The Design and Implementation of Activity-Based Costing: A Case Study of A Taiwanese Textile Company
The Design and Implementation of Activity-Based Costing: A Case Study of A Taiwanese Textile Company
The Design and Implementation of Activity-Based Costing: A Case Study of A Taiwanese Textile Company
The design and implementation costing
of activity-based costing
A case study of a Taiwanese textile company
Rong-Ruey Duh
Department of Accounting, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Received 28 November 2008
Thomas W. Lin Accepted 29 January 2009
Purpose – This paper describes the design and implementation of an activity-based costing (ABC)
system for a textile company in Taiwan.
Design/methodology/approach – An in-depth field investigation by collecting and analyzing
39 months of field data, gathering information from files and archives, direct observation, interviews,
and statistical analyses was conducted.
Findings – First, the company’s existing cost system adopted a volume-based cost driver to allocate
overhead costs to products. While the company devised an “equivalent factor” to take
production-complexity into account, the weakness of the metric led to product cost distortions.
Second, the existing volume-based cost system ignores the impact of rework processes on product
costs. Third, adding complexity-related cost drivers to the volume-based cost driver increases the
ability to explain variations in overhead costs. Fourth, the newly designed ABC system incorporates
both volume-based and non-volume based drivers, which considers the effect of rework on product
costs. Fifth, the existing volume-based cost system overestimates the costs of high-volume products
and underestimates the costs of products with high production-complexity. Finally, the company still
stays at the analysis phase of the ABC system implementation, possibly due to revision of strategy, no
linkage to incentives, lack of MIS support, and inadequate inventory control.
Practical implications – The above findings have implications for companies attempting to
implement ABC.
Originality/value – This paper extends prior research in the following. First, it reports on the entire
process of ABC implementation for a given company, as well as facilitators/impediments in the process.
Second, while most prior research tends to focus on success cases, our study presents a failure case, which
has implications for practitioners trying to avoid the same mistakes.
Keywords Activity based costs, Cost drivers, Textile industry, Taiwan
Paper type Research paper International Journal of Accounting
and Information Management
Vol. 17 No. 1, 2009
The author wish thank Chee Chow, Margaret Palisoc, Wim Van der Stede, Mark Young and pp. 27-52
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
participants at the 2006 Chinese Accounting Professors Association Annual Conference and the 1834-7649
2007 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting for their helpful suggestions. DOI 10.1108/18347640910967726
IJAIM 1. Introduction
17,1 This paper discusses the background, process, and results of implementing an
activity-based costing (ABC) system in a textile company. With increasing global
competition in recent years, the textile industry – as well as other industries – has
adopted higher production automation and product diversification. This tendency has
rendered cost allocation for manufacturing overhead a critical factor in estimating
28 product costs. The fact that there is no relationship between the majority of the
manufacturing overhead costs and their volume allocation basis creates problems. As a
result, product costs calculated by traditional volume-based allocation methods will be
distorted, leading to “cross subsidy.” This, in turn, often misdirects decisions about
product pricing, product mix, and the choice to manufacture or outsource (Cooper and
Kaplan, 1988a, b; Kaplan, 1988). Alternatively, the ABC system traces and allocates
costs to products with cause-effect drivers – including volume-based and
non-volume-based drivers – and thus is expected to improve the accuracy of cost
calculation, assist in making accurate decisions, and serve as a benchmark for
planning and control.
Previous ABC studies have either focused on the design of an ABC system and the
comparison of product costs under ABC with those under the existing costing method
without much validation on the design (Cooper and Kaplan, 1991; Turney, 1992), or
compared the correlations between overhead and various cost drivers without
discussing the background and processes of actually implementing the ABC system
(Banker and Johnston, 1993; Foster and Gupta, 1990). Since this second set of studies
also failed to utilize research findings to design a new cost system or modify an
existing one, a discussion of actual implementation and correlations between overhead
and cost drivers could assist management in perceiving the benefits of ABC. Research
on the determinants of ABC success have often concentrated on organizational
behavior issues (Shields, 1995; Shields and Young, 1989), yet seldom have discussed
the company’s changing attitudes toward ABC implementation. In addition, most prior
research had been conducted among companies in Western countries while the
experience of ABC implementation in other countries is often ign ored. The increasing
importance of Asian countries in the world economy and the impacts of their distinct
national cultures on company management both suggest that more ABC research in
the Asian context is necessary (Brewer, 1998; Hofstede, 1980). This paper extends prior
research by using a textile company in Asia as the research site and integrates a broad
range of issues into one study: diagnosing the existing costing system, designing and
validating an ABC system, documenting the design and implementation of the ABC
system, and identifying factors affecting the success or failure of such implementation.
In so doing:
the comparison of product costs under the two systems; and
the comparison of correlations between manufacturing overhead and cost
drivers are both included.
We collected field data for 39 months, and found that the existing cost system created
product cost distortions. Relative to the ABC system, the existing cost system
overestimates the costs of high-volume products and underestimates the costs of
products with high production-complexity. We also found that the company was not
able to move past the analysis phase of ABC implementation (Cooper et al., 1992).
Possible reasons for not proceeding to the action phase include revision of competitive Activity-based
strategy, no linkage to incentive systems, lack of MIS support, and inadequate costing
inventory control in the production processes.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we review
the literature on activity-based costing. In Section 3, we describe the research
methodology. In Section 4, we present the data analysis and report the findings on both
existing and ABC systems. We then provide concluding remarks in Section 5. 29
2. Literature review
Miller and Vollman (1985) report that manufacturing overhead as a percentage of
value-added in the electronics and machinery industries increased from about 50 to
70 percent in the period 1855 to 1975. Simultaneously, direct labor costs as a percentage
of value added in the same industries decreased from about 50 to 30 percent during the
same period. Raffish (1991) surveys manufacturing industries in the USA and found
that the costs of direct materials as a proportion of product costs were 45 to 55 percent.
He also found that while direct labor cost accounted for about 5 to 15 percent of product
costs, the proportion of manufacturing overhead was 30 to 50 percent. Cooper (1987)
argues that given the increasing proportion of manufacturing overhead, using
volume-based allocation bases, such as direct labor hours or costs, leads to inaccurate
cost assignment. Cooper (1988) further suggests that increasing diversification of
product volume, product size, and product complexity make the issue of cost
distortions under the traditional volume-based costing system more significant. Other
studies make similar observations (Cooper and Kaplan, 1991; Turney, 1991; Turney
and Stratton, 1992). In the wake of such studies, the ABC system has been adopted to
improve the accuracy of product costs.
Research in ABC falls into one of the four following types:
(1) a comparison between the traditional costing system and ABC using the
calculated product costs;
(2) a comparison between volume-based cost drivers and non-volume-based cost
drivers in explaining variations in overhead;
(3) an examination of success determinants in ABC implementation; or
(4) a survey of ABC practice.
The first category of research often reports case-studies calculating product and/or
service costs of a company using the existing costing systems in contrast to a proposed
ABC system. Comparisons of the product and/or service costs under the two systems,
and an analysis of the difference are also reported (Bhimani and Pigott, 1992; Carlson
and Young, 1993; Cooper and Kaplan, 1988a, 1988b; Greeson and Kocakulah, 1997;
MacArthur, 1993; Rotch, 1990; West and West, 1997). Most of this research has found
that, based on activities analysis, the ABC system provided more accurate product
and/or service costs.
The second category of research examines the relationship between cost drivers and
overhead, and compares the ability of different types of cost drivers – e.g. volume-related
vs complexity-related drivers – to explain the variability of overhead. These studies
often use data collected in the field and adopt statistical methods – such as regression
models – for analysis. Foster and Gupta (1990) are pioneers in this line of research.
IJAIM Failing to find that complexity and efficiency related drivers have better explanatory
17,1 ability than volume related drivers, they explain that the result was due to the poor
proxy of complexity and efficiency related drivers, and the difficulty in adopting
uniform measures for the variables across various research sites. Subsequently, many
research studies continue to investigate cost behavior and find that the complexity
drivers, along with the volume drivers, significantly explain the cost variations (Banker
30 and Johnston, 1993; Banker et al., 1995; MacArthur and Stranahan, 1998).
The third category of research examines organizational behavior issues and critical
success factors of ABC implementation. Shields and Young (1989) present a 7C model to
describe the success factors of ABC implementation, which includes culture, controls,
champion, change process, commitment, compensation, and continuous education.
Drawing on this model, subsequent studies identify success factors such as top
management support, linkage to competitive strategy (especially quality and JIT/speed),
training, linkage to performance evaluation and incentives, ownership by
non-accountants, adequate resources, and consensus and clarity of the objectives of
ABC (Foster and Swenson, 1997; Shields, 1995; Shields and McEwen, 1996). Some of
these studies focus on ABC implementation stages and factors influencing the success in
various implementation stages (Anderson, 1995; Cooper et al., 1992; Krumwiede, 1998;
Malmi, 1997), and found that success factors differed with implementation stages. Other
studies have examined ABC implementation from the perspectives of organizational
structure, contextual and process factors, and cultural influences (Anderson and Young,
1999; Brewer, 1998; Gosselin, 1997; Major and Hopper, 2005; Morakul and Wu, 2001).
Finally, there are survey studies on the degree of ABC implementation in various
industries in the USA and Europe (Bhimani, 1996; Bjørnenak, 1997; Clarke et al., 1999;
Cotton et al., 2003; Eden et al., 2006; Innes and Mitchell, 1995; Innes et al., 2000; Maelah
and Ibrahim, 2006; Pierce and Brown, 2004; Swenson, 1995). These studies provide the
reasons why companies adopted ABC, and most of the results reveal that decision
usefulness, organization support, and links to performance evaluation influenced the
adoption and implementation of ABC.
It is worth noting that the previous studies comparing the product and/or service
costs under different costing systems tend not to illustrate the ability of the cost drivers
under alternative systems to explain the variations of overhead. While studies
investigating the explanatory ability of cost drivers can provide inputs for designing a
new costing system, these studies do not use analytic results to design a new
management accounting system. Further, both types of study do not provide detailed
descriptions of how and why ABC is implemented. Therefore, including the cost driver
analysis and the design process together with the product cost comparisons in a study
could provide a more complete picture about the reasons why a company decides to
choose ABC and the procedures of how an ABC is designed and implemented.
In cases when the adoption of an ABC system has been suggested, many companies
still fail to ultimately implement the system. Studies of the critical success factors related
to ABC implementation provide many insights. However, the majority of these studies
are based on investigations over a short time frame. Seldom do they compare the results
over several years like the work of Innes et al. (2000). A follow-up examination in a case
like this could enrich our understanding about the related success factors as well as
provide suggestions for business practitioners.
Moreover, most of the studies were conducted among companies in Western Activity-based
countries. Only a few studies reported ABC implementation in Asian countries. costing
Nonetheless, these studies have at least raised the issue of culture in the process, which is
a move in the right direction (Brewer, 1998; Morakul and Wu, 2001). With the emergence
of Asian companies in the world economy, and in light of ever-increasing globalization,
it is necessary to examine ABC implementation in an Asian context. The current paper
attempts to provide a comprehensive understanding of ABC implementation by 31
integrating cost system comparison, cost driver diagnosis, and organizational behavior
issues in one study. A textile company in Taiwan was selected for the investigation.
Recently, sales of finished cloth have grown and accounts for 69.29 percent of the
company’s sales. As a result, this paper focuses on the finished cloth from the dyeing
and printing factory (Figure 1).
The final product in the dyeing and printing factory, according to the color application
specified by customers, can be divided into plain cloth (dyeing) and calico cloth (dyeing
and printing). The company also produces “high-functional” cloth, and this requires
various additional processing procedures according to the characteristics of the different
cloth. For example, the production of some types of cloth requires only eight processing
steps, but others require as many as eighteen steps. The company produces cloth in
different colors and with various characteristics according to customer demand, which
results in great variation among orders. During our study, XYZ had over 200 printing
and dyeing products and 1,000 customer orders per month. Consequently, the large
variety of total orders coupled with the small volume of each order drove diversification
of product characteristics and added complexity to the production process.
Due to the soaring production costs and fierce competition in Taiwan, the company
had to compete with potential imitators by lowering their sales price and raising their
competitive capability through cost control. Direct raw materials accounted for about 70
percent of total product costs, suggesting that lowering purchasing costs was crucial.
However, the fact that XYZ insists on raw material quality gave it weak bargaining
power, because there were only a few suitable suppliers. Cost control ultimately rested
on manufacturing overhead, since the direct labor and manufacturing overhead
accounted for only 2 percent and 25 percent of the total product cost, respectively.
Moreover, the manufacturing overhead was nearly 19 percent of the sales price and
IJAIM Shareholders
Board of
Chairman of the
(General manager)
Vice president
Figure 1.
XYZ textile company
R&D Marketing Twisting & Dyeing & Logistics Administration
organization chart
department department knitting printing department department
extremely close to the product margin. Thus, accurate allocation of overhead and timely
information on activity costs became critical to successful cost management.
The CEO of XYZ Textile Company was convinced that calculated product costs
under the existing cost accounting system deviated from the actual amounts and,
therefore, he failed to receive accurate unit cost and useful information for
decision-making. He knew the importance of the relationship between product
diversification, accuracy of cost calculation, and the effectiveness of decision-making.
After reviewing the existing cost system, the company decided to investigate its product
cost behavior and found an appropriate way to overcome the drawbacks of the current
system. An ABC system, as suggested by prior literature, is the one the company
deemed worthy of consideration. Two co-authors of this paper participated in and
observed the process of designing and implementing the ABC system in this company.
Following Yin (1989), we collected and analyzed 39 months of field data by
gathering information from files and archives, direct observation, interviews, and
statistical analyses to understand the company’s organization features, production
processes, and product characteristics. We built three regression models for cost driver
analysis. We then depicted a company-tailored ABC and observed its implementation.
Finally, we compared the cost information under ABC and the existing costing system
and discussed implementation performance.
£ 50 percentÞ
The equivalent production volume is the product of the current production
volume and an “equivalent factor;” a standard weight calculated by the R&D
department to allocate facility costs according to complexity variations among
different processes:
Processing costs of the equivalent production volume
Allocate the current processing costs to each dyeing order, based on the
proportion of the dyeing order equivalent volume in relation to the total
equivalent production:
Processing costs added in a current period
Calculate the processing costs of the current period’s finished products:
beginning of the period þ the processing costs added in the current period
4.1.2 Comments on the existing costing system. Some unique aspects of the company’s
existing cost accounting system, which impacts the calculation of product costs, are
discussed as follows:
The finished cloth is customer-tailored. The resources used for each dyeing order
are apparently different for the diverse customer requirements and various
dyeing processes. The existing costing system uses an average allocation
method with only one allocation base, and thus it levels the actual costs and fails
to demonstrate the cost difference among various dyeing orders.
The manufacturing processes differ with respect to the requirements of each
cloth category; and each process consumes different resources. The current
method does not account for this. It merely summarizes the costs of all facilities
into one single cost pool and allocates them according to an equivalent factor; it
fails to track resources consumed for individual dyeing orders and results in
aggregation error (Datar and Gupta, 1994).
The equivalent factor takes into account the difference in complexity (as measured
by activity speed and activity frequency) and in costs (as measured by expense
coefficient) among various manufacturing processes. The expense coefficient is
calculated as the three-month average manufacturing overhead divided by the
three-month yardage average. Since the expense coefficient is updated every few
years, the equivalent factor ignores inflation and changes in overhead expense
accounts, and hence fails to capture changes in actual production situations. The fact
that the equivalent factor is set up by R&D technicians and not by the production Activity-based
management personnel further contributes to its failure to reflect the actual process costing
of production. Additionally, not all processing costs can be measured by the
equivalent factor. For example, dye auxiliaries (additional chemicals used to fix the
dyes to the fabric and improve results) and quality test outcomes cannot be
effectively measured by the equivalent factor, which will lead to specification error
(Datar and Gupta, 1994). Finally, whether or not dyeing orders undergo specific 35
manufacturing processes and use specific dyeing auxiliaries, the processing costs
will all be allocated to dyeing orders based on the equivalent factor. Specifically,
unrelated costs will be involved in allocation, which will result in “cross subsidy.”
In dyeing and printing operations, quality problems will result in great losses
because of delays related to reworking orders. According to actual production
data, the percentage of reworked dyeing orders in proportion to typical orders is
48.27 percent. The resources used vary under different rework situations.
Although the rework data has been stored in the company’s management
information system, the existing costing system fails to measure the costs of
reworking individual orders and thus leads to cost distortion or “cross subsidy.”
Measuring the “rework cost” of an individual dyeing order not only can help
raise the accuracy of the product cost calculation, but can also serve as a
benchmark for activity improvement by providing knowledge about the
production processes with the highest rework rates and costs.
4.1.3 Data analysis. Through analyzing the company’s business and operations data
for the period from January 200X to March 200Y, we sought to determine the sources of
the company’s manufacturing costs. Specifically, we looked at where the costs would
be influenced by product diversification and process complexity, in addition to
volume-based drivers, just as suggested in the ABC literature. Thus, in the regression
analysis, manufacturing overhead costs, including labor costs[1], indirect materials,
equipment costs, miscellaneous costs, and utility costs, serve as the dependent
variables. The independent variables include the factors that influence the
manufacturing overhead costs, which are divided into volume-based as well as
complexity-based factors. The volume-based independent variables are the equivalent
volume and the finished product volume of dyeing orders. The complexity-based
independent variables, representing complexity – and efficiency-based factors (Foster
and Gupta, 1990; Datar et al., 1993; Banker et al., 1995), include the average number of
manufacturing processes (average number of processes for manufacturing finished
products each month), the varieties of products (number of finished cloth categories
produced), rework rates (the rework rates at the dyeing machines, finishing machines,
and drying machines), and the capacity utilization rate (actual total volume of
production 4 normal total volume of the production). Based on the data mentioned
above, regression equations can be established as follows:
Model 1:
Total Manufacturing Overhead Costsi ¼ b0 þ b1 Finished Products Volumei þ 1i
Model 2:
Total Manufacturing Overhead Costsi ¼ b0 þ b1 Equivalent Volumei þ 1i
IJAIM Model 3:
17,1 Total Manufacturing Overhead Costsi ¼ b0 þ b1 Finished Products Volumei
be fully operated with four tubs. The overhead associated with operating a dyeing
machine includes dyes and dying auxiliaries, among others, and thus the more tubs
operated, the higher the associated costs. While a regular dyeing job order involves a
four-tub operation from the dyeing machine, a rework job order usually involves fewer
than four tubs. Thus, when the rework rate at the dyeing machine increases, the
associated overhead is decreased. In sum, the coefficients for the finished product
volume, the number of manufacturing processes, and rework rates in model 3 are all
significant, indicating that the volume-based drivers and the complexity-based drivers
can effectively explain the variation of manufacturing overhead.
To summarize, in addition to volume-based drivers, multiple drivers will facilitate
improving the accuracy of cost estimation. Through preliminary diagnosis, ABC,
which includes the complexity-related cost drivers, will help overcome the drawbacks
of the existing cost system and better explains the variations of manufacturing
1 On-site interviews 2
2 Summarize the information gathered in interviews 1
3 Review and evaluate the existing costing system 2
4 Select activities 2
5 Identify the cost driver associated with each activity 2
6 Determine the items to be collected and the manner
by which collect them 2
7 Collect data 1
8 Calculate activity costs and driver rates 1
9 Preliminary data analysis 2
10 Discuss and revise the information in steps 5 to 8 1
11 Data analysis 1
12 Report and discuss the results 1
Table II.
ABC design process Source: Core team minutes of the case company
Cost category in
Cost category in existing costing system Contents ABC system costing
Direct materials Greige Greige
Indirect materials Dyeing auxiliaries Dyeing auxiliaries
Indirect materials Supplies Supplies
Labor costs Salary, bonus, pension cost, overtime Labor costs 39
premium, meal expense,
and insurance expense
Equipment costs Depreciation, repair, and Equipment costs
insurance expenses Table III.
Miscellaneous costs Postage, travel, stationery, Miscellaneous Contents and
printing, amortization, costs correspondence of cost
and miscellaneous expenses categories: existing and
Utility costs Steam, water, and power expenses Utility costs ABC costing systems
The after-processing activities are almost identical in each dyeing order and are
measured according to either the unit level (yards) or the batch level (number of counts)
of the manufacturing volume.
The color prescription and printing plate – the major activities of pre-processing –
are prepared for follow-up production. In the case of plain cloth, sales staff will require
a test section to prepare various color prescriptions to serve as sales samples. When
customers place their orders, the specified greige being used will be colored again in
order to ensure a match of the chemical conditions of the cloth and the coloring
(a recheck procedure). Therefore, from the perspective of activities in the test section,
the coloring sample should not be allocated to the dyeing order, but to the sales staff,
and thus be regarded as a sales expense. Additionally, the recheck procedure can be
allocated to the dyeing order and become part of manufacturing costs. Similarly, before
mass production, the calico will go through drawing, plate making, and testing on
the printing machine; the plate can also be used for subsequent orders. In order to
accurately measure the costs of each dyeing order that uses different plates, the costs of
drawing and plate making can be allocated to the print plate, and the costs of the print
plate can be absorbed by the dyeing order that uses that specific plate. Therefore, the
dyeing order becomes the primary cost object while the sales staff and the print plate
become secondary cost object.
The main production of finished cloth lies in on-site activities. There are 38 kinds of
machines, including cloth-carrying machines, twist machines, dyeing machines, drying
machines, and finishing machines. Meanwhile, many machines can perform multiple
processes. For example, dyeing machines can perform 12 different processes. Finished cloth
can be produced from greige through a series of independent processes, and the dyeing
orders will undergo different processing depending on the cloth quality and other
characteristics. In order to measure the differences among resources used, the processes will
be assigned as specific activities and the dyeing order will still be the major cost object. The
existing cost system calculates dyeing order costs based largely on standard production
processes and ignores the possibility of rework. To accurately measure the details of
resource consumption with each dyeing order, ABC will measure rework activities for each
dyeing order. Therefore, in the design of the dyeing order code, distinguishing rework
IJAIM processing from regular work is necessary to determine rework costs, and then sum the
17,1 regular and rework costs to derive the total cost of the dyeing orders.
Let us turn now to the cost allocation bases – cost drivers. In the dyeing and
printing factory, the cost of dyeing auxiliaries accounts for 30 percent of the conversion
costs. Dyeing orders of different colors and characteristics require different dyeing
auxiliaries of various costs. The even allocation of dye costs will lead to great cost
40 distortion. Therefore, it is desirable to allocate dyeing auxiliaries with dyeing orders as
directly as possible.
In the ABC model, greige and dyeing auxiliaries are directly allocated to the related
dyeing orders. The remaining five cost categories – listed in Table III, which includes
supply, labor, equipment, utility, and miscellaneous costs – can first be allocated to
production, quality assurance, pre-printing, and pre-dyeing activities. Then, the
activity costs of production, quality assurance, and pre-dyeing can be allocated to each
dyeing order according to the related cost drivers. In addition, costs of pre-printing
activities are first allocated to each printing plate, and then attributed to each dyeing
order. Table IV summarizes the activity cost drivers and hierarchies in ABC for the
textile company. Finally, it is noted that this ABC model incorporates the regression
analysis results. The cost drivers that are used to allocate costs to dyeing orders
include both volume-based factors (e.g., length of cloth) and complexity-based factors
(e.g., conversion time spent on different manufacturing processes). In addition, rework
costs are separated from regular work costs to accurately measure the costs of dyeing
orders that differ in rework requirements.
4.3 Comparison of costing information under ABC versus the existing cost system: the
validation of ABC
With the assistance of on-site staff, we estimated the product costs of one sample
month using the ABC system described in the previous section and generated cost data
Coloring Frequency of coloring Unit level
Pre-printing a:
Test-coloring Frequency of coloring Unit level
Drawing (labor) Drawing hours Unit level
Drawing (others) Number of plates Batch level
Plate-making (materials) Direct attribution Unit level
Plate-making (others) Number of plates Batch level
Various processes Conversion time Unit level
Administrative support Number of dyeing orders Facility-sustaining
Shade matching Length (no. yards) Unit level
Full piece cloth inspection Length (no. yards) Unit level
Half piece cloth inspection Number of counts Batch level
Plastic film packaging Number of counts Batch level
Box packaging Number of counts Batch level
Table IV.
Activities, cost drivers, Note: aCosts of pre-printing activities are first allocated to plate numbers based on these cost drivers,
and activity hierarchies and then allocated to dyeing orders according to the associated number of plates used
with the existing costing system. To accurately compare the differences between the Activity-based
two systems, we made a comparative analysis with all products in the dyeing and costing
printing factory, and then selected the products with the largest cost difference for
further investigation.
According to the data from 1,309 dyeing orders produced in this sample month, the
percentage of product cost difference ( ¼ [product costs under existing system –
product costs under ABC] 4 product costs under ABC) under the two costing systems 41
ranges from a maximum of 201 percent to a minimum of – 100 percent. To further
discuss the possibilities of over – and under-estimation, we categorized the dyeing
orders into three groups, based on average yardage (which are shown in Panel A of
Table V) to compare the cost difference between the two systems. As Panel A of
Table V shows, the costs of dyeing orders of shorter length tend to be underestimated,
and ones of larger length tend to be overestimated. As such, the existing volume-based
cost accounting system will give rise to “cross subsidy.”
We used similar methods to examine the impacts of complexity. Actual processing
time itself can serve as a measure of complexity because when complexity is higher,
the processing time takes longer. Panel B of Table V shows that, under the existing
system, the shorter the processing time, the higher the allocated costs compared to
ABC. It also shows that there is “cross subsidy” under the existing costing system. The
results of an overall comparison between the two systems are summarized in Panel C
of Table V.
Next, focusing on dyeing orders that have considerable over – and/or
under-estimation, and are therefore more representative, we analyzed the causes
resulting in product cost differences, and compared the difference between the two
costing systems. In order to control for the possible effect of work-in-process inventory,
dyeing orders were selected from those that were started and completed during the
same period.
For the first example, dyeing order 7XY244 with production volume being as low as
125 yards and the equivalent factor of 2.6 was selected. Because the order has low
yardage length, the allocated costs are low. However, with a processing time of 5.65 h,
rework time of 3.98 h, and expensive dyeing auxiliaries (dyeing auxiliary of 909), the
actual costs soared (Appendix I). The costs of a dyeing order under the existing system
are under-estimated by 95.75 percent compared to ABC. In the second example, dyeing
order 7XY570, the dyeing order volume is 1,283 yards and the equivalent factor is 2.2.
However, with an actual processing time of 26.4 h, rework time of 2.17 h, and more
expensive dyeing auxiliaries, the actual costs are higher (Appendix II). In this case, the
costs of the dyeing order are under-estimated by 83 percent under the existing system
compared to ABC.
A good example of over-estimated dyeing orders is dyeing order 7XT055. With a
length as long as 20,151 yards, the allocated costs are higher under the existing system,
which over-estimated the cost by 90.79 percent compared to ABC (Appendix III).
In addition to the analysis above, through which we discussed the difference in
product costs calculated under the existing system and ABC, below we focus on the
characteristics of the two systems in which factors such as production volume, actual
processing time, rework costs, and the costs of dye auxiliaries can be used to explore
the causes of the cost difference under the two systems through statistical correlation
Table V.
Comparison between
existing and ABC costing
Panel A: Comparison between existing and ABC costing systems by production volume ( yards)a
Production Number of Average unit cost under ABC Average unit cost under existing costing system Overcosting
Group volume ( yards) dyeing orders (new Taiwan dollars) ( new Taiwan dollars) (underecosting)
A 0 , 3,095 716 10,752.07 9,395.68 12.62%
B 3,095 , 6,180 211 27,261.06 25,684.82 5.78%
C 6,180 , 382 82,848.42 89,117.87 7.57%
Panel B: Comparison between existing and ABC costing systems by processing time (hours)a
Processing time Number of Average Unit cost under ABC Average unit cost under existing costing system Overcosting
Group ( hours) dyeing orders (new Taiwan dollars) (new Taiwan dollars) (underecosting)
A 0 , 25 762 8.67 15.17 74.97%
B 25 , 50 185 24,503.53 25,642.46 4.65%
C 50 , 362 98,157.62 90,167.78 (8.14%)
Panel C: Comparison between existing and ABC costing systems Summarized
Situation Existing costing
system ABC system
Production volume:
High Higher product Lower product
cost cost
Low Lower product Higher product
cost cost
Manufacturing process:
Complex Lower product Higher product
cost cost
Simple Higher product Lower product
cost cost
Note: aData was modified to maintain confidentiality, but the original relationships remained unchanged
analysis. A discussion of this can also be employed to verify whether the designed Activity-based
ABC reaches its theoretical expectations. costing
Consistent with the above analysis, the cost differences refer to the difference
between the product costs under ABC and those under the existing system. The
positive results mean that there is over-estimation under the existing system and vice
versa. From the literature and the discussion above, the existing volume-based cost
system will lead to a “cross subsidy” of product costs. Thus, the larger the production 43
volume is, the higher the possibility of over-estimation. The equivalent factors under
the existing system are based upon the standard processing time calculated with the
speed and frequency of processing activities. However, because the raw materials
(greige) tend to be affected by storage conditions, greige in different batches produced
through the same process and with the same dyeing auxiliaries could generate
different final products, giving rise to different rework requirements. Therefore, under
the existing costing system, with its focus on only standard processing time (rather
than actual processing time) and neglect of rework costs, the costs of dyeing orders
with longer actual processing time or with larger amount of rework will be
under-estimated In addition, if the dyeing auxiliary cost of an individual dyeing order
can be identified, the costs of dyeing orders with higher dyeing auxiliary costs will be
under-estimated through the existing costing system. The attribution of the product
cost differences under the two systems is listed in Panel A of Table VI.
Correlation coefficients based on data from 1,309 dyeing orders are shown in Panel
B of Table VI. It suggests that the cost differences are consistent with ABC
expectations and that the correlations are significant at a level of 0.01. The table also
demonstrates that the ABC system designed by the Core Team improves the product
cost accuracy in that it allocates more costs to dyeing orders that consume more
resources with their more complex processing.
Table VI.
cost differences
Attribution of product
Panel A: Attribution of product cost differences between the two costing systems
Cost difference (existing minus ABC ) Production volume Actual processing time Rework cost Dyeing auxiliary cost
Overcosting High Short Less Less
Undercosting Low Long More More
Relation Positive Negative Negative Negative
Panel B: Correlation between cost differences and possible factors (N ¼ 1,309 dyeing orders)
Pearson correlation Cost difference Production volume Actual processing time Rework cost Dyeing auxiliary cost
Cost difference 1.000
Production volume 0.076 * 1.000
Actual processing time 20.363 * 0.782 * 1.000
Rework cost 20.114 * 0.531 * 0.701 * 1.000
Dyeing auxiliary cost 20.805 * 0.408 * 0.730 * 0.390 * 1.000
Note: *Significance level is 0.01
the linkage to performance evaluation and rewards; and Activity-based
the adequacy of resources (Foster and Swenson, 1997; Gosselin, 1997; costing
Krumwiede, 1998; Shields, 1995; Shields and Young, 1989).
Now we will analyze whether or not the XYZ Textile Company in our study complies
with the conditions just mentioned.
Possibility of cost distortion. Because of the great order variances and process 45
complexity, the company has great cost distortion under the existing system. It would
be desirable for the company to implement the ABC system.
Usefulness of cost information. The company fails to get sufficient and adequate
information on product costs in order to make decisions under the existing system;
implementing the ABC system would be helpful.
Linkage to competitive strategies and quality improvement. It is apparent that the
ABC system is closely connected to the company’s strategy of providing
customer-tailored products in more varieties and smaller volumes, because ABC
helps accurately calculate the costs of diversified products.
However, the company has faced different competitive pressures after the ABC
experiment. Although cost control is still an important issue, differentiating its products
from competitors seems more valuable to the company’s future vision and profit. The
company has focused on building brand and product innovation. Therefore, a change of
external environment has led to a revision of strategy, and hence the priority of
implementing ABC is lowered, which was not documented in previous ABC studies.
ABC facilitates measuring the rework costs of the company’s dyeing orders,
identifying factors such as the stages that require the rework and incur the heaviest
costs, and is further relevant to quality improvement through Total Quality
Management (TQM).
Support from senior management. Senior management actively supports and
pushed for the implementation of ABC. But, as mentioned above, the revision of
strategy has lowered the priority of ABC implementation.
On-the-job training and education. XYZ Textile Company not only released
summarized ABC-related case studies, and literature through in-house periodicals, but
also retained consultants and launched training programs for employees to obtain
in-depth knowledge about the ABC system.
Linkage to performance evaluation and incentives. The incentive system at XYZ
Textile Company is based partly on seniority. The company has been established for more
than twenty years, and many employees have enjoyed a long tenure. If the company
attempts to change the performance evaluation and incentives system to integrate the
ABC system, most of the employees would oppose the initiative. On the other hand, if the
company fails to connect ABC with its performance evaluation and incentives scheme, it
cannot encourage employees to change their work habits to best support the ABC system.
Sufficient resources. Although the company has been equipped with ABC software,
it lacks sufficient MIS staff to support the implementation of the ABC system.
Moreover, it has assigned some of its staff to its plants overseas. Therefore, the
company has failed to prepare interface programs to integrate ABC software and ERP.
Additionally, this study has also found that it is necessary for XYZ to improve its
inventory management. The lack of accurate inventory data will bring a negative
impact on ERP and create subsequent troubles for the ABC system.
IJAIM Overall, in spite of:
17,1 .
recognizing the necessity for ABC;
garnering active support from senior management;
having the involvement of consultants;
possessing the requisite software; and
46 .
providing educational training, the revision of XYZ’s competitive strategy, lack
of oversight in managerial controls (such as production and inventory
management), inadequate linkage to performance evaluation and incentives,
and failures in organization infrastructure (such as human resources), lead to the
failure of ABC implementation.
5. Concluding remarks
In this paper, we report the results of an in-depth case study of a textile company in
Taiwan. We examine the reasons for considering the implementation of ABC, the
design and implementation process of an ABC system, the product cost differences
under the existing costing and ABC systems, and the ultimate failure of ABC
implementation. Our main findings are as follows:
Although the company takes into account the degree of complexity and its cost
relations in overhead allocation under the existing traditional volume-based cost
system, the underlying faults in its design and application make it difficult to
accurately allocate manufacturing overhead costs, and ultimately result in
product cost distortion.
Variations in manufacturing overhead costs can be more accurately explained by
complexity-based drivers, such as production processes, product categories,
rework rates, and resource utilization, in addition to volume-based drivers, such
as finished products and equivalent production.
The existing cost accounting system fails to consider the impact of rework on the
product costs and the various requirements of individual dyeing orders, and thus
results in cost distortions.
The ABC system can estimate product costs more accurately because it uses
both volume-based and non-volume-based (complexity) drivers. Additionally, it
takes the impacts of costs from reworking on the products into account.
Compared to the ABC model with one sample month of data, the existing
volume-based cost accounting system overestimates the costs of products with
higher volumes and underestimates the costs of products with higher complexity.
The company focused on the analysis stage of ABC implementation and did not
move to the action stage in which it would make use of ABC information for various
decisions. The company did meet some criteria for successful ABC implementation,
such as recognizing the necessity for introducing ABC, having the support of senior
management, being equipped with software, and providing training and education.
However, there are some other factors that prevent the company from successfully
implementing ABC, such as lack of linkage to performance evaluation and
incentives, an insufficient amount of MIS staff, and inadequate inventory
management. Moreover, to implement ABC properly, considerable raw data needs
to be collected and examined for accuracy, and this work requires both proper MIS Activity-based
skills and the cooperation from inventory management. Also, XYZ management costing
focused more on brand, productivity, and innovation, and did not consider
amending the performance scheme related to ABC implementation, and this
resulted in postponing the implementation of the ABC system.
This study extends prior research in the following directions. First, our research 47
reports the entire process of ABC implementation for a given company, while most
previous studies tend to focus on only one part of the process. For example, we not only
examine the relationship between volume-based drivers (as opposed to
complexity-based drivers) and overhead costs, but also validate the ABC system.
In addition, prior studies use survey or interview data to investigate the success factors
in implementing ABC without reporting the features of the existing cost systems.
Integrating these issues in a single study facilitates a more complete understanding of
ABC design and implementation. Second, while most prior research tends to focus on
success cases, our study presents a failure case, which has implications for
practitioners trying to avoid the same mistakes. Among our findings, it is worthwhile
to note that the company in our study has inadequate production management and
inventory controls, and that the company amended its business strategy when facing a
change in external conditions, which is something not found in prior ABC research.
Nevertheless, such a finding suggests a new dimension of ABC research related to
integrating production and operation management with product costing systems.
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Corresponding author
Rong-Ruey Duh can be contacted at: [email protected]