Written Assessment of Risk of St Cronan’s BNS, Bray, Co. Wicklow, Roll n
Child Safeguarding Risk Assessment
In accordance with section 11 ofthe Childen Fist et 2015 and withthe requirement of Chapter 8 ofthe hl Protection Procedures for Primary and Post.
Primary Scheols 2017, the felling isthe Written Rsk Assessment ofS ronan’ NS, ray, Co, Wlklow tell na 16B72A
1. Uistof schol activites
2, The school has identified the following rik of
4.The schoo has the fllowing procedures in
ace to address the sks of harm identified in
this assessment =
Dally arrival and dismissal of pupils
isk of harm to pupils due to inadequate
supervision of chldeen while arriving and
leaving the school
The school has a yard supervision policy to
ensure appropriate supervision of children
during assembly and dismissal of pupis
Recreation breaks for pupils.
Fisk of harm due to inadequate supension of
children in school
The school has a yard/playground supervision
policy to ensure appropriate supenision of
children during breaks and in respect of speci
areas such a oles, ete.
‘Classroom teaching
isk of child being harmed in the school by 2
member of school personnel or by another
School Personnel are required to adhere to the
(Child Protection Procedures for Primary ond
PostPrimary Schools 2017 and all registered
teaching staff are required to adhere to the
Chilren First Act 2015 The school adheres to
the requirements of the Garda vetting
legidation and relevant DES circulars in relation
to,ecrultment and Garda vettingOne-to-one teaching
Risk of child being harmed in the school by a
‘member of school personnel
“The school has in place clear procedures for
‘oneto-one teaching activites,
“The school adheres to the requirements of the
Garda vetting. legislation and relevant ES
cculars In relation to recruitment and Garda
(Outdoor teaching activities
Risk of harm due to inadequate supervision of
children while attending outdoor school
The school adheres to the requirements of the
Garda vetting. legislation and relevant DES
circulars in relation to recruitment and Garda
‘Schoo! outings
Risk of child being harmed by a member of
school personnel, a member of staff of
another organisation or other person while
child participating in out of school activities
€€g, school tip, swimming lessons
The school has in place @ policy and clear
procedures in respect of school outings
Use of tolet/changing/shower areas in
Risk of harm due to inadequate supervision of
childeen In school
‘The school has a yard/playground supervision
policy to ensure appropriate supenision of
children during, assembly, dismissal and breaks
{and in respect of specific areas such as tole,
changing rooms ete,
Prevention and dealing with bullying
‘amongst pupil
Risk of harm due ta bullying of child
‘The school has an Anti-Bullying Policy which
fully adheres to the requirements of the
Department's AntiBulling Procedures for
Priary and Post-Primary SchoolsCare of pupils with
vulnerabiltes/ needs such as:
Pupils rom ethnic minerities/migrants
‘Members of the Traveller community
| Pupils perceived to be LGBT
| Pupils of minority religious faiths
Lesbian, 0
(Ucar) clr
bisexual or transgender
Risk of harm due to bullying of child
“The school has an Anti-Bullying Policy which
fully adheres to the requirements of the
Department's Ant-Bullving Procedures for
Prirary and Post-Primary Schools
Care of chien with special educational
needs, including. intimate care where
Risk of harm to child while a child is receiving
Intimate care
‘The school has an intimate care polley/plan in
respect of students who require such car.
‘Administration of Fist Aid
isk of child being harmed in the school by a
‘member of school personne!
“The chool has in place » policy and procedures
forte administration of First Aid
‘Administration of Medicine
Ais of child being harmed in the school by 8
‘member of school personne
‘The school has in place a policy and procedures,
forthe administration of medication to pupils
Management of challenging behaviour
‘amongst pupils, including. appropriate
Use of restraint where required
Risk of child being harmed inthe school by &
‘member of school personnel
‘The school has in place @ code of behaviour for
pupls. The school encourages relevant
menbers of staff to aval of training in use of
rest aint,Use of external personnel to support
Risk of child being harmed in the school by
“The school adheres to the requirements of the
| svorts and other extra-curricular | volunteer or visitor tothe schoo! Garca vetting. legislation and relevant ES
activities circulars in relation to recruitment and Garda
Students participating In work| Risk of child being harmed in the schoo! by| The school adheres to the requirements of the
‘experience in the school
Student teachers undertaking training
placement in school
volunteer or visitor to the schoo!
Garéa vetting legislation and relevant DES
Cérclars in relation to recruitment and Garda
Vistors/contractors. present in. school
during school hours
Risk of child being harmed in the schoo! by
volunteer or visitor tothe schoo!
‘The school adheres to the requirements of the
aria vetting legislation and relevant DES
Creuars in relation to recruitment and Garda
\Volunteers/Parents in school activities
Risk of child being harmed in the school by
volunteer or visitor tothe school
“The school adheres to the requirements of the
Garda. vetting legisiation and rolevant_ OES
cculars in relation to recruitment and Garda
‘Application of sanctions under the
Schoo''s Code of Behaviour including
detention of pupils, confiscation of
phones ete.
Risk of harm due to inadequate code of
‘Te school has in place a code of behaviour for
Use of video/photography/other media
‘0 record schoo! events
Risk of harm due to children inappropriately
accessing/using computers, social media,
phones and other devices while at schoo!
‘Theschool has in place a mobile phone policy in
respect of usage of mobile phones by pupilsUse of information and Communication
Technology by pupils in school
Risk of harm due to children inappropriately
accessing/using computers, social media,
phones and other devices while at schoo!
‘The school has in place an ICT policy in respect
‘of wage of ICT by puis,
Training of school personnel in child
protection matters
Risk of harm not being recognised by schoo!
Encourages staff to aval of relevant training and
Schoo! Personnel are required to adhere to the
(hid Protection Procedures for Primary and
PostPrimary Schools 2017 and all registered
teaching staff are required to adhere to the
Chilren First Act 2015
Recruitment of
school personnel
isk of child being harmed in the school by 2
‘member af school personnel
The school adheres to the requirements of the
Garda vetting legislation and relevant OES
Circulars in relation to recruitment and Gard
Ccurriular provision in respect of SPHE,
SE, Stay Safe
Ask of harm not being recognised by school
‘The school implements in full the Stay Safe
The schoo!
Implements in fll the SPHETnaportant Note: i shoud be noted that Fk the conte ofthis Hak assessment he rk of harm” ae defined inthe Children Fret Act 2015 and
‘general healtn and safety sk. Thedefntion of harms set outin Chapter ofthe Cid Protection Procedures for Primary and Pst: Primary
Schools 2017
Im undertaking ths risk assessment, the board of management has endeavoured to dently as faa posse the rks of harm that ae relevant to his school
and to ensue that adequate procedures ae in place to manage all isks dente, Wie it not possbe to foresee and remove al isk of harm, the schoo!
has in lace the procedures stedin this risk assessment to manage an reduces tothe greatest possible extent.
13M farsany dos! .
‘This risk assessment hes been completed bythe Board of Management on (tel it shall be revewed as pat ofthe schoots annual review of ts
‘Child Safeguaraing Statement.
one /S6f2/
csoeion Sar of Management
Sioned ee one_L8 fase 7 RoR
“rinipaiSecretary tothe Board of Management