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"Hung" Displays and The HP Laserjet 4345: TH E New Technician'S Service Edge Is in Stock

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The NEW Technician's Service Edge is in Stock LPT Tech Support is Direct and Toll Free
LPT's repetitive defect ruler and LPT clients can now contact technical support direct
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"Hung" Displays and the HP LaserJet 4345

A hung display is one that is stuck with the screen about three minutes before displaying “Ready." If it continues
displaying “initializing,” “warming up,” “calibrating,” or some- cycling for much more than three minutes, the printer prob-
times nothing but a row of asterisks or blocks. Essentially, ably has an initialization problem.
the printer has failed to initialize. This article will offer an There are two main types of problems that cause hung
efficient way of tackling a particularly challenging case: the displays on the 4345. On the one hand, it could be the for-
LJ 4345 MFP. First, we will describe the procedure for most matter or something plugged into the formatter. On the
other HP Laserjets. other hand, it could be caused by the engine power supply or
General Hung Display Troubleshooting the FN101 fan. The following troubleshooting sequence will
For most Laserjets, failure to initialize can be traced help you discover which part is causing the problem.
to a bad formatter or something plugged into this board Ideally, you would have all parts available that are listed
(firmware, memory, network card, hard disk drive, etc.). The at the end of the article. If not, the procedures described in
normal troubleshooting sequence is to remove everything this article will probably require two service calls:
from the formatter that isn’t absolutely necessary for basic 1. Troubleshooting, to determine which parts are needed.
operation, leaving you with a format-
Caution: always turn ter board with nothing plugged in it 2. Repair (installing the parts). If the printer is at a remote
the power off before except perhaps the firmware DIMM. site, much of the troubleshooting can be done over the phone
removing anything If it now comes to “Ready,” one of the with the customer. Alternatively, you may want to treat this
from the formatter removed items is bad, and you can find as a depot repair, where the printer is brought to your shop.
board, or plugging out which one by re-installing them
anything into it. I. Is it the Formatter/Formatter Plug-ins or the Power
one at a time. If the formatter/firm- Supply/Fan?
ware combination still “hangs,” then one of those two items A. Observe the “heartbeat LED” (visible just below
is defective, and the only solution is to replace them one at the parallel port, or on the M4345, below the USB
a time, since the printer cannot function at all with either of port – see figure 1). In a working printer, this LED
them missing. will flash briefly on power-up, turn off during the
In a few specific cases, hung displays can be caused by memory count, and then pulse on and off in a
other parts. Fuser warm-up issues can cause it in the Laser- regular pattern while the HP logo is cycling. If this
Jet 9000 series, as we pointed out in the Fall 2009 Service LED is not pulsing while the logo is cycling, the
Edge. problem is formatter-related. If the LED is pulsing,
LJ 4345 Hung Display it’s hard to be sure, so we need to run an engine test.
Go to step B.
After the memory count, the normal initialization
B. Running an engine test on the 4345 mfp
display is a small HP logo that grows and shrinks in size for

Liberty Parts Team, Inc. 3517 W Beltline Hwy., Madison, WI 53713 608-268-7600 FAX 608-268-7619
Service Edge Page 4

1. Remove the formatter (with all its accessories there is a problem with the hard drive. You can
and plug-ins), and power up without it. sometimes cure this by initializing the hard
2. Let it warm up a few minutes. drive.
3. Make sure there is paper in all cassettes. a. Hard drive initialization
4. Press the engine test button. 1. With the hard drive installed and con-
a. The engine test button is accessible through nected, turn the printer on and watch
a small single hole on the back of the printer the display.
(see figure 2). Use a long, thin, non-metallic 2. When the memory count begins, press
object to reach through and press the and hold the right side of the “Start”
switch. button until all three LEDs are lit,
b. This may require several attempts, as you then release it.
may miss the switch if you don’t go straight 3. Press and release the “5” key. “INI-
in. TIALIZE DISK” should appear on
5. If the printer prints an engine test sheet (a the display.
page containing just lines), then the fan and 4. Press and release the “6” key. A row of
power supply are working. The problem is with asterisks should appear on the display.
something that plugs into the formatter or the Wait for the printer to complete the
formatter itself. Go to II. initialization sequence.
C. If the printer does not print an engine test sheet, b. If initialization of the hard drive does not
either the fan or the power supply is defective. If work, replace it.
you have a voltmeter, you should be able to tell B. Other plug-ins.
which part is bad by observing fan rotation and/ 1. Remove the formatter from the printer.
or measuring the voltage going to the fan. This will
2. Reseat the compact flash firmware and base
require some disassembly. You will find instructions
memory. These are the only two plug-ins that
on page six.
the formatter requires to function.
II. Is it the formatter or one of the plug-ins? 3. Remove all other accessories (fax card, extra
A. Hard Drive. DIMMs, etc.).
1. Turn the printer off 4. Reseat the “daughter card” that connects the
2. Unplug and remove the cable that connects the formatter to the copy processor.
hard drive to the formatter. 5. Then re-install the formatter and power up. If
3. Turn the printer back on. the machine now works normally, one of the
4. In a normally working printer, you may get a removed items is bad. Re-install them one at
message that tells you that copy & send func- a time (cycling power each time) to find out
tions are disabled, and/or that the internal disk which one. If you still have a hung display with
was not found, but you will still be able to print all those items removed, one of the remaining
from the menus or from the computer. If it still items (formatter, firmware, base memory) is
hangs or will not print, go to 2B. If it prints, bad, and all you can do is replace them one at a

 
Fig. 1 Heartbeat LED (green flashing light) Fig. 2 Engine Test button

For HP, Lexmark, Xerox, Samsung and Okidata printer parts, call Liberty Parts Team: 888-444-8778.
Service Edge Page 5

2. When the memory count begins (on
the M4345, before the memory count
begins), press and hold the “9” key until
all three LEDs flash once and then stay
on (this may take up to 20 seconds),
d then release it.
3. Press and release the “3” key, and then
the “Start” key.
4. Press and release the “3” key as many
times as needed, until “NVRAM
c INIT” appears on the display.
5. Press and release the “6” key to select
a this, and wait for the printer to com-
plete the initialization sequence.
6. If neither reset solves the problem, replace the
b firmware DIMM, then the base memory, then
the formatter (if necessary).
NOTE: Almost everything in this article applies equally to
the LaserJet 4345 and the LaserJet M4345. However, note
Fig. 3 Formatter and cage: a. Compact Flash (firmware),
that the NVRAM initialization procedure is slightly differ-
b. Memory, c. Daughter Board, d. Hard drive.
ent on the M4345. Also, it does not have a separate firmware
time. But before doing that, there are two more DIMM or base memory DIMM – these are built into the
resets you can try. formatter board.
a. Cold reset Parts Mentioned in this article
1. Turn the printer on and watch the Ideally, you would have all parts below. If not, the proce-
display. dures described in this article will probably require two
2. When the memory count begins, press service calls.
and hold the “6” key until all three Part Required Part # (4345) Part # (M4345)
LEDs are lit, then release it. The dis- Compact Flash (Firmware) Q7725-67996 N/A
play should show “Select Language.”
Memory Q2627A N/A
3. Use either the “3” key (up arrow) or the
“9” key (down arrow) to scroll the dis- Formatter Q3942-67901 CB425-67910
play until “Cold Reset” is highlighted. Fan 1 (FN101) RK2-0278 RK2-0278
4. Press and release the “6” key to select Engine Power Supply RM1-1041 RM1-1041
the cold reset, and wait for the printer Internal Hard Drive J7948A 5851-3231
to complete the initialization sequence.
b. NVRAM Initialization reset
1. Turn the printer on and watch the

LJ 4345 TECHNICAL SIDEBAR Some of these tabs may break when you remove the cover.
Do not worry, this does not cause problems, as the screws
Shortcut: How to Tell if the LJ 4345 Power hold the cover in place perfectly well.
Supply is Bad
When troubleshooting a hanging display on a
LJ 4345, once you have ruled out the formatter, that
leaves either Fan 1 (FN101) or the Engine Power
Supply. We at Liberty have found a way to test the
power supply without swapping parts, saving time
and money.
A. Pull the control panel away from the printer to release
This will require removing the front cover. This involves the upper locking tabs. Then rotate it away from the
manipulating hidden plastic tabs and removing screws. printer and unplug one connector from the back.

Liberty Parts Team, Inc. 3517 W Beltline Hwy., Madison, WI 53713 608-268-7600 FAX 608-268-7619
Service Edge Page 6

B. Pop up one end of the top cover flatbed flange with a

pick or small flat screwdriver, then remove it.

F. Slide the output bin from the MFP.

C. Remove two screws with a long Phillips screwdriver.

G. Release the retaining tab on the left side of the front

cover. This one seems prone to breaking.

D. Open the top cover and remove one screw.

E. Remove Tray 2 and remove two screws.

H. Remove two locking tabs on the right side (1 of 2).

For HP, Lexmark, Xerox, Samsung and Okidata printer parts, call Liberty Parts Team: 888-444-8778.
Service Edge Page 7

M. Testing voltage.
1. Remove one screw (photo, right) and unhook the
thermistor. Move it to the side.
2. Remove two screws (large arrows in photo below)
and remove the power supply shield. (Later, if
you replace the fan, you will squeeze two tabs (small
arrows) and pull the fan out.)
3. To check the voltage, unplug the fan connector from
I. Remove two locking tabs on the right side (2 of 2). the board below it (do this with the printer powered
J. We now quote frome the manual: "Flex the bottom off ), and look at the connector on the board. It
of the (front) cover away from the MFP to release the should have three pins, as in the photo above.
locking tab at the mid-bottom, and then push up on the 4. Turn the printer back on and use the voltmeter
cover to raise it slightly. Pull the front cover away from to measure across the outermost pins (see figure).
the MFP to remove it." You should see something between 15 and 25 volts
DC while the HP logo is pulsing. If you do see this
voltage, the power supply is probably OK and the
fan is bad. If you do not see the voltage, the power

supply is bad. NOTE: Make sure that the voltmeter

is set to the proper range

(at least 25 VDC, or

better yet, set it to auto-
ranging), and that the

voltmeter probes are
touching the connector
pins. This requires a
good eye and a steady
K. Remove two screws to remove the fan duct.

L. Once you have gotten down to where the fan is visible, N. If the power supply needs replacement, consult the ser-
you can observe whether or not it is turning during the vice manual for this lengthy procedure.
time that the HP logo is pulsing. If the fan is turning,
the power supply is the bad part. Go to O. If the fan is
not turning, further tests are required. Go to M.

Liberty Parts Team, Inc. 3517 W Beltline Hwy., Madison, WI 53713 608-268-7600 FAX 608-268-7619

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