03 (Three) Months: 7,900.00 (Rupees Seven Thousand and Nine Hundred Only)
03 (Three) Months: 7,900.00 (Rupees Seven Thousand and Nine Hundred Only)
03 (Three) Months: 7,900.00 (Rupees Seven Thousand and Nine Hundred Only)
12 Others:
IOCL reserves the right to cancel tender in full/part, extend e-tender download/submission date, etc. without
assigning any reasons thereof. No compensation shall be payable for the efforts made by the Bidders. Reasons for
rejection shall be disclosed on written representation by the concerned Bidder whose bid is rejected.
All the intending Bidders shall visit IOCL’s website for any corrigendum/ amendment and take these into
cognizance before submitting the tender. Failure of the Bidder to submit tender without taking cognizance of
corrigendum/ amendment issued by IOCL shall make the bid liable for rejection.
In the event of any legal disputes arising out of the tender and/or contract, the same shall be within the jurisdiction
of Jaipur (Rajasthan) courts only.