English Test Ii Grade Viii

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Chapter II & 3 : We can do it, and we will do it & We know what to do

Sub topic : to state that we can do or we will do something (can and will) &
to give suggestions and state to rules/obligations (should and must)

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, or D

1. Joe : can you swim?
Key : . . . .I’m afraid of drowning
a. Yes, I can b. No, I can’t c. Of course d. Definitely
2. Through the telescope, I . . . see the stars clearly
a. Will b. can c. Will not d. can not
3. I . . . reward him for his bravery
a. Will b. can c. Will not d. can not
4. I . . . speak Korean very well, but I . . . ask for someone’s name and age
a. Can’t – can b. can – can’t c. Will – won’t d. won’t - will
5. I . . . use abusive language because it will hurt other people’s feelings
a. Won’t b. will c. Can d. doesn’t
6. Mira :...
Amir : You should wear your hat and scarf
What does Mira probably say?
a. The baby is sleeping c. It’s a really dark night
b. I can hear what you say d. It’s very cold outside
7. You . . . queue at the entrance for tickets
a. Must b. mustn’t c. Shouldn’t d. may
8. The doctor told him that he . . . less. He’s too fat.
a. Should drink b. should sleep c. Should eaat d. should walk
9. He’s fourteen. He . . . a motorcycle.
a. Shouldn’t sell b. shouldn’t touch c. shouldn’t ride d. shouldn’t give
10. We . . . our appointment tomorrow
a. Mustn’t remember b. mustn’t forget c. Mustn’t leave d. mustn’t attend

II. Match the following problems to the appropriate suggestions

1. I have a headache a. You should make the most delicious dish
for her
2. I am going to go out but the weather is very cold now b. You should clean it regularly
3. We want to have a cleaner and more comfortable class c. You should wear a jacket
4. My English score is bad d. You should see a doctor or take a rest
5. My mother wants to know how well I cook e. You should join an English course

III. Fill in the blanks with ‘must’ or ‘mustn’t’

1. You . . . litter
2. We . . . hurry or we will miss the bus
3. You . . . be friendly to everybody
4. You . . . walk on the grass. It can be damaged
5. This is a secret. You . . . tell anybody

IV. Arrange the following words into correct order

1. very – can – guitar – sister – my – well – play
2. me – you – this – box – with – help – can - ?
3. children – in – the – yard – you – see – can – the - ?
4. I – meet – tomorrow – because – can’t – I’m – very – busy – you
5. People – see – hear – they – blind – can – but – well – can’t – very
Mr. heri : Attention, please!
Arif : Yes, sir.
1. The underline word is expression of….
A. Giving attention
B. Responding attention
C. Giving opinion
D. Asking opinion
jawabannya B karena Arif merespon ungkapan attention dari Mr. Heri (responding
Attention). bukan C atau D, karena itu tidak berbicara masalah pendapat.

Mrs. Rina : May I have your attention, please?

Students : ….
2. The best response to complete dialogue above is….
A. Yes, Ma’am
B. Yes, Please.
C. Yes, Sir.
D. Thank you
karena yang bertanya adalah Mrs. Rina (perempuan) jawaban "yes" harus juga
diikuti kata yang identik dengan perempuan (ma'am) jadi jawabannya adalah A.
3. Gibran : look! My Father give me a new shoe.
Ilham : wow! That’s is beautiful.
Gibran : .....
A. It’s worst
B. Sorry
C. Thanks
D. I don’t care
Ilham memberikan sebuah pujian atau complement kepada gibran, selayaknya
gibran juga berterima kasih.
4. These are expressions of asking attention....
A. I know. C. Excuse me.
B. You are amazing D. I do not know.
dari pilihan A, B, C dan D. ungkapan meminta perhatian yang tepat adalah excuse me(permisi/maaf)

Complete the dialogue for number 5-6

Fajar : What do you think about the music show?
Gusti : I think .......................

5. A. you are smart C. it is fantastic

B. I’m sorry D. keep silent
Fajar meminta pendapat tentang pertunjukan musik yang baru saja mereka tonton,
jawaban yang tepat untuk merespon Fajar adalah C. it is fantastic (tadi itu luar

Complete the dialogue below!

Suci : I think our school is bad.
Aisyah : I don’t think so .... our school is good. It has so many achievement

6. A. I know it C. He forgets it.

B. I think D. Pardon me
Suci mengungkapkan bahwa sekolah mereka buruk banget. sedangkan Aisyah
berpendapat sebaliknya. Aisyah mengungkapkan pendapat, dan yang pertama dia
katakan seharusnya I think (menurut saya)
Ronaldo : So, what do you think of my football skill?
Jack : It's really good.
Ronaldo : Thanks, Jack.
Jack : No problem, Ronaldo
7. From the dialogue above, Ronaldo is...
A. Asking for help
B. Giving an opinion
C. Asking for an opinion
D. Giving help
dari percakapan di atas sudah jelas bahwa Ronaldo memnita pendapat (asking
opinion) Jack.

Marina : What do you think about my dress?

Janet : I think you look beautiful.
Marina : Thanks, Janet
janet : It’s ok
8. From the dialogue above, Janet is...
A. Asking for help
B. Giving help
C. Giving opinion
D. Asking for an opinion
Marina menanyakan pendapat jenet tentang bajunya, dan janet memberi kan pendapatnya (giving pinion)
tentang baju marina.

Complete the dialogue below!

Andre : (9) ….
Sule : What?
Andre : I pass the voice kids Indonesia.
Sule : (10) ….

9. A. Hey! C. I’m sad

B. How are you? D. thank you
Andre berusaha agar sule melihat atau memperhatikannya, dan umgkapan yang
tepat dari pilihan jawaban di atas adalah A. Hey!

10. A. that’s great C. you are fool

B. Just so so D. I don’t believe it.
Andre memberi info bahwa dia lolos audisi the voice kids indonesia, dan sule merespon dengan hal yang positif
juga, dan jawabannya adalah A. that's great (itu luar biasa)

Mr. Andrew : Cherry, can open the window please?, It’s hot.
Cherry : ….
Mr. Andrew : Thanks.
The best answer to complete dialogue above is….
A. No, I can’t.
B. Yes, I can, Sir
C. Yes, I don’t care
D. Yes, I’m not sure.
Mr. Andrew meminta Cherry membuka jendela, dan Cherry bersedia. jawaban yang tepat adalah Yes I can, Sir

Cecep : Is he able to play football?

Ucup : ….
A. No, he isn’t able to play football
B. No, he doesn’t able play football
C. No, he is able to play football

D. No, he able not play football

Cecep bertanya tentang seseorang kepada Ucup apakah orang yang dimaksud bisa bermain bola. dan ternyata
orang tersebut tidak bisa maka jawaban yang tepat adalah No, he isn't able to play football. ingat rumus
expressing ability menggunakan kata able ( S + to be + able + to + verb(kata kerja)

13. Messi is football player. his ability is...

A. He can play football.
B. He can sing a song.
C. He can write a poem.

D. He can ride a bike.

Jelas gambar di atas adalah messi, jadi keahliannya juga bermain sepak bola. jawabannya A

14. Nana : Yesterday, I joined LIA English course, will you join with me?
Sari : …..., I want to speak English too.
The best answer to complete dialogue above is…
A. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I will.
B. No, I won’t D. No, I can’t
Nana menawarkan Sari ikutan les bahasa inggris ke LIA, dan sari juga antusia (I want to speak English too) jadi
jawabannya Yes, I will (karena pertanyaan Nna juga di awali dengan will)

15. The Expressions of ability below is true, except...

A. I can drive a car 2 years ago before got accident.
B. I am able to sing a song.
C. I am able to read Qur’an now.

D. I could speak English fluency when I was in Australia.

Pertanyaan di atas menanyakan kecuali atau yg tidak benar,
A. kalimatnya salah, menggunakan kata can tapi keterangannya masa lampau 2 years ago. harusnya pake could

Dialogue for question number 16 to 19.

Rulla : Great! You have a new ball (basket)
Rina : Do you want to lend it?
Rulla : ... (16). Because I can’t play basketball.
Rina : I will teach you.
Rulla : .......(17)
Rina : Sure.
Rina : ....(18)

16. A. Yes I do
B. No I don’t
C. Can I borrow it?
D. Will you give it to me?
Rina menawarkan rulla apa pengen pinjem bola basketnya. dan salah satu jawaban
rulla adalah Because I can’t play basketball.(karena saya tidak bisa bermain basket) jadi jawaban
sebelumnya pasti No, I don't.

17. A. Really?
B. how are you?
C. Can I lend it?
D. may I go?
Rina mau ngajarin rulla bermain basket, tapi ceritanya rulla keget dan aga' ga
percaya jadi rulla menjawab dengan really?(sungguh?)

18. A. I am fine
B. I’m doubt
C. thanks
D. I hope you like it.
Rina bersungguh" pengen ngajarin rulla maen basket, dan tentu rulla juga harus
berterima kasih (thanks)

19. The true statement based on the dialogue above is….

A. Rina is not a good friend.
B. Rulla and Rina have the same hobby.
C. Rulla and Rina have the same ball
D. Rulla and Rina don’t have the same hobby.
jelas, karena Rina beli dan bisa bebrmain basket sedangkan rulla tidak bisa, berarti mereka berdua tidak punya
hobi yang sama

20. Librarian : …….

Anto : Yes, I am looking for history book.
A. Would you like any help?
B. Would you mind not talking in the library.
C. Could you help me please?

D. Excuse me, I’ll take to you.

Anto menjawab, bahwa dia lagi nyari buku sejarah, jelas kalo anto jawab begitu,
penjaga perpusnya nanya ada yang bisa dibantu? mungkin muka anto cengo pas di

21. Heri : It’s 08.00. you are late to school. You .... go now!
Toni : yea, bye.
A. shall C. Should
B. Shouldn't D. Will
Toni telat dan heri menyaran kan supaya toni segera berangkat. bahasa inggrisnya you should go now

22. Picture above means...

A. Turn on your hp
B. Don't buy a hp
C. Turn off your hp
D. Don't take picture
jelas ya, hp dicoret tandanya suruh di matiin tuh hp. Turn off your hp

23. the road a head is break. You .... Stop here

A. can
B. May
C. Should
D. Will
jalan di depan rusak. kamu harus (should) berhenti di sini

24. Ari : ...

Roni : why?
Ari : the floor is still wet.
Roni : ok!

A. Don't worry
B. Don't be noisy
C. Don't sit on the floor
D. Don't step on the floor
Lantainya basah jadi peringatannya jangan diinjak tuh lantai, Don't step on the floor

25. We must ... before eating.

A. Talk
B. Walk
C. Chat
D. Pray
sebelum makan kudu apa, jelas berdo'a lah yah (pray)
26. Doctor said that I .... get a rest for 3 days.
A. Must C. Mustn’t
B. Have to D. Don’t have to
yang nyuruh bukan atas dasar kemauan sendiri, tapi orang lain (dokter) jadi kata
harus yang dipake ya have to

27. Next time you should come to school earlier so that you are not late
the underlined sentence express...
A. suggestion
B. Opinion
C. Prohibition
D. Obligation
Lain kali kamu harus datang lebih pagi lagi. itu merupakan bentuk saran

Dialogue for number 28 to 30.

Ani : I want to tell you something.
Jesica : What?
Ani : but promise to me ......(28)
Jesica : yeah tell me!
Ani : Yesterday I broke your favorite vase, but it is accidentally.
Jesica : No problem
Ani : I'm promise will buy a new vase for you.
Jesica : you no need do that.
Ani : although you say like that, I .... (29)
Jesica : ....(30)

28.A. Please, don’t be late.

B. Please, don’t be silly.
C. Please, don’t be afraid.
D. please, don’t be angry.
Ani pengen ngakuin bahwa vas bunga jesica dia pecahin, tapi dia takut jesica marah, jelas ani ngomong D.
please, don’t be angry.

29. A. will buy a vase for you.

B. will not buy a vase for you
C. ask you to buy a vase for me
D. am ok
Kata jesica ga usah diganti, tapi ani kekeh pengen beliin vas bunga yang jatuh, ga
enak mungkin. jadi ani bilangnya I will buy a vase for you.

30. A. I'am fine

B. Thanks
C. I'm angry
D. See you
udah dibeliin yang baru masa ngomong yang enggak". so jesica bakal bilang terima
kasih (thanks)
31. look at the picture!

What is your opinion about that?

apa pendaatmu tentang makanan halal? kasih pendapat yah, terserah kalian. inget
diawali dengan ungkapan giving opinion I think atau in my opinion atau yang lain.
In my opinion halal food is good for our healthy, and for us as muslims.

32. Rearrange words below to be correct sentence!

A. Able- Play - I - After - 3 - to - am -Training - mounts - for - football
ini nanti kalian suruh ngerjain 3 kaya di atas, inget ajah rumus kalo pake able gimana, pake could gimana dan
pake can gimana. oh iya when di tengah kalimat berarti ketika yah.
I am able to play football after training for 3 mounts.

33. write 3 activities that you must do in your house!

tulis 3 kewajiban mu i rumah, terserah masing-masing.
1. I must help my parents's work.
2. I must clean my bed room.
3. I must accompany my young brother when my mother is busy.

34. Translate some sentences below to Indonesian language.

A. I have to go now, my mother waits me in the bus station
suruh dirtiin ke bahasa indonesia tuh.oh iya that di tengah kalimat
artinya bahwa yah dan soalnya beranak jadi 3 juga loh.
Saya harus pergi sekarang, ibu saya sedang menungguku di statsiun bis.

35. sama kaya yang di pg, disuruh bikin kalimat yang tepat dari rambu lalu lintas.
ini kalimatnya terserah kalian
You are not allowed tu turn left
don't turn left
atau you mustn't turn left
terserah kalian, satu gambar satu ungkapan, dan ada 3 gambar yah...

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