The Night Alive

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PLAYSCRIPT Conor McPherson The Night Alive

The An overhead light comes on.

TOMMY: Come in, we’ll sit you down and we
AIMEE: Yeah, they’ll think it was you.
TOMMY: They’d think it was me?!

Night Alive
can have a look. AIMEE: Probably.
The light blinks off again. TOMMY: Well look…I certainly don’t need
TOMMY: Ah balls! Hold on. You don’t have a that, so…
BY CONOR MCPHERSON euro? That’s alright. I’ll jimmy the lock. AIMEE: I don’t want the police.
He goes to a few drawers and roots noisily around TOMMY: No, you don’t want the bleeding
CHARACTERS and finds a hammer amid the detritus. He takes guards in all over it. (He looks at her face) Well,
MAURICE: 70s a chair and stands on it to reach an electric coin now I’m not an expert, but in my… (Unsaid:
TOMMY: 50s meter. He jimmies the lock and pulls out the coin “opinion”) I would say, that it’s probably going
AIMEE: Late 20s drawer. He takes a coin from the drawer and sticks to be… (“alright”) You see, I’ve no ice! I’ve
DOC: 40s it back in the slot. He turns the dial and the lamp no fridge!
KENNETH: 30s pops back on again. The stereo erupts into life too, He throws his eye ineffectually around the room for
blasting out some music. Tommy quickly shuts it off. something that might substitute for ice.
SETTING TOMMY: This place is a fucking madhouse. AIMEE: Can I use your bathroom?
An Edwardian house near the Phoenix Park Now. That’s it. Come here till we have a look TOMMY: Yeah! (Indicating the door in the corner
in Dublin. at you. Sit down here. There we go. of the room) There’s a little toilet in there, or
He shifts a pile of crap off the armchair and sits there’s a bigger, proper bathroom down the
TIME Aimee down. landing out there.
Autumn. The present. AIMEE: Your jacket is wrecked. AIMEE: No that’s fine.
TOMMY: Don’t mind that, I’ll bang that in the Aimee gets up.
The first-floor drawing room of an Edwardian washing machine. Show me. TOMMY: Wait, hold on.
house near the Phoenix Park in Dublin. High Aimee lets Tommy gently pull the tracksuit top Tommy bolts towards the little loo. He switches
double doors lead to a small metal balcony with steps away from her face. Her nose has bled down her the light on and goes in. We hear the toilet flush.
down to the rear garden. The room is now a bedsit. chin and on to her clothes. Tommy adjusts her head Tommy bangs around trying to make it present-
It is cluttered and messy. Boxes of knickknacks, old so he can see. able. Aimee stands waiting, gingerly touching her
newspapers and magazines are piled into corners, TOMMY: Well, the bleeding has stopped. nose. She goes to a little mirror above the sink and
spilling out on to a single bed on one side of the room AIMEE: Is it broken? has a look. Tommy comes out, grabs a two-pack of
and a camp bed on the other. There is a battered old TOMMY: I don’t know love—it looks swollen. toilet rolls, smiles apologetically at Aimee, holding
armchair, a 1970s stereo and a foldaway chair or AIMEE: I have a big nose anyway. them up, disappears inside the loo again, and then
two. A door leads to a little toilet that has been built TOMMY: Like very big? emerges, wiping his hands.
in one corner. Another door leads to the landing and AIMEE: Big enough. TOMMY: There you go.
the rest of the house. TOMMY: Was it always crooked? AIMEE: Thanks.
There is a little gas hob and a sink with dirty dishes AIMEE: Yeah, a bit. TOMMY: Do you want a cup of tea?
and saucepans piled into it. There is a framed poster TOMMY: Crooked to the left or the right? AIMEE (Uncertainly): Em…
of Steve McQueen on his motorbike from the movie AIMEE: The left. TOMMY: It’s no problem. I’m having one.
The Great Escape, a framed poster of Marvin TOMMY: To my left? AIMEE: Okay. Thanks.
Gaye’s album cover, What’s Going On, and two AIMEE: Yeah. She goes into the loo and shuts the door. Tommy
posters advertising Finland as a holiday destination. TOMMY: Okay. Then I don’t think he broke it. checks the kettle and flicks the switch. He looks for
As the play begins, moonlight pours in through Tommy goes rooting through a cupboard near the some mugs. There are no clean ones. He picks one
the double doors from the balcony. The door to the sink. He finds a little plastic bowl and a tea towel. up from the floor and sniffs it, it seems acceptable.
hallway is open and electric light spills in from TOMMY: Do you think you might get sick He rinses their mugs in the sink and throws two
the landing. An elderly gentleman, Maurice, is again? teabags into them. He quickly shoves some used
standing in the room looking out at the garden. He AIMEE: No. takeaway containers and dirty work clothes away.
wears pyjamas and a dressing gown and carries a He runs some water and wets the towel, bringing He tidies up to make some space as best he can. He
walking stick. He stands still for a moment until the bowl to Aimee. piles newspapers on top of other piles of newspapers.
distant church bells and a dog barking somewhere TOMMY: You can use this if you are. He tries unsuccessfully to fit an enormous empty
stir him from his reverie. He looks about the room AIMEE: Thanks. pizza box in a bin bag. At a loss, he kicks it in under
in disgust. He lifts a garment or two with his stick, She holds the bowl on her lap. the bed. Aimee comes out.
wondering how anyone can live like this. As he hears TOMMY: Up to me love, we wipe this up a bit. TOMMY: Okay?
voices approaching he hurries quietly off. We hear She raises her face to him and winces while he Aimee nods.
Tommy’s voice coming up the stairs to the balcony wipes the blood. TOMMY: I’m sorry about that loo. It’s just one
from the garden: TOMMY: Wup, sorry too hard. That alright? that I use. The one on the landing is for the
TOMMY (Off): Now, that’s it. Yeah. This is Aimee gives a tiny nod. Tommy cleans her face. whole house but it’s always freezing.
it. Up the stairs. Are you alright? That’s it. She watches him from time to time. AIMEE: Is there many people?
Head back. Nice and easy. Around here now. TOMMY: God, I wonder should we ring an TOMMY: No, only my Uncle Maurice. It’s his
This is us. ambulance. house. He lives upstairs.
We see Tommy leading Aimee in. He is in his 50s, AIMEE: No. Aimee reaches for a tissue. Tommy thinks she’s
well built but well worn. She is in her 20s, skinny TOMMY: No? looking at his books.
and also well worn. She holds her head back, press- AIMEE: No, it’ll be alright. TOMMY: Do you like reading cowboy books?
ing Tommy’s Dublin Gaelic football tracksuit top TOMMY: I could run you down to the hospital. You can have all of them. I’ve been meaning
to her face. It is covered in blood. She stands there AIMEE: No, they’ll ring the guards. to drop them up to the Vincent de Paul but
while Tommy goes and switches on the main light. TOMMY: The police? I’m just so busy. Do you take sugar?

From left, Jim Norton as Maurice, Ciarán Hinds as Tommy, Caoilfhionn Dunne as Aimee, Michael McElhatton as Doc and Brian Gleeson as Kenneth in
the Donmar Warehouse production.

AIMEE: Thanks. AIMEE: Okay. stands, one side of his face covered in shaving foam,
Tommy brings Aimee’s tea and a bag of sugar to Pause. razor in hand, while he talks on his mobile phone.
her, finding something to put it down on. TOMMY: Yeah. (Short pause) I can’t believe you’d He is in his shirt, underwear and socks. The music
TOMMY: Sit down. Spoon’s in the bag. Bag’s compare me to someone like him. fades into a little transistor radio. Morning light
in the cup. AIMEE: I never said that. reveals the room’s true squalor. It is the next day.
AIMEE: Thanks. TOMMY: Do you want a biscuit? TOMMY: Well I don’t know what happened to
TOMMY (Indicating a plastic bag full of individual AIMEE: No thanks. it then. It was in a little yellow envelope. Doc
UHT milk servings): There’s milks. TOMMY: I’m starving. stuck it in the letter box. (Pause) Yeah. Three
Tommy gets his tea and watches her spoon a few Tommy goes to get himself a biscuit. hundred euros. Suzanne, give me some credit
spoonfuls into her cup. They are silent for a moment. TOMMY: Why did he hit you? will you? (Pause) Well one of the kids must have
TOMMY: I’ll tell you one thing. You were AIMEE: I don’t know, ’cause I was trying to picked it up. Ask them. (Pause) Michelle? What
extremely lucky. make a phone call I think. about her? Yeah, of course I’ll meet her. Listen,
AIMEE: Yeah? TOMMY: A phone call? I went to meet her the last time, she didn’t even
TOMMY: Yeah, I was starving. I’d been promis- AIMEE: Yeah, he grabbed my phone and he show up, I was left standing there freezing my
ing myself a bag of chips, so… (He signals with pulled over. I thought he was just gonna let arse off on North Earl Street. (Pause) Well
his thumb: “I left”) Only for that I wouldn’t even me out, but… that might be what she says but it was her who
have seen what happened you. TOMMY: Yeah I saw him! Only he heard me stood me up. (Pause) Oh? (Pause) What does
AIMEE: Yeah, well… shouting…I mean… (He shakes his head, indi- her teacher say? (Pause) Well if she’s better off
TOMMY: Yeah! Split second timing. (Pause) cating how much worse it could have been) I got out of school, well then, that’s…What do you
And I dropped my bleeding chips. In the end. his reg. number 09 D something something. mean? I do care! Of course I care! I will, I’ll
(Short pause) Somewhere. AIMEE: It’s just a phone. text her now if you get off the bleeding phone.
AIMEE: I’m sorry. TOMMY: Yeah, I suppose. Do you need to call Yeah, I’ll meet up with her. Listen, I’m happy
TOMMY: Who was he? Boyfriend? anyone? Unfortunately I have no credit, but to talk to her if she’ll talk to me…
AIMEE: No. Uncle Maurice would probably let us use his Tommy is startled by a noise. He turns to see a
TOMMY (Unconvinced): Yeah? landline, if you want me to wake him. man in his 40s come through the double doors
AIMEE: Just someone giving me a lift. AIMEE: No it’s alright. from the garden balcony. He wears a sweater and
TOMMY: Do you know him well? TOMMY: Are you sure? filthy looking trousers. This is Tommy’s friend and
AIMEE: No. AIMEE: Yeah, it’s okay, really. Thanks. business associate, Doc. He is carrying a dirty sack.
TOMMY: Well this is it. There you go. You can’t TOMMY (Laughs ruefully): He might only go TOMMY: I have to go. I’ll call you later. Okay. I
just get in a car with fellas you don’t know. mad if I woke him up now anyway. will! Bye. (He hangs up) For Jaysus’ sake, Doc!
You know? I mean, unfortunately, that’s… He looks at Aimee, watching her stare into her cup. DOC (His usual greeting): Aye aye.
but there you are. TOMMY: Do you want to stay here? Tommy goes to resume shaving over at the little
AIMEE: I don’t know you and I’m in your flat. She looks at him. Pause. mirror above the sink.
Short pause. AIMEE: Where? TOMMY: Why do you always have to come in
TOMMY: But that’s different. TOMMY: In the camp bed. Or over here and I the bleeding window? Giving me a heart attack.
AIMEE: How is it different? can kip in the front room, Maurice won’t mind. DOC: ’Cause then I wouldn’t have got all of
TOMMY: It’s different because I’m different. I mean, if that’s…if you want to get a taxi, I’d these out of Maurice’s vegetable patch.
AIMEE: Different to what? give you the money only I don’t… (He looks TOMMY (Rounds on him): I told you not to be
TOMMY: What do you mean different to what? at some change from his pocket) Or I could drop doing that! He thinks it’s me!
Different to fellas like him. you somewhere, it’s no problem. DOC (Pulling a turnip out of the sack): Yeah,
AIMEE: Yeah? Aimee looks at the camp bed. but look at that turnip—look at it! You’re not
TOMMY: Yeah! Listen. I’ve never hit a woman TOMMY: Or you can sleep there. That other looking at it!
in my whole life—ever. And listen, believe me pile of books is all James Bond. TOMMY: You’re a fucking turnip! You’re getting
there was times I had good reason to. Very The lights change while music/sound fades up. When muck all over the floor!
good reason to. Maybe I fucking should have! the change is complete, Aimee is gone. Tommy DOC (Producing more vegetables): And the pota-

PLAYSCRIPT Conor McPherson The Night Alive

toes are absolutely perfect. He’ll just let them TOMMY: Yeah? And? DOC: The date on the box.
all rot in the ground! DOC: Ah come on Tommy… TOMMY: On that? Don’t mind that! Cigars
TOMMY: Well that’s his business! And you TOMMY: That was your lunch! What do you never go out of date.
fucking nicking them in broad daylight—he’ll want? DOC: They do. They dry out.
be straight down in here now in a minute! DOC: You said we were gonna go to a carvery! TOMMY: Drying out only makes them easier
DOC: His curtains were closed. TOMMY: I carved the banana sandwich! to light. Everybody says that.
TOMMY: Right… DOC: Don’t give me that… DOC: Well, even so, look, thanks, Tommy, but
DOC: You can’t see through the hedge, Tommy. TOMMY: We had no time for a carvery! The I can’t sell them in Joyce’s, so…
Trust me, I know what I’m doing. traffic was murder, Doc! TOMMY: Why not?
TOMMY: What did you do? Climb over the DOC: Tommy, you owe me 30 squids. End of. DOC: The new lad who works on the door won’t
wall? Don’t be so stingy. let me in anymore.
DOC: Don’t have to, the back gate is busted, TOMMY: Hey! Wait a minute. Wait a minute. TOMMY: Why?
you just push it. Wait a minute. Who’s stingy? Have I ever let DOC: He says I’m not a regular.
Tommy finds his trousers and gets dressed. you down? TOMMY: You are a regular. You’re very regular.
TOMMY: Yeah, well, as soon as I get my tools DOC: No. That’s what I’m…that’s what I’m DOC: That’s what I said but your man says he
out of the lock up, all that’ll be over, mate. saying. doesn’t care how regular I say I am, I’m not as
And listen, don’t you think for a second you’re TOMMY: This is just the art of negotiation, regular as the other regulars.
gonna be boiling any of that crap up in here. Doc. This is how you learn it. TOMMY: Yes you are!
He’ll be down like a bullet. DOC: Yeah I know. DOC: Yeah, well, the other regulars are more
DOC: We’ll just say we bought it, Tommy. TOMMY: Of course I’m gonna pay you. What regular, and he says it doesn’t matter how
Chillax, will you? I’ll stick ’em in under here, do you think I am for Jaysus’ sake? And just to regular I ever become—I’ll never be as regular
no one’ll be any the wiser. (He pushes the sack show you there’s no hard feelings, you know a regular as the other regulars because they’re
in under some rubbish and pushes some books in what I’m gonna do? just way more, em…
around it. He finds a bloody tissue on the bed) Hey, Tommy goes to a pile of crap and digs out three TOMMY: Frequent.
did you cut yourself shaving? boxes of cigars. DOC: Yeah.
TOMMY: What? Yeah. Here, stick that in the DOC: Ah Tommy, not the cigars! TOMMY: Well sell them in the Padraig Pearse!
bin, will you? TOMMY: No, no, no wait listen, listen…You DOC: I’m barred out of the Padraig Pearse!
Doc considers all the black plastic bags. know how much these cigars retail for, in any TOMMY: Since when?!
DOC: Which one’s the bin? of the fancy shops in town? Seven euros each! DOC: Since I went in trying to sell all that
TOMMY: Any of them. DOC (Simultaneously with Tommy): …Seven black pudding you gave me! Your man in
DOC (Getting rid of tissue): So listen, Tommy, euros each… there whipped out a baseball bat and chased
my old sausage, any chance of me getting my TOMMY: Yes, bang on! Seven euros each. me all out into the car park—I fell down an
wages today? There’s 20 cigars in each of these boxes. Do open manhole and he just broke his shite
TOMMY: Wages? For what? the maths. Go on, do it. laughing at me!
DOC: Thirty euros. DOC: Eh… TOMMY: So what do you want me to do about it?
TOMMY: Thirty euros?! TOMMY: Straight retail? Sixty cigars? DOC: What?
DOC: Yeah—for those two days we did last DOC: Yeah… TOMMY: Well, like, that’s just not my problem
week. TOMMY: Yeah, what is it? Doc.
TOMMY: What two days? DOC: Yeah, it’s… DOC: Tommy, listen to me, all I’m saying is,
DOC: On Monday we picked up all the Peppa TOMMY: Seven by 20, by three. no cigars, no black pudding, no banana sand-
Pig potties in County Meath. DOC: Yeah… wiches, you owe me 30 euros, Tommy, end of
TOMMY: What Peppa Pig potties? TOMMY: That’s right. One-forty, by three, how story, sin scéal eile, that’s it!
DOC: The Peppa Pig piano potties. much is that? Carry the one… TOMMY: Alright! Keep your wig on Doc! All
TOMMY: Oh yeah… DOC: Yeah… you had to do was say that! Jaysus! What do
DOC: And last Thursday when we cleaned out TOMMY: That’s right. Four hundred and twenty you want—cash or a cheque?
the lock up. euros, straight retail, with all your taxes and DOC: Yes, cash.
TOMMY: Cleaning out the lock up doesn’t count overheads and all that bollocks all thrown TOMMY: Cash won’t be a problem. (As though
as a day, Doc, come on. in—but the beauty of this? As a business Doc has behaved completely unreasonably) It’s
DOC: It was nearly dark by the time we took model? You have no overheads, or tax, you just alright. Everything’s okay…
everything out—we had to just put it all back walk into Joyce’s lounge on any night of the Tommy goes to a loose floorboard and lifts it, taking
because we couldn’t see anything! week—at your leisure—whip these out, a euro out a biscuit tin. He opens it and counts out some
TOMMY: Yeah, in a whole new system. Though. a piece, two euros a pop, and you’ve already five euro notes.
DOC: Listen, we didn’t get out of there till doubled your money. Because? Because why? TOMMY: Now, 20 euros, cash, count it.
nearly eight o’clock, Tommy. So two days, 15 DOC: Yeah. DOC: Thirty euros.
euros a day, 30 euros. TOMMY: Because that’s…you’re a good busi- TOMMY: That’s what I mean. Thirty euros.
TOMMY: Yeah, but wait, hold on—I bought nessman. Or are you not a good businessman? Count it.
you your lunch the day we went out to County DOC: No, I am, a good businessman. DOC: This is only 20 euros.
Meath. TOMMY: Well there you go. And that’s all on TOMMY: Count it!
DOC: No you didn’t! me. Whatever profit you make. That’s yours. DOC: I am counting it! It’s 20 euros.
TOMMY: I did! I don’t ask for a cent. TOMMY: Exactly! (Handing over another pair of
DOC: You didn’t! You gave me a half of your DOC: Yeah, but you know these are all out five euro notes) Now count the rest of it.
banana sandwich when we were sitting in that of date… DOC: And listen, I haven’t forgotten my Christ-
traffic jam in Mullingar! TOMMY: In what sense? mas money, you know.
TOMMY: That money is beyond question, Doc. DOC: No, Aimee, I’m afraid that’s where you’re crackers. Don’t eat them dog biscuits.
I’m holding it for you right here. I’ll have it wrong there, because, you see, you can. Bri is DOC: Do you like turnips?
for you at Christmas, you just say the word. I actually two letters shorter. Than Brian. AIMEE: Em…
mean otherwise… AIMEE: But it nearly takes longer to say Bri TOMMY: Doc…
DOC: Yeah, I know, I’m just… than Brian though, doesn’t it? DOC (Conspiratorially): Listen, there’s a bag of
TOMMY: Roll around Christmas, Doc is broke. DOC: Well that’s why it got shortened again— turnips in under there.
DOC: No, I’m just saying it, so our accounts to Doc. I mean people don’t have all day to be TOMMY: She’s not gonna be boiling up turnips
are in order. saying your name, you know what I mean? you bleeding dingbat, leave her alone. Now
TOMMY: Our accounts are in impeccable order, AIMEE: But how do you get Doc out of Brian? the only thing, Aimee, when you’re done, just
Doc. As you well know, I challenged, I dared, TOMMY (Off): Doc Martens. stay in here. Uncle Maurice can be bit…he’s
the revenue commissioners to come and audit AIMEE: Is your second name Martens? alright, but he can just be a bit…“Who’s in the
me, you know that. They ran a bleeding mile, DOC: No, my name is Brian de Burca, but I used house?” You know what I mean?
so they did, because they were terrified—of to always wear Doc Martens, so… AIMEE: Okay.
our accounts! TOMMY (Off): He has fallen arches. TOMMY: Just fucking stay in here we’ll be back
Tommy puts the biscuit tin back under the floor- DOC: Yeah, so people used always call me in an hour and we’ll get you sorted out, alright?
board as Aimee appears in the doorway, holding “Docs.” AIMEE: Okay. Thanks Tommy.
a towel round her head. Tommy quickly conceals AIMEE: Okay. Aimee goes. Tommy breezily acts as though nothing
what he is doing. DOC: But that was a bit long so… unusual is happening.
TOMMY: You alright? AIMEE: Right. TOMMY: Right, where’s me keys?
AIMEE: Does the water just go cold like that? DOC: So now it’s just— (He indicates straight DOC: In your hand. Who is that?
TOMMY: Oh yeah, you get about five minutes ahead) Doc. TOMMY: Who? Aimee?
and then… (Indicating upstairs) ’Cause Maurice TOMMY (Coming back): Doc works with me and DOC: Yeah. I know her.
only ever puts on the small immersion. he…he’s my associate in our business and he… TOMMY: Yeah? From where?
AIMEE: I just need to rinse my hair. DOC: I sometimes sleep in the camp bed. DOC: I don’t know. It’ll come back to me.
TOMMY: If you want to wait for another few TOMMY: …Yeah. The odd time. If we have TOMMY: Yeah, well she’s just kipping here for a
minutes then you can…sorry, this is Doc. an early start. few nights. She was in a spot of bother.
DOC: Hello. DOC: But I’m basically freelance. DOC: She’s kipping in here?
AIMEE: Hi. TOMMY: Yeah. TOMMY: She was in the camp bed. I was in
TOMMY: This is…Aimee. DOC: By definition. the front room.
Doc just stares at Aimee. TOMMY: Yeah. We both are. But Doc shouldn’t DOC: And Maurice doesn’t know?
DOC: Hello. be working at all because technically he’s TOMMY: Why should he know? This is my
TOMMY: So, look, we’re gonna go out. We disabled. place in here, so…
have to do a few bits and pieces and we’ll… AIMEE: What’s your disability? DOC: So where will I kip?
We’ll be back. DOC: It’s borderline. TOMMY: When?
AIMEE: Is there any deodorant I could use? TOMMY: Yeah, he’s borderline. I mean, the DOC: Tonight?
TOMMY (Looks around): Deodorant, deodorant. way the doctor put it was like this: apparently TOMMY: What are you talking about?
Doc, do you see any deodorant there? no matter how long Doc may have to process DOC: I told you my sister says I can’t keep going
DOC: Deodorant? Deodorant? unfolding…events at any present given time back there. She says her boyfriend is going to
TOMMY (Finds some): Oh look. he will always, always, be five to 10 minutes piss off on her ’cause I’m always in her toilet.
AIMEE (Not wanting to be rude): Oh thanks, behind everybody else. TOMMY: Well, now Doc, that’s not really my
Old Spice… DOC: Five to seven minutes. problem, in fairness, now is it?
TOMMY (Laughs): Yeah, well I’m not…I’m TOMMY: Five to seven minutes, excuse me. DOC: I’ll sleep in the front room with you.
hardly gonna have a woman’s deodorant, am DOC: It’s just with new things. TOMMY: There’s only the old settee in there,
I? Although…I mean… (He looks around) I TOMMY: Just new things. That’s all. there’s nothing else to sleep on.
might… AIMEE: Right. DOC: I’ll bring in the camp bed.
Tommy goes into the little toilet. Doc stands look- TOMMY: Yeah, so… TOMMY: Aimee is in the camp bed.
ing at Aimee. Pause. DOC: But she can sleep in your bed.
DOC: Do you mind if I…? DOC: And how are you? TOMMY: Yeah, but that’s my bed Doc, you know
AIMEE: Sorry? AIMEE: Yeah, I’m…I’m fine thank you. what I mean? She’s in the camp bed.
DOC: Get dressed? TOMMY (Finds a deodorant spray in a box): Aha! DOC: I’ll sleep in the van.
AIMEE: Oh yeah, fire away. Are you some Lynx. That do you? TOMMY: Ah, come on, Doc.
kind of doctor? AIMEE: Yeah, no, that’s… DOC: No, I like sleeping in the van, you know
Doc climbs into some overalls. TOMMY: But look I’ll tell you what, we’re gonna that.
DOC: A doctor? No. Why? head out and we’ll get you some shampoo and TOMMY: But that’s gonna be a pain in the hole!
AIMEE: He called you Doc. anything else, what else do you need? If the guards twig you’re sleeping in the van
DOC: No, it’s, it’s just short for Brian. AIMEE: You don’t have to do that. again they’ll go apeshit. Just tell your sister
AIMEE: How is Doc short for Brian? TOMMY: No, it’s no problem. We probably you’ll stay out of her way, and it’s only for a
DOC: Well I used to be called Bri—short for have…we always have a bit of everything at few nights while Aimee is here, ’cause she’s
Brian—but then, em… the lock up. afraid to go out.
AIMEE: But why would you need to make Brian AIMEE: Well, thanks I’ll just…I’ll try the water Doc is staring out the double doors at the trees in
any shorter? again, ’cause I just need to rinse my hair, so… the park.
DOC: Ah, it’s a bit long. TOMMY: Should be some there now. Now TOMMY: Doc. Alright? Doc. (Pause) Doc.
AIMEE: You can’t get much shorter than Brian. Aimee, there’s beans over here. Tea, coffee, Alright? Come on, let’s go. (Pause) Alright!
PLAYSCRIPT Conor McPherson The Night Alive

Sleep in the fucking van, okay? You can sleep Behind Maurice’s back, Tommy signals to Doc that TOMMY: Oh yeah.
in the van. Alright? they should go. MAURICE: You’re going to it.
Pause. MAURICE: And here, who’s used all the hot TOMMY: Oh yeah, no that’s…
DOC: No…I…just remembered. I know where water? MAURICE: Ten o’clock.
I know her from. TOMMY: I was using it to have a shave. Is that TOMMY: Yeah.
TOMMY: Who, Aimee? alright? MAURICE: Set your alarm. Alright, well I’ll
DOC: Yeah. Fintan Mackenacky pointed her MAURICE: What were you shaving? A dog? see you later.
out to me one night down in Joyce’s lounge There’s no water left! TOMMY: Right.
last Christmas. He said she’s on the game. TOMMY: Well if you’re only gonna put the Maurice stays where he is, giving no indication
TOMMY: He said that about Aimee? immersion on for two minutes a day, Maurice, he might leave. Tommy loiters at the door for a
DOC: Yeah. He said she pulled him off in his you can hardly expect… moment, wondering if he should just bite the bullet
back garden for 40 euros on the previous MAURICE: What in the name of God would and tell Maurice about Aimee.
October bank holiday. you know about the immersion, or what it costs TOMMY: Listen Maurice…
TOMMY: In his back garden? Come on… for that matter? MAURICE: What.
DOC: No I swear to God. TOMMY: Listen mate, that meter up there is Pause.
TOMMY: Listen, Doc, I don’t want that kind chockablock full of money I have to keep put- TOMMY: Don’t let yourself get too cold. (Pause)
of talk in here, alright? ting in—and all I ever use is (Pointing) that Okay well…I’ll see you later.
DOC: What? kettle for a cup of tea or (Pointing) them two MAURICE: Mind how you go.
TOMMY: I said I don’t like that kind of talk. lamps so I’m not sitting in here in the dark! Tommy and Doc leave, going off down the stairs.
DOC: Oh, yeah. Okay. Sorry Tommy. Now if you will please excuse us, we have work We hear the front door slam. Maurice stands there,
Pause. to do, actually, alright? lost in thought. After a few moments he calls out.
TOMMY: And that’s probably fucking bullshit At Tommy’s signal, Tommy and Doc start to go. MAURICE: You can come in. You don’t have to
anyway. I mean what would Fintan Mack- MAURICE: The guards were looking for you. hide out there in the hallway.
enacky know? The cross-eyed fucking head on TOMMY: What? Pause. Aimee appears in the doorway.
him—can he even see properly? You know what MAURICE: The police. MAURICE: And you are…?
I mean? Fucking— (Crosses his eyes and weaves TOMMY: When? AIMEE: Aimee Clement. You Uncle Maurice?
his head around) One eye going that way and MAURICE: Yesterday afternoon. Two detec- MAURICE: The very same. (He roots in his pocket)
the other one kind of coming around trying to tives called saying your van was caught on Come here, Aimee Clement, I want you to
fucking look at you—you know what I mean? CCTV when you drove off without paying climb up there to that box for me.
Doc bursts out laughing but stops when the door for petrol at a station in Enfield in County Maurice holds a little key out to her.
opens. Maurice enters, stick in hand, a white shirt Kildare last week. AIMEE: What do I do?
and an old blazer on. He carries a piece of paper. TOMMY: Last week? MAURICE: You open it and pull out the drawer.
TOMMY: Would you not ever think of not MAURICE: Yep. Aimee climbs up on a chair and opens the electric-
knocking? No? TOMMY: Last week? Well I am flummoxed by ity meter.
MAURICE: Why should I? this ’cause that can’t have been, em… MAURICE: You didn’t see anyone bringing any
TOMMY: Because this is where I live! MAURICE: They gave me a picture. It’s your fresh vegetables up through here, did you?
MAURICE: Yeah, in my house! van with your registration. AIMEE: What?
TOMMY: And this is my flat! Maurice hands Tommy a printout of the picture. MAURICE: Never mind, show me that.
MAURICE: You call this a flat? TOMMY (A sickened laugh): You know what Aimee hands him down the drawer. He takes out
TOMMY: What would you call it? that was? a single coin.
MAURICE: A room in my house. MAURICE: What? MAURICE: Now what would you make of this?
TOMMY: That I pay rent in. TOMMY: Doc, do you remember? You were AIMEE: I’d say someone is just putting the same
MAURICE: Yeah, chance would be a fine thing! gonna…and I was gonna…and then you had coin in it over and over.
And where’s my paper? gone back in for a Twix or something and I MAURICE (Ironically): Oh, you think? Here,
Tommy goes towards the toilet to get it. thought… (Signalling to Maurice that Doc is put it back.
TOMMY: I was just bringing it up you. useless) He throws the coin back in the drawer and Aimee
MAURICE: Yeah well you can just leave it where DOC: Yeah. I went back in for a Twix. slides it back to the meter.
it lands on the doormat in future, thanks, I TOMMY (With sudden volume, startling Doc): MAURICE: How long have you been here?
can get it myself. And there’s the other genius. You’re a fucking eejit! AIMEE: Since last night.
DOC: There I am. Well, Maurice. What think MAURICE: Well that’s fine then, isn’t it? MAURICE: How long are you staying?
ye of Christ? TOMMY: Yeah! We’ll get that sorted out. (Short AIMEE: I don’t know. Not long.
MAURICE: What? pause) Right, well look, do you want a lift to MAURICE: So, what, you’re a friend of Tom-
DOC: How’s it going? the shops? my’s?
MAURICE: Yeah. MAURICE: No, I’ve been to the shops. AIMEE: I suppose.
DOC: You’re looking well anyway. Is someone TOMMY: Oh, okay. Well. I might lock up here MAURICE: You know he’s married?
else doing your hair for you these days? actually, so… AIMEE: He told me he’s been living here for
MAURICE: Would you go away out of that and MAURICE: Well if you don’t mind I was actually two years so I don’t know how married that
don’t be annoying me. going to do a landlord’s inspection, actually. makes him.
TOMMY (Bringing the extremely-read-looking TOMMY: A what? MAURICE: Married is married.
paper out from the toilet to Maurice): Here, I MAURICE: You think I could face looking AIMEE: You married?
was saving your legs for you. through all this crap? No, I just wanted to MAURICE: My wife slipped on the ice outside
MAURICE (Unimpressed): Yeah, sure…Look remind you about Maura’s anniversary mass the gate there, three years ago this week, got a
at it! on Saturday. clot on the brain that no one detected. Passed
10 days later. (She shudders) Uh! The runners are huge, certainly too big for Tommy.
Pause. TOMMY: Jaysus, well you nearly gave me a heart TOMMY: What’s this?
AIMEE: Do you have kids? attack. (They laugh) Are you hungry? AIMEE: I was round in that shopping centre
MAURICE (Shakes his head): We used to look AIMEE (Still waking up): Em… round there.
after Tommy, you see. And now I’m still bleed- TOMMY: I’m starving. (Getting a biscuit) I didn’t TOMMY: Yeah?
ing looking after him! know I’d fallen asleep. AIMEE: Yeah, I wanted a pair in my size but…
Aimee smiles. AIMEE: Me neither. that was all I could get.
MAURICE: Yeah! (Pause) So…You gonna tell TOMMY: That was…em…that was… (He points TOMMY (Looking at the size): Size 14.
me anything about yourself? at the bed) That was A-one. AIMEE: Yeah…
AIMEE: Nothing to tell. AIMEE: Oh. Good. TOMMY: They’re nice! I could jam a bit of toilet
MAURICE: I doubt that somehow. You married? TOMMY: A-one. Excellent. roll up in the toes.
AIMEE: No. AIMEE: Okay. AIMEE: Yeah?
MAURICE: Kids? TOMMY: I mean this…this suits me… (Getting TOMMY: Yeah. Give it a go anyway. Thanks.
AIMEE (A tiny hesitation): No. his trousers and taking some money out) Forty Thanks for thinking of me. You didn’t get a
MAURICE: Do you take drugs? right? (She nods. He puts it on the locker) And receipt?
AIMEE: No. I’ll tell you why—because…in a…in a relation- Short pause.
MAURICE: Yeah? (Pause) I can’t have any trou- ship…you have all this fucking…negotiation and AIMEE: No.
ble. And Tommy doesn’t need any trouble. everything. Whereas, this way: that’s your TOMMY: I’ll stick a bit of toilet roll up ’em.
(Pause) Alright? (Maurice starts to go) Nice money. That’s…everything is— (“on the level”) They’re very trendy, aren’t they?
talking to you. (He turns on his way out) Do AIMEE (Indicates money): Well look, if you Tommy starts to try the runners.
you want some breakfast? prefer to call that the rent and… AIMEE: How old are your kids?
Aimee looks around at Tommy’s filthy food station. TOMMY: The rent! Don’t mind the rent! What TOMMY (Dismissively): Ah! Sixteen and 17.
AIMEE: Well… are you talking about? That’s… (Indicates AIMEE: Boys or girls?
MAURICE: You can’t eat in here! Come up to money) That’s… (“yours”) TOMMY: The older one is a girl, the other fella’s
me in 10 minutes, you can have a boiled egg AIMEE: That’s all I ever do, okay? a boy. (Pause) Their mother has turned them
that won’t give you botulism. TOMMY: But that’s perfect! That’s all I would against me you see. Brought my daughter a
Maurice goes. Aimee stands there. The lights ever…I mean…the full…the full job and all Connemara pony for her birthday there. But I
change, dusk falling to night until all is dark except that huffing and puffing, it’s so unbecoming. didn’t know them fucking things are half wild.
for external light through the windows and a little But the hand. The hand is perfect. It’s a service, AIMEE: Well yeah!
night-light from somewhere off in the house. Silence I mean, it’s a skill, don’t get me wrong. I’d take TOMMY: Living out the back garden! It kicked
as though no one is there. Then, we hear Aimee care of myself only (He rubs his elbow) I have in the coal shed door and knocked down the
crying out in the darkness. Then, Tommy’s voice repetitive strain injury. But that was—that was wall into the fucking neighbours and every-
calling out in startled reaction to hers. He flicks on absolutely A-one. Bull’s-eye. I must have…I thing…
a lamp. We can see that Tommy and Aimee are in passed out! Aimee laughs.
bed together. Aimee is having a nightmare. Tommy Aimee smiles. They take a sip from their drinks. TOMMY: Yeah so, no matter what you do, you
shakes her awake. TOMMY: So look, no bullshit now. The man fucking… (“mess up somehow”)
TOMMY: Hey! Hey! Hey! It’s alright! Suzanne! who hit you. Was that…Was he like…a… Pause.
You’re dreaming! You’re dreaming… AIMEE: No, he was my boyfriend. TOMMY: And then I lost my business and…
Aimee looks about, unsure where she is for a TOMMY: I knew it! Didn’t I say that to you? (“that was the end of it”)
moment. She sits up. A loud thumping noise comes AIMEE: Well, my ex. AIMEE: What do you do?
from upstairs. TOMMY: I fucking hope he was your ex! Jaysus! TOMMY: Ah no, I had two outdoor live gig rigs?
AIMEE: What’s that? AIMEE: Yeah. But they got impounded by the department
TOMMY: It’s Maurice. (He calls out) Alright TOMMY: You’re well shot of him. of the social environment because—even on
Maurice! It’s alright! AIMEE: I know. very calm days—they both kept getting struck
The thumping stops. TOMMY: Yeah. You’re well shot of him now. by lightning. I bought them in from Belarus.
TOMMY: He hates noise. Are you alright? Okay? The bank threw the money at me! And now
He reaches out and looks at his watch. Short pause. it’s all like a legal nightmare and I… (Suddenly)
AIMEE: What time is it? TOMMY: Here. I got you a coat. How can you be with a fella like that? Who
TOMMY: Eleven. Are you okay? He gets an overcoat and brings it to her. It is an old hits you and…
AIMEE: Yeah. dark grey Crombie. Pause.
TOMMY: Here, do you want another drink? AIMEE: Thanks. AIMEE: He changed.
Tommy gets out of bed, wearing a T-shirt and box- TOMMY: I don’t know if it’s for a man or a TOMMY (Sceptical, dismissive): Yeah?
ers. He pours some rum into a couple of mugs and woman. I don’t think it matters… AIMEE: And sometimes…like…if you know
brings them to the bed. He hands her one and stands Aimee takes it and tries it on. that you can kill yourself… (She shrugs. Pause)
looking down at her. He blows through his lips. TOMMY: …With that kind of coat. I know it sounds mad…
TOMMY: Some dream. It looks good on her. Tommy nods his approval. Pause. Tommy shrugs.
AIMEE: Yeah. AIMEE: Thanks, Tommy. TOMMY (Rationally): Yeah. (Pause) You wouldn’t
TOMMY: What were you dreaming about? TOMMY: I mean it’ll do you, just in the cold, be too scared. To do it.
AIMEE: We were somewhere. We were… so you’re not… AIMEE (Getting into the camp bed): I probably
TOMMY: Who? AIMEE: No, it’s really cool. Thanks. would.
AIMEE: You and me. We were in here and two TOMMY: I’ll get you a few more bits and pieces. TOMMY: Mm.
men came in and told me I was dead and I had Aimee darts to a spot and pulls out a pair of runners AIMEE: It’s fucking ridiculous.
to get up and go with them. And it was like… wrapped in a towel. She brings them to Tommy. TOMMY: Yeah. No, listen. I’ve thought about it.

PLAYSCRIPT Conor McPherson The Night Alive

AIMEE: Yeah? You have chips do you? TOMMY: Yeah.

TOMMY: I’ve thought about it a lot. DOC: Yeah. DOC: “Locate a large object, such as a motorised
AIMEE: Yeah? TOMMY: Well get some plates for fuck’s sake. vehicle…”
TOMMY: Yeah. Me? I’d just do it with pills. Doc goes to the sink, looking for clean plates. TOMMY: Yeah…
Just…bang. No need to make a big bleeding TOMMY (To Aimee): Do you want a few chips? DOC: “And endeavour to keep it between you
point about it. You know? But then you think, AIMEE: Yeah. and your assailant.”
“What about the other people…” TOMMY: Get a plate for Aimee. What are you TOMMY: Okay.
AIMEE: Yeah. doing? What did you get? DOC: “However, should you ascertain that
TOMMY: That’s the…What if they need you? DOC: I got you a battered sausage. your assailant is discharging armour piercing
You know? (Beat) They probably don’t! (He TOMMY: Come here, hold on, what’s happened ammunition…”
goes and starts brushing his teeth at the sink) I got to your face? TOMMY: Yeah?
involved in a boxing match one time. When DOC (Dismissively): Ah…Teresa’s just pissed DOC: “A car will provide little cover.”
I was younger. I was offered 500 quid to box off with me staying there. TOMMY: No shit.
a chap over in Wolverhampton. I was never TOMMY: Did she hit you? AIMEE: How do you ascertain if your assailant
any use, but I thought—hey, I could win this. DOC: Nah, her fella gave me a smack. He broke is discharging armour piercing ammunition?
Outlook, you see? my glasses. DOC: What? The bullets will go through the
AIMEE: What happened? TOMMY: Because you were staying there? car, Aimee.
TOMMY: Ah, he fucking destroyed me. But DOC: No, because we were all arguing. TOMMY: You see?
then afterwards, I’m lying on me back in the TOMMY: It looks nasty. DOC: They will pierce the armour.
dressing room. In he walks, this big black lad, DOC: Ah, it was more the way he kind of AIMEE: So what do you do?
to see if I was gonna be alright. And he’s wear- caught me. The strap of his watch kind of… DOC: What do you do, what?
ing a beautiful suit! Shakes my hand, being (He demonstrates the blow) AIMEE: If your assailant is discharging armour
real nice to me, and all I could I think about TOMMY: Are you alright? piercing ammunition?
was, “He brought a fucking suit to the boxing DOC: Yeah, I’m just starving. Have you got DOC (Looks at the book): That’s it.
match!” I’d thought I’d had a chance—but you any sellotape? AIMEE: That’s all it says?
don’t bring your suit to wear home unless you TOMMY: Here, let me do that. DOC: Well you’re running out of options in
know you’re gonna win, you know what I mean? Tommy takes over organising the food. Doc stands fairness, Aimee. I mean, be realistic, he’s got
They laugh. Tommy gets into bed. there sheepishly fiddling with his glasses. a gun, you know what I mean? Chapter Two:
TOMMY: Outlook. That’s…It’s all about your TOMMY: So she threw you out? How to Survive an Attack of Killer Wasps.
outlook. Goodnight Aimee. DOC: What? Yeah. TOMMY: Well that’s… (As though he has been
He switches off the lamp. They are in semi-darkness. TOMMY: This is getting like Jurys Inns here. there before) You do not even want to be in
AIMEE: Goodnight Tommy. There you go. that situation!
TOMMY: Although—you know, someone told Tommy hands Doc a plate. DOC: No!
me later it was probably a fix. DOC: Thanks Tommy. TOMMY: Stay out of that one! Do not even
They are startled by the double doors from the TOMMY: Is there a single here for Aimee? get in to that one—would be my… (“advice”)
balcony rattling and opening with a thump. Doc’s DOC: They always throw in the extra scoop— DOC: Yeah.
head peeps in. He carries a bag from the chip shop. you’d be mad buying another single! They eat their chips for a few moments.
He has a nasty looking black eye. Tommy signals to Aimee, “Get this guy.” Tommy TOMMY: Tell Aimee about your book, Doc.
DOC: Guten nacht mein schitz. brings some food to Aimee and they all eat from DOC: It’s not a book.
TOMMY: What are you doing? plates on their laps throughout the following. AIMEE: What is it?
DOC: What? DOC: Here, I got you a present. DOC: Ah it’s just…I write down my dreams
TOMMY (Switching on the light, looking for his TOMMY: For me? and stuff.
trousers, etc.): What do you mean, “what?” DOC (Takes out a CD): The Rockin’ Sound of the TOMMY: Tell Aimee what it’s called.
What are you doing? Vuvuzela—double CD for 2.99! DOC: “The Call of Nature.”
DOC: Can I come in? TOMMY: Oh, thanks Doc. Aimee smiles while she eats.
TOMMY: What do you want? DOC: And a book for 1.99. We can share it. How DOC: It’s just a few pages of a copybook, it’s
DOC: I have chips. to Survive Life Threatening Situations. not a book.
TOMMY: Do you know what time it is? TOMMY: Now that’s handy! TOMMY: Don’t be down on yourself. Doc is
DOC: I thought yous might be hungry. DOC: Check it out. Chapter One: Surviving very spiritual.
TOMMY: Are you having me on? a Gun Attack. DOC: Don’t mind him.
DOC: Oh, were yous asleep? AIMEE: A what attack? TOMMY: Read out that thing you heard on the
TOMMY: Yeah, well no actually, Aimee was DOC: A gun attack. “If your assailant is firing radio. Doc hears things on the radio.
asleep, I only came in to get…a…get some directly at you…” DOC: Nah, I’m not reading it out.
milks, and you’re after scaring the living TOMMY: Yeah… TOMMY: Tell Aimee what you heard, about
daylights out of her here. DOC: “Try to move away.” the pope.
DOC: Oh, I’m sorry. TOMMY: Okay. DOC: Ah that was…I heard on the news that
TOMMY: Like, I didn’t even have me pants on DOC: “And as soon as you can…” they were hoping the pope was gonna be able
here Doc! TOMMY: Yeah? to walk from his funeral in the church down
DOC: No well, I just saw the light and I… DOC: “Turn a corner.” to the graveyard by himself, but then they
TOMMY: ’Cause I was on my way to bed, like, Pause. said that it didn’t look like that was gonna be
you know? TOMMY: Is that it? able to happen.
DOC: Sorry. DOC: “However should you be unable to turn Short pause.
TOMMY: Close the bleeding door will you? a corner or are not in a built-up area…” AIMEE: What?

DOC: Nah, I didn’t buy a ticket this week.
TOMMY: What, did you forget?
DOC: Nah, sure it’s only 2.2 million. I wouldn’t
be bothered in my hole playing for 2.2 mil-
TOMMY: What?! Well I played it. Here we are,
we might all be millionaires and we don’t even
know! Aimee, you want to nip down with me
we can check the lotto?
AIMEE: Is it far?
TOMMY: No, just down to the Eurospar. I have
to get dental floss anyway, we can buzz down
on my motorbike. Look. You can pick.
He grabs two motorbike helmets, one modern and
one old-fashioned, open-faced helmet with goggles.
AIMEE: Well I’m not wearing that one!
TOMMY: I’ll wear that one.

AIMEE: Go on then, give me a sec.

Aimee goes into the little toilet.
DOC: I’m sorry Tommy.
Caoilfhionn Dunne as Aimee in the Donmar Warehouse production. TOMMY: For what?
DOC: For crashing in on you.
TOMMY: No, it’s grand, I just…I didn’t want
DOC: Yeah and then the next day—on the AIMEE: Clare Hall. her getting a fright.
news—the pope was dead. DOC: Out in the countryside? DOC: Yeah, I’m…
TOMMY: What do you make of that? AIMEE: It’s not the countryside. TOMMY: Do you want to stay here tonight?
AIMEE: That’s insane. DOC: It used to be. DOC: Really?
DOC: Yep. Crazy. AIMEE: A long time ago maybe. TOMMY: Yeah, just…just clear out early and…
TOMMY: And he’s a student of eastern phi- DOC: Oh no. It was. It was right out. (About to DOC: Thanks Tommy.
losophy. take a drink, Tommy stops him) TOMMY: Yeah, but here, listen, about that other
DOC: I’m not really—I just do my yoga in the TOMMY: That’s Aimee’s. thing. About what you were saying she’ll do
back of the van. I used to go to a class but they Doc brings the drink to Aimee. He then wanders for 40 euros…
asked me to stop coming. back to Tommy and stands beside him, putting his DOC: I don’t have 40 euros.
AIMEE: Why? hand casually on Tommy’s shoulder, all the while TOMMY: Yeah, but even if you did.
DOC: Because during one class…I actually looking territorially at Aimee. Tommy shrugs Doc DOC: I don’t.
started to levitate—just a tiny bit—and every- away. Doc loiters disconsolately for a moment, then: TOMMY: Yeah, but even if you did. I can’t
one got a bit freaked out. DOC: Here Tommy, will I put on The Midnight have that kind of shenanigans going on with
AIMEE: What?! Hour? Maurice upstairs, he’d go mental.
DOC: No, it’s true, I went into a trance and I TOMMY: Oh, yeah, lash it on there. DOC: I don’t have 40 euros!
started to— (Lifts himself up a little to demon- Doc switches on the transistor radio. Marvin Gaye’s TOMMY: That’s not the point! Listen to me!
strate levitation) And this girl starts screaming. “What’s Going On” starts playing. DOC: I’m only just gonna go asleep!
AIMEE: Were you not just dreaming? TOMMY: Marvin—turn it up. TOMMY: Just don’t be annoying her!
DOC (Affronted): No. Aimee, there was a time Doc turns it up. Tommy gets to his feet and starts DOC: Tommy, come on. You know me. I’m a
when no one knew what air was. grooving around to the music. Doc and Aimee good guy, come on.
AIMEE: What what was? laugh. Tommy sings but his grasp of the words is TOMMY: Yeah I know, but I’m just saying…!
DOC: What air is. No one understood that surprisingly rudimentary considering how much DOC: Tommy, I’m not even able to get the horn!
hearing things was just our perception of sound the song seems to mean to him. He holds his hand Pause. The toilet door opens and Aimee emerges.
waves? So I’m saying—what about time waves, out to Aimee, she takes it and they groove around TOMMY: Alright?
you know what I mean? together. Doc also gets up and grooves around on his AIMEE: Yeah.
AIMEE: Not really, no. own. After a couple of minutes they hear Maurice TOMMY: Okay. We won’t be long.
DOC: Time waves? Just like sound waves—a thumping on the ceiling from upstairs. DOC: Yeah, see you later.
day will come when we understand what time TOMMY (Calls up): Alright! Alright Maurice! TOMMY (Pointing upstairs): And here. And no
is and that we can perceive, you know, time Doc turns off the music. noise alright?
waves, waves in time. Vibrations from another TOMMY: Old bollocks would give you a pain DOC: Yeah, I won’t.
time—like why not? in your arse. (He raises his mug to his poster of Doc accidently knocks a pot full of cutlery onto
AIMEE: No, I hear you. Marvin Gaye) Marvin, you said it there, man. the floor with an almighty crash. Tommy glares
DOC: Yeah! What’s goin’ on? That is the question. What at Doc, then Tommy and Aimee leave through
TOMMY: Fucking…“Time waves…” Don’t in the name of Jaysus is goin’ on? The man the balcony doors. Doc starts to tidy up. Kenneth
ever get in to sniffing glue Aimee. Here, Doc. who answers that one will… (He raises his mug steps into the room from the landing. He is slim,
Tommy holds his cup towards Doc. Doc gets them to whoever will answer that question) but strong looking. He wears a grey/beige suit and
some drinks. DOC: What’s goin’ on? fawn coloured slip-on shoes. He closes the doors and
DOC (Going to pour drinks): Where are you TOMMY: What the fuck is goin’ on? (Pause) stands there for a moment. Doc comes out of the
from, Aimee? Here did you check the lottery numbers? toilet to the sink and continues tidying up for a few
PLAYSCRIPT Conor McPherson The Night Alive

moments without noticing Kenneth. wrong with my eyes then, is there? DOC: Oh yeah…no it was…
KENNETH: Tommy? DOC: Well, I don’t. KENNETH: It was an accident was it?
Docs jumps, crashing dishes into the sink. He stands Pause. Doc looks around at the sink. DOC: Yeah.
looking at Kenneth, startled. KENNETH: Are you alright? Pause.
DOC: What? DOC: Yeah, no I was just… (“wondering if I DOC: Are you…a friend of Tommy’s?
KENNETH: Where’s Tommy? should do the dishes”) KENNETH: Am I a friend of Tommy’s?
DOC: He’s gone out. KENNETH: Do you want to do the dishes? DOC: Yeah.
KENNETH: Oh. (Pause) I might just wait then. DOC: No…I can… (“do it later”) KENNETH: Well what would you call a friend?
Pause. KENNETH: Come here, did you hear about DOC: Someone who’s friendly with him?
DOC: Is he expecting you? that fella that took his winkle out? Up there KENNETH: Mm-hm, what else?
KENNETH: I’d say so, yeah. behind the girl’s primary school? DOC: What else?
DOC: Oh, okay. DOC: What? KENNETH: Yeah, what else?
KENNETH: Is there no one else here? KENNETH: You don’t know who it was, do you? DOC: Well, like, do you know him?
DOC: No. Just Maurice. (Pause) The man who DOC: No. KENNETH: Does anyone really know anyone?
lives upstairs. (Pause) It’s his house. (Pause) Pause. Though. You know what I mean? Like what
He’s probably asleep. KENNETH: It wasn’t you was it? would you call a friend?
Pause. DOC: No. DOC: Someone…you want to see?
KENNETH: Okay. Pause. Kenneth picks up Aimee’s sweater.
Pause. KENNETH: You sure? KENNETH: Did you see a girl in here?
DOC: I wouldn’t say Tommy will be long. He’s DOC: Yeah. DOC: A girl…?
just gone to check the lotto numbers. KENNETH: He was up around the back of the KENNETH: Yeah. A girl. Is she here?
KENNETH: Okay, well I’ll wait here then. primary school. He took out his winkle. DOC: No.
Pause. DOC: I don’t know anything about it. KENNETH: Is she gone out with Tommy?
DOC: Do you want a cup of tea? KENNETH: You seem very sure of yourself. DOC: They’re just gone down to check the lotto.
KENNETH: Nah, you have one. DOC: No. KENNETH: Yeah, you told me that.
DOC: I’m alright. KENNETH: You’re not sure? DOC: Oh yeah. (Short pause) And maybe, em…
Kenneth looks out the window. DOC: No, I mean, I’m… KENNETH: Yeah?
KENNETH: Look at that. You can’t see a thing KENNETH: You’re not sure if it was you, or…? DOC: Get some milk. I think.
out there. DOC: No, I am… KENNETH: And yous are in business?
DOC: No. KENNETH: But you just don’t remember… DOC: Me and Tommy?
KENNETH: The park is like a big black hole. DOC: No, I do. KENNETH: Yeah.
DOC: Yeah, the trees block it out. KENNETH: You do remember? DOC: Yeah, I suppose.
KENNETH: Right, yeah. DOC: No, it wasn’t me, is what I’m… KENNETH: So you’re partners or…?
Short pause. KENNETH: Then who was it? (Pause) Who DOC: Yeah, partners, you know…Well, like
DOC: Sometimes you can hear the animals. was it? Tommy owns the van. We might clear out
(Kenneth looks at Doc) In the zoo. DOC: I don’t know. somebody’s shed or tidy their garden…
KENNETH: Do you ever go down for a look? Pause. KENNETH: Okay.
DOC: In the park? KENNETH: Because don’t start saying it was me. DOC: Yeah. I don’t drive, but.
DOC: No. KENNETH: Okay? DOC: Yeah. Keeping it real, you know.
KENNETH: I don’t blame you. Look at it. Jaysus, DOC: Yeah. KENNETH: Are you in business with Aimee?
look at that! (He picks a hammer up from a pile KENNETH: Okay. DOC: Oh no.
of stuff) I wouldn’t want to get a smack off of Pause. KENNETH: You’re not.
that would you? KENNETH: Do you not know I’m just pulling DOC: No.
DOC: No. your peanut? KENNETH: But Tommy is.
KENNETH: That would smack your fucking DOC: What? DOC: No…I don’t think so. (Pause) I think she’s
head off! KENNETH: I’m just pulling your peanut on you! just staying here.
DOC: …Yeah! DOC: Pulling my what? KENNETH: For work.
Pause. KENNETH: Your peanut. I know it wasn’t you! DOC: No I don’t think so.
KENNETH: You don’t be going out there into DOC: Oh. KENNETH: But, kind of…it’s vague.
the park. Pause. Doc gives a little laugh. Kenneth smiles. DOC: No, I don’t…like…I’m…
DOC: At night time? KENNETH: You were probably nowhere near KENNETH: Do you sleep in here?
KENNETH: Yeah. the place! Short pause.
DOC: No. DOC: I know! I wasn’t! DOC: Well, you know. Sometimes.
KENNETH: ’Cause you look like you might. KENNETH: You’ve probably never been up KENNETH: Where does Aimee sleep?
(He gives a little laugh) You know what I mean? there. DOC: I think over there.
Short pause. DOC: No! KENNETH: Where do you sleep? In there as
DOC: Not really. No. KENNETH: Sure I’m only jockin’ with ya! well?
KENNETH: No? You do! You look like you’d DOC: Yeah. DOC: No, you see I just sleep here sometimes
have no problem wandering in under the KENNETH: You like wrestling? if we have an early start. I haven’t slept here
trees there. DOC: What? with Aimee here yet.
DOC: No. KENNETH: The black eye. KENNETH: Not yet, no?
KENNETH: Well, there must be something Kenneth picks up Aimee’s bag, and looks through it. DOC: No.

KENNETH: Is your leg shaking? text her. Look, Doc is awake. I’m run off my MAURICE: I said that girl was trouble, didn’t I?
DOC: No. feet here, Suzanne. He woke up. TOMMY: Yeah? Well she’s gone, so…
Pause. Kenneth regards Doc. The door opens and Maurice stands there looking MAURICE: Yeah? Where?
KENNETH: Well look I’ll tell you. Fear is not at Tommy. There is a mean look about Maurice. TOMMY: I don’t know.
just one thing. Sometimes you’re just worn He has been drinking upstairs by himself for a MAURICE: What?
out by being really scared for days on end, few hours. TOMMY: I don’t know!
where you actually just want something bad TOMMY (Seeing Maurice): Look, I have to go. Pause.
to happen—just to… Yeah, I’ll tell him. Yeah, I will, I’ll call her MAURICE: You disgust me, Tommy.
DOC: Yeah. tonight. I will! She knows I love her! I do love TOMMY: I beg your pardon?
KENNETH: Get it over with. Here, look at this. her! Jesus Christ… MAURICE: You disgust me.
Kenneth takes two rows of jagged fangs from his He hangs up on her. TOMMY: I disgust you, do I?
pocket and puts them in his mouth. He opens his MAURICE: What haven’t you put that woman MAURICE: I’m disappointed in you! I’m disap-
mouth wide bearing the teeth, standing there look- through? pointed in you!
ing at Doc. Pause. TOMMY: Oh…Don’t you fucking start Maurice. TOMMY: Maurice, at least I’m not drunk out
DOC: Yeah, that’s…They’re pretty, eh… Tommy looks for a bag. of my mind at—what is it? Four o’clock in the
Kenneth growls at Doc. Pause. MAURICE (Drunkenly): What? afternoon!
DOC (Unsure): Ha ha ha… TOMMY: Suzanne is no saint either, okay? Pause.
Kenneth advances on Doc, growling. (Pause) So… MAURICE: Do you know how many people
DOC: Ha ha ha. MAURICE (Amused): Oh ho! were there? Do you know how many? Eight
Doc instinctively sits on Tommy’s bed. Kenneth TOMMY: Yeah, so…Before you… people, Tommy. Eight people for a whole
approaches Doc, opens his arms over him, and MAURICE: Mm-hm… life. Is that what it’s all for? All the worry and
roars down at him. Pause. TOMMY: Maurice. Are you drunk? all the battles? She wasn’t talking to me, you
DOC: Yeah…they’re…pretty good. MAURICE: Look at the way you live. see, so I didn’t offer her my hand and anyway
KENNETH (Muffled): They’re fucking mad During the following Tommy starts stuffing some I was already down the road before I even
aren’t they?! clothes into an old Liverpool F.C. sports bag. realised it was icy and I just heard it—smack.
Kenneth goes and gets the hammer. He stands MAURICE: Look…at the way you live. And I turned around and there she was. Do
over Doc again and roars down at him. Doc is now TOMMY: Look at the way you live… you know what she said? She said, “Maurice.”
frozen in terror. Pause. Kenneth suddenly hits Doc MAURICE: I live alright mate! At least I clean And I never felt so…And so…
with the hammer. up after myself and I wash myself! He gives a short shout of rage, and punches down-
DOC: Hey! TOMMY: I wash myself Maurice! For Jaysus’ ward. Pause.
Kenneth hits him again. sake. MAURICE: Death is real, Tommy! Yeah! You’re
DOC: Hey! What the fuck are you doing? MAURICE: Look at the state of your clothes! just knocking the days off the calendar. There’s
Doc gets to his feet and backs away. Kenneth follows What are you doing with them? even days when mass just takes you nowhere,
him. He swings the hammer at Doc again. TOMMY: These are not my clothes! They’re just deposits you back on the pavement, just
DOC: Get off! Doc’s clothes. another invisible man, knowing that the end
Kenneth follows him. MAURICE: Will you not iron them for him? is sneaking in on you and knowing it’s gonna
DOC: Get off! TOMMY: I don’t have an iron. be the worst part of your life. Looking at the
Kenneth follows Doc around the room. Doc tries to MAURICE: I’ll iron them, come on. news every night—for what? I don’t even want
bolt for the door to the hallway but Kenneth blocks TOMMY: They’ll do him. He’s going to his to see it! What do I want to see some little girl
his way. Doc runs into the little toilet and tries to sister’s—let her bleeding do them. with half her face hanging off in some bomb in
lock the door, but Kenneth pushes his way in after Maurice watches Tommy get Doc’s clothes together. some Arab country for? What can I do about
him. We hear Doc crying out as Kenneth beats MAURICE: Can I ask you where you were it? And you feel like you have to witness all this
him. From above we hear Maurice banging down earlier? fucking crap or else you’re not a good person!
from upstairs in protest at the noise. After a few TOMMY: Where I always am! Back and forth What can I do about it?! And I look at you.
moments, Doc falls silent. Kenneth steps back into up to the bleeding hospital, where do you You don’t even know how lucky you are. You
the room. There is blood on his suit and his face. He think I was? have two beautiful children and what do you
stands looking up at the ceiling. The thumping stops. MAURICE: Did you forget? do? You piss off on them! Fuck-arsing around
The lights change, bringing us to late afternoon a TOMMY: Forget what? with young ones…
few days later. Tommy is in the middle of packing MAURICE: Maura’s anniversary mass. (Short TOMMY: Yeah well it’s not like that Maurice.
Doc’s clothes into a bag while he listens to his phone. pause) At 10 o’clock. MAURICE: What’s it like then? Don’t tell me
TOMMY: What do you mean burnt? Was the Pause. what it’s like! I know what it’s like! Don’t tell
tinfoil itself burnt? (Pause) Where was it? TOMMY: Yeah. I forgot. me what it’s like, you little pup! I reared you,
(Pause) I don’t know what people smoke off MAURICE: Yep. when no one else could cope with you. Maura
tinfoil, probably lots of things. Yeah! I know TOMMY: Just with the…the circumstances. had to toilet train you! You were nearly four
it’s not good! Of course it’s not good! (Pause) Pause. and a half!
What did you say to her? Well why not? Maybe MAURICE: Yeah. TOMMY: Okay, alright Maurice.
it’s a school project for school or science or TOMMY: Oh just give me a break Maurice, Tommy struggles to close the zip on the bag.
something. I don’t know—an experiment! will you? MAURICE: What?
(Pause) Well how would I know? I left school MAURICE: I said that girl was trouble. (Short TOMMY: Just go and lie down will you?
when I was 14! (Pause) Of course I will—I’m pause) Didn’t I? MAURICE: And you bring whores in under my
happy to talk to her any time! That’s…! Will Pause. roof! Under my roof! A whore!
she talk to me is the…I am gonna ring her! I MAURICE: Tommy. Tommy suddenly throws the bag across the room
told you I’d ring her! Yeah, I’ll ring her, I won’t TOMMY: What. against the wall. It lands near the door.
PLAYSCRIPT Conor McPherson The Night Alive

TOMMY: For fuck’s sake Maurice! KENNETH: Do you know what’s so…? It’s not this is a total misunderstanding! Listen, what’s
Pause. Tommy sits disconsolately on the camp bed. even about any of this. It’s not about any of that. happened is we’ve had to move in with Aimee’s
MAURICE: Evil…has…no meaning. (Pause) AIMEE: Then what’s it about?! nana in her house to look after her because she
All I’m asking—what happened to all that KENNETH: I’m on top of it. was in a virtual coma, or she might as well have
sweetness…is what I want to know. AIMEE: What? been! (He laughs) And then the doctor said
TOMMY: What sweetness? KENNETH: I’m on top of it. that actually she was dead, so Aimee’s brother
MAURICE: When we used to go down the AIMEE: What? decided to break up the asset without any remu-
canal, and you holding my hand, and asking KENNETH: I’ve got up back on top of it. neration towards my…towards my…So Aimee
me all the questions in the world. And now Alright? has, if I am correct, decided to reimburse me,
the country is a shambles and we’re crying AIMEE: What the fuck are you talking about? and because she’s now within your…sphere,
out for people like you. That can lead us into You don’t want this? going round your orbit, she’s dug in under your
the light, Tommy. She gestures to the money. He shakes his head. floor to borrow your resources to pay me back,
TOMMY: I’m just a moocher, Maurice. Angrily, she starts putting it back. He suddenly with, I believe, Aimee?, the full intention of
Tommy’s mobile phone rings. He goes to answer it. tries to embrace her. paying you back. So that’s…who I am.
TOMMY: That’s all I ever was. Hello? (Pause) KENNETH: Aimee listen…I’m sorry. I’m just TOMMY: Yeah, I know who you are. Whatever
Okay. It’s alright, calm down. Where are you? sorry. your fucking name is.
(Pause) Well just stay there. No, just sit there. She pushes him off her. KENNETH: That was self-defence, Tommy.
Take it easy! I’m coming! Okay? KENNETH: Those people wrote to you. She scratched me in the eye for Christ’s sake!
Tommy hangs up and grabs his coat and his keys. AIMEE: What people? (He laughs) Aimee? (Aimee doesn’t answer) Oh
MAURICE: Who’s that? KENNETH: The people. They wrote you a thanks! Listen, Tommy, I know how this looks.
TOMMY: Doc. His sister hasn’t shown up to letter. This looks fucking pathetic. That’s fine then,
collect him and they’re kicking him out. Pause. we’ll cut out the middle man. I’ll call around
MAURICE: I’ll come with you. AIMEE: Where is it? here say every Saturday evening, Saturday
TOMMY: No, Maurice, come and lie down Pause. night around eight o’clock, nine o’clock, we can
will you? KENNETH: I read it for you. keep it loose, or even every Sunday after din-
Tommy tries to guide Maurice out by the arm. Pause. ner, you just give me an envelope, it’s Aimee’s
Maurice pulls his arm away. AIMEE: What did it say? instalments, that’s fine, straight i mo phoca,
MAURICE: No, I want to go and look at my KENNETH: Ah it was just…all this medical I don’t need a cup of tea, I’ve already eaten, I
vegetables. stuff. have somewhere I have to be, that’s fine, see
TOMMY: Ah, suit yourself! Aimee’s face crumples. you next week. Ding dong. The week has flown
Tommy storms out with Doc’s clothes. Maurice KENNETH: They’ll keep you informed and all by! That kind of thing.
stands there for a moment. He takes a small bottle this but they’re not gonna let you to meet the TOMMY: Well no, I’ve a better idea. Why don’t
of Irish whiskey from his pocket and drinks from it. little one. Because they think it’ll only confuse you just clear off out of here?
He goes to the double doors and lets himself out to the her ’cause she’s too young. (Short pause) She’s KENNETH: Me clear off?
balcony, going off down to the garden. Time passes. too young! TOMMY: Yeah.
A heavy dusk gathers in the room and raindrops Pause. KENNETH: Listen, there’s no need to fly off
spatter the windows. After a few moments the AIMEE: Do you have it? the handle. (Pause) You’re saying to clear off
door opens and Aimee slips in quietly. She waits a KENNETH (Shrugs and shakes his head): Yeah. and not come back?
moment listening, then goes to the loose floorboard (Short pause) No. TOMMY: Yeah.
and takes out the biscuit tin with Tommy’s money. AIMEE: Did they say what they call her? KENNETH: Yeah come back or yeah not come
She opens the tin and starts counting money out on He shakes his head. back.
to the floor. When she has 3,000 euros she puts the KENNETH: Aimee, listen. She’s better off and TOMMY: Not come back.
rest back, replaces the lid, and puts it back under the you’re better off because unfortunately, you’re KENNETH: So just take this (Indicates the tin)
floorboard. As she goes to leave, Kenneth appears not right in the fucking head. (Pause) You’re and not come back.
in the doorway. not right in the fucking head, unfortunately. TOMMY: No leave that.
AIMEE (Startled): What are you doing?! He gently strokes her arm. KENNETH: And not come back?
KENNETH: There’s nobody here! KENNETH: Let’s go, okay? Come on. TOMMY: You’re not taking that.
AIMEE: Right, come on. Aimee shakes her head. She goes and sits on the KENNETH: Well then I don’t understand what’s
KENNETH: Woah, woah woah. What’s that? bed, looking at him. happening.
AIMEE (Showing him what she has taken): Three KENNETH (Warning): Aimee? TOMMY: I don’t give a fuck what you under-
thousand. He advances on her, menacingly. Tommy’s voice stand. Give me the box.
KENNETH: Don’t mind that. (He indicates halts him. AIMEE: Tommy…
the room) TOMMY (Entering): What’s going on? KENNETH: She says she’s paying you back! (To
Pause. KENNETH: Tommy! (He comes to Tommy, offer- Aimee) Right?
AIMEE: You said 3,000. ing his hand) How are you? AIMEE: Tommy. I’m gonna pay you back.
KENNETH: Don’t mind what I said. TOMMY: What are you doing? KENNETH: In 40 euro instalments, right?
AIMEE: There is no more, that’s it. KENNETH: I’m not doing anything. Pause.
Pause. TOMMY: What are you doing with my money? TOMMY: That’s not the way it’s gonna happen.
KENNETH: Alright you’ve made your point. KENNETH: Tommy. (Pause) We’re bereaved. KENNETH: Well then will someone please
You can leave that there. Come on, we’ll get Pause. explain to me what is gonna happen?
a smoke. TOMMY: What? TOMMY: You give me the box and go. Both
AIMEE: No, I’m not doing that. Just take it. KENNETH: Has Aimee not told you? (Pause) of you go.
Pause. Ah for Jaysus sake! Ah well look. Well then Pause. She goes to leave.
KENNETH: No wait, we’re talking. to the floor and lies still. Then, Tommy steps away two days later. The body is gone and Doc is sitting in
She ignores him. He grabs her. in shock. Pause. the room. His head is bandaged. He has a dressing
KENNETH: We’re talking! AIMEE: Tommy. on his ear and two of his fingers are taped round a
Aimee hits at his arm, trying to free herself. TOMMY: Yeah. splint. Doc adjusts his arm in his sling, trying to
TOMMY: Hey now! Hey, hey, hey! Now, listen, AIMEE: What’ll we do? get more comfortable. He is in considerable pain.
I don’t give a fuck how yous go, together or TOMMY: We’ll hide him. Tommy comes in the double doors from the balcony.
separately or on your own or together, but AIMEE: Where? (Pause) Where? DOC: You just missed Maurice, Tommy.
you’re not taking that box! Tommy grabs a blanket and throws it over the body. Tommy just nods, bringing a bag from the chem-
KENNETH: Well you’re not doing a lot to help TOMMY: What do you mean where? People ist to Doc.
the situation, are you? disappear every day. People just go… (He TOMMY: Here.
TOMMY: What the fuck is your problem?! gestures) poff! And we can, we can…we can… DOC: He was just in here looking for you.
KENNETH: My problem? Oh now I have a we can just…we can just…go! Okay? TOMMY: Okay, here you go. (A little box) This
problem?! AIMEE: Go where? is an inhaler, you take that twice a day, morn-
TOMMY: Yeah, I’d say you have a problem! I’d TOMMY: Just go! Who cares? Finland. ing and evening.
say you have a lot of problems, yeah! AIMEE: Finland? Pause.
KENNETH: Oh yeah? TOMMY: Finland is a beautiful country, Aimee. DOC: What is it?
Kenneth throws the tin on the bed and advances The light! You go off up into the forest. No TOMMY: You stick it up your nose and you
on Tommy. They move round the room. Tommy one cares who you are. press the button.
backs away while Kenneth pushes and taunts him. Pause. DOC: Oh yeah.
KENNETH: Well maybe my problem is it’s like AIMEE: What about your kids? TOMMY (Taking out tablets): If your headache
my eyes have been taken out and I just can’t TOMMY: They don’t… (“need me!”) They’re… gets really bad, you just take a half of one of
see what’s in front of me like it’s always night Aimee raises her hand to her mouth. Her hand is these, alright? Otherwise just take two of
time so when night time really comes you shaking uncontrollably. Tommy goes towards her. these, they’re paracetamol, and you take one
think it feels like a relief except I can’t sleep so The door to the landing opens and Maurice stands of these (Another little box) every day. Alright?
that when it’s morning it feels like it’s burning there, half undressed. He wears stripy pyjama DOC: Yeah, you can remind me.
my brain and I drink too much coffee on my bottoms and a blazer over his vest. He seems even TOMMY: Well, just, look it’s all written there.
own ’cause you’re going around everywhere more inebriated. DOC: Yeah but just in case I forget.
with a clouded mind trying to forget a devil MAURICE: What in the name of sweet fucking TOMMY: But Doc, I’m not gonna be here man.
lives inside you and you should probably just Jaysus is going on? DOC: What do you mean?
go home but you can’t do that so you’re all the TOMMY: Nothing. TOMMY: No, I’m going away.
time out and about and you’re getting annoyed MAURICE: It doesn’t fucking sound like noth- DOC: I thought you were just moving.
with people because they won’t listen and the ing! TOMMY: No, I’m going away.
same old same old is going round and round TOMMY: It’s alright Maurice. Go back to bed. DOC: Away from Dublin?
and round and round and round and round MAURICE: I’m not in bed! TOMMY: I’m going abroad man. I have a…I’ve
and round and round and round and round TOMMY: We had a row, alright? an offer of work, so…
and round and round and round and round MAURICE (Sarcastically): Oh yeah? (To Aimee) DOC: You need me to come with you?
until you start to fucking think that maybe I knew the feather wouldn’t blow too far— TOMMY: No, I don’t think I…
that’s your problem! because there’s too much shite on the egg! DOC: Where is it? Up in the north?
TOMMY: Look. I’ll help anyone out. Same as Hm? Hello to you too. Ha? TOMMY: Yeah, up in the north, and maybe in
the next man, but I’ve got troubles. I’ve got my He looks over at the camp bed where Kenneth’s Scotland as well, so you know…
own problems and you’re not taking my money. body lies curled up. DOC: And you’re going now?
Tommy picks the tin up off the bed. MAURICE: What’s that? TOMMY: Yeah, I’m going now, I’m going this
KENNETH: You think she’s gonna love you? Silence. Maurice walks over to body and peers down morning.
TOMMY: What? in the gloom. But rather than examine the body, DOC: Now?
KENNETH: You think you can change her? he crouches and drags something out from under TOMMY: Yeah, now.
You think you can go up and down the courts the detritus. It is a sack of vegetables. He opens it Pause.
with her and talk to the solicitor about all her and looks inside. DOC: What are you talking about?!
shoplifting charges? And talk to the doctor MAURICE: I fucking knew it! And you and that TOMMY: What do you mean what am I talking
about the time she managed to get lost in town. other gobdaw trying to tell me the crows had about? Didn’t I just say it to you?
AIMEE: I’m not staying here for this! dug them up? The crows! What do you think DOC: Well I’ll come with you if it’s just North-
Aimee starts to leave. I am? A nincompoop? Well I have you now. ern Ireland. I can mind the van.
KENNETH: We’re still talking! Ha? Explain that! Explain it! (Pause) You TOMMY: No, it’s gonna be abroad, Doc, so…
Kenneth grabs her and they wrestle, Aimee tum- can’t explain it. There is no explanation. A you know.
bling to the floor. tiny modicum of respect, Tommy. That’s all DOC: Well do you need me to mind the van
TOMMY: Jesus Christ! What the fuck is wrong I’ve ever been talking about—that you might here?
with you? even ask me. (Pause. To Aimee) I don’t even eat TOMMY: I’m taking the van.
Tommy strikes Kenneth with the lid of the biscuit them! (To Tommy) You know that I can’t! (He DOC: The van’s gonna be gone?!
tin. Kenneth grabs Tommy. The tin drops and they takes the sack to the door, then turns) You know TOMMY: Yeah, the van is gonna be gone and
grapple with each other. Suddenly, Aimee is up and Tommy? Maybe it’s time you moved along, I’m gonna be gone. Okay? Okay?
grabs a kitchen knife, which she plunges into Ken- okay? I don’t think this is working. DOC: Oh.
neth’s back, leaving the handle protruding. Kenneth Maurice leaves. Tommy and Aimee stand there. TOMMY: Yeah so…
stops fighting. His arms drop. He stumbles towards Then Aimee goes and kneels beside the body. The DOC: Yeah, no, that’s…the only problem is…
Tommy. Tommy tries to hold Kenneth as he slips lights go down and bring us to a bright morning TOMMY: What?

PLAYSCRIPT Conor McPherson The Night Alive

DOC: No, it’s just, Teresa is saying I can’t stay TOMMY: But you won’t be in the hostels! Go you?
with her, so… down the social welfare. Go down now. Go He goes and closes the door behind her.
TOMMY: Well what’s that got to do with me? down this morning. AIMEE: I went for a walk.
DOC: No I was just… DOC: Yeah but they say you’re not on the TOMMY: A walk? Are you fucking mad?
TOMMY: What? books anymore and you need a letter from AIMEE: You were asleep.
DOC: No I was just…I was hoping that…you your previous employer and all this and then TOMMY: Well I must have only fell asleep for
wouldn’t mind me staying here until my ear in the hostels you get all them, Batman, and a few minutes.
got better. Landline and all them fuckers, they take your AIMEE: I couldn’t wake you up.
TOMMY: But I’m not gonna be here. runners, they take your shower gel… TOMMY: Did you go and buy drugs?
DOC: Yeah. TOMMY: But that’s not…! (“going to happen”) AIMEE: No.
Pause. Look, come here, look. (He goes and takes some Pause.
TOMMY: I’m not gonna be here Doc. money from a coat pocket) Now, look, here we TOMMY: I have it worked out. (He shows her a
DOC: Yeah that’s…That’s the… go, there’s all your Christmas money. (Pause) piece of paper) We drive up to Belfast, get the
TOMMY: You’re gonna have to do your own And this is… (From his own pocket) Look, take ferry to Stranraer in Scotland, drive down
thing. this. That’s from me. We’ll call that a soft loan. through England to Harwich, ferry from
DOC: Yeah that’s… DOC: For how long? Harwich to the Hook of Holland, drive up
Tommy is throwing his razor and toothbrush, etc. TOMMY: For what how long? through Denmark to Frederikshavn—ferry to
into a little bag. DOC: For how long the loan… Gothenburg okay? In Sweden get to Kapellskär
TOMMY: You know what I mean? TOMMY: I’m giving it to you. and ferry—bang—into Marienshaven. In
DOC: Yeah. DOC: What? Finland, we’re there. It’s that easy.
TOMMY: You’ll have to get yourself sorted out. TOMMY: I’m giving it to you, okay? Pause.
DOC: I know. DOC (Laughing with incomprehension): What? AIMEE: That doesn’t sound so easy though,
TOMMY: I mean this is…you know…Maybe TOMMY (Unable to resist laughing with Doc): Tommy.
it’s time you got serious anyway, you know? There you go. That’s…now. Okay? TOMMY: Of course it’s easy. Why isn’t it easy?
DOC: Yeah. Doc stands there looking at the money in his hand AIMEE: Because I don’t have a passport.
TOMMY: Not fucking around and sleeping here while Tommy goes and continues getting his stuff TOMMY: What? Why not?
and sleeping there. I mean it’s all a bit mad Doc. together. AIMEE: I never had one.
DOC: I know! DOC: Tommy? TOMMY: Why didn’t you tell me that?
TOMMY: You know what I mean? TOMMY: Yeah? AIMEE: I didn’t think of it.
DOC: I know! It’s mad. Pause. TOMMY: When did you not think of it, just
TOMMY: It’s…you know… DOC: Did I tell you Maurice was looking for now?
DOC: Listen, you don’t have to tell me that. you? AIMEE: I don’t know, this morning.
The only problem is I was hoping that I’d be TOMMY: Yeah you told me. TOMMY: This morning? (Angrily hissing his
able to…to just…be able to stay here. Pause. rage) You couldn’t have not thought of that
TOMMY: You want to stay here? Talk to Mau- DOC: Tommy… two nights ago and me breaking my bollocks
rice. TOMMY: Yeah? (Pause) What? digging a grave in the pitch dark down in the
DOC: What about the rent? Pause. wilds of County fucking Wicklow, no?!
TOMMY: You can get the rent! Go down the DOC: No, just, em… AIMEE: Just go without me.
social welfare office. TOMMY: What? (Pause) What? What’s the TOMMY: What? (Pause) Ah don’t be ridiculous!
DOC: Just talk to them in there… matter with you? (With sudden rage) Would Anyway, you don’t need a passport for the ferry.
TOMMY: Yeah, you go in, and you fucking… you fucking leave me alone will you?! What’s AIMEE: Someone is bound to want to check
say…you know…I don’t have any fucking the matter with you? You’re like a fucking somewhere.
money! Just tell them. The banks are bust, stone brick around my neck, every time I turn TOMMY: Just stay in the back of the van!
you need your rent, you know… around you’re coming in the fucking window! AIMEE: You should just go on your own.
DOC: Yeah. What’s the matter with you?! Ha? TOMMY: I’m not gonna just go on my own,
Pause. DOC: What? come on!
TOMMY: Yeah? Okay? TOMMY: What’s the matter with you? What’s AIMEE: Why not?
DOC: Yeah, no that’s… wrong with you? What’s wrong with you?! TOMMY: What?
Pause. Doc exhales heavily. Pause. AIMEE: Why not?
TOMMY: What?! DOC: I don’t know. TOMMY: Because we’re! Because we’re…
DOC: No, just, what am I gonna do? TOMMY: Ha? AIMEE: I did it.
TOMMY: What are you…? What have we just DOC: I don’t know. TOMMY: What, do you think I’m gonna just
been talking about? Pause. Aimee comes in the door tentatively and leave you in the lurch? What kind of person
DOC: I know, but… stands there. do you… (“think I am?”) Oh right, maybe it
TOMMY: It’s not up to me Doc. (Pause) Okay? DOC: I’ll see you, Tommy. was just your problem before, but now it’s…
DOC: Yeah. Doc leaves through the balcony doors and is gone. It’s too late for that now, isn’t it?
Pause. Tommy stands and looks guiltily at Aimee. Then Pause. Aimee shakes her head.
TOMMY: Okay? he notices that Doc has forgotten his medications. AIMEE: I’ll see you, okay?
DOC: Yeah. (Pause) No, it’s just… He grabs the bag and goes to the balcony doors. TOMMY: But where are you gonna go? You
TOMMY: What. TOMMY (Calls): Doc! Doc! (To himself) Fuck it. don’t have a passport! Where are you gonna
DOC: Just you go in the hostels and…I’m just He comes back into the room and throws the bag go? Listen, I want to go to Finland!
not able for all the fucking people in there, on the bed. AIMEE: Well go to Finland. No one’s stop-
you know… TOMMY: What are you doing? Where were ping you!
TOMMY (Suddenly changing tack and becom- Tommy nods. TOMMY: Mm?
ing positive): Look! We’ll get you a passport! MAURICE: Okay? DOC: Paving slabs.
We’ll get you one. We’ll get it. I mean, why TOMMY (Quietly): Yeah. TOMMY: Yeah.
the panic?! How long does it take to get one? MAURICE: Well don’t get too fucking excited DOC: Me and Tommy dig it up, bang bang
A few days? about it. bang, a patio, a few chairs, put on your coat
AIMEE: It’s not going to work, Tommy. Long pause. and your hat and your scarf, you sit out there
TOMMY: Why is it not gonna work? MAURICE: Is she coming back? in the evening, up the other end, and have your
AIMEE: It’s just not going to work! Tommy shakes his head. hot whiskey. Think about things.
TOMMY: What’s not going to work? MAURICE: You’re better off. You need a settled MAURICE: Hm…
AIMEE: Everything. woman, Tommy. Someone who’s settled in DOC: The sun going down behind the trees.
TOMMY: Listen, fuck all that. We say how it herself. Whistle up to Tommy. Hot whiskey please,
works! We did what we had to do, and we’ll… TOMMY: Yeah. Tommy!
This is…This has…And maybe that’s… (Pause) MAURICE: You only get a few goes, Tommy. MAURICE: Yeah, I’d be waiting a long time. I’d
I love you, Aimee, okay? I love you. Okay? At life. You don’t get endless goes. Two, three be freezing my balls off.
AIMEE: You don’t even know me, Tommy. goes maybe. When you hit the right groove Maurice and Doc laugh, but they can’t look Tommy
TOMMY: I do know you. I do. I’ve always known you’ll click right in there. No drama. That’s in the eye.
you. I’ve always known you. only for fucking eejits. (Pause) This is it. (Pause) DOC: Don’t mind that. And look over all there.
AIMEE: You’re just lonely. Living in the moment. (Beat) Tommy. Dig all that out, turn it over, put down your few
TOMMY: Lonely?! I’m not lonely! Pause. The balcony doors rattle and Doc’s head bulbs. Next thing you know, it’s spring—and
AIMEE: Tommy, I’m gonna go. Okay? appears. boom—all the flowers.
TOMMY: You think I’m just some…fool? Who MAURICE: Oh here he is. The gay caballero. MAURICE: Yeah, I don’t know. Maybe. (Pause.
doesn’t know what’s going on inside his own DOC: There I am. I’m sorry. I forgot my pre- He glances at Tommy) Come down, show me
head? Like I don’t fucking know what’s going scription. what you mean.
on? I know what’s going on! I know, okay? Tommy goes to get the bag from the chemist. Doc and Maurice, uncomfortable with Tommy’s
Pause. Tommy goes to get her some money. MAURICE: You forgot your what? withdrawn demeanour, walk out to the garden
AIMEE: Don’t give me any money Tommy. DOC: My prescription for the chemist. together. As they go off:
TOMMY: No, take it. MAURICE: Is it here? MAURICE: Well I’m glad you’re on the mend.
AIMEE: No. Tommy brings it to Doc. DOC: You should see the other fella.
TOMMY: Take it. DOC: Thanks Tommy. Sorry I wouldn’t have MAURICE: Yeah?
AIMEE: No. come back, only I knew you’d be gone so… DOC: Yeah, I milled him.
TOMMY: Why not? Bye Maurice. MAURICE: Yeah?
AIMEE: Because there’s no point. TOMMY: Here, hang on. You’re alright. DOC: Yeah, I absolutely brainalised him.
TOMMY: What do you mean there’s no point? DOC: Nah, I won’t stay. MAURICE (Off): Yeah?
AIMEE: There’s no point. TOMMY: You’re alright. DOC (Off): Yeah.
TOMMY: What are you going to do? Pause. MAURICE (Off): Fair play to you.
Pause. He realizes she has decided to kill herself. DOC: What, are you…? (Unsaid: “You two DOC (Off): Now look. Do you know what
TOMMY: Don’t do that. (He grabs her) Don’t having a private conversation?”) decking is Maurice?
you fucking do that. TOMMY: Sit down. A low afternoon sun creeps into the room, catching
AIMEE (Recoiling as if from an electric shock): Doc stands inside the room. All three of them Tommy alone with his head in his hands. Lights and
Just leave me the fuck alone! are silent. music take us to a winter’s evening. The music goes
The door opens and Maurice is there in his grey DOC: So, you’re moving out later on or…? into the radio and we find Doc alone in the room
slacks, black shoes, a white shirt, a tie and a blazer. Tommy shakes his head. Pause. fixing the plug on some fairy lights. His bandages
Pause. MAURICE (Apropos of nothing): Yeah. are gone. After a few moments, Tommy bustles in
MAURICE (To Aimee): Are you still here? Pause. from the landing with his coat on and a few bags
AIMEE: No. DOC: Does anyone…want a cup of coffee? from the shops.
Aimee goes to the door. MAURICE: What kind of coffee? DOC (Without looking up): Aye aye.
AIMEE: Bye Tommy. DOC: Instant. TOMMY: What are you doing?
She goes. Pause. MAURICE (As though this is preferable): Oh DOC: Fixing the Christmas lights.
MAURICE: Well I wanted to, em…May I have instant? Yeah, I will. TOMMY: It’s only the bleeding 10th of Novem-
a word? Doc goes to the sink to fill the kettle. Tommy sits. ber!
TOMMY: What? Maurice goes to the double doors and looks out at DOC: Yeah I know, but you know, get it done,
MAURICE: May I have a word with you? the garden. it’s not hanging over you.
TOMMY: What do you want? DOC: You see out there, the hedge and all TOMMY: Did you clear up all them leaves?
MAURICE: I have a…an appointment with my that, Maurice? DOC: Yeah. I did that ages ago. I’m just waiting
solicitor at four o’clock. MAURICE: Yeah. for the rest of them to fall.
TOMMY: About the rent? DOC: I was thinking you should pull that all up. TOMMY (Giving up): Right…
MAURICE: No, not about the rent. I eh…I MAURICE: Were you now? DOC: How did you get on?
don’t want to end up in a…I…You see, I need DOC: Yeah, and look, where the sun is now? TOMMY: Yeah, good.
to be able to live here right to the… (He That’s where you want to put down a patio DOC: How was Michelle?
points at Tommy with his open palm and makes a where you go and sit in the morning. TOMMY: Yeah, good.
single clicking sound) So if you want to stay on, MAURICE: Yeah? DOC: She talking to you?
I’ll…I’m going to leave you the house. And… DOC: Yeah, Tommy has paving blocks in the TOMMY: Yeah. No, she was. She’s having a baby.
(Pause) Okay? lock up. Tommy? DOC: A baby?!

PLAYSCRIPT Conor McPherson The Night Alive

TOMMY: Yeah. Suzanne is going bananas. for? Is that even a name? No, what do you to reach the heart of the dying star that you
DOC: What’s she gonna do? call them, the Casey twins, Romulus and… would never actually arrive, because at that
TOMMY: Who? Suzanne? Dwayne Casey. speed, time, itself, becomes meaningless. So
DOC: No. Michelle. TOMMY (Does not know them): Okay… a black hole is a place, he said, where there is…
TOMMY: She’s gonna start training to be a DOC: Mick Mounfield was in there with them no time. And he said that all the stars in our
hairdresser. and he told me that he saw…he said he saw… galaxy, and all…our sun, and all…everything
DOC: Never be out of work. em… is just spinning round and round a black hole.
TOMMY: I know. Short pause. And he said that when you consider this fact:
DOC: Because even bald people get their hair TOMMY: Aimee? that we are all just going round and round a
cut. DOC: Yeah, but I don’t think he’s right. I didn’t place where there is no time, how can any man
TOMMY: I know. think he described her right. say there is no God?
DOC: The joke is on them because the sides TOMMY: Where was she? Pause.
and back still get all bushy. DOC: He said he saw her sitting on the steps DOC: I had to write it down.
TOMMY: Yeah, but I’d say the idea of cutting at the customs house but he said he thought TOMMY: Yeah, well that’s a heavy fucking
auld baldy lads’ hair is not where she’s at. she was about 50 years old. So it couldn’t… dream right there man.
DOC: No but I mean, if you had to. You can TOMMY: No. DOC: Yeah. (Pause) Well, I’ll go and get Mau-
always earn a few bob. DOC: …couldn’t have been her. But, you know, rice.
TOMMY: Well, yeah. I always keep an ear out. TOMMY: Yeah.
DOC: Just watch, she’ll be in here cutting all TOMMY: Yeah. DOC: I’ll see you in about 15, 20 minutes.
our hair for us. Grandkids will be running all DOC: ’Cause my hunch is that she’s alright. TOMMY: Yeah. In 15 or 20 measurements of
over the house and she’ll be trimming all the TOMMY: Yeah? time.
hair in your ears and your nose and everything. DOC: Yeah. They smile.
TOMMY: I doubt it somehow. TOMMY: Yeah. DOC: Yeah in 15 or 20 units of time. I mean,
DOC (Convinced he is right): I don’t know. DOC: Will I tell you the good thing about like, time…What is it? You know what I mean?
There’s beans in that pot on the ring. Christmas? No one can turn you away. You TOMMY: Yeah, I know. Maybe you’ll go down
TOMMY: Is there no sausages? see that light in the window. In you go. to The Little Nibble and never come back!
DOC: Eh…No. TOMMY: Yeah. But you can’t save everybody DOC: I know!
TOMMY: Just as well, I got some. Do you though, can you? I mean… Doc is about to go out the balcony doors.
want one? DOC: Yeah, I suppose. (Pause) Here, do you TOMMY: Doc, use the front door.
DOC: Yeah. I’ll have a few more. Sausage know what a black hole is? Tommy disappears into the toilet.
sandwich please, Tommy. TOMMY: A black what? DOC (Goes to the main door): Oh and he told me
TOMMY: Listen I wasn’t gonna go but… DOC: A black hole. to tell you what heaven is, Tommy.
Michelle’s invited us to her 18th birthday party. TOMMY: In space? TOMMY (Off): Oh yeah?
DOC: Tonight? DOC: Yeah. Do you know what it is? DOC: Yeah, apparently, when you die, you
TOMMY: Yeah. TOMMY: Eh yeah, it’s a…What is it? won’t even know you’re dead! It’ll just feel like
DOC: You and me? Pause. Doc has his jacket on. He is near the door. everything has suddenly…come right, in your
TOMMY: Yeah, you and me and Maurice. Tommy is sorting out his clothes. Doc is lost in life. Like everything has just clicked into place
DOC: Will we go? thought for a moment. and off you go.
TOMMY: Do you want to go? DOC: No, I had a mad dream. Before I woke TOMMY (Off): Oh well that’s good, isn’t it?
DOC: Will Suzanne mind us being there? up. (Pause) I had to write it down. DOC: Yeah!
TOMMY: It’s not up to her. He goes to the camp bed and takes a piece of note- Doc leaves. Tommy reappears and starts to get
DOC: Maurice is gone down to The Little paper up. ready. He turns up the radio. A plaintive song is
Nibble to have his dinner. TOMMY: Are you alright? playing. He quickly washes his face in the sink. He
TOMMY: Do you think he’d want to? DOC: Yeah, no, it was just…I woke up and there puts on his clean shirt and goes into the little toilet.
DOC: I’d say he would. was an old chap sitting there and do you know For a few moments the room is empty except for
TOMMY: Alright, well…I’ll get changed. who he was? the music. Then the balcony doors open and Aimee
Doc plugs in the lights. They come on. TOMMY: Who? silently steps into the room. She looks in good shape.
DOC: Here listen, thanks for the runners. DOC: He was one of the three wise men. She wears a new leather jacket, jeans and boots.
TOMMY: Oh yeah, are they alright? TOMMY: What he told you that or…? She carries a bag with a strap which she puts down
DOC: Perfect, check it out. (He comes and stands DOC: No, you know the way you just know. on the floor. She stands there while Tommy comes
quite close to Tommy) They give me another TOMMY: Okay. back into the room. He does not see her at first.
half an inch. DOC: And he was looking out the doors there, He goes to the mirror and combs his hair. After a
TOMMY: Oh yeah. up into the sky. And I sat up in the camp bed few moments he sees Aimee’s reflection and turns.
Tommy takes some shirts from a bag from the dry and he saw me and he said that when a star… They stand looking at each other. For a moment he
cleaners and starts taking one out of the plastic dies, okay? It collapses into itself and its grav- wonders if she is real. Darkness falls.
wrapping. Doc goes for his jacket. ity is an unbelievable force, right? Not even
DOC: Oh here, em, Mick Mounfield was in light is quick enough to escape. He said that’s END OF PLAY
the bookies earlier with those twins, Romulus why it’s called a black hole. And he said that
and… the faster you travel, the slower time goes,
TOMMY: Remus? okay? And he said that if you ever came near
DOC: No Romulus and… a black hole you’d be sucked in so fast—faster
TOMMY: Remus? and faster and faster—that time would slow
DOC: No! What do you keep saying “Remus” down so slowly and it would take you so long

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