Robert Kraft Rough Arrest and Probable Cause Affidavit Redacted PDF

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ER ARRESTINOTICE TO APPEAR eee et toes Reo TT Re g[Etezer roo “jupiter Police Department 5419000819 1 ee Se | [ aeamanceriemdeamar Saar arn Hea caro : (Orchids of Asia Day Spa 108 5 US Hwy 1 02, Jup._| “OierS 3 bewwarer Tas aa wr soar “toe tere eS TT Tas ORT ET Katt, Robert = aaa a [ag — sts rca ees — a ww | ossitea | 608 | 460. bu gray _|med_| med Ti lal a 5 tn un Suef Rf 3 [tomtnates cn ei ‘See Poe aye § | 2e0Heatn Strect Brookline Ma__o2445 |(~) ia Tete | 8 [Remco ARIST or = Saoaiean same Sate RT er = aon = a ar Fa Sa MA MA Us. eens ET Tae ne 3S {| pomrscoren a ri REE = z i SiS er =| a ane ooo J ee 8 peer meT Rasa ae a Se oar Setter — oc TT om om Wee i ee aS fa ee Te B | Pireoe Fhe Ete Ciao Kimosenin Etcon” — Stsumem spree; OM Sa : SS aa Sa oe g | Sot enother to commit prostuton [Bee | 7es076 ya [Ree [beam | momar a Ta a ay AN” | | Na ‘s-000819 SON TS | wa 8 Beno 3 |e oar ee ar STAT tar Sa cm ST a TORO ieee ee cs aT oo ” hia =e a ToT ae a RT = Some SER RE | "Meter ieatemene | North County Courthouse, 3188 PGA Bid, Palm Beach Gardens, Fl 33410 : rt ay vee oe Gam oest i FART devant borone we con? a ReGUnaD BY Tis ROTC To APPEAR THAT IHAY BEHELD CONTOIUTOF COURT AND AWAMUATTTONIN AGEETONGLOE OTe a Ra a es a 5 | See aa 8 lo Hover Pace Soy Ta ra TT tort DISTRIBUTION ——COURT=7 Gi rATE ATTORNEY 1 COPY AGENCY —2 COPIES DEFENDANT =1 6 Lettered PROBABLE CAUSE AFFIDAVIT ATA thsseterews, | 3 | sem | No ad Teese Ta RES FL0501700 ‘JUPITER POLICE DEPARTMENT 54-19 - 000819 ae Te irae a Mocensaer 5 Ore Seca crecienmery arene. C1 2TateFeery __LATetetoneane 06 Goer S| a ae * | Kraft Robert K. ‘ti Rano st Fok ET ree State of Florida NA | Na_| WA Bi [ Testes oro aoc Ee ea a 7 ‘aaa tare 8 | 210 Miltary Trail, Jupiter, FL 33458 _| (661) 746-6201 | Known ‘as A a, ST ‘em eer a Pe ‘saps (es) Government ‘The undersigned cries and swears hat else has just and resoneble grounds a bellve, and does boteve he above named Defendant commied the folowing violation of law. The person taken int custody. {G commited ho below acts nm presence, 1D was obsorvod by __ who told —_ 1 contssod to ‘ht hale sai afested porsdn com the blow acs, ‘emitng to SBaow acs. i was found to have commitd te below acs, esitng tron my (deere) investigaton, nthe __dnyot ___, 2__ at _ CLAM... (Spoccaly Inca facts constuting cause for seat) {In October of 2018 members of the Jupiter Police Department began an investigation into criminal activily occuring at Orchids of Asia Day Spa, located at 103 S. US Highway 1 C2 in Jupiter. On January 17, 2019, covert surveillance equipment was installed in Orchids of Asia Day Spa pursuant to a sneak and peek warrant. The following narrative is a description of the illicit activity that took place. Room Surveillance: Det.C. Cook #404 Room Camera # JPPD Cam 3 January 19, 2019, 1645hrs-1725hrs. Defendant: Robert Kraft, (WIM, 06/05/41) FL tag 845 (passenger), blue shir, blue ball cap On January 19th, 2019, video surveillance was conducted at the target business. At approximately 1645hrs, Kraft nt and paid for services in cash at the front desk to a female, previously identified as ]which was captured on JPPD Cam 5. Krafts taken ‘a massage room identified as: am id on the massage bed completely nude and partially covered himself with a sheet. Kraft was observed usi room. At approximately 1649, and another female, previously identified as| tered the room and both began massaging Kraft. A short time later the sheet is removed as Rraft laid on the massage bed face down At 1712 hours, Kraft tured over onto his back land the lights in the room go out. At 1714. ilumintaed andffcan be seen with her hands near Kraft's genitals. The room ls illuminated again and 1 be seen standing to Kraf's right side and her right hand is seen manfulating Kat pens us be seen wiping Katt a At 1724 hour, Kft handed il =< hand ey responded by hugging Fi, lille flrs proceeded to trish dressing Krae and he let te Surveillance on Scene: At 1645hrs, a white male later identified as Robert Kraft (W/M 06/05/41) entered the establishment through the front door, which was observed by Agent M. Nicholson #342. At 1725hrs, the Kraft exited the front door of the business and entered the front passenger seat of a 2014 White Bentley, bearing FL tag 845, which observed by Agent Nicholson. Officer Kimbark #368, followed the Bentley and conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle. ‘The front seat passenger was positively identified by his Massachusetts drivers license as Robert Kraft, (WIM, 06/05/41), Based upon the following information it has been determined that Robert Kraft did commit, engage in, or offer to commit, prostitution, lewcness, or assignation, contrary to Florida Statute 796.07(2)(e) and (4)(a)1..(2 DEG MISD) Offer To Commit Prostitution, i tose ‘A.Sharp #412/1101 February 22, 2019 a February 22, 2019 om tort DISTRIBUTION: COURT-1COPY STATE ATTORNEY-1COPY AGENCY-3 COPIES TOTGE TO APPEAR OST RONEER ARRESTINOTICE ble og te vara Venu ara apr itex_taeabect| 3 | +m | No SE Pee? =a oes _|Feeeortee “JuptrPoioe Department Sire o00ee0 s[S= Bie EU BEET Efe Shremarae aaa ra Saar i Secs ag Do ES US can [OVERS Ba aS in A ee aa Ta Sea Ra | RR Re aT a ay Kraft, Robert = == aaa 1a wae at ares as a Fis commer w|i losses [soe ['e0 [bu [ory [mea _| mea Ss Pi tT r—— rane visble unk unk Sear f 2 e jee 7 stk — a =i! f | 260 Heath Street Brooktine Ma_02445 | (_) 12 ifaw | [Reem TT ar a a same ee oo 7 =a =a Sa a aa —T rae Sa fae i oe fn = So FT Ta ere HS | mame coal kalilo = fe 7 RTE se Be cy Eee or = wha [rar oa = 7 ise) ee er = # a a | . a TET r = Ee wage Foe = lke Ge Ie 8 Eanes Kimewunie Ehsan” Gomme 8 Srna LL Te TORT 3 | Solicit another to commit prostitution 1 | Bom | 796.07(6)a)1 H call las tal a a oa & N N NA 19-000820 SER So | SRST OT om a a as aT os a — URE ao a a is TS aa ar a TET aT TREY Bom {ee eo wat ad aaa Sea Se ST = “Mandotoy Appearance n Cour North County Courthouse, 3188 PGA Bivd., Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 = oy te te gam ar TIGRE TOPE ATE TE INO LAGE SUED TO TOWER TE OPFENSE CHRRGED oF OPA EERE URCRNED. [DERETRND Ta SHOUD WAAL Ato abr ecru he coun A REGUED BY To NOME TO KOPN TAT TOON EE LO MECN? OF COURT A ‘Sitar af enn or Hrs oa Cone Bases TOUT rar ear a Ts Vas a FSS = tls Ac Treaaarioat oo alo one Dot. A. Sharp #412/1101 noe, ‘rane oopay to Fane — Tatar teat Ta —— a aT TERT = DISTRIBUTION: —COURT=T ‘STATE ATTORNEY —1 COPY AGENCY =2 COPIES DEFENDANT 7 COPY

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