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VHF FM Marine Transceiver


HX290 Service Manual EM045N90A

Frequency Ranges: TX: 156.025 MHz - 157.425 MHz
RX: 156.050 MHz - 163.275 MHz
Channel Spacing: 25 kHz
Frequency Stability: ±10 ppm (–4 °F to +140 °F [–20 °C to +60 °C])
Emission Type: 16K0G3E
Antenna Impedance: 50 Ω
Supply Voltage: 7.4V DC, Negative Ground (Battery Terminal)
Current Consumption: 320 mA (Receive, Typical at AF MAX.)
50 mA (Standby)
1.6 A / 0.7 A (TX: 5 W / 1W)
Operating Temperature: –4 °F to +140 °F (–20 °C to +60 °C)
Battery Type and Capacity: Lithium-Ion, 1170 mAh
Waterproof Rating: JIS-8 / IPX8
1.5 m (about 5Ft) for 30 minutes
Case Size (W x H x D): 2.24” x 5.24” x 1.73” (57 x 133 x 44 mm)
(w/o knob & antenna)
Weight (Approx.): 10.9 oz (310 g)
(w/FNB-110LI, Belt Clip, & Antenna)

RF Power Output: 5 W / 1 W (@7.4 V )
Modulation Type: Variable Reactance
Maximum Deviation: ±5 kHz
Spurious Emission: –75 dBc typical
Microphone Impedance: 2 kΩ

Circuit Type: Double-Conversion Superheterodyne
Intermediate Frequencies: 1st: 21.7 MHz, 2nd: 450 kHz
Adjacent Channel Selectivity: 70 dB typical
Intermodulation: 68 dB typical
Hum & Noise Ratio: 40 dB typical
Sensitivity: 0.25 µV for 12 dB SINAD
Selectivity: 25 kHz (–70 dB)
AF Output (Internal SP): 700 mW @16 Ω for 10 % THD (@7.4 V)

Performance specifications are nominal, unless otherwise indicated, and are subject to change without notice.
Measured in accordance with TIA/EIA-603.

Important Note
The HX290 was assembled using Pb (lead) free solder, based on the RoHS specification.
Only lead-free solder (Alloy Composition: Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu) should be used for repairs performed on this appara-
tus. The solder stated above utilizes the alloy composition required for compliance with the lead-free specification,
and any solder with the above alloy composition may be used.

2 HX290 Service Manual

Exploded View & Miscellaneous Parts
RA1194200 RA107910B

RA108700B RA119510A

RA1314600 RA1310000



Unsolder the three battery terminals 
to remove the MAIN Unit
from the Rear Case



SHEET (HEAT 6X5 t0.5)


O RING (6X2.2)

Q3000176 CAT460 Antenna Non-designated parts are available only
AAH02X001 FNB-110LI Li-Ion Battery Pack
as part of a designated assembly.
AAG85X002 PA-44B 120VAC Wall Charger (Type-A plug)
AAG85X003 PA-44C 230VAC Wall Charger (Type-C plug) REF. VXSTD P/N DESCRIPTION QTY.
AAH68X001 CD-52 Charger Cradle  U24108020 BIND HEAD TAPTITE-B M2X8SUS 2
AAH97X001 CLIP-22 Belt Clip  U44105001 PAN HEAD TAPTITE-B M2X5 10
HX290 Service Manual 3

4 HX290 Service Manual

Block Diagram

HX290 Service Manual 5


6 HX290 Service Manual

Circuit Description
1. Receive Signal Path 3. Squelch Control
Incoming RF from the antenna jack passes through a low- The squelch circuitry consists of a noise amplifier and
pass filter consisting of coils L1001, L1002, & L1004, ca- band-pass filter and noise detector within Q1026
pacitors C1005, C1009, C1015, C1025, & C1214, antenna (NJM2591V). When no carrier received, noise at the out-
switching diode D1004 (RLS135), and Surge Protector put of the detector stage in Q1026 (NJM2591V) is ampli-
diode D1005 (1SS400). fied and band-pass filtered by the noise amplifier section
of Q1026 (NJM2591V) and the network between pins 7
Signals within the frequency range of the transceiver en-
and 8, and then rectified by detection circuit in Q1026
ter a high-pass filter consisting of coils L1012 and L1014,
capacitors C1054, C1057, and C1065, then amplified by
Q1015 (3SK294) and enter a Varactor-tuned band-pass The resulting DC squelch control voltage is passed to pin
filter consisting of coils L1021 & L1023, capacitors C1098, 64 of the microprocessor Q1028 (UPD78F0484GK). If no
C1102, C1104, C1113, C1115, & C1211, and diode D1016 carrier is received, this signal causes pin 38 of Q1028
(DAN235E), before first mixing by Q1023 (3SK318). (UPD78F0484GK) to go low and pin 67 to go high. Pin 67
signals of Q1028 (UPD78F0484GK) to disable the supply
Buffered output from the VCO is amplified by Q1004
voltage to the audio amplifier Q1035 (TDA2822).
(2SC5006) to provide a pure first local signal between
134.35 and 141.575 MHz for injection to the first mixer Thus, the microprocessor blocks output from the audio
Q1023 (3SK318). amplifier, and silences the receiver, while no signal is be-
ing received (and during transmission, as well).
The 21.7 MHz first mixer product then passes through
monolithic crystal filter XF1001/XF1002 to strip away all
but the desired signal, which is then amplified by Q1025 4. Transmit Signal Path
(2SC4915). The amplified first IF signal is applied to FM The speech input from the microphone MC1001 passes
IF subsystem IC Q1026 (NJM2591V), which contains the through the audio amplifier Q1027 (NJM12902V), which
second mixer, second local oscillator, limited amplifier, is adjusted the microphone gain. The speech signal pass-
noise amplifier, and RSSI amplifier. es through pre-emphasis circuit to Q1027 (NJM12902V),
which contains the IDC, and low-pass filter. Then passes
A second local signal is produced from the PLL reference/ through VR1004 which allows manual adjustment of the
second local oscillator of X1001 (21.25 MHz). The 21.25
transmitter deviation level.
MHz reference signal is delivered to mixer section of FM
IF subsystem IC Q1026 (NJM2591V) which produce the The filtered audio signal is applied to varactor diode
450 kHz second IF mixed with the first IF signal. D1006 (HVC306B), which frequency modulates the VCO
Q1006 (2SC5006).
The second IF then passes through the ceramic filter
CF1001 to strip away unwanted mixer products, and is The modulated signal from the VCO Q1006 (2SC5006) is
then applied to the limited amplifier in the FM IF sub- buffered by Q1004 (2SC5006). The low-level transmit sig-
system IC Q1026 (BA4116FV), which removes amplitude nal is then passes through the TX switching diode D1018
variations in the 450kHz IF, before detection of the speech (DAN235E) to the buffer amplifier Q1018 (2SC5226),
by the ceramic discriminator CD1001. driver amplifier Q1013 (RQA0004PXDQS), then ampli-
fied transmit signal is applied to the final amplifier Q1012
2. Audio Amplifier (RQA0011DNS) up to 5.0 watts output power.
The demodulated audio signal from the Q1026 The transmit signal then passes through the antenna
(NJM2591V) passes through the de-emphasis circuit, then switch D1003 (RLS135) and is low-pass filtered to sup-
applied to the audio filter Q1030 (LM2902PWR). Then press harmonic spurious radiation before delivery to the
passes through the audio mute switch Q1033 antenna.
(TC7S66FU), the audio volume VR1006 and the audio
power amplifier Q1035 (TDA2822L) pin 7, providing up
to 700 mW of audio power to the 16-ohm loudspeaker.

HX290 Service Manual 7

Circuit Description
4-1 Automatic Transmit Power Control The 25.0 kHz signal from the programmable divider (de-
Current from the final amplifier is sampled by C1012 & rived from the VCO) and that derived from the reference
C1020, and R1006 & R1010, and is rectified by D1002 oscillator are applied to the phase detector section of
(RB715F). The resulting DC is fed back through Q1014 Q1022 (LV2105V), which produces a pulsed output with
(LM2904PWR) to the drive amplifier Q1013 pulse duration depending on the phase difference between
(R Q A 0 0 0 4 P X D Q S ) and final amplifier Q1012 the input signals.
(RQA0011DNS), for control of the power output. This pulse train is filtered to DC and returned to the Var-
When the microprocessor selects “High” or “Low” pow- actor D1008 and D1009 (both HVC350B).
er levels, pin 66 of Q1028 (UPD78F0484GK) to go low at Changes in the level of the DC voltage applied to the Var-
“High” power selected or pin 66 of Q1028 actor, affecting the reference in the tank circuit of the VCO
(UPD78F0484GK) to go high at “Low” power selected. according to the phase difference between the signals
derived from the VCO and the crystal reference oscilla-
5. PLL Frequency Synthesizer tor.
The PLL circuitry on the Main Unit consists of VCO Q1006
The VCO is thus phase-locked to the crystal reference os-
(2SC5006), VCO buffer Q1004 (2SC5006), PLL sub-
cillator. The output of the VCO Q1006 (2SC5006) after
system IC Q1022 (LV2105V), which contains a reference
buffering by Q1004 (2SC5006) is applied to the first mix-
divider, serial-to-parallel data latch, programmable divid-
er as described previously.
er, phase comparator and charge pump, and crystal X1001
which frequency stability is ±10 ppm @ –20 °C to +60 °C. For transmission, the VCO Q1006 (2SC5006) oscillates
between 156.025 and 157.425 MHz according to the mod-
While receiving, VCO Q1006 (2SC5006) oscillates be-
el version and programmed transmit frequency. The re-
tween 134.35 and 141.575 MHz according to the trans-
mainder of the PLL circuitry is shared with the receiver.
ceiver version and the programmed receiving frequency.
However, the dividing data from the microprocessor is
The VCO output is buffered by Q1004 (2SC5006), then
such that the VCO frequency is at the actual transmit fre-
applied to the prescaler section of Q1022 (LV2105V). There
quency (rather than offset for IFs, as in the receiving case).
the VCO signal is divided by 64 or 65, according to a con-
Also, the VCO is modulated by the speech audio applied
trol signal from the data latch section of Q1022 (LV2105V),
to D1006 (HVC306B), as described previously.
before being sent to the programmable divider section of
Q1022 (LV2105V).
6. Miscellaneous Circuits
The data latch section of Q1022 (LV2105V) also receives
Push-To-Talk Transmit Activation
serial dividing data from the microprocessor Q1028
When the PTT switch on the Main Unit is closed, pin 72 of
(UPD78F0484GK), which causes the pre-divided VCO
Q1028 (UPD78F0484GK) goes low. This signal disables
signal to be further divided in the programmable divider
the receiver by disabling the 5 V supply bus at Q1009
section, depending upon the desired receive frequency,
(UMD5N) to the front-end, FM IF subsystem IC Q1026
so as to produce a 25.0 kHz derivative of the current VCO
At the same time, Q1008 (UMD5N) activate the transmit 5
Meanwhile, the reference divider sections of Q1022
V supply line to enable the transmitter.
(LV2105V) divides the 21.25 MHz crystal reference from
the reference oscillator section of Q1022 (LV2105V), by
850 to produce the 25.0 kHz loops reference.

8 HX290 Service Manual

The HX290 has been carefully aligned at the factory for Required Test Equipment
the specified performance across the marine band.
 RF Signal Generator with calibrated output level at
Realignment should therefore not be necessary except in 200 MHz
the event of a component failure.  Frequency Counter: >0.1 ppm accuracy at 200 MHz
 AF Signal Generator
All component replacement and service should be per-
 Deviation Meter (linear detector)
formed only by an authorized STANDARD HORIZON
 VHF Sampling Coupler
representative, or the warranty policy may be voided.
 Inline Wattmeter with 5% accuracy at 200 MHz
The following procedures cover the sometimes critical and  50-ohm Non-reactive Dummy Load: 10W at 200 MHz
tedious adjustments that are not normally required once  7.4 VDC, 2A Regulated DC Power Supply
the transceiver has left the factory. However, if damage  IBM® PC/compatible computer with Microsoft® Win-
occurs and some parts are replaced, realignment may be dows® 2000, XP, or Vista
required. If a sudden problem occurs during normal op-  Standard Horizon HX290 Service Flag Controller and
eration, it is likely due to component failure; realignment CT-111 (or CT-29 + CT-97) Clone Cable.
should not be done until after the faulty component has
been replaced. Alignment Preparation & Precautions
We recommend that servicing be performed only by au- A dummy load and inline wattmeter must be connected
thorized STANDARD HORIZON service technicians who to the main antenna jack in all procedures that call for
are experienced with the circuitry and fully equipped for transmission, except where specified otherwise. Correct
repair and alignment. Therefore, if a fault is suspected, alignment is not possible with an antenna. After complet-
contact the dealer from whom the transceiver was pur- ing one step, read the following step to determine wheth-
chased for instructions regarding repair. Authorized er the same test equipment will be required. If not, re-
STANDARD HORIZON service technicians realign all cir- move the test equipment (except dummy load and watt-
cuits and make complete performance checks to ensure meter, if connected) before proceeding.
compliance with factory specifications after replacing any Correct alignment requires that the ambient temperature
faulty components. Those who do undertake any of the be the same as that of the transceiver and test equipment,
following alignments are cautioned to proceed at their and that this temperature be held constant between 20 °C
own risk. and 30 °C (68 °F ~ 86 °F). When the transceiver is brought
Problems caused by unauthorized attempts at realignment into the shop from hot or cold air it should be allowed
are not covered by the warranty policy. Also, STANDARD some time for thermal equalization with the environment
HORIZON must reserve the right to change circuits and before alignment. If possible, alignments should be made
alignment procedures in the interest of improved perfor- with oscillator shields and circuit boards firmly affixed
mance, without notifying owners. Under no circumstances in place. Also, the test equipment must be thoroughly
should any alignment be attempted unless the normal warmed up before beginning.
function and operation of the transceiver are clearly un- Note: Signal levels in dB referred to in this procedure are
derstood, the cause of the malfunction has been clearly based on 0 dBµ = 0.5 µV(closed circuit).
pinpointed and any faulty components replaced, and the
need for realignment determined to be absolutely neces-
sary. The following test equipment (and thorough famil-
iarity with its correct use) is necessary for complete re-
alignment. Correction of problems caused by misalign-
ment resulting from use of improper test equipment is
not covered under the warranty policy. While most steps
do not require all of the equipment listed, the interactions
of some adjustments may require that more complex ad-
justments be performed afterwards. Do not attempt to
perform only a single step unless it is clearly isolated elec-
trically from all other steps. Have all test equipment ready
before beginning, and follow all of the steps in a section
in the order presented.

HX290 Service Manual 9

Before Alignment Transmit Power Adjustment
Remove the Front Panel from the transceiver according  Set up the test equipment as shown below, and set the
to the following procedures: DC Power Supply voltage to 7.4 V.
 Set the channel to CH16.
1. Disconnect the antenna from the transceiver.
 Use the key to set the transceiver to “HI” power.
2. Remove the VOL knob, MIC/SP Screw (with Rubber
 With the PTT switch pressed, adjust VR1003 so that
Cap), and Battery Pack from the transceiver.
RF output power is 5.0 W ± 0.1 W.
3. Remove the two screws which located at the bottom
 Release the PTT switch, then set the transceiver to
side on the battery compartment of the transceiver.
“LOW” power by pressing the key.
4. Carefully pull out the chassis from the Front Panel.
 With the PTT switch pressed, adjust VR1001 so that
Refer to the “Exploded View“ on the page 4.
RF output power is 0.9 W ± 0.1 W.
Reference Frequency Adjustment  Release the PTT switch.
 Set up the test equipment as shown below, and set the
TX Deviation Adjustment
DC Power Supply voltage to 7.4 V.
 Set up the test equipment as shown below, and set the
 Turn the transceiver on.
DC Power Supply voltage to 7.4 V.
 Set the channel to CH16.
 Set the AF Signal Generator output to 100 mVrms at 1
 Use the key to set the transceiver to “LOW” power.
 With the PTT switch pressed, adjust VR1002 so the
 Set the channel to CH16 with “LOW” power.
Frequency Counter reading is 156.800 MHz ± 100 Hz.
 With the PTT switch pressed, adjust VR1004 so that
 Release the PTT switch.
the maximum deviation is 4.2 kHz ± 0.1 kHz.
 Release the PTT switch.
 Turn the transceiver off.

50 Ω Inline RF Sampling AF Signal

Dummy Load Wattmeter Coupler Generator

Deviation GND
Meter AF Signal Generator


Power Supply



10 HX290 Service Manual

Software Alignment Terminates the Software Alignment Mode
Set up the Software Alignment Mode  Execute the HX290 Service Flag Controller Program
 Install the HX290 Service Flag Controller Program to
 Connect the CT-111 (or CT-29 + CT-97) Clone Cable
your computer.
 Connect the CT-111 (or CT-29 + CT-97) Clone Cable between the MIC/SP jack of the HX290 and the Serial
Port of your computer.
between the MIC/SP jack of the HX290 and the Serial
 Execute the HX290 Service Flag Controller Program.
Port of your computer.
 Execute the HX290 Service Flag Controller Program.  Select the COM port number which is connected to
the Clone Cabl (HX290).
 Select the COM port number which is connected to
 Press and hold in the key while
the Clone Cabl (HX290).
 Press and hold in the key while turning the transceiver on.
 Select “Alignment OFF” Radio But-
turning the transceiver on.
ton of HX290 Service Flag Control-
 Select “Alignment ON” Radio But-
ton of the HX290 Service Flag Con- ler Program.
 Click the left mouse button on the
troller Program.
[SET] button of the HX290 Service
 Click the left mouse button on the
[SET] button of the HX290 Service Flag Controller Program.
 Turn off the transceiver. Then turn
Flag Controller Program. Then turn
the transceiver off.
the transceiver off.
After Alignment
Squelch Adjustment  Assemble the transceiver while being carefully so that
 Set up the test equipment as shown at the right, and Rubber Packing does not protrude from a Front Case.
set the DC Power Supply voltage to 7.4 V. Important Note: To ensure the radio is water proof,
 Turn the transceiver on. make sure the gasket is installed on the chassis cor-
 Set the channel to CH16, then turn the transceiver off. rectly and is not pinched when inserted into the front
 Press and hold in the key while case.
turning the transceiver on to enter
the Alignment Mode. The display RF Signal
will be shown the “AL”.
 Press the key repeatedly until 16 Ω 1 W
the Alignment Item “ti” is shown on Resistor

the display. GND

 Set the RF Signal Generator output
16 Ω 1 W Resistor
to 156.800 MHz, at a level of 0 dBµV, ±3.0 kHz devia-
tion with a 1 kHz audio tone.
 Press the key to record a tight level. Regulated
Power Supply
 Adjust VR1005 so that the
transceiver’s display becomes
 Press the key to save the new
 Press the key repeatedly until VR1005
the Alignment Item “tH” is shown
on the display.
 Set the RF Signal Generator output
to 156.800 MHz, at a level of –8 dBµV, ±3.0 kHz devia-
tion with a 1 kHz audio tone.
 Press the key to record a threshold level. RX SECTION ALIGNMENT SETUP
 Press and hold the key for one second to save the
new setting.
 Turn the transceiver off. NOTICE
Do not touch the Alignment Item “dC”.

HX290 Service Manual 11


12 HX290 Service Manual

Circuit Diagram

RX: 3.51 V RX: 4.17 V RX: 2.54 V RX: 4.69 V RX: 2.10 V
TX: 0 V TX: 0 V RX: 2.34 V TX: 0 V TX: 0 V TX: 0 V RX: 4.85 V
RX: 2.87 V TX: 0 V TX: 0 V
RX (WX CH): 0 V
TX: 0 V
RX: 1.11 V
TX: 0 V 80 mVrms
80 mVrms 80 mVrms

RX: 2.47 V
TX: 0 V RX: 1.00 V RX: 7.38 V
TX: 0 V TX: 7.34 V
RX: 0 V RX (SIGNAL: Non): 0 V
TX (Hi): 4.35 V RX (SIGNAL: 40 dBµ): 0.31 V
TX (Low): 1.50 V TX: 0 V
RX: 0 V
TX: 2.68 V
RX (SIGNAL: Non): 0 V
RX (SIGNAL: 40 dBµ): 3.30 V
RX: 0 V TX: 0 V
TX: 2.82 V
RX: 0 V
RX (WX CH): 3.29 V
TX: 0 V
RX: 0 V
TX: 1.69 V RX: 2.83 V
TX: 0 V
RX: 0 V RX: 0 V
RX: 3.28 V TX (Hi): 0.83 V TX (Hi): 0.42 V
TX: 0 V TX (Low): 0.35 V TX (Low): 0.18 V

RX: 3.18 V
TX: 3.18 V
RX: 2.16 V
RX: 0 V TX: 2.16 V
TX (Hi): 1.31 V RX: 0 V
TX (Low): 0.56 V TX (Hi): 0 V RX: 7.30 V
TX (Low): 3.28 V TX: 0 V
RX: 0 V
TX (Hi): 2.19 V
TX (Low): 0.76 V

RX: 2.58 V RX: 3.51 V

TX: 2.55 V TX: 3.47 V

RX: 3.28 V
TX: 3.28 V
RX: 3.30 V
RX: 2.32 V TX: 0 V
45 mVrms RX (SIGNAL: Non): 0 V
TX: 2.32 V
RX (SIGNAL: 40 dBµ): 2.36 V
930 mVrms TX: 0 V

RX: 2.47 V 460 mVrms

TX: 2.47 V

RX: 3.17 V
TX: 3.17 V
RX: 1.87 V RX: 5.00 V
TX: 1.93 V RX: 1.60 V TX: 1.78 V
TX: 3.17 V 220 mVrms

RX: 1.53 V
TX: 1.53 V

RX (SAVE "OFF"): 2.77 V

RX (SAVE "ON"): 0 V
TX: 2.77 V
RX: 3.29 V RX: 3.23 V
TX: 3.29 V TX: 3.23 V

RX: 0 V
TX: 4.86 V

RX: 5.00 V
TX: 5.00 V RX: 4.90 V
RX: 3.29 V TX: 0 V
TX: 0 V
RX: 3.11 V
TX: 3.11 V

RX: 2.08 V
RX: 3.30 V RX: 0 V TX: 2.08 V
TX: 3.30 V TX: 3.29 V RX: 1.04 V
TX: 1.04 V


RX: 3.00 V
TX: 3.00 V

RX: 1.47 V
TX: 1.47 V BACKLIGHT "ON": 1.21 V

RX: 1.79 V
TX: 1.79 V

HX290 Service Manual 13


14 HX290 Service Manual

Parts Layout (Side A)

µPD78F0484GK TDA2822L LM2904PWR 2SC4617 (BR) DTC144EE (26) TC7S66FU (E9) RB715F (3D)
(Q1028) (Q1035) (Q1014) (Q1039) (Q1005, 1020) (Q1033) (D1024)

HX290 Service Manual 15

Parts Layout (Side B)
a b c d e f g h

NJM2591V LV2105V 2SA1774 (FR) 2SC4617 (BR) 3SK294 (UV) DTC144EE (26) RQA0004PXDQS (PX) SN74LVC1G66 UMD5N DA221 (K) IMN10 (N10)
(Q1026) (Q1022) (Q1016, 1032) (Q1011, 1017) (Q1015) (Q1003, 1007, (Q1013) (Q1034) (Q1008, 1009, (D1023) (D1020)
2SC4915 (QY) 3SK318 (YB) 1021, 1024, 1029, 1010, 1031,
(Q1025) (Q1023) 1034, 1038) 1037)
2SC5006 (24)
(Q1004, 1006)
2SC5226 (R22)

R1EX24008ATAS0I LM2902PWR 2SB1132 (BA) RQA0011DNS TAR5S33U DAN235E

(Q1019) (Q1030) (Q1036) (Q1012) (Q1002) (D1016, 1018)
NJM12902V TAR5S50U
(Q1027) (Q1001)

16 HX290 Service Manual

Parts List
PCB with Components CS2101701
Printed Circuit Board AM045N000 FR0222200 1-
C 1001 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B e1
C 1002 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B e1
C 1003 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B h3
C 1004 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B h3
C 1005 CHIP CAP. 18pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H180JZ01D K22178218 1- B h3
C 1007 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B e1
C 1008 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V B GRM155B11A104KA01D K22108802 1- A D1
C 1009 CHIP CAP. 27pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H270JZ01D K22178222 1- B h3
C 1010 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B e1
C 1011 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V B GRM155B11A104KA01D K22108802 1- A D1
C 1012 CHIP CAP. 0.5pF 50V CK GRM1554C1HR50BZ01D K22178285 1- B h3
C 1013 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B e1
C 1014 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B c3
C 1015 CHIP CAP. 6pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H6R0DZ01D K22178208 1- B g3
C 1016 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- A B4
C 1017 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B e1
C 1018 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B c3
C 1019 CHIP CAP. 10uF 6.3V B JMK212BJ106KG-T K22080802 1- B e1
C 1020 CHIP CAP. 0.5pF 50V CK GRM1554C1HR50BZ01D K22178285 1- B g3
C 1021 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V B GRM155B11A104KA01D K22108802 1- A B3
C 1022 CHIP CAP. 10uF 6.3V B JMK212BJ106KG-T K22080802 1- B e1
C 1023 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- A C3
C 1024 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B c2
C 1025 CHIP CAP. 10pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H100BZ01D K22178297 1- B g3
C 1027 CHIP CAP. 5pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H5R0CZ01D K22178207 1- B c3
C 1029 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- A C3
C 1030 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- A C3
C 1032 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B c2
C 1033 CHIP CAP. 27pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H270JZ01D K22178222 1- B c3
C 1034 CHIP CAP. 27pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H270JZ01D K22178222 1- B c3
C 1035 CHIP CAP. 56pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H560JD01D K22178230 1- B f3
C 1036 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B c2
C 1037 CHIP CAP. 33pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H330JZ01D K22178224 1- B c3
C 1038 CHIP CAP. 18pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H180JZ01D K22178218 1- B f3
C 1039 CHIP CAP. 18pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H180JZ01D K22178218 1- B f3
C 1040 CHIP CAP. 10uF 6.3V B JMK212BJ106KG-T K22080802 1- B e2
C 1041 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V B GRM155B11A104KA01D K22108802 1- B c3
C 1042 CHIP CAP. 33pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H330JZ01D K22178224 1- B f3
C 1043 CHIP CAP. 22pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H220JZ01D K22178220 1- B g3
C 1044 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B e2
C 1045 CHIP CAP. 10uF 6.3V B JMK212BJ106KG-T K22080802 1- B e2
C 1046 CHIP CAP. 10uF 6.3V B JMK212BJ106KG-T K22080802 1- B c2
C 1047 CHIP CAP. 1pF 50V CK GRM1554C1H1R0BZ01D K22178287 1- B c3
C 1049 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B e2
C 1050 CHIP CAP. 15pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H150JZ01D K22178216 1- B g2
C 1051 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B f3
C 1052 CHIP CAP. 10uF 6.3V B JMK212BJ106KG-T K22080802 1- B c2
C 1053 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B b3
C 1054 CHIP CAP. 18pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H180JZ01D K22178218 1- B g2
C 1055 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B e3
C 1056 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B f3
C 1057 CHIP CAP. 15pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H150JZ01D K22178216 1- B g2
C 1058 CHIP CAP. 1uF 6.3V B GRM155B30J105KE18D K22088803 1- B c3
C 1059 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B b2
C 1060 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B f3
C 1062 CHIP TA.CAP. 10uF 16V TEESVA1C106M8R K78120077 1- B f3
C 1063 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B b3
C 1064 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B e3
C 1065 CHIP CAP. 33pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H330JZ01D K22178224 1- B g2
C 1066 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B c2
C 1067 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B g2
C 1068 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- A B4
C 1069 CHIP CAP. 82pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H820JD01D K22178234 1- B e3
C 1071 CHIP CAP. 1uF 6.3V B GRM155B30J105KE18D K22088803 1- A B4
C 1072 CHIP TA.CAP. 0.1uF 35V TEESVA1V104M8R K78160025 1- B b3
C 1073 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B g2
C 1074 CHIP CAP. 15pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H150JZ01D K22178216 1- B e3
C 1075 CHIP CAP. 0.22uF 10V B GRM155B31A224KE18D K22108808 1- A B4
C 1076 CHIP TA.CAP. 10uF 16V TEESVA1C106M8R K78120077 1- B b3
C 1077 CHIP CAP. 10pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H100BZ01D K22178297 1- B g2
C 1079 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B e3

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Parts List
C 1080 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B e4
C 1081 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V B GRM155B11A104KA01D K22108802 1- A B3
C 1082 CHIP TA.CAP. 0.47uF 35V TEESVA1V474M8R K78160029 1- B b3
C 1083 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B e3
C 1084 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B e3
C 1085 CHIP CAP. 10uF 6.3V B JMK212BJ106KG-T K22080802 1- B b3
C 1086 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B g3
C 1088 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B b3
C 1089 CHIP CAP. 15pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H150JZ01D K22178216 1- B e3
C 1090 CHIP CAP. 1uF 6.3V B GRM155B30J105KE18D K22088803 1- A B3
C 1091 CHIP CAP. 8pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H8R0DZ01D K22178210 1- B g2
C 1092 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B d3
C 1094 CHIP CAP. 8pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H8R0DZ01D K22178210 1- B f2
C 1095 CHIP CAP. 5pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H5R0CZ01D K22178207 1- B c3
C 1096 CHIP CAP. 10pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H100BZ01D K22178297 1- B d3
C 1097 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B d3
C 1098 CHIP CAP. 15pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H150JZ01D K22178216 1- B f3
C 1099 CHIP CAP. 68pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H680JZ01D K22178232 1- B c3
C 1100 CHIP CAP. 1uF 6.3V B GRM155B30J105KE18D K22088803 1- B a2
C 1101 CHIP CAP. 1uF 6.3V B GRM155B30J105KE18D K22088803 1- A B3
C 1102 CHIP CAP. 3pF 50V CJ GRP1553C1H3R0CZ01E K22178205 1- B f2
C 1103 CHIP CAP. 15pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H150JZ01D K22178216 1- B c3
C 1104 CHIP CAP. 1pF 50V CK GRM1554C1H1R0BZ01D K22178287 1- B f3
C 1105 CHIP CAP. 1uF 6.3V B GRM155B30J105KE18D K22088803 1- B d2
C 1107 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B f2
C 1108 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B d3
C 1109 CHIP CAP. 12pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H120JZ01D K22178214 1- B b2
C 1110 CHIP CAP. 100pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H101JD01D K22178236 1- B b2
C 1111 CHIP CAP. 1pF 50V CK GRM1554C1H1R0BZ01D K22178287 1- B b2
C 1112 CHIP CAP. 27pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H270JZ01D K22178222 1- B a2
C 1113 CHIP CAP. 3pF 50V CJ GRP1553C1H3R0CZ01E K22178205 1- B f2
C 1114 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B a3
C 1115 CHIP CAP. 18pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H180JZ01D K22178218 1- B f3
C 1116 CHIP CAP. 5pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H5R0CZ01D K22178207 1- B d3
C 1117 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B a2
C 1119 CHIP CAP. 4pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H4R0CZ01D K22178206 1- B f2
C 1120 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B f2
C 1121 CHIP CAP. 18pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H180JZ01D K22178218 1- B d3
C 1122 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B e2
C 1123 CHIP CAP. 22pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H220JZ01D K22178220 1- B d3
C 1124 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B d3
C 1125 CHIP CAP. 18pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H180JZ01D K22178218 1- B d3
C 1126 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B a3
C 1127 CHIP CAP. 22pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H220JZ01D K22178220 1- B e3
C 1128 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B e3
C 1129 CHIP CAP. 10uF 6.3V B JMK212BJ106KG-T K22080802 1- B b3
C 1130 CHIP CAP. 33pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H330JZ01D K22178224 1- B e2
C 1131 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B e3
C 1132 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B b3
C 1133 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V B GRM155B11A104KA01D K22108802 1- B b2
C 1135 CHIP CAP. 8pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H8R0DZ01D K22178210 1- B d2
C 1137 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B d2
C 1138 CHIP CAP. 33pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H330JZ01D K22178224 1- B d2
C 1139 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B b1
C 1140 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V B GRM155B11A104KA01D K22108802 1- B b1
C 1141 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B c2
C 1142 CHIP CAP. 330pF 50V B GRM155B11H331KA01D K22178803 1- B f1
C 1143 CHIP CAP. 0.0056uF 25V B GRM155B11E562KA01D K22148802 1- B f1
C 1144 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B c1
C 1145 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B c1
C 1146 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B c2
C 1147 CHIP CAP. 0.0068uF 25V B GRM155B11E682KA01D K22148803 1- B g2
C 1148 CHIP CAP. 82pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H820JD01D K22178234 1- B c1
C 1149 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V B GRM155B11A104KA01D K22108802 1- B c2
C 1150 CHIP CAP. 270pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H271JA01D K22179715 1- B c2
C 1151 CHIP CAP. 270pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H271JA01D K22179715 1- B c2
C 1152 CHIP CAP. 15pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H150JZ01D K22178216 1- B f1
C 1153 CHIP CAP. 10uF 6.3V B JMK212BJ106KG-T K22080802 1- B c1
C 1154 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B c1
C 1155 CHIP CAP. 0.47uF 6.3V B GRM155B30J474KE18D K22088802 1- A D1
C 1156 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B b2
C 1157 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- A E2
C 1158 CHIP CAP. 1uF 6.3V B GRM155B30J105KE18D K22088803 1- A D1

18 HX290 Service Manual

Parts List
C 1159 CHIP CAP. 10uF 6.3V B JMK212BJ106KG-T K22080802 1- B e1
C 1160 CHIP CAP. 560pF 50V B GRM155B11H561KD01 K22178806 1- B f1
C 1161 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V B GRM155B11A104KA01D K22108802 1- B b1
C 1162 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V B GRM155B11A104KA01D K22108802 1- B b1
C 1163 CHIP CAP. 0.033uF 10V B GRM155B11A333KA01D K22108803 1- B f1
C 1164 CHIP CAP. 1uF 6.3V B GRM155B30J105KE18D K22088803 1- B g1
C 1165 CHIP CAP. 1uF 6.3V B GRM155B30J105KE18D K22088803 1- B f1
C 1167 CHIP CAP. 1uF 6.3V B GRM155B30J105KE18D K22088803 1- B b1
C 1168 CHIP CAP. 15pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H150JZ01D K22178216 1- B f1
C 1169 CHIP CAP. 1uF 6.3V B GRM155B30J105KE18D K22088803 1- B b1
C 1170 CHIP CAP. 10pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H100BZ01D K22178297 1- B d1
C 1171 CHIP CAP. 10uF 6.3V B JMK212BJ106KG-T K22080802 1- B f1
C 1172 CHIP CAP. 47pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H470JZ01D K22178228 1- B b1
C 1173 CHIP CAP. 1uF 6.3V B GRM155B30J105KE18D K22088803 1- B e1
C 1174 CHIP CAP. 10pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H100BZ01D K22178297 1- B e1
C 1175 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V B GRM155B11A104KA01D K22108802 1- B f1
C 1176 CHIP CAP. 1uF 6.3V B GRM155B30J105KE18D K22088803 1- B f2
C 1177 CHIP CAP. 0.047uF 10V B GRM155B11A473KA01D K22108801 1- B b1
C 1178 CHIP CAP. 0.0033uF 50V B GRM155B11H332KA01D K22178815 1- B f1
C 1179 CHIP CAP. 0.047uF 10V B GRM155B11A473KA01D K22108801 1- B b1
C 1180 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V B GRM155B11A104KA01D K22108802 1- A B1
C 1181 CHIP CAP. 0.047uF 10V B GRM155B11A473KA01D K22108801 1- B b1
C 1182 CHIP CAP. 270pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H271JA01D K22179715 1- B a2
C 1183 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- B b2
C 1184 CHIP CAP. 0.0047uF 50V B GRM155B11H472KA01D K22178838 1- B b2
C 1185 CHIP CAP. 10uF 6.3V B JMK212BJ106KG-T K22080802 1- A A2
C 1186 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- A A2
C 1187 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B h1
C 1188 CHIP CAP. 10uF 6.3V B JMK212BJ106KG-T K22080802 1- B f1
C 1189 CHIP CAP. 1uF 6.3V B GRM155B30J105KE18D K22088803 1- B h1
C 1190 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- A A2
C 1191 CHIP TA.CAP. 22uF 16V TEESVB21C226M8R K78120028 1- B h2
C 1192 CHIP CAP. 1uF 6.3V B GRM155B30J105KE18D K22088803 1- A B1
C 1193 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 25V B GRM155B11E103KA01D K22148834 1- A A2
C 1194 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V B GRM155B11A104KA01D K22108802 1- A A1
C 1196 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- A A1
C 1197 CHIP TA.CAP. 10uF 16V TEESVA1C106M8R K78120077 1- A A1
C 1198 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V B GRM155B11A104KA01D K22108802 1- A A2
C 1199 CHIP CAP. 100pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H101JD01D K22178236 1- B h3
C 1200 CHIP CAP. 100pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H101JD01D K22178236 1- B h3
C 1203 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V B GRM155B11A104KA01D K22108802 1- A A2
C 1204 AL.ELECTRO.CAP. 220uF 10V UUR1A221MCL6GS K48100013 1- B h2
C 1205 CHIP CAP. 100pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H101JD01D K22178236 1- B g2
C 1206 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B g4
C 1207 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B g4
C 1208 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- A B1
C 1209 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B f1
C 1210 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM155B11H102KA01D K22178809 1- B f1
C 1211 CHIP CAP. 2pF 50V CK GRM1554C1H2R0BZ01D K22178289 1- B f3
C 1212 CHIP CAP. 10uF 6.3V B JMK212BJ106KG-T K22080802 1- B f2
C 1214 CHIP CAP. 10pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H100BZ01D K22178297 1- B g3
C 1215 CHIP CAP. 47pF 50V CH GRM1552C1H470JZ01D K22178228 1- B f1
CD1001 CERAMIC DISC CDA450C24 H7901430 1- B c1
CF1001 CERAMIC FILTER LTM450FW H3900572 1- B c1
D 1001 SURGE ABSORBER EZAEG3A50AV Q9000867 1- B h3
D 1002 DIODE RB715F T106 G2070752 1- A B4
D 1003 DIODE RLS135 TE-11 G2070128 1- B g3
D 1004 DIODE RLS135 TE-11 G2070128 1- B g3
D 1005 DIODE 1SS400 TE61 G2070634 1- B g3
D 1006 DIODE HVC306B TRU-E G2070918 1- B c3
D 1007 LED 19-213/S2C-AN1P2B/3T G2071096 1- A E4
D 1008 DIODE HVC350B-TRF-E G2070596 1- B c3
D 1009 DIODE HVC350B-TRF-E G2070596 1- B c3
D 1010 LED 19-213/S2C-AN1P2B/3T G2071096 1- A D4
D 1011 LED 19-213/S2C-AN1P2B/3T G2071096 1- A D4
D 1012 LED 19-213/S2C-AN1P2B/3T G2071096 1- A G3
D 1013 LED 19-213/S2C-AN1P2B/3T G2071096 1- A G2
D 1014 LED 19-213/S2C-AN1P2B/3T G2071096 1- A H3
D 1015 LED 19-213/S2C-AN1P2B/3T G2071096 1- A H2
D 1016 DIODE DAN235E TL G2070612 1- B f2
D 1017 DIODE HVC306B TRU-E G2070918 1- B a2
D 1018 DIODE DAN235E TL G2070612 1- B d3
D 1019 DIODE 1SS400 TE61 G2070634 1- A D1

HX290 Service Manual 19

Parts List
D 1020 DIODE 1SS400 TE61 G2070634 1- A D1
D 1021 DIODE 1SS400 TE61 G2070634 1- A D1
D 1022 DIODE 1SS400 TE61 G2070634 1- B b2
D 1023 DIODE DA221 TL G2070178 1- B d2
D 1024 DIODE UDZS TE-17 6.8B G2070888 1- B d1
D 1025 DIODE 1SS400 TE61 G2070634 1- B f1
DS1001 LCD AM045N G6090212 1- A D2
F 1001 CHIP FUSE 3.15A FHC16 322ADTP Q0000118 1- A A1
FB1001 FERRITE BEADS BLM18PG330SN1D L9190141 1- A A1
FB1002 FERRITE BEADS BLM15BD102SN1D L9190133 1- B h3
FB1003 FERRITE BEADS BLM18PG330SN1D L9190141 1- B g2
FB1004 FERRITE BEADS BLM15BD102SN1D L9190133 1- B h3
FB1005 FERRITE BEADS BLM18PG330SN1D L9190141 1- A A2
J 1001 SHIELD FINGER 3525 3100103 S5000226 1- B h3
J 1002 CONNECTOR MJC-046-C1-3.5-T P1091309 1- B h2
J 1003 CONTACT OG-503040 S5000243 1- A B2
J 1004 CONTACT OG-503040 S5000243 1- A B2
L 1001 COIL E2 0.25-1.9-6.5T-L L0022401 1- B h3
L 1002 COIL E2 0.25-1.9-6.5T-L L0022401 1- B g3
L 1003 M.RFC 0.1uH HK1608 R10J-T L1690528 1- B c2
L 1004 COIL E2 0.28-1.0-4.5T-R L0022395 1- B g3
L 1005 M.RFC 4.7uH LK1608 4R7K-T L1690688 1- B c3
L 1006 M.RFC 0.82uH LK1608 R82K-T L1690417 1- A C3
L 1007 COIL E2 0.25-1.9-6.5T-L L0022401 1- B g3
L 1008 COIL 0.033uH AS030621-33NK L0022586 1- B c3
L 1009 COIL E2 0.45-1.5-4.5T-L L0022601 1- B f3
L 1010 M.RFC 0.039uH HK1608 39NJ-T L1690523 1- B g3
L 1011 COIL E2 0.25-1.9-6.5T-L L0022401 1- B f3
L 1012 M.RFC 0.082uH 2% C1608CB-82NG-RF L1691044 1- B g3
L 1013 M.RFC 4.7uH LK1608 4R7K-T L1690688 1- B c3
L 1014 M.RFC 0.056uH 2% C1608CB-56NG-RF L1691041 1- B g2
L 1015 M.RFC 0.022uH HK1608 22NJ-T L1690520 1- B e3
L 1016 M.RFC 0.18uH 2% C1608CB-R18G-RF L1691102 1- B g2
L 1017 M.RFC 0.068uH 2% C1608CB-68NG-RF L1691042 1- B e3
L 1018 M.RFC 0.1uH HK1608 R10J-T L1690528 1- B g2
L 1019 M.RFC 0.047uH HK1608 47NJ-T L1690524 1- B f2
L 1020 M.RFC 0.068uH HK1608 68NJ-T L1690526 1- B d3
L 1021 M.RFC 0.039uH 2% C1608CB-39NG-RF L1691039 1- B f3
L 1022 M.RFC 0.082uH HK1608 82NJ-T L1690527 1- B c3
L 1023 M.RFC 0.039uH 2% C1608CB-39NG-RF L1691039 1- B f3
L 1024 M.RFC 0.056uH HK1608 56NJ-T L1690525 1- B d3
L 1025 M.RFC 0.056uH HK1608 56NJ-T L1690525 1- B e3
L 1026 M.RFC 1.5uH LK1608 1R5K-T L1690846 1- B e2
L 1027 M.RFC 1.5uH LK1608 1R5K-T L1690846 1- B d2
MC1001 MIC. ELEMENT PF0-1055P M3290045 1- A C1
Q 1001 IC TAR5S50U(TE85L.F) G1094097 1- B e1
Q 1002 IC TAR5S33U(TE85L.F) G1094549 1- B e1
Q 1003 TRANSISTOR DTC144EE TL G3070075 1- B c3
Q 1004 TRANSISTOR 2SC5006-T1 G3350068 1- B c3
Q 1005 TRANSISTOR DTC144EE TL G3070075 1- A B4
Q 1006 TRANSISTOR 2SC5006-T1 G3350068 1- B c3
Q 1007 TRANSISTOR DTC144EE TL G3070075 1- B c3
Q 1008 TRANSISTOR UMD5N TR G3070343 1- B e2
Q 1009 TRANSISTOR UMD5N TR G3070343 1- B e2
Q 1010 TRANSISTOR UMD5N TR G3070343 1- B d3
Q 1011 TRANSISTOR 2SC4617 TL R G3346178R 1- B c2
Q 1012 FET RQA0011DNS G3070392 1- B f3
Q 1013 FET RQA0004PXDQS G3070391 1- B e3
Q 1014 IC LM2904PWR G1094010 1- A B3
Q 1015 FET 3SK294(TE85L) G4802948 1- B g2
Q 1016 TRANSISTOR 2SA1774 TL R G3117748R 1- B b3
Q 1017 TRANSISTOR 2SC4617 TL R G3346178R 1- B b3
Q 1018 TRANSISTOR 2SC5226-5-TL G3352268E 1- B d3
Q 1019 IC R1EX24008ATAS0I G1094879 1- B d2
Q 1020 TRANSISTOR DTC144EE TL G3070075 1- A B3
Q 1021 TRANSISTOR DTC144EE TL G3070075 1- B f2
Q 1022 IC LV2105V-TLM G1093191 1- B b3
Q 1023 FET 3SK318 TL G4803188 1- B e2
Q 1024 TRANSISTOR DTC144EE TL G3070075 1- B b2
Q 1025 TRANSISTOR 2SC4915-O(TE85L.F) G3349158O 1- B d2
Q 1026 IC NJM2591V-TE1 G1094024 1- B c1
Q 1027 IC NJM12902V-TE1 G1093592 1- B f1
Q 1028 IC UPD78F0484GK(S)-GAK-AX  1- A E1
: Please contact Vertex Standard
20 HX290 Service Manual
Parts List
Q 1029 TRANSISTOR DTC144EE TL G3070075 1- B a1
Q 1030 IC LM2902PWR G1094009 1- B b1
Q 1031 TRANSISTOR UMD5N TR G3070343 1- B e1
Q 1032 TRANSISTOR 2SA1774 TL R G3117748R 1- B h1
Q 1033 IC TC7S66FU(TE85R.F) G1092116 1- A B1
Q 1034 TRANSISTOR DTC144EE TL G3070075 1- B h1
Q 1035 IC TDA2822L-S08-R G1094497 1- A A2
Q 1036 TRANSISTOR 2SB1132 T100 R G3211327R 1- B h2
Q 1037 TRANSISTOR UMD5N TR G3070343 1- B f1
Q 1038 TRANSISTOR DTC144EE TL G3070075 1- B f1
Q 1039 TRANSISTOR 2SC4617 TL R G3346178R 1- A A1
R 1001 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK473FTH J24189525 1- B h3
R 1002 CHIP RES. 470k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK474FTH J24189537 1- A D1
R 1003 CHIP RES. 150k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK154FTH J24189531 1- A D1
R 1004 CHIP RES. 330k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK334FTH J24189535 1- A D1
R 1005 CHIP RES. 82k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK823FTH J24189528 1- A D2
R 1006 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK103FTH J24189489 1- A B3
R 1007 CHIP RES. 22k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK223FTH J24189492 1- A D1
R 1008 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK222FTH J24189497 1- A C3
R 1009 CHIP RES. 220 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK221FTH J24189508 1- B c2
R 1010 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK103FTH J24189489 1- A B3
R 1011 CHIP RES. 22k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK223FTH J24189492 1- B c2
R 1012 CHIP RES. 220 1/16W 0.5% RR0510P-221-D J24189103 1- B c2
R 1013 CHIP RES. 680 1/16W 0.5% RR0510P-681-D J24189115 1- B c3
R 1014 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 0.5% RR0510P-472-D J24189135 1- B c3
R 1015 CHIP RES. 220 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK221FTH J24189508 1- A C3
R 1016 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 0.5% RR0510P-103-D J24189143 1- B c3
R 1017 CHIP RES. 56k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK563FTH J24189526 1- B c3
R 1018 CHIP RES. 33k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK333FTH J24189494 1- B c3
R 1019 CHIP RES. 220 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK221FTH J24189508 1- B f3
R 1020 CHIP RES. 330 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK331FTH J24189510 1- A E4
R 1021 CHIP RES. 100 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK101FTH J24189504 1- B e3
R 1022 CHIP RES. 15k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK153FTH J24189491 1- B c3
R 1023 CHIP RES. 120 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK121FTH J24189505 1- A D4
R 1024 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK472FTH J24189488 1- B c2
R 1025 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK472FTH J24189488 1- B e3
R 1026 CHIP RES. 2.7k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK272FTH J24189517 1- B e3
R 1027 CHIP RES. 560 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK561FTH J24189513 1- B b1
R 1028 CHIP RES. 560 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK561FTH J24189513 1- B a2
R 1029 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK222FTH J24189497 1- A B4
R 1030 CHIP RES. 330 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK331FTH J24189510 1- B b3
R 1031 CHIP RES. 220k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK224FTH J24189533 1- B g3
R 1032 CHIP RES. 330k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK334FTH J24189535 1- B g3
R 1033 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK472FTH J24189488 1- B e4
R 1034 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK473FTH J24189525 1- A B3
R 1035 CHIP RES. 470 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK471FTH J24189512 1- B b3
R 1036 CHIP RES. 330 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK331FTH J24189510 1- B e3
R 1037 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK222FTH J24189497 1- B e4
R 1038 CHIP RES. 22k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK223FTH J24189492 1- A B3
R 1039 CHIP RES. 180 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK181FTH J24189507 1- B b3
R 1040 CHIP RES. 82k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK823FTH J24189528 1- B g2
R 1041 CHIP RES. 470k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK474FTH J24189537 1- B g2
R 1042 CHIP RES. 100 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK101FTH J24189504 1- B e3
R 1043 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK473FTH J24189525 1- A B3
R 1044 CHIP RES. 100 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK101FTH J24189504 1- B g2
R 1045 CHIP RES. 39k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK393FTH J24189524 1- A B3
R 1046 CHIP RES. 100 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK101FTH J24189504 1- B b3
R 1047 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK222FTH J24189497 1- B g2
R 1048 CHIP RES. 150 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK151FTH J24189506 1- B g3
R 1049 CHIP RES. 220 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK221FTH J24189508 1- B b3
R 1050 CHIP RES. 22k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK223FTH J24189492 1- A B3
R 1051 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK473FTH J24189525 1- B b3
R 1052 CHIP RES. 330 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK331FTH J24189510 1- B d3
R 1053 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK473FTH J24189525 1- B b3
R 1054 CHIP RES. 100 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK101FTH J24189504 1- B d3
R 1055 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK473FTH J24189525 1- B b3
R 1056 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK473FTH J24189525 1- B b3
R 1057 CHIP RES. 6.8k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK682FTH J24189521 1- B d3
R 1058 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK103FTH J24189489 1- B d3
R 1059 CHIP RES. 1.8k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK182FTH J24189516 1- A B3
R 1060 CHIP RES. 33k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK333FTH J24189494 1- B a2
R 1061 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK472FTH J24189488 1- A B3
R 1062 CHIP RES. 220 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK221FTH J24189508 1- B d3

HX290 Service Manual 21

Parts List
R 1063 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK472FTH J24189488 1- B d2
R 1064 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK472FTH J24189488 1- B d1
R 1065 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK104FTH J24189529 1- B a2
R 1066 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK103FTH J24189489 1- B f2
R 1067 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK104FTH J24189529 1- B a2
R 1068 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK472FTH J24189488 1- B f2
R 1069 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK103FTH J24189489 1- B f2
R 1070 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK222FTH J24189497 1- B d3
R 1074 CHIP RES. 0 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S JPTH J24189070 1- B b2
R 1075 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK222FTH J24189497 1- B d3
R 1076 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK222FTH J24189497 1- B d3
R 1077 CHIP RES. 1k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK102FTH J24189487 1- B a3
R 1078 CHIP RES. 1k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK102FTH J24189487 1- B a3
R 1079 CHIP RES. 1k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK102FTH J24189487 1- B a3
R 1080 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK104FTH J24189529 1- B f2
R 1081 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK104FTH J24189529 1- B f2
R 1082 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK104FTH J24189529 1- B f2
R 1083 CHIP RES. 120k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK124FTH J24189530 1- B f2
R 1084 CHIP RES. 47 1/16W 0.5% MCR01MZPD47R0 J24189346 1- B e2
R 1085 CHIP RES. 220 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK221FTH J24189508 1- B e3
R 1086 CHIP RES. 22 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 220JTH J24189005 1- B b3
R 1087 CHIP RES. 1k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK102FTH J24189487 1- B e2
R 1088 CHIP RES. 820 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK821FTH J24189495 1- B e2
R 1089 CHIP RES. 820 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK821FTH J24189495 1- B d2
R 1090 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK473FTH J24189525 1- B d2
R 1091 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK473FTH J24189525 1- A E2
R 1092 CHIP RES. 1.2k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK122FTH J24189515 1- B d2
R 1093 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK222FTH J24189497 1- B d2
R 1094 CHIP RES. 220k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK224FTH J24189533 1- B b1
R 1095 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK103FTH J24189489 1- B b1
R 1096 CHIP RES. 470k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK474FTH J24189537 1- B f2
R 1097 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK473FTH J24189525 1- A E1
R 1098 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK473FTH J24189525 1- A E1
R 1099 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK473FTH J24189525 1- A E1
R 1100 CHIP RES. 39k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK393FTH J24189524 1- B g1
R 1101 CHIP RES. 39k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK393FTH J24189524 1- B f2
R 1102 CHIP RES. 8.2k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK822FTH J24189522 1- B f2
R 1103 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK222FTH J24189497 1- B c1
R 1104 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK472FTH J24189488 1- B f2
R 1105 CHIP RES. 150k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK154FTH J24189531 1- B c2
R 1106 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK472FTH J24189488 1- B f2
R 1108 CHIP RES. 330k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK334FTH J24189535 1- B f1
R 1109 CHIP RES. 22k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK223FTH J24189492 1- B c1
R 1110 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK222FTH J24189497 1- B c1
R 1111 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK103FTH J24189489 1- A D1
R 1112 CHIP RES. 220k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK224FTH J24189533 1- A E1
R 1113 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK104FTH J24189529 1- A E1
R 1114 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK473FTH J24189525 1- A E1
R 1115 CHIP RES. 22k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK223FTH J24189492 1- A E1
R 1116 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK103FTH J24189489 1- A E1
R 1117 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK472FTH J24189488 1- A E1
R 1118 CHIP RES. 22 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 220JTH J24189005 1- B c1
R 1120 CHIP RES. 470k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK474FTH J24189537 1- B f2
R 1121 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK472FTH J24189488 1- A E1
R 1122 CHIP RES. 120k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK124FTH J24189530 1- B f1
R 1123 CHIP RES. 68k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK683FTH J24189527 1- B g1
R 1124 CHIP RES. 470k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK474FTH J24189537 1- B f1
R 1125 CHIP RES. 15k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK153FTH J24189491 1- B b1
R 1126 CHIP RES. 15k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK153FTH J24189491 1- B f1
R 1127 CHIP RES. 33k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK333FTH J24189494 1- B g1
R 1128 CHIP RES. 1.8k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK182FTH J24189516 1- A E1
R 1129 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK103FTH J24189489 1- A E1
R 1130 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK103FTH J24189489 1- A E1
R 1131 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK472FTH J24189488 1- B d1
R 1132 CHIP RES. 33k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK333FTH J24189494 1- B b1
R 1133 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK103FTH J24189489 1- B f1
R 1134 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK103FTH J24189489 1- A E1
R 1135 CHIP RES. 330k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK334FTH J24189535 1- B f1
R 1136 CHIP RES. 0 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S JPTH J24189070 1- B b1
R 1137 CHIP RES. 1M 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK105FTH J24189541 1- B e1
R 1138 CHIP RES. 100 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK101FTH J24189504 1- B e1
R 1139 CHIP RES. 180k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK184FTH J24189532 1- B b1
R 1140 CHIP RES. 470k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK474FTH J24189537 1- B f2

22 HX290 Service Manual

Parts List
R 1141 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK103FTH J24189489 1- B b1
R 1142 CHIP RES. 22k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK223FTH J24189492 1- B f1
R 1143 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK103FTH J24189489 1- B f1
R 1144 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK103FTH J24189489 1- A B1
R 1145 CHIP RES. 8.2k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK822FTH J24189522 1- B a1
R 1146 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK103FTH J24189489 1- A B1
R 1147 CHIP RES. 56k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK563FTH J24189526 1- B a2
R 1148 CHIP RES. 1.5k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK152FTH J24189496 1- B a1
R 1149 CHIP RES. 150k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK154FTH J24189531 1- B b1
R 1150 CHIP RES. 180k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK184FTH J24189532 1- B a2
R 1152 CHIP RES. 22k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK223FTH J24189492 1- B a1
R 1153 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK472FTH J24189488 1- B b2
R 1154 CHIP RES. 0 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S JPTH J24189070 1- B b1
R 1155 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK472FTH J24189488 1- B b2
R 1157 CHIP RES. 27k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK273FTH J24189493 1- B h1
R 1158 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK473FTH J24189525 1- A B1
R 1159 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK222FTH J24189497 1- B f1
R 1160 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK222FTH J24189497 1- B f1
R 1161 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK103FTH J24189489 1- A A1
R 1162 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK103FTH J24189489 1- B b2
R 1163 CHIP RES. 2.2 1/4W 5% RMC1/4 2R2JATP J24245229 1- B h1
R 1164 CHIP RES. 0 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S JPTH J24189070 1- B b2
R 1165 CHIP RES. 1k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK102FTH J24189487 1- B h1
R 1166 CHIP RES. 1k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK102FTH J24189487 1- B h1
R 1167 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK472FTH J24189488 1- A A2
R 1168 CHIP RES. 1k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK102FTH J24189487 1- A A2
R 1169 CHIP RES. 4.7 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 4R7JTH J24189066 1- A A2
R 1170 CHIP RES. 4.7 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 4R7JTH J24189066 1- A A2
R 1172 CHIP RES. 3.9k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK392FTH J24189519 1- B f1
R 1173 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK104FTH J24189529 1- A A1
R 1174 CHIP RES. 0 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S JPTH J24189070 1- B d1
R 1175 CHIP RES. 0 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S JPTH J24189070 1- B d1
R 1176 CHIP RES. 0 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S JPTH J24189070 1- A F3
R 1178 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK472FTH J24189488 1- B b3
R 1179 CHIP RES. 1.2k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16SK122FTH J24189515 1- A C4
R 1180 CHIP RES. 0 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S JPTH J24189070 1- B f1
S 1009 TACT SWITCH EVQPUB02K N5090167 1- B f4
TH1001 THERMISTOR NCP15WL473J03RC G9090175 1- A C3
TH1002 THERMISTOR NCP15WL473J03RC G9090175 1- B a2
TH1003 THERMISTOR NCP15WL473J03RC G9090175 1- B b1
VR1001 POT. 10k PVZ3A103A01R00 J51820103 1- A B3
VR1002 POT. 10k PVZ3A103A01R00 J51820103 1- A F2
VR1003 POT. 10k PVZ3A103A01R00 J51820103 1- A B4
VR1004 POT. 10k PVZ3A103A01R00 J51820103 1- A F3
VR1005 POT. 10k PVZ3A103A01R00 J51820103 1- A F1
VR1006 POT. TP76N00N RY-8935 J60800307 1- B h1
X 1001 XTAL NX6035SA 21.25MHz 21.25MHZ H0103391 1- B b2
X 1002 XTAL SMD-49TA 9.8304MHz 9.8304MHZ H0103393 1- B d1
XF1001 XTAL FILTER 21.700MHZ H1102395 1- B e2
XF1002 XTAL FILTER 21.700MHZ H1102395 1- B d2
MIC HOLDER RUBBER (HX290) RA1312800 1-

HX290 Service Manual 23


24 HX290 Service Manual

CD-52 Charger Cradle
Exploded View

CASE (CD-52)



: When removing the Charger Unit from the Case,

gently pull on the charger unit while pushing the four
Πcharging terminals from the outside of the case.
RA1236500 (x 2 pcs)


Ref. VXSTD P/N Description Qty.

Circuit Diagram

HX290 Service Manual 25

CD-52 Charger Cradle
Parts Layout

(Side A)

(Side B)

NJW4100V BA09CC0FP 2SB1201S

(Q2003) (Q2001) (Q2002)

26 HX290 Service Manual

CD-52 Charger Cradle
Parts List
Printed Circuit Board AM045N000 FR0222400 1-
C 2001 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 25V B GRM21BB11E104KA01L K22140811 1-
C 2002 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 25V B GRM21BB11E104KA01L K22140811 1-
C 2003 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 16V B GRM188B11C104KA01D K22124805 1-
C 2004 AL.ELECTRO.CAP. 47uF 16V UVR1C470MDD K40129107 1-
C 2005 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 50V B GRM188B11H103KA01D K22174823 1-
C 2006 CHIP CAP. 0.047uF 25V B GRM188B11E473KA01D K22144811 1-
C 2007 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B GRM188B11H102KA01D K22174821 1-
C 2008 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 16V B GRM188B11C104KA01D K22124805 1-
C 2009 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 16V B GRM188B11C104KA01D K22124805 1-
C 2010 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 16V B GRM188B11C104KA01D K22124805 1-
C 2011 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 16V B GRM188B11C104KA01D K22124805 1-
D 2001 DIODE 1SR154-400 TE25 G2070684 1-
D 2002 LED BRPY1211F-TR G2070706 1-
D 2003 DIODE RSX101VA-30TR G2070984 1-
D 2004 DIODE 1SS400 TE61 G2070634 1-
F 2001 CHIP FUSE 2A FCC16 202ADTP Q0000147 1-
J 2001 CONNECTOR MJC-005-B-B-2 P1091377 1-
Q 2001 IC BA09CC0FP(TAPE) G1094432 1-
Q 2002 TRANSISTOR 2SB1201S-TL G3070195 1-
Q 2003 IC NJW4100V(TE1) G1094305 1-
R 2001 CHIP RES. 330 1/4W 5% RMC1/4 331JATP J24245331 1-
R 2003 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16 104FTP J24183104 1-
R 2004 CHIP RES. 27k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16 273FTP J24183273 1-
R 2005 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16 103JATP J24185103 1-
R 2006 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16 104FTP J24183104 1-
R 2007 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16 103FTP J24183103 1-
R 2008 CHIP RES. 1k 1/8W 5% RMC1/8T 102J J24215102 1-
R 2009 CHIP RES. 0.33 1/8W 10% RMC1/8 R33KTP J24219001 1-
R 2010 CHIP RES. 6.8k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16 682FTP J24183682 1-
R 2011 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16 103FTP J24183103 1-
R 2012 CHIP RES. 8.2k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16 822FTP J24183822 1-
R 2013 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16 104FTP J24183104 1-
R 2014 CHIP RES. 27k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16 273FTP J24183273 1-
R 2015 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 1% RMC1/16 103FTP J24183103 1-
R 2017 CHIP RES. 3.3k 1/16W 0.5% RGC1/16C332DTP J24189415 1-
R 2018 CHIP RES. 3.3k 1/16W 0.5% RGC1/16C332DTP J24189415 1-
R 2019 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16 103JATP J24185103 1-
R 2020 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16 103JATP J24185103 1-
R 2021 CHIP RES. 0 1/16W 5% RMC1/16 000JATP J24185000 1-
R 2022 CHIP RES. 390 1/16W 5% RMC1/16 391JATP J24185391 1-
TERMINAL (CHRG) RA0769800 1-

HX290 Service Manual 27


28 HX290 Service Manual

HX290 Main Unit 1 2 3 4
Circuit Diagram
5 6 7 8
HX290 Main Unit 1 2 3 4
Circuit Diagram
5 6 7 8
HX290 Main Unit 1 2 3 4
Circuit Diagram
5 6 7 8
HX290 Main Unit 1 2 3 4
Circuit Diagram
5 6 7 8
HX290 Main Unit 1 2 3 4
Circuit Diagram
5 6 7 8
HX290 Main Unit 1 2 3 4
Circuit Diagram
5 6 7 8
HX290 Main Unit 1 2 3 4
Circuit Diagram
5 6 7 8
HX290 Main Unit 1 2 3 4
Circuit Diagram
5 6 7 8
HX290 Main Unit (Side “A”) 1
Parts Layout
HX290 Main Unit (Side “A”) 1
Parts Layout
HX290 Main Unit (Side “B”) 1
Parts Layout
HX290 Main Unit (Side “B”) 1
Parts Layout

HX290 Service Manual 29

All rights reserved.
Marine Division of VERTEX STANDARD
No portion of this manual
US Headquarters
may be reproduced
10900 Walker Street, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.
without the permission of

30 HX290 Service Manual

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