Sinter Vs Cepalco

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Philippine Sinter Corporation vs.

Electric Power and Light Co., Inc. On a petition for review on certiorari, this Court
G.R. No. 127371. April 25, 2002. affirmed the Resolution of the Court of Appeals.
Judgment was entered on September 22, 1993, thus
rendering final the Decision of ERB.
On January 21, 1987, President Corazon C. Aquino
and her Cabinet approved a Cabinet Reform Policy for To implement the decision in ERB Case No. 89-430,
the power sector and issued a Cabinet Memorandum, CEPALCO wrote Philippine Sinter Corporation
Item No. 2 of which provides: (PSC), petitioner, and advised the latter of its desire
“Continue direct connection for industries “to have the power supply of PSC, directly taken from
authorized under the BOI-NPC NPC (NAPOCOR), disconnected, cut and transferred”
Memorandum of Understanding of 12 to CEPALCO. PSC is an entity operating its business
January 1981, until such time as the within the PHIVIDEC Industrial Estate. The Estate is
appropriate regulatory board determines managed and operated by the PHIVIDEC Industrial
that direct connection of industry to NPC is Authority (PIA).
no longer necessary in the franchise area of
the specific utility or cooperative. PSC refused CEPALCO’s request, citing its contract
Determination shall be based in the utility or for power supply with NAPOCOR effective until July
cooperatives meeting the standards of 26, 1996.
financial and technical capability with
satisfactory guarantees of non-prejudice to To restrain the execution of the ERB Decision, PSC
industry to be set in consultation with NPC and PIA filed a complaint for injunction against
and relevant government agencies and CEPALCO with the Regional Trial Court of Cagayan
reviewed periodically by the regulatory de Oro City, Branch 17, docketed as Civil Case No.
board.” (emphasis ours). 94-186 They alleged, inter alia, that there exists no
legal basis to cut-off PSC’s power supply with
Pursuant to such Cabinet Memorandum, respondent NAPOCOR and substitute the latter with CEPALCO
CEPALCO grantee of a legislative franchise to since: (a) there is a subsisting contract between PSC
distribute electric power to the municipalities of and NAPOCOR; (b) the ERB decision is not binding
Villanueva, Jasaan and Tagoloan, and the city of on PSC since it was not impleaded as a party to the
Cagayan de Oro, all of the province of Misamis case; and (c) PSC is operating within the PHIVIDEC
Oriental, filed with the Energy Regulatory Board Industrial Estate, a franchise area of PIA, not
(ERB) a petition entitled “In Re: Petition for CEPALCO, pursuant to Sec. 4 (1) of P.D. 538.
Implementation of Cabinet Policy Reforms in the Moreover, the execution of the ERB decision would
Power Sector” cause PSC a 2% increase in its electrical bills.

The petition sought the “discontinuation of all existing On April 11, 1994, the trial court rendered judgment
direct supply of power by the National Power favor of PSC and PIA. CEPALCO filed a motion for
Corporation (NPC, now NAPOCOR) within reconsideration but was denied by the trial Court in its
CEPALCO’s franchise area.” order dated December 13, 1994. Aggrieved,
CEPALCO appealed to the Court of Appeals. On July
The ERB issued a notice of public hearing which was 23, 1996, the Court of Appeals rendered its decision to
published in the Newspapers and posted in the affected sets aside the decision of RTC and dissolved the writ
areas. After hearing, the ERB rendered a decision of preliminary injunction.
granting the petition.
PSC and PIA filed a motion for reconsideration, which
NAPOCOR filed a motion for reconsideration, which was denied in a Resolution dated December 2, 1996.
the ERB denied. Thereafter, NAPOCOR filed a Hence the instant petition.
petition for review with the Court of Appeals. On
October 9, 1992, the Court of Appeals dismissed the ISSUE:
petition, holding that the motion for reconsideration 1. WON RTC Cagayan de Oro has the power to
filed by NAPOCOR with the ERB was out of time and restrain the decision of ERB.
therefore, the assailed decision became final and 2. WON injunction lies against the final and
executory and could no longer be subject of a petition executory judgment of the ERB.
for review.

1. RTC has no such power.
Corollarily, Section 10 of Executive Order No. 172
(the law creating the ERB) provides that a review of
its decisions or orders is lodged in the Supreme Court.
Settled is the rule that where the law provides for an
appeal from the decisions of administrative bodies to
the Supreme Court or the Court of Appeals, it means
that such bodies are co-equal with the Regional Trial
Courts in terms of rank and stature, and logically,
beyond the control of the latter. Hence, the trial court,
being co-equal with the ERB, cannot interfere with the
decision of the latter. It bears stressing that this
doctrine of non-interference of trial

2. We rule in the negative.

Clearly, an injunction to stay a final and executory

decision is unavailing except only after a showing that
facts and circumstances exist which would render
execution unjust or inequitable, or that a change in the
situation of the parties occurred. Here, no such
exception exists as shown by the facts earlier narrated.
To disturb the final and executory decision of the ERB
in an injunction suit is to brazenly disregard the rule
on finality of judgments.

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