Bacteria Fungi Viruses: Chromosome Cell Membrane Capsid

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Fungi Bacteria Capsid

Cell Chromosome Complex
membrane (Bacteriophage – a virus which infects

Nucleic acid


Cell wall
Rhizoids Cytoplasm

Spore producing body.

Sporangiophore: Bacteria are free living and are found everywhere Viruses are NOT free living – they MUST
Filamentous stalk on which the live inside another living cell/organism
sporangium forms. Chromosome:
Genetic material (DNA) of the cell.
Double lipid layer holding the cells genetic
Rhizoids: material.
The sub-surface hyphae are specialized Cell wall:
for food absorption. The cell wall is made of peptidoglycan and maintains
the overall shape of a bacterial cell.
These serve 2 purposes:
Cell membrane: Anchor the virus to the host cell.
Lining the inside of the cell wall providing a boundary
Transport genetic material from the virus
for the contents of the cell and a barrier to
to the host cell.
substances entering and leaving.
Nucleic acid
Either DNA or RNA material, but viruses
Jelly like substance inside of the cell holding the
rarely contain both. Most viruses
contain RNA material.
Tobamovirus Influenza A Lyssavirus Ebola

Max Size (nm) ................................... 18 Max Size (nm) ................................. 90 Max Size (nm) ................................. 180 Max Size (nm) .............................. 1500
Number of species ........................... 125 Number of species ............................. 1 Number of species .............................10 Number of species ............................. 1
Danger to humans ..............................12 Danger to humans ......................... 146 Danger to humans ............................ 74 Danger to humans ......................... 200
Usefulness to humans ...................... 34 Usefulness to humans ...................... 12 Usefulness to humans ........................ 5 Usefulness to humans ........................ 0
Antibiotic resistance ....................... N/A Antibiotic resistance ....................... N/A Antibiotic resistance ....................... N/A Antibiotic resistance ....................... N/A

Tobamovirus are a group of The flu is an infection caused by The Lyssavirus infect both plants Filovirus causes a disease more
viruses that infect plants, the most Orthomyxoviridae40% of the and animals. The most common commonly known as Ebola. It is
common being tobacco mosaic population get the flu but most Lyssavirus is the Rabies virus and one of the more dangerous viruses
virus, which infects tobacco and people recover completely in a is usually associated with dogs. known to humans due to the fact
other plants causing a mosaic like couple of weeks. In 1918, before Rabies has been responsible for that there is no known preventative
discoloration on the leaves. This there were any vaccines for the flu, over 55,000 deaths worldwide but vaccine or treatment. 50 – 90% of
virus has been very useful in twenty million people were killed! can be prevented by vaccination. victims die from the disease!
scientific research.

Lymphocryptovirus Simplex Virus Rhinovirus Varicellovirus

Max Size (nm) ................................. 110 Max Size (nm) ................................ 200 Max Size (nm) ................................. 25 Max Size (nm) ............................... 200
Number of species ............................. 7 Number of species ............................. 2 Number of species .......................... 2 Number of species .............................. 2
Danger to humans ............................ 37 Danger to humans ........................... 64 Danger to humans ........................... 28 Danger to humans ........................... 21
Usefulness to humans ........................ 2 Usefulness to humans ....................... 2 Usefulness to humans ...................... 14 Usefulness to humans ........................ 7
Antibiotic resistance ....................... N/A Antibiotic resistance ....................... N/A Antibiotic resistance ....................... N/A Antibiotic resistance ....................... N/A

The Epstein-Barr virus is a type of Herpes simplex is one of the oldest There are over 250 different kinds Chickenpox is caused by the
Lymphocryptovirus causing an known sexually transmitted of cold viruses! But Rhinovirus is by Varicella-Zoster virus. It is highly
illness known as the Kissing Disease infections. In many cases, Herpes far the most common. Rhinoviruses contagious although rarely serious
or Glandular fever. Patients suffer infections produce no symptoms at are responsible for almost 35% of and is spread through direct contact
from sore throats, swollen lymph all but unsightly scab-like colds. Rhinovirus can survive three (or coughing and sneezing). Almost
glands, and extreme tiredness. symptoms do occur in about one hours outside someone's nose. If it everyone caught chickenpox in their
Transmission requires close contact third of people infected. gets on your fingers and you rub childhood prior to the discovery of
such as kissing or sharing drinks. your nose, you've caught it! the chickenpox vaccine.
Penicillium Saccharomyces Tinea Stachybotrys

Max Size (nm) ......................... 332, 000 Max Size (nm) .............................10,000 Max Size (nm) .......................... 110,000 Max Size (nm) ..............................72,000
Number of species .............................16 Number of species ............................ 19 Number of species ............................ 12 Number of species .............................. 2
Danger to humans ............................. 64 Danger to humans ................................1 Danger to humans ............................ 43 Danger to humans ..............................83
Usefulness to humans ..................... 198 Usefulness to humans ......................184 Usefulness to humans ....................... 14 Usefulness to humans ......................... 2
Antibiotic resistance ..........................N/A Antibiotic resistance ..........................N/A Antibiotic resistance ...........................
N/A Antibiotic resistance ...........................

Penicillium is a fungus that has For at least 6,000 years, Although a variety of fungi can cause Stratchybotrys (or straw mould) is
literally changed the world! Since Saccharomyces cerevisiae foot rashes, Tinea cause the itchy, a black toxic fungus that although
this discovery, the antibiotic has (Brewers yeast) has been used to cracked skin typically between the itself is not pathogenic, it does
been mass produced to fight make beer and bread! It is also fourth and fifth toes known as produce a number of toxins that
bacterial infections. Unfortunately, used to make wine and it is widely Athlete's foot, which is the most can cause a variety of health
due to its overuse many bacterial used in biomedical research. One common fungal skin infection. problems ranging from rashes to
species have become resistant to yeast cell can turn into 1,000,000 Athlete’s foot affects nearly 70% of life threatening reactions for those
this antibiotic. in only six hours. the population. with respiratory problems.

Aspergillus Cryptococcus Candida Verticillium

Max Size (nm) ................. 101, 000, 000 Max Size (nm) ..............................7, 500 Max Size (nm) ..............................10,000 Max Size (nm) ........................8,500,000
Number of species ..........................200 Number of species ..............................37 Number of species .............................44 Number of species ...............................4
Danger to humans ............................. 47 Danger to humans ..............................98 Danger to humans ..............................74 Danger to humans ................................1
Usefulness to humans ..................... 124 Usefulness to humans ....................... 37 Usefulness to humans ..................... 175 Usefulness to humans .........................18
Antibiotic resistance ..........................N/A Antibiotic resistance .........................N/A Antibiotic resistance .........................N/A Antibiotic resistance ..........................N/A

Aspergillus is both beneficial and Cryptococcus is a fungus which Candida is among the natural flora
harmful to humans. Many are used in grows as a yeast. It is best known living in the human mouth and Verticillium is a widely distributed
industry and medicine. This fungus for causing a severe form of gastrointestinal tract. Under normal fungus that inhabits decaying
accounts for over 99% of global citric meningitis and meningo- circumstances these fungi live in vegetation and soil. Some
acid production and is a component encephalitis in people with 80% of the human population with Verticillium may be pathogenic to
of medications which manufacturers HIV/AIDS. The majority of no harmful effects, although insects, plants, and other fungi but
claim can decrease flatulence! Cryptococci live in the soil and overgrowth results in candidiasis very rarely cause human disease.
are not harmful to humans. (Thrush).
Chlamydia Salmonella Staphylococcus Streptococcus

Max Size (nm) .............................. 1000 Max Size (nm) .............................. 1000 Max Size (nm) ............................... 1000 Max Size (nm) ............................... 1000
Number of species ............................. 3 Number of species .............................. 3 Number of species ............................ 19 Number of species ........................... 21
Danger to humans ............................ 37 Danger to humans ............................ 89 Danger to humans .......................... 174 Danger to humans ............................ 50
Usefulness to humans ........................ 1 Usefulness to humans ....................... 15 Usefulness to humans ..................... 20 Usefulness to humans ...................... 75
Antibiotic resistance .......................... 5 Antibiotic resistance .......................... 40 Antibiotic resistance ......................... 90 Antibiotic resistance ........................ 20

Chlamydia, a sexually transmitted Salmonella are rod shaped Meticillin Resistant Staphylococcus Many Streptococcus are harmless
infection (STI) caused by the bacteria most commonly known for aureus (MRSA) are the bacteria to humans and are the normal flora
bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. It causing food poisoning and responsible for causing difficult to of the mouth and hands. However,
can cause mild symptoms such as typhoid fever. Symptoms range treat infections in hospitals. They are some Streptococcus bacteria
discharge from the vagina or penis from vomiting to diarrhoea and a variation of the common cause about 15% of sore throats.
to more serious complications, i.e. even death, in worse case Staphylococcus aureus that have Strep throat symptoms include
inability to have children or swollen scenarios. evolved to become resistant to many sudden fever, stomach aches, and
testicles. common antibiotics. swollen glands.

Escherichia Pseudomonas Lactobacillus Treponema

Max Size (nm) ............................. 2000 Max Size (nm) ............................. 5000 Max Size (nm) .............................. 1500 Max Size (nm) ............................. 2000
Number of species ............................. 7 Number of species .......................... 126 Number of species .......................... 125 Number of species ............................. 3
Danger to humans ............................ 54 Danger to humans ............................ 50 Danger to humans ............................. 0 Danger to humans .......................... 115
Usefulness to humans .................... 184 Usefulness to humans ................... 150 Usefulness to humans .................... 195 Usefulness to humans ....................... 8
Antibiotic resistance ...................... N/A Antibiotic resistance ........................ 80 Antibiotic resistance........................... 10 Antibiotic resistance ......................... 10

Many strains of E. coli are harmless, Pseudomonas are one of the Lactobacilli are very common and Syphilis is an extremely contagious
and huge numbers are present in the most common microbes found in usually harmless to humans. They disease, caused by Treponema
human and animal gut. In addition, almost all environments. Although are present in the vagina and the bacteria. Symptoms start with a
E. coli is among the most studied of some may cause disease in gastrointestinal tract, and make up a skin rash and flu-like symptoms and
all creatures great and small. In humans, other species are small portion of the gut flora. These can lead to brain damage and
some cases, however, E. coli cause involved in decomposition and bacteria have been extensively used death. Syphilis can be cured with
both urinary and serious abdominal bioremediation. in the food industry - in yogurt and antibiotics however resistant strains
infections and food poisoning. cheese making. are becoming more frequent.

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