Top 250+ Substation Interview Questions - Best Substation Interview Questions and Answers - Wisdom Jobs

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2/17/2019 Top 250+ Substation Interview Questions - Best Substation Interview Questions and Answers | Wisdom Jobs

Substation Interview Questions & Answers

1. Question 1. What Is Called A Substation?

Answer :

A Substation is an intermediate switching, transforming or converting station

between the generating station and the low tension distribution network
situated generally at the consumer’s load centre.

2. Question 2. What Is The Function Of A Substation?

Answer :

The Substation receives power from the generating station by a signal or

more feeders at a high voltage, transforms the same to different distribution
voltages and sends the power to different consumers through distribution

3. Question 3. What Are The Classifications Of The Substations According

To The Design?

Answer :

1. Indoor substation
2. Outdoor substation
3. Pole mounted substation
4. Underground substation.
4. Question 4. What Is Called Indoor Substation?

Answer :

The Substation, of which the equipments are installed indoor for voltages upto
11kV because of economic consideration, is called as indoor Substation. In
case of contaminated atmospheric condition these substations can be erected
for voltages upto 66kV. 1/5
2/17/2019 Top 250+ Substation Interview Questions - Best Substation Interview Questions and Answers | Wisdom Jobs

5. Question 5. What Is Called Outdoor Substation?

Answer :

The Substation for voltage 33kV and above, where the equipments are
installed outdoor because for such voltages, the clearance between
conductors and the space required for various equipments becomes so great
that it is not economical to install indoor, is called outdoor substation.

6. Question 6. What Are The Factors To Be Considered For Selection Of

Site Of An Outdoor Type Substation?

Answer :

The following factors are to be considered in selection the site of an

outdoor type substation :-

The site should be located closed to the centre of its supply area.
Sufficient land is to be available at a reasonable cost and without much
difficulty for the construction of substation and the accommodation of
the operating staff.
The site should be away from the densely populated locality.
The site should have easy access for having transport.
7. Question 7. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of An
Outdoor Type Substation Over An Indoor Type Substation?

Answer :

The outdoor type substation has the following advantages over indoor
sub-station :-

1. All equipments are within sight and accessible ; faults and defects can
therefore, be easily located and rectified.
2. The substation equipments can be spaced sufficiently apart.
3. The effect of fault in one section do not affect the healthy section.
4. The cost of erected is comparatively less as no large buildings are
required to be erected to house the substation equipments.
5. The time required for erected is lesser.
6. Future extensions and alterations can be made without much difficulty.
The disadvantages of outdoor type substation are as follows :

1. As the equipments are open to atmosphere the influence of rapid

fluctuation in ambient temperature, dust and dirt deposited on the
equipments makes it necessary to install specially designed equipments
which are costlier.
2. More space is required for the outdoor substation as buses and other
live parts are bare and more clearance is necessary.
3. The various switching operations, fault repair and maintenance become
difficult in rough and inclement weather.
8. Question 8. What Is Pole Mounted Substation?

Answer : 2/5
2/17/2019 Top 250+ Substation Interview Questions - Best Substation Interview Questions and Answers | Wisdom Jobs

Pole mounted substation is the outdoor type cheapest form of substation for
voltages not exceeding 33kV in which the equipments are installed overhead
on H-pole or 4-pole structure and electric power is almost distributed in
localities through such substation.

9. Question 9. What Is Called Underground Substation?

Answer :

In thickly populated areas where the available space for substation equipment
and building is limited and cost of land is high, the substation equipment are
placed under ground and then it is said to be underground substation which
requires more careful consideration than other types of substation.

10. Question 10. What Are The Classifications Of The Substations

According To Its Functions?

Answer :

1. Transformer substation,
2. Converting substation,
3. Frequency substation,
4. Switching substation,
5. Power factor correction substation,
6. Industrial substation.
11. Question 11. What Is A Transformer Substation?

Answer :

A substation, in which the voltage is either stepped up or stepped down by

means of a transformer, is called a transformer substation.

12. Question 12. What Is A Converting Substation?

Answer :

A substation, where a.c. energy is converted into d.c. energy, is called

converting substation.

13. Question 13. What Is A Frequency Substation?

Answer :

A substation, in which the frequency is changed from one value to the another
value with the help of frequency converter, is known as frequency substation.

14. Question 14. What Is A Switching Substation?

Answer :

A substation, in which simple switching operation of power lines is performed

without the voltage level, is called as switching substation.

15. Question 15. What Is Power Factor-correction Substation? 3/5
2/17/2019 Top 250+ Substation Interview Questions - Best Substation Interview Questions and Answers | Wisdom Jobs

Answer :

A substation located at the receiving end of the transmission lines, in which

power factor correction is performed by using generally synchronous
condensers, is called as power factor-correction substation.

16. Question 16. What Is An Industrial Substation?

Answer :

A substation, from which the power is supplied to individual industrial concern,

is known as industrial substation.

17. Question 17. What Are The Classification Of The Substation According
To Their Location In The Power System Networks?

Answer :

1. Step up substation,
2. Primary grid substation,
3. Secondary substation,
4. Distribution substation,
5. Bulk supply and industrial substation,
6. Mining substation
7. Mobile substation.
18. Question 18. What Is The Location Of Step Up Substation?

Answer :

The step up substation is associated with the power station where the
generation voltage is stepped up to the primary transmission voltage.

19. Question 19. What Is Called Primary Grid Substation?

Answer :

The substation created at suitable load centres along the primary

transmission line, in which the primary transmission voltage is stepped down
to a number of suitable secondary transmission voltages, is called primary
grid substation.

20. Question 20. What Is Secondary Substation?

Answer :

The substation created at actual load point along the secondary transmission
lines, where the voltage, is further stepped down to sub-transmission or
primary distribution voltage, is called secondary substation.

21. Question 21. What Is Distribution Substation?

Answer : 4/5
2/17/2019 Top 250+ Substation Interview Questions - Best Substation Interview Questions and Answers | Wisdom Jobs

The substation, where the sub transmission voltage or the primary distribution
voltage is stepped done to supply voltage for feeding the consumers through
a network of distribution lines, is called distribution substation.

22. Question 22. What Is Bulk Supply & Industrial Substation?

Answer :

The distribution substation created for an individual bulk supply consumer or

an industrial consumer of large or medium supply ground is known as bulk
supply and industrial substation.

23. Question 23. What Is Mining Substation?

Answer :

The mining substation is a specially is a specially designed substation created

for the purpose of mining installation which provides extra precaution for
safety in the operation of electric supply.

24. Question 24. What Is Called Mobile Substation?

Answer :

The substation, which is created for temporary requirements of mainly

construction purposes, is called mobile substation.

25. Question 25. What Are The Main Equipments And Accessories Used For

Answer :

1. High voltage isolator,

2. High voltage switchgear,
3. Main busbars,
4. Transformer,
5. Low voltage switchgear and busbars,
6. Cables,
7. Fuses,
8. Auxiliary equipments,
9. Instrument transformers,
10. Measuring instruments,
11. Indicating instruments,
12. Protective,
13. Control cable & circuits etc. 5/5

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