Drama Calon Arang ING

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Once upon a time in the Kingdom of Daha led by King Erlangga, lived a very cruel widow. He was
named Calon Arang. He lives in the village of Girah. Candidate Charcoal is a follower of a black stream. He has
an adult daughter named Ratna Manggali. Because people are afraid of the widow, no man dares to apply for
Ratna Manggali. Knowing this, Calong Arang is angry and looks at the people as punishment. He performed a
horrible ceremony on the grave while delivering offerings.
1st round
One night Calon Arang is at the grave with various offerings for Dewi Durga
Candidate Charcoal : (Sitting in the cemetery, in front of it there are offerings) "Come .... Come to Dewi
Durga! I need your help .... Come .... "(spreading the flowers of the seven forms)
Dewi Durga : (appears suddenly) "Ha ... ha ... ha ... ha what did you call me Candidate Charcoal? "
Candidate Charcoal : "I need the help of Dewi ...."
Dewi Durga : "What help do you need? You want treasure? Or do you want a miracle? "
Candidate Charcoal : "That's not Goddess .... I want to make a magic for the village residents who have been
sassy Girah. Especially the young people who do not want me to marry Ratna Manggali,
my daughter. "
Dewi Durga : "What is the sculpture you want to make?"
Candidate Charcoal : "I want the villagers of Girah to have an epidemic of no illness."
Dewi Durga : "All right .... I'll grant your wish. "
Candidate Charcoal : "Thank you, Dewi ..."
Dewi Durga : "Sprinkle this powder into the river will undoubtedly appear a strange disease that no
cure" (giving a bag containing poison powder to Candidate Charcoal)
Candidate Charcoal : "Fine .. Goddess. I will sprinkle this powder. I can not wait to see the destruction of
Girah villagers. "
Dewi Durga : "Hurry to your house! And immediately sprinkle this powder. "
Candidate Charcoal : "I'll be home soon. Thanks again Dewi. "
Dewi Durga : "Yeah ... ha ... ha ... ha ..."
(Candidate Charcoal returns to his home)
On the way home, Candidate Charcoals pass several rivers. He immediately sprinkled poison powder
provided by Dewi Durga. The next day had appeared various strange diseases that plague in the village of
Girah. There is no cure for the outbreak.
2nd Round
Meanwhile at the Royal Palace, King Erlangga got a report from Patih about the act of Candidate Charcoal.
Patih : (kneel down and salute the King) "Your honorable servant."
The King of Erlangga : "I accept your honor. What's wrong? There seems to be something important that you
want to convey. "
Patih : "Really good. This is related to the fate of the citizens. "
King Erlangga : "What's wrong with my citizen Patih?"
Patih : "The people in the village of Girah suffer from an outbreak of odd disease. The disease
is no cure. All the doctors are not able to treat the strange epidemic. "
King Erlangga : "Has the cause been studied?"
Patih : "Based on the information of the citizens, this is a curse disease made by Candidate
Charcoal, the Black Witch."
King Erlangga : (shocked) "What? Candidate Charcoal? How dare he make a mess. Immediately send
troops to attack Candidate Charcoal! Do not let him live. "
Patih : "Good to you. I'll do it soon. (Salute) I beg to say goodbye to the soldiers. "
King Erlangga : "Yes immediately tell the soldiers to prepare for war."
Patih : "Good paduka." (Out of the palace and immediately told the soldiers)
Soon after being told by Patih the soldiers prepared everything for the war. At first the army troops were
sent to Girah to kill the Candidate Charcoal but to no avail because the widow was very powerful. Some of the
King's messengers were killed.
After days of reflecting on this problem finally Patih and King Erlangga agreed to ask the Empu
Bharadah for help. The king sent Patih to go to the padepokan Empu Bharadah in Desa Lemah Tulis to ask for
help. Applications received by Empu Bharadah.
3rd round
Empu Bharadah asked Bahula to help sincerely defeat Candidate Charcoal. Bharadah's master and
Bahula sat in the living room to discuss the royal mission.
Bharadah's Master : "There are important things I want to convey to you. This is the Kingdom's duty. "
Bahula : "What kind of work should I do?"
Empar Bharadah : "This task you must do sincerely and sincerely. Marry with Ratna Manggali. "
Bahula : "Good Teacher."
Empu Bharadah : "After you marry Ratna, ask her about the power of Candidate Charcoal."
Bahula : "Good teacher, do I just ask?"
Bharadah's master : "Of course not. You have to look for weaknesses. Then tell me about that weakness.
And I'll fight it. "
Bahula : "I will definitely do that teacher. The day after tomorrow I will go to Calon Arang's
house, I will apply for her daughter. Definitely my proposal is accepted. "
Bharadah's master : "If that's for sure. Do not let you neglect this task. It deals with citizens. In addition, you
can also deepen the knowledge you have. "
Bahula : "Yes teacher. I'll try my best."
Bharadah's master : "All right. Immediately do the preparation for the application procession. "
Bahula : "Immediately I prepare."
4th round
A few days later Bahula went to Candidate Charcoal to apply for Ratna Manggali.
Bahula : (knocking on the door of Calon Arang's house) "Excuse me .... "
Candidate Charcoal : (opening the door) "Oh .... There was a guest turned out. What is it necessary for you to
come here? "
Bahula : "I came to Nyai's house to apply for Nyai's daughter."
Candidate Charcoal : "Do you really want to marry my daughter? You're not playing games right? "
Bahula : "I really want to marry Nyai's daughter. There is no intention to play games. "
Candidate Charcoal : "All right. I'll accept your proposal. I will prepare everything related to my daughter's
wedding. "
Bahula : "Thank you Nyai. I will try to be a good husband for Ratna Manggali. "
5th round
Held a massive wedding party for seven days and seven nights. The party that took place was very
pleasing to Candidate Charcoal. Ratna Manggali and Bahula are also very happy. They love each other and
(Both brides stand to shake hands with invited guests)
Candidate Charcoal : "Finally, you married my daughter. You have a handsome and handsome husband.
"(Hugging his daughter)
Ratna Manggali : "Yes mother. I am so glad."
Candidate Charcoal : "May you guys grandparents."
Bahula : "Amiin ..."
(They continue the party with a happy heart)
The wedding party has passed, but the excitement still includes the village of Girah. Bahula utilizes the
moment to carry out his duties. From Ratna Manggali, Bahula knows that Candidate Characters always read the
book and every night perform the ceremony at the cemetery.
Bahula immediately set the tactics to steal the Book of Magic. At midnight, Bahula sneaked into the
Aron Candidate. The Candidate of Charcoal slept too deeply. Bahula managed to steal the Book of Sorrow
Candidate Charcoal and Bahula returned to the Weak Writing while carrying the book and telling the habit of
CalonArang to Empar Bharadah. Bahula was immediately sent back to Girah before it was discovered by his
6th round
Bharadah's master follows Girah. In the cemetery of Girah Village meet Bharadah with Candidate Charcoal.
Bharadah's master : "Stop your witchcraft now Candidate Charcoal! Do not you continue your cruel deeds. "
Candidate Charcoal : "What is your business? Why do you take care of my private business? "
Empar Bharadah : "Your business is my business now! Because you have dared to torment these villagers.
Quickly stop your magic! "
Candidate Charcoal : "No way! What's your right to tell me to stop my magic? "
Empar Bharadah : "Stop your witchcraft. Or you do not survive. "(Angry)
Candidate Charcoal : "Already! Do not talk too much. "(Suddenly attacking the Bharadah Empu)
Bharadah's master : "I'll do well if you want to fight." (Against Calon Arang)
There was a great battle between Candidate Charcoal and Empu Bharadah. Since the magic book that
had been in his hands was gone, the Candle Charcoon finally died.
Ratna Manggali was shocked and sad when she got news about the death of Candidate Charcoal. He and
Bahula immediately headed to the grave to see his mother's body.
Ratna Manggali : "Mother ... .. do not go Mother ... .. Do not leave Ratna mother ..." (crying and
embracing her mother who was not lifeless)
Bahula : "Patience Dinda, maybe this is the best way for all of us. Just show it up. "(To appease
his grieving wife)
Empar Bharadah : "Do not be sad. This is the destiny of the Almighty. "
Bahula : "Yes Master."
Ratna Manggali : "How could I not be sad. My mother died. "(Release his embrace)
Bahula : "Yeah I know. Do you cry with your cries? Your mother can come back to life? Is not
it? "
Ratna Manggali : "All right. I will try to illustrate Mother. "
Bharadah's master : "Immediately burial the body of your father-in-law of Bahula. Hopefully after this event
things will improve again. "
Bahula : "Well Teacher, I will do it."
The Calon Arang Cemetery is done immediately. Since then, the village of Girah has become as
peaceful as ever. All the people are happy because no one has made anxiety. Ratna and Bahula are also happy,
their lives are peaceful and become a husband and wife who love each other.
Such is the end of Calon Arang's story that has a temper and can not master his lust. One should not
impose his will on others and do not do something that is hated by others. Because coercion of will will be bad
for yourself or those around him

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