The Four Poles: Al-Aqtab Al-Arba A

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The Four Poles

al-Aqtab al-Arba‘a

Collected by
The Servant of the Qadariya Zawiya
1426 H
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
Praise belongs to Allah who graciously bestowed upon His awliya an abundance of His gifts and
mercy. Our Lord endowed them with special characteristics so that they would become content with
His decree, traveling through life according to His Book and the Sunnah of His Beloved. I witness
that there is no god but Allah, alone without partner; and I witness that our Master Muhammad is His
slave and Messenger, His near-one and close friend. Allah sent him with guidance, the Dīn al-Haqq
(Religion of Truth) and perfected īmān (belief). May Allah bless him and grant him abundant peace
continuously. May Allah be pleased with his family and companions who struggled in the way of
Allah as is deserving of Him and whoever takes their method in life’s journey and follows their way
until the reckoning (yawm al-dīn).
This is a small book summarizing the lives of some of the salaf (great men who preceeded us in the
history of Islam): Sayyidi ‘Abd al-Qādr Jilānī, Sayyidi Ahmad al-Rifā‘ī, Sayyidi Ahmad al-Badawī,
and Sayyidi Ibrahim al-Dusūkī (may Allah be pleased with them). By their remembrance, Allah’s
mercy descends upon the believers. I ask Allah to benefit us by their knowledge and traveling along
their way with goodness and true love; and I ask Him to gather us with them into the army of the
Foremost of Existence, the Light of all that is, our Master Muhammad. May Allah bless him and
grant him peace.
The servant of the Qadariya Zawiya
‘Abd al-Qadr al-Jayli
Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani
He was Muhyi al-Din Abu Muhammad ‘Abd al-Qadir ibn Abu Salih Musa bin Abu ‘Abdillah bin
Yahya al-Zahid bin Muhammad bin Da’ud bin Musa bin ‘Abd Allah bin Musa al-Jawn bin ‘Abd
Allah al-Mahd bin al-Hasan al-Muthanna bin Abu Muhammad al-Hasan bin Imam ‘Ali bin Abi
Talib, may Allah be pleased with all of them.

His Birth
Born in the city of Jilan in 470 H, he was one of the many men of Jilan known for their spirituality
and renunciation of the world. He followed the sunnah of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama‘ and was
endowed with manifest miracles. His mother, Umm al-Khayr, Fatimah bint al-Shaykh ‘Abd Allah al-
Sawma‘i al-Husayni al-Zahid, was endowed with great goodness and piety. She said that during
Ramadan, when her son ‘Abd al-Qadir was still breast feeding, he won’t suckle during the day.
Amazingly, she was 60 years old when she conceived him.

His Life
Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani came to Baghdad in the year 488 H. when he was 18. As he entered
Baghdad, Khidr appeared before him with instructions to wait for seven years before entering.
Obediently, the Shaykh settled outside Baghdad at the bank of the River Tigris. One night, after the
passing of seven years, he heard a voice telling him, “O ‘Abd al-Qadir, you can enter Baghdad.”
When he entered, it was a cool and wet night, indicating the goodness being bestowed upon the land
by his coming.
He obtained Islamic sciences from the teachers of his time. After completing his studies of the
Qur’an, he reached great knowledge of the Dīn of Islam. He studied with the following teachers: Abu
al-Wafa’ ‘Ali ibn al-‘Uqayl al-Hanbali, Abu al-Khattab Mahfuz al-Kaluthani al-Hanbali, Abu al-
Hasan Muhammad bin al-Qadi Abu Ya‘la Muhammad bin Ibn al-Husayn bin Muhammad al-Farra’
al-Hanbali, al-Qadi Abu Sa‘id, and Abu Sa‘id al-Mubarak bin ‘Ali al-Mukharrimi al-Hanbali. He
also studied literature with Abu Zakariyya Yahya bin ‘Ali al-Tabrizi.
He took to wearing the blessed tattered woolen cloak which he received from al-Qadi Abu Sa’id al-
Mubarak al-Makharrimi, who had a well-kept little schoolhouse at Bab al-Azaj in Baghdad. This
building was placed at the disposal of Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir. While he was teaching, great miracles
appeared from him. Soon his teaching met with wide acceptance and the school became
overcrowded with those who came to attend his majlis. Beside teaching he also gave fatwas. People
from far and wide came to him with pledges of support. He was given several titles, among them:
Holder of the Two Proofs and the Two Mandates; Imam of the Two Parties and the Two Paths; and
Master of the Two Lamps and Two Routes. A great number of ulama, awliya, imams, and righteous
men gained knowledge from him.
He was the shaykh who completely renounced the world; he possessed many miracles and spiritual
stations; he was a shaykh of both scholars and the common man. He was the imam, the qutb, and the
shaykh of all the shaykhs of his time.
Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, may Allah be pleased with him, had a student called ‘Umar al-
Halawi who left Baghdad for a number of years. When he returned, the Shaykh asked him where he
had been. He said that he had wandered through Sham, Egypt, the Maghrib, and other non-Arabi
countries where he had met 360 shaykhs of the awliya, all of whom had said that Shaykh ‘Abd al-
Qadir was their shaykh and their perfect example to follow in order to reach Allah, the Exalted.

His Attributes
Whenever he made du’a, Allah accepted it. If he was angry, Allah would take revenge immediately.
If he liked something, Allah would make it available to him. When he became old and feeble, he
could perform a lot of nawafil (supererogatory acts of worship). He was always making dhikr,
showing outward humility, patience with his condition (ie, old age), and observing the times for
prayer. He was thin, average in height, wide-chested, long bearded, with a light brown complexion,
connected eyebrows, and a strong full voice. He possessed great charisma and great knowledge. He
listened more than he talked, but when he talked people would listen and accept what he said.

His Death
He died in 561 H when he was 91 years old and was buried in Baghdad.

Shaykh Ahmad al-Rufa‘i
He is our Liege-Lord the enlivener of the Dīn and Shari‘a Abu l-‘Abbas al-Sultan Ahmad al-Rufā‘ī
the Senior ibn al-Hasan ‘Ali bin Yahya al-Thabit bin al-Hazim bin Ahmad bin ‘Ali bin al-Hasan
(Rufā‘ī al-Makkī) bin al-Mahdi bin Abi al-Qasim Muhammad bin al-Hasan bin al-Husain bin Musa
al-Thani bin Ibrahim al-Murtadha bin Imam Musa al-Kāżim bin Imam Ja‘far al-Şādiq bin Imam
Muhammad al-Baqir bin Imam Zain al-‘Abadīn (‘Ali al-Sajjad) bin Imam al-Husain bin Imam
Sayyiduna ‘Ali, may Allah ennoble his face, ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with all of them.

His Birth
He was born in Umm Ubayda, a district of Basra, in the house of his grandfather on his mother’s side
who was the shaykh of all the shaykhs of his time, Shaykh Abi Sa‘id Yahya al-Bukhari al-Ansārī, in
the first half of the month of Rajab, on a Thursday, in the year 512 H. He was from the loins of the
shaykh of the readers of the Qur’an and the muhaddithīn, Sayyid ‘Ali Abi l-Hasan bin Yahya al-
While his mother was pregnant with him she used to visit Shaykh Rufā‘ī’s future shaykh, Abi
Muhammad al-Shanbakī, may Allah be pleased with him. Whenever she entered his presence, he
would stand up. When she asked the Shaykh why he stood for her he said, “I stand in honor of the
one who is still in your womb. He will be one who is close to Allah.” His mother related that when
she gave birth to her son Ahmad, she heard him in the cradle glorifying Allah continuously. He
refused to breast feed from a wet nurse until she first made wudhu.

His Life
He was brought up in the best possible conditions. When he was a little boy he preferred to sit with
the old men of learning and not with his peers. He would listen to recitation of the Qur’an and the
lessons of the shaykhs. He sat with the ‘ārifīn and followed their advise and would not leave them.
They recognized that he was a great walī and would praise him a lot.
He read the Qur’an with Shaykh ‘Ali bin al-Qari l-Wasiti, may Allah be pleased with him.

His Tariqa
He wore the noble patched robe given to him by his cousin from his father’s side, Sayyid ‘Uthman,
who took it from Sayyid ‘Ali al-Makkī, who himself took it from Sayyid Yahya al-Rufā‘ī who took it
from Sayyid Thabit Hazim who took it from Sayyid ‘Ali al-Hazim who took it from Sayyid Abi al-
Fadhā’il who took it from Sayyid Hasan Rufa‘a who took it from Sayyid Abu al-Qāsim bin al-
Baghdadī al-Husainī who took it from Sayyid al-Hasan al-Qāsim who took it from Sayyid ‘Abd al-
Rahman al-Muhaddith who took it from Sayyid Ahmad al-Sālih al-Akbar who took it from Sayyid
Musa al-Thanī who took it from Sayyid Ibrahim al-Murtadha who took it from Sayyid Musa al-
Kāżim who took it from his father Ja‘far al-Sadiq who took it from his father Muhammad al-Bāqir
who took it from his father Zain al-‘Abidīn who took it from his father Imam al-Husain who took it
from his father Imam ‘Ali, may Allah ennoble his face, who took it from al-Mustafa, Sayyiduna
Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.
He was well known to be a great qutb that lead the Rufā‘ī Tariqah by following in the footsteps of
the Messenger of Allah. He took the Qur’an as his imam and the Sunnah as his method for his
behavior and actions in this life. He was very humble and broken to Allah, the Mighty and Majestic.
He was modest and poor for the sake of Allah. Allah gave him great openings, showing him the
secrets of revelation. From his school numerous awliya and scholars graduated.
His Death
He died on Thursday the 12th of Jumad al-Ula, 580 H in Umm Ubayda, may Allah be pleased with
‘Umar ibn al-Khattab related that the Messenger of Allah said: “Among the servants of Allah are
individuals who, though they are neither prophets nor martyrs, are envied by the prophets and
martyrs for their rank with Allah on the Last Day.” A man asked ‘Umar, “Who are they and what are
their deeds that we may love them?” He said, “People who love each other by the ruh of Allah
without being related by blood and without sharing wealth between them, by Allah, their faces have
light, and they are on minbars of light without fear when others are afraid and without sadness when
others are sad.” Then he read from the Qur’an: “Surely for the awliya of Allah there is no fear upon
them nor are they sad.”

Shaykh Ahmad al-Badawi
He is our master, the greatest qutb, the lion, the qutb of the people of his time, the savior of captives,
our Lord Sayyid Ahmad al-Badawī al-Husaynī bin ‘Ali bin Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Abi Bakr
bin Ismā‘īl bin ‘Umar bin ‘Ali bin ‘Uthman bin Husayn bin Muhammad bin Musa bin Yahya bin ‘Īsa
bin ‘Ali bin Muhammad bin ‘Ali bin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin ‘Ali al-Ridha bin Musa al-
Kāżim bin Ja‘far al-Şādiq bin Muhammad al-Bakr bin Zayn al-‘Abidīn bin (the Martyr) Sayyiduna
Husayn bin Fatimat al-Zahra, the mistress of all women of the world, daughter of the Messenger of
Allah, may Allah be pleased with her, and with all of them.

His Birth
In 596 H, he was born in the city of Fez. At seven years of age he moved to Makkah after he had a
dream in which he heard his father saying, “O Ali, move from this country to Makkah. You will have
a great future there.”

His Life
He studied the Qur’an with the readers of the time. He possessed a courageous heart, and was called
al-Badawi because of his stuttering. When the divine gifts came to him, drowning him in complete
absorption in Allah, his life completely changed. He shunned the company of people; he held to
silence and communicating only through gestures. (one line left out).

His state continued to grow until he became as he is known. In his sleep he saw three times someone
saying, “Stand and go to place of the rising sun. If you reach there, then go to the place of the setting
sun. Then travel to Tanta, for surely this is your place, O young man!” This was in Shawwal, 633 H.
He went to Iraq where he was welcomed by its shaykhs, both living and dead. He took on the blessed
Sufi kharqa through the permission of Shaykh Bari who received it from Na‘im al-Baghdadi who in
turn received it from Shaykh Ahmad al-Rafā‘ī, may Allah be pleased with all of them.

His Tariqa
He took bay‘ah from Shaykh Ibn ‘Abd Allah al-Naysaburi, from whom there are a chain of seven
shaykhs who received bay‘a from al-Imam Dawud al-Tā’ī who received it from Habib Allah al-
‘Ajami who received from the Master of the Tabi‘īn, al-Hasan al-Basri, who received it from
Sayyiduna ‘Ali, may Allah illumine his face, who received it from al-Mustafa, the Messenger of
Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

His State
He was a big qutb, he could cause his murīds to grow in ma‘rifa by just looking at them. If he gave
one of his murids a special look he would raise him to the maqam of al-shuhūd. He used to fast
continually for forty days, then break his fast. In most of his states he would stare upward to the sky
with eyes of burning coal.

His Attributes
He was called the one with the two veils, for he always wore two veils. He was tall with thick legs,
full arms, and a big face. His complexion was between white and brown.

His Noble Sayings

Sayyid Ahmad al-Badawi (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
The fuqarā are like olives, among them are the big and small; he who has no oil, I am his oil.
Meaning: whoever is truthful (şādiq) in his poverty, pure as the oil, living according to the
Book and the Sunnah, then I am his help in all matters, providing for his needs in this world
and the next—not by my power and strength but by the barakah of the Prophet (Allah bless
him and grant him peace).
Speaking to his khalīfa, Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Al, Shaykh al-Badawī said:
Beware of love of this world, for it corrupts the righteous deed as vinegar corrupts honey.
Know, ‘Abd al-‘Al, that Allah said: “Surely Allah is with those who possess taqwa and those
who do good” (16:128).
Be concerned with the orphan, cloth the naked, feed the hungry, honor the stranger and the
guest, perhaps then you will be among those whom Allah accepts.
Do dhikr abundantly, and beware of being among those who are heedless of Allah the High.
Know that every raka‘ah at night is better than a thousand in the day.
The best of you in character is he who has the most belief in Allah the High. Evil character
corrupts good deeds like vinegar corrupts honey.
This way of ours is built upon the Book, the Sunnah, şidq, purity, loyalty, bearing injustice
against oneself, and fulfilling the promise.
Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Al said about the Shaykh:
While serving the Shaykh for forty years I never saw him distracted from the worship of Allah
for an instant. One day I asked him about the reality of poverty in the way of the sacred law
(al-faqr al-shar‘ī) and he said: “According to ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with
him) the faqīr (in Allah) has the following 12 signs: he is an ‘arif bi llah (i.e., having direct

knowledge of Allah); he is obedient to Allah’s commands; he holds to the Sunnah of the
Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace); he is always pure; in every situation he is
pleased with Allah; he is certain of what is with Allah; he is despairing of what is in the hands
of mankind; he bears [patiently] with hardships; he hastens to fulfill Allah’s command; he
shows compassion for mankind; he is humble before people; he knows that Shaytan is his
enemy according to what Allah the High says: “Surely, the Shaytan is your enemy, so take him
for an enemy” (35:6).
Then I asked him about reflection, tawbah, dhikr, love of Allah (wajd), şabr, zuhd, īmān.
Shaykh Ahmad al-Badawi, answered in such a way that it quenched the fire of rancor,
comforted the ill, and demonstrated Allah’s knowledge (of all things). These words, known to
the nobles of knowledge and the Sufis, are found scattered about, but the Sayyid revealed their
reality, exposing them with purity and clarity. He said the following about the above
mentioned technical terms:
Reflection (tafkīr): Reflection upon Allah’s creatures and His creating not upon His essence,
for surely thinking cannot encompass Him.
Tawbah: Its reality is regret for wrongs committed, abandonment of disobedience, asking for
Allah’s forgiveness with the tongue, resolve not to return to the disobedience, and purity of
heart. This is the tawbat al-naşuĥa (sincere tawbah) to which Allah orders us in His Mighty
Book: “O you who believe, turn in repentance to Allah a sincere turning” (66:8).
Dhikr: The reality of dhikr is that it is with the heart not with the tongue only. Dhikr with the
tongue without the heart is shallow. Remember Allah with a heart that is present and beware of
being distracted (ghaflah) from Allah, for surely it causes the heart to become hard.
Wajd: Wajd is when the dhikr of the Real, la ilaha illa hu, increases so that a light is cast into
the heart from Allah’s presence, until the skin thrills, and there is longing for the Beloved, la
ilaha illa hu. The murīd clings to wajd and attaches himself entirely to Allah. When the wajd
increases and he becomes distracted in passionate love so that it becomes excessive, then the
murīd reaches a high rank of spiritual elevation.
Patience (şabr): It is pleasure with the hukm (ruling) of Allah and submission to His
command. It is when man rejoices in misfortune just as he rejoices in good fortune. Allah says:
“And give good news to the patient, who when a misfortune befalls them, say: surely we are
Allah’s and to Him we surely return” (2: 155-156).
Zuhd: Zuhd is opposing the nafs by leaving worldly desires and leaving the seven doors of the
permitted in the fear that one may fall into the prohibited.
Īmān: Īmān is the most precious thing; he who has the most belief (īmān) has the most taqwa.
When the character (akhlāq) of the murīd is good, his īmān increases; the best of you in
character is he who has the most belief in Allah.
Once, imparting counsel to ‘Abd al-‘Al, Shaykh al-Badawi said: “Don’t rejoice over the misfortune
of any of Allah’s creatures or utter words that slander or defame. Never harm someone who has
harmed you. Show concern for someone who has wronged you. Do good to whoever has done you
evil and give to whoever has withheld from you. Do you know who is the true, patient faqīr?” I said:
“Please, continue to give me what is beneficial.” Shaykh al-Badawi continued: “He is the one who
when he gives he doesn’t ask to be thanked. And when the patient man losses his patience because of
Allah’s hukm (ruling; i.e., He causes events to occur that break the faqīr’s patience), he acts
according to the Book and the Sunnah.”
The following words transmitted by Sayyid al-Bakri are the ultimate expression of the secret of
Shaykh al-Badawi’s great spiritual nature:

He who has no knowledge (‘ilm) will have no worth (qīmah) in this world or the next. He who
has no forbearance (ĥilm) will find no benefit in knowledge. He who is without generosity
(sakhā’) will have no portion of his wealth. He who has no sympathy and concern (shafaqah)
for mankind will find no intercessor to plead his case (shifā‘ah) before Allah. He who has no
patience (şabr) will obtain no success and goodness in his affairs. He who has no taqwa
(godfearingness) has no station (manzilah) with Allah. And he who is deprived of these six
qualities has no place in the Garden (Jinnah).

His Death
He died in Tanta, Egypt, in 675 H, may Allah be pleased with him.

Shaykh Ibrahim al-Husainī al-Dasuki
His Name and Lineage
He is the realized in Allah the Exalted Sayyid Ibrahim ibn Abi l-Majd bin Quraysh bin Muhammad
bin al-Najā bin ‘Abd al-Khāliq bin Abī al-Qasim al-Zakī bin ‘Ali bin Muhammad al-Jawwad bin ‘Ali
al-Ridhā bin Mūsa al-Kāżim bin Ja‘far al-Sādiq bin Muhammad al-Bāqir bin ‘Alī Zain al-‘Abidīn bin
al-Husain bin Imam ‘Ali, may Allah be pleased with them.

His Position in the Spiritual Path

He (may Allah be pleased with him) wore the noble patched robe from Shaykh Najm al-Din
Mahmud al-Isfahānī who took it from Shaykh Nur al-Dīn ‘Abd al-Şamad al-Natharī (Shaykh Abu l-
Hasan al-Shadhili also took from him) who took it from Shaykh Najīb al-Dīn Ali al-Shīrāzī who took
it from Shaykh Shahāb al-Dīn al-Sahrawardī who took it from Shaykh Abī al-Najīb Đīya al-Dīn
‘Abd al-Qadr al-Sahrawardī who took it from Shaykh Wajīh al-Dīn who took it from Shaykh Farj al-
Zanjānī who took it from Shaykh Abī al-‘Abbas al-Nahāwandī who took it from Shaykh Muhammad
bin Hafīf al-Shirāzī who took it from the qadi Shaykh Ruwaym Abi Muhammad al-Baghdadī who
took it from the Imam of the tariq Abi al-Qāsim al-Junayd al-Baghdadī who took it from his uncle
Sari al-Saqaţī who took it from Shaykh Ma‘rūf al-Karkhī who took it from Shaykh Dawud al-Tā’ī
who took it from Shaykh Habīb al-‘Ajamī who took it from Shaykh al-Hasan al-Basrī who took it
from the leader of the awliya, our master Imam ‘Ali ibn Abi Ţālib (may Allah be pleased with him)
who took it from the Master of Mankind and the Noble Prophets our Lord and Master the Messenger
of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace).

His Position in the Spiritual World

The Realized in Allah, Abi Bakr al-Anşārī (may Allah sanctify his secret) in his book ‘Uqūd al-Lāl
says the following about Shaykh Ibrahim al-Dasukī:
He had the loftiest methods in excellence. His footsteps were firmly rooted in matters of the next
world. He was open to all knowledge that came to him. Only after long reflection would action come
forth from him. His unveilings penetrated through to the realities within ayats of Qur’an. His
openings multiplied in his witnessing. He was one whom Allah revealed to the creation. Allah
brought him forth as a mercy to mankind, openly accepted by both the common and the elite
wherever he went. He was accomplished in the rules of wilaya. He turned the hearts of the important
people in the society of his time. Allah gave him many openings from the unseen and caused to
manifest from him many miracles, one of them being, his fasting when he was but a child in the

Among His Sayings and Spiritual Advice
For whoever is sincere in his obedience to Allah, those who oppose him, change. The one who spoke
to him nastily will love him, and the one who cut him off will seek to connect with him.
A man is not complete until he rejects from his heart, his secret, his knowledge, his imagination, his
thinking and from anything that occurs to his mind other than Allah.
Whoever doesn’t have compassion and mercy for mankind, will not reach the ranks of the people of
Anyone who stops at a maqam is protected by it.
As long as your tongue tastes (speaks) what is forbidden to it, don’t expect to taste any portion of
wisdom or knowledge.
The tariq is defined by two matters: Knowing your Lord and worshipping Him. The capital of the
murīd is love and submission.

Among His Miracles

His miracles were numerous and well-known. One of them was the following: a young boy was
swallowed by an alligator. His mother came to the Shaykh terrified. The Shaykh sent his
representative who, when he reached to the water’s edge, called out to all the alligators, saying: “O
Alligators, whoever swallowed a boy, let him come forward.” They (the murid and the alligator)
walked back to the Shaykh. When they reached him, he ordered the alligator to spit the boy out.
Then he said: “Die by the permission of Allah.” And it died.

His Death
He died, may Allah be pleased with him, in 676 H at the age of 43 and was buried in the city of
Dasuk. Today his grave is still visited. May Allah the Exalted benefit us by him and by his baraka.

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