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1. Philippine Architects Society 19. eight (8)

2. highest integrity 20. ten (10)
3. business capacity 21. twelve (12)
4. artistic ability 22. P200.00
5. technical ability 23. five (5)
6. suspicion 24. fifteen (15)
7. unprejudiced 25. thirty five (35)
8. impartiality 26. eighty five (85)
9. moral 27. owner
10. public 28. P500.00
11. motives 29. five (5)
12. conduct 30. ten (10)
13. sense of moral values 31. five (5)
14. ability 32. fifteen (15)
15. promotional 33. Republic Act 545
16. construction phase 34. Presidential Decree 49
17. contract documents 35. full-time construction inspectors
18. Certificate of Payment


1. Time 16. good faith

2. technology 17. abstract ideas
3. well-planned 18. physical world
4. soundly constructed 19. conferences
5. aesthetically satisfying 20. deliberations
6. financial limitation 21. discussions
7. specialized allied services 22. evaluations
8. physical environment 23. investigations
9. consultant 24. consultations
10. civic or charity 25. scientific
11. technical information 26. aesthetic
12. experience 27. orderly
13. unity 28. man-made
14. civic 29. sound
15. specialization 30. fifteen (15)

1. Cost of the work 16. multiple of direct personal

2. Landscape Design Services expense
3. Acoustic Communication and 17. construction manager
Electronics Engineering Services 18. post construction services
4. Human behavior 19. project management
5. economic systems 20. lump sum
6. laws and regulations 21. revolving capital
7. tax structures 22. Architects National Code
8. infrastructure 23. human experience
9. utilities 24. physical world
10. P3,000.00 25. culture
11. P2,000.00 26. national aspirations
12. Comprehensive Planning 27. environment
Services 28. time
13. environmental planner 29. Pre-Design Services
14. comprehensive planning services 30. Group 2
professional fee plus expenses


1. pre-design 16. fifteen (15)

2. construction 17. three (3)
3. specialized allied 18. highest
4. construction 19. ethical conduct
5. post-construction 20. excellence
6. twenty (20) 21. Board of Architects
7. one (1) 22. Architecture
8. one and one half ( 1 ½) 23. contract document
9. eighty five (85) 24. Pre-design services
10. fifty (50) 25. Guarantee bond
11. P500.00 26. competition code
12. contractor or successful bidder 27. Design Build Services
13. surety 28. three (3)
14. contractor 29. seventh (7th)
15. owner 30. Critical Path Method


1. General conditions
2. United Architects of the 14. ninety eight (98)
Philippines (UAP) 15. specifications
3. Philippine Institute of Civil 16. Special provisions
Engineers (PICE) 17. complementary
4. Philippine Contractor’s 18. labor and materials
Association (PCA) 19. equipment
5. Contract Documents 20. transportation
6. Act of God or Force Majeure 21. install
7. work 22. provide
8. General Contractor 23. fifty meters
9. UAP Committee on Professional 24. water
Practice and Ethics 25. light
10. Inter-Professional Conference 26. telephone
Committee 27. toilet facilities
11. drawings 28. sixty days
12. specifications 29. fifteen (15)
13. furnish 30. Notice to Proceed


1. Design Services/Basic Services 22. construction inspector

2. adviser 23. fifteen (15)
3. periodic visits 24. fifteen (15)
4. eighty five (85) 25. thirty (30)
5. ten (10) 26. Bid contract
6. five (5) 27. Negotiated Contract
7. instrument of service 28. People
8. Cost of expenses 29. client
9. summary of cost 30. contractor
10. architect 31. manufacturers, dealers and
11. engineer agents
12. contractor 32. colleagues and subordinates
13. owner 33. civic
14. fifteen (15) 34. moral
15. prime professional 35. administrative matters
16. Full time supervision 36. technical matters
17. Construction Management 37. legal
18. Administration 38. Architecture
19. Guaranteed Maximum Cost 39. Construction
20. in-house architect 40. Pre-design services
21. full time supervision


1. fifteen 22. Planning
2. contractor 23. ten to fifteen (10-15)
3. architect 24. thirty (30)
4. architect 25. fifty (50)
5. fifteen 26. twenty (20)
6. Certificate of Payment 27. ten to fifteen (10-15)
7. Certificate of Payment 28. fifteen (15) and 12% to 20%
8. fifteen (15) 29. Design Competition
9. fifteen (15) 30. Percentage of Construction Cost
10. once 31. Multiple of direct personal cost
11. Retention money 32. seven (7)
12. ten (10) 33. ten (10)
13. fifty (50) 34. Specialized Allied
14. liquidated damages 35. Post Construction
15. Performance bond 36. Construction
16. five (5) 37. Comprehensive
17. fifteen (15) 38. Construction
18. thirty (30) 39. Architectural Programming
19. thirty (30) 40. PD No. 49 “Protection of
20. design services Intellectual Property”.
21. basic services


1. Pre-design services 14. Building and Ground

2. Design Services Administration
3. Specialized Allied Services 15. Post-Construction Evaluation
4. Construction Services 16. Architect
5. Post-construction services 17. Architect
6. Comprehensive services 18. fifteen (15)
7. Design build services 19. ten (10)
8. Interior Design 20. Breakdown of work and
9. Acoustics, Communication and Corresponding Value
electronics engineering 21. Proposal bond
10. Landscape design 22. Contractor
11. Physical Planning 23. Supplementary specification
12. Comprehensive Planning 24. 1%
13. Building and Equipment 25. 1 ½%


1. plan 3. monitor
2. program 4. adviser
5. cost control 23. surety
6. one and one half percent (1 ½%) 24. contractor
7. three percent (3%) 25. Owner
8. Scope of Work 26. fifteen (15)
9. Architects/Basic Services 27. three (3)
10. architect’s fee & manner of 28. architect
payments 29. contractor
11. Pre-Design services 30. project manager
12. construction 31. consultant
13. specialized allied 32. construction manager
14. construction 33. Ethics
15. post-construction 34. Ethical conduct
16. fifty (50) 35. people
17. two (2) 36. client
18. five(5% ) 37. contractor
19. eighty five (85) 38. agents
20. fifty (50) 39. colleagues
21. P 500.00 40. subordinates
22. contractor or successful bidder


1. lump sum 16. Project management

2. revolving capital 17. Project manager
3. Architects National Code 18. Cosntruction manager
4. Human experience 19. one (1)
5. Critical Path Method (CPM) 20. one and one jalf (1 ½ )
6. coordinate 21. Basic fee
7. supervise 22. six (6)
8. programs 23. fifteen (15)
9. plans 24. P500.00
10. schedules 25. eighty five (85)
11. monitored 26. contract documents
12. quality 27. ten (10)
13. records 28. five (5)
14. change orders 29. fifteen percent (15%)
15. payments 30. once


1. Project construction cost 5. town and regional

2. basic services 6. urban renewal
3. design services 7. master plan
4. Environmental planner 8. Physical planning
9. Comprehensive Planning 23. liquidated damages
Services 24. Performance bond
10. Planning 25. fifteen (15)
11. ten (10) 26. fifteen (15)
12. fifteen (15) 27. thirty (30)
13. thirty (30) 28. seven (7)
14. fifty (50) 29. Instruction to bidders
15. twenty (20) 30. Cost plus fixed fee
16. ten (10) 31. Cost plus percentage fee of cost
17. fifteen (15) of the project
18. fifteen (15) 32. construction by administration
19. twelve (12) 33. construction by management
20. twenty (20) 34. Guaranteed Maximum Cost
21. ten (10) 35. Contractor
22. fifty (50)


1. Republic Act No. 545 16. unity

2. Presidential Decree No. 49 17. five (5)
3. Full time construction inspectors 18. ten (10)
4. Time 19. five (5)
5. Technology 20. fifteen (15)
6. Well planned 21. five (5)
7. Soundly constructed 22. fifteen (15)
8. aesthetically satisfying 23. thirty five (35)
9. financial limitation 24. eighty five (85)
10. Specialized allied services 25. contractor
11. physical environment 26. P500.00
12. consultant 27. fifteen
13. civic or charity 28. contractor
14. technical information 29. architect
15. experience 30. Certificate of Payment


1. Economic Feasibility Study 9. UAP Document No. 200

2. Architectural Programming 10. Standards of Professional
3. Certificate of Payment Practice
4. Architect 11. Physical Planning
5. Owner 12. Comprehensive Planning
6. Project Construction Cost Services
7. Owner 13. Environmental Planner
8. Architecture 14. Owner
15. Contractor 25. UAP Document No. 208
16. General contractor 26. Adherence to the principle of
17. Project Management Architects National Code of
18. Design Competition Ethics
19. Direct Selection 27. Architects Code of Ethics
20. Comparative Selection 28. United Architects of the
21. Professional fee plus expenses Philippines (UAP)
22. Lump sum or fixed fee 29. General Contractor
23. Mixed Method of Compensation 30. Cost of Work
24. UAP Document No. 203


1. General conditions 18. Breakdown of Work and

2. Contractor Corresponding Value
3. Surety 19. Contractor
4. Owner 20. Project Engineer or
5. Special Provisions Superintendent
6. Proposal 21. Proposal Bond
7. Project Representative 22. Performance Bond
8. Time Limits 23. Supplementary Specifications
9. Bid Bulletin 24. Written Notice
10. General Conditions 25. Local laws
11. Payment Bond 26. Advertisement or Invitation
12. Agreement to Bidder
13. Guarantee Bond 27. Contractor
14. Instruction to Bidders 28. Contractor
15. Drawings 29. Unit price
16. Specifications 30. 15%
17. Special Provisions


1. Contractor 13. Seven percent (7%)

2. Owner 14. Ten percent (10%)
3. Architect 15. Bid bulletin
4. Retention fee 16. Turn Key
5. Guarantee Bond 17. Lump Sum
6. Certificate of Payment 18. Owner
7. Surety 19. Working Drawings
8. Arbitration 20. Proposal
9. Liquidated Damages 21. Install
10. Architect 22. Bid bulletin
11. Arbitration 23. Furnish
12. Owner 24. Contractor
25. Material Man 28. Time limit
26. General conditions 29. Act of God or Force Majeure
27. Work 30. Specifications


1. Guarantee Bond 16. Request for Payment

2. 1 ½ % or 3% 17. Retention fee
3. 2% TO 5% 18. Liquidated damages
4. Administrative Contract 19. Contract Price Escalation Clause
5. Management Contract 20. Negotiated Contracts
6. Guaranteed maximum and 21. Architect
percentage on savings 22. As-built plans
7. Lump sum Contract 23. Feasibility Studies
8. Schedule of Detailed 24. Specifications
Engineering Activities 25. Owner
9. Agency estimates 26. Basic fee
10. Bid/Tender Documents 27. January 17, 1975
11. Program of Work 28. Percentage of Construction Cost
12. Invitation to bidders 29. Multiple of Direct Personal
13. Bid bulletins Expense Method
14. Bid bond 30. Professional fee plus expenses
15. Performance Bond


1. Schematic Design Phase 17. Physical Planning

2. Design Development Phase 18. Arbitration
3. Contract Document Phase 19. Cost of Work
4. Contract Document Phase 20. Contractor
5. Construction Phase 21. Lump Sum Contract
6. Architect 22. Unit price contract
7. Certificate of Payment 23. Cost plus fixed fee contract
8. Architect 24. Cost and percentage fee of cost
9. Full-time supervision of project
10. Per dien and travelling expenses 25. Construction manager
11. Owner 26. Project Manager
12. Owner 27. Contractor
13. Project Construction Cost 28. Request for payment
14. Comprehensive planning 29. Design by Administration
15. Environmental planning 30. seven percent (7%)
16. Full-time supervision

1. Owner 17. Lump-sum

2. Working drawings 18. Per diem plus reimburseable
3. Proposal expense
4. Install 19. Subcontractor
5. Bid Bulletin 20. Contractor
6. Furnish 21. Manufacturers
7. Contractor 22. six percent (6%)
8. Material man 23. seven percent (7%)
9. General condition 24. ten percent (10%)
10. Work 25. eight percent (8%)
11. Time Limit 26. twelve percent (12%)
12. Force Majeure 27. fifteen (15%)
13. Specification 28. Design services or Basic services
14. Surety 29. Pre-design service
15. Arbitration 30. Contract Time
16. Liquidated damages


1. Architect 18. Administration Contract

2. Arbitration 19. Management contract
3. Architect 20. Guaranteed Maximum Plus
4. Contractor participation Savings
5. Owner 21. Contractor
6. Architect 22. Physical Planning
7. Retention 23. seven (7)
8. Guarantee Bond 24. ten (10)
9. Instruction to Bidders 25. Project Management
10. Bid bond 26. Project Manger
11. Advertisement/Invitation to Bid 27. Comprehensive Planning
12. Bid bulletin Services
13. Turnkey 28. Physical Planning
14. Lump sum contract 29. Project Construction Cost
15. Unit price contract 30. Breakdown of Work and
16. Cost plus fixed fee contract Corresponding Value
17. Cost plus percentage fee for cost
of payment


1. False (does not include) 16. False
2. False (is not required) 17. False (bid bulletin not
3. False (construction phase not Instruction to bidders)
design development phase 18. True
4. False (Guarantee bond not 19. False (Schedule of
payment bond) Materials and Finishes)
5. False (Liquidated Damages not 20. True
Adjustment claim) 21. True
6. True 22. False (contractor not
7. True architect)
8. False (not responsible) 23. False (owner not
9. False (architect not contractor) contractor)
10. True 24. False (does not include)
11. False (Advertisement/Invitation 25. True
to Bidders not proposal) 26. False (not required)
12. False (Payment bond not 27. False (Architect not owner)
Proposal Bond) 28. True
13. True 29. False (False (is entitled)
14. False 30. True
15. True


1. True 17. False (Design Development

2. True Phase)
3. False (bid) 18. True
4. True 19. False (Architect not owner)
5. False (Performance Bond) 20. False (Architect not Contractor)
6. False (guarantee bond) 21. False (not required)
7. False (required) 22. False (owner not architect)
8. True 23. True
9. False (before 24. False (not responsible)
10. False 25. False (Specialized Allied
11. True Services)
12. False (necessarily) 26. False (Owner not Architect)
13. True 27. False (not part)
14. False (required) 28. False (Comprehensive Planning
15. True not Physical Planning)
16. True 29. False (before)
30. True


1. True 2. False (prohibited)

3. True 15. False (shall not relieve)
4. False 16. True
5. False (are binding) 17. True
6. True 18. True
7. True 19. True
8. False (not including Architect’s 20. False (architect not the owner)
fee) 21. True
9. False (Specialized Allied 22. True
Services not Comprehensive 23. True
Planning) 24. False (could be a member)
10. False 25. True
11. True 26. True
12. False (unlawful even for 27. True
architect) 28. False (contractor not architect)
13. True 29. False (he shall be paid)
14. True 30. True


1. False 16. False (does not include)

2. True 17. True
3. False (not accurate) 18. False (not required)
4. True 19. False (Architect not owner)
5. False (not included) 20. True
6. True 21. False (is entitled)
7. True 22. True
8. False (cannot affix) 23. True
9. True 24. True
10. False (shall not avail) 25. False (Group 4 not 2)
11. True 26. False (Group 3 not 4)
12. True 27. False (Group 2 not 5)
13. False (paid by the owner not by 28. True
the Architect) 29. False (7% not 4 %)
14. True 30. True
15. 31. False (not required)


1. False (shall not be construed) 6. True

2. True 7. False (Group I not Group 2)
3. False (contractor not architect) 8. True
4. False (has no legal 9. False (Group 5 not Group 4)
responsibility) 10. True
5. True 11. True
12. True 22. False (five percent not ten
13. False (specialized Allied percent)
Services not Pre-design services) 23. True
14. True 24. False (shall not be construed)
15. True 25. True
16. True 26. True
17. True 27. True
18. True 28. False (specification not
19. False (could be a member) drawings)
20. True 29. True
21. True 30. False (duplicate not triplicate)


1. True 16. False (is not concerned)

2. False (Certificate of Payment 17. False (does include)
not Payment bond) 18. False (both)
3. True 19. False
4. True 20. True
5. True 21. False
6. True 22. False
7. False (Specialized Allied 23. False (only 5 sets)
Services) 24. False (he shall be paid for the
8. True work done)
9. True 25. True
10. True 26. False (not accurate)
11. True 27. True
12. False 28. True
13. True 29. False
14. False (is entitled) 30. True
15. False (by the architect not the


1. False (has no legal 7. False (only cure or charity

responsibility) projects)
2. False (cannot) 8. False
3. False (shouldered by the 9. True
contractor) 10. False
4. True 11. False
5. False 12. True
6. False 13. True
14. False (can stop the work)
15. False 24. False (hired by the owner,
16. False (is prohibited) recommended by the architect)
17. False 25. False
18. True 26. True
19. True 27. False
20. False 28. True
21. True 29. True
22. True 30. True
23. False (hired by the owner,
recommended by the architect)


1. c - contract document phase 16. b - contractor

2. b - pre-design services 17. d - pre-design services
3. b - 10% 18. c - Board of Architecture
4. b - 7% 19. c - 5 sets
5. b - Bid bulletin 20. a - architect
6. b - guarantee bond 21. c - contract documents
7. d - general conditions 22. c - architect
8. a - 15 days 23. c - structural design
9. b - liquidated damages 24. b - 5 sets
10. c - contractor 25. a - owner
11. a - specification 26. c - owner
12. c - contract development 27. a - interior design
13. a - supplementary 28. c - 35%
specifications 29. a - 10%
14. d - furnish 30. d - contractor
15. b - 85% of the fee


1. a - architect 13. b - estimate

2. d - owner 14. b - supervision
3. d - none of the foregoing 15. a - proposal
4. b - architect 16. c - 50%
5. b - contractor 17. a - owner
6. a - architect 18. b - quotation
7. b - architect 19. a - specification
8. a - architect 20. b - arbitration
9. b - contractor 21. a - time limit
10. b - contractor 22. a - liquidated damages
11. d - conceptual plans 23. a - project financing
12. a - specifications 24. c - construction phase
25. b - physical planning 28. a - socio-cultural component
26. a - construction management 29. b - 2% - 5%
27. c - Building and equipment 30. b - 85%


A. The contract consists of the following documents

1. Agreement
2. General Conditions
3. Special Provisions
4. Specifications
5. Drawings

B. Two divisions of the Architect’s National Code

1. Code of Ethics Conduct
2. Standards of Professional Practice

C. Three architectural organization integrated into one association called the United
Architects of the Philippines.
1. PIA - Philippine Institute of Architects
2. LPA - League of Philippine Architects
3. APGA - Association of Philippine Government Architects

D. Have the sole power of interpreting the provisions of the Architects National Code
1. National Board of Directors of UAP
2. Board of Architecture
3. Professional Regulation Commission

E. The entire range of architect’s services are divided into seven major services as
1. Pre-Design Services
2. Design Services
3. Specialized Allied Services
4. Construction Services
5. Post-construction Services
6. Comprehensive Architectural Services
7. Design Build Services

F. The several activities that fall under Pre-Design Services are:

1. Economic Feasibility Studies
2. Project Financing
3. Architectural Programming
4. Site Selection and Analysis
5. Site Utilization and Land Use Studies
6. Space/Management Studies
7. Promotional Services

G. The Architect renders services whose sequence come in four phases

1. Schematic Design Phase
2. Design Development Phase
3. Contract Document Phase
4. Construction Phase

H. Design services which fall under specialized allied services are

1. Interior Design
2. Acoustic, Communication and Electronic Engineering
3. Landscape design
4. Physical Planning
5. Comprehensive Planning

I. In the formulation of the Mater Development Plan, the following components are to
be considered:
1. Physical Component
2. Economic Component
3. Socio-Cultural component
4. Transport component
5. Legal and Administrative component

J. The design and building construction process is undertaken by four principal

members namely:
1. The owner
2. Architect and his engineer consultants
3. Contractor
4. the individual or group of individuals who assist on the supervision and
delivery of the work

K. Some of the services of the architect in post-construction services are:

1. Building and equipment maintenance
2. Building and ground administration
3. Post-Construction Evaluation

L. Two ways to undertake design build services:

1. Design build by administration
2. Design build on guaranteed maximum cost

M. Three basic methods of selection available to client seeking the services of an

1. Direct Selection
2. Comparative Selection
3. Design competition
N. Under the direct selection method, the clients selects his Architect on the basis of:
1. Reputation
2. Personal acquaintance or recommendation of a friend
3. Recommendation of a former client
4. Recommendation of another architect

O. During the progress of work, the owner shall furnish the architect the following:
1. Two copies of records of expenses being incurred on the construction
2. Two copies of the summary of all cost of labor, services, materials,
equipments, fixtures and all items used at and for the completion of
the construction.

P. A complete and detailed documentation of construction or erection drawings prepared

by the architect shall consists of the following:
1. Architectural plans
2. Structural plans
3. Electrical plans
4. Plumbing/sanitary plans
5. Mechanical/air conditioning plans
6. Civil work plans
7. Technical specifications
8. Other bid documents

Q. The architect in the process of translating abstract ideas into meaningful concrete
terms, produces documents in the forms of
1. Data base report
2. Architectural program
3. Feasibility Studies
4. Market Study
5. Appraisal Report
6. Impact analysis report
7. Space-organizational set-up report
8. Site planning analysis and evaluation report
9. Operational programming report
10. Building programming and scheduling report

R. Physical planning in approach through a mechanism which integrates in time and

space, the following components:
1. Physical pertaining to the world of material things
2. Social, concerned with the condition of people
3. Economic and administrative including the science of management and

S. The 3-D wheel of a building project

1. Decision to build by the owner
2. Design concept by the architect/engineer
3. Delivery system by the contractor

T. Functions of Construction services includes

1. Recommends the general contractor and specialty trade contractors that
would work with the Construction team.
2. Coordinates and supervises all construction groups involved in the project.
3. Approves methods and system of construction
4. Programming, planning and scheduling of all construction groups
involved in the project.
5. Prepares PERT CPM and Cash Flow
6. Reviews all change orders and payments prior to approval of Owner
7. Quality control of work and keeping of records.

U. Post Construction services includes

1. Building and Equipment maintenance
2. Building Administration

V. Design build services can be performed by the architect in two ways:

1. Design build by administration
2. Design build on guaranteed maximum cost

W. The scope of comprehensive architectural services are as follows:

1. Pre-Design services
2. Design Phase
3. Specialized Allied Services
4. Construction Services
5. Post-Construction Services

X. Payments to the Architects in fraction of the full fee according to the four phases of
services based on the architect’s basic services.
1. Upon the signing of the agreement a minimum payment equivalent to five
(5) percent.
2. Upon completion of the Schematic Design Services 15%
3. Upon completion of the Contract Document Services and the awarding of
beds – 85%

Y. Owner architect agreement should at least include

1. Scope of Work
2. Architects basic services
3. Architects fee and manner of payments
4. Owner’s Responsibilities
5. Project Construction Cost
6. Basic fee and basic rate
7. Other expenses chargeable to the owner
8. Full time supervision
9. Estimates
10. Cost Records
11. Design and placement of signs
12. Ownership of documents
13. Successors and assigns
14. arbitration

Z. The Architects Code of Ethical Conduct involves the architect’s responsibilities to:
1. the people
2. his client
3. contractor
4. manufacturers, dealers, and agents
5. colleagues and subordinates


A. The Executive Committee of the UAP organization aside from the

President, Secretary and Treasurer is composed of:
1. Chairman
2. Vice-Chairman
3. Members

B. The UAP standing committee are under the supervision of four

commissions namely
1. Committee on private practice
2. Committee on governmental and external affairs
3. Committee on Education
4. Committee on internal affairs

C. Shop drawings shall be numbered consecutively and represent

1. All working and erection dimensions
2. Arrangement and sectional views
3. Necessary details, including complete information for making connection
with other work.
4. Kinds of materials and finishes

D. Shop drawings shall be dated and contain the following:

1. name of the project
2. Descriptive names of equipments, materials and classified item numbers.
3. location at which materials or equipment are to be installed in works.

E. The value of extra work or change shall be determined in any one or more of the
following ways:
1. By estimate and acceptance in a lump sum
2. By unit prices stipulated in the contract or subsequently
agreed upon, provided the extra or credit does not exceed 25% of original
contract of the particular work involved
3. By actual direct cost plus 15% for contractor’s profit
overhead and contractor’s tax.

F. Reasons for the delay in the mobilization and/or in the progress of his work for
reasons attributable to the owner are:
1. Owner supplied materials not arriving on time
2. Movements on work executed by the Owner which interfere with the
progress of the Contractor’s work
3. Delayed decisions and other matters thereto

G. The Contractor will be allowed an extension of time based on the following

1. Delayed in the prosecution or completion of the work by the act, neglect,
delay, or default of the Owner or any other contractor employed by the
Owner on the work
2. By strikes or lockouts
3. By an act of God or Force Majeure

H. The UAP Charter Documents contains the following:

101 PRC Accreditation Documents
102 Directory of General Membership
103 Constitution and By-Laws
104 Election Code
105 Uniform Charter and By-Laws
106 Policy Manual
107 UAP College of Fellow Contractors and By-Laws
108 Award manual

I. The UAP Documents on Professional Practice and Ethics contain the following:
200 Code of Ethical Conduct
201 Pre-Design Services
202 Design Services
203 Specialized Allied Services
204 Construction Services
205 Post-Construction Services
206 Comprehensive Services
207 Design Built Services
208 Selection of Architects and Method of Compensation
209 Competition Code

J. The UAP Standard of Contract Documents contain the following:

UAP Documents:
301 General Conditions
302 Special Provisions
303 Invitation to Bid
304 Invitation to Bidders
305 Proposal forms
306 Breakdown of work and corresponding Value
307 Specifications

K. UAP Standard Contract Documents contain the following:

401 Owner-Architect Agreement
402 Owner-General Contractor Agreement
403 Owner-Specialty Trade Contractor Agreement
404 General Contractor – Specialty Trade Contractor Agreement
405 Owner-Project Management Agreement
406 Owner-Construction Management Agreement

L. UAP Inter Professional Documents contain the following:

UAP Documents:
501 Circular of Information on Architectural and Allied Engineering Services
and feeds
502 Architect-Structural Engineering Agreement
503 Architect-Electrical Sanitary and Mechanical Engineering Agreement.

M. UAP Professional Services Manual contain the following:

UAP Documents:
601 Architectural Programming
602 Feasibility Studies
603 Site Selection and Analysis
604 Site Utilization and Land Use
605 Space Management Students
606 Promotional Studies
607 Estimating Guide for Architects

N. Five methods of compensation for the architect

1. Percentage of Construction Cost

2. Multiple of direct personnel expenses
3. Professional fee plus expenses
4. Lump sum or Fixed fee
5. Per diem plus reimburseable expenses

O. Types of Construction Contracts

1. Lump Sum Contracts
2. Unit Price contract
3. Cost plus fixed fee contract
4. Cost plus percentage fee of cost of project
5. Administration

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