Big Data: New Insights Transform Industries: White Paper

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IBM Software Smarter Analytics

White Paper

Big data: New insights

transform industries
2 Big data: New insights transform industries

Contents Organizations today are collecting tremendous volumes of

data, generated by a wide variety of sources, often at extreme
3 What’s new in big data?
velocities. This is “big data”—the millions of stock trades, call
3 Know and serve customers as individuals, not segments detail records (CDRs), social media posts and patient test
results produced every single day.
6 Run zero-latency operations

8 Innovate new products at speed and scale Leading organizations in financial services, telecommunications,
retail, healthcare, digital media, insurance and other industries
8 Gain instant awareness of fraud and risk are adopting advanced technologies to generate new, actionable
10 Exploit instrumented assets insights from big data that can help them dramatically reduce
financial risks, increase operational efficiencies, enhance
10 The IBM platform for big data customer loyalty and improve healthcare outcomes (see Figure 1).
These organizations are tapping into big data to transform
12 Transform business with big data
not only their businesses but also their industries.

54% 54%

26% 26%

Access to data Draw insights Translate insight

from data into action

Outperformers Underperformers Source: IBM Global CEO Study 2012

Figure 1: Outperforming organizations (those with high revenue growth and

high profitability) surpass underperformers across three dimensions—data
access, insight and action—highlighting a correlation between success and
the ability to derive value from data.
Smarter Analytics 3

What’s new in big data?

In the past, organizations used technology solutions to
analyze historical data and identify broad trends based on
a limited collection of information housed in structured
databases. Today, however, cutting-edge technologies
enable organizations to analyze much more data from
an extensive array of sources at incredible speeds. Now,
leading organizations can:

• Conduct real-time analysis of customer behaviors to produce

tailored experiences and targeted promotions.
• Measure the effectiveness of online advertising to fine-tune
campaigns while they are in progress.
• Adopt advanced content analytics solutions to mine social
media posts and call-center logs in order to assess customer
sentiment and avoid churn.
• Analyze data continuously streaming in from operational
sensors to increase service uptime, facilitate better planning
and anticipate risks.
• Implement predictive analytics solutions to anticipate
future customer behaviors, avoid risks and identify
potential outcomes.

With the right tools, organizations are capitalizing on the

wealth of opportunities that big data presents.

Know and serve customers as individuals,

not segments
According to the IBM® Global CEO Study 2012, forward-
thinking CEOs identify customer insight as the most
important area for new investment.1 (See the sidebar,
“Invest in analytics to generate new customer insights.”)
These leaders want to capitalize on the vast potential of big
data to provide deeper insight into customer preferences,
needs and trends.
4 Big data: New insights transform industries

For most organizations, there is no shortage of customer data Many organizations already use data management solutions
available. Banking customers provide financial information on to integrate customer information from multiple sources
credit applications and discuss banking problems during and create a single, holistic view of each customer. New
customer service calls; telecommunications subscribers solutions designed for understanding big data can now push
continuously generate smartphone usage data; and retail those capabilities further. Organizations can use advanced
customers enter information for online transactions and analytics to provide near-real-time trend analysis and
register their “likes” on social media networks. The challenge anticipate future outcomes. These solutions can produce
lies in handling the volume and velocity: businesses must insights that help organizations create targeted marketing
efficiently analyze that data in order to generate timely insights promotions, optimize ad campaigns, avoid churn and
that can help them enhance the customer experience. improve cross- and up-sell opportunities.

Invest in analytics to generate new customer insights

The IBM Global CEO Study 2012, the fifth biennial CEO Customers 73%
study from IBM, drew on more than 1,700 interviews of
CEOs, general managers and senior public-sector leaders Operations 50%
from around the globe to assess how executives are Sales 49%
responding to the complexity of increasingly interconnected
organizations, markets, societies and governments. Markets and competitors 44%

According to the study, these leaders identify solutions Human resources 43%

that can generate customer insights as by far the most Supply chain 40%
critical investment area for future success (see Figure 2).
Risk management 38%
By implementing solutions that analyze the increasing
volume and variety of customer data available, including Financials 32%
data generated through social media, organizations intend
Source: IBM Global CEO Study 2012
to connect pieces of data into more complete profiles;
empower staff with predictive analytics to better Figure 2: CEOs and business leaders identified customer-insight solutions
as the most important area for new investments.
understand the individual customer’s needs; respond to
demands with focus, precision, relevance and speed; and
blend the physical and digital worlds to offer value
independent of the customer’s location.
Smarter Analytics 5

In retail, leading organizations are investing in advanced

analytics solutions to explore big data, detect patterns and
Better serve individuals across multiple retail channels
reveal new insights that are helping them better understand
and engage with individual customers. They are capturing Bass Pro Shops needed ways to increase retail shopping
customer sentiment and discovering new insights by consistency across a full range of channels, including its
retail store, boat dealership, Internet, catalog, wholesale,
examining a variety of structured and unstructured data,
restaurant and resort channels. The company selected an
ranging from information they have already collected to
IBM Netezza® customer intelligence appliance, which
sentiments expressed through social media. provides retail marketers with business intelligence and
analytic reports on customer behavior.
Predictive analytics capabilities enable retailers to conduct
precise segmentation, down to the individual level, by Impact: The company can increase customer satisfaction
and improve loyalty by providing a consistent experience
gauging future customer behaviors. Marketing teams can be
no matter how customers choose to shop. New customer
more precise in identifying prospects, managing their
insights enable the organization to tailor offers and fine-tune
marketing budgets to maximize their marketing return on
each of its customer channels to maximize their appeal and
investment, and developing targeted and relevant offers across ultimately drive more sales.
all channels that deliver a richer, more personalized shopping
experience. (See the sidebar, “Better serve individuals across
multiple retail channels.”) At the same time, retailers can “IBM analytics allowed us to quickly get
optimize merchandising decisions for pricing, assortment, information across our multiple channels
inventory and demand forecast. and lines of business in one place to deliver
Some forward-thinking telecommunications companies are meaningful analytics that drive top-line and
capitalizing on big data to transform call centers from cost bottom-line results. We can now create and
centers to revenue drivers. They use solutions to analyze deliver more targeted promotions, circulars
previous customer interactions, integrate information with
existing customer information and present real-time results to
and catalogs to create a better customer
call-center agents so they can provide timely cross- and up-sell shopping experience.”
offers. Drawing on micro-segment, location and search-history
information from across multiple channels (such as smartphone, —Leslie
landline, TV and Internet services) enables companies to Chief Information Officer
Bass Pro Shops
deliver highly targeted product bundles.
6 Big data: New insights transform industries

Communication service providers are also leveraging predictive Run zero-latency operations
analytics to reduce customer churn. By gaining insight about While many organizations have experienced the benefits that
customers with a high propensity to change services or move to analytics and business intelligence solutions can provide for
competitors, they can proactively engage and service those specific back-office functions, advanced solutions for in-depth
customers’ individual needs and retain their business. (See the analysis of big data are providing important new opportunities
sidebar, “Anticipate customer behavior with predictive analytics.”) to change the way businesses operate. Analyzing streaming data
from instrumented operational systems, deeply analyzing
At the same time, banks are using analytics solutions to mine data from inventory and supply-chain operations, and
big data for insights that help them create more customer- analyzing data streaming from financial systems can help
focused enterprises that foster lasting relationships. They are organizations significantly increase operational efficiency,
moving beyond customer surveys and the review of customer boost revenues and ensure service availability.
service logs to analyze a variety of structured and unstructured
information. For example, leading banks are analyzing Internet For example, leading telecommunications organizations are
feedback and social media posts to address negative comments performing real-time, root-cause analysis on data streaming in
and build on positive ones to improve their reputation and from a variety of sensors as well as retrospective analysis on
retain customers. Building stronger, lasting relationships with massive volumes of CDR and network event data. (See the
customers is having a direct, positive impact on revenues. sidebar, “Spot problems and accelerate decision making with
real-time reporting.”) Instead of struggling to address customer
problems and unanticipated outages, organizations are using
solutions for analyzing big data to help rapidly respond to and
Anticipate customer behavior with predictive analytics
prevent connectivity and bandwidth problems while optimizing
US-based communications service provider XO Communications performance and improving capacity planning. Business users
wanted to reduce customer churn among midsized business can perform network quality-of-experience (QoE) analysis,
groups without having to devote additional resources to
traffic engineering and data analysis to identify and address
managing those numerous accounts. XO implemented
network bottlenecks faster.
IBM SPSS® predictive analytics software to analyze large
volumes of customer data and anticipate which midsized
Leading investment firms are using real-time analytics
businesses were most likely to move to competitors.
solutions for big data to improve financial decision making.
Impact: By predicting customer behavior and focusing For example, stock market traders are conducting real-time
personnel resources on customers with a high churn
analysis of streaming market data and incorporating contextual
potential, XO has increased customer retention and
awareness—such as global news events and weather—into
retained subscription revenues. Since deploying the
trading decisions. Consuming, analyzing and acting on
software, the company reduced churn by 8 percent in the
first year and an additional 18 percent in the second year. real-time market data helps traders maximize gains.
Smarter Analytics 7

Spot problems and accelerate decision making Impact: With faster analysis and reporting, the company
with real-time reporting can spot quality problems in real time and make better
iBasis, a leading provider of international voice over IP decisions about pricing and network management.
(VoIP) network services, needed to analyze tremendous
amounts of CDRs to produce enterprise-critical reports on “Our sophisticated back-office systems have
revenue, margins, network traffic and quality. With the
volume of CDRs growing, the company’s infrastructure enabled us to turn complexity into competitive
could not deliver reports in real time or store sufficient advantage....The Netezza system will be a
historical data for comprehensive trend analysis.
vital tool in accelerating future improvements,
In a proof of concept, the company learned that a data
warehouse appliance—as part of the IBM big data
growth and profitability.”
platform—could accelerate report delivery by an
impressive 125 times, reducing report processing time —Paul
Senior Vice President, Research and Development
from two hours to just one minute. After implementing Engineering and Operations
an IBM Netezza data warehouse appliance in production, iBasis
iBasis can now conduct complex CDR analysis on
150 million records in a matter of seconds.
8 Big data: New insights transform industries

Innovate new products at speed and scale Predictive analytics solutions enable organizations to anticipate
In many industries, product innovation is critical for success, how new products and services will be received in the
but the process of researching, developing, testing, reporting, marketplace. By helping to gauge future customer behaviors,
adjusting and retesting new offerings can be long and predictive analytics solutions enable organizations not only to
resource-intensive. Big data is a common factor in product create products that meet customer needs but also to scale
development efforts, and leading organizations are using it to production appropriately.
drive innovation by employing analytics solutions to explore
large, complex data sets and generate new insights. In addition, analytics solutions help organizations in all
industries efficiently and successfully market innovative
Analytics solutions also enable organizations to test “what-if” products. (See the sidebar, “Fuel online innovation with
scenarios and anticipate the performance of new products accelerated analytics.”) Using cluster analytics, organizations
and services, fueling experimentation and guiding research can identify shared customer attributes that may not have
investments. Retailers, banks and telecommunications been obvious to analysts. Teams can then create marketing
companies can use analytics to collect valuable feedback on campaigns or promotions tailored to precise customer
current offerings and identify emerging market trends. These segments, allowing them to focus their resources on the
organizations can draw insights from unstructured customer customers most likely to embrace new products.
data generated through social media posts, call-center
interactions and online chat sessions, and they can use these Statistical analytics solutions also help companies test the
insights as the basis for developing new products and services. effectiveness of websites, direct email campaigns or other
marketing collateral. Organizations can determine which
outreach efforts generate the most qualified leads and
ultimately yield the strongest customers.

Gain instant awareness of fraud and risk

Effective analysis of big data provides tremendous potential for
enhancing risk management and avoiding costly losses. With
analytics solutions for big data, organizations gain instant
awareness of risks and can generate insights that help enhance
investment decisions, improve lending decisions and increase
fraud detection.

Leading financial services organizations are using big data

to minimize credit risks and make smarter investments.
Data management solutions help integrate market, credit,
operational and regulatory data to create a comprehensive
Smarter Analytics 9

Fuel online innovation with accelerated analytics

Kelley Blue Book (KBB), which offers factory list prices
and cash values for thousands of vehicles, selected an
IBM Netezza data warehouse appliance to accelerate
internal advertising forecasts and speed the value
calculations it provides to consumers in print and online.
Analytics are now at the heart of KBB’s online strategy:
the company can process all of its DoubleClick DART
(Dynamic Advertising Reporting and Targeting) forecast
models in one day instead of three to four days. Plus, “Netezza is a critical component in the tech
KBB can produce vehicle values in near-real time instead
of waiting up to two weeks to push those values out to stack that we use to analyze our DART data
the marketplace. and generate more ad revenue using existing
Impact: Faster, more accurate forecasting enabled KBB data. It is one of the best investments we have
to increase advertising revenue and customer satisfaction,
making operations more profitable.
made within our database infrastructure.”
Senior Director of Data Warehousing
Kelley Blue Book

view of enterprise risk exposure. Advanced analytics losses. Predictive analysis technologies assess the future fraud
capabilities enable these organizations to analyze years’ potential of policy applicants by scrutinizing the past history
worth of structured and unstructured identity, behavior of applicants and other people associated with them, giving
and financial transaction data to make more informed organizations another tool to help prevent fraud attempts.
decisions. Implementing new solutions for analyzing big Content analytics technologies deliver a more complete view
data is delivering significant returns on the investment: of information than service bureaus or existing solutions
with better risk analysis, these organizations can reduce can provide. As a result, organizations are able to correlate
write-offs and help minimize losses. information from multiple departments and data sources—for
example, they can monitor and analyze social media sources
For savvy insurance companies, analytics solutions for big for rumors, deliberate misinformation and fraudulent
data are helping to prevent and detect fraud—which can impersonation of employees. Better fraud prediction and
account for a significant portion of an insurance company’s detection helps these insurers significantly reduce costs.
10 Big data: New insights transform industries

Exploit instrumented assets

From RFID tags and smart utility meters to building security
systems and railroad trackside sensors, today’s world is more
instrumented than ever before. Data collection devices offer
organizations access to a tremendous volume of information
that streams in at high velocity. Leading organizations are
capitalizing on this availability by employing analytics
solutions for big data to identify problems in real time, improve
asset management, enhance operational efficiencies and
provide real-time feedback to customers.

Many telecommunications companies, for example, are using

solutions for analyzing big data to improve service quality and
availability by analyzing data that streams in from a wide range
of sources. With analytics and reporting solutions for big data,
they can conduct operational and failure analysis from device,
Provide life-saving care by analyzing streaming
sensor and GPS inputs to solve existing problems as well as biomedical data
prevent future ones.
Leading healthcare organizations are incorporating
solutions that enable real-time analytics for streaming data
In healthcare, top providers are integrating large volumes of
to facilitate fast, real-time clinical decision making. For
data from multiple sources so that doctors can access a full
example, the University of Ontario Institute of Technology
range of individual patient information—from previous (UOIT) collaborated with IBM on a first-of-a-kind research
discharge orders to new test results—right away. They are project to help doctors detect subtle changes in the
using analytics solutions for streaming data to improve condition of critically ill premature babies. As part of the
real-time decision making. (See the sidebar, “Provide life- project, physicians in neonatal intensive care units at
saving care by analyzing streaming biomedical data.”) Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children used IBM InfoSphere®
Incorporating content analytics capabilities enables healthcare Streams to analyze a constant stream of biomedical data,
organizations to find valuable information in unstructured such as heart rate and respiration, along with environmental
content—such as doctors’ notes or medical journal articles— data gathered from advanced sensors and more traditional
to treat current patients, identify important trends and monitoring equipment on and around the babies.
improve treatment regimens over the long term. Impact: The neonatal care team discovered important
correlations that helped doctors and nurses quickly respond
The IBM platform for big data to immediate issues and anticipate potential future problems.
The IBM platform for big data is a comprehensive collection In the long term, neonatal care teams such as this one can
of best-of-breed technologies and services that helps use collected data to fine-tune treatment protocols.
organizations integrate data from disparate sources, analyze
big data in real time, help anticipate future outcomes and
rapidly generate insights for capitalizing on new opportunities
(see Figure 3).
Smarter Analytics 11

Platform components include: Powering analytics for big data requires a deliberate IT
architectural approach and infrastructure to reap the
• IBM InfoSphere Data Explorer: Discovery and navigation benefits and drive business outcomes. The IBM Systems
software (previously known as the Vivisimo® Velocity™ and Technology Group offers flexible integrated systems
Platform) that provides real-time access and fusion of big data designed to access the latest information, regardless of type
with rich and varied data from enterprise applications for or location, by allocating the right resources at the right time
greater insight and ROI. for analysis on demand. These systems provide:
• IBM InfoSphere BigInsights™: An enterprise-ready
Apache Hadoop–based system with sophisticated text • A scalable systems and storage foundation that helps
analytics, visualization, performance, security and improve IT economics and optimizes analytic workload
administrative features for managing and analyzing massive performance by using all available data and information.
volumes of structured and unstructured data. • High-performance parallel technologies that optimize
• IBM InfoSphere Streams: In-motion streaming analytics complex decision making by spotting trends and anomalies to
software that enables continuous analysis of massive volumes predict outcomes.
of streaming data with sub-millisecond response times, • Resilient architectures, either on-premise or in the cloud,
helping to improve your organization’s level of insight and that help organizations deploy analytics throughout their
decision making, as well as promoting real-time response to business, and with customers and suppliers.
events as they happen.
• IBM Netezza: High-performance data warehouse appliances
that are purpose-built to make advanced analytics on
Analytic applications
exploding data volumes simple, fast and accessible; uses
Exploration/ Functional Industry Predictive Content
advanced analytics to deliver deep insights in minutes on BI/Reporting
Visualization application application analytics analytics
petabyte-scale volumes of relational data.
• IBM InfoSphere Warehouse: Comprehensive data IBM platform for big data
warehouse software platform that delivers access to Visualization Application Systems
structured and unstructured information in real time; and discovery development management

supports operational analytics and applications with up-to-

the-minute insights. Accelerators
• IBM InfoSphere Information Server: A complete collection
Apache Hadoop system Stream computing Data warehouse
of data integration and data quality capabilities that help
ensure delivery of trusted information; enables organizations Information integration and governance

to understand, cleanse, transform and deliver trusted Infrastructure

information to critical business initiatives by integrating big
data across enterprise IT systems.
• IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management: Creates
trusted views of master data about customers, products and Figure 3: The comprehensive IBM platform for big data offers a broad range
of solutions for managing, analyzing and generating insights from big data.
more, and provides a centralized data source that promotes
accuracy and data quality to help improve your applications
and business processes.
A maturity model for big data
To help organizations assess their current standing and future
plans to work with big data, IBM Business Analytics and
Optimization services developed a unique maturity model for
big data. Based on an objective industry technique, this
maturity model helps organizations evaluate their place on the © Copyright IBM Corporation 2012
big data adoption pattern and benchmark their status against IBM Corporation
emerging best practices around big data. The maturity model Software Group
incorporates data and findings from the latest big data studies Route 100
Somers, NY 10589
and research, and helps organizations assess their maturity
level across big data-focused areas such as business strategy and Produced in the United States of America
October 2012
value, big data technologies, architectures and components,
approaches, governance and data types—key inputs for IBM, the IBM logo,, BigInsights, Informix, InfoSphere and SPSS
are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in
defining a big data roadmap.
many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be
trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks
The business value accelerator for big data is available on the web at “Copyright and trademark information” at
IBM also offers a business value accelerator for big data, a
short-term consulting engagement that helps deliver business Netezza is a trademark or registered trademark of IBM International
value through an exploratory analysis of your voluminous, Group B.V., an IBM Company.
rapidly generated or complex big data. It enables the Velocity and Vivisimo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vivisimo,
development of a prioritized list of initiatives and an an IBM Company.
implementation roadmap based on the data exploration, This document is current as of the initial date of publication and may be
assessments, use-case prioritization and benchmarking changed by IBM at any time. Not all offerings are available in every country
against industry best practices to enhance business value. in which IBM operates.

The client examples cited are presented for illustrative purposes only. Actual
performance results may vary depending on specific configurations and
Transform business with big data operating conditions. THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS
Analytics solutions for big data offer tremendous possibilities PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR
for transforming businesses and their industries. Leading IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES OF
organizations in retail, financial services, telecommunications, AND ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF NON-
healthcare and other industries are already capitalizing on INFRINGEMENT. IBM products are warranted according to the terms
new opportunities. and conditions of the agreements under which they are provided.

The client is responsible for ensuring compliance with laws and regulations
In the past, the barriers to capitalizing on big data appeared applicable to it. IBM does not provide legal advice or represent or warrant
formidable. Today, the IBM platform for big data offers a that its services or products will ensure that the client is in compliance with
any law or regulation. Statements regarding IBM’s future direction and
comprehensive, integrated collection of state-of-the-art intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent
technologies for data management and analytics that can help goals and objectives only.
organizations address the challenges of big data and realize its 1
IBM Global CEO Study 2012.
potential for transformation. ceostudy2012

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