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G.R. No.

170723 March 3, 2008 years and nine months of age, formally became the ward of respondent Pedro Aguirre and his spouse
Lourdes Aguirre by virtue of an Affidavit of Consent to Legal Guardianship executed in their favor by
GLORIA PILAR S. AGUIRRE, petitioner, Sister Mary Concepta Bellosillo, Superior of the Heart of Mary Villa. On 19 June 1986, the Aguirre
vs. spouses' guardianship of Larry was legalized when the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 3 of Balanga,
SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, MICHELINA S. AGUIRRE-OLONDRIZ, PEDRO B. Bataan, duly appointed them as joint co-guardians over the person and property of Larry.
As Larry was growing up, the Aguirre spouses and their children noticed that his developmental
DECISION milestones were remarkably delayed. His cognitive and physical growth did not appear normal in that
"at age 3 to 4 years, Larry could only crawl on his tummy like a frog x x x;" 8 he did not utter his first
word until he was three years of age; did not speak in sentences until his sixth year; and only learned
In this petition for review on certiorari1 under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, as amended, petitioner to stand up and walk after he turned five years old. At age six, the Aguirre spouses first enrolled Larry
Gloria Pilar S. Aguirre (Gloria Aguirre) seeks the reversal of the 21 July 2005 Decision2 and 5 at the Colegio de San Agustin, Dasmariñas Village, but the child experienced significant learning
December 2005 Resolution,3 both of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 88370, entitled "Gloria difficulties there. In 1989, at age eleven, Larry was taken to specialists for neurological and
Pilar S. Aguirre v. Secretary of the Department of Justice, Michelina S. Aguirre-Olondriz, Dr. Juvido psychological evaluations. The psychological evaluation9 done on Larry revealed the latter to be
Agatep, Dra. Marissa B. Pascual, Pedro B. Aguirre and John and Jane Does." suffering from a mild mental deficiency.10 Consequent thereto, the Aguirre spouses transferred Larry
to St. John Ma. Vianney, an educational institution for special children.
The Court of Appeals found no grave abuse of discretion on the part of the Secretary of the
Department of Justice (DOJ) when the latter issued the twin resolutions dated 11 February 2004 4 and In November of 2001, respondent Dr. Agatep, a urologist/surgeon, was approached concerning the
12 November 2004,5 respectively, which in turn affirmed the 8 January 2003 Resolution 6 of the Office intention to have Larry, then 24 years of age, vasectomized. Prior to performing the procedure on the
of the City Prosecutor (OCP) of Quezon City. intended patient, respondent Dr. Agatep required that Larry be evaluated by a psychiatrist in order to
confirm and validate whether or not the former could validly give his consent to the medical
The Assistant City Prosecutor for the OCP of Quezon City recommended the dismissal of the criminal procedure on account of his mental deficiency.
complaint, docketed as I.S. No. 02-12466, for violation of Articles 172 (Falsification by Private
Individuals and Use of Falsified Documents) and 262 (Mutilation), both of the Revised Penal Code, in In view of the required psychiatric clearance, Larry was brought to respondent Dr. Pascual, a
relation to Republic Act No. 7610, otherwise known as "Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination psychiatrist, for evaluation. In a psychiatric report dated 21 January 2002, respondent Dr. Pascual
Act," for insufficiency of evidence. made the following recommendation:

The case stemmed from a complaint filed by petitioner Gloria Aguirre against respondents Pedro B. [T]he responsibility of decision making may be given to his parent or guardian.11
Aguirre (Pedro Aguirre), Michelina S. Aguirre-Olondriz (Olondriz), Dr. Juvido Agatep (Dr. Agatep), Dr.
the full text of which reads –
Marissa B. Pascual (Dr. Pascual) and several John/Jane Does for falsification, mutilation and child

The antecedents of the present petition are: 21 January 2002

Laureano "Larry" Aguirre7 used to be a charge of the Heart of Mary Villa, a child caring agency run by GENERAL DATA
the Good Shepherd Sisters and licensed by the Department of Social Work and Development (DSWD).
Sometime in 1978, respondent Pedro Aguirre; the latter's spouse, Lourdes S. Aguirre (Lourdes LAUREANO AGUIRRE, 24 years old, male, high school graduate of St. John [Marie Vianney], was
Aguirre); and their four daughters, who included petitioner Gloria Aguirre and respondent Olondriz, referred for psychiatric evaluation to determine competency to give consent for vasectomy.
came to know Larry, who was then just over a year old. The Aguirres would have Larry spend a few
days at their home and then return him to the orphanage thereafter. In June 1980, Larry, then two CLINICAL SUMMARY
Larry was adopted at age 3 from an orphanage and prenatal history is not known to the adoptive suicidal/homicidal thoughts elicited. He was oriented to time, place and person. He has intact remote
family except that abortion was attempted. Developmental milestones were noted to be delayed. He and recent memory. He could do simple calculation. He could write his name and read simple words.
started to walk and speak in single word at around age 5. He was enrolled in Colegio de San Agustin His human figure was comparable to a 7-8 year old. He demonstrated fair judgment and poor insight.
at age 6 where he showed significant learning difficulties that he had to repeat 1 st and 4th grades. A He had fair impulse control.
consult was done in 1989 when he was 11 years old. Neurological findings and EEG results were not
normal and he was given Tecretol and Encephabol by his neurologist. Psychological evaluation PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS
revealed mild to moderate mental retardation, special education training was advised and thus, he
Psychological tests done on March 6, 1990 (Dr. Lourdes Ledesma) and on August 4, 2000 (Dr. Ma.
was transferred to St. John Marie Vianney. He finished his elementary and secondary education in the
Teresa Gustilo-Villaosor) consistently revealed mild to moderate mental deficiency.
said school. He was later enrolled in a vocational course at Don Bosco which he was unable to
continue. There has been no reported behavioral problems in school and he gets along relatively well SIGNIFICANT LABORATORY EXAMS RESULTS
with his teachers and some of his classmates.
CT scan done 09 January 2001 showed nonspecific right deep parietal subcortical malacia. No
Larry grew up with a very supportive adoptive family. He is the youngest in the family of four sisters. localized mass lesion in the brain.
Currently, his adoptive parents are already old and have medical problem and thus, they could no
longer monitor and take care of him like before. His adoptive mother has Bipolar Mood Disorder and MRI done on 10 January 2001 showed bilateral parietal x x x volume loss, encephalomalacia, gliosis
used to physically maltreat him. A year ago, he had an episode of dizziness, vomiting and headaches and ulegyria consistent with sequela of postnatal or neonatal infarcts. Ex-vacuo dilatation of the atria
after he was hit by his adoptive mother. Consult was done in Makati Medical Center and several tests of lateral ventricles associated thinned posterior half of the corpus callosum.
were done, results of which were consistent with his developmental problem. There was no evidence
of acute insults. The family subsequently decided that he should stay with one of his sisters to avoid
similar incident and the possibility that he would retaliate although he has never hurt anybody. There Axis I None
has been no episode of violent outburst or aggressive behavior. He would often keep to himself when
sad, angry or frustrated. Axis II Mental Retardation, mild to moderate type

He is currently employed in the company of his sister and given assignment to do some Axis III None
photocopying, usually in the mornings. He enjoys playing billiards and basketball with his nephews
and, he spends most of his leisure time watching TV and listening to music. He could perform Axis IV None at present
activities of daily living without assistance except that he still needs supervision in taking a bath. He
Axis V Current GAF = 50-60
cannot prepare his own meal and never allowed to go out and run errands alone. He does not have
friends and it is only his adoptive family whom he has significant relationships. He claims that he once Larry's mental deficiency could be associated with possible perinatal insults, which is consistent with
had a girlfriend when he was in high school who was more like a best friend to him. He never had the neuroimaging findings. Mental retardation associated with neurological problems usually has
sexual relations. He has learned to smoke and drink alcohol few years ago through his cousins and the poorer prognosis. Larry is very much dependent on his family for his needs, adaptive functioning,
drivers. There is no history of abuse of alcohol or any prohibited substances. direction and in making major life decisions. At his capacity, he may never understand the nature, the
foreseeable risks and benefits, and consequences of the procedure (vasectomy) that his family wants
for his protection. Thus, the responsibility of decision making may be given to his parent or guardian.
The applicant was appropriately dressed. He was cooperative and he had intermittent eye contact.
Speech was spontaneous, soft, and relevant. He responded to questions in single words or simple Marissa B. Pascual, M.D.
sentences. He was anxious specially at the start of the interview, with full affect appropriate to mood Psychiatrist12
and thought content. There was no apparent thought or perceptual disturbance. No
Considering the above recommendation, respondent Pedro Aguirre's written consent was deemed fraudulently and with obvious intent to defame and malign her reputation and honor, and worse,
sufficient in order to proceed with the conduct of the vasectomy. Hence, on 31 January 2002, that of our Sabido family, falsely concluded and diagnosed, via her falsified Psychiatry Report, that my
respondent Dr. Agatep performed a bilateral vasectomy on Larry. mother Lourdes Sabido-Aguirre purportedly suffers from "BIPOLAR MOOD DISORDER" x x x.

On 11 June 2002, petitioner Gloria Aguirre, respondent Pedro Aguirre's eldest child, instituted a To answer petitioner Gloria Aguirre's accusations against them, respondents Pedro Aguirre, Olondriz,
criminal complaint for the violation of the Revised Penal Code, particularly Articles 172 and 262, both Dr. Agatep and Dr. Pascual submitted their respective Counter-Affidavits.
in relation to Republic Act No. 7610 against respondents Pedro Aguirre, Olondriz, Dr. Agatep, Dr.
Pascual and several John/Jane Does before the Office of the City Prosecutor of Quezon City. In her defense,14 respondent Olondriz denied that she "prospected, scouted, facilitated, solicited
and/or procured any false statement, mutilated or abused" her common-law brother, Larry Aguirre.
The Complaint Affidavit,13 docketed as I.S. No. 02-12466, contained the following allegations: Further, she countered that:

2. x x x Dr. Agatep and Dra. Pascual were (sic) medical practitioners specializing in urology and 3. x x x While I am aware and admit that Larry went through a vasectomy procedure, there is nothing
psychiatry respectively; while respondent Pedro B. Aguirre is my father; Michelina S. Aguirre-Olondriz in the Complaint which explains how the vasectomy amounts to a mutilation.
is my sister, and the victim Laureano "Larry" Aguirre xxx is my common law brother. JOHN and JANE
DOES were the persons who, acting upon the apparent instructions of respondents Michelina xxxx
Aguirre-Olondriz and/or Pedro B. Aguirre, actually scouted, prospected, facilitated, solicited and/or
5. In any case, as I did not perform the vasectomy, I can state with complete confidence that I did not
procured the medical services of respondents Dra. Pascual and Dr. Agatep vis-à-vis the intended
participate in any way in the alleged mutilation.
mutilation via bilateral vasectomy of my common law brother Larry Aguirre subject hereof.
6. Neither did I procure or solicit the services of the physician who performed the vasectomy, Dr.
Juvido Agatep x x x. It was my father, Pedro Aguirre, Larry's guardian, who obtained his services. I
4. Sometime in March 2002, however, the Heart of Mary Villa of the Good Shepherd Sisters was merely acted upon his instructions and accompanied my brother to the physician, respondents Dra.
furnished a copy of respondent Dra. Pascual's Psychiatry Report dated 21 January 2004 by the Marissa B. Pascual x x x.
"DSWD," in which my common law brother "Larry" was falsely and maliciously declared incompetent
and incapable of purportedly giving his own consent to the MUTILATION VIA BILATERAL VASECTOMY
intended to be performed on him by all the respondents. 10. Neither does the Complaint explain in what manner the Complainant is authorized or has any
standing to declare that Larry's consent was not obtained. Complainant is not the guardian or relative
of Larry. While she argues that Larry's consent should have been obtained the Complaint does not
6. Based on the foregoing charade and false pretenses invariably committed by all of the respondents dispute the psychiatrist's findings about Larry's inability to give consent.
in conspiracy with each other, on 31 January 2002, my common law brother Larry Aguirre, although
of legal age but conspiratorially caused to be declared by respondents to be "mentally deficient" and
incompetent to give consent to his BILATERAL VASECTOMY, was then intentionally, unlawfully, 13. x x x the Complaint does not even state what alleged participation was falsified or the portion of
maliciously, feloniously and/or criminally placed thereafter under surgery for MUTILATION VIA the psychiatric report that allegedly states that someone participated when in fact that person did
GUARDIANSHIP COURT, nor personal consent of Larry Aguirre himself.
In addition to the above, the complaint included therein an allegation that –
15. Again, I had no participation in the preparation of the report of Dr. Pascual x x x.
v. x x x without a PRIOR medical examination, professional interview of nor verification and
consultation with my mother, Lourdes Sabino-Aguirre, respondent Dra. Pascual baselessly, xxxx
17. x x x the Complaint does not dispute that he (Larry) is mentally deficient or incompetent to give Respondent Pedro Aguirre further clarifies that co-guardianship over Larry had been granted to
consent. himself and his wife, Lourdes Aguirre, way back on 19 June 1986 by the Regional Trial Court, Branch 3
of Balanga, Bataan. Respondent Pedro Aguirre contends that being one of the legal guardians,
xxxx consequently, parental authority over Larry is vested in him. But assuming for the sake of argument
that Larry does have the capacity to make the decision concerning his vasectomy, respondent Pedro
19. x x x I verified that the effect of a vasectomy operation was explained to him (Larry) by both
Aguirre argues that petitioner Gloria Aguirre has no legal personality to institute the subject criminal
respondent doctors.
complaint, for only Larry would have the right to do so.
20. x x x I accompanied Larry and obeyed my father on the belief that my father continues to be the
Just as the two preceding respondents did, respondent Dr. Agatep also disputed the allegations of
legal guardian of Larry. I know of no one else who asserts to be his legal guardian x x x. 15
facts stated in the Complaint. Adopting the allegations of his co-respondents insofar as they were
Alleging the same statement of facts and defenses, respondent Pedro Aguirre argues against his material to the charges against him, he vehemently denied failing to inform Larry of the intended
complicity in the crime of mutilation as charged and asserts that: procedure. In his counter-statement of facts he averred that:

5. In any case, as I did not perform the vasectomy, I can state with complete confidence that I did not (b) x x x I scheduled Larry for consultative interview x x x wherein I painstakingly explained what
participate in any way in the alleged mutilation.16 vasectomy is and the consequences thereof; but finding signs of mental deficiency, x x x I advised his
relatives and his nurse who accompanied him to have Larry examined by a psychiatrist who could
Nevertheless, he maintains that the vasectomy performed on Larry does not in any way amount to properly determine whether or not Larry x x x can really give his consent, thus I required them to
mutilation, as the latter's reproductive organ is still completely intact. 17 In any case, respondent secure first a psychiatric evaluation and clearance prior to the contemplated procedure.
Pedro Aguirre explains that the procedure performed is reversible through another procedure called
Vasovasostomy, to wit: (c) On January 21, 2002, I was furnished a copy of a psychiatric report prepared by Dr. Marissa
Pascual x x x. In her said report, Dr. Pascual found Larry to suffer from "mental retardation, mild to
8. I understand that vasectomy is reversible through a procedure called Vasovasostomy. I can also moderate type" and further stated that "at his capacity, he may never understand the nature, the
state with confidence that the procedure enables men who have undergone a vasectomy to sire a foreseeable risks and benefits and consequences of the procedure (vasectomy) x x x, thus the
child. Hence, no permanent damage was caused by the procedure. responsibility of decision making may be given to his parent or guardian x x x."

Respondent Pedro Aguirre challenges the charge of falsification in the complaint, to wit: (d) x x x I was likewise furnished a copy of an affidavit executed by Pedro Aguirre stating that he was
the legal guardian of Larry x x x Pedro Aguirre gave his consent to vasectomize Larry x x x.
14. x x x I did not make it appear that any person participated in any act or proceeding when that
person did not in fact participate x x x. (e) Only then, specifically January 31, 2002, vasectomy was performed with utmost care and
In defense against the charge of falsification and mutilation, respondent Dr. Agatep argued that
16. x x x I had no participation in the preparation of the report of Dra. Pascual. She arrived at her
subject complaint should be dismissed for the following reasons:
report independently, using her own professional judgment x x x.
1. The complainant has no legal personality to file this case. As mentioned above, she is only a
common law sister of Larry who has a legal guardian in the person of Pedro Aguirre, one of the herein
31. What I cannot understand about Petita's Complaint is how Larry is argued to be legally a child respondents x x x.
under the definition of one law but nonetheless and simultaneously argued to be capacitated to give
his consent as fully as an adult.18
2. x x x [t]he allegations in the complaint clearly centers on the condition of complainant's mother, 9. Without admitting the merits of the complaint, I submit that complainants are not the proper
Lourdes Aguirre, her reputation, and miserably fails to implicate the degree of participation of herein persons to subscribe to the same as they are not the offended party, peace officer or other public
respondent. x x x officer charged with the enforcement of the law violated x x x.21

xxxx The Assistant City Prosecutor held that the circumstances attendant to the case did not amount to
the crime of falsification. He held that –
(b) Falsification. x x x I strongly aver that this felony does not apply to me since it clearly gives
reference to co-respondent, Dr. Marissa Pascual's Psychiatry Report, dated January 21, 2002, in [T]he claim of the complainant that the Psychiatric Report was falsified, because consent was not
relation with her field of profession, an expert opinion. I do not have any participation in the given by Larry Aguirre to the vasectomy and/or he was not consulted on said operation does not
preparation of said report, x x x neither did I utilized (sic) the same in any proceedings to the damage constitute falsification. It would have been different if it was stated in the report that consent was
to another. x x x I also deny using a falsified document x x x. obtained from Larry Aguirre or that it was written therein that he was consulted on the vasectomy,
because that would mean that it was made to appear in the report that Larry Aguirre participated in
(c) Mutilation. x x x Vasectomy does not in anyway equate to castration and what is touched in the act or proceeding by giving his consent or was consulted on the matter when in truth and in fact,
vasectomy is not considered an organ in the context of law and medicine, it is quite remote from the he did not participate. Or if not, the entry would have been an untruthful statement. But that is not
penis x x x. the case. Precisely (sic) the report was made to determine whether Larry Aguirre could give his
consent to his intended vasectomy. Be that as it may, the matter of Larry's consent having obtained
(d) Child Abuse. x x x the complaint-affidavit is very vague in specifying the applicability of said law. It
or not may nor be an issue after all, because complainant's (sic) herself alleged that Larry's mental
merely avers that Laureano "Larry" Aguirre is a child, and alleges his father, Pedro Aguirre, has
condition is that of a child, who can not give consent. Based on the foregoing consideration, no
parental authority over him x x x.20
falsification can be established under the circumstances.22
Similarly, respondent Dr. Pascual denied the criminal charges of falsification and mutilation imputed
Even the statement in the Psychiatric Report of respondent Dr. Pascual that Lourdes Aguirre had
to her. She stands by the contents of the assailed Psychiatric Report, justifying it thus:
Bipolar Mood Disorder cannot be considered falsification since –
x x x My opinion of Larry Aguirre's mental status was based on my own personal observations, his
The report did not state that Lourdes Aguirre was in fact personally interviewed by respondent Dr.
responses during my interview of him, the results of the two (2) psychological tests conducted by
Pascual and that the latter concluded that Lourdes Aguirre has Bipolar Mood Disorder. The report
clinical psychologists, the results of laboratory tests, including a CT Scan and MRI, and his personal
merely quoted other sources of information with respect to the condition of Lourdes Aguirre, in the
and family history which I obtained from his sister, Michelina Aguirre-Olondriz x x x.
same manner that the fact that Lourdes Aguirre was physically abusing Larry Aguirre was also not of
5. x x x the reference in my report concerning Mrs. Lourdes Aguirre is not a statement of my opinion Dra. Pascual personal knowledge. But the fact that Dra. Pascual cited finding, which is not of her own
of Mrs. Aguirre's mental status, x x x. Rather, it is part of the patient's personal and family history as personal knowledge in her report does not mean that she committed falsification in the process. Her
conveyed to me by Mrs. Aguirre-Olondriz. sources may be wrong and may affect the veracity of her report, but for as long as she has not alleged
therein that she personally diagnosed Lourdes Aguirre, which allegation would not then be true, she
6. x x x An expression of my opinion, especially of an expert opinion, cannot give rise to a charge for cannot be charged of falsification. Therefore, it goes without saying that if the author of the report is
falsification. A contrary opinion by another expert only means that the experts differ, and does not not guilty, then with more reason the other respondents are not liable. 23
necessarily reflect on the truth or falsity of either opinion x x x.
Respecting the charge of mutilation, the Assistant City Prosecutor also held that the facts alleged did
7. x x x I never stated that I examined Mrs. Aguirre, because I never did x x x. not amount to the crime of mutilation as defined and penalized under Article 262 of the Revised
Penal Code, i.e., "[t]he vasectomy operation did not in any way deprived (sic) Larry of his
8. I had no participation in the surgery performed on Larry Aguirre except to render an opinion on his
reproductive organ, which is still very much part of his physical self." He ratiocinated that:
capacity to give informed consent to the vasectomy x x x.
While the operation renders him the inability (sic) to procreate, the operation is reversible and Petitioner Gloria Aguirre's motion for reconsideration proved futile as it was denied by the appellate
therefore, cannot be the permanent damage contemplated under Article 262 of the Revised Penal court in a Resolution dated 5 December 2005.
Hence, the present petition filed under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, as amended, premised on the
25 26
The Assistant City Prosecutor, in a Resolution dated 8 January 2003, found no probable cause to following arguments:
hold respondents Pedro Aguirre, Olondriz, Dr. Agatep and Dr. Pascual liable for the complaint of
falsification and mutilation, more specifically, the violation of Articles 172 and 262 of the Revised I.
Penal Code, in relation to Republic Act No. 7610. Accordingly, the Assistant City Prosecutor
recommended the dismissal of petitioner Gloria Aguirre's complaint for insufficiency of evidence. The
dispositive portion of the resolution reads:
WHEREFORE, it is recommended that the above-entitled case be dismissed for insufficiency of 100% REVERSIBLE BY A FUTURE MEDICAL PROCEDURE HENCE NOT AMOUNTING TO MUTILATION, X X
evidence.27 X; AND

On 18 February 2003, petitioner Gloria Aguirre appealed the foregoing resolution to the Secretary of xxxx
the DOJ by means of a Petition for Review.28
In a Resolution dated 11 February 2004, Chief State Prosecutor Jovencito R. Zuño, for the Secretary of
the DOJ, dismissed the petition. In resolving said appeal, the Chief State Prosecutor held that:
Under Section 12, in relation to Section 7, of Department Circular No. 70 dated July 3, 2000, the AND FALSIFICATION DESPITE THE EXISTENCE OF SUFFICIENT PROBABLE CAUSE THEREFOR X X X. 31
Secretary of Justice may, motu proprio, dismiss outright the petition if there is no showing of any
The foregoing issues notwithstanding, the more proper issue for this Court's consideration is, given
reversible error in the questioned resolution or finds the same to be patently without merit.
the facts of the case, whether or not the Court of Appeals erred in ruling that the DOJ did not commit
We carefully examined the petition and its attachments and found no error that would justify a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction when the latter affirmed the
reversal of the assailed resolution which is in accord with the law and evidenced (sic) on the matter. 29 public prosecutor's finding of lack of probable cause for respondents Pedro Aguirre, Olondriz, Dr.
Agatep and Dr. Pascual to stand trial for the criminal complaints of falsification and mutilation in
Petitioner Gloria Aguirre's Motion for Reconsideration was likewise denied with finality by the DOJ in relation to Republic Act No. 7610.
another Resolution dated 12 November 2004.
In ruling that the DOJ did not commit grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
Resolute in her belief, petitioner Gloria Aguirre went to the Court of Appeals by means of a Petition jurisdiction, the Court of Appeals explained that:
for Certiorari, Prohibition and Mandamus under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, as amended.
Evidently, the controversy lies in the permanency of sterilization as a result of a vasectomy operation,
On 21 July 2005, the Court of Appeals promulgated its Decision dismissing petitioner Gloria Aguirre's and the chances of restoring fertility with a reversal surgery x x x.
recourse for lack of merit.
We sustain the DOJ in ruling that the bilateral vasectomy performed on Larry does not constitute
The fallo of the assailed decision reads: mutilation even if intentionally and purposely done to prevent him from siring a child.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the present petition is hereby DENIED DUE COURSE and xxxx
accordingly DISMISSED for lack of merit. Consequently, the assailed Resolutions dated February 11,
2004 and November 12, 2004 of the Secretary of Justice in I.S. No. 02-12466 are hereby AFFIRMED.30 Sterilization is to be distinguished from castration: in the latter act the reproductive capacity is
permanently removed or damaged.32
It then concluded that: matters of fact,"40 and that petitioner Gloria Aguirre failed to prove damage to herself or to any other
The matter of legal liability, other than criminal, which private respondents may have incurred for the
alleged absence of a valid consent to the vasectomy performed on Larry, is certainly beyond the Respondent Dr. Agatep, in the same vein, stresses that vasectomy is not mutilation. He elucidates
province of this certiorari petition. Out task is confined to the issue of whether or not the Secretary of that vasectomy is merely the "excision of the vas deferens, the duct in testis which transport
Justice and the Office of the City Prosecutor of Quezon City committed grave abuse of discretion in semen"41; that it is the penis and the testis that make up the male reproductive organ and not the vas
their determining the existence or absence of probable cause for filing criminal cases deferens; and additionally argues that for the crime of mutilation to be accomplished, Article 262 of
for falsification and mutilation under Articles 172 (2) and 262 of the Revised Penal Code.33 the Revised Penal Code necessitates that there be intentional total or partial deprivation of some
essential organ for reproduction. Tubes, seminal ducts, vas deferens or prostatic urethra not being
Petitioner Gloria Aguirre, however, contends that the Court of Appeals and the DOJ failed to organs, respondent Dr. Agatep concludes, therefore, that vasectomy does not correspond to
appreciate several important facts: 1) that bilateral vasectomy conducted on petitioner's brother, mutilation.
Larry Aguirre, was admitted34; 2) that the procedure caused the perpetual destruction of Larry's
reproductive organs of generation or conception;35 3) that the bilateral vasectomy was intentional Anent the charge of falsification of a private document, respondent Dr. Agatep asseverates that he
and deliberate to deprive Larry forever of his reproductive organ and his capacity to procreate; and 4) never took part in disclosing any information, data or facts as contained in the contentious Psychiatric
that respondents, "in conspiracy with one another, made not only one but two (2) untruthful Report.
statements, and not mere inaccuracies when they made it appear in the psychiatry report" 36 that a)
Larry's consent was obtained or at the very least that the latter was informed of the intended For her part, respondent Dr. Pascual insists that the assailed Psychiatry Report was the result of her
vasectomy; and b) that Lourdes Aguirre was likewise interviewed and evaluated. Paradoxically, independent exercise of professional judgment. "Rightly or wrongly, (she) diagnosed Larry Aguirre to
however, petitioner Gloria Aguirre does not in any way state that she, instead of respondent Pedro be incapable of giving consent, based on interviews made by the psychiatrist on Larry Aguirre and
Aguirre, has guardianship over the person of Larry. She only insists that respondents should have persons who interacted with him."42And supposing that said report is flawed, it is, at most, an
obtained Larry's consent prior to the conduct of the bilateral vasectomy. erroneous medical diagnosis.

In contrast, the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), for public respondent DOJ, argues that "the The petition has no merit.
conduct of preliminary investigation to determine the existence of probable cause for the purpose of
Probable cause has been defined as the existence of such facts and circumstances as would excite
filing (an) information is the function of the public prosecutor."37 More importantly, "the element[s]
belief in a reasonable mind, acting on the facts within the knowledge of the prosecutor, that the
of castration or mutilation of an organ necessary for generation is completely absent as he was not
person charged was guilty of the crime for which he was prosecuted.43 The term does not mean
deprived of any organ necessary for reproduction, much less the destruction of such organ."38
"actual and positive cause" nor does it import absolute certainty.44 It is merely based on opinion and
Likewise, in support of the decision of the Court of Appeals, respondents Pedro Aguirre and Olondriz reasonable belief;45 that is, the belief that the act or omission complained of constitutes the offense
assert that, fundamentally, petitioner Gloria Aguirre has no standing to file the complaint, as she has charged. A finding of probable cause merely binds over the suspect to stand trial. It is not a
not shown any injury to her person or asserted any relationship with Larry other than being his pronouncement of guilt.46
"common law sister"; further, that she cannot prosecute the present case, as she has not been
The executive department of the government is accountable for the prosecution of crimes, its
authorized by law to file said complaint, not being the offended party, a peace officer or a public
principal obligation being the faithful execution of the laws of the land. A necessary component of
officer charged with the enforcement of the law. Accordingly, respondents Pedro Aguirre and
the power to execute the laws is the right to prosecute their violators, 47 the responsibility of which is
Olondriz posit that they, together with the other respondents Dr. Agatep and Dr. Pascual, may not be
thrust upon the DOJ. Hence, the determination of whether or not probable cause exists to warrant
charged with, prosecuted for and ultimately convicted of: 1) "mutilation x x x since the bilateral
the prosecution in court of an accused is consigned and entrusted to the DOJ. And by the nature of
vasectomy conducted on Larry does not involve castration or amputation of an organ necessary for
his office, a public prosecutor is under no compulsion to file a particular criminal information where
reproduction as the twin elements of the crime of mutilation x x x are absent"39; and 2) "falsification x
he is not convinced that he has evidence to prop up the averments thereof, or that the evidence at
x x since the acts allegedly constituting falsification involve matters of medical opinion and not
hand points to a different conclusion.
Put simply, public prosecutors under the DOJ have a wide range of discretion, the discretion of said consent was obtained. That would have been an untruthful statement. Neither does the fact that
whether, what and whom to charge, the exercise of which depends on a smorgasbord of factors the Psychiatric Report state that Lourdes Aguirre has Bipolar Mood Disorder by the same token
which are best appreciated by (public) prosecutors.48 And this Court has consistently adhered to the amount to falsification because said report does not put forward that such finding arose after an
policy of non-interference in the conduct of preliminary investigations, and to leave to the examination of the concerned patient. Apropos the charge of mutilation, he reasoned that though
investigating prosecutor sufficient latitude of discretion in the determination of what constitutes the vasectomy rendered Larry unable to procreate, it was not the permanent damage contemplated
sufficient evidence as will establish probable cause for the filing of an information against the under the pertinent provision of the penal code.
supposed offender.49
We agree. Grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of the DOJ
But this is not to discount the possibility of the commission of abuses on the part of the prosecutor. It and the Assistant City Prosecutor was not shown in the present case.
is entirely possible that the investigating prosecutor may erroneously exercise the discretion lodged
in him by law. This, however, does not render his act amenable to correction and annulment by the In the present petition, respondents Pedro Aguirre, Olondriz, Dr. Agatep and Dr. Pascual are charged
extraordinary remedy of certiorari, absent any showing of grave abuse of discretion amounting to with violating Articles 172 and 262 of the Revised Penal Code, in relation to Republic Act No. 7610.
excess of jurisdiction.50 Article 172, paragraph 2 of the Revised Penal Code, defines the crime of falsification of a private
document, viz –
Prescinding from the above, the court's duty in an appropriate case, therefore, is confined to a
determination of whether the assailed executive determination of probable cause was done without Art. 172. Falsification by private individuals and use of falsified documents. – The penalty of prision
or in excess of jurisdiction resulting from a grave abuse of discretion. For courts of law to grant the correccional in its medium and maximum periods and a fine of not more than 5,000 pesos shall be
extraordinary writ of certiorari, so as to justify the reversal of the finding of whether or not there imposed upon:
exists probable cause to file an information, the one seeking the writ must be able to establish that
the investigating prosecutor exercised his power in an arbitrary and despotic manner by reason of
passion or personal hostility, and it must be patent and gross as would amount to an evasion or to a 2. Any person who, to the damage of a third party, or with the intent to cause such damage, shall in
unilateral refusal to perform the duty enjoined or to act in contemplation of law. Grave abuse of any private document commit any of the acts of falsification enumerated in the next preceding
discretion is not enough.51 Excess of jurisdiction signifies that he had jurisdiction over the case but article.
has transcended the same or acted without authority.52
Petitioner Gloria Aguirre charges respondents with falsification of a private document for conspiring
Applying the foregoing disquisition to the present petition, the reasons of the Assistant City with one another in keeping Larry "in the dark about the foregoing (vasectomy) as the same was
Prosecutor in dismissing the criminal complaints for falsification and mutilation, as affirmed by the concealed from him by the respondents x x x,"53 as well as for falsely concluding and diagnosing
DOJ, is determinative of whether or not he committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or Lourdes Aguirre to be suffering from Bipolar Mood Disorder.
excess of jurisdiction.
A scrutiny, however, of Article 171 of the Revised Penal Code which defines the acts constitutive of
In ruling the way he did – that no probable cause for falsification and mutilation exists - the Assistant falsification, that is –
City Prosecutor deliberated on the factual and legal milieu of the case. He found that there was no
sufficient evidence to establish a prima facie case for the crimes complained of as defined and Art. 171. x x x shall falsify a document by committing any of the following acts:
punished under Articles 172, paragraph 2, and 262 of the Revised Penal Code in relation to Republic
1. Counterfeiting or imitating any handwriting, signature, or rubric;
Act No. 7610, respectively. Concerning the crime of falsification of a private document, the Assistant
City Prosecutor reasoned that the circumstances attendant to the case did not amount to the crime 2. Causing it to appear that persons have participated in any act or proceeding when they did not in
complained of, that is, the lack of consent by Larry Aguirre before he was vasectomized; or the fact fact so participate;
that the latter was not consulted. The lack of the two preceding attendant facts do not in any way
amount to falsification, absent the contention that it was made to appear in the assailed report that
3. Attributing to persons who have participated in an act or proceeding statements other than those par. 3 and 4 of Article 171 of the Revised Penal Code, it is essential that that there be prima
in fact made by them; facie evidence to show that she had caused it to appear that Larry gave his consent to be
vasectomized or at the very least, that the proposed medical procedure was explained to Larry. But in
4. Making untruthful statements in a narration of facts; the assailed report, no such thing was done. Lest it be forgotten, the reason for having Larry
psychiatrically evaluated was precisely to ascertain whether or not he can validly consent with
5. Altering true dates;
impunity to the proposed vasectomy, and not to obtain his consent to it or to oblige respondent Dr.
6. Making any alteration or intercalation in a genuine document which changes its meaning; Pascual to explain to him what the import of the medical procedure was. Further, that Larry's consent
to be vasectomized was not obtained by the psychiatrist was of no moment, because nowhere is it
7. Issuing in an authenticated form a document purporting to be a copy of an original document stated in said report that such assent was obtained. At any rate, petitioner Gloria Aguirre contradicts
when no such original exists, or including in such copy a statement contrary to, or different from, that her very own allegations when she persists in the contention that Larry has the mental age of a child;
of the genuine original; or hence, he was legally incapable of validly consenting to the procedure.

8. Intercalating any instrument or note relative to the issuance thereof in a protocol, registry, or In the matter of the supposed incorrect diagnosis of Lourdes Aguirre, with regard to paragraph 2 of
official book. Article 171 of the Revised Penal Code, we quote with approval the succinct statements of the
Assistant City Prosecutor:
vis-à-vis the much criticized Psychiatric Report, shows that the acts complained of do not in any
manner, by whatever stretch of the imagination, fall under any of the eight (8) enumerated acts [T]he fact that Dra. Pascual cited finding, which is not of her own personal knowledge in her report
constituting the offense of falsification. does not mean that she committed falsification in the process. Her sources may be wrong and may
affect the veracity of her report, but for as long as she has not alleged therein that she personally
In order to properly address the issue presented by petitioner Gloria Aguirre, it is necessary that we
diagnosed Lourdes Aguirre, which allegation would not then be true, she cannot be charged of
discuss the elements of the crime of falsification of private document under the Revised Penal Code,
falsification. Therefore, it goes without saying that if the author of the report is not guilty, then with
a crime which all the respondents have been accused of perpetrating. The elements of said crime
more reason the other respondents are not liable.54
under paragraph 2 of Article 172 of our penal code are as follows: 1) that the offender committed any
acts of falsification, except those in par. 7, enumerated in Article 171; 2) that the falsification was As to the charge of mutilation, Art. 262 of the Revised Penal Code defines the crime as –
committed in any private document; and 3) that the falsification caused damage to a third party or at
least the falsification was committed with intent to cause such damage. Under Article 171, paragraph Art. 262. Mutilation. – The penalty of reclusion temporal to reclusion perpetua shall be imposed
2, a person may commit falsification of a private document by causing it to appear in a document that upon any person who shall intentionally mutilate another by depriving him, either totally or partially,
a person or persons participated in an act or proceeding, when such person or persons did not in fact of some essential organ for reproduction.
so participate in the act or proceeding. On the other hand, falsification under par. 3 of the same
Any other intentional mutilation shall be punished by prision mayor in its medium and maximum
article is perpetrated by a person or persons who, participating in an act or proceeding, made
statements in that act or proceeding and the offender, in making a document, attributed to such
person or persons statements other than those in fact made by such person or persons. And the A straightforward scrutiny of the above provision shows that the elements 55 of mutilation under the
crime defined under paragraph 4 thereof is committed when 1) the offender makes in a document first paragraph of Art. 262 of the Revised Penal Code to be 1) that there be a castration, that is,
statements in a narration of facts; 2) he has a legal obligation to disclose the truth of the facts mutilation of organs necessary for generation; and 2) that the mutilation is caused purposely and
narrated by him; 3) the facts narrated by the offender are absolutely false; and 4) the perversion of deliberately, that is, to deprive the offended party of some essential organ for reproduction.
truth in the narration of facts was made with the wrongful intent of injuring a third person. According to the public prosecutor, the facts alleged did not amount to the crime of mutilation as
defined and penalized above, i.e., "[t]he vasectomy operation did not in any way deprived (sic) Larry
Applying the above-stated elements of the crime to the case at bar, in order that respondent Dr.
of his reproductive organ, which is still very much part of his physical self." Petitioner Gloria Aguirre,
Pascual, and the rest acting in conspiracy with her, to have committed the crime of falsification under
however, would want this Court to make a ruling that bilateral vasectomy constitutes the crime of reason that it does not entail the taking away of a part or portion of the male reproductive system.
mutilation. The cut ends, after they have been tied, are then dropped back into the incision. 59

This we cannot do, for such an interpretation would be contrary to the intentions of the framers of Though undeniably, vasectomy denies a man his power of reproduction, such procedure does not
our penal code. deprive him, "either totally or partially, of some essential organ for reproduction." Notably, the
ordinary usage of the term "mutilation" is the deprivation of a limb or essential part (of the
A fitting riposte to the issue at hand lies in United States v. Esparcia,56 in which this Court had the body),60 with the operative expression being "deprivation." In the same manner, the word
occasion to shed light on the implication of the term mutilation. Therein we said that: "castration" is defined as the removal of the testies or ovaries. 61 Such being the case in this present
petition, the bilateral vasectomy done on Larry could not have amounted to the crime of mutilation
The sole point which it is desirable to discuss is whether or not the crime committed is that defined
as defined and punished under Article 262, paragraph 1, of the Revised Penal Code. And no criminal
and penalized by article 414 of the Penal Code. The English translation of this article reads: "Any
culpability could be foisted on to respondent Dr. Agatep, the urologist who performed the procedure,
person who shall intentionally castrate another shall suffer a penalty ranging from reclusion temporal
much less the other respondents. Thus, we find sufficient evidence to explain why the Assistant City
to reclusion perpetua." The Spanish text, which should govern, uses the word "castrare,"
Prosecutor and the DOJ ruled the way they did. Verily, We agree with the Court of Appeals that the
inadequately translated into English as "castrate." The word "capar," which is synonymous of
writ of certiorari is unavailing; hence, should not be issued.
"castrar," is defined in the Royal Academic Dictionary as the destruction of the organs of generation
or conception. Clearly it is the intention of the law to punish any person who shall intentionally It is once more apropos to pointedly apply the Court's general policy of non-interference in the
deprived another of any organ necessary for reproduction. An applicable construction is that of Viada conduct of preliminary investigations. As it has been oft said, the Supreme Court cannot order the
in the following language: prosecution of a person against whom the prosecutor does not find sufficient evidence to support at
least a prima facie case.62 The courts try and absolve or convict the accused but, as a rule, have no
"At the head of these crimes, according to their order of gravity, is the mutilation known by the name
part in the initial decision to prosecute him.63 The possible exception to this rule is where there is an
of 'castration' which consists of the amputation of whatever organ is necessary for generation. The
unmistakable showing of a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction that
law could not fail to punish with the utmost severity such a crime, which, although not destroying life,
will justify judicial intrusion into the precincts of the executive. But that is not the case herein.
deprives a person of the means to transmit it. But bear in mind that according to this article in order
for 'castration' to exist, it is indispensable that the 'castration' be made purposely. The law does not WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition is DENIED for lack of merit. The assailed 21
look only to the result but also to the intention of the act. Consequently, if by reason of an injury or July 2005 Decision and 5 December 2005 Resolution, both of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No.
attack, a person is deprived of the organs of generation, the act, although voluntary, not being 88370 are hereby AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner Gloria Aguirre.
intentional to that end, it would not come under the provisions of this article, but under No. 2 of
article 431." (Viada, Codigo Penal, vol. 3, p. 70. See to same effect, 4 Groizard, Codigo Penal, p. 525.) SO ORDERED.

Thus, the question is, does vasectomy deprive a man, totally or partially, of some essential organ of
reproduction? We answer in the negative.

In the male sterilization procedure of vasectomy, the tubular passage, called the vas deferens,
through which the sperm (cells) are transported from the testicle to the urethra where they combine
with the seminal fluid to form the ejaculant, is divided and the cut ends merely tied. 57 That part,
which is cut, that is, the vas deferens, is merely a passageway that is part of the duct system of the
male reproductive organs. The vas deferens is not an organ, i.e., a highly organized unit of structure,
having a defined function in a multicellular organism and consisting of a range of tissues. 58 Be that as
it may, even assuming arguendo that the tubular passage can be considered an organ, the cutting of
the vas deferens does not divest or deny a man of any essential organ of reproduction for the simple
G.R. No. 199100 July 18, 2014 On the last day of her detention, AAA and appellant went out of the house. On their way to San Jose,
a certain Aunt Ruthie saw AAA walking and immediately picked her up and brought her to the police
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee, station. Appellant noticed AAA being taken away but he did nothing.6
ROSENDO AMARO, Accused-Appellant. The prosecution also presented AAA’s mother, BBB, to corroborate her daughter’s testimony. BBB
narrated that on 26 March 1998, she was in the house when AAA came home at around noon time to
DECISION eat. Thereafter, AAA told BBB that she had to go backto school. At around 5:00 p.m. when AAA had
not come home, BBB went to the school to look for her. When the teacher told BBB that that school
children had already been sent home, she proceeded to the police station to report her missing
For consideration is the appeal by appellant Rosendo Amaro from the Decision 1 dated 30 March 2011 daughter. After six (6) days, AAA was found by BBB’s former employer who brought her to the police.
of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR-I-IC No. 02801, affirming the 26 February 2007 Decision2 of the Upon receiving a call from the police, BBB immediately went to the police station and saw her
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Palawan and Puerto Princesa City, Branch 50, which found him guilty daughter. BBB observed that AAA was still in shock and could not walk properly so she was brought
beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of forcible abduction with rape. to the doctor on the following day. She only learned that her daughter was raped after the medical
On 26 May 1998, appellant was charged with the crime of forcible abduction with rape committed as
follows: Appellant testified on his behalf. He denied abducting and raping AAA but admitted that he brought
the latter to his house when AAA approached him asking for bread first, before begging him to take
That on or about the 26th day of March, 1998 at more or less 5:00 in the afternoon in front of Boots her with him because she was always being scolded by her parents. Upon reaching his house,
& Maya located at Mal var Street, Puerto Princesa City, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this appellant entrusted AAA to the care of Florante Magay’s sister. Appellant then went back to town to
Honorable Court, the above-named accused, by means of deceit atthe beginning and of force and attend to his work as a mason. He only decided to go back home when he heard his name on the
intimidation later and with lewd designs, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously radio in connection with the disappearance of a girl. He picked up the child in Barangay Tagburos and
abduct one [AAA],3 a seven (7) year old girl, by forcing her and took her to his house at Bgy. Tagburos, brought her to her house in Buncag. AAA walked alone towards her house. 7
Puerto Princesa City and without any justifiable reason, accused detained and deprived her of her
liberty for a period of twenty eight (28) [sic] days; that while she is being detained accused ROSENDO On 26 February 2007, the trial court rendered judgment in this wise:
AMARO had carnal knowledge of said AAA all committed against her will.4
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered finding the accused ROSENDO
Appellant pleaded not guilty. Trial then proceeded. AAA, who was then only 7 years old,testified that AMARO GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Forcible Abduction with Rape, as defined
she was walking on her way home from school when she passed by Boots & Maya store. She met a and penalized under Article 342 and Article266-B of the Revised Penal Code as amended by RA 8353
man, whom she later identified in court as the appellant, who asked her to buy cigarettes. After in relation to Article 48 thereof. The accused is hereby sentenced to suffer the penalty of RECLUSION
buying the cigarettes and handing it to appellant, the latter gave her bread and banana cue. After PERPETUA and to pay the costs. He is likewise ordered to pay the complainant-victim [AAA] the
eating them, she suddenly became dizzy and passed out. AAA was brought to the house of appellant. amount of FIFTY THOUSAND (₱50,000.00) PESOS as civil indemnity and FIFTY THOUSAND
When she regained consciousness, she saw appellant naked. Appellant then undressed her, kissed (₱50,000.00) PESOS as moral damages.8
her on the lips and neck, and inserted his penis into her vagina, causing her to feel pain. AAA cried but
The trial court found AAA’s testimony as credible and straightforward and supported by medical
appellant covered her mouth with his hand. AAA was detained for six (6) days and was raped five (5)
times by appellant. AAA clarified thatappellant’s penis touched the outer portion of her vagina.
From the aforesaid decision, appellant appealed to the Court of Appeals.
During the cross-examination, AAA admitted that she voluntarily went with appellant because the
latter promised to bring her home.5
On 30 March 2011, the Court of Appeals promulgated a Decision affirming the ruling of the RTC. Both Q: And after you were undressed by Rosendo what happened next? A: He kissed me.
parties opted not to file their Supplemental Briefs and instead adopted their Briefs filed before the
appellate court.9 Q: Where were you kissed by Rosendo?

In this appeal, appellant contendsthat the prosecution’s evidence is insufficient to sustain his A: In lips, Sir.
conviction. According to appellant, he did not rape AAA because the latter was not in his custody at
Q: Only your lips was kissed by Rosendo?
the time said incident allegedly happened. Appellant adds that he entrusted AAA to the custody of
Florante Magay’s sister because he was working. Appellant also insists that AAA voluntarily went with A: On my neck.
him to his house.
Q: Aside by being kissed by Rosendo, what else did he do to you?
Thus, the resolution of this case hinges on whether or not the prosecution was able to establish from
the testimony of the complainant the guilt of the accused for the crime offorcible abduction with A: He inserted his penis to my vagina.
rape beyond reasonable doubt.
Q: What do you mean by "totoy?"
The elements of the crime of forcible abduction, as defined in Article 342 of the Revised Penal Code,
(No answer)
are: (1) that the person abducted is any woman, regardless of her age, civil status, or reputation; (2)
that she is taken against her will; and (3) that the abduction is with lewd designs. On the other hand, PROSECUTOR SENA:
rape under Article 266-A is committed by having carnal knowledge of a woman by: (1) force or
intimidation, or(2) when the woman is deprived of reason or is unconscious, or (3) when she is under (to Court)
twelveyears of age.
May I change the question, Your Honor.
The prosecution was able to prove all these elements in this case. The victim, AAA was a seven (7)
year-old girl who was taken against her will by appellant who told her thathe knew her mother and COURT:
that he would bring her home.10 At her tender age, AAA could have easily been deceived by
All right.
appellant. The employment of deception suffices to constitute the forcible taking, especially since the
victim is an unsuspecting young girl. It is the taking advantage of their innocence that makes them PROSECUTOR SENA:
easy culprits of deceiving minds.11 The presence of lewd designs in forcible abduction is established
by the actual rape of the victim.12 (to witness)

During the direct examination, AAA recounted the rape incident and positively identified appellant as Q: [AAA], in what part of the body of Rosendo can you find that totoy that you said?
the perpetrator, thus:
(Witness pointed to her private part)
Q: When Rosendo undressed himself what happened next?
Q: And that bilalaythat you mentioned in what part of your body can you find that?
(The same, witness pointed to her private part)
A: He undressed me.
Q: Were you able to see that totoyof Rosendo?
A: Yes, Sir.
(to witness)
Q: And how big was that? On the other hand, appellant set-up the defense of denial and alibi.1âwphi1 It is jurisprudential that
denial and alibi are intrinsically weak defenses which must be buttressed by strong evidence of non-
(witness demonstrated the length more or less 5 inches) culpability to merit credibility. Mere denial, without any strong evidence to support it, can scarcely
overcome the positive declaration by the child-victim of the identity of the appellant and his
Q: About how – the diameter, how big is the diameter?
involvement in the crime attributed to him.18 Alibi is evidence negative in nature and self-serving and
COURT: cannot attain more credibility than the testimonies of prosecution witnesses who testify on clear and
positive evidence.19
It is not necessary to prove that, the size.
The appellate court is correct in affirming the imposition of the penalty of reclusion perpetuaby
PROSECUTOR SENA: ratiocinating, to wit:

Just to prove. The presence of lewd intentions is established by the conduct of the accused during the abduction.
When the girl is defiled, the forcible abduction becomes the means to commit the rape, and since
(to witness)
rape is the more serious offense, under Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code, the complex crime of
Q: When the penis of Rosendo was being tried by Rosendo to penetrate your vagina[,] what did you forcible abduction with rape is committed and penalized by reclusion perpetua, the penalty proper to
feel? rape.20

A: Painful, Sir.13 For clarity, the lower courts should have emphasized that reclusion perpetuaas the proper penalty for
the crime of statutory rape was imposed in lieu of death penalty pursuant to Republic Act No. 7659.
The fact of sexual intercourse is corroborated by the medical findings that the victim suffered from When Republic Act No. 9346 prohibited the imposition ofdeath penalty, persons convicted of
laceration on the upper and lower part of the introitus.14 offenses punished with death penalty will now be reduced to reclusion perpetua. And in line withour
recent ruling in People v. Gambao21 where we order an increase in the amount ofdamages to
Appellant was properly charged of the complex crime of forcible abduction with rape. AAA’s ₱100,000.00 each for civil indemnity, moral and exemplary damages,we deem it necessary to
abduction was a necessary means to commit rape. Sexual intercourse with AAA was facilitated and increase the amount of damages accordingly.
ensured by her abduction.15
In addition, interest at the rate of 6% per annum shall be imposed on all damages awarded from date
In the prosecution of rape cases, conviction or acquittal depends on the complainant's testimony of finalityof this judgment until fully paid.22
because of the fact that usually only the participants are witnesses to their occurrences. The issue
therefore boils down to credibility. Significantly, findings of fact of the trial court should not be WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Decision dated 30 March 2011 of the Court of Appeals in CA-
disturbed on appeal since conclusions as to the credibility of witnesses in rape cases lie heavily on the G.R. CR-HC No. 02801 is AFFIRMED, subject to the MODIFICATION that ROSENDO AMARO shall pay
sound judgment of the trial court which is in a better position to decide the question, having heard ₱100,000.00 as civil indemnity, ₱100,000.00 as moral damages and ₱100,000.00 as exemplary
the witnesses and observed their deportment and manner of testifying.16 damages, plus interest of 6% per annum on the amount of damages, reckoned from the finality of
this decision until full payment.
Testimonies of child-victims are normally given full weight and credit, since when a girl, particularly if
she is a minor, saysthat she has been raped, she says in effect all that is necessary to show thatrape SO ORDERED.
has in fact been committed. When the offended party is of tender age and immature, courts are
inclined to give credit to her account of what transpired, considering not only her relative
vulnerability but also the shame to which she would be exposed if the matter to which she testified is
not true. Youth and immaturity are generally badges of truth and sincerity. 17Moreover, AAA testified
in a straightforward manner.
G.R. No. 166441 October 8, 2014 voluntary desistance but because the said offended party succeeded in resisting the criminal attempt
of said accused to the damage and prejudice of said offended party.
Criminal Case No. 2389
DECISION Acts of Lasciviousness

BERSAMIN, J.: That on or about the 21st day of December 1993, at about 3:00 o’clock in the morning, along the
Bangar-Luna Road, Barangay Central West No. 2, Municipality of Bangar, Province of La Union,
The intent of the offender to lie with the female defines the distinction between attempted rape and Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused with lewd
acts of lasciviousness. The felony of attempted rape requires such intent; the felony of acts of design, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously touch the vagina of [BBB] 4 against the
lasciviousness does not. Only the direct overt acts of the offender establish the intent to lie with the latter’s will and with no other purpose but to satisfy his lascivious desire to the damage and prejudice
female. However, merely climbing on top of a naked female does not constitute attempted rape of said offended party.
without proof of his erectile penis being in a position to penetrate the female's vagina.
The Case
Version of the Prosecution
This appeal examines the decision promulgated on July 26, 2004,1 whereby the Court of Appeals (CA)
affirmed the conviction for attempted rape of the petitioner by the Regional Trial Court, Branch 34, in The CA summarized the version of the Prosecution as follows: 6
Balaoan, La Union (RTC), and imposing on him the indeterminate penalty of imprisonment of four (4)
years and two (2) months of prision correccional, as minimum, to ten (10) years of prision mayor, as x x x [Petitioner] Norberto Bartolome and [his wife] Belinda Cruz were engaged in the selling of plastic
maximum, and ordering him to pay moral damages of ₱20,000.00 to AAA,2 the victim. wares and glass wares in different municipalities around the country. On December 20, 1993,
Norberto and Belinda employed AAA and BBB to help them in selling their wares in Bangar, La Union
Antecedents which was then celebrating its fiesta. From Libsong East, Lingayen, Pangasinan to Bangar, La Union,
AAA and BBB boarded a passenger jeepney owned by Norberto. The young girls were accompanied
The petitioner was charged in the RTC with attempted rape and acts of lasciviousness involving by Norberto, Belinda, Ruben Rodriguez (driver) and a sales boy by the name of "Jess".
different victims. At arraignment, he pleaded not guiltyto the respective informations, to wit:
Criminal Case No. 2388 Upon reaching Bangar, La Union, at around 8:00 in the evening of December 20, 1993, they parked in
front of Maroon enterprises. They brought out all the goods and wares for display. Two tents were
Attempted Rape fixed in order that they will have a place to sleep. Belinda and the driver proceeded to Manila in order
to get more goods to be sold.
That on or about the 21st day of December 1993, at about 2:00 o'clock in the morning, along the
Bangar-Luna Road, Barangay Central West No. 2, Municipality of Bangar,Province of La Union, On December 21, 1993, at around 1:00 o’clock in the morning, AAA and BBB went to sleep. Less
Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, said accused, did then and there thanan hour later, AAA was awakened when she felt that somebody was on top of her. Norberto was
willfully, unlawfully and feloniously and by means of force and intimidation commenced the mashing her breast and touching her private part. AAA realized that she was divested of her clothing
commission ofrape directly byovert acts, to wit: While private complainant AAA, an unmarried and that she was totally naked. Norberto ordered her not to scream or she’ll be killed. AAA tried to
woman, fifteen (15) yearsold, was sleeping inside the tentalong Bangar-Luna Road, the said accused push Norberto away and pleaded to have pity on her but her pleas fell on deaf ears. She fought back
remove her panty and underwear and lay on top of said AAA embracing and touching her vagina and and kicked Norberto twice.
breast with intent of having carnal knowledge of her by means of force, and if the accused did not
accomplish his purpose that is to have carnal knowledge of the said AAA it was not because of his
Norberto was not able to pursue his lustful desires. Norberto offered her money and told her not Judgment of the RTC
totell the incident to her mother otherwise, she will be killed. AAA went out of the tent to seek help
from Jess (the house boy) but she failed to wake him up. After the joint trial of the two criminal cases, the RTC rendered its judgment on April 6, 2000 finding
the petitioner guilty beyond reasonable doubt of attempted rape in Criminal Case No. 2388 and acts
Thirty minutes later, when AAA returned to their tent, she saw Norberto touching the private parts of of lasciviousness in Criminal Case No. 2389,8 to wit:
BBB. AAA saw her companion awake but her hands wereshaking. When she finally entered the tent,
Norberto left and went outside. WHEREFORE, in the light of the foregoing, the Court hereby renders judgment declaring the accused
NORBERTO CRUZ Y BARTOLOME guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crimes of ATTEMPTED RAPE
Later that day, AAA and BBB narrated to Jess the incident that took place that early morning. Later and ACTS OF LASCIVIOUSNESS as defined and penalized in Article 335 in relation with (sic) Article 6,
still, while they were on their way to fetch water, AAA and BBB asked the people around where they par. 3 and Article 336 of the Revised Penal Code respectively. With respect to the crime of
can find the municipal building. An old woman pointed to them the place. ATTEMPTED RAPE, the Court hereby sentences the accused to suffer an indeterminate penalty of
imprisonment from FOUR (4) YEARS and TWO (2) MONTHS PRISION CORRECCIONAL as Minimum to
In the evening of December 21, 1993, AAA and BBB went straight to the municipal hall where they TEN (10) YEARS PRISION MAYOR as Maximum and the accessory penalties provided for by law and to
met a policeman by the name of "Sabas". pay the victim AAA the amount of ₱20,000.00 as moral damages.
They told Sabas the sexual advances made to them by Norberto. Norberto was summoned to the With regard to the crime ofACTS OF LASCIVIOUSNESS, the Court hereby sentences the accused to
police station where he personally confronted his accusers. When Norberto’s wife, Belinda, arrived at suffer an indeterminate penalty of imprisonment from FOUR (4) MONTHS ARRESTO MAYOR as
the police station, an argument ensued between them. Minimum to FOUR (4) YEARS and TWO (2) MONTHS PRISION CORRECCIONAL as Maximum and the
accessory penalties provided for by law, and to pay the victim BBBthe amount of ₱10,000.00 as moral
On December 22, 1993, at around 2:20 o’clock in the morning, the police investigator ordered the
complainants to return at6:00 o’clock in the morning. Norberto and Belinda were still able to bring
AAA and BBB home with them and worked for them until December 30, 1994, after which they were The preventive imprisonment suffered by the accused by reason of the two cases is counted in his
sent back to Lingayen, Pangasinan. favor.

On January 10, 1994, AAA and BBB went back to La Union and executed their respective sworn SO ORDERED.9
statements against Norberto.
Decision of the CA
Version of the Defense
On appeal, the petitioner contended that the RTC gravely erred in convicting him of attempted rape
The petitioner denied the criminal acts imputed to him. His version was presented in the assailed despite the dubious credibility of AAA, and of acts of lasciviousness despite the fact that BBB did not
decision of the CA,7 as follows: testify.

In a bid to exculpate himself, accused-appellant presents a totally different version of the story. The On July 26, 2004, the CA promulgated its decision affirming the conviction of the petitioner for
accused maintains that it was not possible for him to commit the crimes hurled against him. On the attempted rape in Criminal Case No. 2388, but acquitting him of the acts of lasciviousness charged in
date of the alleged incident, there were many people around who were preparing for the "simbang Criminal Case No. 2389 due to the insufficiency of the evidence, 10 holding thusly:
gabi". Considering the location of the tents, which were near the road and the municipal hall, he
could not possibly do the dastardly acts out in the open, not to mention the fact that once AAA and In sum, the arguments of the accused-appellant are too puerile and inconsequential as to dent, even
BBB would scream, the policemen in the municipal hall could hear them. He believes that the reason slightly, the overall integrity and probative value of the prosecution's evidence insofar as AAA is
why the complainants filed these cases against him was solely for the purpose of extorting money concerned.
from him.
Under Article 51 of the Revised Penal Code, the penalty for an attempted felony is the "penalty lower before, because her bra was locked at her back; that her testimony about his having been on top of
by two (2) degrees" prescribed by law for the consummated felony. In this case, the penalty for rape her for nearly an hour while they struggled was also inconceivable unless she either consented to his
if it had been consummated would have been reclusion perpetuapursuant to Article 335 of the act and yielded to his lust, or the incident did not happen at all, being the product only of her
Revised Penalty Code, as amended by Republic Act No. 7659. The penalty two degrees lower than fertileimagination; that the record does not indicate if he himself was also naked, or that his penis
reclusion perpetuais prision mayor. was poised to penetrate her; and that she and her mother demanded from him ₱80,000.00 as
settlement, under threat that she would file a case against him.12
Applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, the maximum term of the penalty shall be the medium
period of prision mayorin the absence of any mitigating or aggravating circumstance and the On the second issue, the petitioner assails the glaring inconsistencies in the testimony of AAA that
minimum shall be within the range of the penalty nextlower to that prescribed for the offense which cast doubt on her veracity.
in this case is prision correccionalin any of its periods.
Ruling of the Court
We also find that the trial court correctly assessed the amount of ₱20,000.00 by way of moral
damages against the accused-appellant. In a rape case, moral damages may be awarded without the The appeal is partly meritorious.
need of proof or pleading since it is assumed that the private complainant suffered moral injuries,
In an appeal under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court,13 the Court reviews only questions of law. No review
more so, when the victim is aged 13 to 19.
of the findings of fact by the CA is involved. As a consequence of thisrule, the Court accords the
Insofar as the crime of acts of lasciviousness committed against BBB, the accused argues that there is highest respect for the factual findings of the trial court, its assessment of the credibility of witnesses
not enough evidence to support such accusation. BBB did not testify and neither her sworn and the probative weight of their testimonies and the conclusions drawn from its factual findings,
statement was formally offered in evidence to support the charge for acts of lasciviousness. particularly when they are affirmed by the CA. Judicial experience has shown, indeed, that the trial
courts are in the best position to decideissues of credibility of witnesses, having themselves heard
In this case, the evidence adducedby the prosecution is insufficient to substantiate the charge of acts and seen the witnesses and observed firsthand their demeanor and deportment and the manner of
of lasciviousness against the accusedappellant. The basis of the complaint for acts of lasciviousness is testifying under exacting examination. As such, the contentionsof the petitioner on the credibility of
the sworn statement of BBB to the effectthat the accused-appellant likewise molested her by AAA as a witness for the State cannot beentertained. He thereby raises questions of fact that are
mashing her breast and touching her private part. However, she was not presented to testify. While outside the scope of this appeal. Moreover, he thereby proposes to have the Court, which is not a
AAA claims that she personally saw the accused touching the private parts of BBB, there was no trier of facts, review the entire evidence adduced by the Prosecution and the Defense.
testimony to the effect that suchlascivious acts were without the consent or against the will of BBB. 11
Conformably with this limitation, our review focuses only on determining the question of law of
Issues whether or not the petitioner’s climbing on top of the undressed AAA such thatthey faced each other,
with him mashing her breasts and touching her genitalia with his hands, constituted attempted rape,
In this appeal, the petitioner posits that the CA’s decision was not in accord with law or with the crime for which the RTC and the CA convicted and punished him. Based on the information,
jurisprudence, particularly: supra, he committed such acts "with intent of having carnal knowledge ofher by means of force, and
if the accused did not accomplish his purpose that is to have carnal knowledge of the said AAA it was
I. In giving credence to the incredulous and unbelievable testimony of the alleged victim; and
not because of his voluntary desistance but because the said offended party succeeded in resisting
II. In convicting the accused notwithstanding the failure of the prosecution to prove the guilt of the the criminal attempt of said accused to the damage and prejudice of said offended party."
petitioner beyond reasonable doubt.
There is an attempt, according to Article 6 of the Revised Penal Code, when the offender commences
Anent the first issue, the petitioner assails the behavior and credibility of AAA. He argues that AAA the commission of a felony directly by overt acts, and does not perform all the acts of execution
still continued working for him and his wife until December 30, 1994 despite the alleged attempted which should produce the felony by reason of some cause or accident other than this own
rape in the early morning of December 21, 1994, thereby belying his commission of the crime against spontaneous desistance. In People v. Lamahang,14 the Court, speaking through the eminent Justice
her; that he could not have undressed her without rousing her if she had gone to sleep only an hour Claro M.Recto, eruditely expounded on what overt acts would constitute anattempted felony, to wit:
It is our opinion that the attempt to commit an offense which the Penal Code punishes is that which 2. When the woman is deprived ofreason or otherwise unconscious; and
has a logical relation to a particular, concrete offense; that, which is the beginning of the execution of
the offense by overt acts of the perpetrator, leading directly to its realization and consummation. The 3. When the woman is under twelve years of age, even though neither of the circumstances
attempt to commit an indeterminate offense, inasmuch as its nature in relation to its objective is mentioned in the two next preceding paragraphs shall be present.
ambiguous, is not a juridical fact from the standpoint of the Penal Code. xxxx But it is not sufficient,
for the purpose of imposing penal sanction, that an act objectively performed constitute a mere
beginning of execution; it is necessary to establish its unavoidable connection, like the logical and The basic element of rape then and now is carnal knowledge of a female. Carnal knowledge isdefined
natural relation of the cause and its effect, with the deed which, upon its consummation, will develop simply as "theact of a man having sexual bodily connections with a woman,"16 which explains why the
into one of the offenses defined and punished by the Code; it is necessary to prove that said slightest penetration of the female genitalia consummates the rape. In other words, rape is
beginning of execution, if carried to its complete termination following its natural course, without consummated once the peniscapable of consummating the sexual act touches the external genitalia
being frustrated by external obstacles nor by the voluntary desistance of the perpetrator, will of the female.17 In People v. Campuhan,18 the Court has defined the extent of "touching" by the penis
logically and necessarily ripen into a concrete offense. x x x x. in rape in the following terms:

"It must be borne in mind (I Groizard, p. 99) that in offenses not consummated, as the material [T]ouching when applied to rape cases does not simply mean mere epidermal contact, stroking or
damage iswanting, the nature of the action intended (accion fin) cannot exactly be ascertained, but grazing of organs, a slight brush or a scrape of the penis on the external layer of the victim’s vagina,
the same must be inferred from the nature of the acts of execution (accion medio). Hence, the or the mons pubis, as in this case. There must be sufficient and convincing proof that the penis
necessity that these acts be such that by their very nature, by the facts to which they are related, by indeedtouched the labias or slid into the female organ, and not merely stroked the external surface
the circumstances of the persons performing the same, and by the things connected therewith, they thereof, for an accused to be convicted of consummated rape. As the labias, which are required to be
must show without any doubt, that they are aimed at the consummation of a crime. Acts susceptible "touched" bythe penis, are by their natural situsor location beneath the mons pubisor the vaginal
of double interpretation, that is, in favor as well as against the culprit, and which show an innocent surface, to touch them with the penis is to attain some degree of penetration beneath the surface,
aswell as a punishable act, must not and cannot furnish grounds by themselves for attempted or hence, the conclusion that touching the labia majora or the labia minora of the pudendum
frustrated crimes. The relation existing between the facts submitted for appreciation and the offense constitutes consummated rape.
of which said facts are supposed to produce must be direct; the intention must be ascertainedfrom
the facts and therefore it is necessary, in order to avoid regrettable instance of injustice, that the The pudendumor vulvais the collective term for the female genital organs that are visible in the
mind be able to directly infer from them the intention of the perpetrator to cause a particular injury. perineal area, e.g., mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, the hymen, the clitoris, the vaginal orifice,
This must have been the intention of the legislator in requiring that in order for an attempt to exist, etc. The mons pubisis the rounded eminence that becomes hairy after puberty, and is instantly visible
the offender must commence the commission of the felony directly by overt acts, that is to say, that within the surface. The next layer is the labia majoraor the outer lips of the female organ composed
the acts performed must be such that, withoutthe intent to commit an offense, they would be of the outer convex surface and the inner surface. The skin of the outer convex surface is covered
meaningless."15 with hair follicles and is pigmented, while the inner surface is a thin skin which does not have any hair
but has many sebaceous glands. Directly beneath the labia majorais the labia minora. Jurisprudence
To ascertain whether the acts performed by the petitioner constituted attempted rape, we have to dictates that the labia majoramust be entered for rape to be consummated, and not merely for the
determine the law on rape in effect on December 21, 1993, when the petitioner committed the crime penis to stroke the surface of the female organ. xxxx Thus, a grazing of the surface of the female
he was convicted of. That law was Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code, which pertinently provided organ or touching the mons pubisof the pudendum is not sufficient to constitute consummated rape.
as follows: Absent any showing of the slightest penetration of the female organ, i.e., touching of either labia of
the pudendumby the penis, there can be no consummated rape; at most, it can only be attempted
Article335. When and how rape is committed. — Rape is committed by having carnal knowledge of a
rape, if not acts of lasciviousness. [Bold emphasis supplied]
woman under any of the following circumstances:
It is noteworthy that in People v. Orita,19 the Court clarified that the ruling in People v.
1. By using force or intimidation;
Eriñia20 whereby the offender was declared guilty of frustrated rapebecause of lack of conclusive
evidence of penetration of the genital organ of the offended party, was a stray decisionfor not having short, the State, to establish attempted rape, must show that his overt acts, should his criminalintent
been reiterated in subsequent cases. As the evolving case law on rape stands, therefore, rape in its be carried to its complete termination without being thwarted by extraneous matters, would ripen
frustrated stage is a physical impossibility, considering that the requisites of a frustrated felony under into rape,24 for, as succinctly put in People v. Dominguez, Jr.:25 "The gauge in determining whether
Article 6 of the Revised Penal Codeare that: (1) the offender has performed all the acts of execution the crime of attempted rape had been committed is the commencement of the act of sexual
which would produce the felony; and (2) that the felony is not produced due to causes independent intercourse, i.e., penetration of the penis into the vagina, before the interruption."
of the perpetrator’s will. Obviously, the offender attains his purpose from the moment he has carnal
knowledge of his victim, because from that moment all the essential elements of the offense have The petitioner climbed on top of the naked victim, and was already touching her genitalia with his
been accomplished, leaving nothing more to be done by him.21 hands and mashing her breasts when she freed herself from his clutches and effectively ended his
designs on her. Yet, inferring from such circumstances thatrape, and no other,was his intended felony
Nonetheless, rape admits of an attempted stage. In this connection, the character of the overt actsfor would be highly unwarranted. This was so, despite his lust for and lewd designs towards her being
purposes of the attempted stage has been explained in People v. Lizada: 22 fully manifest. Such circumstances remained equivocal, or "susceptible of double interpretation," as
Justice Recto put in People v. Lamahang, supra, such that it was not permissible to directly infer from
An overt or external act is defined as some physical activity or deed, indicating the intention to them the intention to cause rape as the particular injury. Verily, his felony would not exclusively be
commit a particular crime, more than a mere planning or preparation, which if carried out to its rapehad he been allowed by her to continue, and to have sexual congress with her, for some other
complete termination following its natural course, without being frustrated by external obstacles nor felony like simple seduction (if he should employ deceit to have her yield to him)26 could also be
by the spontaneous desistance of the perpetrator, will logically and necessarily ripen into a concrete ultimate felony.
offense. The raison d’etrefor the law requiring a direct overtact is that, in a majority of cases, the
conduct of the accused consisting merely of acts of preparation has never ceased to be equivocal; We clarify that the direct overt acts of the petitioner that would have produced attempted rape did
and this is necessarily so, irrespective of his declared intent. It is that quality of being equivocal that not include equivocal preparatory acts. The former would have related to his acts directly connected
must be lacking before the act becomes one which may be said to be a commencement of the to rape as the intended crime, but the latter, whether external or internal, had no connection with
commission of the crime, or an overt act or before any fragment of the crime itself has been rape as the intended crime. Perforce, his perpetration of the preparatory acts would not render him
committed, and this is so for the reason that so long as the equivocal quality remains, no one can say guilty of an attempt to commit such felony.27 His preparatory acts could include his putting up of the
with certainty what the intent of the accused is.It is necessary that the overt act should have been separate tents, with one being for the use of AAA and BBB, and the other for himself and his
the ultimate step towards the consummation of the design. It is sufficient if it was the "first or some assistant, and his allowing his wife to leave for Manila earlier that evening to buy more wares. Such
subsequent step in a direct movement towards the commission of the offense after the preparations acts, being equivocal, had no direct connection to rape. As a rule, preparatory acts are not punishable
are made." The act done need not constitute the last proximate one for completion. It is necessary, under the Revised Penal Codefor as long as they remained equivocal or of uncertain significance,
however, that the attempt must have a causal relation to the intended crime. In the words of Viada, because by their equivocality no one could determine with certainty what the perpetrator’s intent
the overt acts must have an immediate and necessary relation to the offense. (Bold emphasis really was.28
If the acts of the petitioner did not constitute attempted rape, did they constitute acts of
In attempted rape, therefore, the concrete felony is rape, but the offender does not perform all the lasciviousness?
acts of execution of having carnal knowledge. If the slightest penetration of the female genitalia
consummates rape, and rape in its attempted stage requires the commencement of the commission It is obvious that the fundamental difference between attempted rape and acts of lasciviousness is
of the felony directly by overt actswithout the offender performing all the acts of execution that the offender’sintent to lie with the female. In rape, intent to lie with the female is indispensable, but
should produce the felony, the only means by which the overt acts performed by the accused can be this element is not required in acts of lasciviousness. 29 Attempted rape is committed, therefore, when
shown to have a causal relation to rape as the intended crime is to make a clear showing of his intent the "touching" of the vagina by the penis is coupled with the intent to penetrate. The intent to
to lie with the female. Accepting that intent, being a mental act, is beyond the sphere of criminal penetrate is manifest only through the showing of the penis capable of consummating the sexual act
law,23 that showing must be through his overt acts directly connected with rape. He cannot be held touching the external genitalia of the female.30 Without such showing, only the felony of acts of
liable for attempted rape withoutsuch overt acts demonstrating the intent to lie with the female. In lasciviousness is committed.31
Based on Article 336 of the Revised Penal Code, the felony of acts of lasciviousness is consummated In acts of lasciviousness, the victim suffers moral injuries because the offender violates her chastity
whenthe following essential elements concur, namely: (a) the offender commits any act of by his lewdness.1âwphi1 "Moral damages include physical suffering, mental anguish, fright, serious
lasciviousness or lewdness upon another person of either sex; and (b) the act of lasciviousness or anxiety, besmirched reputation, wounded feelings, moral shock, social humiliation, and similar injury.
lewdness is committed either (i) by using force or intimidation; or (ii) when the offended party is Though incapable of pecuniary computation, moral damages may be recovered if they are the
deprived ofreason or is otherwise unconscious; or (iii) when the offended party is under 12 years of proximate result of the defendant's wrongful act for omission."36 Indeed, Article 2219, (3), of the Civil
age.32 In that regard, lewdis defined as obscene, lustful, indecent, lecherous; it signifies that form of Code expressly recognizes the right of the victim in acts of lasciviousness to recover moral
immorality that has relation to moral impurity; or that which is carried on a wanton manner. 33 damages.37 Towards that end, the Court, upon its appreciation of the record, decrees that ₱30,000.00
is a reasonable award of moral damages.38 In addition, AAA was entitled to recover civil indemnity of
The information charged that the petitioner "remove[d] her panty and underwear and la[id] on top of ₱20,000.00.39
said AAA embracing and touching her vagina and breast." With such allegation of the information
being competently and satisfactorily proven beyond a reasonable doubt, he was guilty only of acts of Under Article 2211 of the Civil Code, the courts are vested with the discretion to impose interest as a
lasciviousness, not attempted rape. His embracing her and touching her vagina and breasts did not part of the damages in crimes and quasidelicts. In that regard, the moral damages of ₱20,000.00 shall
directly manifest his intent to lie with her. The lack of evidence showing his erectile penis being in the earn interest of 6% per annum reckoned from the finality of this decision until full payment. 40
position to penetrate her when he was on top of her deterred any inference about his intent to lie
with her. At most, his acts reflected lewdness and lust for her. WHEREFORE, the Court FINDS and PRONOUNCES petitioner NORBERTO CRUZ y BARTOLOME guilty of
ACTS OF LASCIVIOUSNESS, and, ACCORDINGLY, PENALIZES him with the indeterminate sentence of
The intent to commit rape should not easily be inferred against the petitioner, even from his own three (3) months of arresto mayor, as the minimum, to two (2) years, four (4) months and one day of
declaration of it, if any, unless he committed overt acts directly leading to rape. A good illustration of prision correccional, as the maximum; ORDERS him to pay moral damages of ₱30,000.00 and civil
this can be seen in People v. Bugarin,34 where the accused was charged with attempted rape through indemnity of ₱20,000.00 to the complainant, with interest of 6% per annum on such awards
an information alleging that he, by means of force and intimidation, "did then and there willfully, reckoned from the finality of this decision until full payment; and DIRECTS him to pay the costs of
unlawfully and feloniously commence the commission of the crime of Rape directly by overt acts, by suit.
then and there kissing the nipples and the vagina of the undersigned [complainant], a minor, and
about to lay on top of her, all against her will, however, [he] did not perform all the acts of execution SO ORDERED.
which would have produced the crime of Rape by reason of some causes other than his own
spontaneous desistance, that is, undersigned complainant push[ed] him away." The accused was held
liable only for acts of lasciviousness because the intent to commit rape "is not apparent from the
actdescribed," and the intent to have sexual intercourse with her was not inferable from the act of
licking her genitalia. The Court also pointed out that the "act imputed to him cannot be considered a
preparatory act to sexual intercourse."35

Pursuant to Article 336 of the Revised Penal Code, the petitioner, being guilty of acts of
lasciviousness, is punished with prision correccional. In the absence of modifying circumstances,
prision correccional is imposed in its medium period, which ranges from two (2) years, four (4)
months and one day to four (4) years and two (2) months. Applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law,
the minimum of the penalty should come from arresto mayor, the penalty next lower than prision
correccionalwhich ranges from one (1) month to six (6) months. Accordingly, the Court fixes the
indeterminate sentence of three (3) months of arresto mayor, as the minimum, to two (2) years, four
(4) months and one day of prision correccional, as the maximum.
G.R. No. 182061 March 15, 2010 was at a neighbor’s house before the fire started, enter the burning house and resurface with her
grandsons Alvin and Joshua.
vs. Celerina and Alvin sustained third degree burns which led to their death. Joshua sustained second
FERDINAND T. BALUNTONG, Appellant. degree burns.

DECISION Upon the other hand, appellant, denying the charge, invoked alibi, claiming that he, on his mother
Rosalinda’s request, went to Caloocan City on July 15, 1998 (16 days before the incident) and stayed
CARPIO MORALES, J.: there until February 1999. Rosalinda corroborated appellant’s alibi.
Ferdinand T. Baluntong (appellant) appeals from the August 13, 2007 Decision1 of the Court of By Decision of February 28, 2003, the trial court found appellant guilty as charged, disposing as
Appeals to which the Court had earlier referred the present case for intermediate review following follows:
People v. Mateo.2
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered as follows:
In its challenged Decision, the appellate court affirmed appellant’s conviction by the Regional Trial
Court of Roxas, Oriental Mindoro, Branch 43, of Double Murder with Frustrated Murder, following his (a) The court finds accused Ferdinand Baluntong GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the complex
indictment for such offense in an Information reading: crime of Double Murder with Frustrated Murder punishable under Article 248 of the Revised Penal
Code as amended by Republic Act 7659 in relation to Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code and is
That on or about the 31st day of July 1998, at about 10:30 in the evening at Barangay Danggay, hereby sentenced to suffer the supreme penalty of DEATH to be executed in accordance with the
Municipality of Roxas, Province of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this existing law;
Honorable Court, the above-named accused, did, then and there, with malice aforethought and with
deliberate intent to kill, set on fire, the house of Celerina Solangon, causing the complete destruction xxxx
of the said house and the death of Celerina Solangon and Alvin Savarez, and inflicting serious physical
injuries on Josua (sic) Savarez, thereby performing all the acts of execution which would produce the (c) Accused Ferdinand Baluntong is also ordered to pay the heirs of Celerina Suba Solangon the sum
crime of murder as a consequance (sic) but which, nevertheless do not produce it by reason of causes of P50,000.00 as compensatory damages and the heirs of Elvin [sic] Savariz the following: (I) the sum
independent of the will of the perpetrator.3 x x x x (underscoring supplied) of ₱50,000.00 ascompensatory damages (II) the sum of ₱16,500.00 as actual damages; and (III) the
sum of ₱50,000.00 as moral damages.
Gathered from the records of the case is the following version of the prosecution:
SO ORDERED.4 (emphasis in the original; italics and underscoring supplied)
At around 10:30 p.m. of July 31, 1998, while then 12-year old Jovelyn Santos (Jovelyn) was sleeping in
the house of her grandmother Celerina Solangon (Celerina) at Barangay Dangay, Roxas, Oriental In affirming the trial court’s conviction of appellant, the appellate court brushed aside appellant’s
Mindoro, she was awakened by heat emanating from the walls of the house. She thus roused her claim that the prosecution failed to prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt. The appellate court,
cousin Dorecyll and together they went out of the house. however, modified the trial court’s decision by reducing the penalty to reclusion perpetua in light of
the passage of Republic Act No. 9346,5 and by additionally awarding exemplary damages to the heirs
Jovelyn saw appellant putting dry hay (dayami) around the house near the terrace where the fire of the victims (Celerina and Alvin), and temperate damages to Joshua representing his
started, but appellant ran away when he saw her and Dorecyll. "hospitalization and recuperation." Thus the appellate court disposed:

Appellant’s neighbor, Felicitas Sarzona (Felicitas), also saw appellant near Celerina’s house after it WHEREFORE, premises considered, the February 28, 2003 Decision of the Regional Trial Court of
caught fire, following which, appellant fled on seeing Jovelyn and Dorecyll stepping out of the house, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro, Branch 43, is MODIFIED as follows:
as other neighbors repaired to the scene to help contain the flames. Felicitas also saw Celerina, who
1. Accused-appellant FERDINAND BALUNTONG y TALAGA is found GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt Q: From the burning portion?
of the complex crime of Double Murder with Frustrated Murder and is hereby sentenced to suffer the
penalty of reclusion perpetua. A: Yes, sir.7 (underscoring supplied)

2. Accused-appellant is further required to pay the heirs of the victims the amount of P25,000.00 as JOVELYN:
exemplary damages and the amount of P25,000.00 as temperate damages for the hospitalization and
Q: How big was the fire when according to you, you saw the back of this Ferdinand Balontong (sic)?
recuperation of Joshua Savariz.
A: It is already considerable size, Your Honor.
3. In all other respects, the February 28, 2003 Decision of the regional trial court is hereby
AFFIRMED.6(italics and emphasis in the original; underscoring supplied) Q: What effect has this fire in the illumination in that vicinity, regarding visibility of that vicinity?

In his Brief, appellant raises doubt on prosecution witness Felicitas’ claim that she saw appellant A: The surrounding was illuminated by that fire, Your Honor.8 (underscoring supplied)
fleeing away from the burning house, it being then 10:30 p.m. and, therefore, dark. He raises doubt
too on Jovelyn’s claim that she saw appellant, given her failure to ask him to stop putting dried hay Appellant’s alibi must thus fail.
around the house if indeed her claim were true.
In determining the offense committed by appellant, People v. Malngan9 teaches:
After combing through the records of the case, the Court finds that the trial court, as well as the
[I]n cases where both burning and death occur, in order to determine what crime/crimes was/were
appellate court, did not err in finding that appellant was the malefactor.
perpetrated – whether arson, murder or arson and homicide/murder, it is de rigueur to ascertain the
There should be no doubt on prosecution witnesses Felicitas’ and Jovelyn’s positive identification of main objective of the malefactor: (a) if the main objective is the burning of the building or edifice, but
their neighbor-herein appellant as the person they saw during the burning of the house, given, death results by reason or on the occasion of arson, the crime is simply arson, and the resulting
among other things, the illumination generated by the fire. Consider the following testimonies of homicide is absorbed; (b) if, on the other hand, the main objective is to kill a particular person who
Felicitas and Jovelyn: may be in a building or edifice, when fire is resorted to as the means to accomplish such goal the
crime committed is murder only; lastly, (c) if the objective is, likewise, to kill a particular person, and
FELICITAS: in fact the offender has already done so, but fire is resorted to as a means to cover up the killing, then
there are two separate and distinct crimes committed – homicide/murder and arson. (emphasis and
Q: Which portion of the house was on fire when you saw Balentong (sic) for the first time?
underscoring partly in the original; emphasis partly supplied)
A: The fire was at the rear portion going up, sir.
Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1613, "Amending the Law on Arson," reads:
Q: How far was Balentong (sic) from that burning portion of the house?
Section 3. Other Cases of Arson. ─ The penalty of Reclusion Temporal to Reclusion Perpetua shall be
A: He was just infront (sic) of the house, sir. imposed if the property burned is any of the following:

Q: How far from the burning portion of the house? xxxx

A: About two (2) meters away, sir. 2. Any inhabited house or dwelling;

Q: The two (2) meters from the front portion or two (2) meters from the burning portion? The Court finds that there is no showing that appellant’s main objective was to kill Celerina and her
housemates and that the fire was resorted to as the means to accomplish the goal.
A: About two (2) meters, sir.
In her Affidavit executed on August 11, 1998,10 Felicitas stated that what she knew is that Celerina As for the award to Alvin of moral damages, the records do not yield any basis therefor.
wanted appellant, who was renting a house near Celerina’s, to move out.
More. The appellate court awarded exemplary damages "to the heirs of the victims," clearly referring
How Felicitas acquired such "knowledge" was not probed into, however, despite the fact that she was to the deceased Celerina and Alvin. Absent proof of the presence of any aggravating circumstances,
cross-examined thereon.11 however, the award does not lie.17

Absent any concrete basis then to hold that the house was set on fire to kill the occupants, appellant When death occurs due to a crime, the grant of civil indemnity requires no proof other than the
cannot be held liable for double murder with frustrated murder. This is especially true with respect to death of the victim. The heirs of Celerina are thus entitled to an award of ₱50,000.00 as civil
the death of Celerina, for even assuming arguendo that appellant wanted to kill her to get even with indemnity ex delicto.18 And so are Alvin’s.
her in light of her alleged desire to drive him out of the neighboring house, Celerina was outside the
house at the time it was set on fire. She merely entered the burning house to save her grandsons. The appellate court’s award of temperate damages of ₱25,000.00 to Joshua is in order.

While the above-quoted Information charged appellant with "Double Murder with Frustrated WHEREFORE, the assailed Court of Appeals Decision of August 13, 2007 is REVERSED and SET ASIDE,
Murder," appellant may be convicted of Arson. For the only difference between a charge for Murder and a NEW one is rendered as follows:
under Article 248 (3) of the Revised Penal Code and one for Arson under the Revised Penal Code, as
Appellant, Ferdinand T. Baluntong, is found GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of Simple Arson under
amended by Section 3 (2) of P.D. No. 1613, lies in the intent in pursuing the act.
Sec. 3(2) of P.D. No. 1613 and is sentenced to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua with no
As reflected above, as it was not shown that the main motive was to kill the occupants of the eligibility for parole.
house, the crime would only be arson, the homicide being a mere consequence thereof, hence,
Appellant is ORDERED to pay the amount of ₱50,000.00 to the heirs of Celerina Solangon, and the
absorbed by arson.12
same amount to the heirs of Alvin Savariz, representing civil indemnity.
When there is variance between the offense charged in the complaint or information and that
Appellant is likewise ORDERED to pay the amount of ₱16,500.00 to the heirs of Alvin as actual
proved, and the offense charged is included or necessarily includes the offense proved, conviction
damages for burial expenses, and ₱8,500.00 as temperate damages for hospitalization expenses.
shall be for the offense proved which is included in the offense charged, or the offense charged which
is included in the offense proved.13 Appellant is further ORDERED to pay ₱25,000.00 as temperate damages to the heirs of Celerina.

Under Section 5 of P.D. 1613, the penalty of reclusion perpetua to death is imposed when death Finally, appellant is ORDERED to pay ₱25,000.00 as temperate damages to Joshua Savariz.
results. In the light of the passage of Republic Act No. 9346,14 the penalty should be reclusion
perpetua. SO ORDERED.

A word on the damages awarded.

The appellate court affirmed the award of compensatory damages to the heirs of Celerina. But
entitlement thereto was not proven.

The appellate court likewise affirmed the award of compensatory damages, actual damages, and
moral damages to the heirs of Alvin. Compensatory damages and actual damages are the same,
however.15 Since the trial court awarded the duly proven actual damages of ₱16,500.00 representing
burial expenses, the award of compensatory damages of ₱50,000.00 does not lie. It is gathered from
the evidence, however, that Alvin was hospitalized for five days,16 hence, an award of ₱8,500.00 as
temperate damages for the purpose would be reasonable.1avvph!l
G.R. No. 188610 June 29, 2010 That on or about the 27th day of January 2006, in the City of Marikina, Philippines and within the
jurisdiction of this Court, the above-named accused, armed with knife, with intent to kill, did then and
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee, there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault and stab one Jeane De Leon y Cruz, thereby
vs. inflicting upon [her] stab wounds which would ordinarily [cause] her death, thus performing all the
ALBERT SANCHEZ y GALERA, Accused-Appellant. acts of execution which would have produced the crime of murder as a consequence thereof, but
nevertheless did not produce it by reason of cause/s independent of [his] will that is due to the timely
and able medical assistance rendered to said Jeane de Leon y Cruz, which prevented [her] death.
For review is the Decision of the Court of Appeals (CA) dated February 27, 2009, in CA-G.R. CR-H.C.
Criminal Case No. 06-8248-MK for Frustrated Murder
No. 02902, which affirmed with modification, the decision of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
Marikina City in Criminal Case Nos. 06-8245-MK, 06-8246-MK, 06-8247-MK and 06-8248-MK, finding That on or about the 27th day of January 2006, in the City of Marikina, Philippines and within the
appellant Albert Sanchez y Galera guilty of two (2) counts of murder and two (2) counts of frustrated jurisdiction of this Court, the above-named accused, armed with knife, with intent to kill, did then and
murder. there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault and stab one Jelyn Mae de Leon y Cruz,
thereby inflicting upon the latter stab wounds which would ordinarily [cause] her death, thus,
The accusatory portions of the criminal informations filed against Sanchez for the crimes aforestated
performing all the acts of execution which would have [produced] the crime of murder as a
are respectively reproduced below:
consequence thereof, but nevertheless did not produce it by reason of cause/s independent of his
Criminal Case No. 06-8245-MK for Murder will, that is due to the timely and able medical assistance rendered to said Jelyn May De Leon y Cruz,
which prevented her death.
That on or about the 27th day of January 2006, in the City of Marikina, Philippines and within the
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, armed with knife, with intent to kill, CONTRARY TO LAW.
did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault and stab one Jufer James De
When arraigned, Sanchez, duly assisted by counsel, pleaded not guilty to all the charges.
leon y Cruz, a minor, 11 years of age, thereby inflicting upon him fatal wounds which caused his death
soon after the said killing having attended by the qualifying circumstance of treachery and evident In the ensuing trial, the prosecution presented in evidence the testimonies of John Ray De Leon, Jelyn
premeditation, which upgrades the killing to Murder. Mae De Leon, Jeane De Leon, Dr. Arnel Marquez, the Medico-Legal Officer of Rizal who performed an
autopsy on the cadaver of two of the victims, and the arresting and investigating police officers. 2
On the other hand, the defense waived its right to present evidence.
Criminal Case No. 06-8246-MK for Murder
The pertinent facts, as gathered from the records, may be summarized as follows:
That on or about the 27th day of January 2006, in the City of Marikina, Philippines and within the
jurisdiction of this Court, the above-named accused, armed with knife, with intent to kill, did then and On June 26, 2006, siblings John Ray, Jufer James3 (Jufer), Jelyn Mae (Jelyn), Jorvi and Junel, all
there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault and stab one Edgar De Leon, thereby surnamed De Leon, were at home by themselves, their parents, Edgar and Jeane, 4 having gone out to
inflicting upon him fatal wounds which caused his death soon thereafter the said killing having buy certain items for their catering business. Between 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. of that day, Sanchez
attended by the qualifying circumstance of treachery and evident premeditation, which upgrades the entered the De Leon’s house in dela Paz St., Marikina City, and there and then told John Ray, then 10
killing to Murder. years old, that his father Edgar would give him some money. Sanchez then proceeded to the master’s
bedroom at the second floor of the house.5 John Ray was familiar with Sanchez, the latter having
once stayed with the family as a houseboy. When John Ray asked him to leave, Sanchez proceeded to
Criminal Case No. 06-8247-MK for Frustrated Murder
the comfort room on the ground floor where Jufer was then inside defecating. Sanchez was still however, proved unsuccessful. In fact, Sanchez continued with his stabbing spree inflicting on her
inside that room when spouses Jeane and Edgar arrived. injuries on her lower left eye and stomach. Then he returned to Edgar, stabbing him on the stomach
and side, causing his large intestines to spill out. Only after Edgar again fell did Sanchez run out of the
Later learning where Sanchez was, Edgar asked the former to come out. Sanchez would thereafter house.
request Edgar for money, claiming that his sister is confined in a hospital in a nearby town.
After Sanchez has left, Jeane helped her husband up, gathered all her children in one room, placed
From her room, Jeane later went downstairs, joined Edgar and Sanchez, and explained to their her bloodied son beside his equally bloodied father and locked the door. She then cried out for help.
irritated-looking former houseboy that they could only spare PhP 100 as they had just purchased At this time, Jufer was no longer moving, while Edgar was hardly breathing.
several items for their business. In the meantime, Edgar handed Sanchez P100, telling him just to
come back the following day. With a hostile expression, Sanchez accepted the money, then left. At around 6:35 in the morning of January 27, 2006, POl Reynaldo Candelaria, responding to radio call
Later, Jufer confided to his mother that Sanchez, while in the rest room, had pointed a knife at and reporting a stabbing incident, proceeded to the De Leons’ place. A trembling John Ray met and told
threatened to kill him. Obviously terrified by the threat, Jufer slept in his parents’ room that night. tell him who stabbed his father. When Candelaria opened the gate of the house, he saw Sanchez
running towards the back of the house holding a knife. And after a chase, Candelaria, with the help of
Very early the following morning, June 27, Jeane prepared breakfast for her school children. Noticing nearby residents, caught up with and arrested Sanchez. At the Amang Rodriquez Hospital where
Jufer’s absence at the breakfast table, she asked the 13-year-old Jelyn to get her kid brother police operatives brought him and where Jeane and Jelyn were sent for treatment, mother and
down.6 Jelyn went to Jufer’s bedroom upstairs and there found him lying on his bed face down. daughter identified Sanchez as the assailant.
Suddenly, somebody grabbed her from behind, covered her mouth, pointed a knife on her neck and
later stabbed her.7 The assailant then pushed her towards the bed, told her to be quiet and pressed Meanwhile, the bodies of Jufer and Edgar de Leon were brought to the Eastern Police District crime
her face down near her brother until she could not breathe. Jelyn recognized the voice to be that of laboratory for autopsy.
Sanchez. And while Jelyn was calling out to get Jufer’s attention whom she thought was merely
asleep, Sanchez stabbed her on the chest. Jelyn reacted by boxing and kicking Sanchez, shouting for The uniform entry, "Stab wounds, trunk", appeared in the separate autopsy reports 12 prepared by
help at the same time. And even as Sanchez gave her a piece of cloth to wipe the blood in her neck Medico Legal Officer Jose Arnel M. Marquez13 as the cause of death of both Jufer and Edgar De
and motioned her to keep quiet, Jelyn managed to plead for her life. 8 Leon.14 On the other hand, the Medico-Legal Certificate15 issued by Dr. Alejandro Geronimo stated
that Jeane de Leon was confined at the hospital from January 27, 2006 to February 4, 2006 for
Meanwhile, Jeane who decided to look for Jufer herself heard a commotion and a thudding sound. treatment of multiple stab wounds.16 In the case of Jelyn, she was confined and treated also for
When she checked what it was, son Jorvi rushed towards her to inform her that Sanchez was inside multiple wounds. 17
the house. The nervous Jeane then hurried to Jufer’s room upstairs where she saw Sanchez holding a
knife against Jelyn’s bloodied neck. Then Jeane uttered, "Dali, tumawag ka ng 161."9 At that instance, Jeanne and Jelyn’s combined hospital bills amounted to PhP 300,000, while the internment and burial
Sanchez shoved Jeane inside Jufer’s room even as she pleaded for their lives. In response, Sanchez expenses for Edgar and Jufer totaled to PhP 150,000.18
placed his fingers on his lips to signal silence. Thereafter, Jeane turned her son, Jufer, upside down
When the defense was called for initial presentation of its evidence, the defense counsel, in open
only to discover that he was bathed in blood. Jufer weakly uttered, "Mama, si Kuya Albert sinaksak
court, manifested, with the conformity of the accused, that the defense is waiving its right to present
ako."10 At this point, Sanchez ran outside the room.
Jeane, cradling her bloodied son, intending to bring him to the hospital, again instructed daughter
On July 23, 2007, in consolidated Crim. Case Nos. 06-8245-MK to 068248-MK the Regional Trial Court
Jelyn to call 161. While carrying Jufer outside the room, Jeane noticed Sanchez assaulting Edgar near
(RTC) of Marikina City, Branch 272, the RTC20 rendered a decision finding accused Sanchez guilty of
the stairs. She then brought Jufer to her room so she could help Edgar. In the process, she spotted a
two (2) counts of murder and two (2) counts of frustrated murder. The dispositive portion of the
knife in the hallway floor, and picked it up as she approached Edgar who was then sitting on the floor.
decision states:
At that juncture, Sanchez turned his ire towards her and stabbed her on the lower left side of the
chest11. When the injured Edgar stood up in an obvious bid to help his wife, Sanchez again lunged at WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, judgment is hereby rendered, as follows:
and stabbed the former. Her own attempt to hit Sanchez with the knife she picked up earlier,
1. In Criminal Case No. 06-8245-MK, accused ALBERT SANCHEZ y GALERA is found GUILTY beyond Eventually, the CA rendered on February 27, 2009 a Decision affirming that of the RTC, with the
reasonable doubt of the crime of MURDER as defined and penalized under Article 248 of the Revised following modification: the increase in the award of civil indemnity, but the reduction of the award
Penal Code qualified by treachery and evident premeditation and is hereby sentenced to Reclusion for moral damages in Criminal Case Nos. 06-8245-MK and 06-8246-MK, respectively. The fallo of the
Perpetua and to pay the heirs of the victim Jufer James de Leon the amount of P50,000.00 as CA’s decision reads:
indemnity for his death, P42,500.00 as actual damages, and P100,000.00 as moral damages.
WHEREFORE, the appeal is DENIED and the appealed decision dated 23 July 2007 is AFFIRMED with
2. In Criminal Case No. 06-8246-MK, accused ALBERT SANCHEZ y GALERA is also found GUILTY beyond MODIFICATIONS in that: (a) the awards of civil indemnity in Criminal Case Nos. 06-8245-MK and 06-
reasonable doubt of the crime of MURDER as defined and penalized under Article 248 of the Revised 8246-MK are respectively increased to P75, 000.00; while the amounts of moral damages in said
Penal Code qualified by treachery and evident premeditation and is hereby sentenced to reclusion cases are reduced to P50, 000.00 respectively.
perpetua and to pay the heirs of the victim Edgar De Leon the amount of P50,000.00 as indemnity for
his death, P42,500.00 as actual damages and P100,000.00 as moral damages; As did the RTC, the CA found the killing of Edgar and Jufer and the wounding of the Jeane and Jelyn to
have been attended by treachery and evident premeditation.
3. In Criminal Case No. 06-8247-MK, accused ALBERT SANCHEZ y GALERA is found GUILTY beyond
reasonable doubt of the crime of FRUSTRATED MURDER under Article 248 in relation to Article 6 of On March 12, 2009, appellant filed a timely Notice of Appeal of the appellate court’s decision.
the Revised Penal Code. Applying the indeterminate Sentence Law, and in the absence of modifying
By Resolution of September 16, 2009, the Court accepted the appeal and required the parties to
circumstances, he is hereby sentenced to in indeterminate prison term of TEN (10) YEARS and ONE
submit supplemental briefs, if they so desire within 30 days from notice. Each, however, manifested
(1) DAY of prision mayor as minimum, to SEVENTEEN (17) YEARS and FOUR (4) MONTHS of reclusion
the willingness to submit the case on the basis of the records and the pleadings already submitted.
temporal as maximum, and to pay his victim Jeane de Leon the amount of P40,786.55 as actual
expenses and P 50,000.00 as moral damages; and The Ruling of the Court

4. In Criminal Case No. 06-8248-MK, the accused ALBERT SANCHEZ y GALERA is found GUILTY beyond By virtually reiterating his arguments raised before the CA, appellant admits criminal responsibility for
reasonable doubt of the crime of FRUSTRATED MURDER under Article 248 in relation to Article 6 of the death of Edgar and Jufer and the almost fatal injuries of Jelyn and Jeane. He now presents the
the Revised Penal Code. Applying the indeterminate Sentence Law, and in the absence of modifying following point as conclusion that the appellate court should have made: that the prosecution failed
circumstances, he is hereby sentenced to in indeterminate prison term of TEN (10) YEARS and ONE to prove with moral certainty the circumstance of treachery and evident premeditation, hence, he
(1) DAY of prision mayor as minimum, to SEVENTEEN (17) YEARS and FOUR (4) MONTHS of reclusion should be acquitted of the crimes charged convicting him instead of the lesser crimes of homicide
temporal as maximum, and to pay his victim Jelyn Mae de Leon the amount of P66,341.85 as actual and frustrated homicide.
expenses and P50,000.00 as moral damages.
The desired downgrading of appellant’s criminal liability, from murder to homicide (two counts) and
The period during which the herein accused was in detention during the pendency of these cases from frustrated murder to frustrated homicide (two counts) cannot be granted. The instant appeal is,
shall be credited to him in full provided he agrees to abide by and comply with the rules and accordingly, dismissed.
regulations of the City Jail of Marikina.
Article 24821 of the Revised Penal Code defines "Murder" as the unlawful killing of a person, which is
SO ORDERED. not parricide or infanticide, provided that treachery or evident premeditation, among other
circumstances, attended the killing. The presence of one of the circumstances enumerated in Art. 248
Therefrom, Sanchez went to the CA on appeal, docketed as CA G.R. HC-No. 02902, on the lone
of the Code would suffice to qualify a killing as murder.
submission that the RTC erred in convicting him of murder and frustrated murder when the qualifying
circumstances of treachery and evident premeditation have not been proven beyond reasonable There is treachery when the offender commits any of the crimes against persons, employing means,
doubt. methods or forms which tend directly and specially to ensure its execution, without risk to himself
arising from the defense, which the offended party might make. For treachery to be appreciated, two
conditions must concur:
(1) The employment of means, methods or manner of execution that would ensure the offender’s Treachery is likewise appreciated in the stabbing of Jelyn. When Jelyn went up to look for Jufer,
safety from any defense or retaliatory act on the part of the offended party; and appellant approached her from behind, covered her mouth and stabbed her. The relative physical
positions of the unsuspecting Jelyn and appellant when the latter commenced the attack and the
(2) The offender’s deliberate or conscious choice of means, method or manner of execution. 22 suddenness thereof caught Jelyn unaware and unable to defend herself. Jelyn’s testimony on direct
examination established the elements of treachery:27
In the case at bar, circumstances do obtain to justify the finding of treachery in the killing of Jufer.
Consider: Appellant surreptitiously entered the De Leons’ residence at around 5:00 o’clock in the Court: What time was it when you were eating?
morning of June 27, 2006 and snuck up inside Jufer’s bedroom, while the other De Leon children
were busy preparing for school and their mother attending to their breakfast. The family was Witness: 5:30 0’clock in the morning your Honor.
unaware that appellant went to the second floor and stabbed Jufer, at that time merely 11 years old
who most likely had no opportunity, but surely without the needed heft and strength to ward off, Court: Of what date?
much less overpower, the appellant.
Witness: January 27, 2006 Your Honor.
The essence of treachery is the sudden attack by an aggressor without the slightest provocation on
the part of the victim, depriving the latter of any real chance to defend himself, thereby ensuring the
commission of the crime without risk to the aggressor.23 The trial court correctly appreciated the Atty. Gonzales: You said that after eating you were looking for Jufer, what did you do to find him?
qualifying aggravating circumstance of treachery in the killing of Jufer.
Witness: I went to their room sir.
The Court can grant that no one witnessed the actual killing of Jufer. This fact alone, however, is not
an argument against the criminal liability of the appellant for the lad’s gruesome death. As may be Atty. Gonzales: When you said to their room, which room are you referring?
recalled, appellant was in Jufer’s room, holding a bloody knife over the unmoving boy lying face down
Witness: The room of Jufer, sir.
on bed when Jelyn entered his brother’s room. More importantly, Jufer, before breathing his last,
positively identified appellant him as his assailant. xxxx

Jurisprudence teaches that there is treachery when an adult person attacks and causes the death of a Atty. Gonzales: What happened next after that?
child of tender years.24 As the Court elucidated in People vs. Cabarrubias,25 the killing of a child is
characterized by treachery even if the manner of assault is not shown. For, the weakness of the Witness: I was looking for him and when I found him, somebody covered my mouth, sir.
victim due to his tender years results in the absence of any danger to the accused.
What Jufer uttered just before he expired - "Mama, si Kuya Albert, sinaksak ako"- is admissible in
evidence against the appellant pursuant to Section 37, Rule 130 of the Rules of Court. Court: Where was he [Jufer], inside the room?

Sec. 37. Dying declaration. — The declaration of a dying person, made under the consciousness of an Witness: He was on the bed lying face down, Your Honor.
impending death, may be received in any case wherein his death is the subject of inquiry, as evidence
Atty. Gonzales: You said that someone covered your mouth, what did you do when that somebody
of the cause and surrounding circumstances of such death.
covered your mouth?
A dying declaration is an evidence of the highest order; 26 it is entitled to the utmost credence on the
Witness: I kept silent, I felt something x x x a pointed object on my neck, sir.
premise that no one person who knows of his impending death would make a careless and false
accusation. At the brink of death, all thoughts of concocting lies disappear. Atty. Gonzales: After that, what transpired next, if any?

Witness: I was pinned down and I was stabbed, sir.

Court: Did you see this someone who covered your mouth? WITNESS: I immediately went inside the house and went upstairs, sir.

Witness: Not yet Your Honor. ATTY. GONZALES: When you were upstairs, what happened next?

xxxx WITNESS: When I went upstairs I saw my daughter Jelyn Mae bloodied at the right side of her neck,
Atty. Gonzales: Madam witness, you said a person covered your mouth, you did not do anything
but despite that he stabbed you? ATTY. GONZALES: What was your reaction when you saw that your daughter was bloodied at the
right side of her neck?
Witness: Yes, sir.
WITNESS: I immediately uttered, "dali tumawag ka ng 161"
Atty. Gonzales: You said that you were pinned down by this person, what happened next?
ATTY. GONZALES: After that what happened?
Witness: He pressed my head until I could not breath[e] anymore, sir.
WITNESS: I went inside the room of Jufer, sir. And when I entered the room, Albert shoved me, sir.
ATTY. GONZALES: By the way, where was this Albert when you entered the room?
Atty. Gonzales: But at the time you were stabbed by that person, were you not able to talk to your
brother Jufer? WITNESS: When I saw Jelyn, Albert was on her back holding a knife, sir.

Witness: No sir. (Underscoring added.) ATTY. GONXALES: What was Jelyn doing at that time?

The notion of Jelyn being helpless when appellant made his brutal moves finds corroboration from WITNESS: I saw there was fear on her face, sir.
her mother’s testimony, as follows:
COURT: What time did you wake up during the day [June 27, 2006] ?
COURT: Was your son still alive at that time?
WITNESS: 5:00 o’clock in the morning your Honor.
WITNESS: Yes, Your Honor. He said something to me x x x "Mama, si Kuya Albert, sinaksak ako"
COURT: What about the children?
COURT: Where was the accused when your son Jufer told you that?
WITNESS: Same time your Honor.
WITNESS: He suddenly ran outside, Your Honor."
The manner appellant assaulted and eventually killed Edgar also indicated treachery. Like his wife and
ATTY. GONZALES: What did he [Jorvi] tell you? children, Edgar had at the start no idea of appellant’s armed and dangerous presence in the house on
the fateful morning in question. Jelyn testified28 that, while she and her mother were being held in
WITNESS: When he approached me, he told me, "Mama, nasa itaas si Kuya Albert" the room by appellant, Edgar came up but appellant pushed past Edgar by the stairs, stabbed him,
then grabbed another knife from the kitchen before coming back upstairs to finish Edgar off. The
ATYY. GONZALES: What was your reaction when your son told you that Kuya Albert was upstairs?
attack against Edgar when he was on his way to the upper floor was so sudden and unexpected,
WITNESS: I felt nervous because I realized that the commotion I heard was coming from upstairs, sir. negating any suggestion that he was in a position to defend himself. These circumstances are
manifestly indicative of the presence of conditions under which treachery may be
ATTY. GONZALES: What did you do after that? appreciated, i.e., the employment of means of execution that affords the person attacked no
opportunity to defend himself. Even more, the fact that appellant inflicted more stabbing blows on COURT: On the floor?
Edgar after he fell on his bottom gravely wounded and with his large intestines spilling out, clearly
exhibits the treacherous nature of the killing. WITNESS: Yes Your Honor.

Joshua Ray De Leon testified being awakened by the noise and seeing his father near the top of the COURT: After you went out of the room, did you notice if the accused was still holding a knife?
stairs, while appellant, wielding a knife, was at the middle of the stairs following the former. Because
WITNESS: Yes Your Honor. Because he was stabbing Edgar.
of fear, he hid in the hallway bathroom but witnessed the stabbing through the slightly opened
bathroom door. COURT: You picked up that knife from the floor?

Treachery is not, however, attendant in the stabbing of Jeane. While at the back of their house, son WITNESS: I just saw another knife, Your Honor.
Jorvi informed her that appellant was upstairs. In fact, she instructed her daughter Jelyn to call 611 as
she asked the appellant to spare their lives. Appellant even warned her to keep quiet.29 After she COURT: The one you noticed?
discovered that Jufer was wounded, she started to carry him outside their bedroom, only to see her
WITNESS: I picked it up, Your Honor.
husband wrestling with the appellant. She had the presence of mind to put down her son, pick up a
knife she found on the floor and attempted to stab the accused. COURT: You went to the accused?

ATTY. GONZALES: Going back to my question, after you saw your husband wrestling with Albert WITNESS: Yes Your Honor.
Sanchez, what did you do if any?
WITNESS: I ran towards to help my husband because I saw Albert stabbed him on his side and my
husband fell down, sir. COURT: When you were stabbed, you were holding a knife?

xxxx WITNESS: Yes, Your Honor.

ATTY. GONZALES: Now while the accused was stabbing your husband, what did you do next? COURT: You did not fight back?

WITNESS: I ran and I noticed a knife and I held it, sir. WITNESS: When I saw the intestines of my husband, I trusted the knife on him, I thought I was able to
stab him, Your Honor.
ATTY. GONZALES: After you were able to hold the knife, what did you do next?
In fine, Jeane was sufficiently forewarned of the aggression against her and her family by the
WITNESS: I approached him while Edgar was sitting down. When I approached him, he stabbed me appellant. Appellant was on a killing frenzy when Jeane faced him up close at Jufer’s room. An attack
(witness pointed to her lower side of the chest), sir. from appellant was then something not unexpected. Hence, treachery cannot be appreciated against
appellant, although his sex and weapon gave him superiority of strength as against Jeane. An attack
by a man with a deadly weapon upon an armed and defenseless woman constitutes the circumstance
COURT: According to you, you were able to see a knife? of abuse of that superiority which his sex and weapon used in the act afforded him, and from which
the woman was unable to defend herself.30
WITNESS: I noticed the knife on the hallway, Your Honor.
The next issue is whether or not the aggravating circumstance of evident premeditation attended the
COURT: On your way out of the room? assault on the De Leon family. Both the RTC and the CA resolved the question in the affirmative.

WITNESS: Yes Your Honor. We agree with their parallel determinations.

For evident premeditation to be considered, the following must be established: (1) the time when the the penalty prescribed is composed of two indivisible penalties, as in the instant case, and there is an
accused determined (conceived) to commit the crime; (2) an overt act manifestly indicating that he aggravating circumstance the higher penalty should be imposed. Since, evident premeditation can be
clung to his determination to commit the crime (kill his victim); and (3) a sufficient lapse of time considered as an ordinary aggravating circumstance, treachery, by itself, being sufficient to qualify
between the decision to commit the crime and the execution thereof to allow the accused to reflect the killing, the proper imposable penalty – the higher sanction - is death. However, in view of the
upon the consequences of his act.31 Premeditation presupposes a deliberate planning of the crime enactment of Republic Act No. 9346,37 prohibiting the imposition of the death penalty, the penalty
before executing it. The execution of the criminal act, in other words, must be preceded by cool for the killing of each of the victim is reduced to reclusion perpetua without eligibility for parole.38 The
thought and reflection. As here, there must be showing of a plan or preparation to kill, or proof that penalty of reclusion perpetua thus imposed by the CA on appellant for each count of murder is
the accused meditated and reflected upon his decision to execute the crime. 321avvphi1 correct. So is the award of PhP 75,000 as civil indemnity ex delicto.391avvph!1

In the case at bar, the interplay of the following circumstances indicate the presence of evident The Court, however, modifies the award of moral damages, which is mandatory in homicide and
premeditation. First, the night before the stabbing incidents, appellant went to the De Leon residence murder without need of allegation and proof other than the death of the victim.40 To conform with
to ask for money. Edgar, with much reluctance, gave appellant only P100. Jeane noted appellant recent jurisprudence on heinous crimes where the proper imposable penalty is death, if not for R.A.
receiving the money with a hostile expression on his face. Appellant was no longer working for the De 9346, the award of moral damages is increased to PhP 75,000 for each count of murder. 41 The award
Leon, so he was not required to go back to the house. But he did return the following morning, of exemplary damages in the amount of PhP 30,000 is additionally in order if, as here, the crime was
January 27, 2006, armed, surreptitiously entering the house and proceeding to Jufer’s bedroom while committed with an aggravating circumstance, be it generic or qualifying.42 The Court thus grants the
everyone was busy having breakfast and preparing for school. same to serve as deterrent to serious wrongdoings, as a vindication of the wanton invasion of the
rights of the victims, or punishment for those guilty of outrageous conduct. 43
Second, Jufer told his mother that while relieving himself in the comfort room, appellant pointed a
knife at him. John Ray corroborated the pointing-of- knife scenario. On the witness box, John Ray As to the stabbings of Jeane and Jelyn, appellant committed frustrated murder as he inflicted on
testified that on the night of June 26, 2006, appellant was toying with a knife while talking to him and them mortal wounds which could have had taken their lives had it not been for the prompt medical
Jufer, threatening to kill them both should they report the matter to their parents. intervention, a cause independent of appellant’s will.

Last but not least, six different knives, all with blood stains, were found at the crime scene.33 Two WHEREFORE, the appeal is DENIED. The Decision of the Court of Appeals dated February 27, 2009 in
pairs of gloves34were discovered near Jufer’s body. These compelling pieces of evidence presuppose CA-G.R. CR.-H.C. No. 02902 finding Albert Sanchez y Galera guilty of two counts of murder and two
planning. counts of frustrated murder and sentencing him to serve prison terms therein defined without parole
is hereby AFFIRMED with the MODIFICATION that appellant is ordered to pay the heirs of Jufer James
There can be no serious argument that appellant was determined to commit a crime as early as on and Edgar De Leon the increased amount of PhP 75,000 as moral damages and the amount of PhP
the night of January 26, 2006, when he uttered the threat to kill Jufer at the bathroom. Jelyn and 30,000 as exemplary damages, respectively, for each count of murder in Criminal Case Nos. 06-8245-
Joshua Ray testified to seeing appellant holding a knife while talking to Jufer. 35 Appellant had the MK and 06-8246-MK.
whole night to contemplate his action and reflect upon its consequences before he entered the
household the following morning. Finally, the covert manner appellant gained entry in the house and No pronouncements as to costs.
stabbed the victims showed a careful deliberation of his criminal intent. As the CA aptly observed,
taking into stock the incidents that happened on the night of January 26, 2006, the fact that he hid in SO ORDERED.
the room of Jufer after sneaking into the De Leon’s household early the next morning and the real
evidence found in the house, appellant’s "commission of the crime was not clearly a product of
accident, it was evidently a premeditated one."

Clearly then, the presence of the attending circumstances of treachery and/or evident premeditation
qualified the killing of Edgar and Jufer to murder, which, under Art. 248 of the Revised Penal Code, as
amended, is punishable by reclusion perpetua to death. Article 6336 of the same Code provides that if

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