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DBP vs.

GR No. 118342

DEFENDANT: CA, Agripina Caperal
DATE: January 5, 1998
PONENTE: J. Davide

 This is a case wherein 2 consolidated cases stemmed form a complaint filed against the DBP and Agripina Caperal filed
by Lydia Cuba
o Declaration of Nullity of DBPs appropriation of CUbas’s rights over the 44hectare fishpond, for being violative of
Article 2088 (pactum commissorium)
o Annulment of Deed of Conditional Sale executed in her favor
o Annulment of DBPs sale to Caperal
o Restoration of her rights, title and interests over the fishpond
o Recovery of Attys fees, etc.
 That Lydia Cuba was a grantee from the government of a Fishpond Lease Agreement for a 44hectare fishpond in Bolinao,
 She obtained loans from DBP and as a security for the loans, she executed 2 Deeds of Assignment of her Leasehold
 Cuba failed to pay her loans on time so DBP, without foreclosure proceedings, appropriated the Leasehold Rights over
the fishpond
o After the said appropriation, DBP executed a Deed of Conditional Sale of the Leasehold Rights in favor of Cuba
o DBP accepted Cuba’s offer to repurchase
 After the Deed of Conditional Sale was executed in favor of Cuba, a new Fishpond Lease Agreement was issued by the
Ministry of Agriculture and Food, excluding her husband
 Cuba failed to pay the amortizations stipulated in the Deed of Conditional Sale so she entered with the DBP a Temporary
Agreement whereby in consideration for the deferment of the Notarial Rescission of Deed of Conditional Sale, Cuba
promised to make certain payments
 DBP sent notice of rescission through Notarial Act and took possession of the Fishpond Leasehold Rights
o After the Notice of Rescission, DBP took possession of the Leasehold Rights of the fishpond in
 DBP then conducted a public bidding to dispose of the property, which Agripina Caperal won
o DBP executed the Deed of Conditional Sale in favor of Caperal
o Caperal was awarded the Fishpond Lease
 Cuba filed a complaint against DBP before the RTC of Pangasinan
 RTC: favored Cuba,
o Declared DBPs taking possession and ownership of the property without foreclosure was plainly violative of
Article 2088 of the NCC
o The Assignment of Leasehold Rights for being a clear case of Pactum Commissorium expressly prohibited and
declared null and void by Article 2088 of the Civil Code.
o DBP never acquired lawful ownership of Cuba’s leasehold rights, all acts of ownership and possession by the
said bank were void.
o Deed of Conditional Sale in favor of defendant Caperal, as well as the Assignment of Leasehold Rights
executed by Caperal in favor f DBP, were also void and ineffective.
 CA, reversed RTC, declared the following valid:
o DBP in appropriating Cuba’s leasehold rights and interest under the Fishpond Lease
o Deeds of Assignment executed by Cuba
o Deed of Conditional Sale Between Cuba and DBP
o Deed of Conditional Sale between DBP and Caperal, the Fishpond Lease Agreement in favor of Caperal
o DBP to turn over the possession of the property to Caperal as lawful holder of the leasehold rights

Issue: W/N the act of DBP to take possession and do acts of ownership over the subject parcel of land is contrary to Article 2088 of
the CC, YES


SC agrees that the Assignment of Leasehold Rights was a Mortgage Contract. It is undisputed that Cuba obtained 3 separate loans
from DBP.

As for the violation of Article 2088,

DBPs acts of appropriating Cuba’s leasehold right was violative of Article 2088, which forbids a creditor from appropriating, or
disposing of the thing given as security for the payment of a debt.

The elements of Pactum Commissorium are as follows:

1. There should be a property mortgaged by way of security for the payment of the principal obligation
2. There should be a stipulation for automatic appropriation by the creditor of the thing mortgaged in case on non-payment of
the principal obligation within the stipulated period

We do not, however, buy CUBAs argument that condition no. 12 of the deed of assignment constituted pactum commissorium. Said
condition reads:

Condition 12. That effective upon the breach of any condition of this assignment, the Assignor hereby appoints the Assignee his
Attorney-in-fact with full power and authority to take actual possession of the property above-described, together with all
improvements thereon, subject to the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, to lease the same or any
portion thereof and collect rentals, to make repairs or improvements thereon and pay the same, to sell or otherwise dispose of
whatever rights the Assignor has or might have over said property and/or its improvements and perform any other act which the
Assignee may deem convenient to protect its interest. All expenses advanced by the Assignee in connection with purpose above
indicated which shall bear the same rate of interest aforementioned are also guaranteed by this Assignment. Any amount received
from rents, administration, sale or disposal of said property may be supplied by the Assignee to the payment of repairs,
improvements, taxes, assessments and other incidental expenses and obligations and the balance, if any, to the payment of interest
and then on the capital of the indebtedness secured hereby. If after disposal or sale of said property and upon application of total
amounts received there shall remain a deficiency, said Assignor hereby binds himself to pay the same to the Assignee upon
demand, together with all interest thereon until fully paid. The power herein granted shall not be revoked as long as the Assignor is
indebted to the Assignee and all acts that may be executed by the Assignee by virtue of said power are hereby ratified.

 Such condition did not provide that ownership over the leasehold rights would automatically pass to DBP upon Cuba’s
failure to pay the loan on time
o Merely provided for the appointment of DBP as attorney-in fact to sell or otherwise dispose of the said real
rights in case of default by Cuba – and to apply the proceeds to the payment of the loan

o This provision is a standard condition in mortgage contracts and is in conformity with Article 2087 of the Civil
Code, which authorizes the mortgagee to foreclose the mortgage and alienate the mortgaged property for the
payment of the principal obligation.

 DBP exceeded in the authority vested by Condition No. 12

o DBP cannot take refuge in condition no. 12 of the deed of assignment to justify its act of appropriating the
leasehold rights. As stated earlier, condition no. 12 did not provide that CUBAs default would operate to
vest in DBP ownership of the said rights. Besides, an assignment to guarantee an obligation, as in the
present case, is virtually a mortgage and not an absolute conveyance of title which confers ownership
on the assignee.
 The fact that Cuba offered and agreed to repurchase her leasehold rights from DBP did not estop her from questioning
DBPs act of appropriation, as such estoppel is unavailing in this case

What the DBP should have done:

 DBP should have foreclosed the mortgage, as stipulated in Condition no. 12 of the Deed of Assignment

In view of the false representation that DBP has already foreclosed the mortgage, the following acts are declared null
 The cancellation of the fish pond permit
 Conditional sale to Caperal
 Appropriation of the leasehold rights

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