Qualification Handbook

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Level 3 IVQs in Teaching,

Training and Assessing Learning

Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma in Teaching, Training September 2006
Version 4.0 (May 2009))
and Assessing Learning (1106-21) (500/5753/4)

Level 3 IVQ Specialist Advanced Diploma in Teaching,

Training and Assessing Learning (1106-22) (500/5751/0)

Qualification handbook for centres

About City & Guilds
City & Guilds is the UK’s leading provider of vocational qualifications, offering over 500 awards
across a wide range of industries, and progressing from entry level to the highest levels of
professional achievement. With over 8500 centres in 100 countries, City & Guilds is recognised by
employers worldwide for providing qualifications that offer proof of the skills they need to get the
job done.

City & Guilds Group

The City & Guilds Group includes City & Guilds, ILM (the Institute of Leadership & Management)
which provides management qualifications, learning materials and membership services, NPTC
which offers land-based qualifications and membership services, and HAB (the Hospitality Awarding
Body). City & Guilds also manages the Engineering Council Examinations on behalf of the
Engineering Council.

Equal opportunities
City & Guilds fully supports the principle of equal opportunities and we are committed to satisfying
this principle in all our activities and published material. A copy of our equal opportunities policy
statement is available on the City & Guilds website.

The content of this document is, unless otherwise indicated, © The City and Guilds of London
Institute 2009 and may not be copied, reproduced or distributed without prior written consent.

However, approved City & Guilds centres and learners studying for City & Guilds qualifications may
photocopy this document free of charge and/or include a locked PDF version of it on centre
intranets on the following conditions:
• centre staff may copy the material only for the purpose of teaching learners working towards a
City & Guilds qualification, or for internal administration purposes
• learners may copy the material only for their own use when working towards a City & Guilds

The Standard Copying Conditions on the City & Guilds website also apply.

Please note: National Occupational Standards are not © The City and Guilds of London Institute.
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City & Guilds publications are available on the City & Guilds website or from our Publications Sales
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City & Guilds

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Level 3 IVQs in Teaching,
Training and Assessing Learning
Qualification handbook for centres September 2006
Version 4.0 (May 2009))

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 1

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2 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)


1 About this document 5

The levels of City & Guilds qualifications 6
2 About the qualifications 7
2.1 Aim of the qualifications 7
2.2 The structure of the qualifications 8
2.3 Relevant sources of information 12
Related publications 12
Candidate entry requirements and progression 13
Accreditation of prior learning and experience 13
Accreditation on the National Qualifications Framework 13
Age restrictions and legal considerations 13
Progression 13
3 Centre requirements 15
3.1 Obtaining centre and qualification approval 15
3.2 Fast track approval 16
3.3 Global online assessment (GOLA) 17
3.4 Resource requirements 18
Physical resources 18
Centre staff 18
Continuing professional development (CPD) 18
3.5 Registration and certification 19
3.6 Quality assurance 20
Internal quality assurance 20
External quality assurance 22
4 Course design and delivery 23
Recommended delivery strategies 23
Minimum guided learning hours 23
Qualification guidance packs 23
Relationship to other qualifications 23
Data protection and confidentiality 24
Health and safety 24
Initial assessment and induction 24
Equal opportunities 24
Access to assessment 24
Results and certification 25
Appeals 25
Learning and support resources 26
5 Assessment 27
5.1 Summary of assessment requirements 27

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 3

Completion of practical activities 27
Multiple choice examination 28
Knowledge questions (Specialist Advanced Diploma route) 28
Verification of practical activities and knowledge questions 28
Candidate portfolio 28
Sample assessments 28
Time constraints 28
Grading and marking 29
Regulations for the conduct of examinations 29
Test specifications 29
6 Units 30
Structure of units 30
Unit 101 Identifying learners’ needs 31
Unit 102 Plan and prepare learning 36
Unit 103 Delivering learning 41
Unit 104 Assess learning outcomes 46
Unit 105 Evaluation of sessions and learning programmes 51
Unit 106 Witness testimony in teaching, training and assessment 55
Unit 107 Coaching and mentoring in teaching, training and assessment 61
Unit 108 E-learning in teaching, training and assessment 67
Unit 109 Management of training programmes 73
Unit 110 Assessing competence 80
Unit 111 Quality assuring competence based programmes - internal 86
Unit 112 Quality assuring competence based programmes - external 92
Appendix 1 Multiple choice test specification 98
Appendix 2 Key words and terms (Glossary) 99
Appendix 3 Reading list 103
Appendix 4 Sample multiple choice paper/answer keys 104
Appendix 5 Guidance for holistic report production (units 101 – 105) 109
Further guidance 110
Appendix 6 Summative evidence record – Core units 111
Appendix 7 Summative evidence record – Specialist units 112
Appendix 8 Initial assessment 114
Appendix 9 Pro formas 115

4 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

1 About this document

This document contains the information that centres need to offer the Level 3 International
Vocational Qualification (IVQs) in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106).

Qualification Title Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma in Teaching,

Training and Assessing Learning

City & Guilds qualification number 1106-21

Accreditation number 500/5753/4

Qualification Title Level 3 IVQ Specialist Advanced Diploma in

Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning

City & Guilds qualification number 1106-22

Accreditation number 500/5751/0

This document includes details and guidance on:

• centre requirements
• candidate entry requirements
• course design and delivery
• qualification standards and specifications
• assessment requirements
• evidence recording forms
• sample multiple choice paper/keys
• indicative reading lists
• glossary
• pro formas.

This document should be read in conjunction with the Centre Guide - Delivering International
Qualifications. This document contains other relevant pro formas required for the Level 3 IVQs in
Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106).

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 5

The levels of City & Guilds qualifications

Progressive structure
Achieving maximum potential

All City & Guilds qualifications are part of an integrated progressive structure of awards arranged
over seven levels, allowing people to progress from foundation to the highest level of professional
competence. Senior awards, at levels 4 to 8, recognise outstanding achievement in industry,
commerce and the public services. They offer a progressive vocational, rather than academic,
route to professional qualifications. An indication of the different levels and their significance is
given below.

NQF level City & Guilds Other qualifications

8 Fellowship (FCGI) Doctorate
7 Membership (MCGI) Master’s Degree
Master Professional Diploma Postgraduate Diploma
Level 5 vocational awards Postgraduate Certificate
NVQ/SVQ Level 5
6 Graduateship (GCGI) Bachelor’s Degree
Associateship (ACGI)** Graduate Certificate and Diploma
5 Level 5 IVQ Advanced Technician Higher National Diplomas
Diploma Foundation Degree
Full Technological Diploma Diplomas of Higher and Further
4 Licentiateship (LCGI) Certificate of Higher Education
Higher Professional Diploma
Level 4 vocational awards
NVQ/SVQ Level 4
3 Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma A Level
Level 3 IVQ Specialist Advanced Scottish Higher
Diploma*** Advanced National Certificate in
Level 3 IVQ Technician Diploma Education
Level 3 vocational awards BTEC National Certificate/Diploma
NVQ/SVQ Level 3
2 Level 2 IVQ Diploma GCSE grades A*-C
Level 2 IVQ Specialist Diploma*** Scottish Intermediate 2/Credit S
Level 2 IVQ Technician Certificate Grade
Level 2 vocational awards BTEC First Certificate
NVQ/SVQ Level 2
1 Level 1 IVQ Certificate GCSE grades D-G
Level 1 vocational awards Scottish Intermediate 1/General S
NVQ/SVQ Level 1 Grade
Scottish Access 1 and 2
* Broad comparability in level.
**Only graduates of the City & Guilds College, Imperial College of Science, Technology and
Medicine, are awarded the Associateship (ACGI).
*** Part of a new qualification structure which is being introduced across the IVQ provision.
NVQ – National Vocational Qualifications.
IVQ – International Vocational Qualifications.

6 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

2 About the qualifications
2.1 Aim of the qualifications

City & Guilds has designed the Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)
qualifications for those delivering training or employed in post-16 education and training. These
qualifications aim to reflect the international nature of the knowledge, skills and activities needed
for different countries, cultures and industries.

These qualifications provides essential knowledge and practical teaching, training and assessing
learning skills for the following:
• candidates who already have an introductory teaching and supporting learning qualification
and would like to progress further
• teachers or those training and assessing learning who want to improve their knowledge and
• experienced teaching staff who require continuing professional development in teaching,
training and assessing learners
• candidates who require a qualification to improve their knowledge and skills to prepare for a
higher level of teaching, training and assessing learners
• centres who wish to run a teaching, training and assessing learning qualification for their
current staff to support existing courses
• opportunities for gaining individual units which are relevant to their current role (eg Internal
Verification, Assessing Competence, Coaching and Mentoring, E-Learning, Management of

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 7

2 About the qualifications
2.2 The structure of the qualifications

There are two qualification diploma routes that are available to candidates by centres, depending
on candidate requirements and experience.

• Accreditation number -500/5753/4 (1106-21) Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma

• Accreditation number-500/5751/0 (1106-22) Level 3 IVQ Specialist Advanced Diploma

Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma (1106-21)

This comprises of five core units with associated practical activities, a written holistic report and a
multiple choice examination (D100) which covers the theory of teaching, training and assessing
learning. All parts of the qualification must be completed and passed for the candidate to be
successful for the full qualification.
Level 3 IVQ Specialist Advanced Diploma (1106-22)
Candidates may progress from the Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma to the Level 3 IVQ Specialist
Advanced Diploma by completing two additional units from the seven optional units 106-112 within
three years of completing the Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma route.

Please note Certificate of Unit Credits (CUC’s) will not be issued for either of the above
qualification routes.

Qualification routes for standalone qualifications

Specialist optional units can also be done independently as stand alone qualifications, for each of
which a full certificate will be issued. They may only be achieved by candidates currently in their
place of work. Please see the IVQ qualification chart identifying the qualification routes which are

8 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 9
Minimum guided learning hours
City & Guilds does not specify the exact amount of time required to complete the qualification, but
recommends that the minimum guided learning hours for the Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma and
Level 3 IVQ Specialist Advanced Diploma should be as follows:

Unit QCA unit Unit title Recommended guided

number reference learning hours
101 M/502/2627 Identifying learners’ needs Minimum 15 hours
102 T/502/2628 Plan and prepare learning Minimum 20 hours
103 A/502/2629 Delivering learning Minimum 30 hours
104 M/502/2630 Assess learning outcomes Minimum 25 hours
105 T/502/2631 Evaluation of sessions and learning Minimum 10 hours
106 A/502/2632 Witness testimony in teaching, Minimum 25 hours
training and assessment
107 F/502/2633 Coaching and mentoring in teaching, Minimum 25 hours
training and assessment
108 J/502/2634 E learning in teaching, training and Minimum 25 hours
109 L/502/2635 Management of training programmes Minimum 25 hours
110 R/502/2636 Assessing competence Minimum 25 hours
111 Y/502/2637 Quality assuring competence based Minimum 25 hours
programmes – Internal
112 D/502/2638 Quality assuring competence based Minimum 25 hours
programmes – External (City & Guilds
branches only)
Unit Assessment title Duration of
number examination

100 N/A Teaching and Supporting Learning 1 ½ hours


To achieve the full Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning the
minimum recommended guided learning hours amount to 100 hours.

To achieve the full Level 3 IVQ Specialist Advanced Diploma in Teaching, Training and Assessing
Learning the minimum recommended guided learning hours amount to 150 hours.

Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma and IVQ Specialist Advanced Diploma

The two qualifications can be offered to candidates by centres, depending on candidate
requirements and experience. There are also a number of optional units which can be offered as
part of an individual’s Continuous Professional Development (CPD) activity.

The difference between the Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma and IVQ Specialist Advanced Diploma is
that the IVQ Specialist Advanced Diploma requires more units, allowing a candidate to demonstrate
greater knowledge and skills over a range of roles which link to the candidate’s work practice.

The Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma comprises five core units with associated practical activities, a
written report and a multiple choice examination (D100) which covers the theory of teaching,
training and assessing learning. All parts of the qualification must be completed and passed for the
candidate to be successful.

10 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

All candidates must take the synoptic multiple choice test (D100) to achieve the IVQ Advanced
Diploma qualification.

Candidates may progress from the Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma to the IVQ Specialist Advanced
Diploma by completing two additional units from the seven optional units 106 – 112 within three
years of completing the Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma. The five core units from the Level 3 IVQ
Advanced Diploma and all optional units have practical tasks and there is a multiple choice
examination covering the theory of the core units. All optional units have written knowledge
questions which must be successfully completed.

Please note that units 110,111 and 112 can only be achieved by candidates who are
currently in this role. Unit 112 can only be taught and assessed by a City & Guilds office.
Full details of the requirements for the Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma and IVQ Specialist Advanced
Diploma can be found under Section 2.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 11

2 About the qualifications
2.3 Relevant sources of information

Related publications
City & Guilds also provides the following documents specifically for these qualifications:

Publication Available from

Specimen examination paper Qualification Handbook

Qualification handbook with assessment and recording forms Qualification Handbook and
City & Guilds website
Centre guide – Delivering International Qualifications - This International branch offices,
document contains detailed information about the processes City & Guilds website and our
which must be followed and requirements which must be met to Customer Relations team in
achieve ‘approved centre’ status, or to offer a particular the London office.
qualification. It also contains regulations for the conduct of
examinations and pro formas.

There are other City & Guilds documents which contain general information about City & Guilds
• International catalogue (CD-00-1112). This document provides a detailed list of all
international qualifications and an examination calendar
• Preparing projects and portfolios for international qualifications. This document is a useful
guide for centre staff and for candidates
• Guide to the assessment of practical skills in international vocational qualifications. This
document offers advice for centre staff on planning and conducting practical assessments.

For the latest updates on our publications and details of how to obtain them and other City & Guilds
resources, please refer to the City & Guilds website.

12 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Candidate entry requirements and progression
There are no formal entry requirements for candidates undertaking these qualifications. However,
candidates should have a reasonable level of language and literacy skills in English.

In order to undertake the Level 3 IVQ Specialist Advanced Diploma it is necessary to have achieved
the Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning.

Candidates should have a recognised qualification at the right level for the country in the subject
that they are teaching/training. Without evidence of formal qualifications, candidates must be able
to demonstrate adequate prior knowledge and experience necessary to complete the course at
Level 3. Centres are advised that they check candidates own qualifications and experience to teach
and support learners (see section 2.1). This should be recorded as part of initial assessment.

Candidates should have a teaching position or work placement in order to achieve the practical
aspect of the qualifications.

Accreditation of prior learning and experience

Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) and Accreditation of Prior Experience and Learning (APEL) are
approaches used to recognise the contribution a person’s previous experience might contribute to
a qualification.

There is no accreditation of prior experience and learning for the Level IVQ Advanced Diploma and
IVQ Specialist Advanced Diploma in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning except:
• where a candidate is entering for the Level 3 IVQ Specialist Advanced Diploma having
achieved the Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma within the last three years
• where a candidate has gained the International Diploma in Teaching and Training (1104-02)
within the last two years, they will be exempt from the five core units of the Level 3 IVQ
Advanced Diploma and progress directly to the IVQ Specialist Advanced Diploma
• there is no APL for holders of the International Certificate in Training Skills (1104)

Accreditation on the National Qualifications Framework

The Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma and IVQ Specialist Advanced Diploma are accredited at Level 3
of the National Qualifications Framework of England, Wales and Northern Ireland (NQF).

Age restrictions and legal considerations

The expected minimum age limit attached to candidates undertaking the qualifications is 18, unless
there is a requirement by local, regional or national law. Centres are responsible for ensuring
compliance with all local, regional and national legislation which may affect delivery of the

Candidates must have appropriate entry qualifications (see section 3).

The qualifications provide a number of opportunities for progression both within the City & Guilds
framework of qualifications and those available in the country that offers it.

Prior to taking the qualification, candidates may have completed the Introductory Award in Training
Skills (1106-01) and /or the Level 2 IVQ Diploma in Training Skills (1106-02).

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 13

Progression from the Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma to the IVQ Specialist Advanced Diploma is by
the candidate completing two optional units within three years of gaining the Level 3 IVQ Advanced
Diploma. This allows the candidate to either achieve a qualification that meets his/her developing
role within the organisation, or can be part of his/her Continuous Personal Development (CPD). It
also allows for a wider demonstration and acquisition of knowledge and skills.

Approved centres may deliver units 106-111 as standalone qualifications for those candidates who
would benefit from improving their skills.

Please note candidates must achieve all units within the Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma before they
progress to the IVQ Specialist Advanced Diploma. They cannot progress on the basis of less than
the 5 units 101 – 105 plus the synoptic multiple choice test (D100).

Within the country or industry the Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma and/or the Level 3 IVQ Specialist
Advanced Diploma may meet the prerequisite required for initial teacher training of the vocational
post-16 education/training system. Each centre offering the qualification will be able to advise
candidates either at the start or completion of the qualification.

Centres will be able to advise candidates about the requirements for initial training of the vocational
post-16 education / training system in their country.

14 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

3 Centre requirements
3.1 Obtaining centre and qualification approval

Only approved organisations can offer City & Guilds qualifications. Organisations approved by City &
Guilds are referred to as centres.

Centres must meet a set of quality criteria including:

• provision of adequate resources, both physical and human
• clear management information systems
• effective assessment and quality assurance procedures including candidate support and
reliable recording systems.

An organisation that has not previously offered City & Guilds qualifications must apply for approval
to become a centre. This is known as the centre approval process (CAP). Centres also need
approval to offer a specific qualification. This is known as the qualification approval process
(QAP). In order to offer these qualifications, organisations which are not already City & Guilds
centres must apply for centre and qualification approval at the same time. Existing City & Guilds
centres will only need to apply for qualification approval for these particular qualifications.

Full details of the procedures and forms for applying for centre and qualification approval are given
in Centre guide - Delivering International Qualifications, which is available from International branch
offices, the City & Guilds website or the Customer Relations team in our London office.

City and Guilds international branch offices will support new centres through the approval process.
They will appoint an External Verifier. They will also provide details of fees applicable for approvals.
The local office will be the point of contact for all enquiries for these qualifications and will be
responsible for monitoring the delivery and assessments through reports submitted by External
Verifiers. They will be the first point of contact for any enquiries regarding the multiple choice

Assessments must not be undertaken until qualification approval has been obtained and candidates
have been registered.

City & Guilds reserves the right to withdraw qualification or centre approval for reasons of debt,
malpractice or non-compliance with City & Guilds’ policies, regulations, requirements, procedures
and guidelines, or for any reason that may be detrimental to the maintenance of authentic, reliable
and valid qualifications or that may prejudice the name of City & Guilds. Further details of the
reasons for suspension and withdrawal of approval, procedures and timescales, are contained in
Centre guide – Delivering International Qualifications.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 15

3 Centre requirements
3.2 Fast track approval

Centres approved to offer the following qualifications may apply for approval for the Level 3 IVQs in
Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) using the fast track form available from City &
Guilds international offices or downloadable from the City & Guilds website
• International Certificate in Training Skills (1104-01)
• International Diploma in Teaching and Training (1104-02).

Centres may only use this form if they meet all of the approval criteria specified in the fast track form
and its guidance notes.

Centres may use the fast track form for 12 months from the introduction of the Level 3 IVQs in
Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) in their country.

16 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

3 Centre requirements
3.3 Global online assessment (GOLA)

Currently, there is no mechanism in place for global online assessment for the Level 3 IVQs in
Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106). However, City & Guilds is proposing to introduce
online assessment for the multiple choice examination as soon as practicable. Approved centres will
be notified accordingly.

Further information about global online assessment is available on the City & Guilds website

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 17

3 Centre requirements
3.4 Resource requirements

Physical resources
Centres wishing to use this qualification as the basis for a course of instruction must review this
handbook and ensure that they have the staff and access to sufficient equipment in the centre or
workplace so that candidates have the opportunity to cover all of the activities of the qualification. It
is acceptable for centres to use specially designated areas within a centre if the candidate does not
have a work placement.

Where facilities do not exist for realistic practical work it is strongly recommended that centres
develop links with local organisations to provide opportunities for ‘hands-on’ experience.

Centre staff
Centre staff must satisfy the requirements for occupational expertise for these qualifications. Staff
should be technically competent and experienced in the units for which they are delivering,
teaching, training and assessing learning. Unit 112 can only be taught and assessed by a City &
Guilds office.

Continuing professional development (CPD)

Centres are expected to support their staff in ensuring that their knowledge of the units and of best
practice in delivery, mentoring, assessment and verification remains current, and takes account of
any national or legislative developments.

Further details of centre staff roles are provided under Section 2 Key Roles in Centre Guide –
Delivering International Qualifications.

18 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

3 Centre requirements
3.5 Registration and certification

Full details of City & Guilds’ administrative procedures for these qualifications are provided in the
International catalogue (CD-00-1112), and are provided online to City & Guilds registered centres via
the Walled Garden. This information includes:
• registration procedures
• enrolment numbers
• entry for examinations
• conduct of examinations
• claiming certification.

Centres should be aware of the time constraints regarding the registration and certification periods
for the qualifications, as specified in the City & Guilds International catalogue (CD-00-1112). Centres
should follow all guidance carefully, particularly noting that registration and certification end dates
for the qualifications are subject to change. Candidates should be registered as near to the start
date of the programme as possible.

Centres may obtain information about fees for these qualifications from City & Guilds International

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 19

3 Centre requirements
3.6 Quality assurance

Internal quality assurance

Approved centres must have effective quality assurance systems to ensure optimum delivery and
assessment of qualifications. Full information is provided in Centre Guide – Delivering International

Quality assurance includes initial centre approval, qualification approval and the centre’s own
internal procedures for monitoring quality. Centres are responsible for internal quality assurance,
and City & Guilds is responsible for external quality assurance.

International standards and rigorous quality assurance are maintained by the use of:
• City & Guilds externally set and externally marked multiple choice examination for the core
• City & Guilds activities, assessed by the centre according to externally set evidence
• externally set and internally marked knowledge questions for each optional unit
• internal (centre) quality assurance
• City & Guilds external verification.

To meet the quality assurance criteria for these qualifications, the centre must ensure that the
following internal roles are undertaken:
• Assessment Manager
• Tutor/Assessor
• Internal Verifier Co-ordinator (for larger centres)
• Internal Verifier
• Examinations Secretary
• Invigilator (see role specification in Centre guide – Delivering International Qualifications).

Full details and guidance on the internal and external quality assurance requirements and
procedures, are provided in Centre Guide – Delivering international qualifications together with full
details of the tasks, activities and responsibilities of quality assurance staff.

In order to fully support candidates, centres are required to retain original copies of candidates’
assessment and internal verification records for three years after certification.

The following is a summary of the key roles involved in the successful implementation and
assessment of the scheme. (Please refer to the Centre Guide – Delivering International
Qualifications for further information).

The role of the Internal Verifier (IV) is to ensure that:

• they liaise with City & Guilds personnel
• there are adequate resources, both staff and materials
• each candidate undergoes an initial assessment and induction, leading to an agreed
Individual Learning Plan (ILP) / action plan
• the work of all personnel contributing to the delivery and assessment of the programme is
sampled by a range of methods

20 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

• records of all sampling activities are monitored and maintained
• where several members of staff are involved in the delivery/assessment of the qualification,
that there is a consistent interpretation of the requirements through standardisation
activities and that these are documented
• all staff carrying out delivery and assessment are familiar with and understand the unit
• an appropriate referral policy is in place
• an appropriate appeals procedure in place
• candidate evidence is clearly organised and accessible to the internal and external verifier
• relevant records and pro formas are completed and maintained.

The role of the Tutor/Assessor is to:

• plan, manage, deliver and assess the qualification
• devise a suitable programme for delivery/assessment of the core and optional units
• ensure that each candidate is aware of the assessment requirements throughout their
programme of learning
• provide guidance and support to candidates on the assessment and evidence requirements
for each unit
• ensure that the assessment and evidence requirements have been met by the candidate
• observe delivered sessions or nominate a suitable observer, maintaining details of all
Nominated Observers
• complete relevant records and pro formas

The role of the Nominated Observer is to:

• ensure that they are familiar with the requirements of the units
• observe delivered sessions according to the evidence requirements
• complete and maintain relevant records and pro formas and pass to the Assessor
• liaise with the Assessor.

All staff should participate in appropriate Continuous Professional Development (CPD), to

keep up to date with the delivery of the qualification and their role.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 21

External quality assurance
External Verifiers are appointed by City & Guilds to approve centres, and to monitor the assessment
and internal quality assurance carried out by centres. External verification is carried out to ensure
that assessment is fair, valid, consistent and reliable, and that there is good assessment practice in
centres to enable candidates to meet the requirements of the qualification.

To carry out their quality assurance role, External Verifiers must have appropriate occupational and
verification knowledge and expertise for the qualifications for which they verify. City & Guilds
External Verifiers attend training and development sessions designed to keep them up-to-date, to
facilitate standardisation between verifiers and to share good practice. External Verifiers are
encouraged to take Unit 112 Quality assurance – external. Please contact your local City & Guilds
office for further details.

External Verifiers:
The role of the External Verifier is to:
• make approval visits/recommendations (where necessary) to confirm that centres can
satisfy the approval criteria
• help centres to develop internal assessment and evidence evaluation systems that are fair,
reliable, accessible and non-discriminatory
• ensure that internal verifiers are undertaking their duties satisfactorily
• check initial assessment records
• monitor internal quality assurance systems and sampling, including direct observation,
assessment activities, methods and records
• approve centre devised model answers to knowledge questions
• sample knowledge answers, reports and evidence requirements
• check claims for certification to ensure they are authentic, valid and supported by auditable
• act as a source of advice and support to centres, including help with interpretation of
• promote best practice
• provide prompt, accurate and constructive feedback to all relevant parties on the operation
of centres’ assessment systems
• confirm that centres have implemented any corrective actions required
• report back to City & Guilds’ head office or the relevant branch office
• maintain records of centre visits and make these available for auditing purposes.

External quality assurance for the qualifications will be provided by the usual City & Guilds external
verification process and reported on using relevant documentation to provide a risk analysis of
individual centre assessment and verification practice.

22 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

4 Course design and delivery

Recommended delivery strategies

Centre staff should familiarise themselves with the structure, content and assessment requirements
of the qualifications before designing a course programme.

Provided that the requirements for the qualifications are met, centres may design course
programmes of study in any way that they feel best meets the needs and capabilities of their
candidates. Centres may wish to include topics as part of the course programme, which will not be
assessed through the qualifications for example to address local, organisational or government
needs. Provided the aims, outcomes and knowledge requirements are met, centres have the
flexibility to deliver the qualification in as many hours as they deem appropriate.

Minimum guided learning hours

These figures are a guide to the amount of time during which a candidate will be expected to
achieve the knowledge and evidence requirements involved for each unit. This does not have to be
solely class contact time, but can combine class time, tutorials, self study, research and if available
e-learning. Providing the aims, outcomes and knowledge requirements are met, centres have the
flexibility to deliver the qualification in as many hours as they deem appropriate.

Qualification guidance packs

City & Guilds has produced qualification guidance packs to assist with the delivery and management
of the qualification. They cover the key roles of:
• Tutor
• Assessor
• Nominated Observer
• Internal Verifier.
The purpose of the packs is to provide additional information that will help with the management of
the qualification, not be prescriptive as to how it should be run. Centres are strongly recommended
to consider the information when planning, delivering, assessing and quality assuring the
qualification. Centres have the flexibility to choose their own approach to meet their candidates and
own needs and to build on their own good practice.

Relationship to other qualifications

City & Guilds recommends centres address the wider curriculum, where appropriate when
designing and delivering the course. Areas that centres should consider are:
• language skills
• literacy skills
• numeracy skills
• ICT skills
• professional values and practice
• relevant cultural, social, local, moral and spiritual issues
• Introductory Award in Training Skills (1106-01)
• Level 2 IVQ Diploma in Training Skills (1106-02).

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 23

Data protection and confidentiality
Centres offering these qualifications may need to provide City & Guilds with personal data for staff
and candidates. Centres will need to abide by the legal requirements of the country that they
operate in. Centres and staff will be expected to maintain the confidentiality required by the laws
and policies of national governments and the centres that offer the qualifications.

Health and safety

The requirement to follow safe working practices is an integral part of all City & Guilds qualifications
and assessments, and it is the responsibility of centres to ensure that all relevant health and safety
requirements are in place before candidates commence the programme.

Should a candidate fail to follow health and safety practice and procedures during an assessment,
the assessment must be stopped. The candidate should be informed that they have not reached the
standard required to successfully pass the assessment and told the reason why. Candidates may
retake the assessment at a later date, at the discretion of the centre. In case of any doubt, guidance
should be sought from the external verifier.

Initial assessment and induction

Centres will need to make an initial assessment of each candidate prior to the start of their
programme. Candidates should have a reasonable level of English language and literacy skills.

The initial assessment should identify any specific training needs the candidate has, and the support
and guidance they may require when working towards their qualification. The results of initial
assessment will assist centres and tutors with the design and delivery of the courses to meet the
particular needs of their candidates for both the class based and practical aspects of the course. An
example pro forma is supplied in the appendices. Records must be maintained.

Centres should provide an induction programme to ensure the candidate fully understands the
requirements of the qualifications they will work towards, their responsibilities as a candidate, and
the responsibilities of the centre. It may be helpful to record the information as part of the learning
contract/individual learning plan.

Equal opportunities
It is a requirement of centre approval that centres have an equal opportunities policy (see Centre
Guide – Delivering International Qualifications).

The regulatory authorities require City & Guilds to monitor centres to ensure that equal opportunity
policies are being followed.

The City & Guilds equal opportunities policy is set out on the City & Guilds website, in Centre Guide –
Delivering International Qualifications, in the International catalogue (CD-00-112), and is also
available from the City & Guilds Customer Relations department.

Access to assessment
City & Guilds’ guidance and regulations on access to assessment are designed to facilitate access
for assessments and qualifications for candidates who are eligible for adjustments to assessment
arrangements. Access arrangements are designed to allow attainment to be demonstrated. For
further information, please see Access to assessment and qualifications, available on the City &
Guilds website, and in Centre Guide – Delivering International Qualifications.

24 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Results and certification
All candidates for City & Guilds qualifications receive a Notification of Candidates Results giving
details of their performance.
All activities are marked on a pass, refer or fail basis, the report on a pass, refer or fail basis and
the multiple choice examination on a pass or fail basis. To achieve the Level 3 IVQ Advanced
Diploma candidates must successfully complete all practical activities of the five units plus the
multiple choice examination and holistic report.

Where candidates have successfully completed units 110, 111 and 112 a certificate will be issued
separate to the Level 3 IVQ Specialist Advanced Diploma. These units can only be achieved by those
currently in their place of work.

The administrative arrangements for registering and certificating candidates are clearly outlined in
the Centre guide – Delivering international qualifications.

The Notification of Candidates Results, full Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma certificate and full Level 3
IVQ Specialist Advanced Diploma certificate will be issued by City & Guilds to the centre for award to
successful candidates. Centres are required to use form S, tick Results submission for components
and enter each component number claimed followed by P. For further information please refer to
the international catalogue and centre guide. Any enquiries about results and certification must be
conducted through the candidate’s centre.

Centres will also receive a consolidated results list detailing the performance of all candidates they
enter, whether they are successful or not.

Further information about the issue of results and certification for centres is available online at
www.cityandguilds.com or by contacting the City & Guilds Operations Support Service enquiries
team (contact details are available in the appendices of Centre Guide – Delivering International

Centres must have their own, auditable, appeals procedure that must be explained to candidates
during their induction. Appeals must be fully documented by the quality assurance co-ordinator and
made available to the external verifier or City & Guilds.

Further information on appeals is given in Centre Guide – Delivering International Qualifications.

There is also information on appeals for centres and learners on the City & Guilds website or
available from the Customer Relations department.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 25

Learning and support resources
City & Guilds provides the following resources for the Level 3 IVQ in Teaching, Training and
Assessing Learning (1106).
Resources How to access (Appendices to this
qualification handbook (EN-031106)
Test specification Appendix 1
Key words and terms (Glossary) Appendix 2
Reading list Appendix 3
Sample multiple choice paper/keys Appendix 4
Guidance for report production (units 101- Appendix 5
Summative evidence record – Core units Appendix 6
Summative evidence record – Specialist units Appendix 7
Initial assessment Appendix 8
Pro formas* Appendix 9


Guidance for Tutors

Guidance for Assessors
Guidance for Nominated Observers
Guidance for Internal Verifiers
Guidance for External Verifiers.

*Pro formas
City & Guilds strongly recommends the use of pro formas from this handbook and the Centre Guide
– Delivering International Qualifications. However, centres may use their own documents, in
agreement with their External Verifier, providing all criteria are met.

26 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

5 Assessment
5.1 Summary of assessment requirements

For these qualifications, candidates will be required to complete the following assessments:

Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106-21)
• Specified assessment activities which are externally set and internally marked plus one
summative multiple choice examination covering units 101 to 105 which is mandatory plus a

Level 3 IVQ Specialist Advanced Diploma in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning
• Specified assessment activities which are externally set and internally marked plus one
summative multiple choice examination covering units 101 to 105 plus a report plus
specified assessment activities and knowledge questions for the chosen optional units.

Centres must use the externally set activities provided within the qualification. The outcomes
should be recorded on the pro formas provided and assessed using the evidence requirements.
Centres should maintain a summary record for each candidate, tracking their progress throughout
the qualification (pro formas are provided in Appendices 6 and 7).

Completion of practical activities

Each unit has several activities which form the evidence requirements. These can be completed in
any order, but centres will be expected to organise the activities in a logical order according to the
readiness of the candidates and the course timetabling eg with regard to work placements, visits
etc. Time limits for the activities may be decided between the Assessor and candidate; however,
these should be realistic.

All activities must be successfully completed by the candidate to pass each unit. Activities cannot
be changed by the centre. All activities must be the candidate’s own work.

Grading of the activities, report and knowledge questions is pass, refer or fail. Where a candidate
is deemed a refer, it is recommended they may only attempt an activity on one other occasion (after
a period of seven days). If a candidate fails an activity, they automatically fail the unit. They may
achieve unit accreditation for any other successful units from the Specialist Advanced Diploma
(options) route.

Please refer to the evidence requirements sheets within each unit. The candidate can record the
dates the activities were completed on these sheets. The Tutor/Assessor must use the summative
assessment record to track each candidate’s progress. These records must be maintained by the
Tutor and candidate (see Appendices 6 and 7).

City & Guilds strongly recommends the use of the pro formas supplied for use with the activities.
Further pro formas are provided within the Centre Guide to Iinternational Qualifications. If the
centre wishes to use its own documentation it should be agreed with the External Verifier.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 27

Multiple choice examination
This will be set and marked by City & Guilds. Please refer to the International catalogue (CD-00-
1112) for further details and dates. This test consists of 50 questions to be completed within the
duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes. If a candidate fails they will be required to make a re-entry for
another series of examination.

Knowledge questions (Level 3 IVQ Specialist Advanced Diploma route)

Each optional unit has a set of knowledge questions. All questions must be successfully answered
by the candidate to achieve a pass. Grading of the questions is pass, refer or fail. Where a
candidate is deemed a refer, they may reattempt the unsuccessful questions on one other occasion
(after a period of seven days). If a candidate fails the knowledge test, they automatically fail the unit.
City & Guilds does not specify a word count; however, centres should ensure candidates answer all
questions in a concise manner.

Centres must use their professional judgement when administering the knowledge questions. They
can be completed individually by the candidate outside of class time. They do not have to be
completed under examination conditions within the centre. Candidates may refer to their notes or
relevant text books. There is no time limit for completion of the knowledge questions, however, it
should be realistic.

Centres must use their professional judgement when marking the knowledge answers. Alternative
answers may be given by the candidate which are equally valid. For further advice and guidance
contact your External Verifier. City & Guilds require centres to produce specimen knowledge
answers for all specialist route knowledge questions. These must be approved by the External

Verification of practical activities and knowledge questions

A sample of practical activities, reports and knowledge answers must be internally and externally

Centres should ensure that all practical activities plus the report and knowledge questions are
sampled for each group of candidates.

Candidate portfolio
Candidates must maintain a portfolio of evidence towards the units. Appendices 6 and 7 should be
completed on an ongoing basis.

A section can then be created within the portfolio for each unit, with the evidence requirements’
sheets, activities, reports and knowledge answers (optional units only) filed within it.

Candidates’ portfolios must be available for internal and external verification.

Sample assessments
A sample summative multiple choice question paper can be downloaded from the City & Guilds
website (www.cityandguilds.com) and a copy is included in the appendices of this qualification

Time constraints
The following time constraints must be applied to the assessment of these qualifications:
• the multiple choice examination will take one hour and thirty minutes in total to
• internal assessment activities – where candidates have not successfully completed all
the evidence requirements and/or all the knowledge questions for the optional units they
are deemed as refer. If a candidate has taken an activity and been unsuccessful, he or she

28 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

can retake a subsequent version at the discretion of the centre. Centres are advised to use
their professional judgement when agreeing to re-assess (it is recommended that a
candidate may only attempt an activity twice). All records regarding previous attempts must
be kept.
• centres are advised to use their professional judgement to administer the knowledge
questions for the optional units. (This can be carried out by candidates outside of class
time). All knowledge questions must be successfully answered to achieve a pass. A sample
will be checked by the External Verifier. Where candidates have not successfully answered
all knowledge questions or completed the report, they may reattempt the unsuccessful
areas on one other occasion after a period of seven days.
• centres are advised to use their professional judgement when administering and marking
the report. Guidance is given in Appendix 5. All sections of the report must be successfully
answered to achieve a pass.

Grading and marking

Grading of activities for these qualifications is pass, refer or fail. Please refer to the evidence
requirements/product evidence pro forma for each unit.

The results for the summative multiple choice examination are pass or fail. The multiple choice
examination will incur an additional component registration D100 and fee charge.

Regulations for the conduct of examinations

Regulations for the conduct of examinations for online and written examinations are given in Centre
Guide – Delivering International Qualifications. Centres should ensure they are familiar with all
requirements prior to offering assessments.
Invigilation arrangements for the multiple choice examination
There must be a minimum of one invigilator in each examination room for every 30 candidates.
Further details on the invigilation arrangements for the multiple choice examination are provided in
Centre Guide – Delivering International Qualifications, under Examination regulations. Centres
should ensure they are familiar with all requirements prior to offering assessments.

Test specifications
A test specification for the summative multiple choice examination is provided in Appendix 1 of this

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 29

6 Units

Structure of units
The units in this qualification are written in a standard format and comprise the following:
• title
• unit reference
• aim
• learning outcomes
• minimum guided learning hours
• assessment
• examples of teaching and learning methods
• summary of knowledge requirements.

30 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 101 Identifying learners’ needs

The aims of this unit are to enable the candidate to develop the necessary knowledge and
understanding of the principles of learning and the application of these to learners and must include
the following:
• identify the principles of learning, teaching and training
• recognise the basis for individual differences in learning and how this influences the delivery
of learning
• identify the importance of communication skills.

Learning outcomes
There are three outcomes to this unit. The candidate will be able to:
• describe the learning environment and the identification of good and bad learning
• explain the importance of learning styles
• carry out a diagnostic meeting with a learner resulting in a learning plan.

Minimum guided learning hours

It is recommended that a minimum of 15 hours should be allocated for this unit. This may be on a
full-time or part-time basis.

This unit will be assessed by:
• completion of practical activities to cover the evidence requirements and
• a summative multiple choice test covering the underpinning knowledge of all five core units
• a report.

Examples of teaching and learning methods

Ice breaker activities, group discussions, tutor presentations, completion of learning-style
questionnaires, workshop activities and research activities.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 31

Unit 101 Identifying learners’ needs
Summary of knowledge requirements

Centres should include the following in the delivery of this unit:

• the teaching/training cycle
• learning styles
• the principles of learning
• individuals’ views about their needs based on valid and reliable assessment of all relevant
• identify learning needs and any initial recommendations on ways of meeting them
• initial assessment and the importance of checking prior learning.

32 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 101 Identifying learners’ needs
Knowledge requirements

The Tutor must ensure that the candidate has knowledge of:
Key areas Additional information
1.1 Teaching/training cycle Identifying learners’ needs
Planning and preparation
Delivery of learning
1.2 Learning styles Visual, Aural, Read/write and Kinesthetic (VARK)
1.3 Principles of learning Motivation, product and process models
1.4 Initial assessment Knowledge and experience in relation to
programme being undertaken
1.5 Identifying learning needs On job, off job, group learning, individual’s
learning, private study, open or distance learning,
lectures, participative methods, degree of
individuals’ confidence/expectations and any
barriers to learning
1.6 Diagnostic meeting Prepare suitable venue for interviewing, access
suitable internal/external materials which can
assist individuals to identify their learning
requirements. Use of information leaflets
1.7 Managing a diagnostic meeting, Select appropriate communication styles with
identifying learning, training and individuals, review current competence, strengths
development needs and areas for development, assess the gap
between current skills, knowledge and learning
and what is needed
1.8 Action planning Summarising and agreeing a learning plan.
Preferred course of action, other acceptable
options, type, content, length and structure of
recommended course of other provision,
preferred learning styles, preferred mode of
attendance, individuals’ special requirements
1.9 Completing records and pro Different ways of storing securely, written records
formas. Ensuring correct storage in filing cabinets, computer records on hard, CD-
and conformity to protection of ROM or floppy disk
personal information and any
data protection legislation.
Identifying relevant sources and
make recommendations
1.10 Interviewing and questioning Pace of information, level of language used,
techniques different questioning techniques – open, closed,
probing, hypothetical and leading questions,
listening and feedback skills.
Check previous learning records, certificates,
knowledge and experience of previous or current

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 33

1.11 Evaluating information acquired Making a decision based on information acquired
by the interviewer to suit the individual’s needs and the centre’s
ability to fulfil these needs
1.12 Resources to provide learning Type of resources:
Staffing, accommodation, special requirements,
equipment, finance, any special individual
requirement eg childcare, language and cultural

34 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 101 Identifying learners’ needs
Evidence requirements

Product The evidence must include Date In preparing the evidence Tutor/
evidence the following your Tutor/Assessor will Assessor
consider how you used the checked
One plan for a Plan for a diagnostic meeting. • a variety of
diagnostic It is expected that this will communication methods
meeting with a show:
learner • the suitability of the venue
• materials to be used
• how the needs of the
individual are to be
• a variety of methods of
communication to be used
One learning Learning Plan on the • information acquired and
plan on the outcomes of the diagnostic how this influenced the
outcomes of the meeting. It is expected that plan
diagnostic this will show:
meeting • how the needs of the
individuals can be met in
relation to the organisation
and facilities available
A holistic report – Identify a good and a bad • both a good and a bad
(see Appendix 5) learning experience in terms of learning experience in
the teaching/training cycle terms of the
teaching/training cycle
components of
identifying needs,
planning and design,
delivery, assessment
and evaluation
• how these experiences
will influence future
teaching practice
• learning styles principles
of learning
Note: you are advised to use the pro formas supplied in the IVQ in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning
(1106) Qualification Handbook and Centre Guide – Delivering International Qualifications
Date unit completed
Candidate’s name Candidate’s signature Date
Tutor’s name Tutor’s signature Date

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 35

Unit 102 Plan and prepare learning

The aims of this unit are to enable the candidate to develop the necessary knowledge and
understanding of the principles of planning and preparing teaching/learning sessions for individuals
and groups and must include the following:
• describe the required outcomes of learning
• plan and structure teaching/learning and assessment activities
• select and develop resources to support learning
• devise an appropriate learning programme (minimum of three linked sessions)
• write session/learning plans
• plan evaluation.

Learning outcomes
There are six outcomes to this unit. The candidate will be able to:
• write learning aims and objectives
• produce a learning programme
• produce session plans
• structure the plans in a way that encourages, consolidates and assesses learning
• select and adapt appropriate resources
• plan for evaluation.

Minimum guided learning hours

It is recommended that a minimum of 20 hours should be allocated for this unit. This may be on a
full-time or part-time basis.

This unit will be assessed by:
• completion of practical activities to cover the evidence requirements and
• a summative multiple choice test covering the underpinning knowledge of all five core units
• a report.

Examples of teaching and learning methods

Tutor presentations, tutorials, discussion groups, workshop activities, presentations, reading and

36 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 102 Plan and prepare learning
Summary of knowledge requirements

Centres should include the following in the delivery of this unit:

• the use of ‘SMART’ learning objectives
• design principles in creating a logical and progressive learning programme and session
• criteria for identifying resources to meet the different needs of learners and the learning
• resources and their use in the teaching/learning environment
• formative and summative assessment of learners
• evaluation of sessions and self
• methods of checking and consolidating learning.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 37

Unit 102 Plan and prepare learning
Knowledge requirements

The Tutor must ensure that the candidate has knowledge of:
2.1 Writing aims and objectives for a Type of learners (age, background, skills,
learning programme and session experience), focused on a particular group
plans Difference between learning programme and
session plan. Difference between aims and
objectives, how they relate to each other,
SMART characteristics
2.2 Identifying and selecting Plan a range of teaching/learning methods for
appropriate teaching and individuals and groups eg using formal and
learning methods informal methods. Compliance with local health
and safety regulations
2.3 Identifying and selecting Staffing eg tutors, support staff, visiting
relevant resources and materials speakers
Equipment eg machinery, tools, computers
Accommodation eg classroom, workshop
Materials eg written worksheets, handouts,
textbooks, ICT produced materials, board and
Cost implications to meet budget requirements
2.4 Adapting resources and Equipment, accommodation and materials best
materials suited for:
learning sessions
aims and objectives
learners’ needs and capabilities
previous learning preferences
meeting learning session aims and objectives
2.5 Obtaining resources within the Staffing eg tutors, support staff, visitors
organisation Equipment eg machinery, tools, computers
Accommodation eg classroom, workshop
Materials eg written worksheets, handouts,
textbooks, ICT produced materials, board and
2.6 Preparing a learning programme Programme and session aims
Learning objectives
Learning outcomes
Formative and summative assessment
2.7 Preparing structured plans from Timing, objectives/learning outcomes,
a learning programme resources, teacher activities, learner activities,
assessment, and other topics as appropriate

38 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

2.8 Planning and preparing for the Devise appropriate evaluative methods for
evaluation of sessions feedback from:
Learners eg oral feedback, written feedback
(evaluation sheets), relevance of session
content to session aims and objectives,
effectiveness of teaching/learning style and
Others eg oral/written/questionnaire
Self evaluation – strengths, areas for
development, action required:
• what went well?
• what would you do to improve?
• how do you know learning took place?

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 39

Unit 102 Plan and prepare learning
Evidence requirements

Product The evidence must Date In preparing the evidence your Tutor/
evidence include the following Tutor/Assessor will consider how Assessor
you used the following checked
One learning Learning programme • progression between sessions
programme – it is expected that
for a minimum this will show:
of three • dates of sessions
sessions • outcomes,
activities, resources
and assessment
Two session Session plan – it is • relation of objectives to aim
plans for the expected that these • SMART characteristics
delivery of will show:
learning • a range of teaching and learning
• where and when methods
sessions the sessions are to
Note: these take place and
plans are to number in group
be used in • session title
Unit 103
• aims and objectives
of the session
• timing, activities
and assessment
A holistic Describe the materials, • materials/resources/activities
report – (see activities and selected and why these are to
Appendix 5) resources to be used be used or adapted
during • how the choice is identified to
teaching/training meet the needs of the learners

Note: you are advised to use the pro formas supplied in the IVQ in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning
(1106) Qualification Handbook and Centre guide – Delivering international qualifications

Date unit completed

Candidate’s name Candidate’s signature Date
Tutor’s name Tutor’s signature Date

40 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 103 Delivering learning

The aims of this unit are to enable the candidate to develop the necessary knowledge and
understanding of delivering teaching/learning sessions and must include the following:
• use of appropriate training, learning and teaching techniques and methods
• establish and maintain an effective learning environment
• apply assessment and feedback techniques.

Learning outcomes
There are three outcomes to this unit. The candidate will be able to:
• deliver a planned teaching/learning session
• manage the teaching/learning environment
• demonstrate effective communication skills.

Minimum guided learning hours

It is recommended that a minimum of 30 hours should be allocated for this unit. This may be on a
full-time or part-time basis.

This unit will be assessed by:
• completion of practical activities to cover the evidence requirements and
• a summative multiple choice test covering the underpinning knowledge of all five core units
• a report.

Examples of teaching and learning methods

Tutor presentations, role-play, candidate presentations, discussion, tutorials, peer and tutor

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 41

Unit 103 Delivering learning
Summary of knowledge requirements

Centres should include the following in the delivery of this unit:

• how to create an appropriate learning environment
• the appropriateness of resources and activities for different types of learning
• how to create a good working relationship with learners
• effective communication
• how to present, instruct and demonstrate to individuals and groups
• how to manage potential distractions and interruptions
• how to include individual needs and differences
• ways of providing feedback and self review.

42 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 103 Delivering learning
Knowledge requirements

The Tutor must ensure that the candidate has knowledge of:
3.1 Creating and adapting a Workshop space, classroom, laboratory, training
suitable location complying room, workplace, specialised accommodation (ie
with all local health and safety computer room), arranging seating and room
regulations furniture
3.2 Introducing aims and These should be clearly stated and presented
3.3 Using techniques to put Greet learners individually, use first names (if
learners at ease applicable), use open body language, give each
learner time and attention, use suitable ice-breakers
and induction programme, setting ground rules
3.4 Presenting information in a Presentations - formal input, informal, encouraging
logical and timed sequence interaction between the presenter and the learners
Information - factual, principles, ideas
Logical sequence - following the order of the aims
and objectives of the presentation, reinforcing and
building as each point is made
3.5 Delivering and presenting Know the needs and capabilities of learners.
information appropriately Presentation of information taking into account
previous learning and learning preferences, pacing
and timing, pedagogy and andragogy
3.6 Using appropriate resources Equipment, materials, models, books, ITC etc
3.7 Encouraging learners to Use appropriate questioning techniques and involve
participate in the session all learners
Groups – ensure each group has a spokesperson,
allocate roles if necessary, question group members,
identify non-participating group members and
involve them
3.8 Organising group activities Briefing learners including rules and SMART
objectives, resources, provide ongoing support,
conduct plenary session incorporating
2-way feedback and conclusions
3.9 Using different techniques to Encouraging learners to develop the points made by
clarify understanding and verbal/non verbal responses, by additional visual
modify the session as aids, descriptions and written responses (eg
appropriate handouts). Checking learners’ understanding and
adapting the presentation in response to
learners’ reactions and questions
3.10 Identifying barriers to learning Internal barriers eg previous experience of learning
and communication and motivation, individual confidence, resistance to
instruction, appropriate level of teaching/instruction.
External barriers eg suitability of learning
environment, interruptions, disruptions, noise, visual

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 43

3.11 Communicating effectively to Take account of learners’ verbal and non-verbal
learners in an appropriate communication eg body language, facial
manner expressions, use of hands, body posture, their
seating position in the group. Be aware of factors
that motivate individuals to learn eg effective
tutor/teacher skills, importance of being well
prepared, effective communicator, set SMART
objectives. Appropriate manner eg pace of
information, level of language used
3.12 Minimising distractions and Internal factors eg individual confidence, delivery
interruptions method not matching learning styles, personality
clashes and cultural factors
External factors eg the environment, disruptions,
noise distractions, visual distractions and
3.13 Giving support to learners Confirm when learners are successful, correct errors
and give encouragement. Allow and support
individual differences
3.14 Giving constructive feedback Feedback given positively to learners used as a basis
to the learners to plan future group or individual learning, improve
3.15 Summarising and concluding Refer to aims and objectives, agree any additional
each session learning points made and summarise each session
3.16 Self review Reflect on sessions delivered.

44 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 103 Delivering learning
Evidence requirements

Product The evidence must Date In preparing the evidence Tutor/

evidence include the following your Tutor/Assessor will Assessor
consider how you used checked
the following
Two session Session plans – it is • Preparation of session
plans for the expected that these will plans
delivery of show: • Evaluation of your
learning • plans for assessing delivery
sessions with learners (linked to unit
completed self 104)
Note: these
plans are the
two plans
developed in
Unit 102
Two Observation report - it is • presentation of the
observation expected that this will show: session – information
reports of the • how you delivered the given in a logical, timed
learning session sequence
sessions • communication with
delivered. • the interpersonal skills
you used when working learners
These should
be completed with the learners • management of the
by the Tutor or • how you assessed and environment
by a person gave feedback to your • assessment and
nominated by learners (linked to unit feedback
the Tutor such 104)
as your line Note: these reports will be
manager completed by the
Tutor/Nominated Observer
A holistic Describe the materials, • how effective the
report – (see activities and resources to resources/materials/act
Appendix 5) be used during ivities were to the
teaching/training sessions sessions and the
• how a variety of
methods are used

Note: you are advised to use the pro formas supplied in the IVQ in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning
(1106) Qualification Handbook and Centre Guide – Delivering International Qualifications

Date unit completed

Candidate’s name Candidate’s signature Date
Tutor’s name Tutor’s signature Date

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 45

Unit 104 Assess learning outcomes

The aims of this unit are to enable the candidate to develop the necessary knowledge and
understanding of identifying the range of assessment methods available in teaching/learning and
must include the following:
• describe different methods of assessment available in teaching/learning
• design and use an appropriate assessment activity.

Learning outcomes
There are three outcomes to this unit. The candidate will be able to:
• identify and describe a range of assessment methods
• use an assessment activity
• record and use results appropriately.

Minimum guided learning hours

It is recommended that a minimum of 25 hours should be allocated for this unit. This may be on a
full-time or part-time basis.

This unit will be assessed by:
• completion of practical activities to cover the evidence requirements and
• a summative multiple choice test covering the underpinning knowledge of all five core units
• a report.

Examples of learning/teaching methods

Group discussions, tutorials, tutor presentations, workshop activities, reading and research

46 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 104 Assess learning outcomes
Summary of knowledge requirements

Centres should include the following in the delivery of this unit:

• principles of assessment
• initial, formative and summative assessment types
• assessment methods
• assessment decisions and giving feedback
• the need to keep accurate records.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 47

Unit 104 Assess learning outcomes
Knowledge requirements

The Tutor must ensure that the candidate has knowledge of:
4.1 Principles of assessment Valid - content appropriate to objectives or outcomes
being assessed
Authentic - candidate’s own work
Reliable and consistent - maintains performance over
Current - evidence is relevant at time of assessment
Sufficient - enough evidence presented for all objectives
or outcomes to be assessed
Objective - use of test, examination and questions/papers
Subjective - criteria not specified
4.2 Identifying learning objectives From a qualification/syllabus handbook, from learning
and outcomes programme and session plans. From those set by the
organisation or other external agency (ie an examination
board or awarding body). SMART
4.3 Selecting appropriate Initial, formative and summative assessment. Methods
assessment methods and types relevant to outcomes/objectives being assessed.
Selecting cost effective methods – equipment/materials,
time and personnel
4.4 Selecting naturally occurring Activities undertaken as part of the learner’s normal
work activities work function, in the workshop or classroom as part of
normal coursework. Use non-disruptive assessment
methods where possible.
Use supplementary questions to cover any aspect not
clearly demonstrated and observed, to clarify any
possible gaps in evidence, to cover knowledge evidence
not demonstrated, if appropriate to cover range
4.5 Taking account of special First language, literacy problems, numeracy problems,
requirements lack of confidence, cultural factors and other special
needs (ie physical disabilities, behavioural problems)
4.6 Briefing, agreeing and This should include details of:
completing an assessment plan name of learner, time and place and date of assessment,
where required objectives, outcomes and competences to be assessed.
Agreed assessment methods, materials to be used and
review date. Seeking the agreement of the learner to the
assessment process
4.7 Conducting an assessment by Assessment methods eg tests (written and oral)
using the assessment method observations of performance, reports, questioning the
chosen, conforming to any learner, assignments, practical tasks, essays etc
specific assessment
4.8 Minimising distractions and Internal factors eg individual confidence, resistance to
interruptions assessment, instructions too complex or simplistic for
learners’ ability
External factors eg suitability of the environment for
assessment, disruptions, noise, visual distractions

48 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

4.9 Making assessment decisions Structured to match the objectives, outcomes and
and giving constructive competences being assessed. Positive, highlighting what
feedback was successful and achieved, indicating action for any
aspects not achieved and agreeing timescales or review
as necessary.
Dealing with complaints and appeals from learners.

4.10 Completing, passing on and Confirm the outcome and all recorded entries with the
storing records, pro formas and learner. Pass records to next stage in the organisation if
checklists applicable. Store records to comply with any legal
4.11 Collating records and other Records eg formative, summative, observations (ie from
information made since last practical activities), checklists
assessment Other information eg records of informal assessments
made since last assessment, (ie interview notes).
Information of learners’ views about their achievement.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 49

Unit 104 Assess learning outcomes
Evidence requirements

Product The evidence must include the Date In preparing the Tutor/
evidence following evidence your Assessor
Tutor/Assessor will checked
consider how you
used the following
Two plans for Assessment plans – it is • principles of
conducting expected that these will show: assessment
assessment • the method and types of • methods of
assessment you plan to use assessment
Note: these • the learning outcome or • naturally occurring
should be planned objectives to be assessed work activities
prior to delivering
• the needs of individual • interaction
the learning
learners between you and
sessions and link
to units 102 and • how you involved the learners your learners to
103 and sought their agreement check their
Two observations Observation of feedback - it is • constructive
of how you gave expected that this will show: feedback
feedback to • how you used the constructive • records –
learners feedback model with your completed and
Note: the learner passed if required
observation may • how you sought their to another person,
be undertaken by agreement to what had been stored
the Tutor or by a achieved and what further appropriately
person nominated actions needed to be
by the Tutor and undertaken
can be carried out
at the same time Note: this report will be completed
as the observation by the Tutor/Nominated Observer
for unit 103

A holistic report- Explain principles • principle eg VACSR

(see Appendix 5) and types of • methods used for subject area eg
assessment questioning etc and the reasons why
• explanation of type eg initial,
formative, summative

Note: you are advised to use the pro formas supplied in the IVQ in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning
(1106) Qualification Handbook and Centre Guide – Delivering International Qualifications
Date unit completed
Candidate’s name Candidate’s signature Date
Tutor’s name Tutor’s signature Date

50 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 105 Evaluation of sessions and learning

The aims of this unit are to enable the candidate to develop the necessary knowledge and
understanding of evaluation and must include the following:
• self evaluation
• evaluation of sessions and learning programmes
• identifying areas for development and improvement.

Learning outcomes
There are four outcomes to this unit. The candidate will be able to:
• identify and describe appropriate methods of evaluation
• apply evaluation methods to sessions and learning programme
• reflect on their own learning and practice
• action plan for their own development.

Minimum guided learning hours

It is recommended that a minimum of 10 hours should be allocated for this unit. This may be on a
full-time or part-time basis.

This unit will be assessed by:
• completion of practical activities to cover the evidence requirements and
• a summative multiple choice test covering the underpinning knowledge of all five core units
• a report.

Examples of teaching and learning methods

Tutor presentation, group discussions, tutorials, workshop activities, reading and research,
activities and role-play.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 51

Unit 105 Evaluation of sessions and learning
Summary of knowledge requirements

Centres should include the following in the delivery of this unit:

• evaluation methods for self, session and programme
• principles of reflective practice
• ways of reviewing own practice
• sources available for own development
• methods of action planning.

52 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 105 Evaluation of sessions and learning
Knowledge requirements

The Tutor must ensure that the candidate has knowledge of

5.1 Learners and session Group or individual
Methods of evaluation Formal eg written, questionnaire
Informal eg discussion with learners (group or
Analysing information Valid and reliable information, quality and
SMART objectives Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and
Time bound
5.2 Evaluating sessions and learning Aims, objectives, outcomes and competences.
programmes Delivery and assessment methods, resources
and timing. Learners’ feedback including results.
Propose revisions and improvements
5.3 Self evaluation Principles of reflective practice:
Who, what, when, where, why and how
Identification of start point and progress towards
end goal. Personal development journals, logs,
diaries, notes; need for improvement
5.4 Action planning for personal Action plan should use ‘SMART’ objectives and
development use information from a variety of sources eg
peers, professional colleagues, staff appraisals,
review with programme tutor and learners
5.5 Identifying barriers to self Barriers eg own self-confidence, organisational
achievement constraints, financial implications, time,
availability of opportunity, distance
considerations and personal circumstances
5.6 Awareness of relevant trends Possible changes and trends in longer term
thinking and policies. Short, medium and long
term targets.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 53

Unit 105 Evaluation of sessions and learning
Evidence requirements

Product The evidence must Date In preparing the evidence Tutor/

evidence include the following your Tutor/Assessor will Assessor
consider how you used the checked
One personal Personal action plan - it is • the evidence used for the
action plan for expected that this will show: action plan
your • an identification of your • any barriers identified which
development starting point may not allow you to reach
• strengths your own goal
• areas for development • the use of SMART objectives
for plan and self
• action and
improvements required
A holistic Evaluate the delivered • the self evaluation section
report (see sessions and self to inform of the session plans,
Appendix 5) future delivery completed after each
delivered session
• the feedback from the
• the methods used for
delivery and assessment
and how effective these
• the methods of evaluation
used with learners during
the delivered sessions for
example questionnaires,
discussions and how this
information was analysed
• how all the above
information will inform
future delivery

Note: you are advised to use the pro formas supplied in the IVQ in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning
(1106) Qualification Handbook and Centre Guide – Delivering International Qualifications

Date unit completed

Candidate’s name Candidate’s signature Date
Tutor’s name Tutor’s signature Date

54 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 106 Witness testimony in teaching, training and

This unit can only be achieved by candidates who currently are involved in witness testimony in
their place of work. If a candidate is completing this unit as part of the Specialist Advanced Diploma
(1106-22) it will be recorded on their final certificate. Evidence from other units within 1106 cannot
be used for this unit.
A certificate for Witness testimony in teaching, training and assessment will be issued for
candidates who successfully complete the full unit and register separately under the relevant
program of study (1106-83).

The aims of this unit are to enable the candidate to develop the necessary knowledge and
understanding for the use of witness testimonies and must include the following:
• identifying opportunities for confirming competence of learners and staff
• observing learners and staff towards agreed standards or outcomes
• giving feedback to learners and staff
• maintaining records.

Learning outcomes
There are five outcomes to this award. The candidate will be able to :
• support learners and staff
• prepare and use an observation checklist
• confirm competence in the workplace by observation and questioning
• give feedback on performance to learner and third party eg assessor
• maintain relevant records.

Minimum guided learning hours

It is recommended that a minimum of 25 hours should be allocated for this unit. This may be on a
full-time or part-time basis.

This unit will be assessed by:
• completion of practical activities to cover the evidence requirements and
• completion of knowledge questions.

Examples of teaching and learning methods

Tutor presentation, group discussions, tutorials, workshop activities, reading and research,
activities and role-play.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 55

Unit 106 Witness testimony in teaching, training and
Summary of knowledge requirements

Centres should include the following in their delivery of this unit:

• the role of the witness
• identifying standards to be witnessed
• how to provide opportunities for confirming competence in the workplace by observation
• the importance of questioning to confirm underpinning knowledge
• identification of tasks and which aspects of competence they meet
• making decisions and giving feedback
• the need to keep accurate records
• liaison with third parties.

56 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 106 Witness testimony in teaching, training and
Knowledge requirements

The Tutor must ensure that the candidate has knowledge of

6.1 The role of the witness Supporting learners and staff towards an agreed qualification,
set of standards or outcomes
Liaising with other witnesses involved with the learner/staff
member and the assessor of the qualification if relevant
Preparation and completion of relevant records
6.2 Identifying standards and From a qualification/syllabus handbook /learning programme
outcomes From those set by the organisation or other external agency (ie
an examination board or awarding body)
6.3 Selecting appropriate Activities undertaken as part of the learner/staff member’s
methods to confirm normal work function
competence Use non-disruptive methods where possible eg observation
Use questions to cover knowledge evidence not demonstrated
– either written or oral
Selecting cost effective methods – equipment/materials, time
and personnel
6.4 Producing and using an Based around the standards/outcomes to be assessed
observation checklist Identifying relevant tasks and opportunities
Ensuring authenticity of learner/staff member’s work
6.5 Taking account of special First language, literacy problems, numeracy problems, lack of
observation requirements confidence, cultural factors and other special needs (ie physical
disabilities, behavioural problems)
Ensuring fairness of observation method and type to suit
individual learner/staff member
Ensuring health and safety of learner/staff member
6.6 Minimising distractions and Internal factors eg individual confidence, resistance to
interruptions observation, instructions too complex or simplistic for
learner/staff member’s ability
External factors eg suitability of the environment for
observation, disruptions, noise, visual distractions
6.7 Confirming decisions Basing a decision upon competence demonstrated towards the
relevant standards or outcomes, plus others if these occurred
during the observation process
Complaints and appeals procedures
6.8 Giving constructive feedback Structured to match the standards or outcomes being
Positive, highlighting what was successful and achieved,
indicating action for any aspects not achieved and agreeing
timescales as necessary
Encouraging learner/staff member to ask questions

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 57

6.9 Completing and storing Confirming the standard or outcomes and completing an
records and checklists observation checklist, witness testimony and witness status list
Recording responses to questions
Storing records to comply with any legal requirements
6.10 Providing information to third Providing information and records to supervisors and/or
parties assessors.

58 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 106 Witness testimony in teaching, training and
Knowledge questions for this unit

6.1 What do you consider to be the role of the witness?

6.2 What documentation will you refer to, to identify the standards to be observed or outcomes
you will be observing?
6.3 What methods would you use to confirm competence of your learner/staff member?
6.4 Why would you use an observation checklist?
6.5 How do you ensure learners with individual needs and special assessment requirements are
observed fairly? How can you ensure the health and safety of all those involved in the
observation process?
6.6 How could you minimise distractions and interruptions during the assessment process?
6.7 How do you reach a decision of competence? What if your learner appealed against your
6.8 Why is it important to give constructive feedback?
6.9 How would you store relevant records at your organisation and why?
6.10 How and why do you communicate with the learner/staff member’s assessor and any others
who might be involved?

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 59

Unit 106 Witness testimony in teaching, training and
Evidence requirements

Product The evidence must include Date In preparing the Tutor/

evidence the following evidence your Assessor
Tutor/Assessor will checked
consider how you
used the following
Two observation Observation checklists • preparation and
checklists for two Both checklists are to be content of
different designed and used by the observation
learners/staff candidate to cover agreed checklists
members standards or outcomes with • use of naturally
their learners/staff members occurring work
• consideration of
health and safety
and other
One witness Witness status list • involvement of
status list • This should show the and liaison with
completed by the relationship of the witness others
candidate to the learner/staff
member and the
qualification and include
other witnesses involved
Two witness Witness testimonies • how you made
testimonies These should confirm success your decisions
or otherwise towards the • use of constructive
standards or outcomes feedback
observed and include
• records – how
responses to questions
completed and/or
passed on to
Responses to Responses to knowledge
knowledge questions
questions Responses to knowledge
questions will be marked by
your Tutor/Assessor

Note: you are advised to use the pro formas supplied in the IVQ in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning
(1106) Qualification Handbook and Centre Guide – Delivering International Qualifications

Date unit completed

Candidate’s name Candidate’s signature Date
Tutor’s name Tutor’s signature Date

60 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 107 Coaching and mentoring in teaching, training
and assessment

This unit can only be achieved by candidates who currently coach and mentor in teaching, training
and assessing learning in their place of work. If a candidate is completing this unit as part of the
Specialist Advanced Diploma (1106-22) it will be recorded on their final certificate. Evidence from
other units within 1106 cannot be used for this unit.
A certificate for Coaching and mentoring in teaching, training and assessment will be issued for
candidates who successfully complete the full unit and register separately under the relevant
program of study (1106-84).

The aim of this unit is to enable the candidate to develop the necessary knowledge and
understanding of coaching and mentoring and must include the following:
• identifying individual needs and learning styles
• preparing coaching and mentoring plans
• checking the suitability of the environment
• coaching and mentoring in order to fulfil the plans
• giving support and feedback.

Learning outcomes
There are three outcomes to this award. The candidate will be able to:
• plan and facilitate sessions to meet learner’s needs
• review individual learning
• support and advise learners to achieve their targets.

Minimum guided learning hours

It is recommended that a minimum of 25 hours should be allocated for this unit. This may be on a
full-time or part-time basis.

This unit will be assessed by:
• completion of practical activities to cover the evidence requirements and
• completion of knowledge questions.

Examples of teaching and learning methods

Tutor presentation, group discussions, tutorials, practical demonstration, peer and tutor feedback,
reading and research, activities and role-play.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 61

Unit 107 Coaching and mentoring in teaching, training
and assessment
Summary of knowledge requirements

Centres should include the following in the delivery of this unit:

• the needs and learning styles of learners undergoing coaching and mentoring
• how to create plans for learners
• environment and resources for the delivery of effective coaching and mentoring
• the coaching and mentoring process
• how to support learners
• ways of providing feedback
• self review.

62 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 107 Coaching and mentoring in teaching, training
and assessment
Knowledge requirements

The Tutor must ensure that the candidate has knowledge of

7.1 Identify learners’ needs and Existing knowledge and experience

learning styles References and reports
Abilities and disabilities
Current support network
On the job/off the job
Barriers to learning
Learning styles – visual, aural, read/write and
kinaesthetic (VARK)
7.2 Preparing coaching and Aims and objectives
mentoring plans Skills analysis
Suitable environment and equipment
Involvement of others
Creating plans (coaching and mentoring)
Setting targets and timescales
7.3 Environment Realistic work situations
Health and safety
Room – accessible, comfortable and secure
Minimising distractions and interruptions
7.4 Resources Appropriate staff
Equipment and resources relevant to the task
Accessible, within budget
Comprehensive sources for guidance
Current IT facilities if applicable
7.5 Coaching Style appropriate to learning objectives/outcomes and
Process and product models
SMART objectives
Demonstration techniques for one-to-one or small
group coaching
Timing and sequencing
Guidance and support
Making decisions and providing feedback
Recording results and maintaining records
7.6 Mentoring Roles, relationships and expectations
Agree aims, timescales, targets
Agree boundaries
Communication styles
Recording discussions and maintaining records

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 63

7.7 Support Guidance and support skills
Removal of distractions
Identify relevant sources of support
Confidentiality and ethics
Develop confidence, decision making and
responsibility (the candidate and their learner)
Ensure viable relationships
Identify additional support if necessary eg literacy,
Referral to others if applicable
7.8 Review Regular checks of learner progress
Review targets
Monitor and record progress
Sustain motivation
Alter sessions and approach as necessary
Involve others where necessary
Self-review – principles of reflective practice,
evaluation of coaching and mentoring sessions
7.9 Feedback Regular, unbiased, confidential
Positive and constructive
Check targets and action plans
Confirm results and quality of work
Record agreed results and future targets/action.

64 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 107 Coaching and mentoring in teaching, training
and assessment
Knowledge questions for this unit

7.1 When preparing for a coaching or mentoring session how do you ensure you know enough
about your learner?
7.2 What are the main aspects of a coaching and mentoring plan?
7.3 What environmental or other factors are likely to inhibit learning during a coaching and
mentoring session and how would you overcome them?
7.4 What resources would you need for coaching and mentoring and why?
7.5 What makes a successful coaching session?
7.6 Why is it important to agree boundaries and confidentiality in a mentoring session?
7.7 How do you encourage a learner to recognise they may need support? How could you then
help them?
7.8 How and why would you carry out a review of progress with a learner?
7.9 How should you provide feedback to maintain a learner’s motivation?

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 65

Unit 107 Coaching and mentoring in teaching, training
and assessment
Evidence requirements

Product evidence The evidence must include the Date In preparing the Tutor/
following evidence your Assessor
Tutor/Assessor will checked
consider how you
used the following
One coaching plan Coaching plan and mentor • learning
for one learner agreement – it is expected that needs/styles
Plus these will show: • objectives and
One mentoring plan • how you identified learners’ targets to be
for one learner needs and learning styles achieved
• aims, objectives/outcomes • resources and
• how you negotiated and sources of support
sought the learners’
agreement to the plan
One review of Review of progress - it is • frequency of
progress with a expected that these will show: meetings
learner who you • summary of • review dates
have coached discussion/achievement • activities achieved
Plus • any support required against the plan
One review of
• how you negotiated the next • decisions/results
progress with a
steps with your learner indicating learners’
learner who you
have mentored progress
• revise targets
for achievement
One observation Observation of review - it is • planning for the
report of you expected that this will show: session
undertaking a review • the interpersonal skills you • preparation of the
session with one of used when reviewing the environment
your learners progress of the learner • conducting the
Note: the • how you encouraged the session
observation may be learner to identify their
undertaken by the • reviewing and
achievements and what they recording the
Tutor or by a person need to do now
nominated by the outcome
Responses to Responses to knowledge
knowledge questions
questions Responses to knowledge
questions will be marked by your

Note: you are advised to use the pro formas supplied in the IVQ in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning
(1106) Qualification Handbook and Centre Guide – Delivering International Qualifications

Date unit completed

Candidate’s name Candidate’s signature Date
Tutor’s name Tutor’s signature Date

66 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 108 E-learning in teaching, training and

This unit can only be achieved by candidates who have access to e-learning facilities. Their learners
must be studying in an e-learning context (on-site and online).
This unit can only be achieved by candidates who currently are involved in E-learning in teaching,
training and assessing learning in their place of work. If a candidate is completing this unit as part of
the Specialist Advanced Diploma (1106-22) it will be recorded on their final certificate. Evidence
from other units within 1106 cannot be used for this unit.
A certificate for E-learning in teaching, training and assessment will be issued for candidates who
successfully complete the full unit and register separately under the relevant program of study

The aim of this unit is to enable the candidate to develop the necessary knowledge and
understanding for using e-learning and must include the following:
• identifying opportunities for e-learning
• using e-learning systems and equipment
• facilitating e-learning activities
• assessing e-learning
• giving feedback to learners and maintaining records.

Learning outcomes
There are four outcomes to this award. The candidate will be able to:
• use e-learning systems and equipment
• plan and facilitate sessions for on-site and online learning
• communicate, support, assess and give feedback to learners
• maintain relevant records and communicate with third parties.

Minimum guided learning hours

It is recommended that a minimum of 25 hours should be allocated for this unit. This may be on a
full-time or part-time basis.

This unit will be assessed by:
• completion of practical activities to cover the evidence requirements and
• completion of knowledge questions.

Examples of teaching and learning methods

Tutor presentations, tutorials, discussion groups, workshop activities, presentations, reading,
research and on-site/online facilities.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 67

Unit 108 E-learning in teaching, training and
Summary of knowledge requirements

Centres should include the following in their delivery of this unit:

• identifying qualifications suitable for e-learning (on-site and online)
• how to use e-learning systems, equipment and platforms
• planning, facilitating and assessing e-learning sessions
• communicating with learners
• the need to keep accurate records
• liaison with third parties.

68 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 108 E-learning in teaching, training and
Knowledge requirements

The Tutor must ensure that the candidate has knowledge of:
8.1 The role of the Identifying opportunities suitable for
e-tutor/assessor e-learning which support the activities of the
qualification or standards
Giving ongoing support to learners to enhance their
learning through ILT
Liaising with others involved with the learner and
learning process
Competence at using computers,
e-learning systems, multimedia, relevant resources
and equipment
Creating a learning environment eg a physical setting
or a virtual setting eg platform
8.2 Planning e-learning activities Use of ILT, ICT, IT and VLE within the organisation’s
learning environment (see glossary) eg interactive
systems, CD-ROM, presentation software, web
conferencing, other media eg wireless devises etc
Use of online and remote/distance learning via the
internet or intranet (logging on to a public or private
network) eg virtual classroom (see glossary)
Planning asynchronous and synchronous learning (see
8.3 Encourage learners to use Help learners identify their learning needs and styles
e-learning through the use of ILT eg flexible learning, on-site or
online (see glossary)
Preparing session plans to incorporate
e-learning for on-site learning
Preparing learning plans based on the needs of the
learner and the agreed standards
Learner motivation
8.4 Provide ILT materials to Develop or adapt learning materials for use with
support learning individuals and groups based around the agreed
qualification requirements eg text based activities,
multimedia presentations
8.5 Facilitate group and individual Induction to e-learning, suitable ice-breaker activities
e-learning (on-site and online)
Two way communication (tutor/learner) – live chats,
weblogs (see glossary), e-mail
Promoting the use of online learning communities and
Interaction between learners
Evaluation of e-learning sessions

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 69

8.6 Assessing learners through Deciding suitable e-learning assessment methods eg
e-learning tests, questions, projects, assignments
Initial, formative and summative assessment
Validity, authenticity, currency, sufficiency, reliability of
learner’s work
Basing a decision upon competence demonstrated
Complaints and appeals procedures
8.7 Minimising distractions and Internal factors eg individual confidence, resistance to
interruptions e-learning, instructions too complex or simplistic for
learner’s ability
External factors eg suitability of the environment for e-
learning, disruptions, noise, visual distractions
8.8 Taking account of special First language, literacy problems, numeracy problems,
requirements lack of confidence, cultural factors and other special
needs (ie physical disabilities, behavioural problems)
Ensuring fairness of e-learning method to suit
individual learner eg use of font size, colours
Ensuring health and safety of learner
8.9 Giving constructive feedback Structured to match the standards being assessed
Positive, highlighting what was successful and
achieved, indicating action for any aspects not
achieved and agreeing timescales as necessary
Confirming competence or otherwise
Encouraging learner to communicate and ask
questions/clarify points
8.10 Completing and Tracking learner participation and achievement by the
saving/storing records use of ILT
Maintaining records to comply with any legal
8.11 Providing information to third Providing information, records and reports to others
parties for the purpose of confirming achievement of learners,
quality assurance and sharing good practice.

70 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 108 E-learning in teaching, training and
Knowledge questions for this unit

8.1 What do you consider to be the role of the e-tutor/assessor?

8.2 How can you effectively plan for e-learning both on-site and online?
8.3 How can you ensure that your learners are capable of using and benefiting from e-learning?
8.4 How can you develop or adapt learning materials for use with individuals and groups based
around the qualification requirements?
8.5 How can you best facilitate group and individual e-learning?
8.6 How can you ensure the authenticity of learners’ work via e-learning?
8.7 How do you minimise distractions and interruptions during an on-site e-learning delivery
8.8 How can you provide access to e-learning for learners with individual needs and special
8.9 Why is it important to give constructive feedback during on-site and online e-learning?
8.10 How can you track the individual participation and achievement of your learners for both on-
site and online learning and achievement?
8.11 Why is it important to maintain records for third parties?

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 71

Unit 108 E-learning in teaching, training and
Evidence requirements

Product evidence The evidence must include Date In preparing the evidence Tutor/
the following your Tutor/Assessor will Assessor
consider how you used checked
the following
Two session plans Session plans • preparation and content
for two different These should be for two of session plans
sessions of on-site different sessions that you • preparation and content
e-learning facilitate on-site within your of learning plans
organisation and include self
• preparation and content
evaluations (group and/or
of e-learning materials
one-to-one delivery)
One observation Observation report • facilitated group and
report by your Tutor This will be provided by your individual learning
or a person Tutor (or a person nominated • communication
nominated by your by your Tutor) using the
Tutor • assessment
observation report for one of
your sessions above
One learning plan Learning plan • communication and
for one learner This should be for one learner feedback
participating in an participating in online • involvement of and
online e-learning distance or remote e-learning liaison with others
programme and can be an electronic
• records – how completed
document or paper based
and/or passed on to
Two e-learning Learning
materials/resources materials/resources
One should be for a delivered
session on-site eg using
presentation software, the
other should be for online
learning eg text based activity
Responses to Responses to knowledge
knowledge questions
questions These will be marked by your

Note: you are advised to use the pro formas supplied in the IVQ in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning
(1106) Qualification Handbook and Centre Guide – Delivering International Qualifications

Date unit completed

Candidate’s name Candidate’s signature Date
Tutor’s name Tutor’s signature Date

72 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 109 Management of training programmes

This unit can only be achieved by candidates who currently manage training programmes in their
place of work. If a candidate is completing this unit as part of the Specialist Advanced Diploma
(1106-22) it will be recorded on their final certificate. Evidence from other units within 1106 cannot
be used for this unit.
A certificate for Management of training programmes will be issued for candidates who successfully
complete the full unit and register separately under the relevant program of study (1106-86).

The aim of this unit is to enable the candidate to develop the necessary knowledge and
understanding to manage training programmes and must include the following:
• designing a plan for delivery of a learning programme
• overseeing the delivery of the programme
• reviewing the effectiveness of the programme.

Learning outcomes
There are four outcomes to this award. The candidate will be able to:
• design a plan for delivery of a learning programme, to meet the organisation’s requirements
• identify resources for the programme
• manage and lead staff to deliver the programme
• review and evaluate the programme and staff.

Minimum guided learning hours

It is recommended that a minimum of 25 hours should be allocated for this unit. This may be on a
full-time or part-time basis.

This unit will be assessed by:
• completion of practical activities to cover the evidence requirements and
• completion of knowledge questions.

Examples of teaching and learning methods

Tutor presentation, discussion, role-play, peer and tutor feedback, reading and research, tutorials.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 73

Unit 109 Management of training programmes
Summary of knowledge requirements

Centres should include the following in their delivery of this unit:

• how to match the organisation’s ability to the needs of external agencies when identifying a
learning programme
• principles of planning a learning programme
• how to oversee the delivery of the programme ensuring it is costed and resourced correctly
• how to manage and lead staff
• ways of reviewing and evaluating the work of staff and the delivery of a programme.

74 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 109 Management of training programmes
Knowledge requirements

The Tutor must ensure that the candidate has knowledge of:
9.1 Organisation’s needs and Organisation’s mission and objectives
requirements Staffing expertise, organisation’s resources
Learner age groups
Labour market intelligence
Internal targets and benchmarking, performance
Funding requirements
Awarding/external body requirements
Employers’ needs
9.2 Designing a plan for delivery Accreditation and evaluation (internal and external)
of a learning programme Knowledge/skills – level, depth and breadth
Aims/objectives/outcomes to be achieved based upon
the awarding/external or internal requirements
Programme structure, timing and content
Rooms, resources and equipment
Delivery and assessment methods
9.3 Oversee the delivery of the Staffing and timetables
programme Planning and holding meetings
Evaluation processes
Internal and external verification processes
9.4 Resources Identify funding if applicable
Budget, monitor expenditure
Provide reports for audit and management
Resources required for training
Capital (including IT if applicable)
9.5 Manage and lead staff Identify suitable team of staff (experience and
qualifications – essential and desirable)
Devise timetables
Allocate workroles, key responsibilities and functions
of staff according to job specifications eg trainer,
assessor, internal verifier
Management and leadership skills
Motivation of staff
Monitor progress of programme, staff and learners
against targets
Identify Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
opportunities for staff
Deal with complaints, appeals and disputes
Communicate effectively with management and staff
Use of organisation’s intranet and e-mail if applicable
Respond to management requests

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 75

9.6 Review Review programme against identified targets and
Monitor and review the progress of staff
Appraisal and review skills
Feedback skills
Work within organisation’s quality framework
Implement revised programme outcomes if applicable
9.7 Evaluate Evaluate own performance
Oversee quality requirements of organisation
Evaluate programme delivery
Identify action and timescales
Monitor feedback from staff, learners and third parties
eg internal verifiers
Provide reports to management and/or third parties eg
external verifiers.

76 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 109 Management of training programmes
Knowledge questions for this unit

9.1 What information would you require to decide on the type of programme your organisation
should be providing?
9.2 When organising a plan for implementing a training programme, what do you need to
9.3 Why is it important to oversee the delivery of the programme from design to evaluation?
9.4 Why is it important to keep within your organisation’s budget constraints? What resources
do you need to effectively manage the learning programme?
9.5 What are the differences between essential and desirable roles in a job specification?
9.6 How would you monitor the progress of your staff when they are delivering a training
9.7 What are the quality frameworks that you will have to oversee for your training programme?
Why should you evaluate the training programme? Why should you evaluate yourself?

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 77

Unit 109 Management of training programmes
Evidence requirements

Product evidence The evidence must Date In preparing the evidence Tutor/
include the following your Tutor/Assessor will Assessor
consider how you used the checked
One written report Report for programme • market intelligence/ research
for the delivery of a delivery - it is expected • logical development of
learning programme that this will show: subject
• what it is and who it is
• validation and
body requirements
• key content/subject
• staff and resources
• costs
• delivery and evaluation


One written report Written report - It is • efficient utilisation of staff

on how you manage expected that this will and resources
a team of staff show how you: • costings for the programme
delivering a • allocate staff roles and
programme • methods of evaluation
expertise to match the
programme content • staff audit – current and
• identify duties and key
responsibilities • matching of skill to
programme requirement
• use communication
systems, eg meetings, • effective communication to
intranet, e-mail, etc inform and motivate
• plan training and CPD • knowledge of internal and
for staff external verification
• implement quality

78 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Product evidence The evidence must Date In preparing the evidence Tutor/
include the following your Tutor/Assessor will Assessor
consider how you used the checked
One observation Observation of review - • planning for the review
report of you It is expected that this will • conducting the review to
undertaking a review show: encourage maximum
session with one of • the interpersonal skills participation and agreement
your team members you used when • recording of the review
(this could be a reviewing the progress
simulation if with a member of staff
candidate does not • how you encouraged
currently hold line the staff member to
management evaluate their
responsibility for performance against
staff) key performance
• delivery and evaluation
Responses to Responses to
knowledge knowledge questions
questions Responses to knowledge
questions will be marked
by your Tutor/Assessor

Note: you are advised to use the pro formas supplied in the IVQ in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning
(1106) Qualification Handbook andCentre Guide – Delivering International Qualifications

Date unit completed

Candidate’s name Candidate’s signature Date
Tutor’s name Tutor’s signature Date

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 79

Unit 110 Assessing competence

This unit can only be achieved by candidates who currently assess competence-based outcomes in
their place of work. If a candidate is completing this unit as part of the Specialist Advanced Diploma
(1106-22) it will be recorded on their final certificate. Evidence from other units within 1106 cannot
be used for this unit.
A certificate of Assessing Competence will be issued for candidates who successfully complete the
full unit and register separately under the relevant programme of study (1106-93).

The aim of this qualification is to enable the candidate to develop the necessary knowledge and
understanding of the principles of assessing competence based outcomes and must include the
• identify the principles of assessment
• recognise and use different methods of assessment
• make assessment decisions against agreed competence based standards
• provide feedback to learners.

Learning outcomes
There are six outcomes to this qualification. The candidate will be able to:
• develop plans for assessing competence based outcomes with learners
• judge evidence against competence based outcomes in order to make assessment
• give feedback to learners on their achievement
• maintain relevant records
• review progress with learners
• provide information to an identified third party.

Minimum guided learning hours

It is recommended that a minimum 25 hours should be allocated for this unit. This may be on a full-
time or part-time basis.

This unit will be assessed by:
• completion of practical activities to cover the evidence requirements and
• completion of knowledge questions.

Examples of teaching and learning methods

Tutor presentations, tutorials, discussion groups, workshop activities, presentations, reading and

80 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 110 Assessing competence

Summary of knowledge requirements

Centres should include the following in their delivery of this unit:
• principles of assessment
• assessment methods for competence based outcomes
• making assessment decisions
• giving feedback to learners
• the need to keep accurate records
• liaison with third parties.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 81

Unit 110 Assessing competence
Knowledge requirements

The Tutor must ensure that the candidate has knowledge of:
10.1 Principles of assessment Valid - content appropriate to outcomes being
Authentic - candidate’s own work
Reliable and consistent - maintains performance over
Current - evidence is relevant at time of assessment
Sufficient - enough evidence presented for all
outcomes to be assessed
SMART targets – specific, measurable, achievable,
realistic and time bound
10.2 Identifying competence From a qualification/syllabus handbook /learning
based outcomes programme
From those set by the organisation or other external
agency (ie an examination board or awarding body)
10.3 Selecting appropriate Initial, formative and summative to assess
assessment methods for performance and knowledge
competence based outcomes Methods relevant to outcomes being assessed eg
observation, questions (written and oral) simulation,
witness testimony, professional discussion, prior
experience, projects, work products etc
Selecting cost effective methods –
equipment/materials, time and personnel
10.4 Assessing naturally occurring Activities undertaken as part of the learner’s normal
work activities work function
Use non-disruptive assessment methods where
Use supplementary questions to cover any aspect not
clearly demonstrated and observed, to clarify any
possible gaps in evidence, to cover knowledge
evidence not demonstrated, if appropriate to cover
range statements
10.5 Taking account of special First language, literacy problems, numeracy
assessment requirements problems, lack of confidence, cultural factors and
other special needs (ie physical disabilities,
behavioural problems)
Ensuring fairness of assessment method and type to
suit individual learner
Ensuring health and safety of learner

82 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

10.6 Briefing, agreeing and This should include details of:
completing an assessment name of candidate, time and place and date of
plan assessment, competences to be assessed, agreed
assessment methods, materials to be used and review
Seek the agreement of the learner to the assessment
Liaise with others involved with the learner for
example their supervisor at work
10.7 Conducting assessment Using the assessment methods chosen, conforming to
any specific assessment requirements
Ensuring authenticity of learner’s work
10.8 Minimising distractions and Internal factors eg individual confidence, resistance to
interruptions assessment, instructions too complex or simplistic for
learner’s ability
External factors eg suitability of the environment for
assessment, disruptions, noise, visual distractions
10.9 Making assessment decisions Basing a decision upon competence demonstrated
towards the relevant outcomes, plus other outcomes
if these occurred during the assessment process
Complaints and appeals procedures
10.10 Giving constructive feedback Structured to match the competences being assessed
Positive, highlighting what was successful and
achieved, indicating action for any aspects not
achieved and agreeing timescales or review as
Encouraging learner to ask questions
10.11 Completing and storing Confirming the outcome and completing assessment
records, pro formas and records
checklists Storing records to comply with any legal requirements
Records eg formative, summative, observations (ie
from practical activities), checklists, pro formas and
responses to questions
10.12 Carrying out reviews Collating information since the last
assessment/review, for example informal decisions
Obtaining learner’s views about their achievement
and discussing relevant issues relating to progress,
assessment and achievement
10.13 Providing information to third Standardising practice and assessment decisions with
parties other assessors
Providing information and records for the purpose of
internal and external quality assurance.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 83

Unit 110 Assessing competence
Knowledge questions for this unit

10.1 How can you ensure the authenticity of your learner’s work?
10.2 What documentation would you refer to, to identify the competence based outcomes you
will be assessing?
10.3 Describe six different methods of assessment and state how and why they could be used?
10.4 When and why would you use supplementary questions?
10.5 How do you provide access to assessment for learners with individual needs and special
assessment requirements? How can you ensure the health and safety of all those involved in
the assessment process?
10.6 Why would you agree an assessment plan with your learner?
10.7 How do you conduct the assessment process with your learner and any others who might
be involved?
10.8 How could you minimise distractions and interruptions during the assessment process?
10.9 How do you reach an assessment decision? What if your learner appealed against your
10.10 Why is it important to give constructive feedback? How would you develop an action plan
with your learner if they did not achieve the required outcomes?
10.11 How would you store assessment records at your organisation and why?
10.12 Why do you carry out reviews of progress with your learners?
10.13 What are the internal quality assurance arrangements in your organisation?

84 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 110 Assessing competence
Evidence requirements

Product The evidence must include Date In preparing the evidence Tutor/
evidence the following your Tutor/Assessor will Assessor
consider how you used the checked
Three Assessment plans • principles of assessment
assessment Over the three assessment • methods of assessment
plans for three plans you are expected to use
different learners • use of naturally occurring
a range of assessment
work activities
methods including
observation and questioning • involvement of others
• how you made your
assessment decisions
Feedback Feedback records • use of the constructive
records for the Assessment reports feedback model
three learners confirming competence, units
above awarded and any action
Review records Reviews • how you planned and
for two of the Summary of discussion carried out reviews of
above learners progress/action plans with
One observation Observation of feedback • records – how completed
of how you gave This will be provided by your and/or passed on to others
feedback to one Tutor using the observation
of your learners report provided for this unit.
You are advised to read this
prior to the observation taking
Responses to Responses to knowledge
knowledge questions
questions Responses to knowledge
questions will be marked by
your Tutor/Assessor

Note: you are advised to use the pro formas supplied in the IVQ in Teaching, Training and Assessing
Learning (1106) Qualification Handbook and Centre Guide – Delivering International Qualifications
Note: evidence from Unit 104 cannot be used for this unit

Date unit completed

Candidate’s name Candidate’s signature Date
Tutor’s name Tutor’s signature Date

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 85

Unit 111 Quality assuring competence based
programmes - internal

This unit can only be achieved by candidates who currently quality assure competence-based
programmes in their place of work. If a candidate is completing this unit as part of the Specialist
Advanced Diploma (1106-22) it will be recorded on their final certificate. Evidence from other units
within 1106 cannot be used for this unit.
A certificate of Quality assuring competence based programmes-internal will be issued for
candidates who successfully complete the full unit and register separately under the relevant
program of study (1106-94).

The aim of this qualification is to enable the candidate to develop the necessary knowledge and
understanding to carry out and evaluate the internal quality assurance for competence based
programmes and must include the following:
• establish internal quality assurance procedures
• establish and maintain communication channels internally with the assessment team and
externally with a third party
• internally evaluate assessment process and procedures.

Learning outcomes
There are four outcomes to this unit. The candidate will be able to:
• support and monitor the quality of the assessment decisions made by the Assessors
• sampling assessment decisions and practice and maintaining records
• provide assessment information on agreed competence based outcomes to those who are
external to the standards
• provide feedback to Assessors.

Minimum guided learning hours

It is recommended that a minimum of 25 hours should be allocated for this unit. This may be on a
full-time or part-time basis.

This unit will be assessed by:
• completion of practical activities to cover the evidence requirements and
• completion of knowledge questions.

Examples of teaching and learning methods

Tutor presentations, tutorials, discussion groups, workshop activities, presentations, reading and

86 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 111 Quality assuring competence based
programmes - internal
Summary of knowledge requirements

Centres should include the following in the delivery of this unit:

• principles of quality assurance within an organisation
• appeals and complaints procedures within the context of assessment
• supporting Assessors to ensure consistency in assessment practice
• sampling and verifying Assessors’ decisions
• maintaining records
• creating a good relationship with learners, Assessors, management and third parties
• ways of providing feedback to Assessors on their performance.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 87

Unit 111 Quality assuring competence based
programmes – internal
Knowledge requirements

The Tutor must ensure that the candidate has knowledge of:
11.1 Assessment methods Methods relevant to outcomes being assessed
eg observation, questions (written and oral)
simulation, witness testimony, professional
discussion, prior experience, projects, work
products etc
Initial, formative, summative assessment to
assess performance and knowledge
11.2 Selecting appropriate Planning a suitable rationale to cover all learners,
verification methods Assessors and methods of assessment for an
identified qualification CAMERA (see glossary)
Methods to include observation of assessors,
sampling learners’ work, discussions with
How verification will vary according to the
experience and needs of the Assessors
11.3 Supporting Assessors and Inducting Assessors to their role and
carrying out training needs’ responsibilities
analysis Discussing training needs with Assessors and
recording the outcomes
Ensuring correct assessment documentation is
used by Assessors along with qualification
11.4 Making verification Sampling Assessors’ decisions to ensure
decisions learners’ success or otherwise
Validity, authenticity, currency, sufficiency,
reliability of work sampled
Completion of necessary records
Ensuring Assessors standardise their decisions
with each other to ensure consistency of
judgements, recording the outcomes
Complaints and appeals procedures
11.5 Taking account of special First language, literacy problems, numeracy
requirements problems, lack of confidence, cultural factors
and other special needs (ie physical disabilities,
behavioural problems)
11.6 Giving constructive Positive, highlighting what was successful and
feedback achieved, indicating action for any aspect not
achieved and agreeing time scales as necessary
with Assessor
11.7 Conducting Assessor How to plan for, carry out and record
observations observations of assessors
11.8 Conducting discussions How to plan for, carry out and record interviews
with learners with learners
Assessment review process with learners

88 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

11.9 Planning and contributing Communicating with manager and Assessors to
to a third party visit to meet plan a third party visit
external quality assurance Preparing all necessary records required
11.10 Completing and collating Ensuring correct storage and conformity to any
assessment and verification data protection legislation
records Producing a management report after the third
party visit.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 89

Unit 111 Quality assuring competence based
programmes – internal
Knowledge questions for this unit

11.1 Why is it important Assessors use a range of assessment methods for collecting evidence of
performance and knowledge?
11.2 How could you effectively plan to sample and monitor the work of your Assessors?
11.3 Why would you carry out a training needs’ analysis with your Assessors?
11.4 How can you ensure assessment decisions between Assessors are monitored so that
assessment standards are applied consistently? What appeals and complaints procedure
does your organisation have if a learner does not agree with the Assessor’s assessment
11.5 Why is it important to take account of any special assessment requirements or needs of
11.6 Why is it important to give constructive feedback?
11.7 Why would you carry out observations of your Assessors?
11.8 How do you monitor and review how learners are progressing through the assessment
11.9 What do you need to do to meet the requirements of the third party, for your verification of
the qualification and preparation for the external visit?
11.10 How do you use the feedback from the third party visit to identify how changes could be
made to improve internal systems?

90 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 111 Quality assuring competence based
programmes – internal
Evidence requirements

Product The evidence must include Date In preparing the evidence your Tutor/
evidence the following Tutor/Assessor will consider Assessor
how you used the following checked
One internal Internal verification • how you planned your rationale
verification sampling plan - this should for verification eg, learners,
sampling plan be for one identified locations, assessors, methods
Plus qualification with at least two • how you made your verification
Two internal Assessors decisions
verification • use of the constructive
sampling reports Internal verification feedback model
sampling reports - these
should be used to feedback
to the Assessor regarding
their assessment decisions
Two Assessor Assessor training needs’ • records – how completed and/or
training needs’ records - these should be for passed on to others
records the two Assessors identified • how you discussed your
Plus on the sampling plan Assessors’ training needs
Two records of Observations of Assessor
observation of performance - these should
Assessor be for the two Assessors
performance identified on the sampling

One record of a Learner discussion - this • Communication skills
learner discussion should be for one of the
learners who you observed
the Assessor with

Responses to Responses to knowledge
knowledge questions
questions These will be marked by your

Note: you are advised to use the pro formas supplied in the IVQ in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning
(1106) Qualification Handbook and Centre Guide – Delivering International Qualifications

Date unit completed

Candidate’s name Candidate’s signature Date
Tutor’s name Tutor’s signature Date

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 91

Unit 112 Quality assuring competence based
programmes - external

This unit can only be delivered and assessed by a City & Guilds office. It can only be achieved by
candidates who have been appointed by City & Guilds who currently externally quality assure
relevant qualifications. If a candidate is completing this unit as part of the Specialist Advanced
Diploma (1106-22) it will be recorded on their final certificate. Evidence from other units within
1106 cannot be used for this unit.
A certificate of Quality assuring competence based programmes-external will be issued to
candidates who successfully complete this unit and register separately under the relevant
programme of study (1106-95).

The aim of this unit is to enable the candidate to develop the necessary knowledge and
understanding to carry out and evaluate the external quality assurance of programmes on behalf of
an awarding body and must include the following:
• externally evaluate the internal assessment process and procedures
• recognise the importance of the role of the awarding body
• establish and maintain communication between the organisation and the awarding body.

Learning outcomes
There are three outcomes to this unit. The candidate will be able to:
• support and monitor the quality of the assessment process on behalf of the awarding body
• provide assessment information to the awarding body
• provide feedback to centres.

Minimum guided learning hours

It is recommended that a minimum of 25 hours should be allocated for this unit. This may be on a
full-time or part-time basis.

This unit will be assessed by:
• completion of practical activities to cover the evidence requirements and
• completion of knowledge questions.

Examples of teaching and learning methods

Tutor presentations, tutorials, discussion groups, workshop activities, presentations, reading and

92 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 112 Quality assuring competence based
programmes - external
Summary of knowledge requirements

Centres should include the following in the delivery of this unit:

• principles of undertaking quality assurance on behalf of the awarding body
• appeals and complaints procedure
• supporting organisations to ensure consistency in assessment practice
• the importance of communication at all levels
• ways of providing feedback to organisations and to the awarding body.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 93

Unit 112 Quality assuring competence based
programmes – external
Knowledge requirements

The Tutor must ensure that the candidate has knowledge of

12.1 Principles of assessment Valid - content appropriate to objectives and
outcomes being assessed
Authentic - candidates own work
Reliable and consistent - maintains performance
over time
Current - evidence is relevant at time of assessment
Sufficient - enough evidence presented for all
objectives or outcomes to be assessed
Objectives - use of test, examinations and
Subjective - criteria not specified
12.2 Principles of external quality Planning for the visit: checking details of a centre,
assurance plan and agree a schedule, complete a planner
During the visit: check previous action plan,
management and administration, physical and staff
resources, assessment and internal quality
Evaluation and decision making: review findings
against requirements, decide on action
12.3 Using appropriate methods of CAMERA (see glossary), candidates, assessors,
sampling methods of assessment, elements, records,
assessment sites
12.4 Taking account of special First language, literacy problems, numeracy
requirements problems, lack of confidence, cultural factors and
other special needs (ie physical disabilities,
behavioural problems)
12.5 Giving constructive feedback Structured to match objectives, outcomes and
competence being verified. Positive, highlighting
what was successful and achieved, indicating
action for any aspect not achieved and agreeing
timescales or review as necessary
12.6 Dealing with appeals and Nature of appeal: assessment decisions, staff,
complaints organisation.
Form of complaint: verbal and written
Policies required: external and internal
12.7 Collating records and other Different ways of storing securely eg written
information since the last visit records in filing cabinets, computer record on CD-
ROM, hard or floppy disk.
Records eg formative, summative, past EV visit
reports, observations from practical activities and
checklists. Other information such as meetings of
the assessment team and management.

94 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

12.8 Completing records and Examining board/awarding body pro formas, own
pro formas. Ensuring correct records.
storage and conformity to Different ways of storing securely eg written
protection of personal records in filing cabinets, computer record on CD-
information and any data ROM, hard or floppy disk.
protection legislation. Identifying Communication with the awarding body regarding
relevant sources and make EV visit report.

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 95

Unit 112 Quality assuring competence based
programmes – external
Knowledge Questions for this unit

12.1 Why should you check that assessments in a centre are valid, authentic, reliable and c
onsistent, current and sufficient?
12.2 Describe the key areas you need to consider, when preparing for an external quality
assurance visit?
12.3 How would you choose an effective sample to verify during your centre visit? What
information would you require from the centre beforehand?
12.4 Why is it important to ensure assessors are using appropriate assessment methods for any
special learner requirements?
12.5 Why is it important to give constructive feedback to the centre?
12.6 Why should you check the details of any appeals by candidates and/or staff that a centre
might have related to the qualification you are verifying?
12.7 What previous documentation would you need to check, prior to making a visit to a centre
and why?
12.8 In what ways and for how long would you store the information you have on a centre for
which you are an external verifier?

96 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Unit 112 Quality assuring competence based
programmes – external
Evidence requirements
Product The evidence must Date In preparing the evidence your Tutor/A
evidence include the following Tutor/Assessor will consider how ssessor
you used the following checked

Two planning • visit planning • background information / context

documents documents CGI/VPL • sampling rationale
(CGI/VPL) for
two different
assurance visits
to a minimum of
two centres
Two records of • file of telephone • checking staffing and currency of
the record, e-mail and/or expertise
communications correspondence with • quality of recommendations,
you have had the centres. action and advice
with the
• how best practice is checked and
Two different
fed back
identified above • how forms and records are
completed and maintained
One report for One report for each visit • legibility
each visit above identifying context and • constructive feedback
(CGI/EVR) recommendations.
Outcomes from any action • checking processes, assessors
(total two
and/or advice and assessment (CAMERA)
• satisfactory • checking internal quality
completion of all processes, procedures and
sections of the reports policies
• communications with examining
body/awarding body
One personal One personal written
report for each report. This should justify
visit feedback and any action
(minimum two) required, along with
background to centre and
details of staff and
qualification being
externally verified
Knowledge Responses to
questions knowledge questions
Responses to knowledge
questions will be marked
by your tutor
Note: you are advised to use the pro formas supplied in the IVQ in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning
(1106) Qualification Handbook and Centre Guide – Delivering International Qualifications
Date unit completed
Candidate’s name Candidate’s signature
Tutor’s name Tutor’s signature

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 97

Appendix 1 Multiple choice test specification

Paper No: 1106-100

Subject: Level 3 IVQ in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Assessment Type: Multiple choice
No of items: 50

Section Group/topic/objective No of Total % Minimum

heading items GLH
101 9 18 15
102 13 26 20
Plan and
103 13 26 30
104 10 20 25
105 5 10 10
Total 50 100 100

98 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Appendix 2 Key words and terms (Glossary)

The following key words and terms are used in the units.
Term Definition
Action plan A formal agreement between a Tutor and learner setting out what will be
achieved with target dates
Aim General statement outlining what the Trainer hopes to achieve during the
session or programme of training
Andragogy Learners taking responsibility for their own study
Assessment Process of measuring the achievement of learners
Assessment Instrument chosen to assess a given outcome eg written test, skills tests,
methods observation of learner performance, reports and questioning (see methods of
Assessment Documents used to record the outcome of an assessment eg an organisation
records pro forma or log such as a candidate record sheet or a personal log held by
the Tutor/learner
Asynchronous Learning that does not need to be accessed at fixed times eg Tutor and learner
learning can interact at different times
CAMERA Candidates, Assessors, Methods of assessment, Elements, Records and
Assessment locations – used to determine a verification sample
Candidate Person who is studying and being assessed for a City & Guilds qualification
CD-ROM Compact disk read only memory – a means of storing information
Critical path Logical sequence of steps needed to go through to complete a final task
Coaching Normally a one-to-one or small group activity which involves the Tutor in a
close observation of the learner’s performance and giving advice and
Communication The transfer of information, from one person to another, with the intention of
bringing about a response
Competence Ability to do something to a set agreed standard, normally measured by
undertaking an observable process or producing a final product (see
assessment methods)
CUC Certificate of Unit Credit
CPD Continuous Professional Development
Demonstrate/ Showing learners the best way to undertake a task or develop a skill by
demonstration illustrating how it is done by actual performance
Diagnostic The assessment methods used to discover strengths and weaknesses in a
assessment learners work and determine future action
Diagnostic Meeting to determine the present level of skills and knowledge of a learner
meeting and, normally, to determine a future programme for further development
E-learning Electronic learning – learning which is supported or enhanced through the
application of information and communication technology
E-learning Electronic learning via an intranet or the internet

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 99

E-learning Electronic learning in the organisation’s own learning environment using ICT
Evaluation Gathering information to give a measure of the effectiveness of the training
that has been delivered
External verifier Appointed by City & Guilds to ensure that all assessments undertaken with
centres are fair, valid, consistent and meet the requirements of the standards
Feedback Written or oral information given to learners regarding their progress
Formative Ongoing assessment carried out throughout a programme of learning
Minimum GLH Guided Learning Hours
Ground rules Agreed codes of behaviour between the Teacher and the learner. Usually
agreed at the beginning of the programme eg non-use of mobile phones
Group Learners being taught together (three or more)
Holistic report A written statement reflecting a candidate’s experience
Ice breakers Fun and light-hearted ways of introducing learners to each other
ICT Information Communication Technology – the combination of computing and
communication technologies (including computer networks, telephone
systems and the internet)
ILP Individual Learning Programme
ILT Information and Learning Technology – the use of information and
communication technologies to support learner activities
Initial Assessment methods used to discover strengths and areas for development in
assessment a learner’s work and determine future action. A means of measuring a
learner’s ability eg a literacy test
Institution / The establishment where the teacher is working with learners. This will
organisation normally be a school, a college of further education, a private training or
education establishment, a company with house training provison
Instruct/ Where the Tutor tells the learner what to do to achieve a particular skill or
instruction objective
Internal verifier Appointed by a centre to ensure that all assessments undertaken within the
centre are fair, valid, consistent and meet the requirements of the standards
Internet Worldwide computer network
Intranet An organisation’s own network
IT Information Technology – the computer infrastructure, hardware and software
used to process data and deliver information
Learner/ student Person who is being taught or trained
Learning Scheme of work, programme of work or study
Learning session A period of input by a Teacher using a variety of methods such as lesson
practice etc
Learning style Particular way in which an individual prefers to learn eg visual, aural,
List of resources Black board, white board, text books, handouts, overhead projector, ICT etc
Mentor Person giving one-to-one support to a learner
Methods of Observations, questions, simulations, witness testimony, work products,
assessment professional discussion, prior experience, candidate discussion, projects,
assignments, tests etc
Motivation How a learner is disposed towards learning, extrinsic-external reasons for
learning, intrinsic-internal desire to learn for self fulfilment

100 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Multi-media The use of various types of equipment to present text, graphics, video,
animation and sound in an integrated way
Non-verbal Any communication that does not involve the spoken word eg body language,
communication facial expression
Objective A statement of what will be learned as a result of the training received
On-the-job In the working environment
Organisation Establishment where the candidate is working with learners, students or
trainees eg school, college, private training/education establishment or
company with in-house training provision
Pedagogy Tutor centred learning
Plenary session Reviewing stage where all the learners involved in an exercise/activity are
assembled together to share their views and conclusions
Product and The product model focuses upon the outcomes of a course, for example,
process models learners passing assignments to obtain certification. The tutor often just
delivers what must and should be delivered. The process model focuses on
the content of the course (the must and should) and other relevant knowledge
and skills that could be learnt and applied
Pro forma Blank form for use by candidates/assessors
Qualitative Quality information obtained by open questions, reports and discussions
Quality A means of checking learners work by internal and external verification
Quantitative Quantity information obtained by closed questions, results from tests and
other data gathering techniques
Reliability Consistency of measurement achieved by the use of an assessment method
Session plan Plan prepared by the trainer prior to delivery of a training session
Skills An organised pattern of mental and/or physical activity. Examples of skills
include practical, numerical, decision-making and social
Skills analysis See Task analysis
SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound
Summative An assessment made to determine the final level of achievement. Often done
assessment by a final test or examination
Synchronous Learning that takes place in an environment where the Tutor and learner are
learning simultaneously present, perhaps at different locations, but communicating
with each other in real time
Task analysis Breakdown of a task/job into its component skills (sometimes referred to as
Skills analysis)
Teaching/ System approach which includes five inter-linked stages: identify needs, plan
training cycle and design learning, deliver, assess and evaluate
Trainer Person who is helping the learner to achieve a desired state/standard/
Tutor Person who is advising, supporting and assessing the candidate
VACSR Valid, Authentic, Current, Sufficient, Reliable
Validity Extent to which an assessment method measures what it is supposed to
VARK Visual, Aural, Read/write, Kinesthetic
Virtual Online learning environment where tutors and learners interact

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 101

Visual aid Visual support material used to enhance the learning session eg overhead
transparency, diagram, slide projection, photograph/picture, video/film,
model, computer program, interactive internet page (including audio visual
VLE Virtual Learning Environment – learning via a computer connected to an
intranet or the internet
Weblogs (blogs) Personal websites of regularly updated learner entries recording learning
experiences and progress

102 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Appendix 3 Reading list

Daines J, Daines C and Graham B (2006) Adult Learning, Adult Teaching, Welsh Academic Press
ISBN 9781860571152
Francis M and Gould J (2000) Fast Track to Training: A practical guide to successful teaching and
training, A-Train Publishing ISBN 0-9537677-0-1

Gravells A (2006) Delivering Adult Learning – Level 3 Course book Learning Matters, 1844450643

Gravells A (2007) Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector – Level 3 Course book, Learning
Matters, 1844451173

Minton D (2000) Teaching Skills in Further & Adult Education, City & Guilds,
ISBN 1-861-52717-9

Petty G (2004) Teaching Today (3rd Edn), Nelson Thornes ISBN 0748785256

Townsend J (2003) The Trainer’s Pocketbook (10th Edn), Management Pocketbooks Ltd
ISBN 1-903776-02-3

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 103

Appendix 4 Sample multiple choice paper/answer keys

1106-100 Level 3 IVQ in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning

This paper contains 20 questions. The actual test paper will contain 50 questions which
must be completed in 1hour and 30 minutes. Answer them using the ‘boxes’ numbered 1
to 20 on the answer sheet.

1 The following are records which should be kept for new learners

i. Past qualifications
ii. Address details
iii. Health record
iv. Initial assessment results
v. Work experience details
vi. Disability information

Which two are essential?

a ii and iv
b ii and v
c iv and vi
d iii and iv

2 How many parts make up the Teaching/training cycle?

a 3
b 5
c 6
d 4

3 Product and process models are a principle of learning. Which one of the following is an
outcome of a product model?

a Certificate
b Feedback
c Instruction
d Resource

4 When preparing programme materials and resources, the following should be taken into

i. Aims and objectives of the session

ii. Capabilities of the learner
iii. Needs of the group
iv. Previous learning experiences

Which one of the above should be addressed first?

104 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)
a i
b ii
c iii
d iv

5 When selecting appropriate teaching/learning methods, you would take into account which
one of the following:

a Session plans
b Learning styles
c SMART targets
d Human resources

6 When writing SMART objectives what does the ‘S’ in SMART stand for?

a Special
b Specimen
c Specific
d Spoken

7 Which one of the following reasons would require a teacher to adapt an existing resource?

a The organisation’s annual budget

b The policy of the organisation to have its own brand
c To give experience in designing materials
d To meet a learner’s individual needs

8 Which one of the following is a session plan produced from?

a A subject area
b An examination paper
c A qualification handbook
d A learning programme

9 Which one of the following should you clearly state when starting a session?

a Use of resources
b Details of homework
c Aims and objectives
d Assessment methods

10 When organising group activities, the objectives should be

a Realistic
b Intimidating
c Noisy
d Short

11 Which one of the following would the Teacher do at the start of a session?

a Give the learners a test

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 105
b State the aim of the session
c Give out all the required resources
d Issue the week’s homework

12 Which one of the following is the best way of delivering factual information?

a Ask learners to read a handout and explain what they have read
b Telling learners the important details and asking questions regarding it
c Organising learners into groups to discuss a topic and ask the Teacher for advice
d Showing a film/video/dvd regarding the key areas and setting a test

13 Which one of the following is a method to encourage learners to participate?

a Asking them to read a case study

b Observing them doing a task
c Organising them to do an internet search
d Using a question and answer session

14 Which one of the following should you refer to when summarising your session?

a Programme of work
b The learning cycle
c Aims and objectives
d Assessment plans

15 Which one of the following is an appropriate assessment type?

a Product
b Formative
c Challenging
d Timed

16 The following are all aspects of assessment plans

i. Name of learner
ii. Time and place of assessment
iii. Assessment methods
iv. Review date

When agreeing an assessment plan, which one of the above should relate directly to the outcomes
to be assessed?

a i
b ii
c iii
d iv

17 Which one of the following is needed when making a final assessment decision of a learner’s

a records and reports of previous tests

b assessment plans and reviews
106 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)
c details of competence and knowledge
d presence of and consultation with the teacher

18 Which one of the following should you do after completing your assessment records?

a Pass them to a relevant authority

b Revise and modify the learning outcomes
c Archive them to minimise future access
d Amend your learning programme

19 When evaluating a teaching/learning session the best reason for using oral questioning is to

a Check on whether the learners have enjoyed the experience

b Give feedback on the way the teacher has delivered
c Comment on the effectiveness of the delivery
d Give the learner the opportunity to complete an assessment

20 Which one of the following is an example of self-reflection?

a Action planning
b Learning journal
c Multiple choice
d Training manual.

End of examination

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 107

Answer Keys
Level 3 IVQ in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning
Multiple choice questions

Question Answer
Number Key
1 A
2 B
3 A
4 A
5 B
6 C
7 D
8 D
9 C
10 A
11 B
12 B
13 D
14 C
15 B
16 C
17 C
18 A
19 C
20 B

108 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Appendix 5 Guidance for holistic report production (units
101 – 105)

Where a centre wishes to deliver unit 101-105 as a unified programme, they are recommended to
ensure candidates submit a holistic report. All the criteria will be the same as reports submitted for
individual units.

Centres may use their professional judgment when marking the holistic report. The word count and
layout for this must be decided by the centre. The holistic report will be graded pass, refer or fail. If
a candidate is deemed refer, they may resubmit the report after a period of seven days. If a
candidate is deemed fail, they cannot resubmit.

Criteria The report must reflect

Unit 101 • both a good and a bad learning experience in terms of the
• Identify a good and a bad teaching/training cycle components of identifying needs,
learning experience in planning and design, delivery, assessment and evaluation
terms of the • how these experiences will influence future teaching
teaching/training cycle practice
• learning styles
• principles of learning

Unit 102 and 103 • materials/resources/activities selected and why these are
• Describe the materials, to be used or adapted
activities and resources to • how the choice is identified to meet the needs of the
be used during learners
teaching/training sessions • how effective the resources/materials/activities were to
the sessions and the learners
• how a variety of communication methods are used

Unit 104 • Principles eg VACSR

• Explain principles and • methods used for subject area eg questioning,
types of assessment observations etc and the reasons why
• explanation of type eg initial, formative, summative
Unit 105 • the self evaluation section of the session plans,
• Evaluate the delivered completed after each delivered session
sessions and self to inform • the feedback from the observers
future delivery • the methods used for delivery and assessment and how
effective these were
• the methods of evaluation used with learners during the
delivered sessions for example questionnaires,
discussions and how this information was analysed
• how all the above information will inform future delivery

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 109

Further guidance
The following are two suggested approaches that centres might like to consider when advising their
learners on the completion of the report assessments for Units 101 to105 as a holistic activity.
There may be other approaches which centres devise and which their external verifiers have given
agreement to. In all cases the External Verifier must agree to the approach the centre uses.

Please note-In whatever form the report is presented all criteria identified either in the individual
unit reports or the holistic one in Appendix 5 of the qualification handbook must be met with
assessors using their professional judgement when marking it; and the grading of pass, refer or fail

Approach A

A ‘case study’ where the learner describes their own class of students and:

• analyses them in terms of their learning needs and styles and makes conclusions as to the
best approach to teaching and learning, with reference to his/her own good and bad
experiences of learning

• describes the approach to their planning and delivery and what resources and materials
they use and the reasons for their choice of methods and support materials

• explains the assessment they will use based on the principles of assessment

• finally evaluates the whole activity and themselves indicating the methods used and comes
to conclusions about how it will inform their future delivery of a course.

• a final conclusion showing how they have covered the teaching/training cycle in their

The learner is expected to write an extended piece of work on their students, their planning,
teaching, assessing and an evaluation which will cover all the criteria required.

Approach B

Here the learner might like to describe a number of key areas:

Who are the learners? A look at the learning experience (both good and bad) what are learner’s
needs, the different learning styles and some of the principles of learning; with some comment on
how this information influences their teaching.

How teaching is carried out? Here linking it to the teaching/training cycle and covering preparation,
methods of teaching/training, resources involved and the place of communications.

What will have been learnt? Here cover assessment and the effectiveness and quality of the whole
process, which will cover assessment and evaluation.

This could be presented in sections. An introduction where the learners identify their role,
experience and the students they teach/train, so giving a context to the work. They then provide
sections on the Who, How, What and a final conclusion on what they have learnt from their
experience that will inform their future delivery.

It is very important that the learners are told to refer closely to the ‘criteria’ and ‘the report must
reflect’ aspects in Appendix 5 on page 109 of the qualification handbook.
110 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)
Appendix 6 Summative evidence record – Core units

To be kept by the Tutor/Assessor and candidate and used in conjunction with the
evidence requirements sheets.
Candidate Enrolment
name number
Centre Centre
name number

Unit Evidence requirements Date Date sampled

achieved by IV and/or
101 One plan for a diagnostic meeting with a
One learning plan on the outcomes of the
diagnostic meeting

102 One learning programme for a minimum of

three linked sessions
Two session plans

103 Two session plans (from unit 102) with

completed self evaluation sections
Two observation reports of the learning
sessions delivered

104 Two assessment plans

Two observation reports of how you gave
feedback to learners

105 One personal action plan for your


All units Holistic report (if not completed as part of

each unit above)

I confirm that the evidence provided is authentic and a true representation of my own work.

Candidate’s signature Date

Name of Tutor/Assessor Date
Name of Internal Verifier Date
Name of External Verifier Date

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 111

Appendix 7 Summative evidence record – Specialist units

To be kept by the Tutor/Assessor and candidate and used in conjunction with the
evidence requirements sheets.

Candidate Enrolment
name number
Centre Centre
Name number

Unit Evidence requirements Date Date

achieved sampled by
IV and/or
106 Two observation checklists for two different
learners/staff members
One completed witness status list
Two witness testimonies
Responses to knowledge questions
107 One coaching plan
One mentoring plan
One review of progress with a learner who you
have coached
One review of progress with a learner who you
have mentored
One observation report of a review
Responses to knowledge questions
108 Two session plans for two different sessions of
on-site e-learning
One observation report by your Tutor or a person
nominated by your tutor
One learning plan for one learner participating in
an online e-learning programme
Two e-learning materials/resources
Responses to knowledge questions
109 One written report for the delivery of a learning
One written report on how you manage a team of
staff delivering a programme
One observation report of you undertaking a
Responses to knowledge questions

112 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

110* Three assessment plans for three different
Feedback records for the three learners above
Review records for two of the above learners
One observation report of how you gave
feedback to one of your learners
Responses to knowledge questions
111* One internal verification sampling plan
Two internal verification sampling reports
Two assessor training needs’ records
Two records of observation of assessor
One record of a learner discussion
Responses to knowledge questions
112** Two visit planning documents
Two communication records
Two visit reports
Two personal reports regarding each visit
Responses to knowledge questions

* These units can only be achieved by candidates as part of their normal working
** This unit can only be taught and assessed by City & Guilds.

I confirm that the evidence provided is authentic and a true representation of my own work.
Candidate’s signature Date

Name of Tutor/Assessor Date

Name of Internal Verifier Date
Name of External Verifier Date

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 113

Appendix 8 Initial assessment

Tutor Candidate

Do you have any experience in

a teaching/training
environment? If yes, please
explain. If no, explain why you
would like to teach/train
What is the specialist subject
you will be delivering?

What are your strengths?

What are your areas for


Do you have a good command

of written/spoken English?

Do you have access to and are

confident at using IT?

Do you have any particular

requirements the centre should
be aware of?
Results from learning styles’

Results from other relevant

diagnostic tests

Candidate’s signature Date

Tutor’s signature Date
Note: A learning plan should now be completed with the candidate

114 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Appendix 9 Pro formas

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 115

Coaching/mentoring plan

Coach/mentor Learner
Location Length of session
Coaching/Mentoring Plan

Objectives/outcomes Equipment/resources etc

Evaluation of session

Learner’s signature Date

Coach/Mentor’s signature Date

116 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Diagnostic meeting

Plan for diagnostic meeting

Tutor Learner
Date of meeting

Venue and suitability

Materials/documents to
be used
How individual needs will
be identified
Communication methods
to be used

Diagnostic meeting
(Diagnostic Profile from the City & Guilds Centre Guide may also be used)
Venue and suitability

Current competence of


Areas for development

How individual needs can

be met in relation to the
organisation’s facilities

Results of initial
assessments and learning
styles’ tests

Learning plan agreed today YES/NO

Tutor’s signature Date

Learner’s signature Date

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 117

Internal verification

Assessor training needs

Internal Verifier Assessor

Assessor background eg
experience to date

Identified training needs

How training needs will be met

with target dates

Type of support given so far to


General comments

Internal Verifier’s signature Date

Assessor’s signature Date

118 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Internal verification

Learner discussion record

Learner Qualification
Internal Verifier Assessor

When did you begin your


What topics were covered in your


Did you have an initial assessment?

Did you agree an assessment plan

with your Assessor?

Are you aware of your progress &

achievements to date?

If you disagreed with your Assessor,

would you know what to do?

Was the process of achieving your

qualification explained to you? If so,
what do you understand this process
to be?
Does your Assessor give you
feedback after assessment and
document this?
Does your Assessor regularly review
your progress?

Do you have any learning needs or

require further support?

Learner’s signature Date

Internal Verifier’s signature Date

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 119

Learning plan

Tutor Learner
Date Qualification

Units to be taken Target dates for completion

Resources/specialist equipment required

How individual needs will be met eg special assessment requirements

General comments

Learner’s signature Date

Tutor’s signature Date

120 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Observation of feedback

Candidate Tutor
Location Date and time
Learner Unit

Did the Assessor? Comments

Agree a suitable assessment plan with
the learner in advance

Complete a feedback record

Give feedback to the learner in an

appropriate place and time to meet
their needs

Give feedback to the learner in a

positive, constructive and encouraging

Clearly explain his/her assessment


Give the learner advice when he/she did

not prove his/her competence along
with how they can develop the
necessary skills or provide more
Encourage his/her learner to ask

Identify and agree the next steps in the

assessment process with the learner ie
review/further assessment

Follow the agreed complaints and

appeals procedures if the learner
disagreed with the assessment decision

Candidate’s signature Date

Tutor’s/Nominated Observer’s signature Date

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 121

Observation of review

Reviewer Learner/staff member

Tutor/Nominated Observer Location

Did the Reviewer? Comments

Help the learner/staff member relax

Use effective interpersonal skills

Encourage the learner/staff member to

identify their achievements

Discuss with the learner/staff member

their current and future progress

Discuss with the learner/staff member

any support that may be required

Encourage the learner/staff member to

ask questions

Summarise the review and agree the

next steps

Reviewer’s signature Date

Tutor/Nominated Observer’s signature Date

122 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Observation report

Candidate Date
Title of session Length of session

Preparation Y/N Comments

Did the candidate: N/A
Check the environment and
resources beforehand?
Take into account any health
and safety issues?
Ensure there were enough
resources for all learners?
Have a detailed session plan?

Deliver an introduction, main

content and conclusion?
Establish and maintain a
rapport with the learners?
Demonstrate knowledge of
their subject?
Take into account different
learning styles?
Take into account any prior
learning (if relevant)?
Use relevant resources and a
range of activities as
Communicate effectively?

Appear confident and

Take into account any special
needs of learners?
Deal with disruptive
situations as they arose?

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 123

Monitoring Y/N Comments
Did the candidate: N/A
Ask questions and involve
the learners where
Use assessment or
Give positive feedback where
Summarise the session?

Achieve their aim?

Clear the area afterwards?

Evaluate their session?

Overall feedback

Nominated Observer’s signature Date

124 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Personal action plan

Candidate Tutor

Personal statement: Where I am now (qualifications and experience)


Areas for development

Action plan: What I intend to do now

Candidate’s signature Date

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 125

Review of progress

Learner Assessor/Coach/Mentor
Location Date
Summary of discussion:
(eg progress so far, next steps, support required)

Learner’s signature Date

Assessor/Coach/Mentor’s signature Date
Date of next assessment/review

126 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Learning programme/scheme of work

Course/qualification Group Dates: from

Number of sessions Delivery hours Venue
Aim of course Teacher/Trainer

Date Objectives/learning Activities and resources Assessment

The learner will:

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 127

Session plan and evaluation

Teacher/Trainer Date Room

Course/qualification Time Duration
Aim/session title Number in group

Timing Objectives/learning Resources Teacher/Trainer Learner Assessm-

outcomes activities activities ent
The learner will:

Self evaluation Areas for development Action and improvements


128 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

Witness status list


Learner’s name

Please ensure that all witnesses who have observed the learner or written a report are included on
this witness status list. All necessary details must be included and signed by the witness as being

Name and Witness Professional Standards or Witness Date

contact status* relationship to outcomes signature
address of learner witnessed

*Witness status categories

1 Occupational expert of the standards
2 Non expert but familiar with the standards
3 Occupational expert not familiar with the standards
4 Non expert not familiar with the standards

Assessor’s signature

Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106) 129

Published by City & Guilds
1 Giltspur Street
T +44 (0)20 7294 2468
F +44 (0)20 7294 2400

City & Guilds is a registered charity

established to promote education
and training


130 Level 3 IVQs in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning (1106)

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