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The key takeaways from the unit plan are that it focuses on teaching percentages and relations over 14 classes using gamification and real world connections. The plan incorporates various forms of assessment and caters to different learning styles.

The main topics covered in the unit plan are percentages, fractions, decimals, place value, and their application to finance, measurements, and size comparisons.

The unit plan incorporates various forms of assessment including pre-assessment, quizzes, tests, assignments, projects, observations, work samples, dialogues and self-assessment to check students' understanding throughout the unit.

Fletcher ‘19

Math 7 -- 14 Classes

Unit Plan: Math 7 Percentages and Relations

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Learning Mathematics K-9: Math 7

Outcome(s) GLO: Develop Number Sense
● SLO 1.3: Solve problems involving percents from 1% to 100%.
● SLO 1.7: Compare and order positive fractions, positive decimals (to thousandths) and
whole numbers by using:
○ Benchmarks
○ Place Value
○ Equivalent Fractions and/or Decimals.
Big Math Charles Understandings: Middle/Jr. High School
Ideas ● 1. ​Numbers​: ​The set of real numbers is infinite and each real number can be associated
with a unique point on the number line.
● 3. ​Equivalence​: ​Any number, measure, numerical/algebraic expression, can be
represented in an infinite number of ways that have the same value.
● 4. ​Comparison​: ​Numbers, expressions, and measures can be compared by their relative

Cross Problem Solving:

Curricular ● Draw upon knon mathematical concepts to develop strategies to solve unfamiliar problems.
Competencies ● Demonstrate flexibility, persistence, and a willingness to take risks to try different
mathematical approaches to solving problems.
● Accept that [contextual] mathematical problems may lead to multiple solutions.
Critical Thinking:
● Make mathematical statement about patterns or relationships.
● Apply criteria to analyze or validate mathematical processes, solutions, or claims.
● Use deductive reasoning or logic to check or justify mathematical arguments.
Managing Information:
● Organize or manipulate data to determine mathematical patterns.
● Use appropriate tools to represent, model, or share mathematical information or ideas.
● Collect pertinent information to make sense of mathematical ideas in a variety of context.

Overarching ● How are percentages used in everyday life?

Essential ● Why do we use percentage to represent a quantity?
Questions ● How can we characterize the relationship between parts and wholes?
Real World CTS--Finance:​ ​Interest, Tax, Treasure Division
Connections Physics--Size Comparison: ​Boy Scout Catapult, Modeling & Scale, Acceleration
Foods--Measurements:​ ​Upscaling & Reducing, Unit Conversion
Fletcher ‘19
Math 7 -- 14 Classes

Knowledge and Skills

Knowledge Students will know… Skills Students will be able to…

● Why a relation can be made ● Use percentages to represent a quantity
using percentages ● Convert ratios into percentages
● Why percentages are useful in
everyday applications

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

● Small formative quiz ranging from previous years work to the extent of this years expectations given prior to

Quizzes, Tests, Assignments Performance Tasks, Projects

● Daily Quiz ● Interest Project
● Sample questions sheets ● Measurement Project
● Mini-Unit quizzes (3) ● Modeling Project

Other Evidence​ (observations, work samples, dialogues) Student self-assessment

● Mini-Check-Ins ● Daily Quiz
● Project Check-Ins ● Sample Question Confidence

What How Why

Blooms/Content Recall & Apply Analyze, Total

Understand Evaluate, Create

Finance 4% 20% 16% 40%

Size 2% 10% 8% 20%

Measurements 4% 20% 16% 40%

Total 10% 50% 40% 100%

Fletcher ‘19
Math 7 -- 14 Classes

Assessment Tool Overview

Assessment FOR Assessment AS Assessment OF
Assessment Tool Brief Description Learning Learning Learning

● What: Pre-Assessment “Tutorial”

designed to gather information on
students prior learning on the topics of
fractions & percent.
● Where: This “Tutorial” will be given in
● When: Day 1 of the Unit.
● Who: Myself (The CM), 6x Designated
Students Leaders (DSL), 6 5-Student
● Why: To help me as a teacher know
where my students are lacking in
Tutorial necessary information to accel in the
Yes Yes Yes?
(Pre-Assessment) topics fractions and percents.
● How: A team based relay game where
students roll fraction and operation dice
and then solve the resulting questions.
DSL’s count the number of points each
player in their team collects within the
allotted time and the leading team gets
the Daily Favour status. Successive
rounds increase in difficulty with
additional modifier dice as needed.
DSL’s then hand in results. Teacher
will moderate and observe. Tutorial
ends in an exit slip.

● What: A unit spanning project to

assess how well students
understand, interpret, use, and
creatively represent knowledge
acquired in this unit.
● Where: This “Quest” is given in
class and will be worked on in
class and out of class.
● When: Day 1, due one class week
The Quest after the unit.
Yes Yes Yes
(Project) ● Who: Myself (The CM), Student
groups of 1-3.
● Why:To help me as a teacher
know what students have learned
and what future follow up I need to
do in order to make sure students
are comfortable with the material.
● How: An individual/group bases
inquiry project where students are
given the guiding question “How
Fletcher ‘19
Math 7 -- 14 Classes

are percentages used in...” and

students will discover, summarize,
and present on this topic in
conjunction with a secondary topic
of their choosing (Biology,
Economy, Foods, etc.). They can
choose to represent this
information in any format they
want, but must include a write up
for abstract pieces (such as a
painting, prepared food item, etc.).
They must address how percents
are used and demonstrate this with
an example in that context.

● What: A “Daily Encounter” with

percent and fractions related to in
class questions.
● Where: In class.
● When: Daily within the first 5-10
minutes of class
● Who: Myself (The CM), Students
Daily Encounter
● Why: To assess the daily Yes Yes N/A
(Daily Quiz)
understanding and retention of the
previous days content and help me
as a teacher to “correct course” of
content material.
● How: A quick survey put out by
email to the students with
questions that they should expect
to see from previous days work.

● What: A series of (semi)optional

worksheets that cover various
questions from each module.
● Where: In-class, Out-of class, as
the students desire.
● When: Each module related
worksheet opens up at the start of
the module, and closes at the end
Grind Farming of the unit.
Yes Yes Yes
(Question Sheets) ● Who: Students (individually or
● Why: To allow students the
opportunity to practice questions
and concepts discussed in class
and to help me correct
● How: Printed sheets that are open
for students to take and work on
Fletcher ‘19
Math 7 -- 14 Classes

and hand in when they are

finished. A certain amount in each
module must be completed, but
after that it is open practise for
students who feel the desire for
extra interaction.

● What: A module quiz covering

questions in the context of the
● Where: In class
● When: Taking the place of the
Daily Encounter
Mid-Quest Mob ● Who: Students individually
Fight ● Why: To ascertain that student Yes Yes Yes
(Mod-Quiz) learning for the module has been
effective and to allow me as a
teacher to tweek needed concepts
when revisited in the next module
● How: A longer format quiz, written
pen & paper style, with content
covering the work of the module.

● What: Periodic Check-In’s with the

CM to determine student familiarity
with course content.
● Where: Anywhere
● When: Constantly
● Who: Students individually
● Why: To help me as a teacher to
Check-Ins be conscious of the dynamics of
(Interactions with my students with the course Yes N/A N/A
The CM...) material, address individual
concerns, and provided extra
support to students who
desire/require it.
● How: This may take various
formats: Formal Interviews,
Informal Encounters, returned
assessments, etc.
Fletcher ‘19
Math 7 -- 14 Classes

The Quest Daily Encounter Grind Farm Mid-Quest Check
(Project) (Daily Quiz) (Question Sheets) Mob Fight -Ins

Learning Type ​(Formative/Summative) Form

Sum Form/Sum Form/Sum Sum
Weighting N/A
50% 15% 15% 20%

Taxonomic Level All 1-3 1-3 4-5 All

● How are percentages used in

Yes No Yes Yes Yes
everyday life?

● Why do we use percentage to

Yes Yes No Yes Yes
represent a quantity?

● How can we characterize the

relationship between parts and Yes No No Yes Yes

Rational and Gamification Overview

Rationale The major focus of this unit is “real-world” applications, following my pedagogical belief that if it’s not
grounded in useable application students won’t be grounded in caring for the content. Each module
discusses how percents are used in benchmarks, number lines & equivalent fractions, and place value
within the context of the three overarching topics. This method allows for an “introduction, tutorial,
and revisit” style approach to the content with cross unit potential for needed revisitations.

A major portion (90%) of this unit is allocated to the Applying and Creating/Analyzing/ Evaluating of
percentages and their uses, thus little focus will be put on specific terminology (such as
numerator/denominator) and more emphasis will be placed on using and understand of fractions,
percents, and similar comparisons (ex: why do we have ⅘, where does it come from, how do I use it in
[baking], is it the same as 8/10, etc.). The heaviest weighting in this unit is “The Quest” specifically
because it represents what the students will be working on the most and where they are allowed to
express their creativity, curiosity, and understanding with the content. Other grades are distributed to
help students maintain accountability with material, but more importantly to help the students
self-assess where they are with their grasp of the course content.

Gamification This unit is meant to be given in a combined structural and content gamified environment.
Details The overall class is meant to be a “game environment” where students have the overarching
goal of progressing through each unit lasting Quest Project. Content is given in various
gamified forms, but should predominantly be hands on so that the students become familiar
with what is being discussed outside of a theoretical narrative.

Rationale behind why I would gamify this unit in this way is four-fold:
1) Gamified environments allow and even encourage failure. Fail faster, fail often, in a
safe environment allows for students to experiment without the fear of a
punishment for failing.
Fletcher ‘19
Math 7 -- 14 Classes

2) Gaming language is something that most students can relate to, and if individual
students cannot it can be learned through repetition. The use of gaming language
allows for a different environment in the classroom from environments that
students are accustomed to in other “non-gamified” classrooms.
3) Contextual Gamification (changing a written unit final into a comprehensive unit
project) is more applicable to the “real world” situations. This emphasis on a
gamified, “real world” introduction to percentages provides a more concrete
foundation that students can build on for their own learning and future utilization.
4) This method allows for learners of all kinds to interact with concepts
a) Oral & Auditory: There is a daily oral component that allows students to
observe in a risk free environment, allowing for questions to be asked and
answers given in a verbal format. The gamified approach allows them to
speak and hear their thoughts (and those of peers), where in the
stereotypical math classroom students would work quietly by themselves.
b) Kinesthetic & Visual: Allowing students to “play” with different aspects of
percentages, specifically in the finance & measurement sections of this unit,
allows students to visualize a rather abstract idea. This also allows them the
opportunity to become concretely familiar with percents and its uses.
Fletcher ‘19
Math 7 -- 14 Classes
Unit Calendar:
Monday’s Tuesday Tavern War Magic Is it Thursday yet? Mob-Fight Friday
Magnificent Mansion Crawl Wednesday

Day 0: Day 1: Day 2: Day 3: Day 4:

Tutorial Finance Finance Finance Place Mob-Fight
In this class we go Benchmarks Eq-Fractions Value This could follow various
through a series of In this class we start from In this class we start from formats:
questions relating to /Decimals ● Group Challenge
where students are at In this class we start from where students are at
Math 6 SLO 1.1-7 with benchmarks and use with Place Value. (SLO around a series of
where students are at questions or
finance to convey with Eq-Fractions and 1.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)
learning. (SLO 1.7, 1.3, Daily Encounter:​ Interest challenges.
their Equivalent Decimal. ● Class Puzzle,
1.4) (SLO 1.3, 1.7, 1.5) Grind Farm​: Starting
Daily Encounter:​ with foundational having students
Daily Encounter:​ Tax work on an
Treasure Division Grind Farm​: Starting understandings that
Grind Farm​: Starting students can work with, announced problem
with foundational individually
with foundational understandings that such as meaning of
understandings that percents in a dollar, ● Classic Quiz
students can work with, ● Relay Challenge
students can work with such as common multiplication dealings,
such as number-lines, interest primarily. allowing teams to
conversions, work together in
budget maximization, macro-conversions, and
etc. series of individual
decimal conversions. efforts.

Day 5: Day 6: Day 7: Day 8: Day 9:

Tutorial Size Benchmarks Size Size Place Value Mob-Fight
(Week Review) In this class students will Eq-Fractions In this class students will
Review last weeks use Size Comparison and use size to express place
Magnitude to convey /Decimals value as a percentage in See above
material based off of the In this class students will
Mob-Fight learning with comparison to other
benchmarks (SLO 1.7, use fractions and standards (SLO 1.7, 1.3,
1.3, 1.4) decimals to convey 1.4, 1.5)
Daily Encounter:​ learning with size and Daily Encounter:​
Acceleration Eq-Fractions (SLO 1.3, Modeling & Scale
Grind Farm​: 1.7 1.4) Grind Farm​:
Speedometer, Daily Encounter:​ Boy Speedometers, buildings,
Momentum, etc. Scout Catapult radius comparison, etc.
Grind Farm​: Equivalent
triangles, buildings,
scaling, etc.

Day 10: Day 11: Day 12: Day 13: Day 14:
Tutorial Measurement Measurement Measurement Mob-Fight
(Weekly Review) Benchmarks Eq-Fractions Place Value
Review last weeks In this class students will /Decimals In this class students will See above
materials based off of the use measurements in In this class students will use previous learning to
Mob-Fight foods/baking/cooking to use various unit of express measurement in
express learning with measurements to express place value.
benchmarks learning in decimals and Daily Encounter:​
Daily Encounter:​ Eq-Fractions Upscaling & Reduction
Upscaling & Reduction Daily Encounter:​ Grind Farm​: weights and
Grind Farm​: Unit Conversion upscaling, estimation,
Number-lines, budget Grind Farm​: etc.
maximization within manipulatives, sandbox
proportions of measuring, worksheets
ingredients, time scaling,

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