Cover Song Lesson
Cover Song Lesson
Cover Song Lesson
19, 2019
edTPA Lesson Plan Template – University of Delaware
Central Focus:
The central focus of this lesson is to allow students to explore different musical concepts informally. Through cover songs
students can explore form, chords and keys, musical notation such as lead sheets, rhythm, melody, harmony, and many
other music concepts.
Pre-instructional Planning:
Students have gone through a unit on guitar, a unit on ukulele, and a unit on percussion. They are also allowed
to bring instruments from home that they play.
MU:Cr1.1.7 - Generate rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic phrases and variations over harmonic
accompaniments within AB, ABA, or theme and variation forms that convey expressive intent.
MU:Cr2.1.7a - Select, organize, develop and document personal musical ideas for arrangements, songs, and
compositions within AB, ABA, or theme and variation forms that demonstrate unity and variety and convey
expressive intent.
MU:Pr4.2.7b - When analyzing selected music, read and identify by name or function standard symbols for
rhythm, pitch articulation, dynamics, tempo, and form.
MU:Re7.2.7b - Identify and compare the context of music from a variety of genres, cultures, and historical
MU:Cn10.0.7 - Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices and intent when
creating, performing, and responding to music.
Common Core State Standards:
Accommodations for Individual Differences:
Students may learn their songs in the way that best fits their learning style and skill level, wether that be
aurally, notating, or visually representing the work in a way that makes sense for them. Students have different
proficiencies on different instruments, so this is a “challenge by choice” style lesson. They can choose an
instrument they are very comfortable with, or go outside the box and pick an instrument they are not as
proficient on.
Learning Goal: Students will identify common forms in classical and popular music.
Objective: Students will label the form of their chosen pop song.
Learning Goal: Students will demonstrate proficiency reading lead sheet symbols
Objective: Students will read lead sheet symbols for their chosen pop song.
Learning goal: Students will demonstrate proficiency on guitar, ukulele, and percussion instruments.
Objective: Students will play a pop song on an instrument of their choice.
Teacher will assess the students by asking questions such as “How is your project going?” or “What progress
have you made so far on your cover song?”
Instructional Materials and Resources: Identify the textbooks, scores, recordings, instruments, etc. that
support this lesson.
Academic Language:
Lead Sheets
Cover Song
Learning Environment Preparation:
Students will be able to retrieve instruments from their locations in the room, following the foot map which is
designated on the floor, and we have practiced in class. Students will then find a spot for their group to
brainstorm and begin making their cover song.
Internet Resources:
T will put a picture of a rock band up on the board, and ask students what they notice about the picture. T will
then take student answers about what they notice, and tell students that now it is their turn to be in a rock band
by creating a cover of their favorite song. T will then allow students to choose friendship groups to form their
new rock band.
1. Once S are in groups, T will instruct S to pick which instruments they each want to play.
2. T will dismiss groups one by one to get instruments.
3. Once all groups have instruments, T will give each group an iPad, and send them off to work in their
groups on their cover songs.
4. T will circulate around the groups, asking reflective questions such as: “How is choosing a song going?”
“Have you found some music online?” “Are there any chords that you are unfamiliar with in this song?”
5. T will give students thirty minutes to begin working on their project
6. T will call students back into the classroom.
7. T will instruct students that as they come into the room, they should put their instrument away before
sitting down at their spot.
8. T will then distribute the reflective cards, and ask students to fill them out before lining up at the door.
To close the lesson, T will ask students to stop where they are, and fill out a short reflection sheet that will
contain the following questions: