Ladies Court Shoes: Project Profile ON

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PRODUCT CODE : 291101003.

QUALITY & STANDARD : As per Buyer’s Specification.


QUANTITY : 60,000 pairs per annum

VALUE : Rs.3,18,00,000/-

MONTH & YEAR : November, 2013.


PREPARED BY : MSME - Development Institute,

Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises,
Government of India
107, Industrial Estate, Kalpi Road,
Tele. 2295070, 2295071 & 2295073 (EPBAX)
Tele. No. 2295072 (SENET & TRC)
Tele/Fax No.: 0512- 2240143
email: [email protected]


1. Product & its uses:

Leather is the best material for shoes and that is why the people prefer to use the shoes
made up of the genuine leather. Earlier the shoes, made up of leather upper and leather soles
were used but now a days the cost of leather have gone very high and other alternative materials
are being used. The shoes made up of the leather soles had very small life and because of this,
the alternative soling materials were developed which had longer life and were also lighter in
weight. Today, in quality shoes the good quality leather is used for upper and synthetic soling
materials like Rubber, PVC, TPR and PU etc. are used for soles.

Traditionally, shoes in India were made by hands. But, now many semi mechanized and
mechanized units have come up. In the past the footwear units were concentrated only at few
places like Agra and Kanpur but during the last 20 years, with the technological advancements,
new units have come up in all the parts of the country.

Ladies Court Shoe is a fashionable item and one has to observe the trends for production
of these items. Ladies Court Shoes are produced in different shapes, colours, designs and with
different types of upper materials with high heel and soles. In developed countries, people have
different shoes for the different occasions. Even in India, the affluent class of women have more
than couple of pairs of shoes and use them for different occasions.

2. Market Potential:
The ladies court shoes are worn by the metro women through out the world. Many people
use different types of shoes for different occasions. The leather shoes are worn by all classes all
ages of people. The young generation prefers fashionable shoes whereas older people’s choice is
comfortable shoes. In fact there is a very good demand for the ladies court shoes and it is
increasing day by day.

This industry is fashion oriented labour intensive industry. There is very good demand for
ladies court shoes, which are produced according to trend. In the shoes production, the labour
content is very high and developed countries find it difficult to produce shoes locally as their
labour cost is very high. These countries prefer to buy shoes from countries like India where
highly skilled labour is available in plenty at reasonable rates. On the other hand, the quality of the
leather produced in India is also very good. Due to all above reasons, the ladies court shoes not
only have good demand locally but also have very good demand in the international market.

Those days are gone when this industry was concentrated in some particular parts of the
country. Today there is tremendous scope for setting up of this industry in any part of India as
trained and skilled manpower is available everywhere and is also willing to move from one place
to another. The raw materials can also be easily procured due to faster of communications and

3. Basis & Presumptions:

a) The project Profile has been prepared on the basis of single shift of 8 hours a
day and 25 working days in a month at 75% efficiency.
b) It is presumed that 1st year, the capacity utilization will be 70% followed by 85%
in the next year and 100% in the subsequent year.
c) The rates quoted in respect of salaries and wages for skilled worker and others
are on the basis of minimum rates in the State of U.P.
d) Interest rate for the fixed and working capital has been taken @ 15% on an
average whether financed by the Bankers or Financial Institutions.
e) The margin money required is minimum (30% of the total capital investment).
f) The rate quoted in respect of machinery, equipment and raw materials are those
prevailing at the time of preparation of the Project Profile and are likely to vary
from place to place and suppliers to suppliers. When a tailor made project profile
is prepared, necessary changes are to be made.
g) The pay back period may be 5 years after the initial gestation period.
h) The gestation period in implementation of the project may be to the tune of 6 to 9
months, which includes making all arrangements, completion of all formalities,
market surveys and tie-ups etc. Once all the above arrangements are made and
quality/standards achieved the 100% project capacity may be achieved at the
end of three years. However, a detailed PERT/CPM/Chart with implementation
period has been given in the report.

4. Implementation Schedule:

The implementation of the project includes various jobs/exercises such as

procurement of technical know how, transfer of technology, market surveys and tie-ups,
preparation of project report, selection of site, registration, financing of project,
procurement of machinery and raw materials etc., recruitment of staff,
erection/commissioning of machines, trial production and commercial production etc. In
order to efficiently and successfully implement the project in the shortest period the slack
period is curtailed to minimum possible and as far as possible simultaneous exercises are
carried out. In view of above a CPM-PERT Chart has been illustrated below. According to
which a minimum period of 227 days is involved in finally starting the project on
commercial basis. By following this process a time period of 82 days can be saved.

4 7

1 8 5 6 8 10 11 12


Detailed of Activities.


Activity Days Activity Days Particular of Activity

1-2 15 1-2 15 Procurement of Tech. Know

Transfer of technology.
3-4 15 3-4 15 Market survey, tie-up and obtaining
4-5 7 2-3 7 Selection of site.
5-6 70 4-5 7 Preparation of Project Report
6-7 45 5-6 70 Registration and financing.
7-10 30 6-7 45 Placement of orders for machinery
and receipt of machines.
10-11 30 6-8 30 Recruitment of staff and training.
11-12 15 6-9 30 Addition/Alteration in rental premises.
8-10 15 Procurement of raw material/Bought
out components
7-10 30 Erection, Electrification and
10-11 30 Trail Production
11-12 15 Commercial Production
227 Days 309 Days

5. Technical Aspects:

1. Manufacturing Process:

The manufacturing process may vary from company to company and from design
to design. Here a general process of manufacturing has been outlined.

The different upper and lining components are clicked by clicking machine as per
graded patterns. The different components are then marked. Then, the components
are skived and folded wherever required. Then the upper components are stitched
and the lining components are also stitched to the upper components to complete the
uppers. Then the uppers are mulled and lasted over a last which is already having
insole attached to it. The lasting can be done by a combination of lasting machines.
The wrinkles from the lasted shoes are removed either by wrinkle chasing machine or
hot steam. The lasting margin is then roughened by roughening machine and de-
dusted. Then the adhesive of required type is applied on both the lower side of lasted
upper and on the pre-conditioned sole and then the adhesive is allowed to dry. They
dried adhesive is then reactivated. The sole is then fixed over the lasted upper by
hand and pressed under the sole press. Then heel attachment is done. The de-lasting
is done after removal of excessive adhesives and trimming of excessive threads. The
shoes are then finished, socks are put in and shoes are finally inspected and packed.

Depending upon design and construction, special machines like strobe insole
attaching machine, vamp Performing Machine, DIP/DVP Machine etc. may be used.
We can also use computerized machines like computerized clicking, Programmable
skiving and Sewing machines. Other machines like folding, cement applicator,
automatic Roughening Machine, Combined Heel Seat & Side lasting Machines,
Pounding machines etc. may also be used for faster out put if surplus funds are

2. Production Target:

Quantity : 60,000 pairs per annum

Value : Rs.3,18,00,000/-

3. Quality Control & Standards:

As per buyers specifications.

4. Power Requirement : 60 K.W.

Water : 10,000 Ltrs/Monthly

5. Energy Conservation:

While manufacturing Court Shoe, most of the operations are done by hand only. A
few operations are completed by power operated machine for which a little amount
of electric is utilized. However, the following steps may be taken for the
conservation of energy.

1. Machinery & equipment’s parts, which are revolving and reciprocating

should be properly, lubricated from time to time with suitable lubricant oil.
2. Lay out of the unit should be in such a way in that no back tracking of
material is there.
3. All electric switches may be kept off, when not required.
4. The entire transmission belt will be tightened before starting the work is
wherever applicable.
5. Fluorescent tube with electronic Chokes may be used for energy saving.
Further recently developed compact fluorescent tubes called (FCT) of 10,
15 watts Philips/Glaux made may be used for energy saving and
decoration. These self ballasted fluorescent lamps are high efficiency
replacements for ordinary bulbs. For same light output, CFLEBs consume
about one-fifth the power consumed by ordinary bulbs, thereby saving a lot
of energy. The savings get further multiplied when CLEBs are used in air
conditioned areas, since the saving of energy by using CLEBs also
corresponds to less heat dissipation reducing load on air conditioners. The
life of CFLEBs is about 8000/10000 hours i.e. about 10 times that of
ordinary bulb.

The typical payback period in terms of savings of energy bills and cost of
ordinary lamps is about 6 months operation. Unlike ordinary bulbs, these
CFLEBs provide choice of three colours designated A, B & C to suit
individual requirements.

Electronic Ballast, with protection against high voltage spikes alongwith high
quality CFLs make these composite CFLEBs (or self ballasted CFLs) Slim,
lightweight, efficient and reliable units.

6. As far as possible Solar Energy and day light will be used keeping all the
other lights off.
7. As far as possible inductive load of motor will be reduced and high power
factor will be used with the aid of capacitors of appropriate sizes.

6. Pollution Control:

There is no pollution in manufacturing of Ladies Court Shoes.


Land & Building

Rented Building Rs. 10,000/-


S.No Particulars Ind./Imp. Quantity(Nos.) Value (Rs.)

1. PFAFF Single needle flat bed Imp 5 6,50,000/-
lock stitch Sewing Machine three
phase motor 0/25
2. PFAFF Sewing Machine Zig Zag Imp. 1 1,72,000/-
Flat bed
3. PFAFF Class 335-G-706/67- Imp. 1 97,500/-
17101650/03 Heavy duty cylinder
bed sewing machine with three
phase motor 0.5.
4. Cementing Press Four bed with Imp. 1 45,000/-
air compress with 1 HP Motor
5. Finishing Buffing Machine Power Imp. 1 55,000/-
operated with 2 HP motor
6. Stamping Machine Ind. 1 6,000/-
7. Skiving Machine power operated Imp. 1 2,95,000/-
FORTUNA Skiving Machine

8. Shoe Last 200 Pairs 50,000/-

@ Rs.250/- per pair
10. Tools & Equipment - - 60,000/-
11. Office Equipment Working Table 80,000/-
& Stools etc.
12. Installation & Electrification of 1,32,000/-
machinery @ 10%
Total Fixed Capital: 16,42,500/-


S.No Description No. Salary (Rs.) Total (Rs.)
1. Manager 1 12,500/- 12,500/-
2. Designer/Supervisor 1 10,500/- 10,500/-
3. Mechanic 1 8,000/- 8,000/-
4. Skilled Worker 20 8,000/- 1,60,000/-
5. Unskilled Worker 10 5,000/- 50,000/-
6. Accountant/Cashier(Part Time) 1 10,000/- 10,000/-
7. Peon/Watchman 1 6,000/- 6,000/-
Total: 2,57,000/-
+ Perquisites @ 15% 38,550/-
Total: 2,95,550/-

4. RAW MATERIAL (Per Month):

S. Particulars Qty. Rate (Rs.) Value (Rs.)
1. Cow Softy 100000 Sq DCM 10/- per 10,00,000/-
2. Cow Lining 100000 DCM 5/- PER dcm 5,00,000/-
3. Vt leather (Sole) 1875 Kg. 150/-per Kg. 2,81,250/-
4. Moulded Insole (Texon) 5000 Prs 10/- 50,000/-
5. Grinderies/Adhesive 5000 8/- 40,000/-
6. Packing Material 5000 8/- 40,000/-
7. PVC Heel 7500 Prs 5/- 37,500/-
Total: 19,48,750/-

5. UTILITIES (Per Month):

Power 600 units @ 8/- per unit Rs. 4,800/-

Water Rs. 2,000/-
Total: Rs. 6,800/-


Sl.No. Particulars Rs. Total

1. Postage Rs. 3,000/-
2. Repair & Maintenance Rs. 5,000/-
3. Transport Rs. 5,000/-
4. Publicity Rs. 2,500/-
5. Stationery Rs. 2,500/-
6. Telephone Rs. 1,000/-
7. Consumable Stores Rs. 5,000/-
Total: Rs. 24,000/-


Sl.No. Particulars Rs. Total

1. Personnel Rs. 2,95,550/-
2. Raw Material Rs. 19,48,750/-
3. Utilities Rs. 6,800/-
4. Other Expenses Rs. 24,000/-
Total: Rs. 22,75,100/-

Working Capital for 3 months: Rs.22,75,100 X 3 = Rs. 68,25,300/-


Sl.No. Particulars Rs. Total

i) Fixed Capital Rs. 16,42,500/-
ii). Working Capital for 3 months Rs. 68,25,300/-
Total: Rs. 84,67,800/-


1. Cost of Production (Per Annum):

Sl.No. Particulars Rs. Total
1. Total Recurring Cost Rs. 2,73,01,200/-
2. Depreciation on Machinery @ 10% Rs. 1,32,000/-
3. Depreciation on Tools & Equipments @ 10% Rs. 6,000/-
4. Depreciation on Office Furniture @ 25% Rs. 20,000/-
5. Dep. On Shoe Last @ 20% Rs. 10,000/-
5. Interest on Total Capital Investment @ 14% Rs. 11,85,500/-
Total: Rs. 2,86,54,700/-

2. TURN OVER (Per Annum):

By Selling Ladies Court Shoe 60,000 Pairs @ 530/- pair Rs. 3,18,00,000/-

3. NET PROFIT (Before Taxation)(Per Annum):

Profit = Annual Sales (-) Cost of Production

3,18,00,000/- (-) 2,86,54,700/- = Rs. 31,45,300/-


Net profit X 100 31,45,300/- x 100

Turn Over 3,18,00,000 = 9.89%


Net profit X 100 31,45,300/- x 100

Total Investment 84,67,800/- = 37%


Fixed Cost (Annual):

1. Rent of the Building Rs. 1,20,000/-

2. Depreciation on Machinery @ 10% Rs. 1,32,00/-
3. Depreciation on Tools & Equipment 25% Rs. 6,000/-
4. Interest on Total Capital Investment @ 14% Rs. 11,85,500/-
5. Dep. on Shoe Last 20% Rs. 10,000/-
5. 40% of Salary Rs. 14,18,640/-
6. 40% Other Expenses Rs. 1,15,200/-
Total: Rs. 29,87,340/-

Fixed Cost X 100 29,87,340 x 100

Fixed Cost +Profit 29,87,340 + 31,45,300/- = 49%

Addresses of Machinery Suppliers:

1. M/s Leather Packing Machinery Corporation, 1/23-B, Asaf Ali Road, Ajmer.
2. M/s S. P. Engineering Works, Dayal Bagh Road, Agra.
3. M/s Raj Machine Home, Lashkarpur, Kamla Nagar, Agra.
4. M/s Sugam Industries Product division, 21, Netaji Subhash Marg, New Delhi.
5. M/s Atlanta Trading (P) Ltd., Atur House, worli Naka, Mumbai-18.

Raw Material Suppliers:

1. M/s Bharat Material Store, Hing Ki Mandi, Agra..
2. MN/s Basant Leather Corporation, Agra.
3. M/s Precision Shoe Last Factory, 60, Industrial Estate, Agra.
4. M/s Modi Thread, Modi Nagar.


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