Smith1982-Combustion of COAL CHARS - A REVIEW PDF

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Nineteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion/The Combustion Institute, 1982/pp.



CSIRO Division of Fossil Fuels
P.O. Box 136
North Ryde, NSW 2113, Australia

A brief description is given of devolatilization of raw coal and combustion of the residual
char. Major achievements in the study of devolatilization and important areas for further
experimentation are noted; however, attention is focussed on the rate processes involved in
char combustion.
Means of calculating reaction rates are shown which account for temperatures of particles,
mass transfer and diffusion of oxygen into the particle's pore structure, and reaction on the
pore walls. Theoretical consideration is then given to the changes in the size, density, and
pore structure of chars as they burn.
Experimental data are shown for observed reactivities of coal chars corrected for external
mass transfer effects, and intrinsic reactivities are reported for various coal chars and other
carbons corrected for pore diffusion effects. Measured data on mass-transfer rates and
changes in particle structure during combustion are given.
Recommendations are made for further research on char reactivity and the manner in
which pore structure develops during combustion. The need for combustion-oriented kinetics
studies of coal devolatilization is outlined.

Introduction geneous and heterogeneous processes involved in

generating gaseous pollutants and the routes by
Solid fuels have a major and increasingly impor- which inorganic constituents of fuels are converted
tant role to play in combustion: pulverized fuel (pf) into ash.
(coal ground to <0.2 mm in size) is used in many The combustion of most solid fuels involves two
power generating plants whilst crushed coal (-10 major steps: (i) the thermal decomposition (pyro-
mm in size) is used in small-scale appliances and lysis, devolatilization) that occurs during the initial
fluidized-bed combustors. Advanced combustion heating, accompanied by drastic physical and
processes, e.g. MHD power generation and coal chemical changes which usually involve the particle
injection as a supplementary fuel through the tuy~res becoming plastic then rehardening, and (ii) the
of blast furnaces, seek to burn pf at high intensi- subsequent combustion of the porous solid residue
ties. (char) from the first step. The burning rate of the
The need to burn increasing amounts of coal and solid depends in part on the size of the char par-
related materials mainly arises from the need to ticle and the nature of its pore structure. These
replace oil and natural gas as fuels for combustion physical properties, together with important chem-
in furnaces. In addition to satisfying normal eco- ical properties, are affected by changes during the
nomic constraints, existing and new combustion first step. The first step is rapid, the second is
processes must be able to burn low-grade fuels and slow. In pf flames the time for devolatilization to
satisfy local environmental requirements. Some re- take place is of the order of 0.1 s and for char
quirements cause conflict, e.g. the combustion of burn-out the time is 1 s; for particles burning in
low-grade fuels can be relatively costly due to re- fluidized-bed combustors the corresponding orders
duced plant capacity and efficiency, and the costs are 10 and 1000 s. Therefore the burning of the
incurred in controlling pollution levels. char has a major effect on the volume of the com-
In order to improve existing combustors and to bustion chamber required to attain a given heat
develop new combustion techniques, it is necessary release.
to gain an improved understanding of the complex In the following text a brief description is given
processes that occur in and around particles during of what is known, and what needs to be under-
combustion. For example, better insights are needed stood, about thermal decomposition. However the
into ignition stability, the attainment of rapid burn- main aim of this review is to summarize the state
out of particles, the nature of the various homo- of knowledge of the factors that govern the rate of

combustion of coal chars and related solids. The there are no volatile jets, oxygen can attack the
next section describes the behaviour of particles particle directly. No trails were shown for anthra-
during combustion, including devolatilization. Sub- cites, lignites, or 40 ~m particles of a bituminous
sequent sections deal with: Calculation of Particle coal.22 Particles (1 mm) of an Australian brown coal
Combustion Rates, Theoretical Relationships for (lignite) showed heterogeneous combustion before
Calculating Burning Rates, Experimental Data on the onset of volatile evolution, z3 Leslie et al. z4
Burning Rates, and Changes in Particle Structure working on the combustion of - 6 0 VLm particles
During Combustion. In the Concluding Remarks of Montana sub-bituminous coal at - 7 % v/v oxy-
emphasis is given to some key areas for further re- gen, indicated that at gas temperatures about 1100
search. K particles burn by direct oxygen attack with little
Reliance is placed on earlier reviews to cover separate evolution of volatiles. However at 1600 K
established ground: emphasis here is placed on new volatile evolution appears to precede the combus-
work and its consequences. The review deals mainly tion of the solid particles.
with the major solid fuel----coal. However the the- The behaviour of coals during pyrolysis depends
ory outlined below is applicable to the combustion on the factors already outlined, and on other con-
of other solid fuels. Experimental data on mass ditions specific to particular combustors. In pf
transfer rates are applicable to any solid fuels. flames, coal is injected in a dense stream conveyed
in a jet of air. Initial heating is mainly by hot gases
recirculated into the jet. Particles in the centre of
Particle Combustion the jet are heated relatively slowly; those on the
edge are heated rapidly and in the presence of
Historical aspects of coal and carbon combustion high levels of oxygen. The amount of volatile mat-
have been outlined by Essenhigh 1 and Mulcahy. 2 ter produced, the nature of the pore structure, and
Field et al. 3 and Smoot and Pratt4 have given com- the size of the resulting char particles depend on
prehensive accounts of pulverized-coal combustion. the rate of heatingz5"26 and on the level of oxy-
Essenhigh and his colleagues published a number gen. 27 During fluidized-bed combustion the in-
of reviews on coal combustion5-9 and specific re- jected fuel particles are heated rapidly, with much
views on the mechanisms involved in coal-oxygen of the heating taking place by direct particle-to-par-
and related reactions have been given by Wendt,10 ticle contact. Tylerzs,29 injected fine particles (~100
Mulcahy and Smith, 11 Hedley and Leesley, 12 and pLm) of a wide range of coals into fluidized beds
Laurendeau. 13 Mulcahy 2 highlighted some of the of sand. Over the temperature range 400 to 1000~ C,
more notable aspects of the carbon-oxygen reaction in the absence of oxygen, coking and non-coking
and Smith 14,15 reviewed factors controlling the bituminous coals, sub-bituminous coals, and lignites
reactivity of pulverized-coal chars. The mechanisms all showed some degree of plastic behaviour and
of coal pyrolysis have been reviewed by Jiingten adhesion to other particles.
and van Heek, 1~ Anthony and Howard, 17 and How- Useful studies have been made on the kinetics
ard. 18A9 At the moment there is much interest in of pyrolysis of pulverized coal in entrain-
the mechanistic and technical aspects of coal pyrol- ment, ~-33 but little work has been done on coal
ysis as a step in the production of liquid fuels from behaviour under combustion conditions. Little at-
coal, Is'2~ however, there is a notable lack of kinetic tention has been given to the effects of the atmo-
data relevant to combustion conditions. sphere (especially oxidizing) on pyrolysis, nor has
The processes involved in the pyrolysis and com- there been adequate determination of the nature
bustion of particles are complex. Depending on the of the volatile products. Very few studies have
type of coal, the particle size, the relative rates of been done on coal pyrolysis during fluidized-bed
heating, decomposition, and oxygen transfer, vola- combustion. Some useful studies have been
tile evolution and combustion of the solid may oc- done34-36 but few data are available under the rel-
cur in separate stages or simultaneously. evant chemical and physical conditions.
Recent photographic studies of the behaviour of
dilute suspensions of pulverized coals in the post-
flame gases of small-scale gas burners 21'2z showed Calculations of Particle Combustion Rates
that volatiles issue from bituminous coal particles
(80 to 100 Ixm in size) in jets or trails, not always Usually calculations are made of the burning
as spherically-uniform clouds (see Fig. 1). It is pos- rates of a single particle or an assembly of parti-
sible that, in regions of the particle surface where cles, of the temperature of the particles by simul-

FIG. 1. Combustion of high-volatile bituminous coals: (a) Pittsburgh Seam, 65 ~m, at ignition; 2~ (b) Pitts-
burgh Seam, 65 p~m, after ignition; z~ (c) Four Corners, 80 txm, ~10 ms reaction time; 2~ (d) Utah, 90 ~Lm,
--5 ms reaction time. 21

taneous heat balance, and of the effect the com- the need to account for the behaviour of gas bub-
bustion process has on the surroundings, e.g. on bles passing through a dense phase, and the trans-
the temperature and oxygen content of the ambient port of oxygen through the dense phase which con-
gas. tains most of the burning particles.
There are many mathematical models of various Avedesian and Davidsona~ developed a simple
types of particle combustion systems. 3a'37~39 Based model for fluidized-bed combustors, extended by
on Field et al., ~ McKenzie et al. 4~ modelled the Leung and Smith 46 to incorporate the effects of
combustion of a polydisperse suspension of pf par- fuel reactivity, which allows the effects of key vari-
ticles in plug flow. Their treatment showed frac- ables, e.g. fluidizing velocity, particle size, bubble
tional burn-off (extent of combustion), u, to be re- size, to be studied. Figure 2 illustrates the situa-
lated to time, t, by: tion: a well-mixed dense phase of inert material
with fuel particles dispersed in it and gas flowing
du 6 through at the minimum fluidizing velocity, Urn.
- - - ylV~-~p 1/s (1) Gas in excess of this passes up through the bed in
dt do%
spherical bubbles of diameter, db, at velocity Ub.
The burning rate is controlled by the effects of
where y = 1 - u, a and 13 are coefficients in the
oxygen exchange through the dense phase to the
expressions relating respectively the changes in
burning particles, and the reaction of oxygen with
particle size (d) and density ((r) to burnoff (see
the particles. The particles are assumed to be
Eqs. (27) and (28)), subscript o refers to initial con-
spheres of diameter, d, at the same temperature
ditions (u = o) and p is the actual (observed) rate
as the gas and the inert material of the bed. The
of combustion of carbon per unit external surface
fractional consumption of oxygen fed to the com-
area of the particle.
bustor, Ao, is calculated from:
The change of particle temperature, To, with
time is given by:
Ao = 1 - % - (1 - %)Z/(k' - 1 - %) (3)
12 [d._, where % = [(Z - I)/Z] exp (-X) (4)
d--~ = C-~ [ dt y - *l(Tp - Tg)
6"34h~ [ I'3e(DP~176 ]
-6~(~-~)] K/s (2) x - d~(a~g)O.
~ -- Um+ (1 u ~ S J (5)

where C~ is the specific heat of the particle, Tg z = Ub/U,. (o)

and Ts are the temperatures of the surrounding gas
6Vcho(1 - e) O
and radiating surfaces respectively, (D1 and 42 in- k, = 9-- (7)
volve convective and radiative heat transfer coeffi- du~z c~
cients respectively and depend on particle size and
density. H is the heat of reaction which depends X is the number of times the bubble is flushed out
strongly on the nature of the combustion process. as it rises through the bed, k' is a measure of the
At flame temperatures carbon burns to produce particle combustion rate, h o is the initial height of
carbon monoxide, i.e. C + 1/2 0 2 ---> CO in which the bed, e is the voidage of the dense phase, D
case H -2300 cal/g. However, if the carbon mon- is the diffusion coefficient of oxygen in nitrogen at
oxide oxidizes with sufficient speed to be com-
pletely burned before leaving the particle the heat
of reaction is that appropriate to the step C + O z
CO2, i.e, H - 7900 cal/g.
Equations (1) and (2) can be used to calculate the
behaviour of polydisperse suspensions when the
equations are evaluated simultaneously for each size
fraction, as well as using other relationships to cal-

culate the corresponding changes in the properties
of the ambient gas. The equations can also be used
to calculate the behaviour of monodisperse suspen-
sions, or the behaviour of a single particle.
The situation in fluidized-bed combustors, and
consequently the equations for calculating combus- BUBBLE RISfNG AT U b
tion behaviour, are more complex424w than for
plug-flow entrainment systems. This is because of FIG. 2. Fluidized-bed combustion model.

combustion temperature and reference pressure Po, combustion rate, found when chemical reactions
and P is the combustion pressure. Vc is the volume are so fast that C s ~ O, and the burning rate is
fraction of carbon and C' is the oxygen concentra- controlled solely by mass transfer of oxygen to the
tion in the dense phase, g particle. Note that X can never be greater than 1.
For the calculations it is necessary to know, A further useful equation involving • derived
amongst other things, the value of p and its re- analytically,47 is:
sponse to temperature and oxygen concentration,
the manner by which particle size and density X/(1 - X)n = RcC~/pm = RcC~-l/hm (11)
change during combustion, and the appropriate value
for the heat of reaction, H.
Equation (11) shows that • depends on the order
n. Because • can be determined experimentally
Theoretical Relationships for Calculating without any knowledge of n, Eq. (11) can be used
Burning Rates in the determination of n. 47-49
Equation (8) can be manipulated to give rela-
tionships for specific values of n. For n = 1 the
Observed Kinetics familiar result is:
Figure 3 illustrates the circumstances close to a
burning particle. From mass-balance considerations p = Cg/(1/h m + 1/Re) g/cmZs (12)
the burning rate, p, can be expressed as:
For n -= 06:
p = hm(C~ - C~) = Rc(C S g/cmZs (8)
(P - Pro)(P - Re) = 0 g2/cm4s2 (13)
where C s is the oxygen concentration at the outer
surface of the particle, Cg is the oxygen concen- which shows that for zero order reactions that p
tration in the bulk gas, Rc is a chemical rate coef- = Rc when there is a finite concentration of oxygen
ficient of apparent order n in C s, and hm is the at the particle's surface (C~ > 0), and that the rate
mass transfer coefficient discussed below. changes abruptly to give p = p,,, when C~ = 0.
Manipulation of Eq. (8) to eliminate the gener-
ally unknown C~ gives a relationship for calculating
p: Particle Reactivity
The coefficient Rc is referred to above as a
O = C~(1 - X)'* Rc g/cm2s (9) "chemical" rate coefficient, but its response to tem-
perature and oxygen concentration, its dependence
where • = P/Pro (10) on particle size and its variation during the com-
bustion of the particle, are the results of three in-
Pm is the product hmC ~, the maximum possible teracting factors: (i) the intrinsic rate of chemical
reaction of oxygen with the internal surface of the
particle, (ii) the extent of this surface, and (iii) the
,XYGEN extent to which oxygen diffusion through the pores
:ONCENTRATION (which form the internal surface) restricts the re-

action rate. The relationship between p (and hence
g Re) and the coefficient of intrinsic chemical reac-
tivity, Ri (the rate of reaction per unit area of pore
wall per [unit concentration of oxygen] m in the ab-
sence of any mass transfer or pore diffusional lim-
itation) is given by:

P = rl~/CrAgRi[Cg(1 - X)]m g/cmZs (14)

where ~/ is the characteristic size of the particle

(ratio of the volume to external surface area 50 ) A_
is the particle s specific area, m is the true order
0~ of reaction in the concentration of oxygen and xl
is the effectiveness factor, the ratio of the actual
FIG. 3. Diagrammatic xepresentation of a carbon combustion rate to the rate attainable (all else being
particle burning in oxygen. equal) if no pore-diffusion resistance'existed. ~q is

a function of the Thiele modulus, 51 6, and can be For pf-size particles, where the depth of penetra-
calculated from:* tion of oxygen into the pores is of the order of
particle size, u both density and size of the parti-
[n4,~(m + 1)/2] cles reduce with burn-off.
Numerical values of Rc and Ri, and functions of
= ~ p ( m + 1)/[8 D~Cg(1 - X)] (15) these terms, are given for various carbons in the
section on Experimental Data on Burning Rates.
where D e is the effective coefficient for diffusion The data are shown in Arrhenius form:
through the pore structure, calculated as shown
below. The terms on the right hand side of Eq. R~(or Ri) = A exp [-E/(RT)p] ~
(15) can all be measured, thus allowing ~lqb2 (m
+ 1)/2 to be calculated from experimental data. g/cm2s(atm) ~ (19)
Then "q (and hence Ri by Eq. (14)) can be deter-
mined using the relations between -q and "qd~z (m where A is the frequency factor, E is the apparent
+ 1)/2 given by Mehta and Aris.~z or true activation energy as appropriate and K is
When chemical reactions are sufficiently slow, the corresponding apparent or true order. For con-
pore diffusion has no rate-limiting effect, the oxy- venience, rates are related to the partial pressure
gen concentration throughout the pore is C, and of oxygen.
"q = 1. Equation (14) then becomes:

p = ~/trAgRi[Cg(1 _ • g/cm2s (16) Effective Pore Diffusion Coefficient, De, and

Models of Pore Structure
For these circumstances (kinetic regime 15a'54) p The effective pore diffusion coefficient, D e, is
varies with particle size, and shows the true order related to unit cross-sectional area of porous ma-
of reaction, m, and the true activation energy when terial and thus incorporates the effect of the num-
R~ is expressed in Arrhenius form. During com- ber and size of the pores in the unit cross-section
bustion the particle density decreases but the size and the tortuosity (z) of these pores. Satterfield56
remains constant. When pore diffusion as well as gives a useful review of theoretical and measured
chemical reaction has a strong rate-limiting effect52 values of De. From the simple pore-structure model
(kinetic regime II, 5a'54) the term ~ (m + 1)/ of Wheeler, 57 D e can be calculated by:
2 --~ 1/rl, 52 then Eqs. (14) and (15) give:
De = Dp0/z cme/s (20)
p = 2 {2 AgtrDeRi[Cg(1 - • + 1)}~
g/cm2s (17) where 0 is the l~orosity of the solid and Dp is the
diffusion coefficient through the pore. For large
pores (>1 I~m in size when bulk diffusion occurs),
Equation (17) is the familiar relationship derived, Dp is equal to the molecular diffusion coefficient.
for example, by Frank-Kamenetskii5s specifically for For pores <1 Ixm in size Knudsen diffusion occurs
regime II conditions. In these circumstances p is and Dp is given by:
independent of particle size, shows an apparent
order, n, given by:
Dp = 9.7 x 103 fp (Tp/M) ~ cm2/s (21)
n = (m + 1)/2 (18)
where M is the molecular weight of the diffusing
and has an apparent activation energy about half gas and ~p is the mean pore radius calculated
by :57
that found for Ri. As combustion proceeds, large
particles shrink as they burn at constant density.
fp = 20'r~ cm (22)
*Jamaluddin et aL~2~recently pointed out that the
equations used earlier to calculate R~9 incorrectly For most coal chars the majority of the surface area
used "//2 rather than ~/ as the characteristic size. is associated with pores well below 1 I~m in size,
Hence Eqs. (15) and (17) are incorrect and there therefore Knudsen rather than bulk diffusion is
are errors in the reported values of R~9 of up to more important for these materials.
a factor of 4 when pore diffusion has a strong ef- There are two points that need to be made con-
fect. The error does not significantly change the cerning the relation between pore diffusion and
kinetic conclusions of reference 59. However, if structure. Firstly the model used so far is a very
use is made of the reported values of R~ to cal- simple representation of a rather complex physical
culate Rc or p the correct result will be gained us- situation. 57-59 The tortuosity factor, ~, is used to
ing ,//2 rather than 3'. correct calculated values of De to the extent that

they differ from measured values--factors of more tion of sizes. Smith and Tyler5a showed that where
than 10 are not unknown. 56 Indeed these factors it is appropriate to treat the pores as mono-sized
are mainly for the correction of simplified models and where Knudsen diffusion is occurring, the ob-
of pore structure and diffusion processes. Wheeler's served rate in regime II can be calculated from a
model, giving rise to Eqs. (20) to (22), assumes that knowledge of the intrinsic reactivity and the po-
the pores can be adequately represented as a mono- rosity of the carbon alone. Holves~ extended the
disperse system. It is well known, however, that treatment by Smith and Tyler to account for changes
chars have a wide distribution of pore sizes, and in porosity during combustion. Srinivas aod
that the size distributions are often polymodal. Smith Amundson81 dealt with the effects of pore diffusion
and Tyler5s developed a restricted model for re- in evolving bimodal pore structures.
action in semi-anthracite particles with a polymodal
distribution of pore sizes. They found the intrinsic Mass Transfer Coefficient, h m
reactivity was essentially the same calculated by
their bimodal and unimodal models. Other models In practical combustion systems the transfer of
are available for reactions in bimodal systems of oxygen to the burning particle often contributes
porous solids6~ and for solids with Gaussian and notably to rate limitation. Indeed in the case of
Maxwellian distributions of pore sizesY fluidized-bed combustion little, if any, limitation
The second point on pore diffusion and structure is imposed by chemical rates. 45'~ Therefore in or-
concerns the non-steady state of the situation. Due der to calculate p it is usually necessary to know
to reaction, pores open up, changing in size and the mass transfer coefficient, h m.
shape. Pore surface areas increase and may ulti- For gas-solid systems, in fixed or fluidized beds
mately decrease due to coalescence. Therefore un- or in entrainment, the relationship between h m and
der regime I conditions rates vary with the frac- the nature and state of flow of the ambient gas is
tional degree of burn-off, increasing as pore area given by equations of the form:36'82'8~
increases and ultimately decreasing as pores co-
alesce or as expanding macropores "engulf" micro- Sh = h ' d / D = 2 (1 + B Rel/ZSc 1/3) (23)
pores. It is difficult, however, to make a generally
useful model for such a situation. Some carbons where Sh, Re, and Sc are the Sherwood, Rey-
(though not many) show rates that increase steadily hold's, and Schmidt numbers respectively, B is a
with burn-off, other decrease steadily, e4 Nonethe- constant and h" is the mass transfer coefficient
less there have been a number of attempts to with respect to the flux of oxygen. To calculate Re,
model evolving pore structures. Simons and co- and hence.h~, a knowledge of the gas velocity
workers, ~-c's extending the treatment by Chornet past the particle is required. In fluidized beds this
et al., 69 modelled the "engulfing macropore" sys- is difficult to define. La Nauze and Jung, s4 for ex-
tem. Bhatia and Perlmutter 7~ developed a random- ample, used the superficial gas velocity through the
pore model for fluid-solid reactions, and Srinivas combustion vessel, modified to take account of the
and Amundson71 modelled the gasification of char average voidage of the bed (see below).
accounting for progressive pore growth. Gavalas7z'r3 In pf combustion, relative velocities between gas
set up a model of spatially-random cylindrical and particle are usually sufficiently small that Re
pores. Simons TM and Gavalas75 compared some of can be set equal to zero..11 There is little error
the merits of their respective models. if the particles are treated as spheres. 3a Then Sh
Under regime II conditions an increase in pore = 2, the result obtained analytically for a sphere
size leads to an increase in pore diffusion rates and in a stationary gas, whence:
changes in the amount of pore surface available for
reaction. There have been few attempts to develop hm = 0.75 Do(Po//P)~m//To)1"75/d cm//s (24)
theoretical models for such circumstances. Peter-
sen76 treated reactions in a single pore and in an where T,~ is the mean temperature of the boundary
array of pores which were initially uniform in size; layer around the particle and subscript o denotes
Hashimoto and Silveston ~a'77 related changes in the reference conditions. The factor 0.75 is the con-
effectiveness factor, r I, with burn-off during gasi- version involved in changing from h~ (for oxygen
fication of carbon with a polydisperse pore system; flux) to hm (for carbon e=ide flux) and assumes the
Ramachandran and Smith 7s examined the effect on primary product of reaction to be CO, i.e. com-
diffusion when a pore changed size due to the de- bustion is by C + 1 / 2 0 2 ~ CO, as noted above.
position or removal of solid. Gavalas 73 developed In the case of fluidized-bed combustion the ap-
his earlier model72 to allow for the effect of pore propriate value of h m for the flux of gases through
diffusion, as well as external mass transfer, during the dense phase of inert particles around the burn-
the combustion of char particles. Kriegbaum and ing particle is less well defined. 83'sS-Ss Recent
Laurendeau79 modelled the gasification of char con- works4 suggests a modification of Eq. (23) to ac-
taining conical pores, having a polymodal distribu- count for the voidage, ~, of the dense phase:

Sh = 2e + 2B (Re/e)I/ZSc 1/3 (25) Experimental Data on Burning Rates

The suitability of Eq. (25) is discussed in the sec- Rate Coefficient, R c

tions on experimental values of the mass transfer
coefficient. In order to determine Rc, it is necessary to carry
out experiments that satisfy a number of condi-
tions: measurements must be made with single par-
Cl~anges in Particle Size a n d Density ticles or closely-sized materials 93 in order to relate
rates to particle size, to correct for external mass
The weight (W) of a particle is related to its ini- transfer effects (i.e. correct for the extent that C~
tial weight (Wo) and the fractional degree of burn- differs from C~) and to allow the determination of
off (n) by: the changes inparticle size and density with burn-
off. The effects of changes in oxygen concentration
W=W o(1-u) g (26) and particle temperature need to be determined
separately. Because of the need to know the initial
whence (for spheres or cubes): properties of the material studied and because ma-
jor changes occur in coal structure (chemical and
d = do (1 - u) ~ cm (27) physical) during devolatilization, it is necessary to
use chars prepared separately under conditions found
in the initial stage of the relevant coal combustion
and (r = (ro (1 - u) I~ g/cm 3 (28) system.
Few experimental studies satisfy the above cri-
where 3a + 13 = 1. For particles that burn with teria. The data given here arise mainly from two
steadily reducing size and constant density a = suitable series of experiments. One series, due to
1/3 and 13 = 0. However if size remains constant Field and co-workers 91'94'95 of the British Coal
whilst density decreases a -- 0 and 13 = 1. Utilization Research Association was performed us-
Equations (27) and (28) apply for particles with ing direct measurement of the weight loss of par-
a homogeneous structure of pores that are small ticles carried in laminar flow through a reactor for
compared with particle size. In fact whilst coal a known reaction time. The second series was car-
chars are porous they do not have a simple pore ried out by CSIRO workers, 9w98 who measured
structure: chars often contain large internal voids the progressive burn-away of particles in a plug-
(of dimensions of the order of particle size) sur- flow reactor using gas analysis techniques.
rounded by microporous materials9-91. In pf flames, The purpose here is to report and compare val-
bituminous coals often form thin-walled ceno- ues of reactivity for various chars. However a dif-
spheres. 92 In these circumstances a better, though ficulty arises because not all chars show the same
still approximate, model is that of a hollow sphere dependence of reactivity on oxygen concentration,
with a wall of homogeneously-microporous mate- i.e. n can change from Char to char. In order to
rial. s9 For complete penetration of oxygen into compare reactivities on a common basis the data
such a particle a = 0 and 13 = 1, i.e. the particle are given, where necessary, in the form of a rate,
would burn with a steady reduction in density but Pc, defined by:
at constant size. For reaction confined to the outer
surface of such a particle it can be shown that: Pc = Rc (Po2) n g/cm2s (31)

d = do (1 - u + ux3) 1/3 cm (29) Firstly values of Rc are considered for petroleum

coke. Figure 4 shows the relation between Rc and
and T~ in Arrhenius form for four sized fractions of
coke, of median sizes 18, 77, 85, and 88 Ixm. 9s'49
(r = (ro (1 - u)/(1 - u + ux 3) g/cm 3 (30) It has previously been shown 11'95-9s that the in-
dependence of Rc on particle size, and the appar-
where x is the radius of the inside to the initial ent activation energy of - 2 0 kcal/mol (about half
outside diameter of the particle. For the case of the value shown by impure carbons burning under
no internal voids, x = 0, then with ct = 1/3 and regime I conditions 59 ) are consistent with reaction
13 = 0, Eqs. (29) and (30) reduce to Eqs. (27) and under regime II conditions. What has been less
(28) respectively. At the other extreme, as x ~ 1, clear is the appropriate value of the observed re-
i.e. for a thin-walled cenosphere, Eqs. (29) and (30) action order, n.
show that the particles burn at constant size and Smith 9s reported rate data for petroleum coke
with steadily reducing density, even if reactions are burning at oxygen partial pressures close to 0.2
confined to the outer surface. at m, assuming n = 1. Young 49'99 burned petroleum
Tp(~ also found a value of n ~ 0.5 for a char produced
ZOO0 1600!400 1200 1000 900 800 700 600
by the flash pyrolysis of an Australian ~oituminous
coal. I~ Likewise a value of n ~ 0.5 was deter-
mined by Hamor and co-workers47'4s for an Aus-
tralian brown coal char.
It is known that the true order of reaction de-
}O'2 ~A =
pends on temperature and on the concentration of
oxygen. 11'1~ It is more than likely, all else being
E equal, that the order will also depend on the na-
~ ,f, , ture of the carbon being oxidized. 99 There are
practical difficulties in determining the true order
10"3 & l~ It ~ A
in the presence of pore diffusion limitations--a
change in the true order from zero to unity would
only result in an apparent change from 0.5 to 1
(Eq. (1)). Few experiments have used a sufficiently
I0"4 I i i I
& 5 6 7 8 9 10 It 12 wide range of oxygen concentrations for adequate
t06]Tp(K "11 determination of m. This is illustrated by the care-
ful experiments of Field91 on the combustion of
FIG. 4. Effect of temperature on Pc for petroleum sized fractions of pf char (median sizes 28, 38, 82,
coke (V] 18 Ixm,~ 9 77 Ixm,~ 9 85 and 88 ~m49). and 105 I~m) at 0.05 and 0.1 atm oxygen. Field's
data have been reanalysed49 and are shown in Ar-
rhenius form in Fig. 6. The upper part of the dia-
coke at oxygen pressures over the range 0.05 to 0.3 gram shows results from n = 1, the lower for n
atm and used statistical techniques to analyse his = 0.5. Application of the statistical analysis re-
results. He found least scatter in Arrhenius plots ferred to above shows no significant difference us-
of data (the sum of the squares of the residuals at ing either of the orders. Field's results show an
a minimum) at n close to 0.5 (see Fig. 5). From activation energy of - 2 0 kcal/mol, and an inde-
the evidence already noted the reaction is probably pendence of Rc on particle size, i.e. his char was
under regime II conditions, when Eq. (18) shows probably burning under regime II conditions.
that the true order, m, is close to zero. Young 1~176 Encouraging agreement is found in values of Rc
determined for similar materials by workers using
various techniques. Figure 7 shows results for an-

thracites and semi-anthracites determined on sized
fractions of materials by Field, 95 Field and Rob-
erts, 94 and Smith, 97 together with results for flames
4'6 of polydisperse materials (Marsden, ]~ Hein, 1~ Be6r
et a/.l~ With the exception of the pioneering
work of Be6r, the results are all within a factor of
2 above or below the median level. The data in

_Q Fig. 7 for sized materials show Rc to be indepen-
w dent of particle size; this fact together with the
w 4"2 apparent activation energy of about 20 kcal/mol,
supported by the observed changes in particle size
0 and density during combustion, 95,97 shows the re-
n* action to be under regime II conditions. Similar
conclusions were made for the combustion of 89
and 49 }xm fractions of a brown coal char. 47'4s
" ' 3.8

",. ./ However 22 Ixm particles of this char showed lower
values of Rc (and possibly a higher value of acti-
vation energy) than the larger particles. Likewise
~ 3"6
values of Rc for 4 I~m petroleum coke particles9s
and 6 txm semi-anthractive particles97 were found
to be lower than the corresponding values for larger
3-/~ # # ! I I
0"2 0"4 0"6 08 1"0 particles. The fine particles were shown by mea-
APPARENT REACTION ORDER (n) surement, calculation, or both, to be reacting un-
der regime I conditions, or in the transition be-
FIG. 5. Sum of the square of the residuals versus tween regimes I and II.
the apparent reaction order. Figure 81~ shows the relationship between Pc

Tp ('C) rp('C)
20001800 1600 1400 1200 lOOO
-1"0 2(X)O 1600 1/-,00 1200 1000 100 ~ ~ i
i 9 i , i 9 i i ! !

-'..,,, : ~ =z0.4 =xp [-e000/(e T~]

lo-1 ='~'~'~k'~..-'- /
0 E
-2.0 ";s ~,'~,..o oo
I/1 n=1 ==\~v ~u 10. 2

10-3 I I I I
,3 0~004 00005 0.0006 0"0007 0.0008
I / T p ( K -1)

v FIG. 7. Combustion rate data for anthracites and

0"5 0"6 0-7 0"8 0"9 semi-anthracites (0 78, 49, 22 p,m;~ O 72, 42 txm;9r
I I I I I x 28, 25 p,m;95 9 31, 24, 23 Ixm;~ A polydisperse
103/Tp(K "1) single Value;I~ [] polydispersey4 polydispersel~).

o a factor of three higher than petroleum coke. How-
o 0 &a 9
ever both the US materials, like the East Hetton
char, show a steep decline in reactivity with tem-
r,=O.S o perature (E ~ 34 kcal/mol). At 1430 K the rate for
the East Hetton char falls below that of petroleum
~.~E-2.0 i coke, whilst at the same temperature (assuming
0 extrapolation is justified) the US coals would show
\ reactivities similar to the chars from the Australian
coals, the anthracites and semi-anthracites, and so

-3"0 i , i i i i i i t i
2000 1600 1400 1200 2000 1600 1400 1200 1000 800
Fie. 6. Arrhenius diagram relating R~ to temper-
ature replotted from Field's data89 for a low rank
char. Initial particle size: 28 p,m (F'I, II), 28 Ixm
(O, O), 38 Ixm (A, 9 82 p,m (V), 105 Ixm (Q 0.1
0). Po2 in atm = 0.05 (open symbols), 0.10 (closed

and To for nine chars and petroleum coke. Original

data on Rc and n have been used to calculate Pc \\
at a common oxygen pressure of 1 atm, by Eq.
(31). The Arrhenius parameters and other relevant
data for the carbons in Fig, 8 are shown in Table
At 2000 K the highest reactivities are shown by 0'001
chars from US coals (Pittsburgh and Illinois)1~ which
are a factor of 10 higher than petroleum coke: At
i / i i i
the same temperature the reactivities of a number 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
of chars (from Millmerran sub-bituminous and Yal- 10t'/Tp, K - I
lourn brown coals, Australia; anthracites and semi-
anthracites, UK and western Europe; Ferrymoor FIG. 8. Burning rates of coke and chars, Po2 =
and Brodsworth bituminous coals, UK) are about 1 atm (see Table I for key).

Data for coal chars in Fig. 8

Pre-exponential Activation ent Particle
Line factor energy order of size
no. Parent coal (g/cm2s (atm)") (kcal/mol) reaction (~m) Reference

1 Petroleum coke 7.0 19.7 0.5 18,77,85,88 49,98

2 East Hetton, swelling bituminous 635.8 34.0 1.0 72 95
coal, UK
3 Brodsworth, swelling bituminous 111.3 24.1 1.0 31 95
coal, UK
4 Anthracites and semi-anthracites, 20.4 19.0 1.0 78,49,22,72,42 95,97
UK and western Europe
5 Millmerran, non-swelling, sub-bi- 15.6 17.5 0.5 85 100
tuminous coal, Australia
6 Yallourn brown coal, Australia 9.3 16.2 0.5 89,49 47
7 Ferrymoor, non-swelling bitumi- 70.3 21.5 1.0 34 95
nous coal, U K
8 Whitwick, non-swelling bitumi- 50.4 17.7 1.0 27 95
nous coal, UK
9 Pittsburgh seam, swelling bitu- 4187.0 34.0 0,17 16 107
minous coal, USA
10 Illinois No. 6, swelling bitumi- 6337.0 34.1 O.17 13 107
nous coal, USA

In making the foregoing comparison the data rate coefficient, Rc, and the rate, Pc, differ for dif-
were brought together on a common basis by ex- ferent types of coal. It is also shown that the value
trapolating, in many cases by a factor of 10 or of Rc combines the separate effects of the intrinsic
more, the effect of oxygen pressure above that reactivity of the carbon and the extent and acces-
used experimentally. However, the parameter used sibility of the internal pore surface of the char.
in making this extrapolation--the apparent reaction Specific surface areas vary from about 1 mZ/g for
order--is often uncertain. Much of the information petroleum coke to nearly 1000 m2/g for brown coal
given in Fig. 8 applies to a single size of a given char. 59 So, to what extent do chemical or physical
char. Coal is not a homogeneous material: different differences in various carbons affect the observed
size fractions give rise to chars of different pore differences in reactivities? To answer this question
structures and chemical properties, thus giving rise it is necessary to know the coefficient of intrinsic
to differing reactivities. Particle size also has an chemical reactivity, Ri, defined by Eq. (14).
effect on the rate-control regime under which par- Smith59 has used published data to calculate R/.
ticles burn. All else being equal, fine particles can for a wide range of porous carbons, including many
burn under regime I and coarse particles under chars, metallurgical coke, petroleum coke, pitch
regime II conditions. Thus the effects of temper- coke, nuclear graphite, carbon laid down on crack-
ature and oxygen concentration, and the mode of ing catalyst and various highly-purified carbons.
change of particle size and density with burn-off, Reference 59 gives the data sources and essential
all depend on particle size. information on the carbons concerned.
The data for the US coals show activation ener- The results are shown in Fig. 9, where the in-
gies of about 34 kcal/mol and reaction orders of trinsic reaction rate, p~, is at an oxygen pressure
about 0.2. These facts, together with the small size of 1 atm. Pl is calculated from:
of the particles (13 and 16 Ixm) suggest that com-
bustion was under regime I conditions or in the Pi = ~ (Po~)m g/cm2s (32)
transition between regimes I and II.
an equation analogous to Eq. (31), and used for the
same reason, namely to allow comparison of ma-
Intrinsic Chemical Reactivity Coefficient, I~.
terials which show different values of reaction or-
The preceding discussion shows that the ob- der m. Pi shows an activation energy of - 4 0 ' kcal/
served reactivity of coal chars, as manifest by the mol, the value previously noted to be expected for

Tp(~ I the reaction of impure carbons with oxygen. Figure

ZOO01600 1200 1000 800 600 400 300 9 shows that there are large differences in reactiv-
10"1 1 I I t I I I I
ity between different carbons, even though effects
lO.2 "~|'e due to different pore sizes and surface areas have
~o .'%.. been eliminated. For example at 775 K the intrin-
sic reactivity of petroleum coke is four orders of
10-~ ~ ~ .,." magnitude higher than that of graph0n, and two
orders of magnitude higher than that of nuclear
graphite. At 1250 K the reactivity of petroleum
~ ~x Pi=305 exp. Rip " coke is 1000 times higher than that of chars from
brown coal and lignite. It is striking that petroleum
v coke shows the highest intrinsic reactivity (as dis-
10-6 ~'~~ /
tinct from the net reactivity per particle) of all but
zz ~ 9 two of the carbons shown in Fig. 9.
E tLv v The wide range of reactivities presumably re-
~.. 10-7 flects the effects of the atomic structure of the car-
bons, as well as the effects of impurities in the
solid and gaseous reactants. Included in Fig. 9 are
data from experiments with highly-purified carbons
l0 -g
and oxygen, where differences in atomic structure
of the carbons may be at a minimum. These data
are shown separately in Fig. 10. The results from
six separate series of experiments show similar in-
trinsic reactivities. The results of Lang et al. l~ are

lg f I I I
')\ o

] o
especially notable. They measured the intrinsic
reactivity of 15 carbons, ranging from nuclear and
spectroscopic graphites to sugar and wood char-
6 8 10 lZ 14 16 lfl coals. These materials, before further treatment,
104/lp ( k-1) showed widely different intrinsic reactivities. How-
FIG. 9. Intrinsic reactivity of various carbons when ever, after the carbon had been heat treated at
2973 K or above, and after several of the carbons
Po2 = 1 atm.
had been exposed to chlorine at high temperatures,
all the materials show similar reactivities. At 893
't Petroleum coke K the highest and lowest values of Pi (shown in
Figs. 9 and 10) differed only by a factor of three.
A Brown-coal char The preliminary heat treatment given to the car-
C) Lignite char bons would have reduced the impurity levels sub-
stantially, but would also have caused a rearrange-
~t" Anthracite ment of the carbon atoms to a more ordered
(I) Semi-anthracite structure. It is not yet clear which change would
Bituminous-coal char have the most effect.
[] Metallurgical coke The discussion of R~ and Rc show limited areas
x Soot where common data exist: similar intrinsic reactiv-
17;1: Pitch coke ities are found for the purified carbons just men-
O Pitch resin tioned, and observed reactivities (Re) of similar
magnitude are found for anthracites and semi-an-
~f Nuclear graphite thracites (Fig. 7). The wide variations found for Rc
and Ri and the uncertainties in n and m show that
+ Cracker carbon (uncatalysed) there is still a strong need to gain a unifying un-
_L Cracker carbon (eatalysed) derstanding of carbon reactivity. More pragmati-
cally there is a need to determine Rc for engi-
~I AGKSP graphite
AGKSP graphite
AUF ~]'f Graphon
[] SPI Purified carbons
SPI -O Sterling FT
17 Acheson NC
f Spectroscopic graphite ~' Acheson AFC 4

to-7 bon loss as CO and CO 2. The data points (values

of p reported by Field 91) rise to, and lie closely
about, the CO-loss line. The fact that some of the
measured values of p lie slightly above the calcu-
I0-8 ~ c ~ lated "maximum possible" value of Om arises from

'~ 10-9
E= 6 0 k c o l l m o t
experimental error and because Pm was calculated
for the initial particle size, a dimension that de-
creases as particles burn, with corresponding higher
values for Pro" Equation (24) shows h,,, and hence
Pro, vary inversely with particle size.
Io "I~ _
A number of other kinetics experiments with
various pf chars 47~49'91'9sshow values of p that rise
to, but do not significantly exceed, the correspond-
1611 - ~~1 ing values of Pm calculated for carbon loss as CO.
Larger-scale experiments in which polydisperse pf

1o -12 I
tl t? 13 14
suspensions have been burned at high intensities
also support the validity of calculating h m by Eq.
(24). Hoy et al} ~ operated an MHD combustor at
104/Tp (K -I) ~2600 K and up to 6 atm pressure. The measured
combustion efficiencies and heat release rates agreed
FIG. 10. Oxidation rate of highly purified carbons well with those calculated assuming the variously-
when Po2 = 1 atm (see Fig. 9 for key). sized particles burned away with p = Pm and car-
bon removed from the particles as CO. More re-
cently Farzan and Essenhigh 11~ burned pf at at-
neering purposes for each char considered at relevant mospheric pressure but at temperatures above 2000
temperatures and oxygen concentrations, and in- K. The measured combustion behaviour agreed with
deed for a range of particle sizes for a given char. that calculated with p set equal to pro.
There is ample evidence that for particles larger
Mass Transfer Coefficient, h m than pf, i.e. >0.1 in size, in isolation or in packed
beds, the mass transfer rates can be calculated with
The first data on the mass transfer coefficient, confidence by Eq. (23).36,82'83 For example the
hm, considered here are for pf-sized particles. It burning times of larger particles, calculated setting
has been asserted that Eq. (24) is satisfactory for P = Pro, agree well with experiment. 11 Roberts and
calculating mass transfer rates in pf flames. Figure Smith in showed that the measured burning rates
11 shows the calculated variation of Pm (the prod- for 6 mm spheres of graphite immersed in flowing
uct hmCg) with temperature for 82 and 105 Ixm streams of cold, dry, oxygen agreed with the cal-
char particles burning at 0.1 atm of oxygen for car- culated mass transfer rates.
Roberts and Smith 111 also showed that the mea-
sured temperatures of the burning spheres were
close to those calculated assuming carbon loss as
CO. Likewise Ayling and Smith 1Iz found agree-
0'02 #m(CO toss) 9 ment between measured and calculated values of
Tp for pulverized semi-anthracite particles, for car-
bon loss as CO. Recently workers at Sandia 113 re-
ported good agreement between measured and cal-
E toss, culated values of Tp, assuming carbon loss as CO,
"--- 0 .9 I I I I I for petroleum coke and Millmerran coal char. It has
v been noted that CO is the primary product of the
I j
?m(CO t o ~ s )
oxygen-carbon reaction at flame temperatures, but
the location of the subsequent CO-oxidation zone
can affect both h m and T~. Early estimates 3e of the
0.01 ~ r 9
location of this zone shoew it to be sufficiently far
I ~e~ee,," . . . . . . . . away from pf-sized particles not to have a notable
O:" "~--"--
X~ (co, toss)
I r'nl I
effect on their burning. However for particles >1
mm CO-oxidation was estimated to take place on
1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400
Tp { K ) the particle surface, with the carbon loss effectively
as COz. Recent, and more complex, calculations by
FIG. 11.
Comparison of measured and theoreti- Amundson and co-workers 114'115 support this con-
cal maximum burning rates when Po~ = 1 atm. 91 clusion.

The matters dealt with so far in this section are 10

concerned with small particles in entrainment and
larger particles (singly or in beds) fixed in relation
to a known flow of gas. It has already been noted
that the situation in fluidized-bed combustion is o oo
0 oO
more complex and less well understood. Consid- _ oo o
ering only the step of oxygen transport through the g
dense, inert phase of the fluidized bed to the O ~176
O0 0
burning particle (see Fig. 2 and the relevant dis- -- 0
cussion) the problem is to determine the appropri-
ate coefficient for mass transfer. Mass transfer in
the dense phase of fluidized beds is not yet well 2
understood, and indeed there are conflicting inter-
pretations of the relevant data. s3's5's~ However, for
the situation in fluidized-bed combustion, where I I I I
0 2 /* 6 8 10 12
the active particles are dispersed and well-diluted
in a bed of inert particles, relationships of the form Particle diameter (mini

of Eq. (23), modified along the lines used in Eq.

FIC. 12. Measured and calculated values of the
(25), can be used with some success. Avedesian and Sherwood number in a fluidized-bed combustor
Davidson 45 argued that in the dense phase of fluid-
(from La Nauze and Jung). ~
ized beds, where the gas velocity is low, the Sher-
wood number (Sh) is close to 2. However more
recent studies 34,s4A16 show values of Sh of 4 or
more under fluidized-bed combustion conditions. Changes in Particle Structure During
For these circumstances there are difficulties in Combustion
gaining adequate knowledge of Sh. Satisfactory de-
terminations require a measurement of the parti- It has already been pointed out that the size,
cle's burning rate, means of accounting for the ex- density, porosity, pore size, and pore surface area
tent that chemical rate control affects this rate, a have important effects on the combustion behav-
knowledge of particle temperature and an under- iour of particles. In summary, where combustion
standing of whether the O z diffusing to the particle is limited to the outer surface of the particle or to
leaves it as CO or CO 2. Recently La Nauze and a shallow zone below the outer surface, particles
Jungs4 made careful measurements of the burning will burn with constant density but with a steady
rates of single petroleum coke spheres (in air) im- reduction in size. When oxygen penetrates com-
mersed in a fluidized sand bed (so avoiding rate pletely within a particle's pore structure, combus-
restrictions due to bubble-to-bed transfer). The ap- tion occurs at constant size but with decreasing
propriate values of RC and n were already known density. For pf-sized particles burning in regime II
from the measurements on the same material, a9 conditions the penetration depth of oxygen is of
Hence Pm and Sh could be calculated, given that the order of particle radius, consequently these
the value of T_ was known and the manner of loss particles burn with reduction in both size and den-
of carbon as ~O or as CO~. Reliable calculations sity. Thin-walled cenospheres burn with reducing
of T_y by Eq. (2) are not possible, the knowledge density but at constant size whether oxygen pen-
of heat transfer between burning particles and flu- etrates the pores or not.
idized beds is at least as uncertain as the mass In regime II conditions, as pore diffusion plays
transfer process. La Nauze and Jung, s4 on the basis a major role, it is important to have data on the
of visual estimates of particle temperature, give opening of pores and changes in pore surface. In
weight to carbon leaving the particle as CO2, cal- regime I it is important to understand the devel-
culating Rc, h m, and Sh on this basis. More re- opment of pore surface area during combustion.
cently these workers have measured particle tem-
peratures using embedded thermocouples; the Changes in Particle Size and Density
measured temperatures are close to those calcu-
lated for COz loss. Figure 12 compares the mea- Figure 13 shows the change in size and density
sured relation between Sh and particle size with with burn-off for a sphere of petroleum coke burned
the value calculated by Eq. (25) for carbon loss as in a fluidized bed. The burning rate was controlled
CO2. The agreement between theory and experi- mainly by oxygen diffusion to the particle. 84 The
ment is good. Nonetheless more insight is needed change in size with burn-off decreases steadily in
into mass (and heat) transfer in fluidized-bed com- the manner shown by Eq. (29) with a = 1/3,
bustion and into suitable means of determining Tp. whilst there is little change in particle density, as

should be the case when external mass-transfer in

the main limitation of the rate.
Figure 14 shows changes in size and density with
3"0 9 9 9 me 9
burn-off for size graded particles of pulverized semi-
anthracite, g7 The data, though scattered, show steady
0"8 ~ -~- reductions in both size and density and can be rep-
resented by Eqs. (29) and (30), with et = 13 =
d 1/4. This is the expected result for regime II con-
0"6 ditions which, from other measurements, were
shown to apply during the experiments consid-
5 (9 0.4 - d~ =(1-UlVa ' ~
The data in Fig. 15 show the changes in size and
density with burn-off for 89, 49, and 22 p,m par-
ticles of brown coal char47. With the exception of
0'2 the 22 txm fraction there is little change in density
(13 = 0 in Eq. (30)), but the size reduces steadily
(or = 1/3 in Eq. (29)). In fact diffusion of oxygen
I ) I I
to the particles had a major rate-controlling effect
0 0"2 0.4 0'6 0'8 1'0 for the 89 and 49 ixm particles 47, and the observed
changes in size and density are consistent with this
FIG. 13. Changes in particle size and density with fact. However, the density of the 22 p,m fraction
burn-off in a fluidized-bed combustor (from La reduced steadily with burn-off (13 = 1 in Eq. (30))
Nauze and Jung). ~4 in a manner consistent with regime I conditions,
which in fact were shown to apply for these par-
ticles. 47,r
Data are also available on the variation of size
1'0 and density during the combustion of chars from

0'8 9",::,
,=~__ ' ' /~[r '=l '
1'0 : J_n ._, = - , , - - , - q - - ' . . - ~ - _ _ o --'0- _ _
~" 0"6
/ ~" . o ":"('1
o/%=(~-u)'/' -",, , , '\01 ~-- 0.5 +x~'~ "~ ..+ +
0'4 /', (o) r :(1- u) ~ ' " " .~ -.

(a) o 1 I L I
=(lt -U)l '~%%1 "} . . . . ~__~/~o ol
0'2 1.0

~'0 D m ~ o 0.5
"o d/do = (1-u.) ~1 ~'~
0"2 04, 0"6 0"8 1"0

,/(b) d/do=(1-u)'" ~%\~ ENTRAINMENT REACTOR
p 92 arm: 0"2 0"1 0'1
0-4 | ~ i l I \
0 0.2 0.4
0-6 08
FIC. 14. Relation between burn-off and (a) par-
do, pm ~ 89
4g 9


ticle density and (b) particle size, for semi-anthrac- FIc. 15. Relation between burn-off and (a) par-
cite (particle size: 9 78 Izm, O 49 I~m, 9 22 Izm, ticle density and (b) particle size, for a brown coal
9 6 p.m). chat'.
5c[ . ~ . , , ~ ' " ~'~ 00B6 aim 0'4

%~ s~ ~ .
3 ~ "li"je
9~ " .~ 0.3

o~ ,; ~ 3'o ~ 0.2
8urn-off, % t"
"E 65"6/.
FIc. 16. Variation of observed reaction rate with /
burn_off, zl7 nn 0"l /
/ Initial
/ surface area
a swelling bituminous coal from New Zealand89 and
0 t f L
a number of British bituminous coals. 95
0 0-2 0"4 0'6 0"8
Surface area, m 2 (B.E.T.)
Changes in Pore Surface Area
FIG. 18. Relationship between burning rate and
The effects of changes in pore surface area can
pore surface area u9 (numbers denote % burn-off).
be significant for combustion in regimes II and I,
but especially so in the latter as the rate is directly
proportional to the surface area of the pores (Eq. pore surface area is shown in Fig. 18, for the
(16)). The well-known fact that rates can change
oxidation of spectroscopic graphite, u9 The num-
with burn-off under regime I conditions is illus-
bers on the line denote percent burn-off and the
trated in Fig. 16, adapted from the study of graph-
data show the linear variation of rate with the de-
ite oxidation by Tyler et al.117 The specific rate of
velopment of surface area during reaction.
oxidation (per unit weight of carbon burning) in-
Some data have been published on the devel-
creased until about 25% burn-off, and then started
opment of pore surface area during the combustion
to decline. That specific surface areas can pass
of pf chars, as'Ss In the case of semi-anthracite par-
through a maximum during combustion is shown
ticles5s areas reduced steeply with increasing burn-
in Fig. 17, using data on the oxidation of anthra-
off. It was shown, however, that the reduction
cite. us The direct relation between reactivity and
could well be due to annealing away of the fine
pores, as the data at high levels of burn-off were
200 I I I produced at high combustion temperatures (-2000
In the earlier section on pore diffusion coeffi-
cients a number of references are given to models
N of the development of pore structures during the
E combustion and gasification of carbon. Most of the

0/07 papers contain experimental data on pore structures

or related matters which are compared with the
corresponding theoretical predictions.
100 . /

ffl Concluding Remarks

It has been shown that there are relationships

by which the burning rates of coal chars and par-
ffl ticle temperatures can be calculated, accounting for
mass transfer of oxygen to the particles, diffusion
0 I I I into the pore structure and chemical reaction on
0 20 40 60 the pore walls.
Burn-off, % There are many data on the rate coefficient, Rc,
for pf chars and similar materials. However Re,
FIG. 17. Variation of specific surface area with which combines the effects of pore diffusion and
burn-off. 118 intrinsic chemical reactivity, varies notably in ab-

solute value and in temperature dependence from nation of R/where pore diffusion effects are absent
char to char, only showing similar values for similar (e.g. for very fine particles at flame temperatures);
types of material, i.e. anthracites and semi-anthra- the measurement of mass transfer rates to fuel par-
cites. Furthermore, Rc can vary with particle size ticles burning in fluidized beds, coupled with tem-
for a given char. The effect of oxygen pressure on perature measurements on the burning particles.
Re, i.e. the observed reaction order n, is uncertain. In addition to those matters directly related to
Given adequate information on the pore struc- char combustion there is a need to have much
ture of carbons it is possible to separate the chem- more information on the devolatilization process of
ical and physical contributions to the value of Rc. coal, particularly on the devolatilization kinetics of
The intrinsic chemical reactivity coefficient, Ri (or materials at sizes appropriate to pf and fluidized-
rate, Pi) so determined varies widely with the type bed combustion. The kinetic experiments should
of carbon. At a given temperature for different car- involve atmospheres and heating environments ap-
bons, differences of reactivity of up to four orders propriate to the combustors considered. Data are
of magnitude are found. also required on the chemical and physical prop-
It is possible to calculate Rc (and hence the re- erties of the chars produced during devolatilization.
action rate, p) from a knowledge of Ri and data on
the pore structure, assuming the latter is in a
steady state. Mathematical models are now being Nomenclature
developed that allow, in principle, the calculation
of the way pore structure develops during com- A pre-exponential factor g/cmZs(atm) ~
bustion from some initial value. However, the Ag specific pore-surface area em2/g
models do not yet fully account for the complex Ao fractional consumption of
nature of the pore structure of coal chars. oxygen
In general, then, there is as yet no unifying ap- B constant
proach to understanding the reactivity of impure Cg oxygen concentration in g/cm 3
carbons (i.e. coal chars) to oxygen. Where required bulk gas
for engineering purposes it is necessary to deter- Cgt oxygen concentration in g/cm 3
mine Re for chars made from coals under conditions dense phase
appropriate to the type of combustion system of Cp specific heat of particle cal/g tool K
interest. The response of R~ to temperature, oxy- Cs oxygen concentration on g/cm
gen concentration and particle size needs to be particle's outer surface
known for each type of char. D bulk gas diffusion coeffi- cm2/s
To gain a deeper insight into the combustion cient
process it is necessary to have better experimental De effective diffusion coeffi- cm2/s
information on the pore structure of particles, es- cient in porous solid
pecially on the pore diffusion coefficient, coupled
with improved models of developing pore systems.
~)p pore diffusion coefficient
particle size
Related experiments are needed to understand why db bubble diameter cm
1~. varies so widely for different carbons. The roles E activation energy kcal/mol
of impurities and the atomic structures of carbons g gravitational acceleration em/s 2
need further investigation. H heat of reaction cal/g
The mass transfer of oxygen to particles is well hm mass transfer coeffi- em/s
understood for pf systems and for large burning c i e n t - c a r b o n oxide
particles in gases of well-defined flow properties. flux
The situation for fluidized-bed combustion is much h',~ mass transfer coeffi- cm//s
less well understood, as are the related matters of cient--oxygen flux
particle temperature and whether carbon is lost ho initial height of fluidized em
from the particle as CO or CO 2. bed
To satisfy the needs outlined above, experiments k' function of particle com-
are required that include the following; the use of bustion rate (Eq. (7))
modern optical techniques to give information on M molecular weight g/g mol
particle temperature and velocity, together with m true order of reaction
detailed descriptions of the behaviour of pf chars n apparent order of reac-
burning in laboratory flames, coupled with accurate tion
measurements of combustion rates in the same o (subscript) denotes initial
flames; the development of techniques to deter- or reference condi-
mine the pore structure properties of chars (espe- tions
cially the pore diffusion coefficient) at temperatures P combustor pressure atm, kPa
approaching those found in flames; the determi- Po reference pressure atm, kPa

PO~ partial pressure of oxy- atm, kPa 42 term involving radiative cal/g s K4
gen heat transfer (Eq. (2))
R gas constant cm a atm/g mol K X ratio P/Pm
1~ rate coefficient per unit g/cm2s (atm)"
external surface area Acknowledgments
Ri. intrinsic rate coefficient g/cm2s (atm) m
Re Reynold's number The author is indebted to many people for their
mean pore radius cm contributions to this review. Particular thanks are
~ Schmidt number due to R. H. Essenhigh and J. B. Howard for pro-
Sh Sherwood number viding the opportunity to give this review, and to
Tgm gas temperature K R. H. Essenhigh for his guidance in its preparation.
mean t e m p e r a t u r e in K W. J. McLean and W. R. Seeker kindly supplied
boundary layer the photographs for Fig. 1. Unpublished data have
Tp particle temperature K been provided by R. H. Essenhigh, H. Farzan, K.
T, radiation temperature K Jung, G. Kothandaraman, R. D. LaNauze, W. J.
t time s McLean, R. E. Mitchell and G. A. Simons.
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