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Second Edition

“The ultimate guide to understanding the

Key Performance Indicators of your business”
Photocopying this book is the same as theft.
It’s against the law and legal action
will be taken against you

© 2014 Insight Training & Development Limited.

This publication is protected by copyright law. All rights

are fully reserved and no portion of this book may be
reproduced or used in any form – graphic, electronic or
mechanical including photocopying, sound recording,
information storage and retrieval systems, or by any other
means without the written permission from Jeff Smith.

Published by:
Insight Training & Development Limited
P. O. Box 1234

Telephone UK: 01384 371432

International: 0044 1384 371432
Web Address
Email: [email protected]

ISBN: 978-0-9540259-5-3
EAN: 9780954025953

The right of Jeff Smith to be identified as the author of

this work has been asserted by him in accordance with
the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Companion books in this series, written by Jeff Smith

Management Accounts Made Easy

Written to be the perfect partner for The KPI Book

How To Make More Profit With Your

Service Department
“The ultimate guide to understanding and
improving your operational efficiencies”

All Jeff Smith books are available to order directly


Coming in 2017…

Dedicated to my three girls.
Sharon, Sophie and Lara

I love you more than anything.

(and you can’t beat that!)
(and you can’t say the same!)
(and you can’t say snap!)
(and I’ve written it in 5 books!)

...and to Max, you’ve wheedled your way in.


Jeff Smith is the #1 Best-Selling

Author, Business Strategist and
Motivational Speaker who's made
several programmes for Sky
Television He’s particularly well
known for his ability to explain and
convey complex information into
jargon-busting, plain English that
everyone understands.

His client list reads like a "who's who" of global success

and includes nothing less than Royalty and a string of
Fortune 100 companies. At the end of 2011 with book
sales in excess of 50,000 copies he became regarded as
one of the very best business improvement strategists in
the world.

As a Motivational Speaker, Jeff speaks at conferences all

over the world sharing the 7 big secrets of the world’s top
achievers, focussing on how they use the most important
Key Performance Indicators so you can discover how to
make more profit and keep it.

If you would like to engage Jeff as a keynote speaker for

your conference, or for a special training programme,
you can contact him using the following details:

 0044 1384 371432

Email: [email protected]

Web Site:


During my privileged and extraordinary journey within

our wonderful industry, I’ve worked alongside the
immense wealth of Royalty, the captains of industry in
many fortune 100 companies, during which time I’ve
come to the conclusion that key performance indicators
are not mathematical formulae, they’re a philosophy with
a meaning that goes far beyond just numbers.

Key performance indicators transcend race, colour and

religion, they have no interest in geography, rank or
opinion, they’re neutral, they’re the single thread that
runs through the bellies of us all and unites us in business
in a way that cannot be achieved by any other means.

They have the power of bypassing the doubters, the

naysayers and the pessimists. They remain resolute,
steadfast and sure, patiently lying in wait for those people
who wish to take advantage of them.

You can simplify them or you can complicate them; you

can agree with them or you can disagree with them; you
can embrace them or you can turn away from them; just
about the only thing you cannot do with them is to deny
their existence.

They are the common denominators between our

aspirations and our achievements, our hopes and our
dreams, our budgets and our results. They are the
roadmaps to success and the lenses through which we
view and assess our business performance.

The people who use key performance indicators for the

right reasons question everything related to operational

performance in the workplace. These are the people who
come up with creative new ideas, devise new paradigms
and often become the paradigm shifters themselves.

These people are the pioneers who push the boundaries

of our industry forwards by challenging the norm to
discover new ways of conducting and measuring business
as our environment changes around us.

As time goes by these new methods and measures prove

their worth, they’re tentatively accepted by others and
then become redefined as industry Best Practice; and still
the paradigm shifters continue to push on ahead.

In the beginning, some may see these people as stupid

and crazy, whilst others see the passion within them.
Revere the paradigm shifters because it’s the people who
are stupid and crazy enough to think they can change our
industry are the ones who do.

“Understanding the operational structure as well as
the financial structure of your business
is inseparable from your ability
to influence its profitability”

- Jeff Smith


Introduction 14

How to use this book 16

Understanding The Sales Department 27

% Value of Stock Over 90 days 28
Adopted Stock 29
Advertising Cost per Unit Sold 30
Annualised Sales 31
Annualised Sales per Salesperson 32
Average Selling Price 33
Circulation of Operational Investment (New) 34
Circulation of Operational Investment (Used) 35
Circulation of New Stock 36
Circulation of Used Stock 37
Cost of Overage Stock (Used Vehicles ) 38
Days Supply (New Vehicles) 39
Days Supply (Used Vehicles) 40
Department Contribution % 41
Department Expenses 42
Department Profit % (New Vehicles) 43
Department Profit % (Used Vehicles) 44
Department Profit % (Total Sales Dept.) 45
Direct Expenses 46
Direct Profit % (New Vehicles) 47
Direct Profit % (Used Vehicles) 48
Direct Profit % (Total Sales Dept.) 49
Finance Commission per Unit 50
Finance Penetration 51
Gross Profit (New Vehicles) 52
Gross Profit (Used Retail Vehicles) 53
Gross Profit (Used Trade Vehicles) 54
Gross Return on Operational Investment (New) 55
Gross Return on Operational Investment (Used) 56
Gross Return on Stock (New Vehicles) 57
Gross Return on Stock (Used Vehicles) 58
Lost Opportunity Costs (Used Vehicles) 59
New : Used Retail Ratio 60
New Vehicle Contribution % 61
Operating Profit (New Vehicles) 62
Operating Profit (Used Vehicles) 63
Operating Profit (Total Sales Department) 64
Operational Investment (New Vehicles) 65
Operational Investment (Used Vehicles) 66
Policy Costs 67
Reconditioning Costs 68
Rectification 69
Retail : Trade Ratio 70
Return on New Vehicle Stock 71
Return on Used Vehicle Stock 72
Return on Operational Investment (New) 73
Return on Operational Investment (Used) 74
Sales Commission 75
Semi-Fixed Expenses 76
Stock Turn 77
Stock Turn Days (Used Retail Vehicles) 78
Target Related Bonus 79
Trade Sales (Used Vehicles) 80
Stocking Loan (Used Vehicles) 81
Used:New Retail Ratio 82
Used Vehicle Ageing 83
Used Vehicle Contribution % 84
Used Vehicle Write Down 85
Variable Expenses 86
Variable Gross Profit 87
Vehicle Debtor Days 88
Jeff Smith’s Law Of The Service Department 89
Efficiency (Models 2, 3 & 4, Sector C) 108
Labour Utilisation (Model 6, Sector B) 109
Overall Efficiency (Model 1, Sector A) 110
Productivity (Model 1, Sector C) 111
Productivity (Model 2, Sector A) 112
Productivity (Models 3 & 4, Sector B) 113
Productive Efficiency (Model 6, Sector C) 114
Proficiency (Model 3, Sector A) 115
Selling Efficiency (Model 5, Sector C) 116
Service Efficiency (Model 5, Sector A) 117
Utilisation (Models 1 & 2 Sector B) 118
Utilisation (Model 4, Sector A) 119
Working Efficiency (Model 5, Sector B) 120
Workshop Efficiency (Model 6, Sector A) 121
Summary of the Operational Efficiencies 122
Allocated Job Time 124
Manufacturers’ Book Time 125
Technical Efficiency 126
Respecting the Law 127
Understanding The Service Department 129
Debtor Days 130
Department Contribution 131
Department Expenses 132
Department Gross Profit % 133
Department Profit % 134
Direct Expenses 135
Direct Profit % 136
Diverted Time 137
Hours Attended 138
Hours Bought 139
Hours Sold 140
Hours Sold per Job Card 141
Hours Sold per Parc 142
Hours Sold per Technician 143
Hours Worked 144
Idle Time 145
Labour Cost of Sales 146
Labour Gross Profit 147
Labour Gross Profit % 148
Labour Sales Mix 149
Lead Time 150
Lost Time 151
Oil & Lubricants Profitability 152
Operating Profit % 153
Parts Sales per Hour Sold 154
Parts Sales Mix per Hour Sold 155
Parts Sales per Technician 156
Policy Costs 157
Productive Ratio 158
Recovery Rate (Overall) 159
Recovery Rate (Sector Breakdown) 160
Recovery Rate % (Overall) 161
Recovery Rate % (Retail) 162
Recovery Rate % (Internal) 163
Recovery Rate % (Warranty) 164
Rectification 165
Repair Orders per Technician 166
Retail Hours Sold per Retail Job Card 167
Retail : Internal Ratio 168
Revenue per Technician 169
Semi-Fixed Expenses 170
Service Sales per Parc Unit 171
Sub Contract Profitability 172
Variable Expenses 173
Vehicle Parc 174
Work-In-Progress (Days) 175
W-Time 176
Interpreting The Parts Department 177
Annualised Parts Sales 178
Average Bought Cost 179
Average Buying Margin % 180
Bike Down 181
Circulation of Operational Investment 182
Circulation of Stock 183
Debtor Days 184
Department Contribution 185
Department Expenses 186
Department Profit 187
Direct Expenses 188
Direct Profit 189
Emergency Order % 190
Gross Profit % 191
Gross Return on Operational Investment 192
Gross Return on Stock 193
Imprest Stock 194
Oil & Lubricants Profitability 195
Operational Investment 196
Operating Profit 197
Obsolete Stock 198
Outside Sales Specialist 199
Parts Profit per New Unit Sold 200
Parts Operational Investment 201
Parts Sales Categories 202
Parts Sales Mix 203
Parts Sales Per Hours Sold 204
Parts Sales per Parc Unit 205
Parts Sales per Technician 206
Parts Stock Value 207
Parts Sales Per Employee 208
Rebates and Bonuses 209
Return on Operational Investment 210
Return on Stock 211
Semi-Fixed Expenses 212
Stock Adjustments 213
Total Parts Stock Turn (Version 1) 214
Total Parts Stock Turn (Version 2) 215
True Parts Stock Turn (Version 1) 216
True Parts Stock Turn (Version 2) 217
Vehicle Parc 218
VOR % (Version 1) 219
VOR % (Version 2) 220
VOR Penalty 221
Jeff Smith’s Law Of The Bodyshop 223
Bodyshop Efficiency (Model 5, Sector A) 242
Efficiency (Models 2, 3 & 4, Sector C) 243
Labour Utilisation (Model 6, Sector B) 244
Overall Efficiency (Model 1, Sector A) 245
Productivity (Model 1, Sector C) 246
Productivity (Model 2, Sector A) 247
Productivity (Model 3 & 4, Sector B) 248
Productive Efficiency (Model 6, Sector C) 249
Proficiency (Model 3, Sector A) 250
Selling Efficiency (Model 5, Sector C) 251
Utilisation (Models 1 & 2 Sector B) 252
Utilisation (Model 4, Sector A) 253
Working Efficiency (Model 5, Sector B) 254
Workshop Efficiency (Model 6, Sector A) 255
Summary of the Operational Efficiencies 256
Allocated Job Time 258
Work Providers Agreed Time 259
Technical Efficiency 260
Respecting the Law 261
Understanding The Bodyshop 263
Cycle Time 264
Debtor Days 265
Department Contribution 266
Department Expenses 267
Department Profit % 268
Direct Expenses 269
Direct Profit % 270
Diverted Time 271
Estimate Conversion Ratio 272
Gross Profit % 273
Hours Attended 274
Hours Bought 275
Hours per Vehicle Parc 276
Hours Sold 277
Hours Sold per Repair 278
Hours Worked 279
Idle Time 280
Key To Key 281
Labour Cost of Sales 282
Labour Gross Profit 283
Labour Gross Profit % 284
Labour Sales per Parc Unit 285
Labour Sales Mix 286
Lead Time 287
Lost Time 288
Operating Profit % 289
Paint & Materials per Labour Hour Sold 290
Parts Sales per Labour Hour Sold 291
Policy Costs 292
Productive Ratio 293
Recovery Rate (Overall) 294
Recovery Rate % (Overall) 295
Recovery Rate % (Retail) 296
Recovery Rate % (Internal) 297
Recovery Rate % (Warranty) 298
Recovery Rate % (Work Provider) 299
Rectification 300
Repair Orders per Technician 301
Retail : Work Provider Ratio 302
Revenue per Technician 303
Semi-Fixed Expenses 304
Sub Contract Profitability 305
Variable Expenses 306
Vehicle Parc 307
Work-In-Progress (Days) 308
W-Time 309
Interpreting Your Business Information 311
Absorption % (Basic Version) 312
Absorption % (Advanced Version) 313
Absorption Shortfall 314
Acid Test 315
Capital Employed 316
Cash Profits 317
Circulation of Capital Employed (COCE) 318
Circulation of Current Assets (COCA) 319
Circulation of Funds Employed (COFE) 320
Circulation of Investment (COI) 321
Current Ratio 322
Debtor Creditor Ratio 323
Debtor Days 324
Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) 325
Equity % 326
Fixed Asset % 327
Funds Employed 328
Gearing Ratio 329
Interest % 330
Interest Cover 331
Interest Cover Ratio 332
Investment 333
Loan Repayment % 334
Net Profit % 335
Net Profit Before Interest % (NPBI) 336
Net Profit Before Tax % (NPBT) 337
Resorption 338
Return on Capital Employed % (ROCE) 339
Return on Funds Employed % (ROFE) 340
Return on Investment % (ROI) 341
Return on Sales % (ROS) 342
Sales Retention Index (SRI) 343
Service Absorption 344
Vehicle Breakeven Volume 345
Working Capital 346
Working Capital Ratio 347

Acknowledgements 348

How to order additional copies 350


The only constant is change; in global terms, more

change has taken place in the past 30 years than in the
whole history of mankind put together. That itself is
incredible, but from this point forward the pace of change
is set to accelerate at an even faster rate and it’s our
ability to cope with these changes that will make the
difference between success and failure.

Most people hate change, yet it is the only thing that

brings progress. We all have to cope with change and for
most of us this can mean greater competition on both
sales and profitability whilst our customers’ expectations
continue to rise.

The challenge of change is to ensure that you take the

right action at the right time to make the most of the
opportunities that are available to you. New opportunities
can mean new ways of working, which might mean that
you need to think differently about your business in
certain areas and try new ideas without discrediting them
before you have any experience of the outcome.

The days have long since gone where you could simply
increase your prices to increase your profitability.
Nowadays, if you want to achieve better results in your
business you are really saying that you want achieve
different results in your business and this means
changing the way you work in some areas. The amount
of change you embrace is directly proportional to the
different results you desire. Looking to the past and what
you used to do will not always give you the answers you
need for the road ahead; you can’t drive your car looking
through the rear view mirror.
It’s important to understand the past, but it’s more
important to be focussed on the future and sometimes
you will need to walk new paths and lay new roads to
arrive at your desired destinations.

But none of these things are easy to achieve in businesses

that don’t like change. However, survival in business
demands change, we cannot escape it and it’s forced
upon us. New paradigms continue to shape our world of
understanding, global recessions serve to cull the weak
and those businesses that refused to change in the past no
longer exist.

Being a manager and coping with change in the business

environment is not always about chasing numbers and
improving profitability, most of the time it’s about
understanding people. If you and your team believe that
change can add value to your business, your salaries and
the desired change is a worthy cause to work for, most of
the hard work has already been achieved. The
implementation of new ideas is the easy part, but
changing the hearts and minds of people is a little more

Whilst this book is about understanding numbers, it

shouldn’t be forgotten that it’s people who are at the
forefront of everything we desire. If we take the time to
step back once in a while to understand our people and
realise that we all have hearts, feelings and families, then
the meeting of minds and a joint sense of purpose in life
will be much easier and more enjoyable to achieve. It’s a
wonderful feeling when people are working together in
pursuit of a common goal; team work makes the dream
work. Key performance indicators are merely the tools
which provide the light in the areas of darkness.
How To Use This Book

To understand the structure and aims of this second

edition, you first need a little background information of
how it came to be, so let’s get started.

The first edition of The KPI Book was published on

Friday 16 April 2001. When the first consignment of
1,000 books arrived, I opened the boxes and thought
"What on Earth am I going to do with all these books!" I
could not possibly have conceived the incredible journey
in life that was about to unfold in front me.

Since that time, the book has become the automotive

industry standard across the world and as a result I've
been privileged enough to work with many different
automotive businesses who provide cars, bikes, trucks
and vans. Volume sales have ranged from the small
businesses who sell less than 20 vehicles per year to the
largest dealerships in the world who sell more than 5,000
vehicles per month and everything else in between; not to
mention most of the manufacturers themselves.

The gruelling travel schedules have meant I've been

flying to different countries every week, travelling
through Europe, USA, The Middle East, Latin America
Scandinavia, Asia and beyond. It's been very tough, but
always very rewarding because it’s these experiences that
have given me the knowledge to write this book from a
truly global perspective.

This book contains pages of numeric examples for

explaining the methodology behind key performance
indicators and how to calculate them. The whole book is
based upon a case study so that the examples given are
all real and relative to each other. This is to say that, if
you wish, you can track performance right through Sales,
Service, Parts and Bodyshop all the way through to the
Balance Sheet.

Creating a case study to use for the examples in the book

was crucial for establishing the proof required to
standardise the global benchmarks and baselines.
Nothing is random, nothing is based on opinion, nothing
is left to chance; everything is based on hard facts and

Understanding Benchmarks and Baselines

The term benchmark is used when your performance is to
be restricted between an upper limit and lower limit.
Therefore performance benchmarks will always consist
of two numbers; the upper limit and the lower limit. For
example, the benchmarks for Utilisation are 85% to 95%
which means that performance in this area should ideally
be between these two limits. Benchmarks are therefore
only useful to restrict thinking rather than to set an
objective for things such as profitability. This is because
when people reach a benchmark they usually stop and
think, “That’s it, I’ve made it”.

Can performance be higher or lower than the

benchmarks? Yes it can, but here’s the important thing…

"Do not change the Benchmarks or Baselines

to suit your own performance”

One of the main reasons for confusion with benchmarks

and baselines is that historically, people have changed the
numbers to suit their own marketplace thinking that this
is the way to go. However, as a result of this, we have
different benchmarks all over the world and the key
performance indicators lose their power.

The key to success with benchmarks is to compare your

own performance with the standardised global
benchmarks in this book and if there is a gap between
your performance and the benchmarks, your task is to
understand why the gap exists.

"It is not your task to achieve all the benchmarks

and baselines. Your task is to understand your
own performance within the context of your
marketplace and your resources.”

Benchmarks and baselines are not targets to be achieved;

the numbers exist so that you have reference points for
particular areas of performance within your business. If
you change the benchmarks and baselines you no longer
have any valid industry reference points. This means you
can only compare your current performance against your
own previous performance. Whilst it is useful and
important to measure your own business trends, you still
need the global perspective to provide you with a
reference point so you can ask the right questions when
assessing your performance.

It is the understanding of why there is a gap between

your own performance and the global benchmarks that
reveals the most power. If you change the benchmarks to
suit your own performance, you lose the questions you
would have raised and therefore you will not understand
why your performance is different to other regions
around the world. Understanding the difference is the
thing that makes the difference.

Understanding Baselines
The term baseline is used when you want to express a
starting point for a given area of performance; this is a
minimum expectation.

A baseline suggests that you should reach a given level

of performance as an absolute minimum and you should
continue to develop the area even further. On the
contrary, a benchmark suggests that you should reach a
given level of performance and maintain it.

Baselines are particularly useful when setting objectives

in all levels of profitability because they do not have the
limiting factor of setting an upper limit at which many
people may stop any further development.

Care should be taken when measuring performance

against both benchmarks and baselines because people
have a tendency to aspire to what is expected of them,
which may not necessarily be the same as achieving the
optimum results from the resources available.

"The greatest danger for most of us lies not in

setting our aim too high and falling short; but in
setting our aim too low and achieving the mark.”

- Michelangelo
Do all KPI have benchmarks or baselines?
No, this is not the case. There are many key performance
indicators within the automotive industry and not all of
them are created for the same reasons. If you can imagine
going back in time to a place where the first key
performance indicators were discovered, they were
probably created by dealers and isolated to operational
performance. In the case of understanding operational
performance in the workplace, then the answer would be
yes, each of these types of key performance indicators
will have benchmarks or baselines. However, when we
move forward in time and become more sophisticated,
we created the desire to compare performance across
regions and also across the world and so we saw the birth
of the composite reports; a collection of dealer
information which is then averaged across the group.

Composite reports are wonderful tools for understanding

trends and in order to create a meaningful composite
report, other new key performance indicators had to be
created so that we can compare large companies with
smaller companies. These types of key performance
indicators will not have benchmarks and baselines
because they become distorted to a large degree by the
sample size of the group and not necessarily by
operational performance in the work place in a single
business. The sample size of a composite report can
change results significantly and the peaks and troughs
can be levelled out compared to an individual business.

The graph in figure 1, on the next page illustrates how a

single business performance can compare with a
composite average because a composite report with a
large sample size can bring the peaks and troughs closer
together and therefore level out performance. On the
other hand, a single business performance might be much
more erratic and fluctuate beyond the composite averages
due to its market conditions and the resources available.

figure 1:


Single Business Performance

Composite Average

However, additional and useful information has been

created and included within composite reports for
budgeting tools for manufacturers, insurance companies
and work providers. Unfortunately, some managers have
misinterpreted these key performance indicators to be
related to operational performance in the workplace.

A few of the more common KPI that fit into this criteria
have been included within this book, but not all of them
because the main focus of the book is on understanding
and delivering operational performance in the workplace.
Where these additional composite average key
performance indicators have been included, no
benchmarks or baselines will be given and instead the
instruction will read with the following statement:

Purpose: Budgeting and Composite Analysis

This statement does not mean the composite average key
performance indicators in question are worthless or
useless; on the contrary, they are useful for the purposes
for which they are intended. It does mean however that
you should take care in the interpretation of these key
performance indicators and not misinterpret them for
other operational uses.

One such example is Hours Sold per Technician. You

may use this KPI for budgeting purposes, but you must
understand that Technicians do not sell hours; that’s the
job of the Service Advisor or the Estimator so this KPI
has no place on a day-to-day operational level.

The key to success with key performance indicators is to

clearly separate cause and effect and if you want to make
a difference in operational performance, you need to
understand the effects and correctly identify the causes.

Understanding Cause And Effect

Actions are causes and results are effects. Think about a
learner driver for a moment. Imagine a car is stationary at
a junction in the road ready to turn right. The learner
driver lets the clutch out too quickly and the car lurches
forward faster than anticipated. The learner driver panics
and grapples frantically with the steering wheel turning it
quickly to gain control of the car.

The learner driver is dealing with the effects of their

actions, not the causes. The cause of the car lurching
forward is poor clutch control, but the learner driver tried
to correct the problem by fighting the steering wheel. It
doesn’t matter how adept the driver becomes with the
steering wheel, the problem will always exist as long as
the driver has poor clutch control.
The cause of the car lurching forward is poor clutch
control and the effects are dealt with at the steering
wheel. And so it is with the analysis of key performance
indicators. Managers are so busy becoming adept with
the steering wheel that they fail to gain control of the

Cause and effect should be equally recognised in

business analysis if corrective solutions are to be applied.
If the results in the company are less than satisfactory
then different actions are required to generate different
results. One clinical definition of insanity is to keep on
doing the same things and to expect different results. If
you want to change the effects in your business, you must
change the causes. It’s not possible to change effects, it’s
only possible to change causes; the same effects will
always be evident until the causes are changed.

"All key performance indicators are effects.

It’s your job to correctly identify the causes”

Becoming more adept at dealing with effects is

counterproductive, energy sapping and pointless. In
addition, simply throwing money at problems is treating
the symptoms, not the disease and the problems are
merely disguised for a little while until they return with a
vengeance to ask for even more money at a later point in

When you want to improve operational performance in

the workplace, you’ll continue fighting the effects, until
you correctly identify and rectify the causes.
Defining purpose, goals and objectives
The Internet and cost effective travel has made planet
Earth a global village. The gates of cross-border trading
are wide open in most countries and we are all keen to
know what other businesses are able to achieve in
different areas of the automotive industry.

To have the ability to view each other’s performance is

indeed a worthy goal, but we must all use a common
language and understand the benefits and limitations in
performance for these comparisons to make any kind of
sense so we can exchange Best Practice initiatives.

My main aims in writing this book cover a multitude of

areas. The first is to create a common language so that
everyone can work together on a global scale and to
understand the true meaning of each key performance
indicator in a clear and simple way, without confusion.

Another aim is to introduce a brand new suite of key

performance indicators into the Sales and Parts
departments based on Operational Investment. These new
key performance indicators are much more intelligent
than the traditional measures such as Stock Turn because
they assess how well managers utilise the funds entrusted
to them for stock, the funding of that stock as well as
credit control.

I created these new key performance indicators out

necessity and stored them in my armoury of consultancy
and training tools. Over the years, they’ve proven
themselves to be invaluable and I now have the
opportunity to share them here with you. They are a new
set of paradigms so prepare your mind and get ready to
challenge your current thinking.
There are also other brand new key performance
indicators called Absorption Shortfall, Resorption and
Sales Retention Index within the business section. These
KPI are used for achieving strategic synergy between the
Sales and Aftersales departments within a franchised
dealership and illustrate how the Sales and Aftersales
management teams have to work together to deliver the
whole dealership results.

In addition to introducing these new key performance

indicators, I also have a very personal goal. It is my
greatest desire to bring people together across the world
in the automotive industry and to achieve this, we need to
standardise the benchmarks and baselines on a global

This objective is of particular importance to me because

it’s only when we have achieved this standardisation that
we, as an industry, can have an in depth understanding of
each other’s business performance on a truly global scale.
Only time will tell if my efforts in writing this book are
worthy of such mighty objectives.
Please note that this is a
sample only and 99% of the
content has been removed.
Understanding The
Sales Departments:
New, Used & Trade

“People often say perception is reality,

but when it comes to management,
performance is reality”

- Jeff Smith
% Value of Stock Over 90 days

Value of Stock Over 90 days  Stock Value (x 100)

Baseline: < 10% of Stock Value

This KPI takes the total value of your new or used

vehicle stock, and then states the collective value of the
vehicles that are over 90 days old as a percentage of the
total. In other words, if you have £3,692,997 invested in
vehicle stock, how much of this money is invested in
vehicles that have been in stock for more than 90 days?

A) Value of Stock Over 90 Days = £174,859
B) Value of Total Stock = £2,019,154
C) % of Funds Over 90 days = 8.66% (A ÷ B x100)

This KPI very wisely moves away from used vehicle

units and measures the money that is invested within

The example above illustrates that 8.66% of the money

that is invested in vehicle stock is currently invested in
vehicles that have been in stock for more than 90 days.
What the KPI does not tell you is how much longer than
90 days the investment has been there.

This is a very useful trend to assess because it measures

the ability to manage the money that is invested in
vehicle stock as opposed to the units themselves.

It removes the emotion that is often attached to those

vehicles that someone will buy “one day”, and focuses
your mind on the real issue at stake: Cash.
Adopted Stock

Fully Paid New Vehicle Stock

Baseline: Europe and USA = 0

In Europe, most new vehicle stock is supplied to a dealer

from a franchise manufacturer on a consignment basis.
This means that when new vehicles are delivered to the
dealer, the dealer usually pays the interest charges or
stocking charges as they are more commonly known.

After a defined period (typically 180 days) the new

vehicles have to be adopted by the dealer, or in other
words, the dealer must pay for the vehicles in full.

Before reaching the point of adoption, when a dealer sells

a vehicle, the consignment agreement stipulates that the
vehicle must be paid for at the point of registration.
Therefore new vehicle stock is paid in full in one of two

1) When the vehicles are registered

2) When they reach the end of the consignment period

When vehicles reach the end of their consignment period

they become Adopted Stock. The worst scenario that can
happen is to be adopting vehicles because it absorbs huge
amounts of money, which in turn prevents activity in
other areas of your business due to cashflow.

In other regions around the world, consignment stock is

not available and new vehicles are funded at source by
the dealer. In these instances the dealer requires more
cash of course, but is compensated with higher margins.
Advertising Cost per Unit Sold

£ Spent on Advertising  Units Sold

Purpose: Budgeting and Composite Analysis

This KPI establishes the average amount of money that

has been spent per unit sold. Beware! This is definitely
not a measurement of your advertising effectiveness.

A) Money Spent on Advertising = £169,000
B) Units Sold = 960
C) £ Advertising per Unit Sold = £176.04 (A ÷ B)

Firstly, the units sold should relate only to retail units and
ideally, you should have a separate KPI for new and used

This KPI is useful for ascertaining your advertising

budget for retail sales, based on your sales objectives and
it’s sometimes imposed by franchise standards by
applying a percentage of the sales value. However, it
should not be used to judge advertising effectiveness
because that’s something different altogether.

If you wish to measure your advertising effectiveness,

you would better using the advertising spend and
dividing it by the number enquiries generated. The
advertising might be very effective and generate many
prospects, but if the sales process is weak, or product
availability if poor, you may not convert those enquiries
into sales and it would be quite wrong to blame the
advertising for the lack of conversion.
Average Selling Price

Sales Value of Units Sold  Number of Units Sold

Purpose: Budgeting and Composite Analysis

This KPI applies to new and used vehicles separately and

provides you with your average selling price of the
vehicles that you have sold.

A) Invoice value of vehicles sold = £20,409,600
B) Number of units sold = 960
C) Average Selling Price = £21,260 (A ÷ B)

This statistic is usually provided for you on your

franchise manufacturer’s composite reports and shows
the average selling price for new and used vehicles
separately as opposed to being merged.

It is useful for establishing your funding requirements in

stock when you are putting together your budgets,
business plans and strategy plans such as model mix.

It is also useful in the assessment of your stock profiling

exercises for used vehicles whilst your figures for the
new vehicles will be heavily influenced by your fleet
sales activity and your customer profile.

It is of course best to create this figure separately for

New Retail, Fleet, Used Retail and Used Trade vehicles
so you can more accurately assess the trends in each
sectors. Once attained, you can also use this to identify
the impact upon cash flow when matched with the
seasonality of the sales volumes.
Circulation of Operational Investment (New)

Annualised New Vehicle Turnover  Operational

Investment of New Vehicles

Baseline: > 8

This KPI very cleverly asks how many times the capital
investment at an operational level in new vehicles is
being used in 1 year to generate the turnover. The higher
the number the better because it demonstrates the Sales
Manager’s ability to optimise the funds available.

A) New Vehicle Stock Value = £2,373,209
B) New Vehicle Debtors = £170,080
C) New Vehicle Creditors = £529,734
D) New Vehicle Turnover = £20,409,600
E) Operational Investment = £2,013,555 (A + B - C)
F) New Vehicle COOI = 10.14 (D ÷ E)

* See Operational Investment, New Vehicles on page 65.

The results here are influenced by Sales Volume, stock

control and credit control so that the Sales Manager is
responsible for all funds tied up and utilised within the
generation of new vehicles. It’s all too easy to get excited
by high sales volumes but money can easily get tied up in
funding debtors for New Vehicles for Fleet Customers
and poor control with finance companies. The smart
Sales Manager focuses on how the stock is funded and
maximises the creditors to reduce borrowings. This is
especially useful in times of growth or with exceptional
deals that need to be funded for longer periods because a
downwards trend here is really bad news.
Stock Turn

Annualised Used Retail Unit Sales  Used Unit Stock

Baseline: > 8 times per annum

Used vehicle Stock Turn tells you the number of times

that you use your used vehicle stock in 1 year; the higher
the number, the better.

A) Annualised used Retail vehicle sales = 1,462
B) Number of units in used stock = 152
C) Annual Stock Turn = 9.62 (A ÷ B)

This example illustrates the used vehicle stock being

utilised 9.62 times per year; note that consignment stock
should also be included and Trade Sales are excluded.

Quite simply, the faster you turn your used vehicle stock,
the less money you need to invest. The baseline of 8
times per year is an urban myth and represents mere
survival. You want to achieve closer to 10 times per year;
the top achievers deliver 12 times per year or more.

Stock Turn has been the traditional KPI used to assess

how well a Sales Manager uses the stock, but it falls
short in quite a few places because it only counts units
and makes no reference to the profits generated, the
management of the investment, credit control or indeed
the value of stock. To gain the complete picture, please
also see Circulation of Operational Investment on page35
and in conjunction with that Return on Operational
Investment on page 74. These KPI look more closely
from a business perspective.
Stock Turn Days (Used Retail Vehicles)

Units in Stock x 365  Annualised Retail Units Sold

Baseline: < 45 Days

This is also known as Days Supply or Days Stock Turn.

The KPI questions how many days, on average, used
vehicles remain in stock prior to being sold.

A) Used Vehicles in Stock = 152
B) Days in 1 year = 365
C) Used Retail Sales = 1,462
D) Stock Turn Days = 37.94 days (A x B ÷ C)

This example is illustrating that used vehicles remain in

stock for an average period of 37.94 days prior to being
sold. This figure is of course an average of the entire
stock and of course some vehicles sell within the first 10
days or less and others may remain in stock for 60 days
or more.

Evidence from the top achievers confirms that dealers

with this KPI reporting lower than 40 days have
significantly higher gross profit in used vehicles and
lower expenses than those dealers who report 50 days
stock turn or more.

The higher the figure, the worse the situation because it

confirms that vehicles are remaining in stock for longer
periods of time. Not only does profitability fall, but you
will also be attracting overage stock, which brings with it
a whole host of other undesirable problems. 45 days is
tolerable, but 36 days or lower would be a good result.
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Jeff Smith’s Law Of
The Service Department

“Assumptions are dangerous,

they lead the naive in all directions.
Uncover the evidence and discover the truth”

- Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith’s Law of The Service Department

Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if all manufacturers,

Dealer Principals, Accountants, Service Managers and
Staff in every dealership in every country used the same
words to describe the operational efficiencies of the
Service Department? As we’re dealing with hundreds of
thousands of people here, understandably, this is not the
case and what we have to work with is a myriad of terms
that essentially mean the same thing… or do they?

The meaning of the term Productivity can mean one thing

to one person and yet something completely different to
another, and something else again to another, yet the
crazy thing is, they can all be correct. It can be so
frustrating, especially when all of these people are
insisting that they’re using the correct term and you’re
the one who’s wrong.

In addition to the naming conventions being used in

different ways, we also have inconsistent benchmarks
and in some cases, they’re obviously plucked out of thin
air because they make no sense at all. It comes as no
surprise that we have so much confusion surrounding
these three operational efficiencies, hence it’s so difficult
to extract and share best practice.

To combat this wide-spread industry problem, this

section has tackled the issue head on and cleared up all
the controversy surrounding the benchmarks. Here you
will see the truth revealed; not by opinion, but rather by
evidence. All the folklore and myths that have been
passed from one manager to another have been stripped
away to lay bare the cold, hard facts of reality to
eliminate all confusion.
The Construction and Methodology of
Jeff Smith’s Law of the Service Department

Stage 1: The business model is based upon a simple

equilateral triangle which is split into three sectors
labelled Sector A, Sector B and Sector C.

Figure 1:

Sector A

Sector B Sector C

Although it may appear simple, it’s worth taking the time

to memorise the exact layout of the triangle because you
will need to recall this information at a later stage when
the naming conventions for the Service Department
operational efficiencies are introduced into each sector.
And perhaps more importantly, you will need to
understand how the benchmarks are created which is a
direct result of the placement within each sector.
Stage 2: Here we can see the most important aspect of
the business model because the sectors are not randomly
paced within the triangle; there’s method. The arrows and
the mathematical operators are displaying how the
sectors are relating to each other with the examples
below showing the results

Figure 2:

Sector A

÷ ÷

Sector B Sector C

Results from above:

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(Models 2, 3 & 4, Sector C, pages 103, 104 and 105)

Hours Sold  Hours Worked (x100)

Benchmarks: 110% to 125%

This KPI questions the relationship between the

Technicians speed in completing jobs and the selling
skills of the Service Advisor.

A) Hours Sold = 28,563.13
B) Hours Worked = 24,691.50
C) Efficiency = 115.68% (A  B x 100)

Contrary to popular belief, this is not a measure of the

Technician’s beating the manufacturers’ book times;
instead it measures against the Hours Sold. To assess
Technician speed, see Technical Efficiency on page 126.

The responsibility of the Hours Sold sits firmly with the

Service Advisor. On some occasions they may not
invoice the completed work, in which case it will stay in
Work In Progress and not show in the Hours Sold. Other
influencing factors are the inclusion or exclusion of
diagnostic work, inaccurate invoicing and poor selling

The danger here is that if Technicians speed up and

complete their jobs in faster times, Efficiency will
increase, but the workshop may run out of work and
simply create Idle Time. Therefore this KPI must be
analysed in the context of Jeff Smith’s Law of The
Service Department to ensure the correct interpretation.
Labour Utilisation
(Model 6, Sector B, page 107)

Hours Worked  Hours Attended (x100)

Benchmarks: 85% to 95%

This KPI asks how much of the Technicians Attended

time is actually spent spanner-in-hand, head-under-
bonnet, clocked onto a job card.

A) Hours Worked = 24,691.50
B) Hours Attended = 27,000
C) Labour Utilisation = 91.45% (A  B x 100)

This example shows that Technicians have attended

27,000 hours of which 91.45% of that time has been
spent clocked onto jobs. In other words, 91.45% of the
time available to work has been utilised. The remaining
2,308.50 hours, which is 8.55% of the hours attended that
was not clocked onto jobs will be shown as Idle Time.
Hours Worked = 24,691.50 Idle Time

Labour Utilisation = 91.45% 8.55%

Hours Attended = 27,000

It’s influenced by the speed at which the Technicians

complete their jobs and the number of hours available to
work. The danger here is that if Technicians slow down,
Labour Utilisation will increase, so it must be analysed in
the context of Jeff Smith’s Law of The Service
Department to ensure the correct interpretation.
Understanding The
Service Department

“To give real service, you must add three ingredients

which cannot be bought or measured with profit:
sincerity, passion and integrity.”

- Jeff Smith
Debtor Days

Service Debtors ÷ Service Daily Credit Turnover

Baseline: < 45 days

The Debtor Days KPI is a measurement of the credit

activity within the Service Department. Its purpose is to
inform you of the average number of days that your
customers take to pay you.

A) Service Debtors = £102,129
B) Service Daily Credit Turnover* = £2,360.28
C) Debtor Days = 43.27 (A ÷ B)

In order to calculate the Service Daily Credit Turnover,
you will need to take the annualised Service Turnover
which is sold on credit and divide that figure by 365 to
arrive at a Service Daily Credit Turnover.

A) Annual Turnover On Credit = £861,500.53
B) Days in 1 year = 365
C) Service Daily Credit Turnover = £2,360.28 (A ÷ B)

In the example provided above the average amount of

debt is outstanding for a period of 43.27 days. In many
cases, customer credit agreements are for 30 days and all
too often these credit terms are not fully instigated and
your money is outstanding for longer periods of time.
The question is how much longer? A business can
survive a long time without profit, but it cannot survive a
single day without cash.
Department Contribution

Department Contribution  Turnover (x100)

Baseline: > 35%

The Contribution of the Service Department is also called

many other things such as, Department Profit, Operating
Profit, Direct Profit and of course the bottom line.

Contribution is calculated by taking Gross Profit minus

all Department Expenses. To make sense of this figure it
is always expressed as a percentage of Turnover when
used for trending as it’s the direction of travel that is of
most interest to you.

A) Contribution = £1,842,607.25
B) Department Turnover = £4,786,114.08
C) Contribution % = 38.50% (A ÷ B x 100)

Keeping track of your Contribution % is best shown in

the form of a simple graph that is updated monthly so
that you can see the trends that are emerging.


However, this figure by itself will not help you much

because you need to get behind the scenes and examine
your Gross Profits and Expenses to understand the causes
for both good and poor performance.
Department Expenses

Department Expenses  Turnover (x100)

Baseline: Own Strategy

The Department Expenses of the Service Department are

also known as Direct Expenses and refer to the total
expenses incurred. They represent the sum total of the
Variable Expenses and Semi-Fixed Expenses.

Typically, Department Expenses are shown as a

monetary value and in order for you to capture
meaningful trend analysis you will need to express them
as a percentage of department Turnover.

A) Variable Expenses = £115,640.05
B) Semi-Fixed Expenses = £1,884,898.00
C) Department Expenses = £2,000,538.05 (A + B)
D) Department Turnover = £4,786,114.08
E) Department Expense % = 41.80% (C  D x 100)

Keeping control of Department Expenses can be a

difficult task unless you fully understand the difference
between Variable Expenses and Semi-Fixed Expenses.

Variable Expenses are directly linked to sales volume

and Semi-Fixed Expenses are not linked to sales volume
therefore the actions that you need to take to maintain
control is different in each area.

Simply looking here and not fully understanding the

differences in expenses can be very misleading and
therefore dangerous; take care with this one.
Diverted Time

Hours Attended – Hours Worked

Benchmarks: 5% to 15% of the Hours Attended

This term is also known as Unrecovered Time, Idle Time

or Lost Time.

Diverted Time means that the Technicians have been

attending the dealership and available to work, but they
have not been clocked onto jobs. Typically this could be
due to a lack of work available, time spent locating a
vehicle, or waiting for parts and other such issues.

A) Hours Attended = 27,000
B) Hours Worked = 24,691.50
C) Hours Diverted = 2,308.50 (A - B)
D) Average labour Cost = £22.50
E) Cost of Diverted Time = £51,941.25 (C x D)

The mathematical formula is simply Hours Attended

minus Hours Worked and this is shown here as a number
of hours and a monetary value, which can usually be
found within the Variable Expenses of the Service

There’s often a big misunderstanding here which is that

this represents Technicians time that has not been sold;
this is incorrect. The truth is that this is the Technicians
time that has not been worked. Technicians don’t sell
hours, they work hours, it’s the Service Advisor who
sells the hours and that’s a completely different function,
performed by different people at different times.
Lead Time

“I want my vehicle serviced, when can you fit it in?”

Baseline: 3 days or less

The Lead Time is the length of time a customer must

wait before their vehicle can be seen by your Service

A short Lead Time of two to three days is usually

expected and generally accepted by a customer unless
they have a serious problem that needs immediate

A long Lead Time of seven to ten days is not generally

understood nor accepted by customers and usually results
in them taking their vehicles elsewhere; forever!

Factors that affect the length of Lead Time are the

availability of Courtesy Cars, collection and delivery,
workshop loading, customer retention, and Aftersales
marketing. The length of Lead Time that your dealership
has is a reflection of the work that is available to you and
to be truthful, your ability to cope with its demands.

If your Lead Time is seven days or more on a consistent

basis, then you should certainly examine the capacity of
your workshop and you may consider taking on
additional Technicians if you have the facilities available,
or review your courtesy car procedures

If your Lead Time is nonexistent on a continual basis,

then your Aftersales marketing campaigns may need an
extra boost to gain additional work.
Retail : Internal Ratio

Retail Hours Sold  Internal Hours Sold

Baseline: >2.5:1

When you wish to grow a Service Department, you need

to see real growth in the Retail Hours Sold, but simply
having more Retail Hours Sold is not enough, you need
to see growth against the Internal Hours Sold which
means that Customer Retention is good and the
department is not reliant upon the Sales Department.

A) Retail Hours Sold = 19,994.19
B) Internal Hours Sold = 5,712.63
C) Retail : Internal Ratio = 3.5:1 (A  B)

One of the factors affecting this statistic is a rapid growth

rate in vehicle sales, which in the short-term will shift the
bias to internal work. However in the following months
the balance should be redressed as these vehicles return
for scheduled servicing. If those vehicles do not return,
this ratio will show a downward trend.

If the underlying trend of this KPI is demonstrating a

high dependence upon internal work, it could mean that
your dealership is losing its retail customers, there are no
efforts in place to grow the retail sector of your business,
or there is little or no control for invoicing procedures
between the Sales and Service Department.

This is a strong indicator of the Service Manager’s ability

to grow the workshop without the reliance upon internal
and warranty work.
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Interpreting Your
Parts Department

“Profit Loves Speed”

- Jeff Smith
Average Buying Margin %

Retail Value – Net Invoice Value Retail Value (x100)

Baseline: Franchise Specific

This KPI informs you of the average profit margin that is

applied to every purchase that you have made, or in other
words, it’s the average amount of mark-up that you have

A) Retail price of purchases = £8,134,545
B) Cost of parts purchases = £5,541,157
C) Average buying margin = £2,593,388 (A – B)
D) Average Buying Margin % = 31.88% (C ÷ A x 100)

This example shows that for this particular accounting

period, the parts purchases amounted to £5,541,157 and
the retail price of those parts is listed at £8,134,545; the
difference between them is your profit margin.

The average buying margin in this example is looking at

the total parts purchases whereas the source of purchase
may be different and may have different buying margins;
for instance, Stock Order purchases. VOR purchases,
purchases from other businesses and of course different
product groups may also have different buying margins.

The calculation is an average of all purchases made in a

given period, usually 1 month, but many reports will
show you the Average Buying Margin across the
different product lines and product groups. Typically,
you can find your buying margins on the reports supplied
to you by your franchise manufacturer.
Circulation of Operational Investment

Parts Turnover  Operational Investment (x 100)

Baseline: > 8

This KPI very cleverly asks how many times the capital
investment at an operational level in the Parts
Department is being utilised in 1 year in order to generate
the turnover. The higher the number the better because it
demonstrates the Parts Manager’s ability to optimise the
funds in use.

A) Parts Stock Value = £745,690
B) Parts Debtors = £229,384
C) Parts Creditors = £269,886
D) Parts Dept. Turnover = £7,486,728.73
E) Operational Investment = £705,188 (A + B - C)
F) Parts Department COOI = 10.62 (D ÷ E)

* See Parts Operational Investment on page 201

The results here are influenced by Sales Volume, stock

control and credit control so that the Parts Manager is
responsible for all funds tied up and utilised within the
generation of parts turnover. It’s all too easy to get
excited by high sales volumes but money can easily get
tied up in funding Debtors for Trade Sales with poor
credit control. The smart Parts Manager focuses on how
the stock is funded and maximises the creditors to reduce
borrowings. This is especially useful in times of growth
or with exceptional Trade deals that need to be funded
for longer periods. Beware, because a downwards trend
here absorbs cash and destroys profitability.
Circulation of Stock

Parts Turnover  Stock Value (x 100)

Baseline: > 8

This KPI is similar to Stock Turn and uses the same kind
of thinking, but instead of using Sales at cost price, it
uses sales at invoice value. It’s asking how much stock is
required to generate the turnover.

A) Parts Turnover = £7,486,728.73
B) Parts Stock Value = £745,690
C) Circulation of Parts Stock = 10.04 (A ÷ B)

This KPI is a little wiser than Stock Turn as it takes the

value of discount into consideration because the sales
value is the invoice value, which is after discount. If
Parts Sales business is growing, but with higher
discounting, this KPI will reduce meaning that you’re
using more stock to generate your sales.

In simplistic terms, the faster you circulate your stock,

the less money you need to invest and the faster it is
selling. Both of these facts mean that you will avoid
overage stock and the losses associated with it. Of course
the slower the circulation, the more money you need to
invest and you will attract more overage stock.

However, whilst this KPI does take the value of stock

into account, it doesn’t explore how that stock is funded,
nor how the Parts Manager optimises the funds of the
department. To get the complete picture, please see
Circulation of Operational Investment on page 182.
Emergency Order %

Purchases on E.O. ÷ Total Purchases (x 100)

Baseline: Depends upon frequency of Stock Order

E.O. is an abbreviation for Emergency Order. E.O. sales

occur when a vehicle is being repaired in the workshop
and the parts that are required to repair it are not
currently held within your parts stock so an Emergency
Order is placed with the manufacturer.

A) Emergency Orders = £759,739
B) Total of parts purchases = £5,541,157
C) Emergency Order % = 13.71% (A ÷ B x 100)

In this instance, the required parts are ordered from your

franchise manufacturer on an emergency basis and the
parts are delivered much faster than they would
otherwise be delivered on a stock order. But beware, they
often carry a price penalty so you pay more for the

This KPI is captured on a monthly basis and this example

is showing that 13.78% of the purchases in this particular
period were ordered on an EO basis. The percentage of
EO order is dependent upon the Parts Manager’s ability
to select the right items for stock and it’s also dependent
upon the frequency of the stock order.

A European business model should have no more than

10% E.O. purchases, whereas a business with a very slow
supply chain and a monthly stock order could see the
EO% up towards 30% in some instances.
Obsolete Stock

Baseline: < 1% of Turnover per month

Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if you were able to sell

every single part that you purchased? The truth of the
matter is that you are unable to achieve this utopia in the
real world and therefore you have to make decisions
about how long you keep hold of stock before you admit
to yourself that it’s just not going to sell.

Although the parts which are occupying your shelves

right now do not have a “sell by date” printed on them,
you already know that there is a limited amount of time
for them to sell because new vehicles are being launched
and demand for older parts diminishes. Once this time
has expired, those old parts are said to be past their sell
by date, or in other words, they become obsolete stock.

There are no hard and fast rules for writing off parts
stock, but Best Practice in Europe and the US seems to
be around 2 years. After the first year, 50% is written off
and after the second year the remainder is written off and
the parts are then discarded. The amount of write off
should not be greater than 1% of your turnover each
month. If it’s higher, then you have too much stock, or
even worse, too much of the wrong stock.

In other regions such at The Middle East, Asia and Latin

America, parts obsolescence is often not recognised
(sometimes by the dealer and sometimes by government
legislation) and parts stock continues to grow with
obsolete parts remaining in stock at full price. This poor
practice creates a higher taxation liability and dangerous
distortions in the business on Cashflow and Gearing.
Return on Operational Investment

Parts Dept. Profit  Operational Investment x 100

Baseline: > 96%

This KPI questions the whole department profit for 1

year being returned from the operational investment
that’s been placed within the Parts Manager’s control.

A) Parts Stock Value = £745,690
B) Parts Debtors = £229,384
C) Parts Creditors = £269,886
D) Parts Department Profit = £1,207,063.41
E) Operational Investment = £705,188 (A + B - C)
F) ROOI = 171.17% (D ÷ E x 100)

This is the ultimate measure of the Parts Department

because it questions how much profit is being made
based upon how much you have invested within it.

This KPI is the best measure of a Parts Manager because

it calls into question the control of profitability, expenses,
stock levels, credit control and indeed how the stock is
funded, including Imprest Stock.

When making strategic decisions within the Parts

Department, it’s always wise to consider the impact that
your decisions have upon this KPI. The top achievers in
the industry achieve much more than double the baseline
given here and it’s achieved by making decisions
quickly, properly managing funds and operating without
excess stock. A diminishing trend here is really bad news
because it drains cashflow.
True Parts Stock Turn (Version 1)

Annualised Stock Purchases ÷ Stock Value

Baseline: Dependent Upon frequency of Stock Order

This KPI is valuable when you wish to know how many

times the Parts Manager uses the funds invested in the
parts stock; the higher the number the better.

A) Annualised Stock Order Purchases = £3,876,292
B) Annualised VOR. Purchases = £759,739
C) Annualised Other Purchases = £905,126
D) Current Stock Value = £745,690
E) True Parts Stock Turn = 5.20 (A ÷ D)

Please note that VOR and Other Purchases are excluded

from this equation because those orders are not intended
for stock purposes. They come in and go out with
immediate effect because they were required for a
customer and were not in stock at the time of the order.
Please compare the result here with the Total Stock Turn
on page 214 and you will clearly see the difference.

You may need to calculate the True Parts Stock Turn

yourself as this is seldom shown on Composite reports;
many use the Total Stock Turn shown on page 214.

The baseline is wholly dependent upon the frequency of

the Stock Order. A European and US business model
typically has stock order terms of 3 days or less and has
little requirement for stockholding; they should achieve a
figure of at least 6 times, whereas a country with a very
slow supply chain may slip down to 3 times per year.
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Bodyshop Efficiency
(Model 5, Sector A, page 240)

Hours Sold  Hours Attended (x100)

Benchmarks: 93.5% to 142.50%

This KPI measures the abilities of the Bodyshop

Manager, the Technicians and the Estimator to control
everything because it illustrates the balance between
Working Efficiency and Selling Efficiency.

A) Hours Sold = 27,636.80
B) Hours Attended = 21,600
C) Bodyshop Efficiency = 127.95% (A  B x 100)

Bodyshop Efficiency is about maximising the whole

Bodyshop to ensure the following 5 areas are optimised:

1) Establish the optimum number of Hours Attended.

2) When the Technicians are available to work, make
sure they are working on jobs.
3) When the Technicians are working on jobs, ensure that
they complete the jobs quickly to save time.
4) Here’s the key…In the time the Technicians have
saved by working quickly, you must load additional jobs
into the time saved or you will just be left with Idle Time.
5) Ensure that the invoices are completed accurately and
all of the work is sold to the customer.

High levels of Bodyshop Efficiency produce high levels

of profit. The secret to success is to optimise Step 4 by
loading the Bodyshop to ensure you have enough work to
fill the gap created by the time saved.
Productive Efficiency
(Model 6, Sector C, page 241)

Hours Sold  Hours Worked (x100)

Benchmarks: 110% to 150%

This KPI questions the relationship between the

Technicians speed in completing jobs and the selling
skills of the Estimator and the people at the front counter.

A) Hours Sold = 27,636.80
B) Hours Worked = 20,234.88
C) Productive Efficiency = 136.58% (A  B x 100)

Contrary to what most people think, it is not a measure of

the Technicians ability to beat the agreed job times. This
is because the measure is against the Hours Sold and not
the allocated job time; To assess Technicians speed, see
Technical Efficiency on page 260.

The responsibility of the Hours Sold sits firmly with the

Estimator. On some occasions the invoice may not be
produced in the same time period in which the work is
completed and the job will stay in Work In Progress and
not show in the Hours Sold. Other influencing factors are
estimating skills, inaccurate invoicing and selling skills.

The danger here is that if Technicians complete their jobs

in faster times, Productive Efficiency will increase, but
the Bodyshop may run out of work and simply create Idle
Time. Therefore this KPI must be analysed in the context
of Jeff Smith’s Law of The Bodyshop to ensure the
correct interpretation.
Understanding The

“There are no secrets to success.

It’s the result of hard work, preparation
and above all, learning from your mistakes.”

- Jeff Smith
Cycle Time

First Notification Of Loss (FNOL) to Handover

Purpose: Budgeting and Composite Analysis

Cycle Time has been created by work providers to obtain

an “average cycle time” which is ideal for their own cost
control purposes and for these reasons it makes sense
when they have such a large sample size of repairs.

However, from a Bodyshop Management perspective this

can be completely misinterpreted because there’s no such
thing as an average job, which means that Cycle Time
can vary based upon the type and mix of jobs you receive
rather than the time it takes to complete those jobs.

Another distortion here is that different work providers

have different criteria for measuring the Cycle Time,
which means that if you have multiple work providers,
you may also have multiple versions of Cycle Time; here
are three more variants of Cycle Time as an example:

1) FNOL to Invoice
2) Vehicle receipt to invoice
3) Vehicle receipt to vehicle handover

There are indeed many more versions and none of them

are right or wrong. However, applying any form of Cycle
Time on a day-to-day basis within a Bodyshop can be
very misleading because the sample size of repairs is so
much smaller than the sample size of the work provider.
This means that you cannot accurately compare Cycle
Times because the average times will be very different.
Please also see Key-To-Key on page 281.
Estimate Conversion Ratio

No of Jobs from Estimates  No of Estimates (x100)

Baseline: > 80%

This KPI assesses how many jobs you have gained from
the estimates that you have given.

A) No of jobs from estimates = 1,404
B) No of estimates given = 1,654
C) Estimate Conversion Ratio = 0.85:1 (A ÷ B)

More often than not, this KPI is referred to as a ratio, but

in terms of reporting format it is usually displayed as a

The measurement is exactly the same the only difference

is that you multiply the result by 100 to convert the ratio
into a percentage. It’s really a matter of your preference.

A) No of jobs from estimates = 1404
B) No of estimates given = 1,654
C) Estimate Conversion % = 84.89% (A ÷ B x 100)

In simplistic terms these examples show that for every

estimate that you have provided, you have successfully
converted 84.89% of them into jobs for your business.

There are 2 things to examine here, the accuracy and

selling skills of the Estimator and the selling skills of the
person doing any follow-up calls to question why you
have not received the approval as yet.
Recovery Rate (Overall)

Total Labour Sales  Total Hours Sold

Baseline: See Recovery Rate %

Your Bodyshop will have a published labour rate per

hour, (Charge out Rate) but how often are you able to
charge this amount to every customer on every job
without giving a discount?

The Recovery Rate is asking how much revenue you

have recovered per Hour Sold after any discount.

A) Retail Charge Out Rate = £65 per hour
B) Hours Sold = 27,636.80
C) Labour Sales without discount = £1,796,392 (A x B)
D) Actual Labour Sales = £1,394,511.71
E) Recovery Rate = £50.46 (D ÷ B)

This example shows the charge out rate is £65 per hour,
but after discount, the amount recovered is £50.46 per
hour. This means there’s an average discount of £14.54
being given on every hour sold. Apart from controlling
the discount levels, there are two main issues here:

1) In which income stream is the discount being given?

For this you need to calculate the Recovery Rates for
each income stream you have such as Retail, Insurance,
Internal and Warranty (and any other income stream)
then the discount will become visible.
2) To compare your performance against other
Bodyshops, you need to calculate the Recovery Rate %
for each income stream.
Content removed – Sample only
Interpreting Your
Business Information

“Turnover is vanity,
profit is sanity,
cash is reality.”

- unknown
Absorption (Basic Version)

Aftersales Direct Profit  Business Overheads (x100)

Baseline: See Advanced Version on the next page

This basic version of Absorption asks if the combined

Direct Profits from Aftersales have the ability to cover
(absorb) the cost of the company overheads.

A) Direct Profit from Aftersales = £3,804,329
B) Company Overheads = £4,590,595
C) Overhead Absorption = 82.87% (ABx100)

Aftersales Direct Profit means the collective profits

generated from all areas of the dealership with the
exception of the Sales Department profit.

It doesn’t mean that Aftersales is more or less important

than the Sales Department, it’s simply that Aftersales
profitability is less volatile than the Sales Department
profitability so it’s more stable for planning purposes in
this scenario.

This example demonstrates that 82.87% of the company

overheads are covered by Aftersales, which leaves the
remaining 17.13% of the company overheads to be
covered by the profits from the Sales Department.

This basic version only questions the company

overheads, but if you need to assess company breakeven,
you also have to consider what other expenses are
evident apart from the company overheads; this is where
the advanced version takes over on the next page.
Circulation of Investment (COI)

Annualised Company Turnover  Investment

6 times per annum (if property is on the balance sheet)
12 times per annum (if property is not on the balance sheet)

This KPI is questioning how well, or to be more specific,

how many times the management team is using the total
investment within the company over the period of 1 year
in order to generate its revenue.

A) Company Turnover = £62,914,213
B) Investment = £9,387,385
C) COI = 6.70 times p/a (A ÷ B)

This example is showing that the management team has

used the investment 6.70 times in the current 12 month
period. Essentially, the higher the number the better
because a higher number means that you need less
investment in the company to enable it operate. In
addition, the lower the Investment, the higher the Return
On Investment. A low or diminishing trend is really bad
news as most companies that go bust, do so because of
poor performance in this area which leads directly to cash
flow difficulties.

There are many factors that have an impact upon COI,

but it’s important to realise that many of them are
operational as opposed to financial and this is the main
reason why Operational Investment and Circulation of
Operational Investment has been created and added to the
departmental KPI in this book.
Current Ratio

Current Assets  Current Liabilities

Benchmarks: 1.25:1 - 1.3:1

This KPI establishes whether you have the correct level

of Working Capital in your company to enable it to
survive on a day-to-day basis to conduct the process of
buying and selling your products and services.

A) Current Assets = £5,883,860
B) Current Liabilities = £4,561,132
C) Current Ratio = 1.29:1 (A ÷ B)

This example is showing a Current Ratio of 1.29:1,

which means that for every £1 of Current Liability you
have £1.29 in Current Assets.

It's rather like the company's blood pressure test. If

Current Ratio is less than 1.0:1, you’re technically
insolvent which means you have no Working Capital and
your business dies. However, if Current Ratio continues
climbing up and over 1.3:1 that could mean you have too
much Working Capital and it’s lying dormant and not
working for you. Too much working Capital is like high
blood pressure; it’s not a good thing.

The benchmarks for Current Ratio are generally higher in

the automotive industry than in other industries because
the nature of our business dictates that our stocks are
always suffering the effects of depreciation and as an
industry, we have the tendency to pay out money at a
faster rate than we receive it.
Debtor Creditor Ratio

Debtors ÷ Creditors

Baseline: < 1:1

This KPI is questioning the amount of money your

customers owe your business compared with the amount
of money that your business owes your suppliers.

A) Debtors (Accounts Receivable) = £712,006
B) Creditors (Accounts Payable) = £1,027,228
C) Debtor Creditor Ratio = 0.69:1 (A ÷ B)

As you can see from the example above, on one hand you
are loaning money to other companies (Debtors) and on
the other hand you are borrowing money from other
companies (Creditors).

Let’s say that you sell a product to a customer and they

agree to pay you in 30 days time; this is known as a
Debtor and is a use of your company’s money. A
Creditor is the exact opposite of this; you receive
products and agree to pay your supplier in 30 days time.
The Debtor Creditor Ratio shows the relationship
between these two amounts of money. Generally
speaking, it makes good commercial sense to maintain a
balance between these values so ideally they should at
least cancel each other out. In any instance, to make your
money work smarter, you always need to have more
money in Creditors that you have in Debtors thereby
showing a ratio of less than 1.0:1. Businesses begin to
struggle and experience the effects of cash flow
difficulties when this ratio is higher than 1.0:1.
Return On Sales

Net Profit ÷ Company Turnover (x 100)

Baseline: > 2.5%

This is the KPI that many franchise manufacturers refer

to when discussing levels of profitability within their
dealer networks and it is often referred to as the
company’s Net Profit, or bottom line.

A) Net Profit = £2,178,099
B) Company Turnover = £62,914,213
C) Return On Sales % = 3.46% (A ÷ B x 100)

This represents the bottom line profit of a company after

all expenses have been deducted with the exception of

Although there is much talk at a high level about this

Return On Sales, you cannot readily identify the causes
for its upward or downward trends; you need to explore
further up the structure of your management accounts.

This KPI is useful for budgeting and business planning

purposes and for measuring the trends of your own
performance over certain periods of time. However, it’s
not much use when it comes to comparing your business
with other businesses because no two businesses are
funded in the same way. For instance, interest can be a
sizable distortion; some businesses pay interest whilst
others receive interest. If you wish to compare your
business with other businesses a far better KPI to use to
compare your performance is EBIT on page 325.
Sales Retention Index

Profit After Breakeven ÷ Sales Dept Variable GP

Baseline: >35%

This KPI is questioning the percentage of the Sales

Department profit being retained after the Absorption
Shortfall has been filled to reach the point of breakeven.

A) Direct Profit from Aftersales = £3,804,329
B) Company Overheads = £4,590,595
C) Sales Dept. Semi-Fixed = £687,101
D) Total Overheads = £5,277,696 (B + C)
E) Total Absorption = 72.08% (AD x 100)
F) Absorption Shortfall = £1,473,367 (D - A)
G) Sales Dept. Variable GP = £3,664,168
H) Resorption = 40.21% (FG x 100)
I ) Profit After Breakeven = £2,190,801 (G - F)
J) Sales Retention Index = 59.79% (IG x 100)

The Sales Retention Index represents the flipside of

Resorption and completes the circle on the inter-
departmental relationships that converge to produce the
overall company profits.

The Profit After Breakeven shown in the example above

represents the residue after all of the company Overheads
and expenses have been covered by the profits generated
from both Sales and Aftersales. The only difference
between this profit and the company Net Profit is the
used vehicle trade activity. Therefore any profit or loss
generated by the used vehicle trade activity should be
applied to this figure to obtain the company Net Profit.
Service Absorption

Aftersales Direct Profit  Business Overheads (x100)

Baseline: See Advanced Absorption on page xxx

This basic version of Absorption asks if the combined

Direct Profits from Aftersales have the ability to cover
(absorb) the cost of the company overheads.

A) Direct Profit from Aftersales = £3,804,329
B) Company Overheads = £4,590,595
C) Service Absorption = 82.87% (A  B x 100)

Aftersales Direct Profit means the collective profits

generated from all areas of the dealership with the
exception of the Sales Department profit.

It doesn’t mean that Aftersales is more or less important

than the Sales Department, it’s simply that Aftersales
profitability is less volatile than the Sales Department
profitability so it’s more stable for planning purposes in
this scenario.

This example demonstrates that 82.87% of the company

overheads are covered by Aftersales, which leaves the
remaining 17.13% of the company overheads to be
covered by the profits from the Sales Department.

This basic version only questions the company

overheads, but if you need to assess company breakeven,
you also have to consider other expenses; this is where
the advanced version of Absorption takes over and is
much more useful, see page 313.
Working Capital

Current Assets – Current Liabilities

Baseline: See Current Ratio

Working Capital is the value of money that is used to run

your business on a day-to-day basis. It’s the money that’s
invested within the part of your company where you buy
and sell your products and services.

A) Current Assets = £5,883,860
B) Current Liabilities = £4,561,132
C) Working Capital = £1,322,728.31 (A - B)

This formula calculates the value of Working Capital

within a business, but it doesn’t inform you of whether
the value of Working Capital is sufficient to sustain the
business on a day-to-day basis. This is the critical part
because businesses don’t go bust because they run out of
profit; they go bust because they run out of Working

If your business were a human body, then the Working

Capital would be its blood. You need just the right
amount to sustain life; too much and you might cause a
haemorrhage, too little and you die.

If a business has too little Working Capital, it cannot

survive and if it has too much, it can also be very
damaging because it causes overage stock and poor credit
control. To assess whether you have just the right amount
of Working Capital for your business, you need to
calculate Current Ratio, see page 322.

I don’t believe there’s such a thing as a self-made man,

everyone needs other people to be there for support. As
for me, I’m in the very privileged position of meeting and
working with many dedicated and talented people all
over the world who continue to share their knowledge
with me. If I have excelled in this industry it is because
I’ve been standing on the shoulders of giants.

This book could never have been written without the

support and co-operation of my friends, clients and
colleagues who have put up with my incessant badgering
in the pursuit of obtaining clarity for the many Key
Performance Indicators of our industry. There are too
many people to mention here, but you know who you are
because I have thanked you personally. Your help, advice
and particularly your support has been invaluable.

And then of course there’s the automotive manufacturers

themselves; again too many to mention. Many company
Directors have trusted me to speak to the management
teams within their dealer networks all over the world at
their national conferences. I feel truly honoured that you
have put your trust and faith in me to talk about the
subjects surrounding key performance indicators and
business strategy from such a privileged platform.

Manufacturers have also taken me into their confidence

and shared top secret information about future strategies
to enable me to write training programmes. Once again,
this privileged position has exposed me to situations that
would not otherwise exist and I’m eternally grateful that
you have given me permission to relay the findings of my
research in this book so that others may benefit.
My greatest desire has always been to give something
back to the industry that has served me so well for the
last 30 years and this above all is the absolute #1 reason
for me writing this book; this is my contribution, my
attempt to give something back. I hope you find as much
enjoyment in reading it as I have found in writing it.

Special thanks go to my two gorgeous daughters, Sophie

and Lara. You’re not just my daughters, you are my best
friends. There have been many times when I just wanted
to give up because things were too difficult for me and
then you hug me, talk to me and give me so much
inspiration to carry on and never give up. You’ve done so
many special things that have made massive differences
such as leaving little notes on my desk, sending pictures
and video to me whilst I’m working away from home and
sprinting into my arms when I return. Your belief in me
as a person has strengthened my own belief in myself; it
is your love and support that has made this book possible.

Extra-special thanks go to my wife Sharon; wow, where

on Earth do I begin to express my gratitude? Firstly I
must say thank you for your unerring confidence in my
ability to bring this project to life; you have more faith in
me than I have in myself. As for the book itself, you are
the voice of reason, the person who reads everything to
make it legible. You’ve made many sacrifices in your life
to make this book possible and these sacrifices could not
be imagined by the people who read it, they will never
see or appreciate your sacrifices, yet unfairly it is only I
who will get the credit. I don’t know what I’ve done to
deserve you, I feel truly blessed to have you in my life.
I love you more than words could ever say.
Thank you.
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