Applications of Coordination Complexes in Industry

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Assignment Topic; Applications of coordination

complexes in industry
Submitted To: Dr. Naseer Ahmed Waseer
Submitted By: Waqas Ali
Roll No: 41040
Subject: CHM:503
Semester: (V)
Govt. Postgraduate College Jaranwala

Applications of coordination complexes in industry

The applications of coordination compounds has been grown widely due to their wide
range in household, industry, medicine and chemical and biochemical systems but here we
study only the applications of coordination compounds in industry and analysis in different
branches of chemistry.

Homogeneous catalysis is a major application of coordination compounds for the production of

organic substances. Processes include hydrogenation, oxidation. In one example, a combination of
titanium trichloride and triethylaluminium gives rise to Ziegler-Natta catalysts, used for

the polymerization of ethylene and propylene to give polymers of great commercial importance as fibers,
films, and plastics.

Nickel, cobalt, and copper can be extracted using hydrometallurgical processes involving complex
ions. They are extracted from their ores as ammine complexes. Metals can also be separated using the
selective precipitation and solubility of complex ions. Cyanide is used chiefly for extraction of gold from
its ores.

Phthalocyanine complexes are an important class of pigments. coordination compounds were used to
identify the presence of metals in a sample. Qualitative inorganic analysis has largely been

superseded by instrumental methods of analysis such as atomic absorption spectroscopy.

Ziegler-Natta catalysts

A Ziegler–Natta catalyst, named after Karl Ziegler and Giulio Natta, is a catalyst used in the synthesis of
polymers of 1-alkenes (alpha-olefins).

Ziegler–Natta catalysts are used to polymerize terminal alkenes (ethylene and alkenes with the vinyl
double bond):

Extraction of Metallargy(Gold)

The process of extraction of the some of the metals involeves the formation of complex.for example in
aqous solution,Gold combine with cyanide ion.for this solution Gold is later extracted by the addition of
Zin ion.


Blue pigment is one of the most stable pigment toward light, temperature and chemicals and hence,
combined with its attractive color, this which deals under the tempture of 30C0.

pigment is widely used in many applications such as paints, water, solvent based inks, in textiles and in

In the industry the pigment is prepared in two stages in 1st stage it is the prepration of blue crud
phathalocyanin while in the second step is the pigmentation of phathalocyanin pigment by reduction
into small particals.

Phthalocyanine and derived metal complexes tend to aggregate and, thus, have low solubility in common
solvents. Many phthalocyanine compounds are, thermally, very stable and do not melt but can be
sublimed. CuPc sublimes at above 500 °C under inert gases (nitrogen, CO2. Unsubstituted phthalocyanines
strongly absorb light between 600 and 700 nm, thus these materials are blue or green. Substitution can
shift the absorption towards longer wavelengths, changing color from pure blue to green to colorless
(when the absorption is in then ear infrared).
Applications of phathalocyanine are as follow. photovoltaics, photodynamic therapy, nanoparticle
construction, and catalysis, organic solar cells with power conversion efficiencies.


The cleaning action of soaps in hard water is hampered by the reaction of the ca2++ ions in water with the
soap molecules to form insoluble salts or crude. The detergent industry uses tripolyophosphate ion as
chelating agent to form stable complex with calcium ions.

However, waste water contains phosphates discharged into the river and sea and cause algea to
grow,resulting in oxygen depletion.

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)

It is an aminopolycarboxylic acid and a colorless, water-soluble solid. Its conjugate base is
ethylenediaminetetraacetate. It is widely used to dissolve limescale. Its usefulness arises because of its
role as a hexadentate

structure of EDTA

EDTA has countless applications in industry , medical field , cosmetics and laboratory analysis in titration
as a are some important applications of EDTA are as follow;

Industrial cleaning



Pulp and paper industry

Textile industry


Food industry

Oil production

Dairy and beverage industry

Chelating therapy

Some other suggested applications of coordination compounds

Lead mercury and cadmium pollution and poisoning ,British anti-lewisite, chemical warfare and heavy
metal poisoning antidote, penicillamine, a gentler and kinder heavy metal poisoning antidote,cisplatin
and its derivatives as antitumor agents,chelating agents in analytical chemistry,peroxides and
superoxides,lithium in batteries and photoelectric cells,inorganic anti-knock gasoline additives,
potassium-argon radiochemical dating,hard water and its treatment,detergent builders, glasses, bleaches
and their action,alums, semiconductors, buckytubes, carbon 14 radiochemical dating,aluminosilicates ,
phosphate fertilizers,phosphate in baking powders,explosives - gunpowders to plastiques, sodium
thiosulfate as photography,chlorine and other bleaches

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