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Student workbook

Unit 1 Page 1
Unit 2 2
Unit 3 3
Unit 4 4
Unit 5 5
Unit 6 6
Unit 7 7
Unit 8 8
Unit 9 9
Unit 10 10
Unit 11 11
Unit 12 12
Unit 13 13
Unit 14 14
Unit 15 15
Unit 16 16
Unit 17 17
Unit 18 18
Answer Key 19

ii Car Care
1 Label the diagram with the words listed below.

engine gearbox steering suspension rear axles fuel tank drive shaft

1 1 2 3 4 5 6

2 Complete the text with the words listed below.

distance model driver long towing schedule

Car servicing, or 1
of car maintenance, depends on several factors. These include the year,
make, and 2
of the car, its driving conditions and 3
behaviour. Car makers
recommend a service schedule based on the following issues:
• number of trips and 4
travelled per trip per day
• extreme hot or cold climate conditions
• mountainous, dusty or de-iced roads
• city stop-and-go driving or 5
-distance cruising
• 6
heavy loads.

3 Match the words (1–6) with the definitions (a–f).

1 release a to force into less space
2 open b to force (a fluid) into a passage or cavity
3 convert c the use of force on a surface against an object
4 inject d to move from a shut or closed position
5 pressure e to let go
6 compress f change into a different form

4 Complete the sentences with the words listed below.

filter coolant turns pressure wheel power

1 Bad tyre can affect fuel economy.
2 The starter motor begins a process that the flywheel and the crankshaft.
3 The alternator provides to every part of the vehicle once it is started.
4 The steering column is topped with the steering  
5 A fuel pump pushes fuel from the tank, through a that removes any dirt.
6 A water pump pushes engine through passages in the motor.

Car Care 1
1 Match the words (1–8) with the objects (a–h) to make exterior car parts.
1 head a wipers
2 exhaust b lights
3 wheel c trim
4 front d bumper
5 petrol e cap
6 windscreen f mirror
7 wing g handle
8 door h pipe

2 Label the diagram with the words listed below.

bonnet front bumper headlight indicator petrol cap roof tyre wheel arch windscreen wing

1 10

3 2
10 3
8 4
7 6 5

3 Match the parts of the diagram (1–8) with the instruments.

1 coolant temperature gauge
2 driver information system
3 engine oil temperature 3
80 3
4 5 100
100 140
40 80 160
30 40
60 180
4 hazard warning/ 120 x100
120 1/1 40 200 20 1/min

80 1/2
20 2
6 220

indicator lights 60
40 0
0 miles 240 140
5 70 8
5 fuel gauge C Volt

6 rev counter 1

7 speedometer
8 voltmeter

4 Look at the picture in Question 3. Which instrument…?

1 shows you how fast the car is travelling?
2 warns you if the engine lubrication system gets too hot?
3 shows that you are indicating to turn left or right?
4 shows you how often the engine is turning over?
5 shows you how much petrol you have in the tank?
6 indicates the voltage of the car’s electrical system?

2 Car Care
1 Match the verbs (1–6) with the definitions (a–f).
1 adjust a make sure something is correct or safe
2 check b fill to the correct level
3 fit c change something slightly because it is in the wrong position
4 inspect d try something to see how well it works
5 test e put something in the correct place
6 top up f look at something very closely or in detail

2 Complete the puzzle. 1 2

3 4
1 This keeps the brake lubricated: brake .
3 This can be petrol or diesel.
5 This fluid is put in the cooling system. 5

7 The motion of the pistons rotates this. 6

10 You use a dipstick to check the level. 7 8 9

11 You need electricity from this to start the engine.


2 A type of fuel. 11

4 This moves up and down in the cylinder.

5 A six- engine.
6 This fluid is used to the windscreen clean: windscreen .
8 This is highly corrosive: battery .
9 This ignites the fuel-air mixture in petrol engines. (2 words)

3 Put these steps for changing a tyre in the correct order.

a Remove the old tyre from under the vehicle and lower the vehicle.
b Take the spare tyre out of the boot and make sure it is in good condition.
c Check again to make sure the wheel nuts are tight.
d Remove the tyre and put it under the vehicle, next to the jack.
e Put the vehicle into gear (manual transmission) or park (automatic).
f Use a jack to raise the vehicle.
g Fit the spare tyre and tighten the wheel nuts.
h Secure the opposite wheel to stop it moving.
i Loosen the wheel nuts slightly.
j Loosen the wheel nuts more and remove them.

  e   2    3     4    5    6    7    8     9    10 

Car Care 3
1 Read the text and answer the questions.
The principle of the internal combustion engine has not changed in over 100 years. The engine takes in
fuel and air which is compressed in a combustion chamber. The mixture is then ignited by a spark plug
to produce an explosion, which moves the piston in the cylinder. The up and down motion of the piston
in the cylinder is converted into a rotational motion by the crankshaft. The rotational force generated by
the engine is known as torque.

1 What has not changed in 100 years?

2 Fuel and air are compressed in a …?

3 What ignites the fuel and air?

4 What is the rotational force generated by the engine called?

2 Complete the table.

Verb Noun Adjective

to 1
power 2

to 4
to 5 6
to 7
rotation 8

to 9

3 Match the letters with the names of the components.

1 windscreen/ headlight washer container
2 engine oil dipstick
3 battery d
4 engine oil filter cap c

5 power steering reservoir

6 radiator expansion tank
7 brake fluid reservoir

f g


4 Car Care
1 Label the diagram with the parts listed below.
brake line 1
brake pad 5
piston 2
4 4

2 Match the brake parts (1–5) with the descriptions (a–e).

1 disc
2 calliper
3 brake line
4 piston
5 brake pad
a Round plate interlocked with the wheel. Its rotation slows down as it is braked by the friction of the
brake pads.
b Tube carrying the brake fluid, which becomes pressurized when the driver steps on the brake pedal.
c Vicelike part comprising a piston, which straddles the brake disc and supports the brake pads.
d Part put into motion by hydraulic pressure, which pushes the brake pads to squeeze the disc.
e Metal plate that is held by the calliper; it is covered with a heat-resistant material that rubs against
the disc to slow down its rotation.

3 Read the text and answer the questions.

Removing brake pads
Once the car is elevated and the tyre and wheel have been removed to expose the brake rotor and
calliper, you can begin to remove the brake pads. First you need to remove the calliper. Using your
spanner, loosen the bolts whilst holding the calliper in place, and then remove the bolts. Once those bolts
are removed, lift the calliper off the brake rotor. It will still be connected to the vehicle via the brake line.
DO NOT let the calliper hang by the brake line as this could cause damage to the brake line. Secure the
calliper to a nearby suspension component. Make sure that the brake line is slack and not pinched or
kinked. Turn the calliper over, and you can now see the brake pads. Remove the pins or bolts that hold
them in place and slide the pads out.

1 What do you need to do to expose the brake rotor?

2 What tool should you use to loosen the bolts?

3 Why is it important not to let the calliper hang by the brake line?

4 You must ensure the brake line is not …?

Car Care 5
1 Find ten actions relating to car maintenance. c t c w f g o s n q
The words read from left to right (→) and top o e h c i g n f i t
to bottom (↓). s s e e l w o x u y
g t c n l s d j c u
check locate change  c n k o q u r g s g
fit seal remove fill  h y c l o c a t e j
drain replace test a g g j s n i z a c
n u n y s w n o l q
g c r e m o v e x g
e s z r e p l a c e

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1 You (opened) the bonnet to look at the engine.
2 The air filter needs (replaced) .
3 Have you (check) the oil?
4 The customer said the brakes are (squeak) .
5 The brake line is worn; brake fluid is (leak) out.
6 There is a crack in the exhaust system. That’s why it is so (noise) .

3 Complete the dialogue with the words listed below.

model wipers Thursday routine exhaust serviced

Customer: Good morning, could I arrange for my car to be 1
Garage: Of course. When would you like to bring it in?
Customer: 2
Garage: Not a problem, I can book it in for 9am. What is the make and 3
of the car?
Customer: It’s a Ford Focus.
Garage: Is this a 4
Customer: Yes, but I have noticed the 5
is quite noisy and the windscreen
don’t always work.
Garage: Okay, I’ll make a note of that. See you on Thursday.

4 Match the phrasal verbs (1–6) with the definitions (a–f).

1 chase up
2 carry out b perform a task
3 catch up c cause a delay
4 get on with d contact somebody in order to remind them to do something
5 fall behind e spend extra time doing something because you haven’t done it earlier
6 hold up f make progress
a lose time on a schedule

6 Car Care
1 Label the tools (1–5) with the words listed below.

spanner pliers car jack tyre pressure gauge screwdriver

1  2  3  4  5 

2 Match the words (1–5) with their opposites (a–e).

1 organized a dirty
2 clean b disorganized
3 clear (instructions) c cluttered
4 clear (workbench) d unsafe
5 safe e unclear

3 Label the oxyacetylene welding equipment diagram with the words listed below.

welding torch  1
bottle cart 
oxygen cylinder
acetylene cylinder 2
pressure regulator
3 4

4 Match the processes (1–6) with the descriptions (a–f).

1 soldering a Bonding by melting a soft metal to the surface of pieces to be joined.
2 brazing b A soldering process, where the surface of a metal is coated with solder.
3 leading c Work is heated to melting point and beyond, and “cut” by oxidizing metal.
4 welding d Similar to soldering, but uses a higher temperature to fuse the filler metal
5 tinning to the work pieces.
6 cutting e A form of soldering; solder is used to fill in the surface of metal.
f Joining two similar work pieces by melting them together.

Car Care 7
1 Label the engine diagram with the words listed below. 1
oil filter  cooling system  sump plug  exhaust system 
drive belts  air filter  fuel filter  master cylinder 2

1 5
2 6 7

3 7
4 8 6

2 Complete the dialogue by matching the verbs in list A with the items in list B.
fit brake pipes
change brake pads and discs
inspect oil filter
check cooling system pressure
test engine oil
A: OK, let’s see what you remember. Let’s start with the engine. We need to 1
– this car should take 3.9 litres. What do we put in place at the same time?

B: We 3
a new 4
A: That’s right – good. And maybe a new sump plug washer too. OK, what else?
C: We need to 5
the 6
. And the level of the system fluid.
A: Good. What about the brakes? What do we need to look at there?
B: We need to 7
the 8
A: That’s right – why do we do that?
D: To make sure they are in good condition – that there are no leaks.
C: And also, 9
the 10
. Front and rear.
A: Anything else?

3 Label the tractor hydraulics diagram with words listed below.

transaxle hydraulic motor  6
oil reservoir 
hydraulic pump 
oil cooler
attachment lift cylinder 
travel control valve
3 3

4 4


8 Car Care
1 Complete the text with the words listed below.
ignition gear engine spin flywheel powerful

The starter motor
The starter motor is a 1
electric motor, which turns the 2
over until it starts.
On most starter motors, when the 3
key is turned to the start position an electrical
conductor moves the starter 4
into engagement with a toothed ring fitted to the outside of
the engine’s 5
. Power is then supplied to the motor to 6
the flywheel until the
engine starts.

2 Label the diesel fuel system diagram with the words listed below.
fuel tank 
fuel filter 
fuel injection pump 
fuel return line 
fuel injectors

4 3

3 Write the full terms for the abbreviations.

1 FWD 7 Nm
2 bhp 8 rpm
3 g/km 9 RWD
4 GDI 10 SI
5 mpg 11 TDI
6 mph

4 Find eight words relating to car parts. f q o b b l o a x g

The words read from left to right (→) e x h a u s t r o e
and top to bottom(↓). m o f t l k y z q a
k c c t x m f j k r
battery engine exhaust  o l q e n g i n e b
brake gearbox alternator  z u b r a k e b t o
clutch radiator f t i y u k o o q x

b c r a d i a t o r
m h z o x f c t l k
a l t e r n a t o r

Car Care 9
1 Read the text and answer the questions.
Air filter
Air is sucked into an engine when the pistons move down the cylinders, creating suction. If the air
contained dirt, insects or any other contaminants, it would be sucked straight into the engine, possibly
causing serious damage. The filter is used to prevent any dirt entering the engine. It is important the
air filter is renewed regularly, to stop it from becoming blocked, which would prevent air getting into
the engine.

1 When is air sucked into the engine?

2 What happens if dirt gets into the engine?

3 What prevents dirt getting into the engine?

4 Why should the air filter be regularly renewed?

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
Add prepositions or articles where necessary.
1 The driver-condition-detection sensor shakes the driver’s seat, which
(prevent/ driver/ fall/ asleep).
2 The road-surface sensor detects the road is icy, which
(cause/ice warning/ appear) on the instrument panel.
3 If the fuel sensor detects the fuel is contaminated, the supply to the engine is cut, which
(stop/ engine/ work).
4 The seatbelt sensor detects the driver has not fastened his/ her seatbelt which,
(prevent/ car/ start).

3 Each of these verbs has a related noun ending in –r which refers to an instrument or component.
Complete the column of nouns.
Verb Noun Verb Noun
1 record 6 process
2 transmit 7 amplify
3 transform 8 collect
4 charge 9 detect
5 rectify 10 tune

4 Match the test and repair instruments (1–4) with their uses (a–d).
1 Multimeter a This is used to measure a number of different electrical quantities
2 Logic probe such as voltage, current and resistance.
3 Oscilloscope b This is used to measure fast moving signals.
4 Function generator c This instrument is used for measuring voltage levels and pulses in
digital logic circuits.
d This instrument contains a triangular wave oscillator which can be
switched to produce triangular, square or sine waves over a range
of frequencies.

10 Car Care
1 Label the diagram of a typical four-wheel drive layout with the words listed below.
engine  transfer gearbox  front propeller shaft  front differential  gearbox
driveshafts (x2)  rear propeller shaft  rear differential

1 1 2 3 4

9 8 7

2 Complete the text with the words listed below.

components plate release engine gear clutch

The clutch
The 1
allows power to be transferred smoothly from the 2
to the transmission
when moving away from a standstill and when changing 3
. The clutch has five main
; the friction disc, the pressure 5
, the diaphragm spring, the cover, and the

3 Read the statements below and select the correct answer.

1 When you want the car to go faster, you press this.
a  brake pedal b clutch c gearbox d accelerator
2 This cools down the car’s engine.
a  radiator b battery c distributor d pump
3 When you want to shift up or down a gear, you press this down.
a gearbox b gas c accelerator d  clutch pedal
4 This provides your battery with the electricity it needs.
a  spark plugs b ignition c generator d accumulator

4 Complete the table of nouns and adjectives.

Noun Adjective Noun Adjective

1 circle 5 rectangle

2 spherical 6 triangular

3 square 7 cone

4 cuboid 8 cylindrical

Car Care 11
1 Complete the table by matching the verbs with the nouns listed below.
bonnet  boot door fog lights fuel headlights indicator oil level petrol cap
seat belt side mirror steering wheel tyre pressure windscreenwipers coolant

Open/Close Adjust Switch on/off Check

2 Complete the sentences with the correct verb from the words listed below.
ignites fitted rotates lubricates injected accelerates

1 The car from 0-60mph in 8 seconds.
2 We have new tyres.
3 A spark plug the mixture.
4 Fuel is directly into the combustion chamber.
5 Oil the moving parts.
6 The motion of the piston the crankshaft.

3 Label the diagram of a typical steering layout with words listed below.
pinion moulded bearing balljoint spring pin or ball damper rack boot

5 3
4 5
8 8

4 Complete the text with the words listed below.

connects wheels movement gear system column

Steering system
The main components of the steering 1
are the steering wheel, the steering ,

the steering gear and the track rods. The steering column 3
the steering wheel to
the steering gear. The steering 4
(often called a steering rack) transforms the rotary

12 Car Care
1 Label the diagram of a car’s electrical system with the words listed below.
ignition switch battery alternator starter voltage regulator starter solenoid

3 6 1
4 5
5 2
6 4

2 Circle the automotive parts that are affected by electrical systems.

Airbag or SRS system Handbrake Ignition switch
Exhaust pipe Tyre Radio/Car stereo
Clutch Climate controls Indicators
Alternator Headlights Air filter
Battery Wheel Windscreen wipers

3 Match the electrical system parts (1–4) with their checks and maintenance (a–d).
1 battery a check for cleanliness and good connections.
2 alternator b check for cleanliness, connections are good and that it is up
3 starter to charge.
4 cables and connections c check for wear and remove rust and corrosion.
d check that it is charging properly, connections are good and
belt tension is sufficient .

4 Read the text and answer the questions.

The alternator
The alternator uses the principle of electromagnetism to produce current. There are two main
components that make up an alternator. They are the rotor and the stator. The rotor is connected
directly to the alternator pulley. The drive belt spins the pulley, which in turn spins the rotor. The stator
is mounted to the body of the alternator and remains stationary. There is just enough room in the centre
of the stator for the rotor to fit and be able to spin without making any contact.

1 What principle does the alternator use to produce current?

2 What are the two components that make up an alternator?

3 What is the rotor connected to?

4 What is the stator mounted to?

Car Care 13
1 Match the automotive terms (1–6) with the descriptions (a–f).
1 axle a the main reservoir for the engine oil.
2 brake pad b a spindle on which a wheel revolves.
3 cam belt c a metal tube in the engine, in which a piston slides.
4 sump d a toothed drivebelt used to transmit drive from the crankshaft to the camshaft.
5 cylinder e a metal plate, with a pad of hard-wearing friction material bonded to one side.
6 dipstick f a metal or plastic rod with graduated marks used to check the level of a fluid.

2 Complete the text with the words listed below.

lifting vehicles rolling position chocked accidents

Plant and equipment health and safety
Plant and equipment can cause 1
if they are used unsafely or are poorly maintained.
Vehicles falling or 2
off incorrectly positioned jacks or stands, particularly where they are
not 3
, is one of the main causes of fatal accidents in MVR. In particular:
• Correctly maintain 4
plant and equipment, including bottle/trolley jacks, axle stands.
• Ensure they are regularly serviced, maintained and, where necessary, thoroughly examined.
• Use correct pins in axle stands.
• Correctly 5
jacks and axle stands, and use chocks.
• Ensure that 6
are always properly supported.

3 Match the pictures of personal protective equipment with the descriptions (a–e).
1 2 3

4 5

a Eye injuries are the most common occurrence in the automotive maintenance industry. Wear safety
glasses with side shields, or goggles if you are working with liquids.
b Wear foot protection such as steel-toed boots, to protect against spills, slippage and falling tools.
c Wear gloves whenever possible. Mechanics routinely handle hot, sharp metal, often dripping with
chemicals. Routine handling of solvents, oil, fibreglass, coolants and other irritants with bare hands
can cause skin problems.
d Wear disposable earplugs when noise is loud due to engine, compressor and impact tool noises.
e Avoid head injuries and use head protection. Whenever a car is lifted on the hydraulic hoist, parts
can fall.

1    2    3    4    5 

14 Car Care
1 Read the text and answer the questions.
Heavy machinery mechanics
Heavy-duty equipment mechanics repair, troubleshoot, adjust, overhaul and maintain mobile heavy-
duty equipment used in construction, transportation, forestry, mining, oil and gas, material handling,
landscaping, land clearing, farming and similar activities. They are employed by companies which own
and operate heavy equipment, and by heavy equipment dealers, rental and service establishments,
railway transport companies and urban transit systems.

1 Provide three examples of the work that heavy machinery mechanics do.

2 Provide examples of three industries that employ heavy machinery mechanics.

3 Provide three examples of heavy machinery mechanic employers.

2 Read the statements (1–3) and choose the correct answer.

1 What system of an automobile or truck determines the vehicle’s cornering ability and ride stiffness?
a Steering system
b Braking system
c Electrical system
d Suspension system
2 The reason a particular quarter inch nut may not fit a particular quarter inch bolt is because …
a they may be of different thread classifications.
b a quarter inch bolt is incompatible with a quarter inch nut of the same size.
c the metal alloys from which the nut and bolt are made may cause the nut to “seize.”
d quarter-inch bolts require a nut of a slightly larger size to fit.
3 It would be better to use thick viscosity motor oil in …
a cold climates (makes vehicle start-ups easier).
b tropical climates (makes the engine heat build-up).
c Eastern United States.
d four-wheel drive vehicles.

3 Rearrange the letters to make engine parts.

1 siptno 4 upms
2 gulp kasrp 5 hacraksntf
3 lavev

4 Find eight words relating to heavy q t r a n s p o r t

machinery mechanics. The words read from h r e p a i r f z o
left to right (→) and top to bottom (↓). e u a c o b u h p s
z c s o t q e k t a
truck bus hydraulic f k h n o u n j r v
tractor control repair   o q e t a v h l a u
transport safety h y d r a u l i c z
h p b o t k f e t b
e z a l u o h q o u
s a f e t y z e r s

Car Care 15
1 Label the diagram of a car’s cooling system layout with the words listed below.
engine cylinder block  expansion tank  heater matrix  inlet manifold
coolant pump  bleed screws radiator  cooling fan switch
2 7

4 6
7 5
8 3 2

2 Read the questions (1–4) and choose the correct answer.

1 What’s the first step in a diesel engine’s combustion process?
a  fuel injection b  air compression c  fuel mixing
2 What lights the fuel in a diesel engine?
a  spark plugs b heat c  the piston
3 Why does diesel fuel evaporate slower than gasoline?
a  its boiling point is lower b  it’s heavier c  it’s oilier
4 Which of the following technologies has helped reduce some of diesel’s harmful emissions?
a  catalytic converters b  diesel daubers c  smaller engines

3 Label the diagram of the diesel power stroke cycle with the words listed below.

1    2    3    4 
4 Complete the sentences with the words listed below.
air converting power water cylinder petrol

1 The diesel engine does not require a large supply or a long warming-up period.
2 The diesel engine is highly efficient in heat energy into work.
3 The diesel engine differs from the engine in that the ignition of fuel is caused by
compression of in its cylinders instead of by a spark.
4 The speed and of the diesel are controlled by varying the amount of fuel injected into
the , not the amount of air admitted as in the gasoline engine.

16 Car Care
1 Complete the text with the words listed below.
worn poor suspension car faulty release

Worn shock absorbers
When shock absorbers wear, it causes 1
handling and braking because the body of the
will move more than usual. Driving a car with 3
shock absorbers can be
very dangerous.
To check a car’s shock absorbers, press down and then 4
each corner of the car in turn. The
corner of the car should move back up to its original position, and settle. If the 5
rises up and
bounces when you let go, or if you hear a hissing or knocking sound as the suspension moves, the shock
absorber is probably worn or 6

2 Complete the sentences with the words listed below.

accumulate friction vibrate pedal fluid

1 Brake sits in a sealed, air-tight reservoir on top of the master cylinder.
2 Water can cause air to in your brake lines.
3 The metal rotor that the brake pads squeeze together can sometimes , causing a
squeaking noise.
4 When you press on the brake you’re pushing on a piston.
5 The brakes transmit the force to the tires using .

3 Match the automotive terms (1–6) with the descriptions (a–f).

1 fuel filter a a device that’s used to mix air and petrol in the right proportions required
2 piston for burning by the engine.
3 spark plug b a renewable filter that removes dust and dirt particles from the fuel.
4 valve c cylindrical component which slides in a close-fitting cylinder.
5 carburettor d a device that opens or closes to stop or allow gas or fluid flow.
6 coolant e a liquid consisting of a mixture of water and antifreeze, used in a car’s
engine cooling system.
f a device that provides the spark in a petrol engine’s combustion chamber.

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
Add prepositions or articles where necessary.
1 When the pneumatic sensor notices the air pressure in a tyre has fallen a red light appears
which (let/ driver/ know) which tyre has a problem.
2 The distance-to-vehicle ahead sensor creates an audible warning sound which
(enable/ the driver/ see) if he/ she is getting too close to
another vehicle.
3 If the speed sensor detects the car is travelling faster that 250 km/ h, the fuel supply to the engine is
reduced, which (make/ the car/ slow down).
4 If the door sensor detects a door is not closed properly, a light appears on the display panel
which (allow/ the driver/ see) which door it is.

Car Care 17
1 Rearrange the words (1–4) to make questions. Then match each question to an answer (a–d).
1 what/ use/ type/ fuel/ does/ of/ it?

2 miles/ many/ it/ how/ has/ done?

3 what’s/ tank/ capacity/ fuel/ the?

4 wheel/ drive/ is/ four/ it/ a?

a 67 000  b  37 litres   c diesel   d yes

2 Read the sentences and decide if they are true (T) or false (F).
1 Brake fluid is mainly used to lubricate the mechanical parts.
2 The brakes fluid reservoir has removable cap.
3 The brake fluid pushes the piston into the master cylinder.
4 The brake line connects to the disc.
5 The callipers open and close.
6 The push rod is connected to the piston in the master cylinder.

3 The verbs on the left commonly occur with one of the nouns on the right.
Match a verb (1–7) to a noun (a–g).
1 actuate a a capacitor
2 adjust b a circuit
3 boost c a control
4 complete d frequency
5 discharge e a relay
6 induce f a signal
7 change g a voltage

4 Put the words in the correct order to make health and safety guidelines.
1 operates a health and safety policy/ employees, trainees, contractors, and visitors/
Electronics Specialists/ aimed at protecting all

2 is safe/ and without risk/ the workplace/ to health

3 under control/ dust, fumes, and noise/ all/ are kept

4 meet the safety standards/ required/ all/ plant and machinery must

5 all/ are handled/ articles and substances/ and used safely/ stored

6 are given/ health and safety/ all staff/ sufficient information, training, and supervision/ to perform
their job/ to enable them/ and ensure their

18 Car Care
Answer Key
Unit 1 3 1 g  2 c  3 a  4 d  5 f  6 e  7 b
1 1 engine 5 fuel tank
2 gearbox 6 drive shaft Unit 5
3 suspension 7 steering 1 1 brake line 4 disc
4 rear axles 2 piston 5 calliper
3 brake pad
2 1 schedule 4 distance
2 model 5 long 2 1 a  2 c  3 b  4 d  5 e
3 driver 6 towing
3 1 Elevate the car and remove the tyre and wheel.
3 1 e  2 d  3 f  4 b  5 c  6 a 2 Spanner.
3 It could damage the brake line.
4 1 pressure 4 wheel
4 Ensure the brake line is not pinched or kinked.
2 turns 5 filter
3 power 6 coolant
Unit 6
Unit 2 1 t c f
1 1 b  2 h  3 c  4 d  5 e  6 a  7 f  8 g e h i f i t
2 1 roof s e l
2 petrol cap t c dl
3 tyre c k r s
4 wheel arch h l o c a t e
5 wing a i a
6 indicator
n n l
7 front bumper
8 headlight g r e m o v e
9 bonnet e r e p l a c e
10 windscreen 2 1 open 4 squeaking
3 1 4  2 8  3 1  4 3  5 5  6 2  7 6  8 7 2 replacing 5 leaking
3 checked 6 noisy
4 1 speedometer
2 engine oil temperature gauge 3 1 serviced 4 routine
3 hazard warning/ indicator lights 2 Thursday 5 exhaust
4 rev counter 3 model 6 wipers
5 fuel gauge 4 1 d  2 b  3 e  4 f  5 a  6 c
6 voltmeter
Unit 7
Unit 3
1 1 spanner 4 screwdriver
1 1 c  2 a  3 e  4 f  5 d  6 b 2 pliers 5 tyre pressure gauge
2 Across Down 3 car jack
1 fluid 2 diesel
2 1 b  2 a  3 e  4 c  5 d
3 fuel 4 piston
5 coolant 5 cylinder 3 1 bottle cart 4 welding torch
7 crankshaft 6 washer 2 pressure regulator 5 oxygen cylinder
10 oil 8 acid 3 acetylene cylinder
11 battery 9 spark plug
4 1 a  2 d  3 e  4 f  5 b  6 c
3 The correct order is: e, b, h, i, f, j, d, g, a, c
Unit 8
Unit 4 1 1 air filter
1 1 The principle of the internal combustion engine 2 cooling system
2 Combustion chamber 3 drive belts
3 A spark plug 4 sump plug
4 Torque 5 oil filter
6 exhaust system
2 1 power 6 explosion 7 fuel filter
2 powerful 7 rotate 8 master cylinder
3 combustion 8 rotational
4 ignite 9 transmit
5 explode

Car Care 19
Answer Key

3 1 recorder 6 processor
2 1 change 2 transmitter 7 amplifier
2 engine oil 3 transformer 8 collector
3 fit 4 charger 9 detector
4 oil filter 5 rectifier 10 tuner
5 check
4 1 a  2 c  3 b  4 d
6 cooling system pressure
7 inspect Unit 11
8 brake pipes
9 test 2 1 engine
10 brake pads and discs 2 gearbox
3 rear propeller shaft
3 1 transaxle hydraulic motor 4 rear differential
2 oil reservoir 5 driveshafts
3 hydraulic pump 6 transfer gearbox
4 oil cooler 7 front propeller shaft
5 attachment lift cylinder 8 front differential
6 travel control valve 9 driveshafts

Unit 9 2 1 clutch 4 components

2 engine 5 plate
1 1 powerful 4 gear
3 gear 6 release
2 engine 5 flywheel
3 ignition 6 spin 3 1 d  2 a  3 d  4 c
2 1 fuel return line 4 fuel filter 4 1 circular 5 rectangular
2 fuel injectors 5 fuel tank 2 sphere 6 triangle
3 fuel injection pump 3 square 7 conical
4 cube 8 cylinder
3 1 front-wheel drive
2 brake horsepower Unit 12
3 grams per kilometre
4 Gasoline Direct Injection
5 miles per gallon Open/ Close Adjust Switch on/off Check

6 miles per hour boot seat belt fog lights fuel

7 Newton metre bonnet side mirror headlights oil level
8 revolutions per minute
door steering wheel indicator tyre pressure
9 rear-wheel drive
10 spark injection petrol cap windscreen coolant
1 1 turbo direct injection
4 b g 2 1 accelerates 4 injected
2 fitted 5 lubricates
e x h a u s t e
3 ignites 6 rotates
t a
c t r 3 1 boot 5 balljoint
2 moulded bearing 6 damper
l e n g i n e b
3 spring 7 rack
u b r a k e o 4 pin or ball 8 pinion
t y x
c r a d i a t o r
4 1 system 4 gear
2 column 5 movement
h 3 connects 6 wheels
a l t e r n a t o r
Unit 13
Unit 10 1 1 ignition switch 4 starter
1 1 When the pistons move down the cylinders. 2 alternator 5 voltage regulator
2 Dirt could cause serious damage to the engine. 3 battery 6 starter solenoid
3 The air filter. 2 Airbag or SRS system
4 To stop the filter from becoming blocked. Alternator
2 1 prevents the driver (from) falling asleep Battery
2 causes an ice warning to appear Climate controls
3 stops the engine (from) working Headlights
4 preventing the car (from) starting Ignition switch
Radio/Car stereo
Windscreen wipers

20 Car Care
Answer Key

3 1 b  2 d  3 a  4 c 4 1 lets the driver know

2 enable the driver to see
Unit 14 3 makes the car slow down
1 1 b  2 e  3 d  4 a  5 c  6 f 4 allows the driver to see

2 1 accidents 4 lifting Unit 18

2 rolling 5 position
1 1 What type of fuel does it use? c
3 chocked 6 vehicles
2 How many miles has it done? a
3 1 e  2 c  3 d  4 b  5 a 3 What’s the fuel tank capacity? b
4 Is it a four wheel drive? d
Unit 15 2 1 F  2 T  3 F  4 F  5 T  6 T
1 1 repair, troubleshoot, adjust, overhaul and maintain.
2 construction, transportation, forestry, mining, 3 1 e  2 c  3 f  4 b  5 a  6 g  7 d
oil and gas, material handling, landscaping, land 4 1 Electronics Specialists operates a health and safety
clearing, farming. policy aimed at protecting all employees, trainees,
3 owners of heavy equipment, dealers, rental and contractors and visitors.
service providers and railway or urban transit 2 The workplace is safe and without risk to health.
systems. 3 All dust, fumes, and noise are kept under control.
2 1 d  2 a  3 b 4 All plant and machinery must meet the safety
standards required.
3 1 piston 4 sump 5 All articles and substances are handled, stored,
2 spark plug 5 crankshaft and used safely.
3 valve 6 All staff are given sufficient information, training,
and supervision to enable them to perform their
4 t r a n s p o r t job and ensure their health and safety.
r e p a i r
u c
c o t
k n r
t a
h y d r a u l i c
o t b
l o u
s a f e t y r s

Unit 16
1 1 engine cylinder block 5 inlet manifold
2 radiator 6 bleed screws
3 expansion tank 7 coolant pump
4 heater matrix 8 cooling fan switch
2 1 b  2 b  3 b  4 a
3 1 induction 3 ignition
2 compression 4 exhaust
4 1 water 3 petrol/ air
2 converting 4 power/ cylinder

Unit 17
1 1 poor 4 release
2 car 5 suspension
3 worn 6 faulty
2 1 fluid 4 pedal
2 accumulate 5 friction
3 vibrate
3 1 b  2 c  3 f  4 d  5 a

Car Care 21
The publisher would like to thank the following for the permission to reproduce
photographs: Alamy Images pp7 (pressure gague / metalpix), 14 (earplugs /
macana), 14 (boots / Stefan Klenke); Corbis p7 (car jack / 68); Getty Images
p14 (hard hat / Burazin); OUP pp7 (spanner / Dennis Kitchen Studio, Inc),
(pliers / Ingram), (screwdriver / Dennis Kitchen Studio, Inc), 14 (safety goggles /
Ingram), 14 (gloves / Ingram).
Cover image by: OUP (Pile of used tyres/Tetra Images)
Illustrations by: Debbie Kelsey.

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