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Silent Messages

Albert Mehrabian r

Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.

Belmont, California
To Karen


iC 1971 by Wads
Inc Be
CompanY94002'. All
No part of t
reproduced. sto
system Of transcr
or by any m
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Printed in t

1 234 5 6 7 8 9 10--76


Our speech-oriented culWe is just beginning..1o..ta

prolound and overlooked
contribution of nonverba
tb.e processes of communication. This contribution
rather than our speech is especially. important, sinc
rable from the feelings that we knowingly or inadve
in our everyday social interaction and determines
ness and well-being of our intimate, social, and wo
ships.[iQdeed, ,n the realm of feelings, our facial
postures, movements, and gestures are so import
our words contradict the silent messa es containe

wnat we do,
o ers mistrust what we say they rely almost c

LPeoPle who have a greater awareness of the c

significance of actions not only can insure accurate
tion of their own feelings but also c~ be more
their intimate relationships, in artistic endeavors su
Or in work that involves the persuasion, leadership
zation of otherD There are those, however, w
are constantly misunderstood; others whGse no
discourages friendships and causes them to live lo
lated lives. Most can benefit considerably from a g
ness of their social style, the effect it has on cas
interactions with others, or its more general effect o
The politician on the campaign trail can obtain
different results depending not so much on what he
how he says it and the medium through which he ele
Of two persons who are given the same script of
radio commercial, one may produce a far more ef
sage because of his highly responsive and un
manner, whereas the other fails because of his bla
facial expression.
A person must select the medium for delivering his
the masses according to his idiosyncracies. A po
relies more heavily on his gestures and facial expr
on his tone of voice may make a good showing o
but may be less effective on radio.
Such distinctly different styles are apparent not on
or advertising but also in everyday situations._We ca
stranger talking to others in a distant group[Withou
to hear his words; a!1d...w<l-<:aLl feel tbat we like or d
.'J., feert1'iat wELkaow Ibe kind of person he is. This
If' ap~arance and esr>eeially nonver5a mannerisIDs:=
can~ontribute_to the imr>ression one make9
COur physical surroundings-the props that we almo
-¥:: enfly select as the background for our interactions w
often help foster our particular effective or ineffectiv
relating to othersJThe furniture arrangement of a p
office, the architecture of someone's house, or th
his living room can enhance an already effective wa
to people, hamper that style, or, worse yet, make
more difficult for one who has trouble relating to oth
Where do we choose to sit if we enter a lounge a
stranger who seems interesting to get to know? Th
this simple problem raises a lot of questions, som
will be taken up in a section on the environment's co
the regulation of silent messages.
Our discussion will frequently turn to the distinct
nonverbal behaviors and speech in communicatio
to the more restricted denotative scope of action
words. This narrower scope of nonverbal behavior
adequately offset by its transcultural quality. Conse
di erent nationals as to which actions reflect what
ings is far greater than the correspondence of th
use for the same feelings. It follows that actions a
able than words or' other abstract symbols for th
develop a limited international language-an en
which we only now are beginning to undertake.
The present approach to the description of silent
one answer to "How is it possible to have consens
sometimes between cultures in using and unders
verbal signals when, unlike language, such matte
ever explicitly discussed or taught?" The answer to
was that only a very few basic dimensions of hu
and attitudes are conveyed nonverbal/y. These are
like-dislike, potency or status, and responsivene
these qualities is in turn related to a basic metap
vides the necessary link between the feeling, su
and the behaviors which can reflect that feeli
approaching. The shared metaphors (for exam
approach things they like and avoid things they d
it possible to attain consensus in interpreting fe
each of these three dimensions. In addition, vario
tions of these three dimensions allow us to expre
most subtle nuances of feeling.
The first of the three primary feeling dimensions
definition. The second, dominance, refers to a contr
a submissive and dependent attitude. Extreme e
the dignified postures and movements of a mona
of a snob who exudes aloofness; these are in con
shrinking posture of a weak and submissive pe
almost connotes, "Don't hit me, please'"
Responsiveness refers to the extent of awarenes
reaction to another. Alternatively, it reflects how
one else, whether for good or bad reasons, is im
the foreground for us. Low responsiveness is seen
drawn schizophrenic patient who is oblivious to
around him. This is contrasted with the high respo
a very emotionai person who readily expresses a
hurt feelings.
VI Preface

Since the present approach is novel and differs f

other writers in this field, some readers may find
orient themselves by first reading the final chapter
ume. There are also additional selected references
of others in the "Suggested Readings" at the e
Many people have contributed to make this book po
most grateful to my colleagues and graduate studen
worked with me on the experiments which were esse
effort. I am especially thankful to Lena Chow who ve
worked along on the many versions of the manuscrip


1 Immediacy: liking and appro

Closeness and liking 4
Goodbyes and handshakes
Dan'ce 8
Self-disclosure 9
Communication media 10
A politician's image 14
The microenvironment 16

2 Power 24
Body relaxation 27
The prerogative to increase
immediacy 29
Territoriality 33-
Violated territories 36

3 The double-edged message

The resolution of inconsisten
messages 42
The function of inconsistent
messages 47
Inconsistent messages and
social influence 51
Inconsistent messages and
psychological disturbance

4 " What is social style? 57

Elements of social behavior
The elements of social style
Problem styles 67
National styles 69

5 " Environments and social styl

Liking and affiliation 75
Liking and immediacy 76
Immediacy between dwelling
Immediacy within dwelling un

6 ' v A language within language

Distance in time and place
The form of reference 92
Responsibility 97
Guarded expressions of liking
Relations of verbal and nonver
immediacy 102
Immediacy and context 10
Applications 107

7 Perspective and application

The Immediacy metaphor
The power metaphor 115
The responsiveness metaphor
Metaphors-shared but implici
General applications 120
Selling, Advertising and poli
campaigns, Romance, Socia
Clues to another's discomfor
nonverbaUy handicapped, P

References 137

Index 149
Immediacy: liking and approa

A baby is encouraged to raise its arm and move its

curling motion in greeting. Adults often raise an
and up, more or less expansively, when greeting
distance. As we prepare to terminate a conversati
not indicate in words but simply change position
forward to a more upright, less relaxed position
These silent messages signal to others a wish to
when the messages are understood and accepted,
sion draws to a close by mutual consent and wit
Such behavior patterns and many others can be un
terms of the immediacy principle: People are drawn
sons and things they like, evaluate highly, and pref
avoid or move awa from things they dislike, eva
tively, or'do not prefer 85,112,135, 170J.
An inexperienced gambler betrays too much for h
at the poker table. Sometimes he places his chips i
of the pot; at other times, he places them close
barely touching the pot. Sometimes he sits close
at other times, he leans back and away. Sometime
fast to place his bet; at other times, he moves slow
liberation, and almost reluctantly. In the first of e
behaviors, the novice gambler shows a greater w
approach the belting situation. A shrewd observer c
~Od poker player does) use such variations to es
~ ~~ opponent has a good hand and when he is les
its value (as when he places the chips more toward
the pot, when he leans back, and when he pla
slowly). Expert gamblers, particularly the professi
that subtle nonverbal actions can betray their feelin
value of the cards they hold. Therefore, a good pok
only maintains a poker face but also always assum
posture, always places the chips in the same loc
bets, and always moves at the same speed and w
decision time. A uniform and neutral set of behav
v"tees that minimal information is conveyed about
poker at l.east, this is wise, because it is difficult to
nonverbal behaviors; there are too many ways in
mation about feelings can be reveal.ed [41, 119J. SO
to play effective poker, follow the simple rule: Unifo
for all hands.
Of course, most often we do not (or cannot) physica
things that we like or physically move away from th
dislike. We do not snuggle up to someone while he i
a subject of interest, then stalk away when he turn
esting topics. However, most ot us reveal our react
the time. The immediacy in behavior comes across

- -
of abbreviated forms of approach or avoidance. An
approach can be expressed by attentive observatio
gaze [44, 45, 46, 81 J. In response to a remark tha
us, we may "approach" by asking questions or lean
In response to discussion we lind uninteresting o
able, we may "avoid" by remaining silent and 1
farther away from the speaker. Whether we look a
or look away while he falks is also a measure of
[47, 48J.
The curling of a baby's fingers in greeting illustrate
viation of grasping, which of course is a form of app
it indicates a desire to bring the other person closer
a positive feeling. The lift of a hand in the direction
greeted at a distance is not so much an abbreviate
rather an abbreviated reaching to touch [169J. To
course a variant of immediacy-a very important on
gesture that accompanies a called greeting conve
and more friendly feeling than words alone.
Edging forward in a chair or pushing the chair ba
want to end a cOQversation, can be considered an
movement of departure. Such abbreviations should
unnecessary. The change in bodily position alon
sufficient to clue the other person that we would l
We also use abbreviated movements of departure
tions while standing. We turn around or make small
from and back to the person we are talking with-e
we are extremely anxious about gelling away but
can't say anything about it. The abbreviated walkin
nals our desire to leave. More generally, walking a
conversation with another indicates distress [120,
We are sometimes forced to remain in a situation w
who is offensive and whose presence becomes ne
able. We avoid his ej<eS and try not to look in his d
may turn to on9 siee [100J and look at various ob
room or visible through a window, or we may tak
meditative silence [129J. Here again, turning away
away are abbreviations of the movements associate
ing, and they show our negative feelings. Physically
confined for however long with this insufferable per
unspoken messages tell of OIIC desire to get away.
Abbreviated approach includes such behaviors as
position close to someone [86]. leaning toward
touching [77, 78]. rf'aching out as tbougl:l-lo-lou
raised hand during a greeting), abbreviated graspin
bodily turning toward him, and looking into his eyes
included is talking to someone instead of remaining
when we talk, eye contact and involvement with th
son are increased, whereas when we are silent,
likely to have eye contact and are more likely to be p
with other things [148, 149].

Immediacy behaviors involve an increase in the sen

lation between two persons [112J. When we sta
someone or talk to him, a great deal more stimulatio
mation are exchanged than if we were to stand fart
remain silent.
Immediacy reveals our feelings about things as wel
In an art gallery, we tend to spend more time with
that interests us. We seek the best distance for view
and we spend more time looking at it. There is ofte
tion to touch those sculptures that we find appea
other hand, we tend to walk past other exhibits, g
long enough to determine that they are of little or
Generally then, we select positions that increase
Jrom those Qbiects that we prefer or like and try to s
ulation from others that do not interest liS.

Closeness and liking

Behaviors that relate to immediacy can be indica

transitory feelings and more stable attitudes. By usi
cept, we can gain a greater awareness of how we
others and how others feel toward us.
Notice where you choose to sit at a party, at a m
classroom. When there is ample choice of seats, y
select a seat close to the persoD yoU ljke best aa
<ian comfortably have eye contact with him, When
i1£Q!,Ip, note IbaLy.DJL1f;od 10 address Ibe Qfi.Q{Jle wb
trying 10 please, or Ihose whom you like better. In c
probably are more attenlive towardh-se..penple wh
Observe others as they loin groups. Where do Ihe
sit? If there is choice of seats, do their selections
Ihing aboul their preferences among the people alre
(If an acquaintance who has shared lillie mulual lik
selecls a seat close 10 you, watch oul! He may be
opporlunity 10 ask a favor!) Can you determine by Ih
bers of a group sublly approach and avoid each
are probably socially very likable or imporlant?
In a conversation group ,the person '!lost freguentl
directly and looked at by speakers is almost certa
liked, most admired, or most ,espected member.
group of supposed peers, a person whom nobody a
even notices may well feel left out and lonely.
Notice where people look when they are talking an
are allegedly }isteniag. Notice their {lostuees. as they
they tisten. How much abbee~iated a{!. roach and av
you infer from eye contact~ns!..posture? How muc
C/i§J.fJ5ing? How much interest and disinterest?
The immediacy concept has also been subtly, thou
unintentionally, applied in some social rules [143J. F
the host customarily sits at the head of a long rectan
Should he sit at a longer side of the table, he cou
contact only with the people across from him an
easily look at those sitting on his side of the tabl
head position at the table, he can distribute his att
evenly among the entire group. Such atlention is of
veyed in terms of his eye contact and his convers
the people who are seated farthest away from h
likeiy to be attended to even with this seating arran
guest of honor, who rates extra courtesies and atlen
is seated next to the host, customarily to his right.

Observe the nonverbal behavior when you are a(llon

at a large party, II you see someone interesting who
to meet, casually make your way to a spot within
him (or her) and be alert for nonverbal cues. Eye con
yet, a.§IDile.-e~courages more direct approach. So
approaches you, looking in your direction, and not a
contact, may be trying to find a suitable opening t
himself. II you welcome the approach, return his lo
. him. If you are not interested, look, or turn, away.
some boors (who may also be bores) will fail, to get th

Goodbyes and handshakes

The important and prominent role of silent messa

communication of feelings in social situations is a
when people say goodbye to each other. Since de
creases immediacy, it usually is easy enough to asse
feelings from their willingness to terminate an inte
conversation group, one of the participants may b
less, start looking around, or actually stand up and
These signs of restlessness constitute abbreviate
movements. If a number of participants in the conve
exhibiting these behaviors, for all practical purpos
cussion is over.
At the conclusion of a social evening in a private
process of saying "goodnight" varies. I have notice
differences among different friends in their handling
part of an evening, as hosts or as guests. Some gu
edly say, "I've really got to go," but remain seate
introducing new topics into the conversation. Ot
abruptly and leave. Some hosts act as though th
made with great reluctance. For others, the farewe
brief, no matter who it is they see to the door.
In more or less formal situations, social amenities
make it more difficult to interpret nonverbal messag
unstructured situations, postponement of the act
of parting probably does signal genuine reluctanc
abrupt departure does indicate willingness to decre
mediacy. The amenities dictate that guests in a h
positive enjoyment of the hospitality and that h
equally positive delight in the company of guests i
The guest who says he must go, then stays on, m
inely reluctant to lessen the immediacy of contac
people; however, he may be reluctant only becau
might interpret early departure as an expression of
with hospitality. A host who prolongs farewells may b
reluctant to end the social encounter, or he may be (
sending the "proper" signals dictated by the amen
~ While saying goodbye, as in saying "hello," the han
also signify different degrees of immediacy. In som
in which a handshake is a must when people meet,
to detect feelings and attitudes from it. However, in th
culture and its many subcultures, customs involvin
shake are varied, there being only a few general
rules such as the following two. The handshake is
versally obligatory for men at time of introduction
subsequent meetings. It is also the case that ve!}'
women would refuse to respond to a proffered ha
tions in which it is not socially dictated, there is c
variation from one person to another in the willingne
hands. Since a handshake involves bodily contact,
immediacy. Thus an individual's general level of pr
handshakes reflects how positively he feels tow
Some happy male extroverts gladhand their way
shaking hands at every opportunity. Many wome
selectively-to increase contact with others and th
feelings about their acceptance of immediacy.
The style of handshake can also be very revealing.
shake is more intense and is indicative of greate
warmer feelings, and politicians become quite ade
but (to protect their hands) not receiving SUCh. A
handshake is more immediate than a brief one,
situations is unacceptable-too intimate to be com
compensate for unavoidable excessive immediac
other simultaneously occurring non immediate be
instance, when a stranger approaches to a close
tend to look away [7]. There is little we can do to
for the prolonged handshake; We loosen our own
that cue is ignored we withdraw our hand.
A loosely clasping hand-or worse, a cold and l
usually interpreted as indicating aloofness and unw
become involved; we tend to react to a shake from
hand with a shuddering thought: "What a cold fish
handshake generally is interpreted as signaling an
ate and unfriendly nature; we take it as an indicatio
ingness to get involved, emotionally or otherwise.
assumption of a pervasive style that includes verb
verbal behaviors received support in some of the
search on nonverbal behavior [1].
Watch lor handshakes as people meet. Are they
spontaneous? ff not, can you tell which person
handshake? How do women, in general, differ lr
initiating and responding to handshakes? You may c
handshakes, in which one person starts to offer h
withdraws the offer. Can you determine the nonverb
caused him to withdraw? In what circumstances do
taneously shake hands, or are reluctant to initiate
your own reactions to handshakes. How do you
react to the clasp at your hand?


The relationship between immediacy and liking is

three basic metaphors that we use to understand how
actions (rather than his speech) convey his feelings
metaphors, power and responsiveness, will be d
later chapters.) It is very difficult to describe exhaus
behaviors that can draw on this metaphor to expre
Examples from dance illustrate the extensive scope
tion of immediacy.

In a typical paltern of movement in ballet, one dance

from his partner, taking a position at the farthest c
stage with his head turned away from the partner. T
which dramatically shows a desire not only to increa
from the other but also to avoid any possibility of loo
is used to portray anger or hurt feelings.

Other movements toward or away from others in a

used to convey shades of positive and negative feeli
tively, depending on the other qualities that accom
movements. For example, a slow, lyrical movement
other person shows warmth and love, whereas a
lighter rhythmic approach conveys a happy and m
feeling. When a dancer playfully moves toward and
her partner, she conveys the underlying ambivale
associated with teasing-the feelings that motivate
a mixture of desire and apprehension.

In a group dance, smooth, flOWing movements of

as they come together can show a congenial and
quality that is also associated with warmth. Dance
together in a close group, making short, erratic,
Immediacy: liking and ap

movements of the arms, legs, and torsos outward

the group but always returning to it, communicate
yet a desire to maintain their close relationship.


The tendency to position oneself closer to others a

more of oneself is closely related to a greater toler
preference for immediacy. For instance, in psychoth
views, if there is no desk between the therapist and
some women constantly tug on their skirts in a des
/to cover as much as possible [41]. and such patient
also unable to sustailLeye-contact and frequently
looking at the floor, These expressions are blatan
ments to the therapist of a fact he already knows-
want to reveal themselves in an initial interview.

Our facial expressions, e¥e.S, and .;;lostlJres, in ad

«overed parts of our bodies, all communicate inform
ourselves and our feelings [38J. People in the same
162]. but especially those from different culture
groups [5, p. 362; 12; 70, Chapter 11; 167], differ in
amount of self-disclosure they characteristically
people carefully and consistently guard against
disclosure by physically-keeping-lbeiL..distaAce an
uninvolved. When forced to be close to others, the
and sometimes shrink ;;lbysically from the very threa
givjng the impression of acute anxiety and disco
inabllily....\Q...Leye.aUbe.lll&elves to others or to seek
frQ!!! others through eye contact and proximi!Y is
4r'=.lnfriendliness...-&oldness.. and. in some extreme ca
antisocial qualities.
Characteristic differences in levels of self-disclos
revealed by the ways in which people handle th
environment. An office door may generally be left o
closed; the window coverings in a house or an ap
generally be drawn or left open. Almost always
choice, the occupants of offices or dwelling units
sisten! preference for one arrangement or the other.
is no organizational policy dictating that doors
I closed, some persons almost invariably leave th
their offices open; others almost invariably work be
doors. Some dwellers in an apartment complex leav
tains open, even though there are frequent passers
look inside; others seldom if ever open their curtain
Individuals and families usually have characterist
preference for self-disclosure in terms of how the
nudity or use bathrooms [76, 162J. In some familie
to the bathroom is left open even when in use,
others, there is a taboo against it being open eve
bathroom is not in use. In some families, varying
undress including complete nudity' are taken as
course as family members move about within the
others, family members hasten to dress as soon as
from the beach wearing swim suits. For these peop
nudity acceptable on a beach seems inappropriate
fO.rtable in a home.
We can only speculate about the effects of fam
toward self-disclosure on children's attitudes and
people in general. Does a child who grows up in a f
nudity is an everyday phenomenon also learn to be
about his feelings? Is this child better able to ha
relationships through a superior ability to expres
aspirations, likes, and dislikes?

Communication media

Few of us enjoy bringing unwelcome news to anot

not like to be disliked even temporarily, and few peo
bearer of bad news. The news need not be of dea
tragedy. A parent may have to be informed of a ch
in school. A worker may have to be laid off. A reque
been denied.
The next time you have to bring unwelcome info
someone, note your eye contact, distance, and bod
/'tlon relative to him as you break the news. You w
tend /0 avoid looking direclfy a/ him, and will stand a
oriented to one side-all of which decrease your imm
) him.

Sometimes it is so difficult to be the bearer of bad n

select an intermediary (if we can find one), in order
the immediacy of our contact with the person r
news. We may resort to the telephone, or preferabl
avoid a face-to-face confrontation.
On the other hand, when we bring good news, mo
come immediacy; we are happy to present good tid
to-face confrontation. If we cannot perform our
person, we call by telephone; if we cannot phone,
transmit good news, an intermediary is a last resor
Thus, the positiveness of our feelings about what we
can determine the immediacy with which we elect to
170]. The "Dear John" letter and the firing of a
through an intermediary or by a curt formal memo
stead of in a face-to-face confrontation are illustra
choice of a less immediate medium when there is c
discomfort about the message.
A written message from a friend who lives in the sa
be quite appropriate-a formal invitation or a birthd
example. It may be necessary because you are ne
when he can phone. Excluding these possibilities,
cate that he feels uncomfortable about the con
message and cannot bring himself to say them to
telephone or in person.
In terms of the immediacy that they afford, media ca
from -most immediate to least: face-to-face situat
phone, telephone, telegram, letter, direct interm
least immediate of all, a carefully leaked message
mitted through an intermediary. If a letter and a tele
the same length, the telegram is more immedia
transmission is faster. Usually, although letters ta
transmission, they can be more detailed; the cho
mail and telegraph and the significance of this cho
depend on the length of the essential part of the m
In making comparisons of immediacy, it is import
guish situations in which a free exchange of in
possible from those in which long delays are int
tween one-way messages. When two different me
munication use the same medium, the one that
feedback is considered more immediate. Surface
immediate than air mail; a televised communicatio
mediate than one on the picturephone in which an
possible; an audiorecorded message is less imme
conversation on the telephone.
The message leaked through an intermediary is
least immediate but also the least reliable-it may
the person it is intended for. Frequently there are g
for avoiding more immediate and more reliable me
mission. Sometimes we do not want to be person
rectly involved with delivery of the message, or
cannot be directly involved without drawing unn
unseemly attention to the message or to ourselves.
the use of the intermediary is motivated by disco
conveying the particular message to a particular
kind of situation we may leak a criticism of, or w
friend or coworker. In another situation we may le
ment or praise that we are unwilling or unable to
directly since it might be construed as ingratiatin
we may sometimes brag a bit, with the thought tha
may be brought to the attention of someone we wan
There are some good experimental methods ava
this idea that, in attempts at ingratiation involving
nication of our own good qualities to a higher-stat
prefer to use less immediate channels of commun
Similarly, notification to unsuccessful applicants is u
by letter-if at all-even to persons in the same city
notification to the winner of an award or to the succ
cant for a position is often made by phone-perha
coast at person-to-person rates. Even in negotiatio
tions on very high levels-presidencies of corpo
universities or high-level governmental posts~ac
generally communicated by phone, whereas rejec
mitted by the less immediate medium of a letter.
Immediacy: liking and app

In many situations, responses to applications are ma

-for example, applications for admission to colle
employment in large organizations. The nature of
may be evident simply from the thickness of the let
age sent to the applicant. A larger package, which
lengthier communication and involves greater imme
is more likely to be the bearer of good news. A brie
of response may start with "We regret ... "
A short letter of recommendation may well be a
"damning with faint praise." A letter that says in eff
Joe Doakes is very mature, intelligent, and dilige
elaboration, reflects a lack of involvement and
take care of the chore quickly. The writer feels that
something positive about the person in question, fo
has little liking [97].
Within a few years picturephones will become a
common use. Of course, some people will be de
install picturephones in offices and homes as soon
available for prestige and status reasons; however,
vanguard of users will be persons who have greater
for the immediacy that a picturephone affords in d
others at a distance. So, we can expect that mo
persons will purchase and use these phones earlier
who are less gregarious.
.As compared with a telephone, a picturephone not
increase intimacy but also improves the accuracy o
cation [130]. ThiS is especially true for persons who m
use of facial expressions and gestures in expres
selves. In a telephone conversation, such visual cu
available to the listener. Since facial expressions an
can be an important part of the effort to explain an
convey a' feeling, the received message is at best
and possibly even misleading [130].
Even when a person knows that his facial expressi
available to his listener, he does not stop using the
matically start to compensate for their absence by
behaviors. In one of our studies, we asked the subj
duce sarcastic messages that were to be audioreco
Many subjects who tried to say something sarcas
sistently relied on their facial expressions; when we
the recordings from these subjects, we found them
ing in sarcasm. Even when this was pointed out, the
still were unable to get across a sarcastic express
tone of voice-they continued to use their facial exp
In contrast, other subjects were very adept in produc
tic messages with negative vocal expressions (tha
voice). One of the giris who was an actress excelled
could also readily say negative words such as
"don't" with positive vocal expressions to produce
with overall positive impact. Most people cannot ge
when the listener can only hear them, but conside
can do so if th'ey can be seen as well as heard.
Another study showed that our subjects did indeed
siderably in their ability to express positive or nega
in their vocal or facial expressions (177). The intr
picturephones should be of considerable value to p
are unable to use vocal cues and therefore rely heav
expressions in their conversation.

A politician's image

In communication by television or picturephone, th

the speaker visible on the receiver set indicates d
grees of immediacy. For example, if during a televis
to the nation, the President of the United States sits
desk so that he is fully visible, the effect is more imm
when he sits behind his desk, with only his head an
visible. In the latter case, the address seems more
and more distant-more formal.
In his face-to-face encounters with constituents who
his office, an elected official (like anyone else who
office) can increase or decrease immediacy by arra
furniture. He can position his desk so that his visit
away from him, on the opposite side of the desk.
arrangement seems more impersonal than one in wh
is placed against a wail and both persons can sit
fuily visible to, each other. The latter arrangeme
ailows people to sit closer but also increases the
sensory input that each receives from the other.
visitors will tend to judge the situation as informal
as receptive, and they will feel more at ease, more
In contrast, when the desk is between the two, m
will feel less at ease in the conversation and may
favorably aware of a covert stress on the difference
In watching war movies, I have yet to see a German
officer portrayed in his office with his desk placed
wail so that he is fuily exposed to his visitors. On t
the officer usuaily sits behind a huge desk, in front
visitors stand. Perhaps this is only the artist's intuit
bring out the stereotype of an authoritarian culture
bolize unconcerned and distant leadership.
The behavior of a candidate for political office wh
the campaign trail is usually consistent with his app
TV or Ihe way in which he elects to have his offic
Many American voters viewed AQlai Stevenson as a
aloof inteilectual. He was not the kind of candidate
pretend to enjoy rubbing shoulders with mobs
voters, touching and being touched. The impression
the electorate was largely due to his tendency to b
diate. In contrast, Lyndon Johnson's image as a
Senator, President, or a private person, has been on
tional immedIacy. On the campaign trail, he had a
put it, to "press the flesh," 10 shake thousands o
touch and be touched. His lapel-twisting tactics as
jority Leader may have seemed excessively immedi
but on the whole they proved effective in accom
purposes. His use of the telephone aroused muc
particularly in the early days of his Presidency-th
precedent for such frequent Presidential use of the
diate telephone communications.
The nonverbal style of a person in the political are
to do with his political ideology or his inteilect, bu
does have a tremendous effect on the way in wh
ceived, how much he is liked, and especially the kin
he appeals to. Thus, as far as the electorate at l
cerned, the public image of an "intellectual" is
more by manner of dress, the infrequency and qu
tacts with constituents, and aloof and distant mann
by academic background or rational powers. On the
the style of a politician who has considerable inte
may be carefully cultivated to appeal to a constitu
intellectual types. Such a quality can be conveyed b
of speech, a greater willingness to assume close
people around him, more frequent gesturing when
greater expressiveness of his face and postures.

The microenvironment

A friend tells me that on one occasion during her v

Russia, she had to visit a People's Militia (police) S
the entrance to the office, a long red carpet extend
desk at the other end of the room, behind which s
in charge. There was a smaller desk placed in front
one. A subordinate officer sat to one side, and th
sat at the other side and slightly to the front of this s
Seated along the walls on chairs were members of
This microenvironment (that is, interior space of
dramatically shows the way in which furniture arran
be used to enforce varying degrees of nonimm
ttlereby highlight status differences. The officer of h
was least accessible; the lower-ranking officer an
preter who sat alongside the smaller desk, rather
it, were more accessible; finally, the People's Cou
alongside the walls were most accessible, since a
sionally sat with them while waiting for decisions to
As we- will see in the next chapter, limiting the im
contact is a very effective means of conveying h
The furniture arrangement in the People's Militia
tainly accomplished this purpose by highlighting s
ences of those within it.
In a somewhat different context, a large office may
cold and impersonal instead of friendly and casual,
on its furniture arrangement. A bank may include ma
to separate customers from officers and employees
mented arrangement of furniture (side-by-side seatin
a wallar rows of desks for employees who face e
backs). This design minimizes immediacy of conta
customers and employees, thereby creating an imp
formal atmosphere. My favorite bank is about half
most, and all the officers are seated out in the op
irregular arrangement of their desks. Only the teller
rated from the customers. Also, lounge chairs are pla
circular tables for the customers and coffee is av
accessibility of the employees, the small size, and
mal arrangement of the furniture give this bank a ve
and comfortable guality.

Often the arrangement of furniture in a profession

haphazard and left primarily to chance, and, in som
the result can have quite detrimental effects on p
effectiveness [122; 123; 160, Chapter 6J. For situatio
II is important to establish good rapport and a rel
trust with clients or patients, a nonimmediate seatin
ment may be quite a handicap. For example, a psyc
who deals with patients across a desk may be in
helping some who cannot tolerate the large distance
who even mistakenly attribute the coldness of the o
Consider various offices you have visited-lor exa
01 school principals, prolessors, managers, doclo
Was Ihere any relalion belween Ihe way Ihe lurnit
ranged and the general Iriendliness 01 the host?
Some restaurants make us feel restrained, incline
whispers. In such restaurants the tables more ofte
are placed far apart from each other and arrange
pattern, and the place is uncomfortably quiet bec
absence of music. This formal atmosphere is furthe
by the starchy and pompous manners and cost
waiters. Some people are prepared to sacrifice co
exceptionally well-prepared meal. Most of us, howe
we are being watched and expected to exhibit e
good manners; we end up feeling tense and una
enjoy our food.
To create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in w
can relax and enjoy their food and company, an
rangement of tables placed close together seems
tive. Background music helps further by giving
feeling that they can converse comfortably without
heard by others at adjacent tables. This design p
feeling of greater intimacy and is considered cozy
the smaller distances; but, since conversations rem
customers do not feel self-conscious about being
close to strangers. From a managerial viewpoint,.J
and economical use of floor space yields more
square fool. This intimate arrangement does have
the noise level from the music and others' conve
become intolerably high.
The interior design of cafeterias, bars, restaurant
theques not only influences the general atmosph
has a direct effect in encouraging or discouraging
among the people who patronize them. If people ca
be induced to assume positions close to one an
orient so that they can comfortably have eye contac
versation is far more likely to occur than if they
that are far apart or are oriented so there is little
eye contact [122; 123; 160J.
Thus, furniture arrangement determines seating
therefore the quality of social interaction. A large
small tables discourages conversation among st
cause there is a great reluctance to join a stranger
Even though people might go to a place in hopes
others, such an arrangement will lead them to sit
tables, strongly discouraging contacts [160]. Of c
people prefer such an arrangement because they
to interact with strangers.
Immediacy: liking and app

If the purpose is to encourage strangers to convers

other, the side-by-side arrangement of chairs along
or a bar counter is not effective, either. In such a set
are more likely to sit immediately next to each ot
side-by-side seating arrangement hinders them fro
ably having eye contact, which is a necessary p
versation. Further, even when swivel stools are u
arrangement a gregarious stranger has a choice of
to one of two persons at his right or left. If he is no
in either one of them or if his friendly gambits are r
is handicapped unless he can move to another loc
One alternative to these two arrangements would b
counter with people sitting on both sides. This eli
problem of self-consciousness that is associated
a stranger at his table, since counters are made to
many people who may be total strangers to each oth
the Zig-zag arrangement of the counter allows a fr
to sit within comfortable speaking distance of tw
others. This is possible since the angular arrangem
zig-zag counter allows one to sit close, but at an ang
Sitting at an angle counteracts the immediacy of s
which would be uncomfortable if one were to face
directly across the counter [8]. The use of swivel s
zig-zag arrangement increases flexibility in that e
can turn in several directions to address anyone of
persons who may be sitting closest to him. Figure
one such basic module that can be combined with m
to achieve not only high-density seating, but also a
and friendly atmosphere.
Notice how person D can take a seat very close to C
face the counter, thereby assuming an indirect or
approximately gO degrees to C (that is, they would e
turn through an angle of about 45 degrees to face e
In this way, through slight turns, D has a choice of
with A, C, F, or E. He might even be able to addres
together turn a total of about 270 degrees-howeve
less likely possibility.


o ~12"

o o
Figure 1
A basic module for zig-zag furniture arrangem
in public eating, drinking, and entertainment s

Estimated overall space taken up by this table is 104V2 squa

feet by 19 feet). To accommodate the twelve persons at square
suming 6Y2 feet by 6Y2 feet per table. including sealing sp
require 1260/.. square feet, provided every seal 01 these square
occupied-a very unlikely possibility in aclUal fact. The zig·zag a
is therefore superior in terms of its economical use of space.



Figure 2
One application of the zig-zag modules in a small
The zig-zag counter has the advantage over a str
which people sit on both sides because nobody
directly across from anybody. Sitting directly acr
stranger is too forward; and when a straight coun
places directly across from occupied seats remain
nO others are available. This results in ineffective u
Figure 2 illustrates one application in which such
combined to provide seating in a small restaurant.
With the idea ot promoting conversation among s
various combinations at modules such as that in
design the furniture arrangement for a committee
university cafeteria, or an outdoor cafe in a park.


People approach things that they like and avoid oth

dislike [135]. This immediacy principle allows us t
ings, not only from actual movements toward or
people, things, and even ideas, but also from ob
abbreviated movements and gestures. Greater lik
veyed by standing close instead of far, leaning forw
of back while seated, facing directly instead of tur
side, touching, haVing mutual gaze or eye contac
bodily contact as during a handshake, prolonging g
uSing gestures during a greeting which imply a r
toward the other person who is at a distance [113
Such abbreviated movements, postures, and positio
are u'seful in inferring somebody else's feelings b
informative about a person's social style when the
rent. Besides his own behaviors, the physical pro
round a person can, without his conscious intent,
influence his relationships with others. The furnitu
ment inside the house, the visual accessibility of th
outsiders (such as when doors or curtains are le
the height of a fence can all affect one's social
thereby encourage or discourage immediacy of co
Suggested readings

Discussions of typical immediacy (or what Edward

to as proxemic) behaviors in different cultures and
which such behaviors relate to other aspects of eac
found in works by Edward T. Hall [68, 69, 70). E
studies related to immediacy are reviewed in C
Michael Argyle's .Social Interaction [5] aMi in my
nificance of Posture and Position- in the Comm
Attitude and Status Relationships" [111]. Specific
methods and results are given in my report on
Communication" presented at the Nebraska Sym
Motivation in 1971.

Office doors and differences in visitors' approach

offer demonstrations of the operation of the powe
A visitor may enter without knocking; he may knock
immediately enter; he may knock and wait to be
Stripped of exceptions due to social training (or la
series of approaches correlates with decreasing
familiarity or with increasing status of the persons v
door to an office is open, a comparable series wo
simply walking in and laking a seat, hesitating at th
for word or gesture of invitation before entering and
taking a seat without waiting for specific invitation
stopping at the threshold until asked to come in
again until invited to take a seal. Again, the first exa
series illustrates the behavior of a close friend or a
is of higher status and knows the person he is visitin
exampies illustrate the behavior of a visitor who is
mate terms with or who ranks lower in a status hie
the person visited.
These examples show that people behave in a more
ritualized fashion in situations involving status diffe
they do when interacting with their peers. The und
ciple here, which is based on the power metaphor,
sons of higher status determine the degree of
permitted in their interactions with others. A pers
status has less right to increase his immediacy wi
of higher status than vice versa (71; 159, p. 146).
The clue to status differences is the degree of he
discomfort shown by the visitor at each stage as he
increase his immediacy to the person he visits. I
differential is significant, he must wait for permissio
makes any major move in coming closer, or risk o
higher-status other. He will be hesitant to presum
by casually dropping into a seat as this implies rel
an intention to stay on. Indeed, even when invited
visitor will still behave in a way that is consistent wi
in the situation as he sees it. If there is more than o
chair, he will tend to sit at a distance from his host.
trary, if the two are intimate or are peers, the visitor
to take a seat without being invited to do so, and
person he visits [89J.
In the American culture, we joke about status symb
are as a general rule uneasily reluctant to discu
status relative to others. There are status differ
though our mythology informs us that all men are
these examples show, even the simplest and mo
aspects of social life are permeated by actions
words that take cognizance of status differences
participants. More generally, when it is not socially
to verbalize a feeling or attitude (in this case, aw
status differences). actions may reveal the prosc
sages; and if we focus on what we see rather than o
we hear, we may learn how others really feel. Th
analysts have sought to understand the unverbaliz
pressed") feelings of their patients [20,34,35,36,
The ways in which status differences affect people's
tend to be even more pronounced in the more autho
traditional Middle Eastern or Oriental cultures. In the
there is an important and pervasive influence on
behaviors due to the greater and more open respe
tion, the wisdom of old age, and social position.
only talk about but also act in accordance with c
defined social roles corresponding to their status. T
me of an instructor at the University of Teheran who
me. His behavior strongly emphasized the extreme
that is placed on status in the Middle East. Thr
meeting, he spoke softly, almost in a whisper. He
down until I asked him to; and, at the end, instea
around to walk out, he backed out of the room. The
of his voice metaphorically emphasized the lower
he felt; his backing out showed the reluctance to "s
back," a behavior that epitomizes a humble and res
tude. As we will see later, the metaphor that underl
nications of status is power, which includes streng
lessness. Thus the low volume and passive beha
visitor are analogous to weakness, and the relucta
his back toward me parallels fear in the metaphor.
In the Middle East, the uneasiness about turning
even on friends is illustrated by the formalities of go
an entrance. There are many arguments at thresh
trances, as each of two peers insists that the o
enjoy the privilege of going first. The admiration in
is constantly reiterated through such acts, which c
humble and respectful attitude toward his friends
ers. Even when one of a pair does finally agree to
tends to orient himself sideways as he goes
entrance to avoid turning his back to the other.
On occasion, some very subtle vestigial examples
haviors crop up in Western cultures. For example, t
of allowing the other person to be the first to wal
narrow entrance is comparable to the Middle East
scious aversion to shoWing his back to a person
position. A man falls back to let a woman precede h
shows deference to his senior in age or position.
tesies, which tend to occur only in formal relationsh
thqse involving status differences) are basically
with the "backing out" behaviors in Middle Easte
ental cultures. On the other hand, the "backing o
does not apply in the American armed forces, wh
meated by awareness of status differences to an
degree. In formal situations, when an enlisted ma
officer is dismissed from the presence of a sup
he salutes smartly, does an about-face (turning hi
and marches away. In this context there are many
obvious ways in which status differences are con
when there is a clear understanding of who is in
who has to listen to orders, the subtle cues that c
differences become less important.
You may have opportunity to observe interpersona
in a situation that involves diflerences in status amo
01 persons who work in individual otfices. It so, n
sons behave as they visit various offices. Who barge
offices without waiting for invitation? Who waits
holds of which offices lor specific invitation? Not
loud or soft a person knocks when he visits som
door is closed. Is the knocking softer and less
though with some reluctance, when the person be
of higher status?
Our experiments have shown directly that more sub
sons speak in a softer voice in interacting with a st
The implication of smallness by a low voice volum
example of a more general metaphorical relations
large size and power or status. I remember a con
all the Oriental musicians were seated on the floo
audience. At the time of applause, when the music
the principal performer, who had been introduced
of exceptional musical ability, did not bow quite s
others of that musical ensemble. The latter, who w
skill and status, showed their acceptance of th
lower status by bowing to a lower position. On som
an analogue of this phenomenon may be evident
American actors, dancers, or opera singers during

Body relaxation

In Western cultures, particularly in the United Stat

notations of democracy run counter to an emphas
considerations; and there are few overt manifesta
ceptance of stafus differences. However, in subt
reveal our arrogance in higher status and our humil
position. Experimental observations in this cultur
body relaxation, which is a much more subtle cue th
noted above, is one very important indicator of statu
strangers meet, the more relaxed one is probably
both as being of higher status [62, 104, 111, 126].
temporary culture, relaxation is a reminder of the
of the powerful in times when power (and conseq
involved life and death. One who is powerful, that
status, can afford to relax, whereas the weak m
watchful and tense.
These experimental observations in Western cultur
relate with certain rules of etiquette in formal situa
Since standing is less relaxed than a seated posif
surprising that a host seats his most honored guest
there are more extreme status differences, gues
status remain standing throughout whereas the
guished guests are seated. Examples of these are se
political situations in which some attendants of a hig
cial remain standing. Similarly, participants in a stat
from their seats when the official party arrives and re
ing until the official party is seated. According to
[143], in more casual everyday situations, people of
(for example, teen-agers) are supposed to stand
their superiors (for example, anyone over thirty)
they wish to show respect. However,' such arbite
custom are not often consulted by today's young p
I recently visited a young dentist, Who, as he wo
teeth, talked a great deal about his "partner," an old
an internationally distinguished dentist. One day
younger dentist was working on my teeth, a man
door to talk to him about some routine matter. Altho
not see the man who entered, I could see my dentis
I heard the visitor's voice, I noticed changes in th
my dentist. He moved forward in his seat, lean
moved his knees together. and clasped his hands. T
ments were significantly different from his behavior
stopped at the doorway to talk to him. I had no id
visitors were; however, clued by his unusually te
during this last exchange, I felt confident enough t
must have been your partner." This was indeed th

The noticeable change in his posture more than no

trated the idea that increased postural tension (whi
fear and watchfulness in the power metaphor) occ
person addresses someone of higher status. In th
the young dentist was quite sensitive to the profess
nence of his partner. The two menhad .almost ce
discussed and contrasted their respective profes
tions. However, the younger man's postural behavio
indication of his recognition of where he stood in

Body tension is not the only abbreviated behavior

of a fear reaction signaling lower status. Frequent
)ISO be part of a fear reaction and, when it occu
V conversation. can 'imply weakness and submissiv
person who blinks frequently seems to be saying
gentle. Don't disagree with me or hurt my 'feelin
power metaphor: "Please don't hit mel").

The prerogative to increase immediac

It is easy enough to picture an older man in this cul

aging his younger business partner by patting him
qut it is very difficult to visualize this situation reve
with the younger man patting his older and more
ner. This illustrates a second important way in w
considerations regulate our silent messages. For
of different status, the prerogative to assume a po
immediate to the other belongs to the one with high

In almost any social grouping, there is a status hiera

the newcomer implicitly discovers and respects. In
of a working situation, minor status differences
immediately evident, but one differential is obvious
man, the person with hire-fire power, has highest
group. The newcomer in the situation mayor m
have social contact oft the job with his superior; but
the higher-status person initiates the closer relati
supervisor of the steno pool may suggest to a typ
have lunch together. A foreman may invite a mach
a beer at the local tavern after the shift ends. A
president may invite a junior executive to a cock
his home. There are acceptable exceptions in part
tions, but as a general rule the lower-ranked pers
presume to initiate greater immediacy.
For the junior employee, it would seem (and wou
be) inappropriate to take this step to increase the im
his relationship with his boss. So, if the superior by
initiative to a more friendly relationship, then the c
that the two persons will never socialize together
A related implicit rule is that when the person of h
provides such an opportunity to increase immedia
ployee is under heavy obligation to accept the
Classically, to reject such an invitation is disrespe
matically, rejection is probably impolitic for one who
well in his job. So, when a person of lower statu
greater immediacy, he generally accepts.
A junior employee may be brash enough to take
to increase immediacy even though he does not ha
rogative. In this instance, a rejection of the invita
embarrassing but has different connotations. W
such invitations are turned down, the obvious im
that the superior has a distinct desire to maintain
status differences as well as formality in the relatio
Interestingly enough, these observations about h
project status differences in their relationships s
upheld also in primates. In watching a colony of c
at a zoo, I noticed that the male head of this colon
obviously larger and older than the rest of them,
ever approached by the adolescent males who were
playing and wrestling with each other. They especi
looking in his direction and tensed slightly as they
him, while he remained relaxed and glanced casu
direction. These informai observations are corr
studies of baboons in their natural habitat. Among t
high-status males were the focus of much activi
other members of the species, particularly females
infants, into close interaction with them. The very yo
frequently approached the dominant male, or male
acted with them. As these infants became older, h
entered into the status hierarchy, avoidance and d
the presence of the high-status males were more
In a similar way, many people in this culture will no
ously assume a close position to a person of hi
Rather, they sit far away and face him directly [89J.
person of higher status may quite legitimately point
chair to his visiting guest and ask him to take it,
mitting greater immediacy.
In 'this context, it is flossible to analyze the signific
position at the head of the table, which in most c
to the most honored or highest-status person in
Someone sitting at the head of a rectangular table
age has more ease in achieving eye contact with o
table than one sitting along the side. For the latter,
eye contact, for instance with someone who sits alo
side of the table, invoives bending forward and
neck at an uncomfortable angle. Thus, the end po
tates eye contacts for its occupant, thereby givin
I flexibility in regulating this aspect of immediacy wit
at the table. It is therefore not surprising that the p
to persons of high status.
This kind of status significance led to the elaborate
of table shape for the Vietnam peace talks in Paris
from various nations and political groups at the t
wish to be judged implicitly as being of lower status
assignment to certain positions at the table, Thus, th
preliminary negotiations required to decide on the
table involved necessary compromises on the part
regarding their respective status in the situation.
In addition to the choice of seating, which dictates
of closeness and directness of orientation, the in
conversation is one common way of increasing im
is associated with mOLe §\(lLC.ontact and moLe se
(expressing one's beliefs, attitudes, or feelings) t
erally possible without conversation. Generally, th
increase or decrease immediacy by initiating or te
conversation is left to the person of high status. It is
ing that when we are addressed by someone of h
we tend to be attentive and responsive; failure to d
be a sign of disrespect. On the other hand, when a
person initiates a conversation, the higher-status
required by custom or his own necessities to be ov
sive or to have eye contact with him. He can quite
even turn to one side and seem to be listening with
much reaction to what he hears.
A friend of mine, Tom, told of an incident that occ
he was a graduate student. Tom went to the offic
prominent psychologist in his department to prese
for a research project. The status implications in th
were obvious, and Tom, who was very junior, did n
be favored by constant eye contact and verbal res
the senior psychologist, who sat facing away wit
down, qUietly listening. There wasn't much reacti
talked on, but this, as we have seen, is not unexpe
kept talking. Long before Tom finished his presen
ever, he was startled to hear a gentle snore. Fea
embarrassment, Tom got up an~ quietly tiptoed aw
slumbering professor.
Sometimes status differences are also reflected
aspects of speech [170]. In addressing a doctor o
Robert French, we could say, "Dr. French'" (but
French"), "Robert," "Bob," or "Frenchie," with
degrees of familiarity or equality of status-the la
being used only by those who had known him as
buddies. Another more subtle example is the occurr
word "just" in a request. Use of "I just wanted to
book" instead of "I want to borrow this book," impl
tance and hesitation in making the demand. The
suggests an insignificant quality of the demand a
likely to be used when the other person is of hi
Even such a small request as this increases immed
therefore made with some hesitation. The first sta
also imply "I just want the book and plan to leav
This implication is consistent with our general conc
indicates a concern about the increased immedi
were to stay on.
Consider some rules of etiquette from the standpo
principles that relate nonverbal behavior to status
the explicit rules have been modified frequentiy,
Emily Post first published her book on etiquette [1
However, particularly for formal occasions, the rules
their beginnings in social groupings concerned with
status. For example, a couple of generations back
not introduce himself to a person of high status, bu
seek a letter of introduction from that person's
legitimized the increased immediacy that was asso
the visit. Today, in seeking a visit with someone of
a less immediate means of contact, such as a letter o
call, is selected to make the request.
Such codes are derived from the etiquette that gove
behavior of court circles and aristocracy of seven
tury France and England. The prescribed rules gove
ductions (who is presented to whom) are based
status and provide some guidelines in a culture
characterized by' profound concern about status-a
formalized overt concern. Few of us today live our
under conditions governed by formal rules of etiq
of us are aware of power and status differences,
and react accordingly without too much help from
on the sUbject.


As population density increases, territorial rights

important prerogative of the higher-status persons. E
with animals have shown that higher-status animal
locations in their everyday activities than do tho
status [25]. Thus, the higher-status members of
afforded a freedom of movement that is less availa
of lower status; furthermore, they have a designat
marily for their own and their subordinates' use t
than areas available to lower-status members. T
comments of Edward T. Hall are instructive:

Dominant animals tend to have larger personal distanc

which occupy lower positions in the social hierarchy, w
nate animals have been observed to yield room to do
Glen McBride [96], an Australian professor of animal hu
made detailed observations of the spacing of domes
function of dominance. His theory of "social organiza
havior" has as a main element the handling of space. Th
of personal distance and status in one form or anot
occur throughout the vertebrate kingdom. It has been
birds and many mammals, including the colony of grou
World monkeys at the Japanese Monkey Center near
p. 141·

These findings can be summarized in terms of t

principle: Higher-status persons of a social group
to more locations and have more power to increas
immediacy vis-Ii-vis others than the lower-statu
There are many relevant examples from our ever
vations. For instance, among persons of different
the same institution, such as a school, a business, o
higher-status individuals are assigned larger and
Think of how much eflort it would lake to get a pe
view with your boss, one of your state legislators, yo
a senalor, and the President 01 the United States, i
Also, think 01 how much easier it would be lor suc
sons in this list to regulate (that is, encourage or
immediacy to himselt.
Besides their contribution in showing a relation bet
status and increased access to a variety of locatio
to regulate others' use of space, experiments with a
produced some interesting observations of the p
advantage of having a territory. In one of his experim
Calhoun [25] used four interconnected pens and c
a large number of rats within them. In a very short
the male rats took over one of these pens and dr
other males who competed with him for status and
to females. He was willing to tolerate the presen
males in his compartment so long as they kept to
and did not bother the females. This rat even slep
trance to his pen so that he would be awakened by a
and could drive them off. Female rats in his pen liv
mal rat eXistences; there was a very high mortality
the female rats in the other crowded pens. There
considerable amount of abnormal behavior among t
rats: aggressive tail biting, unstable social hierarc
_sexuality, and inadequate rearing of the young.
The dominant male that had taken over a pen was
to drive away the other males that attempted to ente
ises. He had established his own territory and hare
was truly king. The fact that he had preserved fo
more than adequate area seems to have given him
upper hand in maintaining his physical well-being
psychological advantage in warding off the intruder
Indeed, evidence shows that there is a psychologica
in being in one's own territory; an animal who fights
territory almost invariably wins. Even a physically s
larger animal becomes a less able fighter in anothe
[21, 88]. Thus, status is enhanced within one's o
and others are reluctant to enter that area and b
Note that only those who threaten the status or p
animal within the territory are repulsed. In the exa
rat who took over one pen, weaker males who did n
with his power in the situation were allowed to stay
the baboons, the very young approached and play
high-status males, but the adolescents who were b
enter the status hierarchy avoided immediacy to
Finally, among birds, territorial defense is usually
against birds with similar food needs and not agai
with dissimilar food needs. Thus, when power and p
are not threatened by. the intruding animal, he is
stay; otherwise, he is repulsed from a position of ps
A man's home is his castle, and a person is indee
his own territory. The psychological advantage t
within his own territory is lost-to his host when he g
elsewhere. The higher a person's status, the greate
that he can claim as his own territory and therefore
is the likelihood that he will retain his psychologica
in dealing with others. So, we have a two-sided
People of high status claim and regulate access to
tories and those who already have access to larg
are able thereby to assume the advantages of high s
The following experimental findings are relevant in
Men were grouped into pairs and were socially isola
ing them live in a restricted space tor a few days [2J.
test scores for members of 'these pairs were availa
ing a measure of each subject's level of dominanc
logue of status). All three combinations of high-hig
and low-low dominance pairs were observed in th
was found that relative tb the other pairs, high-high p
to increase their territorial behavior over time. In
dominant pairs, each individual was more likely
exclusive use of locations and furniture in the area
two were isolated. These findings are not surprising
in the high-high pairs was there a good chance tha
ber's dominant position would be threatened. Thu
torial behavior was a means that both used to c
limited psychological advantages provided by the

Violated territories

The concept of territoriality goes beyond "staking o

of land for oneself. People possess areas, such as
vorite chairs, rooms that are not to be intruded up
particular seats at the eating table. -
Sometime, if you care to risk an episode of -unpl
appropriate the favorite lounge chair of a friend who
in his home. Note his reactions, if he reveals the
change in his behavior toward you. I suggest this as
experiment that could be fun to discuss afterward
(and forgiving) friend, but I would be very reluctant
such recurrent experiments with your family at hom

Some of the most persistent irritants for people w

gether are their occasional violations of each other
rights. The magnitude of hurt feelings and irritation
violations can be appreciated when we conside
John Calhoun's rats under normal population densit
showed a great deal of respect for each other's limite
rights within the same pen [25]. Only under condi
cessive crowding within a pen did they begin to intru
other's territories so that these had to be maintain

The analogy to the home environment can be striking

within the same dwelling unit can result in violatio
itants' territorial rights, and the violations may arou
and aggression. When the crowding i~ excessive,
becomes a frequent problem and grows into ps
and general social maladjustments. Chombart de
found that in France when the number of people wi
dwelling unit approaches a point where less than 8 t
meters of floor space are available per person, p
social dysfunction suddenly doubles. At least part o
disturbances resulting from crowding can be attrib
violations of cohabitants' territorial rights and the
recurrent problems.

On the other hand, insistence on territorial rights can

as a way of minimizing stress, and therefore could b
to be more forceful when people are under stress.
this, extreme territorial behavior was observed in G
camps in Vietnam [19J. Each man had an area of his
the camp and at certain times would prohibit entry in
by anyone. There was an implicit understanding t
times entry into the area would result in violent rep
such periods of seclusion of each soldier wer
Even when the setting (for instance, the apartme
provides a considerable amount of space for the
the violation of territorial rights is not necessarily
Some people seem completely oblivious to anoth
rights to a given part of a living space. Worse yet
. tions may be part of a more or less conscious att
over more space and to assume a more dominan
the situation. They move from one area of the hous
successively claiming each from their victims. S
seem to note a favorite "territory" (a working, mu
or reading area; a chair or desk); and, when it is v
take it over. One of the maneuvers to claim spa
leaving some of their possessions in the appropria
can tell a systematic take-over from simple care
trying to reclaim some area-the resistance we get
of the interloper's expansive Intentions. A dominan
fight back; a more submissive victim may relinqui
to that particular area and move on to another te
he can attain some privacy and where his bel
remain undisturbed.


The ideas introduced in this chapter to explain

actions that reflect status differences in this cu
coherent framework. The metaphor of power and
underlies the representation of status. Thus, lowe
sons assume postures that indicate weakness;
softiy and are more tense and watchful in the
higher-status others.
Also, in terms of the metaphor, a fearful person do
taneously select a position close to one whom h
who is more powerful. However, when asked to do
and remains watchful. It is therefore not surpris
prerogative for increasing immediacy remains with
status member in a situation and that when he
immediacy to another, it is generally accepted.
In a related way, the phenomenon of territoriality is
of the prero9ative of high-status members of a gro
their own immediacy with others. Under conditions
the more powerful members insist on this prerogati
out relatively large areas that are out of bounds fo
members. Such territories are generally respected u
conditions of crowding, but need to be forcefully
under conditions of overcrowding. Animal studie
that female or weaker male members of the specie
threaten the integrity of the territory are gladly wel
and to stay.

Suggested readings

For reviews of the experimental findings on how pe

dominance or status, see Robert Sommer's "S
Ecology" [159] and my report "Significance of
Position in the Communication of Attitude and Sta
ships" [111]. Examples of territorial behavior from
of animals are given by Robert Ardrey [4J and G
. [96]. Edward T. Hall [70] presents a readable ac
differences in the territorial behavior of various cu
The double-edged messag

Since the times of the cavemen, females of Homo s

been saying, "No, don't!" Ma!es of the genus, i
concerned about consent, have been guided more b
messages of facial expression, tone of voice, and
sponse. If they had heeded only the verbal messages
in the late twentieth century would not be troubled b
tion explosion. Through the ages down to the prese
women have often verbally repelled advances from
nonverbal'y encouraging those advances. Thus m
have behaved quite properly in accordance with
of their cultures (on the verbal level), while (on th
!evel) they signaled contradictory messages.
Most of us have had accidents in social situations
cup of coffee spilled, a vase or a lamp overturned
many possible reactions to such mishaps from com
hostesses. But sometimes we've heard from good
reactions as "Clumsy'" "Slob l " and "Oh, you schl
with a smile and in a tone of exasperated affection
message, the epithet, expresses the distress and d
speaker; the smile and the voice tone assure us t
not fallen from favor. It would be difficult, if not im
most of us, to put across the complexities of that
words alone: "I really don't like what you did;
feelings, but I still like you." Such a verbalization w
phony at best, and few of us would be inclined to try
some psychotherapists suggest that such message
a healthy way to communicate. Of course, a woma
the whole complex message in words: "Sweet dadd
closer." If she did, he might just get away-the
genus can at times be just as perverse as the fema
We are not at our most lovable best when we
most of us on occasion use the two-edged messa
wish to convey heavy sarcasm that can be blandly d
we are called on it. The formula unfortunately is
real life as it is in domestic situation comedies o
Person A (man or woman) makes a sarcastic statem
B protests, takes exception to the remark. Perso
usually starting with "But all I said was ... " and
words in a matter-of-fact tone of voice instead of
negative one. An exasperated wife tells her husba
like the way we get to go out so often " He r~s
"Whaddaya mean? We went to the ball game yester
stock car races last weekend!" Then she says, "Al
that I iike the way we get to go out so often," this ti
with a neutral tone of voice. In television, there is a
in real life, such exchanges can lead to far more s
sequences. Part of the problem is that in our cult
excessively sensitized to words and have very fe
characterizing nonverbal behavior. It is therefore v
unless we have some audio-video record, to ide
cope with nonverbal expressions of hostility that are
simultaneous verbal expressions to which we cannot
take exception.
About a dozen years ago psychologists and psychia
ing in family therapy became aware of the sign
inconsistent communication [67, 168]; and many o
tinely tape-recorded their therapy sessions. On occ
played back recorded segments of previous sessi
patients to point out the ways in which the fami
nonverbally hurt each other, while making seemingl
innocuous statements. Such informal inquiries by p
pists pointed out that inconsistent communications
serve special functions and motivated researche
understand why people use these messages.
In order to describe these special funcfions of
communication, we need first to establish a more
finition of it. Inconsistent communications are tho
contradictory messages are being conveyed simult
words and other behaviors. That is, we may expres
verbally while our facial expressions [16], p..,0sture
.of voice [73, 150, 161], or gestmes..[39] say the opp
/ the kinds of messag~ Illat we can communicate
a.r:e liking, dominance, and_respD.o.siJmness, iQcon
be measured in terms of each of these three separ
.Watch for two-edged messages-as others talk, as o
to you, as you speak to others. How otten is the verb
contradicted by voice tone, facial expression, postur
Are people more prone to use inconsistent messag
situations than others? Can you spot an express
contradicted? How? Can you find an expression of
contradicted by behavior of submissiveness? If
observe a situation of contradictory messages ab
siveness, can you remember or imagine such?

The resolution of inconsistent message

As noted, a p~rson cao..convey varying degrees

pimultaneously usin words facial a d vocal e
j:Josl!JlI'tS,~tures. He may also convey differ
of dominance with these behaviors. Many a politicia
before the voters, chest proudly thrust forward, po
and in a booming voice declared, "If elected, I will be
servant of the people." The demeanor of such a ca
manner of dress, and the props surrounding him mor
not have indicated a high status and a dominant p
objective observer could hardly believe that the c
capable of being a truly humble servant of the peopl
has any intention of trying to be. He might, however,
as a person in a position of power who will take g
seem considerate of the needs and feelings of
ticularly his constituents.
Behaviors can be used simultaneously with speec
different degrees of responsiveness to another pers
talking auctioneer is a champion of inconsistenc
voluble and almost incessant speech shows a g
responsiveness, but his bland expressions and
voice are at the other extreme-completely unrespo
One interesting question now arises: Is there a sy
coherent approach to resolving the general meanin
of an inconsistent message? Indeed there is. Our
results [125, 133] show:

Total liking - 7% verbal liking + 38% vocal

+ 55% facial liking

Thus the impact of facial expression is greatest, the

of the tone of vQice ~or vQcal expressiQn), and fi
words. If the facial expressiQn is inconsistent with
the degree Qf liking conveyed by the facial exp

I dominate and determine the impact of the total m

the other hand, in an 8udiorecorded message or a
Qn the phQne, if the vQcal expression happens tQ c
words, then the former determines the total impa
work either way: The words may be positive and t
pressiQn negative, in which case the tQtal sarcastic
a negative one; or the vocal expression may be pos
wQrds negative, in which case the tQtal message
Professor Michael Argyle and his colleagues [6] co
findings repQrted in the abQve equatiQn. In a related
also found suppQrt for a similar relationship when th
referred tQ dominance [9J; a persQn's nQnverbal
outweighs the importance of his words when he
dictory messages showing dominance-submissiv
instance, if a person's facial expression and postu
ineering, no matter how submissive his wQrds imp
the message will be interpreted in a manner cQnsis
dQmlnance revealed by his facial expressiQn and p
There are as yet no experimental results for analy
sistent messages of responsiveness; but those r
obtained, probably will conform to what has bee
liking and dominance.
In an employment Interview, the applicant may say
things, but his contradictory behavior may cost him
may say positively that he is interested in the job,
work hard and believes very much in what the comp
But the interviewer may find that his bland and ex
face and voice do little to confirm this verbalized
and may intuitively decide that he does not really m
says. As most of us do, in trying to estimate how
an applicant really is about getting a particular jo
viewer tends to give more weight to his nonverba
verbal responsiveness.

Generalizing, we can say that a person's nonyerb

has more bearing tban..biS-W.Qrds 'on communicat
or attitudes to others. So we have rewritten our equ
feeling instead of just liking.

Total feeling = 7% verbal feeling + 38% vocal f

+ 55% facial feeling

Numerical values In this equation are only approx

ever, the order of importance of words, vocal expre
facial expressions is likely to be upheld in future e
To use this equation, we have to restrict ourselves to
of only one dimension of feeling at a time. This dime
be like-dislike, dominance~submissiveness, or resp
or it could be even very specific feelings such as
hurt, depression, or curiosity.
To estimate the total feeling communicated, it is f!J:
to measur.e_the impact 0 each behavior by itself
same sea e. The equation is then used to compu
impact. In the laboratory situation, we obtain yid
subjects delivering verbal messages, then liave ~ev
separately evaluate the various aspects of comm
terms of the impression made on the receiver of th
sin a scale from - 3 to + 3. The procedure i
artificial an could not readily be used outside the
but it gives us more objective data than those ba
structured intuition. For example, in estimating th
happiness communicated by a sUbject, we play bac
taped message without the sound: a group of jUdg
I) the soundless picture and ates his facial ex ressio
from - 3 extremeI unha to + 3 extremel h
2) a typed transcription of thejJlessage (just the words
no sound, no picture) is rated on the same scale.
audiorecording is played back through an elec.tronic
example, a Krohn·Hite Model 3500 Band Pass Filt
~) the words of the speecb iocomp,ehensible while r
quality of vocal expression; and this filtered audio
rated on the same happiness scale.
Let us say that tor this example we had a score of
facial expression, a score of + 2 for the words, and
- 2 for the vocal expression. Inserting these valu
equation gives an overall value for the feeling of happ
municated by the subject of -1.72 on the scale. I
since the vocal expression and facial expression
• judged as unhappy (- 2), the impact of the total
/ very close to the j)n'pact made by these two, and
happiness (+ 2) of the words has very little effect.
We have written the second and more general eq
for combinations of words, vocal expressions, and fa
sions. If we extrapolate from these results, we can
following, reasonably safe, generalization: When an
behavior,J.Us more likely to de
,.. lotal impact of the message. In. other wocds.,loucbing
*-) (distance, forward lean, or e .!LfontaiW.J10stures, g
1;/ well as faGiaL.Jl(ltLvocai expressions, can all outw
and determine the feelings conveyed bya message
Suppose an engaged couple encounters a woman
man had formerly dated frequently. She has news
friend, who is unknown to the fiancee, As they pa
exchange of pleasantries, he reaches out and grasp
of his fiancee. Even though he has turned his face an
attention from her, the clasping of her hand is reas
she is more important to him than the other wo
preferred to her. One implication here is that touch
important clue to I mg; an ,even
i positions, and words, it still determines the total

We have all experienced interruptions of social a

conversations by phone calls. On some occasions
of a number of reasons, the interruption may be p
the host continues his phone conversation, howe
in the direction of his Visitor, makes eye contact, sm
other facial expressions that indicate his regret ab
ruption. The silent messages assure the visitor
has not forgotten him and is not neglecting him ev
is talking to someone else. Here again, the importa
expressions becomes evident, since generally th
sufficient to keep the visitor from feeling restless a
he occupies his enforced social vacuum.
The basic metaphors that underlie silent messag
with some other aspects of our culture, help us to
why people assign greater weight to the nonverb
consistently communicated feeling§.. [9, 125J. Tw
traditions of Western society bear on this issu
j and probably more important of these traditions
the expression of feelings, particularly negative o
the sphere of intimate relationships [146J. The s
absence of explicit instruction on the subject of no

. . mUOIcalion Within the framework of formal educati
i]' finued emohasis on language skills both at home. a
is a sharp contrast to the neglect of training
How do these two traditions relate to one anothe
communication? It is assumed that the human orga
totally "conceal" emotion-that emotions denied e
one channel find another outlet [41, 119J. Both neg
(frustration, irritation, anger, hostility) and positive fe
sure, liking, love) are part of social life, so if e
discouraged, feelings are conveyed less overtly
The double-edged me

without conscious volition) by nonverbal behaviors

more sUbtle; nonetheless, they assume a greater
for many who rely more . on /these less-censored
The deemphasis of nonverbal communication in edu

to perpetuate a situation in which socially unaccepta
must be expressed in behaviors other than speech
be recognized "officially" as part of a person's com
We learn to express a variety of feelings in these
ways to avoid detectable transgression of the socia

The function of inconsistent message

We sometimes say, "That's great ' " with a sarca

voice when we could simpiy say, "That's lousy'" S
wife exclaims to her husband, "I hate you!" with
expression when she could use a consistent mes
press liking. Even though both the inconsistent an
messages convey liking to the husband, in some si
finds the inconsistent one more expressive of h
meanirtg. There must be some special function th
by such inconsistent messages and that cannot o
consistent ones. This function becomes apparent wh
of the wife who says, "I hate you!" wifh a loving
In this instance, there may be a certain degree of re
her message. She might use this particular form w
done something that will cause her extra work or inc
and yet in no way affects her love for him. For
might have come home with an adorable puppy, fo
children have been clamoring for months and whi
has wanted-covertly. Although her words convey
over the prospect of housebreaking, muddy paw
desecrated flowerbeds, her soft laugh and the wa
voice tell him that he has in no way forfeited her l
proval [117J. As we have already seen, despite the n
of the words, the total impact is a positive one.
On the other hand, an inconsistent message can hav
impact. Darlene, a secretary, in talking about the offi
may say to a coworker, "Gh yes' I really like h
sarcastic tone of voice. The message received by H
Darlene dislikes their supervisor; this inference is
with the vocal expression that Darlene used in exp
words. The words may be simply a playful continu
earlier segment of the conversation-something li
the matter, don't you like him?" from Harriet. Chan
the office manager is someone who cannot be
directly criticized by underlings. In this informal c
between Darlene and Harriet, the words playfully
fa,ade that has to be put up in his presence, but the
contradicted by actions and tone of voice.
These examples bring out another aspect of
messages-they are more likeiy to be used in an i
casuai setting than in a formal one [117). A situation
when we are with friends rather than acquaintance
we barely know, or when we are with people of whom
openly critical as we cannot be with others who
readily hurt and are intolerant of criticism. Private,
conversations are generally more informal than those
where strangers
. are nearby , and where argument
embarr-assing. In other words, when the situation or
you converse with is "uptight," inconsistent messa
'v. kind are discouraged. in such circumstances, the h
1/\ unpleasant comment spoken jokingly will not be-a
and consistent negative messages of any kind ca
people off."
In welcoming a new employee to his job, the depa
says, "We are ali equal here and can openiy e
feelings. I want you to let your feelings be known an
to let me know if you have reservations about anyt
that something is wrong." As he speaks, his pos
expression, and vocal expression convey his aware
dominant relationship relative to the new member
partment, who comes away from this pep talk with
that the boss is a bit of a phony, trying to be a ni
doesn't really mean it. In other words, the new ma
he will be wise not to be critical of anything the b
We have already discussed how self-conscious Am
about the issue of status. Some aspects of the hipp
culture notwithstanding, it is still legitimate in many
culture to actively seek status-but not to talk about
it. In our socially prescribed dealings with others, go
include much behavior that is deferential, consid
needs, wishes, and egos of others. Very few wh
social mannerisms, which might appear to the u
evidence of humility and submissiveness, are at a
submissive. The American who flaunts his power o
status in one context or another does not get alo
other Americans. As with expressions of dislike, verb
nonverbal communication of a dominant attitude is d
The social bully is offensive and wins no popularity
When a policeman says, "Pull over!" most of us h
nation to retort, "Say 'Please'." An imperrous dema
order, or a command generally sparks in most of us
tion to comply. A folk saying has it: "Honey attract
·than vinegar." The reaction is not peculiar to twen
Americans; Aesop's fable about the relative persua
the North Wind and the Sun has been known for a
years. We are not taught to grovel, to kowtow, or t
However, we are taught to say "Excuse me," "P
"Thank you." As status goes in our culture, many
all) children of .highest status strata are most care
in these and other social amenities. Our peers o
teach us more surely than our families about relativ
ness of requests and demands; the child who tr
others around is not acceptable to his peer group.
We do not use words and behaviors of dominanc
other reason than that they are not generally effectiv
us what we want and need from others. If the verb
and the nonverbal behaviors that accompany it co
pression of dominance, most of us almost instin
and cooperate no more than we absolutely must.
make demands on others; others constantly make
us. We ask favors of others; others ask favors o
however, orders and demands are phrased as req
quasi-requests. If they are starkly phrased ("Do this
me that ... "), they are often communicated as reque
of the quality of facial expression and tone of voice

Sometimes the sociai roles make it clear that

expressions of request are clearly a sign of polite co
An executive says pleasantly to his secretary, "M
would you please bring me the file on the const
tract?" The verbal message and the nonverbal beha
nothing of dominance. But that is an order-he k
she knows it. There is no question in his mind or he
dominant and submissive roles in the situation.

Generally, we are well aware of status and of the re

of others to affect our lives for good or ill; and w
modify our behaviors accordingly. The submissive
our nonverbal behavior associated with requests
intensified, however slightly, when we deal with a
has the power to injure us (as through loss of empl
social favor). The submissive overtones are often
when the other person is in a dependent or subordin
such as a child. Nevertheiess, there are some peop
in dealing with a dependent other use excessive
expressions as they make a request. It is tempting
such a person is just trying to be considerate. A m
description, however, is that this is a submissive
has an unrealistic concern about possible rebuff an
even when his social position legitimately allows h
a request.

Our discussion and examples show that inconsisten

come into play in this culture when we have mix
about something [117J. Implicit and explicit social
times dictate certain ways of acting that are stron
with our true feelings in some situations. At thes
often send inconsistent messages in which we quite
lip service (verbal message) to social convention,
verbal messages betray our real feelings. Experime

confirm folk wisdom: "Actions speak louder than w
erally speaking, others weigh our actions more tha
as they try to understand what we feel.
The double-edged me

Inconsistent messages and social influen

Inconsistent messages also assume a very specia

situations in which people influence one another
though we don't like fo talk about it, our dealings
frequently involve influencing them or being influenc
Our behavior is influenced more than most of us c
even to ourselves by our friends and our foes, by ou
as well as our superiors in our employment situa
neighbors (even if we don't know them), by "peo
", , ,but what will people think ''),
We accept persuasion as a legitimate, if sometime
part of living-sometimes we enjoy being coaxed
persuade others are essential in human interaction;
are more skillful than others, However, we tend to
by efforts to influence that go beyond persuasion, w
ceptable, and become manipulation, which is repug
is a subtle difference between "He persuaded m
conned me into it." We speak of "credibility gaps
nipulation of news," and our disapproval probably
resentment of manipulation-not of news but of us,
We don't like to think about or discuss what might be
"undue and improper" influence, Manipulation of
socially disapproved activity, and we prefer to beli
would not do it (or at least not be caught doing it),
are sufficient egoists to be foolishly certain that we
manipulated by others. As with other aspects of
action, unwillingness or inability to verbalize about
to discuss it, makes nonverbal behavior related t
important vehicle of communication, In other word
words fail to convey some important fact in a soci
actions take over this function,
A psychotherapist's relationship with his adult pa
instructive example for us to consider. Now, the the
is to be worth what he charges for his time, is going
his patient's behavior, but he must do so withou
obvious about it. At least this is the feeling of most
traditional and psychoanalytically oriented therapis
Such a therapist makes sure his patients know tha
provide any suggestions or guidelines. He says ve
that little is mostly restricted IQ car.e.lully...neutra1..l
:'How?" and "Why you?" and "Then what did you
patient chooses not to talk, he can sit in patient sil
k whole of a ~O-minute hour. J1 he ca"ies-lbe-logic o
sional rationale to an extreme, he will be just as gua
he reveals nonverbally by voice tone, facial expressi
and gestures. However, generally his nonyerbal bJ
. re.veal-some differential Rreference for3ertain thin
patient does or reports. Even when in traditional Fr
[56], a therapist sits at the head of the couch and
reclining patient so that the patient cannot see him a
still show varying degrees of interest and preference
,expressions. In_most therapy sessions, however, th
actually tully Yisible to their patienls and can...sub
verbally reveal information about their preference
,-of different thiDgsJ$qorted by'1he patient. Since,
already seen, the impact of nonverbal behavior ou
impact of words, il follows tbat lbe..Jb.!li.a~ iJLa
II guide nonverball his atienl's progress without
. ' questin him to do an hing specific [164].
The function of the psychoanalytically oriented th
help the RatieDt to help himself. He does not tell the
is wrong with him and what he should do about
according to the theoretical orientation, it is futi
anyway until the patient works it out himself and
disclosure may harm the patient rather than help
the nonintervention, nondirective approach protects
from loss of face and against rebellion or antagoni
patient. Since he does not make suggestions or de
patient cannot shift the responsibility for his soci
to his therapist, nor can he set about to prove t
wrong, thus delaying his own progress.
As in the case of the lherapist who denies beiDg
elation to his p~nt, in some situations, talk a
determination" of a group is suspect, especiall
speaker has a stake in the outcome of self-determ
one who stresses self-determination may be a De
a Cub Scout Pack, a union leader, a grade-schoo
a boss of a political machine-he knows full well th
and aggressive efforts on his part or on the part of h
tion, simply to dictate the actions of the group in q
well fail or even backfire. Thus he talks about self-d
while unobtrusively, perhaps even ruthlessly, man
group in the desired direction.

Inconsistent messages and psychological dis

Attention was firs't drawn to the significance of

messages in the context of work with schizophreni
Psychotherapists who interviewed schizophrenic pa
-With their tamilies began to notice a certain pecu
"""way in which parents addressed their maladjust
There seemed to be a predominance of inconsisten
many of the parents, for example, repeatedly said
pleasant things about their children while nonverbal
negative feelings. This kind of message was in
therapists as being confusing and probably the ma
psychological disturbance, For instance, when a
her son, "Come and give your mommy a kiss" an
away from him as he approaches because his han
the child is confused. He thinks that he's wanted, a
also rejected, He does not know what to do, He
way, If he reacts to the nonverbal behavior-the tur
by crying and shrinking back, his mother will
because she has told him to come over and kiss
other hand, if he reacts to what she said and tries to
and kiss her, she will be offended by his dirty hand
him. :

This double-bind situation, repeated over and over

e child no clear choice for action and leads him
where he Imsel! begins to use_ veJY-Q?culiar

_messages, For example, a son sends a birthday
mother and signs it "Napoleon." This action lets
know on the one hand that he has remembered
and is being affectionate, but signing a name not his
that it was not reaily he who sent the card. This biza
is consistent with his other strange and maladap
dealing with people.
~~-bind theorists' basic assumption about the
tween psychological disturbance and inconsisten
was that the latter are ambim JailS and difficult to i
ISS, 168J. However, wenow know that this is not
do quite readily understand the true meaning whe
and nonverbal parts of a message are inconsistent
I the !10nverbal part and make their jUdgment accor
We now also know that Rarents of maladjusted chi
necessarily use more frequent inconsistent messa
parents of normal children, but they do .Y£e mo
messages [13J. Analysis of the anecdotal evidence
double-bind therapists in support of their thesis sho
were struck by the inconsistent sarcastic messages
the inconsistent positive ones. In other words, th
that drew their attention had an overall negative imp
experimental findings show that indeed Rarents
m.aladjusted children do communicate [!1ore nllQa
to these children and that they sometimes us
messages to d.o_so [13].
There are two ways to understand the latter resu
parents' initial negative attitude toward their own c
be the cause of maladjustment in their children; s
may be more negative toward their disturbed ch
these are a greater source of frustration to them
possible that both of these processes are involved a
function to perpetuate an unhealthy parent-child
A vicious cycle is maintained whereby the child is
criticized and feels his parents do not like him, so
cooperate or meet their demands. As the child is
and rebeilious in relation to his parents, the pare
even more frustrated and have more reasons for be
to him, he in turn becomes even less cooperative, a
(he djlficult~ is ealillY..PerpetUiitedJI15].
We must be G,autious in identifying inconsistent me
psychological distULbanc,e, With our implicit soci
,prohibitions about the expressions of feelings (partic
tive ones), people frequentiy must use inconsisten
They may also use these to achieve efficient comm
even to be funny, Our discussion suggesfs that we s
not on the inconsistency as such, but rather on the
of a message, Is the overall guality positive or oe
usually frequent n~gative messages are indicative
and !rustraljnQ-(eIaliouships" whether these be
couples or of parents and their children,
The vicious cycle of a negative relationship ca
modified, With outside help, the parent can gain s
of adequacy and control over the relationship wi
This minimizes his sense of frustration and allow
more positive, At this more positive stage of the
the child, in turn, may become more amenable to in
more willing to make some effort; social influence
.Qy liking.. and Qositive feelings jn a relationship
S'Quraged by negative feeling,s [114, 127), The res
child provides the parent with an even greater s
complishment and control and reduces his frustra
So, he is even more positive, and so forth, The vic
broken and a positive cycle thereby initiated [115J,


One of the more common examples of contradictor

nonverbal behavior is sarcasm. "How wonderful!"
negative tone of voice is interpreted as "How bad'"
vocal expression is more important than the word
phrase, "How wonderful!" said with a negative voca
and a disgruntled frown implies even a stronger neg
and is more likely to imply "How utterly miserable
tive message in the vocal expression as well a
expression accounts for this stronger result [125],
The opposite of sarcasm, for which we don't hav
English, is involved when we, for instance, tell a
idiot!" with a smile and positive tone of voice. The
is more of a joke than an insult. "You little monste
child with a smile implies "You lovable little creatu
The general rule for understanding the effects of
sistent messages is that, when actions contradict w
rely more heavily on actions to infer another's fee
133]. In other words, it appears that less-controllab
are assigned greater weight. f'" "() w<>..h

Of course, .if both our words and facial exgre

Qleasure, a different ellect is pLoduced than if on
eb0w pleasure. It has been demonstrated that re
.mess.ages in different beha'liocs intensifies the i
In a number of African languages, this rule is exemp
as a formal grammatical device [169]. An adjective
successively to emphasize a certain quality of
person. Applying this to English, we would say,
happy, happy man," to stress great happiness. T
redundancy explains why someone is more convinc
uses an expressive face and voice to say, "No,
bother me at all," than when he says it with blan
facial expressions.

Our silent messages may contradict or reinforce wh

words; in either event, they are more potent in co
than the words we speak.

Suggested readings

For specific experimental reports of how inconsiste

are resolved, see works at Michael Argyle and
workers [6; 9; pp. 140-143 of 5J, and related work
laboratory [125, 133]. Experimental results of pre
consistent and inconsistent messages are given
"When Are, Feelings Communicated Inconsiste
Articles by Nancy Beakel and myself [13] and
Schuham [155] contain data and reviews of studies
inconsistent messages to psychopathology.
What is social style?

We form distinct ·first impressions of many peopl
meet; we feel that they are extroverted, introverted, d
obnoxious, self-assured, argumentative and host
bland. There is something about each person, a pe
that applies to almost everything he does and tha
to form an impression before any exchange of word
Observe your own reactions as you meet people for t
You may find yourself forming certain ideas of w
expect trom each person or how much you feel yo
him. Of one, you may think to yourself, "Here's
passive type"; of another, "There's an intolerable
The wayan extrovert enters a gathering is very di
the entrance made by an introvert. A domineering p
his seat in a more central and visible position tha
selected by a submissive and passive type [159]. T
and movements of these different persons someh
the character or style of their personalities withou
words. In addition to a person's nonverbal behavior,
props that he uses, as in his home or work enviro
his manner of dress provide the necessary backg
more complete impression [70].
What specifically is it about the nonverbal behavio
props of different persons that creates such disti
sions? How, for instance, does a domineering pe
this image even before he speaks? As you assume
to a stranger on a plane trip, what is it about him th
to think, "This looks like it's going to be an inte
instead of "I wish they had given me another seat"?
Of course, the way in which a person is dressed and
physical appearance have a certain effect on the
he makes. However, here' we are more interested
haviors that supplement, or even override, this ap
presenting an overall picture. For instance, aside fro
and make-up, what is it in a coquette's mannerism
her a flirt? Is it the greater intimacy she conveys to
she indulge in more eye contact with strangers? Do
unduly close to men who are only casual acquain
is it because her behavior fluctuates in positiveness
intimate at times and aloof and coy at others?
So far, the importance of people's actions has been
by considering the impression they make before
One can also form an impression of someone whom
seen, but whose speech or writings are famili
meeting someone with whom we have correspond
never met before can have a jarring effect. A fav
eloquent and fluent on paper, may turn out to be
who stutters and stammers; he may be a young ma
we had imagined him as an old and serious fello
pression that has been drawn from the nonimme
munications involving words (that is, his writings
does not fit with our observations in a face-to-face
Newscasters and announcers who can employ vocal
as well as words on radio still provide us with only a
impression of what they are like. An announcer's
give us the impression of a tall and domineering pe
may actually be small and quite friendly and un
person with a "flat" voice may turn out to be very in
More interesting still is how a person's home or
contribute largely to the overall impression formed. I
of us feel that we do not really know a person un
visited him on his home ground. We may find that a
apparently interested in nothing but sports cars h
library and a classical record collection at home.
star who plays tough killer-type roles may be rev
feature story in a fan magazine as a father who spe
his free time with his young children and their pets.
There are several interrelated questions that n
answered in order to formulate what factors go into
overall picture of a person. Probably, it is not just o
behavior here or there that gives us an impression
composite of behaviors that are indicative of a certai
question therefore is "What are these clusters?" o'
the categories of social behavior?" A second questi
are the personality attributes [74], qualities such as e
or introversion, that underlie distinct social style
t5/How are the various personality attributes related
gories of social behavior?"

The elements of social behavior

To answer such questions, we devised situations si

following one in several experiments [120, 122, 123,
of students, who acted as subjects in our experimen
were perfect strangers to each other, were led into
an experimenter. She told them that they were going
some music and that she had to prepare the tap
minutes, while they waited for the experimenter to
the tape, each pair was observed from an adjacent ro
a one-way mirror. The subjects were unaware of bein
and what transpired was a'natural exchange betwe
strangers. Everything they said and did during the
period was recorded on videotape.
At the end of this waiting, they did actually listen to
and were asked to judge its pleasantness. They the
some questions covering personality measures, whi
such statements as "I like to know people who ha
friends" and "When someone does something
feelings, it takes me a long time to get over it."
These measures were available to us from other
and had been devised to describe variou.§, aspe
sonality. One of these, a measure of affiliati~ tend
can be used to assign a score to each person s
JJieOdly or unfriendly he is. A second one measu
sitivit~;Of a person to rejection [116J; that is, how m
being slighted in a social setting and how hard he t
this possibility. Other personality questionnaires c
to measure a person's disposition to succeed at
tasks [109, 110J, his dependency, impulsivity, agg
or desire for social recognition [74].
Once they had completed the questionnaires, the s
given a thorough briefing on the experiment. Their q
answers provided us with a description of their p
whiie their behavior in the waiting situation provi
data that could be scored [112] and used to fo
categories of social behavior. With these data, w
position to try to define clusters of social behavio
importantly, to relate these clusters to personaiity a
In observing the pairs of subjects through the one
it was readily apparent that there were striking
among them. One of the most fascinating aspects
logical research is the opportunity to observe the d
the behavior ot peopie in the same experimental si
can be interesting and instructive even for the casu
As you have opportunity, take a lew minutes to obse
behaviors of people in standardized situations; lor
they approach a cashier's booth to bUy tickets to a p
that is sold out, or as they respond to the stewardess
or leaVing a plane.
Tellers, cashiers, and waitresses have the opport
differences in how people act in similar situations. F
one man at a snack-bar counter asks courteOUSly, "M
have a hot dog?" Another says, "Give me a hot
matter-of-fact tone. A third and friendly man says,
a hot dog." A fourth belligerently demands, "Giv
dog, will you?" The short-order cook who serves
real education in psychoiogy, provided these brief
are typical of each stranger's personality. His exp
many people in this situation allows him to assess e
as being unusual or normal. Although he may be un
clude much about the person who acts like most ot
certainly make educated assumptions about the p
one who belligerently demands a hot dog from
stranger [108J.
In the case of the experiment being described, o
was to see whether it is indeed possible to make
eralizations. Is it possible to observe someone for
and predict accurately what kind of person he is, th
his scores on a personality questionnaire?
To do so, we first analyzed the videorecordings and
gersQo's behayjor 00 some three daze.D-..measure
how freguently be.:wiled and gestllCed, how Bositive
was, how relaxed he appeared, and how close he
partnel [120, 129J. In doing this scoring, we tried t
many different aspects of behavior as we thou
meaningful part of social interaction [112J. Given th
it was possible to determine which sets of the
clustered together to define a category of social beh
The t important cluster that we identified w
ehavior This included the frequency of declarative
~served as a measure of how much a per
percentage of the waiting time that was spent loo
direction of the partner, the frequency of head nod
gestures, and the pleasant versus unpleasant qua
was said. As is characteristic of a Cluster, these beh
found to change together. That is, when someone
,one of these behaviors, he also exhibited more
Alternatively, a person who talked very little also h
of the other qualities in his behavior.
All the behaviors on this list show liking and prefe
dislike someone or wish to make a negative imp
intUitively tend to avoid all the behaviors in this clu
findings together with others lead us to conclude th
is inse arable from.J.he.J'ommunication of liking. Pe
more_wjtb like.cUhaQ disliked persons; and if we a
62 Silent messages

with someone, he can reasonably infer that we like h

this first category of social interaction, gregarious
generally ~erpetuatep through the eKchaoge of ~osit
cand cannot be maintained or is lacking in the abse
.an exchange [127J.
Since one major category of sociai behavior is c
twined with a primary feeling dimension, like-dislike,
if there are other categories of social behavior co
to the remaining feeling dimensions, dominance-
ness and responsiveness [113J. Indeed, we identif
ditional clusters that paralleled these two qualities.
The cluster of behaviors that defined responsivenes
of the total expressive quality of the tone of voice
) positive and negative vocal expressions, s~eech y
sgeech rata. measured in number of words per mi
.ilctivilY. which includes positive as well as negativ
pressions, has also been identified as part of thi
some of our experiments [134J. Thus, one aspect o
behavior is how resgQosi>'.e_l'la.se8IIUo...olhlllS, an
the s~ecific cues that reflect it.
We have found, for instance, that when a person t
suade someone else of something, there is a sharp
his responsiveness relative to when he is just trying t
ative. [134J. Such findings show that even though
ness can be part of an individual's general style,
-increase or de.c.rease d~n the pircumstanc
he interacts with others. Nevertheless, if we say th
.is responsive, we mean that averaging across a va
alions, we find him to be relatively more so than o
The third cluster of behaviors related to the dgmin
si:!.e dimension. and included all the r~
clining or sideways lean while seated and an a
placement of the arms and legs. Greater relaxation,
already seen, is associated with a higher status a
dominant feeling. In contrast, tension, which is in
symmetrical placement of the arms and legs and
posture, is more characteristic of the social behav
who are lower in status and who are more subord
There were_several other clusters, one of which
distress. In one experiment in which the subjects we
greater distress was indexed by the percentage of
period during which the subject walked about or p
himself with various objects in the room; writing
board, examining the thermostat, or looking behind t
One of the remaining clusters, ingratiating behavio
. more discussion. This cluster included fr.eQ'Jeo1
.slIliling. and other pleasant v.acal and fac;al eXQr
quent verbal agreements such '," ':Y~
here," and the,complete exclusion of ne~ative and
remarks [129].
Due to its positive quality, ingratiation can be, an
found \0 be, a relative of affiliation. However, there
tive quality about ingratiating behavior and the fee
projects that keeps it apart from affiliation.
lance spent an evening with a friend and her date
for the first time that night. Throughout the evenin
me an unusually large number of questions, which
;' came a considerable burden, and which I was un
. courage. He was not unpleasant but seemed rathe

smiled a lot, and had a very positive tone of voic
he gave me the impression of being dependent a
His frequent questions and related mannerisms exe
I almost pure case of ingratiating style. More commo
of ingratiation are likely to be considerably toned d
sometimes behave in an ingratiating way at the be
somewhat formal or awkward social situation but
more relaxed and casual manner with il1creasing fa

In sum, in.QJ:atiatiog behaviors, despite their positive

cooducive to a strained and IJDcomfortable jnter
positiveness is excessive and demands reciprocat
gratiator is judged as somewhat false and insince
victim feels forced to smile and be pleasant. The fre
tioning and the nonverbal behaviors, which are part
tiator's attempt to insure a positive reaction, hint at
ency. Table 1 accordingly shows that ingratiating b
combination of positiveness and submissiveness.
Table 1
Qualities of social behavior and correspon
qualities of personality

Behaviors and associated feelings

Aggressive Dominant

Nonaffiliative (dislike) ----Unresponsive Af

~ ~.
~ Vigilant Re~peC

Fearful Submissive

Personality types

Hostile Domineering

Defensive Neutral

·· t~
S ensltlve a reJechon

Introverted Submissive
This table also shows that somewhere between ing
affiliation there is the category of respectful behav
way to describe the latter is that, although it include
sive quality, it lacks the undesirable aspects of ingr
spectful behavior, which is more reserved, is cha
interactions with a higher-status person who is like
liked employer.
The top half of Table 1 lists various combinations
and dominant-submissive behaviors. The words tha
ize these also strongly imply certain feelings. For
combination of dominance and dislike yields agg
havior, which in turn implies the anger that underl
different qliality, benevolence, is obtained by com
degrees of liking and dominance. This again is a
scribing a behavior and its concomitant feeling or
Vigilance lies somewhere between unresponsive
behavior. In a vigilant state, a person is slightly
slightly negative [105], but he acts in this way bec
prehension about possible rejection or because

The elements of social style

One of the main questions we asked ourselves i

study was how to describe the social slyles of diffe
ality types. The obtained relations between lhe
scores and the behaviors of the various subjects pro
of this information. For example, those who had re
scores on lhe measure of affiliative tendency be
friendly and affiliative way in the waiting situation
The second half of Table 1 extends our findings
more complete, but somewhat speculative, descrip
For every kind of behavior in the top section of Ta
is a corresponding personality type listed in the bot
For instance, Carl Jung [79] introduced the conce
version and extroversion to distinguish important
social style. Extroverts are more outgoing, friend
proachable, and they are more likely to take char
situations; whereas introverts are passive, shy, an
[49]. Accordingly, Table 1 shows that an extrovert
istic behaviors are both dominant and positive,
introvert's typical behaviors exclude affiliation and
sive. Thus, the extrovert, unlike the introvert, is like
good leader. He not only shows self-assurance in
but can also generate and maintain good feelings
The style of an affiliative person characteristically co
to others and als? elicits it [123]. It is therefore c
the perpetuation of gQod feelings and comfortable
tionships. At the other extreme, a defensive perso
ielates to others in a negative way. He either expec
or is in the process of retaliating against imaginary
Further, his negative behaviors provide some of
to uphold his negative expectations; people who com
tact with him do not enjoy his company and might
express irritation and anger toward him.

One personality type that we have identified is char

negative and tense in his social behavior but only
so. This type is referred to as "sensitive to rejection
The tension of such people results from their conce
being liked or being slighted by others. Unfortunat
in which they behave is of little help and aggravate
cerns. T~ey" fail to convey liking to strangers and a
les$ likely to eliciLliking andaTlTliation. In other word
couraging manner does indeed_occasLo.llill!y contrLb
.., and renews their fears [123,.. 129J.
When we meet strangers who are sensitive to reject
that they tend to say very Ijttle, appear uncomforta
infrequently make us feel somewhat uncomfortabre
havior prevents us from finding a topic of mutuai
can be the beginning of a pleasant conversation. We
times meet affiliative strangers who even from the f
put us at ease and prove themselves pleasant

The pure dominant or submissive types of Table 1

interesting as some of the kinds of people we h
considered. A dominant person has a controlling
style that is neither positive nor negative in the effe
others. The submissive person. who also fails to le
positive or negative impression, is simply passive,
a follower.
Some of the most consistent results in our researc
styles bear on sex differences. VIlarnen are generally
tive and less dominant than men. Specifically. the
style communicates m~il<i+l§- [77. 120]. and th
relaxed and more submissive in their nonverbal be
~nsistent with these results are the findings t
higher scores on measures of affiliative tenden
empathy [124J.
Just lor lun. make a list 01 your ten best-liked Iriend
tives. Categorize their styles and personalities usin
cepts 01 Table 1. Is there any consistent pattern in
people you like? If there seems to be a certain typ
you are drawn to. how does this type compare wit
style and personality?

Problem styles

An educator once told me that .t~aQtters who habitu

,more get i<-etter results with their students. This puz
vation can be explained in terms of what we alread
~I'?ffiliative style. which elicits liking and cooperation
'I. l"cludes f[egu~g along with other behavio
/~onvey positivG= [\20J. The gesturing of the
fective teachers IS probably only one aspect of a gen
tive style that leads students to like them and thus
more cooperative and involved in their class wor
course, the opposite is more likely to be the cas
teachers who do not possess an affiliative style.
In a classroom, a teacher can inadvertently exclu
his students from participation, by simply looking
direction of those who sit up front or those who ar
r students and whom he likes. While the brighter and
ested students continue to receive the bulk of the te
tention and remain interested and responsive. the les
receive little attention, feel left out, and continue
poorly. Thus, the teacher's nonverbal behavior sub
to enforce a dichotomy between "good" and "poo
,even though the initial intuitive assignment of a stu
t/<"" of these two groups may have been quite accid
..leacher were to improve his style by distributing.
more ejffi I some oUhe "poor" students could s
These may be capable students whose performanc
cially affected by the emotional ties in a work situat
perform poorly because they feel rejected and uni
Nonverbal styl" can in very indirect ways affect wo
ess or other dealin s outside social situations. In
his job history or level of competence, a person
style can jo[llJea.ce his suc.cess.JILgeitiog a desir
People who conduct job interviews know that the ap
not likely to volunteer information about their own
So, interviewers look for weaknesses, as well as
the style in which the applicants relate to them. An
applicant may be judged unsuited because he gives
sion of being much too dependent. Another applic
to appear 9asual and assume such a relaxed postu
gest disrespect and a rebellious quality unsuited
One of my graduate students, Mark, who was accus
informal relationship with me, had an important requ
of another professor who was visiting our departme
land. While making his request in the professor's
slouched in his chair and braced his foot against the
desk. The man was so enraged that he practically
out of his office.
To this Englishman, Mark's behavior seemed obvi
·sonable and deliberately insulting. In his culture,
more careful about adhering to prescribed standar
ior associated with levels of status, and he felt little
( expressing his annoyance. Had the professor bee
born, Mark's foot on his desk might not have been
offensive to seem insulting, but it would probably h
a negative reaction-seeming "out of place." No
have been said about it, and Mark would have had
tunity to understand a possibly uncooperative att
his request.
A lonely person's behavior provides another exam
lem styles. Some people are alone by choice; but a
is unhappily aware of loneliness may be the sourc
misery: The factor that seems to hold others off a
Vmay consist simply of his failure to put a stranger
9how a receptive and interested altitude [114J.
In our experiments [122, 123], we have repeatedly
lowing r;3pid succession of events when two strange
to wait in a room together. As they enter that ro
usually a brief mutual glance, and frequently one o
As they sit down, some resolve the initial discomfo
abo!!,t and seeming interested in the objects aroun
kind of "escape" makes. it even more difficult to sta
sation later on, with a consequent long and pai
There are others who look at the other person and s
enter and, soon after being seated, ~ay something.
ment at this time is usually sufficient to break
conversation then starts with topics that are rele
immediate situation and proceeds to more persona
Lonely people who would like to make new friends
they do the wrong things during these initial and
ments. They avoid the other person's gaze, they d
or they seem preoccupied with other things. All of
ages any comment from the other person, who doe
that this apparent unfriendliness is due to a consi
comfort and an inability to cope with it

National styles

There have been very few scientific studies of th

nonverbal styles of national·groups. We all, as we
observing people, and the following are some inform
lions of my own, described in terms of the concep
in this volume.
The sidewalk cafes that are so much a part of life in
indicative of a general and distinctive aspect of the
cial style. The prevalence of these sidewalk cafes
lesser tendency to set up social barriers and the F
lack of reservation about exposing himsell to stra
a Frenchman eats, how he eats it, and whom he
part of a public spectacle accessible to any passe
nacle at this phenomenon is the small French town,
speakers are strategically placed in the central sq
the local radio station can be heard clearly through
area. This c'entral square functions almost as a
where people spend a lot of their leisure time, sim
cafe tables or on public benches, socializing, and
the music.
The characteristic willingness to expose intima
str<\ngers is evident in an incident that I witnessed
in a cafe, the lady Owner almost continuously yelle
girl who was working for her. This public expressio
feelings, which would have drawn others' attention
in the United States, did not seem to have any e
Frenchmen in that cafe. The whole thing seemed
for granted.
These examples illustrate the French people's gr
ence for immediacy and less emphasis on privacy a
to Americans. Of course, such observations would
in small towns, among fellow Frenchmen, and w
faces are around than otherwise.
The English also spend a considerable amount of t
ing in public places. These, however, differ from t
that the pubs and restaurants where they meet are
One facet of their social style that distinguishes them
Americans is their extreme emphasis On affiliation
among social equals. The general atmosphere tha
the frequently encountered English pub, a public b
the liveliness of a friendly cocktail party. People
bar, sit at the tables, or stand in available open' sp
ever they wish, and converse in groups, moving ab
The informality of these pubs is considerably enha
absence of waiters and waitresses, and the comp
to move the furniture about to suit one's needs.
which are frequent gathering places, epitomize
man's great desire for informal affiliation and cha
friendliness-remember our cluster of affiliative b
what it includes. The contrasting stereotype of the
ish may have arisen in situations where there we
status differences, as in the British colonies.
, Edward T. Hall [68, 70] has described the social s
ous other cultural groups. One striking differen
Arabs and Americans is that the former are more li
closer, touch, orient more directly, and speak lou
words, Arabs are more immediate [167J. In fact,
times stand close enough to use the quality of
breath as an important and p~rsonal source of
Latin Americans prefer a closer talking distance th
Americans. Thus, if a Latin American and a Nor
converse standing up, the Latin tends to move clo
North American tends to back away, each seeking
his own habitual distance [68]. They both come a
interaction thinking that there is something wrong w
Since the acceptable standards for nonverbal be
certain behaviors that are normal for other cultures
our own can assume great importance for us. Alt
behavior that seems common and insignificant in
may have great implications for foreigners [39, 68
howe"er, to overstress the differences in the nonv
of various cultures. The basic metaphors that we hav
for understanding nonverbal behavior in this culture
plied equally to other cultures. The differences in
tation of a certain behavior arise from the differe
that have been set, in terms of what is acceptable
not. For example, for Latins the acceptable distan
generally closer to others than it is for North Ame


Our ~Qcial §tyle

- can be described in terms of its a
,sponsiv.e, relaxeq, ingratiaticg, or di.stresseg qual
these qualities is a composite of several interrelate
which together describe a unified theme. P..§.ople dif
another io terms of how much of each olJbase_q
consistently exhibit across a variety. of situations, S
filiative most of the time; they are comfortable to as
and are good company. Others are ingratiating no
the circumstances; and their excessive positivenes
questioning, and eagerness to please make them a
ing and dependent. There are yet others, who are
rejection; these peopie are so tense anl1 "uptight" t
unapproachable. Then there are the domineering
persons, who contrast sharply with the tense and
These qualities may also blend together. For examp
is the extrovert affiliative, but he is also likely to ass
dominant role, such as taking the lead in guiding a
or situation into a pleasant course. In contrast, the
not only passive and submissive but also seems un
willing to affiliate. Again, compared with men, wom
are generally more atfiliative but also are more su
their social style.
These social styles, which are uncontrolled and
intended parts of our behavior, can have persisten
or disturbing effects not only in social but also w
situations. An undesirable style can be corrected thr
feedback about how one seems to others (such as
videorecording of oneself in the presenoe of oth
methods, which rely on a more active roie-playing o
are different from one's own, can be even more
bringing about a greater awareness and a change fo

Suggested readings

For experimental reports of the scoring and group

verbal and implicit verbal behaviors which define va
styles, see the reports of Robert F. Bales [11].
Rosenfeld [148, 149]. and related work done in ou
[112, 120, 129J. Discussions of ethnic and cullural
in social styles are given in the work of a variety of i
[12,39,68,70,87,167]. A general discussion of pro
and how to change them can be found in my boo
., Social Influence [115].
Environments and social sty

Does the effectiveness of our social style change

from one situation to another? Are there cities, town
, locations in which we find it easier to initiate and
mate conversations that are not only meaningful
In recent years, psychologists have focused incre
tion on the effects of environments [31, 131, 144,
this chapter, we shall consider the specific issue
ficial or adverse effects of environments on socia
In some very subtle though persistent ways, a p
roundings affect his nonverbal behavior and his
In small towns, where most people are only too we
with each other, adequate social interactions pres
lem. However, with the massive movement of pop
the large metropolitan centers, the problems of lo
social alienation have become increasingly prom
has been written about the destructive and inhum
cities [59, 60]: People are somehow kept apart, int
couraged, and meaningful relationships with ne
workers, or strangers one might meet on a bus
park or a museu m are nonexistent. However, lit
learned about the causes of this alienation and how
act them.
The problem of alienation is not restricted to our
with strangers. Even with our acquaintances, and
are in someone else's home or our own, in a re
simply taking a walk, there is a constant struggie
maintain meaningful relationships.

To see how the physical environment can help or h

struggle, let us examine some situations in which, fo
ent reason, there is a quality of discomfort.

We all know places in which conversation and s

good times occur with great regularity and others
conversation never seems to get off the ground, w
verbal exchange is an uphill labor, and a vague disc
vades. What makes the difference? Is it the differe
each place? Not entirely-we have all been part o
that subtly changed character with only a change
from the dining room to the living room, from the
to the restaurant, from the parlor to the patio.

Evidentiy, tasteful and even comfortabie furnishings

answer either. We are reminded of countless "liv
as beautifully furnished as a showroom but left just
pied while the guests cluster happiiy in the kitchen
themselves there. At the University of California, B
public rooms in the college dormitories-spacious
lighted and handsomely furnished-were intended to
for the dormies to "rap," to become acquainted,
Regrettably, these lounges are somehow afflicted w
living room malady-the dormies stay away in drove

Put simply, some rooms are avoided and others

Why? What are the factors that make some rooms
social spaces and others fail?

Humphry Osmond was one of the first to consider

tions [139, 140J.-ln his studies of hospitals, he d
sociofugal areas that seemed to drive people ap
soc;opela' those that seemed to bring people clos
However, he did not describe the physical attribute
areas-how a sociofugal space differs from a soci
So the question now becomes "What physical factor
space inhibit or facilitate social interaction?"
Liking and affiliation

To study this question, it is first necessary to ident

components of social interaction. The evidence
viewed in Chapter 4 shows that, although there a
portant parts, affiliative behavior is the most impo
of social interaction. Our own studies of affiliatio
definition as a composite of the fallowing behaviors
conversation, e~ contact (or mutual gaze) between
iiwolved, p'ositiveness of tbeir statements to one an
antness of tOe;r fac;al expressions, and the freque
bead nodding and hand and arm gesturing [120, 1
Tbe correlated cues tbat define affiliation include a
subtle verbal and nonverbal behaviors that people
municate liking to one another. Tbus, affiliation can
ered a process of exchanging positive reinforce
[120J. The perpetuation of affiliation, in turn, dep
,-:arie1y of means ayailable for conyeyjng positive
very simply, if a selting facilitates the exchange or d
of liking among people, it is conducive to affiliatio
fore to social interaction on tbe whole.
Of course, a person's reaction in a specific inst
depending on bis general predisposition to be posit
and on the person with whom he is interacting. Th
standable intuitively and has also been experimen
[120, 129J. However, of more interest bere is bow
of a person is further influenced by his physical e
Any setting, be it an office, a park, or a wbole ci
influence the affiliation that people exhibit in man
instance, tbe design of cerlain neighborboods o
buildings seems to make it easier for neighbors to
eacb other; offices, both in terms of architecture and
sign, can be planne9 to minimize or maximize socia

We shall ~[q6~ of the more subtle contribu

arrangements of people witbin spaces to their fee
one another. But first, let us consider one powerful
forward principle tbat bears on these issues. Peopl
more pleasant (reinforcing) to one another and t
other better when they interact in pleasant, rather th
ant, settings [64]. In other words, the good feelin
aroused by a setting generalize [83] to the peop
alternatively, negative feelings aroused by unpleasa
. also get generalized to the people in such places.
Thus, in hot and crowded rooms people feel more
general, and toward each other in particular, than in
temperatures and when there are fewer persons a
These findings with people provide some of the be
available data on the socially undesirable effects
that were first observed in rats [25]. The principle ex
of the differences in social climates both within th
or between different cities (for example, a crowde
Manhattan compared with a suburb of New York C
York City compared with Los Angeles). Such eviden
. considerable support for the informal observations
\ hostile and generally inconsiderate and negative
: persons who live in more congested areas,

Liking and imm,ediacy J7;

L . ri!U.i1c,/;1
C<J ~
<Y-f ViYL~~'
wfu/'..J-. ..:>/\#A.-W<
TRo 6oReep!b1 Jmmediaql Gaa....destfibe best llill-
gjven spaC6-oQn the .people who meet agd/or int
Immediacy refers to the extent of mutual sensory
between tWO-~GJ:lS-a/J.d is measlI[ed io terms
.temporal.proximibt-or by the number at "communic
l nels" that are available [112, 170]. Communicatio
are the means by which one conveys his thoughts a
to another; examples include words, facial expres
of voice, postures, and movements. Thus, the closer
are to each_'other, the more immediate their interac
siae by side is less immediate than an arrangement
·them to face each other more directly,lrhe greater
associated with more channels for communication
as follows: telegrams and letters are two of the leas
ways of communicating, permitting the verbal cha
Environments and soc

These are followed in order by telephone convers

and vocal channels), conversations on a picturep
vocal, and facial), and face-to-face meetings.
-immediacy and likioo. are two sides of the same
. liking encourages greater imme.diacy and immed
II mme liking. ~r research evidence has consisten
, ~ '\Vneff15eople like each other or when they are b
friendly or affiliative, they choose to be more imm

, ..
together they ~it closer, oIieot more directly, lean
I\ I ,other, touch, have more eye coptact, and conver
113J. Everyday observations suggest that people
other and live in different cities choose the most im
sible means of communicating (subject, of course
siderations); visits are preferred over telephone c
i~nd telephone conversations over letters. And wh
~se, they use it more often the more they like

the other side of the coin, opportunities for inc
. iacy~an foster greater likjng [178J. Available r
IiteratOre prOVide consistent support for the Idea
stance, studies of college students have shown th
had more opportunities to be closer together, wh
dormitories, apartments, or classes, more often te
friendships and like one another [22, 24, 52, 93, 1
persons in various occupations who were assig
positions closer to one another were more like
closer relationships and to like each other more
he following comments of Leon Festinger, which
by Ellen Berscheid and Elaine Walster [15], are
study of developing friendships in a new housing p
few residents had previously known each other. It
the architecturally determined and accidental ar
persons can have dramatic effects on their rela

It is a fair summary to say that the two major factor

friendships which developed were (1) sheer distance b
and (2) the direction in which a house faced. Friendsh
more frequently between next-door neighbors, less
tween people whose houses were separated by ano.!h
SO on. As the distance between houses increased, th
friendships fell oH so rapidly that it was rare to find a f
tween persons who lived in houses that were separa
than four or five other houses. ...

There were instances in which the site plan of the pro

profound effects than merely to determine with whom on
Indeed, on occasion the arrangements of the houses se
the social life of their occupants. ... In order to have
pear "lived on," ten of the houses near the street had
so that they faced the street rather than the co~rt ar
other houses. This apparently small change in the direc
a house faced had a considerable effect on the lives
who, by accident, happened to occupy these end hous
less than half as many friends in the project as did
houses faced the court area. The consistency of this f
doubt that the turning of these houses toward the stre
involuntary social isolates out of the persons who lived
pp. 155--157).

The results from some of these studies can be attr

fact that some of the persons were friends to be
elected to become close neighbors because of thi
However, in a number of the studies, strangers we
tally assigned close or far positions to one anothe
found that closeness led 19 §reeler liking [53, 1
follows that the greater immediacy was indeed ins
enhancing the possibility of liking and friendships.
Some of the classical prejudice studies have sho
housing projects that permit people of different rac
close proximity lessen their prejudices toward one a
'176J. In these studies, the immediacy afforded by t
the movement paths and the availability of commo
recreation areas served to increase liking. If increa
can reduce negative (prejudicial) feelings and e
them to positive ones, then its effect should be eve
found in cases where the initial attitudes are neutr
be the case with two strangers.

one important exception, however, should be n
hostile groups of persons are brought together, th
contact does nothing to improve their relations [15
Check out the relation between immediacy and lik
self by first listing the names of ten acquaintance
each of these on a scale of liking that ranges from -
dislike) to +3 (extreme liking). Now make two gr
these persons, the five whom you meet most freque
others whom you encounter least frequently. What
age liking score you have assigned to each of these

The relationship between immediacy and liking m

qualified in two ways, both of which are based ~t

xceSSive immediacy is undesirable. VJere ar
much immediacy a person can tolerate even with
lies, so understandably those tolerance limits woul
among strangers. ngers who cannot tole
~~: immediacy approach each othe<,...tbey-tencUo..
~nE- u~ less eye contact, to compensate for the
V closeness [7, 8]. 10 oqe study, when a stranger,
his seat soone t o_oJhers_who had not bee ~R.
.• this way [50]. Elevators tend to be uncomfortable fo
- pTe; forced into a small space with strangers, they
other's gaze by staring at the floor or watching the li
indicator panel above the doors. Some observatio
that the introduction of some distraction, such as
'into an elevator can ease the situation [156, p. 25

Just as people will not spontaneously select any o

diate relationship, it is also true that excessive imm
iS forced upon them, as a function of their environm

l unpleasant and will have negative consequences. S

shown dramatic effects of crowding on animals: m
offs, social disorganization, and excessive aggress
The unpleasantness of crowding is partially respon
current demand for privacy, a demand that is voiced
in congested urban areas,

ThUS' the ideal environment would be one that prov
tunities for immediacy as well as privacy, so tha
contacts are a matter of choice and are readily
similar idea has been used in the study of menta
[144J. Although excessive crowding can have nega
quences, it may still be preferred if a person fe
crowding does not restrict his freedom. This expl
ference in the feelings that are aroused in a crow
compared with those experienced in a crowded d

Immediacy between dwelling units

GiVen these general ideas, it is possibie to illustra
in which man-made environments can be optimally
encourage social interaction, particularly among p
are strangers to each other. A consideration of imm
influence the design of living spaces at all levels
( renewal projects, to the architecture of a building o
complex, to interior design and furniture arrange
the design of liVing and working spaces minimiz
quency and duration of meetings, it minimizes imm
the other hand, if the environment permits oppo
frequent and prolonged contacts among its inhab
haps by common paths, common shopping, work,
recreation areas or attractive gathering places, it c
ducive to better feelings. In short, areas that attract
hold them in close proximity lay the groundwork fo
Consider some good and bad instances.
Urban sprawl, which necessitates the use of cars f
tivities, especially when public transportation is inad
sults in decreased Immediacy of the inhabitant
Whereas people in small towns have frequent an
encounters with each other as they go about the da
of living, this is not possible for persons who may
from their homes for work, shopping, school, churc
reation. Neighborhoods in such cities could be made
ducive to immediacy, however, by introducing more
bicycling trails, and parks-provided people felt
them. Police departments may find this of value in
public relations in some areas by returning to the g
dition of the policeman walking the beat instead o
in cars.
On a smaller scale, the typical apartment buildings,
stacked Iloors 01 apartments opening off long ha
decrease chances lor immediacy. In such buildings
only briefly when riding the elevator or passing in
These encounters are few, compared to meetings in
ment complexes in which units open on courtya
which each resident must go in order to enter his
In this second case, lawn chairs placed in the yard c
immediacy, provided, of course, that residents use
A large academic department recently acquired a
new building-and experienced a,surprising and dr
tion in the number of contacts among the laculty.
expansion, most 01 the faculty were concentrate
Iloors, had offices close together, and were continu
one another in the hallways. Now they are scattered
a ten-story building and only occasionally meet in p
anyone considered the advantages of immediacy,
of the new building could\have included arrangeme
tain the frequent interactions. Perhaps offices could
concentrated on only a few floors, or open central s
have been included and furnished comfortably to al
The primary reason for visiting such comfortably furn
(orthe courtyard with the lawn chairs in the case o
ments) may not be to socialize, but social interactio
likely. Some people use the swimming pool of an
complex lor a daily workout, but often residents v
area without any intention of actually swimming. F
pool's apparent function is actually quite seconda
bringing strangers together and providing an excuse
One aspect of personality that has an effect in suc
is what we have called "sensitivity to rejection." Wh
pl~ meet, a factor that influences the nature and ex
interaction is the fear of being slighted (127). This
a deterrent, so that even though two or more peo
interested in getting acquainted, they still feel he
initiating contact without· some reassurance from
Most of the findings In affiliation research can be
in terms of this approach-avoidance model: Eac
drawn to others, but at the same time his fear of r
courages him from making contact [129J.
There are vast individual differences in the desir
and the tendency to fear rejection, and the proper
can exert a great Influence on how people act. F
an environment that enhances immediacy could p
who are excessively sensitive with an excuse to
others, while simultaneously inducing more freque
among those who simply lack the desire to affiliate
are sensitive would have a chance to probe new re
tiously, and the less affillatlve persons might find
Many puzzling phenomena in today's lonely socie
better understood in terms of the idea that some
occasions, ostensibly planned for another purpo
the important function of bringing people together a
interaction. For instance, political or ideological con
only part of the reason why so many people activel
in demonstrations or otheJ "happenings." An imp
tion of these gatherings-and one that has not bee
is that they bring together great numbers of peop
similar beliefs and attitudes, who share a life sty
from different sources have shown that contacts
rather than dissimilar, others are sought more be
are more likely to be successful or mutually reward

Immediacy within dwelling units

So far, we have developed the conceptual tools to

quality of environments that is cQnducive to soc
have briefly sketched their application to the desi
ings or the relations among dwelling units. How abo
cation of these ideas to the interior space of a s
What can be done to the furnishings of a room to
action? Let us consider in some detail the lindings
recent experiments [122, 123J. In these experimen
cerned ourselves primarily with two questions: (1
immediacy of an arrangement (thaI is, the distan
- the various seats and the relative angles at whic
placed) 'llrect soCial inter'l£ti0'l? (2) What do de
jects in a room do to the interaction thaI occurs th
In terms of what has already been said about imme
expected that "loser positions and rT)ore direct
would eabance cor.w.ersation, provided that the com
tribulioo of closeness gnd dir'U<tn~s~ was oot exc
distances (3, 4.5, 6, and 9 feet) and three orient
degrees or face to face, 90. degrees or at right ang
degrees or siife by side) were selected so that the tw
ing combinations would provide a considerable ran
diacy in seating arrangement. For instance, the,3-fo
face positi~n would represent ~~,
9-foot, 18D-degree position would be much too no
For the entire range, then, it was eXQected that c
would increase wjth ioc~sing jmmedjac.y, except
cessively immediate positjoos.
Concerning our second question, it seemed that ro
ings and decorative objects could be described in
those, such as artwork, that are unusual, interesti
subject of conversation, in contrast to those such
magazines, or puzzles that are the objects of ind
occupation. We therefore introduced an example 0
in one of the experiments [123J.
To avoid the confounding of resulfs by already exis
relationships or by physical attraction, 400 pairs of
strappers were employed as subjects in the exper
subjects' affiljatjve teodeW4Y and seositjvjty 10 rej
assessed with questionnaire measures [116J so th
explore the ways in which the environmental variab,
For our first two experiments, we used the same b
but used different rooms and different instructions.
a pair of strangers enlered a room in which there we
fortable, upholstered armchairs placed in one of the
sible arrangements (four distances X three orient
pair were asked to sit down and wait for a few minu
returned to begin the experiment. Five minutes wer
elapse before the experimenter returned with the
questionnaires and asked the subjects to complete
sumably, taking these tests constituted the exper
ever, during the five-minute period, the subjects' int
observed through a one-way mirror and recorded. L
posite affiliative behavior score was..£omputed lor
ber of the eair, based on eactu:!etson's amount of c
a_nd positiveness, usin9-Q.le~that were--D.otedJn C

In the second experiment, we used the same chairs

twelve positions; but the rpom was smaller and ca
the one-way mirrors were camouflaged ..This tim
thought they were participating in a music-listening
and during their five minules alone together they
posedly waiting for the experimenter to prepare t
corder for the music. They actually listened to s
rated it, and also filled out the personality question

The results of the two experiments were similar. S

had obtained high scores 00 the aUilialive-!eoden
were more affiliative in the waiting situation. In the m
and ambiguous first experiment, subjects with hig
sensitivity to rejectiQ~ were less affilialive during
geriod. These results support the common-sens
people do indeed consistently differ from one anot
of their affiliative patt;;s.:...__
In both experiments, ~ientatioJhad the greale..sLe.t
versation. The 180-degree or ~ide-by-side posUion
produced less affiliation, whereas the SO-degree an
slightfy less conducive tQ con.'<.ersation than the
position, Neither e.petjment showed an overal
distance. The second experiment did, however, sho
both subjects in a pair were sensitive to rejection th

less when they were se.ated~ greater distances.

effect was obtained in another experiment involving
gers waiting in a groug [122]. Thus, if we ignore the

differences of participants, distance alone does

strong enough effect to show up in the averages; b
detrimental to conversation for those who are sen
( jection- eo Ie who could be expected to gain
environmental improvements.

Both experiments suggested strongly that our traditio

of furnishing the living room with a '>Jng sofa leav
be desired, since sitting on a sofa involves the co
crippling lBO-degree orientatio,n. When two person
same sofa, they tend to occupy the end seats. II
interact, they shift sideways so as to assume a
orientation. This action essentially inactivates the sea
still remaining between them, because a third person
to place himsell in the center of their communication
~ e conversationally effective seating caQacit of a s
. IYbatever its length. i.....olllY. _p.e.ople. It inhibits
still more when those seated on it are strangers. T
adjustments that friends would casually make to ga
contact indicate a greater commitment and more
than one can readily assume with a stranger, at le
other has demonstrated some interest.
In plain words, to minimize interaction in a room, fu
. straight sofas, preferably around the perimeter. Pho
the dorm lounges at Berkel.ey reveal that this is pr
they are arranged [166]. The same plan is also typ
(ooms in mental hosPJ.t.als. While such an arrangem
convenient for tbe cleaning staff or the nurses and a
a hospital, it is less easily justified in our living roo
where pleasant social interaction is intended to be

The first useful principle for designing seating areas,

maximum number of pairs of seats shoul be plBj
me(Jiate levels of immediacy (that is, about four fee
oriented from face-to-face position to gO-degree an
any arrangement can be characterized in terms 0
distance and orientation between all possible pairs o
average immediacy afforded by all pairs could serve
ure of the conversation-facilitating effect of the a
Our third experiment expiored the contribution o
objects to conversation. We used a waiting situa
that in the second experiment, with subjects always
feet apart at right angles. An abstract sculpture,
conversation piece, and a difficult puzzle poster
visible to both subjects. The experiment focused m
who are sensitive to rejection. We had already seen
distances helped the conversation of pairs who w
to rejection. Could a "conversation piece" have
special value to such persons? Would it be easier
conversation, since venturing a remark about the o
than about some personal malter, would not leave
nerable to rebuff? The puzzle was also introduced
individual differences. It was expected that a less a
son would tend to busy himself with the puzzle an
stranger waiting with him.
Affiliative behavior was measured from audiorecor
the previous experiments. In addition, separate no
made of the lengths of time each subject spent lo
sculpture and the puzzle. Preoccupation with the
indeed tound to be inversely related to affiliation
affiliated more spent less time with the puzzle. T
was not equally important and did not have the sam
all different pairings of subjects. Only pairs whos
were both sensitive to rejection seemed to benefit
from its presence. It was somehow instrumental in a
to agree more often (that is, reinforce each other),
ally more positive and converse more.
A second useful principle in the design of seating
is that an environment can facilitate interaction if it
excuse for people to engage in a similar activity in
imity to one another. This activity can be, and perha
ostensibly unrelated to socializing; it is especial
persons who need the most help in these matters
are sensitive to rejection.
Consider the arrangement ot turniture in your own
in various living rooms at homes you have visited
family or recreation rooms. Do the arrangements fe
or to inhibit interaction? Recall waiting rooms you
known (doctor's ottice, airport terminai, the iocai
hotel lobbies)-do they encourage or discourage
lor strangers? It you have the opportunity, note the co
at those who sit in front of an aquarium at a bar. Ho
differ from other conversations initiated between s
other spots where no ready conversation piece is a
just think of the homes of your different friends who
their own interior designing. How do the "warm a
tiving rooms differ physically from those that seem


The experiments described in this chapter have o

the perimeter of a vast and unexplored area; they i
the immediacy of relationships that is subtly dicta
environment does indeed affect social interaction
who happen to occupy rooms, apartments, or wo
that increase the frequency of their contacts becaus
ness are found to get to like each other more. The
have many implications for the design of cities an
as well as the interiors of buildings. For instance,
of furniture arrangement, more direct orientations
positions facilitate conversation. Even though exce
mediate, that is, face-to-face and very close, posit
hinder conversation, they are not conducive to com
tend to be less relaxed in these positions.
The findings involving distance and sensitivity to re
to clarify why strangers have so much trouble interac
immediate positions, such as across vast expans
room. Large distances discourage the conversatio
who are sensitive to rejection, particularly when othe
ent. Our interpretation is that in these situations, fe
ing silly or unintelligent makes it difficult just to say
outright. For those who are sensitive to rejection t
is even more accentuated.
In addition to the immediacy relations, the objects
can also affect social interaction. These can be broa
into those that encourage isolated activity as distinc
which can mediate the relationship between two per
the swimming pool in the apartment complex or th
in a living room provide means of implicitly comm
shared interest, by highlighting the common theme
ticipants' actions-they are all out to relax beside
they are both interested in a piece of art. In the co
greater immediacy and shared activity, it is easie
conversation with an offhand comment. Further,
with such comments (remember the mutual reinfo
those who were sensitive to rejection in the third
provide the necessary reassurance to proceed w
meaningful exchange.

Suggested readings

General treatments of the elfe9ts 01 environments

of behaviors including interpersonal ones are give
Proshansky, William Ittelson, and Leanne Rivlin's E
tal Psychology [144J and in An Approach to Environ
chology by James Russell and myself [131J. Deta
interesting studies of the effects of immediacy on li
strangers are given in Dean Barnlund's Interperson
nication: Survey and Studies [Houghton_Mifflin, 196
Festinger, Stanley Schachter, and Kurt Back's Socia
in Inlormal Groups: A Study 01 Human Factors in H
and in Theodore Newcomb's The Acquaintance Pro
Finally, reviews and experimental studies of the con
seating arrangement to social interaction are given
ports by Shirley Diamond and myself [122, 123J an
Sommer's Personal Space [160].
A language within languag

In describing what his girl friend did, John could

was dancing with her," "She was dancing with Mik
were dancing together." These three statements sh
ing degrees of John's acceptance of what his gi
Bob could describe his activity to his wife as follows
I danced," "She and I danced," "I danced with
danced with me," or "I had to dance with her,"
perhaps, on his feelings about liking Alice or abo
reaction-the last statement being, of course, fhe m
Talking about a party you attended, you say, "Th
pretty good," "They had a good time," "They we
good time," "We had a good time," or "I had a go
these are different ways of making a positive stat
the party; however, when analyzed in some detai
interesting differences in feeling.
Previous chapters have emphasized the role of sile
in social interaction. In cultures like our own, the
companions of what we say constitute an important
veying feelings and evaluations, the expression of
otherwise sometimes be unacceptable. Increased
nonverbal modes may help to overcome the handic
ance on words in communication, at least as com
skills are formally taught, and may contribute to a b
standing of the significance of various gestures, p
expressions. Let us now note the numerous and freq
looked subtleties of speech itself that are part of th
of feelings, evaluations, and preferences [33, 92, 1

Distance in time and place

The stylistic differences of the sentences selected

certain idea can be used to infer (1) feelings towa
being described, (2) feelings toward the listener, or
about the act of saying certain things to a certain lis
Here again, we shall use the important concept o
in making inferences about positive-negative feelin
in any of these three cases. Notice the difference in
follOWing pairs: "Here they are," "There they are";
pel need help," "Those people need help"; "I can't
this man," "I can't understand that man"; "I am
my collection of etchings," "I have been showing Li
tion of etchings." In each example, the first sent
pair is the more immediate one. This is due to th
use of demonstrative pronouns ("this" or "these" v
or "those"), adjectives ("here," "there"), or verb ten
versus past).
There are many situations in which either an immed
immediate form can effectively be used to comm
verbal message, and thus the particular usage beco
cant [132]. For instance, in talking about a minorit
speaker who says, "Those people need help" is
group further away from himself in this vew subtle
than when he says, "These people need help." C
other example: As a woman enters a crowded roo
exclaim simultaneously. One says, "Here's Kathy
says, "There's Kathy." It turns out that the first is
favored escort; the second used to be.
When the form of demonstrative pronoun or tense
congruous with the time or place of the actual event,
some special feelings of the speaker [106J. For
person says, "I don't understand those people,"
people in the room with him. His demonstrative "t
congruous for the situation, which is here and now
example, John is showing Mary his cherished c
plants when his wife, Tina, joins them. When he
showing Mary the plants," he places the entire ac
present tense and doubtless is easy in his own min
activity. This is closer in time to the actual activit
were to say, "I have been showing Mary the p
showed Mary the plants." If John uses one of the les
forms, he may be revealing his awareness of Tin
of Mary's attentiveness to him or, even though Ti
mind what she considers to be an innocent relations
feel some edge of uneasiness about his own inter
These kinds of non immediacy involve putting som
physical distance through the use of demonstrativ
or at a temporal distance through the use of past
nonimmediacy can be indicated in other ways, one
mention of the more unpleasant, or less pleasant,
in a sequence [106J. Such ordering can occur w
scribe different parts of an event or situation. We
to a couple we know as "John and Marge," to ano
as "Jane and Jack," and yet another couple as "th
In the first case, chances are that John is the mor
better-known, or better-liked member of the pair. In
case, Jane may be the more important or better-lik
in the last case, perhaps neither one of the pair is
to the speaker, or there is a certain formality and soc
in the relationship with these people.
In describing a day's activities I could say, "We
bank, shopped, and visited some friends"; or I cou
visited some friends, shopped, and also went to
Assuming that neither one of these orders corresp
actual sequence of events, it is safe to infer that t
mentioned is probably the more important or the mo
part of the day's activities. In some situations, we m
necessary information to be able to consider the
quence of events and the way in which it is recit
scription. If an event that actually occurred first in th
is mentioned last, perhaps the speaker does not l
as he does the other items and has delayed menti
unintentionally. Even stronger negative feelings
when he leaves out an item entirely.
If you've had psychotherapy, remember the order
described your problems to Ihe therapishn the init
In the psychotherapy situation, when we mention so
it is not because we iike it more but rather because
for us to mention that particular problem to a str
another value at the order in which things are men
it shows how easily certain things can be described
else. The general rule for making such interpreta
nonimmediacy can be due to discomfort about s
ticuiar thing to a particular listener.
There is a related' way in which nonimmediacy com
in speech. Hesitant and halting speech with errors
sentences, and repetition of words indicates anxie
tive feelings [80, 90, 92). One would tend to make
when talking about a distressing subject than a p
Note: "How did it go at the dentist's?" "Well, uh (p
fine"; "Did you cook dinner?" "I, I thought ... uh,
out tonighl." This is reminiscent of Freud's [55] d
slips of the ton9ue-a special kind of error, which,
reveals conflicts in the speaker and negative feeling
of the current situation. What, indeed, is the functio
and faltering speech? Halting speech delays the c
a statemenl. Errors associated with such speech m
scriptions less effective, more difficult to understan
erally inhibit the communication process. In this se
rors serve to delay what a person has to say and
infer that he has at least some reservations about s

The form of reference

We can show a less positive feeling toward somet

ting it at a distance; by avoiding any mention of it;
following examples, by referring to it in ambiguous
This ambiguity makes it more difficult for our listene
stand what exactly our statement refers to and refl
willingness to express a certain idea in a certain s
One important source of ambiguity of reference
inclusive statement. Let us say that a friend has re
a certain restaurant; and, to your chagrin, you have
have put off mentioning anything about it to him (
kind of nonimmediacy), but he asks you, "How did
dinner at One-Eyed Joe's?" You say, "It was a p
ning" instead of "It was a pleasant dinner." You u
inclusive term "evening" which involves a broader s
thus making an ambiguous positive remark. With
overinclusive statement the involvement with a par
is minimized since the stated relation includes m
addition to the specific referent in question (for exa
ning" includes other events apart from "dinner").
There are two ways of making such overinclusive
(1) placing the rete rent within a more comprehens
and (2) including oneself within a larger group of
am asked, "How do you like Wanda?" and answe
Smiths," I have not specifically referred to Wanda in
but rather have referred to her and her husband,
thereby minimizing invoivement. It could be that I h
tions about Wanda or that I am unwilling to say wha
her to the person who asked me the question. O
hand, I could have answered, "We like Wanda," i
my friends and I like her. Using an inclusive "we" in
in the statement dilutes,lhe relation with Wanda, wh
indicative of less positive feelings.
The use of "we" instead of "I" is a familiar rhetoric
a speaker uses both "I" and "we," we can infer w
statements he feels more strongly about and whic
statements to placate or gratify his listeners. When
feels strongly about the accuracy of some stateme
to be identified with a certain proposition, he is
to start that sentence with "I." But when he feels le
about something and does not want to be held res
it, he may use the pronoun "we." Note: "I believe
tional economy will respond favorably to increas
supply" versus "We believe ..." The "we" may
speaker and his wife, to many Americans, or to s
mists; it is not altogether clear to the listeners tha
speaker's particular stand on the issue.
Euphemisms provide a rich source of overinclusiv
and their use is motivated by the desire to diminish
or distasteful quality of the expression that they rep
ets are available at ... " instead of "Tickets are sold
be popular in advertisements that seek to minimize
exchange of money. Familiar examples of such exp
"passed away" instead of "died"; "exceptional ch
of "retarded child"; "donation" instead of "price
hands" instead of "to go to the bathroom"; and
center" instead of "prison."
Many people make up their own euphemisms to
liked persons or events. Can you think of any expres
kind that you use only vCith persons who share th
negative feeling?
Another way, perhaps more extreme, of diluting the
between self and the referent is to make a sta
touches only tangentially on the person or the issue
sidered. A question like "What do you think of their
may be answered with remarks such as "My wif
great" or "Don't you think it's great?" rather than
great." In the first two instances, the speaker is i
not he but someone else thinks the marriage is e
suitable. We may infer that he has some reservatio
soundness of this marriage-or perhaps is simply
larly interested. Quite frequently, the negative sig
such answers is overlooked, but experimental fin
consistently shown that this kind of nonimmediacy
ful indicator of a speaker's negative feelings abou
discussing. The difference between "I lost control
and the more nonimmediate form, "The car went ou
can be similarly interpreted. It is evident that the pe
the latter statement is unwilling to accept respons
Elaborate and adept applications of such tangentia
to oneself are very common in public speeches
when the speaker feels that a remark may be con
that it is only weakly supported by facts and reas
mon examples are "You would expect," "You'd
would seem to be," "It would be expected," all of
as-substitutes for "I think" or "I expect." Similar h
occurs frequently in scientific writings, in which it
important to emphasize the tentative quality of one
The complement of tangential reference to self oc
subject of distaste is described in such a way that
who or what is being described. A mother, in ref
son's fiancee, could say, "our daughter-to-be,"
fiancee," "his fiancee," "his lady-friend," "his frie
or "that thing"-showing increasing nonimmediacy
of the girl. Similarly, ",cross the generation gap, a
shorn solid citizen may refer to his hirsute son as "
while the youth may reciprocate with "that reaction
uptight square" (if he uses printable epithets).
An interesting variant of the overinclusive statemen
Following a brief encounter with someone whom
really care to meet again, we say, "Why don't we
sometime?" instead of "Let's get together." If we
astic about meeting this person again, we actuall
time and place for the next meeting. Our negative
ward a listener or our feeling that the listener will
about complying with a request can also becom
examples such as this: "Why don't you type this
then go back to what you were doing." In this i
executive may use this particuiar form to request
to change her priorities because he is aware tha
inconvenienced and will have a negative reaction to
More g'enerally, the "why don't you" statement is li
when the speaker doubts that his request or sugge
complied with, either because he feels that his
sound imposing or demanding, as in the case of th
or because he shares little mutual feeling of good
listener, as in our first example.
Another kind of negation that reveals one's reserva
trated by "How did you like the movie?" answe
wasn't bad." This answer conveys a feeling differe
indicated by "It was fine." We can understand th
in terms of the overinclusive quality of "not bad
"fine." The former includes "fine" as well as "so-so
than likely the feeling was indeed "so-so." Other e
"We're not exactly buddies" and "The movie is
I've seen."
Think back to the times when you have answered a
just this way or made such a statement. You probab
kind of negation because you did not really care fo
ence you were describing but, as a matter of p
caution, preferred not to express your strong feel
The exact opposite of the overinclusive statement is
source of information about feelings. "I dig being
an evening" shows how, in addition to using overinc
ence, a speaker can also minimize his relation to a
using overspecific statements. In this case, the "
restricted to an evening, rather than left unqualified
. fication arises when we refer to a part of the refere
text that requires a more complete statement: "How
my new production?" is answered with "I liked the
stead of simply "I liked it." In saying "I liked (or e
acting," the speaker has managed to pick out the
the production that he liked best or, which is more
the case, disliked least. I\n astute and straightforwa
at this point might say, "What was the matter with
itT More than likely, however, he will simply go on
cussion of the acting and will fail to consider pos
nesses in his play that are implied by the remark.
Someone asks you about the ball game he had su
go to: "How was the garneT You say, "It was a ni
it was fun to be outdoors." These references to
and to the outdoors touch only in part on the game
less positive or possibly negative evaluation of the g
Just as overspecificity shows negative feelings
- whe
the referent, the same kind of implication is made
volves the speaker [98). After an accident, I could s
slid out of control and struck her" instead of "I str
my car." In the first statement something associat
"my car," is the implied agent responsible for this a
second, "I," the actor, am the responsible agen
says, "The thoughts that come to my mind are ... "
think-... ," thus implying that only a part' of him, "hi
should be held responsible for what he is to s
straightforward example of overspecificity is "His ha
her hair" instead of "He touched her hair."
In all these cases, a part of the person speaking (h
thoughts) or something that belongs to or is ass
the speaker (his car) is the ostensible actor and the
agent in a situation. Thus, we can infer that the sp
not feel very comfortable about a statement he is go
since he is unwilling to assume full responsibility.
entire set of nonimmediate statements can be analy
in terms of the desire to minimize responsibility.

As he brings his date back home, a young man say
like to see you again," instead of the less conditio
to see you again." In this case, he probably uses the
diate conditional form because he does not want
forward with a girl he has taken out for the first time
self on the line to be rejected. In other words, he
expressing his enthusiasm about the girl, not becau
not like her, but because there are social sanction
or because of the possibility of being turned down
Usually, the conditional is used when the speaker d
what he is going to say [1 02J. Note: "You'd think the
I something to improve the quality of service here" i
think they ought to improve the quality of service
course, this example involves at least two kinds o
diacy. One is the use of "you" instead of "I," and
the use of the conditional. Here the speaker is tryi
seeming domineering or authoritarian to his addre
natively, the addressee in this case may be connec
management of the place being criticized, and the
be uncomfortable about being directly critical. W
reason for making such conditional statements,
that the speaker is trying to imply a lack of tam
weaker relationship with the object being discuss

When an author sends his manuscript to a publis

ceives the foliowing kind of initial response, he has
to wonder whether his manuscript will be accepted.
script seems very interesting and apparently does
job of portraying youth in our society. Our readers
ing your manuscript a closer look, and I will be get
with you about it." The words "seems" and "appa
indicate that the editor has some reserve abclut the
In this case, even though the editor is making a num
tive statements, the author probably should not ta
as an enthusiastic reception of his manuscript.

In a simiiar minimizing of responsibility, a speake

direct reference to himself: "It is evident that ... ," "
that ... ," or "Most peopie realize that she's an
bitch." The implication here is that others are res
the view being expressed and that the speaker m
that view. This device is likely to be used by a speak
not wish to be held answerable for what he is going
is especially concerned about possible disagre~me
listener. By protecting himself from rebuff in this w
at the quality of his relationship with the listener: T
likely to agree on this and perhaps many other mat
mental findings have consistently shown that peo
dislike others who hold different opinions and attitu
those they would disagree with frequently [23, 128
instance, the implication of expected disagreemen
tener is indicative of negative feelings toward him

Of course, another way to avoid responsibility for w

is to qualify our statements. Common forms are "i
think ... ," "It seems to me ... ," or "It is possibl
pregnant." With such qualification, the speaker sh
luctance to make the particular statement as a matt
lished fact and again highlights his awareness
disagreement from his listeners. This device is
gossip. By prefacing a scandalous thought with
or "They say ... ," the speaker technically avoids r
for the truth or falsehood of his statement, yef he
pleasure of saying it.
In some situations, the nonimmediacy and associa
feeling of the speaker is evident in statements th
ously seek to minimize his responsibility [63]. A
asked for a date by someone whom she does not
have to go with someone else," instead of the m
forward "I prefer (or want) to go with someone els
immediacy in "I have to" reflects her difficulty in
with him. \
In departing from a friend's house, we could use t
mediate forms "I am leaving now" or "I want to
instead of nonimmediate forms such as "I should
"I have to leave now," or "I really should leave no
ond set Qj statements implies that we are leaving,
we want to, but because of some extraneous ci
that for,e us to do so. In other words, something o
own desires is responsible for the fact that we mus
kind of nonimmediacy is used if the relationship wit
is more formal, less straightforward, and generally
feelings cannot be clearly and directly expressed
of hurting others. -
People tend to attribute responsibility to some ex
in their statement for'departing, especially becaus
departure increases non immediacy. If we leave a p
P.M. instead of 2:00 A.M. or if we are first rather
leave, this departure time indicates something abo
we are enjoying the party. So, when we do leave a
we think is too early and might lead the host to thin
enjoy the party (which is actually th'e case), a sta
as "We've got to get back" helps to save face for
provides an easy out for the guest.
When 'a couple is going to get married, and th
friends, "W&have to get married." it doesn't take m
logical ,training for friends to wonder about possible
and negative feelings of the engaged couple tow«
riage. But when someone says, "I can't come bec
~o see a friend off at the airport," the negative affe,t
to be detected without knowledge of speech imm
know that he could have said, "I can't come behaus
to see a friend off at the airport." ,
Another way in which responsibility for an action or
is minimized is through the use of the passive rat
active form. I could say, "The results of my exper
led me to this conclusion" instead of "I conclude t
experiments." I would be more likely to use the pa
I were not quite sure about the results or how the
interpreted. The use of the passive form in this c
that anybody else, just like myself, could have bee
same conclusion, and that I should not be held res
making the particular interpretation. However, if I
the active form, I would not provide myself with this
You may be able to think 01 some of yOttF friends
ances who are generally prone to using the passive
they talk about certain topics. This should give you
their sense of helplessness and consequent nega
when these topics are mentioned. Alternatively, if a
resorts to the passive form more than most others
be a sign of his general unwillingness to assume re
for his actions.
Examples so far in this section show how avoiding r
is generally indicative of negative feelings about t
of one's communication. There are other times, how
the sharing of responsibility with the listener, a for
ality, can be informative about the relati0'1 between
listener. Note: "Remember what we decided about
instead of "Remember what I suggested about the
the first case, the decision is a mutual one involving
and the listener, whereas in the second the decisi
lateral one. It involves the speaker alone and implie
ration from the listener, at least in terms of their co
this activity [98J.
When such expressions occur frequently in a relatio
can serve as clues' about how two people, who are
volved in either a social or working relationship,
each other. The statements implying mutuality are l
in more positive relationships, since they indicate
tense involvement of the pair in the activity in wh
engaged. Let us say that two people are having
third person joins them. At this point, one of the two
and I have been discussing your project" instead
been telling John about your project." Either one
statements could be quite legitimate in the situat
former implies equality of status between John and
and a more intimate feeling.
This .f0ncept allows us to interpret "I was dancing
"She was qancing with me" differently from "We
ing." The first statement implies that she really was
pating much, possibly because she does not like
The second statement implies that the speaker d
her or that he does-Aot want to let his listener know
her. The last statement shows no reservation about d
this particular person or the act of mentioning it
else. •

Guarded expressions of liking

So far most of our discussion has focused on how no

reflects negative feelings. On some occasions, a
immediate statement is used because the speaker fe
fortable about saying what he wants to say to his li
idea can be turned to one's advantage. In a numb
situations, it may seem too forward to make strong
of liking or interest to a stranger or a casual acqua
a more nonimmediate statement of liking would
acceptable.. (
A man sees an interesting girl in the hallway of the
ing where he works and wishes to get to know h
chance he gets, he says, "That's a nice dress you h
this instance, the less immediate remark ("I like
be immediate) serves as an indirect way of conveyin
The non immediacy of the remark reflects his unea
because he dislikes her, but because he feels un
about this initial contact with a stranger.
Other examples: "I heard that you have a marv
cellar" or "Someone told me that you grow p
camellias." The speaker desires to somehow com
listener but feels that he cannot do so in a very dire
ous way. So he selects something related to the
compliment, because the more indirect stateme
greater non immediacy happens to be more socially
The nonimmediacy of his statement still'shows that
feels uncomfortable in the situation, which is inde
kind of statement is more acceptable in formal rela
contacts with a stranger. (

Relations of verbal and nonverbal immed

Our analyses of speech here and of actions in Cha

been based on the same basic metaphor: People s
get involved with things they like and they try to m
relationship or, if possible, entirely avoid contact
they dislike or fear. We have examined the many spe
that are available in speech to reflect a speaker's n
ings. At this point, let us cQllsider some analogu
speech nonimmediacy forms if) silent messages.

For example, the times at which various participa

political negotiations arrive for a specific meeting
portant cues, provided the persons whose behavio
scrutiny have some prepared remarks for that sess
one of the participants comes with some prepared
hopeful quality, but makes his entrance late (relat
sessions), this provides some grounds for question
cerity of the remarks. His delay shows a reluctan
those remarks. On the other hand, if he delivers som
negative remarks, his delay would constitute a posit
show his reluctance to seem antagonistic. In eith
delay can also fle a function of the importance of
(he was busy up to the last minute preparing them)
of other factors. This is of course true, but suppo
these observations repeatedly over a large number o
say weekly meetings. In this case, the extraneous
.tematic effect of some of these factors (for exam
delayed in traffic) is washed out in the averaging p
the underlying attitudes tend to become evident fro
verbal or the verbal behavior of the participants. Th
what is done in any' experiment where such ideas
We do not rely on a single incident to make a judgm
of our experiments employ large numbers of sub
the immediacy ideas. _
In a somewhat different cont.ext, Freud's [55] piscus
getting provides another point of similarity between
nonverbal forms of non immediacy. The verbal analo
getting are the speech errors and other obstruction
the expression of an idea [80, 90, 92]. As in the
getting, such phenomena make it possible for the
the actor to put off or avoid saying something that is
Freud [55] did not interpret forgetting or slips sp
terms of immediacy. Nevertheless, his analyses alw
that the unconscious conflicts which led to these er
more serious symptoms were motivated by negati
In the case of forgetting, the negative feelings were
forgotten object. Thus, when we forget to mail a le
written, this heips delay contact with the intended
the letter and shows reservations of tpe writer abo
tents of his letter or toward the person who would r
I have frequently and painfully been reminded of th
this idea when I have belatedly c~me across an
chore which I had forgotten to get done on time. It s
easier to forget an unpleasant or time-consuming c
pleasant one.
Keep a tally of all the things you forget, listing the pl
separafely from the unpleasant ones. You will proba
the unpleasant ones far outnumber the pleasant o
examination of such a fist can provide valuable i
some feelings that you are nol so Willing to recognize
After hearing a lecture on immediacy, a student a
immediacy concept could help explain why her boy
invariably about half an hour late for their dates. S
this was very annoying for her but that otherwise t
ship was perfect. I suggested that this was a day
express some negative feelings that he was other
to convey. As we discussed her problem, it becam
that he had a great deal of trouble refusing her requ
became apparent that he was especially late to their
these also involved her parents, so that on such oc
tardiness was especially embarrassing to her. She
that most of the time she had gotten her way in the
The possibility of marriage, which was also her id
was highlighted by those evenings spent with her
accounted for his greater tardiness when the paren
volved. Considering his inability to refuse her reque
was resisting in the only way that he knew how-o
important issue that would affect the rest of his life

Immediacy and context

More accurate estimates of the speaker's feelings c

provided knowledge of the context in which he m
statements IS available. When a psychotherapist li

Table I
Definitions of immediacy categories with exa
of context and speech immediacy

Immediate/ Imm
nonimmediale nonim
Category context sp

Distance: spatial distance A man standing on the "Go ahead

between communicator edge of a pool comments this pool."
and object of to a friend standing and jump in
communication. beside him.!A man
standing on-the palio
some distance from a
pool comments.

Time: temporal distande Question asked of "I think ab

between communicator communicator: "Do you used to thin
and object. think about X?"I"Have
you been thinking
about X?"
Order 01 occurrence: Question asked of "I visited X
order of interaction communicator: "Did you "1 visited Y
with the object in an visit X and Y?" rOid
interaction sequence. you visit Y and X?"
Immediate! Imm
nonimmedia1e non im
Category context sp

Duration: duration of A is asked to write a long A writes a

interaction or duration letter about 8./A is asked aboul 8.! A
(e.g., length) of to write a short letter shortleller
communication about about B.
Activity-passivity: X stopped to help X says, "I
willingness vs. an someone fix a flat tire./ help some
obligatory quality of X had to slop to help lire."!,,1 ha
communicator·object someone fix ... help .. "
Mutuality- unifaterality: Question asked of "X and I m
degree of reciprocity communicator: "Have you "I met X ye
of communicator-object and X mel Bach other?"!
interaction. "Have you met X?"
Probability: degree of Question asked of "I am takin
certainty of communi- communicator: "Are you education
cator-object interaction. taking physical education could lake
courses?" /"Could you
take physical education
Communicator participa- Question asked of "I am goin
tion : the totality vs. only a communicator: "Are you "My friend
part, aspect or acquaint- going to the store?"/"Is the store."
ance of the communicator your friend going to
interacts with the object. . the store?"
Communicator par/icipa- Question asked of "1 wenllo
lion l : the communicator communicator: "Did you last summ
interacts individually with go to the beach last to the beac
the object vs. being part summer?,,!"Oid you summer."
of a group of people who people go to the beach
interact with the object. last summer?"
Object parficipation ,: X is asked to write a In his leite
the totality vs, only a pari. leiter and describe Y's pescribes
aspect or acquaintance of personality'/X . In his lelle
the object interacts with describe some of some of Y'
the communicator. Y's habits.
Obiect participation l : A and 8 are talking about 8 says, "I
the object interacts C, and A asks, "Do you lhe pool."
individually with the see C near the pooIT·/ people nea
communicator vs. being "Do you see the people
part of a group of people near the pool?"
who interact with the
Communicator-object Question asked of "8 and I ar
participation: the communicator: "How are at school"
presence vs. the you and 8 doing at doing well
absence of participation school?"!"How are you
of the communicator (or doing at school?"
object) in the interaction.

From A. Mehrabian. The effeci of context on iudgments of speaker at

Personality, 1968,36,21-32. Copyright 1968 Duke University Press. Reproduc
patient list a series of problems in an inilial interv
no knowledge of the sequence in which these pr
curred. Therefore, he can rely only on the sequen
they are given to infer the corresponding ease wit
patient can discuss these (that is, the less negativ
the problems mentioned earlier in the series). Howe
the therapist has an independent source of informati
a relative of the person whom he is interviewing, th
an even better position to estimate the patient's fe
the sequence in which he relales his problems. So,
lems occurred in the sequence A, B, C and are d
the sequence C, A, B, he knows that the patient feels
tively about C than about A.

In applying immediacy analyses, the person doing

can himself create the context within which he can m
accurate interpretation. This is done with a careful
the wording of the question. If I ask you, "How did
movie?" and you say, "I like it," there is a striking
in your answer. It shows your desire to bring this
closer to yourself than the context allows and leads
that you really like the movie. On the other hand, if
do you like my tie?" and, as you stand in front of m
swer, "I like that one better than your other ties," th
the immediate context, your statement implies non
and a desire to place this object farther away. Table
the different categories of immediacy and provides
combinations of immediate or nonimmediate conte
mediate and nonimmediate speech. In the first exam
standing on the edge of a pool comments, "Go ahea
into this pool," which is congruent with the immed
contex!. Or he could say, "Go ahead and jump into
which would be nonimmediate and would show ne
ings. On the other hand, another man standing o
some distance from the pool could say, "Go ahea
into this pool," which show~ a more positive feeling
were to say, "Go ahead and jump into that pool,
statement the non immediacy is congruent with the
The finer points illustrated-in Tabie 1 can be useful w
cautious scrutiny of the material is required. Most ev
A language within lan

ations provide obvious and blatantly non immedia

can be readily interpreted. So we'll close with the
stance: "One would think that those people could
to help themselves!" Such a statement made in
minority groups reveals an underlying prejudicial a
may not be evident from a casual perusal of the m
words but is readily detected from the excessive n
of the style,


Jacobo Varela,· a colleague in Uruguay, has app

these immediacy concepts to the analysis of Sh
plays. According to him, Shakespeare made con
ot nonimmediacy in the speeches of some of his
subtly imply their negative feelings toward person
tus. Varela has found that Shakespeare became ev
ficient in using non immediacy as a literary devic
plays. Indeed, he suggests that certain aspects
diacy can be used as a test of authorship for
Shakespearean plays where this is uncertain. This
immediacy cues can be made also in the analysis
speeches and documents of questionable authorsh
in the political field.

In the context of analyzing political documents, h

present-day political analysts can use immediacy
. feelings of a speaker, particularly when the speech
raneous. There are very few people whose beha
tudes are not somehow affected by social more
scrutiny. This is especially the case with political
may hot be able to say what they feel because of v
pressures. Indeed, since the behavior of important
sons is the subject of constant scrutiny, what they
is likely to be dictated by many considerations oth
private feelings.
. Private communication.
Sometimes it is of interest to examine, in historical
the feelings of a certain President or an important po
with regard to a major social issue, When a film or
is not available, it is possible to apply immediacy
his extemporaneous speech, This is done most
answers that are given to specific questions, for in
press conference, A suitable question is the open
which can permit considerable variation in the imme
answer, For exam pie, the question could be "Me. Pre
is your opinion on the economic outlook for the n
The answer could be anyone of the following, wh
increasing degrees of nonimmediacy: "I think our
sound," "I think our economy is basically sound,"
son to believe that our economy is basically sound
reason to believe that, , , ," "The information which
to us at present shows that, , . ," or "Most of the
nomic indicators suggest that, , ," In developing t
sion of answers, we used the overinclusive "we" in
the more tangential reference to oneself with the
information shows" rather than "I conclude"; the
of "basically," which refers to a part or an aspect o
of discussion (the implication here is that superfi
not seem so, but the economy is basically sound); a
the word "suggest" instead of "show," which introd
tainty about the assertion,

The implication of increasing nonimmediacy in th

statements is the unwillingness of the speaker to
responsibility for the conclusion that he draws fro
nomic indicators. Nonimmediacy reveals his own
possible disagreement with the opinions of his eco
sors-about this answer to the question,

Considerably more interesting analyses can be pe

the records of previous political speeches as wel
ones to arrive at some ideas about how important
about the hotly debated issues of the day,

Nonimmediacy analysis can be applied, for instanc

contract negotiations in which participants seldom
all that they feel or think. Those of the negotiators
A language within langu

ations who are better able to understand the unver

tude of the other side are in a better position to
negotiation table. In a way, the process resembles
poker game, where the more knowledge the playe
opponent's cards, the better are his chances of win
negotiation situation, the astute observer should be
the issues on which the other side will compromise
is any verbal indication of willingness to yield.
In addition to scrutinizing answers to specific quest
immediacy analysis can also rely on the possible
the manner in which the same question is answere
course of negotiations. For example, it would be in
observe the amount of nonimmediacy associated
line" statements by representatives of one side. Ove
of negotiations, such aggressive and uncomprom
ments may begin to become associated with no
(speech errors, pauses, or some other forms of
immediacy and nonverbal variants of nonimmedia
less eye contact with the person asking the questio
to one side while answering it). This would be a h
indicating that the representative is having trouble
the hard-line approach, possibly because he kno
is not the present "true" stand of his group, but
manipulative device at the negotiation table.


We have seen how the concept of immediacy i

understanding some of the seemingly arbitrary a
aspects of speech, as well as the apparently inco
variations in nonverbal behavior. The association o
with liking, preference, and generally good feelings
hand and the association of nonimmediacy with
comfort, and other unpleasant feelings lead to num
cations. In addition to the commonly known inter
speech errors, immediacy analysis allows the inter
many other kinds of variations. These indicate the s
tempt to place something at a spatial or temporal
otherwise to minimize his relation to, or involveme
thing he describes. Variants of verbal nonimme
minimize the speaker's responsibility for what he sa
ing that the contents of his message are obvious
including himself; or the contrary. that these sta
conditional and doubtful. Alternatively. responsib
mized by implying that the events were beyond th
the actors. one of whom may be the speaker.

Suggested readings

A general discussion of the phenomena of speech

is given in Language within Language: Immediacy
in Verbal Communication by Morton Wiener and m
Reports of specific work conducted in our labora
99. 101. 102, 106. 132J contain details ot the res
obtained from experiments of speech immediacy.
Perspective and application

From a very early age, children are taught lan

opportunity is taken by parents, relatives, and teac
duce them to new concepts, to help correct e
speech, reading, and writing. However, this is ha
case with nonverbal communication. There is n
\ effort in this culture, or in most cultures, to try to
l\ . how fo express his feelings nonverbally. Consideri
it is indeed very puzzling that there is any such t
verbal communicption. How is it possible that, de
sence of any explicitly accepted standards as to
behaviors mean, people are still able to understand
nonverbal communication?
To resolve this puzzle, we must remember that
transmit nonverbally the kinds of complex informa
can convey with words. Nonverbal behavior prim
the communication of one's feelings and attitude
are rather simply described. Paradoxically, the ba
characterizing the nonverbal communication of fe
from language studies [138, 158J. In an attempt to
most general aspects of meaning in language, Ch
and his colleagues found that the pulk of the signif
verbal concept .J::an be adequately described us
dimensional scheme. These three dimensions a
(good-bad, beautiful-ugly, pleasant-unpleasa
(large-small, strong-weak, heavy-light), and activ
passive, fast-slow). Various combinations of these c
to describe any specific concept. For instance, "ear
very Iowan evaluation, very high on poteD.C¥, and
high on .activity (that is, it is unpleasant, powerful,
ately active). "Baldness" is very Iowan all three
thus explaining the extreme concerns with this si
feeling of "envy" is very Iowan evaluation but only
on potency and activity. In other words, envy is
unpleasant but only slightly impotent and inactive. A
to describe these results is that people can readily
any concept in terms of these three basic dimensio
) when they do, about 65 percent of the meaning im
-¥ ) concept is conveyed.
{ With the considerable amount of information that h
~~ available to us from studies of nonverbal commun
, ~ now possible to examine these findings in retrospe
~ gest why these three dimensions were so important.
~ lhese dimensions are the common denominators in
~ .ence of .things, events, and peaRle; and they re
.~ feelings and attitudes. Evaluatioo permits us to ma
_ cial judgment of whether to aRProach or avoid
;: something. Potencyinforms us about the P2Wer
-f-<:> sgmething has and can exert O~"Ll.lS, or vice ve
.)<', providing a much needed clue for intelligent deali
~ stance, something that is evaluated negatively and
would be much more of a threat than one that is eval
tively and as weak. Finally, our judgment of someo
thing as .Jlctive..rather than passive reflects how a
~ponsive it i~ Living things, especially people and
course, are much more active and respond more to
behaviors than inanimate objects. We need to be
cerned in our everyday transactions with things tha
ing and somehow reacting to us than with static en
once again, tDe greater actiyity of things, which s
and arouses us to wspond...iry..!>asjc eJemen
action to the environment [14, 131J.
The terminology that we use to refer to these three
differs slightly from that which was introduced for
tion of verbal concepts. We talk about liking or p
(rather than evaluation), d9minance or status (in
potency), and (instead of activity)
most important difference in termiOQ!ggyjsjo the cas
1/: dimeosioo~IlQllSiveo§ss:;:.we prefer this term si
adequately characterizes human feelings and attitud
concept of activity, which is more of a physical desc
Interestingly, recent work on feelings has consistent
same three dimensions. Thus, facial expressions
feelings are adeguately characterized in terms of likin
.ancLres.QQnsiveness [137, 154]. So are combinatio
and vocal ex ressionU172), hand gesfures [61], a
[113]. Various combinations of these three dimens
used to characterize any subtle nuance of feeling. F
a disdainful attitude includes moderate dislike, high
and lo,&, responsiveness.
An important consideration is that these attitudes a
parcel of social interactions. Thus, during any social
a person can unintentionally convey in his actions a
feeling that is inappropriate, excessive, misleading,

'ng to a relationship. One objective of this book
7. increase awareness of the significance of one's
~. iminish the chances of inadvertent communication
......../ ~ave unfortunate consequences.

'since there are only three primary feeling dimensio

involved in nonverbal behavior, it is conceivable tha
that are used to translate feelings into behavior or t
ings· from somebody else's behavior can be des
simple and very basic way. Our thesis is that these
based on a few metap.hQ s haLaliL~el:Y commoo
tant part of human life.

The lTmediacy metaphor

LA \:L - c;!;<o> lA Iu--
The first of these metaphors is the immediacy or prox
phor [170]. A basic and transcultural element of hu
that people apQroach and Qet more involved with
like, things that appeal to them; and they avoid thi
not appeal to them or that induce pain and fear [85,
an infant lying in his crib, incapable of locomotion, m
ing movements and bodily reaches for certain things
him. These grasping movements subsequently d
reaching to touch in the presence of another, which
most elementary forms of denoting interest in s
someone else. Later this is freed from emotional c
and evolves to pointing to underlie the demonstrativ
"this," "that," or "those" [169J.
Due to its universal quality, the immediacy metap
people ~pproach liked and =kl disliked things) p
important framework within which people can tra
actions and expressions into Iike-~ or vice
metaphor is such a pervasive o"i1ethat it takes very
instruction for even children to understand what
certain behaviors or to communicate their own fe
nonverbal cues.
There are also many subtle variations of immediac
[99,101, 102J. For instance, I could say to a visitor, "
writing a paper" or "I am writing a paper." The se
ment is temporally more immediate and implies g
of my activity. Or I could say, "I'm writing this pap
people ... ," versus, "I'm writing this paper for th
... "Again, the closeness implied by "these" instea
reflects a more positive feeling.
To summarize then, for the first of the three met
haviors relating to like-dislike are expressed and un
terms of the immediacy metaphor. Immediacy or c
the interaction between two ersons includes grea
proximity an or more perceptual stimulation of the
another. Immediacy between a person and an obj
greater perceptual availability of that object to
Approach and immediacy indicate preference. pos
tiQn, and liking, whereas avoidance and nonimmedi
lack of preference, dislike, and, in extreme case
immediacy metaphor helps to identify behaviors th
municative and that relate to expressions of like-di
include a closer position to another, touching, tu
bead so that it is in a face-to-face position with the o
and allows mutual observation, and l.!laning forw
another while seated.
The power metaphor
d.0W\.(~u. or ~ tv"
For the second dimension, dominance or status, th
cation codes seem to be based on a power or
metaphor. Power coexists with large size (for examp
versus shuffling, expansive versus small and con
tures and movements), height (for example, stand
versus bowing). Absence of fear (the opposite of
implied by relaxation versus tension and by the a
one's back to another [111). A tradition in historic M
ern and Oriental cultures was for a person of low
back out of a room rather than to turn around an
Abbreviated versions of such backing out are obs
today. This is frequently combined with bowing an
ume of speech-the latter being consistent with the
cal expression of weakness and smallness. Also,
high status assume a comfortable and relaxed sitt
whereas low-status persons remain standing.

As already mentioned, fearlessness is also part o

metaphor and is used in various cultures to conv
status. A person who is not afraid is more likely to tu
on others. That is, he tends to be more relaxed and
in the presence of others who are weaker and hav
fear him. The latter are more watChful, observant, an
are less relaxed or more tense (for example, stan
than seated; erect rather than leaning or reclining).
More generally, any combination of poslures and
that implies power and strength can become part o
ture's accepted mode of the show of status. Howev
need be shown only occasionally to maintain status;
of high status are simply more relaxed and less fea
the time. Even though the specific behaviors involved
ent in different cultures, the underlying metaphor is
In our culture, besides obvious signs such as car
arrangements, or titles, relaxation-tension is a ver
way in which status differences are SUbtly conveyed
In each other's presence, persons of higher status
relaxed than those of lower status. Greater relaxatio
in the asymmetric position of the trunk and limbs (
legs crossed, arms asymmetrically placed, body le
ways, and reclining if seated). For example, if you
in your chair, you will be more tense than if you w
back and cross your iegs. This would seem even
than if you were to recline considerably and place
another chair or on top of your desk. Picture a
schoolgirl in an English boarding school-she sits
posture with her hands clasped in her lap and legs
that her feet are placed flat on the floor. This is in
trast to a teen-age tough's posture as he sits slo
classroom. The former embodies the respectful att
authority and established tradition, whereas the la
disrespect and defiance.
A striking and consistent finding from our studies i
in this culture assume more relaxed postures than
[111J. This is the case whether the other people
male or female and in a variety of circumstance
Liberationists, take heed! Relax!
The extreme rigidity of a soldier at attention whi
spected by a high-ranking officer is an unparalleled
the principle that relates tension to low status. In
casual and relaxed military officer walks past a str
soldiers all standing in a rigid symmetrical stance.

1< The responsiveness metaphor

Life, and the vitality associated with it, provide the m

the communication of the third primary feeling dim
sponsiveness. Living things, in contrast to inanim
react and change in response to their environmen
active and changeable quality of living things is espe
lighted by the rapid changes in animals, as disting
slow growth changes shared with plants. These
qualities result from the awareness of the surroun
particular combination of greater awareness of the e
and the adaptive change associated with it is enco
the concept of responsiveness.

v th most basic wa

humans conve thei !le.lings. It covers the gamut
from sleeping to a manic state. In sleep we are ha
of showing any kind of feeling; in an excited or
state, we respond emotionally to most of the happen
us. Thus, responsiveness is the very pasic act o
reaction to one's enYirooment and cao be. e.itber
negative in gyality.
In discussing Mythical thought, Ernst Cassirer [27
the concept of Mana, which in many cultures d
unusual things and happenings involving strong e
actions of fear, surprise, or joy, from everyday a
entities and events. This dichotomy, which is almo
in Mythical thought, supports our idea that respo
indeed a basic aSRect of human reaction to the wo

Even in present-day cultures, we frequently come a

that designate events or people of an unusually g
quality and distinguish them as a group from oth
common and uninteresting. The word "uptight,"
nowadays, has been used to refer to something that
pleasant and special (note: "Uptight, out of sight"
more commonly used to refer to people and situat
unpleasant and uncomfortable.

From the standpoint of description and measurem

siveness is indexed by changes in activity [112,11
walking down a hallway and notice a friend. You s
"hello"-this invoives a temporary change in y
rhythm and you talk instead of being silent. As yo
doors, your head turns to allow your eyes to scan th
ings. Curiosity aroused by an unusual accident
disrupts the usual flow of action and introduces n
of movement.
The counterpart of such changes in behavior is the
changeable, unusual, and foreground rather than c
background quality of people or events in the envir
are aroused and change Qur actillilY-Rall~s in rea
usual things Qf a e'easant nalilre Qr thQse of an
repulsive, Qr threatening quality [14J. AccQrding tQ
[142J, it is this changing and reactive quality Qf an
defines intelligent and adaptive functiQning.
In reacting tQ anQther persQn, we shill tb.e directiQn
our facial expression chan es, and we converse, w
invQlve w we speak, Qur vQcai expressiven
atiQns in the tQne Qf vQice), and Qur speecb vQlume.
siveness tQ another is simply indexed by amQunt"Q
facial and vQcal expressiQns, the rate at which
(number Qf wQrds per minute), and the vQlume Qf sp
The cQmbinatiQn Qf an expressive vQice and face
high-vQlume speech can be assQciated with feeling
as anger and thQse invQlved when Qne attempts tQ
sive. In cQntrast, a persQn whQ is physically exhaus
is incapable Qf any Qf these behaviQrs, tQtally la
PeQple are mQre aroused by and are more re
strange, nQvel, and changing things than they are
and static entities [14]. Since other people are far m
able than the inanimate objects in our environment
be more responsive to peQple. And of course,-from
different people we meet, we are more responsive tQ
• arouse strong emQtiQns in us than those who ble
Our presentatiQn included separate chapters for the
and pQwer metaphors but nQt fQr the responsivenes
This is not because the latter is unimportant, but sim
very little experimental wQrk witb this third aspect Qf
sages is presently available.

Metaphors-shared but implicit

Metaphorical expressions Qf liking, dominance, and

ness are only sometimes formalized and explicitly
culture. For example, in the Middle East, students a
stand up as a teacher enters a classroom or when
him. In the Orient, one would have no trouble gettin
nation of the significance of bowing and its relatio
In this cuiture, most people would agree that it is
put one's feet on somebody else's office desk, parti
that person is in a prestigious social position. Neve
cQ.9ing rules fo~ nonverbal behavior and the me
. underlie them remain mostly implicit, and they are no
.0 di§I'!Jssioo or teal'hing. We do not have a dic
defines our nonverbal behavior, and we certainly d
corresponding grammar, The metaphors that hav
scribed can be viewed as a set of guidelines for
nonverbal behavior.
The important function of these metaphors is appre
we consider that any behavior that is observable c
an outlet for feelings and is thus, in principle, com
Behaviors as diverse as the eye blink, crossing o
seated, pestures, gestures, head nods, facial and vo
sions, tension in the muscles, and twitches are a
significant in communication, although of course som
communicative than others (for example, facial
compared to foot movements). One of the bigges
blocks in the stUdy of communication is precisely th
are so many behaviors one can observe and study
. that it becomes difficult to know wh .
what to exclude, or how to order the priorities. In
some investigators turned to a physical charact
movements. Ray Birdwhistell [16, 17, 18] described
of each body part in terms of their width and extent
Again, in dance, where one would expect at least so
on feeling and intuition for describing movements, it is
ing to find that the only comprehensive system
describes movements merely as motion, with no r
what they signify [72). Such reliance on physical
alone for nonverbal behavior is inadequate. it fails
account the similar significance of unlike move
emanate from different body parts (for example, app
with a head nod or a pat on fhe back). Even more
it fails to provide a direction for identifying significan
Our consideration of the underlying metaphors sho
scriptions of nonverbal behavior need not be phys
arbitrary. Despite the absence of dictionaries and g
nonverbal behavior, there is a consensus among th
one culture and even peo Ie of different c tu es
t ey trans ate t eir feelings into behaviors or infer
ple's feelings from others' behaviors. This consens
our thesis that the codes are based on implicit an
metaphors that are basic parts of human experien

General appl ications

With the perspective of our approach in mind. it is

to proceed to some general applications of this a
frequently encountered facets of social life.


Many subtleties in the use of actions rather than wo

evident in the face-to-face promotion of a product.
would certainly appear strange if he were tQ knock
and say, "I like you and therefore want to tell you
about our new product." It would seem inappropri
sincere; and he might get the door slammed in his
can you f)lllet someone and in the first moment, e
you get a good look at him, say that you like him? No
believe it. Yet a good salesman does just this and
with it. He uses nonverbal behavior so cleverly that
need words to get this message across.
Why does a door-to-door salesman go to all this
knows that to make a sale, he must not only show
about his product but also somehow get the potent
feel the same. This means getting someone to thin
about his product-acquire a new attitude toward it
an existing one. Most salesmen int . . and qui
[114,127], know that if y 'nfl ence some
I s to have him get to like ou. This is because
Perspective and applic

like each other have a greater tendency to meet

.Jlemaods. In 1 e case of! e salesman and his c
salesman must somehow elicit liking from the tota
a very short time. He does so by nonverbally show
feelings [134]. You have heard the expression "T
is aiways right." He may assume a very respectful
smiie or be extra attentive when the customer talk

f that this will payoff through reciprocation and com

a customer who will-buy the product.

This method of showing positive feelings toward t

is necessary when the product will not sell itself, th
is indeed necessary to bring about a change in
and behavior of a customer. On the other hand
method can be effective if the products are of high

In sales rooms of prestigious stores in more afflu

usually nobody even approaches the shopper, who
to some degree because it is not clear where things
or whom to ask about prices and terms. There fr
salespeople around who are casually talking to on
to some other customer and seem to be ignoring th
Their aloofness implies "This furniture is good en
itself; I don't have to sell it to you." In this situatio
asks for help, the salesman behaves in· a very busi
matter-of-fact manner, with a good chance of mak

Indeed, a shopper in one of these more expensive

is not well dressed may sometimes find the sales
disrespectful, with the implication that their prod
within the shopper's budget. Some such custom
tempted to prove them wrong, even though they do
larly like anything on display.

The same kind of situation can occur in an expensiv

if the diners are not "properly" dressed. The maitr
them in "Siberia," where the waiter will take little
ing them. Again the implicit communication is "Yo
/ do not belong here." The diner is thus challenged
- he does belong by buying an expensive meal he m
ally prefer.
Whether any of these sales methods succeeds de
quality of the product and the sophistication of t
When there is no obvious need for the product
product is of poor quality, the traditional selling
more effective: the salesman conveys liking and th
'A. cooperation and buying behavior. When the produ
quality, communication of positiveness is unnecess
even have an adverse effect. For instance, a
gourmet who made it a habit to remain anonymou
dentally revealed his identity while in his favorite
taurant. The maitre d' then tried excessively hard
_ man. He virtually ignored what was ordered and se
dishes he thought would be sure to please. He e
far as to serve one of the most expensive champ
able. The gourmet felt this was the worst meal he'd
that restaurant. As far as the champagne was conce
happened to prefer beer with Chinese food.
These examples of salesmanship have their anal
behavior of women who wish to attract the attention
vof selected men. fEminine tactics also can be cate
two classes: the straightforward positive approach
on actions (smiles, proximity) as distinct from th
unconcerned approach. Just as in the selling situa
ter is more iikely to imply, "You need me more than
whereas the former says, "I like you, don't you wa
to me?" Indiscriminate reliance on either one of th
tics, to the totai exclusion of the other, is less effec
ability to gauge and determine their usefulness a
the interest and level of sophistication of the oth
the situation.

Advertising and political campaigns

The superb effectiveness or blatant failure of an a

can often be understood in terms of the subserv
words to actions. In any of a number of television c
a gas station attendant expiains the advantages of
line product to a customer. In one such commerci
each other at a distance of only 6 inches to discus
of the product. This is excessively close and is an e
position for two strangers to be in [50, 68J. It le
wonder why it was used at all. It may be that such
because of its unexpected and unusual quality, was
erately by the advertiser to arouse strong feelings in
It was probably hoped that the added attention w
vertisement would attract wouid increase its effecti
Unfortunately, however, the advertiser paid a price
device. The 6-inch distance between two stranger
fortable and arouses some anxiety. Psychologists
that when a neutral event is repeatedly followed b
emotional response, a negative feeling becomes
with parts of the event [83, 165J. The strong feelin
by the advertisement in this case are somewhat
we expect some generalization of this negative a
product being advertised. To justify this advertis
would have to show that the positive contribution
attention far outweighs these negative effects. The
sideration applies to any other advertising that gen
tive affect in the viewer during the course of the ad
Television advertising is increasingly becoming a h
in which subtle nonverbal behaviors within brief e
have a considerable impact on how pleasant and fu
unpleasant and ineffective the advertisement is. S
business manager may decide to deliver a short m
self, in an attempt to establish a more intimate rela
the prospective customers. In this type of adver
facial expressions and the changes in tone of voic
and gestures of the person delivering the message
more important than what he says [134J. Unfortu
advertising of this sort featuring the business man
is poor and ineffective. One familiar example is
advertisement by a man who owns the business b
tised. His speech is hesitant and halting, and his
His face does show some expressiveness, but hi
stationary and he uses no gestures. This kind of com
is particularly lacking in what we term "responsive
viewer [113], and one can hardly expect such an i
bland message to be persuasive [134).
124 Silent messages

Incidentally, for reference, Zero Mastel's acting pro

example of the exact opposite-a constantly mob
mendously subtle and expressive postures, toge
richly expressive voice.
The reason why such blatant oversights occur in a
that most people are at best only vaguely aware
nonverbal style and responsiveness over differen
cation media [117J.
Notice how certain acquaintances or friends sound
ent or even strange on the phone? Sometimes you
picture how a particular voice could possibly tit the

This happens because the characteristic level of
ness, positiveness, or domineering quality in a pe
expressions, gestures, and lLQS.tULfls- can differ c
from that conveyed by his manner of speech. It
then, that a "different-sounding" friend has a very
and active face but his voice lacks expressiveness,
a much less lively and more withdrawn impressio
the phone. Chances are he is not even aware of t
ancy. On the other hand, a person who has an
face and stiff postures may sound lively and vib
phone if his voice effectively conveys different fee
Allhough it is easy to measure how responsive eac
is in terms of his facial, vocal, and gestural exp
1112]. most people are unaware of these qualities in
They may be unaware that they are adept at using
. channels and thus may be unable to select the most
channel to convey a specific message.
Consider the characteristic [!ositiveness, dgminant-
~ quality, and r~onsiveness in your manner
your facial expressions, your postures, and gestures
quality and each message source (for example, face
ranging from - 3 to + 3. Rate a close friend and
rate you; then compare notes. You may find the e
Perspective and applic


Silent messages are also very important in strategy

used by women in the "battle between the sexes."
the predominantly orthodox Moslem areas of the
women are not permitted to be seen by men.
nothing to stop a veil from "accidentally" dropping
woman's face (and her interest). Similar "accidents
by women in the Victorian era. A girl could sneak
behind her fan and imply "I know I'm not suppose
strange men, but I can't help wanting to look at you
venience of being "clumsy" with handkerchiefs ha
universally recognized. In fact, ancient Chinese
handkerchiefs so convenient that their costume
"built-in" handkerchiefs in the form of elaborat
sleeves which reached to the floor. As it was co
manners to look at men, they were taught to look do
out an encounter. At a certain point during the con
girl could raise her elaborate "sleeves" to cover
sham modesty. With this raising of her hand, it was
to steai an upward glance at the man. Blushing a
her face, the girl appeared enticingly "modest," a
charming gesture she also saw enough to be ab
rate about the man during subsequent conversatio

Even today, people are discouraged from express

feelings to strangers and so it becomes necessar
~ nonverbal behavior to i! fe
7f'- to ursue a relationshi furthe I..1MLj70j. A girl w
on a first date can invite a second encounter by "a
forgetting something in his car. Again, consider a b
met an attractive girl at a party and is wondering
ask her to "cut out." Having such a request turne
because it comes too soon or possibly because th
is not interested, can be embarrassing and uncom
both. In the case where the timing is wrong, the r
request may have an abortive effect on the conve
126 Silent messages

then, it becomes necessary to somehow find out jus

the girl is interested and when she will be willing to
Social dancing affords one such opportunity. In the
forms, interest and liking could have been conveyed
closeness and touching. With the newer dances, o
rely on other cues. If a person stays several feet fr
ner, never smiles, and is constantly scanning the fi
interest is obvious. On the other hand, one who com
the partner, smiles, and welcomes eye contact is
positive interest and liking.
Such encounters can be understood in terms of the
tive connotations of looking at another, standinQ-c
.iM, and jusl-being...mOJe attentive. These represen
class of immediacy behaviors that involve approac
avoidance and that are subtly i~dicative of liking [11

Social alienation

The fact that we have changed from dancing as

dancing more as individuals reflects the large-scale
ation to which humans have had to adapt in moving
rural communities to impersonal cities. Comedian
once said that people go to sensitivity groups to le
each other. The increasing numbers of sensitiv
T-groups, and group marathons testify to the lon
cullure for immediate interpersonal contacts and
.in which intimacy can be ,eadil\L8ltaine!1. The righ
intimacy is bought through special agents (group le
chotherapists) who define a space and spell out ne
differ from those of the everyday world [10, 94J. T
such therapies is that the greater intimacy that p
to attain and to tolerate with strangers over a sh
somehow equip them to express their feelings mo
their everyday life.

With the increasing ~oclal alienation. people seem t

. more and more on nonverbal behavior to convey the
ings and to understand the feelings of others [1
becomes permissible to openly verbalize all feelin
that seems inherently impossible in social groups-
to improve the communication process by taking
many feelings that actions can convey. Silent m
present all the time, whether we speak or not. T
or contradict what we say and say what we are u
J into words [91J. Therefore, actions can often ha
though unintended, effects on others.
-;/ - -r Clues to another's discomfort

Some of the examples we have considered illustra

verbal cues are used to eliminate slight embarra
ease awkward moments in social situations. At othe
verbal cues may inadvertently lead to, or signal, di
anxiety [36, 90, 92]. I remember watching a televis
of a young man whose father was being held hosta
lutionary group in Uruguay. At the time of the i
chances of saving the father's life were very slim
he was killed on the following day. During the inter
did not reveal any obvious discomfort as he talke
sidering the tremendous pressure of the situation,
puzzling. Then the astute cameraman who had b
on the boy's head and shoulders sUddenly shifted
to focus on his hands. They were very tense and tig
revealing the strain under which he labored. T
shows how a person's verbal behavior, his facial
or his tone of voice may reveal hardly any distress,
deal of discomfort and anxiety is conveyed in a
way-extreme tension in the hands, blushing, or
jugular vein.
Other more subtle signs of discomfort and negative
betrayed by our postures and eye movements. A
ample is the way we behave in an elevator [156,
situation usually forces us to stand very close to
position that would not be assumed spontaneous
space. Closeness implies intimacy and liking, whic
unacceptable to a stranger [7, 501. Thus, people in
compensate for this uncomfortable and excessive
turning away to avoid meeting each other's eyes a
the floor indicator signal. If in this situation we we
face the other person directly and look into his
only would make him very uncomfortable but pro
also give the impression of being strange or p

The actions that are part of obvious discomfort, a

vator, show up in more abbreviated forms in less s
ations. They can serve as important clues for u
how another person feels, even when he says noth
A young man who is out with a girl for the first time
the same uncomfortable motions when he stand
faces her, contemplating a more intimate gesture.
pear tense and avoid her eyes, without being able
her hand. He would have less difficulty it he were
her hand in his and then move closer and to a
position. This remedy is based on the rule that la
continuous changes are more difficult to make tha
ones [115]. Taking the girl's hand while she walks
less obviously a sexual advance than if he does so
her in close proximity.

-)( The nonverbally handicapped

The preceding rule can also be applied to und

meeting strangers is soch' an ordeal for some peo
suddenly a host of new things to cope with and t
are overwhelmed. One important element in this sit
knowing how others feel toward them; this is mu
case with the people they already know [114, 127].
then, the increased discomfort of someone you me
much because he dislikes you but rather because
cern about how you feel. The uneasiness at such t
a considerable handicap.

We have all on occasion dealt with persons who wo

us in the eye while talking or listening to us. I reme
a girl who throughout her first interview hardly eve
my direction. Since it is a well-established fact that
of mutual gaze with another person can be a mea
or dislike [48, 104, 105], her avoidance of eye co
that she had some quite negative feelings and
about me, possibly as an authority figure. Despite
her because of her qualifications. Indeed, she turn
an extremely good worker. I was also happy to
with time and increased familiarity, her predispositi
and be afraid was affected' by her actual experien
began to have a normal degree of eye contact wi
ever, in other work or social situations, her behavio
had undesirable consequences. Another interviewe
disqualified her simply because her behavior seem
cially, she was. probably considered detached and u
This example is an extreme one; nevertheless, it
some people behave automatically and characte
ways which are considerably different from those
fact, there are striking differences in the general
.or negativeness of difterent people's behavior. Da
[26] noted these differences and recognized that t
ent tendency to be less positive is the underlying
some people have great difficulty in making friends
having pieasant relationships. He suggested, for in
people should smi1@ more if they want more frien
have evidence that he was right [120). Positiveness
nonverbally through facial and vocal, expression
gestures, eye contact, or head nodding. In addition,
someone talks in a conversation can also show
[97, 129]. People differ in their use of these behavi
in their positiveness to others. Those 'who are pop
have a more positive manner, even when they me
stranger. Although these findings may seem obvio
they are clearly not evident to all. Lonely people ma
fact that they do not have many friends or are una
and make new ones. Yet, they are unaware that the
even negative silent messages discourage others
close to them and liking them ·[129J.
The effects of some of these positive·negative action
~'cially pronounced among strangers. Even though ve
sions of feelings toward a stranger are strongly
in this culture, subtle communication of feelings is a
in determining whether an encounter will develop
relationship or pass on as another insignificant eve
meeting is more likely to develop into a friendship
tive feelings are exchanged ...such feelings cannot
with words to a one would be
.~esumptuous.. It is thus necessary to
subtle nonverbal acts tor this purpose. It is see
those who project neutral or negative feelings as
social style would be handicapped here, even thou
be very interested in the person they have just me
Other difficulties arise when we cannot accurately
positive quality of another's nonverbal behavior t
when we cannot convey disinterest to another or "r
ing from another. Some of these problems arise w
rely on our actions because it is impolite to be m
We have all had the irritating experience of being w
who did not understand the subtle cues of our de
nate the conversation or to be left alone..One can t
that he is tired or has something else to do by talk
ing less, turninQ-Sligbtly--l!.'l!@Y. or even bus 1n9
...o.the.Uhings [115, p. 75] and still fail to get the mes
People who cannot "read" the nonverbal message
J!. est from another often desperately need a relation
T even slight rejection extremely threatening. Unfort
.,,' tinability to recognize someone's temporary disint
~ circumstances can cause frustration and resentm
ruin any chances of furthering a much needed relat
kind of unhappy experience increases such peo
about their sell-worth. In despair, they cling even m
encounters, only to experience more alienation and
Some new psychotherapeutic approaches have bee
in line with the idea that a person's nonverbal be
important part of his effect on others and can stron
the reactions he receives. If a person walks around
ture which silently cries out, "Please don't hit me
beneath me," or "I don't need people," then he
stantly confronted with unsatisfying situations or m
Perspective and applic

people avoid him without any obvious reason. T

here is the lack of awareness of one's own style a
tional effect the style has on others. Some therap
I _this point in t,¥iRg-te-produce...cbange [20, 145J, T
approaches also employ a similar scheme,
In sensitivity groups, people are encouraged to tel
the feelings they get from one another [94]-this is
with the methods of verbal and insight-oriented th
hope is that once a person recognizes the kind of e
he will change his behavior for the belter.

Other methods are even more direct in their a

change, Wilhelm Reich [145] used relaxation exerc
"stiff-charactered" obsessive-compulsive patients
to loosen their unchanging ways and feelings by fir
their characteristic postures and movements. Accor
this was the most effective means of dealing with
wise stubbornly incurable patients. The implicit pr
approach was that actions and feelings go hand i
I if lin s cannot be changed through discussion
perhaps the can be modified b sim I chan ing
This premise has been elaborated extensively in t
cent action-oriented therapies, of which dance or
ness therapy is a good example. Here, instead of
primary therapeutic activity is movement and the
press different kinds of emotions through moveme
,turn provide the background for a greater awarenes
and sensation (such as relaxation-tension or a des
activity) emanating from the body, With increased
ing of these muscular states, it becomes easier fo
exercise control over them-to intensify a given se
crease it, or replace it with another. For example, a
I is nervous and tense in others' presence is taugh
trate on his movements and try to relax. Once he h
this, he proceeds to master this state of physica
l while moving around with a partner who does the
Further exercises carry him to a level where he
physically relaxed while also attending to others in
group. This provides the background for more comfo
actions with members of the group outside the
ation and for similar interactions with others who a
in the group. The general theoretical basis for such
has been provided in discussions of systematic de
[165, 175].
In a different approach to dance therapy, the ther
by asking the patient to move about on his own init
movements can be particularly informative about th
istic feelings that the patient conveys in his movem
ogous inferences were made from the stationary
schizophrenic patients [58]. Alternatively, the pati
specifically asked to express different emotions thr
ment. By observing these movements, the therapi
experience, is able to find out which emotions the
cally and easily conveys and which he has difficulty
The latter are symptomatic of a more general diffic
patient is encouraged to express these particular
movements. The improved ability to express such
actions can then directly gain expression in socia
or can provide the stimulus for a more explicit d
feelings. For instance, a patient who learns to show
ing with postures and actions on the dance floor is
to at least show this feeling in another person's pre
might then ask, "What's the matter, did I hurt your fe


Some of the most interesting uses of silent messag

situations where the kind of impression one makes
is different from that made with words.
Psychoanalytically oriented therapists usually refuse
rect answers or advice to patients. Questions like "W
I do, doctor?" do not receive specific answers. Wh
repeatedly encounters this kind of reaction from his
begins to realize that his therapist is not going to te
to do. In fact, some therapists emphatically deny
to influence what the patient does. They contend th
mary aim is to provide an environment in which the
explore and resolve fiis own thoughts and feeling
ferent matters that trouble him.
.k Despite such therapists' firm intention not to ma
patients, researchers who have viewed therapy sess
one-way mirrors have found that these therapists
patients, albeit in subtle ways. Such a therapist
convey interest or disinterest, pleasure, encouragem
appointment nonverbally. He may lean back or turn
instead of saying "I don't like what you just s.aid
like the kinds of things that you've been doing."
if he likes what his patient reports, he may convey
tiveness in his voice while speaking, address hi
first name, lean forward as he listens, have more
or ask for more elaboration [115, pp. 77--B1 J.
As already mentioned, even the most adamant "n
therapists do indeed influence their patients
~, Further, there is evidence that the changes that
if\;' patients follow from these silent messages of th
(164). Some sophisticated therapists recognize t
ness of this method and act accordingly. Howeve
ditional psychotherapists still refuse to admit this in
in their behavior. In view of such denials, it is puzz
two-sided approach to therapy ever developed. W
[56) find it undesirable to tell his patients what to
The answer is quite evident in our experiences with
and relatives. Someone might mention a problem
parently is beyond his capacity to cope with and as
We give him the advice, and he ignores it without
it a try. Someone else may make a half-hearted atte
the advice, only to come back and say, "See, it
Nothing works!"
This is the kind of situation that the therapist mu
can't afford to tell his patient what to do, have hi
half-hearted way, and then return to prove his th
competence. Also, he can't allow his authority to be
by having his patient tell him, "No, that's no good
this. It won't work." Therapists have therefore learne
differently from their patients' friends and relatives
refuse to give any verbal and concrete advice, b
courage their patients to talk about their proble
Iv periences. Such constant probing reveals the man
- of a problem area, and the therapist can nonve
approval of or encouragement for even small chan
in the right direction. Alternatively, he can assume
possibly negative attitude when a socially malada
coping with a problem is mentioned.
Similar interchanges occur between parents and th
and between married couples [115J. A parent ma
rebellious child systematically refuses to listen
gestions or demands. He therefore accidentally or
resorts to using the same technique that therapists
their patients. He stops making any obvious sugge
child; but, when the child behaves in the way he wa
him more attention or does small favors for him. Sim
a husband does something that upsets his wife an
you upset?" the wife may respond with "No, I'm
while nonverbally communicating distress and a
sensitive husband understands and responds to so
unverbalized feelings of his wife.


In reading this book, the reader may have wondere

it is not always possible to substitute actions for
what exactly are the limitations of our actions as
of communication?" Anyone who has played char
that language is by far the most effective medium fo
complex and abstract ideas. The ideas containe
any other book cannot be communicated with a
would be possible only if we were to develop a s
such as that used by deaf persons, and this woul
learning a new language with all the accompany
One important difference between actions and spe
that actions only permit the expression of a limited
J primary feelings and altifudes. This is in part an
for the second important difference: The cony
underlie nonverbal communication are (ewer in
are more intuitively obvious than those of a langu
ferred to these conventions as the metaphors tha
to convey varying degrees of like-dislike, dominan
and responsiveness. The latter ranges from a total
kind of reaction to another person to a very stro
which may be of a negative quality (such as anger)
quality (such as praise). Even though this seem
limited, It is not. If we use all possible combinations
values of liking, dominance, and responsiveness,
press numerous subtle shades of feeling.
Since the codes for understanding and using no
haviors are much simpler than those for verbal on
surprising to find that silent messages are of par
JPortance in the communications of children up to
about four [118, 121, 169J.
Our analysis of communication in terms of metapho
their more general function in human thought. Meta
upon the eiementary and familiar aspects of sensory
experience, whose rich connotations provide th
understanding the novel (as in science) and the un
. in learning). Philosophers Ernst Cassirer [27] a
Pepper [141 J discussed the function of metaphor
culture; I have illustrated the specific application o
in social science [1 08J. Their frequent use is also e
(for example, when the poet likens a human bein
and in the altogether familiar realm of advertising (f
naming a car "Jaguar" to capitalize on shared imp
that animal's qualities or associating strength and w
with a beer by giving it the logo of a bull).

Suggested readings

For a more detailed presentation of the work wit

which led to the identification of evaluation, potency
as basic aspects of human reactions to people and
Chapter 2 of The Measurement ot Meaning by Char
136 Silent messages

George Suci, and Percy Tannenbaum [138J. Th

proach was used by Charles Osgood [137] to
actions to facial expressions. My report "A Seman
Nonverbal Behavior" [113J outlines a more genera
to nonverbal behaviors. For a discussion of the
quality of nonverbal communications, see Paul
Wallace Friesen's report "Constants across Cu
Face and Emotion" [43J. The basic philosophy o
and their role in science is discussed in World H
Stephen Pepper [141]. and these ideas were mor
applied in fhe case of personality theories in Cha
book An Analysis of Personality Theories [108
proaches to the study of nonverbal communication
terized by the very readable accounts of Edward T.
and Robert Sommer [160]. and by the extensiv
number of researchers for which some represen
ences are given [18,30,37,42,54,57, 152, 163J

." 1 Allport, G. W., and VerJ;1on, P. E. Studies in expressiv

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2 Altman, I., and Haythorn. W. The ecology ot isola
Behavioral Science, 1967, 12, 16~182.
3 Anastasi, A. oillerential psychology. New York: Mac
4 Ardrey, R. The territorial imperative. New York: Athe
•' 5 Argyle, M. So~teraction. New York: Atherton, 1
.. 6 Argyle, M., irkema, ~., and Gilmour, R. The comm
friendly and hostile attitudes by verbal and nonve
Unpublished Manuscript, Institute of Experimental
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.. 7 Argle, M., and Dean, J. Eye contact, distance, an
Sociometry, 1965, 28, 28~304.
(j 8 Argyle, M., and Kandan, A. The experimental analy
performance. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in e
social psychology, Vol. 3. New York: Academic
, 9 Argyle, M., Salter, V., Nicholson, H.. Williams, M., and
The communication of inferior and superior attitud
and nonverbal signals. British Journal of Social
Psychology, 1970, 9, 222-231.
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Abbreviations: Architecture, 75, 77. 8

approach, 2, 3, 5 Ardrey, Robert, 39
avoidance, 2, 5 Argyle. Michael, 23, 4
departure, 3, 6 Auctioneer. 43
grasping, 2, 3 Authorship, test of. 10
movements and gestures, 22, 115
128 Back, Kurt, 88
touching, 2 Baldness, 112
Accurate communication. 13-14, 124 Bales, Robert F., 72
Active-passive form, 100, 105 Band pass 1ilter, 45
Adjectives, demonstrative, 90, 114 Barnlund, Dean, 88
Advertising, 122-124, 135 Beakel, Nancy, 56
Affiliation, 61, 63, 65, 70, 75, 80, 82 Benevolence, 64, 65
Affiliative behavior, 61. 64. 75, 84 Berschefd, Ellen, 77
Affilialive person, 13, 66, 67, 71, 72, Bfrdwhfstell, Ray, 119
77,82,84,86 Blinking, 29, 119
Affiliative tendency, 60, 65, 67, 83 Blushing, 127
African language, 56 Bodily conlact (see To
Aggression, 37, 53, 60, 64, 65, 66, 79 Bowing, 27, 115, 119
Ambiguity, 92, 93 Calhoun, John, 35, 37
Americans, 6, 15, 25, 49. 68, 70, 71 Carnegie, Dale, 129
Animal behavior, 33, 34, 39 Cassirer, Ernst. 117, 1
baboons, 31. 35 Channels, of commun
birds, 34, 35 124
chimpanzees. 30 Children, 10,49,53,5
fighting, 35 Chinese, 125
monkeys, 34 Cities, 73. 76. 79,80
rats, 35, 37. 76 Concealed emotions,
Anxiety, 9, 92, 127 Conditional expression
(see also Distress) Contacts (see Strang
Apartment buildings. 75, 80, 81, 87, between)
88 Context of communica
Applicants, for employment, 12, 13, Contradictory messag
44,68,128-129 45. 127 (see als
Arabs, 71 communication)
Conversation, 1, 3, 5, 6, 18. 19. 22. "-facial expression, 9.
a,~,n,~n~,M,~ a,M,~,~
88,118,125,130 62, 63, 75, 76,
amount of, 75, 77,84,129 123,124,127,12
initiation of, 32. 69, 73, 74 Family therapy, 41
conversation group, 4, 5, 6, 83, 87 Fear, 9, 26, 29, 64, 65,
conversation piece, 83, 86, 87, 88 Fearlessness, 26, 28, 3
Cooperation, 49, 54, 67, 68,121,122 Feeling dimensions, 1
Coquette, 58 Festinger, Leon, 77, 8
Crowding, 35, 37, 39, 76, 79, 80 Forgetting, 103, 125
Cultural differences, 6,9, 15,23,25, Formality, 6, 14, 17.
26, 39, 68, 69-71, 72, 115, 120, 33, 48, 63, 91, 99
136 Informality)
Form of address, 32
Form of reference, 92
french, 37, 69-70
Dance, 6-9,119,126 Freud, Sigmund, 52, 9
Dance therapy, 131-132 Friesen, Wallace, 136
Decorative objects, 63, 86, 68
Defensive persons, 64, 66 Furniture arrangement
De Lauwe, Chombart, 37
Delay, 102, 103, 104
Dependency, 60, 63, 64, 66, 72 Gambler, gambling, 1
Desensitization, 132 Gesturing, 13, 16, 22,
Diamond, Shirley, 86 57, 61, 67, 75,
Discomfort (s\ge Distress) 124,129
Distance, in speech, 90ft, 104, 110 Goodbyes, 51f, 22
Distant-close, physical, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, Gossip, 99
10,11,15,16,18,19,22,25,31, Grasping, 45-46, 114
32,34,38,45,58,61,71,76,77, Greeting or addressing
78, 79, 83, 84, 85, 87, 114, 123, also Form of add
126, 127 Guests, 6, 26, 46, 67
Distress. 3, 63. 71, 92,127,126,134
Dominance, 31. 34, 35, 36, 38, 39,
42, 43, 48, 49, 50, 57, 58, 62, Hall, Edward T.. 23, 3
64, ils, 66, -67, 72, 113, 115, 118, Handkerchiefs, 125
124, 135 Handshakes, 511, 22
Domineering persons, 64, 72, 97, 124 Head nods, 61, 75. 11
Dormitories, 74, 77, 85 Home, 37, 57, 58
Double·bind, 53, 54 Hospitals, 34, 74, 85
Hostile groups, 78
Hostile person, hostili
64, 75, 76
Earthquake, 112 Hosts, 5, 6, 15, 17,36,
Ekman, Paul, 136 Housing project, 77-78
Elevators, 79, 127-128
Empathy, 67
Employer-employee relations, 30, 47, Immediacy, 111, 30, 70
48, 50, 65, 95 99, 104-109
English, 68, 70, 71 tolerance of (see Ex
English language, 55, 56 immediacy)
Environments, 73ft Immediacy, in speech
Envy. 112 114
Etiquette, 28, 33 applications, 107-1
Euphemisms, 94 Immediacy principle, 1
Excessive immediacy, 7, 79, 83, 87, Impression, first, 57, 5
127 Inconsistent communic
Extrovert-introvert, 7, 57, 58, 59, 64, definition, 42
65, 66, 72 equation for decodin
Eye contact, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, function of, 47ff
18, 19, 22, 31, 32, 45, 46, 58, resolution of, 42
69, 75, 77, 79, 85, 109, 114, Influence, social, 51 ff
126-128, 129, 133 133 (see also Per
Informality, 15, 16, 48, 70, 85 (see Personality attribute, 5
a/so Formality) 65,66,67,81,84-
Ingratiation, 12, 63, 64, 65, 68, 71. 72 Personality, measure o
Interior design, 18-22, 74, 75, 80, Persuasion. 49, 51, 62,
8211 123 (see also Infl
Intimacy, 7. 10. 13, 18, 25. 29,46,58. Piaget, Jean, 118
70,73, 101, 123, 126, 127, 128 Picturephone, 11,12,1
Introductions. 33 Policeman, 80
Inelson, William, 88 Political campaign, 16
Johnson, Lyndon, 15 Political situation, 28
Jung. Carl, 65 Political speech, 84, 1
Politician, 7, 1411,42, 1
Knocking, 24, 27 Post, Emily, 28, 33
Posture, 2, 5, 9, 16, 2
Latin Americans, 71 42, 43, 44, 46, 4
Leaked messages, 11. 12 113, 115-116, 1
Letter of recommendation, 13 127, 129, 130, 13
Liking, 1, 4ft. 8, 13, 16, 42, 43, 44, Power, 8, 24ft, 50, 112,
46, 54, 55, 61, 62, 66, 67, 7511, Prejudice, 78, 105
87,92,109,112,113-114,118, Prerogative 10 increas
120,121,122,126,128,135 2911 .
guarded expressions of, 101ft President of the United
Loneliness, 69, 73,82. 129 Privacy, 38, 70, 79
Problem style, 67, 69,
Maladjustment, 37, 54, 128 (see also Pronoun, choice of. 93
Psychopathology) Pronoun, demonstrative
Mana, 117 Proshansky, Harold, 88
McBride, Glen, 34, 39 Proxemlcs, 23, 113, 12
Media, of communication, 10ft, 124 Proximity, 76, 80, 81,
Metaphor, 8, 24, 26, 27, 38, 46, 71, Psychoanalyst, 25
102,113-120,135,136 Psychological disturban
Microenvironment, 16ft (see also Psychop
Middle East, 25, 26, 115, 118, 125 Psychopathology, 36, 3
Mostel, Zero, 124 Psychotherapist. 17, 4
Mutual gaze (see Eye contact) 104,107, 126, 13
Mutuality, 100, 101, 105 Psychotherapy, 9, 17,
Mythical thought, 117 132-134
Pub, English, 70-71
National styles, 6911 Public speech, 93, 94,
Negation, 95, 96
Negotiations: Radio announcer, 58
political, 31, 102 Redundancy, 56
union contract, 109 Reich, Wilhelm, 131
Newcomb, Theodore, 88 Relaxation, 1, 18, 25, 2
Nonimmediacy (see Immediacy) 71,72,87,88,115
Nonverbally handicapped, 128-132 Request. 49, 50, 68
Nudity, 10 Respectful behavior, 2
Orient, 25, 26, 27, 115, 119 125 Responsibility, 94, 97ff,
Orientation of body, 10, 1'1, 19, 22, Responsiveness, 6, 32
31,71,77,83,84,85,109,130 62, 64, 65, 67,
Orientation of houses, 77-78 116-118,123,124
Osgood, Charles, 111, 112, 135, 136 Restaurant, 17, 16,21
Osmond, Humphry, 74 Restraint in expressing
Overinclusive reference or statement, Rivlin, Leanne, 86
93-96 Romance, 122, 125-12
Overspecific statement, 96-97 Rosenfeld, Howard M"
Russell, James, 88
Parent·child relationship, 53. 54, 55.
134 Sarcasm, 13, 14, 41. 4
Pepper, Stephen. 135, 136 55
Schachter, Stanley, 88 Stress, 37
Schizophrenics, 53, 132 Submissiveness, 27, 2
Schuham, Anthony, 56 57, 62, 63, 64, 6
Seating, 4, 5, 18, 19, 22, 31, 83, 87, also Dominance)
88 Suci, George, 136
classrooms, 67-68
Self-determination, 52, 53 Talking (see Conversa
Self-disclosure, 9, 10, 32, 70 Tangential reference,
Selling, 120-122 Tannenbaum, Percy, 1
Sensitivity group, 126, 131 Teacher, 67
Sensitivity to rejection, 60, 64, 66, 72, Teasing, 8
81-88 Telephone, 11, 12, 15,
Sensory stimulation, 3, 4, 15, 76, 114 Television, 12, 14, 15
Sequence, 91,92,104,106 123,127
Sex difference, 67. 72, 116 Tension (see also Rela
Shakespeare, 107 muscle, 119, 127, 13
Similar-different altitude. 82, 98 postural, 29, 30, 62
Slip of the tongue, 92, 103 116,126,127,12
Smiling, 5, 40, 46. 56, 61, 63, 69, Territoriality, 33ff
122, 124, 129, 130 psychological advan
Social alienation, 73, 126-127 violated, 36ff
Social behavior, 64 Touching, 2, 3, 4, 7, 1
categories of, 59, 60 71,77,114,125,1
elements of, 59-65 Twitches, 119
Social isolation, 36
Social rule, norm,S, 25, 28, 31, 33,
Varela, Jacobo, 107
Social style, 7, 22, 57ft, 73, 124, 130, Verb tense, 90, 91, 106
131 Vicious cycle, 54, 55
Sociofugal-sociopelal areas, 74 Vietnam, 31, 37
Sofa, 85 Vigilance, 38, 64, 65, 1
Sommer, Robert, 39, 88, 136 Vocal expression, 14;
Speech error, 92, 103, 109, 110, 123, . 50, 52, 55, 56, 5
(see also Slip of the tongue) 113, 118, 119, 1
Status, 12, 15, 16, 23, 24-39, 42, 49,
129, 133
50,62,65,68,71,101,107,113, Voice:
115,116,119,135 monotonous, 43, 44,
tone (see Vocal exp
Stevenson, Adlai, 15
Strangers, encounter between, 5, 7, volume, 26, 27, 71, 1
18, 19, 22, 48, 57, 58, 59, 61,
66, 69, 70, 73, 77, 78, 79, 80, Walster, Elaine, 77
81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 101, Wiener, Morlan, 110
102, 121, 123, 125, 127, 128, Wilson, Flip, 126
Strength (see Power) Zig-zag counter, 19-2

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