Fiber and Hemmerhoids
Fiber and Hemmerhoids
Fiber and Hemmerhoids
C 2006 by Am. Coll. of Gastroenterology doi: 10.1111/j.1572-0241.2006.00359.x
Published by Blackwell Publishing
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the impact of laxatives on a wide range of symptoms in patients with symptomatic
METHODS: We searched using the following sources: MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and CENTRAL, BIOSIS, AMED,
Papers First and Proceedings; study authors, industry, and experts in the field. We included all
published and unpublished parallel group randomized controlled trials comparing any type of
laxative to placebo or no therapy in patients with symptomatic hemorrhoids. Two reviewers
independently screened studies for inclusion, retrieved all potentially relevant studies, and extracted
data on study population, intervention, prespecified outcomes, and methodology.
RESULTS: Seven trials randomized 378 patients to fiber or a nonfiber control. Studies were of moderate quality
for most outcomes. Meta-analyses using random effects models suggested that fiber has an
apparent beneficial effect. The risk of not improving/persisting symptoms decreased by 47% in the
fiber group (RR = 0.53, 95% CI 0.38–0.73) and the risk of bleeding by 50% (RR = 0.50, 95% CI
0.28–0.89). Studies with multiple follow-ups, usually at 6 wk and at 3 months, showed consistent
results over time. Results are also compatible with large treatment effects in prolapse, pain, and
itching, but even in the pooled analyses confidence intervals were wide and compatible with no
effect (RR = 0.79, 95% CI 0.37–1.67; RR = 0.33, 95% CI 0.07-1.65; and RR = 0.71, 95% CI
0.24–2.10, respectively). One study suggested a decrease in recurrence. Results showed a
nonsignificant trend toward increases in mild adverse events in the fiber group (RR = 6.0, 95% CI
CONCLUSIONS: Trials of fiber show a consistent beneficial effect for symptoms and bleeding in the treatment of
symptomatic hemorrhoids.
(Am J Gastroenterol 2006;101:181–188)
inconclusive, but have still recommended use of fiber due Quantitative Data Synthesis
to its safety and low cost (13). To establish the strength of the Trials did not consistently use similar symptom measures;
available evidence, we conducted a systematic review of the all of them, however, recorded the proportion of patients ei-
impact of laxatives on a wide range of symptoms in patients ther free of symptoms, with symptom improvement, or still
with symptomatic hemorrhoids. symptomatic. We considered outcomes of patients free of
symptoms and patients with symptomatic improvement as
METHODS equivalent, and pooled each outcome of interest based on the
a priori expectation of a similar magnitude and direction of
We began by constructing a protocol that readers can obtain treatment effect.
by correspondence with the first author. We present results as the relative risk and risk difference
of being symptomatic or persisting symptoms. We calculated
Eligibility Criteria
pooled risk differences for being symptomatic/persisting
We selected all published and unpublished parallel group
symptoms for the different outcomes. Studies varied in their
randomized controlled trials of patients with symptomatic
duration of follow-up, the number of discrete measurements
hemorrhoids comparing any type of laxative to placebo or
they made, and the timing of their first follow-up measure-
no therapy, with any of the following outcomes recorded:
ment. Investigators’ first follow-up measurement occurred
individual or global symptom improvement, number of re-
from 6 wk to 3 months—we used this first measurement
currences in a time period, change in the degree of prolapse,
for all our pooled analyses. In studies with multiple follow-
need of surgical treatment, or other adverse effects. We also
ups we compared the different estimates across each study.
included crossover trials and quasi-randomized methods of
We calculated the pooled relative risks of re-treatment, pa-
treatment allocation. We contacted authors to provide addi-
tient satisfaction, need for additional treatment, and adverse
tional data and details about the key validity issues. There
were no language restrictions.
We undertook the analysis using the intention-to-treat prin-
Search Strategy ciple, including all patients in the study arm to which they
We searched OVID versions of MEDLINE (1966 to April were originally allocated. We used Review Manager 4.2 (The
Week 2, 2005), EMBASE (1980 to 2005 Week 17), CINAHL Cochrane Collaboration, Oxford, UK) to aggregate data for
(1982 to April Week 4 2005), limiting our searches to ran- each outcome using a random effects model (22). We present
domized controlled trials using a maximally sensitive strategy all pooled effect estimates with 95% confidence intervals; all
(18). We modified these searches for other databases as CEN- p values are two sided.
TRAL (the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, In crossover studies, we analyzed the data in the same way
The Cochrane Library, issue 2, 2005) BIOSIS, AMED (Al- as for parallel group studies, comparing treatment periods
lied and Alternative Medicine Database), Papers First and to control periods. We tested for between-study heterogene-
Proceedings. Two reviewers screened reference lists from ity for each pooled comparison using the Cochran Q statis-
all retrieved articles and from reviews and clinical practice tic. We also report the I 2 statistic, which is the proportion
guidelines to identify additional studies (13–16). We sought of the total variation among studies that is likely to be ex-
additional trials from pharmaceutical companies and experts plained by between-study heterogeneity rather than chance
in the field. We also searched for on-going trials in the Meta (23). Irrespective of the results of the formal statistical test
Register of Controlled Trials (mRCT), U.S. NIH register, and for heterogeneity, we tested whether our a priori hypotheses
the Register of the Center for Clinical Trials and Evidence- could explain variability in the magnitude of treatment effects
Based Healthcare. across studies. For each hypothesis, we tested the difference
in estimates of treatment effect between the two subgroups
Data Abstraction
using a Z test and considered p < 0.05 to be statistically
Two reviewers (E.M., P.A.) independently screened studies
significant (24).
for inclusion, retrieved all potentially relevant studies, and
Our a priori hypotheses to explain heterogeneity were:
extracted data on study population, intervention, prespeci-
(1) severity: smaller treatment effect in hemorrhoids grade
fied outcomes, and methodology from included trials. In both
III–IV compared to grade I–II; (2) condition: smaller treat-
phases, we resolved disagreements by consensus between re-
ment effect in thrombosed hemorrhoids versus nonthrom-
viewers, if unsolved after contacting study authors. We used
bosed; (3) intervention: smaller treatment effect in studies
Cohen’s κ to assess agreement between the two reviewers on
that used another treatment for hemorrhoids in both treat-
the selection of articles for inclusion (19).
ment arms (e.g., venotonic in both arms comparing fiber
Validity Assessment versus no fiber or placebo) (4) methodology: smaller treat-
We extracted methodological information for the assessment ment effect in studies with adequate allocation concealment
of internal validity (20): existence and method of generation and in studies with appropriate blinding of caregivers and
of the randomization schedule, and method of allocation con- smaller treatment effect in cross-over compared to parallel
cealment (21); blinding of caregivers and outcomes assessors; trials.
number and reasons of patients lost to follow-up; and use of An expanded version of this review will appear in the
validated outcome measures. Cochrane Library.
Fiber for the Treatment of Hemorrhoids Complications 183
Broader Parallel randomized Stercullia vs placebo 40 outpatients with anal bleeding, Three months -Bleeding, prolapse, discomfort, Industry: provided
JH, controlled trial. Full (starch, <20 g/day) prolapse or discomfort. and overall impression medication, envelopes
1974 text available. Three months of Hemorrhoids grade I–III. -Adverse events and travel expenses to
treatment. -Bowel habit present results in
meetings∗ .
Webster Cross-over randomized Isphaghula husk (7 g/day) 67 outpatients with symptomatic Assessment at six and -Pruritus, prolapse, bleeding, and Industry (provided
DJT, controlled trial. Full vs placebo Two periods hemorrhoids referred to an 12 weeks overall symptoms medication)
1978 text available. of 6 wk of treatment. outpatient surgery clinic -Days of laxatives used
Hemorrhoids grade I–III, Age -Consistency of faces and
23–71, 37% women. frequency of defecation
-Proctoscopic evaluation
Foster GE, Parallel randomized Isphagula husk vs 41 patients with hemorrhoids. One month -Overall symptomatic Not stated
1979 controlled trial. placebo. One month of improvement.
Abstract treatment. -Anal and rectal pressure
Hunt PS, Parallel randomized Isphaghula husk vs 28 patients with bleeding Evaluation at three -Symptomatic improvement Industry (minimal)∗
1981 controlled trial. placebo. Six weeks of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids and six weeks -Proctoscopic improvement
Abstract treatment grade I–II. Data provided only at -Bowel habit (ease of defecation)
six weeks -Overall symptomatic
-Adverse events∗
Moesgaard Parallel randomized Psyllium seed dietary 52 outpatients with symptomatic Evaluation at three -Bleeding, pain at defecation, Industry (provided
F, 1982 controlled trial. Full fiber (20 g/day) vs hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids and six weeks pruritus and/or anal secretion, medication)
text available. placebo. Six weeks of grade I–II. Mean age 54, 26% prolapse, and overall
treatment. of women. assessment
-Adverse events∗
Pérez- Parallel randomized Plantago ovata (11.6 50 outpatients with internal Assessed at 40 days -Average number of bleeding Undertaken without
Miranda controlled trial. Full g/day vs placebo bleeding hemorrhoids referred plus patient diary episodes per time period funding∗
M, 1996 text available. (vitamin B preparation) to colorectal outpatient clinic. -Number of congested
40 days of treatment Hemorrhoids grade I–IV. Mean hemorrhoidal cushions.
age 48, 42% women. Hemorrhoids bleeding on
contact (during anoscopy)
-Degree of prolapse
-Adverse events
Jensen SL, Parallel randomized Unprocessed bran (20 92 patients with hemorrhoids 18 months (at 6 -Number or recurrences after No funding was available∗
1988 controlled trial. Full g/day) vs no treatment. grade III after rubber band months interval) RBL (symptoms and
text available. ligation. Median age 47, 47% protrusions)
18 months of treatment. -Severity of symptoms
-Laxatives intake
-Adverse events
RBL = rubber band ligation; IT = intention to treat.
∗ Data provided by authors.
Fiber for the Treatment of Hemorrhoids Complications 185
Inadequate / Unclear
Inadequate / Unclear
icant difference between the groups (12, 25) (RR = 0.71,
Lost to Follow-
Up / IT
outcome with itching and/or anal secretion but authors could
not provide the data for its components (12). No statistically
Yes / Yes
significant heterogeneity was present but I 2 was moderate
(p = 0.21, I 2 = 36.4%) The range of absolute percentages be-
tween trials of those being symptomatic/persisting symptoms
double blind)∗
study, the number of rubber band ligations required until dis-
Open study
appearance of symptoms was lower in the fiber group (median
2, range 1–4 vs 3, range 1–5).
in the placebo group (34). Two of the studies did not observe
any adverse effects (information provided by authors) (12,
30). The pooled estimate showed a nonsignificant increase in
Adequate. Randomization schedule (table)∗
Random list prepared by throwing a coin∗
95% CI 0.57–64.84).
Pérez-Miranda M, 1996 Adequate. Computer generated list∗
Adequate. Randomization schedule
that funding by the pharmaceutical industry can bias results in Reprint requests and correspondence:Pablo Alonso-coello,
favor of the intervention of interest (36), however, this kind Iberoamerican Cochrane Centre, Hospital Sant Pau, Sant Antonio
of funding other than providing the study medication was Maria Claret 171, Barcelona 08041, Spain.
present in only two of the studies (one of them declared min- Received June 14, 2005; accepted August 3, 2005.
imal funding). We believe that the limitations outlined above
leave inferences concerning the effects of fiber in ameliorat- REFERENCES
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