Catholic Parish: OLY Amily

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John Gabriel
Catholic Parish
February 24, 2019 - 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rev. James C. Weighner, Pastor
Email: [email protected] REV. JAMES C. WEIGHNER, PASTOR
Deacon Mark Grunwald
Email: [email protected] DEACON MARK GRUNWALD
St. John Nepomuc
710 S. Wacouta Ave.
Prairie Du Chien, WI 53821
Phone: 326-6511
Rectory Office Hours
8:00am to 4:00pm (Tuesday - Friday)
St. Gabriel Archangel
506 N. Beaumont Rd.
Prairie Du Chien, WI 53821
Phone: 326-2404
Rectory Office Hours
8:00am to 4:00pm (Tuesday - Friday)
Holy Days
Mass times to be announced.
Please call St. John’s Rectory office.
Please contact the parish at least 6
months prior to the wedding date.
Mary Henry
Email: [email protected]
Office Managers
Lana Gratace
Email: [email protected]
Sandy Halverson
Email: [email protected]
Dir. of Grade School Religious Ed.
Pat Prochaska: [email protected]
Parish Nursing Program
Rose Bauer, Shirley Cipra (326-8553)

St. Gabriel Archangel St. John Nepomuc

LeAnn Craig & Theresa Heal Nick Nugent, Peg Smith


Saturday 4:00 pm Laura Meyer, Mary Kirschbaum, Saturday 7:00 pm Tim Steger
Deacon Mark Grunwald Sunday 10:00 am Deacon Mark Grunwald, George &
Sunday 8:00 am Megan Pedretti, Joe & Sharon Atkins Nancy Eastman


Saturday 4:00 pm Shawn & JT Egstad Saturday 7:00 pm Ava & MaKenna Forde
Jack MacEachern & Olivia Colson Ryan Waller & Stephanie Welter
Sunday 8:00 am Tommy Mara & Harrison Osterkamp Sunday 10:00 am Madelyn Coffield & Brogan Brewer
Shelby Schroeder & Julian DeGidio Dustin & Prestin Nolan

Saturday 4:00 pm Mark Gilberts
Saturday 7:00 pm Pat Mulhern
Sunday 8:00 am Eric Teynor
Sunday 10:00 am Charlie Connell


Saturday 4:00 pm Bob Ziel, Richard Steiner, Gene Saturday 7:00 pm Don Roh, Alex Schaefer, Mark
Kirschbaum & John Chaffee Forsythe
Sunday 8:00 am Jim McGrath, Nathan Mezera, Mark Sunday 10:00 am Merle Frommelt, Mike Mara, Mark
Hamann & Volunteer Mara & Dennis Mezera


Saturday 4:00 pm Volunteers SCRIP WORKERS-MARCH 2/3
Sunday 8:00 am Amy DeGidio Saturday 7:00 pm Volunteers
Sunday 10:00 am Stephan Vlaming


Tuesday, February 26 8:15 am St. Gabriel’s Church † Connie Esser
Wednesday, February 27 8:15 am St. John’s Church † Bill Betzle
Thursday, February 28 8:15 am St. Gabriel’s Church † Sharon Key
Friday, March 1 8:15 am St. John’s Church † Deceased members of the
Frank & Elizabeth Ocenosak Family
Saturday, March 2 4:00 pm St. Gabriel’s Church † Carrie Breuer
7:00 pm St. John’s Church † Don Cherrier
Sunday, March 3 8:00 am St. Gabriel’s Church † Bob Boland
10:00 am St. John’s Church † For All Those Entrusted to Our Pastor
St. Gabriel’s 3:00 pm to 3:45 pm on Saturday
. St. John’s 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm on Saturday (No scheduled confessions on days with weddings or funerals.)
MAKING YOUR HOME A SAFE HAVEN This challenge provides practical tips that can be taken to create
Pornography is not a topic most adults are comfortable safer digital environments within the home. Everyone is encour-
speaking about. This is especially the case when it comes to par- aged to take advantage of these resources.
ents addressing it with their children. Regrettably though, it’s the Pornography doesn’t need to be fought alone. The re-
topic that’s becoming more and more necessary to address in our sources provided on Safe Haven Sunday will both encourage and
digital age. Too many parents, grandparents, and guardians think teach individuals and families dealing with the effects of pornogra-
their children have not been exposed to internet-based pornogra- phy that loving support is available. It’s worth battling pornogra-
phy. This is simply not true. Statistics tell us another story. First phy in order to become whole and clean of heart.
exposure to Internet pornography is often during the elementary Safe Haven Sunday is made possible through a partner-
school years. This often occurs by accident. Picture this: your ship with CovenantEyes. com. Special thanks is extended to the La
child typed in the wrong word on social media, your nephew Crosse Diocesan Council of Catholic Women for their financial
clicked on the wrong YouTube video, or your godchild’s friend support. For more information about Safe Haven Sunday, visit:
showed him his first sexually explicit image on Instagram. When
parents and guardians haven’t created an environment where it’s By Alice Heinzen
safe and open to dialogue about uncomfortable topics, children Director for Marriage and Family Life
will often hide these experiences out of shame and embarrass-
What does pornography do? Pornography perverts the PRAYER CORNER
intimate giving of spouses to each other because it takes what is God, grant healing and peace to the sick of our communities
made to be a sacred gift of self between husband and wife and and those who have requested our prayers. Please pray for:
turns it into a public performance designed to make a profit. Eileen Sutton, Mary Ann Heisz, Jerry Matousek, Janet Dickman,
Pornography objectives persons and tempts people to infidelity, Peg Stoeffler, Michael Hinrich, William Blake, John &
shattered families, darkness and isolation. (See Catechism of the Cheyenne Messling, Peyton Kraushaar, Earl Nye, Ethel
Catholic Church, paragraph 2354) Sebastian, Tara Pellock, Edith Ritchie, Scott LaBonne, Debbie
In 2016, the Bishops of the United States wrote: Create Eden, Ken Fleshner, Graham Shedivy, Lorna Porvaznik, John
in Me a Clean Heart: A Pastoral Response to Pornography. This Rink, Dale LaBonne, Mary T. Shedivy, Diane Fernette, Stacey
document reminds us that pornography causes damage to one- Johnson, Frank Tiller, Carl Shedivy, Rosanna Mayer, Marilyn
self, one’s relationships, society, and the Body of Christ. That is Rybarczyk, Pam Waller, Jackie Cherrier, Jennifer Gilman, Rose
why it can never be justified and is always wrong. In the pastoral Miller, Letty Oehler, Art Boxrucker, Nora Vickerman, Barbara
letter, we read: Schwant, Tyler Gillitzer, Lynette Reichmann, Gerald Stram, Joe
“Pornography use hurts the user by potentially diminishing his Barrette, Sally Ann White, Scott Sklenar, Shirley Ambrose, Don
or her capacity for healthy human intimacy and relationships. It presents McFarland, Phyllis Waller, Sandi Herreid, Melinda Neumann,
a distorted view of human sexuality that is contrary to authentic love, Don Ritchie, Sally White, Faye Tesar, Carol Kalish, Matilda
and it harms a person’s sense of self-worth... It can increase isolation Flansburgh, Joan Marie Tiller, Joseph Hamann, Janet Kahler,
between people because of the feelings of shame and self-reproach it gener- Judy Mezera, Owen Price, Kathy Leard, Scott Yeomans, Dorothy
ates. It breaks down trust between family members, and it damages the Gilkes, Andra Meana, M. Catherine Benoy, Irene Mitchell,
ability of parents and other adults to be virtuous role models for chil- Gaige Hatlin, Avalo A. Berns, Doris Bohnenkamp, Lyle &
dren.” (pg 7) Rosella Ahles, Donna Teynor, Marita Conley, Robert Hazen,
Pornography is instantly accessible, seemingly anony- Bernard “Butch” Boland, Jeffery Scott DuCharme, Gina
mous, and mostly free to any individual – child or adult – who Buettner, Audrey Mara, Sister Suzanne Gallagher, Nancy
has a smartphone, tablet or computer. In one or two clicks, any- Knutson, George J. Mezera, George Kahler, Terry Zinkle,
one can be exposed to the porn industry which appears to be Charles Barney, Bonnie Boland, Steven Richard DuCharme,
endlessly novel and exciting. In very little time, anyone can view Rick Hamann, Pat Lenzendorf, Justina Koresh. Darlene
porn and become instantly gratified in a virtual reality that de- (McKillip) Murana. Carl Kasparek.
grades God’s beautiful plan for human love and sexuality.
All of us must uphold the truth about each person’s If you have a special intention or loved one who is in need of
God-given dignity by rejecting anything that would harm it. prayers, please let us know we can include them
Thus, diocesan leadership is committed to guide and equip par-
ents and other individuals for this task. The parishes of the Dio-
cese will celebrate its first annual Safe Haven Sunday on March
10th. Within the context of Mass, parishes in the diocese will This Year Last Year
provide age appropriate teaching and resources that will support Envelopes for Feb. 17th $5,809.00 $6,022.00
and protect individuals, marriages, and families, making all Plate for Feb. 17 1,111.99 613.81
homes a safe haven. Units 550.00 470.00
The theme of this year’s Safe Haven Sunday is Electronic Transfers 2,432.00 2,127.00
“Equipping the Family, Safeguarding Children.” Each household Total $9,902.99 $9,232.81
will be offered Covenant Eyes’ book, Equipped: Smart Catholic The second collection came to $700.25 and will be used for
Parenting in a Sexualized Culture. This book includes a unique Prairie Catholic School and our Religious Education Program
seven-day text-to-opt-in program. expenses.
(Continued on next column) THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
JWalker News This Week at the Parish 4b
The JWalkers are going to be doing a special fund-
raiser this year to help defray the cost of some of their pro- Monday, February 25
7:00 pm Bingo in the Fellowship Hall at St. John’s
jects and this year’s mission trip. Our group is going to
Quincy, Florida, in June to help with Hurricane Michael Tuesday, February 26
recovery efforts. Because of the mass devastation there, we 3:30 pm Mass at Prairie Maison
are very limited as to where we can house our group. We Wednesday, February 27
will be housed at a retreat center, but we will be charged to 4:30 to 6:00 pm Burgers & Fries supper in the
stay there for the week. We will be selling raffle tickets to school cafeteria at St. Gabriel’s; Free will offering;
help cover the cost of housing. The prizes include 1 $300 Talent Show to follow meal; All are invited
pound meat bundle, 1 $200 pound meat bundle and 4 6:45 pm Grade School CCD Classes at St. John’s School
$100 Scrip Cards. The group will also have theme baskets Thursday, February 28
set up and will be selling chances at the Burger and Fries Adoration after the 8:15 am Mass at St. Gabriel’s
and the Fish Fry. The raffle ticket and basket raffle win- Benediction at 1:00 pm
ners will all be drawn at the Fish Fry on March 22 at St.
5:00 pm Parish Council meeting in the Fellowship Hall at
Johns Fellowship Hall. Tickets are available from any
St. John’s
JWalker, Parish office, during the events, and by contact-
ing Mary Stoeffler. Sunday, March 3
The group is also welcoming scholarships in any Coffee & Rolls after the 8:00 am Mass at St. Gabriel’s in
amount to help make it possible for all students to go. the school hall; drawing for the Lottery Sweepstake’s
We are so blessed to be in such a supportive, generous Calendar winners & Holy Name Raffle winners
church community. Thank You and please keep us in your
Mark Your Calendar……… Please remember Daniel J. Hawes in your prayers.
 Kindergarten Screening will be held on March 13th His funeral was held at St. John’s Church of the Ho-
at Prairie Catholic School. More information in ly Family Parish. May God grant him eternal life and
next week’s bulletin. comfort to his family.
 Fish Fry on Friday, March 22nd in Holy Family Fel-
lowship Hall at St. John’s. More details to follow. Ladies Knight & Mardi Gras, Tuesday, March
5th, 6:30 pm in the K of C Social Room, St.
Please join us for a study of Christopher Ruff's John’s School. Nicole Reed, Chair of Crawford
book “Blessed are you: Living the Beatitudes” be- Co. Special Olympics, Featured speaker and Kyle
ginning March 17th. Christopher Ruff is director of social Teynor, Chief of Police, Featured Speaker. Wine,
ministries at the LaCrosse Diocese. He has written sev-
eral books, for small group faith-sharing, 3 which we Beer and pop and hors d’oeuvres and treats. All
studied already. We'll meet in the Fellowship Hall after Knights, invite your wives. We are not a secret
10 am mass at St. John’s. Call Ann & Mark Grunwald organization. As a family organization we need to
326-5459 to order $10 book. hear how we can become better husbands,
fathers, faith leaders and what this organization
IT’S SUBMISSION TIME FOR THOSE .10 CENT BOX can do to make that happen. 6:30 pm Social
TOP LABELS…….March 1st is right around the corner.
Time; 7:00 pm Featured presentations; 7:40 pm
PLEASE cut out and put all labels into ziploc bags by
Wednesday, Feb. 27th. They can be put into the big
Planning for next Fraternal Year.
blue boxes at the back of both churches or dropped off The Knights of Columbus welcome new Knights Bill
at my house 328 North Beaumont Rd. -Rhonda Stubbe Nicholson and Mark Bauer. Due to the weather
many were not able to attend our last Initiation
What Does the PCCW (Parish Council of Catho- Degree. We will have another Initiation Degree on
lic Women) do? April 2nd at the Knights of Columbus meeting room.
Fund various parish needs (server’s vestments, outdoor Special Guest will be Past State Deputy and State
flowers, etc.); Sponsor African girl’s education through Fr. Membership Chair Ron Faust.
Fagan; Support National Girl Scout seminar; Aid people
who are going through difficult times; Provide missionary
The PCCW is planning an April rummage sale. Please Wednesday, February 27th
keep us in mind when you are doing your spring cleaning. 4:30 to 6:00 pm at St. Gabriel’s School Hall
We will announce drop off dates later in March. Free will offering - Talent show after the meal .

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