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"for Dummies" guide, and it's not my training method/idea. Enjoy.

Max-OT for Dummies - Forums 8/12/13 11:38 AM

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Max-OT (Maximum - Overload Training) is one of the most popular routine
gains in strength and size. This article will put in simple and short terms w
training looks like, and what to expect from it. I've seen both beginners a
Max-OT splits, so don't doubt it.

Who Should Use Max-OT?

Anybody who is looking for a nice blend of strength and size, while keepin
OT. Max-OT also works very well for beginning lifters, but is not specific to
of very big and very strong fellows that use the Max-OT way of training. M
person who complains that they can't workout because they "have no tim
you, because the workouts only last 30-40 minutes. Regardless, you still s
you have "no time" to workout, anyone can make time if they are dedicat

The Principles of Max-OT

We'll start by listing the principles of Max-OT, as directly stated from the M

1. Each workout should last 30-40 minutes.

2. Train only 1-2 muscle groups per workout.
3. Do 6 to 9 total heavy sets per muscle group.
4. Do 4 to 6 reps per set.
5. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
6. Train each muscle group once every 5-7 days.
7. Take a 1 week break from training every 8 to 10 weeks.

The steps above are quite simple. The theory behind Max-OT is that you m
muscle, and it will keep growing. You will be using the rep range of 4-6, a
failure each set. Your goal each week is to keep increasing the weight, wh
and form. The workouts are short and to the point, but will blast your mu
you follow each of the principles, you will be training the Max-OT way corr
it. To give you a little further understanding, I'll break it down a little bit m

1. Each workout should last 30-40 minutes.

Your goal for each workout is to get into the gym, blast your muscles with
out. We all know that muscle isn't actually built in the gym, it's built durin
time to put that idea into use. Each workout should be short and sweet, b
that 30-40 minutes, no wimping out because you're "tired".

2. Train only 1-2 muscle groups per workout.

This step goes hand-in-hand with step one. You don't want to spend 2 hou
part, you want to keep the workouts short and intense. Only train1-2 mus
following the other steps, your workout will be simple and effective.

3. Do 6 to 9 total heavy sets per muscle group.

Again, we are going for overload here, not volume. You want to blast you Page 1 of 21
(although some of you I know will hate not lifting for a week). After that w
lifting heavy again and make some fresh gains.
Max-OT for Dummies - Forums 8/12/13 11:38 AM

How to Warm Up for Max-OT Sets

Warming up the Max-OT way is the most efficient way to prepare yourself
people warm up wrong, and this affects their sets, even if they may not n
people spend too many sets with too much weight. This fatigues the musc
able to work to it's maximum capacity. You also are asking for injury whe
heavy weight, it's not a warm up then. When you warm up, you should ju
meant to increase blood flow to that muscle, and prepare it for the heavy
should not be tired or feel fatigued at all from any of your warm up sets. B
warm up for a bench press of 285lbs for 4-6 reps :

135 x 12 (warm up)

135 x 10 (warm up)
185 x 6 (warm up)
225 x 3 (weight acclimation)
255 x 1 (weight acclimation)
285 x 4-6 (work sets)

Max-OT Approved Exercises

With Max-OT training, you're going to be overloading your muscles as mu

with isolation movements, you do it with compound movements. Compou
use the heaviest weight possible. Below are lists of approved Max-OT exe
list, then it probably doesn't overload the muscle as much as any of the o

Approved Legs Exercises

Leg Press
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Leg Curl
Leg Extension

Approved Chest Exercises

Barbell Bench Press

Barbell Incline Bench Press
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
Decline Barbell Bench Press

Approved Biceps Exercises

Straight Bar Curls

EZ Bar Curls
Alternate Dumbbell Curls
Cable Curls Page 2 of 21
Approved Deltoid Exercises

Max-OT for Dummies - Forums 8/12/13 11:38 AM

Military Press
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Dumbbell Side Laterals
Dumbbell Bent Over Laterals
Dumbbell Front Raise

Approved Traps Exercises

Barbell Upright Rows

Barbell Shrugs

Approved Calf Exercises

Standing Calf Raise

Seated Calf Raise
45 Degree Calf Press
Hack Machine Calf Raise

Approved Forearms Exercises

Wrist Curls
Reverse Wrist Curls
Standing Dumbbell Wrist Curls

Approved Abdominal Exercises

Lying Leg Raise

Vertical Knee Raise
Cable Crunch

06-17-2005, 03:36 PM

hepennypacker52 What Does a Max-OT Split Look Like?

Eats dogg crapp.
So now you know the principles of the program, how to properly warm up
Now it's time to take a look at what the actual training looks like, and it's
customizable for you to set up based on your schedule. Just make sure th
that you abide to the 7 principles. In case you still aren't sure on what you
few splits from the Max-OT Handbook.

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Posts: 7,613 Routine A
BodyPoints: 440
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Thursday - Shoulders and Triceps
Max-OT for Dummies - Forums 8/12/13 11:38 AM

Dumbbell Press - 3x4-6

Military Press - 2x4-6
Dumbbell Side Laterals - 2x4-6

Lying Skull Crushers - 2x4-6

Triceps Press Downs - 2x4-6
Seated Overhead Triceps Extension - 1x4-6

Friday - Biceps and Abs

Straight Bar Curl - 2x4-6

Standing Dumbbell Curl - 2x4-6
EZ Bar Curl - 1x4-6

Leg Raise (Weighted) - 2x12-15

Cable Crunch - 2x8-10

Routine B (Jeff Willet's Max-OT Split)

Monday - Chest and Triceps

Flat Barbell Bench Press - 2x4-6

Incline Barbell Bench Press - 2x4-6
Incline Dumbbell Press - 1x4-6

1 Arm Overhead Dumbbell Press 1x4-6

Dumbbell Kickback - 1x4-6
Cable Press Down - 1x4-6
Lying Skull Crusher - 1x4-6

Tuesday - Legs

Leg Extension (just for warm up) - 2x10

Squat - 3x4-6
Leg Press - 2x4-6
Lunges - 2x4-6
Stiff Leg Deadlifts - 2x4-6

Wednesday - Back and Biceps

Pull-ups - *x50 (as many sets as it takes to get to 50 reps)

Barbell Row - 1x4-6
Pull Downs - 1x4-6
Low Pulley Row (V Bar) - 1x4-6
Low Pulley Row (straight bar) - 1x4-6

Alternating Dumbbell Curl - 1x4-6

Straight Bar Curl - 1x4-6 Page 4 of 21
Routine C

Max-OT for Dummies - Forums 8/12/13 11:38 AM

Monday - Legs and Calves

Squat - 3x4-6
Leg Press - 2x4-6
Stiff Leg Deadlift - 2x6

Standing Calf Raise - 2x6-8

45 Degree Calf Press - 2x6-8

Tuesday - Arms and Abs

Straight Bar Curl - 2x4-6

Alternate Dumbbell Curl - 2x4-6
Cable Curl - 1x6

Lying Skull Crushers - 2x4-6

Cable Press Down - 2x6
Dumbbell Kick-back - 1x6

Wrist Curl - 2x6-8

Dumbbell Wrist Curl - 1x6-8

Leg Raise - 2x12-15

Crunch - 2x8-10
Cable Crunch - 1x8-10

Wednesday - Shoulders and Traps

Military Press - 3x4-6

Dumbbell Press - 2x4-6
Dumbbell Side Laterals - 2x6-8

Barbell Shrugs - 2x4-6

Upright Rows - 2x4-6

Thursday - Back

Cable Pull Downs - 3x4-6

Seated Cable Row - 3x4-6
Barbell Bent Row - 2x4-6

Good Morning - 2x4-6

Hyper-extension (Weighted) - 2x4-6

Friday - Chest

Barbell Bench Press - 3x4-6

Barbell Incline Bench Press - 3x4-6

Weighted Dips - 2x4-6 Page 5 of 21
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Max-OT for Dummies - Forums 8/12/13 11:38 AM
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06-17-2005, 05:22 PM

roguephoenix so basically i'm training the chest group, for example, only once a week?
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Last edited by roguephoenix; 06-17-2005 at 05:30 PM.

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06-17-2005, 05:37 PM

Hoffman Do 6 to 9 total heavy sets per muscle group.

Registered User

So its not 6 sets per exersise? lol boy did i screw up i was doing 4-6 reps

so for squats i only should do about 4 sets ? then leg press 3 and leg extio

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06-17-2005, 05:40 PM Page 6 of 21
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06-17-2005, 06:07 PM

yeahimnick Originally Posted by Hoffman

The Ripper
..So its not 6 sets per exersise? lol boy did i screw up i was doing 4

I know a friend who does this, he just does 6 sets of usually 5 reps. For e
he'll do DB curls & hammer curls for 6 sets of 5 reps. It seems to me that
you guys think?

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06-18-2005, 12:19 AM

Hoffman all i know i did that with legs 4 days ago

Registered User and they are still soar as heck lol

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06-18-2005, 12:51 AM

clpggp Sticky please!

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06-18-2005, 06:05 AM

hepennypacker52 Originally Posted by ravadongon

Eats dogg crapp.
Nice, what are the other for dummies articles are you doing penny?

Hmm I'll try to remember off the top of my head...

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06-18-2005, 03:52 PM

hepennypacker52 Bump.
Eats dogg crapp.

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06-18-2005, 07:52 PM

hepennypacker52 Heh, this sure isn't getting as much publicity as HST for Dummies.
Eats dogg crapp.
You can ask any questions you have about the program, I'll try to answer Page 8 of 21
Max-OT for Dummies - Forums 8/12/13 11:38 AM

06-19-2005, 07:12 AM

hepennypacker52 Originally Posted by Bcrichsolo

Eats dogg crapp.
1st you move up in weight for different sets. for exam
bench starting @ 225 for 5 reps. Do my next sets use 225 or more?
2nd question...for max-OT cardio, what time of day is best for this.
wake up or right after you lift.

Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 7,613 1) If you can increase the weight, do it. You're training to failure.
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2) I'm not too sure, but don't do fasted cardio (in the morning) unless it's

06-19-2005, 08:45 AM

Registered User
Ahh so *this* is what I've been doing! I haven't known the name of the w
the past few weeks, but now I do.

Since I started (early April), I've experience large increases in strength bu


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06-19-2005, 09:18 AM

gonzo719 Originally Posted by hepennypacker52

2) I'm not too sure, but don't do fasted cardio (in the morning) unle

why are you only supposed to do low intensity cardio on an empty stomac
high intensity on an empty stomach?

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06-27-2005, 09:30 AM

adoniscomplex according to the 165 pg max ot pfp file you are supposed to do cardio 8 h
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06-27-2005, 09:51 AM

geoffsherman He:
Registered User
Good article. I thought I would add a couple of thoughts to this based on
have been using it for 8 months.

(1) Add Spider Curls to the Biceps area. Hands down, the best exercise fo
(2) Exercises should be changed out every 4-6 weeks
(3) This program should not be used for beginners. I know the site says it
Join Date: Jun 2004 my clients who are just starting out use this. The idea behind doing comp
Posts: 1,733
Rep Power: 84 beginners need. However, going that heavy when you are just startig out
(4) Leg press machine calf raise. Good for folks like myself who have gym
machines. I know, don't ask

Looking forward to learning more about some of these routines. I am swit Page 10 of 21
12-15-2005, 05:32 PM

Max-OT for Dummies - Forums
Originally Posted by geoffsherman
8/12/13 11:38 AM

Registered User
(2) Exercises should be changed out every 4-6 weeks
I am switching things up and starting WS4SB tonight

Yea i think you should definitely add that people should switch up exercise
Join Date: May 2003
Age: 28
Posts: 2,327 Are you doing a log for your WS4SB program?
Rep Power: 119

"The biggest risk in life is not taking one"

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. " - John W

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it eas
been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible
Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impos

12-15-2005, 05:41 PM

chickeneater good thread

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dont forget the: "Want Results Yesterday" attitude

and the week off is the hardest part due to the gains being so good.
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12-26-2005, 11:30 PM

I see that HST advocates the whole 'frequency' training bit. i.e. training e Page 11 of 21
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Max-OT for Dummies - Forums 8/12/13 11:38 AM

01-25-2006, 06:52 PM

hepennypacker52 ttt
Eats dogg crapp.

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01-25-2006, 06:56 PM

B.b. in stress! what would happen if i change my routine to 6-8 reps instead of 4-6? i rea
Registered User my chest area when doing max-ot. would switching up these reps ellicit m

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01-25-2006, 08:07 PM

Darkmind For Max-OT to make size gains within the 4-6 rep range area, you have to
Registered User making mostly strength gains. So for beginner's-intermediates, it's a good
dense. Page 12 of 21
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