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università degli studi di padova




Tesi di Laurea Magistrale in

Ingegneria Chimica e dei Processi Industriali

Modelling of natural
gas sweetening and
dehydration processes

Relatore: Prof. Fabrizio Bezzo

Correlatori: Dr. Mayank Patel
Dr. Luis Domingues


Anno accademico 2016/2017

”Essentially, all models are wrong,
but some are useful”
George E.P. Box

The raw natural gas extracted from production wells contains many impurities
that must be removed in order to achieve the specifications of the liquified natural
gas (LNG) and/or the pipeline gas. In order to achieve such specifications, the raw
gas must pass through a series of purification steps, which compose the so-called
”natural gas chain”.
Two key passages are the ”sweetening” (removal of H2 S and CO2 ) and the ”de-
hydration” processes. In the case of sweetening, the most common process technique
involves an aqueous solution of alkanolamines as absorbing solvent. For dehydration,
there are two possible options: the absorption process involving triethylene glycol
and the adsorption process with solid dessicants.
In this thesis, the sweetening process as well as the two dehydration technical
possibilities are modelled using the gPROMS R
ProcessBuilder process simulator.
The two absorption processes are represented, separately, at steady state con-
ditions, using the thermodynamic model SAFT-γ Mie (gSAFT R
), an equation of
state which exploits the group contributions approach.
After the thermodynamic model validation against experimental data, the two
processes are modelled and then used to simulate some case studies from the scientific
literature. The accuracy of the simulation results is verified by comparison with
data available from the literature. Eventually, the two absorption processes are
joint together in series, building an unique flowsheet.
In the second part of the work, the dynamic process of pressure-temperature
swing adsorption has been modelled using Peng - Robinson EoS as thermodynamic
This work contributes to show the advantages that the use of SAFT-γ Mie (and
ProcessBuilder) can bring on modelling the absorption processes in-
volved in the natural gas chain. Furthermore, the work on the adsorption process
higlights the flexibility of custom modelling in gPROMS R
ProcessBuilder, where
the intrisic mathematical framework can be easily adapted to a specific features of
a unit operation.

La produzione e consumo mondiale di gas naturale hanno mostrato un rapido

aumento negli ultimi 25 anni. Le previsioni future dicono, inoltre, che intorno all’an-
no 2025 il consumo di gas naturale supererà quello di carbone, diventando quindi
il secondo combustibile più usato, dopo il petrolio. Il gas naturale offre numerosi
vantaggi ambientali se comparato con altri combustibili fossili. Esso infatti ha emis-
sioni trascurabili di anidride solforsa e ossidi di azono, ma soprattutto l’emissione di
anidride carbonica può arrivare ad essere fino al 60 % inferiore rispetto al carbone.
Al giorno d’oggi esso è impiegato in svariati settori, dal domestico dove trova largo
consumo, all’industria, nel settore dei trasporti e nella generazione di elettricità.
Il gas naturale deriva dalla degradazione di materia organica accumulatasi nel
sottosuolo in milioni di anni. I suoi principali costituenti sono alcani con un basso
numero di atomi di carbonio, tra i quali il metano costituisce l’elemento principale,
seguito da etano, propano e quantità inferiori di butano e alcani con un maggior
numero di atomi di carbonio. Tuttavia, il gas naturale quando viene estratto dalle
riserve del sottosuolo, per mezzo di pozzi di estrazione, presenta una serie di com-
ponenti ”indesiderati” che devono essere rimossi prima di rendere il combustibile
disponibile al mercato.
In questo contesto di rapida ascesa della produzione di gas naturale, appare
quindi chiaro come l’ottimizzazione di tutti i processi che vanno dall’estrazione ini-
ziale dal sottosuolo al trasporto verso l’utente finale, passando per la depurazione
intermedia, sia una necessità per le compagnie di produzione. E’ pertanto chiaro
che l’utilizzo di software per la simulazione di questi processi diventi un elemento
chiave in questo crescente mercato, dove anche la minima miglioria può portare ad
un notevole vantaggio economico.
L’obiettivo del lavoro di tesi è quello di modellare due dei principali processi di
purificazione del gas naturale, attraverso l’uso del simulatore di processo gPROMS R

ProcessBuilder, sviluppato da PSE (Process Systems Enterprise, Ltd.). Questo

software sfrutta la tecnologia equation oriented, la quale permette la risoluzione
simultanea di grandi sistemi di equazioni algebriche e differenziali. In particolare
può essere applicato sia per sistemi a stato stazionario che per sistemi dinamici.
I due processi studiati sono l’addolcimento (ossia la rimozione di anidride car-
bonica e acido solfidrico) e la disidratazione (ossia la rimozione d’acqua). In par-
ticolare, per quanto riguarda l’addolcimento si è considerato il processo di assorbi-
mento chimico con uso di dietanol-ammina (DEA), mentre nel caso della disidrata-
zione sono stati presi in considerazione il processo di assobimento fisico, con l’uso
di trietilen-glicole (TEG) come solvente, ed il processo di adsorbimento su setacci

Nella prima parte del lavoro i due processi di assorbimento sono stati implemen-
tati, separatamente, a stato stazionario, con l’utilizzo del modello termodinamico
SAFT-γ Mie, un’equazione di stato fondata sul metodo a gruppi. Questo model-
lo presenta i classici vantaggi dei metodi ”a gruppi”, dove le molecole sono viste
come costituite da un insieme di più gruppi, presentando una grande flessibilità e
predittività, unita ai vantaggi delle equazioni di stato di non essere, in linea di prin-
cipio, limitate nel campo di applicabilità. Prima di procedere alla costruzione dei
flowsheets, il modello termodinamico è validato rispetto a dati sperimentali presenti
in letteratura. Successivamente, partendo da precedenti studi di letteratura, i due
impianti sono stati modellati e simulati. I risultati ottenuti possono considerarsi
affidabili anche se si discostano leggermente da quelli presenti in letteratura per
via delle differenti metodologie e strumenti di simulazione. Alla fine i due processi
sono stati uniti, ”in serie”, a formare un unico flowsheet. Questo unico processo è
stato poi ottimizzato permettendo una parziale riduzione dei costi operativi. Il più
importante risultato è tuttavia la dimostrazione del fatto che il modello termodina-
mico riesca a predirre correttamente le interazioni del gas con due solventi di natura
completamente diversa all’interno dello stesso modello di processo.
Nella seconda parte del lavoro di tesi è invece affrontato il modello dinamico di
adsorbimento di acqua su un letto di setacci molecolari (zeolite 5A). Inizialmente,
partendo da uno studio di letteratura, un singolo letto adsorbente è stato implemen-
tato all’interno dell’ambiente gPROMS R
. In questa fase è stata di fondamentale
importanza la scelta dell’isoterma di equilibrio (modello Langmuir a due siti) ed il
settaggio dei bilanci di materia, attraverso il coefficiente di dispersione assiale, il coef-
ficiente di diffusione molecolare nel microporo ed il numero dei punti della griglia di
integrazione numerica. Una volta trovato il tempo di saturazione del letto e studiato
l’influenza dei parametri sopra citati attraverso studi di sensitività, è stato imple-
mentato un processo a due letti, operanti in parallelo. Questo è stato fatto in modo
tale da rendere il processo continuo: mentre un letto sta adsorbendo, l’altro viene
rigenerato e viceversa cosı̀ da non dover interrompere le operazioni ogni qual volta
il letto raggiunge saturazione. Se il processo di adsorbimento di acqua è favorito da
”basse” temperature ed ”alte pressione” appare evidente che per rigenerare il letto
sia necessario il contratio ossia l’innalzamento di temperatura e l’abbassamento di
pressione. Ciò è possibile attraverso specifici step di riscaldamento-raffreddamento
e pressurizzazione-depressurizzazione, dove parte del gas disidratato proveniente da
un letto è convogliato verso l’altro letto fungendo da gas di stripping. I risultati la-
sciano tuttavia suggerire che il processo possa venir migliorato ottimizzando i tempi
e le caratteristiche dei vari steps che costituiscono ciascun ciclo.

Introduction 1

1 Literature review 3
1.1 Natural gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 The gas chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Sweetening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3.1 Alkanolamines absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Process description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Solvent selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.4 Dehydration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.4.1 Dehydration via absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Process description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.4.2 Dehydration via adsorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.5 Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.6 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2 Thermodynamics 23
2.1 SAFT-γ Mie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.2 gSAFT R
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.3 Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.3.1 Natural gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.3.2 DEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.3.3 TEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.4 MultiflashTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3 Sweetening 39
3.1 Flowsheet assembling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.2 Base case results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.3 Tray efficiency analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4 Dehydration via absorption 49

4.1 Contactor validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.2 Flowsheet assembling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.3 Base case results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

5 Optimization 57
5.1 Merged flowsheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.2 Preliminar energy analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59


5.3 Formulation of the optimization problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

5.3.1 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

6 Dehydration via adsorption 63

6.1 Mathematical modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
6.1.1 Mass balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
6.1.2 Energy balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
6.1.3 Momentum balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
6.1.4 Adsorption equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
6.2 One bed model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
6.2.1 Base case results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
6.2.2 Breakthrough case studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6.3 Pressure-temperature swing adsorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
6.3.1 Flowsheet assembling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
6.3.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Conclusions 85

Aknowledgments 87

Bibliography 89

Appendix A 95
List of Figures

1.1 Gas production (on the left) and gas consumption (on the right) by
region in billion of cubic meters ( BP
c Statistical review of energy,
2016). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Major pipeline gas and LNG trade movements in 2015. Trade flows
are reported in billion of cubic meters ( BP c Statistical review of
energy, 2016). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Typical process block diagram showing the classical stages involved
in the production of pipeline-quality natural gas an LNG. . . . . . . 6
1.4 Molecular structure of MEA, DEA and MDEA. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.5 Typical gas sweetening process flow diagram by chemical absorption
(GPSA, 2004). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.6 Selection of dehydration method (Netusil and Dit, 2012). . . . . . . 13
1.7 Energy results consumption for different dehydration methods (Ne-
tusil and Dit, 2012). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.8 Molecular structure of TEG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.9 Process flow diagram for glycol dehydration unit (Adapted from GPSA
Engineering Data Book, 2012). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.10 Water concentration profile along the adsorption bed divided between
the equilibrium, the mass transfer and the active zone (Kidnay and
Parrish, 2006). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.11 Solid dessicant dehydrator twin towers system (Adapted from GPSA
Engineering Data Book, 2012). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.1 Structure of some the natural gas components (CO2 , H2 S, H2 O, CH4

and C4 H10 ) within the SAFT-γ Mie approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.2 Structure of the solvents involved in the absorption section of this
work (DEA and TEG) within the SAFT-γ Mie approach. . . . . . . 25
2.3 Individual contributions to the free energy of the system within the
framework of SAFT-γ Mie type methods: 1) Ideal gas; 2) Monomer
term; 3) Chain term; 4) Association (Papaioannou, 2012). . . . . . . 26
2.4 List of the functional groups present in the gSAFT-γ Mie databank,
where the blue squares indicates the presence of the like-unlike pa-
rameters whereas the grey indicates where they are missed. Santos
(2016). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.5 Isothermal VLE of the system H2 S - Methane. The symbols corre-
spond to the experimental data from Reamer and Lacey (1951), and
the curves to the SAFT-γ Mie calculation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29


2.6 Isobaric and isothermal VLE of H2 S - n-Alkanes systems. a) H2 S

- Ethane, experimental data from Kay and Brice (1953), b) H2 S -
Propane, experimental data from Kay and Rambosek (1953), c) H2 S
- n-Butane, experimental data from Leu and Robinson (1989), d) H2 S
- n-Pentane, experimental data from Reamer, Sage, Lacey, 1953. The
symbols correspond to the experimental data and the curves to the
SAFT-γ Mie calculation. In particular, the dash curves represent the
calculation before the parameter estimation whereas the solid ones
represent the calculation after the estimation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.7 Isothermal VLE of the system Methane - CO2 . The symbols corre-
spond to the experimental data from Al-Sahhaf, Kidnay, Sloan (1983),
and the curves to the SAFT-γ Mie calculation. . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.8 Isothermal VLE of CO2 - n-Alkanes systems. a) CO2 - Ethane, b)
CO2 - Propane, c) CO2 - n-Butane, d) CO2 - n-Pentane. The symbols
correspond to the experimental data from Vitu et. al. (2008) and the
curves to the SAFT-γ Mie calculation. In particular, the dash curves
represent the calculation before the parameter estimation whereas the
solid ones represent the calculation after the estimation. . . . . . . . 32
2.9 Isothermal solubility of water in different alkanes gas phase. a) Sol-
ubility in Methane gas phase, experimental data from Frost et al.
(2014), b) Solubility in Ethane gas phase, experimental data from
Mohammadi et al. (2004), c) Solubility in Propane gas phase, exper-
imental data from Chapoy et al. (2004). The symbols correspond to
the experimental data and the curves to the SAFT-γ Mie calculation. 33
2.10 Isothermal VLE equilibria for the system CO2 – H2 S. The symbols
correspond to the experimental data from Chapoy et. al. (2013), and
the curves to the SAFT-γ Mie calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.11 a) Isothermal solubility of CO2 in water liquid phase and b) isother-
mal solubility of water in CO2 gas phase. The symbols correspond to
the experimental data from Bamberger et. al. (2000), and the curves
to the SAFT-γ Mie calculation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.12 Isothermal VLE equilibria for the system H2 S – water. The sym-
bols correspond to the experimental data from Sellek et. al. (1952),
Gillispie and Wilson (1982), and Burgess et. al. (1969), and the
curves to the SAFT-γ Mie calculation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.13 Isothermal and isobaric VLE for the system water - DEA. The sym-
bols correspond to the experimental data from Horstmann et al.
(2002), and the curves to the SAFT-γ Mie calculation. . . . . . . . . 35
2.14 a) Partial pressure of H2 S as a function of the H2 S loading along the
vapour - liquid equilibrium of the ternary mixture DEA + H2 O +
H2 S, with a concentration of DEA in the liquid phase of 20%. b)
Partial pressure of CO2 as a function of the CO2 loading along the
vapour - liquid equilibrium of the ternary mixture DEA + H2 O +
CO2 , with a concentration of DEA in the liquid phase of 35.4%. The
symbols correspond to the experimental data, respectively from Lee
et al. (1973) and Rodriguez et al. (2012) , and the curves form the
SAFT-γ Mie calculation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

2.15 Heat of absorption of CO2 in an aqueous solution of DEA at 20.6

wt% and heat of absorption of H2 S in an aqueous solution of DEA
at 35.4 wt % at 300 K and 11 atm. The symbols correspond to
the experimental data from Bullin et al. (-), and the curves to the
SAFT-γ Mie calculation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.16 Isothermal and isobaric VLE for the system water - TEG. The sym-
bols correspond to the experimental data from a) Tsuji, Hiaki, Hongo
(1998) and Derawi et al. (2003), b) Mostafazadeh et al. (2009), and
the curves to the SAFT-γ Mie calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.17 a) Solubility of methane in TEG liquid phase as a function of pressure,
b) Solubility of TEG in methane gas phase as a function of pressure.
The symbols correspond to the experimental data from Jerinic et al.
(2008), and the curves to the SAFT-γ Mie calculation . . . . . . . . 38

3.1 Sweetening flowsheet implemented in gPROMS R

ProcessBuilder. . . 39
3.2 Profile of the molar fraction of H2 S in the vapour phase inside the
contactor column for different tray efficiencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.3 Profile of the molar fraction of CO2 in the vapour phase inside the
contactor column for different tray efficiencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.4 Profile of the molar fraction of H2 S in the liquid phase inside the
regeneration column for different tray efficiencies. . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.5 Profile of the molar fraction of CO2 in the liquid phase inside the
regeneration column for different tray efficiencies. . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4.1 Simple contactor model implemented in gPROMS R

ProcessBuilder. . 49
4.2 Dry gas dew temperature against contactor temperature for different
TEG concentrations. The symbols correspond to the literature data
from GPSA Data Book (2012) and the curves to gPROMS calculation. 50
4.3 Glycol circulation rate (GCR) against the % of water removed for
different TEG purities. The symbols correspond to the literature data
from GPSA Data Book (2012) and the curves to gPROMS calculation. 51
4.4 TEG dehydration flowsheet implemented in gPROMS R
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

5.1 Flowsheet implemented in gPROMS R

ProcessBuilder where where
the sweetening and dehydration via glycol absorption processes are
merged. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
5.2 Modification of the make up in the sweetening flowsheet. To the left
the base case configuration and to the right the modified one present
in the ”whole” flowsheet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.3 Particular of the Pressure Source model in the glycol section of the
”whole” flowsheet, which is able to simulaneously adjust the pressure
in the intermediate compressor, in the column and in the pump. . . 61

6.1 Scheme of the adsorption column showing the adsorbent pellets: the
inset shows a schematic of an idealised adsorbent pellet including the
spherical crystallities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

6.2 Difference in the equilibrium solid concentration loading q ∗ predicted

by the dual site Langmuir isotherm for the 4 components of the mix-
ture considered in table 6.1 at two different temperatures: T = 319.7
K (a) and T = 596 K (b). The left y axes refers to CO2 , CH4 and N2
whereas the right y axes refers to H2 O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
6.3 Flowsheet representing the single bed adsorption model, implemented
ProcessBuilder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
6.4 Water molar concentration at the end of the bed (water breakthrough)
in the base case simulation. The zoom plot helps to visualize the
exact time where the concentration of water in the sink starts rising
(meaning a complete saturation of the bed). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6.5 Solid loading of each component present in the mixture. . . . . . . . 72
6.6 Base case temperature profile along the bed length (normalized) at
different times: 60 seconds (1 minute), 120 seconds (2 minutes), 180
seconds (3 minutes), 240 seconds (4 minutes), 480 seconds (8 minutes)
and 2100 seconds (35 minutes). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6.7 Base case temperature profile at x = L (temperature breakthrough)
along simulation time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
6.8 Water breakthrough for different values of Dz involved in the sensi-
tivity analysis on the axial dispersion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6.9 Water breakthrough for different values of KLDF involved in the sen-
sitivity analysis with respect to the mass transfer resistance. . . . . . 76
6.10 Water breakthrough for different numbers of grid points, which shows
the phenomenon of numerical dispersion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
6.11 Water molar concentration in the solid phase as a function of tem-
perature and pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
6.12 Flowsheet representing the pressure-temperature swing adsorption
process implemented in ProcessBuilder R
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
6.13 The three steps of half cycle, where the Bed A is in adsorption mode
and Bed B is being regenerated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
6.14 Pressure profile of Bed A and Bed B present in the PTSA flowsheet
presented in figure 6.12. In particulat the plot shows the middle point
of the third cycle of simulation, where Bed A starts the regeneration
step and Bed B starts adsorbing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.15 Temperature profile of Bed A and Bed B of the PTSA process pre-
sented in figure 6.12, during the third cycle of simulation. . . . . . . 82
6.16 Gas phase molar concentration of all the components present in the
mixture. The plot refers to the entire third cycle of simulation. . . . 83

A.1 Schematic diagram showing various resistances within the solid par-
ticle (Shafeeyan 2013). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
List of Tables

1.1 Typical composition of natural gas (Heinz-Wolfgang, 2008). . . . . . 5

1.2 Composition specifications for pipeline gas and LNG (Kidnay and
Parrish, 2006). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Guidelines for acid gas removal. The dividing line between ”high”
and ”low” is roughly 20 MMscfd for plant size and 100 psia for partial
pressure. Table adapted from Kohl and Nielsen (2007). . . . . . . . . 8
1.4 MEA, DEA and MDEA main features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.5 Summary of research works on modelling the sweetening (via absorp-
tion) process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.6 Summary of reasearch works on modelling the sweetening (via ab-
sorption) process (continue of table 1.5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.7 Summary of research works on modelling the glycol (via absorption)
process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.1 Initial composition of the acid natural gas feed, indicated in figure
3.1 as NG Feed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.2 Distillation column specifications, indicated as Regenerator in the
flowsheet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.3 Main features of the liquid and vapour streams exiting the Inlet scrub-
ber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.4 Results of the Contactor column. The sweet gas, lean DEA and rich
DEA streams main features and composition are reported. . . . . . . 43
3.5 Comparison between the sweet gas composition from Abdulrahman
et al. (2013) and this work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.6 Results of the Regenerator column. The acid gases and the lean DEA
streams main features and composition are reported. . . . . . . . . . 44
3.7 Comparison of the molar fraction of H2 S and CO2 in the sweet gas
for different tray efficiencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4.1 Initial composition of the wet natural gas feed, indicated in figure 4.4
as Wet gas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.2 Main features of the liquid and vapour streams exiting Separator 1. . 54
4.3 Results of the Contactor column. The dry gas, the lean TEG and
the rich TEG streams main features and composition are reported. . 55
4.4 Characterization of the water removal in the dry gas through different
variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.5 Results of the Regenerator column. The vent gas and the lean TEG
streams main features and composition are reported. . . . . . . . . . 56


5.1 Results from the merged flowsheets base case. Focus on the Dry gas
stream. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
5.2 Energy consumption expresses in kW and in percentage of the main
unit present in the whole flowsheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.3 Manipulated variables and constaints of the optimization problem. . . 60
5.4 Optimization results in terms of manipulated and constrained vari-
ables. The variations of the manipulated variables with respect to
the base case is also provided. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.5 Energy consumption reduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

6.1 Initial molar composition of the natural gas fed to the adsorption bed.
This feed composition is maintained constant throughout all the work
on the adsorption process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
6.2 Geometric features of the cylindrical adsorption bed and physical
properties of the adsorbent pellets (Zeolite 5A) with whom the bed
is filled. The symbols used in the equations are also reported. . . . . 64
6.3 Adsorption equilibrium parameters of water, methane, carbon dioxide
and nitrogen in zeolite 5A, fitted by Gholami et al. (2010). . . . . . . 68
6.4 Initial molar composition of the gas phase inside the bed at the be-
ginning of the simulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
6.5 Computational time against the number of grid points involved in the
numerical dispersion sensitivity analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6.6 Pressure of the sinks and sources present in the PTSA flowsheet de-
picted in figure 6.12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
6.7 Specifications present in the schedule model which allows determine
each step of the process. This is provided for both the beds. It is also
showed the duration time of each step. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

A.1 Molecular diffusivity constant of component i in the mixture, consid-

ered in the adsorption process §6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
A.2 Fitting parameters for the calculation of the micrpore diffusivity of
component i in the mixture, obtained from the work of Gholami (2010). 96

The production of natural gas has grown a lot over the past 25 years due to its
large availability and its lower enviromental impact when compared to other fossil
fuels. The CO2 emissions can be 60 % lower than in the case of coal. That is why
future predictions say that by year 2025 natural gas will overtake coal, becoming
the second most used fuel in the world after oil.
In this growing consumption-production contest, it is clear that the optimization
of all the processes required to bring the gas from the producing wells to the final
users can provide huge advantages in terms of profits for gas suppliers.
The easiest way to optimize a certain process is to exploit a validated process
model which can be used to study the influence of different parameters so as to find
the optimum operating conditions and to explore different process configurations.
In this thesis, three of the typical processes present in the natural gas chain are
modelled: the sweetening process via chemical absorbtion (with diethanol amine
as absorbing solvent), the dehydration process either via physical absorption (with
triethylene glycol as absorbing solvent) or via adsorption with molecular sieves.
The tool used to model and simulate such plants is the gPROMS R
Builder, developed by PSE (Process Systems Enterprise, Ltd.), leading supplier of
advance process modelling software. It is an equation-oriented modelling system,
which allows the simultaneous resolution of large systems of algeabric and differen-
tial equations. In particular, it can be applied to a wide variety of problems, from
steady state simulations to dynamic simulations (in this work the two absorption
processes are modelled as steady state, whereas the adsorption one is a dynamic
The thesis begins with a chapter dedicated to the literature review. Starting from
a general description of the natural gas chain, the focus is headed to the description
of the most important processes of the chain, i.e. sweetening and dehydration. The
main technologies considered are the reactive/chemical absorption and the adsorp-
tion. The chapter eventually discusses the most recent literature studies on the
modelling pf these processes by means of commercial process simulators.
The second chapter introduces SAFT-γ Mie, the thermodynamic model used to
model the two absorption processes. After a brief description of the theory behind
the model, a validation is provided against literature data. It is also described
MutiflashTM , the thermodynamic package used to simulate the adsorption process
(with the Peng - Robinson equation of state).
In the third chapter the sweetening process model is presented. Firstly, the flow-
sheet is introduced, describing the main units and the process specifications. Then,
the model results are presented and compared with the literature source, through
which the model has been implemented. In the last section a sensitivity analysis is
2 Introduction

carried out on the tray efficiencies of the contactor and regenerator columns. This
is done in order to find the minimum tray efficiency that allows to stay within the
specifications in terms of H2 S concentration in the sweet gas.
The fourth chapter, describes the dehydration process via chemical absorption.
After a first section, where the contactor model is validated against experimental
data, the flowsheet main units are described and the product specifications are
defined. Finally, the results are presented and compared with literature data.
The fifth chapter presents the whole flowsheet, built by joining the two flowsheet
of sweetening and dehydration in series. The process is then optimized in terms of
energy consumption.
In the sixth chapter, the dehydration via adsorption process is described. The
chapter starts with a description of the single bed model, with a particular focus on
its most important mathematical equations. After that, the single bed model results
are described together with three sensitivity analyses on key model parameters. In
the last part of the chapter the two beds pressure - temperature swing adsorption
process (PTSA) is described. This configuration allows to achieve a continuous
operation by alternating adsorption-regeneration steps among the two beds.
In the conclusions, the results are summarized and suggestions for future work
are provided.
Chapter 1

Literature review

This introductory chapter presents the literature review carried out at the begin-
ning of the work. The purpose of this initial study is to present the main processes
that bring the natural gas from the drilling wells to the final users. After that, the
processes available for acid gases and water removal (respectively called sweetening
and dehydration) are described, with a particular focus on absorption and adsorp-
tion methods. In the end, the most recent studies on modelling these processes by
means of process simulators, are summarized.

1.1 Natural gas

The demand of natural gas has increased quite a lot over the recent years and
is expected to play an increasingly important role in world economy growth in the
coming decades.
Natural gas offers important benefits when compared to other fossil fuels: for
example, its combustion emits less CO2 than petroleum derivative fuels. The CO2
emissions from natural gas can be 60 % less than coal when used for electricity
generation. Figure 1.1 shows the fast growing world’s production - consumption of
natural gas over the past 25 years.
It is one of the most widely used forms of energy nowadays. Commonly used in
the residential sector (cooking stoves, home furnaces and water heaters), it can be
used in the industrial, commercial, electicity generation and transportation sectors
as well (Demirbas, 2010).
Due to difficulty in storing, natural gas needs to be transported from the producer
to the consumer as quickly as possible. Over short and medium distances, up to
about 3 000 km, natural gas is transported as gas through pipelines. In case the
laying of pipelines is not possible because the distance between the source and the
consumer exceeds 3 000 km or because of geographical or political reasons, the gas is
cooled down to, approximately, −162◦ C near the source, becoming liquified natural
gas (LNG). LNG is transported by ship and converted into gas in the proximity of
the consumer (Heinz-Wolfgang, 2008). In figure 1.2, major trade movements across
the world during 2015, are presented. The trade movements are also distinguished
between pipeline gas and LNG.
Pipelines are a very convenient method of transport but not as flexible as ship-
ping. If the pipelines have to be shut down, then also the receveing facilities have
4 1. Literature review

Figure 1.1: Gas production (on the left) and gas consumption (on the right) by region in billion
of cubic meters ( BP
c Statistical review of energy, 2016).

to be shut down because of the difficulties in storing, with a consequent stop of pro-
duction. There are also minor methodologies to transport natural gas, such as gas
trasported as solid (gas hydrate) or converted to a liquid with the use of methanol
or ammonia (Marques, 2014), but they have little or none commercial application.

Figure 1.2: Major pipeline gas and LNG trade movements in 2015. Trade flows are reported in
billion of cubic meters ( BP
c Statistical review of energy, 2016).

The composition of raw natural gas extracted from producing wells depends on
the type, depth and location of the underground deposit as well as on the geol-
ogy of the area. Oil and gas are often found together in the same reservoir. The
gas coming from oil wells is commonly called ”associated” (meaning that it is dis-
solved in crude oil), whereas the gas without any association with crude oil is called
”non-associated”. Most natural gas production contains, to varying degrees, small
hydrocarbons (from two to height carbons) and impurities, in addition to the main
element: methane (Tobin et al., 2006). Table 3.1 shows the typical composition
1.2 The gas chain 5

of natural gas. Water is almost always present, but it is not presented in this list
because it is common practice, unless the gas has not been previously dehydrated,
to assume the entering gas satured in water at the nominal conditions of pressure
and temperature.
Table 1.1: Typical composition of natural gas (Heinz-Wolfgang, 2008).

Component Chemical formula Molar composition range [%]

Methane CH4 50 - 95
Ethane C 2 H6 2 - 20
Propane C3 H8 1 - 12
Butane C4 H10 0-4
Higher alkanes C5 H12 + 0-1
Hydrogen sulfide H2 S 0-6
Carbon dioxide CO2 0 - 99
Nitrogen N2 0 - 70
Oxigen O2 0 - 0.02
Helium He 0-1
Other inert gases - traces

1.2 The gas chain

As already anticipated in the previous section, there are many impurities present
in the raw natural gas coming from the production wells. Table 1.2 shows the com-
position specifications for pipeline gas and LNG with respect to the main impurities.
Table 1.2: Composition specifications for pipeline gas and LNG (Kidnay and Parrish, 2006).

Impurity Pipeline gas LNG [%]

H2 O 150 ppmv < 0.1 ppmv

H2 S 5.7 - 22.9 mgSm−3 < 4 ppmv
CO2 3 - 4 mol % < 50 ppmv
Total sulphur 115 - 459 mgSm−3 < 20 ppmv
N2 3 mol % < 1 mol %
Hg - < 0.01 µgNm−3
C4 H10 - < 2 mol %
C5 + - < 0.1 mol%
Aromatics - < 2 ppmv

As one may notice, the impurities amount allowed in LNG are way tighter than
in the pipelines gas due to the extreme low temperatures required during the lique-
faction process.
In order to achieve such sales specifications, the raw gas must pass through a
series of processes which are commonly called ”natural gas chain”. A typical natural
gas chain is represented in figure 1.3.
The number of steps and the type of techiniques used in the process of creat-
ing pipeline/LNG quality natural gas most often depends upon the source of the
6 1. Literature review

Figure 1.3: Typical process block diagram showing the classical stages involved in the production
of pipeline-quality natural gas an LNG.

wellhead production stream. In some cases, in fact, some steps may not be present,
they may be integrated into one unit or operation, performed in different order or
not required at all (Tobin et al., 2006). The main stages are described below:
Dew point control: In many cases pressure relief at the wellhead will cause
a separation of gas from oil. Raw natural gas is commonly collected from a group
of adjacent wells and is first processed at that collection point for removal of free
liquid, water and condensate. The gas may be separated by the use of a simple closed
tank, where the gas is separated by gravity, whereas in some cases a multi-stage oil
separation process is needed to separate the crude oil from the gas stream, with
intermediate heating and cooling units. After the transportation through pipelines,
a separator to remove the condensate is needed. The condensate is usually then
transported to an oil refinery and the water is disposed as wastewater. The gas
stream enters the processing following plant at high pressure (Tobin et al., 2006).
Sour gas removal: The initial purification of raw natural gas is usually the
removal of acid gases, CO2 and H2 S which cause corrosion and pose a major safety
risk. There are many processes available, deeply described in §1.3. Carbon dioxide
removed from gas can be used for re-injection in support of tertiary enhanced oil
recovery efforts in the local production area or can be vented to the atmosphere if it
satisfies environmental regulation. If the offgas contains more than about 10 tons per
day of sulfur (as hydrogen sulfide), it is usually routed into a sulphur recovery unit
which converts hydrogen sulphide into either elemental sulphur or sulphuric acid
(almost all of the elemental sulphur is recovered for gas and oil treating). The Claus
process is, by far, the most well known for recovering elemental sulphur. For cases
that involve smaller quantities of sulfur, because of either a very low concentration
in the feed gas or a small quantity of feed gas, direct oxidation may be the preferred
Dehydration: After the acid gas removal unit, the gas is sent to the water
removal unit. The gas stream, at this point is usually water saturated (especially if
the alkanolamines absorption process is used as acid gas removal method), therefore
it cannot enter the following cryogenic units (due to the formation of hydrates
and other technical issues). Dehydration of natural gas is accomplished by several
methods. Among these, the processes of physical absorption (with glycol as solvent)
or, alternatively, the temperature swing adsorption are the most common techniques
exploited in the gas industry (see section §1.4 for a detailed description).
Mercury removal: Mercury must be removed for its toxic nature and also
1.3 Sweetening 7

because it corrodes alluminium in the heat exchangers as it amalgamates with it,

weakening the material. Mercury can be removed using chemisorption, a sulphur
impregnated carbon adsorbent or molecular sieves (Marques, 2014).
Nitrogen rejection: Nitrogen must be removed because of its impact on the gas
combustion (NOx are formed) and also in order to reduce the size and cost of next
processing facilities. It is typically removed by a criogenic process, even though
membrane or other absorbent technologies might be used (Kidnay and Parrish,
Methane separation: The process of demethanizing the gas stream can occur
as a separate operation in the gas plant or as a part of the nitrogen rejection unit.
There are different processes available for this purpose, such as cryogenic separation
and absorption. Essentialy, cryogenic processing consists of lowering the temper-
ature of the gas stream at around −84◦ C where all the hydrocarbons condensate,
exept methane which stays in gas phase. The absorption process, instead, uses a
”lean” absorbing oil to separate the methane from the rest of hydrocarbons. An
absorption tower is involved, where the absorption oil soaks up a large amount of
the havier hydrocarbons. The enriched oil is then distilled in an another tower and
recycled back (Tobin et al., 2006).
Fractionation: During the fractionation the different gases present in the re-
maining gas stream are separated exploiting the different boiling points.

1.3 Sweetening
One of the main step in the natural gas chain is the removal of CO2 and H2 S to
obtain a gas available for the market. CO2 must be removed for two main reasons:
first of all it is a not-flammable components, second of all it can condensate in the
cryogenic units. On the other hand H2 S is a corrosive molecule (in presence of water
can lead the formation of sulphuric acid) as well as highly toxic. For these reasons,
tipically, the concentration of CO2 in the sweet gas should be around 2-3 mol%
whereas H2 S must be below 4ppmv.
There are several available processes in the market for the removal of acid gases
and the selection of a specific one depends on several discriminant factors. First of
all, the selection depends on the quality and quantity of acid gas contaminants to
be removed:

• CO2 is the only contaminant;

• H2 S is the only contaminant,

• CO2 and H2 S are present simultaneously;

• H2 S must be removed selectively when also CO2 is present.

The selection also depends on other key factors such as the conditions of tem-
perature and pressure at which the sour gas is avalilable, the volume of gas to be
processed, the hydrocarbon composition of the gas and the capital and operating
costs. Table 1.3 shows the selection factors to consider for the choice of sweetening
process, in terms of partial pressure in the sour gas and plant size.
8 1. Literature review

Table 1.3: Guidelines for acid gas removal. The dividing line between ”high” and ”low” is roughly
20 MMscfd for plant size and 100 psia for partial pressure. Table adapted from Kohl and Nielsen

Type of process Partial Plant

pressure size

Chemical absorption Low Big

Physical absorption High Big
Adsorption Low Small
Membrane High Small

Both absorption in amine solution and absorption in a physical solvent are suit-
able process technique for treating high volume gas streams containing acid gases.
However, physical absorption processes are not economically competitive when
the acid gas content is low because the capacity of physical solvents is a strong
function of partial pressure.
Membrane permeation is particularly applicable to the removal of carbon diox-
ide from high-pressure gas. The process becomes less competitive with absorption
processes as the plant size is increased.
Adsorption is a viable option for hydrogen sulfide removal when the amount of
sulfur is very small and the gas contains heavier sulfur compounds (such as mer-
captans and carbon disulfide) that must also be removed. For adsorption to be the
preferred process for carbon dioxide removal, there must be a high carbon dioxide
partial pressure in the feed, the need for a very low concentration of carbon diox-
ide in the product, and the presence of other gaseous impurities that can also be
removed by the adsorbent (Kohl and Nielsen, 1997).
Nevertheless the most important process for natural gas sweetening is, by far,
the chemical absortion. In the next section the attention is pointed toward this
specific process. To study in deep the other available technique see literature books
such as Kohl and Nielsen (1997) or GPSA (2004).

1.3.1 Alkanolamines absorption

Chemical absorption with aqueous solutions of alkanolamines is the most widely
used technique in gas sweetening industry. Each amine has at least one hydroxyl
group and one amino group. In general, it can be considered that the hydroxyl
group serves to reduce the vapour pressure and increase the water solubility, while
the amino group provides the necessary alkalinity in water solutions to cause the ab-
sorption of acid gases. At this point it is possible to recognize three types of amines.
Primary amines, such as monoethanolamine (MEA), have two hydrogen atoms at-
tached to the nitrogen and they are generally the most alkaline. Secondary amines,
such as diethanolamine (DEA), have one hydrogen atom directly attached to the
nitrogen atom, and tertiary amines, such as methyldietranolamnie (MDEA), repre-
sent completely substituted ammonia molecules with no hydrogen atoms attached
to the nitrogen. Figure 1.4 shows their chemical formula.
The acid gas absorption in the alkanolamines solution is achieved in two steps.
In the first step the acid gas dissolves into the solution and then the dissolved gas
reacts with the amine. Because of their alkaline nature, amines are able to react
1.3 Sweetening 9

Figure 1.4: Molecular structure of MEA, DEA and MDEA.

with the acid species and forming an acid-base complex, reaction that is highly
The principle reactions that occurs, when for example a secondary amine is used
to absorb H2 S and CO2 , are listed below.
In the case of H2 S there are two steps that lead the reaction between the amine
and the acid molecules: the amine protonation (from water ionization) and the
ionization of the dissolved H2 S.

H2 O
H+ + OH− (1.1)

R1 R2 NH + H+
R1 R2 NH+
2 (1.2)

H2 S
H+ + HS− (1.3)

Therefore the formation of the amine hydrosulphide is possible.

− −
R1 R2 NH+ +
2 + HS
R1 R2 NH2 HS (1.4)

In the case of CO2 there are two possible mechanisms that may occur during the
absorption. In the first mechanism CO2 hydrolyses forming bicarbonate ions that
react with the protonized amine.

CO2 + H2 O
H+ + HCO−
3 (1.5)

− −
R1 R2 NH+ +
2 + HCO3
R1 R2 NH2 HCO3 (1.6)

The second mechanism is possible only if a reactive hydrogen is present in the

amine structure (therefore this mechanism is not possible where tertiary amines are
used). CO2 reacts with the amine forming the carbamate.

R1 R2 NH + CO2
R1 R2 NCOO− + H+ (1.7)

The carbarmate further reacts with another amine molecule forming the amine
Altough other reactions may occur producing different species, these are not
considered influencial in the analysis and design of sweetening units.
10 1. Literature review

All the above reactions are reversible, in particulat the left to the right direction
of the reactions represents the absorption phase favoured by low temperature and
high pressure (exothermic). The right to the left direction of the reactions, instead,
represents the regeneration phase: they are endothermic and favoured by high tem-
perature and low pressure (Kohl and Nielsen, 1997). The equilibrium concentrations
of molecular H2 S and CO2 in solution are proportional to their partial pressures in
the gas phase (i.e. Henry law) so these reaction are driven to the right by increased
acid gas partial pressure (Kohl and Nielsen, 1997). Process description

Figure 1.5 describes a general process flow for an alkanolamine trating plant.

Figure 1.5: Typical gas sweetening process flow diagram by chemical absorption (GPSA, 2004).

The sour natural gas enters the plant through an inlet separator (or feed knock –
out drum) to remove free liquids, such as water and hydrocarbons, and/or entrained
solids. From the separator the gas enters the bottom of the contactor column and
flows upward through the column in counter current contact with the aqueous amine
solution (lean solution).
The lean solution inlet temperature should be, at least, 5◦ C higher than the feed
gas to avoid hydrocarbon condensation. But, at the same time, an higher solution
inlet temperature can lead to a lower acid gas absorption capacity and a higher
water loss. Therefore, it is important to control the acid gas inlet temperature, and
if necessary a dedicated equipment must be installed, such as an inlet cooler or a
heat exchanger.
In the contactor column the acid gases present in the natural gas react with the
solution forming the renegerable salts; the reaction is exothermic, therefore it will
raise the temperature of the gas. The sweetened gas leaves the top of the contactor
and passes through an outlet separator to remove any liquid carried over. This gas is
water saturated, therefore a dehydration treatment is required downstream. Instead,
1.3 Sweetening 11

the amine solution, loaded with acid gases (rich solution), leaves the bottom of the
column. The absorber column can be equipped with trays (around 20) or packing
beds (generally 2 or 3). The column must be equipped with pressure differential
instruments to monitor any abnormalities in the pressure drops. For example if the
pressure drops arise very quickly, it means that there is a presence of foam, whereas
a slow increase in the pressure drops indicates a tray or bed fouling.
The rich amine solution leaving the contactor is routed to a flash drum. This
drum, whose operating pressure is between 7 and 15 bar allows to remove the ab-
sorbed hydrocarbons.
The rich solution from the amine flash drum, then passes through the rich/lean
heat exchanger where heat is absorbed from the lean solution. Normally, lean solu-
tion inlet temperature is between 110◦ C and 130◦ C, whereas the rich solution inlet
temperature is between 90◦ C and 110◦ C.
Then, the pressure could be further reduced to 1-2 bar. Now the rich solution
is ready to be fed at the top of the regenerator (stripper) column. Generally, the
regenerator is equipped following the same rules of the absorber, with the same
issues related to the pressure drops.
In the reboiler the solution is heated up to produce steam so as to reverse the
chemical reactions, therefore stripping out the absorbed acid gases. The reboiler
duty is controlled by heating medium rate (steam or oil) and the regenerated solution
outlet temperature is only a function of operating pressure and amine strength,
usually it is around 110◦ C and 130◦ C. Clearly, the regenerated solution is routed
back to the absorber, passing through the amine/amine exchanger to heat up the
rich solution coming from the absorber. The temperature of the lean solution leaving
the amine/amine heat exchanger is still high, therefore a cooler is required to provide
the right temperature to enter the absorption column. After that, a mechanical filter
might be present to remove impurities in order to prevent erosion and foaming.
The water vapour and acid gases mixture enters the condenser, that uses available
cooling medium such as water or air, to condense the water vapour (generating the
column reflux). The acid gas can be either vented, incinerated or sent to sulfur
recovery facilities (Kohl and Nielsen, 1997 and GPSA, 2004).
A certain amount of water is continuously lost throughout the process, therefore
a continuous water make up is required. Solvent selection

One important factor to consider during the design of a sweetening unit is the
selection of the amine which optimizes the equipment size and minimizes the plant
operating costs. Following the work of Kohl and Nielsen (1997), some of the fac-
tors to be considered in the selection of the proper amine are: the selection of an
amine which may be used at an higher concentration and/or gas loading (reducing
at the same time the regenerator reboiler/condenser size and duty, also selecting
amines with lower heat of reaction) so as to minimize the solution circulation rate,
the selection of an amine (or mixture) that selectively absorbs H2 S rejecting CO2
(if allowed by the sales gas specifications) and the selection of an amine solution
resistant to degradation (reducing solution losses). In table 1.4 the main properties
of MEA, DEA and MDEA are reported.
The most significant development in formulated solvents is the advent of tailored
12 1. Literature review

Table 1.4: MEA, DEA and MDEA main features.


MW 61.09 105.14 119.17

Concentration 15-25 wt% 30-40 wt% 40-50 wt%
Selective H2 S removal No No Yes
Degradation (by) Yes (COS, CO2 , CS2 ) Some (COS, CO2 , No
CS2 )
Advantages High alkalinity and Low vapour pressure. Highly resistant to
low MW. thermal and chemical
degradation, non cor-
rosive, low heat of re-
Disadvantages Irreversible reactions Not suitable for high Unable to form car-
with COS, CO2 , CS2 , CO2 content. bamate, very slow ab-
corrosive, high heat of sorption of CO2 (de-
reaction and high va- pending on the situa-
por pressure. tions this may also be
an advantage).

amine mixtures. These are usually based on MDEA, but contain other amines
as well as corrosion inhibitors, foam depressants and others, blended for specific
applications. These mixtures can be designed to provide selective H2 S removal,
partial or complete CO2 removal, high acid gas loading, COS removal, and other
special features (Kohl and Nielsen, 1997).
Screening the available solvents to reach the optimum configuration passes through
several steps. Based on a case study approach, each sweetening unit should test sol-
vents to figure out whether any of them can meet the required specifications or not.
All the tests rely first on theoretical modelling and simulation studies for a prelim-
inary screening to reduce the experimental costs. If the specifications are not met,
a possible solution to overtake the problem would be blending two types of amines,
usually a tertiary amine with a primary or a secondary amine.
The thermodynamics, kinetics and physical properties of the promising solvents
need to be studied experimentally and to be modelled to the appropriate theoretical
models. When such data are available these solvents can be simulated and compared
to the utilization of common amines. Several types of atoms and functional groups
can be attached to the organic chain of the alkanolamine to tailor their properties.
This would determine hundreds and may be thousands of chemical structures that
may be possible candidates for further investigation (Muhammad and GadelHak,

1.4 Dehydration
Water vapour is, probably, the most common undesirable component in gas
streams. If the temperature of the pipeline decreases below the dew temperature
Tdew of the water vapour present in the gas, the water starts condensing. Many
problems can appear such as the hydrates formation in combination with methahe
(which may plug the valves); if the gas contains CO2 or H2 S it becomes corrosive;
1.4 Dehydration 13

water increases the volume and decreases the heating value of the gas; and a gas
with water vapour cannot be processed in cryogenic plants (Netusil and Ditl, 2012).
Two processes predominate for water vapour removal: absorption in glycol so-
lution and adsorption on solid dessicants. Comparisons are made based on the dew
point requirement, energy consumptions and costs. Figure 1.6 shows the selection
of the dehydration methods based on the dew point requirement.

Figure 1.6: Selection of dehydration method (Netusil and Dit, 2012).

Absorption by TEG is the most widely used method in the petroleum industry
to dehydrate the natural gas for pipeline transportation. Tdew = −10◦ C is reached
and this water content is sufficient for pipeline distribution of natural gas. By
improving the reboiler design Tdew can be 2 or 3 times lower (Netušil and Ditl, 2012).
Adsorption dehydration can achieve very low water content Tdew = −50◦ C, therefore
this method is applied where a very low dew point are required, for instance in LNG
plants. Condensation methods are suitable only in cases where a high-pressure
difference is available.
The disadvantage of adsorption is that it requires high capital investment and
has high space requirements (Netušil and Ditl, 2012). Solid desiccant processes are
also preferred for very small installations where operating simplicity is a critical
factor (Kohl and Nielsen, 1997). In addition, adsorption process consumes more
power compared to absorption process as showed in figure 1.7.

1.4.1 Dehydration via absorption

For commercial dehydration purposes, the dehydration methods should have
high absorption efficiency, flexibility during operation and should be economically
suitable. These reasons have led to the widespread use of glycols for gas dehydration.
They are chosen for their high hygroscopicity, low affinity for hydrocarbons and acid
gases, excellent stability with regard to thermal and chemical decomposition, low
vapour pressures, easy regeneration, low tendency to foam, and ready availability
at moderate cost (Kohl and Nielsen, 1997).
14 1. Literature review

Figure 1.7: Energy results consumption for different dehydration methods (Netusil and Dit,

In particular, triethylene glycol (TEG) has become the industry standard for
natural gas, even though other glycols are employed where they are able to meet
the same performance at lower cost such as diethylene glycol (DEG).

Figure 1.8: Molecular structure of TEG.

DEG is preferred for applications below 10◦ C because of the high viscosity of
TEG in this temperature range. TEG is recommended for contact temperatures
above about 50◦ C to minimize vapour losses. Process description

Figure 1.9 shows a simplified flow diagram of a typical glycol dehydration unit.
The process scheme is quite similar to the sweetening one previously described.
The wet gas is fed through an inlet scrubber to remove any free liquids that may
be present. Removing liquids in the scrubber also decreases the amount of water that
has to be removed in the absorption column, decreasing the size of the contactor and
the TEG needed in the process. Liquid hydrocarbons are also removed in the inlet
scrubber, which may increase the glycol tendency to foaming, therefore decreasing
the process efficiency.
Then the gas flows up to the contactor column (absorber), which typically con-
tains 3 up to 10 trays. The lean glycol is fed to the top of the contactor and absorbs
water from the gas while flowing downward through the column; the dried gas leaves
the top of the contactor. The dry gas may also pass through a scrubber, which re-
moves any entrained glycol droplets before the product gas enters the pipeline.
After the contactor column, the rich glycol, which contains 3 up to 7 % of water
is depressurized by a flash valve (not shown in figure 1.9). Then, the rich glycol is
1.4 Dehydration 15

Figure 1.9: Process flow diagram for glycol dehydration unit (Adapted from GPSA Engineering
Data Book, 2012).

often used to provide cooling to condense water vapour at the top of the stripper
column. This raises the temperature of the rich glycol, which then may be further
heated by an heat exchanger with hot lean glycol (not present in figure 1.9).
Then the rich glycol enters a reduced pressure flash tank where dissolved hy-
drocarbon gases are released. The released gases are recovered and used for fuel or
other purposes. After flashing, the rich glycol passes through another glycol glycol
heat exchanger, where it is further heated and a filtration system. Finally it enters
the regenerator column (stripper).
Because of the extreme difference in the boiling points of glycol and water, a very
sharp separation can be achieved with a relatively short column. Water reflux must
be provided at the top of the column by condensing part of the overhead product
so as to minimize glycol losses in the overhead vapour stream.
The pressure of the regeneration system is just above atmospheric pressure and
the reboiler temperature can be at maximum 204◦ C, being limited by the glycol
degradation. At this conditions the maximum glycol purity achievable is 98.6 wt%.
The hot lean glycol is finally pumped back through the glycol glycol heat exchanger
and back to the contactor (Kidnay and Parrish, 2006).
There exist different methods to achieve higher purities of the lean glycol flowing
from the regenerator. This methods go under the name of ”enhanced glycol concen-
tration processes”. The most common method is the use of a stripping gas or by
means of vaccum reboiler. To deeply understand these methods and other enhanced
processes see GPSA (2004).

1.4.2 Dehydration via adsorption

In this method water is adsorbed on solid dessicants such as molecular sieves,
silica gel or alumina. However, the most efficient adsorbents are molecular sieves
16 1. Literature review

Figure 1.10: Water concentration profile along the adsorption bed divided between the equilib-
rium, the mass transfer and the active zone (Kidnay and Parrish, 2006).

(zeolites), able to achieve a water content below 0.1 ppmv (Dan Laudal, 2009).
Molecules are attracted to the bed surface due to two type of forces: dispersion
repulsion and electrostatic. These mechanisms lead to an overall equilibrium, there-
fore for a given partial pressure and temperature an equilibrium concentration on
the solid exists, for each species present in the gas mixture. Molecules with an high
polarity are more strongly adsorbed than weakly polar or non polar components,
such as methane (Marques, 2004).
When a wet gas passes through a solid bed, water is firstly adsorbed in the inlet
zone of the bed, leaving the rest of the bed still active (active zone). As the adsorbent
near the inlet becomes saturated (equilibrium zone) the zone of adsorption moves
through the entire bed. This concentration wave is called mass transfer zone (MTZ)
as shown in figure 1.10.
When the adsorption ”wave” reaches the outlet the water content of the product
gas rapidly increases, meaning that the bed is saturated and it is not able to remove
water anymore. Usually, in the industry, the adsorption step can last from 8 to 24
hours (GPSA, 2004).
Regeneration of the bed can be performed by heating the bed or by decreasing
its pressure. Processes that involved this regeneration methods are respectively
called temperature swing adsorption (TSA) and pressure swing adsorption (PSA).
A combination of these two method (PTSA) tough, seems to be a promising future
option (Netusil and Ditl, 2012).
Since the dynamic nature of this process, to get a continuous process it is neces-
sary to involve two ore more beds working in parallel. Figure 1.11 shows a typical
TSA process with two adsorption beds.
The gas is fed to one of the beds where water is removed. Meanwhile the other
bed is being regenerated by means of a hot dry gas, that can come from external
source or be part of the dehydrated natural gas (as in this case). The hot gas (heated
by an external heater) flows into the saturated bed where water is desorbed. Then
the gas flows into a cooler where water is condensed and removed in a separator.
Finally the remaining gas is compressed and recycled back to the inlet wet gas feed.
1.5 Modelling 17

Figure 1.11: Solid dessicant dehydrator twin towers system (Adapted from GPSA Engineering
Data Book, 2012).

1.5 Modelling
The aim of this last section has been collecting the main studies present in liter-
ature concerning the modelling of the processes described before. The main points
have been finding the principle topics of interest, the tools involved to achieve good
simulations results (i.e. the most common process simulators and the thermody-
namic models) and, lastly, finding reliable data that could be reproduced.
Table 1.5 (and 1.6) reports some of the most recent studies, present in literature,
on modelling the natural gas sweetening process; the study description and the
simulation tools used are also reported.
First of all, from the studies description it is possible to see that DEA and MDEA
(and their blends) are the main solvents of interest. Secondly, most of the studies
look for an optimization of the process by playing with design parameters such as
the amine concentration, flowrate as well as trying different process configurations.
Finally, from the analysis of the simulation tools, it is possible to state that the
sequential modular 1 process simulator Aspen HYSYS R
is the most used process
simulator tools involved on modelling and optimizing the sweetening process. One
of the main point of strength of Aspen HYSYS R
is probably the thermodynamic
package available, the DRB Amine Package (as described in Aspen Technology,
Inc., 2006), which contains specific thermodynamic models, tailored for the sweet-
ening process: Kent Einsenberg (Kent and Eisenberg, 1976; based on regression to
experimental data) and Li Mather (Li and Mather, 1996; based on stronger thermo-
dynamic foundation). In particular, these thermodynamic models correctly predict
the solubility of CO2 and H2 S in the different amines.
In Muhammad and GadelHak (2015), among the various suggestions to design
and improve the modelling of the main columns (i.e. the absorber and the stripper),
Sequential modular approach solves each unit operation sequentially and individually, accord-
ing to the flow direction. Individual modules are developed for each unit operation.
18 1. Literature review

Table 1.5: Summary of research works on modelling the sweetening (via absorption) process.

Reference Study description Simulation tools

Aliabad and Mirzaei (2009) Theoretical investigation of The use of amine solvents have
the simultaneous absorption of been investigated using Aspen
CO2 and H2 S into acqueous so- HYSYS R
and ASPEN. Elec-
lutions of MDEA and DEA, trolyte NRTL and the Amine
comparing the results of two Package have been used as
different process simulators. thermodynamic models.
Nazir et al. (2010) Study of the effect of declin- Aspen HYSYS R
using the
ing pressure on the sweetening Amine Package with Kent
process involving MEA, DEA Eisenberg thermodynamic
and MDEA as absorbing sol- model for acqueous amine
vent. solutions and non ideal vapour
Pellegrini et al. (2011) Design of a purification unit Aspen HYSYS R
(stage effi-
in a large size NG plant of ciency approach taking into
the Emirates with MDEA. The account mass transfer and
results are compared among chemical reactions for all
three different process simula- species), ProMax R
tors. efficiency taking into account
mass transfer only for non
reactive species), Aspen Plus R

(rate based model, prediction

of mass transfer based on
the film theory by Lewis and
Whitman (1924).
Abdulrahman et al. (2013) Simulation and optimization of Aspen HYSYS R
v.7.3 is used
a sweetening plant for Khur- to simulate the plant with
mala (Kurdistan region) natu- the Kent Eisenberg (in the
ral gas. The simulation work Amine Package) as thermody-
is achieved examining DEA, namic model.
MEA, MDEA and their blends
as absorbing solvent.
Berrouk and Ochieng (2014) Discussion of the major opti- ProMax R
simulator is used to
mization techniques based on perform a parametric study
the Benfield HiPure process. to improve process perfor-
The acid gas first comes into mance. The Electolytic ELR-
contact with a 30 %wt solu- PR (model that improves the
tion of K2 CO3 promoted with NRTL acid gas model in the
3 % of DEA and is then con- previous version TSWEET).
tacted with a 20 %wt solution Kinetic models allows to model
of DEA. the rate-based reactions taking
place in the absorber.
Al-Lagtah et al. (2015) Reviews the current operation Aspen HYSYS R
v7.3 is used
of an existing plant (Lekhwair, to study, simulate and opti-
Oman), which uses MDEA mize the plant. The DBR
as solvent and pruposes some amine package is used rather
modifications to the existing than the traditional amine
plant to increase its profitabil- package because it better han-
ity and sustainability. The re- dles the reaction between CO2
sults have been also validated and MDEA. The modified
against plant data. Kent Einsenberg thermody-
namic model is used to predict
the vapour pressures and load-
ing of CO2 and H2 S.
1.5 Modelling 19

Table 1.6: Summary of reasearch works on modelling the sweetening (via absorption) process
(continue of table 1.5).

Reference Study description Simulation tools

Qeshta et al. (2015) Study the LPG sweetening process The flowsheet used has been devel-
using MDEA as solvent. The ef- oped within Aspen HYSYS R
fects of design parameters such as using the Amine Package. The
amine flowrate, concentration and model results have been compared
temperature are explored in order with DOW Chemical company’s
to find the optimum combination. results.
Tavan et al. (2016) Techniques such as supersonic gas Aspen HYSYS R
v.3.1 has been
separation, mixed amines, and used to simulate the process with
multi lean amine streams processes the Amine Package (Kent Eisen-
are simulated to adress common is- berg as thermodynamic model).
sues in the sweetening plants like
equipment corrosion and high en-
ergy demand. In particular dif-
ferent blends of MDEA and DEA
have been studied.

there is particular focus on the distiction between equilibrium-based and rate-based

approaches. In the equilibrium-based approach the vapour and the liquid are as-
sumed to leave each tray at equilibrim conditions and factor such as the Murphee
efficiency are employed to correct the performance of the theoretical tray. But, in
the case of reactive separation where the deviations from equilibrium are very large,
like in the case of sweetening, it would be necessary to model such systems with a
rate-based approach. The rate-based approach avoids the approximation of equi-
librium and by modelling the mass and heat transfer coefficients it calculates the
concentration distribution between the liquid and vapour phases. Although the in-
formations regarding the thermodinamic model are always present, it is, quite rarely
specified whether the equilibrium-based or the rate-based approach is used to model
the contactor and the regenerator columns.
Table 1.2 reports the main studies present in literature on modelling the dehy-
dration process via glycols absorption.
Also in this case process simulators are used to optimize the plant by chaging
the process scheme, whereas TEG is the only solvent of interest in this process.
Therefore, changing the process configuration, rather than searching for different
solvents, seems to be the main option in order to optimize the process. Also in
this case Aspen HYSYS R
is the most common process simulator involved to model
and optimize the process. Still, its main point of strength seems to be the specific
thermodynamic package design for absorption processes with glycols, the Glycol
Package (Aspen Technology, Inc. 2006) and the Hydrate utility package, which
is able to calculate the temperature of hydrate formation in the gas stream. In
particular within the Glycol Package there is the possibility to choose between Peng
- Robinson, preferred for MEG and DEG, and Twu Sim Tassone (TST), a specific
advanced equation of state developed for modelling TEG - water system for glycol
gas dehydration process (Twu et al., 2005).
Since its nature of pure absorption process, without reactions (differently from
the sweetening process), the common approach to model the two columns (contactor
and regenerator) is using the equilibrium-based approach.
20 1. Literature review

Table 1.7: Summary of research works on modelling the glycol (via absorption) process.

Reference Study description Simulation tools

Abdulrahman et al. (2013) Developing a dehydration pro- Aspen HYSYS R

v.7.3 process
cess for Khurmala (Kurdistan simulator has been involved in
region), continuing the study modelling such process with the
after the simulation of the Glycol Package.
sweetening plant. The dehy-
dration process has been sim-
ulated and optimized by using
several types of solvents such as
Ghati (2013) Design of a dehydration process Aspen HYSYS R
with Peng -
with TEG as absorbing solvent Robinson fluid package.
for the Songo Songo (Tanzania)
natural gas. Sensitivity anal-
yses are also provided to opti-
mize the process.
El Mawgoud et al. (2014) Modelling and simulation for The plant has been simulated
revamping a dehydration gas using Aspen HYSYS R
plant named ”Akik” existing in Peng - Robinson Eos for VLE
Egypt and owned by Khalda calculations and calculation of
Petroleum Company. Three the liquid densities for hydro-
different alternatives have been carbon systems.
considered and investigated to
choose te optimum one with re-
spect to the minimum equip-
ment costs. TEG is the solvent
Anyadiegwu et al. (2014) Desing and simulation of a nat- Aspen HYSYS R
has been used
ural gas dehydrating plant, ex- as process simulator (informa-
ploring the system response to tion on the thermodynamic
different TEG flowrates. model chosen are not pro-
vided). The Hydrate utility
package has also been used to
evaluate the temperature of hy-
drates formation.

Altough in literature many studies can be found regarding the basic concepts
and mathematical models to describe mass transfer and isotherm behaviour on ad-
sorption column (e.g. Shafeeyan et al. 2014, Xu et al. 2013 ) and there are a lot
of experimental works, where the adsorption equilibrium and kinetics of water on
different solid adsorbents have been studied (e.g. Wang and Douglas 2009, Ribeiro
et al. 2008 ), there are just few studies on modelling natural gas dehydration beds.
In Gholami et al. (2010) a mathematical model is developed to simulate an ad-
sorption process for dehydration of a gas stream. The dual site Langmuir isotherm
is employed in predicting adsorption equilibrium and the Peng-Robinson equation
is used as thermodynamic model. The mathematical model is solved by a finite
volume method and the results verified against experimental data. In Al Wahedi
et al. (2016) a new method for the design of natural gas dryers is presented. Two
process schemes of TSA, based on common industrial conditions, are considered,
which differ in the source of the regeneration gas. The method formulates a mixed
1.6 Motivation 21

integer non linear programming (MINLP) where the objective is to minimize the
net present value of ensued cost (NPVC) while meeting all process constraints. In
Ahn and Lee (2003), a deep description of the mathematical model that allowed to
model a TSA air drying process is present.

1.6 Motivation
The first part of the work is driven by the objective to show the opportunity
of modelling the natural gas chain processes using gPROMS R
ProcessBuilder and
gSAFT as thermodynamic package. The main advantage deriving from this ap-
proach would be the possibility of modelling all the different processes involved in
the gas chain, by using the same thermodynamic model, without the use of tailored
packages. Thus, having one single flowsheet, which embeds more processes in se-
ries, would allow to better understand how, for instance, the changing of a certain
parameter, would affect the whole chain. Having a whole flowsheet implemented in
an equation oriented process simulator, like gPROMS R
, would also allow to build
rigorous optimization problems, taking into account at the same time constraints,
variables and objective functions from different unit operations. Furthermore, the
use of gSAFT R
in absorption processes, would allow to easily test the performance
of different solvents in order to find the best one who fits certain operational con-
In the case of the adsorption process, the aim is to build a general mathematical
framework able to model the adsorption of water in zeolites. In particular, the
idea is to build a multiple beds flowsheet which would allow to achieve continuous
22 1. Literature review
Chapter 2


The need to accurate property prediction required in the gas industry leads to a
continuous developing and improvement of thermodynamic tools. In particular, the
most important aspect of these thermodynamic tools is their predictive capability,
which is the ability to accurate predict a wide range of process conditions without
the need of experimental data for the determination of model parameters. Con-
cerning the processes of sweetening and dehydration the future perspective looks for
a thermodynamic model able to deal with a widespread range of components and
impurities in order to represent the processes in the most realistic way. This aspect
becomes very useful for a common problem in the sector of gas processing, which
is the ability to explore a large desing space of compounds for the selection of the
optimal solvent and investigate the effects of variations in the composition. For this
purpose a specific class of methodologies, the so called group contribution equation
of state (GC - EoS), have been developed.
In this chapter it is illustrated the thermodynamic model chosen for the simu-
lation of the two absorption processes of sweetening and dehydration, the SAFT-γ
Mie, implemented in the gSAFT R
package. Starting from a general description of
theory behind this GC - EoS, it is reported the procedure carried out in order to val-
idate the thermodynamic model for those processes. In the end, it is also illustrated
MultiflashTM , the thermodynamic package involved in modelling the dehydration
via adsorption process.

2.1 SAFT-γ Mie

Altough GC methods have been introduced for their high predictability and flex-
ibility in the calculation of fluid properties, they present important drawbacks such
as the limited T and P range of reliable applicability, the inconsistency in the de-
scription of the critical region and the fact, that they cannot provide the calculation
of other important properties commonly involved in process design like density, heat
capacity, etc. On the other hand, equations of state are not limited, in principle,
in their range of applicability and can be used to calculate other thermodynamic
properties; however, they are less predictive than GC methods, as component based
parameters are needed. In an effort to use equations of state in a predictive man-
ner, they have been combined with group contributions methods in order to take
the most from both the metodologies and, at the same time, to overcome the main
24 2. Thermodynamics

One of these GC EoS is the so-called Statistical Association Fluid Theory (SAFT).
Different approaches are embeeded within the SAFT framework and in this work,
in particular, the SAFT-γ Mie approach is involved. For an overview of the SAFT
general theory and the different theories within it refer to Papaioannou (2012).
In the SAFT-γ Mie approach molecules are represented as associating heteronu-
clear chains of fused spherical segments. Each compound i is defined by a set of
values νi,k , that denote the number of functional groups of type k in the compound.
A given group k is characterized by one or more identical segments νk∗ and a shape
factor Sk which translates the extent to which the segments of a given group k
contribute to the overall molecular properties. Various SAFT version exist in the
literature and they mainly differ in their choice of rappresenting the intermolecular
potential for the “sphere-sphere” interactions (e.g. Lennard- Jones, Square-Well,
Mie potential). The Mie pair potential is a generalized form of the Lennard Jones
potential, with variable attractive and repulsive ranges. In the case of interactions
between segments of the same group-type k, the Mie potential is written as:
" λrkk  λakk #
σkk σk
ΦM ie
kk (rkk ) = Ckk kk − (2.1)
rkk rkk

where rkk is the centre – centre distance between the segments, σkk is the diameter
of the segments, kk is the depth of the potential, and Ckk is a constant function of
the repulsive (λrkk ) and attractive (λakk ) exponents of the potential and is defined as:

 λr λ−λ
λr λrkk
kk kk
Ckk = r kk a (2.2)
λkk − λkk λakk

which ensures that the minimum of the potential is at −kk . The group interaction
is then characterized by the diameter of each segment σkk , the potential well-depth
kk and the repulsive and attractive ranges of the interaction potential λrkk and λakk .
The interaction between unlike groups k and l is characterized by an unlike
segment diameter σkl defined as:
σkk + σll
σkl = (2.3)
The unlike dispersion energy obtained using a modified geometric mean that takes
into account the size and asymmetry of the groups as:
σkk σll3 √
kl = 3
kk ll (2.4)

and the unlike repulsive and attractive exponents of the Mie potential as:
λkl = 3 + (λkk − 3)(λll − 3) (2.5)

In common with other SAFT approaches, additional short-ranges sites can be

used to model the association (e.g. hydrogen bonds) interactions present in some
2.1 SAFT-γ Mie 25

polar compounds. The association interactions are modelled by means of square-

well sites, therefore a site placed on a segment k interacts with a site b placed on a
segment l as shown in (2.6):
rkl,ab ≤ rkl,ab
ΦHB (r
kl,ab kl,ab ) = c
0 rkl,ab > rkl,ab

where rkl,ab is the centre-centre distance between sites a and b, −HB kl,ab is the associ-
ation energy, and rkl,ab is the cut-off range of the interaction; between sites a and b.
In order to completely describe a group with association sites is therefore important
to specify the number NST,k of the different site types and the number of sites of
each type, e.g. nk,a , nk,a ,...,nk,N ST togheter with the position rkl,ab of the site. These

parameters and the number of segments νk are chosen a priori based on the chemical
nature of each group, examining different possibilities by a trial-and-error approach.
The unlike values of the association energy is calculated by a simple geometric mean:

kl,ab = HB HB
kk,aa ll,bb (2.7)

while the unlike range of the association site-site interaction is:

p c p c !
3 r + 3 r
c kk,aa ll,bb
rkl,ab = (2.8)

Figures 2.1 and 2.2 respectively show how some natural gas components and the
solvents involved in the absorption section of this work, are structured within the
SAFT-γ Mie approach. To notice how each molecule is represented as a ensable of
different groups and association sites.

Figure 2.1: Structure of some the natural gas components (CO2 , H2 S, H2 O, CH4 and C4 H10 )
within the SAFT-γ Mie approach.

Figure 2.2: Structure of the solvents involved in the absorption section of this work (DEA and
TEG) within the SAFT-γ Mie approach.
26 2. Thermodynamics

Generally, each SAFT equation of state is then written in terms of the Helmholtz
free energy (A) as a sum of different contributions:

A Aideal Amonomeric Achain Aassociation

= + + + (2.9)
N kb T N kb T N kb T N kb T N kb T

where Aideal corresponds to the free energy of the ideal polyatomic gas system,
Amonomeric is the residual free energy due to the interactions between the monomeric
Mie segments, Achain refers to the energy due to the formation of a chain of tangential
or fused monomeric Mie segments, Aassociation is the free energy due to the association
between molecules, N Kb and T are respectively the total number of moleculs, the
Boltzmann constant and the absolute temperature. Figure 2.3 helps to visualize
how each term contribute to the overall energy of the system.

Figure 2.3: Individual contributions to the free energy of the system within the framework
of SAFT-γ Mie type methods: 1) Ideal gas; 2) Monomer term; 3) Chain term; 4) Association
(Papaioannou, 2012).

The complex description of how each term is calculated goes well beyond the
purposes of this work. For this reason, for a better understanding of the theory
behind the calculation of the Helmhotlz free energy refer to Papaioannou et al.
Once the functional form of the Helmholtz free energy has been specified, other
properties, such as pressure P , chemical potential µi , internal energy U , enthalpy
H, entropy S, Gibbs free energy G, second order derivative properties (cv , cp ),
the speed of sound u, isothermal compressibility kT , thermal expansion coefficient α
and Joule-Thompson coefficient µJT can be obtained algebraically from the standard
thermodynamic relations (Papaioannou et al., 2014) Below the expressions to derive
pressure and chemical potential from the Hemoholtz free energy are shown:
−∂A ∂A
P = µi =
∂V T,N ∂Ni T,V,Nj

2.2 gSAFT

is a physical property package developed at Process Systems Enterprise
Ltd., used in gPROMS R
platform products. This property package has either the
SAFT - Variable Range Square Well (SAFT - VR SW) or the SAFT-γ Mie equation
of state as basis, and it is used in the platform as a call of a databank.
In the SAFT-γ Mie EoS each non associating group is described by the following
set of parameters: the number of segments (νk∗ ), shape factor (Sk ), segment diameter
(σkk ), dispersion energy (kk ) and the repulsive and attractive exponents of the
2.2 gSAFT

potential (λrkk and λakk ). In the case of associating groups, additional parameters are
introduced, such as the number of types of associating sites of a group k (NST k ),
the number of sites of each type (nk,a ) and the energy (HB c
kk,ab ) and range (rkk,ab ) of
interaction for each pair of sites. All the parameters just mentioned are estimated by
means of appropriate experimental data, except for the number of segments which
is determined by a trial-and-error approach. The unlike group parameters σkl and
λkl can be calculated using the mixing rules described in the previous paragraph,
whereas the unlike dispersion energy kl , the unlike association energy HB kl,ab and the
unlike range of association rkl,ab are estimated by regression of experimental data.
In figure 2.4 the group present in the gSAFT databank are listed, specifying wether
the like - unlike parameters are present or not.
Within gPROMS enviroment, the parameters estimation via regression of exper-
imental data is performed via gSAFT Material Modeller (gSAFTmm), an auxiliary
tool which involves the PythonTM language.

Figure 2.4: List of the functional groups present in the gSAFT-γ Mie databank, where the blue
squares indicates the presence of the like-unlike parameters whereas the grey indicates where they
are missed. Santos (2016).
28 2. Thermodynamics

2.3 Validation
In process simulation the first step is the selection of the more appropriate phys-
ical property model, followed by either its validation or the model parameters fitting
against experimental data. The factors to consider, in order to choose the most ap-
propriate method, are the nature of the system of interest and its composition, the
conditions of pressure and temperature and the availability of the model parameters
(Carlson, 1996).
As stated in the previous paragraph, the power of SAFT-γ Mie model is to be
very general in such a way to be able to described widely the most complex chemical
systems. For this reason SAFT-γ Mie model has been chosen to simulate the two
absorption processes of natural gas sweetening and dehydration. This has been
possible as all the required groups parameters (like and unlike) are present in the
Mie databank (databank depicted in figure 2.4). In the following paragraph the
validation carried out, in order to evaluate the goodness of the model parameters,
will be illustrated.
The validation is, mainly, made by binary vapour-liquid equilibria (VLE) as
the main feature to assess in absorption processes is the effective behaviour of the
mixture where a mass exchange process takes place. Firstly, the interactions between
the natural gas components have been explored, in particular focusing on the main
alkanes present, from methane to propane (also butane and propane is some cases)
and on the ”undesired” components such as the acid gases (hydrogen sulphide and
carbon dioxide) and water. After that, the interactions between the gas components
and the absorbing solvent involved in those processes (diethanol amine (DEA) in
the sweetening and triethylene glycol (TEG) in the dehyration) has been studied
and validated.
The experimental data, used in the validation, have been chosen as close as
possible to the processes conditions, except few cases where this has not been possible
for physical-chemical and practical reasons. Before introducing the validation, it is
also important to underline that, for such systems, often, it has not been easy to find
reliable experimental data in the open literature. Therefore, all the validation (and
parameters estimation) described could eventually be extended to new experimental

2.3.1 Natural gas

The first step in the validation of the SAFT-γ Mie thermodynamic model is, as
already mentioned, the study of the interaction between the components present in
the natural gas mixture. For the purposes of this work, the most important features
to verify are the interactions between the ”undesired” components and the main
alkanes, rather than, for instance, the study of single components properties. In
particular this has been possible comparing experimental and calculated vapour -
liquid equilibria data.
In this firts subsection, the validation of the interactions between the acid gases
and the main alkanes present in the natural gas mixture is described.
Figure 2.5 shows a comparison between the experimental and the predicted VLE
data for the system H2 S - Methane. It is important to underline that both the species
are modelled as a whole group, where in the hydrogen sulfide molecule bonding sites
2.3 Validation 29

are present either, as previously shown in figure 2.1.

At ”low” temperature (277.6 K) the VLE is correctly calculated, matching the
experimental data, whereas, at higher temperatures the prediction are poorer. This
means that ”high” temperature data were not included in the original parameter
fitting, therefore, a better prediction, over a wider range of temperatures, would be
possible simply by extending the experimental data through which the parameters
are fitted. In this work the original parameters has been considered suitable to the
thesis objectives, as the prediction becomes poor for pressures higher than 10 MPa,
and, as will be illustrated in §3, those pressure are never reached in the sweetening

Figure 2.5: Isothermal VLE of the system H2 S - Methane. The symbols correspond to the
experimental data from Reamer and Lacey (1951), and the curves to the SAFT-γ Mie calculation.

Figure 2.6 reports the 4 VLE systems: H2 S - Ethane, H2 S - Propane, H2 S -

n-Butane, H2 S - n-Pentane where the experimental and the calculated data are
compared. Before starting the discussion though, it is important to remind that,
from SAFT-γ Mie point of view, n-Alknanes (except methane), such as the ones
just mentioned, are seen as an ensamble of methanedyl −CH2 − and methyl −CH3
groups. The only difference between one molecule and another is simply the number
of groups of each type. As one may notice, the plots present both dashed and
solid curves. The dashed curves represent the SAFT-γ Mie calculation before the
parameter fitting, which has been necessary as the original prediction for the systems
H2 S - Ethane and H2 S - Propane was quite poor. Moreover, it is interesting to
notice that, altough the prediction for those systems was not acceptable, in the
other two systems considered, H2 S - n-Butane, H2 S - n-Pentane, the prediction
could already be accepted. This fact suggests that the fitting procedure should
focus on the interaction between H2 S and −CH3 rather than on H2 S - −CH2 −. In
fact, in the Ethane molecule only −CH3 is present and in Propane the weight of
the −CH3 group is ”higher” than the −CH2 − one; instead, for higher alkanes the
weight of −CH3 is lower as the number of carbon atoms increases. Furthermore,
the new unlike dispersion energy H2 S,CH3 , after the fitting, is expected to be lower
than the original one. In figure 2.6a., for example, the dashed lines (the original
calculation) are always above the experimental data, represented by the simbols.
Therefore, considering for instance a molar fraction of H2 S equal to 0.2, it is possible
to notice that the original calculation predicted a boiling temperature higher than
the experimental, therefore the energy was higher, allowing the mixture to stay in
30 2. Thermodynamics

the liquid phase for an higher range of temperature. Thus, the solid curves confirms
what has been predicted in advance. During the fitting, the value of the H2 S,CH3
slightly decreas in such a way that now the the experimental data for the systems
H2 S - Ethane and H2 S - Propane are perfectly matched. H2 S,CH2 has not been varied,
in fact the H2 S - n-Butane and H2 S - Pentane predictions still remain acceptable,
presenting a little improvement as well.
Altough the fitting should comprehend all the possible data present in literature,
for the purposes of this work, just the data depicted in the plots have been consid-
ered since they well conver the conditions of pressure and temperature present in
the processes considered. In conclusion, it is important to highlight that, the values
at the bounds of the plots, representing the pure component conditions, are always
perfectly matched.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 2.6: Isobaric and isothermal VLE of H2 S - n-Alkanes systems. a) H2 S - Ethane, ex-
perimental data from Kay and Brice (1953), b) H2 S - Propane, experimental data from Kay and
Rambosek (1953), c) H2 S - n-Butane, experimental data from Leu and Robinson (1989), d) H2 S
- n-Pentane, experimental data from Reamer, Sage, Lacey, 1953. The symbols correspond to the
experimental data and the curves to the SAFT-γ Mie calculation. In particular, the dash curves
represent the calculation before the parameter estimation whereas the solid ones represent the
calculation after the estimation.

After the discussion for the H2 S, following the same rationale, the next part will
discuss the other acid gas typically present in natural gas mixture: CO2 .
Figure 2.7 shows the VLE for the system Methane - CO2 . The good match
between experimental and predicted data allows to confirm the goodness of the
2.3 Validation 31

original parameters present in the databank, for such interaction.

Figure 2.7: Isothermal VLE of the system Methane - CO2 . The symbols correspond to the
experimental data from Al-Sahhaf, Kidnay, Sloan (1983), and the curves to the SAFT-γ Mie

Figure 2.8 illustrates the thermodynamic validation for the 4 systems: CO2 -
Ethane, CO2 - Propane, CO2 - n-Butane, CO2 - n-Pentane where the experimental
and the calculated data are compared. The original interaction parameters well
predict the experimental data, even though a fitting has been carried out in order
to better match the experimental data of the system CO2 - Ethane (figure 2.8 a))
at a temperature of 230 K (at 210 K the prediction is already acceptable). In this
case, clearly, only the unlike dispersion energy between −CH3 and CO2 , CO2 ,CH3 ,
has been considered. In particular, differently from what stated previously for the
system H2 S - Ethane, here the energy need to be increased, which is then confirmed
by the fitting result. In fact, for example looking at the point of azeotrope, the
original parameter predicts an higher pressure in order to condensate the mixture
from gas to liquid phase. The new parameter does not affect the other 3 systems
considered, even though slight changes may be noticed. Therefore the system CO2
- Alkanes is validated.

So far the interactions between alkanes and the acid gases have been validated.
The last step, in this first part of the validation, will be the study of the interactions
between the alkanes and the other undesired element originally present in the natural
gas mixture: water. In this case, for sake of simplicity, only the three main alkanes
have been considered such as methane, ethane and propane, in particular by studying
the solubiliy of water in the alkane liquid phase through flash calculations. In figure
2.9 these calculated solubilities are compared against the experimental data.
The plots show the good predictions against experimental data for each case
considered and one may also notice that the conditions of temperature and pressure
are consistent with the one of the processes.
However, the predictions lose quality for the higher temperature considered, at
around 323 K, in the case of methane and ethane (figure 2.9 a) b) ); where the model
predicts a lower concentration of water in the alkane gas phase. This means that
probably at higher temperatures this problem still remain or even become worse and
the only solution is to fit the unlike interaction parameters (since water is present
32 2. Thermodynamics

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 2.8: Isothermal VLE of CO2 - n-Alkanes systems. a) CO2 - Ethane, b) CO2 - Propane,
c) CO2 - n-Butane, d) CO2 - n-Pentane. The symbols correspond to the experimental data from
Vitu et. al. (2008) and the curves to the SAFT-γ Mie calculation. In particular, the dash curves
represent the calculation before the parameter estimation whereas the solid ones represent the
calculation after the estimation.

also the energy and range of the association sites might be included) against ”higher”
temperature data.
Altough a parameters fitting would be recommended, in the processes consid-
ered, such high temperatures are reached only in the regeneration section, where the
natural gas is not present (or minimally) as discusses in §3 and §4. For this reason
the model prediction is considered acceptable for the purposes of this work.

After the study of the interactions between the alkanes and the ”undesired” el-
ements (acid gases and water) present in the natural gas mixture, in this last step,
it will be shown the SAFT-γ Mie model ability to correctly predict the interactions
betweent these ”undesidered” molecules. Before showing the results it may be use-
ful to remind that H2 S, CO2 and H2 O are built as a single group, provided with
association sites (see figure 2.1).
First of all, the interactions between the two acid gases have been validated, as
shown in figure 2.10. In the VLE equilibria depicted, it is possible to confirm the
goodness of the model predictions as it perfectly matches the experimental data.
After that, the interactions between water and the acid gases has been studied
through solubility calculations. Figure 2.11 respectively show a) the solubility of
CO2 in the water liquid phase and b) the solubility of water in the CO2 gas phase.
2.3 Validation 33

(a) (b)


Figure 2.9: Isothermal solubility of water in different alkanes gas phase. a) Solubility in Methane
gas phase, experimental data from Frost et al. (2014), b) Solubility in Ethane gas phase, experi-
mental data from Mohammadi et al. (2004), c) Solubility in Propane gas phase, experimental data
from Chapoy et al. (2004). The symbols correspond to the experimental data and the curves to
the SAFT-γ Mie calculation.

Figure 2.10: Isothermal VLE equilibria for the system CO2 – H2 S. The symbols correspond to
the experimental data from Chapoy et. al. (2013), and the curves to the SAFT-γ Mie calculation
34 2. Thermodynamics

The figures show that the experimental data are well predicted by the thermody-
namic model even though in the case of CO2 solubility in water liquid phase the
prediction can be improved. For the purposes of this work, the predictions are con-
sidered acceptable; in fact, it is difficult to imagine that the sweetening process can
be affected by such a small gap between experimental and predicted data for such
small values of solubility.
In the end, figure 2.12 shows the VLE for the system H2 S - H2 O. Where it is
possible to see the perfect match between the experimental and the predicted data.

(a) (b)

Figure 2.11: a) Isothermal solubility of CO2 in water liquid phase and b) isothermal solubility
of water in CO2 gas phase. The symbols correspond to the experimental data from Bamberger et.
al. (2000), and the curves to the SAFT-γ Mie calculation.

Figure 2.12: Isothermal VLE equilibria for the system H2 S – water. The symbols correspond to
the experimental data from Sellek et. al. (1952), Gillispie and Wilson (1982), and Burgess et. al.
(1969), and the curves to the SAFT-γ Mie calculation.
2.3 Validation 35

2.3.2 DEA
In this section, it will be evaluated the predictive ability of the thermodynamic
model with respect to the solvent involved in the sweetening process of this work:
the Diethanolamine (DEA).
Since in the sweetening process the DEA is involved as aqueous solution, the
first step, in order to validate this solvent, has been the study of the interaction
between DEA and water. Figure 2.13 shows respectively an a) isobaric and b)
isothermal VLE. In these plots, it is possible to confim the goodness of the SAFT-γ
Mie parameters for such system which are able to perfectily match the experimental

(a) (b)

Figure 2.13: Isothermal and isobaric VLE for the system water - DEA. The symbols correspond
to the experimental data from Horstmann et al. (2002), and the curves to the SAFT-γ Mie

Next, the validation procedure involved the study of, probably, the most impor-
tant property in the sweetening process, that is the interaction between the amine
solution and the acid gases. It is, in fact, a key property that must be predicted as
good as possible in order to get feasible results in the removal of acid gases from the
natural gas stream, once the process will be simulated. This is done by evaluating
the property of loading, which is the solubility of the acid gas in the amine aque-
ous solution (at fixed composition) against the acid gas partial pressure. Figures
2.14 respectively show a) the H2 S and b) the CO2 loading for a fixed value of DEA
aqueous solution concentration, expressed as weight fraction.
In the case of H2 S (2.14 a)) the model does not perfectly predict the experimental
data. In particular, within the central region of loading, from 0.6 to 1.1 (roughly),
the predicted values are lower than the experimental data, for all the temperatures
considered. This fact may actually affect the results of the contactor column in the
process, where the calculated removal efficiency might be lower than what it really
The CO2 loading seems to be, generally speaking, better predicted. As one may
see, the experimental data are perfectly matched for ”low” temperatures, whereas
as the temperature increases the predictions starts becoming poorer; the loading
predicted is, in fact, lower than the experimental. One possible reason for this is
that high temperature data were not included in the original parameters fitting. This
fact, may affect the solvent purification section of the sweetening plant, where these
”high” temperatures are reached. For a given partial pressure, an higher loading
36 2. Thermodynamics

may affect the correctness of CO2 concentration in the lean solvent coming out from
the stripper column, calculated in the sweetening simulation.
Possible solutions to obtain better predictions are either extending the experi-
mental data through which the model parameters are fit, or modifying the model
parameters themselves. It is important to remind, though, that those system are
actually quite complex because they invoved molecules (more specifically groups),
with different reaction sites (that are used to model the amine - acid gas reactions),
and they are chosen by a trial and error approach (see §2.1). However, the model
predictions have been considered accepted for the purposes of this work.
Another interesting feature regarding the study of the interactions between the
acid gases and the amine are the quaternary loading plot, where both acid gases are
present in the sperimentation procedure. This is done in order to study how they
affect each other in the absorption capacity of the amine solution. Unfortunately, it
has been impossible to replicate the literature data for lack of informations regarding
the experimental procedure followed.

(a) (b)

Figure 2.14: a) Partial pressure of H2 S as a function of the H2 S loading along the vapour - liquid
equilibrium of the ternary mixture DEA + H2 O + H2 S, with a concentration of DEA in the liquid
phase of 20%. b) Partial pressure of CO2 as a function of the CO2 loading along the vapour -
liquid equilibrium of the ternary mixture DEA + H2 O + CO2 , with a concentration of DEA in the
liquid phase of 35.4%. The symbols correspond to the experimental data, respectively from Lee et
al. (1973) and Rodriguez et al. (2012) , and the curves form the SAFT-γ Mie calculation.

The last property to evaluate in the study of the interaction amine - acid gas
is the heat of absorption. As already mentioned in the literature section, the reac-
tive absorption of an acid gas is, actually, an hexotermic reaction which, therefore,
realeses heat and increases the system temperature. In figure 2.15 it is represented
the calculated heat of absorption against experimental data, at fixed amine concen-
tration, for both the acid gases.
The heat released after the H2 S absorption is over-estimated of, roughly, 10
kJmol−1 , therefore with a maximum relative error of 30%. In the case of CO2 ,
instead, the heat of absorption is under-estimated of roughly the same amount of
10 kJmol−1 , so that to generate a maximum relative error of 15%.
This may affect the contactor temperature during the process simulation. In
particular, the temperature of the rich solvent exiting the contactor colum might
be higher/lower than expected, therefore, directly affecting the heat that has to be
supplied in the downstream heat exchangers in order to have the rich solvent ready
for the regeneration section. This aspect will be discussed in the sweetening results
2.3 Validation 37

section (see §3.2).

The main purpose of this work has been the study of the separation process of
sweetening (and dehydration) from a mass exchange and phase equilibrium point
of view. Therefore, the discrepancy detected in the heat of absorption prediction
has not been considered worth to be adjusted at this level. The simulation results
could be refined in the future work by including this property during the parameters

Figure 2.15: Heat of absorption of CO2 in an aqueous solution of DEA at 20.6 wt% and heat of
absorption of H2 S in an aqueous solution of DEA at 35.4 wt % at 300 K and 11 atm. The symbols
correspond to the experimental data from Bullin et al. (-), and the curves to the SAFT-γ Mie

2.3.3 TEG
In this last section it is described the thermodynamic validation with respect to
the solvent involved in dehydration (via absorption) process: the triethylene glycol
Firstly, it has been study the interaction between TEG and water via VLE
calculations. The a) isothermal and b) isobaric vapour - liquid calculations depicted
in figure 2.16 confirm the goodness of the model parameters as the exprimental data
are perfectly matched.
Lastly, it has been study the interaction between the TEG solvent and the most
common alkane present in the natural gas mixture: methane. Figure 2.17 a) shows
the goodness of thermodynamic model parameters in the estimation of methane
solubility in TEG liquid phase. Instead, figure 2.17 b) shows that the opposite, that
is the solubility of liquid TEG in methane gas phase is, actually, not well predicted
by the thermodynamic model. Altough the model prediction clearly undestimate
the concentration of TEG in methane gas phase, the values involved have a relly
low order of magnitude 1E-06, 1E-07; therefore this can only minimally affect the
dehydration process simulation results.
The TEG concentration in the dry gas exiting the glycol contactor column may,
then, be lower than expected, leading to a possible underestimation of the glycol
losses which has a direct impact of the glycol make up.
38 2. Thermodynamics

(a) (b)

Figure 2.16: Isothermal and isobaric VLE for the system water - TEG. The symbols corre-
spond to the experimental data from a) Tsuji, Hiaki, Hongo (1998) and Derawi et al. (2003), b)
Mostafazadeh et al. (2009), and the curves to the SAFT-γ Mie calculation

(a) (b)

Figure 2.17: a) Solubility of methane in TEG liquid phase as a function of pressure, b) Solubility
of TEG in methane gas phase as a function of pressure. The symbols correspond to the experimental
data from Jerinic et al. (2008), and the curves to the SAFT-γ Mie calculation

2.4 MultiflashTM
MultiflashTM is a thermodynamic package developed by Infochem Computers
Services Ltd. which can be implemented within gPROMS R
products. It contains a
wide range of the most commonly used thermodynamics models, from equations of
state to activity coefficient. In this work MultiflashTM has been used as thermody-
namic package in the simulation of the adsorption process (§6.1) involving the Peng
- Robinson equation of state (PR EoS). Since the natural gas mixture considered in
the simulation of the adsorption process is simply made of 4 components (CH4 , H2 O,
CO2 and N2 ), involving a more complex thermodynamic model such as SAFT-γ Mie
would not have been justify. The PR EoS is known to be appropriate to predict
the behaviour of mixtures containing those components and, also, all the binary
interaction parameters, for the mixture involved, were already present in the Mul-
tiflash databank as well. Therefore, neither parameters fitting nor thermodynamic
validation has been necessary.
Chapter 3


This chapter illustrates the study carried out on the natural gas sweetening
process model, where SAFT-γ Mie has been used as thermodynamic model for
the simulation. In the first section the base case simulation is introduced, with
the flowsheet implemented in gPROMS R
ProcessBuilder enviroment; here the main
process variables as well as the feed gas features are described. After the introductory
section, the base case simulation results are analyzed, highlighting the critical points,
which led to a sensitivity analysis on the columns tray efficiency, shown in the last
section of the chapter.

3.1 Flowsheet assembling

The process flowsheet implemented in this work is a reproduction of the study of
Abdulrahman et al.(2013), where the Khurmala sweetening plant has been simulated
in Aspen HYSYS R
V.7.3 and the Amine fluid package (Kent Eisenberg) has been
used as thermodynamic model.
The flowsheet will be described following figure 3.1. Starting from the natural
gas feed, the description will follow the path of the gas and the amine solution
throughout the process, describing the main process units encoutered (the unit name
is reported in italic, between brackets during the description).

Figure 3.1: Sweetening flowsheet implemented in gPROMS

40 3. Sweetening

The 120 000 std m3 h−1 (37.68 kg s−1 , 5 353.8 kmol h−1 ) of acid natural gas are
fed to the process (NG feed ) at a pressure of 35.5 bar and at a temperature of 311.15
K (38◦ C), whereas the molar composition considered is specified in table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Initial composition of the acid natural gas feed, indicated in figure 3.1 as NG Feed.

Component Mass composition [%] Molar composition [%]

H2 S 7.22 5.37
CO2 7.77 4.47
N2 0.12 0.11
H2 O 0.09 0.13
CH4 40.06 63.27
C2 H 6 16.48 13.88
C3 H 8 10.48 6.02
i - C4 H10 3.12 1.36
n - C4 H10 5.6 2.44
i - C5 H12 2.93 1.03
n - C5 H12 2.08 0.73
n - C6 H14 4.05 1.19

Before entering the separation unit, the gas goes through a separator (Inlet scrub-
ber ), which is basically a model that allows to calculate the vapor liquid equilibria
of the feed in order to separate the liquid phase (discharged from the bottom) from
the vapour phase, which exits the drum from the top. Therefore, this unit allows to
separate any free liquids present in the mixture such as water and high hydrocar-
bons (if the mixture is not fed at the dew point conditions). The vapour, at the dew
point conditions, is sent to the bottom of the column section (Contactor ). Inside
the column, the gas is in contact with the absorbing solution, which is fed at the
top of the column so as to realize a counter - current mass exchange (this unit is
also called ”absorber”).
The solvent involved in this work is an aqueous solution of diethanol Amine
(DEA) at 35 %wt; 400 m3 h−1 (111.7 kg s−1 ) are fed at a pressure of 35.5 bar and
at a temperature of 313.15 K (40◦ C). As already mentioned in the literature section
(§..), it is very important to feed the amine solution at a temperature higher than
the gas, in order to avoid hydrocarbons condensation, which would be solubilized in
the amine solution, thus decreasing its absorption capacity as well as losing valuable
The Contactor column is a column section model whose 20 trays are modelled as
equilibrium trays, so as to neglect the mass transfer resistances between the gas and
the liquid phase. The pressure inside the column is assumed constant, equal to 35.5
bar. The sweetened natural gas is then released from the top of the column (Sweet
gas), whereas the rich amine solution, leaving the bottom, is sent through a series
of units, which make possible its regeneration, depurating it from the absorbed acid
gases so as to recycle it back in the contactor column. Leaving the regeneration
section, the rich amine solution is directed to another knock out drum model (Flash
tank ), before being depressurized (Valve) to 6.2 bar. The pressure decrease leads
to release part of the gas present in the liquid solution, which is then vented from
the top of the drum (Flash gas). The amine solution, exiting the bottom of the
3.1 Flowsheet assembling 41

flash tank, is then heated up to 368.15 K (95◦ C ) by the lean amine solution in
the amine-amine heat exchanger (HE ). The pressure drop in the heat exchanger is
equal to 0.7 bar. Now, the rich amine solution, which has been depressurized and
heated up, is ready to be processed in the distillation column (Regenerator ), whose
features are presented in table 3.2.

Table 3.2: Distillation column specifications, indicated as Regenerator in the flowsheet.

Number of stages 23
Feed stage 4
Pressure [bar] 1.9
Boilup ratio [-] 0.13
Condenser temperature [K] 330

This distillation column, provided of a partial condenser and a reboiler, has been
modelled considering its trays at equilibrium, and the pressure is kept constant to
1.9 bar. In particular, the value of the boilup ratio1 has been chosen so as to obtain
the desired DEA concentration, whereas the condenser temperature has been set to
330 in order to use ambient liquid water as cooling fluid. In particular, in the column
model the condenser temperature is directly related to the reflux ratio2 , so that it
has been necessary to include an adjuster model (Adj RR), which adjusts the reflux
ratio in order to have the desired temperature 3 . Furthermore, the column condenser
works at total reflux: the condensed liquid phase is totally sent back to the column,
whereas the vapour phase is vented (Acid gases). The regenerated amine solution,
which exits from the bottom of the regenerator column, after being cooled down in
the amine-amine heat exchanger (HE ), is mixed (Mixer ) with an external flowrate
of water (Water make up). The water is added to the solution in order to supply
the water losses througout the process sinks, so as to obtain the nominal flowrate
of 400 m3 h−1 as well as the nominal concentration. This has been possible with
an adjuster (Adj Flowrate), which monitors the flowrate in the mixer downstream
(informations provided by the (Analyzer model 4 ) and it adjusts the make up of
water. It is important to highlight that, the make up is pure water because in the
present work the amine degradation has not been modelled and just water is lost
throughout the process sinks. Finally, the lean amine is brought back to its nominal
conditions (described earlier), after pressurization (Pump) and cooling (Cooler ).
he recycle breakers present in the flowsheet (RB 1 and RB 2 ), are models used
to facilitate the initialisation procedure of simulations that contains closed loop.
The initialisation procedure helps to solve the system, i.e. find a solution for time
t = 0 by defining the set of equations that are solved as a first calculation step at
a time t = 0 indipendently in each model. During the IP all the models are solved
sequentially using the initial guesses provided in the recycle breakers. In particular,
in this case, it has been necessary to correctly guess the composition of the two
BR = VB ; B = Bottom product, V = Amount of vapur recycled to the bottom of column
RR = V TR+D ; D = Liquid top product (=0), R = Reflux, VT = Vapour top product
The adjuster model allows the user to assign a variable with a target value that must be met
by changing a second variable.
The analyzer model, when connected to a stream, gives detailed informations about the stream
conditions such as temperature, pressure, flowrate, molar and mass composition and so on.
42 3. Sweetening

streams other than their flowrate, pressure and temperature, in order to get the
flowsheet convergence.

3.2 Base case results

In the next section, the main results from the base case simulation described
above are collected and described. Table 3.3 presents the conditions of temperature,
pressure, mass flowrate and composition of the liquid and gas streams exiting the
initial separator (Inlet scrubber ).
Table 3.3: Main features of the liquid and vapour streams exiting the Inlet scrubber.

Liquid phase Vapour phase

Temperature [K] 35 35
Pressure [bar] 35.5 35.5
Mass flowrate [kg s−1 ] 1.85 35.83

Mass composition [%]

H2 S 2.74 7.46
CO2 1.21 8.1
N2 0 0.13
H2 O 0.01 0.1
CH4 3.57 41.95
C2 H 6 5.94 17.02
C3 H 8 9,77 10.52
i - C4 H10 5.59 2.99
n - C4 H10 12.61 5.24
i - C5 H12 11.92 2.45
n - C5 H12 10.17 1.66
n - C6 H14 36.47 2.38

The table shows that 4.9 % of the gas initially fed is actually liquid, therefore, the
gas is fed to the process slightly below its dew point, in the region of cohexistency of
both vapour and liquid. In this situation, there might be an effective loss of valuable
product that could be avoided simply bringing the gas at its dew point either by
decreasing the pressure or increasing the temperature. It is also interesting to notice
that the gas composition, fundamentally, does not change with respect to the feed
gas one, even though the concentration of acid gases slightly increases.
Table 3.4 shows the results from the contactor model.
Clearly, the most important stream of the process is the sweet gas one, as it says
if the acid gases are being removed and the specifications are being met. In this case,
the solvent is able to completely absorb the H2 S and CO2 , whose removal efficiencies
are respectively 100 % and 99.98 %. Furthermore, in table 3.5 a comparison is made
with respect to the results of Abdulrahman et al. (2013), between the predicted
acid gases concentration in the sweet gas stream.
, the process simulator used in Abdulrahman’s work, calculates
a H2 S concentration that is very close to the typical specification of sweetening
plants (4 ppm), whereas gPROMS R
ProcessBuilder predicts a complete removal
3.2 Base case results 43

Table 3.4: Results of the Contactor column. The sweet gas, lean DEA and rich DEA streams
main features and composition are reported.

Sweet gas Lean DEA Rich DEA

Temperature [K] 313,152 313,15 330,87

Pressure [bar] 35,5 35,5 35,5
Mass flowrate [kg s−1 ] 30,14 111,7 117,39

Mass composition [%]

H2 S 0 0 2.23
CO2 0.02 0.64 3.08
N2 0.15 0 0
H2 O 0.15 64.36 61.23
CH4 49.67 0 0.05
C2 H 6 20.13 0 0.03
C3 H 8 12.44 0 0.02
i - C4 H10 3.55 0 0
n - C4 H10 6.2 0 0
i - C5 H12 2.93 0 0
n - C5 H12 2 0 0
n - C6 H14 2.81 0 0
DEA 0 35 33.3

Table 3.5: Comparison between the sweet gas composition from Abdulrahman et al. (2013) and
this work.

Abdulrahman et al. gPROMS


Molar fraction of H2 S 3.42E-06 0

Molar fraction of CO2 3.74E-04 1.16E-05

(the exact value predicted is 1E-24). On the other side, the CO2 concentrations are
more similar, with one order of magnitude difference. The big gap between the two
concentrations of H2 S can be linked to different aspects. First of all, the differences
in the solving method (Aspen HYSYS R
is a sequential modular simulator), in the
numerical solver involved as well as in the solver tollerance should be taken into
account. In fact, all these features must be considered to distingush whether the
H2 S and CO2 concentrations calculated are meaningful. On the other hand, in
Abdulrahman et al. (2013) the method through which the two columns are modelled
is not specified, neither if they used an equilibrium - base method (possibly with a
tray efficiency approach) nor if they implemented a rate based one. Therefore, it is
not possible to compare the results from the two simulations and fully understand
the main differences. Moreover, it is fundamental to highlight that, neither the
results from Abdulrahman nor the ones form this work have been compared and
validated against plant data, so that it is impossible to state whether or not the
results predicted have a physical meaning. Finally, it is also important to mention
that, the gas leaves the sweetening process at water saturation conditions (at dew
point conditions), therefore, it will need to be dehydrated in an downstream process
44 3. Sweetening

in order to be available for the market (as developed in chapter 4).

Regarding the lean amine coming from the recycle loop, it is interesting to notice
the presence of CO2 , about 0.64 % in mass fraction, which, however, does not
affect the concentration of amine since, as already discussed, the amine is not lost
throughout the process sinks. The presence of CO2 in the recycled solution is due
to the fact, that in the reboiler has not been possible to completely strip it out, as
will be discussed later in this section.
Finally, analyzing the rich solvent stream, it is possible to calculate the total
loading, expressed as the ratio of the molar mass of acid gases divided by the molar
mass of DEA. In this work, the loading calculated is 0.428 which is very close to the
value predicted by Abdulrahman, 0.43. The typical range of loading for this kind
of processes, as indicated by Kohl and Nielsen (1978), is 0.45 - 0.73, which suggests
that probably it is possible to improve the process performances, for example by
decreasing the amine flowrate making the most of its absorption capacity. The
temperature is also compared to Aspen results from Abdulrahman et al. (2013),
which predicts a rich amine temperature of 337.75 K (64.6◦ C), whereas gPROMS
predicts a temperature of 330.87 K (57.72◦ C). It is important to remind, from the
thermodynamic validation section, that the heat of absorption of CO2 and H2 S is
the most poorly predicted property (with a maximum relative error of - 15% for CO2
and for +30% for the H2 S). Therefore, this aspect should be taken into account to
evaluate the goodness of gPROMS results .
Finally, the results from the Regenerator are reported in table 3.6.
Table 3.6: Results of the Regenerator column. The acid gases and the lean DEA streams main
features and composition are reported.

Acid gases Lean DEA

Temperature [K] 330 393.73

Pressure [bar] 1.9 1.9
Mass flowrate [kg s−1 ] 5.56 111.42

Mass composition [%]

H2 S 45.5 0
CO2 49.5 0.64
N2 0 0
H2 O 5 64.27
CH4 0 0
C2 H 6 0 0
C3 H 8 0 0
i - C4 H10 0 0
n - C4 H10 0 0
i - C5 H12 0 0
n - C5 H12 0 0
n - C6 H14 0 0
DEA 0 35.09

At the top of the regenerator, the acid gases are removed from the amine solution
as well as a small percentage of water. Instead, the regenerated amine solution (lean)
leaves the bottom of the column. The H2 S concentration in the lean solvent is zero
3.3 Tray efficiency analysis 45

(1 E-13),whereas it is not possible to completely remove the CO2 using such stripper
column, as a small percentage of CO2 is present in the lean stream. The presence of
CO2 in the lean solvent is probably the reason why the concentration of CO2 in the
sweet gas is much higher than the one of H2 S. The DEA composition as well as the
mass flowrate of the lean solvent stream are then adjusted by the water make up,
through which 0.28 kgs−1 of water are fed, exactly the amount lost in the process

3.3 Tray efficiency analysis

The tray efficiency sensitivity analyses have been organized as follows. At first,
the Contactor column trays efficiency has been studied changing the trays efficiency
[expressed in % with respect to the equilibrium] in the dedicated tab in the model,
holding the Regenerator column at equilibrium. Then, the way around has been
applied, studying the Regenerator trays efficiency keeping the Contactor trays at
equilibrium. All the column trays have been considered at the same % of efficiency.
The idea behing this study is exploring the sweet gas (and lean amine) com-
position at different column trays efficiency. In particular it has been searched the
limiting value of efficiency which allows to stay withing the upper limit range of H2 S
composition in the sweet gas (4 ppm).
Figures 3.2 and 3.3, respectively, show the H2 S and CO2 concentration profile in
the vapour phase for each tray of the column section (Contactor ), for different trays

1 2 Equilibrium
3 4 5 6 7 25%
8 9 10 1139.50%
12 13 14 1550% 75%20
16 17 18 19
4.50E-02 4.50E-02

4.00E-02 4.00E-02

3.50E-02 3.50E-02

3.00E-02 3.00E-02
yH2S [mol/mol]

2.50E-02 2.50E-02

2.00E-02 2.00E-02

1.50E-02 1.50E-02

1.00E-02 1.00E-02

5.00E-03 5.00E-03

0.00E+00 0.00E+00
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Tray n.
Figure 3.2: Profile of the molar fraction of H2 S in the vapour phase inside the contactor column
for different tray efficiencies.

At equilibrium, the separation takes place just in the first two trays, whereas
at lower efficiencies it is possible to see a sensible increase in the number of trays
involved in the separation, up to 25% of efficiency, when all the column is effectively
46 3. Sweetening

1 2 3Equilibrium
4 5 6 7 25%9
8 10 39,50%
11 12 13 14 50%16
15 17 75%19
18 20
4.00E-02 4.00E-02

3.50E-02 3.50E-02

3.00E-02 3.00E-02
yCO2 [mol/mol]

2.50E-02 2.50E-02

2.00E-02 2.00E-02

1.50E-02 1.50E-02

1.00E-02 1.00E-02

5.00E-03 5.00E-03

0.00E+00 0.00E+00
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Tray n.
Figure 3.3: Profile of the molar fraction of CO2 in the vapour phase inside the contactor column
for different tray efficiencies.

working. Table 3.7 helps to visualize the concentration of each acid gas in the sweet
gas leaving the top of the column (stage 1).

Table 3.7: Comparison of the molar fraction of H2 S and CO2 in the sweet gas for different tray

100 % 75% 50 % 39,5 % 25 %

Molar fraction H2 S 2E-24 3E-13 1E-07 3.7E-06 2.21E-04

Molar fraction CO2 1.16E-5 1.16E-5 1.17E-05 1.37E-05 1.59E-04

Decreasing the efficiency down to 39.5 % leads to obtain a molar fraction of H2 S

that corresponds to the specifications and matches Abdulrahman’s result. Regarding
the CO2 , instead, the concentration does not vary that much with the efficiency and
this is probably due to the presence of CO2 in the lean solvent coming from the
regeneration section.
Figures 3.4 and 3.5 respectively show the H2 S and CO2 concentration profile in
the liquid phase for each tray of the regeneration colum (stripper), parametric to
different trays efficiencies.
Both the profiles present a peak, corresponding to the feed tray, and then the
concentrations decrease towards the last stage of the column (number 23). It is
interesting to notice that, in both cases, tray efficiencies lower than 75% do not
present any difference among them, therefore, 75% has been considered as reference
(tray efficiencies within the range 75% - 100% have not been tested). In particular,
in the case of H2 S, the equilibrium and the 75% curve present the same shape and,
for both, the final concentration is zero (1E-13). The only difference is from tray 4
to tray 9 where, clearly, the 75 % curve is slightly above the equilibrium one. Also
in the case of CO2 profile, the 75% curve is slightly above the equilibrium one but
3.3 Tray efficiency analysis 47

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Equilibrium 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

1.00E-02 1.00E-02

8.00E-03 8.00E-03
xH2S [mol/mol]

6.00E-03 6.00E-03

4.00E-03 4.00E-03

2.00E-03 2.00E-03

0.00E+00 0.00E+00
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Tray n.
Figure 3.4: Profile of the molar fraction of H2 S in the liquid phase inside the regeneration column
for different tray efficiencies.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Equilibrium
10 11 12 13 14 15<75%
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
3.00E-02 3.00E-02

2.50E-02 2.50E-02
xco2 [mol/mol]

2.00E-02 2.00E-02

1.50E-02 1.50E-02

1.00E-02 1.00E-02

5.00E-03 5.00E-03

0.00E+00 0.00E+00
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Tray n.
Figure 3.5: Profile of the molar fraction of CO2 in the liquid phase inside the regeneration column
for different tray efficiencies.
48 3. Sweetening

this happens from tray 4 up to the last tray, even though the final concentration in
the lean solvent is equal to 0.64% for both cases.
The results from the tray efficiency analysis can be considered validated, as they
match the results from the work of Aliabad and Mirzaei (2009). They compared
ASPEN and HYSYS simulators, in particular, studying the behaviour of the H2 S and
CO2 concentrations in the absorber and in the stripper for different trays efficiencies
testing DEA and MDEA (Methyldiethanol Amine) as solvents. The concentration
of DEA is 34 %, close enough to the concentration used in this work, so that it has
been possible possible to compare the results in a qualitative way. In the results
from ASPEN, in fact, the profiles are very similar to the profiles obtained in this
work, described above. Moreover, the concentration of H2 S in the sweet gas is quite
low (1E-9), which suggests to retain valid the results from gPROMS simulations.
Chapter 4

Dehydration via absorption

This chapter illustrates the study carried out on the natural gas dehydration
via absorption process model. Also in this case, the thermodynamic model SAFT-
γ Mie has been used for the simulation. In the first section the contactor model
validation is illustrated, which allows to verify the goodness of the model. In the
second part the flowsheet assembling is introduced, where the main process units
and specifications are described. In the end, the results are presented, showing the
capability of the process model to produce meaningful data.

4.1 Contactor validation

The next section describes the validation of the absorber column involved in the
modelling of the TEG dehydration simulation, demonstrating how the thermody-
namic model SAFT-γ Mie combined with the column model present in gPROMS
ProcessBuilder well replicate the literature data. For this purpose a simple contactor
model has been implemented in ProcessBuilder as shown in figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1: Simple contactor model implemented in gPROMS


In this simple flowsheet, natural gas is fed to an inlet knock out drum (Inlet
scrubber ) in order to remove any free liquids present in the initial gas mixture (in
50 4. Dehydration via absorption

particular water). Then, the gas is fed at the bottom of the column section model
(Absorption column), modelled with equilibrium trays, where it finds in counter-
current the lean solvent TEG, which is fed at the top of the column. Clearly, the
dry gas leaves the top of the column and the rich solvent exits from the bottom.
The first step, in the design of a TEG dehydration unit, is to establish the min-
imum TEG concentration for a given water dew point specification. The water dew
point is a function of the glycol concentration as well as the contactor temperature,
whereas it is relatively insensitive to pressure. Clearly, the outlet dewpoint depends
on TEG flowrate and on the number of theoretical trays, but if the circulation
of glycol (at fixed composition) is high enough there is no difference in the water
dew point obtained. Figure 4.2 shows the water dew point against the contactor
temperature, parametric to the glycol concentration.

280 98%290 99%300 310

99,50% 320
99,90% 330
99,99% 340
300 300

280 280

260 260
Dew point [K]

240 240

220 220

200 200

180 180
280 290 300 310 320 330 340
Contactor temperature [K]
Figure 4.2: Dry gas dew temperature against contactor temperature for different TEG concen-
trations. The symbols correspond to the literature data from GPSA Data Book (2012) and the
curves to gPROMS calculation.

The plot has been built, feeding the sweet gas from the sweetening process de-
scribed in the previous chapter, at a fixed pressure of 1000 psia (the plot is valid up
to 1500 psia). ”Random” flowrates and composition of natural gas (at water satura-
tion condition) can be chosen because what matters in this calculation is the water
content in the gas, whereas different ratios between the other components do not
affect the calculation. Even though a gas were fed a with an higher concentration
of heavy hydrocarbons (e.g. n-nonane) the result would remain the same, since the
dry gas dew point is calculated considering only the water, not the overall mixture.
TEG is fed at a given composition, at a pressure of 1000 psia and with a flowrate
high enough (relatively to the gas flowrate) in order to not see any difference in the
calculated dew point. The value of the water dew point is a key process indicator on
4.1 Contactor validation 51

the efficiency of water removal for TEG systems, and is calculated as shown below:

yH2 O φVH2 O (Tdew , P, yH2 O ) = φLH2 O (Tdew , P ) (4.1)

where yH2 O is the molar concentration of water in the dry gas and φVH2 O and
φLH2 O are, respectively, the fugacity coefficient of water in the gas and in the liquid
phase. The plot shows the good match between the calculated and the experimental
data from GPSA Book (2012).
Once the glycol purity has been established, the next step is to determine the
number of ideal trays required and the glycol flowrate. In order to do that, starting
from the dew point required, it is necessary to calculated the water that must be
removed for a given natural gas feed flowrate, so as to find the fraction of water to
remove. Figure 4.3 shows, at fixed number of trays, which is the required Glycol
Circulation Rate1 (GCR), therefore the specific TEG flowrate (since it is known the
mass of water absorbed), at a given composition, required to achieve the water dew
point temperature.

0 10 20 30
99.50% 40
99.90% 50 99.99 60 70
100 100
99 99
98 98
% Water removed

97 97
96 96
95 95
94 94
93 93
92 92
91 91
90 90
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Glycol circulation rate (mass glycol / mass water absorbed)
Figure 4.3: Glycol circulation rate (GCR) against the % of water removed for different TEG
purities. The symbols correspond to the literature data from GPSA Data Book (2012) and the
curves to gPROMS calculation.

The simulation has been done at a given temperature and pressure (104◦ F and
1000 psia, as specified in GPSA Book, 2012) even though it is important to highlight
that the water removal fraction is not a strong function of temperature and pressure.
The plot shows the good prediction of the contactor model against experimental data
from the GPSA Data book (2012) and, in particular, at low GCR it is possible to
observe a maximum relative error of 1%, whereas at high GCR the experimetal data
are perfectly matched.
Mass TEG/Mass of water absorbed
52 4. Dehydration via absorption

4.2 Flowsheet assembling

The process flowsheet implemented in this work is a reproduction of the study
of Ghati (2013), where a TEG dehydration process has been designed using the
Songo Songo natural gas composition, a gas field in Tanzania, as gas to process. In
particular, the process has been simulated using Aspen HYSYS R
process simulator
with the Glycol package (Twu Sim Tasson equation of state) as thermodynamic
model. Moreover, some process modifications are present based on Kohl and Kidnay
(1997). Figure 4.4 shows the assembled flowsheet in gPROMS R

Figure 4.4: TEG dehydration flowsheet implemented in gPROMS


The 70 MMSCFD (16.23 kg s−1 , 3486.5 kmol h−1 ) of natural gas to dehydrate
(Wet gas) are fed to the process at a pressure of 81.7 bar and at a temperature of
303.15 K (30◦ C), whereas its composition is specified in table 4.1.

Table 4.1: Initial composition of the wet natural gas feed, indicated in figure 4.4 as Wet gas.

Component Mass composition [%] Molar composition [%]

H2 S 0 0
CO2 0.97 0.37
N2 1.2 0.72
H2 O 0.14 0.13
CH4 92.83 97
C2 H 6 1.85 1.03
C3 H 8 0.82 0.31
i - C4 H10 0.24 0.07
n - C4 H10 0.31 0.09
i - C5 H12 0.13 0.03
n - C5 H12 0.13 0.03
n - C6 H14 0.15 0.03
n - C7 H16 0.66 0.11
n - C8 H18 0.34 0.05
n - C9 H20 0.23 0.03
4.3 Base case results 53

The wet natural gas is fed to an inlet separator (Separator 1 ) in order to remove
any trace of liquids, before entering the bottom of the column section (Contactor ).
The column has 3 equilibrium stages, operates at a pressure of 81.7 bar (the feed
gas pressure) and, clearly, works in couter - current flow, as already described in
the sweetening absorber. The solvent involved is an aqueous solution of TEG at 99
wt%; 0.3472 kg s−1 (9.016 kmol h−1 ) are fed at the top of the column at a pressure of
81.7 bar and at a temperature of 308.15 K (35◦ C). The rich glycol, flowing from the
bottom of the column, now needs to be heated up in order to be regenerated, and
this can be done using the glycol as the cooling liquid of the regenerator condenser.
In order to do that, the rich glycol is fed to an heater model, which is connected
to the condenser through an ”energy stream”, represented by the red line, which
indicates that the duty of the heater is the same as the regenerator condenser 2 . The
outlet temperature is fixed at 318.15 K (45◦ C), by changing the reflux ratio of the
regenerator column thanks to an adjuster model (Adj spec Tout). The rich glycol is
then depressurized down to 3.013 bar and flashed in a separator (Separator 2 ), where
part of the gas and water are released as vapour. Before entering the regenerator,
the liquid solution is finally heated up to 438.15 K (165◦ C) in the glycol - glycol
heat hexchanger. Now, the rich glycol is fed to the third tray of the distillation
column (Regenerator ), which has 5 equilibrium stages and all the liquid from the
top condeser is refluxed, so that to vent only vapour from the top. The stripper
temperature is limited by the glycol degradation, therefore, the reboiler temperature
is set to the maximum temperature allowed: 477.15 K (204◦ C). The lean glycol,
once it exits the regenerator, it goes through a valve (Valve 2 ) where the pressure
is reduced to subatmospheric conditions (0.8 bar) and it is reheated at 477.15 K
(Heater 2 ) before being fed to a vacuum drum (Separator 3 ). The vapour released
at the top of the vacuum drum is fed back to the regenerator column, where it acts
as supplementary stripping gas (fed at stage number 4). The liquid at the bottom of
the vacuum drum is the glycol at the desired concentration, it is cooled in the glycol
- glycol heat exchanger and its pressure is increased up to 81.7 bar and cooled down
at 308.15 K (35◦ C). Before being fed to the contactor column, it is necessary to add
a make up of TEG solution, whose flowrate is regulated by an adjuster model (Adj
spec make up ). The solvent flowrate is set to the desidered value of 1250 kg h−1
(0.3472 kg s−1 ) , and this is done in order to supply the solvent losses througout the
plant sinks.

4.3 Base case results

In the next section the results from the base case flowsheet described above are
presented. Table 4.2 shows the conditions of temperature, pressure, mass flowrate
and composition of the liquid and gas streams exiting the inlet knock out drum. It
it possible to see that, just a small amount of the inlet gas is separated as liquid
(0.07%), mostly water. Altough the amount of water removed is quite small, it is
sufficient to halve the water content in the gas phase, therefore reaching the dew
Next, table 4.3 presents the results from the contactor model. First of all, the
dry gas stream, exiting the top of the column, presents a low concentration of
Notice the presence of the recycle breaker (RB Energy), which helps the flowsheet convergence.
54 4. Dehydration via absorption

Table 4.2: Main features of the liquid and vapour streams exiting Separator 1.

Liquid phase Vapour phase

Temperature [K] 303.15 303.15

Pressure [bar] 81.7 81.7
Mass flowrate [kg s−1 ] 0.012 16.223

Mass composition [%]

H2 S 0 0
CO2 0.022 0.97
N2 5.9E-04 1.204
H2 O 99.927 0.066
CH4 0.046 92.897
C2 H 6 3.03E-03 1.849
C3 H 8 6.73E-04 0.816
i - C4 H10 1.01E-04 0.243
n - C4 H10 1.26E-04 0.312
i - C5 H12 2.62E-05 0.129
n - C5 H12 2.47E-05 0.129
n - C6 H14 1.38E-05 0.154
n - C7 H16 2.7E-05 0.658
n - C8 H18 6.35E-06 0.349
n - C9 H20 1.93E-06 0.224

water, which indicates that the process effectively removes water from the feed
stream. Secondly, it is possible to see that the lean TEG, recirculated back after the
regeneration, does not present any impurity, even though the concentration obtained
is not exactly 99% as expected, because of the stripper regeneration capacity. It
is worth to notice that, looking at Figure 4.3, even a small change in the glycol
composition can affect the behaviour of the GCR with respect to the water removal
fraction (to take into account for further analyses). Finally, the rich TEG stream,
exiting the bottom of the column, is reported.
In table 4.4 a more accurate description of the dry gas stream is reported, which
is helpful to evaluate the process performances. It is possible to notice that the
water concentration, expressed in molar fraction, has the same order of magnitude
of the one presented in Ghati’s work (7.9E-05), even though the value predicted by
gPROMS is slightly less conservative. On the other hand, a comparison between the
water removal fraction and the GCR is not given for two reasons. Firstly, in the work
of Ghati it is not specified whether the removal fraction is calculated with respect
to feed gas or to the vapour phase coming from the knock out drum. Secondly, as
already stated in §4.1, gPROMS, especially for the lower concentrations of glycol,
predicts an higher value of water removal fraction for a fixed GCR, with respect to
the experimental data. Conversely, it is unknown the behaviour of the Ghati model
compared to the same experimental data. Futhermore, the dew point calculated,
with respect to the contactor temperature as well as the GCR with respect to the
water removal fraction are coherent to the validation presented in figure 4.2 and 4.3.
Finally, in table 4.5 the results from the stripper column are reported, where the
4.3 Base case results 55

Table 4.3: Results of the Contactor column. The dry gas, the lean TEG and the rich TEG
streams main features and composition are reported.

Dry gas Lean TEG Rich TEG

Temperature [K] 303.80 308.7 303.66

Pressure [bar] 81.7 81.7 81.7
Mass flowrate [kg s−1 ] 16.21 0.347 0.36

Mass composition [%]

H2 S 0 0 0
CO2 0.971 0 0.066
N2 1.205 0 5.09E-03
H2 O 2.845E-03 1.13 3.922
CH4 92.961 0 0.357
C2 H 6 1.85 0 0.023
C3 H 8 0.816 0 0.016
i - C4 H10 0.243 0 2.89E-03
n - C4 H10 0.312 0 8.9E-03
i - C5 H12 0.129 0 2.27E-03
n - C5 H12 0.129 0 5.3E-03
n - C6 H14 0.154 0 8.95E-03
n - C7 H16 0.657 0 0.02
n - C8 H18 0.34 0 0.038
n - C9 H20 0.229 0 0.025
TEG 0 98.87 95.5

Table 4.4: Characterization of the water removal in the dry gas through different variables.

Variable Value

H2 O molar fraction [-] 2.65-05

Tdew [K] 255.95
Water absorbed [kg s−1 ] 0.01
Water removal fraction [%] 95.67
TEG Circulation ratio [-] 33.81

rich TEG solution is converted into lean TEG. The TEG stream is concentrated in
the regenerator, where the glycol mass fraction goes from 95.5 wt% to 98.18 wt%.
Altough the concentration obtained in the lean solvent stream is within the range
expected in an atmospheric stripper, it is not enough for the required specification.
That is why the vacumm drum is used, in order to further concentrate the lean
TEG, even though it is not possible to reach exactly 99 wt%, but 98.87 has been
the maximum possible. It is also interesting to notice that, the gas vented is mainly
water with small fraction of methane present.
56 4. Dehydration via absorption

Table 4.5: Results of the Regenerator column. The vent gas and the lean TEG streams main
features and composition are reported.

Vent Lean TEG

Temperature [K] 377.91 477.15

Pressure [bar] 1.2 1.2
Mass flowrate [kg s−1 ] 0.011 0.352

Mass composition [%]

H2 S 0 0
CO2 0.87 0
N2 6.54E-03 0
H2 O 94.35 1.817
CH4 0.49 0
C2 H 6 0.117 0
C3 H 8 0.132 0
i - C4 H10 0.02 0
n - C4 H10 0.114 0
i - C5 H12 0.025 0
n - C5 H12 0.095 0
n - C6 H14 0.2 0
n - C7 H16 1.4 0
n - C8 H18 1.1 0
n - C9 H20 1.08 0
TEG 0 98.183
Chapter 5


In this chapter it is introduced the process of assembling the two flowsheets

of sweetening and dehydration, described in the previous chapters, in a unique
flowsheet, where SAFT-γ Mie has been used as thermodynamic model. Starting
with the description of the assembled flowsheet, underlining the differences with
respect to the two flowsheets taken separately, the base case results is presented.
After that, the process energy analysis is described, which allowed to formulate the
optimization problem. Lastly, the optimization problem as well as the optimization
results are analyzed.

5.1 Merged flowsheets

Figure 5.1 shows the entire flowsheet, where the sweetening and the dehydration
via absorption processes are merged together. The natural gas fed to the process has
the same features in terms of temperature, pressure, flowrate and composition of the
gas involved in the sweetening study (§3.1). Whereas, the processes conditions have
been kept equal to the conditions used during the study of the two processes took
separately. The only differences appear in the stream connecting the two processes
where a compressor and a cooler appear. In particular, the compressor (Intermediate
Compressor ) is used to increase the pressure of the sweet gas up to 81.7 bar, which is
the nominal pressure involved in the glycol contactor. Then, after the compressor, a
cooler (Intermediate Cooler ) is necessary in order to cool down the gas temperature
to the nominal glycol contactor temperature: 303.15 K (30◦ C).
In table 5.1 the main variables of interest resulting from the base case of the whole
flowsheet are collected. The sweetening section does not present any difference with
respect to the single flowsheet, in particular the H2 S is completely removed and also
the molar fraction of CO2 remains the same (in fact, the process conditions as well as
the gas features have not been changed). Instead, the glycol section presents small
differences with respect to the single flowsheet, such as the water fraction in the dry
gas, water absorbed, Tdew , water removal fraction and GCR (see table 4.4). This
is, clearly, due to the difference on the ratio between gas and solvent flowrates; the
gas flowrate, here, is almost twice as much as the gas involved in the single glycol
process. This aspect will be analyzed more in detail in the next section.
58 5. Optimization

Figure 5.1: Flowsheet implemented in gPROMS R

ProcessBuilder where where the sweetening
and dehydration via glycol absorption processes are merged.

Table 5.1: Results from the merged flowsheets base case. Focus on the Dry gas stream.

Variable Value

Time [min] 31.5

H2 S molar fraction [-] 0
CO2 molar fraction [-] 1.32E-05
H2 Omass fraction [kg/kg] 1.96E-05
Tdew [K] 257.64
Water absorbed [kg/s] 0.0117
Water removal fraction [%] 95.7
GCR[-] 29.23
5.2 Preliminar energy analysis 59

5.2 Preliminar energy analysis

Table 5.2 shows the energy consumption of each unit present in the complete
flowsheet. The three main sources of energy consumption, which summed up are
responsible of 99.74 % of the overall consumption are: the sweetening pump, the
sweetening reboiler and the intermediate compressor. In particular, the contribution
of the sweeetening reboiler is responsible of 87.9 % of the overall energy consumption.
The glycol units, such as the glycol pump and the glycol reboiler, affect only for the
0.26 %.
Table 5.2: Energy consumption expresses in kW and in percentage of the main unit present in
the whole flowsheet

Flowsheet unit Energy consumption [kW] Percentage [%]

Sweetening pump 374.251 1.46

Sweetening reboiler 22 604.5 87.9
Intermediate compressor 2 668.77 10.38
Glycol pump 2.611 0.01
Glycol reboiler 64.67 0.25
Total 25 714.8 100

As anticipated in the previous section, this is due to the big difference of the
ratio between the flowrate of solvent and the flowrate of gas processed; in the case
of sweetening this ratio is equal to 2.96 whereas for the dehydration is equal to 0.012.
The circulating amount of amine is 320 times higher than the glycol one, that is
why the sweetening unit weights much more on the overall energy consumption. In
fact, all the contributions considered are presented as extensive variables, therefore,
they are directly dependent on the flowrate of solvent. Thus, in order to formulate
an optimization problem, these units should be taken into account to minimize the
overall energy consumption of the process.
Clearly, one may argue that the energy consumption contributions, considered in
table 5.2, have different characteristics; in fact, the energy of pumps and compressors
is purely electrical, whereas the reboilers energy is thermal. For the purposes of this
work, they have been placed on the same level in the formulation of the optimization
problem. This has been done mainly to demonstrate the ability of the software to
deal with an optimization problem (on a ”complex” flowsheet) involving multiple
variables to optimize.

5.3 Formulation of the optimization problem

The first step of the optimization problem is the definition of the optimization
function. (5.3) shows the objective function considered in this work, where the three
main energy contributions described in the previous section are summed up.

fobj = ESweetP ump + ESweetReb + EIntermCompr

Then, the next step has been the definition of the variables to adjust as well as
the process constraints, so as to achieve the minimum of the objective function re-
60 5. Optimization

specting the process specifications. Table 5.3 collects both the manipulated variables
and the constraints.
Table 5.3: Manipulated variables and constaints of the optimization problem.

Manipulated variables Initial value Admitted range

Amine flowrate [kg/s] 111.7 50 - 150

Glycol contactor pressure [bar] 81.7 50 - 100
Constrained variables Lower bound Upper bound

Sweet gas H2 S molar fraction [-] 0 4 ppm

Dry gas H2 O mass fraction [-] 0 2E-05

The possible variables to adjust, considered in this case, are: the amine flowrate,
as it has been shown before this variable is the most influent on the sweetening
reboiler energy consumption and, the glycol contactor pressure, which is directly
connected to the intermediate compressor. The admitted range for both variables
has been chosen to be consistent to the typical values involved in these processes.
In order to allow the optimizer to act on these variables, it has been necessary to
modify the initial flowsheet. In the single sweetening flowsheet, there is an adjuster
which adjusts the flowrate of amine at the desired value, regulating the water make
up, which is basically a way to reintegrate the water losses throughout the plant
sinks. Since the optimizer cannot act directly to the adjuster model to vary the
amine flowrate, in this case the water make up has been substituted with an amine
make up at fixed nominal composition of 35 wt% DEA (the same composition of
the lean solvent stream coming from the stripper), as shown in figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2: Modification of the make up in the sweetening flowsheet. To the left the base case
configuration and to the right the modified one present in the ”whole” flowsheet.

Then, a sink and a splitter have been introduced connnecting the adjuster to
the splitter. The adjuster is introduced to act on the split ratio of the mixer, in
order to vary and find the optimal flowrate of amine solution. The excess flowrate
is, therefore, discharged in the sink. The make up of amine has to be fixed at a
certain value depending on the upper bound of the flowrate admitted.
The other modification, with respect to the initial flowsheet, has been the intro-
duction of the pressure source model in the glycol section of the process as shown
in figure 5.3.
This model leads to simultaneously vary, not only the pressure in the contactor
column, but at the same time, the outlet pressure of the intermediate compressor
and of the glycol pump, which are, then, kept equal.
5.3 Formulation of the optimization problem 61

Figure 5.3: Particular of the Pressure Source model in the glycol section of the ”whole” flowsheet,
which is able to simulaneously adjust the pressure in the intermediate compressor, in the column
and in the pump.

The optimization constraints are then defined as the process specifications. In

this case the H2 S molar concentration and the H2 O in the dry gas have been con-
sidered. The lower bounds are equal to 0 and the upper bounds correspond to the
typical specifications present in these processes.

5.3.1 Results
In this last section, the results of the optimization problem are reported, high-
lighting the main outcomes in terms of energy consumption reduction as well as
the main consenquences to the process. Table 5.4 lists the variables adjusted by
the optimizer that allowed for a reduction in the energy consumption. Although
the glycol contactor pressure (intermediate compressor, contactor column, glycol
pump) has been reduced by 1.6% with respect to the base case, the main result
has been achieved regarding the amine flowrate in the sweetening process. In fact,
the new value of amine flowrate is 26% lower than the value considered in the base
case. Table 5.4 lists also the values of the constrained variables. The H2 S molar
concentration in the sweet gas remains zero, therefore, the reduction of amine did
not affect on the solvent absorption efficiency (at least regarding the H2 S). The
other constrained variable, the water molar concentration in the dry gas, has been
set to its upper bound, increasing by 2% with respect to the base case result.
The simultaneous reduction of both the amine flowrate and the glycol contactor
pressure have led to an important reduction of the overall energy consumption of
the process, which is presented in table 5.5. The reduction of the amine flowrate
has a direct effect on the sweetening reboiler and sweetening pump consumption;
as already underlined, in fact, all the energy contribution are expressed in extensive
terms. Therefore, the reduction of energy consumption is directly linked to the the
reduction of amine flowrate, even though they are slightly different (-25.9% vs. -
25.1% and -26%). This suggests that the law linking the two variables is not perfectly
62 5. Optimization

Table 5.4: Optimization results in terms of manipulated and constrained variables. The variations
of the manipulated variables with respect to the base case is also provided.

Manipulated variabels Difference

Amine flowrate [kg/s] 82.8 -25.9%

Glycol contactor pressure [bar] 80.34 -1,6 %
Constrained variables [-]

Sweet gas H2 S molar concentration [-] 0

Dry gas H2 O mass concentration [-] 2E-05

linear, and other factor should be taken into account in other to minimize the energy
consumption also from an intensive point of view, for instance considering the DEA
concentration. Also the intermediate compressor energy consumption decreases by,
roughly, the same amount of the pressure in the glycol contactor section. Considering
all the energy contributions of the whole process, therefore, the optimization results
show an overall energy consumption reduction of 23%.

Table 5.5: Energy consumption reduction.

Energy consumption [kW] Reduction

Sweetening reboiler 16 934 25.1%

Sweetening pump 276.98 26%
Intermediate compressor 2 617.9 2%
Total 19 828.88 23%

Moreover, the optimization results can be seen also from other prospectives. For
example, the direct effect of the reduction of amine flowrate has been the increase
of the amine loading, one of the key variables to asset the sweetening performances.
Altough the molar concentration of CO2 in the sweet gas is, slightly, higher that
the base case (1.65E-05), an important increase in the amine loading is present.
The loading, in fact, moves from 0.428 in the base case to 0.58 in the optimized
process. As already mentioned in §3.2, the former value was too low with respect
to the typical values of loading reported in literature (0.45-0.73), whereas in the
otpimized process this value is well within this range. This means that the amine
solution works correctly following the standards guide lines present in literature.
Differently, the dry gas stream, coming from the glycol section, does not present
differences compared to the base case, with respect to the variables listed in table
5.1. Therefore, the dry gas stream has not been affected by the optimization. Lastly,
15 hours have been necessary to complete the optimization problem 1 . Therefore, it
is important to consider that the computational time may increase by 1-2 orders of
magnitude with respect to the base case, even though the optimization problem is
relatively ”simple”.

All the simulations have been carried out on Lenovo

1 R
ThinkCentre Edge 72 (Windows
7 as

operating system, third generation Intel Core i7 as processor, 8 GB of RAM).
Chapter 6

Dehydration via adsorption

In this last chapter, it is described the work carried out on modelling the process
of natural gas dehydration via adsorption. The chapter starts with an introduction
of the main equations involved in the adsorption modelling, from the mass balance
to the equilibrium isotherm, introducing the nominal conditions of the ”base case”
simulation and the technical features of the adsorption bed.
Then, the results of the base case are presented, followed by three sensitivity
analyses, which explores the response of the system under different conditions of
dispersion coefficient, mass transfer coefficient and number of discretization points.
In the end, it is presented the implementation of the pressure-temperature swing
adsorption (PTSA) process with two beds working in parallel, which allow to obtain
a continuous process despite the regeneration step needed to reactivate the beds.

6.1 Mathematical modelling

The aim, of this final section of work, has been the implementation of a pressure
- temperature swing adsorption process, in order to obtain a continuous adsorption
process able to completely remove water from a natural gas stream and achieve
extremely low dew temperatures. In order to do that, the first step has been the
modelling of a single adsorption bed to test its capacity to remove water from a
natural gas stream and to provide sensible results. In particular, the work of Gholami
et. al. (2010) has been chosen as a reference, mostly regarding the conditions of the
natural gas mixture and the physical features of the adsorption bed.
The natural gas considered in this work is a simple mixture of 4 components:
water, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen at a composition specified in table 6.1.
The gas molar flowrate is constant at F = 23 929 kmol h−1 , it is fed as superheated
vapour at P = 64.1 bar and T = 319.7 K (2 K the degree of superheating), to avoid
water condensation due to pressure drops.

Table 6.1: Initial molar composition of the natural gas fed to the adsorption bed. This feed
composition is maintained constant throughout all the work on the adsorption process.

H2 O CO2 CH4 N2

Molar composition [−] 0.00184 0.00998 0.953 0.03518

64 6. Dehydration via adsorption

The solid adsorbent considered in this work is zeolite 5A, in form of spherical

Figure 6.1: Scheme of the adsorption column showing the adsorbent pellets: the inset shows a
schematic of an idealised adsorbent pellet including the spherical crystallities.

The physical properties of the solid adsorbent as well as the cylindrical bed
geometry features are shown in table 6.2.

Table 6.2: Geometric features of the cylindrical adsorption bed and physical properties of the
adsorbent pellets (Zeolite 5A) with whom the bed is filled. The symbols used in the equations are
also reported.

Pellet characteristics

Porosity [-] εp 0.36

Density [kg m−3 ] ρp 1 812.5
Radius [m] rp 0.026
Heat capacity [J kg−1 K−1 ] cp,ads 1 000
Thermal conductivity [Wm−2 K−2 ] λads 0.5
Crystal radius [m] rc 1E-06

Bed characteristics

Radius [m] rbed 3.5

Length [m] L 5.5
Porosity [-] ε 0.34

In the following subsections it will be described the mathematical framework

of equations considered in modelling the adsorption bed, from mass balance to
the adsorption equilibrium law, passing through energy and momentum balances.
All the equations are described in a rigorous way, underlying, when needed, the
simplifications/assumptions made. To notice, that the equations are expressed in
a general way, following the work by Luberti (2015). To have a look at how the
equations are effectively coded in ProcessBuilder refer to the work of Franco (2014).

6.1.1 Mass balance

The differential mass balance for the single component i in the gas phase is
described by the axial dispersed plug flow model (6.1). It includes the accumulation
6.1 Mathematical modelling 65

in the fluid phase, the convection flow term, the axial dispersion term and the
”source” term caused by the adsorption process on the adsorbent particles.

∂ci ∂(ci v) ∂ ∂yi (1 − ε) ∂Q̄i
=− + Dz cT − (6.1)
∂t ∂z ∂z ∂z ε ∂t

Q̄i = εp cm
i + ρp q¯i (6.2)

Here ci is the gas phase concentration of component i, cm i is the macropore concen-

tration of component i, cT is the gas phase total concentration and yi is the molar
fraction of component i in the gas phase. Furthermore, Q̄i is the average concen-
tration of component i over the adsorbent pellet1 calculated as shown in 6.2, where
q¯i is the sorbate average concentration of component i over the micropore2 , ε is the
bed void fraction excluding the macropores (bed porosity) and εp is the pellet void
fraction (pellet porosity), ρp is the pellet density and v is the superficial velocity.
Dz is the mass axial dispersion coefficient calculated as:

Dz = γ1 Di,m + γ2 dp vint (6.3)

where Di,m is the molecular diffusivity of component i in the mixture, whose calcu-
lation is provided in Apendix A. vint is the gas interstitial velocity3 , dp is the particle
diameter and γ1 and γ2 are constants usually equal, respectively to 0.7 and 0.5 as
described in Ruthven (1984).
The concentration cmi in the macropores and the adsorbed concentration qi in
the micropores, presented in (6.2), are respectively described by the two diffusion

∂cm m
∂qi 1 ∂ 2 ∂ci
ε i +ρ + 2 −Dp,i r =0 (6.4)
∂t ∂t r ∂r ∂r

∂qi 1 ∂ 2 ∂qi
+ 2 −Dµ,i r =0 (6.5)
∂t r ∂r ∂r

where Dp,i and Dµ,i are, respectively, the effective diffusion coefficient for macropore
and micropore, whose calculation is provided in Appendix A as well.
The equations just showed compose the rigorous approach to describe the mass
balance in the adsorption processes. However, in many cases, the behaviour of these
systems can be adequately described by a simpler model, the so called Linear Driving
Force (LDF) where the variables of interest will change only with respect to time.
In the case of macropores this change will be proportional (through kLDF,macro )
to the difference between the current values of concentration and the associated
1 3
R rp 2
Q̄i = rp3 0 Qi r dr where rp is the pellet radius
2 3
R r c 2
q¯i = rc3 0 qi r dr where rc is the crystal radius
vint = v/ε
66 6. Dehydration via adsorption

values for the closest external gas phase, so that the parabolic PDE (6.4) trasforms
into the ODE:

i dqi
ε + ρp = kLDF,macro (ci − cm
i ) (6.6)
dt dt
whereas in the micropores, the temporal evolution of concentration in the adsorbed
phase is proportional (through kLDF,micro ) to the difference between the one at equi-
librium qi∗ (predicted by the equilibrium isotherm law, §6.1.4) and the current value
of concentration of the adsorbed phase, so that (6.5) becomes:

= kLDF,micro (qi∗ − qi ). (6.7)
The kLDF , for spherical particles, can be obtained based on the correlation pub-
lished by Nakao and Suzuki (1983) in the case of macropore and based on Gholami
et al. (2010) for the micropore.

15εp Dp,i
kLDF,macro = (6.8)

15εcry Dµ,i
kLDF,micro = (6.9)

Here Dp,i is the macropore diffusivity and Dµ,i is the micropore diffusivity (their
rigorous calculation are provided in Appendix A). εcry is the crystal void fraction,
assumed equal to the pellet void fraction εp . rp and rc are, respectively, the pellet
and the crystal radius.
Once the kLDF have been calculated, it is possible to compare them in order to
find the controlling mechanism, which might lead to a semplification of the problem
from a numerical point of view:

kLDF,macro Dp,i rc
= (6.10)
kLDF,micro Dµ,i rp

In particular, for the system analyzed, it results that kLDF,macro /kLDF,micro =

2.24E − 05, showing that the macropore LDF is 5 orders of magnitude lower that
the micropore one. This result allows to state that the diffusion in the macropores
is, actually, the controlling mechanism.
In the adsorption bed model present in ProcessBuilder R
neither the rigorous
macropore mass balance (6.4), nor the macropore LDF (6.6) are present, but only
the micropore LDF is coded (6.9), assuming that there is not mass transfer resistance
in the macropore, so that ci = cmi (reasonable assumption in most of the adsorption
processes). A possible way to overtake the problem is to see the kLDF,macro as it was
a ”fake” kLDF,micro and substitute it in the micropore LDF balance. Concluding, the
equations used in this work have been (6.1) coupled with (6.9), using a kLDF,”micro” =
kLDF,macro = 0.017 s−1 .
6.1 Mathematical modelling 67

6.1.2 Energy balance

Assuming the fluid and the bed at the same temperature, no heat losses through
the wall and neglecting the internal energy in the macropore, the energy balance is
expressed by:

  X n  
∂Uf ∂Up ∂(Hf vint ) ∂ ∂Tf ∂ ∂yi
ε + (1 − ε) +ε + −λz ε + −Dz cT H̃i = 0
∂t ∂t ∂z ∂z ∂z i=1
∂z ∂z

where Uf , Hf and H̃i are respectively the internal energy of the fluid phase per unit
of volume, the enthalpy in the fluid phase per unit of volume and the partial molar
enthalpy in the gas phase of component i, Tf is the gas phase temperature.
Up is the internal energy in the pellet and takes into account the contribution of
the macropore, the solid phase and the contribution of the adsorbed phase:

Up = εp Up,f + (1 − εp )Up,s (6.12)

where Up,f is the internal energy in the macropore per unit of volume and Up,s is
the internal energy in the solid and sorbate phase per unit of volume. In particular,
the contribution of the adsorbed phase is calculated as:

Z Tf
Uads = Hads = Hads,ref + qT cp,ads dT − (−∆Hads ) (6.13)

where qT is the total adsorbed concentration in the solid, cp,ads is the specific
heat capacity at constant pressure in the solid phase (value reported in table 6.2)
and −∆Hads is the total heat of adsorptionP calculated from the components heat of
Nc R qi
adsorption ((6.19) in §6.1.4) as −∆Hads = i=1 0 −∆Hi dq.
λz is the thermal axial dispersion, calculated with the Specchia correlation (6.14)
from the thermal conductivity in the fluid mixture (λ) and the thermal conductivity
of the solid adsorbent (λads , value reported in table 6.2 ).

λz = ελ + (1 − ε) 0.22ε2 (6.14)
+ 23 λads

6.1.3 Momentum balance

The pressure drop along the column is estimated with the Ergun equation:

dP 150µ(1 − ε)2 1.75ρg (1 − ε) 2

− = 2 2
v+ v (6.15)
dz dp ε dp ε

Where the particles size, the fluid velocity, the bed dimensions and the fluid
viscosity (µ) are taken into account.
68 6. Dehydration via adsorption

6.1.4 Adsorption equilibrium

In order to calculate the concentration in the adsorbed phase at equilibrium qi∗ ,
presented in (6.9), the extended dual-site Langmuir model has been chosen:

b P yi b P yi
qi∗ = qs,1 Pi,1
n + qs,2 Pi,2 (6.16)
1 + j=1 bi,1 P yi 1 + nj=1 bi,2 P yi

where qs,1 and qs,2 are the saturation concentrations of the solid phase4 respec-
tively of site 1 and 2, and they depend on temperature following (6.17) through the
fitting parametes Ai,n,1 and Ai,n,2 .

qs,n = + Ai,n,2 (6.17)
bi,1 and bi,2 are the affinity parameters of component i respectively of site 1 and 2,
and they esponentially depend on temperature (6.18) through the fitting parameters
bi,0,1 and bi,0,2 .

bi,n = bi,0,n exp( ) (6.18)
The heat of adsorption term for component i in (6.16) is then calculated as an
”averaged sum” of the fitted heats of adsorption for the two sites 1 and 2.

∆Hi,1 qs,1 bi,1 (1 + bi,2 P )2 + ∆Hi,2 qs,2 bi,2 (1 + bi,1 P )2

∆Hi,ads = − (6.19)
qs,1 bi,1 (1 + bi,2 P )2 + qs,2 bi,2 (1 + bi,1 P )2

All the equilibrium parameters have been fitted from experimental equilibrium
data in the work of Gholami et al. (2010) and are collected in table 6.3.

Table 6.3: Adsorption equilibrium parameters of water, methane, carbon dioxide and nitrogen in
zeolite 5A, fitted by Gholami et al. (2010).

H2 O CO2 CH4 N2

Ai,1,1 [mol K kg−1 ] -3 799.94 516.743 348.971 605.423

Ai,1,2 [mol K kg−1 ] 18.711 -0.794 0.542 -0.582
Ai,2,1 [mol kg ] 3 684.491 -932.131 348.971 605.423
Ai,2,2 [mol kg−1 ] -4.45 6.083 0.542 -0.582
bi,0,1 [kPa ] 3.58E-07 3.32E-07 6.77E-06 3.73E-05
bi,0,2 [kPa−1 ] 1.62E-05 6.43E-07 6.13E-07 3.18E-05
∆Hi,1 [J mol ] -44 140.04 -41 077.1 -13 672.21 -7 528.091
∆Hi,1 [J mol−1 ] -45 199.99 -29 812.29 -20 307.22 -7 941.248

limP →∞ q ∗ = qs,1 + qs,2
6.2 One bed model 69

Equation (6.16) reflects the competitive adsorption of different adsorbates on the

adsorption sites. It is in fact clear, that the adsorbed amount of a component will be
lower than one single component system at the same conditions. Figure 6.2 shows the
equilibrium concentration in the solid phase for the 4 components considered in this
work at ”low” and ”high” temperature (these two temperatures have been chosen
as they are the temperatures involved during the adsorption and desorption process
in the PTSA process modelling). In both cases water is, by far, the most strongly
adsorbed component, but at ”low” temperature its concentration at equilibrium (8.5
mol kg−1 ) is, basically, not a function of pressure, whereas at ”high” temperature
the dependece on pressure is stronger and the maximum value reached is much
lower than at low temperature, as expected. Regarding the other components, at
low temperature carbon dioxide is the most strongly adsorbed and its maximum
concentration is 0.38 mol kg−1 , whereas the maximum methane concentration is
0.14 mol kg−1 and nitrogen is basically not adsorbed. At high temperature methane
becomes the most adsorbed component and its concentration in the solid phase
reaches a maximum value of 0.9 mol kg−1 , whereas carbon dioxide and nitrogen are,
basically, not adsorbed within the entire range of pressure.

Figure 6.2: Difference in the equilibrium solid concentration loading q ∗ predicted by the dual site
Langmuir isotherm for the 4 components of the mixture considered in table 6.1 at two different
temperatures: T = 319.7 K (a) and T = 596 K (b). The left y axes refers to CO2 , CH4 and N2
whereas the right y axes refers to H2 O

6.2 One bed model

The first step of the work has been the implementation of a single bed flowsheet,
in order to monitor the response of the model with respect to the main variables
of interest such as pressure, temperature, molar concentration in the gas phase and
molar concentration in the solid phase. Starting from the base case (whose features
are described in the above section), the model behaviour has been studied through
a series of sensitivity analyses. The flowsheet scheme in presented in figure 6.3,
showing the source Wet gas, through which the gas is fed to the bed, the Adsorption
bed and the Dry gas, where the dehydrated gas is discharged.
The initial conditions of the feed gas phase as well as the adsorption bed features
are respecively described in §6.1. The flow is in ”pressure driven” mode (the flow
70 6. Dehydration via adsorption

Figure 6.3: Flowsheet representing the single bed adsorption model, implemented in gPROMS


direction and intensity is governed by the difference in pressure between the source
and the sink) and the pressure at the sink is fixed at 63.8 bar (in the source the
pressure is 64.1 bar). The two valves V1 and V2, present in figure 6.3, which allow
to control the inlet and outlet stream, are modelled as:

F = Cv xsp ∆P (6.20)
where F is the molar flowrate, xsp is the stem position (at xsp = 0 the valve
is fully closed, at xsp = 1 the valve is fully open) and Cv is the flow coefficient
equal to 1E6 kmolh−1 bar−1 . In particular, the molar flowrate is specified in V1 (23
929 kmolh−1 ), whereas valve V2 is, simply, considered fully open (xsp = 1). This
rationale has been followed in order to meet the specification of wet gas flowrate to
treat as well as to build a complete PTSA process, where numerous valves have to
be controlled in order to obtain a continuous operation (this aspect will be clear in
§6.3). An important aspect worth to notice is that the flow coefficients have been
chosen by a trial and error approach, in order to find the right combination able to
guarantee a continuous operation and to meet the process specifications, without
wondering whether or not the values found correspond to real valves. In fact, at this
level of the work it is important to verify the response of the model with respect to
the adsorption process itself, and the verification/optimization of the process stream
units, such as valves, could be clarified in a future study, maybe trying to replicate
an existing plant. This approach has been followed also during the PTSA process
6.2 One bed model 71

Then, the initial composition of the gas phase, inside the bed, have been specified,
as shown in table 6.4, which is exactly equal to the initial composition of the feed
gas 6.1 minus the water amount. Also the number of discretization points (50) and
the finite volume as numerical method, are specified at this level.

Table 6.4: Initial molar composition of the gas phase inside the bed at the beginning of the

H2 O CO2 CH4 N2

Molar composition [-] 0 0.009998 0.954757 0.035245

6.2.1 Base case results

In figure 6.4 the water concentration profile at the end of the bed (x = L) is
plotted, along the simulation time (which has beed fixed at 60 000 seconds). This
plot is commonly used in the analysis of adsorption processes because it provides
the so called breakthrough time. Despite different definitions present in literature,
it is generally defined as the time to reach the complete saturation of the adsorption
bed. The bed is, in fact, able to completely remove water from the gas stream until
∼ 49 000 seconds, where the water concentration at the end of the bed starts rising,
showing that the bed is saturated and it is not more able to remove it from the
gas stream. After a transition time of ∼ 2 000 seconds, the concentration turns
into a flat profile, constantly equal to the water molar concentration in the feed gas
(0.00184). Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the bed can work for about
49 000 seconds ( ∼ 13.6 hours, a typical value for this kind of process), before
needing the regeneration step to strip out the adsorbed water and regenerate the
solid adsorbent.
Figure 6.5 reports the concentration of each component in the solid phase, the
so called ”bed loading”, at the end of the bed along the simulation time. The
plot confirms that water is the most strongly adsorbed component (§6.1.4). At the
breakthrough time, water adsorption causes a complete displacement of methane
and a partial displacement of carbon dioxide present in the solid phase. After the
transition zone, in fact, the water concentration reaches a constant value equal to
the equilibrium loading, as already showed in figure 6.2, equal to 9.5 mol/kg.
Figure 6.6 shows the gas temperature profile along the bed length at different
times. At the beginning of the simulation (after 60 seconds) the first piece of bed
starts adsorbing water. The heat of adsorption, liberated inside the particles, is
transferred to the gas stream in the active adsorption zone, leading to an increase
of the gas temperature by ∼ 2C◦ . On leaving this zone, however, the gas encouters
downstream cold gas, so that after an initial peak, the temperature moves back to its
initial value. But, as the high temperature wave progresses in advance through the
bed length, with respect to the concentration wave the exit gas temperature starts
to rise well before the concentration breakthrough. In fact, after 480 seconds all
the bed has almost reached the ”hot” temperature. It is also interesting to notice
that at 2 100 seconds (35 minutes), in the first piece of bed, which has reached
the saturation (and no more heat of adsorption is released), the temperature starts
decreasing because of the fresh cold gas that is being fed.
72 6. Dehydration via adsorption

Figure 6.4: Water molar concentration at the end of the bed (water breakthrough) in the base
case simulation. The zoom plot helps to visualize the exact time where the concentration of water
in the sink starts rising (meaning a complete saturation of the bed).

40000 H2O 45000 CO2 50000 CH455000 N2 60000

10 10
9 9
8 8
Bel Loading [mol kg-1]

7 7
6 6
5 5
Temperature [K]

4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
40000 45000 50000 55000 60000
Time [s] 319.6
Figure 6.5: Solid loading of each component present in the mixture.
6.2 One bed model 73

0 0.1s
60 0.2 1200.3
s 0.4180 s0.5 0.6
240 s 0.7 0.8 s
480 0.9 2100
321.6 321.6
321.4 321.4
321.2 321.2
321 321
Temperature [K]

320.8 320.8
320.6 320.6
320.4 320.4
320.2 320.2
320 320
319.8 319.8
319.6 319.6
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Bed lenght normalized

Figure 6.6: Base case temperature profile along the bed length (normalized) at different times:
60 seconds (1 minute), 120 seconds (2 minutes), 180 seconds (3 minutes), 240 seconds (4 minutes),
480 seconds (8 minutes) and 2100 seconds (35 minutes).

The velocity of temperature wave helps also to give an explanation for the time
necessary to heat up the whole bed. Figure 6.7 shows the gas temperature profile at
x = L along the simulation time, and in particular, shows the initial time necessary
to the temperature wave to propagate and heat up the whole bed. In this plot, it
is also possible to recognize the breakthrough time, corresponding to which the gas
temperature drops down to its initial value, in this case we speak about breakthrough
of temperature. After the bed saturation occurs, no more heat of adsorption is
released so that the bed temperature drops down to the feed cold gas temperature.
It is still not clear the phenomenon behind the oscillations, even though they might
arise from numerical issues.
Furthermore, a simulation considering the bed at isothermal conditions (at a
temperature equal to the feed gas temperature) has showed no difference neither
in the predicted breakthrough time nor in the profile shape of concentration. This
result is due to the small increase of temperature, which is linked to the low initial
concentration of water in the feed gas. In fact, an higher increase in temperature
would lead to a lower solid equilibrium concentration of water with respect to the
isothermal case, with the direct consequence of a smaller breakthrough time.
Concluding, the momentum balance equation (6.15) coupled to the pressure at
the sink and the valve models, predicts a pressure drop along the bed equal to 0.2
kPa and a superficial velocity of 0.26 m s−1 , which is within the typical range of
industrial packed beds velocity.

6.2.2 Breakthrough case studies

The water breakthrough curve, previously showed in figure 6.4, is the key variable
for this kind of process, since it gives informations regarding the degree of purity
74 6. Dehydration via adsorption

0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000

321.6 321.6

321.4 321.4

321.2 321.2

321 321
Temperature [K]

320.8 320.8

320.6 320.6

320.4 320.4

320.2 320.2

320 320

319.8 319.8

319.6 319.6
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000
Time [s]
Figure 6.7: Base case temperature profile at x = L (temperature breakthrough) along simulation

reached in the outlet gas as well as the bed life time. Ideally, the shape of the
breaktrough would be a pure shock (a rectangular curve) but this is clearly not
possible for three main effects, which have been studied trough specific sensitivity

• the axial dispersion,

• the mass transfer resistance,

• the numerical dispersion.

Figure 6.8 shows the effect of axial dispersion coefficient Dz (present in the mass
balance equation (6.1) and calculated as showed in equation (6.3)) on the water
breakthrough curve. The axial dispersion, resulting from the base case, is 1E-02
m2 s−1 (quite ”high” because of the big size of the bed pellets) and in the plot it
has been compared to an axial dispersion coefficient with a lower (1E-03 m2 s−1 )
and a higher (1E-01 m2 s−1 ) order of magnitude. The plots shows, no fundamental
differences in the breakthrough time between the base case and 1E-03 m2 s−1 , whereas
with a value of 1E-01 m2 s−1 the curve stretches, leading to a breakthrough time of
∼ 48 500 seconds, which is 500 seconds lower than the base case.
Figure 6.9 shows the effect on the water breakthrough of different mass transfer
coefficients with respect to the base case, which value is 0.02 s−1 . Other than the
base case value, a mass transfer coefficient of 1E-03 s−1 and 5E-04 s−1 have been
plotted, that respectively lead to a breakthrough time of 48 000 and 46 500 seconds.
In particular 5E-04 s−1 , that is close to the value used in the study of (Hyungwoong
and Chang-Ha, 2003), leads to a difference in the breakthrough time −5% lower
with respect to the base case. It has been also plotted the breakthrough curve
6.2 One bed model 75

48500 49500
1E-01 1E-0250500 1E-03 51500
0.002 0.002

0.0018 0.0018

0.0016 0.0016
Molar concentration [-]

0.0014 0.0014

0.0012 0.0012

0.001 0.001

0.0008 0.0008

0.0006 0.0006

0.0004 0.0004

0.0002 0.0002

0 0
48500 49500 50500 51500
Time [s]
Figure 6.8: Water breakthrough for different values of Dz involved in the sensitivity analysis on
the axial dispersion.

considering a mass transfer coeffficient of 2 160 s−1 which comes from the micropore
LDF calculation(6.9), and does not show any difference compared to the base case
neither in shape nor in time.
In the end it has beed studied the so called numerical dispersion effect. The
numerical dispersion depends on the number of the domain discretization points that
must be specified in the numerical solver section, during the flowsheet setting. In
particular, this study has been done in order to find the best number of discretization
points after which no meaningful differences, neither in shape nor in breakthrough
time are visible and for which the simulation takes a feasible time to converge.
Figure 6.10 shows the water breakthrough for 10, 25, 50, 100 and 150 points.
It is interesting to notice how, lowering the number of points, leads to progres-
sively streach the curve, so that to decrease the breaktrough time, which in the worst
case (10 pt) becomes 47 000, 4% lower with respect to the base case (50 pt). The
plot allows then to establish the ”best” number of points, also considering table 6.5,
where the computational time has been reported for each value of the grid points.
Therefore, it is possible to state that for this process the best number of grid points
is around 100, which leads to a good balance between accuracy (the shape and time
is not much different oompared to the simulation where 150 points has been used)
and computational time (26 minutes).
Concluding, it is possible to state that, although there might be slight differences
in the predicted breakthrough time, considering different values of axial dispersion
coefficient, mass transfer coefficient and number of grid points, meaningful differ-
76 6. Dehydration via adsorption

s-1 480002E-02
s-1 530001E-03
55500s-1 58000 1E-04 s-1
0.002 0.002

0.0018 0.0018

0.0016 0.0016
Molar concentration [-]

0.0014 0.0014

0.0012 0.0012

0.001 0.001

0.0008 0.0008

0.0006 0.0006

0.0004 0.0004

0.0002 0.0002

0 0
43000 45500 48000 50500 53000 55500 58000
Time [s]
Figure 6.9: Water breakthrough for different values of KLDF involved in the sensitivity analysis
with respect to the mass transfer resistance.

10 gp48000
47000 25 gp
49000 50000 5051000
gp 100 gp53000
52000 150 gp
0.002 0.002

0.0018 0.0018

0.0016 0.0016

0.0014 0.0014
Temperature [K]

0.0012 0.0012

0.001 0.001

0.0008 0.0008

0.0006 0.0006

0.0004 0.0004

0.0002 0.0002

0 0
47000 48000 49000 50000 51000 52000 53000 54000
Time [s]
Figure 6.10: Water breakthrough for different numbers of grid points, which shows the phe-
nomenon of numerical dispersion.
6.2 One bed model 77

Table 6.5: Computational time against the number of grid points involved in the numerical
dispersion sensitivity analysis.

Grid points Computational time [min]

10 1
25 3
50 7
100 26
150 56

ences with respect to the base case have not been detected (in the worst case the
difference is −5% ). In fact, in real processes of gas dehydration via adsorption,
where there are two or more beds working in parallel, the bed regeneration step
usually starts when the bed is half, or 3/4 saturated, which means for this work,
values of around (25 000 - 30 000 seconds). Therefore, it is clearly reasonable that
a difference of 2 000 seconds does not affect at all the simulation, in optic to build
a complete process where also the regeneration step is involved.
78 6. Dehydration via adsorption

6.3 Pressure-temperature swing adsorption

In this last section, it is described the pressure-temperature swing (PTSA) ad-
sorption flowsheet, implemented in ProcessBuilder R
. The PTSA process is made by
two parallel adsorption beds, following as reference, the literature process scheme de-
picted in ( par). The two beds have been designed following the same technical
features involved in the single bed model, described in table 6.2. The basic concept,
behind the implementation of the PTSA process, has been to exploit the behaviour
of the water equilibrium concentration at high temperatures and low pressures as
shown in fig. 6.11, in order to reactivate the saturated solid adsorbent. The plot
shows, that at low temperature and high pressure, for example in the conditions
applied in adsorption study described in the previous paragraph, the equilibrium
concentration of water in the zeolite is ”high” (around 10 mol kgbed ), whereas pro-
gressively moving toward the region of high temperature and low pressure, the equi-
librium concentration in the solid decreases, down to zero for the lowest pressures
and highest temperatures.

Figure 6.11: Water molar concentration in the solid phase as a function of temperature and

6.3.1 Flowsheet assembling

The PTSA flowsheet implemented in the ProcessBuilder R
enviroment is showed
in fig. 6.12.
The wet natural gas to dehydrate, fed from the two sources Wet gas Feed, has
the same features of temperature, pressure, composition and flowrate (controlled
by valves V1) of the gas considered in the single bed model, described above. The
technical characteristics of the two parallel beds A and B are also equal to the
single bed model as well as the solid physical properties. There are two different
sinks for each bed, the Dry Gas sink and the Waste gas one. The dry gas sink
collects the dehydrated gas (the process product) and it is connected to the bed
6.3 Pressure-temperature swing adsorption 79

Figure 6.12: Flowsheet representing the pressure-temperature swing adsorption process imple-
mented in ProcessBuilder

through valve V2, whereas the waste gas sink, which collects the gas involved in
the regeneration step of the bed, has to be either vented or recycled back (in the
present work the recycle of this gas stream has not been considered); this stream
is controlled through valve V4. The two beds interact because they are connected
through two streams, which guarantee that part of the dry gas coming out from one
bed during the adsorption step is directed to the other bed as ”regeneration gas”.
The flowrate of the regeneration gas is controlled by valve V3 and its temperature by
the heat exchanger HE; it has been decided to use 5 % of the dry gas as regeneration
gas, heating up its temperature by 300 K during the hot regeneration step. It is
also important to underline that the entire process works in pressure driven mode
(as in the single bed flowsheet). This is what happens in reality, meaning that all
the material fluxes are moved because of a pressure difference that exists from one
point to another. In particular, these pressure differences are specified in the source
and sink models and the values used in this work are presented in table 6.6.
Therefore, the desired flowrates are realized regulating the opening and closing
of the valves (modelled following (6.20), using the same flow coefficient specified for
the single bed model), specifying either the flowrate (in the case of valves V1 and
80 6. Dehydration via adsorption

Table 6.6: Pressure of the sinks and sources present in the PTSA flowsheet depicted in figure

Feed Dry outlet Waste outlet

Pressure [bar] 64.1 63.8 1

V3) or the stem position (for valves V2 and V4).

The dynamic simulation of the PSTA process is, therefore, divided into 6 steps
(actually 3 different steps but doubled as the number of beds), which determine
one complete operational cycle, where each bed is adsorbing (half cycle) and being
regenerated (half cycle). The 6 steps are defined in the schedule model, which acts to
the flowsheet by opening/closing the valves and turning on/off the heat exchangers.
In table 6.7 these steps are described by showing how the schedule model acts to
the valves and the heat exchangers as well as their duration time.

Table 6.7: Specifications present in the schedule model which allows determine each step of the
process. This is provided for both the beds. It is also showed the duration time of each step.

Step V1 V2 V3 V4 HE Time
[kmolh−1 ] [-] [kmolh−1 ] [-] [K] [s]

Bed A
1 Adsorption 23 929 1 0 0 0 40
2 Adsorption 23 929 1 1 196.45 0 300 20 000
3 Adsorption 23 929 1 1 196.45 0 0 10 000
4 Blowdown 0 0 0 1 0 40
5 Hot purge 0 0 0 1 0 20 000
6 Cold purge 0 0 0 1 0 10 000
Bed B
1 Blowdown 0 0 0 1 0 40
2 Hot purge 0 0 0 1 0 20 000
3 Cold purge 0 0 0 1 0 10 000
4 Adsorption 23 929 1 0 0 0 40
5 Adsorption 23 929 1 1 196.45 0 300 20 000
6 Adsorption 23 929 1 1 196.45 0 0 10 000

It is important to underline that the adsorption step has been chosen to be 30

040 s, which means, since the breakthrough time is 49 000 s, that the bed is 61%
saturated along its length. In figure 6.13 half cycle is depicted, in particular the case
when bed A is adsorbing and bed B is being regenerated. A detailed description
and analysis will be described in the next section.
The flowsheet just described is a simplification of the complete PTSA depicted
in §1.4.2. After the study of the single bed in the previous section, where the model
has showed its goodness under adsorption conditions (showing a breakthrough time
and a shape of the curves congruent to the literature studies), the goals of this study
have been exploring the behaviour of the bed model with respect to the regeneration
conditions (high temperature and low pressure) as well as the capacity to interact
with another bed in a pressure driven framework so that to guarantee the adsorption
process to be continuous.
6.3 Pressure-temperature swing adsorption 81

Figure 6.13: The three steps of half cycle, where the Bed A is in adsorption mode and Bed B is
being regenerated.

6.3.2 Results
In this section the results from the PTSA model are presented. The third cycle
(from 180 240 s to 240 320 s) has been chosen as the reference cycle for presenting
the results, because after this cyle the simulation reaches the steady state. The
time range has been re-scaled from 0 s to 60 080 s (duration of 1 cycle) to get an
higher legibility of the results. The plots are also valid for the following cycles. In
particular, the profiles have been plotted at the beginning of the beds, which is the
most critical part in terms of regeneration (at 10% of bed length).
Figure 6.14 shows the pressure profiles of the two beds after half cycle (the
results are the same along all the beds length). At 30 040 s the adsorption step ends
for bed A, valves V1A and V2A are closed and the blowdown step begins by opening
valve V4B. The gas inside the column is then discharged at atmosferic pressure in
the waste gas sink and the pressure inside the column drops down to 12 bar. At the
same time, the natural gas feed is switch from bed A to bed B, by opening valves
V1B and V2B. Thus, the pressure in bed B increases, from the nominal regeneration
value (7 bar) to the adsorption nominal pressure of (64 bar). Up to this point, it
is important to underline that the momentum balance, from purge to adsorption,
produce a pressure step (from 7 to 64 bar), that is why a pressurisation step has
not been necessary (a pressurization step would have meant filling the bed after the
regeneration step by opening the feed valve and keeping close the outlet one). Once
the blowdown step ends for bed A, after 40 s (at 30 080 s), the hot purge step starts
by opening valve V3A and turning on the heat exchanger HEB (which does not
influence the pressure profile). Pressure further decreases down to a value of 7 bar,
which is maintained constant throughout all the purge step (hot and cold).
Figure 6.15 shows the temperature profile of the two beds during the third cycle
of simulation.
Analyzing, for instance, Bed A, during the first half of the cycle it is adsorbing,
therefore the temperature profile is flat, equal to the feed gas temperature (319 K).
Then, at 30 040 s the blowdown step begins followed by the hot purge, where the
regeneration gas temperature is increased up to 596 K. The plot shows that the gas
82 6. Dehydration via adsorption

29960 30000 30040 30080

Bed A 30120Bed 30160
B 30200 30240
70 70
60 60
50 50
Pressure [bar]

40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
29960 30000 30040 30080 30120 30160 30200 30240
Time [s]
Figure 6.14: Pressure profile of Bed A and Bed B present in the PTSA flowsheet presented in
figure 6.12. In particulat the plot shows the middle point of the third cycle of simulation, where
Bed A starts the regeneration step and Bed B starts adsorbing.

0 10000 20000Bed30000
A 40000
Bed B 50000 60000

590 590

540 540
Temperature [K]

490 490

440 440

390 390

340 340

290 290
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000
Time [s]
Figure 6.15: Temperature profile of Bed A and Bed B of the PTSA process presented in figure
6.12, during the third cycle of simulation.
6.3 Pressure-temperature swing adsorption 83

takes about 1 000 seconds to reach the desired temperature for the all bed length
(at least 90 % of the bed length). Thus, the hot purge lasts for 20 000 s until time
50 120 s when the heat exchanger is turned off and the regeneration gas is stopped
being up. Therefore, the cold purge begins and the bed temperature decreases down
to 300 K. This temperature is lower than the temperature that the regeneration gas
has initially, probably because of the Joule-Thomson effect due to the pressure drops
in valve V3.
A possible improvement of the process, could be the reduction of the cold purge
time (now it is 10 000 s) since the bed temperature reaches the desired value of 319
K at 56 540 s, after just 6 420 s from the beginning of the step.
Figure 6.16 shows the concentration of the 4 components in the mixture during
the third cycle for bed A, also in this case at the beginning of the bed.

0 10000
H2O 20000 CO2
30000 40000
N2 50000
CH4 60000
1.00 1
0.90 0.9
Molar concentration [-]

0.80 0.8
0.70 0.7
0.60 0.6
0.50 0.5
0.40 0.4
0.30 0.3
0.20 0.2
0.10 0.1
0.00 0
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000
Time [s]
Figure 6.16: Gas phase molar concentration of all the components present in the mixture. The
plot refers to the entire third cycle of simulation.

During the adsorption step (half cycle) water breakthrough takes place (with
consequent displacement of methane and carbon dioxide) at 4 900 s (to remind that
the plot shows the concentration at 10% of the bed length). This event cannot be
seen in the plot as the variation in concentration due to the breakthough is too
small if compared to the concentration ”jump” during the regeneration. In fact,
during the blowdown step a slight amount of water is released, with an increase in
water concentration in the gas phase (first peak) and during the hot purge step the
bed is completely regenerated by releasing all the water previously adsorbed (second
peak). After the main peak, the concentration progressively decreases down to zero
at the end of the cold purge, when the bed is completely regenerated as ready to
start the next adsorption step.
84 6. Dehydration via adsorption

The growing production of natural gas has jutified the interest of modelling the
processes involved during its production. In particular, modelling these processes
by using gPROMS R
ProcessBuilder process simulator may bring great advantages
in terms of predictivity and flexibility.
The first part of the work is based on modelling the two absorption processes
of sweetening and dehydration by using gSAFT R
as thermodynamic package. The
thermodynamic validation against experimental data has highlighted the ability of
to correctly predict the experimental data, even without being specifically
tailored for these particular applications. However, it has been necessary to adjust
the interaction parameters between the groups −CH3 and H2 S and between −CH3
and CO2 , in order to obtain better predictions. The only limitation that the model
has shown is the calculation of the heat of absorption of H2 S and CO2 in the amine
solution. In the case of H2 S the heat of absorption is over estimated by 10 kJ/mol
whereas for CO2 it is uder estimated by 10 kJ/mol. Altough this poor predictions
is probably due to the lack of experimental data during the parameters fitting, it
has not been considered worth to be adjusted at this level. The work on thermo-
dynamic validation has also contribute to extend the experimetal data set available
for parameters fitting.
Once the thermodynamic model has been validated, the flowsheets have been
implemented following some literature case studies. All the simulation results have
been simply compared to the literature ones, where Aspen HYSYS R
has been used
as process simulator.
In the case of sweetening the model predicts a concentration of acid gases in
the sweet gas much lower than the literature source. This is probably due to the
difference in the column modelling approach: equilibrium based vs. rate based
(even though in the literature source the approach used is not specified). Another
literature study has contribute to validate this hypothesis, showing very low concen-
tration of CO2 and H2 S in the sweet gas using the equilibrium approach with Aspen
. At this point it is important to underline that modelling the two columns
with the equilibrium based approach is an extreme simplification, since the reactions
taking place in the liquid phase contribute to deviate the mixture far away from the
equilibrium conditions. In fact, the rate based would be the best approach because
it allows to model the actual rates of multicomponent mass and heat transfer, also
taking into account the effect of the chemical reactions. But, clearly, this approach
is way more complex and it requires a dedicated study that would have gone beyond
the objetives of this work.
Fortunately, in the case of glycol some experimental data have allowed to val-
idate the absorption column. The complete flowsheet response, instead, has been
86 Conclusions

compared with the literature source, showing a concentration of water in the dry
gas slightly different with respect to the one predicted in Aspen HYSYS R
, even
though they have the same order of magnitude. This small difference is due to the
different thermodynamic package used. In this case the equilibrium based is the
correct approach to model the two columns.
Once the single flowsheets responses have been compared and ”validated” with
the literaure, the two absorption processes have been connected in series in the same
flowsheet (exploiting the use of the same thermodynamic package). Then, a rigorous
optimization has been possible contributing to demonstrate the high potential of
having two different processes in the same flowsheet. In fact, it has been possible
to reduce the overall energy consumption (-23%) by acting on variables in both
the processes and constraining both the acid gases and water contents in the final
product (thanks to the gPROMS R
equation oriented approach).
The modelling of dehydration via adsorption has started modelling a single ad-
sorption bed. The bed has been modelled following a mathematical framework
present in literature, even though it has not been possible to perfectly reproduce it
since the lack of the macropore diffusion equation. This issue have led to predict
a different bed saturation time with respect to the literature case study. However,
once the single bed saturation time has been found, the two beds PTSA has been
modelled, following literature suggestion but without reproducing a specific work.
The work on the adsorption model has contribute to show the flexibility of custom
modelling, so as to easily adapt the intrisic adsorption mathematical framework to a
specific case study. At the same time though, it has also been showed the limitation
of the mass balance equations on modelling the macropore mass transfer resistance.

Future work
In the case of sweetening process a detailed study is recommended so as to
model the two columns with a rate based approach, modelling the actual rates of
multicomponent mass and heat transfer, avoiding the simplification of equilibrium
trays. Furthermore, for both the absorption processes, it is suggested, exploiting the
high flexibility and predibility of gSAFT
, to try different solvents that might lead to
advantages in terms of profitability. Clearly, this can be done prior thermodynamic
validation against equilibrium experimental data. A long view suggestion is also
exploiting the opportunity of using the same thermodynamic package so as to include
also the other steps involved in the gas chain (e.g. the mercury removal or the
nitrogen rejection) into the ”whole” flowsheet.
In the case of the adsorption model, it is suggested to add the macropore diffu-
sion equation in the material balance, since the macropore resistance has an high
contribution on the overall mass transfer in the solid phase. This would probably
lead to match the saturation time predicted by the literature study.
However, for all the processes a comparison and a validation against real plant
data is highly recommended.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor Prof. F. Bezzo to have

given me the possibility to experience this thesis project abroad, for the technical
support and the precious suggestions.
My thankfulness goes also to Professor C. Pantelides, for the opportunity to
work at PSE, giving me the possibility to learn a lot about gPROMS.
A special thanks goes to my supervisors at PSE, Dr. M. Patel and Dr. L.
Domingues, for sharing with me their scientific knowledge and experience on pro-
cess modelling, driving me throughout all the difficulties that I met during this
project, being always available and extremely patient. It has been an honour work-
ing alongside such expert engineers like you.
I would also like to thank all the people at PSE always willing to help and
support me. In particular I would like to thank Dr. M. Luberti, for the time spent
on the adsorption model, helping me with his technical and moral support, grazie!
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Appendix A

Bulk or molecular diffusion becomes dominant where the pore diameter is larger
than the mean free path of the molecules. An estimation for the diffusivity of
an individual component in a gas mixture may be obtained from the approximate

D1,m X yj
= (A.1)
1 − y1 j=2

Thus, in a multi component mixture the molecular diffusivity becomes composi-

tion dependent. In (A.1), D1,j represents the molecular diffusivity of the binary gas
mixture, which is essentially independent of composition. In order to calculate this
value the Chapman – Eskog equation is used:

−7 1 1
1.5810 T 3
+ M2
D1,2 = 2
P σ1,2 Ω1,2

Where Mi is the molecular weight, T and P respectively temperature and pres-

sure. σ1,2 is the collision diameter from the Lennar - Jones potential, calculated
as σ1,2 = 12 (σ1 + σ2 ) and Ω1,2 is a function of Lennard - Jones force 12 /kT , where

12 = 1 2 . The values of the Lennard - Jones collision diameter and force are
provided by Bird (2007).
The resulting values for the diffusivity of each component in the mixture, con-
sidered in the adsorption process, are listed in table A.1.

Table A.1: Molecular diffusivity constant of component i in the mixture, considered in the
adsorption process §6.

H2 O CO2 CH4 N2

Di,m [m2 s−1 ] 4.32E-07 2.66E-07 2.14E-07 2.79E-07

Another contribution to the diffusivity in the macropore is given by the Knudsen

diffusivity, which becomes relevant at low pressure or in those adsorbents in which
the pore diameters are lower than the molecular mean free path, in fact this mecha-
nism is a consequence of the collision between the diffusing molecules and the pore
96 . Appendix A


Dk.i = 97rp (A.3)
In the transition region between these two mechanism the two contributions can
be summed up as two resistances in parallel (A.4), where also the tortuosity factor
is taken into account τ = ε + 1.5(1 − ε):

1 1 1
Dp,i = + (A.4)
τp Dm,i Dk,i

Micropore diffusion is an activation process, therefore in contrast to the molecular

and Knudsen diffusivities, the temperature dependence is strong and follows the
Arrhenius law:

Dµ,i = D∞ exp( ) (A.5)
where D∞,i is the micropore diffusivity at infinite temperature and Ei is the
adsorption activation energy for component i. The kinetic parameters for the mi-
cropore used in this work are the parameters fitted in the work of Gholami et al.
(2010) and are listed in table A.2.

Table A.2: Fitting parameters for the calculation of the micrpore diffusivity of component i in
the mixture, obtained from the work of Gholami (2010).

H2 O CO2 CH4 N2

D∞,i [m2 s−1 ] 2.39E-08 5.9E-11 7.2E-12 5.2E-13

Ei [Jmol−1 ] 17 288.47 26 334 12 551.94 6 275.97

The macropore and micropore resistances considered are depicted in figure A.1.

Figure A.1: Schematic diagram showing various resistances within the solid particle (Shafeeyan

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