Ventilator Associated Pneumonia: Incidence, Profile and Outcome in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of Tertiary Care Centre

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International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics

Gadappa SM et al. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2018 Nov;5(6):2098-2102 pISSN 2349-3283 | eISSN 2349-3291

Original Research Article

Ventilator associated pneumonia: incidence, profile and outcome in

pediatric intensive care unit of tertiary care centre
Swati M. Gadappa*, Manas Kumar Behera

Department of Pediatrics, Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College and General Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Received: 20 August 2018

Accepted: 27 August 2018

Dr. Swati M. Gadappa,
E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) refers to nosocomial pneumonia occurring 48 hours or more
after initiation of mechanical ventilation (MV), with frequencies ranging from 15-45%. The incidence rates of VAP are
higher in developing countries with limited resources. Early and late VAP differ in their pathogenesis, micro-organisms
responsible, antibiotic sensitivity, outcome and treatment.
Methods: Retrospective cohort study of all critically ill children between 1 month to 12 years who were admitted and
mechanically ventilated in our 8-bedded PICU between January 2015 to June 2016 and developed Ventilator associated
pneumonia. PIM3 (Paediatric Index of Mortality 3) was calculated. We compared early and late VAP for risk factors,
length of stay on mechanical ventilation (LOS MV) and outcome. The data collected were compiled and tabulated.
Results: The incidence of VAP in this study was 40%. We found significant correlation between early and late VAP
with parenteral nutrition (p = 0.001), presence of nasogastric tube (p = 0.012) and mortality (p = 0.027). The LOS MV
was Mean 7.25 days in early VAP, while 22.75 days in late VAP; which demonstrated significant correlation (p =
0.003). There was no significant correlation of PIM3 with VAP, reintubation and mortality. Most frequent organisms
found in Early VAP were Acinetobacter baumannii and MRSA, whereas in late VAP Pseudomonas aeruginosa was
commonest isolated organism.
Conclusions: VAP is a major cause of mortality in PICU. Late VAP was associated with longer length of stay on
mechanical ventilation (LOS MV), higher mortality. This study thus emphasizes the need for prospective multicentric
case-control studies for formulating and applying early preventive strategies in PICU to reduce VAP-related mortality.

Keywords: Outcome, Pneumonia, PICU, PIM3, Ventilator

INTRODUCTION HAIs in the paediatric intensive care units (PICUs) and has
a rate of 2.9-21.6 per 1000 ventilator days.2 VAP is
Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) refers to associated with increased hospital morbidity; mortality;
nosocomial pneumonia occurring 48 hours or more after duration of hospitalization by an average of 7-9 days per
initiation of mechanical ventilation (MV)1. VAP is the patient; and health care costs.3 The incidence rates of VAP
most common Hospital-Associated Infection (HAI) are higher in developing countries with limited resources.
among adult patients in Intensive Care Units (ICUs), with Two studies from India have shown VAP rates of 32.5%
frequencies ranging from 15-45%. Moreover, it is the and 20% in children ventilated in Pediatric Intensive Care
second most common HAI after blood stream infection in Units (PICU).4,5 In a study from north India, the incidence
the paediatric age group, accounting for about 20% of all of VAP was reported as 17.5/100 patients.6 In Egypt, a
study of device-associated infection rates in the PICUs in

International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics | November-December 2018 | Vol 5 | Issue 6 Page 2098
Gadappa SM et al. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2018 Nov;5(6):2098-2102

a number of hospitals has showed that the overall rate of *(100*FiO2/PaO2)) –(1.2246*Recov_CardBypPr) –
HAIs was 24.5% and that of VAP was 31.8 per 1000 (0.8762*Recov_CardNonBypPr) –
ventilator days.7 (1.5164*Recov_NonCardPr) +(1.6225* VHRdiag) +
(1.0725*HRdiag) – (2.1766*LRdiag) – 1.7928. PIM3
The onset of VAP can be divided into: Early which occurs risk of death = ePIM3val / (1 + ePIM3val).
72 hrs after intubation and late which occurs more than 72
hrs after intubation. Early and late VAP differ in their Categorization of diagnosis will be done based on PIM3
pathogenesis, micro-organisms responsible, antibiotic guidelines. This will be calculated automatically through
sensitivity, outcome and treatment. This study aims to data entered in Anzics CORE -Severity Score and Risk of
determine the incidence, risk factors and outcome of Death Calculator-PIM3(Excel version).11
ventilator associated pneumonia in our institution.
PICU LOS (length of stay) is a commonly used clinical
METHODS endpoint reflecting both severity of illness and resource
utilization.3 However, because LOS is influenced by a
Present study was a retrospective analytic-descriptive variety of clinical and logistic factors that may not be
study carried out in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of a completely apparent in a retrospective chart review, hence
tertiary care hospital. We serve low to middle income we will analyze the data in relation to the duration of
population as an economical and tertiary referral unit for mechanical ventilation (LOS MV) and outcome.
pediatric medical and surgical cases, however this
excludes pediatric patients who are post-cardiac surgery or Statistical analysis
those who need extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
All the data collected were compiled and tabulated. The
Study population statistical analysis was done by chi-square test, fisher test
and paired t test. The p value was calculated and <0.05 was
All critically ill children between 1mth to 12 years of age, considered significant.
who were admitted and mechanically ventilated in our
8bedded PICU between January 2015 to June 2016; and RESULTS
developed Ventilator associated pneumonia were included
in the study. We excluded newborns, preterm infants, Of the 119 mechanically ventilated patients, 48 (40%)
patients intubated for more than 24 hours prior to PICU developed ventilator associated pneumonia and were
admission with us or had incomplete data for PIM3. We included in the study. Our PICU has overall mortality of
followed standard antibiotic policy and management 10.1%. 48 children with VAP included 31 (64.5%) males
algorithms for clinically or bacteriologically defined and 17 (35.4%) females.
Median age was 1.35 years i.e. 16months (Min.0.16yr-
There is no gold standard for diagnosis of ventilator Max5yrs). 19 (39.5%) patients were <1yr age and 29
associated pneumonia. As per Johansan’s criteria, the (60.4%) were between 1-5yrs age. Severe acute
diagnosis of VAP is defined as the occurrence of a new Malnutrition was seen in 21 (43.8%) patients, whereas
and persistent radiographic infiltrate not otherwise 41.6% had no malnutrition. Median PIM3 Score was 2.35.
explained, appearing on chest radiograph along with 2 of Early VAP was noted in 36 (75%) patients while 12 (25%)
the following: body temperature 38.3°C, leukocytosis patients had Late VAP.
(≥10.000 WBC/ml), purulent tracheal aspirate.8 The
diagnosis of VAP was established using clinical The chief diseases requiring mechanical ventilation and
pulmonary infection score (CPIS) as per standard protocol development of VAP were as follows: respiratory disease
in our PICU.9,10 CPIS of greater than six was used as (n = 16, 33.3%); neurological disease (n = 13,27%),
diagnostic criteria for VAP. Endotracheal secretions were cardiovascular disease (n = 08,16.7%), Gastroenterology
sampled under strict universal aseptic precautions. and Hepatic diseases (n = 08, 16.7%) and Hemato-
oncological diseases (n = 2, 4.16%). Anemia was present
Early-onset VAP was defined as VAP occurring within the in 62.5% (n = 30) patients. Shock was noted in majority of
first 72 hours and late-onset VAP was defined as VAP patients (n = 40, 83.3%). Subsequent leukocytosis was
occurring after 72 hours after mechanical ventilation noted in 34 (70.8%) patients with VAP. 23 patients
respectively. (47.8%) had Hyponatremia. Coagulopathy noted in 20
(41.6%) patients. Hepatic dysfunction and Acute Kidney
PIM -3(Paediatric index of mortality) will be calculated as: injury were seen in 18 (37.5%) and 12 (25%) patients
respectively. VAP also occurred in 05(10.4%) of patients
Calculation of PIM3 (and PIM3 risk of death%) with Status Epilepticus. The mean length of stay on MV
(LOS MV) was 8.16 days (Min 02 days - Max 52 days). In
PIM3val= (3.8233 * Pupils) – (0.5378 * Elective) + Early VAP, Mean LOS MV was 7.25 days, whereas in
(0.9763 * MechVent) + (0.0671 * (absolute BaseExcess)) Late VAP it was 22.75 days. The correlation of LOS MV
– (0.0431*SBP) + (0.1716*(SBP*SBP/1000)) + (0.4214 and VAP was statistically significant (p = 0.003). 72.9%

International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics | November-December 2018 | Vol 5 | Issue 6 Page 2099
Gadappa SM et al. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2018 Nov;5(6):2098-2102

(n = 35) patients had a nasogastric tube (NGT) in-situ. All LOS MV was 10.77 days (Min 3 days -Max 52 days) in
children had head of bed elevated at least 30 degrees and those requiring reintubation, while the Mean LOS MV was
had no clinical evidence of aspiration during study period. 5.09 days (Min 2 - Max 12 days) in the remaining patients.
23 children (47.9%) received parenteral nutrition. There was no correlation between reintubation and
Reintubation was done in 26 (54%) patients. The Mean mortality (p = 0.158, OR 0.390).

Table 1: Correlations of early and late VAP.

Variable Early VAP (n) Late VAP (n) p OR 95% CI

Mortality 25 12 0.027 0.676 0.540-0.845
NGT in-situ 23 12 0.012 1.522 1.198-1.933
Parenteral nutrition 12 11 0.001 22.00 2.534-190.9
LOS MV mean days 7.25 days (SD 3.36) 22.75 days (SD14.49) 0.003

We did not find any significant correlation between PIM3 However, we found significant correlation between
score and Early/Late VAP (p=0.940), Reintubation occurrence of Early/Late VAP with Mortality, receiving
(p=0.978), Mortality (p=0.536) and Anemia (p=0.283). parenteral nutrition and presence of nasogastric tubing
(Table 1).

Table 2: Causative organisms, frequency and associated mortality.

Survived- Survived-
Organism Early VAP Late VAP Total (%)
Yes (%) No (%)
Acinetobacter baumannii 5 1 1 (6.7) 5 (83.3) 6 (20.7)
Candida 1 0 0 (0) 1 (100) 1 (3.4)
Citrobacter 0 1 0 (0) 1 (100) 1 (3.4)
Enterococcus spp. 4 0 0 (0) 4 (100) 4 (13.8)
MRCONS 2 0 0 (0) 2 (100) 2 (6.9)
MRSA 5 1 4 (66.6) 2 (33.3) 6 (20.7)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1 3 0 (0) 4 (100) 4 (13.8)
Streptococcus 2 0 0 (0) 2 (100) 2 (6.9)
Klebsiella pneumoniae 2 1 0 (0) 3 (100) 3 (10.3)
Total 22 7 5 24 29 (60.4)
No growth 14 5 5 14 19 (39.6)
Total 36 12 11 37 48 (100)

Out of Endotracheal aspirate culture in total 48 VAP 40% and mortality amongst these was 77%. Being a
patients, most number of isolates were Acinetobacter tertiary charitable referral centre for many critical and end
baumannii and Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus stage patients due to mainly economical and other reasons,
Aureus (MRSA) (20.7% Each) followed by Enterococcus could have contributed to higher incidence. Incidence of
(13.8%) and were noted in those with Early VAP. VAP differs greatly based on setting and location in
Whereas, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13.8%) was most critically ill children in PICU.12 The incidence rates of
commonly noted in Late VAP (Table 2) Blood cultures VAP are higher in developing countries with limited
were positive in 39.6% patients resources. Patra et al and Sharma et al from India have
shown VAP rates of 32.5% and 20% in children ventilated
DISCUSSION in Pediatric Intensive Care Units (PICU).4,5 Gupta et al
demonstrated an incidence of VAP as 17.5/100 patients.6
Relevance of studies that define the risk factors for In Egypt, a study of device-associated infection rates in the
nosocomial infections, especially in critical infants and PICUs in a number of hospitals has showed that the overall
children cannot be undermined as they significantly help rate of HAIs was 24.5% and that of VAP was 31.8 per
in providing effective preventive measures and 1000 ventilator days.7 El-Kholy et al. reported that VAP
formulating relevant policies in the paediatric intensive was the most commonly identified device-associated
care setting. The incidence of VAP in present study was nosocomial infection (90%) among 490 pediatric

International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics | November-December 2018 | Vol 5 | Issue 6 Page 2100
Gadappa SM et al. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2018 Nov;5(6):2098-2102

patients.13 Awasthi et al demonstrated that VAP developed We did not find any significant correlation between PIM3
in 36.2% of children requiring mechanical ventilation in (Paediatric index of mortality) score and early/late VAP,
India, which is compatible with present study incidence.14 reintubation, anemia or mortality. APACHE II score was
Another national multicenter study on nosocomial utilized by Naved et al and Gupta et al to evaluate the
infections in Spain, reported very low incidence of VAP condition of patient at admission and they found that
(1.3%) among children undergoing mechanical ventilation patients with VAP had higher scores and hence higher
in PICU.15 Bozorgmehr R et al concluded with prevalence mortality rate.19,20 A prospective longitudinal study would
of VAP as 11% among the studied patients and mortality have provided better information on the role of PIM3 in
due to it was estimated to be 78.9%.16 Late referral, predicting mortality in VAP.
younger age, co-morbidities, and lack of appropriate
implementation of standard VAP Prevention Guidelines Acinetobacter baumannii and Methicillin resistant
may have contributed to higher VAP-related mortality in Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) were the most common
the present study. organisms followed by Enterococcus spp. in those with
Early VAP, while Pseudomonas aeruginosa was mostly
A variety of cases developed VAP in present study noted in late VAP. We found no significant correlation
including ependymoma, situs inversus and dextrocardia between Culture positivity and mortality in VAP
with transposition of great arteries, meningitis, viral (p = 0.067). We noted multidrug resistance in most
encephalitis, dengue shock syndrome, Guillian Barre pathogens. Patra et al demonstrated VAP in 76% of
syndrome, metabolic encephalopathy, fulminant hepatic patients with hospital-acquired pneumonia and this
failure, secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, represented the most frequent nosocomial infection in
cardiogenic shock, etc. intensive care units (80%) with an overall mortality of
nosocomial pneumonia reaching 60%; all of these were
We found that Late VAP was associated with longer length secondary to Gram-negative infections with Pseudomonas
of stay on mechanical ventilation (LOS MV) and higher contributing to 57.1% of deaths followed by Klebsiella,
mortality. LOS MV almost tripled in this study in those Escherichia coli and Acinetobacter.4 Rising incidence of
with Late VAP as compared to Early VAP, this antibiotic resistant pathogens contributes significantly to
significantly increased the financial and psychological the mortality and prognosis of these patients.
burden on patient’s families.
The major drawback of this study was it being a secondary
Parenteral nutrition and presence of nasogastric tubing analysis of existing database, hence dynamic monitoring
were significantly associated with late onset VAP as and assessment of patients with serial CPIS was not
compared to early VAP. Very few studies provide possible. Also sample size and usage of data from single
evidence about the risk factors of VAP in critically ill PICU setting is a limitation, thus restricting generalized
children in PICU. Reintubation or self-extubation might be applicability of the results. Late referral, younger age, co-
a risk factor for VAP. The most likely mechanism of this morbidities, and lack of implementation of standard VAP
is aspiration of oropharyngeal secretions or Prevention Guidelines may have contributed to higher
gastrointestinal contents during the procedure. Aspiration VAP-related mortality in the present study. A prospective,
appears to be important in the pathogenesis of VAP, as multi-centric study in developing country PICU setting for
demonstrated in some studies.3,17 determining risk factors would be desirable for devicing
further clinically applicable management and early
As per previous studies, Awasthi et al reported that VAP prevention strategies.
mostly occurred in children who were ventilated for more
than 4 days, while Bilan et al reported VAP mostly CONCLUSION
occurring in those who were re-intubated.14,18
VAP is a major cause of mortality in PICU. Late VAP was
Though we did not find significant correlation with associated with longer length of stay on mechanical
reintubation (p = 0.502), we did find higher mortality in ventilation (LOS MV) and higher mortality. This
those developing late VAP (p = 0.027). Sharma et al found significantly increased the financial and psychological
significant association between use of H2 blockers burden on patient’s families. Parenteral nutrition and
(Ranitidine) for >2 days with development of VAP in presence of nasogastric tubing were significantly
children.5 Liu et al in a meta-analysis concluded that associated with late onset VAP as compared to early VAP.
genetic syndrome, reintubation or self-extubation, Though Reintubation lead to longer LOS MV, it was not a
steroids, bloodstream infection, prior antibiotic therapy significant risk factor in this study. PIM3 score did not
and bronchoscopy were regarded as risk factors for VAP affect the outcome of early and late VAP. Most frequent
of patients in PICU.1 Though the Mean LOS MV was organisms found in Early VAP were Acinetobacter
double i.e. 10.77 days (Min 3 days to Max 52 days) in baumannii and MRSA, whereas in Late VAP it was
those requiring reintubation, while the Mean LOS MV was Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This study thus emphasizes the
5.09 days (Min 2 to Max 12 days) in the remaining need for applying early preventive strategies in PICU to
patients. We found no correlation between reintubation reduce VAP-related mortality. Further larger, prospective
and mortality (p = 0.158, or 0.390).

International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics | November-December 2018 | Vol 5 | Issue 6 Page 2101
Gadappa SM et al. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2018 Nov;5(6):2098-2102

and multicentric case-control studies are required to 11. Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society
evaluate the risk factors and outcome of VAP. (ANZICS). Information Booklet: PIM2 and PIM3 for
the ANZPIC Registry; March 2016. Available at
Funding: No funding sources
Conflict of interest: None declared nloads/PIM2%20%26%20PIM3%20Information%2
Ethical approval: The study was approved by the 0Booklet%20Mar16.pdf
Institutional Ethics Committee 12. Aelami MH, Lotfi M, Zingg W. Ventilator-
associated pneumonia in neonates, infants and
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International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics | November-December 2018 | Vol 5 | Issue 6 Page 2102

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