October - 2012 PDF
October - 2012 PDF
October - 2012 PDF
org 1
Vo ce
Join In the Company of Masters
As part of Astara’s 61st Anniversary Weekend we’re very pleased to pres-
ent a compelling one day workshop, Working With Your Group Consciousness.
In Eighth Degree Lesson 15, Embodied Ascended Master Channel In’Easa mabu Ishtar invites you into the
Dr. Robert explains that, “Astara’s company of 22 enlightened Masters to connect and work with all the different
annual Fire Initiation Ceremony has parts of your group consciousness. We each hold a large group consciousness
nothing to do with fire walking. The that includes all aspects, all the many parts of us created through experiences
event is connected with fire as both over many lifetimes. We also hold our higher self wisdoms, our starry selves,
a symbol and an energy (shakti) of our galactic and universal selves, all connected to the greater whole through
a higher vibratory order. A flame our soul and soul extensions, monadic soul group and our Divine presence.
is used by each participant, in Working with all we are and the wisdom offered from the many planes of our
conjunction with the highest possible
existence allows us to be more of who we are and for more of our Divine con-
expression of consciousness, to
symbolically destroy the negatives sciousness to be present on Earth. During this one day workshop you’ll receive
present in that person’s life — and high frequency channeled wisdom teachings, guidance for your soul and heal-
to reinforce the positives. In many ing activations to lift your consciousness and expand your energy field. During
instances healings occur at the Continued on page 10
time of the ceremony or not long
thereafter. Often aspirations become
attainable through the creative
Astara at 61 Years
(fiery) cleansing of limitations and Sixty-one years is a milestone, it’s the first real step into the sixth decade
obstacles and their replacement by of serving and the first decade of serving without hands-on direction from our
the creative fires of higher energy.” beloved founders.
Countless numbers have found At 61 years there’s no question that Dr. Robert, Dr. Earlyne and Dr. Sita
that Astara’s Fire Initiation offers left Astara and Astarians with an inheritance of unsurpassed teachings. Or that
expansion of awareness through a Astara’s Book of Life has for the past six decades been the best body of work for
Continued on page 6
the instruction of the soul. Or that Astara’s Healing ministry continues to bring
the energy, power and grace of Light into the lives of people all over the world,
and always for the good of all, something that’s been tried and true for 61 years,
you can count on it. Or that Astara has been present on this plane as the “new
age” began to grow and come of age, and remains one of the very best standards,
then and now, of spiritual guidance.
An ancient entity, Astara comes into matter at specific times when it’s voice
is needed and will be heard in the soul of humankind, it’s hand offered in Light
taken, when the points of light on Earth begin to come to life, when conscious-
ness is again awakened to become sufficiently capable of attuning to Astara’s
heart of wisdom and healing. This is one of those rare times, you and now are
why Astara is here today. This Astara has always been about you, the reality
of you and all of us as beings of high consciousness ready to grow in our own
Light, the Light of Others and in cooperation with the Light to come.
Continued on page 11
2 The Voice of Astara October 2012
Vol. 62 No. 1
* Begins at sundown the day before this ps — Rev. Deborah Bourbon, who would have written you this month, is engaged in
date. a remarkable journey of healing, and will have a lot to share in her letter next month.
** Local customs may vary this date. Meanwhile, Rev. Deborah — Love and prayers, Light and blessings from all of us.
4 The Voice of Astara October 2012
See Astara’s website at www.astara.org for new and past Voice items!
6 The Voice of Astara October 2012
Fire Initiation — A Downpouring of Light (Continued from page 1)
blossoming in new activity of consciousness. It instills strengths that will be
needed as new challenges present themselves within newly activated higher
vibratory levels through which you will receive ever deepening insights. It
can cleanse wounds, break up old patterns and reach into each of your body’s
vibratory centers, clearing and recharging, reminding and awakening your 12-Month Numerology Report:
This report describes the important yearly
heart seed to its purpose. All you have been can become more through an and monthly influences that affect you in a 12-
initiation ceremony. month period. It shows how to get the most
During the ceremony there is no division of time into past, present or future. out of your experiences by identifying the
There is only that moment of energy being bestowed to you, for you. You’re no likely events that will happen and the preferred
longer an individual personality as your moment of initiation begins. With the approach to those events. Several important
touch of shaktipat you are both a part and the center of all that is, and all of what yearly influences are given in addition to a
you most need will be given according to your capacity to receive. month by month look at what to expect.
As you enter the room where the Ceremony is held, you’re given two small What we will need:
Full Birth Name (first, middle, last)
papers. On one you write an intention, a goal you’ve been attempting to reach, Name Used Today (which you most strongly
and on the other what you feel is the largest obstacle to your progress on divine identify with)
and human levels, some condition in relationship to life you know needs to be Date of Birth (month, day, year)
healed, overcome or resolved. As the Ceremony begins, Astara’s crystal is lit $19.95/each report (plus applicable tax and
and its energies extended to all present and to Members worldwide who are shipping/handling charges)
attuning themselves to the Ceremony. Candles are lit. Prayer and meditation fill
the room with power, intent and focus, beckoning the Masters, welcoming all Natal Astrology:
High Beings serving in the Work of Light. Then something profound descends This in-depth Astrology report (about 30
pages) is prepared especially for you by Astara.
as the energy of each person joins to form a whole, the sum becomes greater
Learn about your Planetary Aspects and how
than its parts which then becomes a part of The Mystery, and a silence begins, they affect your Life Path, Relationships and
continuing on through each burning and each touch of the fire energy until the Career. Find out what your challenges are in this
Ceremony ends. This energy will continue to play out over the days and months life span to find ways to overcome them. Also
ahead, inviting you back into it over and over again, back to your intent and into learn what your gifts and talents are in order to
new vision and purpose, resolution, healing and grace. focus on fine tuning your strengths. Take a look
Dr. Robert also taught that one purpose of initiation is to activate the magnetic into your past, present and future in the Major
qualities of your permanent seed atoms, to attract helpful energies, to clarify and Life Periods Section of your profile. The report
initiate steps toward fulfilling your purpose. That through initiation you find, is easy to read and comes bound and covered,
personalized with your name. $25/each report
stirring within, an activating principle which can create a proper balance of (plus applicable tax and shipping/handling
higher and lower, reconciling the two worlds, and through this reconciliation, charges) *See below for data needed for chart.
each of your levels of being. Astara’s Fire Initiation has proven to be all of
this and more for untold number of souls who’ve been forever touched by the Your Spiritual Path:
words spoken by the Lady of Light to Dr. Earlyne in Egypt instructing her as to Each of us has the potential to develop along
the need for this Ceremony in order to reignite the flame of the soul. The Lady psychic, intuitive and spiritual lines into the per-
Continued on page 10 son who best suits our natural gifts. This report
does not attempt to define your spiritual goals,
Note the aspiration or some quality or condition or offer philosophical opinions about what they
Briefly describe the situation or condition you
wished to have released from your life: you wish to bring into your life: should be. It provides an unbiased perspective
on the characteristics that define who you are on
a spiritual level. More importantly it gives you a
clear understanding of how you can best nurture
and develop those characteristics that enhance
your progress towards spiritual maturity. $25/
each report (plus applicable tax and ship-
ping/handling charges) *See below for data
needed for chart.
4. Each day, sit in meditation for a few moments, visualizing yourself
in an aura of White Light. If you wish, repeat the affirmation.
5. When requesting healing for someone else, it is important that you
put the name and location of that person.
Petition All communications on this Petition are held in the strictest confidence.
For the healing of:
Request to
1. On this petition write clearly and briefly the
nature of your needs.
2. Meditate on Light surrounding your request for
the Light of
a few moments. Allow the Light and needs to
become one.
3. Repeat the invocation below and use the image
Astara for
on this Petition to visualize your need being met.
4. Send in the Petition.
5. Each day, meditate upon your request and again
Cosmic Help
voice the invocation.
Please direct your prayers and spiritual energies for the following requests:
Fire Initiation ... (Continued from page 6) Join In the Company of Masters (From page 1)
also said that each ceremony participant was to be given a the day The Ascended Masters promise to:
crystal which will link with the crystals in the pineal gland, • Connect you with more of who you are
each being an extension of the other and a connection with • Show you how to love ALL of yourself
crystals buried at ancient sacred sites worldwide, radiating • Assist you in releasing limitations and blocks
through the natural crystal grid of Earth’s leylines. Earlyne • Show you how to work with your OWN group conscious-
taught that these ceremony crystals, the crystals Astarians ness for your highest potential
have buried at ancient sites, and Astara’s large crystal used • Forgive and honor old wounds and experiences
in so many ceremonies and services all help to “align the Working with her own many-leveled experiences, and
planet to the wavelength of the Galactic Order of Celestial trained by Ascended Masters through a deep connection of the
Forces and help bring a new age of peace and love to a heart, In’Easa mabu Ishtar has for the past seven years com-
waiting World.” Further, each one participating adds to the mitted herself to the work the Masters would give her. This
Astarian Reservoir of Light which extends upward into the commitment has taken her from her home in Australia to pres-
mental, spiritual and celestial planes. Thus Astarians, spread ent workshops and private sessions in Europe, Mexico and the
throughout the planet, are part of Astara’s thought Reservoir, United States. An accredited teacher of the Divine University
each one through your own uprising thought stream. And Project and the Academy of Energy Science and Conscious-
each Astarian in turn, regardless of where you live, receives ness, Ishtar’s mission is to awaken and enliven the Threefold
through that etheric connection a downpouring of light Flame of Knowledge, Wisdom and Mystery within the heart of
and blessings. [from The Voice, May, 1999 — A Legacy of humanity.
Satsangs from Dr. Earlyne and Astara’s Book of Life, First This special Anniversary Weekend workshop will happen
Degree, Lesson 12, page 18] here at Astara on Saturday, October 20 from 9 AM to 4:30 PM.
Come in joy, come in complete soul participation and Registration for this event is on page 8. Ishtar is also offering a
trust, come out of want or need of refreshment and renewal, limited number of 1 ½ hour private sessions during which 3-5
or come with your spiritual wings soaring over what once Masters will be present. Sunday sessions begin at 1 PM, Mon-
seemed an abyss, but come. At this time your earnest day sessions start at 9 AM at a cost of $180 per session. Make
participation in a spiritual initiation can play a vital role in your appointment by calling us — (800) 964-4941 — during
this plane’s planetary initiation. business hours.
( (909) 948-7412 or Toll-free: (800) 964-4941 : www.astara.org 11
Astara at 61 Years
(Continued from page 1)
We invite you here, to this Place of
Light, the weekend of October 20-21
to celebrate how very blessed we are
in having it, to honor Astara’s history “Now the nature of the ideal being was everlasting, but to bestow this attribute in
and the extraordinarily beautiful and its fullness upon a creature was impossible. Wherefore he resolved to have a moving
lasting life-work of the Chaneys and to image of eternity, and when he set in order the heaven, he made this image eternal but
celebrate each other as Points of Light moving according to number, while eternity itself rests in unity; and this image we call
within the Mind of God, awakened time.” (Plato’s Timaeus)
through the soul touch of this timeless Previous articles presented time through the vast cycles of the precession of
Place of Light. equinoxes and yugas, in part to give a sense of time beyond our day to day (pun
Anniversary Weekend offers an intended) consciousness of time, laying the groundwork for exploring some of its other
important all day workshop with inter- dimensions. Time as we know and use it is precipitated by our denseness of form — our
nationally recognized master channel body of form might need to be in a place of form, or plant into the denseness of Earth
In’Easa mabu Ishtar (registration on a form that will grow another form, at a certain form of time (day, hour, season, cycle).
page 8), a Fire Initiation Ceremony at In Chapter IX of Metaphysics, Aristotle concludes that actuality and potentiality are
7 PM Saturday evening and a special diachronic (across time) distinctions, while form and matter are synchronic (at one
church service on Sunday at 11 AM led time). But the holographic nature of reality requires an understanding of the simultaneity
by Rev. Peggy Tennent. of all time. Before the beginning of the physical hologram was ATMAN, pure spirit in
a static state, having no need of time, space, cause, effect, mass or wavelength. Being,
without movement, without eternity in which to measure It, remains unknown and
identical in Its no past, present or future. But potential for these was within It. Within
potential is energy and with the first movement of energy came time, space, dimension
and the energetic pattern, the hologram, of potential for all life now outside of It.
How would you like to meet and study the Because It was the Cause, Its hologram remains within everything that became effect.
Degree Lessons with another Astarian? How Just as in Aristotle’s theory that in every change there is something which persists
about the chance to meditate together? Encourage through the change and something else which did not exist before, but comes into
one another? Practice some of the techniques
in the Lessons? Discuss the teachings, share existence as a result of the change — there is a first cause which is not itself caused that
your understanding, gain another Astarian’s remains within every effect. This same principle explains why it’s possible to slip into
insight? Spiritual understanding and experience past and future selves and events, since all are present in now.
can grow exponentially when teachings and All of the physical hologram, which we perceive as solid matter, is periodically
insights are shared with others, and that’s just created and dissolved over billions of years. The Vedic calendar is based on this concept.
what Astara’s Study Groups offer. We maintain
The concept of absolute static with no mass, no wavelength, no position in space or time
a database of study groups and people who
would like to join or form one, so get in touch theologically compares with zero, a mathematical theory born in the sacred knowledge
with us to see if we can match you up with an of Vedic temples which migrated to the Arab world and from there into Europe. Zero
existing group or a Member in your area who was also known throughout ancient Americas as revealed in their calendars. While both
may be waiting for you get in touch to start a ancient Mayan and Vedic scholars were aware of the 365.2 day value of the solar year,
group. Give us a call, go online, or check the both the 360-day Tun of the perpetual Mayan calendar and the 360 base of the Vedic
box on page 7.
were chosen for their highly sophisticated, finely tuned long count calendars, both of
The following Astarian is interested in which coupled mathematical excellence with astronomical skill to reveal Earth life in
starting or joining the context of movement and measure within the cosmic whole.
a study group: Many ancient cultures used solar and cyclical calendars simultaneously. Solar
Angela (Angel) Pate calendars refined further down became sundials and clocks and eventually the
Brooklyn, NY timekeeping of commerce and social life while cycles of the moon, the seasons and the
(718) 387-5726 cosmos are still prominent in agricultural and religious calendars.
In cyclical time there is no separation between divine and human consciousness
— the heavens are open at all times, their outpourings perceived by the human being,
Astara’s Official Social the ideal apparatus is oriented beyond time/space, beyond immediacy of the moment
and beyond geographical areas and into the level of the cosmic. It’s in this sense of the
Network Links cosmic that we are, to one degree or another, in sync with the energy pattern of creative
Visit www.astara.org and click on “Follow experience and understanding of finer, even ultimate, reality. The recent twin transits
Astara” to see links to any and all of Venus, the rediscovery of Ophiuchus, our position in relation to the galactic plane
Facebook, YouTube, etc. sites
Astara operates. Any others are unauthorized at the time of one of its periodic bursts of energy, the alignment of Neptune, Mars
and do not represent Astara, and may be in and Venus over the Pyramids of Giza to take place this December — all and more are
violation of trademark and copyright laws. Continued on page 14
12 The Voice of Astara October 2012
Astro Report for October/November
From Astarian Jyoti Wind
There’s a lot of flow in the Heavens around the New Moon
on October 15th (5:03 AM, PDT). It’s easy to get lazy and sit on
your laurels. Enjoy the moments of ease and happiness, yet keep track of your values
and priorities. Use your discernment to see what’s appropriate for you and what has
outlived itself in your life.
On the 18th, Mercury enters its shadow for the next Retrograde (Rx) cycle of the
year. (It will turn Rx in November for three weeks.) We may see a project that needs
attention, or some inner piece of work we know it is now time to work on. Vidisha was a member from In-
October 23rd can bring easier understandings around spiritual matters and the dia and part of the large Astara Study
25th speaks about responsibility and taking matters into your own hands. Group in Kolkata. After learning of
The Full Moon on the 29th (12:49 PM, PDT) brings harmony and challenges, just her transition, we asked Devin Doshi,
like everyday life. It may be suddenly easier to stand up for our truths, living our be- a good friend and fellow Astarian if he
liefs in the day-to-day more fully, implementing those practices we’ve thought about could put together something about her
for a long time. And it is also a moment in time to see where we need to strengthen life. The following was sent by him and
our ability to focus. written by her mother. We thank Vid-
As we enter November, Venus and Pluto dance with frustration of the 3rd. Power
isha for bringing so many new members
struggles may ensue. Keep your own counsel.
Neptune is stationing from Nov. 4-18, going Direct on the 10th. This allows us to to Astara and we thank all those in the
see through the illusion of things, rend the veil so to speak, and be willing to see what Kolkata Study Group for the work they
is. It is one of two times of the year where our spiritual focus is more intense. do in bringing new seekers to Study
Mercury goes Rx on the 6th (3:04 PM, PST) and for the next three weeks we dive Astara’s Book of Life. Our heartfelt
deep. Meditation, self-reflection, renewal ... all are good tools right now. (Mercury compassion goes out to all who knew
will go Direct November 27th). and loved her, and our hearts go out to
The New Moon on November 13th (2:08 PM, PST) is a total Solar Eclipse of Vidisha, that she is experiencing what
the Sun, visible in Northern Australia and the South Pacific Ocean. Intuition may be Dr. Robert referred to as “the greatest
high for the next 3-6 months, yet clear-seeing in daily life might need some help, with
adventure.” It is always bittersweet. We
Mercury square Neptune. Reading a few lines of poetry with your morning beverage
may help satisfy this aspect and then we can consider that the thinking process will miss our friends and loved ones here
be more logical and rational for the rest of each day. Communication is expansive. that have been called home, yet are hap-
Using your intelligence to relieve suffering would be a good practice during this py for them that their Spirit is moving
Eclipse phase of 3-6 months. It can be as small as holding a door open for the person on to the greater life and God.
coming behind you or saying a prayer when you know someone is ill. It’s auspiciously appropriate that
“When you eventually see through the veils to how things really are, this memorial of Vidisha is offered at
You will keep saying again and again, Diwali, a lunar festival celebrated from
‘This is certainly not like we thought it was!’ ” mid-October to mid-December. Diwali
~ Rumi is a beautifully colorful festival of lights
Jyoti Wind may be contacted for readings at [email protected]. She pub- and inwardly is an awareness of inner
lishes astro updates on her blog: www. writes-of-passage.blogspot.com. light dispelling ignorance and rejoicing
in both the inner Light and underlying
reality of all things. Celebrated world-
Astara’s Spiritual Pilgrimage — wide, the lanterns and candle arrange-
Another Time, Another Place? ments, the fireworks, sweets and gifts to
Unfortunately we won’t have any amazing pictures and stories to share with you wives and sisters in honor of Lakshmi,
from Astara’s 2012 spiritual pilgrimage to Peru. There were just not enough people the lights which fill the darkness of the
who could commit themselves this year. Our apologies to those who did register — nights of Diwali combine into a beau-
we never got your names, but want you to know that we were so much looking for- tiful metaphor for Vidisha’s life in the
ward to exploring some really very special places and immersing ourselves as a group many ways she joyously brought the
into the teachings and culture of Peru then and now. To stand with you in the Sacred wealth of lasting Light into the lives of
Valley, at Machu Picchu and in Sacsahuaman, and so many other places — to share
the imprint of sacred ceremonies held in such a land and bury another Astara crystal others.
along the resonant grid lined network of Earth will be incredible when we do get the Vidisha’s mother writes: “Extreme-
chance. Meanwhile, let us know where you would like to travel with a like-spirited ly intelligent and mature even as a child,
group of pilgrim-adventurers say, from Astara — we’ll see what we can do to make she was rather shy in public. Later on
it happen. she made up for this by giving innumer-
( (909) 948-7412 or Toll-free: (800) 964-4941 : www.astara.org 13
able talks on Theosophical topics and
mounting presentations based on the
teachings of Grand Master Choa Kok
Sui (Modern Founder of Pranic Heal-
ing and Arhatic Yoga) for the members
of Yoga Vidya Pranic Healing Foun- The Law of Substitution
dation of West Bengal where she was
the trustee, one of the few handpicked
“As you surmise, the root of one’s difficulty lies in one thing ... desire. It
by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui (GM-
CKS) in the year 2004. She was also would be, then, a simple matter to say, ‘Overcome desire and all will be well.’
blessed by GMCKS in an open semi- No teacher should so teach because the basis of all life is desire. No teachings
nar in front of 1500+ people in 2006 should require that you kill all desire for, truth to say, it would be asking an
and continued to work for the mission impossibility.
with equal enthusiasm. “The secret lies in the law of substitution. This is a law employed by all
“Although she studied law for Masters in guiding their disciples. This is the law my Master taught me. The
her career, following the footsteps of secret is to substitute one desire for another. You must overcome your attachment
her maternal grandmother late Justice to and your desire for earthly things by desiring the spiritual more. Although
Pratibha Bonerjea (also an Astarian, you may attain discipleship and walk the way to great wisdom, even becoming
who was also one of the 1st four lady an initiate, there comes a point in time beyond which you cannot reach until you
judges of Calcutta High Court) and experience an all-consuming, burning desire to find God.
paternal grandfather Late Abani Kan-
“When the desire to know God is born within you, it will surpass all other
ta Bhattacharjee who was a barrister,
she gave it up to become a full time
desires. Sometime, somewhere, on your upward way, you will arrive at that
Certified Pranic Healer and a Certified moment. It comes to all disciples ... sometime. It heralds the Great Initiation.
Pranic Healing Trainer. “Usually it comes when you have faced an ultimate darkness in your life
“Gifted with a rare and intuitive ... alone; when even your best loved stands not beside you at your spiritual
understanding of esoteric subject even crossroads; when there seems to be a void before you, and your anguish is very
from childhood, she became an avid real. Then it is that the light of the Holy Grail within begins to burn ... and burn
reader of Theosophical writers like ... and burn. The dark night of the soul.
Madame Blavatsky, Bishop Leadbeat- “There comes a yearning beyond description, a yearning for God. Its flame
er, Alice Bailey, Annie Besant, Jinraja- diffuses slowly throughout your being until you are afire with the desire to seek
dasa, Hudson, Powel and many more. and find God. When you once sense it, you will understand better what words
She was also well versed with the so inadequately express. The soul will cry. Only when you have felt the great
mythologies of the East and West. An
Aloneness are you near to understanding the desire divine.
ardent admirer of Dr. Earlyne and Dr.
“This desire is imperative if you are to attain the Ultimate Initiation. No
Robert Chaney and Hanna Kroeger,
she tried to enlighten all who came in disciple ever attained it until s/he first experienced desire divine. After this
contact with her about the importance experience it is not necessary to caution the initiate to overcome earth’s empty
of being a “light worker” and follow desires for they cease to exist.
the advice of these writers by setting “Many Astarians have already walked through the great Aloneness. The
an example by following these advic- Teachers are never closer, for the darkness heralds the coming of the great light
es herself in her daily life. — the birth of the initiate. God Him/Herself draws very near.
“She single handedly motivated “The one who has attained this desire divine is often represented in symbolism
and brought over 40 souls to Astara as a tree, with roots deep and wide. The branches and leaves of the tree sway
and regular Astara book study ses- and sweep in the winds of life, but the trunk and roots are never distributed and
sions at the center run by Padmasamb- never waver.
hava Centre for Charitable Activities,
“The leaves, representing the desires of earth, have a very real place in the
an organization started by her and the
life of the tree, but they come forth susceptible to all the whims of earthly winds,
group of like-minded people.
“A great lover of animals, a kind living awhile, withering, dying, and blowing away ... only to be replaced by
and enlightened soul with a dynamic others. Changing, changing, never stable are all these earthly desires, while the
and charismatic personality, she was Great Desire — the desire to know God — stands undaunted, never moving,
wise and mature beyond her 35 years never swaying, never changing. The desires of earth will pass away ... the roots
when she left for her journey to higher of desire divine only grow deeper.” [Astara’s Book of Life, First Degree, Lesson
realms on June 17th, 2012.” 7, pages 23-24]
14 The Voice of Astara October 2012
Time (Continued from page 11)
forms of cosmological timekeeping which
just happens to be in pretty close tandem
with the precession of the equinoxes and
[Besides being an editor for the publication, Golden Rays, published yugas. Knowledge of movements of the
by The Library of the Spiritualist Episcopal Church in Eaton Rapids, cosmos were recorded by the first keepers
Michigan, Dr. Robert also wrote for the periodical. Here is one of his of time in sacred calendars then texts.
articles published in October 1947.] While there’s been debate whether ancient
calendars were first developed for sacred
or secular purposes, it must be noted that
When you see a man in sickness unto death, most of you are very careful in ancient times there was no difference
not to give a word or a sign to that man of his approaching experience. Actually, between the two, each were part of the
you should bring into his mind at this hour the refreshing knowledge of the laws cosmic and sacred whole.
of rebirth, that as he enters into the spirit realms he will carry with him from Within the holographic nature of
this earth the colorings of his objective consciousness, which will enable him reality, time is both inside and outside of
to gather unto himself that which will make for the success and perfection of our bodies, working in league with space
his future return. and dimension, as proven by the movement
of our sun system moving within a universe
This will open his mind unto the true expression of the spirit, the expression
within its movement within a galaxy and
of life in its cycles, and as he continues his life through the laws of necessity, he our ability to move within dimensions of
may make those continued expressions more perfect for having passed out with past, present and future and from 2nd to
them indelibly etched upon the consciousness of his spirit. So, ye brethren of 3rd into 4th and higher dimensions.
truth and light, be cautious, but sure, in this service to your friend, as you gather The collective experience of the time
these truths into a spiritual bouquet to prepare him for his new experience. we are in now, at the ending and beginning
of calendars, between yugas, between
The brotherhood of man would not be so difficult to realize if more people ages, between pasts and futures, between
knew about reincarnation, for all men must have experience in all races before dimensions requires change which
the cycle of earth lives can be completed. As a spirit, you have evolved from must take place primarily within human
consciousness, and radical changes in our
perhaps the lowest savage tribes of the earth to the position you now hold, and
perceptions of lesser realities, of ourselves
all of you have expressed in many parts of the world. The woman who serves and one another. We owe much gratitude
in your kitchen may have been your mother in some long past day; and the to ancient keepers of time — those who
man you fought against may have been your brother. Before you are finished noticed infinity moving in the silence of
with earth, there shall not be a part of the world or its peoples which shall not night and made a notch or a knot and when
have known you. enough of those, carved of them one sign
It is necessary for you to give of your life to all creatures and to sacrifice showing something that had been there,
for the common good. It is necessary that you learn all the lessons, have all moved, then if ever there again it would
the opportunities of service, that the varying circumstances of earth can offer begin to tell a story. And the ancient divine
you. Therefore, you cannot separate yourself from any human creature. As a ones who placed the true realities of time
and space into forms of matter across the
spirit, you have ALWAYS BEEN. Where, your records will show. Sometime
ley lines of Earth. We have their stories.
you shall read from them and learn. Our present story and our ability to navigate
the time(s) we now live in wouldn’t be the
A truth once expressed can never be suppressed. To formulate a truth for same without the knowledge they left for
expression is like giving it birth into the ethers of the earth. It becomes a living us. Through them we have a bearing on
thing in this plane of manifestation and that which becomes thus alive cannot where we are, and where we’re headed
be killed. Galileo, who made the discovery that the earth moves, was forced in time and space and place. And even
to retract his statement on threat of being burned alive. The foolish people though collectively we may be in a cycle
believed they were suppressing the truth he had given the world. But it could far removed from God consciousness, this
not be suppressed. “Truth, crushed to earth, will rise again.” is not the whole story — the same potential
of ATMAN is at work on this plane at this
This truth of Spiritualism, that you are embracing has been suppressed
time in this part of the cosmic whole.
with all the vigor of the Christian Church. They have been endeavoring to Next month will offer more on time,
suppress it for ages, and its mediums and followers have been persecuted, yet calendars, dimensions and novelty.
it continually springs forth everywhere. When men’s minds accept it, it will Sources for this article are: timestar.org;
take fire and light the world. and reasons.org/articles/antropic-principle
( (909) 948-7412 or Toll-free: (800) 964-4941 : www.astara.org 15
Breath Control
We offer here a most important exercise, the purpose of which is to aid in
The following Astarians achieving:
made a charitable donation 1. Mental poise and serenity;
to Astara in honor or memory 2. Breath control;
of a loved one. 3. Development of the inner breath;
4. Improved health.
This exercise requires a candle and a candleholder, a stand on which to place
Pamela Catania
the candle and a straight chair or cushion. None of these need be expensive. For
In memory of her best friend
Beth Anderson Phillipp Elmore instance a candleholder from your local variety store will suffice.
Seat yourself either on a chair or on a cushion on the floor, depending upon
the method you choose in practicing your daily yoga or prayers or meditation.
Elaine Cipolloni
Place the candle on the stand directly in front of you so that the flame of the
In memory of her loving parents
Mildred and Thomas Rascona candle is on a line straight out from your lips.
Sit erect, but relaxed. Let your hands rest in your lap, with palms either down
or up. Wait until you are perfectly composed and at peace, then:
Steven Harrison Begin slow, easy breathing. Inhale through the nostrils. Exhale through the
and Teresa Blanton mouth. Ignore the flicker of the flame of the candle.
In honor of the birthday of As you inhale, expand the abdomen.
Master Choa Kok Sui As you exhale, be sure you pull the abdomen in.
Watch this closely, as it is very important.
Dianne Norwood As you exhale, open the lips slightly so that you are emitting a quiet, slow
In memory of steady stream of breath. You must concentrate closely on this for it is one of the
Richard Hardy, important factors in gaining the utmost value from the exercise.
Kim Norwood-Pena You will be unable to breathe many of these slow breaths in the beginning,
and which is to be expected. The flame before your lips will waver as your slow, quiet
Faye, Flora and Devi breath reaches it. And this is all right in the beginning. Pay no attention and make
no attempt to avoid movement of the flame. Center your attention upon the slow,
even breath.
A Reminder of As you continue your practice, you will discover that little by little you are able
to attain a wonderful degree of slow breathing. Gradually begin to watch your
The Voice candle flame and attempt to breathe so evenly that the flame does not flicker.
Going Bimonthly This will require much practice, but when you are able to accomplish this
you will have won a tremendous victory over body, breath and mind, as well as
This is just a short reminder slowly rebuilding the cells of you physical form.
that in December you’ll be receiv- The prana which you have absorbed during these slow and quiet breaths will
ing a December/January issue of have penetrated into every cell, every nerve, every muscle, and into the blood-
The Voice, so the next mailing will stream, transforming your body completely. Under such conditions it is most
be the February/March issue, and difficult for a disease to withstand the purifying energies which are aroused and
so on, for six months out of the remain in the body. Thus the exercise contributes to a most excellent physical
year instead of twelve. Astara’s condition.
You will also have attained a tremendous mental poise. Try the exercise
Board approved this change so that
whenever you are under mental stress. The quietness of the breathing can settle
more of our resources can be used
the turmoil of the mind and a sublime serenity will steal over your entire being,
to make more of Astara’s material
bringing you peace, peace, peace. After achieving this peace your problems will
available in as many ways as we then be much more easily solved, or at least you will not be completely upset by
can. You’ll begin to notice, and them. You will be using a spiritual tool, or spiritual practice to enhance your daily
we hope enjoy, the benefits of this life on this earth plane and to move you forward on your path. [Astara’s Book of
shift in the coming year. Life, Second Degree, Lesson 16, page 22]
16 The Voice of SUNDAY
OCTOBER Astara SERVICES October 2012
An hour of meditation, music and inspiration. Non Profit Org.
Sundays, 11 am in the ® U.S. POSTAGE
Earlyne Chaney Memorial Sanctuary
10700 Jersey Blvd, Ste. 420 • Rancho Cucamonga
Minister: Rev. Peggy Tennent and Rev. Pam Rau 10700 Jersey Blvd., Ste. 450 Permit No. 104
Volunteer Assistant Minister: Rev. Samantha Pennala Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 San Dimas, CA
Pianist: Brandon Ecks • Ushers: Bill Blackwood and Alex Sanchez
Book Store Volunteers: Leona Sanchez and Pam Rau
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Vo ce
“In Appreciation for Astara’s Fire Initiation —
What’s Inside ... Supporters — page 10 A Downpouring of Light
Page 1
“Time” — page 11
“Join In the Company of Masters” “StarSpeak ... October/November”
— page 1 — page 12
“Astara at 61 Years” — page 1 “Remembering a Fellow Lightseeker”
— page 12
“Thank You” — page 3
“The Law of Substitution” — page 13
Fire Initiation Forms — page 6
“Breath Control” — page 15