RS485 port for commu-
nicating the measured parameters via a Modbus network.
All versions come with a mini CD containing the instruction manuals, technical documentation,
communication protocol and the DMTME-SW software.
The main innovations of the range are:
making it error-proof.
with routine activities.
The DMTME-SW software can perform real-time acquisition of all the readings of a multimeter
or network of DMTME multimeters, with the values displayed in a single on-screen window. The
measurements are shown in both numeric and “analog instrument” format.
DMTME-SW also functions as a simple Modbus communication test instrument, allowing the
installer to check the correct operation of the network prior to testing by the system integrator.
Configuration example of networked DMTME multimeters






Selection tables ............................. pag. 8/25

10/142 ABB
System Technical details Measurement
pro M compact Digital measurement instruments

Description of the instrument

 Displays L1, L2, L3 for showing the electrical parameters of each phase, and the energy meters
and hour counters. The illuminated dot to the right of the digits on the third display (L3) blinks during
the RS485 communication (only for the DMTME-I-485 version).
 Fourth display for showing the electrical parameters of the three-phase system.
 Button for scrolling through the energy meters and the electrical parameters of each phase shown
on displays L1, L2, L3 (); pressing and holding this button returns to the preceding value.
 Button for scrolling through the three-phase electrical parameters shown on the fourth display (),
and the hour counters; pressing an holding down this button returns to the preceding value.
 Nine LEDs which identify the electrical parameters being shown on the first three displays L1,
L2, L3. ()
 Seven LEDs which identify the electrical parameters being shown on the fourth display ().
 Button for selecting whether to display the maximum values (MAX LED () lights up), minimum
values (MIN LED () lights up) or average values over 15 minutes (AVERAGE, MIN and MAX LEDS ()
simultaneously light up) of the electrical parameters. Once the LED indicating the selected display mode
lights up, buttons () and () can be used to scroll through the various electrical parameters.
 LED indicating the scale of the electrical parameters shown on displays () and () of the instru- 10
ment (factors K= kilo, parameter x 1000, M = mega, parameter x 1,000,000.).
 LED indicating whether maximum, minimum or average values are being shown on displays ()
and ().
 + Pressed at the same time invoke the configuration (set up) menu.

Selection tables ............................. pag. 8/25

ABB 10/143
System Technical details Measurement
pro M compact Digital measurement instruments

Communication networks with Modbus RTU protocol

Modbus is a serial communication protocol created for use with programmable logic controllers
(PLC). It has become an industry standard and is the most widely used protocol for connecting of
industrial electronic devices.

Its principal benefits are:

* Ease of use
* Low resource requirements
* Openly published and royalty-free
* Allows communication between many devices connected to the same network

The Modbus support was created for controlling transfer on the line and pipeline monitoring. The
system’s flexibility and reliability make it suitable for a wide variety of processes and operations in
nearly every industry.

Modbus determines how many MASTERS and SLAVES to recognise and connect together, how
many senders and receivers are identified, how many messages are exchanged in an orderly manner
and how many errors occur. Every peripheral that needs to communicate via Modbus is assigned a
unique address. Any one of them can then send a Modbus command, although generally (necessarily,
in the case of serial) only one peripheral acts as a master. A Modbus command contains the Modbus
address of the peripheral it is intended for, and only that peripheral will act on the command, even
though all the others receive it as well. All Modbus commands incorporate control information to
ensure that the received command is correct.

Conventional I/O system

Field devices unaffected from wiring error caused by other devices thanks to indipendend wiring
Devices are cheaper
Well known technology

Higher installation complexity caused by:
point to point wiring
many terminal blocks, need additional rack space or more cabinets
troubleshouting on complex wiring
increased number of point of failure
longer initial check and start up
Expensive installation

10 Modbus Network
Well known protocol, fully documented
Many PLC, DCS and process systems are supporing this protocol
Many facilities already use it
Optimum choice when:
Modbus network or devices are being used
Modbus protocol is already used as a facility standard

Device operations require separate power
Limited diagnostic capabilities (device applications)
Limited use as a device bus

Selection tables ............................. pag. 8/36

10/144 ABB
System Technical details Measurement
pro M compact Digital measurement instruments

Unicast The protocol has one Master and up to 247 Slaves on a

mode common line covering a maximum distance of 1200 metres.
Only the Master initiates transactions. The transactions are
of the request/reply type (addressed to a single Slave) or of
the broadcast/reply type (addressed to all Slaves).

Modbus is often used for connecting a supervisory computer

with a remote terminal unit (RTU) in supervisory control and
data acquisition systems (SCADA). There are two versions of
the protocol: one for serial ports (RS232 by default, but also
RS485) and one for Ethernet.

Modbus uses a compact hexadecimal data representation.

SLAVE SLAVE SLAVE SLAVE The RTU format appends to commands/data a cyclic redun-
dancy checksum (CRC) field, while the ASCII format uses an
LRU type (longitudinal redundancy check) checksum.



DMTME-I-485-96 DMTME-I-485

Up to 1200 m Up to 247 devices



Selection tables ............................. pag. 8/36

ABB 10/145
System Technical details Measurement
pro M compact Measurement current transformers with
through primary

Standard type current transformer

TYPE CT-3 CT-4 CT-6 CT-8 CT-12 CT-8V CT-12V

OPERATION Through primary

20x10 50x20 60x30 80x50
30x10 100x50

HORIZ. BAR 30x10 60x20 80x30 125x50

CABLE 21 25 50 2x30 2x50 2x35 3x35
min. min.
80x30 100x10
20x10 30x10 w w
max. max.
VERT. BAR 3x80x5 4x125x5
Power Power Power Power Power Power Power
Primary (VA) (VA) (VA) (VA) (VA) (VA) (VA)
(A) Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating
0.5 1 3 0.5 1 3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
40 1.5
50 2
60 2
80 3
100 2.5 3
150 3 3
200 3 4
250 5 6 5
300 5 6 5 5
400 6 10 6 6 6
500 6 10 6 10 10 10
600 6 10 10 10 10 10
800 10 10 10 15 10 10
1000 10 20 10 20 10 10
1200 20 15 20 10 10
1500 30 20 20 10 10
2000 30 20 30 20 12
10 2500
30 20
20 15
4000 50 20
5000 50
6000 50

Height 75 87 120 175 119 165

Width 58 75 105 125 180 109 109
Depth 44 44 61 61.5 68.5 41 41

Selection tables ............................. pag. 8/39

10/146 ABB
System Technical details Measurement
® Measurement current transformers with
pro M compact devices
through primary


Selection tables ............................. pag. 8/39

ABB 10/147
System Technical details Measurement
® Measurement current transformers with
pro M compact devices
through primary
Power consumption of copper cables between the device and the transformer

For 5 A secondary
Cable section Power (two-pole cable) VA
mm2 VA
1m 2m 4m 6m 8m 10 m
1.5 0.58 1.15 2.31 3.46 4.62 5.77
2.5 0.36 0.71 1.43 2.14 2.86 3.57
4 0.22 0.45 0.89 1.34 1.79 2.24
6 0.15 0.30 0.60 1.89 1.19 1.49
10 0.09 0.18 0.36 0.54 0.71 0.89

For 1A secondary
Cable section Power (two-pole cable) VA
mm2 VA
10 m 20 m 40 m 60 m 80 m 100 m
1 0.36 0.71 1.43 2.14 2.85 3.57
1.5 0.23 0.46 0.92 1.39 1.85 2.31
2.5 0.14 0.29 0.57 0.86 1.14 1.43
4 0.09 0.18 0.36 0.54 0.71 0.89
6 0.06 0.12 0.24 0.36 0.48 0.60
10 0.04 0.07 0.14 0.21 0.29 0.36

Maximum load (A) on copper bars according

to DIN 43670 and 43671
Bar dimensions Rated current (In) A
mm 1 bar 2 bars 3 bars
20x5 325 560
20x10 427 925 1180
30x5 379 672 896
30x10 573 1060 1480
40x5 482 836 1090
40x10 715 1290 1770
50x10 852 1510 2040

10 60x10

Rating Ratio fault limit in % Accuracy rating

0.05 In 0.2 In In 1.2 In - 0.5 rating is required for power meters.
0.5 p1 p0.75 p0.5 p0.5
1 p2 p1.5 p1 p1 - 1 rating is required for unofficial power measures
3 From 0.5 In to 1.2 In = p 3 and power meters (measurements within the
Rating Angle fault limit in % - 3 rating is required for relays and protection
0.05 In 0.2 In In 1.2 In devices.
0.5 p1.8 p1.35 p0.9 p0.9
1 p3.6 p2.7 p1.8 p1.8 According to DIN 185, VDE-0414 and UNIE-
3 No prescriptions 21028 current and angle fault limits shall comply
with the value shown in the table.

Selection tables ............................. pag. 8/39

10/148 ABB
System Technical details Measurement
® Measurement current transformers with
pro M compact devices
through primary

Rated current Overcurrent in protection transformers
5 Overcurrent in measurement
transformers up to Sf 5
NxRated current
-4 0,05 0,1 0,2 1 1,2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

-8 Fs 5 10 P5 10 P10
Magnetic saturation
Curve at 1/4 of rated impedance
Rated impedance curve

Cable diameter calculation

The following formula applies for determining the diameters of a 95 mm2 cable:
- section=rxrx3.14 that is r2x3.14 from which r=• section/3.14 r=• 95/3.14=30.25=5.5 mm, so the
radius is 5.5 mm
- diameter=r+r so the diameter is 5.5+5.5 mm=11 mm (copper diameter to be added to the insulating
material thickness, total ø about 20 mm).
With many insertion of the cable into the current transformer it is possible to halve the primary current
while performance and rating values remain unaltered.


Selection tables ............................. pag. 8/39

ABB 10/149
System Technical details Measurement
pro M compact® Accessories for measurement devices


The examples shown below refer to the connection to an ammetric phase. For the connection to two
systems (ARON) it is necessary to use two summing transformers and two ammetric transformers
(respectively for phase L1 and for phase L3).
For the connection to three systems it is necessary to use two summing transformers and three
ammetric transformers (respectively for phase L1, for phase L2 and for phase L3).

CTS-5- wiring diagram

L3 First

S1-13 L1

L3 Second

S2-1 P1-3

CTS-5-5-5 wiring diagram



P1-3 L3
5A First


L2 Third

S2-1 P1-3

L3 Second



L3 First
10 L2


L3 Third

L3 Fourth
S2-1 P2-7 L1



Selection tables ............................. pag. 8/46

10/150 ABB
System Technical details Measurement
pro M compact® Accessories for measurement devices


Technical characteristics
Ammetric converters Voltmetric converters
in a.c./d.c. in a.c./d.c.
Auxiliary supply (separated) [V] a.c. 230 a.c. 230
Input rated values 1-5 A 120-300-500 V
Output rated values [V d.c.] 1-5-10 1-5-10
[mA d.c.] 1-5-10-4…20 1-5-10-4…20
Ohmic load [7= 700 700
Measurement field 0±In 0±Un
Accuracy rating 0.5 0.5
Permanent 2 In 2 Un
Instantaneous 10 In/1 sec. 10 Un/1 sec.
Frequency [Hz] 50/60 50/60
Time delay [ms] b300 b300
Alternated residue b1% b1%
Self-consumption current b0,8 VA voltage b1 VA
aux. supply b4 VA aux. supply b4 VA
Input/output galvanic separation
Input/output insulation, aux. supply 2 kV/50 Hz -1 min 2 kV/50 Hz -1 min
Circuit/mass insulation 4 kV/50 Hz -1 min 4 kV/50 Hz -1 min
Operating temperature [°C] 0…+55 0…+55
Dimensions 3-6 DIN modules 3-6 DIN modules
Weight [kg] 0.30 0.30

Current converters (a.c. input)

The output selection must be performed by moving

the programming pushbuttons according to the
4w20 mA d.c. specific needs.
20 mA d.c.
10 V d.c. 10 mA d.c.
5 V d.c. 5 mA d.c.

- + - +

7 8 9 10 11 12 If a V output has been selected it is necessary to

connect terminals 7 and 8, while for mA outputs
the terminals 11 and 12 must be connected.

1 2 3 4 5 6


The input selection is performed by connecting the
+ terminal of the common “C” (n. 6) to the terminal
4, for a 1 A input, and to the terminal 5 for a 5 A
Input signal (A) input.

Selection tables ............................. pag. 8/48

ABB 10/151
System Technical details Measurement
pro M compact Accessories for measurement
Current converters (d.c. input)

The output selection must be performed by moving

4w20 mA d.c. the programming pushbuttons according to the
20 mA d.c. specific needs.
10 V d.c. 10 mA d.c.
5 V d.c. 5 mA d.c.
1 V d.c. 1 mA d.c.

- + - +

13 14 17 18

7 8 10 12

signal 60 mV

Voltage converters (a.c. input)

The output selection must be performed by moving

the programming pushbuttons according to the
4w20 mA d.c. specific needs.
20 mA d.c.
10 V d.c. 10 mA d.c.
5 V d.c. 5 mA d.c.

- + - +

10 7 8 9 10 11 12 If a V output has been selected it is necessary to

connect terminals 7 and 8, while for mA outputs
the terminals 11 and 12 must be connected.

1 2 3 4 5 6

500 V

300 V
The input selection is performed by connecting the
120 V
terminal of the common “C” (6) to the terminal 5,
+ for a 120 V input, or to the terminal 4 for a
300 V input or to the terminal 3 for a 500 V input.
Input signal (V)

Selection tables ............................. pag. 8/48

10/152 ABB
System Technical details Measurement
pro M compact Accessories for measurement
Voltage converters (d.c. input)

The output selection must be performed by moving

4w20 mA d.c. the programming pushbuttons according to the
20 mA d.c. specific needs.
10 V d.c. 10 mA d.c.
5 V d.c. 5 mA d.c.
1 V d.c. 1 mA d.c.

- + - +

13 14 17 18

7 8 10 12



signal 60 mV 120 V 300 V 500 V
The cables of the selected inputs must
+ be connected to terminals 4 and 6.


Selection tables ............................. pag. 8/48

ABB 10/153
System Technical details Measurement
pro M compact Accessories for measurement


Technical characteristics

Separated auxiliary supply [V] a.c. 230/400

Input rated values [V] a.c. 230/400 (5 A)
Output rated values (selectable) 1, 5, 10 V d.c.
1, 5, 10, 20, 4/20 mA d.c.
Ohmic load [Ohm] 700
Measurement field 0÷Pn (0÷Qn)
Conversion type proportional to phase angle or to cosJ
Accuracy rating 0.5
Permanent overload 2 In/1.2 Un
Instantaneous overload 10 In/2 Un for 1 sec.
Operating frequency [Hz] 50/60
Time delay [ms] 300
Alternated residue 1%
Self-consumption voltage=1 VA/curr.=0.8 VA/aux. supply=4 VA
Input/output galvanic separation input/output insulation, aux. supply 2 kV for 1 min./50 Hz
circuit/mass insulation 4 kV for 1 min./50 Hz
Operating temperature [°C] 0...55
Dimensions 6 DIN modules
Weight [kg] 0.49

Single-phase line and input and output selection

The output selection must be performed by moving

4w20 mA d.c. the programming pushbuttons according to the
20 mA d.c. specific needs.
10 mA d.c. 230 V
10 V d.c. 5 mA d.c. C
5 V d.c. 1 mA d.c.
1 V d.c. 1 mA d.c. (analogue signal)

- + + -

If a V output has been selected it is necessary to

connect terminals 13 and 14, while for mA outputs
13 14 16 17 19 23 24 the terminals 16 and 17 must be connected. For
supplying the device at 230 V connect the common
terminal “C” and the terminal 23.

Pushbutton for signal switch

10 1 2 8 Left
proportional to the cosJ
Proportional to the phase
5A angle (output in grades, for

S1 S2
insertion with analogue reading instrument).

P1 P2
Connect input voltage to terminal 8.
Connect input current to terminals 1 and 2.

Selection tables ............................. pag. 8/49

10/154 ABB
System Technical details Measurement
pro M compact Accessories for measurement
Balanced three-phase line without neutral (3 wires)

The output selection must be performed by

4w20 mA d.c. moving the programming pushbuttons according
20 mA d.c. to the specific needs.
10 mA d.c. 400 V 230 V
10 V d.c. 5 mA d.c. SELECTABLE OUTPUTS
5 V d.c. 1 mA d.c.
1 V d.c. 1 mA CC (segnale

- + + - If a V output has been selected it is necessary

to connect terminals 13 and 14, while for mA
outputs the terminals 16 and 17 must be
13 14 16 17 21 23 24
connected. For supplying the device at 230 V
connect the common terminal “C” and the
terminal 23, while for a 400 V supply it is
necessary to connect the common terminal “C”
and the terminal 21.

Pushbutton for signal switch

1 2 10 12
Proportional to the cosJ.
V Proportional to the phase angle
S1 S2
(output in grades, for insertion
with analogue reading instrument).
P1 P2

L3 Connect input voltage to terminals 10 and 12.
Connect input current of L1 phase to terminals
1 and 2.

Unbalanced three-phase line without neutral (3 wires)

The outputs must be selected by shifting the

programming keys depending on your needs
4w20 mA DC at the time.
20 mA DC 400V 230V
10 V DC 10 mA DC C
5 V DC 5 mA DC
1 V DC 1 mA DC If an output in V has been selected, you need
to connect terminals 13 and 14 whereas you
need to connect terminals 16 and 17 if the
- + + - selected output is in mA.
To power the instrument on 230V connect AVAILABLE OUTPUTS
the common terminal “C” to terminal 23
whereas to power it on 400V you must
connect the common terminal “C” to terminal
13 14 16 17 19 21 23 24

1 2 5 6 8 10 12

5A 5A
S1 S2 S1 S2

P1 P2 P1 P2

Selection tables ............................. pag. 8/49

ABB 10/155
System Technical details Measurement
pro M compact Accessories for measurement
Balanced three-phase line with neutral (4 wires)

The outputs must be selected by shifting

the programming keys depending
4w20 mA DC on your needs at the time.
20 mA DC 400V 230V
10 V DC 10 mA DC C
5 V DC 5 mA DC
1 V DC 1 mA DC

- + + -
N If an output in V has been selected, you AVAILABLE OUTPUTS
need to connect terminals 13 and 14
whereas you need to connect terminals 16
13 14 16 17 19 21 23 24 and 17 if the selected output is in mA.
To power the instrument on 230V connect
the common terminal “C” to terminal 23
whereas to power it on 400V you must
connect the common terminal “C” to terminal

1 2 8

S1 S2

P1 P2

Unbalanced three-phase line with neutral (4 wires)

The outputs must be selected by shifting

the programming keys depending on
4w20 mA DC your needs at the time.
20 mA DC 400V 230V
10 V DC 10 mA DC C
5 V DC 5 mA DC
1 V DC 1 mA DC

- + + - If an output in V has been selected,

N you need to connect terminals 13 and
14 whereas you need to connect
10 13 14 16 17 19 21 23 24
terminals 16 and 17 if the selected
output is in mA.
To power the instrument on 230V
connect the common terminal “C” to
terminal 23; whereas to power it on
400V you must connect the common
terminal “C” to terminal 21.

1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12

5A 5A 5A
S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2

P1 P2 P1 P2 P1 P2

Selection tables ............................. pag. 8/49

10/156 ABB
System Technical details Measurement
pro M compact Accessories for measurement

Temperature control units

Technical features
Auxiliary power supply voltage [V] 100 … 125, 220 … 240, 380 … 415/50-60 Hz
Max consumption [VA] 4
Measuring inputs 2 from RTD PT100
Measurement range [°C] 0 … +220 ±2 °C
Tripping time lag – hysteresis 5 s/2 °C
Display of measurements LED, 7 segments, figures
Outputs 1 at 12 V d.c., 3 to relay NO-C-NC, 8 A resistive load
Output functions alarm, trip, fan, self-test
Programmable functions ALARM, TRIP, HOLD, FAN, MAX T.
Connections removable screw terminal board, max cross-section 2.5 mm2
Insulation [Vrms] 2500/50 Hz - 1 min
Degree of protection IP52 on front panel
can be raised to IP65 with optional cover
code 2CSG300000R5041, 2CSG500000R5041
IP20 on rear panel
Working temperature [°C] -10 … +55, max humidity 90%
Storage temperature [°C] -25 … +80
Standards CEI EN 50081-2, CEI EN 50082-2,
CEI 14.1, CEI EN 60255

1 4
2 5

3 6

7 8 9 10

1 Display for viewing temperature values and settings
2 ALARM LED for viewing alarm status of measuring channels
3 TRIP LED for viewing trip status (second-level alarm) of measuring channels
4 FAULT LED for indicating temperature control unit and sensor faults
5 HOLD LED for indicating whether manual reset function is enabled
6 FAN LED for indicating whether fan output is enabled
7 MAX T. pushbutton for selecting to view the max temperature level
8 ENTER/RESET pushbutton for confirming the programmed settings and for manually resetting
any alarms that have been tripped
9 +/- pushbuttons for selecting the measuring channels and for adjusting the programming
10 SET pushbutton with status LED for accessing and programming the device’s settings

Selection tables ............................. pag. 8/38

ABB 10/157
System Technical details Measurement
pro M compact Accessories for measurement

Pt 100 Auxiliary supply Ch1 Ch2

*U aux
white 25 - 26: 110 V a.c.
25 - 27: 230 V a.c.
red 25 - 28: 400 V a.c.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Pt 100 temperature sensor inputs


*U aux.
27 TMD-T2

Alarm OFF
Alarm ON
Relay outputs

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
To the second

indicator panel, if


Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 Ch4

Pt 100

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Pt 100 temperature sensor inputs

25 41 B

*U aux.


Auxiliary supply 26 42 A
*U aux 27 TMD-T4 43 gnd
25 - 27: 24 w 230 V a.c./d.c.
28 44
Relay outputs

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


Selection tables ............................. pag. 8/38

10/158 ABB
System Technical details Other
pro M compact® Modular transformers functions

The range of System pro M compact modular transformers consists of a series of safety transfor-
mers for general use, TS-C 25, 40 and 63 VA in accordance with the IEC-EN 61558-2-6 standard,
the TM range of bell and chime transformers, with maximum secondary voltages of 12-24V and a
maximum secondary power of 10-15-30-40VA, and the TS range of bell and chime transformers,
with maximum secondary voltages of 8-12-24V and a maximum secondary power of 8-16-24VA
(some versions of the TS transformers are available with an integrated ON/OFF switch), according
to reference standard IEC-EN 61558-2-8.

Modular safety transformers for general use, continuous functioning

The TS-C safety transformer is an insulation transformer for supplying SELV circuits (with extremely
low safety voltage) or PELV circuits (with extremely low protection voltage). In contrast to the bell
transformers, TS-C transformers can be used to continuously supply low voltage loads and they
have a reduced voltage drop value. Even after a short-circuit they maintain their temperature below
the specified limits. In addition they are equipped with a thermal sensitive restoring device which
automatically restores power when the transformer is sufficiently cooled down or the overload has
been removed.
Bell transformers are available in 2 series:

Fail proof bell transformers TM series

Following short-circuit or overload use it could be that they will not continue to operate, but they are
not dangerous to the user or to adjacent electric parts: the series includes 8 models with 10, 15, 30
and 40 VA power and 4, 8, 12 and 24 V output voltages.

Non-inherently short-circuit proof bell transformers TS series

Even after a short-circuit they maintain their temperature below the specified limits. In fact they are
equipped with a thermal protection device which automatically restores power when the transformer
is sufficiently cooled down or the overload has been removed. The TS series includes 10 models with
8, 16, 24 VA power and output voltages of 4, 6, 8 and 12 and 24 V AC.
The TS8/SW series is equipped with an ON-OFF switch on the front side that allows the control of
the load connected to transformer’s secondary circuit. It includes 5 models with 8 VA power and
output voltages of 4, 6, 8 and 12 V.


Selection tables ............................... pag. 9/2

ABB 10/159
System Technical details Other
pro M compact QSO switchboard for medical locations


Logical Operating Diagrams

Wall-mounted QSO switchboards

Main line
1 3 Output line 1
Output line 2



Description 3 kVA 5 kVA 7,5 kVA

1 Fuse holder E932/50 25 A gL 32 A gL 40 A gL

2 Insulating transformer 3 kVA 5 kVA 7,5 kVA

3 Miniature circuit breaker S202 L 16 A 25 A 40 A

4 Fuse holder E931 N/32 2 A gL 2 A gL 2 A gL


6 Temperature probe PT100 S version S version S version


Selection tables ............................. pag. 9/13

10/160 ABB
System Technical details Other
pro M compact QSO switchboard for medical locations

Logical Operating Diagrams

Floor-standing QSO switchboards

Main line
1 6
2 7
4 11

5 8
3 Id

line 9
Line 24 V
12 14

Output line 1
Output line 2
Output line....

Output line 10

Description 3 kVA 5 kVA 7,5 kVA 10 kVA

1 Disconnector, E202 100 A 100 A

2 Miniature circuit breaker, S202 25 A - curve C 25 A - curve C

Surge protection device, OVR T2 1N 40 275s P 40

3 kA - 275 V 40 kA - 275 V

4 Miniature circuit breaker, S202 L 16 A - curve C 16 A - curve C

RCBO circuit breaker, DS202 25 A 30 mA Type

5 AC- Curve C 25 A 30 mA - curve C

Miniature circuit breaker S202 20 A - curve D 32 -

6 Curve D 50 - curve 2D 63 - curve D 20 A - curve D 32 - Curve D 50 - curve D 63 - curve D

Insulating transformer IT ...(S) 3 kVA 5 kVA 7.5 kVA

7 10 kVA 3 kVA 5 kVA 7,5 kVA 10 kVA

8 Fuse holder, E932/50 50 A gL 50 A gL 10

9 Fuse holder, E932/32 32 A gL 32 A gL 32 A gL 32 GL 2 A gL 2 A gL 2 A gL 2 GL


11 Temperature probe, PT100 yes

12 Transformer, 220/24 1 kVA, 24 V version version 24 V

13 Selvtester-24 version 24 V

14 Miniature circuit breaker, S202 16 A - curve C 16 A - curve C

Selection tables ............................. pag. 9/13

ABB 10/161
System Application sheets
pro M compact®


DDA AE emergency stop ..................................................................................................... 11/4
OVR Surge Protective Devices ............................................................................................ 11/5
ISOLTESTER-DIG-PLUS insulation monitors ..................................................................... 11/6
ISL insulation monitors ........................................................................................................ 11/7
E 259 installation relays ....................................................................................................... 11/8
E 255 latching relays with sequential contacts .................................................................... 11/9
E 257 latching relays with central command ..................................................................... 11/10
E 257 C10 electronic latching relays ................................................................................. 11/11
AT electro-mechanical time switches ................................................................................. 11/12
DT digital time switches .................................................................................................... 11/13
TW1-D twilight switches .................................................................................................... 11/14
TWA-1/TWA-2 twilight switches ......................................................................................... 11/15
ATT-22 GSM terminal ........................................................................................................ 11/16
ATT-81 GSM terminal ........................................................................................................ 11/17
RAL overload alarms ......................................................................................................... 11/18
LSS1/2 load shedding switches ......................................................................................... 11/19
SQZ3 phase and sequence relays .................................................................................... 11/20
DMTME-96 multimeter ...................................................................................................... 11/21
ANR network analyser ....................................................................................................... 11/22
M1173-L-R red modular soket with indicator light ............................................................. 11/23
M1175-FL modular soket with fuse ................................................................................... 11/24


ABB 11/1
Examples of applications
Residential buildings

Public buildings

Commercial buildings


System Application sheets RCD-blocks
pro M compact® DDA AE Emergency stop

Operating principle Example of installation

The blocks are provided with two
terminals that make it possible to insert, The figures show an example
into one of the additional windings, application in which an emergency
one or more NC emergency buttons button is installed outside a heating
to remotely command opening of the plant room, and connected to the
breaker. differential circuit of the DDA AE
Interrupting the current in the circuit of block which allows the interruption
the additional winding by means of the of the electricity supply.
emergency button will thus provoke
the differential release of the breaker
associated with the block.
The DDA AE blocks clearly guarantee
positive safety of the emergency
function, since any accidental
interruption of the circuit will cause the
breaker to open as if the emergency
button had been pressed.
However, unlike an undervoltage
release (the device normally used to
implement this type of function), the
breaker will not open if there is a loss
of voltage on the line, for example
following a black-out caused by a

Application environments
DDA 200 AE S 200
The DDA AE blocks offer the
conventional residual-current protection
function, with the added possibility of
constructing release circuits that are
positively safe.
They are suitable for protecting
machinery, handling equipment, and in
general for all installations where this
type of solution is recommended.



Selection tables ............................. pag. 3/24

11/4 ABB
System Application sheets MDRCs
pro M compact® OVR Surge Protective Devices

Operating principle Example of installation

The Surge Protective Devices (SPDs),
suitable for residential, commercial and As shown in the diagrams, one of
industrial applications, are designed to the possible applications is to
limit transient overvoltage and run-off protect the equipment (TV,
lightning currents. computer, ...) against overvoltage
thanks to a Surge Protective Device
(SPD) which ensures the protective
Application environments in common mode (Ph-PE / N-PE)
Application environments and differential mode (Ph-N).
The Surge Protective Devices (SPDs)
are necessary in any environment where
the lightning risk exists (direct lightning
strike or overvoltages may occur).

L1 L2 L3 N


Type 2 SPD


Selection tables ............................... pag. 5/6

ABB 11/5
System Application sheets MDRCs
pro M compact® ISOLTESTER-DIG-PLUS Insulation
monitoring device

Operating principle
encoding measuring signal that
guarantees reliable measurements even
in the presence of strong harmonic

Application environments
Thanks to the fact that it prevents
nuisance tripping, ISOLTESTER-DIG-
PLUS is ideal for all group 2 medical
locations that need high operational

Example of installation

Conventional CRT or LCD displays,

portable oxygen delivery systems,
X-ray and sterilizing equipment can
all provoke network disturbances.

Unlike conventional insulation

monitoring devices ISOLTESTER-
DIG-PLUS uses an encoded
measuring signal that is not
affected by network disturbances

The medical staff are thus able to

continue working as normal,
without any interruptions due to
nuisance tripping.

11 L1


Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/26

11/6 ABB
System Application sheets MDRCs
pro M compact® ISL Insulation monitoring device

Operating principle Example of installation

In IT electrical distribution systems that
supply critical applications, where ISL-MOT 1000 is suitable for
operational continuity is essential, ISL preventive protection of voltageless
insulation monitoring devices assure circuits such as alarm and fire-
continuous surveillance to promptly fighting systems, pumps, etc.
detect any insulation loss. ISL-MOT 1000 continually monitors
the insulation level between the line
and earth, to guarantee that the
Application environments system will function correctly when
All IT distribution systems in which needed.
operational continuity is a critical factor, The trip threshold is programmable,
and in particular: and insulation loss can be signalled
- 24-28 V, 100-144 V and 220 V d.c. via a change-over contact, which
networks can also be used for switching
- 24-48 V, 100-144 V and 380-415 V loads.
a.c. networks
- 20-700 V a.c./d.c. voltageless

>0.5 M7

L1 1
ISL-MOT 1000
N 3
5 11


Selection tables ............................. pag. 5/29

ABB 11/7
System Application sheets MDRCs
pro M compact® E 259 installation relays

Operating principle Example of installation

The E 259 installation relays are 16 A As shown in the diagrams, one of
contactors specifically engineered for the possible applications is to
residential and commercial applications mount the E 259 16-11 installation
and are available in a wide range of relay with a NO and a NC contact
contact layouts and coil voltages. inside the electric system of a
hospital ward. The first control sent
Application environments through a switch to the command
circuit of the relay will turn off the
The E 259 installation relays are ceiling lights and turn on the
particularly indicated in residential and corridor lamps, while the second
commercial buildings for lighting control. command returns to the previous


E 259


1 3
0 1

E221-10 C C

2 4


C E 259-R11


1 2

Selection tables ............................. pag. 6/25

11/8 ABB
System Application sheets MDRCs
pro M compact® E 255 latching relays
with sequential contacts

Operating principle Example of installation

The two contacts of the E 255 latching
relays switch indipendently their position As shown in the diagrams, one of
(open/closed) at each impulse the possible applications is to
according to a preset sequence in the mount the E 255 latching relays
control circuit. inside the lighting system of an art
gallery. The first pushbutton
impulse will switch on the ceiling
lights, the second triggers the wall
Application environments lamps, the third switches off the
The E 255 latching relays are particularly ceiling lights and the fourth
indicated in environments and situations switches off the wall lamps.
requiring the load sequential control
through a single pushbutton circuit
(offices, restaurants, etc.).




1 3 E 225 relay switching



2 4

A = diffused light

A1 B = intensive light
PP E 255
A+B = max lighting


Selection tables ............................. pag. 6/27

ABB 11/9
System Application sheets MDRCs
pro M compact® E 257 latching relay with central command

Operating principle Example of installation

The E257 relays have a central As illustrated in the diagrams, the
command that allows the contacts of all E257 relays (installed in the panel
the relays to be brought to the same of a yacht) allow loads to be
position by sending a pulse to the ON controlled from the main panel
(or OFF) circuit. through pulses sent to the local coil
of each E257.
Application environments In the event of an accidental reset
of the main control panel, it will
The E257 relays are suitable for lose track of the individual state of
applications in which loads (i.e. in a the E257 relays. For this reason, the
lighting circuit) are controlled through reboot procedure requires all the
multiple relays, commanded both locally E257 relays to be reset to OFF.
and through a central command for The main control panel
resetting all the relays. accomplishes this by sending a
pulse to all the OFF contacts of the
E257 relays, through a type E259
support relay, thus bringing all the
relays to the same state.


Selection tables ............................. pag. 6/27

11/10 ABB
System Application sheets MDRCs
pro M compact® E 257 latching relay with central command

Operating principle Example of installation

The E 257 latching relay is controlled
As illustrated in the figures, one
by two circuits. The first is operated
example application is to install the
by a button and causes it to switch its
E 257 latching relay with central
contacts (open/closed). The second
command in the electrical system
circuit instead changes the state of
of an office complex, in which
the relay's contacts to open or closed
the lights of individual offices can
irrespective of their previous state.
be turned on or off either from
switches in the various rooms,
Application environments or by operating on all the circuits
The E 257 latching relay with central simultaneously from the porter's
command is particularly suited to lodge or other central location.
those situations which require sending
a single command to switch on/
off multiple loads irrespective of
the preceding open/closed state of
their circuits (lighting circuits in office
complexes, hotels, museums, theatres,



ON OFF A1 A2 1

E 257 C10 2


1 1


2 2


PP1 E 257 C10 PP2 E 257 C10

A2 A2



Selection tables ............................. pag. 6/27

ABB 11/11
System Application sheets MDRCs
pro M compact® AT electro-mechanical time switches

Operating principle Example of installation

The AT electro-mechanical time switches
As shown in the diagrams, one
enable to control the circuit opening/
of the possible applications is
closing according to a daily or weekly
to mount the AT3-7R electro-
program or to manually set permanent
mechanical time switch inside the
ON/OFF operation.
power supply circuit of a golf field.
In this case the device programming
Application environments enables the daily activation of the
The AT electro-mechanical time switches irrigation system at a preset time
are particularly indicated in any
environment and situation where it is
necessary to program system load
operation according to a daily or weekly
frequency (shop lighting system, public
buildings, heating systems, irrigation
systems, etc.).



AT3 - 7R



11 E 221-10 AT3-7R





Selection tables ............................. pag. 6/49

11/12 ABB
System Application sheets
pro M compact® DT digital time switches

Operating principle Example of installation

The DT two-channel digital time
As shown in the diagrams, one
switches enable to open and close
of the possible applications is to
circuits according to a daily or weekly
mount the DT2 two-channel digital
program, controlling single loads or
time switch inside the power supply
group of loads even when they require
circuit of a church, where in the
different time controls with a common
days when no service is performed
time reference.
only the heating system is activated
In this example, the digital time switch
(programmed on one of the two
DT2 allows the operation of heating as
channels) at a preset time, while
well as lighting systems of a church
on Sundays and when services
when services are performed; when no
are performed the lighting system
service is performed, the device only
is also switched on (through a
controls the heating system.
program on the second channel).
According to the controlled system
Application environments power, the activation is performed
The DT2 two-channel digital time by an ESB contactor.
switches are particularly indicated in
environments and situations requiring
the management of multiple loads
according to a time program flexible
enough to include or exclude their
application based on the day of the
week (offices, schools, public areas, AUXILIARY L1 N



5 6

/ 8




Selection tables ............................. pag. 6/53

ABB 11/13
System Application sheets MDRCs
pro M compact® TW1-D twilight switches

Operating principle Example of installation

The diagram shows the installation of
As shown in the diagrams, one of
the TW1-D twilight switches in the
the possible applications is the
lighting system of a chemist’s. When the
installation of the TW1-D twilight
external light decreases below a certain
switches in the lighting system of a
level (i.e. shop opening during evening
chemist’s. When the external light
hours), the device controls the lighting
decreases below a certain level
of windows and sign. When the
(i.e. shop opening during evening
chemist’s is opened during the night,
hours), the twilight switch controls
the switch-on of all lights is set through
the lighting of windows, sign and
time programming.
cross sign. The last one can have
an intermittent switch-on/off
Application environments because of E 234 TI time delay relay
The installation of TW1-D twilight installation. When the chemist’s is
switches is suitable for any environment opened during the night, the switch-
and situation needing the rationalization on of all lights (using the twilight
of power consumption (shops, offices switch) is set through date and time
and public passage areas, parking, programming using time switch.
parks, etc.). When the chemist’s is closed, the
time switch programming switches
off the windows and cross sign
lights independently from twilight
switch (sign ON).


TW1-D E 234



11 3

A1 15
A2 18


Selection tables ............................. pag. 6/53

11/14 ABB
System Application sheets MDRCs
pro M compact® TWA-1/TWA-2 twilight switches

Operating principle Example of installation

Installation of a twilight astronomical
One cause of reductions in the level
switch in a system is particularly useful
of ambient light is atmospheric
in places and situations where light
smog. Particle deposits on the
sources or other environmental
external sensor of a traditional
conditions may cause changes in the
twilight switch can over time
Lux level.
compromise its operation,
In these cases, TWA-1 and TWA-2
preventing the activation of the
enable control of the lighting system
lighting systems controlled. As
depending on the time when the sun
illustrated in the diagrams, it
rises and sets, based on the geographic
is possible to counter this type
location where they are installed.
of problem by installing a TWA
twilight astronomical switch, which
Application environments controls the lighting based on the
The TWA-1 and TWA-2 twilight ambient light level calculated from
astronomical switches are particularly the preset longitude and latitude
suitable for use in applications where parameters.
the operation of a twilight switch with
external sensor is potentially subject to
alteration or damage from external
agents (e.g. smog, overexposure to AUXILIARY L1 N

light, vandalism etc.).







Selection tables ............................. pag. 6/53

ABB 11/15
System Application sheets MDRCs
pro M compact® ATT-22 GSM modules

Operating principle Example of installation

ATT-22 module is a GSM terminal with
The figures illustrate an example
2 outputs and 2 inputs for transmitting
application in which ATT-22 module
commands and alarms via SMS
is installed in the control panel of a
message, free phone call ring, fax or
second home in the mountains.
e-mail. Configuration is accomplished
With a cell phone call ring to ATT-
by means of SMS messages, or using
22, it is possible to switch on the
the ATT-Tool software with ATT-22
boiler just before arriving at the
connected to a PC.
house, or to keep it continually in
operation. In the event of a problem
Application environments with the boiler, ATT-22 sends a
The ATT-22 module is especially suited notification SMS.

for residential and services-sector
1 2
installations in which loads need to
OUT 2 OUT 1 IN 2 IN 1
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
12-24 V
ac/dc be remotely monitored or controlled.
OUT GSM IN ATT-22E version is equipped with a pre-
2 1 Network 2 1
wired external antenna, indispensable
when the module is installed in places
that do not guarantee adequate GSM

TS 25/12-24 C

Out 1
In 1
ATT-22E Timer-thermostat

Boiler Timer-thermostat
lock Input



230 V

TS 25/12-24 C
24 V

2 1
OUT 1 IN 1
14 13 8 7


BOILER Input Auxiliar

timer therm. lock

Selection tables ............................. pag. 6/73

11/16 ABB
System Application sheets MDRCs
pro M compact® ATT-81 GSM modules

Operating principle Example of installation

ATT-81 module is a GSM terminal with
The figures illustrate an example
8 inputs and one output for transmitting
application in which ATT-81
commands and alarms via SMS
is installed in the circuit of an
message, free phone call ring, fax or
unsupervised facility.
e-mail. Configuration is accomplished
In the event of a power outage, ATT-
by means of SMS messages, or using
81 sends an alarm notification to
the ATT-Tool software with ATT-81
the list of authorised users, while at
connected to a PC.
the same time actuating the motor-
driven command which reinstates the
Application environments power supply.
ATT-81 module is ideally suited
to industrial and services-sector
installations which require loads to be
remotely monitored or controlled. ATT-
81E version is provided with a pre-wired
external antenna, indispensable when
the module is installed in places that do
not assure adequate GSM coverage.


TS 25/12-24 C F 200



230 V

TS 25/12-24 C
24 V


2 1 1 2 3 5
OUT 1 OUT 2 IN 1 Locked
ATT-22 Reset Open F2C-ARI
14 13 11 10 8 7 9 10 11

Selection tables ............................. pag. 6/73

ABB 11/17
System Application sheets MDRCs
pro M compact® RAL overload alarms

Operating principle Example of installation

The RAL overload alarms constantly
As shown in the diagrams, one of
compare the maximum preset power
consumption value to effective system the possible applications is the
power consumption. installation of the RAL overload
Approaching allowed threshold, they alarms in the domestic system
signal to disconnect one of the loads where the electric oven and
through acoustic alarm avoiding the washing machine are
main circuit breaker tripping. simultaneously switched on
Connecting the undervoltage increasing the power consumption.
release to the appropriate contact, the When the power consumption
RAL overload alarms provide an approaches the preset threshold
acoustic alarm and simultaneously values, an acoustic alarm is
opens the circuit-breaker protecting one activated and the washing
or more not primary loads. machine switches off automatically
through an undervoltage release.
Application environments
The installation of the RAL overload
alarms is suitable for any environment
and situation in order to avoid power
consumption which could trip the
limiting circuit breaker of the system.
N L1







L1 N

11 Id






Selection tables ............................... pag. 7/3

11/18 ABB
System Application sheets MDRCs
pro M compact® LSS1/2 load shedding switches

Operating principle Example of installation

LSS1/2 load shedding switches are used As shown in the diagrams, one of
in case of exceeding of consumption the possible applications is the
threshold allowed in the system by installation of the LSS1/2 load
switching off in sequence one or two shedding switches in a printing
loads, if necessary. At preset intervals office system, where the
and until current consumption is not conditioning switch-on causes the
below the reference level, the switch tries exceeding of the energy
to reset the disconnected loads. consumption threshold defined with
the supplying company by contract.
Application environments The LSS1/2 load shedding switch
preserves printing machines
The installation of the LSS1/2 load operation by switching off one or
shedding switches is suitable for any two primary loads automatically (i.e.
environment and situation where it is night conditioning and lighting),
necessary to control electric energy where ON red leds indicate
consumption within consumption limits temporary OFF. After a preset
allowed in the system. interval, the switch checks that
current consumption values fall
within the limits again trying to
reset the previously disconnected
L1 N loads.





3 5 7
4 8 12 11 14 13



Selection tables ............................... pag. 7/5

ABB 11/19
System Application sheets MDRCs
pro M compact® SQZ3 phase and sequence relays

Operating principle Example of installation

Through an output relay with contact
As shown in the diagrams, one of
in safety switching, the SQZ3 phase
the possible applications is the
and sequence presence devices for
installation of the SQZ3 phase and
400 V a.c. three-phase networks
sequence presence relays in a
enable the phase and sequence
department store, where the
presence management monitoring also
escalator supply circuit has a phase
the minimum voltage (adjustable up to
variation determining the SQZ3
70% of Vn). In case of any defect, the
relay intervention on the ESB
device operates within a range from 2
contactor and causing the motor
to 20 seconds, with the opportunity to
block and the alarm lighting
control the appropriate acoustic signals,
motor controlling contactors or circuit

Application environments
The installation of the SQZ3 phase and
sequence presence relays are
particularly suitable for any environment
and situation where it is necessary to
control the three-phase network
operation promptly signalling any L1 L2 L3






L1 L2 L3

11 L1
MS 225


7 9 11 3 5 7

4 6 8



Selection tables ............................... pag. 7/7

11/20 ABB
System Application sheets MDRCs
pro M compact® DMTME-96 Multimeter

Operating principle Example of installation

In addition to measuring the main
The figures show an application
electrical quantities, the
example in which the
DMTME-I-485-96 digital front panel
DMTME-I-485-96 is installed in a
multimeter has a serial port for
motorway tunnel panel, with an
implementing a communication
alarm threshold programmed on the
network, and two digital outputs which
total power consumption of the row
can be configured as alarm outputs.
of lights.
Programmable alarm thresholds on all
If one or more lamps burn out, the
the electrical parameters of the network
total power consumption drops and
allow the user to continually monitor the
triggers an alarm.
entire installation.
Remote acquisition of this data thus
allows a maintenance technicians
Application environments to be sent out only when effectively
The DMTME-I-485-96 multimeter is needed.
ideal for those situations where users
must remotely monitor their installation.
The multimeter makes it possible to
implement system automation, prevent
malfunctions due to overloads and
undervoltages, manage maintenance,
and monitor the functioning of the

1R 2R 3R 4R 22R 23R 24R No.R

1L 2L 3L 4L 22L 23L 24L No.L



Selection tables ............................. pag. 8/27

ABB 11/21
System Application sheets MDRCs
pro M compact® ANR Network analyser

Operating principle Example of installation

The ANR network analyser can perform
As illustrated in the figures, the
a variety of functions. In this example
ANR can be used to allocate power
the ANR is used as a data concentrator,
consumption among production
acquiring incoming data from other
cycles and track the share of
measuring devices and energy meters,
energy costs in the total product
and as a load manager.
The digital outputs in fact allow alarm
Through its digital inputs, the ANR
thresholds to be programmed which, if
is able to acquire the pulse signals
breached, will trigger audible and visible
output by various energy meters
alarm signals, or command the
and thus keep track of their totals.
energising of a relay coil or switch to
disconnect a particular load, thereby
implementing effective automated
management of energy consumption to
comply with the maximum power draw
permitted under the contract with the
energy supplier.

Application environments
ANR is suitable for industrial and
services sector applications which
require implementing control of energy
consumption, optimising service
continuity and managing the quality of
the network.


Selection tables ............................. pag. 8/33

11/22 ABB
System Application sheets MDRCs
pro M compact® M1173-LR red modular socket with
indicator light

Operating principle Example of installation

The colour-coded modular sockets are
As illustrated in the figures, a
suitable wherever the specific purpose
modular socket can be used to to
of a socket must be clearly indicated to
supply non modular devices directly
unequivocally distinguish it from the
from the electrical panel.
other sockets in the panel.
It is possible to use a red socket to
The indicator light signals the presence
indicate that it is supplied through a
of the supply voltage, showing
UPS and therefore should be used
immediately whether or not the socket
only in case of emergency.
is under power.
Using a socket with indicator light
also provides a clear indication of
Application environments whether the upstream supply is
The modular sockets are suitable for connected.
installation in all electrical distribution or
automation panels, to allow the
connection of non-modular devices
such as measuring or maintenance
instruments, etc.


Selection tables ............................. pag. 9/12

ABB 11/23
System Application sheets MDRCs
pro M compact® M1175-FL modular socket with fuse

Operating principle Example of installation

The modular sockets with fuse are ideal
As illustrated in the figures, a
wherever continuity of service is
modular socket makes it possible to
essential. The embedded fuse
supply non modular devices directly
protecting the phase prevents tripping
from the electrical panel.
of the main protection switch in the
If the connected device
event of a malfunction of the device
malfunctions, there is the risk that
plugged into the socket.
the entire electrical system will be
put out of service due to tripping of
Application environments an MCB.
The modular sockets are suitable for all This is prevented by blowing of the
electrical distribution or automation fuse incorporated into the socket,
panels, to allow connection of non thus assuring continuity of service.
modular equipment such as measuring
and maintenance instruments etc.


Selection tables ............................. pag. 9/12

11/24 ABB
System Overall dimensions
pro M compact®

MCBs DT digital time switches ................................. 12/34
S 200 ............................................................... 12/2 E 232 staircase lighting time delay relays...... 12/35
S 200 U-UP ..................................................... 12/3 TW twilight switches ...................................... 12/35
SN 201 ............................................................ 12/3 THS modular thermostats ............................. 12/36
S 280 ............................................................... 12/4 ATT GSM control and alarm monitors ........... 12/36
S 290 ............................................................... 12/4 CL logic relays ............................................... 12/37
S800 ................................................................ 12/4
Load management devices
RCDs E 450 priority switches................................... 12/38
F 200 ............................................................... 12/5 RAL overload alarms ..................................... 12/38
DDA 200 .......................................................... 12/6 LSS1/2 load shedding switch ........................ 12/38
FS 201 ............................................................. 12/7 E 235 mains disconnection relays ................. 12/39
DS 200............................................................. 12/7 SQZ3 phase and sequence relay .................. 12/39
DS 9.. .............................................................. 12/8 Max./min. current/voltage ammetric and
DS 271............................................................. 12/8 voltmetric relays ............................................. 12/39
DDA for S 290, S800 and DS800 series.......... 12/9 E 236 undervoltage monitoring relays ........... 12/40
LEE 230 power failure signalling lamp........... 12/40
Auxiliary elements and accessories for
MCBs and RCDs Measurement devices
Auxiliary elements and accessories Analogue measurement instruments ............. 12/41
for S 200, F 200 and DS 200 series .............. 12/10 Digital measurement instruments .................. 12/42
Auxiliary elements and accessories MCV-MCA, QCA-QCV voltmetric and
for SN 201 ....................................................... 12/13 ammetric switches ......................................... 12/43
Auxiliary elements and accessories DMTME multimeters ...................................... 12/44
for DS 9.. series ............................................. 12/13 MTME, ANR network analyzers .................... 12/44
Auxiliary elements and accessories CUS serial converters.................................... 12/46
for S 280, S 290 and S800 series.................. 12/14 TRF M............................................................ 12/46
Other accessories.......................................... 12/15 CT current transformers .................................. 12/47
CTSM summing current transformers ............. 12/50
MDRCs TV voltage transformers .................................. 12/51
Surge Protective Devices CONV current and voltage converters ............. 12/52
OVR range ..................................................... 12/23 CNV transducers for power factor meters........ 12/52
TMD temperature control units ........................ 12/52
Protection devices Shunts ............................................................. 12/53
RD2, RD3, RD residual current monitors and E 233 hour counters ...................................... 12/54
toroidal transformers...................................... 12/25 HMT hour counters ........................................ 12/54
E90, E 930 fuse holders ................................ 12/27 EMT electronic energy meter ........................ 12/55
M2160-M2060 fuse switches ......................... 12/28 ODINsingle electronic single phase
ILTS switch-disconnectors ............................. 12/28 energy meters................................................ 12/55
Insulation monitors ........................................ 12/28 ODIN Meter electronic three-phase
energy meters................................................ 12/55
Command devices DELTAsingle electronic single phase
E 200 switches .............................................. 12/30 energy meters................................................ 12/56
E463/3, E480/3 switches ............................... 12/30 DELTAplus electronic three-phase
E 220 switches .............................................. 12/30 energy meters................................................ 12/56
E 220 pushbuttons and indicator lamps .......... 12/30
E 210 switches .............................................. 12/31 Other modular devices
SL indicator lamps ........................................... 12/31 TS-C safety isolating transformers for
ESB/EN series contactors ............................. 12/32 general use .................................................... 12/57
E 259 installation relays ................................. 12/32 TM/TS bell transformers ................................ 12/57
E 250 latching relays ..................................... 12/32 CP-D primary switch mode power supplies ... 12/58
FLR pulse relays ............................................ 12/33 Bells and buzzers .......................................... 12/59
E 260 latching relays ..................................... 12/33 Modular sockets............................................. 12/59
STD dimmers................................................. 12/33 MA1-8001 DIN rail adapter .............................. 12/59
E 234 CT-D electronic timers ......................... 12/34 TI insulating transformers ................................ 12/60
AT electro-mechanical time switches ............. 12/34 QSO electric panels for operating theatres ..... 12/60


ABB 12/1
System Overall dimensions MCBs
pro M compact S 200

S 200
S 201 S 201 NA S 203 S 203 NA
S 202 S 204

17.5 35 52.5 70 69




S 200 with bottom-fitting auxiliary contact

S 201 S 201 NA S 203 S 203 NA

S 202 S 204 69

17.5 35 52.5 70 44





Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/2 ABB
System Overall dimensions MCBs
pro M compact S 200 U-UP

S 200 U-UP

SN 201
1P+N 58



17.6 75.7


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/3
System Overall dimensions MCBs
pro M compact S 280, S 290 and S800

S 280
1P 1P+N 2P 3P 4P


17.5 35 35 52.5 70 74

1 module 2 modules 2 modules 3 modules 4 modules

S 290

1P 2P 3P 4P

26.25 122.5
52.5 122.5
78.75 122.5
105 43.5

1.5 modules 3 modules 4.5 modules 6 modules 76

S800 S - S800 N - S800 S-R - S800 PV

1P 2P 3P 4P 52

26.5 53 79.5 106

1P 2P 3P 4P


26.5 53 79.5 106

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/4 ABB
System Overall dimensions RCDs
pro M compact F 200

F 200
F 200

F 202 F 204

35 70 69



17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 44

F 204 B, F 204 125 A, F 200 PV B

72 31


44 45


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/5
System Overall dimensions RCDs
pro M compact DDA 200

DDA 200

In=25-40 A
DDA 202 DDA 203 DDA 204

35 34.5 35 52 35 69.5 69


9.7 10.25 10.25

17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 6.8

17.5 8.75 12.95 4.85 44

9.2 8.1
8.1 9.2

In=63 A
DDA 202 DDA 203 DDA 204
35 34.5 70 52 70 69.5

9.7 10.25 10.25

17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5

17.5 8.75 26.25 8.75

17.5 17.5
17.5 17.5


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/6 ABB
System Overall dimensions RCDs
pro M compact FS 201 and DS 200

FS 201

FS 201

35 69



17.5 8.75 44

DS 200

In up to 40 A
DS 202 DS 203 DS 204

35 34.5 35 52 35 69.5 69



17.5 8.75 12.95 4.85 44

9.2 8.1
8.1 9.2

In=50-63 A
DS 202 DS 203 DS 204

35 34.5 70 52 70 69.5

17.5 8.75 26.25 8.75
17.5 17.5
17.5 17.5

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/7
System Overall dimensions RCDs
pro M compact DS 9.. and DS 271

DS 9..





DS 271


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/8 ABB
System Overall dimensions RCDs
pro M compact DDA for S 290, S800 and DS800 series

DDA for S 290 series

DDA 62 DDA 64 65
2P 100 A 4P 100 A


61 90

DDA 800 for S800 and DS800 series

133.5 51.7


26.5 40 22 82.3

196 223
117 117

26.5 26.5 61 22 22 26.5 26.5 26.5 39 22 22 22

13.5 13.5

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/9
System Overall dimensions Auxiliary elements
pro M compact Auxiliary elements
and accessories
and accessories for MCBs and RCDs
Auxiliary elements for S 200 and F 200 series

S 2C-A... S 2C-H11L S 2C-S/H 6 R

S 2C-H20L S 2C-H 6 R
S 2C-H02L
17.5 69 8.8 8.8 69





6.8 6.8

44 44

S 2C-UA...
F 2C-A...
17.4 74 F 2C 125A-SH





44 8.8
70 1/2 module

Bottom-fitting auxiliary contact (with S 200 MCB)


17.5 17


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/10 ABB
System Overall dimensions Auxiliary elements
pro M compact Auxiliary elements
and accessories
and accessories for MCBs and RCDs

17.5 66.6





17,5 44


35.5 15.4 25.4



15.5 30.5
55 (SC2-CM1) 50,3
70 (SC2-CM2/3) 80,5
87 (SC2-CM4)

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/11
System Overall dimensions Auxiliary elements
pro M compact Auxiliary elements
and accessories
and accessories for MCBs and RCDs


35.5 15.5 25.4


15.4 30.5
53 50.3



Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/12 ABB
System Overall dimensions Auxiliary elements
pro M compact Auxiliary elements
and accessories
and accessories for MCBs and RCDs
Auxiliary elements for SN 201 series




6.7 2.8
5.1 43.5






Auxiliary elements for DS 9.. series

S9-X S9-T
S9-S S9-V 78
9 18 45



Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/13
System Overall dimensions Auxiliary elements
pro M compact Auxiliary elements
and accessories
and accessories for MCBs and RCDs
Auxiliary elements for S 280 and S 290 series

S2-H.. S2-A.. S 290 H11 S 290 A1

S2-S S2-BM. 44
S 290 S S 290 A2
S2-S/H S2-BP S 290 BM



8.75 17.5 17.5
8.75 73
1/2 module 1 module 1/2 module 1 module

S 800-AUX, S 800-AUX/ALT

9 6 82.5





Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/14 ABB
System Overall dimensions Auxiliary elements
pro M compact Auxiliary elements
and accessories
and accessories for MCBs and RCDs
S 800-RD+S 800-RHE, S 800-NT, S 800-BB250, S 800-BBPC120

S 800-RD+S 800-RHE
76 81 67



max. 500mm

S 800-BB250 S 800-NT 6 79.8

651 27 76.5
27 8 3 17.9 46



S 800-BBPC120
79 56.25
27 30

Terminal covers

PCD 4 N PCD 6 N PCD 8 N 12

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/15
System Overall dimensions Auxiliary elements
pro M compact Auxiliary elements
and accessories
and accessories for MCBs and RCDs
Enclosures of moulded-plastic

N + PE common terminals for QES


SMO 10

QES 10/3 N


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/16 ABB
System Overall dimensions Auxiliary elements
pro M compact Accessories
and accessories
for MCBs and RCDs
Flush frame

Type Dim. L Max. No. of modules

(1 module=17.5 mm)
S 500 - ME 1 38 mm for 2 module
S 500 - ME 2 88 mm for 5 module
S 500 - ME 3 184 mm for 10 module

Mounting rails
/ In the case of DSW 1,
the drill holes
are vertical

Name A A1
DSW 17.5 15
DSW 2 35 20
DSW 3 52.5 37.5
DSW 4 70 55
DSW 6 105 90


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/17
System Overall dimensions Auxiliary elements
pro M compact Busbars
and accessories
for MCBs and RCDs

PS 1/2
L1... Spacing 17.5


35.2 (PS 1/2)

PS 1/6
L1... Spacing 17.5

105.6 (PS 1/6)

PS 1/9
L1... Spacing 17.5

158.4 (PS 1/9) 7

PS 1/12
L1... Spacing 17.5

211.2 (PS 1/12)

PS 3/60
L1 L2 L3 Spacing 17.5

1056 (PS 3/60 and 3/60/16)
1056 (PS 3/60A and 3/60/16A)

Auxiliary contact
bridge HKB
0.75 mm2

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/18 ABB
System Overall dimensions Auxiliary elements
pro M compact Busbars
and accessories
for MCBs and RCDs

PS 3/6
L1 L2 L3 Spacing 17.5


105.6 (PS 3/6)

PS 3/9
L1 L2 L3 Spacing 17.5

158.4 (PS 3/9)

PS 3/12 (2CDL 230 001 R1012)

L1 L2 L3 Spacing 17.5

216 (PS 3/12 and 3/12/16)

PS 3/12 FI (2CDL 230 002 R1012)


L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 Spacing 17.5

212 (PS 3/12 FI)


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/19
System Overall dimensions Auxiliary elements
pro M compact Busbars
and accessories
for MCBs and RCDs

PS 2/12
L1 L2 Spacing 17.6

212 (PS 2/12 and 2/12/16)

PS 2/58
L1 L2 Spacing 17.6

1019 (PS 2/58 and 2/58/16)

PS 2/48 Spacing 17.6 (L1-L2)

L1 L2 L1 L2 Spacing 44 (L1...L1)

1046 (PS 2/48H and 2/48/16H)

PS 3/39H
L1 L2 L3 Spacing 26.4

1020 (PS 3/39H and 3/39/16H)

PS 3/48H Spacing 17.6 (L1-L2-L3)

Spacing 61.6 (L1...L1)
L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3


975 (PS 3/48H)
980 (PS 3/48/16H)

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/20 ABB
System Overall dimensions Auxiliary elements
pro M compact Busbars
and accessories
for MCBs and RCDs

PS 3/12 FI H

L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 Spacing 17.6

212 (PS 3/12 FI H)

PS 4/12
L1 L2 L3 N Spacing 17.6

212 (PS 4/12 and 4/12/16)

PS 4/60
L1 L2 L3 N Spacing 17.6

(PS 4/60)
(PS 4/60/16)
1056 (PS 4/60 and 4/60/16)

PS 4/58 N
L1 N L2 N L3 N Spacing 17.6

(PS 4/58 N)
(PS 4/58/16 N)
1019 (PS 4/58 N)
1019 (PS 4/58/16N)

PS 3/12 E 463
L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3

13.8 13.8 17 Spacing 17.6


200 (PS 2/12 E 463)

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/21
System Overall dimensions Auxiliary elements
pro M compact Busbars
and accessories
for MCBs and RCDs
ME flange for rear board mounting

57 mm for S 240-S 250- ME 1 - 1 module 18 40 50
S 270-S 280 circuit-breakers ME 2 - 2 modules 36 57.5 67
ME 3 - 3 modules 54 75.5 85
72 mm for S 210 circuit-breakers ME 4 - 4 modules 72 93 103 D
ME 6 - 6 modules 108 129 139
ME 8 - 8 modules 144 164 172

Ø 3.5+4

6 80


14 34



65 22.5


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/22 ABB
System Overall dimensions Protection
pro M compact®

Type 1 Surge Protective Devices

1 pole 1 pole 2 poles 2 poles + TS
58 35 35 70.4 88


7 OVR T1 25 255 OVR T1 25 440-50 OVR T1 2L 25 255 OVR T1 2L 25 255 TS
OVR T1 50/100 N OVR T1 1N 25 255 OVR T1 1N 25 255 TS

3 poles 105 3 poles + TS 122.5

OVR T1 3L 25 255 OVR T1 3L 25 255 TS

4 poles 140 4 poles + TS

OVR T1 4L 25 255 and OVR T1 3N 25 255 OVR T1 4L 25 255 TS and OVR T1 3N 25 255 TS

Type 1+2 Surge Protective Devices

1 pole
58 35


43.5 OVR T1+2 25 255 TS

Type 1 & Type 1+2 Surge Protective Devices

1 pole 4 poles (3P+N)
17.6 88



Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/23
System Overall dimensions Protection
pro M compact®

Type 1 + 2 / Type 2 Surge Protective Devices

Type 2 SPDs without TS Type 2 SPDs with TS
58 58




7 7
43.5 43.5

1 pole 1 pole 2 poles (1P+N)

12.5 17.5 35

OVR TC 6V P OVR T2 15 OVR T2 1N 15

OVR T2 40 OVR T2 1N 40
OVR T2 70 OVR T2 1N 70
OVR T1+2 7 275s P OVR T1+2 1N 7 275s P

3 poles

OVR PV 40 600
OVR PV 40 1000

3 poles 4 poles (4P+0) 3 poles (3P+N)

52.5 70 70

OVR T2 3L 15 OVR T2 4L 15 OVR T2 3N 15
OVR T2 3L 40 OVR T2 4L 40 OVR T2 3N 40
OVR T2 3L 70 OVR T2 4L 70 OVR T2 3N 70
OVR T1+2 3L 7 275s P OVR T1+2 4L 7 275s P OVR T1+2 7 275s P

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/24 ABB
System Overall dimensions Protection
pro M compact®

RD2 residual current monitors



35 50

2 modules 64.8

RD front panel residual current monitors

48 9 63 20





10 60 18




96 60 18





Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/25
System Overall dimensions Protection
pro M compact®

RD3 residual current monitors

6.8 13.7

Toroidal transformers
TRM TR1, TR2, TR3, TR4, TR160, TR160A




52.5 43.5
58 F B
3 modules










Type Dimensions (mm)

TR1 35 100 60 110 47 50 43 30 –
TR2 60 100 60 110 47 50 43 30 –
TR3 80 150 110 160 70 50 43 30 –
TR4 110 150 110 160 70 50 43 30 –
TR4A 110 145 110 150 75 45 38 25 180
TR160 160 220 156 236 110 64 50 34 –
TR160A 160 220 156 236 110 64 50 34 –
TR5 210 310 240 290 145 260 280 36 55
TR5A 210 310 240 290 145 260 280 36 55

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/26 ABB
System Overall dimensions Protection
pro M compact®

E 90 fuse disconnectors and E 90h fuse holders

1P (E91h) 1P+N, 2P 3P, 3P+N (E93h) 3P+N, 4P


17.5 35 52.5 70 64

1 module 2 modules 3 modules 4 modules

E 930 fuse holders

20 A, 32 A
1P - 1P+N 2P 3P - 3P+N


17.5 35 52.5 72

1 module 2 modules 3 modules

50 A
1P 1P+N, 2P 3P 3P+N, 4P 50


Tipo Nr.26.5
poli 53
Dim. fusibile 79.5
A B/B aperto 106
C D E/E aperto F
E 931/20-32 1 8,5 x 31,5 (32A: 10,3 x 38) 83 72/107 17,5 45 65/102 44
E 931N/20-32 1+N 8,5 x 31,5 (32A: 10,3 x 38) 83 72/107 17,5 45 65/102
76.5 44
125 A
E 932/20-32 2 8,5 x 31,5 (32A: 10,3 x 38) 83 72/107 35 45 65/102 44
E 933/20-32 31P+N, 2P 8,5 x 31,5 3P
(32A: 10,3 x 38) 83 3P+N, 4P
72/107 52,5 45 50
65/102 44
E 933N/20-32 3+N 8,5 x 31,5 (32A: 10,3 x 38) 83 72/107 52,5 45 65/102 44

E 931/50 1 14 x 51 107 76/104 21 45 60 50

E 931N/50 1+N 14 x 51 107 76/104 42 45 60 50


E 932/50 2 14 x 51 107 76/104 42 45 60 50

E 933/50 3 14 x 51 107 76/104 63 45 60 50
E 933N/50 3+N 14 x 51 107 76/104 84 45 60 50

E 931/125 1 22 x 58 124 76/104 35 45 60 50

E 931N/125 1+N 22 x 58 124 76/104 70 45 60 50
E 932/125 2 22 x 58 124 76/104 70 45 60 50
E 933/125 3 22 x 58 124 76/104 105 45 60 60 50
35 70 105 140
E 933N/125 3+N 22 x 58 124 76/104 140 45 60 50

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/27
System Overall dimensions Protection
pro M compact®

M2160 - M2060 fuse switches

1P 1P+N 3P 3P+N 68
17.5 35 52.5 70 38

1 module 2 modules 3 modules 4 modules

ILTS switch-disconnectors





6 modules

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/28 ABB
System Overall dimensions Protection
pro M compact®



52.5 68

3 modules

QSD remote signalling panels




ISL industrial insulation monitoring devices

ISL-A 115 ISL-A 24-28
ISL-A 230 ISL-C 230
ISL-C 440
ISL-MOT 1000

105 58 52,5 58
44 44
7 8 9 10 11 12

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

1 2 3 4 5 6

6 modules 65 3 modules 65

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/29
System Overall dimensions Command
pro M compact®

E 200 switches

1 module 2 modules 3 modules 4 modules

E 463/3-KB, E 480/-KB, E 463/3-SL switches

2.5 modules

E 220 switches, pushbuttons and indicator lamps

17.5 68

1 module 1 module

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/30 ABB
System Overall dimensions Command
pro M compact®

E 210 switches
67.9 67.5 59.5

58 58 58
9 18
43.5 43.5 43.5





64.7 64.7 64.7
0.5 module 1 module

SL luminous indicators for panel installation

48 48 7





55 9




Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/31
System Overall dimensions Command
pro M compact®

ESB/EN contactors

ESB 20 ESB 24 ESB 40 - ESB 63 ESB 04

17.5 35 54 9 44
1 module 2 modules 3 modules 58

E 259 installation relays

1 module 2 modules 1/2 module
17.8 35.6 8.9

E 259 16-10
E 259 16-20 E 259 16-30
E 259 16-11 E 259 16-40 E 250-H
E 259 16-19 E 259 16-39
E 259 16-29 E 259 16-49

E 250 latching relays

2 modules 1,5 modules 1 module 1 module 1/2 module
35.6 26.7 17.8 17.8 8.9

E 257-C003 E 257-C20 E 251 E 250 CM E 257-CM
65 E 257-C30 E 257-C002 E 252 E 250 CP E 250-H
E 256 E 250 GM
E 256.1
E 256.2
E 257-C10

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/32 ABB
System Overall dimensions Command
pro M compact®

FLR pulse relays


Ø 3,5


23 45

E 260 latching relays

STD dimmers

STD 50 3 modules STD-500 MA 2 modules


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/33
System Overall dimensions Command
pro M compact®

E 234 CT-D electronic timers

2CDC 251 089 F0b06

CT-D with 1 c/o contact CT-D with 2 c/o contacts

58 2.28“ 58 2.28“
0.69“ 0.2“ 0.69“ 0.2“
17.5 5 43.4 1.71“ 17.5 5 43.4 1.71“

80 3.15“

45 1.77“
70 2.76“

45 1.77“
1 module
1 module

AT electro-mechanical time switches


AT2-7R AT3-7R 44

1 3 5 L N

88.5 45

2 4 6 10 12
2 4

1 3

17.8 35 54 60

DT digital time switches


35.8 43.8 65 75
1 3 5 7


85 45

12 2 4 6 8


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/34 ABB
System Overall dimensions Command
pro M compact®

E 232 staircase lighting time delay relays

E 232-230 E 232 E
E 232 HLM

TW twilight switches

TW1 - TW1/D TWA-1, TWA-2

17.5 60 35.8 43.8

1 3 1 3 5 7

5 7

90 45 85 45

L N 2 4 6 8



35 48 28
1 3 5 L N

90 45

2 4 6 8 10


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/35
System Overall dimensions Command
pro M compact®

THS modular thermostats


1 3 5 L N

90 45

2 4 6 8 10

2 module

ATT GSM modules




Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/36 ABB
System Overall dimensions Command
pro M compact®

CL logic relays
2CDC 311 034 F0b06


10.75 50 16.25 75 16.25 7.5





2CDC 312 013 F0b06
M4 M4 4.5
35.75 107.5
7.5 47.5
35.5 56.5






20 43.2

2CDC 312 018 F0b06

28.25 30 28.25 20 13.7



2CDC 312 014 F0b06



2CDC 312 015 F0b06

2CDC 312 016 F0b06

75 29.3 36.2
88.1 19 25 65.5


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/37
System Overall dimensions Load
pro M compact®
E 450 priority switches

E 451 …
E 452 …

RAL overload alarms

3 1

35 58

2 modules

LSS1/2 load shedding switches



87.5 58
5 modules

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/38 ABB
System Overall dimensions Load
pro M compact®

E 235 mains disconnection relays

SQZ3 phase and sequence relays

70% 100%
Phases Sequence

OK Min Voltage

400V 50Hz

OK Three phases

2 20

OK Min Voltage Delay (s)

52.5 58

3 modules

Max./min. current/voltage ammetric and voltmetric relays


52.5 58
3 modules

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/39
System Overall dimensions Load
pro M compact®
E 236 undervoltage monitoring relays

LEE 230 power failure signalling lamp



ø 38


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/40 ABB
System Overall dimensions Measurement
pro M compact®

Analogue measurement instruments




3 modules

Front panel analogue measurement instruments

48 53 R3



72 53

68 w 0.7

68 w 0.7

96 53

92 w 0.8

92 w 0.8


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/41
System Overall dimensions Measurement
pro M compact®

Digital measurement instruments

VLMD-1-2, AMTD-1, AMTD-2, VLMD-1-2-R, AMTD-1-R, AMTD-2-R



52.5 58
3 modules

Front panel analogue measurement instruments

33 w 0,8
72 86

68 w 0,8

45 w 0,8
96 86 R3

92 w 0,8

72 53
68 w 0,7


68 w 0,7

96 53

12 R3
92 w 0,8

92 w 0,8

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/42 ABB
System Overall dimensions Measurement
pro M compact®

MCV - MCA voltmetric and ammetric switches




3 modules

QCV - QCA front panel voltmetric and ammetric switches

48 x 48

36 x 36

42 x 42
28 53 28


DMTME multimeters


6 modules

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/43
System Overall dimensions Measurement
pro M compact®

DMTME-90 and DMTME-72 front panel multimeters

96 90




72 8 73




MTME network analysers

96 90




Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/44 ABB
System Overall dimensions Measurement
pro M compact®

ANR network analysers

ANR 96
96 106
14 9



ANR 144
144 33 27





Plug in accessories

89 15


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/45
System Overall dimensions Measurement
pro M compact®

CUS serial converters



6 modules

Modular current transformers with through primary




52.5 58
3 modules


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/46 ABB
System Overall dimensions Measurement
pro M compact®

Standard type current transformers.../5 A with wound primary


From 1 to 25 A from 40 to 100 A

45 45

40 40






55 55
4.2 46 4.2 46
63 63
56 56 88

CTA1 and CTA2

105 M4



69 69

85 85

Standard type current transformers...5 A with through primary

50 21




21. 4

11.2 37.5



Central section
58 44 Accessory for fixing on DIN rail

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/47
System Overall dimensions Measurement
pro M compact®

CT4 50 21








75 44 33 Accessory for fixing on DIN rail
Central section

CT6 75 21 3.7






105 61
Central section


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/48 ABB
System Overall dimensions Measurement
pro M compact®

50 21 3.7





125 61.5
Central section

50 21



109 41
Central section


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/49
System Overall dimensions Measurement
pro M compact®

50 21 3.7






180 68.5 102.3

Central section

50 21



109 41
Central section

Summing current transformers



105 58

6 modules

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/50 ABB
System Overall dimensions Measurement
pro M compact®

Voltage transformers

76 21 3.7



85 76



70 66 ø 4.7

90 135




80 90 ø 4.7

105 168



Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/51
System Overall dimensions Measurement
pro M compact®




52.5 105 58

3 modules 6 modules

TMD temperature control units

14 106 9






Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/52 ABB
System Overall dimensions Measurement
pro M compact®

SNT1 w 25 A/60 mV





SNT30 w 200 A/60 mV


100 80

SNT250 w 350 A/60 mV




SNT400 w 700 A/60 mV



145 105

SNT750 w 1000 A/60 mV

10 65


165 115

SNT1200 w 1500 A/60 mV 21

10 65




SNT2000 w 2500 A/60 mV

10 65





SNT4000 A/60 mV

10 65





SNT5000 w 6000 A/60 mV







Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/53
System Overall dimensions Measurement
pro M compact®

E 233 electro-mechanical hour counters

HMT electro-mechanical hour counters



35 58

2 modules


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/54 ABB
System Overall dimensions Measurement
pro M compact®

EMT electronic single phase energy meters

52.5 58
3 modules

ODINsingle electronic single phase energy meters

85 85

35,75 63.4

ODIN Meter electronic three-phase energy meters


105 63.4

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/55
System Overall dimensions Measurement
pro M compact®

DELTAsingle electronic single phase energy meters


DELTAplus electronic three-phase energy meters


122.5 64.8

7 modules


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/56 ABB
System Overall dimensions Other
pro M compact®

TS-C safety isolating transformers for general use

TS25, TS40 TS63


70 87.5 58
4 modules 5 modules

TM/TS bell transformers

TM10 TM15 TM30 TM40

TS8...TS16 TS24

35 52.5 58

2 modules 3 modules


Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/57
System Overall dimensions Other
pro M compact®

CP-D primary switch mode power supplies

2CDC 271 025 F0b07

18.0 53.0


CP-D 12/0.83, CP-D 24/2.5 CP-D 12/2.1, CP-D 24/1.3
CP-D 24/0.42




2CDC 272 014 F0b07


CP-D 24/4.2 49.0



Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/58 ABB
System Overall dimensions Other
pro M compact®

Bells and buzzers




35 35 44 44
58 68
1 module 2 modules 2 modules

Modular sockets
44 60


2.5 modules

MA1-8001 DIN rail adapter

45 50

35 40
2 modules

Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

ABB 12/59
System Overall dimensions Other
pro M compact®

TI insulating transformers

Rated output [KVA]

Dimensions 3 5 7,5 10
b [mm] 205 240 240 277

c [mm] 170 170 170 176
f [mm] 115 115 115 173
h [mm] 340 380 380 380
p [mm] 150 150 170 203

f c
Weight [kg] 29,5 44 50,5 73

p b

QSO electrical switchboard for medical locations

700 538 365

PV 4060



PO 6069







Selection tables ............................... pag. 0/0

12/60 ABB
System Worldwide marks and approvals
pro M compact®


Worldwide marks and approvals.......................................................................................... 13/2


ABB 13/1
System Worldwide marks and approvals
pro M compact® MCBs and RCDs

This is the present situation regarding

worldwide marks and approvals for ABB
System pro M compact range devices. AENOR - Spain BBJ - Poland BSMI - Taiwan CCC - China
Although some products already obtained
some approvals or certificates, they don’t
necessarily bear the related marks on the
S 200 ■ ■
product. ■ ■
S 200 M
S 200 P ■ ■
S 200 U
S 200 UP
SN 201 ●
S 280 ■
S 290 ■
S 800 ■
F 200 ■ ■3 ■3
DDA 200
FS 201
DS 200
DS 9.. ■
DS 271
DDA for S 290
DDA 800
S 290 accessories

GOST - Ucraina IMQ - Italy IRAM - Argentina KEMA - Netherland

S 200 ■ ■
S 200 M ■ ■
S 200 P ■ ■
S 200 U
S 200 UP
SN 201 ■ ■
S 280 ■
S 290
S 800
F 200 ■ ■ ■3 ■
DDA 200 ■ ■
FS 201 ■
Legend: DS 200 ■ ■
DS 9.. ■ ■ ■
■ Approved DS 271 ■ ■
DDA for S 290 ■
● Waiting for approval
DDA 800 ■
/Supplementary protection

0Branch circuit protection

1DS 951 SIQ - Slovenia SIRIM - Malaysia TICK - Australia UL - USA

2DS 951 - DS 971

3Available for F200 type for overseas markets

S 200 ■ ■ ■ ■/
Indicated approvals are the whole of the approvals for all S 200 M ■ ■ ■ ■
devices versions; contact your LSO to know which are the S 200 P ■ ■ ■ ■/
approvals obtained for each device version S 200 U ■0
S 200 UP ■0
SN 201
S 280 ■
S 290 ■
S 800
■3 ■3 ■
13 The F 200 range has obtained the EPD F 200
F 204 B
DDA 200
(Environmental Product Declaration), FS 201
according to ISO 14040. DS 200
This product/service has a DS 9.. ■
describing information about environmental performance, contents and recycling
DS 271 ■
which has been controlled and verified by Rina according to MSR 1999:2
Registration number: S-P 00080 and S-P 00081
DDA for S 290
More information on the Internet : http//
DDA 800

13/2 ABB
System Worldwide marks and approvals
pro M compact® MCBs and RCDs

CEBEC - Belgium CERTIF - Portugal CSA - Canada DEMKO - Denmark EZU - Czech Rep. FIMKO - Finland GOST - Russia

■ ■ ■/ ■ ■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■ (b 25 A) / ■ ■ ■ ■

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

■ ■ ■

LCIE - France NEMKO - Norway OVE - Austria PSB - Singapore SABS - South Africa SEMKO - Sweden SEV - Switzerland

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

■ ■ ■ ■3 ■3 ■ ■

■ ■

■ ■

VDE - Germany DNV - Norway GL - Germany LRS - Great Britain RINA - Italy RMRS - Russia

■ ■ ■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■

■ ■ ■

■ ■ ■ ■

■ 13

■ ■1 ■2

ABB 13/3
System Worldwide marks and approvals
pro M compact® Modular devices

CCC - China CEBEC - Belgium GOST - Russia GOST - Ucraina IMQ - Italy KEMA - Netherland LCIE - France

MS 225 ■
E 90 ● ● ●
E 930 .. .. / ■ ■ ■
E 200 ■ ■
E 220 ■ ■ ■
E210 ● ●
EN ■
E 259 ■ ■
E 250 ■ ■
E 260 ■
E 234 ■ ■
AT ■ ■
DT ■ ■
E 232 ■
TW ■ ■
RAL ■ ■
LSS1/2 ■ ■
SQZ3 ■ ■
LEE 230 ■ ■
CT / CTA / TRFM ■ ■
TM ■ ■ ■1
TS ■ ■
TS-C ■ ■
SM/RM ■ ■
M1170 ■
M1173 ■ ■ ■
M1174 ■ ■ ■ ■
M1175 ■ ■
RD ■ ■
TR-TRM ■ ■
M20..-M21.. ■


■ Approved whole range

● Waiting for approval

/Only E 930 32 A

0Except for ESB/EN 20

1Except for TM40

2Only 50 and 125 A


13/4 ABB
System Worldwide marks and approvals
pro M compact® Modular devices

UL/CSA - USA/Canada VDE - Germany BV/F - France GL/D - Germany LRS - Great Britain RINA - Italy RMRS - Russia

■ ■
● ● ● ●

■ ■
■ ■
■ ■0 ■0
■ ■0 ■0


ABB 13/5

13/6 ABB


13/ 8
2CSC400002D0207 - January ’09
Printed in Italy
12.000 - CAL

In consideration of modifications to Standards and materials, the characteristics

and overall dimensions indicated in this catalogue may be considered binding only
following confirmation by ABB

ABB SACE - A Division of ABB S.p.A.


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