Installation Guide - NShield Connect

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Thales e-Security

nShield® Connect
Installation Guide
Version: 7.4

Date: 14 November 2016

Copyright 2016 Thales UK Limited. All rights reserved.

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adapted, published, translated in any material form (including storage in any medium by electronic
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Where translations have been made in this document English is the canonical language.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 2

Chapter 1: Introduction 9

About this guide 9

Model numbers 10

Power and safety requirements 10

Additional documentation 10

Terminology 10

Typographical conventions 11

Avertissements relatifs à la sécurité pour le nShield Connect 11

nShield Connect- Sicherheitswarnungen 12

Handling an nShield Connect 12

Weight and Dimensions 13

Environmental requirements 13

Temperature and humidity recommendations 13

Cooling requirements 14

Physical location considerations 14

Chapter 2: Regulatory notices 15

FCC class A notice 15

Canadian certification - CAN ICES-3 (A)/NMB- 3(A) 15

Recycling and disposal information 15

Avis juridiques 15

Classe A de la FCC 15

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 3

Certification canadienne - CAN ICES-3 (A)/NMB- 3(A) 16

Information concernant le recyclage et le traitement 16

Rechtliche Informationen 16

Hinweis FCC-Klasse A 16

Kanadische Zertifizierung - CAN ICES-3 (A)/NMB- 3(A) 17

Informationen zu Recycling und Entsorgung 17

Notificaciones reglamentarias 17

Notificación clase A de la FCC 17

Certificación de Canadá - CAN ICES-3 (A)/NMB- 3 (A) 17

Información de desecho y reciclaje 17

Chapter 3: Before you install the software 18

Preparatory tasks before installing software 18

Windows environments 18

Unix Environments 18

All environments 19

Planning to use the Remote Administration Service 21

Firewall settings 24

Chapter 4: Installing the software 25

Installing the Security World Software 25

Installing Security World Software in a Windows environment 25

Installing Security World Software in a Unix Linux environment 26

Installing on Solaris 26

Installing on AIX 27

Installing on HP-UX 29

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 4

Installing on Linux 30

Checking the installation 31

Chapter 5: Before installing an nShield Connect 33

Carefully unpack the nShield Connect 33

Check that all parts on the packing list are present 33

Check the physical security of the nShield Connect 33

Chapter 6: Installing an nShield Connect in a rack, cabinet, or shelf 34

Connecting Ethernet and power cables 35

Connecting the optional USB keyboard 37

Configuring an nShield Connect for your keyboard type 37

Checking the installation 38

Chapter 7: Basic nShield Connect and client configuration 39

About nShield Connect and client configuration 39

Remote file system (RFS) 39

nShield Connect configuration 40

Client configuration 40

Basic nShield Connect and RFS configuration 40

Configuring the Ethernet interfaces - IPv4 and IPv6 40

Configure Ethernet Interface #1 45

Configure Ethernet Interface #2 48

Default gateway 48

Set up Routing 50

Edit route entry 51

Remove route entry 54

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 5

Enable IPv6 SLAAC 54

Configuring the Remote File System (RFS) 55

Basic configuration of the client to use the nShield Connect 57

Client configuration utilities 57

Configuring a client to communicate through an nToken 58

Enrolling the client from the command line 59

Configure the TCP sockets on the client for Java applications (for example, KeySafe) 59

Basic configuration of an nShield Connect to use a client 60

Using a Security World 62

Chapter 8: Front panel controls 63

Chapter 9: Top-level menu 65

1 System 66

2 HSM 67

3 Security World mgmt 68

Chapter 10: Troubleshooting 69

Checking operational status 69

Enquiry utility 69

Status LED 70

Audible warning 71

Orange warning LED 71

Checking the physical security of the module 71

Display screen 71

Power button 72

Ethernet LEDs 72

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 6

Module overheating 73

Log messages for the module 73

Information 73

Notice 73

Client 74

Serious error 74

Serious internal error 74

Start-up errors 74

Fatal errors 74

Utility error messages 75

BadTokenData error in nShield modules 75

Chapter 11: nShield Connect maintenance 76

Flash testing the module 76

Chapter 12: Approved accessories 77

Appendix A: Uninstalling existing software 78

Uninstalling Windows software 79

Uninstalling Unix software 79

Uninstalling on Solaris 79

Uninstalling on AIX 80

Uninstalling on HP-UX 81

Uninstalling on Linux 82

Appendix B: Components on Security World Software installation media (Windows and

Unix) 83

Security World for nShield User installation media 83

Component bundles 83

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 7

Individual components 84

CipherTools installation media 84

Component bundles 84

Individual components 85

CodeSafe installation media 85

Component bundles 85

Individual components 86

Common component bundles 86

Common component bundles 86

Additional component bundles 88

Components required for particular functionality 91

KeySafe 92

Microsoft CAPI CSP 92

Microsoft Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG) 92

Cryptographic Hardware Interface Library applications 92

nCipherKM JCA/JCE cryptographic service provider 93

SNMP monitoring agent 93

Appendix C: Valid IPv6 Addresses 94

Internet addresses 95

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 8

Chapter 1: Introduction
The nShield® Connect is a Hardware Security Module (HSM) that provides secure cryptographic
processing within a tamper-resistant casing. Each nShield Connect is configured to communicate with
one or more client computers over an Ethernet network. A client is a computer using the nShield
Connect for cryptography. You can also configure clients to use other nShield Connects on the network,
as well as locally installed HSMs.

About this guide

This guide includes:

l Installing the Security World Software. See Chapter 4: Installing the software on page 25.
l Physically installing an nShield Connect. See Chapter 6: Installing an nShield Connect in a rack,
cabinet, or shelf on page 34.
l Configuring an nShield Connect and client. See Chapter 7: Basic nShield Connect and client
configuration on page 39.
l The nShield Connect front panel controls. See Chapter 8: Front panel controls on page 63.
l The top-level menu of an nShield Connect. See Chapter 9: Top-level menu on page 65.
l Troubleshooting information. See Chapter 10: Troubleshooting on page 69.
l nShield Connect maintenance. See Chapter 11: nShield Connect maintenance on page 76.
l Accessories. See Chapter 12: Approved accessories on page 77.
l Instructions to uninstall existing software. See Appendix A: Uninstalling existing software on page
l Software components and bundles. See Appendix B: Components on Security World Software
installation media (Windows and Unix) on page 83.

See the nShield Connect User Guide for more about, for example:

l Creating and managing a Security World

l Creating and using keys
l Card sets
l The advanced features of an nShield Connect

For information on integrating Thales products with third-party enterprise applications, see

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 9

Model numbers
The table below shows the different versions of the module.

Model number Used for

NH2047 nShield Connect 6000

NH2040 nShield Connect 1500
NH2033 nShield Connect 500
NH2068 nShield Connect 6000+
NH2061 nShield Connect 1500+
NH2054 nShield Connect 500+

Power and safety requirements

The module draws up to 220 watts:

l Voltage: 100 VAC -240 VAC

l Current: 2.0 A - 1.0 A
l Frequency: 50 Hz - 60 Hz.

Note: The module PSUs are compatible with international mains voltage supplies.

Additional documentation
You can find additional documentation in the document directory of the installation media for your

For information about enabling additional features (such as client licences), see the User Guide.

We strongly recommend that you read the release notes in the release directory of your installation
disc before you use the module. These notes contain the latest information about your product.

See the User Guide for a glossary of terms.

The nShield Connect is referred to as the nShield Connect, the hardware security module, or the HSM.

The internal security module of the nShield Connect is referred to as the internal security module.

When Thales hardware security products are referred to in general, the term hardware security module
or HSM is used.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 10

Typographical conventions
Note: The word Note indicates important supplementary information.

Pay particular attention to any warnings and cautions accompanied by the following symbols:

Risk of electric Risk of damage Risk of static Risk of losing

shock to the user to the module damage to the critical security
module parameters

Avertissements relatifs à la sécurité pour le nShield

Avec le nShield Connect, conformez-vous systématiquement aux précautions de sécurité suivantes:

N’effectuez de branchement qu’aux prises d’alimentation reliées à la terre. Le nShield

Connect est un matériel de Classe 1 et il doit être relié à la terre.

N’effectuez de branchement qu’à une prise d’alimentation électrique présentant une tension
correspondant à celle indiquée sur la plaque signalétique. La plaque signalétique est située en
dessous du produit.

Pour déconnecter le nShield Connect, assurez-vous que les cordons secteur IEC ou les prises
électriques sont facilement accessibles.

Pour isoler le courant, retirez tous les câbles électriques du nShield Connect (reportez-vous
aux instructions affichées à l’arrière de l’unité, au dessus de chaque bloc d’alimentation).

Utilisez systématiquement les câbles électriques fournis avec le nShield Connect.

Le goujon M4 situé sur le panneau arrière du nShield Connect constitue une mise à la terre
fonctionnelle destinée à la CEM. Ne branchez pas de conducteurs protecteurs de mise à la
terre à ce terminal.

Ne branchez pas les prises RJ45 à un équipement réseau situé à l’extérieur du bâtiment ou à
l’équipement de télécommunications.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 11

nShield Connect- Sicherheitswarnungen
Beachten Sie bei Verwendung des nShield Connect stets folgende Sicherheitsvorkehrungen:

Nur mit geerdeten Anschlussbuchsen verbinden. Das nShield Connect hat die Bauklasse 1
und muss geerdet werden.

Nur mit Steckdosen verbinden, deren elektrische Spannung der Angabe auf dem
Leistungsschild entspricht. Das Leistungsschild ist an der Unterseite des Gerätes nahe der
Rückseite angebracht.

Stellen Sie sicher, dass die IEC-Buchsen des Kabelsets bzw. die Netzstecker gut zugänglich
sind, damit Sie das nShield Connect jederzeit abtrennen können.

Um das Modul von der Stromversorgung abzutrennen, entfernen Sie alle Netzkabel von dem
nShield Connect — siehe hierzu Anweisungen auf der Rückseite der Einheit über den
einzelnen Stromversorgungseinheiten (PSUs).

Verwenden Sie ausschließlich die dem nShield Connect beiliegenden Netzkabel.

Der M4-Stift auf der Rückseite des nShield Connect ist ein Funktionserdungsterminal zur
EMV-Filterung. Verbinden Sie keine Schutzerdungsleiter mit diesem Terminal.

Verbinden Sie RJ45-Stecker nie mit Netzwerkgeräten außerhalb des Gebäudes oder mit

Handling an nShield Connect

An nShield Connect contains solid-state devices that can withstand normal handling. However, do not
drop the module or expose it to excessive vibration.

If you are installing the module in a 19” rack, make sure that you follow the nShield Connect
Slide Rails Instructions provided with the rails. In particular, be careful of sharp edges.

Only experienced personnel should handle or install an nShield Connect. Always consult your company
health and safety policy before attempting to lift and carry the module. Two competent persons are
required if it is necessary to lift the module to a level above head height (for example, during installation
in a rack or when placing the module on a high shelf).

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 12

Weight and Dimensions
Weight:  11.5kg

Dimensions: 43.4mm x 430mm x 690mm

Note: The module is compatible with 1U 19” rack systems.

Measurements given are height x width x length/depth. If the inner slide rails are attached, the width
of the unpackaged module is 448mm.

Environmental requirements
To ensure good air flow through and around the module after installation, do not obstruct either the fans
and vents at the rear or the vent at the front. Ensure that there is an air gap around the module, and
that the rack itself is located in a position with good air flow.

Temperature and humidity recommendations

We recommend that your module operates within the following environmental conditions.

Operating range
Environmental conditions Comments
Min. Max.

Guaranteed operating Guaranteed performance within

10°C 35°C
temperature this temperature range.
Operating temperature 5°C 40°C -
Storage temperature -20°C 70°C -
Relative. Non-condensing at
Operating humidity 10% 90%
Relative. Non-condensing at
Storage humidity 0 85%

Altitude -100m 2000m Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL)

The nShield Connect is designed to operate in moderate climates only. Never operate the
module in dusty, damp, or excessively hot conditions.

Never install, store, or operate the module at locations where it might be subject to dripping
or splashing liquids.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 13

Cooling requirements
Adequate cooling of your module is essential for trouble-free operation and a long operational life.
During operation, you can use the supplied stattree utility to check the actual and maximum
temperature of the module. You are advised to do this directly after installing the unit in its normal
working environment. Monitor the temperature of the unit over its first few days of operation.

In the unlikely event that the internal encryption module overheats, the module shuts down (see Module
overheating on page 73). If the whole nShield Connect overheats, the orange warning LED on the
front panel illuminates (see Orange warning LED on page 71) and a critical error message is shown on
the display.

To help ensure adequate cooling, check that the front and the rear vents on the module are
not blocked.

Physical location considerations

Thales nShield HSMs are certified to NIST FIPS 140-2 level 2 and 3. In addition to the intrinsic
protection provided by an nShield HSM, customers must exercise due diligence to ensure that the
environment within which the nShield HSMs are deployed is configured properly and is regularly
examined as part of a comprehensive risk mitigation program to assess both logical and physical
threats. Applications running in the environment shall be authenticated to ensure their legitimacy and
to thwart possible proliferation of malware that could infiltrate these as they access the HSMs’
cryptographic services. The deployed environment must adopt 'defense in depth' measures and
carefully consider the physical location to prevent detection of electromagnetic emanations that might
otherwise inadvertently disclose cryptographic material.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 14

Chapter 2: Regulatory notices
FCC class A notice
This nShield Solo HSM complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two

1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and

2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant
to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates,
uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this
equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be
required to correct the interference at his own expense.

Canadian certification - CAN ICES-3 (A)/NMB- 3(A)

Recycling and disposal information
A Takeback and Recycle program is provided in compliance with the Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE) directive for the recycling of electronic equipment. The program enables you to
return an obsolete or surplus Thales e-Security product, which is then disposed of in an environmentally
safe manner. For further information or to arrange the safe disposal of your product, e-mail
[email protected].

Avis juridiques
Classe A de la FCC
Ce HSM Solo nShield répond aux exigences de la partie 15 du règlement de la FCC. Le
fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes:

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 15

1. Cet appareil ne peut pas causer d'interférence nuisible, et
2. Cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence reçue, incluant les interférences qui peuvent causer
un fonctionnement non désiré.

Cet équipement a été testé et respecte les limites pour les appareils numériques de classe A, selon la
partie 15 du règlement de la FCC. Ces limites sont conçues pour fournir une protection raisonnable
contre les interférences nuisibles lorsque l'équipement fonctionne dans un environnement commercial.
Cet équipement génère, utilise et peut émettre de l'énergie radio fréquence et, s'il n'est pas installé et
utilisé conformément au manuel d'instruction, peut causer des interférences nuisibles à la
radiocommunication. Le fonctionnement de cet équipement dans une zone résidentielle est susceptible
de causer des interférences nuisibles auquel cas l'utilisateur devra corriger les interférences à ses
propres frais.

Certification canadienne - CAN ICES-3 (A)/NMB- 3(A)

Information concernant le recyclage et le traitement
Un programme Take Back et Recycle (Rapportez et Recyclez) est fourni conformément à la directive
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) pour le recyclage des équipements électroniques. Le
programme vous permet de rapporter vos produits Thales e-Security obsolètes ou en excédent, qui
seront ensuite traités dans le respect de l'environnement. Pour plus d'informations ou pour organiser le
traitement sûr de vos produits, envoyez un courriel à [email protected].

Rechtliche Informationen
Hinweis FCC-Klasse A
Das nShield Solo-HSM erfüllt die Anforderungen von Teil 15 der FCC-Bestimmungen. Der Betrieb des
Geräts unterliegt den folgenden zwei Bedingungen:

1. Das Gerät darf keine störenden Interferenzen verursachen, und

2. Dieses Gerät muss störenden Interferenzen, die auf das Gerät auftreffen, widerstehen
(einschließlich Interferenzen, die einen ungewollten Betrieb verursachen).

Dieses Gerät wurde gemäß Teil 15 der FCC-Bestimmungen getestet und erfüllt die Grenzwerte für
Digitalgeräte der Klasse A. Diese Grenzwerte sollen einen geeigneten Schutz gegen störende
Interferenzen bereitstellen, wenn das Gerät in einer industriellen Umgebung betrieben wird. Dieses
Gerät erzeugt, nutzt und kann Hochfrequenzenergie ausstrahlen und kann, sofern es nicht gemäß den
Anweisungen im Nutzerhandbuch installiert und verwendet wird, Funkverbindungen stören. Der
Betrieb dieses Geräts in Wohngegenden kann möglicherweise störende Interferenzen verursachen. In
einem solchen Fall muss der Nutzer die Interferenzen auf seine eigenen Kosten abstellen.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 16

Kanadische Zertifizierung - CAN ICES-3 (A)/NMB- 3(A)
Informationen zu Recycling und Entsorgung
Gemäß der WEEE-Richtlinie (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) wird zur Wiederverwertung
von elektronischen Geräten ein Rücknahme- und Recyclingprogramm wird bereitgestellt. Im Rahmen
dieses Programms können Sie veraltete oder nicht mehr genutzte Thales e-Security Produkte
zurückgeben, die dann umweltfreundlich entsorgt werden. Für weitere Informationen oder um die
sichere Entsorgung Ihres Produkts zu veranlassen, senden Sie uns eine E-Mail an
[email protected].

Notificaciones reglamentarias
Notificación clase A de la FCC
Este HSM nShield Solo cumple con la parte 1 5 de la reglamentación de la Comisión Federal de
Comunicaciones (Federal Communications Commission, FCC) La operación está sujeta a las dos
siguientes condiciones:

1. Este dispositivo no debe causar interferencia dañina, y

2. El dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier interferencia recibida, incluyendo aquella que pueda
causar operaciones indeseadas.

Este equipo ha sido probado y se ha encontrado que cumple los límites para dispositivos digitales Clase
A, según la parte 15 de la reglamentación de la FCC. Estos límites están diseñados para proporcionar
una protección razonable contra interferencias dañinas cuando el equipo opere en un ambiente
comercial. Este equipo genera, utiliza y puede emitir energía de radiofrecuencia y, de no ser instalado
y utilizado de acuerdo con el manual de instrucciones, puede causar interferencia dañina a las
radiocomunicaciones. Es probable que la operación de este equipo en un área residencial cause
interferencia dañina, y en este caso el usuario está obligado a remediar la interferencia por sus
propios medios.

Certificación de Canadá - CAN ICES-3 (A)/NMB- 3(A)

Información de desecho y reciclaje
Se proporciona un programa de Devolución y Reciclaje que cumple con la directiva de Residuos de
Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment directive, WEEE) para el
reciclaje de equipo electrónico. El programa le permite devolver un producto de Thales e-Security
obsoleto o sobrante, que luego es desechado de forma segura para el medio ambiente. Por más
información o para organizar el desecho seguro de su producto, envíe un correo electrónico a
[email protected].

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 17

Chapter 3: Before you install the
Before you install the software, you should:

l Install an optional nToken in the client computer, if required see nToken Installation Guide for more
information about the installation steps.
l Uninstall any older versions of Security World Software. See Appendix A: Uninstalling existing
software on page 78.
l Complete any other necessary preparatory tasks, as described in Preparatory tasks before installing

Preparatory tasks before installing software

Perform any of the necessary preparatory tasks described in this section before installing the Security
World Software on the client computer.

Windows environments
Adjust your computers power saving setting to prevent sleep mode.

Install Microsoft security updates

Make sure that you have installed the latest Microsoft security updates. Information about Microsoft
security updates is available from

Unix Environments

Install operating environment patches

Make sure that you have installed the latest recommended patches. See the documentation supplied
with your operating environment for information.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 18

Create a symbolic link to /opt/nfast/sockets

On Unix platforms, if you have applications built against previous versions of nflibs, to maintain
backwards compatibility you must request the creation of the symbolic link /dev/nfast which points to

During the startup sequence, you must create /etc/nfast.conf with the entry:


After running /opt/nfast/sbin/init.d-ncipher restart, the symbolic link will be available.

Users and Groups

The installer automatically creates the following group and users if they do not exist. If you wish to
create them manually, you should do so before running the installer.

Create the following, as required:

l The nfast user in the nfast group, using /opt/nfast as the home directory.
l If you are installing snmp, the ncsnmpd user in the ncsnmpd group, using /opt/nfast as the home
l If you are installing the Remote Administration Service, the raserv user in the raserv group, using
/opt/nfast as the home directory.

All environments

Install Java with any necessary patches

The following versions of Java have been tested to work with, and are supported by, your Thales
Security World Software:

l Java6 (or Java 1.6x)

l Java7 (or Java 1.7x)
l Java8 (or Java 1.8x).

Make sure Java is installed before you install the Security World Software. The Java executable must be
on your system path

If you can do so, please use the latest Java version currently supported by Thales that is compatible with
your requirements. Java versions before those shown are no longer supported. If you are maintaining
older Java versions for legacy reasons, and need compatibility with current Thales software, please
contact Thales support.

To install Java you may need installation packages specific to your operating system, which may depend
on other pre-installed packages to be able to work.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 19

Suggested links from which you may download Java software as appropriate for your operating system

Download site




Note: You must have Java installed to use KeySafe.

Identify software components to be installed

Thales supply standard component bundles that contain many of the necessary components for your
installation and, in addition, individual components for use with supported applications. To be sure that
all component dependencies are satisfied, you can install either:

l All the software components supplied

l Only the software components you require

During the installation process, you are asked to choose which bundles and components to install. Your
choice depends on a number of considerations, including:

l The types of application that are to use the module

l The amount of disc space available for the installation
l Your company’s policy on installing software. For example, although it may be simpler to choose all
software components, your company may have a policy of not installing any software that is not

Note: In Windows environments, you must install the Hardware Support bundle. If the Hardware
Support bundle is not installed, your module cannot function.

Thales recommends that you always install the Core Tools bundle. This bundle contains all the Security
World Software command-line utilities, including:
l generatekey
l Low level utilities
l Test programs

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 20

Note: The Core Tools bundle includes the Tcl run time component that installs a run-time Tcl
installation within the nCipher directories. This is used by the tools for creating the Security
World and by KeySafe. This does not affect any other installation of Tcl on your computer.

You need to install the Remote Administration Service component if you require remote administration
functionality. See Planning to use the Remote Administration Service on page 21 and the User Guide
for more about the Remote Administration Service.

Note: Always install all the nShield components you need in a single installation process to avoid
subsequent issues should you wish to uninstall. You should not, for example, install the Remote
Administration Service from the Security World installation media, then later install the
Remote Administration Client from the client installation media.

Ensure that you have identified any optional components that you require before you install the Security
World Software. See Appendix B: Components on Security World Software installation media
(Windows and Unix) on page 83 for more about optional components.

Planning to use the Remote Administration Service

The Remote Administration Service should be installed on a client machine of the HSMs in your Security
World that you can make accessible to Remote Administration Clients.

The remote access solution that your organization normally uses, such as SSH or a remote desktop
application is also required (illustrated by Remote Access Server in Figure 1. Deploying the Remote
Administration Service with nShield Connects on page 22 ).

A secure private communications channel, such as VPN, should always be used for the connection
between the Remote Administration Client and the Remote Administration Service if they are on
separate computers.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 21

The Remote Administration Service with nShield Connects

Figure 1. Deploying the Remote Administration Service with nShield Connects

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 22

Note: The Remote Access Server can be on a different client to the one where the Remote
Administration Service is installed.

To use Remote Administration with nShield Connects, the Remote Administration Service must be
installed on a client, which may also be the RFS. The client must allow privileged connections.

The Remote Administration Service does not require a dedicated server.

A privileged connection is required to carry out privileged operations, such as, for example, changing
the mode of the nShield Connect.

Remote Administration Cards cannot be used until their serial numbers have been added to the
Authorized Card List. See the User Guide for further details.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 23

Firewall settings
When setting up your firewall, you should ensure that the port settings are compatible with the HSMs
and allow access to the system components you are using.

The following table identifies the ports used by the nShield system components. All listed ports are the
default setting. Other ports may be defined during system configuration, according to the requirements
of your organization.

Component Use

Internal non-privileged connections from Java applications including

Hardserver 9000

Internal privileged connections from Java applications including

Hardserver 9001

Incoming impath connections from other hardservers, eg:

Hardserver 9004 l From a nShield Connect to the Remote File System (RFS)
l From a non-attended nShield Connect to an attended host
machine when using Remote Operator

Hardserver in nShield
9004 Incoming impath connections from client machines

Remote Administration
9005 Incoming connections from Remote Administration Clients

If you are setting up an RFS or exporting a slot for Remote Operator functionality, you need to open
port 9004. You may restrict the IP addresses to the addresses you expect to use this port. You can also
restrict the IP addresses accepted by the hardserver in the configuration file. See the User Guide for
your module and operating system for more about configuration files. Similarly if you are setting up the
Remote Administration Service you need to open port 9005.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 24

Chapter 4: Installing the software
This chapter describes how to install the Security World Software on the computer , client, or RFS
associated with your nShield HSM.

After you have installed the software, you must complete further Security World creation, configuration
and setup tasks before you can use your nShield environment to protect and manage your keys. See the
User Guide for more about creating a Security World and the appropriate card sets, and further
configuration or setup tasks.

Installing the Security World Software

To install the Security World Software in Unix environments, follow the steps that correspond to your
Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, or Linux platform.

See the User Guide for more about configuring silent installations and uninstallations under Windows.

Note: In the following instructions, disc-name is the name of the mount point of the installation

Installing Security World Software in a Windows

Do the following:

1. Log in as Administrator or as a user with local administrator rights.

Note: If the Found New Hardware Wizard appears and prompts you to install drivers,
cancel this notification, and continue to install the Security World Software as normal.
Drivers are installed during the installation of the Security World Software.
2. Place the Security World Software installation media in the optical disc drive. Launch setup.exe
manually if the installer does not run automatically.
3. Follow the onscreen instructions. Accept the license terms.
4. Select all the components required for installation, and then click Next. See Appendix B:
Components on Security World Software installation media (Windows and Unix) on page 83 for
more about the component bundles and the additional software supplied on your installation

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 25

The selected components are installed in the default directory. The installer creates links to the
following nShield Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP) setup wizards under Start > All
Programs > nCipher:
l nCipher CSP install wizard, which sets up CSPs for 32-bit applications
l nCipher 64bit CSP install wizard, which sets up CSPs for 64-bit applications
5. The installer advises you that the SNMP agent does not run by default. Click Next to continue.
6. The installer advises you if you have an existing PKCS #11 installation. Click Next to continue.
7. The Security Assurance Mechanism (SAM) for the PKCS #11 library is selected by default. Select
No if you want to disable the SAM. Click Next to continue. See the User Guide for more about
the SAM and the available configuration options.
8. Click Finish to complete the installation.
9. Update your system environment PATH by inserting the sub-path %NFAST_HOME%\bin.

Installing Security World Software in a Unix Linux


Installing on Solaris
To install the Security World Software for Solaris:

1. Log in as a user with root privileges.

2. Place the installation media in the optical disc drive, and mount the drive.
3. To install the Security World Software server, run the command:

/usr/sbin/pkgadd -d /cdrom/disc-name/solaris/ver/type/nfast/nfast.pkg

In this example, disc-name is the mount point of the installation media, ver is the version of
Solaris (for example, use 11 for Solaris version 11) and type is amd64 for Solaris x86 and
sparc for Solaris Sparc.
4. From the list of packages available for installation, select all required packages, press Enter and
follow the on-screen instructions.
5. Run the install script by using the following command:


After the software is installed, you are returned to the shell prompt.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 26

6. Add /opt/nfast/bin to your PATH system variable:
l If you use the Bourne shell, add these lines to your system or personal profile:

export PATH

l If you use the C shell, add this line to your system or personal profile:

setenv PATH /opt/nfast/bin:$PATH

Note: See Create a symbolic link to /opt/nfast/sockets on page 19 for information about
maintaining backwards compatability if you have applications built against previous versions
of nflibs.

Installing on AIX
To install the Security World Software for AIX:

1. Log in as a user with root privileges.

2. Place the installation media in the optical disc drive, and mount the drive.
3. Start the software management tool by running the command:

smit install_latest

4. Select List to display the input device or directory for the software, and select the location that
contains the installation image.
5. For SOFTWARE to install , select List, and then select all required file sets See Appendix B:
Components on Security World Software installation media (Windows and Unix) on page 83 for
more about the component bundles and the additional software supplied on your installation
6. Press Enter to confirm the file set selection.
When additional installation options are displayed, leave the default settings enabled. Press
Enter to confirm these settings, and then press Enter again to begin the installation.
7. After software installation is complete, run the install script with the following command:


N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 27

8. Add /opt/nfast/bin to your PATH system variable:
l If you use the Bourne shell, add these lines to your system or personal profile:

export PATH

l If you use the C shell, add this line to your system or personal profile:

setenv PATH /opt/nfast/bin:$PATH

Note: See Create a symbolic link to /opt/nfast/sockets on page 19 for more about maintaining
backwards compatability if you have applications built against previous versions of nflibs.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 28

Installing on HP-UX
To install the Security World Software for HP-UX:

1. Log in as a user with root privileges.

2. Place the installation media in the optical disc drive, and mount the drive, using the -o cdcase
3. Open a terminal window, and start the software management tool by running a command of the

swinstall -s disc-name/hpux/ver/nfast/nfast.dep

In this example, disc-name is the mount point of the installation media and ver is the version of
HP-UX (for example, use 11_31 for HP-UX version 11.31).
4. Select all the required software bundles and components for installation. See Appendix B:
Components on Security World Software installation media (Windows and Unix) on page 83 for
more about the component bundles and the additional software supplied on your installation
5. Select Install from the Actions menu.
6. When the installation analysis is complete, click OK. If the installer reports any errors, click
Logfile to display them.
7. Click Yes to confirm you want to install.
8. The installer now installs the selected products. When it is complete, click the Done button.
9. Log in as root.
10. Run the install script by using the following command:


11. Add /opt/nfast/bin to your PATH system variable:

l If you use the Bourne shell, add these lines to your system or personal profile:

export PATH

l If you use the C shell, add this line to your system or personal profile:

setenv PATH /opt/nfast/bin:$PATH

Note: See Create a symbolic link to /opt/nfast/sockets on page 19for information about
maintaining backwards compatability if you have applications built against previous versions
of nflibs.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 29

Installing on Linux
To install the Security World Software for Linux:

1. Log in as a user with root privileges.

2. Place the installation media in the optical disc drive, and mount the drive.
3. Open a terminal window, and change to the root directory.
4. Extract the required .tar files to install all the software bundles by running commands of the

tar xf disc-name/linux/ver/nfast/bundle/file.tar

In this command, ver is the version of the operating system (for example, libc6_11), bundle is
the directory name of a given bundle (for example, hwsp or ctls), and file.tar is the name of a
.tar file within a bundle directory.
Note: Some directories contain more than one .tar file.
See Appendix B: Components on Security World Software installation media (Windows and
Unix) on page 83 for more about the component bundles and the additional software supplied
on your installation media.
5. Run the install script by using the following command:


6. Log in to your normal account.

7. Add /opt/nfast/bin to your PATH system variable:
l If you use the Bourne shell, add these lines to your system or personal profile:

export PATH

l If you use the C shell, add this line to your system or personal profile:

setenv PATH /opt/nfast/bin:$PATH

Note: See Create a symbolic link to /opt/nfast/sockets on page 19 for information about
maintaining backwards compatability if you have applications built against previous versions
of nflibs.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 30

Checking the installation
To check that the module is installed and configured correctly on the client:

1. Log in as a user and open a command window.

2. Run the command:


3. The following is an example of the output following a successful enquiry command:

Module ##:
enquiry reply flags none
enquiry reply level Six
serial number ####-####-####
mode operational
version #.#.#
speed index ####
rec. queue ##..##
version serial ##
connection status OK
connection info esn = ####-####-####; addr =
####/###.##.##.###/####; ku hash = xxxxx, mech = Any; time-limit = 24h;
data-limit = 8MB
image version #.#.#######
max exported modules 3
rec. LongJobs queue ##
SEE machine type PowerPCSXF
supported KML types DSAp1024s160 DSAp3072s256
using impath kx grp DHPrime3072
hardware status OK

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 31

If you are configuring a client belonging to an nShield Connect, the response to the enquiry
command should be populated and the hardware status shown as OK.
If the mode is operational the HSM has been installed correctly.
If the mode is initialization , the HSM has been installed correctly, but you must change
the mode to operational.
If the output from the enquiry command says that the module is not found, first restart your
computer, then re-run the enquiry command.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 32

Chapter 5: Before installing an nShield

Carefully unpack the nShield Connect

Retain all parts of the nShield Connect packaging, including the outer (brown) shipping
carton, in case you have to return the HSM. Your warranty or maintenance agreement does
not cover returned modules that are damaged due to shipping in non-approved packaging.

Check that all parts on the packing list are present

The packing list contains a full list of items shipped with the HSM. If any item is missing, contact Support.

Note: Any optional parts ordered, for example slide rail components, might not appear on the
packing list. If any optional components are missing, contact Support.

Check the physical security of the nShield Connect

See the nShield Connect Physical Security Checklist, provided in the box with an nShield Connect and
available in the document folder on the installation media.

Breaking the security seal or dismantling the nShield Connect voids your warranty cover, and
any existing maintenance and support agreements.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 33

Chapter 6: Installing an nShield Connect
in a rack, cabinet, or shelf
This chapter describes how to install the nShield Connect. For more information about connecting the
nShield Connect to the network, and configuring it for connection to one or more clients on the
network, see the nShield Connect User Guide.

Always handle modules correctly. For more information, see Handling an nShield Connect on
page 12.

Take due account of the weight and dimensions of the nShield Connect when selecting a
location for storage or installation ( see Handling an nShield Connect on page 12).

Note: You cannot install or configure the nShield Connect remotely.

To install the nShield Connect in a 19” rack, follow the instructions supplied with your rack mounting kit.

To install the nShield Connect in a cabinet or a shelf, fit the four self-adhesive rubber feet (supplied with
the HSM) to the bottom of the HSM. An X is scored into the chassis at each of the four corners on the
bottom of the HSM as a guide to placing the feet.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 34

Connecting Ethernet and power cables
The nShield Connect is an Ethernet network device capable of supporting up to 100m of Ethernet
cable. You must use a CAT5e UTP cable or better when connecting the HSM to a 100Mbit or 1Gbit
Ethernet device. You must use a CAT3 cable or better for 10Mbit connections.

Figure 2. Connecting Ethernet and power cables (nShield Connect back view)

Key Description

Green LED (if on, confirms power is on and unit is not in standby
B Rocker switch (to turn PSU on and off).
Ethernet cable. Two Ethernet ports are available. Port 1 is the left-
hand connector when the nShield Connect is viewed from the back.
D Mains power cables.

The connectors for Ethernet cables and mains power cables are at the rear of the nShield Connect (see
Figure 2). Ensure that:

l You connect mains power cables to both the PSUs

l The rocker switch for each PSU is in the on position

Note: If you connect only one Ethernet cable to the nShield Connect, we recommend that you
connect it to Ethernet port 1. This is the left-hand Ethernet connector on the rear of the
nShield Connect (shaded in Figure 2).

If the green LED is on, the PSU is operational and receiving power, and is not in standby mode. If a
power cable is not fitted correctly, or a rocker switch is not turned on, an audible warning is given and
the orange warning LED on the front panel is turned on.

For more information about:

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 35

l Audible warnings, see Audible warning on page 71.
l The orange warning LED, see Orange warning LED on page 71.
l Identifying and replacing a faulty PSU, see the nShield Connect Power Supply Unit Installation

Ensure all power cables are routed to avoid sharp bends, hot surfaces, pinches, and abrasion.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 36

Connecting the optional USB keyboard
Figure 3. Connecting the optional USB keyboard

Instead of using the controls on the front panel to configure the nShield Connect, you can use a US or
UK keyboard (see Figure 3). You might find a keyboard easier for entering dates and IP addresses. You
connect the keyboard to the USB connector on the front of the nShield Connect.

Configuring an nShield Connect for your keyboard type

To configure an nShield Connect for your keyboard type, select System > System configuration >
Keyboard layout and then choose the keyboard type you require.

When you have connected a keyboard and configured the nShield Connect for its use, you can enter
numbers and characters directly into the display. See the User Guide for more about using a keyboard
and keystroke shortcuts.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 37

Checking the installation
Ensure that:

l The nShield Connect is safely and securely installed

l The mains cables and Ethernet cable are securely fitted
l The nShield Connect powers up successfully when you turn on the power supply at the rear of the

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 38

Chapter 7: Basic nShield Connect and
client configuration
This chapter describes the initial nShield Connect and client computer configuration steps. For more

l Security World Software installation and options, see Chapter 4: Installing the software on page
l Installing the optional nToken and software, see the nToken Installation Guide
l The menu options, see Top-level menu on page 65
l Advanced nShield Connect and client configuration options, see the User Guide

About nShield Connect and client configuration

An nShield Connect and a client communicate using their hardservers. These handle secure
transactions between the HSM within the Connect and any applications that run on the client. You must

l Each client hardserver to communicate with the hardserver of the nShield Connect that it needs to
l The nShield Connect hardserver to communicate with the hardserver of the clients that are allowed
to use it.

Note: Multiple nShield Connects can be configured to communicate with one client, just as multiple
clients can be configured to communicate with one nShield Connect.

Remote file system (RFS)

Each nShield Connect must have a remote file system (RFS) configured. This normally resides on a client
and includes master copies of all the files that the nShield Connect needs. See the User Guide for more
about the RFS.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 39

nShield Connect configuration
The current configuration files for the hardserver of an nShield Connect are stored in its local file
system. These files are automatically:

l Updated when the nShield Connect is configured

l Exported to the appropriate RFS directory.

Each nShield Connect in a Security World has separate configuration files on the RFS. See the User
Guide for more about nShield Connect configuration files and advanced configuration options.

Client configuration
The current configuration files for the hardserver of a client are stored in its local file system. You must
load the configuration file for it to be used.

See the User Guide for more about client configuration files and advanced configuration options.

Note: The following steps assume that you have added the path %NFAST_HOME%\bin (Windows) or
/opt/nfast/bin/ (Unix-based systems) to the PATH system variable.

Basic nShield Connect and RFS configuration

After installing the Security World Software and the nShield Connect, you need to do the following:

l Configure the nShield Connect Ethernet interfaces

l Configure the RFS.

You should complete the RFS tasks before :

l Configuring the nShield Connect and client to work together

l Creating a Security World and an Operator Card Set (OCS)
See the User Guide for more about creating a Security World and the OCS.

Configuring the Ethernet interfaces - IPv4 and IPv6

An nShield Connect communicates with one or more clients over an Ethernet network. Each client
computer has the Security World Software installed. You must supply IP addresses for the nShield
Connect and the client. Contact your system administrator for this information if necessary.

You can specify up to two network interfaces for the nShield Connect.

Note: If you are configuring both network interfaces, you should not use the same subnet for both

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 40

You can configure the nShield Connect using the front panel Network config menu, or by pushing a
configuration file to the nShield Connect over the network. The initial set up of the nShield Connect
must be done using the front panel. The following can be configured:

l Interface addresses
l Default gateway
l Network routes
l Network speed.

If the nShield Connect is already configured, you can update the displayed values.

If you ever change any of the IP addresses on the nShield Connect, you must update the configuration
of all the clients that work with it to reflect the new IP addresses.

Note: By default, the hardserver listens on all interfaces. However, you can choose to set specific
network interfaces on which the hardserver listens. This may be useful in cases such as if one
of the Ethernet interfaces is to be connected to external hosts. See the User Guide for more

IPv4 and IPv6

Support for IPv6 is in addition to IPv4. Both Ethernet interfaces can be configured to support:

l IPv4 only
l IPv4 and IPv6 – dual stack
l IPv6 only.

Note: Interface#1 is enabled by default and cannot be disabled. Interface #2 is disabled by default
and can be enabled and disabled.

IPv6 Addresses

An IPv4 address is 32 bits long and typically represented as 4 octets, for example An
IPv6 address is 128 bits long and is made up of a subnet prefix (n bits long) and an interface ID (128 -
n bits long).

An IPv6 address and its associated subnet is typically represented by the notation ipv6-address/prefix-
length, where:

l ipv6-address is an IPv6 address represented in any of the notations described below

l prefix-length is a decimal value specifying how many of the leftmost contiguous bits of the address
make up the prefix.

The IPv6 address notation mirrors the way subnets are represented in the IPv4 Classless Inter-Domain
Routing (CIDR) notation.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 41

IPv6 Address notation

An nShield Connect will accept an IPv6 address if it is entered in one of the forms shown below and if
the address is valid for context in which it is used. There are two conventional forms for representing
IPv6 addresses as text strings:

1. The long representation is x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x,where the x's are fields containing the hexadecimal
characters (0 to ffff) for each 16 bits of the address. For example:
l 1234:2345:3456:4567:5678:6789:789a:89ab
l 1234:5678:0:0:0:0:9abc:abcd/64
2. If one or more consecutive fields are 0 then they can be replaced by ::. For example:
l 1234:5678:0:0:0:0:9abc:abcd/64 can be written as 1234:5678::9abc:abcd/64

Note: :: can only appear once in an IPv6 address.

Note: The nShield Connect front panel only allows lower case hexadecimal characters (a-f) in an
IPv6 address.

IPv6 addresses keyed manually on the nShield Connect front panel are validated on entry by the
nShield Connect. As well as checking that the format of the address is correct, the nShield Connect also
validates that the address entered is valid for the context in which it will be used, see Acceptable IPv6
Address by Use Case on page 43.

If Stateless Address Auto Configuration (SLAAC) is enabled the nShield Connect will automatically form
IPv6 addresses from network prefixes contained in Router Advertisements (RAs). RAs are received
directly by the nShield Connect Operating System and automatically forms IPv6 addresses by combining
the network prefixes contained in the RA with the MAC address of the receiving Ethernet interface. As
they are created by the Operating System, SLAAC IPv6 addresses are not subject to the same
validation rules as addresses entered via the nShield Connect front panel. If SLAAC is to be used to
configure nShield Connect IPv6 addresses in preference to statically entered addresses then network
planners must take care to ensure that prefixes advertised to the nShield Connect are of a suitable type,
see Acceptable IPv6 Address by Use Case on page 43.

IPv6 Compliance

A new sub-menu (1-1-1-8 - Set IPv6 compliance) has been added to the nShield Connect front panel
menu to permit the User to select an IPv6 compliance mode for an nShield Connect. Compliance with
USGv6 or IPv6 ready can be selected.

Both these modes change the settings for the nShield Connect firewall so that it will pass-through
packets which are discarded in the normal Default mode. This behaviour is required for compliance
testing but is not recommended for normal use since allowing packets with invalid fields or parameters
through the firewall increases the attack surface. When either USGv6 or IPv6 ready are selected, a
confirmation message is displayed to reduce the likelihood that they are enabled by accident.

It is recommended that the IPv6 compliance mode is set to Default for all normal operations.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 42

Acceptable IPv6 Address by Use Case

The types of IPv6 which are acceptable as a static address are given in the table below. For examples
of valid IPv6 addresses, see Appendix C: Valid IPv6 Addresses on page 94 .

Use Case Acceptable Addrss Type

l Global Unicast
Static IPv6 Address Entry l IPv4 Mapped
l Local Unicast

l Global Unicast
l IPv4 Mapped
IPv6 Default Gateway
l Local Unicast
l Link-local

l Unknown
l Loopback
l Global Unicast
l IPv4 Mapped
l Local Unicast
l Link local
IPv6 Route Entry - IP Range
l Teredo
l Benchmarking
l Orchid
l 6to4
l Documentation
l Multicast

l Global Unicast
l IPv4 Mapped
IPv6 Route Entry - Gateway
l Local Unicast
l Link-local

l Global Unicast
l IPv4 Mapped
l Local Unicast
RFS Address l Unspecified address

Note: An unspecified address allows all 0s to

be used in an IPv6 address.

l Global Unicast
Client Address l IPv4 Mapped
l Local Unicast

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 43

Use Case Acceptable Addrss Type

l Global Unicast
Push Client Address l IPv4 Mapped
l Local Unicast

l Unknown
l Loopback
l Global Unicast
l IPv4 Mapped
l Local Unicast
l Link-local
l Teredo
l Benchmarking
l Orchid
l 6to4
l Documentaion
l Multicast

l Unknown
l Loopback
l Global Unicast
l IPv4 Mapped
l Local Unicast
l Link-local
l Teredo
l Benchmarking
l Orchid
l 6to4
l Documentation
l Multicast

Stateless Address Auto Configuration (IPv6 only)

Unlike IPv4, IPv6 is designed to be auto-configuring. SLAAC is an IPv6 mechanism by which IPv6 hosts
can configure their IPv6 addresses automatically when connected to an IPv6 network using the
Neighbour Discovery Protocol (NDP). Using NDP IPv6 hosts are able to solicit advertisements from on-
link routers and use the network prefix(es) contained in the advertisements to generate IPv6 address

SLAAC is disabled by default in an nShield Connect, but can be selectively enabled for each Ethernet
interface either using the nShield Connect front panel or by setting the appropriate configuration item
and pushing an nShield Connect configuration file.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 44

Configure Ethernet Interface #1
To set up Ethernet interface #1 (default):

Enable/disable IPv4

To enable/disable IPv4:

1. From the front panel menu, select System > System configuration > Network config > Set up
interface #1 > Configure #1 IPv4 > IPv4 enable/disable.
The following screen displays:

Network configuration

IPv4 enable/disable:


2. Set the ENABLE/DISABLE field to the required option.

3. To accept, press the right-hand navigation button.

Set up IPv4 static address

To set up IPv4 static address:

1. From the front panel menu, select System > System configuration > Network config > Set up
interface #1 > Configure #1 IPv4 > Static IPv4 address.
The following screen displays:

Network configuration

Enter IPv4 address

for interface #1:
Enter netmask:

2. Set each field of the IP address and netmask for the interface (press the Select button to move to
the next field).
3. Once all fields have been set, press the right-hand navigation button to continue.
4. To accept the changes, press the right-hand navigation button and then CONTINUE to go back
to the Static IPv4 address menu.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 45

Enable/disable IPv6

To enable/disable IPv6:

1. From the front panel menu, select System > System configuration > Network config > Set up
interface #1 > Configure #1 IPv6 > IPv6 Enable/Disable.
The following screen displays:

Network configuration

IPv6 enable/disable:


2. Set the ENABLE/DISABLE field to the required option.

3. To accept, press the right-hand navigation button.

Set up IPv6 static address

To set up IPv6 static address:

1. From the front panel menu, select System > System configuration > Network config > Set up
interface #1 > Configure #1 IPv6 > Static IPv6 address > IPv6 address entry .
The following screen displays:

Network configuration
Enter IPv6 address
For interface #1:



2. Enter the required IPv6 address.

3. When the IPv6 address is correct, press the right-hand navigation button. The following screen

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 46

Network configuration
IPv6 address

Enter prefix length:


4. When the IPv6 address prefix details are correct, press the right-hand navigation button.
5. You are asked whether you wish to accept the new interface. To accept, press the right-hand
navigation button..
6. From the front panel, select System > System configuration > Network config > Set up
interface #1 > Configure #1 IPv6 > Static IPv6 address > Static IPv6 Enab/Dis.
The following screen displays:

Network configuration

Do you want to enable

a static address? No


7. Select Yes and press the right-hand navigation button.

8. A screen will be displayed Static IPv6 address setup complete, select Continue.

Set the link speed for Interface #1

To set up the link speed for interface #1:

1. From the front panel menu, select System > System configuration > Network config > Set up
interface #1 > Set link speed for #1.
2. The following screen displays:

Network configuration

Select desired link

auto / 1Gb


N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 47

You can choose from auto / 1Gb, 10BaseT, 10BaseT- FDX, 100BaseTX, or 100BaseTX- FDX.
Note: We recommend that you configure your network speed for automatic negotiation,
using the auto / 1Gb or auto option. You will asked to confirm the changes if auto /
1Gb is not selected.
On the nShield Connect, selecting auto / 1Gb is the only means of achieving 1Gb
link speed.
3. Press the right-hand navigation button and you will be returned to the Set up interface #1 screen
and you can then continue with the configuration.

Configure Ethernet Interface #2

To set up the Ethernet interface #2, if required:

1. From the front panel menu, select System > System configuration > Network config > Set up
interface #2.
2. Enter the details for interface #2 in the same manner that you entered the details for interface
3. Once the interface #2 details have been entered you need to explicitly enable interface #2.
Select System > System configuration > Network config > Set up interface #2 >
Enable/Disable Int #2 .
4. The following screen displays:

Network configuration

Interface #2


5. Select the ENABLE option.

6. Press the right-hand navigation button to accept, and a screen similar to that used for interface
#1 is displayed.

Default gateway

Set default gateway for IPv4

To set a default gateway for IPv4:

1. From the front panel menu, select System > System configuration > Network config > Set
default gateway > IPv4 Gateway.
The following screen is displayed:

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 48

Gateway configuration

Enter IPv4 address of

the default gateway:

0. 0. 0. 0


2. Enter the IPv4 address of the default gateway.

3. Press the right-hand navigation button NEXT and then FINISH to accept.

Set default gateway for IPv6

To set a default gateway for IPv6:

1. From the front panel menu, select System > System configuration > Network config > Set
default gateway > IPv6 gateway.
The following screen is displayed:

Gateway configuration

Enter IPv6 address of

the default gateway:


Enter the address for the gateway. Press the right-hand navigation button. The following screen
is displayed if the address entered was a link-local address:

Gateway configuration
Select an interface
for link-local address:
Interface #1

Select the interface for the IPv6 gateway. Press the right-hand navigation button to accept.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 49

Set up Routing

Set up routing for IPv4

To set a new route entry for IPv4:

1. From the front panel menu, select System > System configuration > Network config > Set up
routing > New IPv4 route entry.
The following screen is displayed:

Edit route entry

Enter IP range
and mask length:
0. 0. 0. 0/ 0
Enter the gateway:
0. 0. 0. 0

2. Enter the IPv4 address range details for the route. Press the right-hand navigation button to

Set up routing for IPv6

To set a new route entry for IPv6:

1. From the front panel menu, select System > System configuration > Network config > Set up
routing > New IPv6 route entry.
The following screen is displayed:

Edit route entry

Enter the IP range

and prefix length:


2. Enter the IPv6 address range details for the route. Press the right-hand navigation button to
accept. The following screen is displayed:

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 50

Edit route entry

Enter the gateway:



3. Enter the gateway address; if it is a link local address, the following screen is displayed.

Edit route entry

Select an interface
for link-local address:
Interface #1

4. Select the interface for the IPv6 gateway and press the right-hand navigation button to accept.
5. If the new route entry entered for IPv6 is incorrect an error message is displayed on the next
screen, select BACK to go to the route entry screen. The new IPv6 route entry will need to be
entered again.

Edit route entry

Edit IPv4 route entry

To edit a route entry for IPv4:

1. From the front panel menu, select System > System configuration > Network config > Set up
routing > Edit route entry .
The following screen is displayed:

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 51

► 1. 1. 1. 1/ 1
3. 3. 3. 3/ 3


2. Select the IPv4 route to be edited. Press the right-hand navigation button. The following screen is

Edit route entry

Enter the IP range

and mask length:
1. 1. 1. 1/ 1
Enter the gateway
2. 2. 2. 2

3. Edit the IPv4 route entry. Press the right-hand navigation button to accept the changes.

Edit IPv6 route entry

To edit a route entry for IPv6:

1. From the front panel menu, select System > System configuration > Network config > Set up
routing > Edit route entry .
The following screen is displayed:

Edit route entry

► 1. 1. 1. 1/ 1
3. 3. 3. 3/ 3


N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 52

2. Select the IPv6 route to be edited. Press the right-hand navigation button. The following screen is

Edit route entry

Enter the IP range

and prefix length:


3. Edit the IPv6 route entry. Press the right-hand navigation button.

Edit route entry


Enter the gateway



4. Enter the IPv6 route gateway. If a link-local address is entered for the IPv6 route gateway the
screen below will be displayed.

Edit route entry

Select an interface
for link-local address:
Interface #1

5. Select the interface for the IPv6 gateway. Press the right-hand navigation button to accept.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 53

Remove route entry
To remove a route entry:

1. From the front panel menu, select System > System configuration > Network config > Set up
routing > Remove route entry .
The following screen is displayed:

► 1. 1. 1. 1/ 1
3. 3. 3. 3/ 3


2. Select the IPv4/IPv6 route to be removed. Press the right-hand navigation button.
3. The selected route will be displayed. Press the right-hand navigation button to remove the route.

Enable IPv6 SLAAC

SLAAC can be enabled/disabled independently on each of the two interfaces.

To enable SLAAC:

1. From the front panel menu, select System > System configuration > Network config > Set up
interface #1 > Configure #1 IPv6 > IPv6 SLAAC.
The following screen is displayed:

Network configuration


2. Select the required state and press the right-hand navigation button.
3. The SLAAC configuration completed OK screen is displayed. Press the right-hand navigation
button to accept.

Note: Enable SLAAC for interface #2 in the same manner that you entered the details for interface
#1 but select select System > System configuration > Network config > Set up interface
#2 > Configure #2 IPv6 > IPv6 SLAAC.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 54

Configuring the Remote File System (RFS)
The RFS contains the master copy of the Security World data for backup purposes. The RFS can be
located on either a client or another network-accessible computer where the Security World Software
is installed. If the RFS is on a client, the same file structure also contains the configuration files for that

We recommend that you regularly back up the entire contents of the RFS. Either the
%NFAST_KMDATA%directory under Windows, or the kmdata directory under Unix, is
required to restore an nShield Connect or its replacement, to the current state in case of

You can specify a new RFS, and modify or delete an existing RFS configuration. To create or modify a
remote file system configuration, specify the IP address of the computer on which the RFS resides.

Note: You must have created an RFS on the client computer before you specify the IP address of the

See the User Guide for more about the RFS and its contents.

The nShield Connect must be able to connect to TCP port 9004 of the RFS. If necessary, modify the
firewall configuration to allow this connection on either the RFS itself or on a router between the RFS
and the nShield Connect.

Obtain the following information about the nShield Connect before you set up an RFS for the first time:

l The IP address

The following nShield Connect information can be obtained automatically (or manually):
l The electronic serial number (ESN)
l The hash of the K key (HK ). The K key authenticates the nShield Connect to clients. It is
generated when the nShield Connect is first initialized from factory state.

If your network is secure and you know the IP address of the nShield Connect, you can use the
anonkneti utility to obtain the ESN and hash of the K key by giving the following command on the
client computer:

anonkneti mmm.mmm.mmm.mmm

In this command, mmm.mmm.mmm.mmm is the IP address of the nShield Connect. The command returns
output in the following form:

A285-4F5A-7500 2418ec85c86027eb2d5959fef35edc5e1b3b698f

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 55

In this example output, A285-4F5A-7500 is the ESN and
2418ec85c86027eb2d5959fef35edc5e1b3b698f is the hash of the K key.
Alternatively, you can find this information on the nShield Connect startup screen. Use the touch wheel
to scroll to the appropriate information.

When you have the necessary information, set up an RFS as follows:

1. Prepare the RFS on the client computer (or another appropriate computer) by running the
following command on that computer:

rfs-setup --force mmm.mmm.mmm.mmmEEEE-SSSS-NNNNkeyhash

In this command:
l mmm.mmm.mmm.mmm is the IP address of the nShield Connect
l EEEE-SSSS-NNNN is the ESN of the nShield Connect
l keyhash is the hash of the K key
2. On the nShield Connect display screen, use the right-hand navigation button to select System >
System configuration > Remote file system > Define IPv4 RFS and enter the IP address of the
client computer on which you set up the RFS.
Note: Leave the port number at the default setting of 9004.

To modify an RFS at a later date, select System configuration > Remote file system > Define IPv4
RFS, and then select the required action.

Note: You can allow non-nShield Connect hardware security modules to access the remote file
system and share Security World and key data that is stored in the %NFAST_KMDATA%
directory under Windows, or the kmdata directory under Unix, in the same way as an
nShield Connect. Clients that access data in this way are described as cooperating clients.
To configure client cooperation, you need to know the details of each client including IP
address and ESN.

After you have defined the RFS, the nShield Connect configuration files are exported automatically to it.
See the User Guide for more about configuration files.

Systems configured for Remote Administration

If you are planning to use Remote Administration, you should enable auto push on the nShield Connect,
once you have configured the RFS.

On the nShield Connect display, use the right-hand navigation button to select System > System
configuration > Config file options > Setup auto push > Auto push mode and select IPv4.

Once auto push is enabled, you can complete the configuration steps by editing the configuration files,
rather than by using the front panel of the nShield Connect. See the User Guide for more about
configuration files.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 56

You do, however, need to set the time and date on the nShield Connect, using the front panel controls.
See the User Guide for more information about setting the time and date.

Basic configuration of the client to use the nShield


Client configuration utilities

The following client configuration utilities are available:

Utility Description

nethsmenroll Used to configure the client to communicate with the nShield Connect.
config-serverstartup Used to configure the hardserver of the client to enable TCP sockets.


The nethsmenroll command-line utility is used to edit the configuration file of the client hardserver to
add an nShield Connect.If the ESN and HKNETI are not specified, nethsmenroll attempts to contact
the nShield Connect to determine what they are, and requests confirmation.


nethsmenroll [Options] --privileged <nShield Connect IP><nShield Connect

ESN><nShield Connect KNETI HASH>


Specifies the local module number that should be used

-m, --module=MODULE
(default is 0 for dynamic configuration by hardserver).
Makes the hardserver request a privileged connection to
-p, --privileged
the nShield Connect (default unprivileged).
Removes the configuration of the specified nShield
-r, --remove
Forces reconfiguration of an nShield Connect already
-f, --force
Does not request confirmation when automatically
determining the nShield Connect's ESN and HKNETI.
Note: CAUTION! This option is potentially insecure
and should only be used on secure networks

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 57

where there is no possibility of a man-in-the-
middle attack.
When the ESN and HKNETI have been provided on the
-V, --verify-nethsm-details command line, verifies that the selected HSM is online,
reachable and matches those details.
Specifies the port to use when connecting to the given
-P, --port=PORT
nShield Connect (default 9004).
Specifies the ESN of the LOCAL nToken that should be used
-n, --ntoken-esn=ESN when connecting to the nShield Connect (default empty,
i.e. no nToken authentication used)


The config-serverstartup command-line utility automatically edits the [server_startup] section

in the local hardserver configuration file in order to enable TCP ports for Java and KeySafe. Any fields
for which values are not specified remain unchanged. After making any changes you are prompted to
restart the hardserver.

Run config-serverstartup using the following commands:

config-serverstartup [OPTIONS]

For more information about the options available to use with config-serverstartup, run the

config-serverstartup --help

Configuring a client to communicate through an nToken

You can configure a client to use its nToken to communicate with an nShield Connect, if it has one
installed. When this happens, the nShield Connect:

l Examines the IP address of the client

l Requires the client to identify itself using a signing key

Note: If an nToken is installed in a client, it can be used to both generate and protect a key that is
then used for the impath communication between the nShield Connect and the client. A
strongly protected key is used at both ends of the impath as a result.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 58

Enrolling the client from the command line
Complete the following steps to initially configure a client computer to communicate with and use an
nShield Connect. See Basic nShield Connect and client configuration on page 39 for more about the
available options.

Do the following:

1. On the client, open a command line window, and run the command:

nethsmenroll --help

2. To retrieve the ESN and HKNETI of the nShield Connect, run the command:

anonkneti <Unit IP>

The following is an example of the output:

3138-147F-2D64 691be427bb125f38768638a18bfd2eab75623320

If the ESN and HKNETI are not specified, nethsmenroll attempts to contact the nShield
Connect to determine what they are, and requests confirmation.
3. Do one of the following:
a. If you are enrolling a client with an nToken installed, run the command:

nethsmenroll --ntoken-esn <nToken ESN> [Options] --privileged

<Unit IP> <Unit ESN> <Unit KNETI HASH>

b. If you are enrolling a client without an nToken installed, run the command:

nethsmenroll [Options] --privileged < Unit IP> < Unit ESN> < Unit

The following is an example of the output:

OK configuring hardserver's nethsm imports.

Configure the TCP sockets on the client for Java applications (for
example, KeySafe)
Do the following:

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 59

1. Run the command:

config-serverstartup --enable-tcp --enable-privileged-tcp

2. Do one of the following to stop and restart the hardserver, according to your operating system:
a. Windows:

net stop "nfast server"

net start "nfast server"

b. Unix-based:

/opt/nfast/sbin/init.d-ncipher restart

3. Test the completed installation by running the command:


See Enquiry utility on page 69 for an example of the output that the enquiry utility generates.

Basic configuration of an nShield Connect to use a client

Do the following:

1. On the nShield Connect front panel, use the right-hand navigation button to select System >
System configuration > Client config > New IPv4 client.
The following screen displays:

Client configuration
Please enter your
client IPv4 Address
0. 0. 0. 0

2. Enter the IP address of the client, and press the right-hand navigation button.
You are asked to choose the permissions for the client:

Client configuration
Please choose the
client permissions

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 60

3. Use the touch wheel to display the type of connection between the nShield Connect and the
client. The following options are available:
Option Description

Unprivileged Privileged connections are never allowed.

Privileged connections are allowed only from ports numbered
Priv. on low ports less than 1024. These ports are reserved for use by root on
Unix-based systems.
Priv. on any ports Privileged connections are allowed on all ports.

A privileged connection is required to administer the nShield Connect, for example to

initialize a Security World. If privileged connections are allowed, the client can issue
commands (such as clearing the nShield Connect) which interfere with the normal
operation of the nShield Connect. We recommend that you allow only unprivileged
connections unless you are performing administrative tasks.

4. When you have selected a connection option, press the right-hand navigation button.
The following screen is displayed:

Client configuration
This client is not
configured to use an
nToken. Do you want to
enroll with an nToken?

The next steps in the configuration process vary slightly depending on whether the client uses an
nToken to communicate with the nShield Connect, or not.

5. Do one of the following:

a. To enroll the client without nToken authentication, select No and press the right-hand
navigation button. The unit displays a message reporting that the client has been
b. Press the right-hand navigation button again.


a. To enroll the client with nToken authentication, you must first confirm the nToken
authentication key. On the client, open a command line window, and run the command:

ntokenenroll -H

The following is an example of the output:

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 61

nToken module #1
nToken ESN: 3138-147F-2D64
nToken key hash: 691be427bb125f387686

b. Ensure that you write down the hash or have it otherwise available for the next steps.
c. On the nShield Connect, enter the number of the port on which the client is listening and
press the right-hand navigation button. (The default port is 9004.)
The following is an example of the information displayed by the nShield Connect. This
identifies the client by its ESN and displays the reported key hash:

Client nnnnnnnnnn reported the key hash:

Is this EXACTLY right?
Yes No

d. Compare the hash displayed by the nShield Connect with the nToken key hash returned
by ntokenenroll.
e. If there is an exact match, select Yes and then press the right-hand navigation button to
configure the client.
f. The unit displays a message reporting that the client has been configured. Press the right-
hand navigation button again.

See the User Guide for more about modifying or deleting an existing client, configuring multiple clients,
client licenses, configuring an nShield Connect to use a client with configuration files and auto push,
and advanced configuration options.

Using a Security World

See the User Guide for more about creating a Security World or loading an existing one.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 62

Chapter 8: Front panel controls
Figure 4. Front panel controls

Key Description

A Power button
B Warning LED (orange)
C Display screen
D Touch wheel
E Status indicator LED (blue)
F Display navigation button (left)
G Display navigation button (right)
H Select button
I Slot for smart cards
J Clear button
K USB connector

For more information about the user interface, including the front panel controls, see the nShield
Connect User Guide.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 63

Figure 5. Touch wheel

Use the touch wheel to change values or move the cursor on the display screen. To confirm a value,
press the Select button.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 64

Chapter 9: Top-level menu
The tables below list all the menu options.

Note: If you select an option, the module displays the menu options in the level below. If you cancel
a selected option, you return to level above.

Top-level menu Submenus

1-1 System configuration

1-2 System information
1-3 Login settings
1 System
1-4 Upgrade system
1-5 Factory state
1-6 Shutdown/Reboot
2-1 HSM information
2-2 HSM reset
2-3 HSM feature enable
2-4 Set HSM mode
3-1 Display World info
3-2 Module initialization
3-3 RFS operations
3-4 Admin operations
3 Security World mgmt
3-5 Cardset operations
3-6 Card operations
3-7 Keys
3-8 Set up remote slots *
4 payShield *
5 CodeSafe *

* Submenus depend on the settings of the module.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 65

1 System

System menu Submenus

1-1-1 Network config

l 1-1-1-1 Set up interface #1

l 1-1-1-2 Set up interface #2
l 1-1-1-3 Set default gateway
l 1-1-1-4 Set up routing *
l 1-1-1-5 Show routing table
l 1-1-1-6 Ping remote host
l 1-1-1-7 Trace route to host
l 1-1-1-8 Set IPv6 compliance
1-1-2 Hardserver config
1-1-3 Remote file system
1-1-4 Client config *
1-1-5 Resilience config
1-1 System configuration 1-1-6 Config file options

l 1-1-6-1 Fetch configuration

l 1-1-6-2 Setup auto push
1-1-7 Log config
1-1-8 Date/time setting
1-1-9 Keyboard layout

l 1-1-9-1 UK keyboard
l 1-1-9-2 US keyboard
1-1-10 Tamper config
1-1-11 Default config
1-1-12 Remote configuration options

l 1-1-12-1 Remote mode change

1-2-1 View system log

1-2-2 View hardserver log
1-2-3 View IPv6 addresses
1-2-4 Display tasks
1-2 System information
1-2-5 Component versions
1-2-6 View h/w diagnostics

l 1-2-6-1 View power readings

l 1-2-6-2 View other readings

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 66

System menu Submenus

l 1-2-6-3 Critical Errors

1-2-7 View tamper log
1-2-8 View unit id
1-3-1 Enable UI Lockout

l 1-3-1-1 UI Lockout with OCS

1-3 Login settings l 1-3-1-2 UI Lockout w/out OCS

1-3-2 Power switch lockout

1-3-3 Login control status

1-4 Upgrade system

1-5 Factory state
1-6-1 Shutdown
1-6 Shutdown/Reboot
1-6-2 Reboot

* Submenus depend on the settings of the module.


HSM menu Submenus

2-1-1 Display details

2-1-2 Display secure RTC
2-1 HSM information
2-1-3 Speed test
2-1-4 Display statistics
2-2 HSM reset
2-3-1 Read FEM from card
2-3-2 Read from a file
2-3 HSM feature enable
2-3-3 View current state
2-3-4 Write state to file
2-4-1 Operational
2-4 Set HSM mode
2-4-2 Initialization

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 67

3 Security World mgmt

Security World mgmt menu Submenus

3-1 Display World info

3-2-1 New Security World
3-2 Module initialization 3-2-2 Load Security World
3-2-3 Erase Security World
3-3-1 Update World files
3-3 RFS operations
3-3-2 Remove RFS lock
3-4-1 Replace ACS
3-4-2 Recover keys
3-4 Admin operations
3-4-3 Recover PIN
3-4-4 Set secure RTC
3-5-1 Create OCS
3-5 Cardset operations
3-5-2 List cardsets
3-6-1 Card details
3-6-2 Check PIN
3-6 Card operations
3-6-3 Change PIN
3-6-4 Erase card
3-7-1 List keys
3-7 Keys
3-7-2 Verify key ACLs
3-8 Set up remote slots *

3-9-1 Dynamic Slots

3-9 Set up dynamic slots
3-9-2 Slot mapping

* Submenus depend on the settings of the module.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 68

Chapter 10: Troubleshooting
This chapter describes what to do if you have an issue with your HSM, or your Security World Software.

Checking operational status

Use the following methods to check the operational status of the module.

Enquiry utility
Run the enquiry utility to check that your module is working correctly. The enquiry utility is in the bin
subdirectory of the nCipher directory. This is usually:

l C:\Program Files\nCipher\nfast for Windows

l /opt/nfast for Unix-based systems

If the module is working correctly, the enquiry utility returns the message:

enquiry reply flags none
enquiry reply level Six
Module ##:
mode operational
version #.##.#

If the output from the enquiry utility does not show mode operational, you can use the Status LED to
discover the status of the module.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 69

Status LED
The blue Status LED indicates the operational status of the module.

Status LED Description

Status: Power off or Standby mode

There is either no power supply to the module or the
module is in Standby mode. If you suspect that there is no
Off. power supply, check that the module is properly connected
and switched on.
If you believe the module’s power supply unit has failed,
contact Support.
Status: Operational mode

On, occasionally blinks off. The module is in Operational mode and accepting
commands. The more frequently the Status LED blinks off,
the greater the load on the module.
Status: Initialization mode
Existing Security World data on the module has been
Flashes two short pulses, followed by a short erased.
The module is automatically placed in Initialization mode
after a Security World is created. For more information,
see the nShield Connect User Guide.
Status: Maintenance mode
Flashes two long pulses followed by a Used for reprogramming the module with new firmware.
The module only goes into Maintenance mode during a
software upgrade.
Status: Error mode
If the module encounters an unrecoverable error, it enters
Error mode. In Error mode, the module does not respond
to commands and does not write data to the bus.
Flashes SOS, the Morse code distress code For internal security modules running firmware 2.61.2 and
(three short pulses, three long pulses, three
short pulses). above, the error code is also reported by the enquiry
utility in the hardware status field of the Module and
After flashing SOS, the Status LED flashes a
Morse code letter which identifies the under hardware errors in the hardserver log.
If a command does not complete successfully, the module
normally writes an error message to the log file and
continues to accept further commands. It does not enter
Error mode.
For information about error codes, see the User Guide.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 70

Audible warning
An audible warning sounds for some critical errors relating to the PSUs on the module. The orange
warning LED (see Orange warning LED on page 71) accompanies the audible warning.

The warning sounds when only one of the two PSUs is powered and turned on. Check that:

l The rocker switch on both PSUs is in the on position

l Both PSUs are connected to the mains supply

If the audible warning continues, there might be a fault with one or both PSUs. Before investigating
further, switch off the audible alarm by navigating to the 1-2-5-3 Critical Errors screen. The orange
warning LED remains on until you resolve the issue.

For more information about identifying and replacing a failed PSU, see the nShield Connect Power
Supply Unit Installation Sheet.

Orange warning LED

If the orange warning LED (see Orange warning LED on page 71) is on, the module has encountered a
critical error (for example, overheating or PSU failure) that may require immediate action. To find the
cause of a critical error, navigate to System information > View h/w diagnostics > Critical Errors.

Checking the physical security of the module

The physical security measures implemented on the module include tamper detection. This warns you of
tampering in an operational environment. For more information about tamper detection, including the
tamper warning messages, see the nShield Connect Physical Security Checklist or the nShield Connect
User Guide.

Display screen
When the module is in Maintenance or Initialization mode, there is a color-coded footer at the bottom
of the display screen. There is no footer when the module is in Operational mode.

Footer color Text in footer Meaning

The system is rebooting or waiting for an

Yellow Initialization
Administrator Card to be inserted.
An administrative task is being performed. This
Blue Maintenance mode is only entered during firmware

The internal module has failed. See Orange

Red HSM Failed
warning LED on page 71 for more information.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 71

Do not interrupt power to the module during a firmware upgrade.

Note: The blue Status LED flashes to indicate the status of the internal security module.

Power button
The Power button, in combination with the display screen, indicates the general status of the module.

Note: The display screen turns off automatically if the front panel buttons are inactive for more than
three minutes. Use the touch wheel to turn the display screen back on.

Power button Display screen Status

On, displaying menus and

On The module is operational.
The module is running an upgrade. A
On, displaying messages but
color-coded footer indicates the specific
On not displaying labels for the
status: yellow for initialization, red
navigation buttons
(maintenance) for upgrade.
On, displaying messages but
On, flashes occasionally not displaying labels for the The module is performing start-up.
navigation buttons
The module is in Standby mode (that is,
it has been powered down from the
Mostly off, flashes occasionally Off
front panel using the Power button).
Press the Power button to turn it on.
The module is unable to start-up or has
failed. The error message describes the
On, with “Critical Error” problem. If you can remedy the problem,
Flashes regularly
message do so, and press the Power button to
restart the module. Otherwise, contact
Flashes irregularly Off A low-level critical error has occurred.

Ethernet LEDs
There are four Ethernet LEDs, two for each of the two Ethernet ports on the module. The Ethernet LEDs
indicate the status of the connection with other Ethernet devices.

Ethernet LEDs Status

The status of the Ethernet link is currently unknown (the

Flashes regularly
Ethernet LEDs flash when the module is powering up).

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 72

Ethernet LEDs Status

There is no Ethernet link. The Ethernet cable is either not

Off connected to the module or the cable is not connected to
a functioning Ethernet device.
On, green only Indicates a 10Mb or 100Mb Ethernet link.
On, green and orange Indicates a 1Gb Ethernet link.

Module overheating
If the internal module of the nShield Connect exceeds the safe operating temperature, the unit stops
operating and displays the SOS-T error message on the Status LED. See Status LED on page 70 for
details of the SOS-T error message.

Log messages for the module

To view log messages from the main menu of the module:

1. Select System > System information

2. Select either:
l View system log
l View hardserver log

The client can store logs, and can configure them to contain different types of message.

This type of message indicates routine events:

nFast Server service: about to start

nFast Server service version starting
nFast server: Information: New client clientid connected
nFast server: Information: New client clientid connected - privileged
nFast server: Information: Client clientid disconnected
nFast Server service stopping

This type of message is sent for information only:

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 73

nFast server: Notice: message

This type of message indicates that the server has detected an error in the data sent by the client (but
other clients are unaffected):

nFast server: Detected error in client behaviour: message

Serious error
This type of message indicates a serious error, such as a communications or memory failure:

nFast server: Serious error, trying to continue: message

If you receive a serious error, even if you are able to recover, contact Support.

Serious internal error

This type of message indicates that the server has detected a serious error in the reply from the module.
These messages indicate a failure of either the module or the server:

nFast server: Serious internal error, trying to continue: message

If you receive a serious internal error, contact Support.

Start-up errors
This type of message indicates that the server was unable to start:

nFast server: Fatal error during startup: message nFast Server service
version failed init. nFast Server service version failed to read registry

Reinstall the server as described in the nShield Connect User Guide. If reinstallation does not solve the
problem, contact Support.

Fatal errors
This type of message indicates a fatal error for which no further reporting is available:

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 74

nFast server: Fatal internal error


nFast server: Fatal runtime error

If you receive either of these errors, contact Support.

Utility error messages

This type of message might indicate an error status when you run a command line utility.

BadTokenData error in nShield modules

Some nShield modules are equipped with a rechargeable backup battery for maintaining Real Time
Clock (RTC) operation when the module is powered down. This battery normally lasts for up to two

If the module is without power for an extended period, the RTC time is lost. When this happens,
attempts to read the clock (for example, using the ncdate or rtc utilities) return a BadTokenData error

The correct procedure in these cases is to reset the clock and leave the module powered up for at least
ten hours to allow the battery to recharge. No other nonvolatile data is lost when this occurs.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 75

Chapter 11: nShield Connect
The nShield Connect contains only two user-replaceable parts:

l The PSUs
l The fan tray module

Replacing a PSU or fan tray module does not affect FIPS 140-2 validations for the nShield Connect, or
result in a tamper event. However, in the very rare event that a PSU or fan tray module requires
replacement, contact Support before carrying out the replacement procedure.

Do not remove the fan tray for more than 30 minutes, otherwise a tamper event will occur.

For more information about replacing either a PSU or the fan tray module, see the Installation Sheet
that accompanies the replacement part.

Breaking the security seal or dismantling the nShield Connect voids your warranty cover, and
any existing maintenance and support agreements.

Mains power plugs on UK cordsets contain a 5A fuse (BS1362). Only replace with the same
type and rating of fuse. If a replacement fuse fails immediately, contact Support. Do not
replace with a higher value fuse.

Flash testing the module

The module is designed to comply with IEC/EN 60950-1 but should be tested only by trained safety
professionals. Because the module is fitted with radio frequency interference suppressors, it is
recommended that only a DC test be performed.

Repeated application of the flash test can damage safety insulation.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 76

Chapter 12: Approved accessories
The following parts can be ordered with the HSM or separately.

Part Part number Comments

Optional slide rail assembly and fixing kit.

Slide rail assembly AC2050 For details of contents, see the nShield
Connect Slide Rails Instructions.
For more information about using a USB
USB keyboard M-030099-L keyboard with the HSM, see Connecting
the optional USB keyboard on page 37.
Replacement fan tray module AC2064 Includes installation instructions.
Replacement PSU AC2057 Includes installation instructions.

If you have an enquiry about any of the parts listed, contact Support.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 77

Appendix A: Uninstalling existing
Thales recommends that you uninstall any existing older versions of Security World Software before you
install new software. In Windows environments, if the installer detects an existing Security World
Software installation, it asks you if you want to install the new components. These components replace
your existing installation.

The automated Security World Software installers do not delete other components or any key data and
Security World data that you have created. However, in Unix environments, a manual installation using
.tar files does overwrite existing data and directories.

The uninstaller removes only those files that were created during the installation.

Note: Before you uninstall the Security World Software, Thales strongly recommends that you make
a secure backup of any key data and any existing Security World. See the User Guide for
more information.

Note: When upgrading the Security World Software, you do NOT need to delete key data or any
existing Security World. If you want to do so for other reasons, see the User Guide for more
information. If you do delete Security World data, it cannot be restored unless you have an
up-to-date backup and a quorum of the Administrator Card Set (ACS) is available.

Note: The file nCipherKM.jar, if present, is located in the extensions folder of your local Java
Virtual Machine. The uninstall process may not delete this file. Before reinstalling over an old
installation, remove the nCipherKM.jar file. See the User Guide for your module and
operating system for more about locating the Java Virtual Machine extensions folder.

Note: In Windows environments, because the hardserver is installed as a named service (known as
the nFast server), it is only possible to have one Security World Software installation on any
given computer.
It is also not possible to have more than one Security World Software installation on the
same computer in Unix environments.

Thales recommends that you do not uninstall the Security World Software unless you are
either certain it is no longer required, or you intend to upgrade it.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 78

Uninstalling Windows software
To uninstall Security World Software in a Windows environment:

1. Open the Control Panel and click Programs and Features.

2. Select the Security World Software, click Uninstall, and follow the on-screen instructions.

Uninstalling Unix software

Uninstalling on Solaris
To uninstall the Security World Software from Solaris:

1. Assume the nFast Administrator privileges or root privileges by running the command:

$ su -

2. Type your password, then press Enter.

3. To remove drivers, install fragments, and scripts and to stop services, run the command:

/opt/nfast/sbin/install -u

4. Remove the software package by running the command:


The command displays the list of components that were installed.

5. Select all the nShield packages (prefixed with the letters NC), then press Enter.
6. Follow the onscreen instructions, confirming the uninstallation of packages as prompted.
7. If you are not planning to re-install the product, delete the configuration file /etc/nfast.conf if
it exists.

Note: Do not delete the configuration file if you are planning to re-install the product.

If required, you can safely remove the module after shutting down all connected hardware.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 79

Uninstalling on AIX
To uninstall the Security World Software from AIX:

1. Log in as a user with root privileges.

2. To remove drivers, install fragments, and scripts and to stop services, run the command:

/opt/nfast/sbin/install -u

3. Start the software management tool by running the command:

smit install_remove

4. For SOFTWARE name, select List to list all available file sets, and then select all those prefixed
with ncipher.
5. Press Enter to confirm the selected file sets for uninstallation.
The Remove Installed Software panel is displayed.
6. Ensure that the PREVIEW Only option is set to No (or the removal operation does not occur),
and press Enter.
7. When prompted to confirm that you are sure about the removal, press Enter again to start the
uninstall process.
8. If you are not planning to re-install the product, delete the configuration file /etc/nfast.conf if
it exists.

Note: Do not delete the configuration file if you are planning to re-install the product.

If required, you can safely remove the module after shutting down all connected hardware.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 80

Uninstalling on HP-UX
To uninstall the Security World Software from HP-UX:

1. Assume the nFast Administrator privileges or root privileges by running the command:

$ su -

2. Type your password, then press Enter.

3. To remove drivers, install fragments, and scripts and to stop services, run the command:

/opt/nfast/sbin/install -u

4. Remove the software packages by running the command:


The command displays the list of components that were installed.

5. Select all the packages.
6. Select Remove from the Actions menu.
7. When the analysis is complete, if there are no errors, click OK. If the installer reports any errors,
click Logfile to display them.
8. When the uninstaller asks you to confirm that you want to remove this product, click Yes.
9. When the uninstallation is complete, click Done.
10. If you are not planning to re-install the product, delete the configuration file /etc/nfast.conf if
it exists.

Note: Do not delete the configuration file if you are planning to re-install the product.

If required, you can safely remove the module after shutting down all connected hardware.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 81

Uninstalling on Linux
To uninstall the Security World Software from Linux:

1. Assume the nFast Administrator privileges or root privileges by running the command:

$ su -

2. Type your password, then press Enter.

3. To remove drivers, install fragments, and scripts and to stop services, run the command:

/opt/nfast/sbin/install -u

4. Delete all the files (including those in subdirectories) in /opt/nfast and /dev/nfast/ by
running the following commands:

rm -rf /opt/nfast

Note: Deleting all the files and subdirectories in /opt/nfast also deletes the
/opt/nfast/kmdata directory. To be able to restore an existingSecurity World after
deleting all the files in /opt/nfast, ensure you have made a backup of the
/opt/nfast/kmdata directory in a safe location before deleting the original.
5. If you are not planning to re-install the product, delete the configuration file /etc/nfast.conf if
it exists.
Note: Do not delete the configuration file if you are planning to re-install the product.
6. Unless needed for a subsequent installation, remove the user nfast and, if it exists, the user
a. Open the file /etc/group with a text editor.
b. Remove the line that begins with the form:


In this line, n is an integer.

c. Open the file /etc/passwd with a text editor.
d. Remove the line that begins with the form:


e. If it exists, remove the line that begins with the form:


If required, you can safely remove the module after shutting down all connected hardware.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 82

Appendix B: Components on Security
World Software installation media
(Windows and Unix)
This appendix lists the contents of the component bundles and the additional software supplied on your
Security World Software installation media. For information on installing the supplied software, see
Installing the software on page 25.

Thales supply the hardserver and associated software as bundles of common components that provide
much of the required software for your installation. In addition to the component bundles, Thales
provide individual components for use with specific applications and features supported by certain
Thales modules.

To list installed components, use the ncversions command-line utility.

Security World for nShield User installation media

The following component bundles and additional components are supplied on the Security World for
nShield User installation media:

Component bundles

Unix Package Description (Windows and Unix) Contents of bundle

hwsp Hardware Support (mandatory) See Hardware support

ctls Core Tools (recommended) See Core tools

javasp Java Support (including KeySafe) See Java Support (including KeySafe)

nhfw nShield Connect firmware files See nShield Connect firmware files

Remote Administration Service

dsserv See Remote Administration Service

Remote Administration Client

ratls See Remote Administration Client
(optional) - Windows and Linux only

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 83

Individual components

Unix Package Description (Windows and Unix)

nCipher CAPI-NG providers and tools - Windows only

hwcrhk Crypto Hardware Interface (CHIL) plugin

jcecsp nCipherKM JCA/JCE provider classes

CSP Console utilities - Windows only

CryptoAPI CSP GUI and console installers - Windows only

ncsnmp Net-SNMP monitoring agent, utilities with nCipher MIB functionality

pkcs11 nCipher pkcs11 library

CipherTools installation media

The following component bundles and additional components are supplied on the CipherTools
installation media:

Component bundles

Unix Package Description (Windows and Unix) Contents of bundle

hwsp Hardware Support (mandatory) See Hardware support

ctls Core Tools (recommended) See Core tools

javasp Java Support (including KeySafe) See Java Support (including KeySafe)

ctd CipherTools Developer See CipherTools Developer

jd Java Developer See Java Developer

nhfw nShield Connect firmware files See nShield Connect firmware files

Remote Administration Service

dsserv See Remote Administration Service

Remote Administration Client

ratls See Remote Administration Client
(optional) - Windows and Linux only

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 84

Individual components

Unix Package Description (Windows and Unix)

nCipher CAPI-NG providers and tools - Windows only

devref nCore API Documentation

hwcrhk Crypto Hardware Interface (CHIL) plugin

jcecsp nCipherKM JCA/JCE provider classes

CSP Console utilities - Windows only

CryptoAPI CSP GUI and console installers - Windows only

ncsnmp Net-SNMP monitoring agent, utilities with nCipher MIB functionality

pkcs11 nCipher pkcs11 library

sslyp Open SSL source code patch file

CodeSafe installation media

The following component bundles and additional components are supplied on the CodeSafe installation

Component bundles

Unix Package Description (Windows and Unix) Contents of bundle

hwsp Hardware Support (mandatory) See Hardware support

ctls Core Tools (recommended) See Core tools

javasp Java Support (including KeySafe) See Java Support (including KeySafe)

csd CodeSafe Developer See CipherTools Developer

jd Java Developer See Java Developer

nhfw nShield Connect firmware files See nShield Connect firmware files

Remote Administration Service

dsserv See Remote Administration Service

Remote Administration Client

ratls See Remote Administration Client
(optional) - Windows and Linux only

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 85

Individual components

Unix Package Description (Windows and Unix)

nCipher CAPI-NG providers and tools - Windows only

csdref nCore CodeSafe API Documentation

devref nCore API Documentation

gccsrc Prebuilt arm-gcc for Codesafe/C

gccsrc Prebuilt powerpcm-gcc for Codesafe/C

hwcrhk Crypto Hardware Interface (CHIL) plugin

jcecsp nCipherKM JCA/JCE provider classes

CSP Console utilities - Windows only

CryptoAPI CSP GUI and console installers - Windows only

ncsnmp Net-SNMP monitoring agent, utilities with nCipher MIB functionality

pkcs11 nCipher pkcs11 library

Common component bundles

Thales supply component bundles containing many of the necessary components for your installation.
Certain standard component bundles are offered for installation on all standard Security World
Software installation media, while additional component bundles are found on CipherTools and
CodeSafe installation media.

Common component bundles

You are always offered the following standard component bundles on all standard Security World
Software installation media:

l Hardware Support
l Core Tools
l Java Support
l nShield Connect firmware files
l Remote Administration Service
l Remote Administration Client.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 86

Hardware support

The Hardware Support (mandatory) bundle contains the hardserver and kernel device drivers:

Unix Package Description (Windows and Unix)

Windows device drivers - Windows only

nfserv Hardserver process executables and scripts

sdrv nFast driver signatures

cfgall Hardserver config file support

nflog Logging library support

Core tools

The Core Tools (recommended) bundle contains all the Security World Software command-line utilities,
including generatekey, low level utilities, and test programs:

Unix Package Description (WIndows and Unix)

convrt Command line key conversions

nftcl Command line key management (Tcl)

nftcl Command line key generation and import

nfuser Low level utilities and test programs

nfuser Command line remote server management

opensl nftcl certificate generation utility

sworld Command line key management (C)

tclsrc Tcl run time

tclstf Small Tcl utilities

nftcl Command line key generation and import

tct2 Trusted Code Tool 2 command-line utility

pysrc Python source for developers


Thales recommend that you always install the Core Tools bundle.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 87

Note: The Core Tools bundle includes the Tcl run time’s tools for creating the Security World,
KeySafe, and new-world. This does not affect any other installation of Tcl on your computer.

Java Support (including KeySafe)

The Java Support (including KeySafe) bundle contains Java applications:

Unix Package Description (Windows and Unix)

jutils Java utilities

jutils JNI shared library for jutils.jar

kmjava Java Key Management classes

ksafe KeySafe 2

nfjava nFast Java generic stub classes

nftcl Java Key Management Support

Remote Administration Service

The Remote Administration Service bundle contains the Remote Administration Service installation and
configuration. When installed, the Remote Administration Service starts automatically.

Remote Administration Client

Graphical User Interface and command line versions of the Remote Administration Client.

nShield Connect firmware files

Firmware image files for the nShield Connect. Typically a firmware image file is included that contains
the latest FIPS Approved module firmware, as well as the firmware image file for the particular nShield
release. In some cases these may be one and the same thing.

Additional component bundles

Thales supply the following additional component bundles on CipherTools installation media:

l CipherTools Developer
l Java Developer.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 88

Thales supply the following additional component bundles on CodeSafe installation media:

l Code safe
l Java developer.

CipherTools Developer

The CipherTools Developer bundle contains components supplied with the CipherTools Developer Kit:

Unix Package Description (Windows and Unix)

emvspj JNI library for payShield Java

emvspp payShield developer library

hwcrhk Crypto Hardware Interface (CHIL) dev kit

nCipher libraries and headers, and example C source for utility


nfuser nCore & KM tools and example source

pkcs11 nFast PKCS#11 developer’s library

sworld Key Management C library developers kit

tclsrc Tcl run time - Headers and Libraries

cutils C utilities library

nflog Logging library

hilibs GS libs & headers

pysrc Python source for developers

nfpy nFPython header files

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 89

CodeSafe Developer

The CodeSafe Developer bundle contains components supplied with the CodeSafe Developer Kit:

Unix Package Description (Windows and Unix)

csee Codesafe-C moduleside example code

csee Codesafe-C hostside example code

module Firmware test scripts

Generic stub libraries and headers, and example C source for

utility functions

nfuser nCore & KM tools and example source

sworld Key Management C library developers kit

tclsrc Tcl run time - Headers and Libraries

cutils C utilities library

nflog Logging library

hilibs GS libs & headers

jhsee Java hostside developer's kit

jhsee Java hostside SEE examples

ssllib Codesafe-SSL hostside code

ssllib Codesafe-SSL moduleside code

pysrc Python source for developers

nfpy nFPython header files

nfpy Libs and headers for codesafe/python

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 90

Java Developer

The Java Developer bundle contains components to support development of Java applications:

Unix Package Description (Windows and Unix)

jcecsp Java Key Management developer

jutils Java utilities source and javadocs

kmjava Java Key Management developer

nfjava Java Generic Stub examples & javadoc

Components required for particular functionality

Some functionality requires particular component bundles or individual components to be installed.

If you are planning to use Security World Software with an nShield Edge, ensure that the optional Edge
Monitor Controller feature is selected during installation.

Ensure that you have installed the Hardware Support (mandatory) and Core Tools (recommended)

If you have CipherTools installation media, Thales recommend that you install the CipherTools
Developer bundle.

If you have CodeSafe installation media, Thales recommend that you install the CodeSafe Developer

If you have CodeSafe installation media and you are developing in C:

l If your module has a part code of the form nC4nn2 or Bn1nnn, install the Prebuilt arm- gcc for
Codesafe/C component.
l If your module has a part code of the form nC4nn3, Bn2nnn, BN2nnn(-E), or NH2nnn, install the
Prebuilt powerpc- gcc for Codesafe/C component.

In these part codes, n represents any integer.

If you have CipherTools installation media or CodeSafe installation media and you are developing in
Java, install the Java Developer and Java Support (including KeySafe) bundles; after installation,
ensure that you have added the .jar files to your CLASSPATH.

You must install the nfdrvk component if you are using a Thales PCI card.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 91

To use KeySafe, install the Core Tools and the Java Support (including KeySafe) bundles.

Microsoft CAPI CSP

If you require the Microsoft CAPI CSP, you must install the CSP components:

l CSP console utilities

l CryptoAPI CSP GUI and console installers

Microsoft Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG)

If you require the Microsoft CNG, you must install the CNG component:

nCipher CAPI- NG providers and tools

If you want to use the module with PKCS #11 applications, including release 4.0 or later of Netscape
Enterprise Server, Sun Java Enterprise System (JES), or Netscape Certificate Server 4, install the
nCipher PKCS11 library. For detailed PKCS #11 configuration options, see:

l The appropriate User Guide for your module and operating system
l The appropriate third-party integration guide for your application

Integration guides for third-party applications are available from the Thales web site:

Cryptographic Hardware Interface Library applications

If you want to use the module with the Cryptographic Hardware Interface Library (CHIL) applications,
install the Crypto Hardware Interface (CHIL) plugin component and, if required, the OpenSSL source
code patch file component.
Note: Security World Software supports OpenSSL 1.0.1g and later.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 92

nCipherKM JCA/JCE cryptographic service provider
If you want to use the nCipherKM JCA/JCE cryptographic service provider, you must install both:

l The Java Support (including KeySafe) bundle

l The nCipherKM JCA/JCE provider classes component

An additional JCE provider nCipherRSAPrivateEncrypt is supplied that is required for RSA

encryption with a private key. Install this provider and ensure that the file rsaprivenc.jar is in your

See the User Guide for your module and operating system for more about configuring the nCipherKM
JCA/JCE cryptographic service provider.

SNMP monitoring agent

If you want to use the SNMP monitoring agent to monitor your modules, install the SNMP monitoring
agent component. During the first installation process of the SNMP agent, the agent displays the
following message:

If this is a first time install, the nCipher SNMP Agent will not run by
default. Please see the manual for further instructions.

See the User Guide for your module and operating system for more about how to activate the SNMP
agent after installation.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 93

Appendix C: Valid IPv6 Addresses
This appendix provides a list of valid IPv6 addresses for each of the types of addresses recognized by
the system. For information on setting up IPv6 addresses, see Acceptable IPv6 Address by Use Case on
page 43.

Address Range (inclusive)

 Address type Example
From To

Unspecified :: :: ::

Loopback ::1 ::1 ::1

::ffff:0:0 ::ffff:ffff:ffff ::ffff:c000:22f

IPv4 Mapped
::ffff. ::ffff: ::ffff:

Local Unicast fc00:: fdff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff fdf8:f53b:82e4::53

Link-local fe80:: febf:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff fe80::200:5aee:feaa:20a2

fec0:: feff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff fec0::100:abc:22

Teredo 2001:: 2001:0:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff 2001:0:4136:e378:8000:63bf:3fff:fdd2

Benchmarking 2001:2:: 2001:2:0:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff 2001:2:0:6c::430

Orchid 2001:10:: 2001:1f:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff 2001:10:240:ab::a

6to4 2002:: 2002:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff 2002:cb0a:3cdd:1::1

Documentation 2001:db8:: 2001:db8:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff 2001:db8:8:4::2

Global Unicast 2000:: 3fff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff 20ab:45:fa::adb5

Multicast ff00:: ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff ff01::2

Note: The available addresses in the Global Unicast range are not contiguous.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 94

Internet addresses
Web site:


Online documentation:

International sales offices:

Addresses and contact information for the main Thales e-Security sales offices are provided at the
bottom of the following page.

N-030146-X nShield® Connect Installation Guide 95

www. thale s- e se curity. com

About Thales e-Security

Thales e-Security is a leading global provider of trusted cryptographic solutions with
a 40-year track record of protecting the world’s most sensitive applications and
information. Thales solutions enhance privacy, trusted identities, and secure payments
with certified, high performance encryption and digital signature technology for
customers in a wide range of markets including financial services,high technology,
manufacturing, and government. Thales e-Security has a worldwide support capability,
with regional headquarters in the United States, the United Kingdom,
and Hong Kong.

Follow us on:

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