ME761A - Lecture-3 Curve Representation

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Curve Representation

Prof. J. Ramkumar
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
IIT Kanpur
Email: [email protected]
Curve representation
1. Wireframe models
There are three types of geometric models,, wireframes,, surfaces and solids..
❖ Typically, a wireframe model consists of a finite set of points (vertices), connected in
pairs by straight lines (edges), or arcs, circles, conics, and curves, so that the three-
dimensional form of a solid object can be visualized.
❖ The major advantage of wireframe modeling is its simplicity to construct. It does not
require as much computer time and memory as does surface or solid modeling. Wireframe
modeling is considered a natural extension of traditional methods of drafting.
❖ The disadvantages of wireframe models are manifolds. Primarily, wireframe models are
usually ambiguous representations of real objects and rely heavily on human
Models of complex designs having many edges become very confusing and
perhaps even impossible to interpret. Moreover, as shown in Figure , it is often
difficult to display objects with curve surfaces using wireframe

Displaying holes and curved ends in wireframe models

Parametric curves
Curve representation

Curves can be described mathematically by nonparametric or parametric equations.

Nonparametric equations can be explicit or implicit.
For a nonparametric curve, the coordinates y and z of a point on the curve are expressed
as two separate functions of the third coordinate x as the independent variable.

nonparametric explicit form

nonparametric implicit form

There are three problems with describing curves using nonparametric equations:
(1) If the slope of a curve at a point is vertical or near vertical, its value becomes infinity or
very large.
(2) Shapes of most engineering objects are intrinsically independent of any coordinate
(3) If the curve is to be displayed as a series of point or straight-line segments, the
computations involved could be extensive.
In parametric form, each point on a curve is expressed as a function of a
parameter u.
The parametric equation for a three-dimensional curve in space takes the
following vector form:
Parametric representation of analytic curves

❖There are two categories of curves that can be represented parametrically:

Analytic curves and synthetic curves.
❖ Analytic curves are defined as those that can be described by analytic
equations such as lines, circles, and conics.
❖Synthetic curves are the ones that are described by a set of data points
(control points) such as splines and Bezier curves.
❖Lines and circles are often expressed in analytic equations.

The parametric equation of the line becomes

In scalar form, this equation can be written as


Circles and circular arcs are among the most common entities used in wireframe modeling.

The parametric equation of a circle can be written as

Incremental form
Synthetic curves

❖The need for synthetic curves in design arises on two occasions: when a
curve is represented by a collection of measured data points and when an
existing curve must change to meet new design requirements.
❖Analytic curves are usually not sufficient to meet geometric design
requirements of mechanical parts. Synthetic curves provide designers with
greater flexibility and control of a curve shape by changing the positions of
the control points.
❖Products such as car bodies, ship hulls, airplane fuselage and wings,
propeller blades, shoe insoles, and bottles are a few examples that require
free-form, or synthetic, curves and surfaces.
❖A spline curve is defined by giving a set of coordinate positions, call control
points, which indicate the general shape of the curve. These control points
are then fitted with piecewise continuous parametric polynomial functions.
❖When polynomial sections are fitted so that the curve passes through each
control point, the resulting curve is said to interpolate the set of control
❖On the other hand, when the polynomials are fitted to the general control
point path without necessarily passing through any control point, the
resulting curve is said to approximate the set of control points.
Order of a synthetic curve

❖Mathematically, synthetic curves represent a curve-fitting problem to

construct a smooth curve that passes through given data points. Zero-order
continuity C0 yields a position continuous curve.
❖First C1 - and second C2 -order continuities imply slope and curvature
continuous curves respectively. A C1 curve is the minimum acceptable curve
for engineering design. A cubic polynomial is the minimum-order
polynomial that can guarantee the generation of C0, C1 or C2 curves.
❖Also, the designer may prefer to control the shape of the curve locally
instead of globally by changing the control points.
Hermite Cubic Splines
The Hermite form of a cubic spline is determined by defining positions and tangent
vectors at the data points.

The parametric cubic spline curve (or cubic spline

for short) connects two data (end) points and
utilizes a cubic equation. Therefore, four
conditions are required to determine the
coefficients of the equation. The parametric
equation of a cubic spline segment is given By:

where u is the parameter and Ci are the polynomial

(also called algebraic) coefficients
Hermite cubic spline curve
Scalar form this equation is written as

In an expanded vector form


Matrix form
Now the problem is how to relate the parametric equations to the designers’
input, namely, the two end points and tangent vectors.
Applying the boundary conditions (P0, P’0 at u=0 and P1, P’1 at u=1)

Substituting, Ci into equation 1


where [MH] is the Hermite matrix and V is the geometry (or boundary conditions)
Both are given by
Blending Cubic Spline Segments
Equation (2) is for one cubic spline segment. It can be generalized for any two adjacent spline
segments of a spline curve that are to fit a given number of data points.
This introduces the problem of blending or joining cubic spline segments which can be stated as
given a set of n points P0, P1, …, Pn-1 and the two end tangent vectors P’0 and P’n-1 (as shown
in Figure ), connect the points with a cubic spline curve.
Let’s start from connecting two curves. To connect two Hermite spline curves
to form a C2 continuous curve, the second derivative at the end of the first
curve must be equal to the second derivative at the beginning of the first
curve. Thus we have:

Using this relation, we can further derive the tangent vector at the end of the
second curve, which is also the tangent vector at the beginning of the second

Using this information, we can construct a C2 continuous curve that passes through
the three given data points by blending two Hermite curves together
The use of the cubic splines in design applications is not very popular compared to Bezier or
B-spline curves. The control of the curve is not very obvious from the input data due to its
global control characteristics. As shown in Figure , changing the position of a data point
or an end slope changes the entiire shape of the spline, which does not provide the
intuitive feel required for design. In addition, the order of the curve is always constant
(cubic) regardless of the number of data points.

Control of cubic spline curve

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