New Left Current For The Communist Liberation

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Brief Presentation of the


The New Left Current for the Communist Liberation (from now on: NAR) is an organization
of the anticapitalist, revolutionary and communist left in Greece.

NAR was formed in January 1990 by a part of former members of the Communist Party of Greece (including 8
members of its Central Committee) and the Communist Youth of Greece (including the majority of its Central
Council). The motive of this secession was the decision for a coallition government between the neoliberal, bourgeois
party of Nea Dimokratia and the Communist Party. However, the actual cause of such a decision and the creation
of a new communist organization was far deeper, in the political and the ideological level, based on the need for a new
revolutionary - communist Left in Greece. For such a venture, a clash on the ideological, political and structural level
with the traditional communist movement was necessary, since the latter had been led to a path of total disintegration and
defeat. In the youth, a political organization was formed, named “Communist Liberation Youth” - NKA (

NAR organises the vanguard militants of the labour and the youth movement. NAR has an avant-garde political
action primarly in the workers trade unions and the working class movement, but also in the student movement.
NAR, from its very existence, holds a clear and strong political position against imperialism and war, and is an
active member of the anti – imperialistic movement, while at the same time it stands internationally in solidarity
to the oppressed peoples all over the world. It also takes action in the city and the environmental movements.

Nowadays, 27 years after our creation, we gather new generations of militants. Our actions and
experiences are chosen in relation to the need of our organization to move forward and make new
steps in the struggle against capitalism, to lead the way for the establishment of communism.
In NAR, we believe that there exists today the need for a re-establishment of the communist liberating strategy,
based on revolutionary Marxism, taking into consideration the heroic but also the tragic moments, the victories
and the defeats of the revolutionary movement. We have been trying to approach the main theoretical and political
problems of our days, to draw a contemporary revolutionary strategy and tactics on the basis of the militant
Marxism, of the Leninist analyses, of the experience of proletarian revolutions and movements up until today.
From NAR’s first declaration until now, we keep supporting strongly that the only way for humanity to be liberated
from the capitalist fetters of human exploitation is the revolution for a new world, a socialist – communist world.

- NAR publishes the weekly newspaper “PRIN” (“Before” -, while NKA publishes a quarterly journal for the
youth called “ANAIRESEIS” (“Refutations”).

- NAR participates in the “Anticapitalist Left Cooperation for the Overthrow” – ANTARSYA (“Rebellion” in Greek)
(, the front of the anticapitalist, revolutionary, communist Left and radical ecology. This new front
was created in 2009, after the revolt of December 2008 in Greece, during the break of the capitalist crisis. 8 organizations
of the Greek Anticapitalist Left and thousands of independent militants participate in ANTARSYA.

About our structure: The basic structure of NAR are the “base organizations”, inside the working and production
places. We also form organizations in the local and the regional level NAR holds conferences regularly. It elects in its
Congresses the Political Committee, which is its guiding agent. NARorganizes thematic conferences, as well as
regional ones. It finances its political activities based exclusively on the monthly contributions of its members and
friends. We do not take nor would accept financing from entrepreneurs, the State or the various European programs.
NKA (the Communist Liberation Youth) has organizations in all the biggest Greek towns. It has “basis organizations”
in the universities, in schools and among the working and the unemployed youth. It holds its own conferences and
congresses, in which it elects its guiding agent, the Central Council. NKA is structurally independent from NAR
but they both constitute one single current of political thought and action. Those members of the NKA who wish
to, have the right to be members of NAR as well. The NAR members participate equally in the NAR congresses.
9, Kleisovis str.
TEL. +30 2103826922

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