PC 23 Spec

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TELEPHONES: (310) 784-2100 • (800) 733-0321 • FAX: (310) 326-0797

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ISSUE DATE: April 1992 Cage Code: 7X664

Revision: NC Total pages: 19



PN 9391575

Prepared by: Bert Timmerman Date:April 1992 Date: April 1992
Page 2


This specification establishes the requirements for the design, fabrication, performance, and test of an electric
initiator, Hi-Shear Technology Corp. (HSTC) Model Number PC23, Part Number 9391575. The electric initiator is
equivalent to the NASA Standard Initiator (NSI) used in the actuation of various pyrotechnic devices, gas generators, and


The following documents of the issue in effect form a part of the specification to the extent specified herein.

2.1 Government Documents



MIL-G-45204 Gold Plating, Electro deposit



FED-STD-H28/4 Controlled Radius Root, Screw Threads,

UNJ Symbol

MIL-STD-143 Specification and Standards, Order of
Precedence for the selection of
MIL-STD-453 Inspection, Radiographic
MIL-STD-810 Environmental Test Methods & Engineering

MIL-STD-889 Dissimilar Metals




SEB26100001 Initiator, NASA Standard

Page 3

Other Publications

United States Air Force (USAF)

AFM 71-4 Packaging and Handling of Dangerous

Materials Transportation by Military Aircraft
AFETRM 127-1 Range Safety Manual

United States Navy (USN)

NAV ORD Report 2101 Statistical Methods Appropriate for

Evaluation of Fuse Explosive Train Safety
and Reliability (Bruceton Test)

Interstate Commerce Commission

Tariff No. 6C Rules and Regulations for the
Transportation of Explosives and Other
Dangerous Articles (by Commercial
Tariff No. 15 Rules and Regulations for the
Transportation of Explosives and Other
Dangerous Articles (Other than by
Commercial Aircraft)

2.2 Non-Government Documents



ANSI B46.1 Surface Texture

AMS 5662 Alloy Bars, Forgings and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant (Inconel 718)

Hughes Aircraft Company


4946927 Electric initiator


PS 80003-H70-802 Product Specification, Electric Initiator PN 4946927

Page 4


3.1 Selection of Specification and Standards. Unless otherwise specified, specifications and standards for
materials, parts, and processes shall be selected by using MIL-STD-143 as a guide. Hi-Shear documents are used where
not covered by Government documents.

3.2 Design

Equivalent to NASA Standard Initiator [NSI]. HSTC PC 23 electric initiator is identical in design, materials,
processes, and testing to the NSI (NASA P/N SEB261 00001). It performs as a NSI equivalent.

3.2.1 Components. The electric initiator shall include all hardware required to complete assembly, including
sealing materials and o-rings. Construction. All details of design and construction of the electric initiator shall provide for maximum
reliability, safety of personnel, minimum weight, and maximum operating utility. All materials used in the design and
construction of the electric initiator shall be of high and uniform quality and be capable of withstanding the environmental
conditions specified herein. No component shall work loose in service and all components shall be capable of
withstanding the strains, impacts, vibrations, and other conditions incidental to shipping, storage, installation, and service
use. Construction of the electric initiator shall be such that installation and removal may be accomplished easily, safely
and without damage. The alignment of parts and mating surfaces shall permit proper functioning of the electric initiator
within the environmental conditions expected during the service life of the electric initiator. Each electric initiator
component shall be designed to provide the highest quality commensurate with that of best component development and
consistent with the requirements of this specification. Configuration and Dimensions. The electric initiator dimensions shall be kept to a minimum consistent with
good design and shall not exceed the envelope dimensions shown on HSTC Drawing 9391575. Electric Initiator End Closure. The electric initiator end closure shall consist of a metal cup or disc
hermetically sealed to the body assembly. Bridgewire Circuit. The initiator shall contain a 2 mil diameter 304L stainless steel bridgewire circuit
electrically insulated from the case and spot-welded once to each pin. Charge Barrier. A continuous insulation barrier shall be provided between the case and any explosive,
propellant, or pyrotechnic material, which is in contact with the bridgewire circuit. The barrier shall be made of
non-conductive ceramic or glass having high electric resistivity and dielectric strength. Electrical Connector. The electrical connector end of the electric initiator shall mate with the connector
specified on 9391575. The connector pins shall be gold-plated in accordance with the provisions of MIL-G-45204, Type 1,
Class 2, Grade C.

3.2.2 Design Requirements All-Fire Parameters. The electric initiator shall ignite in accordance with the performance requirements
specified herein when subjected to the following current levels:
Page 5

a. discharge from a 1000-microfarad (± 5%) capacitor charged to 20 volts minimum

and 40 volts maximum from -260°F to +300°F and a 680 microfarad (± 5%)
capacitor charged to 40 ± 1 volts from -260°F to +300°F.

b. 5 to 22 amperes DC at temperatures from -260°F to -65°F, 3.5 to 22 amperes

from -65°F to +300°F. Maximum No-Fire Current. The electric initiator shall not ignite when the bridgewire is subjected to a DC
current of 1 ampere for 5 minutes minimum within the temperature range of +165°F to -260°F. This requirement must be
met without the aid of external heat sinks. The electric initiator shall be capable of ignition and performance as specified
herein after being subjected to the no-fire current test. Maximum No-Fire Power. The electric initiator shall not ignite when the bridgewire is subjected to a DC
power of 1 watt for 5 minutes within the temperature range of -260°F to +165°F. This requirement must be met without the
aid of external heat sinks. The electric initiator shall be capable of ignition and performance as specified herein after being
subjected to the no-fire power test. Inadvertent or Premature Discharge. The electric initiator shall be designed to preclude inadvertent or
premature discharge when subjected to any of the environmental conditions specified herein. Special Tools and Test Equipment. The electric initiator shall be designed to require a minimum of special
tools and test equipment. Surface Wear. Mating surfaces shall be sufficiently smooth and wear resistant to minimize the generation
of metal-to-metal and seal wear particles. Surface roughness limitations shall be in accordance with ANSI B46.1. Screw Threads. All screw threads shall be rolled unified thread form Class 3A in accordance with
FED-STD-H28/4. Torque The electric initiator shall be designed to withstand, without damage, 150 in-lbs max. of torque
applied to the wrenching area. Hermetic Sealing. The electric initiator shall be hermetically sealed by fusion of metallic, ceramic, or glass
materials. The selected methods of sealing shall include any one or combination of the following methods:

a. Fusion of metallic materials by welding

b. Fusion of glass materials by heat or pressure (Glass used for sealing shall be visible to N-ray.) Workmanship. The electric initiator, including all parts and accessories, shall be constructed and finished
in a thorough manner. Particular attention shall be given to neatness, precision of fitted parts and assemblies, and
thoroughness of soldering, markings, welding, brazing, plating, machining, fitting, and freedom of parts from burrs and
sharp edges that might cause the electric initiator to malfunction or cause injury to operating personnel.
Page 6

3.2.3 Parts, Materials and Processes. All materials, parts, and processes used in the design and construction of
the electric initiator shall be of high and uniform quality commensurate with good design; shall be capable of withstanding
the mechanical, electrical, and environmental conditions specified herein. Critical Materials. Materials shall be selected on the basis of their suitability and availability. Critical
materials shall be used only when essential for satisfactory operation of the electric initiator. Threaded Materials. All threads in the manufacture of the electric initiator shall be fabricated from Inconel
718 per AMS 5662. Dissimilar Metals. Dissimilar metals that tend toward active electrolytic or galvanic corrosion when in direct
contact with each other shall not be used in applications requiring direct contact. Dissimilar metals are defined in Standard
MIL-STD-889. Explosive Mixture. The initiator shall use an explosive mix of zirconium-potassiumperchlorate. A portion of
each lot's explosive mix will be used in a slurry mixture with an appropriate solvent to be painted on the bridgewire prior to

3.2.4 Weight. The weight of the electric initiator shall not exceed 1 ounce.

3.2.5 Finish. The finished surfaces of the electric initiator shall not have a protective coating or plating.

3.2.6 Numerical Reliability. The electric initiator shall have a probability of success of no less than 0.999 with a
confidence level of 90% under the environmental conditions, operating time, and the all-fire currents as specified herein.
HSTC shall provide evidence of meeting these reliability and confidence levels.

3.2.7 Interchangeability. All parts having the same HSTC part number shall be dimensionally and functionally

3.2.8 Identification of Product. The electric initiator shall be identified with HSTC part number, load date (month
and year), lot and serial numbers. Markings shall be in accordance with SCGPS 14006, Type 1, Class 1, 2, or 6.
Page 7

3.2.9 Safety. The electric initiator shall comply with the applicable design criteria specified in AFETRIM 127-1.

3.3 Performance

3.3.1 Environments. The electric initiator shall perform as specified during and after exposure to any combination
of the following environments:

a. Temperature From -260°F to +300°F

b. Vibration Random vibration will be experienced in each of
three mutually perpendicular axes for a duration of
5 mins/axis minimum as follows:

Frequency PSID Slope
10 Hz 0.01 g2/Hz
10-100 Hz +6 db/octave
100-400 Hz 0.80g2/Hz
400-2000 Hz -3 db/octave
2000 Hz 0.1 6g2/Hz

C. Temperature Vibration Between -260°F and +300°F per 3.3.1 b.

d. Shock At 100 g's; 11 ± 1 ms rise and 1 ± 1 ms decay.
e. Temperature Cycling. Laboratory ambient to -260°F and to +300°F. One
hour low temperature; 0.5 hour high temperature for
20 cycles.
f. Thermal Shock Ambient to -320°F to ambient (3 times) until thermal
stabilized. Ambient to -320°F for 11 hours to
ambient (1 time).
9. Pressure, Internal Static At 40,000 psi for 30 seconds minimum.
Note: all units acceptance tested at 15,000 psi.
Page 8

3.3.2 Output Pressure and Function Time. The electric initiator shall be designed to produce the following
pressures under the conditions listed below. (All pressures are in psi.)

Pressure, Pressure,
Time to min
Temp °F Firing Condition Time to1st pressure* 10cc 0.5cc
ms Range of Times, ms+
ms volume PSIG volume PSI
to 1st to min
pres.* pres **.
-65 to + 300 3.5 Amp max 1.0 min 6.0 max 3.5 max 0.5 max
22 Amp min 1.0 min 1.3 max 0.3 max 0.3 max
-260 to -65 5 Amp max N/A 15.0 max N/A N/A 650 ± 125 5000 min
1000 µpf 20V max 1.0 max 1.3 max 0.3 max 0.3 max
-260 to + 300
capacitor 40V min 1.0 max 1.3 max 0.3 max 0.3 max
-260 to + 300 40V±2V N/A 10.0 max N/A N/A

* Time measured from application of current

** Time measured from first pressure
Range is the difference between smallest and largest measurement in a given DLAT sample.

3.3.3 Electrostatic Sensitivity The electric initiator shall not ignite or otherwise be degraded when subjected to a
static discharge of 25,000 volts minimum from a 500 microfarad (± 5%) capacitor applied between either pin and the
electric initiator case. The electric initiator shall be capable of igniting and conforming to the requirements of this
specification after being subjected to the static sensitivity test.

3.3.4 Bridgewire Resistance. The electrical resistance of the bridgewire shall be 1.05 ±0.1 ohms when measured
between the pins of the bridgewire circuit at laboratory ambient temperature. Resistance testing shall be conducted from a
source not exceeding 0.02 ampere for not more than 1 minute.

3.3.5 Insulation Resistance. The insulation resistance, as measured between both pins shorted together and the
electric initiator body, shall be 2 megohms minimum at 250 VDC ± 5%. No unit shall be tested more than once.

3.3.6 Leakage Current. Within 5 minutes after firing, the leakage current shall not exceed 0.050 amperes at 28
VDC minimum, when applied between the following points:

a. Pin A to Pin B
b. Two pins shorted together and the case

If in excess of 10% of the units in lot acceptance, or any qualification test group exceeds 50 milliamperes after
firing, this shall be considered failure of the test. The electric initiator shall be removed from the firing chamber before
performing the above test.

3.3.7 Dielectric Strength. The electric initiator shall withstand an AC voltage of 200-± 10 volts root mean square
(rms), 60 Hz, for 460 seconds minimum between the case and both pins shorted together without breakdown. The
leakage current shall not exceed 500 microamperes. The electric initiator shall not ignite or otherwise be degraded. The
electric initiator shall be capable of igniting and conforming to the requirements of this specification after being subjected
to the dielectric strength test.
Page 9

3.3.8 Hermetic Seal. Leakage from the loaded and sealed electric initiator shall not exceed 10-6 cubic
centimeters/second of helium when measured at one atmosphere differential pressure.

3.3.9 Continuity Current. The initiator shall be capable of withstanding unlimited applications of 50 milliamps
minimum, having a duration of one-minute minimum through the bridgewire, without degradation.

3.3.10 Environmental Seal. The connector end and mating connector environmental seal leakage shall not
exceed 10-4 cubic centimeters per second of helium when measured at one atmosphere differential pressure.

3.3.11 No-Fire Thermal Environments. The electric initiator shall not fire during exposure to a temperature of
400"F minimum for 1 hour minimum. The electric initiator shall not be required to fire subsequent to such exposure.

3.4 Service Life. The electric initiator shall be capable of performance within the requirements of this specification
for a period of 10 years.

3.4.1 Maintenance. The design of the electric initiator shall be such that it will not require adjustment or
maintenance throughout its life.
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4.1 Quality Control. HSTC conforms to the ISO 9001, MIL-STD-9858, and AS9000 Quality Assurance
Requirements that ensure that all electric initiators are manufactured in conformance with the requirements of all
applicable documents and are in accordance with the design intent. The provisions is implemented and maintained
throughout all phases of design development, manufacturing, testing, handling, transportation, and storage. To achieve
these objectives, all materials, parts, and processes are qualified for their intended application under the environmental
conditions specified herein.

4.1.1 Test Program. Unless otherwise specified, HSTC shall have or establish a test program for development,
qualification and acceptance testing in accordance with this specification.

4.2 Qualification Tests. Prior to delivery of the first production lot to a Customer, qualification tests to the
requirements of this specification shall be conducted by HSTC on the electric initiator assembly to verify its design
adequacy and to demonstrate that all of the requirements of this specification are met. Qualification testing to this
specification may be omitted if test data, demonstrating unit conformance to the requirements of this specification, is
submitted to and approved by the customer.

4.3 Test Firings. Whenever test firings are made the following recorded traces shall be required:

a. Current through the bridgewire versus time in the case of constant current firings.
b. Peak pressure versus time for all firings.

Prior to the 22.0 ampere firing, a calibration recording shall be made with a 1.0 ± 0.1 ohm resistor substituted for
the bridgewire to demonstrate that a current of 22.0 to 23.0 amperes will flow if the resistance of the circuit remains
constant. The firing circuit resistance also shall be noted along with the actual current that fired the electric initiator.

4.4 Traceability. HSTC shall implement and conduct a part traceability program for all parts in compliance with

4.5 Classification of Tests. The tests specified herein shall be classified as follows:

a. Qualification
b. Lot Acceptance

4.6 Qualification Testing HSTC shall conduct the following qualification tests to demonstrate that the electric
initiator meets all the design and performance requirements specified herein. Lot accepted electric initiators shall be
subjected to the qualification tests specified in Tables 11 and Ill. The qualification tests shall be divided into three phases
as follows:
Page 11

a. Checkout. Checkout, transportation, handling, storage, and climatic environ-

ments. Transportation and handling tests shall be conducted per MIL-STD-810
as herein amended.

b. Mission Maximum Levels. The sequentially applied mission environments shall be

conducted to the worst case of maximum specification limits and are designed to
verify the ability of the electric initiator to withstand the maximum environmental
and performance stresses anticipated.

C. Off-limit. The off-limit tests shall verify critical design margins. The electric
initiators are not required to be operable after off-limit tests. However, firing will
be attempted and the results recorded.

Group A B C D E F G H
Qualification Tests and Test Sequence Quantity 60 20 72 25 25 20 20 6
Phase Title of Test Para No. ** Test Sequence
Hermetic Seal 4.6.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Checkout Insulation Resistance 4.6.2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bridgewire Resistance 4.6.3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Electrostatic Sensitivity*** 4.6.4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Dielectric Strength 4.6.5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
No-Fire Current*** 6 6 6
No-Fire Power*** 7 7 7
Vibration, High Temperature 4.6.7 *
Mission Vibration, Low Temperature 4.6.8 *
Maximum Temperature Cycling 4.6.9 * 6 6
Levels All-Fire Current, Room Temperature 4.6.10 6 8 9 9
All-Fire Current, High Temperature 4.6.11 7
All-Fire Current, Low Temperature 4.6.12 7
Design Analysis (Table III) 4.6.13 6
Off-Limit Shock 4.6.16 8
No-Fire Thermal 4.6.14 8
Bruceton Analysis 4.6.15 4
NOTES: 1. Torquing value for these tests shall be 95 to 105 inch-lbs.
2. *Design Analysis test for test group "C" shown in Table III.
3. ** Test Sequence-Numerical order in which tests are to be conducted.
4. ***Test only one-half of the units in each group indicated.
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4.6.1 Hermetic Seal Test. The electric initiator shall be subjected to a maximum pressure of 1 inch Hg absolute for
a minimum of 25 minutes then to helium at two atmospheres minimum for a minimum of 5-minutes after which a one
atmosphere helium environment may be maintained. The leak rate measurement shall be made within 20 minutes after
removal from the helium environment and shall be recorded on the test data sheet. Temperature shall be laboratory
ambient (+75°F ± 10°F).

4.6.2 Insulation Resistance Test. The resistance between the body assembly and the electric initiator terminals
shall be measured for each electric initiator. Results shall be recorded.

4.6.3 Bridgewire Resistance Test. The bridgewire resistance of each electric initiator shall be measured and

4.6.4 Electrostatic Sensitivity Test. Each electric initiator, excluding Group A, shall be subjected to a simulated
electrostatic discharge as required in 3.3.3, and the results shall be recorded.

4.6.5 Dielectric Strength Test. Each electric initiator, excluding Group A, shall be subjected to an AC voltage as
required in 3.3.7, and the results shall be recorded.

4.6.6 No-Fire Levels. Half of the initiators in the group shall be subjected to the following no-fire current test. The
remainder of the units in the group shall be subjected to the no4ire power test. No-Fire Current Test. The electric initiators shall not ignite when the bridgewire is subjected to a maximum
no-fire current as required in No-Fire Power. The electric initiator shall not ignite when subjected to the maximum no-fire power
requirements specified in

4.6.7 Vibration and High Temperature Test. The electric initiator, with shorted connector, shall be installed in a
test fixture simulating service installation. The test fixture shall be designed so that no resonances in the fixture occur
within the frequency spectrum specified for the test. Connecting lines to the electric initiator for operation or data recording
shall not amplify or dampen vibration inputs. The magnitude of the applied vibration shall be monitored on the test fixture
near the electric initiator. Vibration of the electric initiator shall be monitored in three mutually perpendicular axes, one of
which shall be the axial centerline. Vibrate at the levels specified in 3.3.1, at +300°F ± 10°F.

4.6.8 Temperature Cycling Test. The electric initiator with shorting connector shall be subjected to 20 temperature
cycles as specified in 3.3.1.

The time of transfer between temperature chambers shall not exceed 5 minutes. After completion of the
temperature cycling test, the electric initiator (with shorting plugs) shall be removed from the temperature chamber and
air-dried; the output end shall be subjected to and shall pass the hermetic seal test.

4.6.9 Vibration and Low Temperature Test. The electric initiator shall be tested as specified in 4.6.7 except that
the temperature shall be the -260°F ± 10°F.
Page 13

4.6.10 All-Fire Current Test, Room Temperature. The electric initiator shall be installed in a test fixture such that
the free volume is 10 ± 0.2 cubic centimeters. Two pressure transducers shall be connected to the firing chamber
to record pressure versus time with a permanent record recording device. The electric initiator and test fixture
shall be stabilized at +75°F ± 10°F and the bridgewire circuit shall be subjected to a current of 3.5 amps maximum
per Two electric initiators in each test group shall be fired with a current of 22 amps minimum applied to
the bridgewire circuit per b. The actual current flow shall be recorded. All units, excluding off-limits tests,
shall meet the following performance requirements of 3.3.2. Post fire leakage current shall be per 3.3.6.

4.6.11 All-Fire Current Test, High Temperature. The test procedure shall be the same as specified above except
that the electric initiator and test fixture shall be stabilized at +300°F ± 10°F before firing.

4.6.12 All-Fire Current Test, Low Temperature. The test procedure shall be the same as specified for room
temperature except that the electric initiator and test fixture shall be stabilized at -260°F ± 10°F per 3.3.1 before firing and
firing current shall be 5 amps maximum per

4.6.13 Design Analysis Tests. Design analysis tests shall be conducted as specified in Table 11, Group C. After
the applicable pre-fire environmental tests, the electric initiators shall be fired in accordance with Table III and as specified


Pre-Fire Environments Test Quantity Sub Group

No Temp Cycling No Vibration 6 C1

Test Fire Vibration @ +300°F 6 C2

@ -260°F Vibration @ -260°F 6 C3

Per para. Temp Cycling per No Vibration 6 C4

para. 4.6.8 Vibration @ +300°F 6 C

Vibration @ -260°F 6 C6

No Temp Cycling No Vibration 6 C7

Test Fire Vibration @ +300°F 6 C8

@ +300°F Vibration @ -260°F 6 C9

Per para. Temp Cycling per No Vibration 6 C10

para. 4.6.8 Vibration @ +300°F 6 C11

Vibration @ -260°F 6 C12

Page 14 High Temperature Firing Test. The electric initiator shall be installed in a test fixture with a free volume of
0.5 ± 0.05 cubic centimeters. A pressure transducer shall be connected to the fixture to record pressure versus time with a
permanent record recording device. The test fixture shall be placed in a temperature conditioning chamber and the
temperature shall be stabilized for 1 hour minimum. The bridgewire circuit of the electric initiator shall then be subjected to
an all-fire current of 3.5 amps maximum per b. The post-firing leakage current shall be recorded and shall be as
specified in 3.3.6. Two electric initiators of each test sub-group shall be fired with an all-fire current of 22 amps minimum.
Actual current flow shall be recorded. Low Temperature Firing Test. The test procedure for subgroups C1 through C6 shall be the same as
specified above with the following exceptions:

a. Fire four electric initiators of each subgroup at 5 amps maximum.

b. The electric initiator and test fixture temperature shall be stabilized for 2 hours minimum before firing.

4.6.14 No-Fire Thermal. The electric initiators shall be subjected to the no-fire thermal conditions of 3.3.11.
Subsequent to this test the electric initiators shall be test fired, for information only, per 4.6.10, and the results recorded.

4.6.15 Bruceton Analysis. Bruceton tests shall be conducted on 60 electric initiators in accordance with NAVORD
Report 2101, Appendix A, dated 13 Oct. 1966, published by U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory in White Oak, MD. Thirty
(30) electric initiators shall be tested at -260°F (+5°F, -25°F') and 30 electric initiators at +300°F ± 50°F. The increment of
current shall be 0.1 ± 0.01 ampere and the first current pulse shall be 2.0 ± 0.01 amperes. The current shall be applied for
a total of 5 ± 0.1 minutes. Only one application of current shall be allowed for each electric initiator. Any electric initiator
that does not fire because of low current application shall not be subjected to a second current level in this test and it shall
not be acceptable as an item deliverable. The test data shall be sufficient to show by statistical analysis, with 90%
confidence, that at least 99.9% of all electric initiators shall have a most pessimistic all4ire current equal to or less than
3.5 amperes and a most pessimistic no-fire current greater than 1.0 ampere.

Test data from one temperature level shall be evaluated independently of test data from the other temperature
level. A current-time record shall be made for each electric initiator. Primary and backup recorders shall be used for all
Bruceton testing. Recorders shall be started at or prior to time of current application. Primary recorders shall be
oscilloscope and Polaroid camera, or equivalent. The horizontal sweep shall be set at 5 miIliseconds/centi meter. Backup
recorders shall be of the counter-photocell or oscillograph type with a frequency response of 2400 pcs or more and a
paper speed of 1.0 inch/second minimum. Recording equipment may be turned off after bridgewire burnout occurs.

NOTE: The units that do not fire in the Bruceton tests shall be fired at laboratory ambient temperature by applying
3.5 (+0.1, -0) amps to the bridgewire, in accordance with para. 4.6.7, for information data only. Firing data shall be
included as a part of the test data package.

4.6.16 Shock. The electric initiators, with O-rings, shall be installed in a shock test fixture and shall be subjected to
two shocks in each of three mutually perpendicular axes, one in each direction. The results shall be recorded.
Page 15

4.7 Lot Acceptance Tests. Prior to delivery and as a condition of acceptance, HSTC shall conduct the following
acceptance tests on each electric initiator. It shall be the option of HSTC to determine whether rejected units or lots shall
be reworked. In the case of rework, HSTC shall correct all deficiencies prior to resubmitting rejected units or lots for
acceptance tests. Documented evidence of rework and corrective action shall be submitted to the customer and shall be
made a part of the data package.

a. Unloaded units. Prior to loading any lot of electric initiators, HSTC shall
perform internal static pressure leak tests on 100% of the lot in accordance with Any electric initiator which does not meet the static pressure leak test
may be reworked, retested, and if it passes the test, retained within its original lot.
All records must reflect rework action and compliance with

b. Loaded units. All loaded units shall be subjected to the non-destructive tests
specified in Table IV prior to the lot acceptance firings specified in 4.7.8. Any
electric initiator failing to meet any test of this table shall be rejected, but such
rejection shall not be cause for rejection of the entire lot. These tests may be
conducted in any desired sequence, except that the examination of product shall
be subsequent to the X-ray test and the insulation resistance test shall be
subsequent to electrostatic sensitivity.

The following information shall be included in the shipment of each lot of electric initiators:

1. Certified acceptance test report.

2. Certified list of all detail parts and components by part number and the applicable
drawing numbers, including revision letters.

3. Documented final inspection records.

4. Certification of explosive mixture.
5. Certified statement that the explosive mixture is the same as the mixture used in
qualification testing. Failure to meet these criteria constitutes rejection of the lot
(qualified units).

6. The actual caloric output of the explosive mixture used in the electric initiator
being shipped shall be measured. The data shall not be submitted, but kept in
file by the contractor.

7. Test records of all measurements of tests specified in Table IV. Measurements

shall be recorded for each electric initiator identified by the serial and lot number
of the electric initiator.
Page 16



Leakage tests 4.7.1
Examination of product 4.7.2
Electrostatic sensitivity
(to be performed prior to insulation resistance test)
Insulation resistance test 4.7.4
Bridgewire resistance test 4.7.5
X-ray test 4.7.6
Neutron Radiograph 4.7.7
Destructive test 4.7.8

4.7.1 Leakage Tests Internal Static Pressure Leak Test. Prior to loading, all electric initiators of the lot shall be subjected to an
internal pressure of 15,000 psi minimum nitrogen for 30 seconds minimum to the threaded end of the electric initiator. The
electric initiator shall be installed in the recommended port with the recommended o-ring installed in a using fixture or
device. There shall be no evidence of leakage through or around the header, pins, or o-ring. Units may be reworked,
retested, and accepted, but all records must reflect the rework action and final compliance of this test. Hermetic Seal Test

a. In preparing the electric initiator for the leakage test, the electric initiator shall first
be subjected to a maximum pressure of 1 inch Hg absolute for a minimum of 25
minutes then to helium at two atmospheres minimum for a minimum of 5 minutes
after which a one-atmosphere helium environment may be maintained. The leak
rate measurement shall be made within 20 minutes after removal from the helium
environment and shall be recorded on the test data sheet. Temperature shall be
laboratory ambient.

b. A helium leak rate test shall be performed to verify that the weld of the sealing
washer to initiator body provides a hermetic seal, as applicable.

4.7.2 Examination of Product. Each electric initiator shall be carefully examined to verify that the materials,
design, construction, dimensional characteristics, marking, and workmanship comply with the requirements of this

4.7.3 Electrostatic Sensitivity Test. Prior to insulation resistance testing, each electric initiator of the lot shall be
subjected to ant electrostatic discharge as defined in 3.3.3. Those units, which pass this screening, shall proceed with
Page 17

4.7.4 Insulation Resistance Test. The resistance between the body assembly and the electric initiator terminals
shall be measured for each electric initiator. The measured resistance shall be recorded.

4.7.5 Bridgewire Resistance Test. The bridgewire resistance of each electric initiator shall be measured and

4.7.6 X-Ray Test. Each electric initiator assembly shall be X-rayed for imperfections in assembly, in two views,
90° apart, normal to longitudinal axis. X-rays are to be in accordance with MIL-STD-453 (one view parallel and one view
normal to the planes of the bridgewire circuits). No voids, cracks, or foreign material shall be present in explosive.

4.7.7 Neutron Radiograph (N-ray). Each electric initiator shall be neutron radiographed to verify that the
pyrotechnic mixture is present and properly oriented. Multiple units per radiograph are permissible. No voids, cracks, or
foreign material shall be present in explosive.

4.7.8 Destructive Lot Acceptance Tests (DLAT) Sequence and QLAT Sample Size

a. The DLAT sample size shall be 84 units, selected at random from the production lot. Subsequent to
non-destructive testing, the lot sample shall be tested as follows:



84 (all DLAT Environmental N/A
samples) Constant current +75°F ±10°F 3.5 amps max 30 Constant current +75°F ±10°F 22.0 amps min 2
100µF capacitor Capacitive discharge +75°F ±10°F 30
charged to 20V max
100µF capacitor Capacitive discharge +75°F ±10°F 2
charged to 40V max
680µF capacitor Low temperature acceptance -260°F±10°F 20
charged to 40V min

b. - Lot size equals DLAT samples plus deliverable quantity. DLAT Sample Environmental Exposure. Prior to beginning the firing portion of the DLAT, all units chosen
for DLAT will undergo 20 thermal cycles per 4.6.9. Bridgewire resistances will be taken prior to test and after test.

After thermal cycles are complete, all units will be randomly vibrated per para. 4.6.8. Subsequent to vibration,
bridgewire resistances will again be checked. The units will then undergo a thermal shock test per 3.3.1.
Page 18 Firing Modes. Acceptance or rejection of a lot shall be contingent upon the measured output
characteristics of the electric initiators. All electric initiators in the sample shall be tested as follows: -The electric initiator
shall be installed in a test fixture such that the free volume is 10 ± 0.2 cubic centimeters. -Two pressure transducers shall
be used to measure pressure.

The output and firing characteristics (pressure and current versus time) of each electric initiator fired shall be
recorded and used to determine the acceptability of the lot and to provide data for statistical analysis by HSTC. One of the
pressure transducers shall be designated as the primary transducer and shall be so indicated on the data sheets prior to
the start of acceptance testing. The secondary transducer, "peak pressure" and 'time to 525 psig" readings, shall be
recorded on the data sheets for informational purposes only. Acceptance or rejection of the lot shall be based solely on
the recordings from the primary transducer. The secondary pressure transducer information shall be used for acceptance
criteria only when (1) the primary system did not produce a recording, or (2) the recording produced by the primary
system is outside the specification requirements and is obviously not similar in waveform to the previous primary
transducer recordings. Constant Current Firing Mode. The initiator and test fixture shall be stabilized at +75°F ± 10°F, and the
bridgewire circuit shall be subjected to all4ire current as required in The actual current flow shall be recorded.
The post firing leakage current shall be as specified in 3.3.6.

For lot acceptance, all units shall meet the performance requirements of 3.3.2. Capacitor Discharge Firing Mode (CDF). The initiator and test fixture shall be stabilized at room
temperature, and the bridgewire circuit shall be subjected to all-fire capacitor discharge as defined in a using a
1000-microfarad capacitor and as required in 47.8. 1.

For acceptance, the units shall meet the performance requirements of 3.3.2. Low Temperature Lot Acceptance Test. Units shall be conditioned and stabilized to -260°F ± 10°F in a
10 cc pressure bomb with pressure transducers and capacitor instrumentation the same as in The bridgewire
circuit shall be subjected to an all fire discharge per a and 4.7.8. 1.

For acceptance, the units shall meet the performance requirements of 3.3.2.
Page 19


5.1 Packaging The electric initiator assemblies shall be packaged separately in substantial containers constructed
to assure acceptance by common or other carrier for safe transportation at the lowest rate to the point of delivery. The
cushioning and containers shall be capable of preventing damage to the units during shipment and storage for 10 years
under conditions where the temperature may vary from +20°F to +120°F, the atmospheric pressure may vary from 3 to 31
inches of mercury, and the relative humidity may vary from 0% to 100%. Exterior containers shall be able to withstand
storage, rehandling, and reshipment without the necessity of repackaging.

5.2 Thread Protectors. Exposed threads shall be protected by removable and reusable dust caps or by other
HSTC approved means.

5.3 Connector Shields. The electric initiator connectors shall be fitted with removable and reusable metal Faraday
caps to protect the connector pins from exposure to static discharge and RF fields. These shall make good electrical
contact with the connector shell and shall not touch the connector pins.

5.4 Shipping Container. Depending on the mode of transportation, the shipping container shall be designed and
constructed in accordance with Agent P.H. Smith's Tariff No. 6C, Agent T.C. George's Tariff No. 15, AFM 71-4, and
published ICC regulations governing the shipment of dangerous articles. Unit containers may be utilized as shipping
containers when they meet the requirements specified herein.

5.5 Marking for Shipment. Each interior container and exterior container shall be marked with the following as a
minimum requirement:

HSTC Name and Part Number; Serial Number(s); Customer Name; Contract and Order Number Lot Number


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