Assignment 3 Survey

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(SUBMIT ON 24/10/2018)

1. The following lengths and bearings were recorded in running a Theodolite traverse
in the counter clockwise direction, the length of CD and bearing of DE having been
omitted. Determine the length of CD and bearing of DE.

Line Length in m R.B

AB 281.4 S69° 11’E
BC 129.4 N21° 49’E
CD ? N19° 34’W
DE 144.5 ?
EA 168.7 S74° 24’W

2. Find the reduced level of the top of a church tower from the following data:

Reading Distance
Inst.Stn. Vertical angle R.L of B.M. Remarks
on B.M. AB in m
A 1.696 10° 12’ 363.075 30 A & B are in
B 1.382 8° 20’ line with the top
of the tower

3. The table below gives the length and bearing of lines of a traverse ABCDE. Find the
missing quantities.
Line Length (m) Bearing
AB 550m 90°
BC 600m 30°
CD 450m 270’
DE ? 230°
EA ? 150°

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