Foreign Direct Investment and The Environment: Pollution Haven Hypothesis Revisited

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Foreign Direct Investment and the

Environment: Pollution Haven

Hypothesis Revisited

Aliyu, Mohammed Aminu*

Paper prepared for the Eight Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis,
Lübeck, Germany, June 9 - 11, 2005

* School of Economic, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom and Department
of Economics, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria. e-mail: [email protected]
Foreign Direct Investment and the Environment:
Pollution Haven Hypothesis Revisited
Aliyu, Mohammed Aminu


We examine the impact of environmental policy on location decision, the

outflow of “dirty” Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). We also examine the

impact of “dirty” FDI in host countries, on annual CO2 total emission; total

emission of known particulate matters; rising temperature; and total energy

use. Using disaggregated FDI data, panel data regression, we found that,

“dirty” FDI outflow is positively correlated with environmental policy in

eleven OECD countries. But FDI inflow is not significant in explaining

the level of pollution and energy use in fourteen non-OECD countries.


The problem of foreign exchange constraints in economic growth and role of foreign

investment in developing countries has been recognised since the works of Chenery

and Strout, (1966) Chenery and Bruno, (1962), McKinnon, (1964). Foreign

investment is expected to bridge the internal resource and savings gap, increase

managerial abilities, reduce the foreign exchange shortage and improve balance of

payment in less developed countries. This is supported by the debate on trade

liberalisation, and the robust results from empirical studies on the role of trade as

engine of growth. (Balassa, 1978, Bhagwati and Srinivasan, 1983, Krueger, 1997)

But, trade liberalisation and free movement of capital has also become an important

environmental issue. Some argue that environmental quality is a normal good and

that, free trade and the resulting economic growth would lead to cleaner environment.

Part of this argument is rooted in the discredited Environmental Kuznets Curve

(EKC) which is due to Shafik and Bandyopadhyay (1992), Seldon and Song (1994),

Grossman and Krueger (1991)

Trade is governed by the law of comparative advantage which postulate that efficient

exchange of goods leads to optimal outcomes. In this process, as agent of free trade,

multinationals serve in reducing cost and respond to market imperfections. However,

the Samuelson-Heckscher-Ohlin trade theory assumes low factor specificity or easily

transferable resources; Rachardo-Viner theory assumes high factor specificity and

hard to transfer resources; the increasing return to scale theory which is used to

explain intra-industry trade all assumed that trade is benign and also overlooked the

additional connections and complexities in the economic system created by trade.

One of these complexities is the environmental degradation and the sensitivity of

multinational corporations to cost of pollution abatement. Higher domestic cost

therefore provides incentives for multinational corporations to expand their

geographical range into other areas, including other countries in search for cheaper

operating environment and additional resources.

The Pollution haven hypothesis refers to the possibility that foreign investment could

sensitive to weaker environmental standards. A possible asymmetry exists between

foreign capital and local environmental standards. When firms avoid environmental

regulations by relocation it could trigger competition for lax environmental policy in

order to gain comparative advantage in “dirty” goods production. The power of

foreign firms, especially, and the desperate attempt to woo and tame foreign capital

by poor countries might sometimes force these countries to lower the country-specific

regulation. Direct and strict environmental regulation may increase production cost,

for this reason and in attempt to promote investment and attract foreign capital, trade

liberalisation in emerging and transition economies might, by design or by default,

lead to lax environmental policies.

a. Pollution Haven:

The pollution haven hypothesis has three dimensions. The first is the relocation of

heavy polluting industries from developed countries with stringent environmental

policies to developing countries where similar policies do not exist, are lax or not

enforced. Accordingly, global free trade would encourage polluting industries and

processes to move to countries with weak environmental policy. The second

dimension is the dumping of hazardous waste generated from developed countries

(industrial and nuclear energy production), in developing countries. This issue was

the subject of the Basle Convention on hazardous waste. The last dimension is the

unrestrained extraction of non-renewable natural resources in developing countries by

multinational corporations engaged in producing petroleum and petroleum products,

timber and other forest resources, etc. All the dimensions relate to conscious

decisions on environmental policy and how they impact on the environment, future

production and trade.

Esty and Gentry (1997 cited in OECD 1997) outlined three types of FDI namely,

market seeking; production platform seeking and resource seeking FDI. We add low

cost seeking FDI. The cost include labour cost, operating cost, factor cost etc. The

first two categories provided by Esty and Gentry are less likely to be sensitive to

environmental policy/cost. Industries in the third category may be sensitive

environmental cost. The category we have added would certainly be susceptible to

environmental cost especially because of the increased global competition and the

rising corporate power in the global economy.

The pollution haven hypothesis therefore has two empirical consequences, namely:

FDI outflow in developed countries is positively correlated with environmental policy

stringency and pollution in developing countries is positively linked to FDI inflow.

We intend to examine both using disaggregated data.

b. Previous Studies:

Levinson (1996) surveyed the empirical literature on the sensitivity of investment to

environmental regulations, both internationally and domestically within the U.S. He

reported that differences in pollution across states do not affect plant location

decisions and concluded, “more than twenty years of empirical research has been

unable to show convincingly that stringent environmental standards deter investment

or that weak regulation attract investment”. Copeland and Taylor (2003) found that,

effects of pollution on FDI movement depend not on stringency of policy but also on

the type of instrument used. Xing (1998) reported strong evidence on the impact of

lax environmental regulation in attracting foreign investment. However, while

environmental pollution and movements of capital and “dirty” goods could be

observed, lax environmental problem may be difficult to determine. Copeland and

Taylor (1994) argued that on the whole, free trade increases world pollution because,

increased world income and its skewed distribution, means for a given endowments

and trade frictions, a country could import clean goods if its income is sufficiently


Lofdalh (2002) argued that the activities of MNCs, collectively, have increased the

scale of international trade and production, thereby increasing cross border trade and

increased lateral pressure on the environment, defined by expansion, competition,

rivalry and conflict amongst them. By reducing transaction costs and responding to

market imperfections, the MNCs serve to promote international trade and

comparative advantage. Higher domestic cost is an incentive to MNCs to expand

production spatially into other countries or in search for additional resources.

List and Co (1999) estimated the effects of environmental regulation on foreign

multinationals new plant location decision and found evidence that, heterogeneous

environmental policies across countries do matter. Levinson and Tylor (2003) argued

that, industries in the US, where abatement cost has increased most, there is largest

increase in net imports i.e. are these goods are produced elsewhere.

Eskeland and Harrison (1997) argued that foreign firms are significantly more energy

efficient and use cleaner types of energy than local firms. They challenge the

pollution haven hypothesis and argued that, liberalisation of trade and increased

foreign investment in Latin America has not been associated with pollution intensive

industrial development and concluded that, protected economies are more likely to

favour pollution intensive industries, while openness actually encourages cleaner

industries through the importation of developed pollution standards.

OECD (1997) contended that, data on whether FDI is sensitive to stringency is sparse

and that, foreign capital flows to a wide range of industries some which are “dirty”,

some of which are clean. While low cost operation could be an objective of FDI flow

abroad, foreign firms generally seek consistent environmental regulation rather than

lax environmental policy, they are also likely to make new investment that protect

and improve the environment provided similar standard is enforced on their

competitors. Removing cost advantage puts industries at a disadvantage in

international competition especially when competitors from other countries do not

face similar regulations or if they receive government subsidy to compensate their

cost of compliance.

In responding to changing regulatory instruments only firm whose capital is mobile

could migrate. Other firms subject to impediments in mobility may use time rather

than location to respond to/mitigate the adverse effects of regulatory changes. This

option is particularly important for firms extracting natural resources, who attempt to

optimise the timing of production/exploration in a dynamic framework. Kunce et al,

(2002) studied the extent to which firms engaged in oil and gas industry adjust the

timing and intensity of production in the face of changes in environmental


Raspiller, S. and N. Riedinger (2004) observed that in France, paradoxically, the most

pollution intensive goods are imported relatively more from the most environmentally

stringent countries and that, the pollution intensity of the imported goods remains

positively related to the environmental stringency of the country where they are

produced. This suggests that, environmental cost is not a major determinant of

location compared to other effects.

In summary, some of the prominent/plausible reasons for relocation decision are

labour intensity, towards labour abundant countries; natural resource endowment, in

some industries like petroleum and petro-chemicals, paper and pulp, cement, wood

and timber; environmental and technological factors, most “dirty” industries are basic

industries associated with early stage of industrialisation; high return to capital

because of capital scarcity, although Lucas, (1990) has dismissed this as a factor of

capital mobility; and increase in the share of service industry in developed countries’

GDP, or the knowledge society argument.


a. Measures of stringency

Environmental regulation or stringency involves setting and enforcing standards.

These standards could be classified into different forms: ambient quality standards;

emission/discharge standards; production process standards; and products standards.

Barde (1995)

Different variables have been used in previous studies as proxy for assessing the level

of regulation – lax/stringent policies. Some of them include: consumption energy and

“dirty” fuel; degree of ratification/participation in international environmental

protection treaties, especially those that cover transboundary pollution; index of water

and air ambient and emission standards; effluents intensity of output; level of

corruption in a country; index of environmental sensitivity performance; actual

reduction in carbon, lead emission, water pollutants etc; comparative indices of

environmental policy performance - state of environmental awareness, scope of

policies adopted, legislations enacted, control mechanisms in place, the degree of

success in implementing environmental policies; and environmental and environment

related taxes.

Applicability of these measures depends on the local conditions. Drawing

uniform/global environmental policy standard may be difficult, and although

desirable, it may not be effective because of concerns about internal democratic

deficits in international organisations expected to monitor these standards, free-rider

and global common in international environmental protection (Johal and Ulph, 2002),

and because pollution assimilative capacities are likely to be different amongst

countries, so are social preferences regarding environmental quality.

b. Environmental Policy as a Comparative Advantage

While advocates of comparative advantage claim that trade bring mutual benefits to

countries, it however assumes that all costs are internalised. Many studies have

examined the argument that, lenient environmental standards give developing

countries a comparative advantage in pollution-intensive goods. Dean (2002)

surveyed the literature on openness and growth, and the environmental Kuznet's

curve, and reported that the opposite may be true. Low and Yeats (1992) reported

that, there has been a large increase in the average number of countries with revealed

comparative advantage in “dirty” industries mainly because, developing countries

have stronger tendency to develop comparative advantage in heavy polluting relative

to non-polluting industries. The same expansion has occurred in all the polluting

sectors. “Dirty” industries account for largest share of exports of some developing

countries and there is a reduction in “dirty” goods exports from industrial countries.

That is to say that, while pollution intensive industries are being dispersed

internationally, the dispersion is greatest towards developing countries. Their result

also indicated that most “dirty” industries are capital intensive with high factor


Less developed countries could have actual and reveal comparative advantage in

heavily polluting industries, which could have locational influence of these

industries’ production. This is also because other factors which are related to the

environment in the process of production like labour intensity, high return to capital,

natural resource endowment also influence their migration to developing countries.

There are many plausible reasons why there is higher pollution intensity and loose

environmental regulation in developing countries. First, environmental amenities are

normal goods. At higher income there is higher demand for safe environment.

Wealthier people tend to demand better environmental quality, support stricter laws

and enforcement concerns, purchasing costly green goods. Poor people who depend

more on the environment than the wealthy lack the means to express the demand.

Second, the relative financial strength of developing countries means, costs of

monitoring environmental standards are higher in developing countries. There is

scarcity of trained manpower and equipment. Third, economic growth in developing

countries is associated with a shift from subsistence agriculture into manufacturing.

This and the resulting, urbanisation, increase in investment in infrastructure would

lead to a deteriorating environment. Birdsall and Wheeler (1993)

Another reason may be the absence of, weak or un-enforced environmental

regulation, because of corruption, knowledge base/human capital, the relative strength

of the private sector and the interest it seek to protect, the share of multinational

corporations in the ownership of industries. While the first three reasons could be

benign, part of the development process, the last reason could have serious

repercussion for the role of trade and investment in developing countries. Newell


The fear that, nation states may, acting independently, engage in a race to the bottom

in setting weak environmental standards in order to gain strategic trade advantage and

respond to the relocation of multinational companies is rooted on among other

reasons, evidences for deindustrialisation (secular decline in the share of

manufacturing in national employment and output) among the developed countries.

However, industries choose location where expected profits are highest which

involves a combination of factors like labour market conditions, market size and

accessibility, taxes, infrastructure and public service, external economies, energy

costs, raw materials availability and environmental compliance expenditure.

Therefore environmental policy alone would not confer advantage to countries

seeking to attract or tame foreign investment. Gerking and List (2001)

c. Environmental Policy and International Competitiveness

Corporate power of the multinationals, through direct and indirect means, has made

government environmental regulatory policy weak. Stricter regulation would impose

additional cost and give countries with lax regulation a comparative advantage in

attracting multinationals. List et al (2003) found that in developing countries, while

domestic firms are influenced by environmental regulations, foreign firms are not

because they provide economic stimuli, benefits of foreign investment, more jobs,

and increased local wages.

It has been argued that, strict environmental regulation is detrimental to the

competitiveness of an industry, and that it induces phenomena such as ecological

dumping, ecological capital flight, and regulatory ‘chill’ in environmental standards.

Other alternative views indicate that, strict environmental regulation triggers

industry’s innovation potential, and subsequently increases its competitiveness.

The likely consequences of lax environmental regulation are not only distorting trade

patterns and comparative advantage but, may likely trigger competition for loose

regulatory policy or “race to the bottom”, which could further undermine the initial

objectives of stringency. This could cause/exacerbate trade imbalance in the short

run. Industries that loose the right to pollute might loose comparative advantage

because, its access to natural resource endowment - which is also an important

determinant of trade patterns - is reduced.

Secondly, if these industries affected employ less educated workers, with low labour

demand elasticity, then this portion of the labour force could be most hard hit. (Jaffe

et al, 1995) Environmental investment due to stringent policy could crowd out other

investment by firms. The crowding out of firms and dislocation of industries to other

countries could create a set of social cost. Declining manufacturing in certain sector

would endanger economic security interest.


a. The Hypothesis:

While openness and trade liberalisation would promote economic growth at both

local and global level, it is imperative to address the concern raised on the possible

negative impact of trade and trade policy on the environment. Multinational firms

seek to maximise profit and view alternative locations offering different combinations

of taxes, government regulations, and public service as imperfect substitutes. The

theoretical and empirical issues that arise from this is, to what extent do firms actually

relocate when different instruments are applied.

Most of the literature on this topic prior to 1997 could not control for heterogeneity,

because they used cross-section analysis and treats pollution regulation as exogenous.

These studies linked cross section variation in investment and trade flows to industry,

country and region specific measures of environmental regulations in addition to

other variables like factor cost. Most of the studies reported that, spatial differences in

environmental regulation have no or little effect on investment and trade flows. The

more recent studies which have taken account of endogeneity of pollution policy and

recognised that, country/industry specific variables may affect trade and investment

flows, found that environmental policy do affect trade and investment flows.

Copeland and Taylor (2004)

All the empirical studies we have come across on this topic used highly aggregated

data and implicitly overlooked heterogeneity among multinational firms and spatial

differences in and within foreign investment receiving countries. Previous studies

have assumed homogenous spatial response vector thereby pooling unaffected

regions, this masked the overall impact of stringent control policies. We suspect that,

the impact of more stringent environmental regulations is heterogeneous spatially,

and depend on location-specific attributes. It is also a fact that, investment in tertiary

industries like the service industry is environment friendly. Firms are heterogeneous

in their factor inputs, lobbying power and whether outputs are exported or consumed

locally. All these have implications for environmental policy, pollution and firm’s

location decision.

We disaggregate foreign investment across sectors and determine the impact of policy

stringency on the location decision. Location decision of “dirty” industries and

analyse their contribution to the level of environment pollution in host countries using

panel data analysis.

It will also be desirable to determine the impact of policy on relocation and new

investment decision. We suspect that, stringency is more likely to affect new

investment decision rather than relocation. It is also important to determine if the rate

and pattern of change in “dirty” industries is similar or different from other industries.

However, we do not address these issues here.

b. Data and Results

We collected two types of data for 11 years, 1990 to 2000. FDI inflow data for

fourteen developing countries, namely - Argentina, Armenia, Brazil, Chile,

Colombia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Pakistan, Paraguay, Poland, Slovenia,

Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago - and FDI outflow for eleven developed/OECD

countries - Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands,

Sweden, Switzerland, UK. For the purpose of this research, Mexico, though a

member of OECD, is considered as a net receiver of FDI.

Another reason for including Mexico among net FDI receivers is, there were concerns

at the inception of the NAFTA of the possibility of “dirty” investment relocating from

the US to Mexico. (Markusen, 1999) So also is the recent trade dispute on Tuna

exports into the US because of concern over fishing methods which US alleged are

harmful to Dolphins and the US refusal to allow Mexican haulage firms to transport

goods into the US because of environmental concerns has been attributed to the use of

environmental policy as a protectionist measure.

Our choice of which country to include is dictated by data availability. While data

was available for many countries, some of the data is highly aggregated. For others,

the data is disaggregated but, for too few years. We therefore, had to limit the number

of countries because of the need to synchronise the data and make it possible to run a

panel data regression. Unfortunately, data is not available for most of the high FDI

receivers like the “emerging economies” of East Asia and countries of Eastern

Europe. It would have been interesting to include these countries, especially because,

they are noted for their high pollution intensity and the use of “dirty” energy in

production. FDI outflow from developed countries is available from 1989 to 2002. It

is normal to expect data collection and its disclosure to be higher in developed

countries. However, FDI inflow and outflow data is not available for the biggest

economy in the world, the US.

Not all FDI is environmentally harmful. Therefore, disaggregated FDI data was

collected (for both developed and developing countries) in order to determine “dirty”

investment and it’s correlation with environmental policy (stringency) in the FDI

exporting country. We also examined the impact of “dirty” investment inflow and

environmental pollution, energy use and levels of temperature in FDI receiving


Our definition of “dirty” investment/sectors is due to Mani and Wheeler (1997). They

determined major polluting, “dirty” sectors by the use of emissions intensities based

on “US manufacturing at 3-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) level,

computed by the World Bank in collaboration with the US EPA and the US Census

Bureau” From which they computed average sectoral rankings for conventional air

pollutants, water pollutants, and heavy metals, which was finally aggregated to

determine overall rankings.

Data for the 1850-2002 was collected for Carbon emissions from energy use, non-

CO2 emissions, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Hydrofluorocarbons, Perfluorocarbons,

Sulfur hexafluoride, Carbon Emissions from Land Use, Concentrations in PPMV,

Temperature in °C, Commercial energy use (kt of oil equivalent), emissions from

public electricity and heat producers (in Million metric tons carbon dioxide),

Electricity production (kWh)

OECD and non-OECD countries data were obtained on Coal, Crude Oil, Nuclear,

Biomass energy, Gas and Hydro-energy production. The objective is to determine

energy intensities, and whether change in FDI flow/inflow is related to the energy

intensity and its by-product – pollution levels. Most of the energy sources are either

non-renewable or a major source of environmental pollution and or carbon emission.

We used two variables as proxy for environmental policy/stringency. These variables

are, environmental tax in the OECD countries, and the “Environmental Sustainability

index” ESI, 2002 prepared by the Global Leaders for Tomorrow, World Economic

Forum; Center for International Earth Science Information Network, Columbia

University; and Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy. We however dropped

the ESI data because it is still new, only two years data, and because, the underlying

definition and computation method of the environmental sustainability among

countries could give rise to multicollinearity in our regression.

It is important in explaining pollution haven hypothesis, to examine whether

locational push of “dirty” industries towards developing countries exist. We used

environmental tax as a proxy as a proxy for stringency. Data was obtained from the

OECD dataset. We also included GDP as an explanatory variable so to determine

whether the outflow is due to increased prosperity and the need to break new grounds

and because FDI flow and GDP have been increasing world wide.

Finally we do not imagine a contemporaneous relationship between the dependent

variables and explanatory variables. The Explanatory variables were set against

lagged values of the independent variables.

c. Panel Data Results:

In the case of net FDI receivers or the less developed countries, we attempt to

examine if FDI inflow is correlated with the level of pollution in these countries. We

used data from four major pollutants namely, CO2, total concentration of known

pollutants, level of temperature and energy use. We also included GDP in order to

determine the impact of rising economic prospects in these countries in attracting

investment including FDI.

FDI Outflow = cons + Envr. Tax + Lag GDP

Model Constant Envr. Tax Lag GDP n

OLS Between Effect 8322.288 -5.5926 2.14e-09 110
Model (0.94) (-0.32) (1.29)
Fixed Effect Model -38860.32 4.283477 4.18e-08
(-3.22) (1.50) (3.59)
Random Effect 1003.354 7.866245 3.12e-09
Model (0.30) (2..92) (1.85)
GLS 2618.089 6.015706 2.42e-09 110
(1.33) (1.97) (3.36)

CO2 fossil-fuel emissions = cons + Lag FDI-inflow + lag GDP

Model Constant FDI Inflow Lag GDP n

OLS Between Effect 16256.81 4.187772 8.13e-08 140
Model (1.76) (1.69) (1.81)
Fixed Effect 14901.04 0.0090318 1.55e-07
Model (4.36) (0.04) (6.13)
Random Effect 16445.39 0.0763576 1.43e-07
Model (2.17) (0.33) (6.61)
GLS 17959 2.514341 9.47e-08 140
(6.55) (4.37) (7.29)

Total Concentrations of known polutants = Lag FDI-inflow + lag GDP

Model Constant FDI Inflow Lag GDP n

OLS Between Effect 0.0307837 9.00e-06 1.84e-13 140
Model (1.83) (2.00) (2.26)
Fixed Effect 0.2820893 1.37e-06 -1.50e-12
Model (16.13 (1.14) (-11.58)
Random Effect 0.1023678 -1.77e-06 -1.64e-13
Model (4.61) (-1.09) (-1.75)
GLS .0399135 3.78e-06 1.98e-13 140
(5.38) (2.43) (5.64)

Temperature in C° = Lag FDI-inflow + lag GDP

Model Constant FDI Inflow Lag GDP n

OLS Between Effect 0.0001199 3.09e-08 6.39e-16 140
Model (1.82) (1.75) (2.00)
Fixed Effect 0.0014207 6.55e-09 -8.30e-15
Model (14.47) (0.97) (-11.43)
Random Effect 0.0003403 -1.09e-08 -2.99e-16
Model (3.82) (-1.24) (-0.76)
GLS 0.0001608 1.00e-08 6.65e-16 140
(4.59) (1.37) (4.01)

Energy-use = Lag FDI-inflow + lag GDP

Model Constant FDI Inflow Lag GDP n

OLS Between Effect 16991.49 7.272467 1.77e-07 140
Model (2.05) (3.27) (4.39)
Fixed Effect 18847.68 0.1039192 2.73e-07
Model (4.86) (0.39) (9.51)
Random Effect 20911.16 0.2419458 2.56e-07
Model (2.91) (0.90) (10.98)
GLS 20010.81 4.366181 1.99e-07 140
(7.21) (7.49) (15.18)

In most of our regression results we noted that Hausman test is spurious, because the

data failed to meet the asymptotic assumptions of the Hausman test. We are unable to

choose between the “fixed effect” and “between effect”. Most of the equations also

suffer from autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity. We therefore decided to use the

remedy for both autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity in the disturbances. We run a

GLS in order to obtain robust standard errors.

Both FDI and GDP are positively correlated and statically significant in explaining

the movements in CO2 emissions. GDP and the constant are found to be statistically

significant in explaining the movements in “total concentration of known pollutants”

while FDI is not. Both FDI and GDP are not significant in explaining the movements

in temperature over the years. The constant is significant, which is an indication of

possible omission of important explanatory variables. Lastly, GDP is statistically

significant in explaining the rise in energy use over time in the selected countries,

while FDI is not. We could therefore conclude that, FDI is only significant in

explaining the level of CO2 emissions in less developed countries.

In the case of FDI outflow from OECD countries, both GDP and environmental

policy are statistically significant in explaining the outflow of “dirty” FDI to less

developed countries. However, GDP is ‘more significant’ than the FDI in explaining

the outflow of “dirty” FDI in these countries.


Our results indicate that, environmental policy is important in explaining the outflow

of FDI from OECD countries to less developed countries. This is not surprising since

investors are sensitive to all types of tax. However, at the other end of the spectrum,

we were unable to find evidence that, FDI inflow into developing countries is

responsible for the level of environmental pollution and energy use. FDI is however

correlated with CO2 emissions.

The implications of these results is that, less developed countries should continue to

attract FDI because of its contribution GDP and economic growth, the foregoing

evidence indicates that FDI is environmentally benign although in OECD countries,

economic growth and stringent environmental policies, proxied by environmental

taxes, by increasing production cost have increased the amount of FDI abroad

Disaggregated data on FDI is scanty and full of problems. It is hoped that in future

both the data collection and reporting will improve. In the case of empirical works

cited, the quality of evidence both statistical and case study is poor compared with

research needs. Their conclusions are therefore suspect.

For those studies that reported a positive impact of environmental policy on FDI and

positive impact of FDI on pollution levels, a more systematic and rigorous study is

required to determine the relative weight of factors that affect FDI movements given

the multiple factors that affect location/relocation decisions of industries.

It is also important to disaggregate cooperative and non-cooperative situation

amongst “dirty” multinational industries. Most multinational corporations are aware

of their corporate social responsibility, it is therefore important to determine the

impact their business activities on the environment that could arise by design and by

default. It is important because, it is not available at the moment, to determine the

level of pollution intensity of various multinational industries with a view to conclude

whether foreign investment is benign or negative. Regression results that seek to

show the link between FDI and environmental policy sould be complemented by data

on industry specific pollution intensity.


1. Foreign investment data was sourced form the UNCTAD on-line data base.

2. We obtained pollution/pollutants emission data from the country by country CO2

Emissions from Fossil-Fuel Burning, Cement Manufacture, and Gas Flaring 1751-
2000 prepared by Gregg Marland and Tom Boden at the Carbon Dioxide Information
Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee. All emission estimates
are expressed in thousand metric tons of carbon. Per capita emission estimated, are
expressed in metric tons of carbon.

3. We also obtained data on various energy sources/production from the OECD

database. Missing data on energy production and consumption was obtained from the
United Nation’s Statistical Yearbook for various years.

4. Data was also sourced from the BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2004 on
oil consumption - barrels and tonnes; gas production and consumption, primary
energy consumption and electricity generation.

5. Missing data on energy production and consumption was obtained from the United
Nation’s Statistical Yearbook for various years.

6. Most of the data was in US dollars. However, some of the data obtained which were
reported in local currencies were converted into US dollars using either annual
exchange rate or Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). We had to do a double conversion
for Italy - which is currently within the Euro zone - before and after the introduction
of the Euro.

7. Emission data was also obtained from the Climate Analysis Indicators Tool (CAIT),
an information and analysis tool on global climate change developed by the World
Resources Institute, which provides a comprehensive database of greenhouse gas
emissions data and other climate-relevant indicators.


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Rank Air Water Metals Overall

1 371 Iron and Steel 371 Iron and Steel 372 Non-Ferrous Metals 371 Iron and Steel
2 372 Non-Ferrous Metals 372 Non-Ferrous Metals 371 Iron and Steel 372 Non-Ferrous Metals
3 369 Non-Metallic Min. Prd. 341 Pulp and Paper 351 Industrial Chemicals 351 Industrial Chemicals
4 354 Misc. Petroleum, Coal Prd. 390 Miscellaneous Manufacturing 323 Leather Products 353 Petroleum Refineries
5 341 Pulp and Paper 351 Industrial Chemicals 361 Pottery 369 Non-Metallic Min Prd.
6 353 Petroleum Refineries 352 Other Chemicals 381 Metal Products 341 Pulp and Paper
7 351 Industrial Chemicals 313 Beverages 355 Rubber Products 352 Other Chemicals
8 352 Other Chemicals 311 Food Products 383 Electrical Products 355 Rubber Products
9 331 Wood Products 355 Rubber Products 382 Machinery 323 Leather Products
10 362 Glass Products 353 Petroleum Refineries 369 Non-Metallic Min. Prd. 381 Metal Products

Mani and Wheeler (1997)



1995 2000

% of GDP




Weighted average










Source: Environmentally related taxes database (OECD, 2003)


FDI Outflow 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Canada 569.407 109.781 317.007 595.33 1911 1310.39 367.747 2627.71 2884.58 2143.08 11134.8
Denmark 239.745 302.679 498.021 510.591 387.012 630.515 292.163 1226.51 878.737 761.418 1714.98
Finland 291.761 291.761 291.761 2191.91 3125.64 1207.58 2256.83 3661.44 6476.17 3758.51 13868.4
Germany 12260.1 10558.3 8633.1 5706.7 8325.2 11375.5 8381.71 13595.6 74298.1 34353.9 32813.6
Iceland 6.35566 12.8734 -0.9091 1.86054 13.9969 12.9767 -4.6804 29.7689 23.9257 56.5656 71.0706
Italy 1254.49 1233.27 994.807 1577.81 1974.7 1130.21 1060.34 2901.39 2120.06 4384.19 3497.33
Japan 11881.6 8908.21 6919.54 6900.28 7950.75 10320.1 13270 14023.5 9395.36 29124.9 8294.29
Netherlands 5402.06 8202.97 8870.12 8489.49 9719.22 8720.73 16152.9 10635.8 29085.2 25656.2 42519.8
Sweden 6763.11 2312.88 -1670.4 715.771 1824.11 4486.65 1239.49 7121.15 4153.19 5924.57 11949.7
Switzerland 2575.05 2325.49 3502.81 3339.54 4943.77 4395.13 4235.47 8147.17 5037.65 4872.19 12239.9
UK 7227.93 8511.16 8093.43 7934.76 21249.8 18665.8 15183.9 18927 21460.7 71096.1 20137.4


FDI Inflow 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Argentina 597 597 597 980 1882 2371 3192 3746 1851 1964 1529
Armenia 44.2 44.2 44.2 44.2 44.2 44.2 44.2 44.2 44.2 82.4 22
Brazil 2753 2753 2753 2753 2753 2753 2753 3075 4695 12061 8320
Chile 171.9 171.9 171.9 560.2 475.1 389 980.6 624.3 620.9 837.8 251.5
Columbia 132.6 211.9 104.3 257.9 466.6 758.7 869.7 907.1 629.1 2137.4 221.3
Indonesia 3979 3979 3979 3438.9 18770.8 26851.3 15962.9 23014.5 8381.8 6929.3 10629.5
Khazastan 44.7 44.7 44.7 44.7 62.5 559.5 1216.8 430.8 183.8 55.3 -418.28
Mexico 7529.3 7529.3 7529.3 7529.3 7529.3 4991.2 5030.9 7388.6 5151.2 9020.5 9155.2
Pakistan 187.1 187.1 187.1 187.1 187.1 187.1 187.1 187.1 156 121.9 220.3
Paraguay 14.2 39.6 85.1 44.5 65.3 93.8 64.2 44.4 78.2 64.5 63.3
Poland 1815.4 1815.4 1815.4 1815.4 1815.4 1815.4 1815.4 1488.4 2176.9 1749.8 2085.4
Slovania 969.6 969.6 969.6 969.6 969.6 1168.7 1237.7 1345.5 2074.9 1803 1700.1
Thailand 1211.7803 934.23992 687.75591 451.51862 211.88867 566.48605 708.00616 1859.4886 2165.5746 1267.9431 1868.3686
Trinidad 2 2.6 0.1 1.6 132.5 4.5 7.3 10.6 11.2 6.8 6.8


Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
ARGENTINA 187869 211671.4 236946.7 250942.9 265588.4 258031.9 272292.5 294378.3 305712.4 295362.6 293032.2
ARMENIA 5466.443 4826.869 2809.238 2562.025 2700.374 2886.7 3056.017 3157.509 3389.281 3501.127 3711.195
BRAZIL 603537.9 611384 608327 638135 675785 704168 723180.5 747045.5 747792.5 753774.9 786941
CHILE 42998.76 46425.76 52125.88 55767.54 58950.82 65215.86 70050.64 75228.73 78181.06 77286.93 80687.55
COLOMBIA 74107.82 75886.25 78836.82 83082.5 87931.04 92505.6 94407.38 97645.83 98190.64 94212.3 96651.61
INDONESIA 138426.7 150785.1 161672.6 173400.4 186474.9 202132 217580.5 227806.6 197903 199468.7 209239.2
KAZAKHSTAN 32450.51 28880.95 27350.26 24834.04 21704.95 19925.15 20024.77 20365.19 19978.25 20517.67 22528.4
MEXICO 265258.6 276458.5 286490.3 292078.4 304974.6 286166.8 300913.9 321291.7 337453.8 349679 372888.4
PAKISTAN 48393.45 50842.91 54760.81 55723.37 57792.92 60674.67 63615.32 64260.63 65899.43 68311.43 71209.71
PARAGUAY 7688.641 7878.514 8020.298 8352.784 8610.647 9016.098 9130.52 9366.676 9327.35 9372.629 9344.438
POLAND 99272.65 92323.57 94723.98 98323.49 103436.3 110676.9 117317.5 125295.1 131309.2 136692.9 142160.6
SLOVENIA 19300.34 17582.61 16633.15 17098.88 18005.12 18743.33 19399.34 20291.71 21062.8 22158.06 23177.33
THAILAND 111029.6 120531.8 130274.9 141023.9 153698 167895.8 177803.9 175365.6 156934.7 163888.4 171487.1
TRINIDAD TOBAGO 4973.66 5107.048 5022.918 4950.14 5126.478 5329.214 5539.442 5731.889 6052.325 6480.808 6926.398


Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
ARGENTINA 0.000605 0.00054 0.00047 0.0004 0.00034 0.00027 0.00021 0.00016 0.0001 5.6E-05 2E-05
ARMENIA 2.61E-05 2.2E-05 1.8E-05 1.1E-05 8.5E-06 6.9E-06 5.1E-06 3.9E-06 2.5E-06 1.3E-06 5.3E-07
BRAZIL 0.001314 0.00118 0.00104 0.00091 0.00077 0.00064 0.0005 0.00037 0.00024 0.00013 4.8E-05
CHILE 0.000206 0.00019 0.00017 0.00015 0.00013 0.00011 8.6E-05 6.4E-05 4.2E-05 2.3E-05 7.9E-06
COLOMBIA 0.000306 0.00027 0.00024 0.00021 0.00017 0.00014 0.00011 7.8E-05 4.9E-05 2.5E-05 9.3E-06
INDONESIA 0.001025 0.00093 0.00083 0.00073 0.00062 0.00051 0.0004 0.00029 0.00019 0.00011 4.1E-05
KAZAKHSTAN 0.000996 0.00084 0.00068 0.00053 0.0004 0.0003 0.00021 0.00014 9.1E-05 4.8E-05 1.8E-05
MEXICO 0.001711 0.00152 0.00132 0.00113 0.00094 0.00075 0.00058 0.00042 0.00028 0.00015 5.6E-05
PAKISTAN 0.000418 0.00038 0.00034 0.00029 0.00025 0.0002 0.00016 0.00012 7.6E-05 4.2E-05 1.5E-05
PARAGUAY 1.59E-05 1.5E-05 1.3E-05 1.2E-05 1E-05 8.4E-06 6.4E-06 4.7E-06 3.1E-06 1.6E-06 5.3E-07
POLAND 0.001779 0.00155 0.00134 0.00113 0.00092 0.00074 0.00056 0.00039 0.00024 0.00013 4.4E-05
SLOVENIA 7.03E-05 6.2E-05 5.4E-05 4.7E-05 3.9E-05 3.2E-05 2.5E-05 1.8E-05 1.1E-05 6.1E-06 2.2E-06
THAILAND 0.000677 0.00062 0.00056 0.0005 0.00043 0.00036 0.00028 0.0002 0.00012 6.8E-05 2.5E-05
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 6.61E-05 5.8E-05 5.1E-05 4.3E-05 3.5E-05 2.9E-05 2.3E-05 1.6E-05 1.1E-05 6.8E-06 2.6E-06


Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
ARGENTINA 0.12309 0.11551 0.10751 0.09886 0.09019 0.08059 0.07061 0.05965 0.04728 0.03368 0.01783
ARMENIA 0.00442 0.00395 0.00348 0.00265 0.00225 0.00202 0.00172 0.00149 0.00118 0.00082 0.00047
BRAZIL 0.27504 0.25976 0.24331 0.22624 0.20787 0.18803 0.16587 0.14021 0.11115 0.07862 0.04206
CHILE 0.04468 0.04241 0.04016 0.03769 0.03501 0.03191 0.02844 0.0243 0.0193 0.01387 0.00703
COLOMBIA 0.06121 0.0575 0.05361 0.04931 0.04465 0.03972 0.03444 0.02882 0.02236 0.01511 0.00821
INDONESIA 0.21917 0.20878 0.19677 0.18415 0.16926 0.15303 0.1345 0.11399 0.09069 0.06592 0.03669
KAZAKHSTAN 0.1694 0.15111 0.13262 0.11324 0.09631 0.08081 0.06669 0.05379 0.04175 0.02888 0.01587
MEXICO 0.34361 0.32154 0.29803 0.27331 0.24781 0.21995 0.19262 0.1628 0.12954 0.09163 0.0494
PAKISTAN 0.08762 0.08297 0.07807 0.0726 0.0665 0.05992 0.05261 0.04436 0.03534 0.02546 0.0136
PARAGUAY 0.00339 0.00323 0.00308 0.0029 0.00267 0.0024 0.00208 0.00176 0.00139 0.00096 0.00047
POLAND 0.33776 0.31216 0.28605 0.25953 0.23197 0.20485 0.17574 0.14274 0.10909 0.07507 0.03897
SLOVENIA 0.01414 0.01317 0.01224 0.01133 0.01033 0.00927 0.00809 0.00678 0.00525 0.00366 0.00193
THAILAND 0.14402 0.13768 0.13063 0.12263 0.11323 0.10247 0.08932 0.07392 0.0571 0.04104 0.02202
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 0.01364 0.01275 0.01187 0.01083 0.0098 0.00887 0.00788 0.00668 0.00554 0.00414 0.00232


Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
ARGENTINA 29948 31527 32449 31257 32905 32554 34375 35647 36108 38676 37715
ARMENIA 0 0 1004 759 778 930 699 883 917 822 958
BRAZIL 55298 58377 58702 61372 64050 68126 75453 78777 82180 82669 83930
CHILE 9643 9166 9580 9739 11238 12064 13762 15850 16430 17062 16239
COLOMBIA 15268 15263 16561 17215 18077 16112 16217 17273 18100 15252 15955
INDONESIA 45224 43471 49453 53879 54857 50861 68776 68946 53490 55908 73572
KAZAKHSTAN 0 0 68967 58423 53716 45184 37829 34910 33368 30753 33099
MEXICO 102435 101285 107946 100826 105902 100235 100058 104995 110933 112659 115713
PAKISTAN 18566 18527 19834 21214 23060 23057 25473 25439 26274 27025 28604
PARAGUAY 617 609 715 804 954 1094 1080 1133 1143 1180 999
POLAND 94865 93912 92571 95583 92093 94572 98606 95260 88434 85747 82245
SLOVENIA 0 0 3361 3443 2959 3799 4004 4177 3978 3936 3986
THAILAND 26130 31671 34586 38874 43161 49483 55239 57221 50743 53316 54216
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 4619 5707 5718 4582 5263 5523 5707 5626 5827 6784 7195


Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
ARGENTINA 45038.59 46421.22 48833.71 48636.68 52493.7 53079.25 54876.53 58042.41 59628.78 61779.16 61469.41
ARMENIA 0 0 4298.48 2260.35 1420.03 1670.51 1790.11 1875.26 1907.93 1845.45 2060.72
BRAZIL 132508.6 134290.4 136393.2 140582.8 147663.7 153496 161789.8 170221.8 175769.8 179904.8 183165
CHILE 13629.62 14106.42 15507.51 15945.71 17201.98 18439.25 20137.33 22092.56 22636.16 25293.84 24403.36
COLOMBIA 25014.24 25254.06 26258.7 27549.03 28510.56 29827.26 30426.72 30398.89 30978.96 28081.1 28785.52
INDONESIA 92815.78 99944.72 102361.6 110789.1 115161.2 123068.9 127275.4 131911.7 131272.4 136666 145574.7
KAZAKHSTAN 0 0 79661.32 65538.92 58271.88 51690.5 44795.3 39467.37 38862.91 35731.87 39063.16
MEXICO 124030 129296.1 132204.2 132423.7 136792.4 132714.1 136807.5 141513.3 147953.7 149908.3 153513.2
PAKISTAN 43424.34 44818.79 47591.87 50068.32 52026.12 54315.47 56799.59 58070.16 59287.47 62618.13 63950.6
PARAGUAY 3088.96 3161.13 3202.21 3292.13 3596.5 3951.31 4232.89 4456.5 4306.65 4140.45 3929.5
POLAND 99846.69 98481.95 97307.95 101312.9 96728.86 99870.25 107480.1 103423.3 97452.64 93481.91 89975.38
SLOVENIA 0 0 5007.75 5302.89 5554.62 5957.9 6266.27 6627.92 6505.37 6394.78 6539.91
THAILAND 43227.47 46457.78 49701.61 52376.89 56209.29 63196.38 68878.78 71199.41 66497.56 70473.88 73618.34
TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 5795.06 5730.31 6319.17 6062.91 5759.88 5779.02 6444.47 6024.07 6955.66 8059.44 8664.78



FDI inflows (millions of dollars)

FDI outflows (millions of dollars)
Developed countries
FDI inward stock (millions of dollars)
FDI outward stock (millions of dollars)

FDI inflows (millions of dollars)

FDI outflows (millions of dollars)
Developing countries
FDI inward stock (millions of dollars)
FDI outward stock (millions of dollars)

FDI inflows (millions of dollars)

Central and Eastern FDI outflows (millions of dollars)
Europe FDI inward stock (millions of dollars)
FDI outward stock (millions of dollars)

FDI inflows (millions of dollars)

FDI outflows (millions of dollars)
FDI inward stock (millions of dollars)
FDI outward stock (millions of dollars)


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